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rabbit是什么意思 详解rabbit的含义和用法?

(2)The rabbit ran away from the fox.(兔子逃脱了狐狸的追捕。)总之,rabbit是一种常见的动物,它的名字在英语中也被广泛使用。无论是作为名词还是动词,rabbit都有着丰富的含义和用法。希望通过本文的介绍,大家对rabbit有更加深入的了解。(1)The thief rabbited as soon as he saw the police.(小偷一看到警察就跑得飞快。)(2)The population of rabbits has increased in recent years.(兔子的种群数量近年来有所增加。)(1)The thief rabbited as soon as he saw the police.(小偷一看到警察就跑得飞快。)






Rabbits are small mammals. (兔子是小型哺乳动物.) Their ears can be more than 10 cm. (它们的耳朵可达10厘米长.) They have large, powerful hind legs. (他们拥有非常大的、强壮的后肢.) Their size can range anywhere from 20 cm in length and 0.4 kg in weight to 50 cm and more than 2 kg.(它们的体型范围从20厘米长、0.4千克重到50厘米长、超过2千克不等.) The fur is most commonly long and soft, with colors such as brown, gray, buff and so on. (兔毛基本上又长又软,有棕色、灰色、米色等等.) Rabbits can see nearly 360 degrees, with a small blind spot at the bridge of the nose.(兔子的视角可达360度,只在鼻梁上有一个小小的盲点.)




rabbit的中文意思是兔子。基本释义:1、n. 兔子;穴兔(rabbit的复数)2、v. 聚拢在一起(rabbit的三单形式)Flying Rabbits飞行兔子rabbits test家兔法rabbits model模型兔In rabbits家兔例句:1、Rabbits propagate [breed] rapidly.兔子繁殖迅速。2、He potted at rabbits with his new gun.他用新枪随手射击兔子。扩展资料rabbit的近义词:1、coney英 ["ku0259u028anu026a] 美 ["kou028anu026a]n.兔子,兔毛皮。And decided that I wanted to live in Coney island.最后决定我想住在兔子岛上。2、hare英 [heu0259(r)] 美 [her]n.野兔;怪人,傻瓜。Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match?小兔和乌龟又要比赛了?


rabbit1KK: []DJ: []n.1. 兔;野兔[C]A rabbit can make long jumps.兔子可以跳得很远。2. 兔子的毛皮;兔肉[U]3. 【英】【口】(板球,网球等的)蹩脚的运动员[C]I"m just a rabbit at cricket.我的板球打得一点也不好。4. 长跑中故意快跑以消耗对手体力或帮助队员破记录的人。vi.1. 猎兔;打兔子We went rabbiting yesterday.昨天我们打兔子去了。2. 【主英】【口】闲扯[(+on/about)]He kept rabbiting (on) about the poor pay.他不停地抱怨薪水低。rabbit2KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 【粗】(用于诅咒语中)让...见鬼去,该死







rabbitn.兔子,野兔; 兔子皮毛; 兔子肉; 〈俚〉新手,弱手; vi.猎兔(通常作 go rabbiting); (兔子似的)聚拢在一起; <英俚>唠叨,喋喋不休(常与on about连用); vt.让…见鬼去吧;



英语作文rabbit-tortoise race怎么写

 In the animals sports game, the rabbit and the tortoise both joined a long---distance race.  Every animal thought the winner would be the rabbit. The rabbit also thought it"s too easy. When the race just began, the rabbit ran fast like a flying arrow, there is only a few minutes, the rabbit has disappeared in distance, However the tortoise seemed. She didn"t move much. At that time, the rabbit looked back and didn"t saw the tortoise at all. So he thought the tortoise would never catch up in any case, why not sleep for a while? He did so. While the rabbit was sleeping the tortoise didn"t give up, she ran slowly by slowly. At last the tortoise won the race actually.

请问兔子,家兔 rabbit 用拉丁语怎么说?


rabbit 怎么读













  它们所指的兔子是有区别的,“bunny”这个词一般是用来形容比较可爱的小兔子,是一种昵称,而“rabbit”这个单词则是泛指所有的兔子,尤其是那种体型比较小、尾巴比较短的家兔、宠物兔。   许多英语词汇量比较丰富或者是喜欢看英剧、美剧的人应该都知道,在英语中用于称呼兔子的单词有很多,但是它们并不都是可以用于称呼所有的兔子。   比如单词“bunny”,这个词一般是用来形容比较可爱的小兔子,可以说是一种昵称,就像英语中称呼狗的单词除了“dog”之外还有“puppy”一样。   而“rabbit”这个单词则是泛指所有的兔子,尤其是那种体型比较小、尾巴比较短的家兔。还有一个英语单词“hare”,它也是用来称呼兔子的,只不过这个单词是专门指野兔。




rabbit1 KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.兔;野兔[C] A rabbit can make long jumps. 兔子可以跳得很远. 2.兔子的毛皮;兔肉[U] 3.【英】【口】(板球,网球等的)蹩脚的运动员[C] I"m just a rabbit at cricket. 我的板球打得一点也不好. 4.长跑中故意快跑以消耗对手体力或帮助队员破记录的人. vi. 1.猎兔;打兔子 We went rabbiting yesterday. 昨天我们打兔子去了. 2.【主英】【口】闲扯[(+on/about)] He kept rabbiting (on) about the poor pay. 他不停地抱怨薪水低. rabbit2 KK:[] DJ:[] vt. 1.【粗】(用于诅咒语中)让...见鬼去,该死




rabbit的中文意思是兔子。基本释义:1、n. 兔子;穴兔(rabbit的复数)2、v. 聚拢在一起(rabbit的三单形式)Flying Rabbits飞行兔子rabbits test家兔法rabbits model模型兔In rabbits家兔例句:1、Rabbits propagate [breed] rapidly.兔子繁殖迅速。2、He potted at rabbits with his new gun.他用新枪随手射击兔子。扩展资料rabbit的近义词:1、coney英 ["ku0259u028anu026a] 美 ["kou028anu026a]n.兔子,兔毛皮。And decided that I wanted to live in Coney island.最后决定我想住在兔子岛上。2、hare英 [heu0259(r)] 美 [her]n.野兔;怪人,傻瓜。Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match?小兔和乌龟又要比赛了?






rabbit的中文意思是兔子。基本释义:1、n. 兔子;穴兔(rabbit的复数)2、v. 聚拢在一起(rabbit的三单形式)Flying Rabbits飞行兔子rabbits test家兔法rabbits model模型兔In rabbits家兔例句:1、Rabbits propagate [breed] rapidly.兔子繁殖迅速。2、He potted at rabbits with his new gun.他用新枪随手射击兔子。扩展资料rabbit的近义词:1、coney英 ["kəʊnɪ] 美 ["koʊnɪ]n.兔子,兔毛皮。And decided that I wanted to live in Coney island.最后决定我想住在兔子岛上。2、hare英 [heə(r)] 美 [her]n.野兔;怪人,傻瓜。Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match?小兔和乌龟又要比赛了?

rabbit 怎么读啊





rua bi te




your device seems not vulnerable你的设备似乎并不易受攻击

西班牙Amigo Vulnerable歌词翻译

恩 不错的 o(∩_∩)o...

To love is to be vulnerable 什么意思


vulnerable javascript library怎么解决

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>testing</title><script type="text/javascript"> function addLoadEvent (func) { var ool = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != "function") { window.onload = func; }

leave sb vulnerable to attack的翻译



fragile 脆的;易碎的








歌词送上,希望可以帮到你~When I think about you and meI get a little weak in the kneesI feel the flutter of a butterfly inSometimes I can hardly breatheSo baby... (Baby)Hold me now (Hold me, Hold me now)I can"t tell if I am lost or found ("CauseI"m living in a dream and I don"t want towake up, wake up)And I don"t know how to let you in (Don"t know, Don"t know)Or let you go, I"m so vulnerableHold me now (Hold me)Please baby don"t let me down ("Cause I"m living in adream and I don"t want to wake up)I know for sure that you"re the cure(Coming down with a case of "I love youmore", I don"t want to be vulnerable)When it comes to this book of usI think it"s time now to turn the pageAnd I don"t want to say I love you firstBut my heart it can"t hardly waitSo baby... (Baby)Hold me now (Hold me, Hold me now)I can"t tell if I am lost or found ("CauseI"m living in a dream and I don"t want towake up, wake up)And I don"t know how to let you in (Don"t know, Don"t know)Or let you go, I"m so vulnerableHold me now (Hold me)Please baby don"t let me down ("Cause I"m living in adream and I don"t want to wake up)I know for sure that you"re the cure(Coming down with a case of "I love youmore", I don"t want to be vulnerable)I don"t want to see you hurtDon"t you worry baby girlTake my hand, understand I"m afraidTo tell you the very worst that you want to hear me say (Wake up)When you say it here tonightWill you mean it for lifeWill you tell me everything that yourheart is really feeling for me?So I, (So I) Won"t be...(Vulnerable)("Cause I"m living in a dream and Idon"t want to wake up, wake up)And I don"t know how to let you in (Don"t know, Don"t know)Or let you go, I"m so vulnerableHold me now (Hold me)Please baby don"t let me go ("Cause I"m living in adream and I don"t want to wake up)I know for sure that you"re the cure(Coming down with a case of "I love youmore", I don"t want to be vulnerable)




vulnerable近义词:susceptible易受外界影响的;defenseless无防备的。vulnerable的意思是:脆弱的;(身体上或感情上)易受…伤害的。含有vulnerable的双语例句1、In cases of food poisoning, young children are especially vulnerable.遇到食物中毒,幼儿尤其容易受危害。2、Those most vulnerable to heat stress are the elderly.上了年纪的人最容易因受热而生病。3、She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own.她独自站在那里,看上去弱不禁风。4、The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable position.财务部主任的突然辞职使得这家公司岌岌可危。


"Vulnerable"是一个常用的英语单词,它的音标为 /u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl/。以下是关于"vulnerable"的用法和固定搭配的总结:1. 用法"Vulnerable"通常用来形容人或物体容易受到伤害、攻击或损害的状态。例如:- Children are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases.(儿童特别容易感染传染病。)- The company is vulnerable to economic downturns.(公司容易受到经济下滑的影响。)2. 固定搭配"Vulnerable"在英语中常与以下词语搭配使用:- Vulnerable to + 名词/动词-ing形式:表示容易受到某种事物的影响或攻击。例如:- The elderly are vulnerable to scams.(老年人容易受到骗局的影响。)- The building is vulnerable to earthquakes.(这座建筑容易受到地震的影响。)- Vulnerable group/population: 表示容易受到伤害或损害的人群。例如:- The homeless are a vulnerable population.(无家可归者是一个容易受到伤害的人群。)- The mentally ill are a vulnerable group.(精神病患者是一个容易受到伤害的群体。)- Vulnerable position/positioning: 表示处于容易受到攻击或伤害的位置。例如:- The troops were in a vulnerable position.(军队处于一个容易受到攻击的位置。)- The company"s vulnerable positioning left it open to competition.(公司的容易受到攻击的位置使其容易受到竞争的影响。)总之,"vulnerable"是一个常用的英语单词,表示容易受到伤害、攻击或损害的状态。在英语中,它常与一些固定搭配一起使用,需要根据具体语境来理解其含义。


vulnerable D.J.[u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl] K.K.[u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bu0259l] adj.易受伤的, 脆弱的, 敏感的He volunteered to protect her as she looked so vulnerable.她看上去很脆弱, 他就主动去保护她


vulnerable的意思是(身体上或感情上) 脆弱的,易受…伤害的。音标:英[u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl]美[u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl][例句]Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society.老年人是社会中尤为明显的弱势群体。


vulnerable英[u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl]美[u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bu0259l]adj. (地方)易受攻击的;易受伤的;易受批评的;[桥牌]已成局的[例句]Eyes are as vulnerable as ears and noses.眼睛同耳朵和鼻子一样易受攻击。

西班牙语翻译这首歌amigo vulnerable

一种倒退,与城市的全面太阳。 我不能失败,浪费了爱情。 相当多,和灵魂失去了控制。 那我的生命是如此罕见的诅咒。 余取决于你。 现在我在这里 您朋友的脆弱 我不能继续 该Neverending的故事。 让我继续前进,有两个核心的我们。 这是要高兴,你相信或不。 余取决于你。 现在我在这里 您朋友的脆弱 我不能继续 该Neverending的故事。 我在这里 喊叫你的名字 只有在孤独 余取决于你。 光所说,你去,你不能 另一天,另一天没有你,一天没有你。 现在我在这里 您朋友的脆弱 我不能继续 该Neverending的故事。 我在这里 喊叫你的名字 只有在孤独 余取决于你。 现在我在这里 您朋友的脆弱 我不能继续 该Neverending的故事。 我在这里 喊叫你的名字 只有在孤独 余取决于你。 -=恩里克伊格莱西亚斯-阿米哥弱势= - 在...

vulnerable javascript library怎么解决

F盘下面有隐藏的自动运行文件,双击打开F盘的时候就会运行,感觉有点儿像是病毒。 显示所有F盘下的文件,将该文件删除,应该就可以了。 最好杀个毒。


vulnerability英[u02ccvu028clnu0259ru0259"bu026alu0259tu026a]美[u02ccvu028clnu0259ru0259"bu026alu0259tu026a]n. 脆弱性; 弱点,攻击; 易伤性; 致命性;

英语翻译 be vulnerable to是一个固定词组吗?怎么翻译?

事实上每一间有电脑的公司都很容易出现电脑滥用、电脑犯罪和电脑事故的现象. vulnerable:[ "vu028clnu0259ru0259b(u0259)l ] a.易受伤害的,有弱点的 搭配通常是be vulnerable to,是“易受到……伤害、侵害”的意思

这个英语句子是不是省略什么了?怎么能是sth leave Sb后加个形容词vulnerable 呢?:-)

这是特殊用法 表示一种状态 使某人处于什么状态


vulnerability 英[u02ccvu028clnu0259ru0259"bu026alu0259tu026a] 美[u02ccvu028clnu0259ru0259"bu026alu0259tu026a] n. 脆弱性; 弱点,攻击; 易伤性; 致命性; 例句 1 The review of environmental vulnerability studies in public emergency management 公共安全管理中的环境脆弱性研究概述 2 In listing South Carolina, Moody "s ( MCO) factored the state" s vulnerability to federal contracts and Medicaid payments. 南卡罗来纳州之所以进入监控名单,是因为穆迪(MCO)将该州在联邦合同和医疗补助金方面的脆弱不堪纳入考量因素。 3 Where its leaders discern vulnerability, however, many others see a Chinese dragon trying to buy the world. 然而,在其领导人察觉出弱点的同时,许多人看到的却是企图买下世界的一条中国龙。

我用的一个漏洞扫描工具,结果有Not vulnerable和vulnerable,分别是什么意思啊?哪一个是说有漏洞啊?

Not vulnerable 这个没漏洞vulnerable 这个存在


vulnerableadj. 易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的weakadj. [经] 疲软的;虚弱的;无力的;不牢固的


vulnerable的词根为“vulner”,这个词根的来源是认为这是女性最易攻破的地方,即最开始这个单词的意思是“容易攻破的”,最后慢慢演化为“脆弱的”。【例句】(1)He volunteered to protect her as she looked so vulnerable.她看上去很脆弱,他就主动去保护她。(2)This accident has left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.这次的事故让管理者们赶紧紧盯着他们复杂的信息系统和业务流程,以搜索可能存在的安全隐患。


vulnerable的意思:易受攻击的英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼人民之一,后来移居到大不列庆察颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛誉御茄的安格利亚(Anglia)。英语与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语最相关,但其词汇已受到链基拆拦其他日耳曼棚仿谨语语言(尤其是北挪威语(北挪威语))以及拉丁语和法语的很大影响。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰; 在这个时期,英语受古法语的影响,尤其是通过古诺曼方言的影响。早期现代英语始于15世纪后期引进的的印刷机到伦敦,詹姆斯国王圣经的印刷和大元音转变的大庆开始。自17世纪以来,现代英语在大英帝国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过这些国家的各种印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为许多地区和专业领域(例如科学,导航和法律)中国际话语和通用语言的主要语言。现代英语语法是逐渐变化的结果,这种变化是从具有丰富的词尾形态和相对自由的词序的典型的印欧语相关标记模式转变为大部分 几乎没有变化的解析模式,相当固定的主语-动词-宾语词序和复杂的语法。现代英语更多地依赖于辅助动词和词序来表达复杂的时态,方面和语气,以及被动语态,疑问句和否定语。


"vulnerable"是一个英语单词,读作 /u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl/。它的意思是易受伤害的,易受攻击的,易受影响的,脆弱的等。这个词可以用来描述一个人、一个群体或一种事物所面临的风险和威胁。在日常生活中,我们经常听到"vulnerable"这个词被用来描述孩子、老人、残疾人、贫困人口、少数族裔等弱势群体。这些人群通常比其他人更容易受到歧视、暴力、剥削、虐待等不公正待遇的影响。因此,我们需要特别关注并保护这些人的权益和安全。除了描述人群,"vulnerable"这个词还可以用来描述一些环境或系统所面临的风险和威胁。例如,我们可以说一个社区因自然灾害、环境污染、经济衰退等原因处于易受损状态。我们也可以说一个计算机系统因软件漏洞、网络攻击、数据泄露等原因而容易受到攻击。最后,“vulnerable"是一个常用的英语单词,读作 /u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl/。它的意思是易受伤害的,易受攻击的,易受影响的,脆弱的等。我们可以用它来描述一个人、一个群体或一种事物所面临的风险和威胁,以及需要采取的保护措施。

vulnerable 翻译

adj.脆弱的;(身体上或感情上)易受…伤害的。英 [u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl]、美 [u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl]。派生词: vulnerability n. vulnerably adv.短语搭配:Vulnerable groups 弱势群体 ; 易受伤害的群体 ; 弱势集体 ; 弱势社群。vulnerable species 渐危种 ; 易危种 ; 害物种。vulnerable slope 易生危险的斜坡。双语例句:But for me, it is also the most vulnerable. 但是对我来说,它也是最脆弱的。So yes, our focus is on the most vulnerable and the most disadvantaged young people. 是的,我们的重点招收对象是那些最脆弱的和最贫穷的青少年。What makes smart girls more vulnerable, and less confident, when they should be the most confident kids in the room? 是什么让聪明女孩更加脆弱和不够自信,而她们本可以成为房间里最自信的孩子的?


vulnerable脆弱的双语对照词典结果:vulnerable[英][u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bl][美][u02c8vu028clnu0259ru0259bu0259l]adj.(地方)易受攻击的; 易受伤的; 易受批评的; [桥牌]已成局的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.India also is more vulnerable than in 2008. 印度经济也比2008年更脆弱。

mouse和rat有什么区别,rabbit 和 hare呢?




《Rabbit M Qin Action》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《RabbitMQ in Action》(Alvaro Videla)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bgsxuIh2qh5x4DsaNkxEIg 提取码: cvbj书名:RabbitMQ in Action作者:Alvaro Videla豆瓣评分:8.0出版社:Manning Publications出版年份:2012-5-4页数:312内容简介:DESCRIPTION There"s a virtual switchboard at the heart of most large applications, where millions of messages and requests need to be routed to and from the servers, programs, and services that make up the system. RabbitMQ is an efficient, highly scalable, and easy-to-deploy queue that makes handling this message traffic virtually effortless. Offered under an open source license and language neutral, RabbitMQ integrates seamlessly into applications written in written in C++, Java, Python, Erlang, and other standard languages. RabbitMQ in Action is a fast-paced run through building and managing scalable applications using the RabbitMQ messaging server. It starts by explaining how message queuing works, its history and how RabbitMQ fits in. Then it shows real-world examples developers can apply to their own scalability and interoperability challenges. KEY POINTS * First and only complete guide to RabbitMQ * Packed with real-world examples * Covers common messaging design patterns作者简介:Alvaro Videla是一名专门从事基于MQ应用程序的开发者和架构师。Jason J.W. Williams是消息通信服务供应商DigiTar公司的CTO,他领导着设计与开发工作。

miserable at best 歌词

歌曲名:miserable at best歌手:mayday parade专辑:a lesson in romanticsKatie, don"t cry, I knowYou"re trying your hardestAnd the hardest part is letting goOf the nights we sharedOcala is calling and you know it"s hauntingBut compared to your eyes, nothing shines quite as brightAnd when we look to the sky, its not mine, but i want it soLet"s not pretend you"re alone tonight(I know he"s there)You"re probably hanging out and making eyes(while across the room, he stares)I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floorAnd ask my girl to dance, and she"ll say yesBecause these words are never easier for me to sayOr her to second guessBut I guessThat I can live without you butWithout you I"ll be miserable at bestYou"re all that I hoped I"d findIn every single wayAnd everything I could giveIs everything you couldn"t takeCause nothing feels like home, you"re a thousand miles awayAnd the hardest part of livingIs just taking breaths to stayBecause I know I"m good for somethingI just haven"t found it yetBut I need itSo let"s not pretend like you"re alone tonight(I know he"s there)You"re probably hanging out and making eyes(while across the room, he stares)I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floorAnd ask my girl to dance, and she"ll say yesBecause these words are never easier for me to sayOr her to second guessBut I guessThat I can live without you butWithout you I"ll be miserable at bestladada ladada ladadaoh ohhhAnd this will be the first time in a weekThat I"ll talk to youAnd I can"t speakBeen three whole days since I"ve had sleepBecause I dream of his lips on your cheekAnd I got the point that I should leave you aloneBut we both know that I"m not that strongAnd I miss the lips that made me flySo let"s not pretend that you"re alone tonight(I know he"s there)You"re probably hanging out and making eyes(while across the room, he stares)I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floorAnd ask my girl to dance, and she"ll say yesBecause these words are never easier for me to sayOr her to second guessBut I guessThat I can live without you butWithout you I"ll be miserableAnd I can live without youBut without you I"ll be miserableAnd I can live without youOh, without you I"ll be miserable at besthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2192411


bepreferableto的读音是:。bepreferableto的读音是:。bepreferableto的例句是Anythingwaspreferabletothatdreadfuldininthehouse.这屋子里乱七八糟的声音叫人难受得无以复加。bepreferableto的意思是比更好。一、网络释义点此查看bepreferableto的详细内容 更好的...benewto陌生的,不熟悉beoppositeto对立的,相反的bepreferableto更好的,更可取得... 比更好...preferahargeagainstsb.向。。。提出控告bepreferableto比更好,更可取bepregnantith充满... 比更可取...beinferiorto劣于,比差bepreferableto比更可取/更好becomparableto可与相提并论/相比...二、例句Anythingwaspreferabletothatdreadfuldininthehouse.这屋子里乱七八糟的声音叫人难受得无以复加。bepreferableto的相关临近词be、Bezert点此查看更多关于bepreferableto的详细信息


bepreferableto的意思是:比更好。bepreferableto的意思是:比更好。bepreferableto的例句是Anythingwaspreferabletothatdreadfuldininthehouse.这屋子里乱七八糟的声音叫人难受得无以复加。一、网络释义点此查看bepreferableto的详细内容 更好的...benewto陌生的,不熟悉beoppositeto对立的,相反的bepreferableto更好的,更可取得... 比更好...preferahargeagainstsb.向。。。提出控告bepreferableto比更好,更可取bepregnantith充满... 比更可取...beinferiorto劣于,比差bepreferableto比更可取/更好becomparableto可与相提并论/相比...二、例句Anythingwaspreferabletothatdreadfuldininthehouse.这屋子里乱七八糟的声音叫人难受得无以复加。bepreferableto的相关临近词be、Bezert点此查看更多关于bepreferableto的详细信息


bepreferableto的意思是:比更好。bepreferableto的意思是:比更好。bepreferableto的例句是Anythingwaspreferabletothatdreadfuldininthehouse.这屋子里乱七八糟的声音叫人难受得无以复加。一、网络释义点此查看bepreferableto的详细内容 更好的...benewto陌生的,不熟悉beoppositeto对立的,相反的bepreferableto更好的,更可取得... 比更好...preferahargeagainstsb.向。。。提出控告bepreferableto比更好,更可取bepregnantith充满... 比更可取...beinferiorto劣于,比差bepreferableto比更可取/更好becomparableto可与相提并论/相比...二、例句Anythingwaspreferabletothatdreadfuldininthehouse.这屋子里乱七八糟的声音叫人难受得无以复加。bepreferableto的相关临近词be、Bezert点此查看更多关于bepreferableto的详细信息

presented in a favorable light是什么意思

好好表现in a favorable light:给人留下好印象

if the weather had been more favorable


"the light most favorable"是什么意思?

事实, 然而, “必须[*3]被观看在光最有利对plaintiff

It unfavorably results in the increase in price 这句话这么说可以吗


favorable outcome是什么意思


favorable reply是什么意思

favorable reply优惠的答复 双语例句1Thanks for your attention and we are looking forward to your favorable reply!谢谢您的关注,期待您的回复。2Thanking you and hoping for a favorable reply culminating to long business association.感谢您,并希望商业协会长一个有利的最终答复。


favorable,unfavorable 有利的,不利的重点词汇释义unfavorable不利的; 相反的; 令人不快的; 不吉利的


beneficial和favourable的区别beneficial 这个单词词义是:adj. 有利的,有益的; [法] 可享受利益的; favourable 这个单词词义是:adj. 有利的; 顺利的,良好的; 赞许的; 给人好印象的;


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