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ATI RADEON HD7500/7600 SERIES显卡属于什么水平的?


ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series是什么显卡


ati radeon hd 4600 series是什么显卡?

AMD旗下的ATI出产的显卡 HD4600系列是4系列里的低端显卡 有HD4650、HD4670两块 在驱动显示都是HD4600

显卡ATI Radeon HD 5500 Series

根据各个生产厂家不同 会有区别的现存有128 256 512的 这几种 双512的5500没有 都是 512显存128位宽的

ATI radeon HD 3600 series (RV635) (512MB)现在要多少钱?

400元左右。 概述GPU 规格系统要求 ATI Radeon HD 3600 Series - GPU 规格 55 纳米铸造制程内多达 3 亿 7 千 8 百万晶体管 PCI Express 2.0 x16 总线接口 128 位 DDR2/GDDR3/GDDR4 内存接口 环状总线内存控制器 采用256 位内部环状总线的完全分布式设计结构进行内存读写 Microsoft DirectX 10.1支持 Shader Model 4.1 32 位浮点纹理过滤 索引式立方图队列 按渲染目标的独立混合模式 像素覆盖采样遮蔽 读/写带有阴影的多样本表面 Gather4 纹理获取 统一超标量着色器架构 120 个流处理单元 顶点、几何和像素着色器的动态负载平衡以及资源分配 支持所有类型着色器的公共指令集和纹理单元访问 专用的分支执行单元和纹理寻址处理器 所有运算都采用 128 位浮点精度 命令处理器,可以降低 CPU 开销 着色器指令和常量缓存 每个时钟周期最多可读取 40 个纹理 每像素多达 128 个纹理 完美结合的多级纹理缓存设计 DXTC 和 3Dc+ 纹理压缩 高分辨率纹理支持(最高 8192 x 8192) 完美结合的纹理、Z 轴/模板缓存设计 双面分级 Z 轴/模板缓冲 早期Z 轴测试、二次 Z 轴 (Re-Z) 测试、Z 轴范围优化和快速 Z 轴清除 无损失 Z 轴和模板缓冲压缩(高达 128:1) 无失真颜色压缩(高达 8:1) 支持反锯齿的 8 重渲染目标 (MRT) 物理处理支持 动态几何加速 高性能的顶点缓存 可编程镶嵌单元 优化的几何着色器路径,提高几何放大效率 配备内存读/写缓存,提高流输出性能 反锯齿功能 多重采样反锯齿(每像素 2 重、4 重或 8 重采样) 最高可达 24x 自定义过滤反锯齿 (CFAA),改善图像质量 自适应超级采样和多重采样 暂时消除混叠 Gamma 校正 超级反锯齿(Super AA,仅限 CrossFire 配置) 所有反锯齿功能均与 HDR 渲染兼容 纹理过滤功能 2x/4x/8x/16x 高质量自适应各向异性过滤模式(每像素最高 128 向) 128 位浮点 HDR 纹理过滤 双三次过滤 sRGB 过滤(gamma/degamma) 百分比渐近过滤 (PCF) 支持深度模板纹理 (DST) 格式 支持共享指数 HDR (RGBE 9:9:9:5) 纹理格式 OpenGL 2.0 支持 ATI Avivo HD 视频和显示平台 专用统一视频解码器 (UVD),支持 H.264/AVC 和 VC-1 视频格式 支持Blu-ray 和 HD DVD 格式的高清 (HD) 播放 硬件MPEG-1、MPEG-2 和 DivX 视频解码加速 动态补偿和 IDCT ATI Avivo Video Post Processor 颜色空间转换 色度超采样格式转换 水平和垂直缩放 Gamma 校正 先进的矢量自适应每像素去交错 去除块状物和降噪过滤 细节增强 电视电影反转(2:2 和 3:2 下拉校正) 错误编码校正 两个独立的显示控制器 同时驱动两个显示器,且每个显示器都有各自独立的分辨率、刷新率、色彩控制和视频覆盖 完全的 30 位显示处理 可编程分段线性 Gamma 校正、颜色校正和颜色空间转换 空间/暂时抖动功能可在 24 位和 18 位显示器上提供 30 位色彩质量 高质量预缩放和后缩放引擎,具有对所有显示输出的欠扫描支持 用于交错式显示器的内容自适应去闪烁滤波 快速稳定模式切换 硬件光标 两个集成双路 DVI 显示输出 每个DVI 都支持所有分辨率(对于单路 DVI,最高可达 1920x1200;对于双路 DVI,最高可达 2560x16002)下的 18、24 和 30 位数字显示 每个输出包括一个双路 HDCP 编码器,支持芯片上键存储,可播放高分辨率的保护内容3 两个集成 DisplayPort 显示输出 每个都支持所有分辨率(至高 2560x1600)下的 24 位和 30 位显示2 每个输出有 1、2 或 4 个通道,每通道数字传输率可以达到 2.7 Gbps 两个集成的 400 MHz 30 位 RAMDAC 每个支持 VGA 连接的模拟显示,支持所有分辨率,最高可达 2048x15362 HDMI 输出支持 支持所有显示分辨率,最高支持 1920x10802 集成HD 音频控制器,支持多声道 (5.1) AC3,支持即插即用无线音频解决方案 集成AMD Xilleon HDTV 编码器 提供高质量的模拟电视输出(分量/S-video/复合) 支持SDTV 和 HDTV 分辨率 欠扫描和过扫描补偿 MPEG-2、MPEG-4、DivX、WMV9、VC-1 和 H.264/AVC 编码及转码 实时无缝集成像素着色器与视频 所有显示输出均支持 VGA 模式 ATI PowerPlay 高级电源管理技术,提供最佳的性能和省电功能 需求性能 持续监控 GPU 活动,根据用户使用情况动态调整时钟和电压 时钟和内存速度调控 电压转换 动态时钟门控 核心热敏管理 - 芯片上内置的热敏传感器监控 GPU 温度并在需要时触发热敏操作 ATI CrossFireX 多 GPU 技术 利用2 个 GPU 成倍提高渲染性能和图像质量 集成复合引擎 高性能桥式互联1 参考ATI官方: http://ati.amd.com/chs/products/radeonhd3600/specs.html

请问下谁那有pull the radish英文完整故事?故事的第一句应该是on a summer day...

Pull the RadishBobby(radish): On a summer day, a grandpa plants a radish.Javis(grandpa):Plant a radish, radish, radish, grows sweet, grows big.Bobby(radish): The radish grows and grows, bigger and bigger.Javis(grandpa):A very big radish, I want to pull it. Hi-yo! Hi-yo! I can"t pull it out. Grandma, grandma, help me, help me!Jane(grandma):Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! We can"t pull it out. Little boy, little boy, help me, help me!Stone(boy): Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! We can"t pull it out. Little girl, little girl, help me, help me!Cathy(girl): Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! We can"t pull it out. Little mouse, little mouse, help me, help me!Leo (dog):Sister (cat):Jerry (duck):Buda(mouse): Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! Hi-yo!Bobby(radish): Peng!!!!全体: Ai-yo! A very big radish! Oh, yeah! Song: pull the radish!

急!!!!!!!spring borad has crashed!!!!

我把这段内容翻译过来大致理解了一下,是SpringBoard 出现了问题,也就是用来显示主屏幕的软件出现了问题,你刷系统吧Springboard存在于iDevice的进程中,不可清除,它的运行原理与Windows中的explorer.exe系统进程相类似。一旦Springboard崩溃,越狱用户可以用安装的Substrate.Safemode插件进入安全模式,否则会一直停留在开机界面(“白苹果”)或者关机、重启Springboard界面(“白菊花”)Springboard美化与扩展可以自定义你的手机,但是还有一些缺点是每位用户不得不防的。Springboard美化不当可以令手机崩溃,因为Applications、Library属于系统文件夹,其中的文件稍作修改,一旦出现错误,会带来不可逆转的后果。如果进行Springboard扩展,可以使用Cydia下载插件,但是插件是否与设备兼容仍然是一个不得不考虑的问题,因为安装不兼容插件会导致Springboard无限重启,进入死循环。

Radio Head

Radiohead----My Iron Lung(人工呼吸机)Faith, you"re driving me away You do it everyday You don"t mean it But it hurts like hellMy brain says I"m recieving painA lack of oxygen From my life support My iron lung We"re too young to fall asleep To cynical to speak We are losing itCan"t you tell? We scratch our eternal itch A twentieth century bitch And we are grateful for Our iron lung The head shrinkersThey want everythingMy uncle Bill My Belisha beacon The head shrinkers They want everythingMy uncle Bill My Belisha beacon Suck, suck your teenage thumb Toilet trained and dumb When the power runs out We"ll just hum This, this is our new song Just like the last one A total waste of time My iron lung The head shrinkers They want everythingMy uncle Bill My Belisha beacon The head shrinkers They want everything My uncle BillMy Belisha beacon And if you"re frightened You can be frightened You can be, it"s OK And if you"re frightened You can be frightened You can be, it"s OKThe head shrinkers They want everythingMy uncle Bill My Belisha beacon

求一首Radio head 的歌

Radiohead的My Iron Lung (人工呼吸机)歌词:Faith, you"re driving me away You do it everyday You don"t mean it But it hurts like hellMy brain says I"m recieving painA lack of oxygen From my life support My iron lung We"re too young to fall asleep To cynical to speak We are losing itCan"t you tell? We scratch our eternal itch A twentieth century bitch And we are grateful for Our iron lung The head shrinkersThey want everythingMy uncle Bill My Belisha beacon The head shrinkers They want everythingMy uncle Bill My Belisha beacon Suck, suck your teenage thumb Toilet trained and dumb When the power runs out We"ll just hum This, this is our new song Just like the last one A total waste of time My iron lung The head shrinkers They want everythingMy uncle Bill My Belisha beacon The head shrinkers They want everything My uncle BillMy Belisha beacon And if you"re frightened You can be frightened You can be, it"s OK And if you"re frightened You can be frightened You can be, it"s OKThe head shrinkers They want everythingMy uncle Bill My Belisha beacon

Voyageur (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Voyageur (Radio Edit)歌手:Enigma专辑:The Platinum Collection

Voyageur (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Voyageur (Radio Edit)歌手:Enigma专辑:Voyageur (Single)Bokutachi wa shiawase ni naru tameKono tabiji wo yukun daHora egao ga totemo niauIroaseru koto naku yomigaeruHakanaku utsukushiki hibi yoMabushii umi kogareta kisetsu moYuki no maiorita kisetsu moItsudatte furimukebaAnata ga itaBokutachi wa shiawase ni naru tameKono tabiji wo yukuDare mo mina ienu kizu wo tsuretaTabibito nan darouHora egao ga totemo niauNando michi ni mayotta no darouSono tabi ni atatakai te woSashinobete kureta no moAnata deshitaBokutachi wa kono nagai tabiji noHate ni nani wo omouDare mo mina ai motome samayouTabibito nan darouTomo ni yukou akiru hodo niBokutachi wa kono nagai tabiji noHate ni nani wo omouDare mo mina ai motome samayouTabibito nan darouTomo ni yukou akiru hodo nihttp://music.baidu.com/song/53699293



Radiohead唱的greep 歌词要全的。


谁能告诉我Radiohead的主唱Thom Yorke的眼睛是怎么回事???


如何评价 Radiohead 的新专辑 A Moon Shaped Pool

逗作为当今世界一线大团,Coldplay在《Ghost Stories》中展现了他们与时俱进的气度,电音及舞曲元素的加入,以及部分曲目中所呈现的冷色调,都未触及他们的筋骨:流畅而唯美的旋律;口白化却又含蓄隽永的歌词;以及精致与磅礴熔于一炉的整体氛围。他们是流行乐坛中鲜有能称作艺术家的那一群人。《Ghost Stories》是流行音乐里鲜有的能把艺术感和流行性结合得如此完美的专辑。甚至可以武断地认为,这是2014年中最好的流行唱片,至少于我个人,是足以循环播放一百次的唱片。地踌躇再三,我选择了这样一个开头。通常这样总结性的话语会放在文章(微博)的末尾。可我觉得,对于Coldplay来说,通常的所谓逗乐评地对他们来说没有太大的意义,评论家自然也不必画地为牢,作茧自缚。在过去的一个月里,我每天上下班的通勤音乐都是《Ghost Stories》,最终结果便是,里头每首歌我都能倒背如流,包括其中所用到的合成器弦乐,每一段的吉他Riff,我都能准确无误地哼唱出来。其实,这便是Coldplay的魔力。早年,他们做着酷似Radiohead《The Bends》的英伦吉他流行曲,《Yellow》《In My Place》绝不亚于《High And Dry》;此后,他们曾用《Viva La Vida》致敬The Beatles,乐队成员不仅全副武装,打扮成嬉皮士与英国皇家近卫军的混合体,和《Sgt.Pepper"s Lonly Hearts Club Band》所做的那样,音乐上也不忘用上披头士迷幻时期的标配乐器西塔琴,《Life In Technicolor》满满是披头的影子,《Lost!》甚至像是保罗·麦卡特尼爵士的曲子;再到后来,他们朝着U2靠拢,在《Mylo Xyloto》里,《Charlie Brown》那些吉他连复段,Jon Buckland(Coldplay吉他手)的演奏听起来就像是U2的逗刀刃地(Edge)的风格。但尽管如此,从来没有人说Coldplay有抄袭一事,反倒是陈绮贞《躺在你的衣柜》为代表的一大群华语乐坛小心翼翼地模仿《Yellow》,生产出来一大票衍生品。这便是Coldplay的才能,光阴似箭日月如梭,无论外头的世界怎样,他们自己的音乐进化成怎样,永远有着悦耳、连贯、迷人的旋律,且这强大的旋律性永远凌驾于风格之上。你不得不承认,除了Rolling Stones这样的老流氓,世间绝大多数伟大的乐队都是旋律大师:The Beatles——保罗·麦卡特尼甚至是整个流行音乐范畴里金曲之王;Nirvana——别等到人家不插电了才知道柯本的歌写得有多好;Radiohead——连逗美拍地这样的无脑APP,在背景音乐里都有偷偷塞一首他们的《No Surprises》;Beyond——在这一碗心灵鸡汤里头,黄家驹下的是逗神曲地的汤底。这使得他们在披着摇滚外衣的同时,与流行音乐中其他的天王天后相比,丝毫不落下风。而在《Ghost Stories》里,当我们在先行单曲中听到的那些一反乐队常态的东西,初始不适,紧接着就如同一直飞叶子的瘾君子忽然发现了世界上还有LSD这玩意一样。一个超越了风格的乐队是可怕的。这意味着就算他玩起了复古迪斯科,你也会像个脑残粉一样甘之如饴。恰好Bob Dylan就曾满怀嘲讽地说过:我其实是一个舞曲艺人。于是,当Coldplay在新专辑拿出《Magic》的时候,我的最初反应是:堂堂天团,为何要学起后辈The XX,用这样简约的电子节拍和暗流贝斯架构全曲看如果再往根源去说,U2在十年前便玩过这种东西了。可到了后来,木吉他扫弦引领着音墙席卷而上,主唱Chris Martin的招牌假音冲到浪尖口,我只能缴械投降。另一首先行单曲《Midnight》则更为离谱,万籁俱寂的午夜,电音氛围如衔枚疾走的时针分钟,乐队耐着性子,在歌曲整个上半段都没有加入任何打击乐器,仅仅是到了最后的一分半钟,让想象力小小地飞驰了一会,紧接着又恢复到无边的暗夜。如果不是亲耳所闻,我是绝不会相信英伦大团能够(或者说敢于)做这么一首高贵冷艳北欧电子乐的。至于大碟出来之前的最后一首单曲《A Sky Full Of Stars》,早已举白旗的我无所谓负隅顽抗了,跟着节拍跳舞吧!在《Mylo Xyloto》里没有尽兴的人们,在媚俗的琴键起落里,举起你们的双手吧!欢迎年度最佳舞曲乐队——Coldplay!Party的热潮冷却之后,舞客们横七竖八地倒在舞池里。所以说,如果仅仅是逗好听地,那么《Ghost Stories》和Lady Gaga、Katy Perry的唱片没有太大区别,所谓的逗艺术感地也无从说起。可他们是Coldplay。曾经,我以为《Viva La Vida》已是神作,当马汀以一身落魄的国王姿态出现,在轻快的弦乐组搭配下,高唱逗听那耶路撒冷钟声传来,罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海;担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌,我的传教士屹立边疆之外地,歌曲中波澜壮阔的史诗性,早已超越了对路易十六的影射,生命的容量被拓宽,这或许已经是一张流行唱片的上限了。可紧接下来,在《Paradise》里,他们不仅勾勒了憧憬世界的小女孩形象,更是引入逗蝴蝶地这一重要的物象,使之贯穿整张专辑,逗大象版地MV中那个从动物园逃离的大象,穿越整座城市,上演一出《马达加斯加》式胜利大逃亡,最后在草原上和乐队同伴们重聚,镜头忽然切至演唱会的现场,台上的Coldplay四子穿戴大象服装,台下万人朝拜。至此,天堂已不仅仅是美好想象之地了,即使如我这般没有任何宗教背景的听众,也忍不住为之飙泪。攀过了一座又一座的高峰,这一次,《Ghost Stories》里,Coldplay决心在整个唱片的企划案上做得更极致,更完美。如果你有留意此前他们为电影《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》所创作的单曲《Atlas》,你会发现《Ghost Stories》的专辑概念早有预谋。作为希腊神话中的大力神,欧洲人总把Atlas塑造成一个身背地球的巨人,他甚至常会以托举着天球仪的姿态出现。包括大西洋之名也是由此而来,The Atlantic Ocean,其中Atlantic便是Atlas演化而来,意为逗巨大的地。在Coldplay不仅在《Atlas》一曲中唱到弓箭、太阳、上帝,更是在MV中展现了如仙女座星云一般的星空图——这一切全都在《Ghost Stories》的封面中又再度出现了:一双天使的翅膀,里头有项链、迷宫、阶梯、情侣……背景是宝蓝色的海洋与天空,星星点缀其中。向来天文学与宗教不可分割,而海洋更是星辰的一部分,不仅有上述的大西洋为例,《Ghost Stories》中也有《Oceans》一曲,这才拼成一个完整的星夜。你或许会问,这满天的星斗,和逗鬼故事地有什么样的关系呢看岂不知,整张专辑的内核,既不是星途大海,也不是鬼神之说,而是爱。今年三月,克里斯·马汀和他的奥斯卡影后太太逗小辣椒地格温妮丝·帕特洛(微博)(Gwyneth Paltrow)宣布分手,结束两人11年的婚姻。这一娱乐圈的重磅消息,也成为了《Ghost Stories》在音乐之外的谈资。马汀这些年来没少为逗小辣椒地写过歌,如治愈过无数伤心人儿的《Fix You》,他们的公开声明中也表示逗虽然我们还爱着对方,但是我们还是选择分手地。月前,狗仔队更是曝出两人离婚后依然还住在一起,甚至还戴着婚戒,理由是格温妮丝认为逗两人以孩子快乐为先地。两人到底会不会闪电复合看不如我们就从《Ghost Stories》寻找答案吧。逗什么是魔法看什么是真实看和你一起,就是魔法。我浑身破裂,撕为两半。我称其为魔法,当我靠近你的时候。地(《Magic》)把爱情比作魔法,这本不是什么新鲜事。在爱情的暴风雨里,无论在这过程中受了多受罪,也依旧虔诚,人之常情。如副歌最后所唱:逗如果你问我,在经历了这些之后,还相信魔法吗看嗯,是的,我相信。地最棒的是,《Magic》的MV请来了章子怡主演,她饰演马戏团老板的情人,备受凌辱;而Coldplay主唱马丁则出演一位学徒,一直对章子怡心生暗慕,一面苦练魔术,最后通过自己一双巧手,把马戏团领班给变没了——这么一个向意大利著名导演费德里科·费里尼逗孤寂三部曲地《大路》致敬的MV,全程以黑白默片的方式呈现,伴随着Coldplay内敛而汹涌之情感,以及逗国际章地的演出,几乎可以锁定年度最佳音乐录影带大奖。而《Magic》的单曲封面也匠心独运地采用了和MV专辑封面同样的浓厚中世纪拜占庭绘画风格,只不过主视觉从翅膀换作鸽子——这是魔术师最常用的道具,而鸽子的内部有扑克牌,舞台,以及魔术师、女助手,和歌曲内容以及MV紧密相连。在专辑里,我们还能听到描述刻骨铭心之爱的《Ink》,带着轻快的电子碎拍,如眨着眼睛的星星,马汀唱到:逗在身上留下了共度一生的纹身字样,并有口袋小刀刻上你的名字……如星星般的你闪耀光芒,散发出爱的七彩光泽,是我一生渴求地;如赞美诗一般的《True Love》,是爱情不再后的自我麻醉,逗真爱的火焰在你我的眼眸间闪烁,请你对我说爱我,若你不再欺骗我地,曲末的电吉他solo更是让人倍觉苍白无力;讲述爱人离去后形影相吊、茕茕孑立的《Another"s Arms》,你可以任由它在你的耳边不断循环,直到不自觉地跟唱,逗世界于我一文不值,只要有你的怀抱地。这首歌让人想到经典影片《人鬼情未了》,爱人的影子也正正切合了逗Ghost Stories地这一主题。至此,星空,爱,鬼灵,这一切的连接点都水落石出了。Coldplay想通过这张专辑告诉我们,每个人都是一颗星,而我们有幸在茫茫宇宙中相遇。虽然总有一天会离开,无论是因为生老病死或是感情破碎,但这些着着实实地发生在银河系里。就像我们现在抬头所见的星空,或许那些正在闪耀的星,在数百年前已经黯灭了,因为我们实在相隔太远而造成的错觉。专辑之所以叫做逗鬼故事地,因为那些逝去的、不存在的爱,给我们的错觉也不过如此。也正如这张专辑真正意义上的主题曲《A Sky Full Of Stars》所唱的那样:逗我不在乎,一点也不,即使我粉身碎骨。因为在这布满星辰的夜空,我恍如与你共度。地王安忆曾说,写爱情题材的作品往往是两类作家,一类是九流作家,一类是最好的作家。这句话放到流行音乐而言同样成立,我们所听到的大部分情歌都是九流作品,但Coldplay的《Ghost Stories》是无疑一流的。在那些九流情歌里,要么是为失恋者的提供劝慰,要么是提供你爱我我爱你的甜梦,可在一流情歌的世界里,如Coldplay,专辑里根本没有解决任何现实的问题,温情脉脉的面纱被掀开,旧有的生活格局被打破,该来的来,该去的去,一个崭新的世界呈现在我们面前,尽管谁也说不上它是好是坏。这才是真实的爱情,真实的生活。《Ghost Stories》最后一首歌叫做《0》。这样纯净的钢琴曲,或许还得追溯到多年前的那首小品《Postcards From Far Away》了。逗一群鸟在天空盘旋,它们让你想起了爱情。我总是凝视着天空,在黎明前祈祷。它们在不经意间到来,又会在不经意间离开,远走高飞。地除了模拟一些鸟鸣,整首歌结束后,静止了约10秒种,又开始了乐队的涌动。这不仅是一个Outro,实际上也可以理解为Intro,它和专辑的开篇曲《Always In My Head》做到无缝连接,由此你可以明白为什么这首歌会叫做《0》。爱情就是这么一个循环的过程,如同斯蒂芬·金《黑暗塔》,小说的末尾枪侠罗兰(微博)终于攀上梦寐以求的高塔,但发现途中经历的一切不过是幻觉,且如埃舍尔非欧几何空间一样沉默如谜。你说,这到底是不是一件艺术品看



Radiohead的《Airbag》 歌词

歌曲名:Airbag歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best OfRadioheadAirbagOk ComputerIn the next world warIn a jackknifed juggernautI am born againIn the neon sign scrolling up and downI am born againIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn a deep deep sssleep of the inno$entI Am born againIn a faast German CarIm amazed that I survivedan airbag saved my lifeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13964539

Radiohead的《Backdrifts》 歌词

歌曲名:Backdrifts歌手:Radiohead专辑:Hail To The ThiefBackdriftsRadioheadWe"re rotten fruitWe"re damaged goodsWhat the hell, we"ve got nothing more to loseOne gust and we will probably crumbleWe"re backdriftersThis far but no furtherI"m hanging off a branchI"m teetering on the brinkOh honey sweetSo full of sleepI"m backslidingYou fell into our armsYou fell into our armsWe tried but there was nothing we could doNothing we could doAll evidence has been buriedAll tapes have been erasedBut your footsteps give you awaySo you"re backtrackingAh ah ahYou fell into our armsYou fell into our armsWe tried but there was nothing we could doNothing we could doYou fell into our, ahYou fell into aWe"re rotten fruitWe"re damaged goodsWhat the hell, we"ve got nothing more to loseOne gust and we will probably crumbleWe"re backdriftershttp://music.baidu.com/song/13966915

Radiohead的《Separator》 歌词

歌曲名:Separator歌手:Radiohead专辑:The King Of Limbs Live From The BasementTitle:Separatoralbum: The king of limbsartist: Radioheadlrc JinnShackIt"s like I"m falling out of bedFrom a long, weary dreamThe sweetest flowers and fruits hang from the treesFalling off the giant bird that"s been carrying meIt"s like I"m falling out of bed from a long and vivid dreamJust exactly as I rememberEvery wordEvery gestureI"m a heart in cold groundLike I"m falling out of bedFrom a long and weary dreamFinally I"m free of all the weight I"ve been carryingEvery woman blows her coverIn the eye of the beholderI"m a fish now out of waterFalling off a giant bird that"s been carrying meI fell openI laid underAt the tip outI was just a numberI wanna slip it overAnd get back underAnd if you think this is overThen you"re wrongIf you think this is overThen you"re wrong(Wake me up, wake me up)If you think this is overThen you"re wrongIf you think this is overThen you"re wrong(Wake me up, wake me up)Like I"m falling out of bed from a long and weary dreamFinally I"m free of all the weight I"ve been carryingWhen I ask you againWhen I ask you againWake me up, wake me upWake me up, wake me upWake me up, wake me upWake me up, wake me up(End)http://music.baidu.com/song/17637915

求radiohead 歌词译文

I want you to know 我要让你知道He"s not coming back 他在也不会回来啦Look into my eyes 看着我的眼I"m not coming back 我也不回来啦So knives out 所以行动吧Catch the mouse 抓住这只死耗子!Radiohead Don"t look down 不要低头看Shove it in your mouth 在你嘴里把它捏熄If you"d been a dog 如果你是条狗They would"ve drowned you at birth 在你出生时他们就把你给淹拉Look into my eyes 看着我的眼It"s the only way you"ll know I"m telling the truth 这是唯一的方法,让你知道我没有撒谎So knives out 所以采取行动Squash his head 把它的头颅打的个稀烂Put him in the pot 把它放在罐子里I want you to know 我要让你知道He"s not coming back 他不会回来啦He"s bloated and frozen 他已变的冰冷臃肿Still there"s no point in letting it go to waste还是没有办法,让它消亡 So knives out 所以采取行动Catch the mouse 抓住这只该死的耗子Squash his head 把它的头颅打个稀烂

Radiohead的《The Bends》 歌词

歌曲名:The Bends歌手:Radiohead专辑:5 Album Set (Pablo Honey/The Bends/OK Computer/Kid A/Amnesiac)The BendsRadioheadThe BendsWhere do we go from here?The words are coming out all weirdWhere are you now, when I need youAlone on an aeroplaneFall asleep on against the window paneMy blood will thickenI need to wash myself again to hide all the dirt and pain"Cause I"d be scared that there"s nothing underneathBut who are my real friends?Have they all got the bends?Am I really sinking this low?My baby"s got the bends, oh noWe don"t have any real friends, no, no, noJust lying in the bar with my drip feed onTalking to my girlfriend, waiting for something to happenI wish it was the sixties, I wish I could be happyI wish, I wish, I wish that something would happenWhere do we go from here?The planet is a gunboat in a sea of fearAnd where are you?They brought in the CIA, the tanks and the whole marinesMy baby"s got the bendsWe don"t have any real friendsJust lying in the bar with my drip feed onTalking to my girlfriend, waiting for something to happenI wish it was the sixties, I wish I could be happyI wish, I wish, I wish that something would happenI wanna live, breatheI wanna be part of the human raceI wanna live, breatheI wanna be part of the human race, race, race, raceWhere do we go from here?The words are coming out all weirdWhere are you now when I need you?http://music.baidu.com/song/29127648

Radiohead的《Banana Co》 歌词

歌曲名:Banana Co歌手:Radiohead专辑:Street Spirit (Fade Out)Oh, banana co.We really love you and we need youAnd oh, banana co.We"d really love to believe you, butEverything"s undergroundWe gotta dig it up somehowYeah yeahOh, she said no goShe said she"d like toShe"s seen youBut no, banana co.She knows if you die then we all doEverything"s burning downWe gotta dig it up somehowYeah yeahEverything"s burning downWe gotta put it out somehowYeah yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2691800

Radiohead的《Knives Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Knives Out歌手:Radiohead专辑:AmnesiacKnives OutRadioheadI want you to knowHe"s not coming backLook into my eyesI"m not coming backSo knives outCatch the mouseDon"t look downShove it in your mouthIf you"d been a dogThey would have drowned you at birthLook into my eyesIt"s the only way you"ll know I"m telling the truthSo knives outCook him upSquash his headPut him in the potI want you to knowHe"s not coming backHe"s bloated and frozenStill there"s no point in letting it go to wasteSo knives outCatch the mouseSquash his headPut him in the pothttp://music.baidu.com/song/13966836

Radiohead的《Airbag》 歌词

歌曲名:Airbag歌手:Radiohead专辑:Ok Computer (Collector S Edition)RadioheadAirbagOk ComputerIn the next world warIn a jackknifed juggernautI am born againIn the neon sign scrolling up and downI am born againIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn a deep deep sssleep of the inno$entI Am born againIn a faast German CarIm amazed that I survivedan airbag saved my lifeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2816680

Radiohead的《Lucky》 歌词

歌曲名:Lucky歌手:Radiohead专辑:Ok ComputerLuckyRadioheadI"m on a rollI"m on a roll this timeI feel my luck could changeKill me Sarahkill me again with loveit"s gonna be a glorious dayPull me out of the aircrashPull me out of the lakeI"m your superherowe are standing on the edgeThe head of state hascalled for me by namebut I don"t have time for himIt"s gonna be a glorious dayI feel my luck could changePull me out of the aircrashPull me out of the lakeI"m your superherowe are standing on the edgeWe are standing on the edgehttp://music.baidu.com/song/3467907

Radiohead的《Sulk》 歌词

歌曲名:Sulk歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Bends (Collectors Edition)SulkRadioheadYou bite through the big wall, the big wall bites backYou just sit there and sulk, sit there and bawlYou are so pretty when you"re on your kneesDisinfected, eager to pleaseSometimes you sulk, sometimes you burnGod rest your soulWhen the loving comes and we"ve already goneJust like your dad, you"ll never changeEach time it comes it eats me aliveI try to behave but it eats me aliveSo I declare a holidayFall asleep, Drift awaySometimes you sulk, sometimes you burnGod rest your soulWhen the loving comes and we"ve already goneJust like your dad, you"ll never changeSometimes you sulk, sometimes you burnGod rest your soulWhen the loving comes and we"ve already gonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2816371

Radiohead的《High Dry》 歌词

歌曲名:High Dry歌手:Radiohead专辑:High Dry-Planet Telex Pt.1Fake Plastic TreesRadioheadHer Green plastic watering canFor her fake chinese rubber plantIn fake plastic earth.That she bought from a rubber manIn a town full of rubber plantsJust to get rid of itself.And It Wears Her Out, it wears her outIt wears her out, it wears her out.She lives with a broken manA cracked polystyrene manWho just crumbles and burns.He used to do surgeryFor girls in the eightiesBut gravity always wins.And It Wears Him Out, it wears him outIt wears him out, it wears him out.She looks like the real thingShe tastes like the real thingMy Fake Plastic Love.But I can"t help the feelingI could blow through the ceilingIf I just turn and runAnd It Wears Me Out, it wears me outIt wears me out, it wears me out.And if I could BE who you wantedIf I could BE who you wanted,All the time, all the time, ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1960175

关于Radiohead 有哪些不为人知的趣事

乱谈几点:Radiohead 自身的特质与他们的音乐有一个近乎完美的契合。2. 商业化没有破坏作品的艺术性。3. 被无数音乐人翻唱过的《Creep》,人们难道不好奇原唱是什么样子?4. 政治倾向。如果我没有记错的话,上一次 IMDb 被封是由于一部叫做《云后的太阳》的纪录片,里面收录了 Radiohead 的作品。

Radiohead的《Let Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Down歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best OfLet DownRadioheadTransport, motorways and tramlines,starting and then stopping,taking off and landing,the emptiest of feelings,disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,and when it comes it"s so, so, disappointing.Let down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Shell smashed, juices flowingwings twitch, legs are going,don"t get sentimental, it always ends up drivel.One day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Let down,Let down,Let down.You know, you know where you are with,you know where you are with,floor collapsing, falling, bouncing backand one day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging aroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3476493

Radiohead的《Just》 歌词

歌曲名:Just歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best OfJustArtist(Band):RadioheadCan"t get the stink offHe"s been hanging round for daysComes like a cometSuckered you but not your friendsOne day he"ll get to youTeach you how to be a holy cowYou do it to yourselfYou doAnd that"s what really hurtsIs you do it to yourselfJust youYou and no-one elseYou do it to yourselfDon"t get my sympathyHanging out the 15th floorYou"ve changed the locks 3 timesHe still comes reeling through the doorOne day I"ll get to youTeach you how to get to purest hellYou do it to yourselfYou doAnd that"s what really hurtsIs you do it yourselfJust youYou and no-one elseYou do it to yourselfhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13964523

Radiohead的《2+2 = 5》 歌词

歌曲名:2+2 = 5歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best Of2+2=5RadioheadAre you such a dreamer?To put the world to rightsI′ll stay home foreverWhere two & two alwaysmakes up fiveI"ll lay down the tracksSandbag and hideJanuary has April"s showersAnd two and two alwaysmakes up fiveIt"s the devil"s way nowThere is no way outYou can scream & you can shoutIt is too late nowBecause you′re not therePayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionyeah I feel it, I needed attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionYeah I need it, I needed attentionI needed attentionI needed attentionI needed attentionYeah I love it, the attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionSoon ohI try to sing alongBut the music′s all wrongCos I′m notCos I′m notI′ll swallow up flies?but like the flies all gone back and hideBack and hideBut I′m notOh hail to the thiefOh hail to the thiefBut I′m notBut I′m notBut I′m notBut I′m notDon′t question my authority or put me in the boxCos I′m notCos I′m notOh go up to the king, and the sky is falling inBut it′s notBut it′s notMaybe notMaybe notMaybe nothttp://music.baidu.com/song/762844

Radiohead的《Codex》 歌词

歌曲名:Codex歌手:Radiohead专辑:Tkol Rmx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Radiohead - CodexSlight of handJump off the endInto a clear lakeNo one aroundJust dragonfliesFlying to the sideNo one gets hurtYou"ve done nothing wrongSlide your handJump off the endThe water"s clearAnd innocentThe water"s clearAnd innocenthttp://music.baidu.com/song/17634300

Radiohead的《no surprises》Bring down the government翻译成推翻政府好点,还是报复社会好点


Radiohead的《Codex》 歌词

歌曲名:Codex歌手:Radiohead专辑:The King Of Limbs Live From The BasementRadiohead - CodexSlight of handJump off the endInto a clear lakeNo one aroundJust dragonfliesFlying to the sideNo one gets hurtYou"ve done nothing wrongSlide your handJump off the endThe water"s clearAnd innocentThe water"s clearAnd innocenthttp://music.baidu.com/song/17637497



Radiohead 为什么不来中国

木有可观的金钱邀请!主要在中国的商业价值不太大!Radiohead 是一支来自英国牛津的乐队。在中国大多翻译成电台司令等。实际上head在这里是迷(fans)的意思。英国是个有收听radio节目传统的国家,二战时人们留下一个习惯就是饭后全家围坐或是在小酒吧里听电台广播,故Radiohead翻译成收音机迷较为合适。来自英国牛津的摇滚乐队,被誉为当代最伟大的摇滚乐队之一。成员有主唱汤姆·约克(Thomas Edward Yorke)、吉他埃德·奥布赖恩(Ed O"Brien)、键盘强尼·格林伍德(Jonny Greenwood)、贝斯科林·格林伍德(Colin Greenwood)和鼓手菲尔·塞尔韦。乐队风格为另类摇滚(alternative rock),英伦摇滚(Britpop),试验摇滚(Experimental rock),电子摇滚(Electrical)主唱Thom L .Yorke于1968年10月7号出生于阿伯丁。进入大学后,Thom和Colin产生了建立乐队的想法。从此以后,他俩的绝大多数空闲时间都是在隔音的排练室里度过的。随后。他俩加入了一个名为TNT的乐队。乐队在每个星期五排练,1987年,乐队不顾外界的阻止,在牛津郊区的一个小酒馆里进行了第一次演出,但演出并不很成功。1993年1月,乐队的第一张专辑《Pablo Honey 》由EMI唱片公司发行,引起乐坛轰动。2009年获得格莱美最佳另类摇滚专辑大奖。

Radiohead的《Let Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Down歌手:Radiohead专辑:Ok Computer (Collector S Edition)Let DownRadioheadTransport, motorways and tramlines,starting and then stopping,taking off and landing,the emptiest of feelings,disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,and when it comes it"s so, so, disappointing.Let down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Shell smashed, juices flowingwings twitch, legs are going,don"t get sentimental, it always ends up drivel.One day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Let down,Let down,Let down.You know, you know where you are with,you know where you are with,floor collapsing, falling, bouncing backand one day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging aroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2816813


Thomas Edward Yorke............同学...我好想打你

Radiohead的《Yes I Am》 歌词

歌曲名:Yes I Am歌手:Radiohead专辑:Pablo Honey (Collector S Edition)Yes I AmRadioheadi resent you callingi resent your voicei resent that i don"t have a choiceanywhere i goyou are always thereoutside the caror in my hairi think i"ve been here beforeyes i"ve been here beforethe last time you lockedall the doorsand i resent you callingi resent your voicei resent that i don"t have a choiceand yes i amReally...yes i amI think I"ve told you onceI think I needed adviceYou were such a helpThat"s very nicei think i"ve been here beforeyes i"ve been here beforebut this time i kick down your doorAnd yes I amReally...Yes I amhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2816729

Radiohead 和 Muse 的创作和演奏水平孰高孰低?

20世纪80年代,Radiohead的五位成员在英国牛津阿宾顿的一所公立男校中相遇。在Radiohead之前,乐队最初的名字叫On a Friday,因为他们总是周五去学校的音乐教室躲着练团。后来改为Radiohead的灵感,则来源于TalkingHeads乐队1986年发表的专辑《TrueStories》中的歌曲《RadioHead》。唯一的一支在最近时期内能威胁到披头士乐队的组合在针对所有时代最受欢迎的1000张专辑而进行的民意测验显示,这支乐队出现在新闻媒体中的次数最多,并且是第一支也唯一的一支在最近时期内能威胁到披头士乐队的组合。他们下一张专辑将要花费很长时间录制,专辑名为《Kid A》,人们普遍希望这张专辑会成为最令人震惊的作品。他们放弃了他们原有的比较稳当的制作模式,这次他们要摆脱吉他,演出风格可能更接近于想像太空时代氛围的乐队Pink Floyd,Kraftwerk和Tangerine Dream等。虽然目前对于Radiohead的评论更式不一,但是这支乐队在英国听众中所受的欢迎度和在新闻媒体中第一位的出现率是不容其它乐队忽视的。作品能迎合国际听众的口味不像其它著名的、人们对其希望也比较高的英国乐队,如Suede乐队等的作事风格,Radiohead还尽量使他们的作品能迎合国际听众的口味,因而他们的作品受到了从美国到埃及等许多国家人们的喜欢。此后两年,他们的艺术道路越走越宽,知名度也越来越大。1995年3月,他们推出专辑《The Bends》。在观众们热情的掌声下,他们所承受的压力也越来越大,因为一张的唱片的制作绝对不是什么轻松的事情。几乎每一首歌都要录制两个多月。我个人认为,《黑洞》专辑,在创作了缪斯的基本元素之后,没有什么大的打击。个人认为GREENWOOD个人专辑《炸鸡丑》(包括所有类型的电影配乐和实验),尽管他的dick在RH brush brush jean fry day,气质和RH +和shape。RH和缪斯正在制作一个大热门的作品(RH精炼的每一种风格都越来越开放,甚至比缪斯稍作对比,但缪斯也不坏)个人认为RH和缪斯也写了一段旋律,也创造了不好的东西,并享受粉丝的喜爱。我认为缪斯(部分)通常是愚蠢的。个人认为RH善于尝试新的音色,而缪斯擅长于将已经在音乐中扮演重要角色的声音转变。


在针对所有时代最受欢迎的1000张专辑而进行的民意测验显示,这支乐队出现在新闻媒体中的次数最多,并且是第一支也唯一的一支在最近时期内能威胁到披头士乐队的组合。他们下一张专辑将要花费很长时间录制,专辑名为《Kid A》,人们普遍希望这张专辑会成为最令人震惊的作品。他们放弃了他们原有的比较稳当的制作模式,这次他们要摆脱吉他,演出风格可能更接近于想像太空时代氛围的乐队Pink Floyd,Kraftwerk和Tangerine Dream等。虽然目前对于Radiohead的评论更式不一,但是这支乐队在英国听众中所受的欢迎度和在新闻媒体中第一位的出现率是不容其它乐队忽视的。




house of cards 2009 Grammy nomineeslotus flower the king of limbsjust the bends

求各位翻译下RADIOHEAD 2+2=5歌词,听说很有深意 所以急求谢谢了!!!!!

Get Out Of The WaySleep in the dreamForgotten LoveKill manDream Of ValentineValentine GiftLoving you (这个有点俗,呵呵)Kill lovesilent travellingLove Without A Love

新概念英语 改错题 My wife and I am watch TV now. I enjoy listen to the radio very much.


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Teenage Life (Radio Edit - mastered)的中文歌词

What did you learn at school today ?今天你在学校学了什么?That"s what the teachers used to say这就是老师常常说的But they don"t know但他们并不知道Don"t understand, do they ?也不理解,不是吗Why do they always give advice ?为什么他们总是给出意见Saying "Just be nice, always think twice"说什么"要想出色就多思考"When it"s been a long since they had a teenage life 自从他们成了青年就一直如此What did you learn at school today ?你在学校学了什么啊今天That"s what the teachers used to say老师总是这样说But they don"t know但他们不知道Don"t understand, do they ? 也不懂,不是吗Why do they always give advice为什么他们总是提出意见Saying "Just be nice, always think twice"说什么"要想干的好就多动动脑子"When it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life 自从他们有了自己的生活就一直如此welling on the past, from back when I was young回想着从前 当我还年轻的时候Thinking of my school days and trying to write this song 回想着我的学生时代 努力写下这首歌Classroom schemes and dreams 学习计划和梦想Man they couldn"t save me 大人们救不了我Couse my days were numbered when I signed down on “Avy” 我的日子屈指可数当我被划上Avy的标记Teenage kicks running out what could we do年轻人埋怨着逃出了我们所做的一切I still show respect to my boys who made it through 我依旧对那些顺利过关的孩子表示尊重And getting told off Mr T how my life would be继续听T先生责备我日后的生活Then giving him a signal 然后给他一个信号So everyone could see 让每个人都看到Sunshine and shade 阳光与黑暗Those girls I"d serenade 那些我想使之安静的姑娘啊Thinking of those sixth form chicks that misbehave想着那些无拘束的日子Hoping that those days would go on and on forever真希望可以永远那样Every day something new每天都会有些新变化Just friends running together只有朋友们还在一起奋斗But suddenly school ends 突然学生时代已结束Your teenage life gone 青年不再All your mates are growing up now所有的同伴都张大了They"re moving on 他们继续活动着And now I"m looking back 现在我回望着过去I"ll tell you what I know 我会告诉你所有我所知Do you listen to your teacher ? 你听老师的话吗No I don"t think so 我可不这样认为"What did you learn at school today?"今天你在学校学了什么That"s what the teachers used to say老师总是这样说But they don"t know 但他们不知道Don"t understand, do they ? 也不懂,不是吗Why do they always give advice为什么他们总是提出意见Saying "Just be nice, always think twice"说什么"样想出色就多动脑子"When it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life 从青年时候开始就没完没了Now if you treat the kids fine, together they will shine 现在如果你对孩子友善,他们就会与你愉快的相处Ooh ooh ooh shine 哦 愉快And if you give the kids time, they won"t do the crime 如果你给他们点时间 他们不会做错什么Won"t do the crime 不会Now my bad old ways 现在我那些古老的坏行为Were during my school days 贯穿了整个学习生活Messing on those grade A"s 比起那些成绩优异的学生My life is just a haze 我的生活简直一团糟I"m going through the struggle 我挣扎着Five ten and kicking back 又跳着回来了So I could lock my flow 于是我让自己停下Lace it up now on the track 缠主前行的道路Oh yeh I felt the pain 我觉得很痛Whilst chasing all the fame 追逐着所有的名利I"m being told I"m nothing 无却被告之一无所获Just a player in the game 不过是游戏中的一个玩家But now I walk tall 但我现在走到高处Stand proud for you to see 我就是你所认为的骄傲I"m driving these fast cars 我开着那些快车It"s five stars for me 是我的五星级"What did you learn at school today?"今天你在学校学了什么That"s what the teachers used to say老师总这样问But they don"t know 但他们不知道Don"t understand, do they? 也不懂 不是吗Why do they always give advice为什么总是那么多意见Saying "Just be nice, always think twice"说什么"要想出色就多动动脑子"When it"s been a long since they had a teenage life从小就这样....是不是这个我不知道哈。我自己听的是这个没错

电脑主板是PEGATRON IPM41-D3;CPU Pentium(R)Dual-CoreE5200 @2.50GHz ;显卡是ATI/AMD Radeon HD 4350


Trf的《Masquerade》 歌词

歌曲名:Masquerade歌手:TrfMasquerade!TVアニメ「俺の妹がこんなに可爱いわけがない」第7话ED作词:テトラproject作曲:テトラproject编曲:テトラproject/ACOMPANAR歌:黒猫(花泽香菜)Masquerade! この夜(よる)は ドレスの黒(くろ)に身(み)をまかせてNow,Shall we dance? 踊(おど)りましょう 月(つき)の灯(あか)りの调(しら)べを舞踏会(ぶとうかい)の招待状(しょうたいじょう) 一人(ひとり)きりで待(ま)ってた日々(ひび)雪(ゆき)の白(しろ)に黒(くろ)いカフス 红(あか)い红(あか)い瞳(ひとみ)には涙(なみだ)魔法(まほう)の马车(ばしゃ)で迎(むか)えに来(き)て 私(わたし)のこと淡(あわ)く 涙(なみだ) 空(そら)へ溶(と)けてゆくよ流(なが)れ星(ぼし)のようにMasquerade! この夜(よる)は ドレスの黒(くろ)に身(み)をまかせてNow,Shall we dance? 踊(おど)りましょう 月(つき)の灯(あか)りの调(しら)べをガラスの靴(くつ) 氷(こおり)は溶(と)け 梦游病(むゆうびょう)のようなステップ深红(しんく)の红玉(ルビー) 暗闇(くらやみ)の舞台(ステージ) 苍(あお)い苍(あお)いバラの棘(とげ)は刺(さ)す真珠(しんじゅ)のような月(つき)に溶(と)けゆく 二人(ふたり)の影(かげ)に繋(つな)ぐ その手(て) 离(はな)さないでといつか空(そら)へ届(とど)くようにMasquerade! この夜(よる)は 星(ほし)降(ふ)る丘(おか)でお逢(あ)いしましょうIt"s time to dance 时(とき)を忘(わす)れ 永远(えいえん)のワルツ 贵方(あなた)と午前0时(ごぜんれいじ)の钟(かね)が鸣(な)っても 私(わたし)の手(て)を离(はな)さないでねMasquerade is going on さあ踊(おど)りましょう ゴシックの夜(よる)を 二人(ふたり)でLaLaLa...魔法(まほう)は解(と)けてゆくけれど 时计(とけい)の针(はり)と共(とも)に...変(か)わらぬ月(つき)の光(ひかり)の舞台(ステージ) LaLa真珠(しんじゅ)のような月(つき)に溶(と)けゆく 二人(ふたり)の影(かげ)に繋(つな)ぐ その手(て) 离(はな)さないでといつか空(そら)へ届(とど)くようにMasquerade! この夜(よる)は 星(ほし)降(ふ)る丘(おか)でお逢(あ)いしましょうIt"s time to dance 时(とき)を忘(わす)れ 永远(えいえん)のワルツ 贵方(あなた)とMasquerade! この夜(よる)は ドレスの黒(くろ)に身(み)をまかせてNow,Shall we dance? 踊(おど)りましょう 月(つき)の灯(あか)りの调(しら)べを午前0时(ごぜんれいじ)の钟(かね)が鸣(な)っても 私(わたし)の手(て)を离(はな)さないでねMasquerade is going on さあ踊(おど)りましょう ゴシックの夜(よる)を 二人(ふたり)で终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5870052

Prada sucks to suck

老外目前较为流行的短语sucks意思是非常不爽,倒霉,厌烦某件事物,例如: It sucks to do homework意思是 做家庭作业真他妈不爽Sucks to suck意思就是对目前正处于的不爽的事物这个事情很不爽。。或者 sucks to suck = don"t like that fact that I suck or sucking is not fun.


Beyonce Knowles ----Upgrade U[Jay-Z]HeheheYeah B!Talk yo shit hehehHow you gonna upgrade meWhat"s higher than number oneYou know I used to beat that blockNow I be"s the block(Partner let me upgrade ya)[verse 1]I hear you be the blockBut I"m the light that keep the streets onNotice you the type that like to keep them on a leash thoughI"m known to walk aloneBut I"m alone for a reasonSendin" me a drink ain"t appeasin"Believe meCome harder this won"t be easyDon"t doubt yourself trust me you need meThis ain"t a no shoulder with a chip or an egoBut what you think they all mad at me for[Bridge]You need a real woman in your life(That"s a good look)Takin" care of home and still fly(That"s a good look)And I"ma help you build up your accountThat"s a good lookBetter yet a hood lookLadies that"s a good lookWhen you"re in them big meetings for the mils(That"s a good look)You take me just to complement the deal(That"s a good look)Anything you cop I"ll split the billThat"s a good lookBetter yet a hood lookBelieve meLadies that"s a good look[Chorus]Partner let me upgrade youAudmars Piguet youSwitch your necktie to Purple LabelsUpgrade yaI can (up)Can I (up)Lemme upgrade ya(Partner let me upgrade ya)Partner let me upgrade youFlip a new pageIntroduce you to some new things andUpgrade youI can (up)Can I (up)Let me upgrade you(Partner let me upgrade ya)[Verse 2]I can do for you what Martin did for the peopleRan by the men but the women keep the tempoIt"s very seldom that you"re blessed to find your equalStill play my part and let you take the lead roleBelieve meI"ll followThis could be easyI"ll be the help whenever you need meI see you hustle wit my hustle I can keep youFocused on yo focus I can feed you[Bridge]You need a real woman in your life(That"s a good look)Takin" care of home and still fly(That"s a good look)I can help you build up your accountThat"s a good lookBetter yet a hood lookLadies that"s a good lookWhen you"re in them big meetings for the mils(That"s a good look)You take me just to complement the deal(That"s a good look)Anything you cop I"ll split the billThat"s a good lookBetter yet a hood look[Upgrade U lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]Believe meI can upgrade ya[Chorus]Partner let me upgrade yaAudemar Piguet youSwitch your necktie to Purple LabelsUpgrade youI can (up)Can I (up)Lemme upgrade yaPartner let me upgrade yaPartner let me upgrade yaFlip a new pageIntroduce you to some new things andUpgrade youI can (up)Can I (up)Let me upgrade ya(Partner let me upgrade ya[Jay-Z](Uh HOV, Uh, HOV, Uh huh huh!)I Be the d-boy who infiltrated all the corporate dudesThey call shots, I call audiblesJacob the jeweler, baubles, Lauraine Schwartz sorta dudeIt"s big ballin baby when I"m courtin youI"m talkin spy bags and fly pads and rooms at the BloombergAnd rumors you on the verge of a new merge"Cause that rock on ya finger"s like a tumorYou can"t fit ya hand in ya new purseIt"s humorous to me they watchin andWe just yachtin" island hopping off theAmalfi coastMafiosoHOV baby you ever seen Saturn?No! Not the carBut everywhere we areYou sure to see starsThis is high levelNot eye levelMy bezel courtesy of AudemarsI"ll order yours tomorrow now look at the time I saved yaMama let me upgrade ya[Hook]Just when you think you had it allBig ends, condos, collecting carsPicture your life elevated with meMake you my project celebrityI keep your name hot in them streetsBut it"s that little glimpse of lightThat makes a diamond really shineAnd you already is a star butUnless you"re flawlessThen ya dynasty ain"t complete without a chief like me[WOO][Chorus]Partner let me upgrade yaAudemar Piguet youSwitch your necktie to Purple LabelsUpgrade youI can (up)Can I (up)Lemme upgrade yaPartner let me upgrade yaPartner let me upgrade yaFlip a new pageIntroduce you to some new things andUpgrade yaI can (up)Can I (up)Let me upgrade ya(Partner let me upgrade ya(partner partner let me up grade ya[Outro]Audemars Piguet watchDimples in ya necktieHermes briefcaseCartier tieclipsSilk lined blazersDiamond creamed facialsVVX cuff links6 star pimp suitesPartna let me upgrade ya grade yaPartna partna let me upgrade ya grade yaLet me let me let me upgrade ya grade yaPartna partna partna let me upgrade ya

我在一家小店买到一件白的T恤,面料很舒服,领子上的商标上写着PARADOX made in korea其他标签都没有

外贸就是 有些小瑕疵的啦 ····

score mark grade 的用法


score point mark grade 四个分数的区别是什么?(口语和书面上是否有什么区别?)

答: score是指得分(考试、测验),比如100分、59分等,也多指比赛得分. The TOEFL Test score is usually reported six to eight weeks after the test. 托福考试成绩一般在考试后六至八周内寄到。 The final score 决赛比分grade是指成绩等级,如A、B、C、优秀、良好等He got a grade A in physics.Mark 分数 常用来表示不同等级的学科成绩的一个数字、字母或符号 full mark 满分 high mark 高分 got a mark of 95 instead of 100.Point 点数、分数,每一分即一个point。 He scored 15000 points.他得了15000分。

墨西哥往事三部曲 杀手悲歌 El Mariachi丨1992 杀人三步曲 Desperado丨19


求desperado 伴奏钢琴谱


求 desperado 口琴谱


Desperado - Sarbel 歌词

DesperadoWhy don"t you.e to your sencesYou"ve been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneBut I know that you"ve got your reasonsThese things are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableThe queen of hearts is always your best betHow it seems to me some fine thingHave been laid upon your tableBut you want the ones you can"t get<STRONG class=tx_hit>DesperadoOh you ain"t gettin" no youngerYour pain and your hungerThey"re drivin" you home, freedom, ah, freedomThat"s just some people talkin"You"re prisoners walkin"Through this would all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the wintertimeThe sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night timeFrom your dayYou"re losin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feelin" goes away<STRONG class=tx_hit>DesperadoWhy don"t you.e to your sencesCome down from your fencesOpen the gateIt may be rainin"But there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love youYou better let somebody love youBefore it"s too late



The Carpenters Desperado中文歌词?



亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? 你已经将自己隔离在藩篱之外太久喔,你是个固执的家伙。但是我知道你有你自己的理由 但那些令你欢欣的事情总有一天会伤害你你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力)若有机会她就会来攻击你你知道红心皇后一直是你最好的一张牌(红心皇后代表仁慈)在我看来现在这些好东西早已摆在你面前,但你却只要那些得不到的亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻。你的苦痛,你的饥饿,它们正催促你的归程 自由啊,自由,那只是一般人的说法,独自行走天涯就是你的囚笼 冬日里你的双脚不感觉寒冷吗? 天空不下雪,太阳也不照耀,简直无法分辨白天或黑夜你的人生已一无所有,这种失去的感觉不是让人啼笑皆非?亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?走出你的藩篱,打开心门 外面也许在下雨,但彩虹就在你的天上最好开始接受别人的爱,以免为时已晚,事不宜迟相关介绍 Eagles乐队的成名作就是其第二张专辑《Desperado》(亡命之徒)。这是一张建立在乡村乐基础上的概念专辑,以十九世纪末美国中西部的法外之徒为概念,包括几首他们最有名的歌曲。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林-达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程。

求高人 帮忙音译歌曲 desperado


Carpenters的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:Carpenters专辑:HorizonCarpenters - DesperadoDesperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneBut I know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of hearts is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no youngerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well,that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re losin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you(let somebody love you)You better let somebody love youbefore it"s too latehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8033817

许志安&陈奕迅的《Desperado》 歌词

歌手:eaglesDesperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneI know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon" you draw the queen of diamonds, boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of heats is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no yougerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re loosin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you, before it"s too latehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1058600


Desperado 歌手:eagles Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? You been out ridin" fences for so long now Oh, you"re a hard one I know that you got your reasons These things that are pleasin" you Can hurt you somehow Don" you draw the queen of diamonds, boy She"ll beat you if she"s able You know the queen of heats is always your best bet Now it seems to me, some fine things Have been laid upon your table But you only want the ones that you can"t get Desperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no youger Your pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you home And freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin" Your prison is walking through this world all alone Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time? The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine It"s hard to tell the night time from the day You"re loosin" all your highs and lows Ain"t it funny how the feeling goes away? Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? Come down from your fences, open the gate It may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above you You better let somebody love you, before it"s too late亡命之徒-老鹰合唱团 亡命客啊 为何不回归你的本性呢 你脱离正常藩篱的日子已经够久了 喔,你真是个难缠的家伙 但我知道这其中一定有你抱持的理由 爽的同时 有时候也会踢到铁板的 ( 话说的好_水能载舟亦能覆舟 ) 方块Q不丢吗?小子 总有一天 你会栽在她手里的 另外红心Q一直都是你的好牌档 现在摊在桌面上的 对我来说算不错的啦 偏偏你就要去追求你所追求不到的那一桩 不要命的家伙 你已不再年少罗 痛苦和饥辘 会让你更快投胎早早回家吃自己的 自由,( 哈哈 )所谓的自由 那只是其他人说说罢了 而牢狱将会伴你渡过孤独余生哪 天际不再飘雪而阳光更不再普照 你的双脚在冬天不冷吗 分不清更说不明昼夜的差异 在丧失你所有的所有的时候 情感的远离与感受的散落 不觉得可笑吗 亡命之徒 为何不回归你的本性呢 破除你心中的象牙塔 打开心房吧 也许是阴霾满天雨丝纷飞 但{蓝波}的彩虹将会在你抬头的地方 你最好能与人为伍接受被爱 ( 与人为伍接受被爱 ) 你最好能够接受关爱 在...在....在... 还来得及的关头


Desperado   desperado,why don"t you come to your senses?   亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?   you"ve been out-riding fences for so long now   你已经自闭了很久了   oh you"re hard one ,   喔,你是个固执的家伙   but I know that you"ve got your reasons   但是我知道你有你自己的理由   these things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow   这些令你高兴的东西会伤害到你   don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boy   你怎么不去画一张方块皇后,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力)   she"ll beat you if she"s able   如果有可能,她会打败你   you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet   你知道你最好的赌注一直是红心皇后。(红心皇后代表仁慈)   now it seems to me some fine things   现在,我眼中的好东西   have been laid upon your table   都放在你的桌子上   but you only want the ones that you can"t get   但是你只想要你拿不到的   desperado,oh,you ain"t gettin no younger   亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻   your pain and your hunger   你的痛苦,你的饥饿   they"re driving you home   他们正带你回家   freedom,oh,freedom well that"s just some people talking   自由啊,自由,那只是人们的说法   your prison is walking though this world all along   你的罪恶正在独自蔓延到整个世界   don"t your feet get cold in the winter time   冬天你的脚不冷吗?   the sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine   天不下雪,太阳也不会出来   it"s hard to tell the night time from the day   区分白天与夜晚也很困难   you"re losin" all your highs and lows ,ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away?   你正失去对世事的兴趣,而那种兴趣离开的原因不是很可笑吗?   desperado,why don"t you come to your senses   亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?   come down from your fences,open the gate   别再自闭了,打开心门   it may be raining   或许会下雨   but there"s a rainhow above you   但你的头上会出现彩虹的   you"d better let somebody love you   你最好令别人爱上你   (let somebody love you)   令别人爱上你   you"d better let somebody love you   你最好令别人爱上你   before it"s too late   在为时已晚之前。


  歌词  desperado,why don"t you come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? you"ve been out-riding fences for so long now 你已经自闭了很久了 oh you"re hard one , 喔,你是个固执的家伙 but I know that you"ve got your reasons 但是我知道你有你自己的理由 these things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow 这些令你高兴的东西会伤害到你 don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boy 你怎么不丢弃那张方块皇后,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力) she"ll beat you if she"s able 如果有可能,她会打败你 you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 你知道你最好的赌注一直是红心皇后。(红心皇后代表仁慈) now it seems to me some fine things 现在,我眼中的好东西 have been laid upon your table 都放在你的桌子上 but you only want the ones that you can"t get 但是你只想要你拿不到的 desperado,oh,you ain"t gettin no younger 亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻 your pain and your hunger 你的痛苦,你的饥饿 they"re driving you home 他们正带你回家 freedom,oh,freedom well that"s just some people talking 自由啊,自由,那只是人们的说法 your prison is walking though this world all along 你的罪恶正在独自蔓延到整个世界 don"t your feet get cold in the winter time 冬天你的脚不冷吗? the sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine 天不下雪,太阳也不会出来 it"s hard to tell the night time from the day 区分白天与夜晚也很困难 you"re losin" all your highs and lows ,ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away? 你正失去对世事的兴趣,而那种兴趣离开的原因不是很可笑吗? desperado,why don"t you come to your senses 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? come down from your fences,open the gate 别再自闭了,打开心门 it may be raining 或许会下雨 but there"s a rainbow above you 但你的头上会出现彩虹的 you"d better let somebody love you 你最好令别人爱上你 (let somebody love you) 令别人爱上你 you"d better let somebody love you 你最好令别人爱上你 before it"s too late 在为时已晚之前。  相关介绍  Eagles乐队的成名作就是其第二张专辑《Desperado》(亡命之徒)。这是一张建立在乡村乐基础上的概念专辑,以十九世纪末美国中西部的法外之徒为概念,包括几首他们最有名的歌曲。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林-达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程。

藤田惠美的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:藤田惠美专辑:camomileDesperado,why dont you come to your senses?You been out ridinfences for so long nowOh,youre a hard one ,but I know that youve got your reasonsthese things that are pleasin you will hurt you somehowDont you draw the queen of diamonds ,boyshell beat you if shes ableYou know the queen of hearts is always your best betNow it seems to me some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you cant getDesperado,oh,you aint gettin no youngerYour pain and your hunger theyre drivin you homeAnd freedom,oh freedom well thats just some people talkinYoure prisoners walkin through this world all aloneDont you feet get clod in the wintertimeThe sky wont snow and the sun wont shineIts hard to tell the night time from the dayYoure losin all your highs and lowsAint it funny how the feelin goes awayDesperado,why dont you come to your sensesCome down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin, but theres a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you(Let somebody love you)You better let somebody love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52067981

Desperado (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado (Live)歌手:Alice Cooper专辑:A Fistful of Alice< Desperado >Alice CooperI"m a gamblerAnd I"m a runnerBut you knew thatWhen you lay downI"m a pictureOf ugly storiesI"m a killerAnd I"m a clownStep into the street by sundownStep into your last goodbyeYou"re a target just by livingTwenty dollars will make you dieI wear laceAnd I wear black leatherMy hands are lightning upon my gunMy shots are cleanAnd my, my shots are finalMy shots are deadlyAnd when it"s doneYou"re as stiff as my smoking barrelYou"re as dead as a desert nightYou"re a notchAnd I"m a legendYou"re at peaceAnd I must hideTell me where the hell I"m goingLet my bones fall in the dustCan"t you hear that ghost that"s callingAs my Colt begins to rustIn the dustI"m a killerI"m a clownI"m a priestThat"s gone to townhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2661717

王若琳的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:王若琳专辑:Time in a bottle王若琳 - DesperadoDesperado, why don"t you come to your sensesYou"ve been out ridin" fences,for so long - now.Ohh you"re a hard one.I know that you"ve got your reasons.These things that are pleasin"youCan hurt you somehow.Don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyShe"ll beat you if she"s able.You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.Now it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your table.But you only want the onesThat you can"t get.Desperado,Ohhhh you aint getting no younger.Your pain and your hunger,They"re driving you home.And freedom, ohh freedom.Well that"s just some people talking.Your prison is walking through this world all alone.Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine.It"s hard to tell the night time from the day.And you"re losing all your highs and lowsaint it funny how the feeling goesaway...Desperado,Why don"t you come to your senses?come down from your fences, open the gate.It may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above you.You better let somebody love you.(let sombody love you)You better let somebody love youbefore it"s too late.http://music.baidu.com/song/23203310


Desperado 老鹰乐队 Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? You been out ridin" fences for so long now. 你已经自闭了很久了 Oh, you"re a hard one, 喔,你是个固执的家伙 I know that you got your reasons, 我知道你有你自己的理由 these things that are pleasin" you can hurt you somehow. 但那些令你欢欣的事或许不知怎么就伤害到你 Don"t you draw the queen of diamonds, boy, 你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力) she"ll beat you if she"s able, 它将会把你击垮 you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet. 红心皇后一直是你最好的一张牌(红心皇后代表仁慈) Now it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table, 我心目中的好牌都已摊开在你的面前 but you only want the ones that you can"t get. 但你却只要那些得不到的 Desperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no younger, 亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻 your pain and your hunger 你的苦痛,你的饥饿 they"re driving you home 它们正催促你的归程 And freedom, oh, freedom, well, that"s just some people talkin", 自由啊,自由,那只是一般人的说法 your prison is walkin" through this world all alone. 独自行走天涯就是你的囚笼 Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time? 冬日里你的双脚不感觉寒冷吗? The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine, 天空不下雪,太阳也不照耀 it"s hard to tell the nighttime from the day. 分辨不出白天或黑夜 You"re losin" all your highs and lows. Ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away? 你已失去你的情感,变得麻木;这种失去的感觉很可笑吧 Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? Come down from your fences, open the gate. 别再自闭了,打开心门 it may be raining 外面也许在下雨 but there"s a rainhow above you 但彩虹就在你的天上 you better let somebody love you 你最好找个人爱你 (let somebody love you) 你最好找个人爱上你 you better let somebody love you 你最好找个人爱上你 before it"s too late 事不宜迟

罗伯特 邦菲利奥的《Desperado》 歌词

歌手:eaglesDesperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneI know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon" you draw the queen of diamonds, boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of heats is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no yougerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re loosin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you, before it"s too latehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15195485

Desperado (Desperado) 歌词

歌曲:Desperado演唱:Eagels作词:Ashlee Simpson 作曲:Basshunter 专辑:《Selected Works 1972-1999》 歌词:Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneI know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon" you draw the queen of diamonds, boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of heats is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no yougerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re loosin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you, before it"s too late

罗忆诗的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:罗忆诗罗忆诗 - Desperado作词:子斌/罗忆诗@mobimusic作曲:罗忆诗@mobimusicDesperado 爱你是个错你喜欢 没约束的生活你给的 像丛林的野火对你的爱我懦弱 我不要对你懦弱Baby 你就这样潇洒地走别再回头 谁稀罕你许下的海誓承诺留下的 请你都带走全都带走 却带不走你留给我的痛Desperado 一定又是我你没错 是我太寂寞爱得越多 你越是想逃脱我像飞蛾去扑火 我不要一错再错Baby 你就这样潇洒地走别再回头 谁稀罕你许下的海誓承诺留下的 请你都带走全都带走 却带不走你留给我的痛还能怎麼做 你选择自由 无话可说Desperado 爱你是个错Desperadohttp://music.baidu.com/song/5858385

Westlife的《Desperado》 歌词

歌词:Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneI know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon" you draw the queen of diamonds, boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of heats is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no yougerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re loosin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you, before it"s too late

群星的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:群星专辑:Baaarenstark!!! Herbst 20015.Desperado 3:37Desperado,why don"t come to your sensesyou"ve been ridin fences for so long nowOh you"re got your reasonsthese things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyshe"ll beat you if she"s ableyou know the queen of hearts is always your best betnow it seems to me some fine thingshave been laid upon your tablebut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado,oh,you ain"t gettin no youngeryour pain and your hungerthey"re driving you homefreedom,oh,freedom well that"s just some people talkingYou "re prisners walking though this world all alongDon"t your feet get cold in the winter timethe sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayyou"re losin" all your highs and lowsain"t it funny how the feel"in goes away.Desperado,why don"t come to your sensescome down from your fencesopen the gate it may be rainingbutthere"s a rainhow above youyou"d better let somebody love you(let somebody love you)you"d better let somebody love youbefore it"s too latehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15309114


Don Henley(鼓、打击乐、主唱)Randy Meisner(贝斯吉他、民谣吉他、主唱)Glenn Frey(吉他、键盘、钢琴、口琴、主唱)Bernie Leadon(吉他、曼陀铃、班卓琴、主唱) Glyn Johns(制作人、录音师)Howard Kilgour(助理录音师)Barry Diament(混音)Ted Jensen(重混音)Jim Ed Norman(编排)Gary Burden(艺术指导、设计)Henry Diltz(文字、摄影)




老鹰乐队在一片叫好声中推出了他们的第二张专辑《Desperado》, 这是一张概念唱片。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林 达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程
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