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英特尔 hd graphics 4000和Raden HD 8670m哪个好

  英特尔的这个HD4000确实是集成显卡,现在又叫核芯显卡,因为它是集成在英特尔的CPU里面的。  虽然HD4000在英特尔的集成显卡中,性能算是高端的了,但和HD6470相比,其性能还是差了一截。  它唯一的优点就是便宜,因为它不需要额外再花一笔钱购买独立显卡。  不过,如果要玩游戏,这两个型号都不合适。

Raden Pro WX3100显卡驱动安装时显示器出现雪花如何解决



《Paradise》歌手: misha所属专辑:《Paradise》发行时间:2008年歌词:Tell me your secrets, show me your feelings I wonder, Is it love, is it love, is it love? When we"re together, closer to heaven It feels like, paradise, paradise, paradise, Paradise surrounds me When I look for a paradise Now I can find it in your arms Every time when you hold me It seems like forever When you look at me with those eyes In my heart fly butterflies Every time we"re together, it seems like forever Yeah, seems like forever, seems like forever, yeah Second by second, feelings grow and make me Surrender, surrender In your arms I can be so alive, When I remember, your voice so tender It feels like, paradise, paradise, paradise, Paradise surrounds me When I look for a paradise Now I can find it in your arms Every time when you hold me It seems like forever When you look at me with those eyes In my heart fly butterflies Every time we"re together, it seems like forever Yeah, seems like forever, seems like forever, yeah When I look for a paradise Now I can find it in your arms Every time when you hold me It seems like forever When you look at me with those eyes In my heart fly butterflies Every time we"re together, it seems like forever Yeah, seems like forever, seems like forever, yeah

歌名Paradise 歌手misha 求歌词


Sade的《Paradise》 歌词

歌曲名:Paradise歌手:Sade专辑:The Best Of SadeParadiseSadeI"d wash the sand off the shoreGive you the world if it was mineBlow you right to my doormmm Feels fineFeels likeYou"re mineFeels rightSo fineI"m yoursYou"re mineLike paradiseI"d give you the world if it was minemmm Feels fineFeels likeYou"re mineI"m yoursso fineLike paradiseI"d wash the sand off the shoreGive you the world if it was mineBlow you right to my doorMmm Feels fineFeels likeYou"re mineFeels rightSo fineI"m yoursYou"re mineLike paradiseOooh what a lifeOooh what a lifeOooh what a lifeOooh what a lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1759860

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手机行业里说叫的 系统版本 那些英文比如说 ROM , radio ,spl,root,recovery这些词汇的叫法出自哪里

ROM和SPL是英文简称SPL,Second Program LoaderROM,Read-Only Memory一些是简称,还有一些就是英文单词(比方说root权限,就是最高权限,你去看下root的意思就可以理解了)


  PRADA中文:普拉达。一共4个系列:一线PRADA ,二线 PRADA SPORT,滑雪系PRADA LUNA ROSSA, 青春系MIU MIU 。  一线PRADA的主商标一般为黑色和白色,在商品外以倒三角为标记,也有些没有。做工很精细,剪裁很流畅,这里要说明的是如是象毛衣,T之内的,它的尺码是直接做在商标上的。一线的产地都是意大利。洗标,PRADA的洗标都有一个共同点,后面说明。  二线主商标为红标,在衣服外右下身有条红色的塑料PRADA,近两年有黑色的条了。还有如象毛衣.毛料类的面料不好上条的,是没有条的,为什么呢,很有理性的,大家应该知道的。要说明的是前两年的T衣领商标都为塑料,近两年为织标,衣服外的标有红塑料条和黑塑料条,黑皮革条。红条整齐字迹清晰有光洁度,黑条整齐字迹清晰。这里说下T,有些T里其实有两个尺码标,一个在衣服里面的上面左边暗藏着,一个跟洗标货号标一起,为什么喃?作为二线,很多订单都是在外面加工的。(东欧一些国家,人工和原料廉价,没有CHIAN)然后再回到总部上主标。还有两年特定的文化T衣服外上的是PRADA的布标或印的字。着重说下外套,外套分厚,薄的。薄外套它的标基本跟T一样,厚外套就不同了,主标是大的塑料,上面有货号,洗涤方法。每款衣服都有特定的货号!尺码标还是塑料的,是单独缝在衣服里左边下面,要说明的是尺码是直接印在塑料上再缝在衣服里的,还有缝这样的主标和尺码标,它的缝法都是三角的,很有理性哦,大塑料不这样缝会很容易破损的。塑料比较柔软,有透明度。什么象一般的缝法直接打上去的,假货。有大塑料标下面还钉了个布织的小尺码标,假货。  现在说洗标了,假货再怎么做,也做不了。洗标为黑色和白色,单一一层的。以前的洗标,手感有点钞票一样,还有点脆性。现在的手感比较光滑,但有厚实感。这是改良以前比较脆后字迹模糊。洗标上的字都是细致清楚。什么洗标有光洁度假货,象织布的假货,字迹粗的假货。  滑雪系是PRADA最低的系,很多商品都没有PRADA标记,都已LUNA ROSSA或一个意大利小旗为标。要说明的是基本都是国外加工,有中国的。洗标跟所有PRADA的洗标一样。  MIUMIU作为青春系价格也不便宜,主标和尺码象一线的标,是一起的。洗标跟所有系洗标一样。  这里说下PRADA的鞋,鞋里都有泡沫鞋垫,大部分都可以拿出,拿不出的是粘在上面的。这是根据人体工程学。只有单皮的皮鞋是没有鞋垫,就是没有,鞋内底都是很柔软。PRADA的鞋做工精致,层次分明。  说明一下PRADA每个系的商品,那个系的就是那个系,不会同时出现在同一件商品上,出现,就是假货!很多假货都把它们混在一起,水平太低了,所有国际大牌都不会犯低级错误!

爆款球鞋!PRADA adidas第3波 LV复古红白高筒

王蓁蓁 / 台北报导 人人疯抢的PRADA X adidas联名鞋款,在万众瞩目之下迎来第三波,此次跳开大家熟悉的Superstar鞋型,改由PRADA帆船运动团队量身打造全新「ADIDAS FOR PRADA 」+P LUNA ROSSA 21 科技 感球鞋。同一时间Louis Vuitton也以怀旧复古的红白配色,注入LV logo与Monogram老花图样等元素,推出以对抗爱滋病而生的Louis Vuitton I (RED)运动鞋,让人在血拼之余还能做爱心。 PRADA X adidas祭出第三波全新联名+P LUNA ROSSA 21运动鞋。(图 / 品牌提供,以下同) PRADA与adidas的第三波联名,一改前两次adidas Superstar经典鞋型,以PRADA的帆船团队为灵感,打造全新具有 科技 机能感的+P LUNA ROSSA 21帆船运动鞋款,线条流畅,而且相当轻盈,仿佛身体的自然延伸,未来感十足的半透明防水鞋身,采用再生材质制造,从侧边延伸的圆形洞孔增加透气、灵活度,并注入特制鞋带,不只穿脱更加方便,也免去走在路上,鞋带突然松开的困扰。 PRADAXadidas以PRADA的帆船团队为灵感,打造全新具有 科技 机能感的+P LUNA ROSSA 21帆船运动鞋。 不同于之前的联名系列显眼地将PRADA与adidas标志放上鞋舌、鞋身,而是以红色织带印上Logo以及热压的方式,在鞋跟处展现身份,除此之外,+P LUNA ROSSA 21球鞋以联名系列鞋盒包装,附的收纳袋也改以防水机能的网状呈现,满满细节令人超想掏出荷包收藏。 Louis Vuitton I (RED),则延续LV爆款Trainer鞋型,篮球鞋的线条感、复古的红白皮革配色,再挂上Trainer系列标志性的吊牌,并以不容忽视的方式点缀满满的LV logo字样与Monogram老花图案,抢眼又吸睛。 每售出一双Louis Vuitton I (RED),品牌即捐赠200美元给(RED)组织。 12/1上市的Louis Vuitton I (RED),是LV携手对抗爱滋病组织(RED),推出的限量鞋,每售出一双Louis Vuitton I (RED),即捐赠200美元给(RED)组织,在投资单品之余还能做公益,也让购物多了一个别具意义的暖心理由了。


1、PRADA(普拉达)《穿PRADA的女王》中涉及到的主演的服饰品牌主要是由普拉达公司赞助的服装;因为有普拉达公司的赞助,设计师便让梅丽尔·斯特里普在影片中总穿着普拉达,从身上的衣服到脚上的鞋子,有40%属于普拉达的产品。2、CK3、Vivienne Westwood4、Rick Owens这些是另外的角色们穿的服装品牌。包括影片中秘书们都穿着CK、Vivienne Westwood、Rick Owens名牌的衣服。其余的一些都是帕翠西亚·菲尔德设计师亲自设计的服装,它是负责热门美剧《欲望都市》剧内服装的设计师。扩展资料剧情简介一个刚从学校毕业想当记者的女孩子安迪(安妮·海瑟薇饰演)在寻找工作无果的情况下进了一家顶级时装杂志天桥给总编当助手。然而好景不长,很快她发现她的工作简直是噩梦,因为这个女总编米兰达(梅丽尔·斯特里普饰演)对待所有的人都是那么尖酸刻薄,紧张的气氛蔓延在整个杂志社。这个时尚的女魔头无论公事私事都交给助手打理,把安迪折腾得苦不堪言。如在有飓风的时候,让安迪去找飞机把她从迈阿密送回纽约(原因是自己的双胞胎次日早上要在学校表演)。安迪的态度从一开始的得过且过,不为工作而改变自己,到后来主动换上了在时尚圈子里的衣服,完美地完成着她的工作。但最后通过与女魔头的交谈,发现自己得到了工作,却放弃了家人和朋友,并且为了工作上的进步要将别人狠狠打压下去之后毅然离开了杂志社并寻回了自己失落的幸福。参考资料来源:百度百科——穿普拉达的女王







中医医院用英语怎么说? 是不是 traditional hospital?

hospital of traditional Chinese medicine 因为中医药大学是:university of traditional Chinese medicine. 而楼主翻译的那个只是“传统医院”.

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SLC —— 斜距产品,单视复型数据,它保留了各波束模式可以得到的最优分辨率以及聚焦SAR数据的最优相位及幅度信息;数据做了卫星接收误差的校正 ,坐标是斜距,32位复数形式记录。SGF —— 地理参考产品,数据做过地距转换,且经过多视处理;图像经过标定,为轨道方向,16位记录。SGX —— 数据做过地距转换。图像经过标定,为轨道方向,16位记录。SGX产品的象元比SGF产品的较小,为的是保留全部信号信息,以便作图像后处理、增值处理的输入。SCN —— 窄幅SCANSAR产品,数据为8位或者16位可选( SCW宽幅SCANSAR产品)。SSG —— 地理编码系统校正产品,数据做过地图投影校正,8位或16位可选。SPG —— 地理编码精校正产品,数据经过地图投影校正,并使用了地面控制点,以提高定位精度, 8位或者16位可选。




radarsat2 雷达卫星是北京揽宇方圆的雷达卫星,在他们网上有详细记载:一共有六种模式,分别如下:― SLC(Single Look Complex),即单视复型产品。它采用单视处理,保留了SAR相应信息,以32 bit复数形式记录图像数据。该产品面向于具有相当处理水平和处理条件的用户。 ― SGX(SAR Georeferenced Extra Fine Resolution),即SAR地理参考超精细分辨率产品。该产品与SGF产品相仿,唯一的区别是SGX采用更小的象元尺寸,因而产品的数据量较大。 ― SGF(SAR Georeferenced Fine Resolution),即SAR地理参考精细分辨率产品。对标准模式、宽模式、超低和超高模式均采用12.5m×12.5m的象元尺寸和4视处理;对于精细模式,采用6.25m×6.25m的象元尺寸和单视处理。图像数据为16 bit无符号整型。 ― SCN(ScanSAR Narrow Beam),即窄幅ScanSAR产品。图象为25m×25m的象元尺寸,数据为8 bit无符号整型。 ― SCW(ScanSAR Wide Beam),即宽幅ScanSAR产品。图像为50m×50m的象元尺寸,数据为8 bit无符号整型。 ― SSG(SAR Systematically Geocoded),即SAR地理编码系统校正产品。该产品在SGF产品的基础上进行了地图投影校正。SSG产品的图像数据为16 bit或8 bit无符号整型,由用户自行选择。― SPG(SAR Precision Geocoded),即SAR地理编码精校正产品。该产品与SSG产品相仿,不同之处在于采用地面控制点对几何校正模型进行修正,从而大大提高了产品的几何精度。产品的图像数据为16 bit或8 bit无符号整型,由用户自行选择


加拿大的 Radarsat-1 是世界上第一个商业化的 SAR 运行系统 ( 图 3-27) ,由加拿大太空署、美国政府、加拿大私有企业于1995 年合作发射,卫星高度796km,倾角98. 6°,重复周期 24 天,轨道类型与太阳同步 ( 晨昏) 。目前,Radarsat 卫星图像主要应用于海冰监测、制图、地质勘探、海事监测、救灾减灾和农林资源监测,以及地球上的一些脆弱生境的保护等方面。表 3-14 QuickBird 卫星搭载传感器的主要参数表 3-15 QuickBird 卫星轨道参数Radarsatr-1 的合成孔径雷达系统 ( SAR) 采用 C 波段 ( 5. 6cm) HH 极化,它的突出的优点是,该系统有可变的波束选择方式,包括多种地面刈幅、分辨率、视角等,还有宽波束的扫描 “ScanSAR”方式。在数据收集时,可以使用二个、三个或四个单波束观测( 图 3-28) 。单波束包括标准模式、宽模式、精细模式、超高模式、超低模式; ScanSAR类包括窄扫描 “ScanSAR”和宽扫描 “ScanSAR”( 表 3-16) 。精细模式有最高的空间分辨率,最小的成像范围。标准模式有 7 个成像位置,优秀的图像质量。宽模式的分辨率与标准模式接近,成像范围更大,但这是以轻微牺牲图像质量为代价的。超低模式由于成像在最佳角度范围外,图像质量可能有少许降低。超高模式有 6 个成像位置,优秀的图像质量,但同样由于成像在最佳角度范围外,图像质量可能有少许降低。2007 年发射的 Radarsat-2,其主要图像传感器也是具有多种成像模式能力的 C 波段SAR 雷达,保留了 Radarsat-1 卫星目前所有的成像模式,并且包括了重要的创新和改进。Radarsat-2 采用多极化工作模式,大大增加可识别地物或目标的类别,可为用户提供 3 ~100m 分辨率、幅宽从 10 ~ 500km 范围的雷达数据,在原有水平极化 ( HH) 的基础上增加了垂直极化( VV) 和正交极化( HV或VH) ,四种极化模式将提供全面的极化数值设定。另外,每一个主要的成像模式能够在每一维提供 3m 一采样点的条带图像。由于无论在卫星轨道的左或者右边,所有成像模式均有效,所以卫星的再访时间缩短。图 3-27 Radarsat -1 卫星示意图图 3-28 Radarsat -1 卫星工作模式图表 3-16 Radarsat-1 星载雷达工作模式

AMD Radeon Vega 8 Graphics是独立显卡吗?为什么鲁大师显示独立显卡,电脑后面就没有两个显卡接口?


英语作文 《chinese traditional things 》

Chinese traditions play an integral role in everyday life for every person.It is at the very core of Chinese culture and revolves around values and how people interact with each other,gives a sense of personal identity and sense of self worth.These traditional values help people solve common human problems for survival and become the roots of tradition that Chinese people find important in their day-to-day lives. Values for one society may seem strange to another society,but nonetheless,they are important to that society.For instance,the painful and debilitating Chinese tradition of foot binding,as bizarre as it may seem to our culture,to the Chinese people,it was the esoteric essence of pure beauty and signified status within the family structure,allowing young women with lotus feet better opportunities for marriage with well-to-do families. Traditional Chinese courtyard life,in existence until the early 1900"s,was a unique lifestyle where Chinese families and neighbours lived in very close quarters – sharing a common courtyard and everyone knowing everyone else"s business.Special rules applied for who occupied which space in certain directions.Read more about it by clicking the link above. Chinese Chopsticks,born of necessity in the earliest times,highly influenced the eating and cooking traditions still followed today in China.Click on the link above to learn more about the history of Chinese chopsticks. Chinese knot Have you ever seen those beautiful tied Chinese knots?Did you know that each different design is a good luck wish?One of the most popular knots is double happiness,which in Chinese tradition is given to newlyweds,signifying a wish for their luck and happiness to double. Xing,Shi and Ming are the most common Chinese family names.There are only 22 ancient Chinese surnames still in use today.The family name indicated a blood tie within the Chinese social structure and was a symbol of class.In ancient China,5,000 to 6,000 years ago,women were the clan leaders and marriages were only allowed among certain classes. There are many colorful Chinese Festivals happening all year round.There are some major ones that span out over several days or several weeks that are celebrated all across China,and then there are the ones celebrated in different regions of China by the 53 different minority groups.Chinese Festivals offer a unique insight into the rich 5000 year history and traditions of China.If you are living in China,the Chinese people will graciously invite you to be part of their traditional celebrations.Click the link above to check out some interesting celebrations like Qing Ming - graveyard cleaning and picnic time,the Water Splashing Festival in Yunnan,Chinese Valentine"s Day,Dragon Boat Festival and more. leather cut shadow puppets Beijing Opera is a uniquely Chinese form of theatre that relates stories of romance,legend and battles.There used to be troupes that travelled China to put on the shows,but today,the best place to enjoy it is in Beijing.Chinese Shadow Puppetry is an ancient form of storytelling which was popular during the Song Dynasty during the holiday season.The stories of the shadow puppets told of events that had happened elsewhere in the country and stories with a Buddhist background.

高等数学~the radius of convergence】收敛半径,如何用图形表示,可以让人看透其本质?谢谢您




stone parade的《Paranoia》 歌词

歌曲名:Paranoia歌手:stone parade专辑:stratospherePlease could you stop the noise, Im trying get some rest. From all the unborn chicken, Voices in my head. Whats that, When i am king, You will be first against the wall With your opinions Which is of no consequence at all Ambition makes you look pretty ugly Kicking squeeling gucci little piggy You dont remember Why dont you remember my name anymore Off with his head man Why wont he remember my name? I guess he does oooohhhhhhhhh rain down Come on rain down on me From a great height Thats it sir, Youre leaving, The crackle of pig skin, The dust and the screaming, The yuppies networking, The panic, The vomit, God loves his children,http://music.baidu.com/song/28232912

the others are for higher grades是什么意思

the others are for higher grades其他人都是为了更高的年级

求旋律不是朗朗上口但是很有FEEL的英文歌类似u2的with or without you,radiohead的creep

u2 的 one love

英语翻译1.Would you mind if I turn down the radio?(保持原句意思)Would

1,mind后面加动名词,动名词和名词一样,只能用物主代词修饰,如你只能说my book,不能说me book. 2,因为what是主语,what was the matter本身就是主系表结构,是正语序,不需要再颠倒. 3,先说B,B本身就是正语序,who是主语,has broken是谓语,后面的是宾语.宾语从句应该是正语序,B符合.D是语境不符,have gone表示已经去了哪里,已经不在你身边了,你不可能和他说话.英语用法来源于祖先,祖先是没有电话的. 4,看来你不会辨认正语序,B就是正语序,which是主语,is是系动词,the way是表语,后面是修饰的.不能总看见疑问代词加谓语就认为是倒装,你可知疑问代词能做主语乎? 5,当然不等于,agree with是动词短语,能做谓语,而后者是介词短语,只能做表语.用法很不相同.

Radiohead的《Yes I Am》 歌词

歌曲名:Yes I Am歌手:Radiohead专辑:CreepYes I AmRadioheadi resent you callingi resent your voicei resent that i don"t have a choiceanywhere i goyou are always thereoutside the caror in my hairi think i"ve been here beforeyes i"ve been here beforethe last time you lockedall the doorsand i resent you callingi resent your voicei resent that i don"t have a choiceand yes i amReally...yes i ami think i"ve been here beforeyes i"ve been here beforebut this time i kick down your doorAnd I resent you callingI resent your voiceI resent that IDon"t have a choiceAnd yes I amReally...Yes I amhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1347474

服务中的MSSQL Server,MSSQLserverADHelper,MYSQL各是什么?各有什么用?启动类型又各是什么?

MSSQL Server是启动Microsoft SQL Server的服务,只有这项启动,才可以使用SQL ServerMSSQLserverADHelper也是跟Microsoft SQL Server有关MYSQL是启动MySql的服务,只有这项启动,才可以使用MySql启动类型可以选自动或手动,如果手动的话关机后再次想使用SQL Server或者MySql就要再次启动

un comtrade怎么查找比重


Youth paradise是什么意思

青春乐园 青春失乐园Paradise lost youthyouth  Paradise lost


不知道歌词行不kokoro ni kagi wo kaketamama tsumetai taido de kamen wo minitsukeru darega boku no sugao shitteiru darou? kimi no hoka niwa jibun no rowasamo tsuyoimo sarake dashitainante yichido mo omowazuni namida kakushitekita hontou no kao wo miserareru hito sagashitsuzuketeta kimi wo ushinaenai You"re My Destiny shinjitemitai eien no imi wa mada wakaranai kedo You"re My Destiny ashita no yume wo tsuzureba sore ga unme ni kawaru Say you"ll share with me one love kono te ni tsukamitoru tameni heiki de kizu tsukete kokomade ikitekita dakedo kodoku dakega kono bokuno teni nokosareta mono nani mo nozomanai kimi ga sobani ireba You"re My Destiny kokoro wo akete uchiaketai yuzurenai omoiwo You"re My Destiny kanjiru kizuna futari no deai unmeinandato Say you"ll share with me one love You"re My Destin kanjitemitai… You"re My Destiny ashita no yume wo… You"re My Destiny kokoro wo akete uchiaketai yuzurenai omoiwo You"re My Destiny kanjiru kizuna Say you"ll share with me one love futari no deai unmeinandato

麻烦翻译this masquerade歌词。


This Masquerade中文歌词

Are we really happy with this lonely game we play 在我们导演的这场孤寂游戏里 你我是否开心 Looking for words to say 找寻著想说的字眼 Searching but not finding 搜寻著但却没有发现 Understanding anyway We"re lost in this masquerade 知道无论如何 我们迷失在这场伪装中 Both afraid to say 彼此都害怕开口 We"re just too far away 我们实在离得太远 From being close together 离亲密相处太远 From the start 离开始太远 We tried to talk it over 我们试著把话说开 But the words got in the way We"re lost inside但话一到口边 就又说不出口 This lonely game we play 你我导演著这孤寂的游戏 Thoughts of leaving disappear 想过就此离开消失 Each time I see your eyes 每次注视著你的双眼 no matter how hard I try to understand the reason 无论我多努力试著想了解原因 Why we carry on this way 怎麼我们会一直这样 We"re lost in a masquerade 迷失於彼此的伪装中

谁可以给我卡朋特的《化装舞会》的歌词,英文名字好像是the masquerade,谢谢!

歌手:carpenters [ti:this masquerade]are we really happy with this lonely game we play,looking for the right words to say?searching but not finding -- understanding anyway,we"re lost in this masquerade.both afraid to say we"re just too far awayfrom being close together from the start.we try to talk it over, but the words got in the waywe"re lost inside this lonely game we play.thoughts of leaving disappear each time i see your eyes,and no matter how hard i tryto understand the reason why we carry on this waywe"re lost in this masquerade.we try to talk it over, but the words got in the waywe"re lost inside this lonely game we play.we"re lost in a masquerade.and we"re lost in a masquerade

this masquerade的中英对照歌词

版本一:Are we really happy with  在这孤独的游戏中This lonely game we play  我们真的玩得开心吗Looking for the right words to say  寻找得体的话Searching but not finding  寻觅却无法找到Understanding anyway  总之心有灵犀We"re lost in this masquerade  我们已迷失在这化装舞会中Both afraid to say we"re just too far away  你我都不愿承认From being close together from the start  我们早已不似起初那样在一起We tried to talk it over  我们试图谈一谈But the words got in the way  却欲言又止We"re lost inside this lonely game we play  我们已迷失在我们玩得孤独游戏中(*) Thoughts of leaving disappear  每当四目相对Each time I see your eyes  离开你的念头便散去And no matter how hard I try  无论我如何努力To understand the reason  去理解为什么Why we carry on this way  我们这般继续下去And we"re lost in this masquerade  我们已迷失在这化装舞会中We tried to talk it over  试图谈一谈But the words got in the way  却欲言又止We"re lost inside this lonely game we play  我们已迷失在我们玩的这孤独游戏中Repeat (*)  重复We"re lost in a masquerade  我们已迷失在这化装舞会中版本二:(蓝子湛 译)Are we really happy withthis lonely game we play  Looking for the right words to say  Searching but not findingunderstanding anyway  We"ve lost in this masquerade  Both afraid to say we"re just too far away  from being close together from the start  We tried to talk it over  but the words got in the way  We"ve lost inside this lonely game we play在这场孤独游戏中我们真正快乐吗苦求着得体的话却找不到无论如何我能理解我们迷失在这化装舞会我们都怕告诉对方已经距离彼此太远  最初紧密相依不再我们试图深谈一场可言语却如鲠在喉我们迷失在这化装舞会Thoughts of leaving disappeareach time I see your eyes  And no matter how hard I try  to understand the reasonwhy we carry on this way  We"ve lost in this masquerade每当我们的目光相对离场的念头转瞬即逝我苦苦思索为何我们一路前行至此我们迷失在这化装舞会  We tried to talk it overbut the words got in the way  We"ve lost inside this lonely game we play  Thoughts of leaving disappear  each time I see your eyes  And no matter how hard I try  to understand the reason  why we carry on this wayWe"ve lost in this masqueradeWe"ve lost in a masquerade  我们试图深谈一场可言语却如鲠在喉我们迷失在这化装舞会每当我们的目光相对离场的念头转瞬即逝我苦苦思索为何我们一路前行至此我们迷失在这化装舞会我们迷失在场化装舞会

This Masquerade 歌词

歌曲名:This Masquerade歌手:George Lam专辑:George Lam Series 1: LamThis masquerade-Carpenter 化装舞会(卡朋特)Are we really happy.With this lonely game we play.Looking 4 the right words 2 say.Searching but not finding.Understanding anyway.We"re lost in this masquerade.Both afraid 2 say.We"re just too far away.From being close together from the start.We try 2 talk it over.But the words got in the way.We"re lost inside this lonely game we play.Thoughts of leaving disappear.Each time I see Ur eyes.And no matter how hard I try.To understand the reason.Why we carry on this way.We"re lost in a masquerade.And we"re lost in a masquerade.http://music.baidu.com/song/2927080

This Masquerade 歌词

歌曲名:This Masquerade歌手:Leon Russell专辑:RetrospectiveThis masquerade-Carpenter 化装舞会(卡朋特)Are we really happy.With this lonely game we play.Looking 4 the right words 2 say.Searching but not finding.Understanding anyway.We"re lost in this masquerade.Both afraid 2 say.We"re just too far away.From being close together from the start.We try 2 talk it over.But the words got in the way.We"re lost inside this lonely game we play.Thoughts of leaving disappear.Each time I see Ur eyes.And no matter how hard I try.To understand the reason.Why we carry on this way.We"re lost in a masquerade.And we"re lost in a masquerade.http://music.baidu.com/song/3486520

This Masquerade 歌词

歌曲名:This Masquerade歌手:GEORGE BENSON专辑:The Essential George Benson傅薇 - This Masquerade作词:Leon Russell 作曲:Leon RussellAre we really happy withThis lonely game we playLooking for the right words to saySearching but not findingUnderstanding anywayWe"re lost in this masqueradeBoth afraid to sayWe"re just too far awayFrom being close together from the startWe tried to talk it overBut the words got in the wayWe"re lost inside this lonely game we playThroughts of leaving disappearEach time I see your eyesAnd no matter how hard I tryTo understand the reasonWhy we carry on this wayAnd we"re lost in this masqueradeBoth afraid to sayWe"re just too far awayFrom being close together from the startWe tried to talk it overBut the words got in the wayWe"re lost inside this lonely game we playThroughts of leaving disappearEach time I see your eyesAnd no matter how hard I tryTo understand the reasonWhy we carry on this wayAnd we"re lost in this masqueradeAnd we"re lost in this masqueradehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8722685

This Masquerade 歌词

歌曲名:This Masquerade歌手:susan wong专辑:Close To YouAre we really happy.With this lonely game we play.Looking 4 the right words 2 say.Searching but not finding.Understanding anyway.We"re lost in this masquerade.Both afraid 2 say.We"re just too far away.From being close together from the start.We try 2 talk it over. But the words got in the way.We"re lost inside this lonely game we play.Thoughts of leaving disappear.Each time I see Ur eyes.And no matter how hard I try.To understand the reason.Why we carry on this way.We"re lost in this masquerade.Both afraid 2 say. We"re just too far away.From being close together from the start.We try 2 talk it over.But the words got in the way.We"re lost inside this lonely game we play.Thoughts of leaving disappear.Each time I see Ur eyes.And no matter how hard I try.To understand the reason.Why we carry on this way.We"re lost in this masquerade.We"re lost in a masquerade.http://music.baidu.com/song/56537924

This masquerade(化妆舞会) 歌词

歌曲名:This masquerade(化妆舞会)歌手:贵族乐团专辑:最爱爵士情歌1(爵色恋曲)This masquerade(化妆舞会)贵族乐团How we really happy hereWith this lonely game we playLooking for the words to saySearching but not findingUnderstanding anywayWe"re lost in this masqueradeBoth afraid to sayWe"re just too far awayFrom being close together from the starWe tried to talk it overBut the words got in the wayWe"re lost insideThis lonely game we playThoughts of leaving disappearEvery time I see your eyesNo matter how hard I tryTo understand the reasonThat we carry on this wayWe"re lost in this masqueradeThoughts of leaving disappearEvery time I see your eyesNo matter how hard I tryTo understand the reasonThat we carry on this wayWe"re lost in this masquerade…We"re lost in this masquerade…We"re lost in this masquerade…译文:化装舞会我们在孤寂的游戏中嘻闹一起乐在其中想找些话说却寻获不到无论如何请你了解我俩都在这化装舞会中迷失了我们都害怕说出彼此距离如此遥远即使与星辰相比 是如此近在咫尺我们试着将话说开当一切出口后我们却迷失在其中嘻闹的孤寂游戏中想要躲藏我的身影每次望见你的眼睛无论我多么努力试着了解原因为何我们这样持续下去我俩都在这化装舞会中迷失了想要躲藏我的身影每次望见你的眼睛无论我多么努力试着了解原因为何我们这样持续下去我俩都在这化装舞会中迷失了我俩都在这化装舞会中迷失了…我俩都在这化装舞会中迷失了…http://music.baidu.com/song/20727676

叛逆的鲁鲁修插曲Masquerade Hitomi歌词

Masquerade 歌:Hitomi words & music by 黒石ひとみ ココロにをかけたまま 紧缩主心门 冷(つめ)たい态度(たいど)で 仮面(かめん)を 身(み)につける 戴着面具的我是如此冷漠 だれが仆(ぼく)の素颜(すなお) 除了你以外 知(し)っているだろう? 君(きみ)のほかには 有谁会知道我真正的面孔 自分(じぶん)の弱(よわ)さも强(つよ)さも 从来未曾想过 さらけ出(だ)したいなんて 一度(いちど)も思(おも)わずに 向谁倾诉我的坚强与软弱 涙(なみだ)かくしてきた 一直隐藏着泪水 本当(ほんとう)の颜(かお)を见(み)せられる人 去面对能够真心以对的人 探(かが)し続(つづ)けてた 君(きみ)を失(うし な)えない 决不能失去 寻觅已久的你 You"re My Destiny 你就是我的命运 信(しん)じてみたい 我愿尝试去相信 永远(えいえん)の意味(いみ)はまだわからないけど 即使我不曾懂得永恒的意义 You"re My Destiny 你就是我的命运 あしたのユメを 抒写明天的梦想 缀(つづ)ればそれが运命(うんめい)に変わる 它就将成为我崭新的命运 Say you"ll share with me one love 告诉我 你愿与我分享爱情 この手(て)につかみとるために 为了实现心中的梦想 平気(へいき)で伤(きず)つけて ここまで生(い)きてきた 冷漠地伤害他人 直至今天 だけど孤独(こどく)だけが 可残留在我手中的 この仆(ぼく)の手(て)に残(のこ)されたもの 只剩下无尽的孤独 何)なに)も望(おぞ)まない 君(きみ)がそばにいれば 别无所求 只要你陪伴身边 You"re My Destiny 你就是我的命运 ココロを开(あ)けて 愿为你敞开心扉 打(う)ち明(あ)けたいゆずれない想(おも)いを 向你吐露我难以割舍的思念 You"re My Destiny 你就是我的命运 感(かん)じるキズナ 我感受到的羁绊 二人(ふたり)の出会(であ)い运命(うんめい)なんだ 我与你的相遇 正是所谓的命运 Say you"ll share with me one love 告诉我 你愿与我分享爱情 You"re My Destiny 你就是我的命运 信(しん)じてみたい... 我愿尝试去相信... You"re My Destiny 你就是我的命运 あしたのユメを... 抒写明天的梦想... You"re My Destiny 你就是我的命运 ココロを开(あ)けて 愿为你敞开心扉 打(う)ち明(あ)けたいゆずれない想(おも)いを 向你吐露我难以割舍的思念 You"re My Destiny 你就是我的命运 感(かん)じるキズナ 我感受到的羁绊 二人(ふたり)の出会(であ)い运命(うんめい)なんだ 我与你的相遇 正是所谓的命运 Say you"ll share with me one love 告诉我 你愿与我分享爱情

This Masquerade 歌词

This Masquerade·歌词 This MasqueradeCarpenter Are we really happy withThis lonely game we playLooking for the right words to saySearching but not findingUnderstanding anywayWe"re lost in this masqueradeBoth afraid to say we"re just too far awayFrom being close together from the startWe tried to talk it overBut the words got in the wayWe"re lost inside this lonely game we play(*) Throughts of leaving disappearEach time I see your eyesAnd no matter how hard I tryTo understand the reasonWhy we carry on this wayAnd we"re lost in this masqueradeWe tried to talk it overBut the words got in the wayWe"re lost inside this lonely game we playRepeat (*)We"re lost in a masquerade

帮我翻译一下这句 Can we drop this masquerade?




Masquerade Ball 歌词

歌曲名:Masquerade Ball歌手:Eden"s Curse专辑:Confession Of Fate: The Best Of Eden"s Curse标题:Masquerade Ball艺术家:Eden"s CurseLadies adn GentlemenCan I have your attention please?Remove all your masksThen get down on your kneesLet us see your eyesThey"re the windows to the soulWe can see beyond the liesAnd seek the truth as a wholeWelcom to the Masquerade BallWhere the last one standin" takes it allWelcome to the Masquerade BallWhere the truth"s uncovered reveal it allLadies and GentlemenYou gotta stand right here in lineWe wanna see you one by oneAnd you"d better not declineYou might try to runBut the door is bolted tightThere"s nowhere you can turnTime to meet the maker tonightWelcom to the Masquerade BallWhere the last one standin" takes it allWelcome to the Masquerade BallWhere the truth"s uncovered reveal it allWelcom to the Masquerade BallWhere the last one standin" takes it allWelcome to the Masquerade BallWhere the truth"s uncovered reveal it allWelcom to the Masquerade BallWhere the last one standin" takes it allWelcome to the Masquerade BallWhere the truth"s uncovered reveal it all金属梦:66032164http://music.baidu.com/song/53738580


日本动画《宇宙骑士》插曲演唱:小坂由美子 歌词:小坂由美子 作曲:小坂由美子 编曲:根岸贵之歌曲出处:日本动画「宇宙骑士」第48话和Evil决战时的插曲歌曲背景介绍:父亲和妹妹被外星人杀害惨死哥哥和弟弟异化变成敌人心中只有对Radam的狂怒和仇恨的D-boy虽然变成了Radam仍然不改对哥哥的仰慕的Evil一心只想超越他的Evil爱和恨的两个人重金属摇滚的曲风小坂小姐也唱得十分动情几乎到了“声嘶力竭”的地步……将D-boy内心中的绝望和愤慨爱怜和觉悟都完美地表现了出来绝佳的一首作品「我赢了……是吧我胜过哥哥了……终于胜过哥哥了……本该高兴才对可现在却很心痛……想一直和哥哥竞争到底的现在……却失去了目标了……」冰冷的假面下是悲哀的深渊

the masquerade 歌词

歌曲名:the masquerade歌手:Stevie Wonder专辑:Tribute to Uncle RayMy blue horizon is turning grayAnd my dreams are drifting awayYour eyes don"t shine like they used to shineAnd the thrill is gone when your lips meet mineI"m afraid the masquerade is overAnd so is love, and so is loveYour love and so is loveI guess I"ll have to play Pagliacci and get myself a clown"s disguiseAnd learn to laugh like Pagliacci with tears in my eyesYou look the sameYou"re a lot the sameBut my heart says "No, no, you"re not the same"I"m afraid the masquerade is overAnd so is love, and so is loveYour words don"t mean what they used to meThey were once inspired, now they"re just routineI"m afraid the masquerade is overhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14518314


Hip Shaker, Dream Maker 摇晃臀部的人,制造梦想的人 Heart Breaker, Earth Quaker 令人心碎的人,令大地震动的人 I can be anything that you want me to 只要你想我可以成为任何人 Coin Spender, Mind Bender, 挥金如土的人,令人幻想的人 Jet Setter, Go Getter 有效率的人,积极能干的人 Changing my get up for anything you choose 为你所选择的改变我的装饰 I don"t mind trying on someone else 我不介意尝试成为其他人 I won"t mind seeing just how it felt 我不介意看看这样感觉如何 I might like changing my disguise 我不介意改变我的装扮 To make you happy 让你开心 Here"s my formal invitation 这是我正式的邀请 You and me go masquerading 你和我一起伪装 Lose ourselves in this charade and 在这神秘的游戏里迷失自我 Is this love we"re imitating? 这是我们模仿的爱吗? Do we want, what we"ve got? 我们得到的是我们想的吗? If not I, say so what 如果不是我说那又怎麼样 Here"s my formal invitation 这是我正式的邀请 La la la la You can be my... 你可以成为我的 School Teacher, Mind Reader, 学校老师,读心术师 Dream Weaver, 梦想纺织师 Just be the One I can count on to play it up with me 只要成为那位我可以期待试著跟我在一 起的 Hot Waiter, Cool Skater, 性感的侍者,冷酷的滑雪者 Trail Blazer, Pose Major 开拓者,装腔作势的成年人 Naughty or nice whatever you want to be 好或坏不管你想成为什麼 You want to try on someone else 你想尝试成为其他人 You might like seeing how it felt 你可能喜欢看看这样感觉如何 Do you mind changing your disguise If it makes me happy? 如果能让我开心你会介意改变你的 装扮吗? Here"s my formal invitation 这是我正式的邀请 You and me go masquerading 你和我一起伪装 Lose ourselves in this charade and 在这神秘的游戏里迷失自我 Is this love we"re imitating? 这是我们模仿的爱吗? Do we want, what we"ve got? 我们得到的是我们想的吗? If not I, say so what 如果不是我说那又怎麼样 Here"s my formal invitation 这是我正式的邀请 (Let"s go, let"s go masquerading) 我们走,我们去伪装 We"ll make it fun 我们会让它很有趣 When it"s over and Done I still want you 当它完结时我还想让你 To see the real me 看看真的我 No more disguises 再也没有伪装 Let"s let true love decide 让真爱决定 if We should be together 我们是否应该在一起 Here"s my formal invitation 这是我正式的邀请 You and me go masquerading 你和我一起伪装 Lose ourselves in this charade and 在这神秘的游戏里迷失自我 Is this love we"re imitating? 这是我们模仿的爱吗? Do we want, what we"ve got? 我们得到的是我们想的吗? If not I, say so what 如果不是我说那又怎麼样 Here"s my formal invitation 这是我正式的邀请 (Let"s go, let"s go masquerading) 我们走,我们去伪装 la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

Eric Saade的masquerade歌词

Eric Saade—masquerade She"s surreal She"s dangerous and no one else can match those eyes She"s concealed So mysterious, that nobody can catch her lies Drop this game of fame No one can win I believe this can be serious if I can get under her skin We"re both in this masquerade What can I do to see you The girl behind the mask Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade Everytime we sit around and talk I try to turn her inside out I get closer but still miles away from getting what she"s all about Stop this masquerade No one can win I believe this can be serious If I can get under your skin We"re both in this masquerade What can I do to see you The girl behind the mask Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade I"m confused and I just don"t know what to be for you I"m so vulnerable I need you to confess your love for me A masquerade, a masquerade A masquerade, a masquerade A masquerade, a masquerade A masquerade, a masquerade We"re both in this masquerade What can I do to see you The girl behind the mask Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade A masquerade Our love was just a masquerade I wanna get to know you The girl behind the mask I want a chance to feel you The girl behind the mask

2PM masquerade 罗马歌词

Masquerade JUN.K:masquerade~~~ 佑荣:why~ki ga le ai,you and I,ma i de mu la gu,giu ty Nichkhun:E~mo duo ha ya ku ,de ar de da la 灿成:tuo me e da ne lai , ar E sai ya 俊昊:Masquerade,kon la ni mo ,I need you,I miss you ki mi yo day and night, mo tuo me de ,she ma wu JUN.K:its why it wo,ka me un de,ko ko lo ,ka ku sa la it de dance dance dance, sa ku ku la ,it ta mi ,masquerade Nichkhun:Please ,tell me now,kuo nuo ar E luo ,can she ka ta o ,oh god 佑荣:Ice,show ji ki sa, mi zi me nai it de, kuo le E zu wu wa ,re zu JUN.K:Masquerade,do she te mo ,I need you I miss you ki mi wa only one, ka wa ni wa ,E la E 俊昊:ki zi wa it luo ,ka me un luo ,suo wo duo ,ka zi xi you me de cry cry cry, A ye un da ,ho xi yi 泽演:Listen ,ku do ku do ki mi lo ko brown brown , no need ni she could you comes aroud , backer lu ar du bang yo ni , summer summer like you yo ni ga e lu yo, star da de lo him mi zu , o mo it ta si gi like xi sis o , so o so like ke ma si ha ji xi , le ga le could you be the need ,I kiss you girl. 灿成:kuo lo te no ba xi de,hu ba it sa it da it JUN.K: na ni mo it na na it ,ki mi sa it E le wa 俊昊:Masquerade,kon la ni mo,i need you i miss you ki mi yo day and night, mo tuo me de,she might wu JUN.K: his why ni wo ,ka me nu mo ,ku ta mi,lu it su te yo o dance dance dance, ha la sa lai,ni duo tuo ,masqueradae

masqurade nicki歌词

Masquerade(假面舞会)--Nicki Minaj(妮琪米娜)Feel the beat at the drumMove like you really wanna be number oneYou could beat out the compRun like you really wanna be at the topStop, adrenaline by causeYou have been identified as a hustlerTopical discussion repeat it like a percussionChuck the douce up, and tell "em is just loveDamn digged a dugLike "em run state mag cause we living it upShelve tops is onAnd I pop it, like i"m poppingLike a popping sin call------And now, I don"t wanna take youIf we fall dowDon"t get upset, and now it"s just the beginningAnd we"ll figure it somehow------Right now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight, now, it"s something you createdIt"s never ever too lateIt"s never ever too lateRight nowOkay to make a mistakeYeah baby this is your dayIt"s time to masquerade-----Bass bassFeel the bass in ya faceHit the finish lineFirst place in the raceYes, king kong on ya chestRunning and i"m coming upBaton to your leftYup, you could be who you wantYou could be who you isNever be who you aren"tNever ever fall on the pressureDesperate times, get desperate mesureDamn digged a dugLike "em run state mag cause we living it upShelve tops is onAnd I pop it, like i"m poppingLike a popping sin call-----And now, I don"t wanna take youIf we fall dowDon"t get upset, and now it"s just the beginningAnd we"ll figure it somehow-----Right now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight, now, it"s something you createdIt"s never ever too lateIt"s never ever too lateRight nowOkay to make a mistakeYeah baby this is your dayIt"s time to masquerade------I"ma call ya afro cause you never baldF-ck all you bitches and i"ll never callNext day, suck my test dayI aint" playing gamesBit my check mateRing 019, ring 019, ring 019All my party people let me ya one time-----Right now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight, now, it"s something you createdIt"s never ever too lateIt"s never ever too lateRight nowOkay to make a mistakeYeah baby this is your dayIt"s time to masqueradeRight now




词根为masqu 即 mask 面具ade 是表名词的后缀


Masquerade歌曲歌词的中文意思:假面舞会 在心房添上紧密的锁 为自己带上冷峻的面具 有谁知道我真实的面容 除了你以外 我未曾想过 要显露自身的坚强与懦弱 总是隐藏泪水 我不断寻找能目睹自己真实面容之人 不愿错过你 你是我的命运 我想试着相信 虽然我还未明白永远的意思 你是我的命运 将明日的梦想 装订成册的话便能制成命运 说你将与我共享一份爱恋 为了亲手掌握命运 我冷漠的伤害一切,如此生存至今 然后唯有孤独 残留在我的手心 我别无他求,只要你在我身边 你是我的命运 敞开心扉 想要宣明不可出卖的思念 你是我的命运 感同身受的牵绊 它说我们的邂逅是命运 说你将与我共享一份爱恋 你是我的命运 我想试着去相信 你是我的命运 将明日的梦想 你是我的命运 敞开心扉 想要宣明不可出卖的思念 你是我的命运 感同身受的牵绊 它说我们的邂逅是命运 说你将与我共享一份爱恋 希望以上答案能对你有所帮助

求《歌剧魅影》中Masquerade 的歌词

我们是否真的快乐 在这个孤单的游戏场合 试着找些话题说说 尽力寻找却怎样也得不到答案 我们迷失在这场化装舞会 我们都不敢道破 当我们决定互相走近的时候 彼此之间的距离其实无法越过 试着交谈却无话可说 我们在这个孤单的游戏中迷失 当我看到你的双眼就无法离开 我试图寻找继续这样下去的理由 却一无所获 我们迷失在这场化装舞会里

Masquerade: Waltz 歌词

歌曲名:Masquerade: Waltz歌手:Philharmonia Orchestra&Efrem Kurtz专辑:100 Best Romantic ClassicsWaltz分享:Morrison_TsaiRide on, rideTowa ni atta lifeAme wa arifureta loveevery time nobody calls my nameAi shita sa nobody calls my nameOn your lips, on your lipsYukedo naki by your sideSore wa stay hitori ukanderu wa mindeverywhen please don"t close your eyeseverywhen please don"t close your eyesSentence in clouds...And the radio turns on, so IIma saiai no kimi yo good-byeKimi wo ima omou mienai kuraiKaze ni naru you ni swayride on, rideKnock, unknockMune wa skyai wa swingSuki na hibi ga utsurisumu greendrakevarying with every change of lightItsu kara ka every change of lifeSentence in cloudsover the linefree as the skyThen the radio turns on, so IIma saiai no yume yo good-byeKimi wa ima mou shiri enai kuraiKaze ni naru you ni swayride on, rideRide on, rideTowa ni atta lifeKimi kara wa tsutaenakute farevery time nobody calls my nameAi shita sa nobody calls my nameThe radio turns on, so IIma saiai no kimi yo good-byeKimi wo ima omou mienai kuraiUta ni naru better daysride on, rideThen the radio turned on, so IIma saiai no hibi yo good-byeeverywhen please don"t close your eyeseverywhen please don"t close your eyessentence in cloudsnobody calls my namehttp://music.baidu.com/song/6181155


在心房添上紧密的锁 为自己带上冷峻的面具 有谁知道我真实的面容 除了你以外 我未曾想过 要显露自身的坚强与懦弱 总是隐藏泪水 我不断寻找能目睹自己真实面容之人 不愿错过你 你是我的命运 我想试着相信 虽然我还未明白永远的意思 你是我的命运 将明日的梦想 装订成册的话便能制成命运 说你将与我共享一份爱恋 为了亲手掌握命运 我冷漠的伤害一切,如此生存至今 然后唯有孤独 残留在我的手心 我别无他求,只要你在我身边 你是我的命运 敞开心扉 想要宣明不可出卖的思念 你是我的命运 感同身受的牵绊 它说我们的邂逅是命运 说你将与我共享一份爱恋 你是我的命运 我想试着去相信 你是我的命运 将明日的梦想 你是我的命运 敞开心扉 想要宣明不可出卖的思念 你是我的命运 感同身受的牵绊 它说我们的邂逅是命运 说你将与我共享一份爱恋(保证OK,我找了好多地方的,人家博客都进了!!!!!!!!!)

iptable masquerade中源地址选择问题

在iptable/ip6table上可以在nat table上完成SNAT和DNAT操作。SNAT指将匹配ip包的源地址进行修改,DNAT指将匹配ip包的目的地址进行修改。 在iptables命令上,SNAT书写规则需要写下SNAT转换的目标地址,这里必须明确写出自己需要转换成的地址 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j snat –to-source 但是在某些场合,iptable规则编写的时候源ip地址并不固定或可获取。那么此时Linux引入了masquerade动作,这个规则的意思就是Ip包从哪个interface出去,那么src ip就转换为此interface的ip地址。 那么当一个interface上有多个ip地址的时候怎么办呢?例如下面的接口eth0有两个相同网段的ip地址,那么masquerade会选择哪一个ip作为源ip地址呢?例如下面的情况 总体上来讲,masquerade在选择源ip地址时刻的选择规则其实和路由选择的源地址选择是一致的。最简单的获取masquerade源地址的方法是通过下面命令: ip route get <dstip> 这在Linux源码上看得更清楚,下面是ipv4场景下masquerade选源路由的方法 上表中inet_select_addr(out,nh,RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE)就是根据out,路由,选择源ip地址的过程。 在ipv4场景上,masquerade 源地址选择和路由源地址选择是也就是一致的,但是在ipv6场合就有一定的区别了。 ipv6场景下masquerade动作的执行函数为: 可见它的核心函数为ipv6_dev_get_saddr(),此函数执行的就是ipv6地址协议规定的源地址选择逻辑。而ipv6路由选择源地址函数实现为: 可以看到在ipv6 路由选择源地址中,并不是第一选择ipv6_dev_get_saddr()函数的。而是先选择ipv6 route 表中选路结果是否设置了prefsrc。上述函数中入参rt表示的是ipv6 route 路由表选择的entry。ipv6路由选择具体由ip6_route_output()—>fib6_fule_lookup查询而来。 是否设置了ipv6路由的prefer src可以通过ip -6 route list 命令查看到,例如: 可以看到针对2001::/64网段的dest ip,选路是eth0,prefer src为 2001::dbc:71 设置路由entry的prefer src命令为:ip -6 route add 2001::/64 dev eth0 scope link src 2001::dbc:71 metric 15 ipv6协议中规定了严格源地址/目标地址选择机制,主要涉及到RFC 3484.也就是说当ipv6源地址尚未确定时刻,按照RFC3484规定的 8条规则 选择一个源ip地址。这8条规则(rules)是有优先级的,从优先级从高到低排列如下: 所谓ipv6地址的scope(作用域)分为下面几类: ipv6在选择地址时刻,还会进行目的地址和源地址的Label匹配,当匹配到固定的一对label时刻,匹配完成: 1.匹配时刻是按照目标地址最长前缀匹配方式,就是前缀匹配长度最长的label获胜,如此选出一个目标label; 2.按照源地址最长前缀匹配方式,找到一个label,这就是源label; 下面命令可以查看lpv6 address label ip addrlabel list 单接口上有多个ip地址的时刻,masquerade源地址选择方式如下: blog.csdn.net/dog250/article/details/87815123


『重要大事全部丢到一边』自分(じぶん)で自分を苦しめ(くるしめ)ているシュウジン 『像囚人般自己折磨自己 』そんな仆にサヨナラさTransformation


Masquerade Backstreet 后街Listen up 听着This ain"t so ironic 这并没有讽刺意味smoking mirrors, 障眼法lights and magic 灯光和魔术People"s faces are gold 把人们的脸照耀成金黄色Theres soldier boys, 那些士兵们beauty queens, 美女皇后everyone"s a mystery 大家都是一个谜 It"s like were losing control 就像快失去控制Yearning I"m yearning 渴望 我渴望Put the wonder dust in my eyes 把莫名的尘埃放入我眼中Gonna play in this game of disguise 加入这伪装的游戏It"s a masquerade 这是个化妆舞会A love parade 爱情游行So won"t you stay 所以,你难道不愿留下And dance with me 与我共舞All through the light of day 经过光天化日My masquerade 我的化妆舞会I need you baby 我需要你,宝贝So stay with me tonight 今晚请你留下Masquerade 化妆舞会Masquerade 化妆舞会Masquerade 化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Just like a perfect dream 就像一场完美的梦I don"t ever wanna leave 我甚至不想离开A thousand freaks in a show 千种奇珍异兽在这里Ones a tiger, 其中一只是老虎Ones a lynx 其中一只是山猫Ones the king of suffering 还有一个受尽折磨的国王Oh and I move below 哦,我往下移动Burning I"m burning 燃烧,我在燃烧Can"t you see it in my eyes 难道你从我眼中看不到Wanna play in this game of disguise 我想要加入这场伪装游戏It"s a masquerade 这是个化妆舞会A love parade 爱情游行# So won"t you stay 所以,你难道不愿留下And dance with me 与我共舞All through the light of day 经过光天化日My masquerade 我的化妆舞会I need you baby 我需要你,宝贝So stay with me tonight 今晚请你留下Masquerade 化妆舞会Oh~ masquerade 哦~化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会Masquerade化妆舞会I gotta know 我必须知道That girl behind the mask 面具后面的那个女孩Let me in 让我瞧瞧Where you"ve been 我曾在那里见过你 Don"t pretend 别再假装Don"t gotta hide no 别再掩饰,不Show your face to me 让我看看你的脸We could be 我们将成为Everything 一切So masquerade 所以,化妆舞会A love parade 是一场爱的游行Chorus#


Masquerade ((以鲁鲁的立场而倾诉)) ココロに键をかけたまま 往往内心被系上了枷锁 冷たい态度で 仮面を身につける 予以冷漠的态度 假面带于此身 だれが仆の素颜 知っているだろう? 有谁知晓本尊? 君のほかには 除了你以外 ... ((以夏利的立场而倾诉)) 自分の弱さも强さも 自己软弱也好,强大也好 さらけ出したいなんて 一度も思わずに 都想完全的尽情的展现出来 哪怕只有一次也好 涙かくしてきた 眼泪就如此的滑落下来 本当の颜を见せられる人 当看到那人本来面貌之时 .. 探し続けてた 君を失えない 持续追寻探索着 不想就此失去你.. You"re My Destiny 你是我的命运 信じてみたい 好想就这样的相信你 永远の意味はまだわからないけど 虽然还不知晓“永远”的含义 You"re My Destiny 你是我的命运 あしたのユメを 缀ればそれが运命に変わる 我拼接着自己的梦想 命运也因此为之改变 Say you"ll share with me one love 请承诺你将分予我一份爱情 ((以鲁鲁的立场而倾诉)) この手につかみとるために 为了达到目的我用了那样的手段 平気で伤つけて ここまで生きてきた 谖抟庵芯颓嵋椎纳撕α四?nbsp; 也或许只有这样我才能生存 だけど孤独だけが 但只有孤独 この仆の手に残されたもの 在我的手中残留了下来 何も望まない 君がそばにいれば 我在无奢望 只要你能在我的身边 You"re My Destiny 你是我的命运 ココロを开けて 好想敞开心扉 打ち明けたいゆずれない想いを 毫不犹豫毫不隐瞒的对你说出一切 You"re My Destiny 你是我的命运 感じるキズナ 那一吻之后便感觉的到 二人の出会い运命なんだと 两人的相遇是必然的命运 Say you"ll share with me one love 请承诺你将分予我一份爱情 ((以夏利的立场而倾诉)) You"re My Destiny 你是我的命运 信じてみたい… 好想就这样的相信你 You"re My Destiny 你是我的命运 あしたのユメを… 我的梦想... ((以鲁鲁的立场而倾诉)) You"re My Destiny 你是我的命运 ココロを开けて 好想敞开心扉 打ち明けたいゆずれない想いを 毫不犹豫毫不隐瞒的对你说出一切 You"re My Destiny 你是我的命运 感じるキズナ 那一吻之后便感觉的到 二人の出会い运命なんだと 两人的相遇是必然的命运 Say you"ll share with me one love 请承诺你将分予我一份爱情

masquerade谐音歌词 罗马音和中文谐音都要


Masquerade 化妆舞会Code Geass 反逆のルルーシュ 插入歌 (OST Track.13)words & music : 黒石ひとみvocal : Hitomiココロに键 をかけたまま 冷 たい态 度で 仮面 を身につける扣扣楼你卡gi哦卡开他妈妈 次美他一 他一都 的卡面恩 哦 迷你次开露だれが仆 の素颜 知っているだろう? 君 のほかには大来噶博库弄死噶哦 洗特一露大牢自分 の弱 さも强 さも さらけ出したいなんて 一 度も思 わずに急不恩弄哟哇撒摸次哟撒摸撒啦开大洗他一拿恩特涙 かくしてきた纳米大卡酷洗特ki他本 当 の颜 を见せられる人 探 し続 けてた 君 を失 えない后恩头 弄 卡哦 我 迷色让来露洗头 撒卡洗 次zu 开特他 ki迷我吾洗那哎那一You"re My Destiny信 じてみたい 永 远 の意味はまだわからないけど洗恩及特迷他一 哎恩爱一弄 一米 哇嘛大瓦卡啦那一刻都You"re My Destiny你是我的命运あしたのユメを缀 れば それが运 命 に変わる啊洗他弄有没我次组来吧 扫来噶吾恩面 你卡瓦路Say you"ll share with me one love说吧 你将与我共享一份爱恋この手につかみとるために 平 気で伤 つけて ここまで生きてきた扣弄台你次卡密头路他面你 黑衣ki的ki次次开特 扣扣嘛的一ki特ki他だけど孤独 だけが この仆 の手に残 されたもの大开都扣都苦大开噶 扣弄博库弄特你弄扣撒热他摸弄何 も望 まない 君 がそばにいれば那你摸弄早嘛那一ki迷噶扫吧你一来吧(*)You"re My Destiny你是我的命运ココロを开けて 打ち明けたい ゆずれない想 いを扣扣哭我啊开特吾气啊开他一 与死来拿一 哦摸一我You"re My Destiny你是我的命运感 じるキズナ 二 人の出会い运 命 なんだと卡恩急入ki次那副他离弄的啊一 吾恩面那恩大头Say you"ll share with me one love说吧 你将与我共享一份爱恋You"re My Destiny你是我的命运信 じてみたい....洗恩及特迷他一You"re My Destiny你是我的命运あしたのユメを....啊洗他弄玉面我写的我累死了= =+




ti:Masquerade][ar:Hitomi(中日对照)][al:収录:コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 O.S.T][by:ma0123][00:00.00]「Masquerade」[00:07.43]「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ」挿入歌[00:13.61]収录:コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 O.S.T[00:20.25]作词/作曲/编曲:黒石ひとみ[00:27.27]歌:Hitomi[00:39.29]《以鲁鲁的立场而倾诉》[00:42.81]ココロに键をかけたまま『往往内心被系上了枷锁』[00:46.89]冷たい态度で 仮面を身につける『予以冷漠的态度 假面带於此身』[00:51.66]だれが仆の素颜 知っているだろう?『有谁知晓本尊?』[00:59.08]君のほかには『除了你以外 ...』[01:02.00]《以夏莉的立场而倾诉》[01:02.44]自分の弱さも强さも『自己软弱也好,强大也好』[01:06.34]さらけ出したいなんて 一度も思わずに『都想完全的尽情的展现出来 哪怕只有一次也好』[01:11.20]涙かくしてきた『眼泪就如此的滑落下来』[01:16.26]本当の颜を见せられる人『当看到那人本来面貌之时 ..』[01:22.02]探し続けてた 君を失えない『持续追寻探索著 不想就此失去你..』[01:31.07]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[01:33.70]信じてみたい『好想就这样的相信你』[01:36.09]永远の意味はまだわからないけど『虽然还不知晓「永远」的含义』[01:40.98]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[01:43.47]あしたのユメを 缀ればそれが运命に変わる『我拼接著自己的梦想 命运也因此为之改变』[01:50.38]Say you"ll share with me one love『请承诺你将分予我一份爱情』[01:55.61][02:01.48]《以鲁鲁的立场而倾诉》[02:03.57]この手につかみとるために『为了达到目的我用了那样的手段』[02:07.61]平気で伤つけて ここまで生きてきた『也或许只有这样我才能生存』[02:12.46]だけど孤独だけが『但只有孤独』[02:17.44]この仆の手に残されたもの『在我的手中残留了下来』[02:23.22]何も望まない 君がそばにいれば『我在无奢望 只要你能在我的身边』[02:32.33]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[02:34.79]ココロを开けて『好想敞开心扉』[02:37.25]打ち明けたいゆずれない想いを『毫不犹豫毫不隐瞒的对你说出一切』[02:42.29]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[02:44.63]感じるキズナ『那一吻之后便感觉的到』[02:46.80]二人の出会い运命なんだと『两人的相遇是必然的命运』[02:52.32]Say you"ll share with me one love『请承诺你将分予我一份爱情』[02:57.02][03:13.12]《以夏莉的立场而倾诉》[03:16.42]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[03:18.83]信じてみたい…『好想就这样的相信你』[03:21.30][03:26.16]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[03:28.68]あしたのユメを…『我的梦想...』[03:31.49][03:32.78]《以鲁鲁的立场而倾诉》[03:36.08]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[03:38.48]ココロを开けて『好想敞开心扉』[03:40.97]打ち明けたいゆずれない想いを『毫不犹豫毫不隐瞒的对你说出一切』[03:45.95]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[03:48.32]感じるキズナ『那一吻之后便感觉的到』[03:50.53]二人の出会い运命なんだと『两人的相遇是必然的命运』[03:56.08]Say you"ll share with me one love『请承诺你将分予我一份爱情 』[03:59.95][04:03.00][04:20.20]Eng


tell me why is true love ka ze ka de no is so sweet so get there offer to baby you can you look at me tell me why is true love ka ze ka de no is so sweet so get there offer to baby you can you look at me kokoro ni kagi wo kaketamama tsumetai taido de kamen wo minitsukeru darega boku no sugao shitteiru darou kimi no hoka niwa jibun no rowasamo tsuyoimo sarake dashitainante yichido mo omowazuni namida kakushitekita hontou no kao wo miserareru hito sagashitsuzuketeta kimi wo ushinaenai You"re My Destiny shinjitemitai eien no imi wa mada wakaranai kedo You"re My Destiny ashita no yume wo tsuzureba sore ga unme ni kawaru Say you"ll share with me one love kono te ni tsukamitoru tameni heiki de kizu tsukete kokomade ikitekita dakedo kodoku dakega kono bokuno teni nokosareta mono nani mo nozomanai kimi ga sobani ireba You"re My Destiny kokoro wo akete uchiaketai yuzurenai omoiwo You"re My Destiny kanjiru kizuna futari no deai unmeinandato Say you"ll share with me one love You"re My Destiny shinnjidemitayi … You"re My Destiny ashita no yume wo… You"re My Destiny kokoro wo akete uchiaketai yuzurenai omoiwo You"re My Destiny kanjiru kizuna futari no deai unmeinandato Say you"ll share with me one love 在心房添上紧密的锁 为自己带上冷峻的面具 有谁知道我真实的面容 除了你以外 我未曾想过 要显露自身的坚强与懦弱 总是隐藏泪水 我不断寻找能目睹自己真实面容之人 不愿错过你 你是我的命运 我想试着相信 虽然我还未明白永远的意思 你是我的命运 将明日的梦想 装订成册的话便能制成命运 说你将与我共享一份爱恋 为了亲手掌握命运 我冷漠的伤害一切,如此生存至今 然后唯有孤独 残留在我的手心 我别无他求,只要你在我身边 你是我的命运 敞开心扉 想要宣明不可出卖的思念 你是我的命运 感同身受的牵绊 它说我们的邂逅是命运 说你将与我共享一份爱恋 你是我的命运 我想试着去相信 你是我的命运 将明日的梦想 你是我的命运 敞开心扉 想要宣明不可出卖的思念 你是我的命运 感同身受的牵绊 它说我们的邂逅是命运 说你将与我共享一份爱恋 求采纳




This Masquerade·歌词 This Masquerade Carpenter Are we really happy with This lonely game we play Looking for the right words to say Searching but not finding Understanding anyway We"re lost in this masquerade Both afraid to say we"re just too far away From being close together from the start We tried to talk it over But the words got in the way We"re lost inside this lonely game we play (*) Throughts of leaving disappear Each time I see your eyes And no matter how hard I try To understand the reason Why we carry on this way And we"re lost in this masquerade We tried to talk it over But the words got in the way We"re lost inside this lonely game we play Repeat (*) We"re lost in a masquerade


Masquerade歌:Hitomiwords & music by 黒石ひとみココロにをかけたまま紧缩主心门冷(つめ)たい态度(たいど)で 仮面(かめん)を身(み)につける戴着面具的我是如此冷漠だれが仆(ぼく)の素颜(すなお)除了你以外知(し)っているだろう? 君(きみ)のほかには有谁会知道我真正的面孔自分(じぶん)の弱(よわ)さも强(つよ)さも从来未曾想过さらけ出(だ)したいなんて 一度(いちど)も思(おも)わずに向谁倾诉我的坚强与软弱涙(なみだ)かくしてきた一直隐藏着泪水本当(ほんとう)の颜(かお)を见(み)せられる人去面对能够真心以对的人探(かが)し続(つづ)けてた 君(きみ)を失(うしな)えない决不能失去 寻觅已久的你You"re My Destiny你就是我的命运信(しん)じてみたい我愿尝试去相信永远(えいえん)の意味(いみ)はまだわからないけど即使我不曾懂得永恒的意义You"re My Destiny你就是我的命运あしたのユメを抒写明天的梦想缀(つづ)ればそれが运命(うんめい)に変わる它就将成为我崭新的命运Say you"ll share with me one love告诉我 你愿与我分享爱情この手(て)につかみとるために为了实现心中的梦想平気(へいき)で伤(きず)つけて ここまで生(い)きてきた冷漠地伤害他人 直至今天だけど孤独(こどく)だけが可残留在我手中的この仆(ぼく)の手(て)に残(のこ)されたもの只剩下无尽的孤独何)なに)も望(おぞ)まない 君(きみ)がそばにいれば别无所求 只要你陪伴身边You"re My Destiny你就是我的命运ココロを开(あ)けて愿为你敞开心扉打(う)ち明(あ)けたいゆずれない想(おも)いを向你吐露我难以割舍的思念You"re My Destiny你就是我的命运感(かん)じるキズナ我感受到的羁绊二人(ふたり)の出会(であ)い运命(うんめい)なんだ我与你的相遇 正是所谓的命运Say you"ll share with me one love告诉我 你愿与我分享爱情You"re My Destiny你就是我的命运信(しん)じてみたい...我愿尝试去相信...You"re My Destiny你就是我的命运あしたのユメを...抒写明天的梦想...You"re My Destiny你就是我的命运ココロを开(あ)けて愿为你敞开心扉打(う)ち明(あ)けたいゆずれない想(おも)いを向你吐露我难以割舍的思念You"re My Destiny你就是我的命运感(かん)じるキズナ我感受到的羁绊二人(ふたり)の出会(であ)い运命(うんめい)なんだ我与你的相遇 正是所谓的命运Say you"ll share with me one love告诉我 你愿与我分享爱情又改了一遍 终于好了累啊~你一定要啊!




IPtables中可以灵活的做各种网络地址转换(NAT)网络地址转换主要有两种:SNAT和DNATSNAT是source network address translation的缩写即源地址目标转换比如,多个PC机使用ADSL路由器共享上网,每个PC机都配置了内网IP。PC机访问外部网络的时候,路由器将数据包的报头中的源地址替换成路由器的ip。当外部网络的服务器比如网站web服务器接到访问请求的时候,他的日志记录下来的是路由器的ip地址,而不是pc机的内网ip。这是因为,这个服务器收到的数据包的报头里边的“源地址”,已经被替换了。所以叫做SNAT,基于源地址的地址转换。DNAT是destination network address translation的缩写即目标网络地址转换典型的应用是,有个web服务器放在内网,配置内网ip,前端有个防火墙,配置公网ip,互联网上的访问者使用公网ip来访问这个网站。当访问的时候,客户端发出一个数据包,这个数据包的报头里边,目标地址写的是防火墙的公网ip。防火墙会把这个数据包的报头改写一次,将目标地址改写成web服务器的内网ip,然后再把这个数据包发送到内网的web服务器上这样,数据包就穿透了防火墙,并从公网ip变成了一个对内网地址的访问了,即DNAT,基于目标的网络地址转换 。MASQUERADE,地址伪装,在iptables中有着和SNAT相近的效果,但也有一些区别:SNAT,DNAT,MASQUERADE都是NAT,MASQUERADE是SNAT的一个特例。SNAT是指在数据包从网卡发送出去的时候,把数据包中的源地址部分替换为指定的IP,这样,接收方就认为数据包的来源是被替换的那个IP的主机。MASQUERADE是用发送数据的网卡上的IP来替换源IP,因此,对于那些IP不固定的场合,比如拨号网络或者通过dhcp分配IP的情况下,就得用MASQUERADE。DNAT,就是指数据包从网卡发送出去的时候,修改数据包中的目的IP,表现为如果你想访问A,可是因为网关做了DNAT,把所有访问A的数据包的目的IP全部修改为B,那么,你实际上访问的是B。因为,路由是按照目的地址来选择的,因此,DNAT是在PREROUTING链上来进行的,而SNAT是在数据包发送出去的时候才进行,因此是在POSTROUTING链上进行的但使用SNAT的时候,出口ip的地址范围可以是一个,也可以是多个,例如:如下命令表示把所有10.8.0.0网段的数据包SNAT成192.168.5.3的ip然后发出去iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT –to-source如下命令表示把所有10.8.0.0网段的数据包SNAT成192.168.5.3/等几个ip然后发出去iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT –to-source这就是SNAT的使用方法,即可以NAT成一个地址,也可以NAT成多个地址但是,对于SNAT,不管是几个地址,必须明确的指定要SNAT的ip假如当前系统用的是ADSL动态拨号方式,那么每次拨号,出口ip192.168.5.3都会改变而且改变的幅度很大,不一定是192.168.5.3到192.168.5.5范围内的地址这个时候如果按照现在的方式来配置iptables就会出现问题了因为每次拨号后,服务器地址都会变化,而iptables规则内的ip是不会随着自动变化的每次地址变化后都必须手工修改一次iptables,把规则里边的固定ip改成新的ip这样是非常不好用的MASQUERADE就是针对这种场景而设计的,他的作用是,从服务器的网卡上,自动获取当前ip地址来做NAT比如下边的命令:iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE如此配置的话,不用指定SNAT的目标ip了不管现在eth0的出口获得了怎样的动态ip,MASQUERADE会自动读取eth0现在的ip地址然后做SNAT出去这样就实现了很好的动态SNAT地址转换

Lulu Santos的《Masquerade》 歌词

歌曲名:Masquerade歌手:Lulu Santos专辑:E-CollectionMASQUERADEWORDS HYDE/Lynne HodbayMUSIC HYDE(BLESS)Lord, please shine your light down upon meLord, grant me good forture don"t shun meTake all this unhappiness from meSay, am I just crazy?? Well, GOD BLESS ME!Now Lord, save me a place there upon the arkI have been wandering in the darkPut me into your collectionLord, am I not worth your salvation?It"s all a masqueradeJust who is who, I can"t sayDon"t leave me in the coldJust who is fake, who"s real?? GOD BLESS ME!So Lord, why do you watch from the sidelines?War, it"s being fought on the frontlinesSay, what is your final intention?Lord, I"ve kinda lost my convictionIt"s all a masqueradeJust who is who, I can"t sayDon"t leave me in the coldJust who is fake, who"s real?? GOD BLESS ME!(BLESS)Why do we have a word for truthWhen the whole damn world"s an April fool?How come we find an antidoteWhen germs grow fast and break the rules?Why do I soil my clean white shoesWhen it won"t be long before they"re old and worn?Are you sad or are you happy?how this pretension makes me yawn(GOD BLESS ME!)It"s all a masqueradeJust who is who, I can"t sayDon"t leave me in the coldJust who is fake, who"s real?It"s all a masqueradeJust who is who, I can"t sayDon"t leave me in the coldJust who is fake, who"s real?? GOD BLESS ME!http://music.baidu.com/song/13692200


Masquerade!この夜はドレスの黑に身をまかせてNow,Shall we dance?踊りましょう月の灯りの调べを舞踏会の招待状 一人きりで待ってた日々雪の白に黑いカフス 红い红い瞳には涙魔法の马车で迎えに来て 私のこと淡く涙 空へ溶けてゆくよ流れ星のようにMasquerade!この夜はドレスの黑に身をまかせてNow,Shall we dance?踊りましょう月の灯りの调べを午前0时の钟が鸣っても 私のこと离さないでねMasquerade is going on さあ踊りましょう永逺のワルツ 二人で罗马音Masquerade! kononamihadoresunokuronimiwo makaseteNow,Shall we dance?odorimashoutsukinoakarinoshiragewobutoukainoshoutaijyou hitorikiridemattedahibiyukinoshironikuroikahusu agaiagaihitominiwanamidamahounobashademukaeniikite watashinokotoawaku namida sorahetoketeyukuyonagarehoshinoyouniMasquerade! kononamihadoresunokuronimiwo makaseteNow,Shall we dance?odorimashoutsukinoakarinoshiragewoGozenrejinokaneganattemo watashinokotohanasanaidemeMasquerade is going on saa odorimashoueiennowarutsu futaridemasquerade !当天晚上在礼服的黑色中now,shall we dance ?跳舞吧月的灯的调查舞会的邀请函一个人等着了芝加哥小熊队的黑色的雪不能不能眼睛还流下了眼泪魔法的马车来接我淡淡眼泪去融化了天空像流星一样masquerade !当天晚上在礼服的黑色中now,shall we dance ?跳舞吧月的灯的调查玻璃鞋冰将熔化梦游病一样阶段深红的红玉(红宝石)黑暗的比赛(舞台留是荆棘玫瑰的视频链接:如何加入链接?珍珠这样的月匆匆去的二人的影子他的手连接,不要离开总有一天天空说到masquerade !这天晚上都是星星的山丘上的女孩,你将吧it " s time to dance完永远的华尔兹和你午夜0点钟声敲响的都是我的放开手,一定要来哦masquerade is going on来跳舞吧gothics露营的夜晚,两个人lalala…魔法就去可是时钟的指针一起…不变的月光比赛lala珍珠这样的月 匆匆离去的二人的影子他的手连接,不要离开总有一天天空说到masquerade !这天晚上都是星星的山丘上的女孩,你将吧it " s time to dance完永远的华尔兹和你masquerade !当天晚上在礼服的黑色中now,shall we dance ?跳舞吧月的灯的调查午夜0点钟声敲响的都是我的放开手,一定要来哦masquerade is going on来跳舞吧gothics露营的夜晚,两个人

Nicki Minaj的《Masquerade》 歌词

歌曲名:Masquerade歌手:Nicki Minaj专辑:Pink Friday: Roman ReloadedMasqueradeNicki MinajFeel the beat at the drumMove like you really wanna be number oneYou could beat out the compRun like you really wanna be at the topStop, adrenaline by causeYou have been identified as a hustlerTopical discussion repeat it like a percussionChuck the douce up, and tell "em is just loveDamn digged a dugLike "em run state mag cause we living it upShelve tops is onAnd I pop it, like i"m poppingLike a popping sin callAnd now, I don"t wanna take youIf we fall dowDon"t get upset, and now it"s just the beginningAnd we"ll figure it somehowRight now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight, now, it"s something you createdIt"s never ever too lateIt"s never ever too lateRight nowOkay to make a mistakeYeah baby this is your dayIt"s time to masqueradeBass bassFeel the bass in ya faceHit the finish lineFirst place in the raceYes, king kong on ya chestRunning and i"m coming upBaton to your leftYup, you could be who you wantYou could be who you isNever be who you aren"tNever ever fall on the pressureDesperate times, get desperate mesureDamn digged a dugLike "em run state mag cause we living it upShelve tops is onAnd I pop it, like i"m poppingLike a popping sin callAnd now, I don"t wanna take youIf we fall dowDon"t get upset, and now it"s just the beginningAnd we"ll figure it somehowRight now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight, now, it"s something you createdIt"s never ever too lateIt"s never ever too lateRight nowOkay to make a mistakeYeah baby this is your dayIt"s time to masqueradeI"ma call ya afro cause you never baldF-ck all you bitches and i"ll never callNext day, suck my test dayI aint" playing gamesBit my check mateRing 019, ring 019, ring 019All my party people let me ya one timeRight now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight now masquerade, master the mary go roundRight, now, it"s something you createdIt"s never ever too lateIt"s never ever too lateRight nowOkay to make a mistakeYeah baby this is your dayIt"s time to masqueradeRight nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13904314


下载地址:http://www.ailrc.com/ailrc_downlrc.aspx?id=nbRmWWH7Yi4%3d[ti:Masquerade][ar:Hitomi(中日对照)][al:収录:コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 O.S.T][by:ma0123][00:00.00]「Masquerade」[00:07.43]「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ」挿入歌[00:13.61]収录:コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 O.S.T[00:20.25]作词/作曲/编曲:黒石ひとみ[00:27.27]歌:Hitomi[00:39.29]《以鲁鲁的立场而倾诉》[00:42.81]ココロに键をかけたまま『往往内心被系上了枷锁』[00:46.89]冷たい态度で 仮面を身につける『予以冷漠的态度 假面带於此身』[00:51.66]だれが仆の素颜 知っているだろう?『有谁知晓本尊?』[00:59.08]君のほかには『除了你以外 ...』[01:02.00]《以夏莉的立场而倾诉》[01:02.44]自分の弱さも强さも『自己软弱也好,强大也好』[01:06.34]さらけ出したいなんて 一度も思わずに『都想完全的尽情的展现出来 哪怕只有一次也好』[01:11.20]涙かくしてきた『眼泪就如此的滑落下来』[01:16.26]本当の颜を见せられる人『当看到那人本来面貌之时 ..』[01:22.02]探し続けてた 君を失えない『持续追寻探索著 不想就此失去你..』[01:31.07]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[01:33.70]信じてみたい『好想就这样的相信你』[01:36.09]永远の意味はまだわからないけど『虽然还不知晓「永远」的含义』[01:40.98]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[01:43.47]あしたのユメを 缀ればそれが运命に変わる『我拼接著自己的梦想 命运也因此为之改变』[01:50.38]Say you"ll share with me one love『请承诺你将分予我一份爱情』[01:55.61][02:01.48]《以鲁鲁的立场而倾诉》[02:03.57]この手につかみとるために『为了达到目的我用了那样的手段』[02:07.61]平気で伤つけて ここまで生きてきた『也或许只有这样我才能生存』[02:12.46]だけど孤独だけが『但只有孤独』[02:17.44]この仆の手に残されたもの『在我的手中残留了下来』[02:23.22]何も望まない 君がそばにいれば『我在无奢望 只要你能在我的身边』[02:32.33]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[02:34.79]ココロを开けて『好想敞开心扉』[02:37.25]打ち明けたいゆずれない想いを『毫不犹豫毫不隐瞒的对你说出一切』[02:42.29]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[02:44.63]感じるキズナ『那一吻之后便感觉的到』[02:46.80]二人の出会い运命なんだと『两人的相遇是必然的命运』[02:52.32]Say you"ll share with me one love『请承诺你将分予我一份爱情』[02:57.02][03:13.12]《以夏莉的立场而倾诉》[03:16.42]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[03:18.83]信じてみたい…『好想就这样的相信你』[03:21.30][03:26.16]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[03:28.68]あしたのユメを…『我的梦想...』[03:31.49][03:32.78]《以鲁鲁的立场而倾诉》[03:36.08]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[03:38.48]ココロを开けて『好想敞开心扉』[03:40.97]打ち明けたいゆずれない想いを『毫不犹豫毫不隐瞒的对你说出一切』[03:45.95]You"re My Destiny『你是我的命运』[03:48.32]感じるキズナ『那一吻之后便感觉的到』[03:50.53]二人の出会い运命なんだと『两人的相遇是必然的命运』[03:56.08]Say you"ll share with me one love『请承诺你将分予我一份爱情 』[03:59.95][04:03.00][04:20.20]Eng

Nicki Minaj 的masquerade中文歌词




CNBLUE Paradise歌词

~~~~~望采纳哦~~~~ Paradise - CNBLUE How fast time fliesYesterday was the time of livesSometimes we remember it as loveSometimes we got hurt but the sun will riseAll steps I take feel lostSometimes I stray off trackI would lose something precious sometimesBut who would even know about that?Sometimes some people pretendThey don"t care at allBut sometimes I know you worryThe sun will shine all the timeTake my handI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youYou just count on me tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youLet “love” be your guide tonight, tonightCause Love is amazingAs time passesI used to say, it gets so hardIt is not about how fast it goesIt is about the time we sharedYou will know you are so goodI"ll make you see itWe"ll have a party tonightEvery time you close your eyesRemember thisI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youYou just count on me tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youLet “love” be your guide tonight, tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseHealing for you, it"s just for youNo worry no care tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseWish nothing but the best for youIt"s always singing for you, for youCause Love is amazing
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