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你好, 本来他是一个小配角,但现在已经是一个鼎鼎大名的明星了!还提名过奥斯卡最佳男主角哦。名叫吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西Giovanni Ribisi第一次出现不是饰演菲比的弟弟,是一个捐钱给菲比,但放错了 套 给菲比的傻男生。后来他得到了菲比弟弟的角色。其实他真的不错的,演技。


rank[rANk]n.等级, 横列, 阶级adj.繁茂的, 恶臭的, 讨厌的, 下流的vt.排列, 归类于, 把...分等vi.列为, 列队n.[数] 秩ranking[5rANkiN]n.队

lol灵活队列排位是什么 Ranked Flex新模式玩法介绍


排位分是不是翻译为ranked score?

应该是Ranking score或者Ranking points吧

ranked match和ranking match怎么翻译

ranking match: 排名赛 (还在为名次而比赛)ranked match:已近完成晋级的比赛

ranking second还是ranking the second

having done在两件事有明显先后顺序时使用 ..ed表过去与被动 ..ing表现在与主动 本句中中国主动排第二,而没有先后顺序,所以用D.ranking


名词 1.[C,U] 等级;地位,身份 2.[C,U] 社会阶层;军阶,军衔 3.不可数名词: 高地位,高身份,显贵 4.可数名词: 排,横列;【军】行列 5. 队伍;军队;士兵 6.不可数名词:] 秩序,队形 及物动词: 1. 排列,把...排成行 2. 把...分等;把...评级 3. 等级高于 4.【俚】揭露;欺瞒;责难(+out) v. 不及物动词: 1. 列为 2. 列队;列队行进(+past/off) 3. 处于地位 4.【俚】抱怨 adj. 1. 繁茂的;丛生的;过于茂盛的 2. 多杂草的;易生杂草的(+with) 3. 过于多产的;过于肥沃的(+with) 4. 臭气难闻的;(味道等)令人讨厌的(+with) 5. 粗鄙的,下流的 6.【贬】十足的 词形变化:形容词比较级:ranker,rankest;副词:rankly;名词:rankness。 同义词:outrank;grade,order,place,range,rate;membership;absolute,downright,out-and-out,right-down,sheer。 单词分析:这些名词均有“级,等级”之意。 class:含义广泛,指人或物按优劣划分的等级,也指学校中的年级或班级。 degree:指程度、范围不同,社会地位的高低。也可指形容词或副词的级。 grade:指按地位或优劣划分的等级,既可指人又可指物。 rank:指人在社会中的地位或等级,尤指军队中的军衔。 英语句子 A rank amateur 一个地道的业余者 A rank traitor 大叛徒 A brevet rank 名誉阶级 badge of rank 军人的阶级章 Rank and file 普通一兵,普通老百姓 英语解释 very fertile; producing profuse growth take or have a position relative to others take precedence or surpass others in rank growing profusely relative status assign a rank or rating to the body of members of an organization or group a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another very offensive in smell or taste complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers 相似短语 lower rank phr. 低级别 military rank phr. 军阶 rank order n. 等级序列 social rank phr. 社会等级 higher rank phr. 级别较高的,高等级 相似单词 top-rank adj. 第一流的,赏识的 rankine adj.[物](根据)兰金刻度的 middle-ranking a. (官员等)相当重要的,相当地位的,负有相当责任的 rank-and-file a. 一般成员的;一般大众的;士兵的 -ranked 【构词成分】 (构成形容词)表示"...等级的"(如:second-ranked二等的,nighest-ranked级的)

ranked 与 rank 的区别


Paul Frank是哪个国家的牌子


contract 和 shrank区别

contract 和 shrank区别contract 单词的词义是:n. 合同; 契约; 协议;v. 签合同; 缩小; 感染;shrank 单词的词义是:v. 退缩; 收缩( shrink的过去式 ); (使) 缩水; 畏缩;

The man with a new idea is a crank until idea succeeds 是谁说的?







其实最好区分的就是看内存单双面,单面的就是1rank 双面就是2ranks

scope ,range,domain,rank

D 领域 只有该词符合题意

黄河是亚洲第三,世界第六长的河流 这句话英文翻译为什么rank不用被动





简单的说:rank 代表了内存条上是否两面都在存储芯片(行语叫内存颗粒),两面都有的就是 2 ranks,也就是dual ranks,只有正面有的则是1 rank,也是常见的single rank。而bank则是存储颗粒的bank。就是有几个内存颗粒。20-35-3-5-3和20-43-3-5-3 是内存的一些参数,并不是很重要,关键是前面的5-5-5-15这几个时序参数,如果要组双通道,两个内存的频率和时序参数要一致!最好是同样品牌的两条一模一样的内存。不一样只要没有兼容性问题也可。


如果表主语固有性质,可使用主动式,但表被动含义: The film ranks with the best. ( rank = be listed 被列为 )但是如果表示一次具体的被动行为仍用被动式. The film was ranked with the best in the film Festival.

rank 是及物动词吗



by rank以…地位; sit by rank坐成一排; in rank在地位上; in a/the rank在…排; in the ranks在组织内; in the rank of是…中的一员; in the front rank显著的; above sb in rank地位高于某人; below sb in rank地位低于某人 扩展资料   sit in rank坐成一排;   under sb in rank地位低于某人;   within the ranks of在…阶层中;   rank above把…评在…之上;   rank as列为…;   rank next to sb仅次于某人;   rank with与…并列


n. 排名,等级,军衔,阶级a. 繁茂的,恶臭的,讨厌的v. 排列,归类于,列于词形变化: 副词:rankly 形容词比较级:ranker 最高级:rankest 名词:rankness 动词过去式:ranked 过去分词:ranked 现在分词:ranking 第三人称单数:ranks 例句与用法: 1. He is above me in rank. 他的级别比我高。 2. This tennis player ranked third in the world. 这位网球运动员排名世界第三。 3. A general ranks a captain. 将军的级别比上尉高。 4. I rank her among the country"s best writers. 我认为她可属全国最优秀作家之列。 5. I rank her achievement very highly. 我对她的成就评价很高. 6. Where/How do you rank Karpov as a chess player? 你把卡尔波夫列为哪一级的棋手? 7. A major ranks above a captain. 少校比上尉军衔高.


“rank”意思为n.等级;军衔;(尤指较高的)地位,级别;军阶;警衔;普通士兵;(团体或组织的)成员;队列,行列;排v.排列;把…分等级;属于某等级;使排成行adj.难闻的;恶臭的;(强调质量、状况等)极端的,糟糕的;疯长的解析拓展复数:ranks第三人称单数:ranks现在进行时:ranking过去式:ranked过去分词:ranked比较级:ranker最高级:rankest例句①The findings are arranged in rank order according to performance. 这些研究结果是根据性能等级排列的。②You just don"t rank. 你还不够等级。


“rank”意思为n.等级;军衔;(尤指较高的)地位,级别;军阶;警衔;普通士兵;(团体或组织的)成员;队列,行列;排v.排列;把?分等级;属于某等级;使排成行adj.难闻的;恶臭的;(强调质量、状况等)极端的,糟糕的;疯长的解析拓展复数:ranks第三人称单数:ranks现在进行时:ranking过去式:ranked过去分词:ranked比较级:ranker最高级:rankest例句①The findings are arranged in rank order according to performance. 这些研究结果是根据性能等级排列的。②You just don"t rank. 你还不够等级。

我有两条内存,一个是1rank,另一个是2ranks,都是2g的,其他的参数都一样,我用ideal pad y460。

1Rank=64位宽;2rank=128位宽,两个应该不能一起使用。只能分别单独使用。从理论上说当然2rank=128位宽好,数据传输速率比1rank大一倍。但是还需要看你的电脑是否支持2Rank内存条。 查一下主板手册。

professional ranks意思


why he ranks first?为什么不用被动语态

rank是不及物动词 不及物动词时没有被动语态的 被动语态是针对及物动词而言

sort sb into ranks 什么意思

sort sb into ranks把某人分成sort sb into ranks把某人分成sort sb into ranks把某人分成

英语the ranks of Inspector怎么翻译?

The ranks of Inspector督察职级

he worked his way up through the ranks



在遇到一些需要进行排名的工作,例如成绩排名,或者什么竞赛排名的时候,可能会在表格中进行排序。如图,像这样的数据,进行降序排序,就可以知道具体的排名了。下面将会介绍这种Excel如何用rank函数进行排名。虽然步骤很简单,但是我们也应该自己学习一下。有时候需要将具体排名的数字列出来,但是保持原表格不动。这样进行排序,填入排名,再恢复原来的排序,操作就比较多,可以考虑使用排名函数RANK来实现。RANK函数语法:=RANK(number,ref,[order])number是需要进行排序的数字。ref是指整组数字。order是数字排位方式,order 为 0(零)或省略是降序排序,是其他的则为升序排序。还是以上述数据为例,在第一个目标单元格中输入公式:=RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$6,0)然后下拉单元格填充即可。在这里因为成绩需要从高到低排序,order就填了0,当然也可以省略。然后这个排名的数字就会出现了。使用公式比手动填写再排序更加方便快捷。


1024 MB (2 ranks, 4 banks):双面有颗粒,每片128M,组成1G1024 MB (1 ranks, 8 banks):单面有颗粒,每片128M,组成1Grank 代表了内存条子上是否两面都在存储芯片(行语叫存储颗粒吧),两面都有的就是 2 ranks,也就是dual ranks,只有正面有的则是1 rank,也是常见的single rank。而bank则是存储颗粒的bank。这样组没问题。 后面的数字是时钟顺序 不超频没关系 挺好的


以下为个人理解:1、SDRAM颗粒的内部结构:每个内存颗粒用“C”表示:一个C里面一般有8个BANK表,每张BANK表是个三维存储矩阵,行线x列线x细胞的位深度,细胞位深度就是BANK表自己的位宽,与C对外呈现的位宽不是一个概念。细胞位深度经并→串转换后,才对外呈现C的位宽;因此一个C就是若干个三维存储矩阵表的堆叠。2、RANK:CCCCCCCC这样组合(位扩展,可看作C的串联)出一个与CPU位宽相同的存储模组,就叫RANK0;再组一个CCCCCCCC与RANK0“并联”,就是RANK1。一般来讲单根内存条上最多4RANK。RANK间用不同片选信号控制,而RANK内的所有颗粒共享一个片选,这样看起来,一个RANK就像一个大芯片一样在工作!因此,RANK = 把一堆颗粒的集合看做一个大芯片。内存条上有几个“大芯片”就有几个RANK。3、为什么不搞更多的RANK?越多RANK意味着越多CCCCCCCC的数目;DIMM条面积就那么大,C本身的尺寸决定不能放下太多。RANK间是共用总线的,电气方面,内存控制器驱动不了总线上挂太多的颗粒。希望对你有所帮助!2Ge

rank表排名什么时候用ranked 什么时候用ranks 比如He ranked/ranks first怎么用?


笔记本内存条的ranks和banks是什么意思(2R×8是不是等于2ranks 8banks)


内存ranks 和 banks 是什么意思

1024 MB (2 ranks, 4 banks):双面有颗粒,每片128M,组成1G1024 MB (1 ranks, 8 banks):单面有颗粒,每片128M,组成1G给分,谢谢

内存中Dual rank的好处




Frank Sinatra的《Medley》 歌词

歌曲名:Medley歌手:Frank Sinatra专辑:Christmas Songs By Sinatra球迷奇遇记曲:李克勤/江港生/ARMATH 词:李克勤/DEJA J编:VINCENTLIARW起来 起来 起来 今晚大家不想去街起来 起来 起来 坐低又起身博命0益起来 起来 起来 睇波便睇0下波鞋起来 起来 起来 场场场面伟大脚脚脚法古怪 人人人浪最HIGH懒理你地有钱或或穷人 即使三更半夜无得(训)即使三个眼袋仍甘心还乐意在每晚发出这声音 0虑..0虑..睇波一家大细最兴奋过瘾在各自变0左对头人哈..哈..球迷来自远近 法国靓女吸引全情投入气氛护花使者曲:长谷川集平 词:潘伟源 编:Vincent Liauw这晚在街中偶遇心中的她两脚决定不听叫唤跟她归家深宵的冷风 不准吹向她她那幽幽眼神快要对我说话纤纤的身影 默默转来吧对我说浪漫情人爱我吗贪心的晚风 竟敢拥吻她将她秀发温温柔柔每缕缕放下卑污的晚风 不应抚慰她我已决意一生护着心中的她旧欢如梦曲:古曲 词:庞秋华 编:卢东尼当年相恋意中人 大家性情近早种爱根极亲蜜 心心相印互信任月底花间相偎依 共喜有缘份恩爱百般愿比翼 痴心一缕共订盟喜逢知己倍精神 内心快乐无憾朝晚眷恋共欢聚 天天相见互慰问立心栽花花不香 重反惹愁恨只怨爱海起风波 一朝生变断爱盟恩情如今化烟云 未许再续情份空有爱丝万千丈 可惜都已尽化恨枉抛相思枉痴恋 恨卿心太忍只有叹息旧欢似梦 早经消散莫再寻http://music.baidu.com/song/8800427

merit ranking?什么意思?高好还是低好

merit ranking?价值排名?双语对照例句:1.Although not everyone will agree with greenpeace"s methodology, its ranking still hassome merit. 虽然绿色和平组织的这套方法没有得到所有人的认同,但它的排名仍旧具有一定的价值。2.Those workers who ended up on the wrong side of the ranking curve were penalized,usually by a denial of merit raises or bonuses, and sometimes by losing their job. 一些员工因为最终落在排名曲线的错误一边而受到惩处,他们通常被排斥在绩效加薪或奖金发放计划之外,有些人甚至因此丢了饭碗

Frankie Paul的《Tidal Wave》 歌词

歌曲名:Tidal Wave歌手:Frankie Paul专辑:Tidal WaveThe Killers - Tidal WaveHe"s always trouble with his non-complacentShotgun eyes, shotgun eyesHis subtlety, his mysteryNot like the other guysShe"s always taken by his reputationHe"s so bad, he"s so badOn Saturday night they"re running for the shadowYou say your heart ain"t ever been brokenYou think you know where you"re goin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meYou say this life is giving you nothin"You got another thing comin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meYou get a warning sign to keep his distanceFrom her old man, from her old manNow the story of forbidden love is gonna make a standSo in the middle of the early mornin"They slip away, slip awayAnd we know they"ll do their bestSomewhere in the golden West, oh yeahWe"ll watch and driveAnd they"re so aliveYou say your heart ain"t ever been brokenYou think you know where you"re goin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meYou say this life is giving you nothin"You got another thing comin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meTidal waveThese tidal waves are caught off trackCome tomorrow "cause I can"t go backAll together, can"t you see?Tidal wave gonna cover meThese tidal waves are caught off trackCome tomorrow "cause I can"t go backCome together, can"t you see?Tidal wave gonna cover meCover meI can"t go backCan"t you see?End~~~http://music.baidu.com/song/7406594


obsolete英音:["u0254bsu0259,li:t]美音:["ɑbsu0259,lit] 形容词 a.[Z] 1. 废弃的,淘汰的 2. 过时的,老式的 3. 【生】退化的,不发育的 及物动词 vt. 1. 废弃,淘汰

弗朗克电磁计量泵Frank Metering Pump是?


要Tyler the Creator ft Frank Ocean – She 的歌词

Tyler The Creator u2013 She Lyrics[Verse 1: Frank Ocean]Golden rubbers in these denim pockets (denim pockets)On my waist, thereu2019s a black Glock (black Glock)New girl moved on the block (on the block)She been plottinu2019 on my brown cock (brown cock)Last night I slept over hers (over hers)During sex, I overheard (I overheard)A sword sliced the air, I pulled out the na-naRolled off the bed then shot back, pa-paBlood on the sheets probably spillinu2019 from my gashLooked out the glass, seen you sprintinu2019 on the grassA real ninja with the blade and the maskGot them gold ninja stars and red Supreme nunchuksNow she tryna patch me up, butGirl, I was just tryna get a nutbustIf thatu2019s your ex, you should probably own a pistolBut Iu2019m guessinu2019 itu2019s wiser to exit with dude[Hook: Frank Ocean]The blinds wide open so he canSee you in the dark when youu2019re sleepinu2019Think about it, fresh out the showerYou touch yourself after hoursAinu2019t no man allowed in your bedroomYouu2019re sleeping alone in your bedBut check your window, heu2019s at your window[Verse 2: Tyler, The Creator]The night light hits off, turninu2019 kisses to bitesIu2019m a down to earth nigga with intentions thatu2019s rightYouu2019ll be down in earth quicker if you diss me tonightBut Iu2019ll be the happiest if you decide to kick it tonightWe can chill and I can act like I donu2019t wanna fuckYou can tell me all your problems like I really give oneBut I give two for us cause youu2019re the one that I wantDonu2019t wanna seem like a punk pussy that sips on the punk pussySee when Iu2019m with my friends I just put on a frontBut in the back of my top Iu2019m writing songs about weWe as including I and yourself, making threeLittle ones (?) pretty hard if you ask meYouu2019re a pretty broad in the top threeOf things that Iu2019ve been waiting to come, soMeet me by the lake around 10 and skinny dippinu2019 and thenWe can begin the pretend game, I wanna be Finn from Adventure in Time[Hook][Bridge: Tyler, The Creator]One, two, youu2019re the girl that I wantThree, four, five, six, seven, shitEight is the bullets if you say no after all thisAnd I just couldnu2019t take it, youu2019re so motherfuckinu2019 gorgeousGorgeous, baby youu2019re gorgeousI just wanna drag youu2019re lifeless body to the forestAnd fornicate with it but thatu2019s because Iu2019m in love withYouu2026 cunt[Bridge 2: Tyler, The Creator]I just wanna talk, and conversateCause I usually just stalk you and masturbateAnd I finally got the courage to ask you on a dateSo just say yes, let the future fall into placeI just wanna talk, and conversateCause I usually just stalk you and masturbateAnd I finally got the courage to ask you on a dateSo just say yes, let the future fall into placeu2026 cunt[Hook]

求frankmusik 的wrecking ball的歌词。谢谢了哈!


nature eq的创始人frankie ng是美国人吗

**是的**,Nature Eq的创始人Frankie Ng是美籍华人。

当对DDR3 LRDIMM选择4个rank和4个片选时,为什么会出错

Error: LRDIMM: can"t read "cfg_write_ddr3_lrdimm_table(44)": no such element in array while executing"set generated_cfg_odt_chip ()" ("if" then script line 2) invoked from within"if {} { set generated_cfg_odt_chip () } else { ..." ("if" then script line 2) invoked from within"if {[regexp {^DDR2$} ] == 1 && ([array names cfg_write_ddr2_table ] != "") && } { set generated_cfg_odt_chip $..." (procedure "_compute_odt_chip" line 63) invoked from within"_compute_odt_chip 1" invoked from within"set_parameter_value CFG_WRITE_ODT_CHIP [_compute_odt_chip 1]" ("if" then script line 125) invoked from within"if {[string compare -nocase [get_parameter_value NEXTGEN] "true"] == 0} { if {[regexp {^DDR1$} ] == 1} { set_parameter_value CFG_TYPE 0..." (procedure "_derive_parameters" line 209) invoked from within"_derive_parameters" (procedure "alt_mem_if::gui::ddrx_controller::validate_component" line 5) invoked from within"alt_mem_if::gui::ddrx_controller::validate_component" (procedure "ip_validate" line 11) invoked from within"ip_validate" 因为一个quad-rank (4个rank) LRDIMM不使用4个片选,所以该错误出现。

Frank Borell - Somber Moods 帮译

Frank Borell应该是外国的一位作曲家吧,之后的Somber Moods应该是忧郁的心境或者是气氛,没猜错的话是一首歌`





rank1-rank14 军衔的英文名字是什么?

不好意思 没看清楚Rank(等级)Alliance Title(联盟)Horde Title(部落) 14 。Grand Marshal大元帅。。High Warlord高阶督军 13 。Field Marshal元帅。。Warlord督军 12 。Marshal统帅。。General将军 11 。Commander司令。。Lieutenant General中将 10 。Lieutenant Commander少校。。Champion勇士 9 。Knight-Champion护卫骑士。。Centurion百夫长 8 。Knight-Captain骑士队长。。Legionnaire军团士兵 7 。Knight-Lieutenant骑士中尉。。Blood Guard血卫士 6 。Knight骑士。。Stone Guard石头守卫 5 。Sergeant Major士官长。。First Sergeant一等军士长 4 。Master Sergeant军士长。。Senior Sergeant高阶军士 3 。Sergeant中士。。Sergeant中士 2 。Corporal下士。。Grunt步兵 1 。Private列兵。。Scout侦察兵

Frank Lampard几岁

33岁零8个月兰帕德 生日:1978年6月20日



切尔西的Frank Lampard厉害吗?


TensorFlow2 基础知识: Tensor, Shape, Rank

Tensor 是 TensorFlow 中基础的计算单元,它包括以下四个主要组成部分: 当不知道某个维度的大小时, 可以用 None 代替, 表示 Unknown 实际使可能遇到的几种Shape 的情况 因为TensorFlow 是先定义, 后执行, 有些信息在运行 Computation Graph 的时候再运算, 所以会出现上述在定义时, 未知的情况。 参考文档: [1] Understanding Tensorflow"s tensors shape: static and dynamic, Paolo Galeone, 01/28/2018

美国底层黑人怎么看待Kanye west Frank Ocean的音乐

三月份Kendrick Lamar推出To Pimp a Butterfly,我心中便暗暗叫苦:面对这般份量的作品,一般的独立乐队/歌手哪是对手?今年还有Frank Ocean、Miguel、Kanye West的新专辑,随便一张都有年度榜单霸主的潜力——法海将于七月份发行的专辑已成为本年度最受期待专辑——难道今年独立音乐要沦为全年陪(黑人音乐)跑的角色吗?——好在三四月份还有一帮民谣歌手/乐队扎堆发片,我们迎来了Laura Marling、Villagers、Courtney Barnett、Tobias Jesso Jr.,以及时隔五年推出新专辑的Sufjan Stevens(人送昵称“舒肤佳”)。从媒体评分看,Sufjan Stevens的Carrie Lowell有可能成为今年综评最高的民谣专辑,甚至有潜力冲击年度榜单十强。看歌词即知,Carrie Lowell是一张非常私人的专辑。Carrie Lowell是他母亲和继父的名字。Carrie不是一个合格的母亲,她有精神分裂症和抑郁症,有瘾和酒瘾,曾反复遗弃Sufjan Stevens(在Should Have Known Better中他唱道:“When I was three, three maybe four,She left us at that video store”),2012年Carrie因胃癌去世。Sufjan Stevens对她抱有复杂感情,在不少歌词中描述了他试图靠近母亲而不得的状态,以及母亲去世对他的影响(“Do I care if I survive this? Bury the dead where they"re found”),因此在歌词中反复用到“鲜血”、“死亡”和“阴影”的意象。相反,继父Lowell与Sufjan Stevens关系更亲密,在Sufjan Stevens五岁到八岁期间,每年Lowell都会接他到俄勒冈洲的家中玩,教他游泳(“The man who taught me to swim, he couldn"t quite say my first name”),这是Sufjan Stevens童年中最快乐的回忆,歌唱这段往事的Eugene也是专辑中最轻快的歌曲。了解Sufjan Stevens的身世再看歌词,会帮助你更好了解/接近作品。有趣的是John My Beloved的歌词,似乎印证了坊间对舒肤佳性取向的猜测(咳咳咳.从形式上看,这次Sufjan Stevens返璞归真的选择以acoustic guitar为核心,辅以键盘和氛围音乐的方式。我刚开始听,认为“啊,acoustic guitar,无聊无聊无聊!”后来发现太偏颇。你可以将其类比Elliott Smith、Nick Drake甚至(弱化版)Bon Iver。配器精巧的组合起来,空旷的氛围乐暗示了Sufjan Stevens低沉的心境,清脆的吉他则代表一抹亮色。专辑听感舒适,可以无压力循环一整天,配合歌词效果更佳。我最近比较迷Sharon Van Etten,就形式上看,Carrie Lowell可能略为平淡,但内容来说,以刀般剖析自我(连masturbated都写出来了),这番勇气非常人所及。

Frankie Paul的《We Got It》 歌词

歌曲 we got歌手:ludacrisDTP we got them guns that go...I-20Yea I"m all about that pistol playa, cold blooded killaNiggaz recognize my name, I dub the young dealerYou better tell ya man that with the gages I"m niceIll shoot up yall white shirts until yall look like dikesBut I"m through with all the talking time to show all you niggazI 2-0, I"m like J-Lo...going through niggazDTP we aint plying if you try to get our penA.K"s get ta spraying like...Bottom line that mean I"m bout it, any nigga want it, doubt itBust you in the broad day, on the street that"s fully crowdedFind our hole and fagots there, just for thinking its rapAnd tell that pretty bitch thug we got some pretty big gatsChaka say I"m shot out, and I tend to agreeSo you should what you saying if it"s intended for meSo be careful what you starting, let my fingers do the walkingAnd that oozy get to talking like...Tity BoiHammers, jam "em, snatch "em, grab "emCan the an and fuck "em, damn "emPress him, man him, scared him, teared him, kneed him upBake him, take him, beat him up, I hate I hate, I eat him upA-B-C-E-F shawty is you a G or whatNow it"s just me and my nuts, that"s all I got in this worldI"m pulling pistols out my stomach and throwing them bitches up like earlServing the club, head shot, scattered, covered, run, scram "emI"m 38, hot with a pearl handle...And I"m throwing text like a NBA refI got, all gold guns like they came from I-RAQArtillery, could it be I got all kinds of these pistolsI point my gun at ya homeboy make ya own folks hit yaAnd aint taking no more pictures, if you snap ima clickAnyway, plus I got bullets in the clip the size of Lil FateAnd I"m webbing choppers like heli-coptersYou gon" need hella doctors, when the glok go...Say on the set bitch, better watch your lip that text be quick20 over thurr, Tity over thurr, Luda over thurr, aint no exit trickUs you don"t mess with, we got them guns like action flicksReload with the next clip, I"m the ro nigga to flex with bitchCome on and test this, my gun I"m having sex with shitPut a bullet in (in) shoot it out, got them long horns like Texas bitchLook at my necklace, maybe hit a ngga disrespect this clickMy pistol grip sound like this...now whatWho want that they fucked, when I cock and load the cake, bust bustYall cowards play tough, and my peeps we come to spray stuff upYall lives made up, like ugly hoes with make-up braWe"ll suit you up then toss yo ass in the lake tough nutI"m wrist rocky, like Sylvester StalloneSo thurr for you should invest, in a vest for ya domeCause I know you marks planning on getting me when I"m landingast the nick, but my cannon go...ck a medic, we gon" call yo ass a taxi cabBleedin so hard you"ll need a life size maxi padSo flip the script and tell your woman its your time on the monthA.K. 47 for the niggaz who"s really looking for heaven and a 9 for you chumpsGot killaz in my squad and I"m the nicest one in my groupBut I got bananas for you niggaz and I aint talking bout fruitIll pay your CAB BACK with the BLACK MACKTill your BACK CRACK, got the GAT BACK like...CLAK CLAK CLAKSwallow a hallow make "em digest with a 50 caliberYo futures not looking so good, tomorrows not on your calendarI, do away with the amateurs, they breathing too longIll leave "em coughing like the sound effects you hear in this songMy Shotguns are cold and hard, but my Desert is easyAnd my triggers are always talking about some squeeze me, squeeze meAnd for these fakers talking greezy, I"m starting the showMy Oozy got a drum roll, it goes...http://music.baidu.com/song/7434857

franks 的lifeline歌词大意

当我还是个孩子 我没有照顾"比赛的事情 这是我和这个世界和一个破碎的梦想 我责怪自己 所有这是去错了 我是有出路 错误一边的小镇 和那些我喜欢 我开始把"时间了 然后我意识到 这是我所有的过错 我一直在找一条生命线 什么好像一生 我淹死在疼痛 再次打破 寻找一条生命线 所以,我提出了我的手 我问一些帮助 我们拆掉的围墙围绕着我自己 我感到震惊的参照 我倒在地上 我一直在找一条生命线 什么好像一生 我淹死在疼痛 再次打破 寻找一条生命线 是否有任何人了吗? 你能拉我从这个海洋的绝望? 我淹死在疼痛 再次打破 寻找一条生命线 你知道心脏的黄金 大家都习惯采取的方式 并在如此寒冷的世界 很难保持信念 即时通讯从来没有要去消失! 是啊! 我一直在找一条生命线 什么好像一生 我淹死在疼痛 再次打破 寻找一条生命线 是否有任何人了吗? 你能拉我从这个海洋的绝望? 我淹死在疼痛 再次打破 寻找一条生命线



“当前网站的Google PageRank和Alexa排名”是指什么?

PR值全称为PageRank(网页级别),取自Google的创始人LarryPage。它是Google排名运算法则(排名公式)的一部分,是Google用于用来标识网页的等级/重要性的一种方法,是Google用来衡量一个网站的好坏的唯一标准。PR值最高为10.最低为0.Alexa的网站世界排名主要分两种:综合排名和分类排名。  综合排名也叫绝对排名,即特定的一个网站在所有网站中的名次。Alexa每三个月公布一次新的网站综合排名。此排名的依据是用户链接数(UsersReach)和页面浏览数(PageViews)三个月累积的几何平均值。


个人理解prank 通用的书面一点的用法,没有特别感情色彩mischief 形容词为 mischevious,多用于小孩子淘气行为的那种恶作剧trcik 有点故意为之,带点坏坏类型的恶搞

求歌词:it s been a long time since we drank the arsenic


急!!!沙滩伞的一些术语steel clip、crank、tilt、flap、Alu umbrella

Shatan San some of the terminology

英语!!Mary SHELLY和frankenstein


跪求《Frankenstein - Dean Koontz》电子书百度云网盘下载

《Frankenstein》百度网盘免费资源下载:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1meAJUS75gPe7cqKJE_ySKA 提取码: vctj《Frankenstein》是玛丽·雪莱创作的小说,出版于1818年,较为普及的版本是1831年印行的第三版,属于受到浪漫主义影响的哥特小说。後世有部份学者认为这篇小说可视为恐怖小说或科幻小说的起源。。





写一篇frankenstein的观后感 100字左右的英语作文



Frankenstein is enormously important as a prototype for science fiction and as an early feminist work. Background of Frankenstein Mary Shelley was born in 18th-century London to two influential writers. Her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was a radical feminist who died after giving birth to Mary, and her father, William Godwin, raised her alone. Mary left home at 16, married Percy Shelley after his first wife"s suicide, and wrote Frankenstein in a writer"s challenge from Lord Byron in 1816-1817. The story, based on a horrendous vision, was composed during sweeping life changes. Frankenstein was published anonymously in 1818. However, the story is enduring in its psychological drama, questions asked, and memorable characterizations. The story has adapted to many forms, with each adaptation telling a very different version of Shelley"s original tale. Frankenstein is an advisory notice done up in gothic costume, warning post-industrial society about the explosion of scientific knowledge and its potential misapplication and the subsequent dehumanization of mankind. Much as the silent sci-fi film Metropolis warned of the need for labor unions, Frankenstein warned of the need for considered action in the use of knowledge, and the alienation in store for driven knowledge seekers. In Frankenstein, Shelley asks who exactly the real monster is. About the Novel: Frankenstein In the beginning, Dr. Frankenstein is rescued from an ice flow in the sea near the North Pole. Chased through the Arctic by his Creature, Victor Frankenstein is saved by Captain Walton, who listens to the tale of the quest for knowledge--all gone wrong. Victor describes his childhood as a paradise, where his mother and father indulged him. But, his parents also failed to teach him reality, cause-and-effect, or the principles of respect. With these deficiencies, he considered his adopted sister Elizabeth a possession that he married to own. Elizabeth could not help Victor overcome his addiction to creating a superhuman species. Victor achieved the goal of his addiction and was subsequently repulsed by it. Elizabeth was quite literally killed by his addiction as Victor"s Creature destroyed everything that was dear to him. His parents had abandoned his soul in their enabling, and he abandoned his own creation without a name and without a thought. Frankenstein reveals three generations of monsters--personified in Victor"s mother, Victor, and the Creature. In addition, Elizabeth was reduced to monster status in her treatment as an object, and Mary Shelley herself was a monster (an educated feminist) who could not put her name to her own work. Victor, the Creature, and Mary Shelley were all different from the mainstream society that rejected them as monstrous: a radical scientist, an inhuman creation, and a feminist without a mother. Victor lost everyone of value, Shelley lost her mother at birth, and the Creature could not fit in anywhere. The Creature"s abandonment by parent and society is similar to that of the feminist for over two centuries. Feminists were scorned and abandoned as they obtained knowledge and subsequent power to participate more fully in societies. As portrayed in Katja von Garnier"s 2004 film Iron Jawed Angels, feminists were attacked, beaten, and shunned, just as was the Creature in Frankenstein. Shelley must have felt such abandonment and rejection, considering that her father educated her extensively, but she could not sign her own book.

Frankenstein (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Frankenstein (Lp Version)歌手:Overkill专辑:HorrorscopeTokyo Police Club - Frankensteincatch your breathtake your timeit"s a goldminebut that"s my only crimethat"s my only crimeI"m a sapthe sugarcaneand I have found a way to celebratejust gimme the keys and gimme your timeso tell meit"s good to be backa gold star turns blacktell meI see ParisI see FranceI see you making that face againif you wanna make wavesso take your timethe nuclear wind would look these over mildnew and improvedhe was late all the timeoh, but that"s my only crimeyou"re coming with usten outta tenan A plusturns blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7653411

Frankenstein (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Frankenstein (Lp Version)歌手:Clutch专辑:Pure Rock FuryTokyo Police Club - Frankensteincatch your breathtake your timeit"s a goldminebut that"s my only crimethat"s my only crimeI"m a sapthe sugarcaneand I have found a way to celebratejust gimme the keys and gimme your timeso tell meit"s good to be backa gold star turns blacktell meI see ParisI see FranceI see you making that face againif you wanna make wavesso take your timethe nuclear wind would look these over mildnew and improvedhe was late all the timeoh, but that"s my only crimeyou"re coming with usten outta tenan A plusturns blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/935321


可以写一下老Frankenstein 与 小 Frankenstein 的关系,本来是祖孙的关系,但是小Frankenstein是一个医生,而且非常厌恶别人将他和他的祖父相提并论, 因为他认为祖父的从死人身上造活人的实验完全是疯子的举动。在他去继承祖父遗产时在祖父的城堡里无意中发现了一本祖父的记事簿,使他认识到祖父的实验不是疯子的实验,他所遗传的实验和创造本性才让他真正接受自己的身份——他大声宣称“I am Frankenstein!”,他承认自己是Frankenstein 家的子孙。在驼背人伊哥与助手的伊加帮助下,加上偷回来的脑,根据祖父的科学实验资料,成功制造了一具怪物——科学怪人。可惜,偷回来的脑出了岔子,导致科学怪人,不能说话,行动迟缓,极渴望被爱,它离家出走,小Frankenstein决定挽救怪物,自己和怪人交换大脑,阴错阳差的,手术做了一半被迫停止,小Frankenstein自己一半的大脑交换给了怪人。怪人变成了一个正常的人,还有了自己的爱人。笔者认为,作者的这种安排暗示着小Frankenstein 不再是孤单的一个Frankenstein,他的另一半(怪人)也是Frankenstein家的延续,也是另一个他的诞生。供你参考。


  金刚站在帝国大厦的顶端的时候,那些喜欢性和政治的评论家认为他政府了男性世界,而当他怀抱(手捏)  Fay Wray的时候,这个女人则成为他征服的奖励品。这也许是显然的。  《科学怪人的新娘》在类型上超越了前集《科学怪人》,对于四年之后的续集,这是保守判断。四年间,詹姆斯 威尔拍摄了《黑暗古宅》(the old dark house)1932、《隐形人》(the invisible man)1933等影片,风格已经彻底脱离了《科学怪人》一片中的严肃刻板,这也许与他在好莱坞的地位有关,也应当认为是他游刃有余的与审查机构的周旋的映射。1931年环球购买《科学怪人》剧本时,当时是伯德斯顿的剧本,其中已经包含了一个被创造的女恶魔,但是没有被影片采用。  而最后《科学怪人的新娘》的剧本也是数次修改,其中包括女恶魔的身体部件是从何处搜集来的,心脏和大脑的来源,最后选择了威廉 赫尔伯特。  影片的开始是雪莱夫妇和拜伦的谈话,这一段是迫于电影审查的压力而添加的,尤其是雪莱夫人“承认”:这个故事是有关“道德”的。因为只有这样才能避免观众认为电影反映了真实的事件,而非一个传奇的幻想故事。影片中很多修改的原因大多是这个原因,当然,有些没有修改的地方也未必传达了审查机构希望的“那样”。  故事的开始承接《科学怪人》的结尾,弗兰肯斯坦被恶魔(鲍里斯 卡洛夫饰演)从磨房高处扔下来,自己消失在燃烧的磨房中。燃烧的磨房消灭恶魔影响了《范海辛》(式)的电影,而如同本片一样,如此的方法似乎无法毁灭恶魔。恶魔在磨房下的水池中保住了性命。值得一提的是,恶魔绝对不是我们现在能够想象或看到的不可一世的不死怪物,如同金刚一样,你会发问:他也喝水吗?他吃什么东西?他会流血么?答案都是肯定的,本片中恶魔有着一切人的特征,他只是一个力量巨大的人。如同在习惯了好莱坞大片的人看金刚最后“坠入”城市时所感受到的不解,这样一个庞然大物居然就这样死掉了,恶魔带给你的感受似乎时相同的。他被子弹击中后痛苦的表情,被市民围困后捆绑,如果不是超强的力量,他根本无法威胁任何人。  在恶魔被市民追赶的时候,他来到了一个孤独的老人那里,老人双目失明,在寂寞的驱使下与恶魔成为了朋友,关键在于他是一个看不见的人,所有的其他人看到恶魔的反映是恐惧尖叫,唯独他没有,从这个角度看恶魔,其实只是一个长相丑陋的人。人们对他有着自然的排斥,这也导致了他狂暴的伤害那些尖叫的人。老人在恶魔睡觉前感谢上帝赐予他一个朋友,流着眼泪诉说他的寂寞,此时恶魔也流出了泪水。不过这段友谊很快被摧毁,赶来的市民“救走”了老人,恶魔再次逃走,他痛苦的选择了一条“自我毁灭”的道路,钻到墓穴中,人们说他“由死人制造”,所以坟墓是他的归宿。  品尝到“友谊”幸福的恶魔遇到了普特瑞斯教授,当时他正在攫取一个少女的尸体,寻找制造女恶魔的大脑。恶魔希望他能够快点给自己制造一个朋友,并帮助教授胁持了在磨房大火中受伤不愿再制造怪物的弗兰肯斯坦。从语言到感情,恶魔在浩劫中完成了社会化,人的躯壳终于有了人的思想。  最后女恶魔在暴风雨之夜被制造成功,普特瑞斯兴奋的高呼:“The bride of Frankenstein!”,其实这句话并非表达了恶魔的名字叫做弗兰肯斯坦,也不是对弗兰肯斯坦本人发出赞美,原因在于女恶魔的心脏,这颗心脏是弗兰肯斯坦的新婚妻子的心脏,这也是为什么后来女恶魔拒绝了男恶魔的爱而始终依偎在弗兰肯斯坦怀里的原因。但当初审查的时候未能通过,所以改为教授的手下杀害了一名过路女子取得了心脏,弗兰肯斯坦夫妇被恶魔释放。于是出现了“弗兰肯斯坦的新娘”的说法。(威尔似乎在当时还以为心脏是用来思考的器官)  恶魔在被新娘拒绝了后释放了弗兰肯斯坦夫妇,拉下了实验室的一个关键的闸门,与邪恶的普特瑞斯教授和女恶魔一起毁灭在实验室的爆炸中。  在很多《科学怪人》包括对雪莱妇人剧本的分析中认为,弗兰肯斯坦创造了一个活生生的男性恶魔,这对女性在社会中承担的角色构成了侵犯和威胁,创造是一种否定女性生殖的激进方式,而且恶魔来自一个男性科学家的“分娩”。如此一来,女恶魔的创造虽然被女权主义者认为加剧了这种侵犯,但实际上,可以从影片中看到,女恶魔的诞生是为了与男恶魔形成繁殖的对称,这又回到了传统生殖的路子上。不过似乎没有人认为,威尔将《科学怪人》中的思路进行矫正,原因也许在于没有人认为恶魔是人,恶魔之间的交媾繁衍了一个新的种族,这是普特瑞斯教授的主要观点。  如果能够抛开所谓的女权观点来看这部影片,我宁愿认为这是一部边缘人的故事,来自死亡,毁灭于觉醒。詹姆斯 威尔在1935年以公开的同性恋身份生活在好莱坞,即使在今天也是一件十分困难的事情,这个事实决定了他在拍摄科学怪人的时候,将恶魔的受斥形态描述的细致入微,拥有人的躯壳却游离在人群之外,冠以“恶魔”的标签,科学怪人一点点被人同化:渴望友情,心地善良、喜欢杜松子酒和雪茄,然而依然处在人群的追捕中,最后连自己的“同类”:女恶魔都拒绝了自己,这样一种被遗弃的感受让他自己选择了毁灭,同时也毁灭了造成他如此境遇的人——创造者。

Frankenstein 歌词

歌曲名:Frankenstein歌手:Antony & The Johnsons专辑:Hope There"S SomeoneTokyo Police Club - Frankensteincatch your breathtake your timeit"s a goldminebut that"s my only crimethat"s my only crimeI"m a sapthe sugarcaneand I have found a way to celebratejust gimme the keys and gimme your timeso tell meit"s good to be backa gold star turns blacktell meI see ParisI see FranceI see you making that face againif you wanna make wavesso take your timethe nuclear wind would look these over mildnew and improvedhe was late all the timeoh, but that"s my only crimeyou"re coming with usten outta tenan A plusturns blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7416885

Frankenstein 歌词

歌曲名:Frankenstein歌手:The Ventures专辑:Halloween S Gravest Hits (Expanded Version)Tokyo Police Club - Frankensteincatch your breathtake your timeit"s a goldminebut that"s my only crimethat"s my only crimeI"m a sapthe sugarcaneand I have found a way to celebratejust gimme the keys and gimme your timeso tell meit"s good to be backa gold star turns blacktell meI see ParisI see FranceI see you making that face againif you wanna make wavesso take your timethe nuclear wind would look these over mildnew and improvedhe was late all the timeoh, but that"s my only crimeyou"re coming with usten outta tenan A plusturns blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2576889





Frankenstein 歌词

歌曲名:Frankenstein歌手:The Edgar Winter Group专辑:They Only Come Out At NightTokyo Police Club - Frankensteincatch your breathtake your timeit"s a goldminebut that"s my only crimethat"s my only crimeI"m a sapthe sugarcaneand I have found a way to celebratejust gimme the keys and gimme your timeso tell meit"s good to be backa gold star turns blacktell meI see ParisI see FranceI see you making that face againif you wanna make wavesso take your timethe nuclear wind would look these over mildnew and improvedhe was late all the timeoh, but that"s my only crimeyou"re coming with usten outta tenan A plusturns blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8792173

Frankenstein 歌词

歌曲名:Frankenstein歌手:France Gall专辑:Gainsbourg chanté par...Tokyo Police Club - Frankensteincatch your breathtake your timeit"s a goldminebut that"s my only crimethat"s my only crimeI"m a sapthe sugarcaneand I have found a way to celebratejust gimme the keys and gimme your timeso tell meit"s good to be backa gold star turns blacktell meI see ParisI see FranceI see you making that face againif you wanna make wavesso take your timethe nuclear wind would look these over mildnew and improvedhe was late all the timeoh, but that"s my only crimeyou"re coming with usten outta tenan A plusturns blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8110632

Frankenstein 歌词

歌曲名:Frankenstein歌手:艾 美曼专辑:I"m With StupidTokyo Police Club - Frankensteincatch your breathtake your timeit"s a goldminebut that"s my only crimethat"s my only crimeI"m a sapthe sugarcaneand I have found a way to celebratejust gimme the keys and gimme your timeso tell meit"s good to be backa gold star turns blacktell meI see ParisI see FranceI see you making that face againif you wanna make wavesso take your timethe nuclear wind would look these over mildnew and improvedhe was late all the timeoh, but that"s my only crimeyou"re coming with usten outta tenan A plusturns blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15126482
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