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tell me why 歌词


Why do not you cut him a little slack? 这里的cut sb

cut 剪开,砍开有许多意思,slack是松,松散的你根据两个单词的意思,直接绎是为某人松松绳子,而结合语境的话就能译成放人一马了,英语有许多这种句子翻译都要看语境的。。我自己的想法。。望采纳

why are you so upset with me 歌词

Bro, not upset... is OBSESSED..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjeRk_GxcqMMariah (Speaks):"Why you so obsessed with me?"So Oh Oh So OhhhWill the real MC please step to the mic?MC- You need an MC, place to beMC the MCAll up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don"t even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin" I"m up in your carBut you in LA and I"m out at Jermaine"sI"m up in the A- you"re so so lameand no one here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the Ecuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin"Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessedYou on your job, you hittin" hardAin"t gon feed you, gon" let you starveGraspin" for air I"m ?You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitinTellin" the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin"You a mom and pop, I"m a corporationI"m the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed

MC的新歌Obsessed中这句歌词why you so obsessed with me从语法角度看对吗?不用加be动词吗?



还好吧 正反面 都有听说过是 gay中国都多 更不用说 外国了 挺正常的

急需《why is teamwork very important?》为题的外语作文

Training Important? -"When teamwork kicks in, nobody can beat you."Don Shula, Head Coach, Miami Dolphins Only NFL team to attain a perfect 17-0 seasonWhether it"s two people, a department, or an organization, teams are the means by which great things get done. Unfortunately, not all work groups exhibit teamwork. So, how can our groups develop that sense of community and cohesiveness, or what was Don Shula"s secret? When and how does teamwork kick in? The key is effective teamwork training.Our research and experience point to a need for managers to be both willing and able to build and maintain high performing teams. One key to regaining our competitiveness will be how successful managers are in creating the climate for teamwork to grow and develop.We believe it doesn"t just happen by accident. Teams work at building spirit and commitment. They talk about how they are doing. They are willing to invest time and money to protect and enhance the basic team fabric and integrity. In a team, people care about each other and are concerned about how their actions and attitudes affect each other.Managers report that they spend from fifty to ninety percent of their efforts on managing individuals. Yes, most managers have little or no knowledge of group dynamics. With CMOE"s teamwork training programs, you will discover the inner dimensions and facets of how groups become teams and how group dynamics can be managed. Observing groups at work adds clarity to the very subtle and often subliminal concept of teamwork. It is not magic and there is no secret; it can be explained and put into practice by any manager.Many of our teamwork training activities are instruments that allow participants to observe and unmask the common enemies of teamwork. It helps if we can see more clearly obstacles that all too frequently are created within a team.Team afflictions can be widespread, including: destructive and over-charged competitiveness, individualism, over-inflated egos, personal greed, and technology such as computers that drive us into ourselves and have the potential of isolating us so we can "do our own thing." Seeing the impact of these afflictions on the quality of teamwork is the first

用why when how what 介绍感恩节英语作文

  Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America, generally observed as an expression of gratitude, usually to God. The most common view of its origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn harvest. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. In Canada, where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year, the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is observed as Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States. Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends and family. In the United States, it is an important family holiday, and people often travel across the country to be with family members for the holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off. Thanksgiving is almost entirely celebrated at home, unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas, which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences (fireworks, caroling, etc.)感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,著名的“五月花”号船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒102人到达美洲。1620年和1621年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有50来人。这时,心地善良的印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。

Why soldiers hate March

为您解答这是双关语,march既有三月之意,也有行军之意。行军多累啊。It"s a pun.

有首韩文歌 男子组合唱的歌 歌词里面有tell me why啊哈 tell me why啊哈


Why my heart is so painful it.意思

why my heart is so painful it.为什么我的心是如此的痛苦。heart 英[hɑ:t] 美[hɑ:rt] n. 心,心脏; 感情; 要点; 胸部; vt. 鼓励; 激励; vi. 结心; [例句]The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea"s heart.子弹在离安德烈亚的心脏不到一英寸的地方穿过。[其他] 第三人称单数:hearts 复数:hearts 现在分词:hearting 过去式:hearted过去分词:hearted painful 英[u02c8peu026anfl] 美[u02c8penfu0259l] adj. 痛苦的; (肉体) 疼的; 费力的,(工作)困难的; 讨厌的,使人厌烦的; [网络] 痛; 令人不快的; 难受; [例句]Her glands were swollen and painful.她腺体肿痛。[其他] 形近词: skinful gainful

such a tease why not a try


求一篇英语作文 题目为 why do you learn English 急~~~!!!!!!!!!!

English has been getting more and more popular in the last decade. Many countries have made English taught as the second language in schools. But why do students need English? If they do need, what do they need it for? Different students learn English for different purposes. Most of the students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or journals and attend English lectures, while a few students use it to talk to English-speaking visitors, attend seminars, or write letters and reports. Whatever the purposes are, one thing is certain: Students need English, and English teaching should be strengthened in universities. However, the current teaching methods should be improved and the teaching materials should be updated to satisfy their needs.



为什么我的电脑开机时会有“加载c:WINDOWSsystem32wggwhy69.dll是出错 拒绝访问”!请教高手啊!

找到文件 删除 能后整理碎片 就好了



romeo romeo why are you romeo是什么歌

romeo romeo whyare you romeo deny your father and refuse your name 罗密欧,罗密欧为什么你否认你的父亲拒绝你的名字?


白酒产品标准号Q/wHYJ0001s分开解读:Q~企业标准wHYJ~企业名称的生母缩小0001s ~当地质量技术监督局流水号

英语翻译I must change myselfI wonder whyThese days I am busy try?

我必须改变自己 我想知道问什么 这些天我忙着尝试着去依赖你,而且我也相信你可以解决困扰我的问题.但是你做的那些让我不满意.自己去年说的如果我了解了,你可以办到.然后怎样呢?我想我现在是明白了 我晕,get it是明白了解的意思,不是得到它,你们翻得太直了吧,1,译文 : 我必须改变自己 我不知道为什么 这些天来,我企图"以"你,我相信你们能解决我的问题,这是困扰了我和久。但是,你做了一些事使我感到有些不爽。这是你自己说的:去年我要是它,你就能做到这一点。那么,究竟是什么呢?我想,现在我已经知道了.........,2,必须改变我自己 一直在想这是为什么 这些日子以来,我一直陷自己于对你的依赖,我认为你能解决正在困扰我的问题.但是你所做的并不能让我满意.是你自己去年说,如果我有困难,你能解决,然而,怎么样?我觉得我现在正被困扰着‘‘‘...,2,我必须改变我自己,我想知道这些天我一直试着依靠我自己,我相信我可以自己解决一直捆饶我的问题,但是你所做的事情使我很不满意。你自己去年说过如果我可以做到,你也可以。然而现在我已经做到了但是...?,2,我必须改变自己。 我不明白为什么这些天我都忙着尝试去信任你,或许是因为你能解决一直困扰我的问题;但是你所做的一切不是令我非常满意,是你自己说的如果去年我得到了它,你就能做好。然后,怎么样了呢?我想我已经得到它了…… 英语加油啊~~~~~~...,1,我必须改变自己 我想知道为什么 这些天我忙于试图依靠你,我也相信你能解决一直困扰我的问题。但我对你做的并不满意。去年你自己说的,如果我做到了,你就能做到。然而,什么呢?我想我现在做到了。。。,0,英语翻译 I must change myself I wonder why These days I am busy trying to "rely on" you,and I believe that you can resolve my problem which is bothering me.but what you have done made me dissatisfied.It was yourself said last year that if I get it ,you can do it.Then,what?I think I get it now.

why has my body odor changes?这句话对么?为什么?

why has my body odor changes?这句话不对。why does my body has odor?why has my body odor changed?does your bodyodor change as you age?这句话是对的


简单的说就是苹果的果肉发生了氧化 原理如下:苹果为什么会变色呢? 原来苹果里含有一种氧化酶,当苹果削去表皮后,空气遇到果肉,在氧气酶的催化下果肉中的有机质被氧化变色,苹果就变成了难看的黑褐色了。 也可以这样说当苹果削好皮或切开后放置一会儿,切口面的颜色就会由浅变深,最后变成深褐色。不仅苹果如此,马铃薯的块茎、桃、茄子等切开后,同样会发生变色反应。这是怎么回事呢? 发生色变反应主要是这些植物体内存在着酚类化合物。例如:多元酚类、儿茶酚等。酚类化合物易被氧化成醌类化合物,即发生变色反应变成黄色,随着反应的量的增加颜色就逐渐加深,最后变成深褐色。氧化反应的发生是由于与空气中氧的接触和细胞中酚氧化酶的释放。 在组织没有损伤之前,酚氧化酶存在于细胞器中,不能与酚类化合物接触,而空气中的氧更没法进入,因而不发生氧化变色反应。当细胞组织受损伤以后,酚氧化酶就被释放出来与酚类化合物接触,催化酚类化合物的氧化,再加上空气中氧的作用,就会发生变色反应。其中多元酚类能直接被氧化成醌类化合物而变色。而儿茶酚分子则在酚氧化酶的作用下发生聚合。两个儿茶酚分子连接在一起,形成儿茶酚二聚体,二聚体又可以两两相接,形成四聚体。单个的儿茶酚分子及其二聚体和四聚体都是没有颜色的,但是儿茶酚四聚体可以形成多聚体,而多聚体是紫色的。所以多聚体形成得越多,切口面的颜色就会越深。 苹果变色以后,所含的维生素C会减少,影响营养价值。为了防止切开后的苹果变色,可以不让它与空气接触,最好的办法是把苹果泡在盐水里。


为什么你老是这样对我 为什么你就是不了解我 为什么你要这么做 看来你根本就毫不在乎 难道你要我相信 我是唯一堕落的人? 我可以感觉到你就在我身旁 即使你远在天边 我可以 我可以感觉到你 为什么 爱情不应该有这种感觉 我需要你 我需要你 每一天都更需要你 爱情 不应该这麼痛苦 我需要你 我需要你 我需要你 告诉我 你和我还在一起吗? 告诉我 我们会天长地久吗? 告诉我 为什么? 嘿!用心倾听我们心里的话 让我们的爱情游戏多一点变化 试著注视著我 好好的看进我的心 难道你要我相信 我会让我俩分开? 我可以感觉到你就在我身旁 即使你远在天边 我可以 我可以感觉到你 为什么? 那么就去思考你认为有必要思考的事吧 那么就去梦想你认为有必要梦想的事吧 当你明白你的感觉时 就回到我身边吧 我可以感觉到你就在我身边 即使你远在天边 我可以 我可以感觉到你 为什么?

why he ranks first?为什么不用被动语态

rank是不及物动词 不及物动词时没有被动语态的 被动语态是针对及物动词而言

The reasons why he did it are obscure. 这句话正确吗


Why,you may wonder,should spiders be our friends? 这句话里的be 是什么意思?可以去掉吗?

be 是 “是”的意思,不能却掉。

Susie Suh的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:Susie Suh专辑:The Bakman TapesMario - WhyWhat is going onEverytime i try to talkYou screamin baby(Runnin" your mouthTellin all our business, I got witnesses)I cant be wrongCause I gave you my heartAnd you played me(Accusing me of doing things that i would never do to you)You say i see other girlsI say you trippin cause IWouldnt be the one to be found outBecause im not that kinda guyIf I wanted somebody elseThen I"d say goodbyeBeen trying to work it outGirl tell me...Why (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still hereEvery night that i come home and your laying in bed(All i wanna do is make love to you)But now i got reservationsBecause you actin strange(You been going through my Sidekick, Blackberry, and my iPhoneAll that shit ain"t cool)You say you got my number (Number)And i"ve been caught, admit it (Admit it)Say i"m playing dumb, but (Dumb but)You got so used to the fast lifeAll of the things I could do for youCatch you coming back to me (yeah)Always running back to meSaid I cant do, do this no moreThought you knew better girlNot like the rest of them girlsWhy can"t you prove me wrongWhy (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/26286221

艾薇儿why you have to go的中文英文歌词

And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚And promise me Iu2019m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心No no no 不不不You come over unannounced 你悄然而至Dressed up like youu2019re something else 穿得煞有介事Where you are and where itu2019s at you see 尽管你感觉良好,然而事与愿违Youu2019re making me, laugh out when you strike your pose 当你摆开姿态时,你惹得我大笑Take off all your preppy clothes 脱下你的校服You know youu2019re not fooling anyone 你明白你并不是想戏弄别人When youu2019ve become 当你成为Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色Watching your back, like you canu2019t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢Tell me 告诉我Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?I see the way youu2019re acting like youu2019re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧Lifeu2019s like this you 生活就是这样And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚And promise me Iu2019m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心No no no 不不不Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来Lay back, itu2019s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然You would see 你会发觉Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色Youu2019re watching your back, like you canu2019t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如Youu2019re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢Tell me 告诉我Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?I see the way youu2019re acting like youu2019re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧Lifeu2019s like this you 生活就是这样And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚And promise me Iu2019m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心No no no 不不不


有下面这个数据 分A和B两组人群 下面4行是不同疾病患病数 最后得到结果 故事还没有结束。。。。 用SPSS做出的结果和R的结果有出入 而R做出来的卡方值是 为什么?为什么? 所以重新录入,模仿SPSS 使用t()函数对数据进行转化 但是结果依旧是 查看R的帮助文档,发现蛛丝马迹 原来有一个叫Yates Correction的东西在搞鬼(主要是我的统计知识太菜) 再次跑R 以下参考: https://www.statisticshowto.datasciencecentral.com/what-is-the-yates-correction/ The Yates correction is a correction made to account for the fact that both Pearson"s chi-square test and McNemar"s chi-square test are biased upwards for a 2 x 2 contingency table . An upwards bias tends to make results larger than they should be. If you are creating a 2 x 2 contingency table that uses either of these two tests, the Yates correction is usually recommended, especially if the expected cell frequencies are below 10 (some authors put that figure at 5). Chi2 tests are biased upwards when used on 2 x 2 contingency tables. The reason is that the statistical Chi2 distribution is continuous and the 2 x 2 contingency table is dichotomous (in other words, it isn"t continuous, there are two variables). All you really need to know is that if your expected cell frequencies are below 10, you probably should be using the Yates correction. 而R默认是使用yates correction,所以有了上面这个故事。

Why were you late for class today, Kevin?

Matt: Why were you late for class today, Kevin?你今天怎么迟到了,Kevin Kevin: My alarm clock didn"t go off ! I kept sleeping, and when I woke up it was already 8:00 a.m.! 我闹铃不工作了!我一直睡到八点才醒!Matt: Oh, no! 噢,不会吧。Kevin: So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out the door.所以我只好迅速穿好衣服并且冲出了家门 Matt: You didn"t eat breakfast? 你没吃早饭吗?Kevin: No, I didn"t even brush my teeth or wash my face! But before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left . 没有,我甚至没来得及洗漱!然而就这样当我赶到车站时,公交已经开走了Matt: Then how did you get here?那你怎么来的 Kevin: Luckily, Carl"s dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car. 幸运的是,Carl的老爸在街上看到我就捎了我一段。Matt: Well, at least by the time you got to school, the class had only started for five minutes.好吧,最起码你到校的时候课才上了五分钟。少年,下次带上原文好么QAQ,课文很难找诶,我也不知道你要的是不是这篇。

Why is an empty purse always the same?no change in it中文是什麼意思

Why is an empty purse always the same?为什么空钱包都是一样的?no change in it 里面没有零钱

Why is an empty purse always the same?no change in it中文是什麼意思

Why is an empty purse always the same?no change in it.中文意思是:为什么空钱包总都一个样, 里面一分零钱都没有。

why i should keep loving you是哪首歌的歌词


跪求一首英文歌,我只记得一句歌词貌似是tell me why you tell me why什么的,

就叫tell me why 吧

this is why we play英语原文

Why do we play? We play for jumpers, passers, shooters. We play for driveway one on ones, playground heroes and the clutch vet at the Y. We play for ballers, shot callers, game changers, life changers. We play for the East side, West side, North side and South side. We play for the drama, the suspense and even the comedy. We play for comebacks, paybacks and give backs. For breaking through, breaking barriers and paradigms. We play for chasing a dream on and off the court. We play for all that and whatever comes. This is why we play.翻译:我们为何而战?我们为扣篮,为传球,为了野球场的单挑,操场上的英雄,和关键先生。为了做一名球员,教练,改变比赛者,和改变命运的人。我们为东西南北各地的人们而战。为了给大众奉献一场华丽如戏剧般的比赛,一场悬疑剧,甚至一场喜剧。是为了归来,为了感恩。为了打破沉寂,为了打破围栏,为了打破模式的条条。我们追逐梦想,无论场内场外。我们为这一切而战,无惧其他阻碍。

Sacred Spirit的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:Sacred Spirit专辑:Volume 9: Bluesy Chill OutMario - WhyWhat is going onEverytime i try to talkYou screamin baby(Runnin" your mouthTellin all our business, I got witnesses)I cant be wrongCause I gave you my heartAnd you played me(Accusing me of doing things that i would never do to you)You say i see other girlsI say you trippin cause IWouldnt be the one to be found outBecause im not that kinda guyIf I wanted somebody elseThen I"d say goodbyeBeen trying to work it outGirl tell me...Why (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still hereEvery night that i come home and your laying in bed(All i wanna do is make love to you)But now i got reservationsBecause you actin strange(You been going through my Sidekick, Blackberry, and my iPhoneAll that shit ain"t cool)You say you got my number (Number)And i"ve been caught, admit it (Admit it)Say i"m playing dumb, but (Dumb but)You got so used to the fast lifeAll of the things I could do for youCatch you coming back to me (yeah)Always running back to meSaid I cant do, do this no moreThought you knew better girlNot like the rest of them girlsWhy can"t you prove me wrongWhy (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17260743

1.英语陈述句语序和疑问句语序的结构 2.why not 后面是跟do 还是to do? 3.求非限制定语从句的运用

1.英语陈述句语序和疑问句语序的结构简单点来说,陈述句和疑问句你一定可以分清楚的对吧?那就好办了,如:I am a student. 这是一个陈述句,那它的语序就是陈述句语序陈述句语序即:(主语 + 谓语 + 其它) 的顺序Are you a student?疑问句语序即: (谓语 + 主语 + 其它)的顺序如果谓语是个实义动词(即:有实际意义的动词),如:Does he like playing football?疑问句语序即:(助动词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其它)2.why not 后面是跟do 还是to do? why not do如:Why not go shopping?3. 求非限制定语从句的运用简单来说,非限制定语从句的关系词前面有个“逗号”,,起补充说明作用,如省去意思仍完整如:The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。(非限制性) 可以比较一下:This is the house which we bought last month. 这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。(限制性)Hi,很高兴为你解答!如果帮到您,您的及时采纳是对我最大的支持!还有不明白的欢迎继续追问O(∩_∩)O


回音壁有回音效果的原因是皇穹宇围墙的建造暗合了声学的传音原理。围墙由磨砖对缝砌成,光滑平整,弧度过度柔和,有利于声波 的规则折射。加之围墙上端覆盖着琉璃瓦使声波不致于散漫地消失,更造成了回音壁的回音效果。 这个声学奇迹是怎样形成的呢?原来语音的波长只有10~300cm,比回音壁半径要小得多,因此在这种场合下可以认为声波是直线前 进的。语音在甲、乙两处之间传播,一部分以束状沿围墙连续反射前进,全程有129m;一部分沿直线直接通过空气传播,全程才45m 。因为墙面相当坚硬光洁,对声音的吸收小,是声音的优良反射体;而且在回音壁的具体条件下,声波沿墙面连续反射都是全反射, 没有穿入墙体内部发生折射的部分,所以声音在传播中衰减很小。两个人在甲、乙两处发出轻声细语,通过墙面传播的声波,尽管走 了129 m,对方还能听清楚,就像打电话一样。而直接经过空气传播的声波却衰减很快,只走6m就消失了,根本传不到45m外的对方耳 朵里。这就是神秘的回音壁的声学原理。满意请采纳

高中生物 农杆菌转化法 农杆菌是载体还是受体 ?why


5.Why did Alexander Pope say that a little learning is a dangerous thing?


用why are yuo 怎么造3个句子


为什么贫穷?Why Poverty

  贫富不均对社会有什么影响?穷人真能掌握自己的未来?国际非营利组织STEPS INTERNATIONAL 所推动的《为什么贫穷?》(Why Poverty?)跨媒体计划,参与协同制作工作,与全球同步播出一系列探讨21世纪贫穷问题的纪录片。  《为什么贫穷?》是由总部位于丹麦的国际非营利组织STEPS INTERNATIONAL推动的非商业计划。Steps曾在2007年推动过《为什么要民主?》(Why Democracy?)。而《为什么贫穷?》即以此为基础,希望用影片刺激大众讨论贫穷问题;计划共同发起人还有英国广播公司(BBC)和丹麦广播公司(DR),这两家电视台也是本计划的主要合作伙伴和推动者。  这计划邀请了来自世界各地的纪录片导演,以“为什么贫穷”为共同题目,拍摄了每集一小时共八集的纪录片,让世界共同思考贫穷问题,探讨全球10亿赤贫人口的过去与未来。本系列纪录片于2012年11月起全球播放,台湾PTS与英国BBC、美国PBS、日本NHK、香港RTHK等在内的70余家电视台均加入联合播出,估计观众总数超过 5 亿人。序目:  以下的纪录片排序参照官方网站,中文翻译参考台湾公视:  第1集 Poor Us: An Animated History of Poverty / 当我们穷在一起:动画贫穷史  第2集 Welcome to the World / 人之初 性本穷  第3集 Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream / 有钱有庇护:金钱、权力和美国梦  第4集 Land Rush / 耕者无其田  第5集 Give Us the Money / 摇滚救贫穷  第6集 Stealing Africa / 生财有“盗”  第7集 Solar Mamas / 太阳能妈妈  第8集 Education, Education / 出路

BBC 为什么贫穷?Why Poverty

Why Poverty 网络 为什么贫穷; [例句]Why has poverty reduction, along with its health-related causes and consequences, become the principal focus of this commitment?为何减贫工作及其与卫生有关的原因和后果成为这一承诺的主要焦点?


Eenie Menie - Sean Kingston & Justin Bieber http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Y9__Xv_-wm4/ 确认无误后请及时采纳!

Omar Faruk Tekbilek的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:Omar Faruk Tekbilek专辑:Tree of PatienceMario - WhyWhat is going onEverytime i try to talkYou screamin baby(Runnin" your mouthTellin all our business, I got witnesses)I cant be wrongCause I gave you my heartAnd you played me(Accusing me of doing things that i would never do to you)You say i see other girlsI say you trippin cause IWouldnt be the one to be found outBecause im not that kinda guyIf I wanted somebody elseThen I"d say goodbyeBeen trying to work it outGirl tell me...Why (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still hereEvery night that i come home and your laying in bed(All i wanna do is make love to you)But now i got reservationsBecause you actin strange(You been going through my Sidekick, Blackberry, and my iPhoneAll that shit ain"t cool)You say you got my number (Number)And i"ve been caught, admit it (Admit it)Say i"m playing dumb, but (Dumb but)You got so used to the fast lifeAll of the things I could do for youCatch you coming back to me (yeah)Always running back to meSaid I cant do, do this no moreThought you knew better girlNot like the rest of them girlsWhy can"t you prove me wrongWhy (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/24980366

英语翻译 你存钱是为了什么 翻译.不用why,而用what.for这种形式

Why do you save money?是你为什么存钱的意思.但是句子需要强调“为了什么”,for what有为了什么的意思.改成问句,疑问词放句首,所以是What do you save money for?其实一般情况下,why 是等于 for what的,但是这里用f...

为什么通货膨胀会有惯性? Why might inflation be inertial?


thinner 和 the thinner The book is the thinner of the two. 可以把the去掉吗? why?

不可以,冠词the 这里特指两者中较瘦的一个,绝对不能去,其实省略了the thinner one;

when you feel like quitting,think about why you started是什么意思

不忘初心 方得始终

when you feel like quitting,think about why you started.是什么意思


Why is Shakespeare so great in English literature?

because he wrote a lot of plays and in olden days people don"t care about english literature. Shakespeare used a lot of slang in his play and it is used nowadays.

why are trees important (参考词语,take in carbon dioxide,oxygen,desert)

你好,我是GROTESQUE1010:(请认真阅读,不要浪费我的写作苦心哦^@@^祝学习顺利)Trees are important because they give us two of life"s essentials, food and oxygen.As we evolved, they provided additional necessities such as shelter, medicine, and tools. In addition, trees are discovered to be satisfied with the needs of our modern lifestyles. For example, our streets, parks, playgrounds and backyards are lined with trees that create a peaceful environment. Therefore, trees are an important part of every community. They are not only increased our quality of life by bringing natural elements, but also provide our wildlife habitats into urban settings. As the matter of fact, we could gather under the cool shade. Furthermore, trees provide during outdoor activities with family and friends. Many neighborhoods are also the home of very old trees that serve as historic landmarks and a great source of town pride.Most importantly, trees contribute to our environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.

why do you like monkey king 是什么意思


Which is not the reason why people are religious?()

Which is not the reason why people are religious?() A.Religion is inheritted from parents. B.Religion can help to explain life. C.Religion helps us to acccept our situation. D.Religion can make people feel happy. 正确答案:D

帮我写一篇作文吧,英文的‘Do you want to be a vegetarian?’Why or why not?

I don"t want to be a vegetarian. The main reason is because I like meat more than I like vegetable. There are some other reasons such as, I don"t think vegetarian is health. It is hard to stay health as a vegetarian. You have to constantly reminding yourself to take the nutrition that is lacking from the vegetables. Another reason would be because I think it is not easy to be a vegetarian. Not every restaurants provide vegetarian meals. A lot of times, vegetarian end up stay home for most of their meals. Especially when you are traveling or out of the town, you don"t always know where do they provide vegetarian meals.

why am i not a vegetarian 与 why i am not a vegetarian 有什么区别?能相互代替吗?


why did you shave your beard off.不应该是shave off be


有句歌词是l never know why 男女合唱,中间部分有句是down down down

是不是 jason walker 的down ? 是电视剧吸血鬼日记插曲歌曲链接 http://music.baidu.com/song/2814791歌词 :i don"t know where i"m at i"m standin" at the back and i"m tired of waiting 我不知道我在哪 置身黑暗中 厌倦了等待 i"m waiting here in line hoping that i"ll find what i"ve been chasing 我还在这里等待 渴盼找到 我所追寻 i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down 努力飞向天空 却困于此地 那就是为什么我挣扎? 我知道,我快要沉沦了i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 明明可以飞 为何还沉溺了? 参不透 我为什么一直在坠落,坠落,坠落 i"m not ready to let go "cause then i"ll never know what i could be missin" 还没有准备好去放手 因为我不知道 将错过些什么 but i"m missin" way too much so when do i give up, what i"ve been wishin" for? 但错过的太多太多 放弃了之后 我还能去期望些什么?i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i"ll never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 同上oh i am goin" down, down, down 噢,我一直在坠落、坠落、坠落i can"t find another way around and i don"t wanna hear the sound of losin" what i never found 我找不到其他出口 我不想听见那声音 提醒着我我所失去 i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i"ll never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 同上i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? oh, it"s comin" down, down, down

why friendships start英语作文

Friendship is a kind of human relations.It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble,weneed friends to offer us help,support and encouragement.With success achieved,we also need friends to share our joys.Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy.It implies loyalty,cordiality,sympathy,affection,and readiness to help.No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.Knowing how valuable friendship is,we should be very careful in making friends.Real friends are those who have good character,superior ability and kindness of heart.Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends,we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities.From Joozone.Com.Then we should treat our friends with courtesy,be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings.We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them.In short,when we have established friendship,we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds.Only thus,can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.翻译:友谊是一种人际关系.交友是人的一种本能.患难之中,我们需要朋友帮助、支持和鼓励.取得了成绩,我们也需要朋友分享欢乐.友谊又是我们可以享受的最大乐趣之一.友谊蕴含真诚、热忱、怜悯、挚爱和乐于助人之意.在人的一生中,如果不认真谨慎地力求交结正直的朋友,他就不能从生活中获得最大益处.懂得了友谊是多么宝贵之后,就应谨慎地选择朋友.真正的朋友品性良好,能力上等,心地善良;真正的朋友能分担我们的忧伤,倍增我们的欢乐.交友之时,要谨慎选择具有这样美好品质的人.然后应以礼待友,当心不要无理地妨碍他们,不嘲笑他们的所作所为.我们应原谅朋友的失败,并尽己所能帮助他们.简言之,建立了友谊之后,要通过言语和行动来珍惜友谊,像爱护宝物一样爱惜友谊.只有这样,才能发展真正的友谊,让神圣的友谊之灯照亮我们一生.

David diggs的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:David diggs专辑:E-Klek-TrikMario - WhyWhat is going onEverytime i try to talkYou screamin baby(Runnin" your mouthTellin all our business, I got witnesses)I cant be wrongCause I gave you my heartAnd you played me(Accusing me of doing things that i would never do to you)You say i see other girlsI say you trippin cause IWouldnt be the one to be found outBecause im not that kinda guyIf I wanted somebody elseThen I"d say goodbyeBeen trying to work it outGirl tell me...Why (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still hereEvery night that i come home and your laying in bed(All i wanna do is make love to you)But now i got reservationsBecause you actin strange(You been going through my Sidekick, Blackberry, and my iPhoneAll that shit ain"t cool)You say you got my number (Number)And i"ve been caught, admit it (Admit it)Say i"m playing dumb, but (Dumb but)You got so used to the fast lifeAll of the things I could do for youCatch you coming back to me (yeah)Always running back to meSaid I cant do, do this no moreThought you knew better girlNot like the rest of them girlsWhy can"t you prove me wrongWhy (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17254928

balkan beat box的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:balkan beat box专辑:Blue Eyed Black BoyMario - WhyWhat is going onEverytime i try to talkYou screamin baby(Runnin" your mouthTellin all our business, I got witnesses)I cant be wrongCause I gave you my heartAnd you played me(Accusing me of doing things that i would never do to you)You say i see other girlsI say you trippin cause IWouldnt be the one to be found outBecause im not that kinda guyIf I wanted somebody elseThen I"d say goodbyeBeen trying to work it outGirl tell me...Why (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still hereEvery night that i come home and your laying in bed(All i wanna do is make love to you)But now i got reservationsBecause you actin strange(You been going through my Sidekick, Blackberry, and my iPhoneAll that shit ain"t cool)You say you got my number (Number)And i"ve been caught, admit it (Admit it)Say i"m playing dumb, but (Dumb but)You got so used to the fast lifeAll of the things I could do for youCatch you coming back to me (yeah)Always running back to meSaid I cant do, do this no moreThought you knew better girlNot like the rest of them girlsWhy can"t you prove me wrongWhy (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/26070050

serebro的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:serebro专辑:Mama LoverMario - WhyWhat is going onEverytime i try to talkYou screamin baby(Runnin" your mouthTellin all our business, I got witnesses)I cant be wrongCause I gave you my heartAnd you played me(Accusing me of doing things that i would never do to you)You say i see other girlsI say you trippin cause IWouldnt be the one to be found outBecause im not that kinda guyIf I wanted somebody elseThen I"d say goodbyeBeen trying to work it outGirl tell me...Why (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still hereEvery night that i come home and your laying in bed(All i wanna do is make love to you)But now i got reservationsBecause you actin strange(You been going through my Sidekick, Blackberry, and my iPhoneAll that shit ain"t cool)You say you got my number (Number)And i"ve been caught, admit it (Admit it)Say i"m playing dumb, but (Dumb but)You got so used to the fast lifeAll of the things I could do for youCatch you coming back to me (yeah)Always running back to meSaid I cant do, do this no moreThought you knew better girlNot like the rest of them girlsWhy can"t you prove me wrongWhy (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/19667902

Nande & the Big Difference的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:Nande & the Big Difference专辑:Nande & The Big DifferenceMario - WhyWhat is going onEverytime i try to talkYou screamin baby(Runnin" your mouthTellin all our business, I got witnesses)I cant be wrongCause I gave you my heartAnd you played me(Accusing me of doing things that i would never do to you)You say i see other girlsI say you trippin cause IWouldnt be the one to be found outBecause im not that kinda guyIf I wanted somebody elseThen I"d say goodbyeBeen trying to work it outGirl tell me...Why (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still hereEvery night that i come home and your laying in bed(All i wanna do is make love to you)But now i got reservationsBecause you actin strange(You been going through my Sidekick, Blackberry, and my iPhoneAll that shit ain"t cool)You say you got my number (Number)And i"ve been caught, admit it (Admit it)Say i"m playing dumb, but (Dumb but)You got so used to the fast lifeAll of the things I could do for youCatch you coming back to me (yeah)Always running back to meSaid I cant do, do this no moreThought you knew better girlNot like the rest of them girlsWhy can"t you prove me wrongWhy (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15560015



歌词e e e eminem so tell me what why why why 歌名



what does Patty think of donkeys at last?Patty最后对驴是怎么想的

求 Wannabe - Why Mona唱的.mp3


求英语作文,字数120-150字: Why Do People Keep Pets?

Why Do People Keep Pets?People keep pets for various reasons. Firstly, pets provide companionship and emotional support. Many individuals find solace in the unconditional love and loyalty of their pets. Pets offer a sense of comfort and companionship, especially for those who live alone or struggle with loneliness. They become a source of emotional support, offering a listening ear and a warm presence.Secondly, pets can contribute to our overall well-being. Numerous studies have shown that owning a pet can have positive effects on mental and physical health. The act of caring for a pet can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve mood. Pets also encourage physical activity, as walking a dog or playing with a cat promotes exercise and a healthier lifestyle.Furthermore, pets can teach us important life lessons. They teach us responsibility and compassion. Taking care of a pet requires commitment, such as feeding, grooming, and providing medical care. This responsibility helps individuals develop a sense of accountability and empathy towards another living being.In addition, pets can serve as a form of entertainment and provide joy to their owners. Whether it"s playing with a dog, watching a fish swim, or listening to a bird sing, pets bring moments of happiness and amusement into our lives. Their playful nature and unique personalities bring a sense of joy and light-heartedness to our daily routines.Lastly, some people keep pets for practical reasons. Dogs can serve as loyal protectors and guardians, providing a sense of security. Cats can help control pests like mice and rats. Pets can also assist individuals with specific needs, such as guide dogs for the visually impaired or therapy animals for those with physical or emotional challenges.In conclusion, people keep pets for various reasons, including companionship, emotional support, improved well-being, learning life lessons, entertainment, and practical benefits. The bond between humans and their pets is a special one, filled with love, joy, and mutual understanding. Regardless of the reasons, pets have become an integral part of many people"s lives, enriching their daily experiences and bringing immense happiness.

选词填空why do we always assume that a"good students



Beautiful World - WestLifeHere we go" lost in the lessonsSometimes I mess up my intentionsI get lost" the cost was losing everything I"ve knownLaying here" staring at the ceilingSometimes still dealing with the feelingsWhere I"ve been" what I"ve doneI"m so far out there on my ownso quick to point the fingerTo find the one to blameSo hard to realize" I kept getting in my own wayI never thought that I was that strongTo carry on" carry on tonightForgiveness in your eyes" with nothing to hideAll I know, it"s shown meIt"s a beautiful worldIt"s a beautiful worldNo more fearing my reflectionHere I am" with these imperfectionsYou know my flaws"But you don"t care" ,you take them allTill now I was barely breathingBut you gave me something to believe inWe"re writing historyLife"s made up of small victoriesWe could go round in circlesAnd never get to hereSo good to realize that we have nothing left to fearI never thought that I was that strongTo carry on" carry on tonightForgiveness in your eyes" with nothing to hideAll I know, it"s shown meIt"s a beautiful worldIt"s a beautiful worldSo quick to point the fingerwhen it was me to blameSo hard to realize I kept getting in my own wayI never thought that I was that strongTo carry on" carry on tonightForgiveness in your eyes" with nothing to hideAll I know, it"s shown meIt"s a beautiful worldOh the stars alight Let"s watch it shine for you and IOh these open skiesCan we just lie here a whileIn this beautiful worldI never thought that I was that strongTo carry onIt"s a beautiful worldIt"s a beautiful world



歌词带有TELL ME TELL ME WHY的中文歌曲(女生唱的)

backstreet boys <tell me why> Show me the meaning of being lonelySo many words for the broken heartIt"s hard to see in a crimson loveSo hard to breatheWalk with meAnd maybeNights of light so soon becomeWild and free I could feel the sunYour every wish will be doneThey tell me...Show me the meaning of being lonelyIs this the feeling I need to walk withTell me why I can"t be there where you areThere"s something missing in my heartLife goes on as it never endsEyes of stone observe the trendsThey never say forever gaze if onlyGuilty roads to an endless loveThere"s no controlAre you with me nowYour every wish will be doneThey tell meShow me the meaning of being lonelyIs this the feeling I need to walk withTell me why I can"t be there where you areThere"s something missing in my heartThere"s nowhere to runI have no place to goSurrender my heart" body and soulHow can it be you"re asking meTo feel the things you never showYou are missing in my heartTell me why I can"t be there where you areShow me the meaning of being lonelyIs this the feeling I need to walk withTell me why I can"t be there where you areThere"s something missing in my heartShow me the meaning of being lonelyIs this the feeling I need to walk withTell me why I can"t be there where you areThere"s something missing in my heart

有首中文歌歌词有tell me why的是什么歌啊~


Tell me why,I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way


Tell me why是啥子意思


求韩国组合free style的Y(Pleas Tell Me Why)中文版歌词


求以前关于节约时间的英语作文,“why to save time”,高中水平,希望是原创无雷同,谢


我是初二的学生,我要例如介词,副词,动词形容词等词的分辨方法和一些语法,例如why not+动词原形等


Discharge的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:Discharge专辑:Decontrol : The SinglesWhy---T.G.4---Lrc:sunpzhMusic...Baby Baby你在夜里想着谁我的翻来覆去到三点还没睡有些担心害怕 害羞和虚伪有些暧昧 眼神之间的交汇和你每次碰面 都有有种甜蜜的直觉快快解决 这种不安的表现不再愈演愈烈 我的心下坠迅速飞到你面前问你Why 还没说出来还没将你的感觉坦白无法再忍耐Why 爱已经澎湃再晚一秒情绪就要变坏因为用忍耐我就要离开Music......时常偷偷幻想和你的约会有些暧昧 眼神之间的交汇和你每次碰面 都有有种甜蜜的直觉快快解决 这种不安的表现不再愈演愈烈 我的心下坠Why 还没说出来还没将你的感觉坦白无法再忍耐Why 爱已经澎湃再晚一秒情绪就要变坏因为用忍耐我就要离开迅速飞到你面前问你Why 还没说出来还没将你的感觉坦白无法再忍耐Why 爱已经澎湃再晚一秒情绪就要变坏我要你说出你对我的爱Music...---End---http://music.baidu.com/song/712355

写出下面单词前两个字母组合起来发出的读音相同的单词:why who thin this


写出下面单词前两个字母组合起来发出的读音相同的单词:why who thin this

white, whole, thesis, these

谁有泰妍的why you are my starlight歌词

泰妍 Starlight 歌词(Feat. DEAN)태연(TAEYEON) |Why- The 2nd Mini AlbumLove is amazing ah You are my starlight 내 맘을 비춰 함께 있으면 온종일 꿈꾸는 기분 You are my starlight 참 행복해져 선물 같아 너란 사랑혼자가 익숙했던 회색 빛의 나의 하루에 사뿐히 다가와선 날 두드린 그 날을 기억해 빛처럼 날 비춰 어둠에서 나를 깨우곤 닫힌 맘의 창을 열어 줬어내 눈에 비친 잔뜩 찡그린 Yeah 어색한 얼굴 뒤로 조금씩 웃어보던 너 사랑스러워 참을 수 없었지 Oh 기적처럼 발견한 넌 늘 미소 짓게 해 You are my starlightYou are my starlight 내 맘을 비춰 함께 있으면 온종일 꿈꾸는 기분 You are my starlight 참 행복해져 선물 같아 너란 사랑아무런 의미 없던 아주 사소한 일상들도 처음 본 세상처럼 새로운 느낌 난 매일 놀라 어느새 날 바꿔 텅 비어 있던 내 얼굴 위로 새로운 날 그려 줘You are my starlight (You You You You You You) 내 맘을 비춰 함께 있으면 온종일 꿈꾸는 기분 (으면, 꿈꾸는 기분 You"re my Yeah) You are my starlight참 행복해져 (Oh, No No No No) 선물 같아 (선물 같아) 너란 사랑맘이 흐린 날에도 맑게 개어 너를 본 순간 오직 너만으로 충분해 널 그저 바라만 봐도 입가에 번지는 기쁨 이토록 날 웃게 할 한 사람 너뿐이야You are my starlight 감출 수 없어 함께 있으면 내 맘이 춤추는 기분 You are my starlight 참 감사해져 꿈만 같아 너란 사랑You are my starlight My emotion, you feel me? 별처럼 빛나는 나를 봐 Oh 매일 깨달아 You are my starlightYeah Oh (Oh Yeah) Yeah (My baby baby)
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