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一首很激情的英文歌歌词有 to get the one thing 和 i always knew why


To understand why the Eaeth is warming up,first of all ,以此为开头的短文填空 求答案

没有填空原题, 但是有原文, 你可以参照这篇文章来填空.To understand why the Earth is warming up, first of all, we need to understand why it is warm. Our planet is covered with atmosphere (大气).Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and reaches the Earth. The Sun heats up the Earth"s surface. When the heat rises into the air, it is stopped by some special gases (气体)in the atmosphere like GOz,the heat returns to the Earth and keeps it warm. Power stations and cars release (释放)so many greenhouse gases every day. So we can help stop global (全球的)warming by using less electric things such as turning off lights when we leave a room, asking our parents to turn down the heating in our house to save energy. We can also stop global warming by finding other ways of transportation. For example, ride a bicycle or walk in-stead of going by car, Another way to help stop global warming is to plant and care for trees. Be-cause trees take in C02, they are our best friends when fighting against global warming. The problem of global warming cannot be solved in a day. It may take a long time to find clean energy, such as wind energy. It may take a long time to plant the trees again we are cutting down. But every little thing each person can do to save energy and our forests will help. Think a-bout our planet. Think about ways we can help make the Earth a safe and comfortable place for the future.

no zuo no die why you try什么意思

no zuo no die why you try不作不死,你为何尝试双语对照例句:1.This is totally awesome! Why don"t you try it? 这真的太棒了!你也来试试?2.If it"s so easy, why don"t you try it? 如果这么简单你怎么不试一下呢?

no zuo no die!why are you always try!是什么意思啊?


一 上联:no zuo no die why you try 下联:no try no high


no zuo no die why you try等,后面还有两句的,是什么意思

上联:no zuo no die why you try 不作不死你还来?下联:no try no high give me five 不作不嗨一起来横批: let it go。随他嗨上联:no zuo no die why you cry 不作不死不见怪下联:you try you die don"t ask why 我作我死我活该横批: just do it。尽管嗨

如何翻译no zuo no die why you try 这首诗


no zuo no die why you try.no try no high give me five什么意思


“no zuo no die why you cry” 的下一句是什么?

no zuo no die why you cryno try no high give me fivelet it go!不作死就不会死为什么你还要试,不试不爽给我一巴掌。 随他去吧no zuo no die why you cryyou try you die don"t ask whyjust do it!

上联:no zuo no die why you try 下联:no try no high gi


一 上联:no zuo no die why you try 下联:no try no high


no zuo no die why you cry 的下一句是什么,求多版本

you can you up no can no bb.



大一的题,Why do people keep pets?70个词以上

With the increasing improvement of our life,many people have developed the fever of keeping pets.Nowadays,it is commonly that along the streets towards evening people in cascal wear can be seen taking a stroll leisurely,not for themselves but for their dear pets.At social gathering gossips revolve around the experience on taking care of pets.One is not surprised if a pet costs as high as one"s earnings.However,why do people keep pets? The answer to this problem involves many factors.For one thing,pets provide company.Considered human companions,pets make us happy and far from loney.For another,pets give us a sense of being important and needed because they depend on us for home,food and drink. Still another,a pet in a family keeps us in touch with te more natural,animal world.Paradoxically,some people keep pets as suggesting their social status.Some problems can"t be ignored and the growing number of pets may cause serious hygiene problems.In many public places pets should beforbidden to enter in case the spread disease and interfere with other people.As for as I am concerned,I maintain that we should do what we can to keep our environment clean.

Why the plane can fly to the sky?

楼主要表达的意思是"为什么飞机能飞上天么"?好象表达上有点问题我觉得换一种说法会比较好"why are the plane able to fly high up in the sky".对于你的提问.我做出如下回答:要了解飞机的飞行原理就必须先知道飞机的组成以及功用,飞机的升力是如何产生的等问题。这些问题将分成几个部分简要讲解。 一、飞行的主要组成部分及功用 到目前为止,除了少数特殊形式的飞机外,大多数飞机都由机翼、机身、尾翼、起落装置和动力装置五个主要部分组成: 1. 机翼——机翼的主要功用是产生升力,以支持飞机在空中飞行,同时也起到一定的稳定和操作作用。在机翼上一般安装有副翼和襟翼,操纵副翼可使飞机滚转,放下襟翼可使升力增大。机翼上还可安装发动机、起落架和油箱等。不同用途的飞机其机翼形状、大小也各有不同。 2. 机身——机身的主要功用是装载乘员、旅客、武器、货物和各种设备,将飞机的其他部件如:机翼、尾翼及发动机等连接成一个整体。 3. 尾翼——尾翼包括水平尾翼和垂直尾翼。水平尾翼由固定的水平安定面和可动的升降舵组成,有的高速飞机将水平安定面和升降舵合为一体成为全动平尾。垂直尾翼包括固定的垂直安定面和可动的方向舵。尾翼的作用是操纵飞机俯仰和偏转,保证飞机能平稳飞行。 4.起落装置——飞机的起落架大都由减震支柱和机轮组成,作用是起飞、着陆滑跑,地面滑行和停放时支撑飞机。 5.动力装置——动力装置主要用来产生拉力和推力,使飞机前进。其次还可为飞机上的其他用电设备提供电源等。现在飞机动力装置应用较广泛的有:航空活塞式发动机加螺旋桨推进器、涡轮喷气发动机、涡轮螺旋桨发动机和涡轮风扇发动机。除了发动机本身,动力装置还包括一系列保证发动机正常工作的系统。 飞机上除了这五个主要部分外,根据飞机操作和执行任务的需要,还装有各种仪表、通讯设备、领航设备、安全设备等其他设备。 二、飞机的升力和阻力 飞机是重于空气的飞行器,当飞机飞行在空中,就会产生作用于飞机的空气动力,飞机就是靠空气动力升空飞行的。在了解飞机升力和阻力的产生之前,我们还要认识空气流动的特性,即空气流动的基本规律。流动的空气就是气流,一种流体,这里我们要引用两个流体定理:连续性定理和伯努利定理: 流体的连续性定理:当流体连续不断而稳定地流过一个粗细不等的管道时,由于管道中任何一部分的流体都不能中断或挤压起来,因此在同一时间内,流进任一切面的流体的质量和从另一切面流出的流体质量是相等的。 连续性定理阐述了流体在流动中流速和管道切面之间的关系。流体在流动中,不仅流速和管道切面相互联系,而且流速和压力之间也相互联系。伯努利定理就是要阐述流体流动在流动中流速和压力之间的关系。 伯努利定理基本内容:流体在一个管道中流动时,流速大的地方压力小,流速小的地方压力大。 飞机的升力绝大部分是由机翼产生,尾翼通常产生负升力,飞机其他部分产生的升力很小,一般不考虑。从上图我们可以看到:空气流到机翼前缘,分成上、下两股气流,分别沿机翼上、下表面流过,在机翼后缘重新汇合向后流去。机翼上表面比较凸出,流管较细,说明流速加快,压力降低。而机翼下表面,气流受阻挡作用,流管变粗,流速减慢,压力增大。这里我们就引用到了上述两个定理。于是机翼上、下表面出现了压力差,垂直于相对气流方向的压力差的总和就是机翼的升力。这样重于空气的飞机借助机翼上获得的升力克服自身因地球引力形成的重力,从而翱翔在蓝天上了。 机翼升力的产生主要靠上表面吸力的作用,而不是靠下表面正压力的作用,一般机翼上表面形成的吸力占总升力的60-80%左右,下表面的正压形成的升力只占总升力的20-40%左右。 飞机飞行在空气中会有各种阻力,阻力是与飞机运动方向相反的空气动力,它阻碍飞机的前进,这里我们也需要对它有所了解。按阻力产生的原因可分为摩擦阻力、压差阻力、诱导阻力和干扰阻力。 1.摩擦阻力——空气的物理特性之一就是粘性。当空气流过飞机表面时,由于粘性,空气同飞机表面发生摩擦,产生一个阻止飞机前进的力,这个力就是摩擦阻力。摩擦阻力的大小,决定于空气的粘性,飞机的表面状况,以及同空气相接触的飞机表面积。空气粘性越大、飞机表面越粗糙、飞机表面积越大,摩擦阻力就越大。 2.压差阻力——人在逆风中行走,会感到阻力的作用,这就是一种压差阻力。这种由前后压力差形成的阻力叫压差阻力。飞机的机身、尾翼等部件都会产生压差阻力。 3.诱导阻力——升力产生的同时还对飞机附加了一种阻力。这种因产生升力而诱导出来的阻力称为诱导阻力,是飞机为产生升力而付出的一种“代价”。其产生的过程较复杂这里就不在详诉。 4.干扰阻力——它是飞机各部分之间因气流相互干扰而产生的一种额外阻力。这种阻力容易产生在机身和机翼、机身和尾翼、机翼和发动机短舱、机翼和副油箱之间。 以上四种阻力是对低速飞机而言,至于高速飞机,除了也有这些阻力外,还会产生波阻等其他阻力。 三、影响升力和阻力的因素 升力和阻力是飞机在空气之间的相对运动中(相对气流)中产生的。影响升力和阻力的基本因素有:机翼在气流中的相对位置(迎角)、气流的速度和空气密度以及飞机本身的特点(飞机表面质量、机翼形状、机翼面积、是否使用襟翼和前缘翼缝是否张开等)。 1.迎角对升力和阻力的影响——相对气流方向与翼弦所夹的角度叫迎角。在飞行速度等其它条件相同的情况下,得到最大升力的迎角,叫做临界迎角。在小于临界迎角范围内增大迎角,升力增大:超过临界临界迎角后,再增大迎角,升力反而减小。迎角增大,阻力也越大,迎角越大,阻力增加越多:超过临界迎角,阻力急剧增大。 2.飞行速度和空气密度对升力阻力的影响——飞行速度越大升力、阻力越大。升力、阻力与飞行速度的平方成正比例,即速度增大到原来的两倍,升力和阻力增大到原来的四倍:速度增大到原来的三倍,胜利和阻力也会增大到原来的九倍。空气密度大,空气动力大,升力和阻力自然也大。空气密度增大为原来的两倍,升力和阻力也增大为原来的两倍,即升力和阻力与空气密度成正比例。 3,机翼面积,形状和表面质量对升力、阻力的影响——机翼面积大,升力大,阻力也大。升力和阻力都与机翼面积的大小成正比例。机翼形状对升力、阻力有很大影响,从机翼切面形状的相对厚度、最大厚度位置、机翼平面形状、襟翼和前缘翼缝的位置到机翼结冰都对升力、阻力影响较大。还有飞机表面光滑与否对摩擦阻力也会有影响,飞机表面相对光滑,阻力相对也会较小,反之则大.

If you answer no, there was a reason why这句话对吗?

不对。If you don"t agree. please give me yourreason for it.

一个女孩给你说(Tell me why do you love me)的时候…该怎么回答?


有一首歌歌词有 baby tell me why you love me 能知道是什么歌吗?

应该是这首 歌曲名:that"s why you go away 歌手:迈克尔学摇滚 that"s why you go away - michael learns to rock - Blue Night that"s why you go away (jascha richter) baby won"t you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes i don"t wanna say goodbye to you love is one big illusion i should try to forget but there is something left in my head you"re the one who set it up now you"re the one to make it stop i"m the one who"s feeling lost right now now you want me to forget every little thing you said but there is something left in my head chorus:i won"t forget the way you"re kissing the feeling"s so strong were lasting for so long but i"m not the man your heart is missing that"s why you go away i know you were never satisfied no matter how i tried now you wanna say goodbye to me love is one big illusion i should try to forget but there is something left in my head chorus:i won"t forget the way you"re kissing the feeling"s so strong were lasting for so long but i"m not the man your heart is missing that"s why you go away i know sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere don"t know which way to go there ain"t so much to say now between us there ain"t so much for you there ain"t so much for me anymore chorus:i won"t forget the way you"re kissing the feeling"s so strong were lasting for so long but i"m not the man your heart is missing that"s why you go away i know

有一首歌歌词有 baby tell me why you love me 能知道是什么歌吗?


一个女音的英文歌歌词是tell me why you love me 是什么歌

why do you walk“ towards” the front of the line ? 为什么toward要加s

towards此时约等于:totowards [ tu0259"wu0254:dz, tu-, "tu0259uu0259dz, twu0254:dz ] prep. 朝,向;对于;有助于 toward 只有在如下情况才用:adj. [古]即将来到的,进行中的 其它情况,做介词时,现在都用towards了,toward 现代人已经不用,完全用towards代替了。

why should we work so hard英语作文

Most people need to work.If someone loses his job,he may be nervous and wants to find a new job as fast as possible.And even some people give up his spare time because of working.But have you ever thought this question:why should we workuff1f In my opionion,the basic reason is that we need to work to make a living.If we work, we can get award—money,which is necessary for us to live. So it is an important way to earn money for most people. But if we only work for money ,our lives will become boring and hopeless.Working also provide us a way to realize our dreams.For exampleuff0cjust like Ma Yun,who is a famous businessman,worked hard to earn much money to support his business—online shopping.He had been a teacher,a translater and so on.And finally he made a challenge in Internet with the money that he earnd through his hard work.With his talent and effort ,he succeeded.So working is a way for us to get close to our dream and let it come true. Whatu2019s more,our working has a great effect on our society,which promotes our society to develop.Our society needs teachers,doctors,drivers,cooku2026u2026Only with all the labor force can our society run healthily.Maybe you might feel that your work is tiny,but it can make differences for our society. The last but no least,work can inprove our feelings of happiness.Recently,there is a concerned word on the internet saying “what makes us feel delighted is that you have something to struggle for and look forward to.”Though working ,not only can we get the reword for living ,but also can we enrich our lives.Being busy and do the meaningful job are the good ways to be satisfied to the world. So working is a hard but meaningful thing in our lives.Working hard is not only good for ourselves but also our society.Work hard,please!

Why did you go to the bookstore? ______ for my son. A.Buy a book B.Buying books C.To buy a

一.选择填空。()1.Whatdoyouhave____________supper?A.forB.atC.withD.on()2.Sheisn"tgood___________maths.Couldyouhelpher__________hermaths?A.with,withB.at,atC.with,atD.at,with()3.Weshouldlearn____________eachother.A.toB.withC.fromD.for"()4.Areyou____________music?A.listentoB.listeningtoC.listeningD.listenat()5.When____________Mary____________toschool?A.is,goB.do,goC.do,goesD.does,go()6.Whatdoyouoftendo____________Sundaymorning?A.onB.inC.atD.for()7.There____________alotoffoodathome.A.areB.isC.haveD.has()8.Doyouhave____________tobuyacomputer?A.manymoneyB.enoughmoneyC.moneyenoughD.alotmoney()9.Whatabout____________computergames.A.toplayB.toplayingC.playingD.play()10.Excuseme,wecan"t____________ourtickets.A.lookforB.findC.tolookforD.tofind()11.___________________areYoungPioneers.A.AllstudentB.AllofstudentsC.AllofthestudentsD.Allstudents()12.Thebirdsaresinging____________thetree.A.onB.inC.ofD.at()13.Wearedoing____________.A.ourhomeworksB.ushomeworkC.wehomeworkD.ourhomework()14.Somegirlsareonthehill.Whereare____________?A.anothergirlB.othersgirlsC.theothergirlsD.theothergirl()15.Whataretheydoing?They____________.A.takephotosB.aretakingphotoC.takeaphotoD.aretakingphotos()16.Howdoyou_____thisbook?A.readB.wantC.likeD.write()17.Whoteaches_____Englishthisteam?A.weB.usC.ourD.ours()18.Shedoesn"tlikemilkbutlikesorange______.A.atallB.littleC.alotD.alotof()19.Thereare_____pens_____pencilsinthebox.A.not,andB.no,andC.don"t,/D.no,or()20.Heis_____American.I"m_____English.A.a,aB.an,aC.the,theD./,/二.完形填空Iamamiddle-schoolstudent.Nowlet___1___tellyousomething___2___ourclassroom.It"svery___3___.Therearetwomaps___4___thebackwall.___5___isamapofChina.___6___isamapoftheworld(世界).Thereare___7___desksandchairsinourclassroom.Thereisabigdesk___8___theteacherinthefrontofit.We___9___fourclassesinthe___10___andtwointheafternoon1.a.I      b.my       c.me      d.we2.a.about    b.in       c.on     d.at3.a.small   b.big      c.bigger   d.biggest4.a.in     b.on       c.under    d.over5.a.It     b.It"s      c.One     d.one6.a.Other   b.Others     c.Another   d.Theother7.a.fourty   b.forty     c.forteen   d.fourteenth8.a.for    b.of       c.to     d.about9.a.thereis  b.thereare   c.has     d.have10.a.moning   b.mourning    c.morning   d.moring三.阅读理解。AJan:Ihavenewphotosofmyfamily,butthey"renotverygood.Thisismysister…Mark:Whereisshe?Issheatthelibrary?Jan:No,she"sinthelivingroom.Shesdoingherhomework.Andthatsmybrother.Mark:Ishedoinghishomework,too?What"sheeating?Jan:He"swatchingascarymovieonTVandeatingfrenchfries.Thisisapictureofmyauntandmymother.Mark:Isthat-yourmotherinthepool?Jan:No,that"smyaunt.Mymothercan"tswim.Andthisismymotherandmyauntattheshop.Theyreallylikeshoppingandeatingattheshop.Mark:Interestingphotos.()1.Thepicturesare______.A.goodB.interestingC.scary()2.Jan"ssisterisdoingherhomework______.A.atthelibraryB.atthepoolC.inthelivingroom()3.Jan"sbrotherisn"t______.A.doinghishomeworkB.watchingTVC.eatingfrenchfries()4.Jan"s______can"tswim.A.sisterB.motherC.aunt()5.Jan"smotherandauntlike______attheshop.A.eatingfrenchfriesB.shoppingC.swimmingB阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。MrJonesandMrBrownworkinthesameoffice(公室).OnedayMrJonessaystoMrBrown,“IwillhaveasmallpartyatourhouseonMondayevening.Wouldyouandyourwifeliketo come?”MrBrownsays,“Thankyouverymuch.I"dloveto,butletmeaskmywifefirst.”SoMrBrowngoestotheotherroomandtelephoneshiswife.Thenhecomesbackandlooksveryworried.“What"sthematter?”asksMrJones.“Isyouwifethereathome?”“No,”answersMrBrown.“Sheisn"tthere.Mysmallsonanswersthetelephone.Isaytohim,‘Isyourmotherthere,David?"andheanswers‘No,sheisn"tinthehouse."‘Whereisshe?"Iask,‘Sheissomewhereoutside(在外面)."‘What"sshedoing?"‘Sheislookingforme."”1.ThereisapartyatMrJones"shouseonMondayevening.()2.MrJonesasksMrBrownandhiswifetogototheparty.()3.ThetelephoneisinMrBrown"soffice.()4.MrBrownspeakstoMrsBrownonthetelephone.()5.MrsBrownislookingforherson.()COneSundaymorningMrGreenandhischild,Bill,areinabigshop.MrGreenwantstobuyanewblouseforMrsGreen.Billlikesoranges,sohisfatherbuystwokilos(公斤)oforangesforhim,too.Billwantstobuysomepicture—booksandcolourpencils,too.Therearemanypeopleintheshop.Theyaremenandwomen,oldandyoung.Theyallwanttobuysomethingthere.6.MrGreengoestotheshopwith___.A.Mrsgreen   B.hisson  C.hisdaughter  D.hisfather7.MrGreenwantstobuyanewblousefor___.A.Bill"smother  B.Bill  C.hisfriend  D.otherpeople8.Billlikes___.A.allthethings  B.thenewblouse  C.oranges  D.orange9.Billwantstobuy___.A.somepicture—booksB.somecolourpencilsC.clothesintheshopD.AandB10.Theshopis___.A.empty  B.close  C.fullofchildren  D.fullofpeople四.短文填空Onweekdays,Mary_1_(get)upat6:30.She_2_(have)breakfastathomeandthenshe_3_(go)toschool.She_4_(get)toschoolatabout7:30everymorning.She_5_(notlike)tobelate.Mary_6_(have)fourclassesinthemorningandattwointheafternoon.Classesareoverat3:40.Someimesshe_7_(play)gameswithherclassmate(同学).Sometimeshe_8_(fly)kites.She_9_(get)homeat4:40.Intheeveningsheoften_10_(watch)TV,butsometimesshetalkswithhermother.Shegoesatabout10:00.五.完成句子1.Ihavetwo____________.(knife)2.Whose______________arethese?(child)3.Thesephotosarehers.Theyarenot____________.(I)4.Whatabout____________shopping?(go)5.Thelittlegirlis____________onherhatnow.(put)6.Themanisopeningthedoor.Heisn"t_________________thedoor.(open的反义词)7.Whatistheteacherdoing?Heis____________(write)thewordsontheblackboard.8.There____________somebananasinthebag.(be)9.LucyandLilycanspeakalittle____________.(China)10.Isit____________________tomakecakes?(hard的反义语)11.Thereislittlef____anddrinksinthefridge.Let"sgoshopping.12.Heisgoodatswimminginr___andlakes.13.Doyouhaveenoughm___tobuyanewcomputer?14.ThelastdayoftheweekisS___.15.WemusthelpeachotherandI___fromeachother.六.补全对话aA:Whereismypencil? B:Idon"tknow.Isit____yourbag? A:No,itisn"t C:Hereis____pencil.Isityourpencil? A:Isitblue? C:Oh,sorry,itisred. A:Thankyouallthesame.Mypencilisblue. B:Hereis____pencil.It"s____thefloor._____thechair. A:Oh,itismypencil.Thankyouverymuch.. BandC:That"salright.bA:Hello!B:1!A:What23name?B:4name5JimGreen.A:6areyou?B:Fine,7you.8you?A:9fine,10.cA:Hello!Mike!B:Hello!Kate!A:_______1_______2areyou?B:I"mtwelve.Areyoutwelve,too?A:No,I"meleven.B:_______3_______4areyouin?A:I"minClassTwo.B:I"minClassThree.A:ClassThree?AnnisinClassThree,too.B:Ann?_______5Ann?A:Sheismyfriend.Look!Sheisoverthere.This_______6,please.B:Thanks.A:Hello!Ann!C:Hello!Kate!A:Ann,_______7isMike.C:Nicetomeetyou.B:Nicetomeetyou,too.A:Ann,Mikeandyouareinthe_______8class.C:Oh?AreyouinClassThree,Mike?B:Yes.C:Good.A:Excuseme.B:_______9?A:What"sthe_______10,please?C:Oh,it"seightthirty.Let"sgototheclassroom.七.书面表达给你的朋友写一封信,并告诉他你的学习情况,字数在50字左右.参考答案一.1.A2.D3.C4.B5.D6.A7.B8.B9.C10.B11.C12.B13.D14.C15.D16.C17.B18.C19.D20.D二.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C三.BCABBTTFFTBACDD四.1.gets2..has3.goes4.gets5.doesn"tlike6.has7.plays8.flies9.gets10.watches五、1.knives2.children3.mine4.going5.putting6.opening7.writing8.are9.Chinese10.easy11.food12.rivers13.money14.Saturday15.learn六.1.in,a,a,on,under2.HelloisyourMyisHowthankAndI"mtoo3.HowoldWhatclassWho"swaythissameYestime

天空为什么是蓝的?Why the sky is blue ?


Why is the sky blue in colour?

这是太阳光被地球大气散射 (scattering) 的结果。当阳光进入地球的大气层后,空气和水蒸气的分子吸收部份阳光,再向四方八面辐射,这种现象称为散射。白色的阳光是由不同颜色的光波合成的,以蓝光 波长最短,红光波长最长,波长短的蓝光较容易被散射。日落时夕阳接近地平线,阳光须穿过较厚的大气层才到达地面 ,大部份蓝光被散射,余下红光,所以夕阳呈现红色。另一方面,由于白天时太阳光只穿过较薄的大气层,蓝光被散射的程度减少,所以太阳看起来是白色的,同时 由于天空充满了被散射的蓝光,所以整个天空呈现蓝色。 日落时阳光经过较厚的大气层,大部份蓝光被散射。 日落时天空呈现一片红色 散射小实验 工具︰手电筒一支、剩满清水的透明 玻璃杯、少量牛奶。 将牛奶滴入剩满清水的透明玻璃杯中,然后搅伴液体至均匀为止。 隔绝其他光源,用手电筒照射水杯。 从水杯的不同方向去观察被散射的光线。 注意在接近光源的地方牛奶的乳悬液略带蓝色,远离光源的地方则略带红色,可见蓝光较易被散射。 天为什么是蓝的,而不是绿的或红的呢? 首先你得明白一个道理:我们周围的事物之所以显现出颜色来,仅仅是因为阳光照射着它们。虽然阳光看上去是白色的,但是所有的颜色:赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫,在阳光里都存在。 天空里有这么多颜色,为什么我平时看到的只有蓝色呢?你可能会问。 如果你把光线设想为波浪,你就会猜破这个谜了。光其实是像一个波浪那样在运动的。我们来设想一下一滴雨落在一个水洼里的情景。当这滴雨落到水面上时,就会 产生小波浪,波浪一起一伏地变成更大的圈,向着四面八方扩展开去。如果这些波浪碰上一块小石子或一个别的什么障碍物,它们就会反弹回来,改变了波浪的方 向。 而阳光从天空照射下来,一样会连续不断地碰到某些障碍。因为光所必须穿透的空气并不是空的,它由很多很多微小的微粒组成。其中百分之九十九不是氮气便是氧 气,其余则是别的气体微粒和微小的漂浮微粒,来源于汽车的废气、工厂的烟雾、森林火灾或者火山爆发出来的岩灰。虽然氧气和氮气微粒只是一滴雨水的一百万分 之一,但是它们也照样能阻挡阳光的去路。光线从这些众多的小“绊脚石”上弹回,自然也就改变了自己的方向。 可是那么多颜色的光改变了方向,为什么只有蓝色被看到呢?你可能还是不明白。 我们还得回到刚才说的那个水洼里。 水洼里,小的波浪遇到小石子的话,水面便被搞得混乱不堪;但如果是一个“巨浪”,像你用手在水洼边掀起的那种“巨浪”,它就有可能干脆从石头上溢过去,并 畅通无阻地到达水洼的对面边缘。那么,就像有 *** 浪和小波浪一样,各种各样颜色的光波也有不同的“波浪”,也就是波长:不过它们可不像水波的波浪,用肉眼 是看不出它们的大小的,因为它们小得难以想像,只是一根头发的一百分之一!得用很灵敏的测量仪表才可以精确地测定出来。 根据科学家的测定,蓝色光和紫色光的波长比较短,相当于“小波浪”;橙色光和红色光的波长比较长,相当于“ *** 浪”。当遇到空气中的障碍物的时候,蓝色光和紫色光因为翻不过去那些障碍,便被“散射”得到处都是,布满整个天空—天空,就是这样被“散射”成了蓝色。 发现这种“散射”现象的科学家叫瑞利,他是在130年前发现的,他也是诺贝尔奖获得者。 用“散射”现象,你就可以解释下面这些天象了: 比如在你头顶的天空是蓝色的,可是在地平线—天地相接的地方,天空看上去却几乎是白色的。为什么?就是因为阳光从地平线到你这个地方比起它直接从空中落下 来,需要在空气中走的路程要远得多—而在一路上它所擦过的微粒子也自然就要多得多。这些大量的微粒子就这样多次散射出光,所以它显得白中透著淡蓝。建议你 做一个小实验来验证一下:拿一杯水,把它放在一个黑暗的背景里,放进一滴牛奶,再拿一只手电筒照射杯子的一端,并靠近它,手电筒的光在水中即会显现出淡蓝 色。如果你往水里放进的牛奶越多,水就越白,因为光一再地受到这些众多的牛奶微粒的散射,结果就是白色的。道理跟在地平线上空是白色的一样。 太阳落山时的傍晚,天空不显现蓝色而显现红色,正在下落的太阳也变成暗红色,也是一样的道理。由于傍晚的光在照射到你这个地方的路上所遇到的众多的微粒, 使得阳光中的紫色的和蓝色的部分往四面八方散射开去,仅留下一点点使你的肉眼看得见的橙红色光线—因为它们的波长长、“波浪大”,翻过了路上的障碍。 不过,细心的你会发现,天穹在落日后也还会在一段时间内呈现深蓝色。这也曾经是科学家们关心的一件怪事,不过几个物理学家已经在50年前揭开了这个谜:导 致黄昏时天空的蓝色,是一种特别的物质。这种特别的物质在离地球表面20至30公里的高空处聚集成厚厚的一个层面,叫臭氧层。这种气体对正在下落的太阳光 起到像颜色筛检程式那样的作用:它截获太阳光中的黄色和橙色的部分,却几乎无阻拦地让蓝色的部分通过。当最后的少许光消失时,所有的颜色才消失在黑暗的夜 色中。 2007-01-16 22:53:48 补充: The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red orange and yellow light is affected by the air. 2007-01-16 22:54:23 补充: However much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look some of this scattered blue light reaches you. 2007-01-16 22:54:45 补充: Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead the sky looks blue.As you look closer to the horizon the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. 2007-01-16 22:55:12 补充: Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.On a clear sunny day the sky above us looks bright blue. In the evening the sunset puts on a brilliant show of reds pinks and oranges. Why is the sky blue? What makes the sunset red? 2007-01-16 22:55:41 补充: To wer these questions we must learn about light and the Earth"s atmosphere. THE ATMOSPHEREThe atmosphere is the mixture of gas molecules and other materials surrounding the earth. It is made mostly of the gases nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). 参考: .knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=7006112802398 It"s because the air reflect almost most of the other colour of light . 参考: no Why is the sky blue? Clear blue sky.The sky is blue partly because air scatters short-wavelength light in preference to longer wavelengths. Combined these effects scatter (bend away in all directions) some short blue light waves while allowing almost all longer red light waves to pass straight through. When we look toward a part of the sky not near the sun the blue color we see is blue light waves scattered down toward us from the white sunlight passing through the air overhead. Near sunrise and sunset most of the light we see es in nearly tangent to the Earth"s surface so that the light"s path through the atmosphere is so long that much of the blue and even yellow light is scattered out leaving the sun rays and the clouds it illuminates red. Scattering and absorption are major causes of the attenuation of radiation by the atmosphere. Scattering varies as a function of the ratio of the particle diameter to the wavelength of the radiation. When this ratio is less than about one-tenth Rayleigh scattering occurs in which the scattering coefficient varies inversely as the fourth power of the wavelength. At larger values of the ratio of particle diameter to wavelength the scattering varies in a plex fashion described for spherical particles by the Mie theory; at a ratio of the order of 10 the laws of geometric optics begin to apply. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Diffuse_sky_radiation 天空为什么是蓝的? Why is the sky blue in colour? 在天朗气清的日子,天空一片蔚蓝。要解释这现象,我们首先要重温阳光是由不同波长的光组成的–简单地说是由不同颜色的光组成。 早于19世纪,英国科学家雷利勋爵研究光线遇上分子(包括空气分子)时会出现改变方向的散射现象,并指出其散射程度与波长成反比。(严格来说,应是和波长四次方成反比)。 图片参考:o/education/edu06nature/images/ele-sky-f1 换句话说,蓝光(波长较短,约450纳米)比红光(波长较长,约600纳米)更易被散射。这说明当我们望向天空的任何部份,但不直望太阳,我们看到的都是被散射出来的蓝光。 参考: o/education/edu06nature/ele_sky_c

why is the sky blue的翻译



好多次打错了,那个,,我也不知道是不是推荐的答案错了一些,和他的有不一样,我也不能保证全对,但也差不多了1、when 2、when 3、which 4、which 5、which 6、where 7、which hat 8、where 9、which 10、where 11、where 12、which 13、when 14、that 15、that 16、that 17、thatwhich不填 18、which 19、thatwhich不填 20、who 21、that 22、that 23、whose 24、of which 25、whose 26、whom 27、when 28、where 29、when 30、where

Tell me why唱这首歌的小男孩叫什么名字

Declan Galbraith

tell me why 这首歌是个爱尔兰的小男孩唱的~但谁知道这个小男孩的名字呢?

迪克兰·加尔布雷思(Declan Galbraith)Tell Me WhyIn my dream,children singA song of love for every boy and girlThe sky is blue and fields are greenAnd laughter is the language of the worldThen i wake and all i seeIs a world full of people in needTell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?Everyday i ask myselfWhat will i have to do to be a man?Do i have to stand and fightTo prove to everybody who i am?Is that what my life is forTo waste in a world full of war?Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(together) just tell me why, why, why?Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping handTell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(why,why do we say we care)Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?(why,why if we"re all the same)Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)Tell me why (why,why does it never end)Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?Why,why,(do we close our eyes)Why,why,(do the greedy life)Why,why,(do we fight for land)Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand?Why,why?!



taylor swift tell me why中文歌词

Tell Me Why ----- Taylor Swift i took a chance, i took a shot   机会来临,我出击了   and you might think i"m bulletproof,but i"m not   也许你觉得我不怕任何伤害,但是我不是 you took a swing, i took it hard   你伤害了我,我很介意   and down here from the ground i see who you are   直到现在,我看清了你的面目   i"m sick and tired of your attitude   我厌倦了你的态度   i"m feeling like i don"t know you   我觉得我似乎不认识你   you tell me that you love me then you cut me down   你说爱我,却又伤害我   and i need you like a heartbeat   我需要你,你是我的心跳   but you know you got a mean streak   但是你知道你自己有多卑劣   makes me run for cover when you"re around   当和你在一起,我就没有了自己   and here"s to you and your temper   着就是你和你的坏脾气   yes, i remember what you said last night   是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话   and i know that you see what you"re doing to me   你了解自己对我所做的事   tell me why..   告诉我为什么。。   you could write a book on 你可以写一本关于  how to ruin someone"s perfect day   如何破坏别人美好生活的书   well i get so confused and frustrated   我是如此混乱和沮丧   forget what i"m trying to say, oh   忘记我想说的话吧,噢   i"m sick and tired of your reasons   我厌倦了你的借口   i got no one to believe in   我不相信任何人   you tell me that you want me, then push me around   你告诉我你需要我,却玩弄我   and i need you like a heartbeat   我需要你,你是我的心跳   but you know you got a mean streak   但是你知道你自己有多卑劣   makes me run for cover when you"re around   当和你在一起,我就没有了自己   here"s to you and your temper   祝福你和你的坏脾气   yes, i remember what you said last night   是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话   and i know that you see what you"re doing to me   你了解自己对我所做的事   tell me why..   告诉我为什么。。   why..do you have to make me feel small   为什么,你一定要让我觉得无地自容吗   so you can feel whole inside   这样你就可以感到   why..do you have to put down my dreams   为什么,你一定要让我记住我的梦   so you"re the only thing on my mind   这样你就可以是我心中的唯一   i"m sick and tired of your attitude   我对你的态度感到厌倦   i"m feeling like i don"t know you   我觉得我不认识你   you tell me that you want me then cut me down   你告诉我你需要我,却又伤害我   i"m sick and tired of your reasons   我厌倦了你的借口   i"ve got no one to believe in   我不相信任何人   you ask me for my love then you push me around   你要我爱你,却玩弄我   here"s to you and your temper   这就是你和你的坏脾气   yes, i remember what you said last night   是的我记得最后一晚你说的话   and i know that you see what you"re doing to me   我知道你了解自己对我做的事   tell me why   告诉我为什么   why, tell me why   为什么。告诉我为什么   i take a step back, let you go   我后退一步,让你走   i told you i"m not bulletproof   告诉你我不是不怕伤害的   now you know   现在你知道了

Taylor Swift 的[Tell Me why]的歌词加中文!谢谢!

i took a chance, i took a shot   机会来临,我出击了   and you might think i"m bulletproof,but i"m not   也许你觉得我不怕任何伤害,但是我不是   you took a swing, i took it hard   你伤害了我,我很介意   and down here from the ground i see who you are   直到现在,我看清了你的面目   i"m sick and tired of your attitude   我厌倦了你的态度   i"m feeling like i don"t know you   我觉得我似乎不认识你   you tell me that you love me then you cut me down   你说爱我,却又伤害我   and i need you like a heartbeat   我需要你,你是我的心跳   but you know you got a mean streak   但是你知道你自己有多卑劣   makes me run for cover when you"re around   当和你在一起,我就没有了自己   and here"s to you and your temper   着就是你和你的坏脾气   yes, i remember what you said last night   是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话   and i know that you see what you"re doing to me   你了解自己对我所做的事   tell me why..   告诉我为什么。。   you could write a book on   how to ruin someone"s perfect day   你可以写一本关于如何破坏别人美好生活的书   well i get so confused and frustrated   我是如此混乱和沮丧   forget what i"m trying to say, oh   忘记我想说的话吧,噢   i"m sick and tired of your reasons   我厌倦了你的借口   i got no one to believe in   我不相信任何人   you tell me that you want me, then push me around   你告诉我你需要我,却玩弄我   and i need you like a heartbeat   我需要你,你是我的心跳   but you know you got a mean streak   但是你知道你自己有多卑劣   makes me run for cover when you"re around   当和你在一起,我就没有了自己   here"s to you and your temper   祝福你和你的坏脾气   yes, i remember what you said last night   是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话   and i know that you see what you"re doing to me   你了解自己对我所做的事   tell me why..   告诉我为什么。。   why..do you have to make me feel small   为什么,你一定要让我觉得无地自容吗   so you can feel whole inside   这样你就可以感到   why..do you have to put down my dreams   为什么,你一定要让我记住我的梦   so you"re the only thing on my mind   这样你就可以是我心中的唯一   i"m sick and tired of your attitude   我对你的态度感到厌倦   i"m feeling like i don"t know you   我觉得我不认识你   you tell me that you want me then cut me down   你告诉我你需要我,却又伤害我   i"m sick and tired of your reasons   我厌倦了你的借口   i"ve got no one to believe in   我不相信任何人   you ask me for my love then you push me around   你要我爱你,却玩弄我   here"s to you and your temper   这就是你和你的坏脾气   yes, i remember what you said last night   是的我记得最后一晚你说的话   and i know that you see what you"re doing to me   我知道你了解自己对我做的事   tell me why   告诉我为什么   why, tell me why   为什么。告诉我为什么   i take a step back, let you go   我后退一步,让你走   i told you i"m not bulletproof   告诉你我不是不怕伤害的   now you know   现在你知道了

tell me why 歌词

in my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌 The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Than I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I have to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war? 而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是硝烟的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) 为什么,为什么老虎也要逃跑 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) 为什么,为什么我们让子弹射出枪堂 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) 为什么,为什么我们从来不吸取教训 Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) 为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) 为什么,为什么我们只是站着旁观 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (do the dolphins cry) 为什么,为什么海豚在哭泣 Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we"re all the same) 为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的. Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) 为什么,为什么我们却在互相谴责 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) 为什么,为什么这些永无休止 Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 谁能告诉我,因为我们实在无法知道 Why,why?? 为什么

why can pinocchio become a real boy?

为什么匹诺曹变成了一个真正的男孩?Pinocchio 英 [pu026au02c8nu0259u028akiu0259u028a]美 [pu026au02c8nou028akiou028a]n. 童话中的主角; [电影] 木偶奇遇记;[网络] 小木偶; 童话主角; 皮诺曹;[例句]Then you"re gonna see Pinocchio tomorrow night. 那你明晚就得去看木偶奇遇记。

求好听的英文歌,类似Sing You to Sleep---Matt Cab,Why Would I Ever---Paula DeAnda这样的风格,

1 New Soul 2 Boyfriend hate me 3 Whataya want from me 4 Love the way you lie Pt.2

Why do you like music? 求这句话的回答

Because I can relax myself

可以用why you like it 吗

Do youlike it?

Why do people love pandas so much? Perhaps it is because they look very cute, or perhaps it is ...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了关于熊猫的一些事情,熊猫的原产地在中国,是中国的象征。熊猫因为他们可爱的样子而受到很多人的喜爱,也因为他们的数量之少而受到很多人的关注。现在人们正努力的保护熊猫,不让这个物种在地球上消失。小题1: 细节理解题。根据短文第二段中Many people also call them panda bears because they are mammals (哺乳类) classified from the bear family.可知,很多人把大熊猫叫做猫熊,因为他们是从熊的家族里分出来的哺乳动物。故选D。小题2:细节理解题。根据短文第三段中Pandas mostly eat bamboo, but they may also eat other food like eggs, fish, oranges and bananas. 可知,熊猫主要吃竹子,但是他们也吃其他的食物,如鸡蛋,鱼,橘子和香蕉。故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据短文第四段中But scientists say that a female panda may have about five or six cubs during her life. 可知,科学家说,一个雌性大熊猫一生可以养育5到6个幼仔。故选C。小题4:词义猜测题。根据这个短语所在的句子以及上下文People have been trying hard to protect giant pandas. It looks like their work is paying off because the number of giant pandas is increasing可知,人们一直在努力的保护大熊猫,而大熊猫的数量增加了,所以人们的努力得到了回报。故应该选A,意思是导致成功。B选项的意思是为某物付钱;C选项的意思是停止工作;D选项的意思是使某物工作。

用why 造句?

Thatu2019s why you left me alone

Which animals do you like?Why?

I like cats. Because they are very meek.

1.Why do you like me变陈述句

Do you like salad? 改为陈述句改句如下: I like salad .

why do you say?不对吗?


Why do you like spring?可以怎么回答?

Because I think itu2019s interesting

why do you like autumn?(实际回答)


why do you like autumn?的回答

Because it"s cool.

Why do you like it best? 怎么回答?

Because it is +形容词

why do you like swimming?


Why do wild geese move around so much ?汉意是什么

move 指 “迁徙”,move around 就是 “到处迁徙”,so much 是程度状语,所以这句话的意思是 “大雁为什么如此频繁地四处迁徙?”

Do you like harry potter?why?

My favorites about movies I am a great movie fans,let me tell you something about my favorites about movies. My favorite movie is Harry Potter.I really like the spirit of that movie.Harry Potter and his two friends are the main roles of that movie.They get together and face the difficulties,wherever how hard,they never give up,that kind of pure love and outstanding courage is the very point that we should learn. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.I"ve seen his movie called "80 days around the world" and "Shanghai Kinght".He is famous for his action movies,his Chinese kung fu is really great,when I"m watching his movie,I feel really excited!He"s very funny too. He love his motherland--China,that"s the most important thing. Well,I"ve talked so much,so you want to know who is my favorite actress?Well,I"ll tell you next time.


Why do you like to go to see the pandas

Why ___ you ___like that ?


Why do you like Wednesday?为什么why在前面


Do you like riding your bike? Why or Why not?怎么回答

肯定回答:Yes,I like.Because it can not only exercise but also save time.是的,我喜欢,因为骑车不仅可以锻炼身体还能节约时间。

Why do wild geese move around so much ?汉意是什么




你为什么想先看熊猫呢?why do you want____ ____pandas____?

Why do you want to see pandas first ?

why do you like pandas

why do you like pandas你为什么喜欢熊猫双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 你为什么喜欢熊猫例句:1.So what stocks do you like right now? 你们现在看好哪些股票?

Do you like toliveis the city why怎么回答?

Do you like...?是一个一般疑问句,回答时一般用Yes,I do./No, I don"t.Why?是问的“为什么?”回答可以用Because+句子。在表述句子时,尽量表达正确。这样能更好的帮助到你。希望能帮助到你。望采纳谢谢!

Why do you like music? 求这句话的回答



Why do you like summer best?(为什么你最喜欢夏天)

Why do you like it? 按实际情况该怎么回答?

中文:你为什么喜欢它? 你可以回答:because it very cult.(因为它非常可爱)

why you like rap英文回答

Because it is fashionable, give people a sense of relaxation and pleasure.

why do you like pandas 怎么描述你喜欢的动物。作文

different people like different animals. i like panda very much.they are very lovely.they like eating leaves. i can see pandas in the zoos.if i have enough time i will see them again.how cute they are. what animal do you like best.不知道字数够不够,亲可以自己加一点,我初一有可能会有语法错误

Why do you like pandas? 写篇小作文

There are some pandas in the zoo. They look like a bear, but they are not a bear. They live in China. They have a small tail and fat body. They are black and white. They"re very clumsy, but they can climb trees. They like to eat bamboo very much. Look! The baby panda is under the mother panda, they are sleeping. They look very lovely. Pandas are my favourite animals. What about you?

why do you like pandas后面为什么要加复数是表示种类吗?


why do you like pandas 中pandas 为什么用复数


Why do you like pandas?中like为什么用原形?

助动词 do 后跟动词原形 likeWhy do you like pandas?你为什么熊猫?

why do you like pandas是几年级的

是人教版七年级下册的内容。七年级重要句型介绍如下:1、Let" s see the pandas first.咱们先去看熊猫吧。2、Why do you want to see them?你为什么想去看它们?3、Because they"re interesting.因为它们很有趣。4、He can walk on two legs.他(指“狗”)会用两条腿走路。(他会立着行走。)5、Why don t you like the cat?你为什么不喜欢这只猫?why引导定语从句1、当先行词是表示原因的名词reason,且关系副词在从句中作原因状语时,定语从句用why引导(why只能引导限制性定语从句,在口语中why可省略)。例如:2、why可以用“for which”来代替。3、选择why还是which/that?当先行词是表示原因的名词reason时,用关系副词why,还是which/that引导定语从句,关键要看关系词在定语从句中作何种成分。

Why do you like pandas?的意思是什么?


Why do we have national parks?

national parks 国家公园我们为什么有national parks


你没有理由不事先告诉他们你要做的事情. why 为关系副词 ,引导定语从句,修饰reason 的 . 句型很简单 就是个there be 句型 ,然后主语被定语从句修饰,而定语从句里又有个what 引导的名词性从句 . 够清楚了么

没有为什么” 是 no reason 还是 no why


求翻译 “there is no reason why we cannot do sth”?

你好,这是There be的句型,也是一个固定句型,经常考到意思是没有什么原因...此句意思为我们不能做这件事没有原因.

求一首在青岛万达影院WC听到的一首英文男歌,歌词有we just like the reason 结尾是NO reason NO why什么


no reason why是嘛意思?


No reason no why 是什么意思?


No reason no why 是什么意思


没有为什么” 是 no reason 还是 no why

no reason:没有理由。no why:没有为什么。

why we called 美国 uncle sam???


Do you like Blue-collar jobs? why?

Do you like Blue-collar jobs? why?回答: No. I don"t like blue-collar jobs.I studied in my university with high marks and I have mastered a lot of skills to contribute more to the society.开心快乐每一天!
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