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求椰汁西米露 的英文 recipe

openrice 内的食谱搜寻→甜品→第 33 个食谱→选英文版 openrice/big5/recipe_e?recipeid=353 想睇返中文,可以去最低按中文版 recipe 内容:– 芋头椰汁西米露 Sweet sago soup with taro and coconut juice This dessert can be served hot or cold, and is quite suitable for the autumn season as it has a nourishing effect. Ingredients: taro 120g sago 2tbsp coconut juice 1/2cup sugar-some some water Cooking Method: soak sago pearls in water until clear in colour. Place in collander, and rinse in water. Drain well. Wash taro and remove skin. Cut into *** all cubes. Bring some water to the boil, the put in taro cubes and sugar, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Add in sago and cook for another 3 minutes.stir in coconut juice and serve hot or cold. Difficulty: Very Easy,参考: openrice/big5/recipe_e?recipeid=353,sago dew with coconut flavor,参考: 中国香港旺角某间茶餐厅,椰汁西米露 的英文=Coconut tree juice sago dew,参考: Me,

Recipe For Hate...Warhorse 歌词

歌曲名:Recipe For Hate...Warhorse歌手:Megadeth专辑:The World Needs A HeroEach day my shortcomings pick my pocketsMy faults were letters carved in stoneAs meaningful to you as words written in waterI"m left to walk this world aloneFill solos - MustaineIn a broken mold they made meThe black sheep of the familyWorth less than zero my opinionAnd room temperature IQI did something, now I"m nothingAlways wrong with this or thatPoisoned with fear watch it twistMy measly brain madSolo - PitrelliTalk about me when my bac is turnedNext time we meet it will be to lateThe memory burned in my ears of what you saidAnd now I"ve got a recipe for hate. Taste itFill solos - MustaineDark clouds on the horizonMake it hard to breatheA walking mistake but every timeI run away, I just come back for moreThe choice is clear I can quitAnd fall on my sword or light a fireTo see who runs or staysAnd plays the confidence gameSolo - Pitrelli...WarhorseI"m feeling quite invisibleI feel just like thin airThe truth taunts meSolo - MustaineI see the earth below meI watch it spinning thereDoes someone, somewhereOut there hear me?Solo - PitrelliSentenced to walk in PurgatoryMy life is running downI can"t believe what they"ve done to meSolo - MustaineI"m left riding a WarhorseA man without a countrySolos - Mustaine, Pitrelli, Mustaine, Pitrelli

求初二水果沙拉的制造过程 英文的 不要太详细 但字数要够100词 还偷是Here is the recipe for。。。。。。

Fruit salad (F) material apple Ding 20 gram, strawberry 10 gram,pineapple Ding 40 gram, pear Ding 25 gram, watermelon 50 gram, looseseeds and nuts 10 grams; Ingredient 沙拉酱 2 spoons, fruit tasteliquors little. After manufactures 1, cuts upper row each item offruit Ding to mix joins 沙拉酱 mixes evenly. 2nd, will mix the goodfruit salad to put in the salad bowl, the above will scatter the looseseeds and nuts then. The tips1, at least needs four kind of abovecolors the fruit hors d"oeuvres, the request color each different, theshape is different. 2 vessels may cause the modelling withtheglassware to be more artistic.


recipe的意思是n. 烹饪法,食谱;诀窍,秘诀;原因;<古>处方例句:①What "s her recipe for success?她成功的秘诀是什么?——《牛津词典》②This recipe is foolproof- it works everytime.这个食谱绝对管用,每次都万无一失。——《牛津词典》③This recipe will be enough for four servings.本食谱为四人量。——《牛津词典》


receive, receiver, 还有recipient 都有代表接收的意思。receive是动词,意为接收、receiver是接收者,则为名词。recipient和receiver是同义词。recipe更其他3个单词没有任何联系,意思为食谱。

he even offer the recipe for free为什么用for?

句中的 for free 是一个固定短语,意思是“免费”,用在此句中充当状语。当然此处的介词要使用 for 了。不过感觉你这个句子原文有问题,offer 要改成 offers 或者 offered;因为句子时态和主语 he 决定了,其谓语动词要么是过去式,要么是三单形式,不可能用动词原形的。



ice cream ingredient and recipe


recipe book 什么意思

recipe book配方书双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 食谱例句:1.One in ten women can cook fewer than three meals without looking at a recipe book orasking for help. 十分之一的女性在不查看食谱书或没有帮助的情况下,连三道菜也做不出。2.A good recipe book has plenty of pictures and lots of reassuring messages. 一个好的教科书会有大量的图片和很多的可靠主题思想。

it’a recipe for disaster是什么意思?


have a recipe for是什么意思

有一个 ......的秘方

Love Recipe 歌词

歌曲名:Love Recipe歌手:Gummy专辑:Loveless(日语版)Love RecipeGummy作词:Kabwon Choi/Ryo Fujio作曲:Dohoon Kimあなたしか 见えないの 笑って他の声 もう闻こえない 歌って友达が 皆呆れてる いつもあなたの事だけしか话さないって目を闭じて 深呼吸してOh, baby baby lu lu luvあなただけ 感じたいOh, baby baby lu lu luvいつもいつでも 好きだと言って充电が必要なの爱してくれて Thank Uあなたより 私の方が サランヘどんな目で见られても ヘンボッケー少しだけ頼りない人だけど何でもしてあげるから大丈夫!离れても そばにいてもOh, baby baby lu lu luvあなただけ 感じたいOh, baby baby lu lu luv24时间 待っているからメールして 电话をして爱してくれて Thank Uあなたの 右侧に永远にポジってたいのI need U I want Uいつまでも In my heartふたりで作る 恋のレシピはいつまでも増え続ける赏味期限はないの

G/R Golden Recipe是什么意思?

G/R Golden Recipe黄金配方Golden金质的; 金的; 金色的; 金黄色的; 特别的; 美好的Recipe烹饪法; 食谱; 方法; 秘诀; 诀窍



original recipe是什么意思


图像检测中所说的 recipe是什么

检测当前图像中有没有目标Directories:规定编译、连接所需文件的路径, 有下列各项,如图所示:(1) Include directories:包含文件的路径, 多个子目录用";"分开。(2) Library directories:库文件路径, 多个子目录用";"分开。(3) Output directoried:输出文件(.OBJ, .EXE, .MAP文件)的目录。(4) Turbo C directoried:Turbo C 所在的目录。(5) Pick file name:定义加载的pick文件名, 如不定义则从currentpick file中取。








三个词还是在所指方面不一样prescription:药方:Go get the medichine on the prescriptioin.recipe:食谱:Follow the recipe and get the cooking done.formular:公式:Use the formulars to solve the problems.

recipe 词源是什么??

"medical prescription," from French word récipé, from Latin recipe "take!," imperative of recipere "to take" (see receive)


recipe水晶防晒喷雾喷出来是雾状的,比涂抹的方便多了,关键是不油腻。那么recipe水晶防晒喷雾怎么样?recipe水晶防晒喷雾好用吗? 产品怎么样 Recipe水晶防晒喷雾SPF50+喷出来也是很细腻的雾,完全可以带妆喷脸上补防晒,喷身上也很方便不用用手抹。个人感觉雾比narisup的更细,香味也更淡更好接受!水晶喷雾毫无油腻感更具降温效果再也不怕炎炎夏日。而且100%防水。让我们在烈日下一起快乐的玩耍吧喷身体,喷脸部,完全【隐形】的防晒喷雾,脸部可控油定妆瞬间冰爽就是它。 Recipe水晶防晒喷雾,个人比较喜欢喷雾式的防晒,比较方便,妮维雅和水宝宝都试过,油腻腻的不喜欢,这款水晶防晒最近超火的就试试肿么样,夏天最怕喷完黏腻,但这个不会,接触肌肤瞬间就贴合了,清透零负担哦,也不会假白,全身都能用,补喷也不会花妆哦,以后就是它啦。产品好用吗 先说说它的“喷雾”吧。雾是透明的,所以可以带妆喷,有时候早上化妆出门到了下午就超级担心早上涂的那层防晒霜已经没有效果了,一定不止我有这种担心吧,虽然以spf50来算,可以持续防晒12。5小时,但是就是很不安心啊。所以能够带妆喷的喷雾还是能充分消除心里的小不安的。雾很细。真的就是那种要不是听到了喷雾喷出来的声音你都不敢肯定你已经喷过了。再说说用途吧,用在脸上是可以,其实我更喜欢用它喷身体,懒人出门啊露出来的皮肤都涂上防晒霜实在是太麻烦,所以还是喷雾省事。产品心得 韩国第一Recipe水晶防晒喷雾,喷出来的是水晶雾,凉嗖嗖的,瞬间降温。特别密,化多浓的妆都随便补~喷一喷,补N次都没问题,清爽。不油腻而且不泛白,自用非常棒,孕妇小孩儿都可以安全使用。水晶防晒喷雾喷上去凉凉的真的很舒服,喷到脸上给肌肤降温,抵御紫外线,而且真的是吸收很快瞬干并且一点也不油腻还会滑滑的也不会有抹防晒霜的厚重感。我个人不太喜欢粉尘式的防晒霜涂上后感觉假白,而且抹完防晒整个人好累。它最大的特点是超级省时间胳膊脖子都能简单喷的到,根本不用在耗费时间涂,尤其是要出门来不及涂防晒时候轻松一喷。


是指配方的意思是机台加工不同产品时的对应程式,指的是由制造工程师提前在机台上设置,并且EAP控制生产时会自动根据货的类型选择并控制机台按照制造工程师提前设置的方式进行加工。Recipe是工业自动化的核心 ,其内容可包含工艺加工过程中的多个步骤以及各个步骤的各种工艺参数值和该步骤的持续时间,在工业自动化制造的过程中,需要根据recipe的内容来将物料制造为成品,同时也可以通过recipe来改进加工出的产品的质量,所以由此可见recipe在半导体生产工业中尤为重要。


recipe韩国的知名品牌之一,其产品通过了韩国国立农产品管理局的唯一认证机构,其产品一直追寻着绝对的健康肌肤的理念,产品成分中也不使用化学性成分,所以其产品适用于大多数人群。 recipe品牌介绍 re:cipe通过了韩国国立农产品管理局的唯一认证机构--NAQS农产品管理局的验证。re:cipe就是坚持 寻找健康肌肤 的信念,减少使用化学性刺激 成分,采用60余种珍贵天然成分,给皮肤不断滋养同时还能对疲劳皮肤有镇定功效,让肌肤 得到像食品般的自然呵护。这充分证明了该产品chun天然有机成分。RE:CIPE坚持寻找健康肌肤的信念,减少使用化学性刺激成分。水晶防晒保湿喷雾同时也因为它只需轻轻一喷就可见皮肤零白点,蕴含光泽而不油腻,皮肤像是盖了一层水晶,闪闪发光,故而得名“水晶”~recipe喷雾用法感受 使用方法:摇匀后,距肌肤约20cm的位置喷洒,之后用手轻拍帮助吸收。 产品特点:物理+化学防晒,SPF50PA+++高倍数防晒值,抵御紫外线侵害。防水防汗,含多种天然有机成分,不泛白不浮油,清爽略带光泽感,冰凉降温,舒缓定妆,配方温和,适合所有肤质。 防晒,还能定妆??!!用了这么多年防晒,我自认为已经‘宠辱不惊"了~额,好像哪里不对?应该是已经没什么惊艳了!但凡事总有个BUT!!那个BUT就是这款RE:CIPE 水晶防晒保湿喷雾~我真心被惊艳到了!!!只需轻轻一喷,肌肤蕴含光泽、不油腻!皮肤像是盖上了一层水晶,bling bling,像水晶一样闪耀!炒鸡防水,还有‘不留白"的功能哦!妆前妆后都能用,完全隐形,与皮肤完全贴合哦~拥有SPF50+、PA+++的高爆表防晒指数,大太阳,GO DIE~不含传统化妆品中常有的10种有害物质,即二苯甲酮、硫酸盐洁面活性剂、矿物油以及焦油色素等,而是由61种纯天然的有机成分组成,孕妇、宝宝、敏感肌都是可以用的哦~~采用喷气压力技术,喷雾灰常细腻!倒着也可以喷哟~全身无死角喷射,让你拥有360度无死角保护!!质感清爽,比水更清透,伴随类似酒精的香味~maybe会有点呛鼻哦~但没有添加任何酒精成分哦~妹纸们放心哈!!有‘不易与汗融合"‘速干耐汗"的特性!夏天不用担心因为流汗而导致防晒脱妆,从而失去保护了~喷在肌肤上如水晶般透明,整天清爽不油腻~ P.S 1.除了防晒,TA还可以用来定妆,妹纸们不用担心游个泳、下个水就花妆了~只要化完妆后轻轻一喷,就阔以出门了!! 2.因为防水防汗,建议还是要用卸妆产品卸妆哦~ 3.不要用在有伤口的地方哈~

recipe芦荟胶喷雾适合肤质 recipe芦荟胶喷雾作用功效

recipe芦荟胶喷雾是一款可以喷的芦荟胶,设计吸引,效果也很不错,很多人都种草了recipe芦荟胶喷雾,recipe芦荟胶喷雾也不挑人,给肌肤足够的保湿力。 recipe芦荟胶喷雾适合肤质 适合任何肤质。recipe芦荟胶喷雾喷上脸冰凉舒爽,质地温和,外包装非常韩式小清新,白色和蓝色渐变配色美呆了。夏天使用瞬间降温,尽享冰凉,喷头按压起来比较快速,不会觉得费劲,喷出来的芦荟胶也相当细腻,改善夏季晒后肌肤出现的各种问题,让肌肤恢复健康状态。recipe芦荟胶喷雾作用功效 recipe芦荟胶喷雾富含93%的芦荟胶和多种营养成分,有很好的镇静舒缓、修复受损肌肤,强效补水保湿,改善粗糙缺水、泛红等肌肤现象。增强肌肤锁水屏障,深层保湿,平衡水油,使皮肤恢复水润、细滑、柔软、水嫩的状态。相较于传统的芦荟胶产婆,携带和使用起来都更加方便,炎炎夏日使用也没有任何不适黏腻感,给你清爽降温,超级凉快水润的感觉,补水效果不要太强悍。recipe芦荟喷雾好不好 recipe芦荟胶喷雾是一款成分天然的芦荟胶喷雾,外观设计就很清凉,一看就很夏天的感觉,便宜大碗,用来抹全身也完全不心疼。芦荟胶喷雾的设计也很新颖,喷出来清凉无比,有降温的作用,可以镇静肌肤。涂抹开是透明的芦荟胶质地,很保湿,延展性很好,吸收效果还可以,用量还比较省。舒缓皮肤,很适合夏天,保湿力度好,增强肌肤耐受性,但是味道太浓了,不是很喜欢。






My healthy recipe作文?

For the modern concepts in life, the health is the most importantstep forward.Have a their own recipes, which most people could not be better.Well, healthy recipes what effect?If you often feel restless or mental fatigue, then you must belong to"yang".Food will determine your sound. Let me tell you! You should eat more moderate, non-spicy food, like tofu and vegetables and fruits like.Then, more drink. So the performance anxiety will be completely eliminated!Obviously, having a healthy recipe how important it is.However, many people do not care about their health level. Eat like they think a good body. This awareness is deeply rooted in their hearts. This is also a stupid idea.So, I think I have to develop a healthy recipe. Not only that, I would like to use their own power of infecting others. So that they, like me healthy!


《Top Secret Recipes Unlocked》(Wilbur, Todd; Wilbur, Todd;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: iqgh书名:Top Secret Recipes Unlocked作者:Wilbur, Todd; Wilbur, Todd;出版年份:2009-11页数:265内容简介:More than 4 million Top Secret Recipes books sold!The kitchen clone recipe king is back with a new Top bestselling Top Secret Restaurant Recipes collection-the first book since his bestselling Top Secret Restaurant Recipes 2 . Wilbur takes readers behind the scenes, revealing the key ingredients in some of our favorite foods such as Starbucks" Peppermint Brownie, Krispy Kreme"s original glazed donuts, Panera Bread"s cranberry walnut bagel and Wendy"s Garden Sensations Manadarin Chicken Salad. The book will feature 115 new recipes, including 40 previously unpublished recipes such as:u2022Panera Bread French Onion Soupu2022Burger King Onion Ringsu2022Chick-Fil-A Honey Roasted BBQ Sauceu2022McDonald"s Cinnamon Meltsu2022Stouffer"s Macaroni & Cheeseu2022Chipotle Mexican Grill Chipotle-Honey Vinaigretteu2022Popeye"s Buttermilk Biscuits.Forget takeout-with these fun recipes and blueprints, all using ingredients you can buy at your local supermarket, you can re-create your favorite restaurant signature dishes right in your own kitchen for a lot less!

《Low- Fat Top Secret Recipes》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Low-Fat Top Secret Recipes》(Wilbur, Todd)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: pme6书名:Low-Fat Top Secret Recipes作者:Wilbur, Todd出版社:Penguin USA出版年份:2000-6页数:256内容简介:Dozens of fabulous new fat-conscious recipes are here from the master of top secret kitchen concoctions.Todd Wilbur, the irrepressible restaurant recipe knockoff artist, is back. Thanks to Wilbur"s latest Top Secret mission--to re-create some of America"s most popular food products without the fat--readers can now feast guilt-free on their favorite snacks. The easy-to-follow recipes, along with Wilbur"s patented blueprint illustrations, are guaranteed to produce healthier homemade treats that taste identical to the real thing--like Nabisco(r) Reduced-Fat Oreo(r) Cookies or Entenmann"s Light(r) Low-Fat Cinnamon Rolls. Wilbur also tackles some familiar restaurant delights, including Bennigan"s(r) Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, McDonald"s(r) Arch Deluxe(r) and Egg McMuffin(r), and Wendy"s(r) Chicken Caesar Fresh Stuffed Pita(r)--concocting them all at a fraction of the calories and at a fraction of the cost. Once again, the intrepid Todd Wilbur goes where no food writer has gone before--and proves that when it comes to providing recipes for food that diners really want to eat, he is the peoples" choice.Praise for Todd Wilbur"The mission: Decode the secret recipes for America"s favorite junk foods. Equipment: Standard kitchen appliances. Goal: Leak the results to a ravenous public." -- USA Today"There"s something almost magically compelling about the idea of making such foods at home . . . The allure is undeniable . . . Stuffed with tidbits and lore you"re unlikely to find anywhere else." -- Boston Herald

load recipe什么意思

load recipe 加载食谱或 加载处方


watermelons lettuces recipes pancakes relish 不可数反复记忆法+联想记忆

industry recipes什么意思 论文中出现的

industry指工业;产业,recipe 是食谱;方法还有秘诀的意思。。。你可以联系语境分析,大致意思就是产业的方法或秘诀吧请采纳








recipe 英[u02c8resu0259pi] 美[u02c8resu0259pi] n. 食谱; 处方; 秘诀; [例句]Large-scale inflation is a recipe for disaster.大规模的通货膨胀会造成灾难。[其他] 复数:recipes



【recipe 中文】秒懂英文「recipe」的意思!

recipe 中文 意思是指「食谱;烹饪法」的意思,recipe 的名词复数为recipes。recipe 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出recipe的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.recipe 食谱;烹饪法 (名词) recipe当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「食谱;烹饪法」的意思。 recipe相关英文例句: 例:I need some oranges for this recipe. 我需要一些柳橙做这道食谱。 例:Do you know a good recipe for vegetable soup? 你知道蔬菜汤的好食谱吗? recipe, recipe 中文, recipe 中文意思, recipe 中文的意思, recipe 中文解释, recipe 意思, recipe 用法, recipe 翻译, 英文 recipe


recipe英["resu0259pu026a] 美[u02c8ru025bsu0259u02ccpi] n.食谱;处方;秘诀 名词复数:recipes [例句]The spirits company keeps a cocktail recipe tool on its company intranet. 这家烈酒类饮料生产商在公司内联网上发布了一个鸡尾酒配方工具.

recipes是什么意思 recipes的中文翻译、读音、例句?

recipes的意思是”食谱、方法”,其次还有”秘诀”的意思,读音为[‘resu0259pu026az],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到78个与recipes相关的同义词和例句recipes的翻译1.食谱例句:- Real cooks don"t need recipes.翻译:-菜谱? -是的,怎么了?自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

recipe of 车打芝士(Cheddar cheese)

更新1: anymore? ,Scalloped Potatoes A basic scalloped potatoes recipe baked in the oven. Cook Time: 45 minutes Ingredients: 4 cups thinly sliced potatoes, about 6 to 8 medium potatoes 2 tablespoons flour 1 teoon salt 1/8 teoon pepper 3 tablespoons butter 2 cups scalded milk 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese Preparation: In a buttered 2-quart baking dish, place a layer of about 1/3 of the potatoes. In a cup or *** all bowl, bine flour with salt and pepper. Sprinkle about half of the flour mixture over the potatoes; repeat with another layer of potatoes and the flour mixture and top with remaining potato slices. Dot with butter then pour hot milk over potatoes. Cover and bake at 375 for 45 minutes. Uncover; sprinkle cheese over the top. Return to the oven and bake, uncovered, for an additional 15 minutes, or until scalloped potatoes are tender and cheese has melted. Scalloped potatoes serves 6 to 8. southernfood.about/od/scallopedpotatoes/r/bl30129v you can go to here for more information southernfood.about/ hope can help you 2008-09-24 18:06:59 补充: Cheddar cheese is a relatively hard, pale yellow to off-white, and sometimes sharp-tasting cheese originating from the English village of Cheddar, in Somerset.,参考: southernfood.about/od/scallopedpotatoes/r/bl30129v, en. *** /,做一种西式点心 - cheese twist 芝士条 pizza 一般都用这种芝士,海螺青豆芝士浓汤(图) 这道海螺青豆芝士浓汤口感香滑,味道醇厚浓郁。喜欢Red Chedder独特的香味,硬硬的质感,直接吃就很好吃。放在汤里,也能增加风味,搭配上面包或土司就是饱足的一餐。 图片参考:ce/cysc/sp/shipu/200807/29/W020080729492034509961 为奶酪,是一种发酵的乳制品,其性质与常见的酸乳有相似之处,都是通过发酵过程来制作的,含有可以保健的乳酸菌,但是芝士的浓度比酸奶更高,近似固体食物,其营养价值也因此更加丰富,被誉为乳制品中的“黄金”。由于特殊的制作工艺,芝士的营养成分特别容易被人体消化和吸收,其中蛋白质的吸收率达到96%-98%,对青少年生长发育、提高身体耐力有极大的益处。就工艺而言,芝士是发酵的乳制品;就营养而言,芝士是浓缩的乳制品。 芝士有丰富的维生素A,能增进人体抵抗疾病的能力,保护眼睛健康并保持肌肤健美。 芝士中的B族维生素含量丰富,可以增进代谢,加强活力,美化皮肤。 芝士中的乳酸菌对人体有一定的保健作用,有利于维持人体肠道内正常菌群的稳定和平衡,防治便秘和腹泻。 芝士中的胆固醇含量却比较低,适量的吃一些,对心血管健康也有积极的作用。 常见的芝士有:新鲜芝士、花皮软质芝士、水洗软质芝士、山羊芝士、青纹芝士、压缩末芝士等。喜欢它们独特味道的,就一一尝试吧。 1、原料:海螺200克、青豆50克、车打芝士40克、牛奶500克、面粉2勺、盐3克、白胡椒2克; 2、车打芝士、牛奶、面粉一起边加热边搅匀; 3、沸腾后,加入切好的海螺肉; 4、加入青豆一起煮5分钟;最后加盐、白胡椒调味,就可以了。 ce/cysc/sp/shipu/200807/29/t20080729_16323858.s "Beef Taco Lasagna" - 2 casseroles (8 servings each) 24 *** gna noodles 2 lbs. lean ground beef 2 envelopes taco seasoning 4 egg whites 2 (15 oz.) cartons ricotta cheese 8 cups (2 lbs.) shredded Cheddar cheese 2 (24 oz.) jars chunky salsa Cook noodles according to package directions. Meanwhile, in large skillet, cook beef over medium heat until no longer pink; drain. Stir in taco seasoning. In *** all bowl, bine egg whites and ricotta cheese. Drain noodles. In each of o 13x9x2" baking dishes, layer four noodles, 3/4 cup ricotta mixture, half of the beef mixture and 1 1/3 cups Cheddar. Top each with four noodles, 3/4 cup ricotta mixture, 1 1/2 cups salsa and 1 1/3 cups Cheddar. Repeat. Cover and freeze one casserole for up to 3 months. Bake the second casserole, uncovered, at 350* for 35-40 minutes or until heated through. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting. (To use frozen casserole: Thaw in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Bake as directed.),

初二英语小短文: The recipe for my favourite food