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2023-07-09 08:48:04

语法标注解释 recipe英音:["resipi]美音:["ru025bsu0259pu026a]

名词 n. [C]



I"d like to have your recipe for cookies.



He thinks the one recipe for success lies in hard work.



recipe名词 n. [C]





I"d like to have your recipe for cookies.




He thinks the one recipe for success lies in hard work.



1.食谱;配方 2.食谱;烹饪法;秘诀 3.菜谱,秘诀,处方 4.准则 5.格式





2023-07-09 02:07:271

2023-07-09 02:07:374

recipe芦荟胶喷雾适合肤质 recipe芦荟胶喷雾作用功效

recipe芦荟胶喷雾是一款可以喷的芦荟胶,设计吸引,效果也很不错,很多人都种草了recipe芦荟胶喷雾,recipe芦荟胶喷雾也不挑人,给肌肤足够的保湿力。 recipe芦荟胶喷雾适合肤质 适合任何肤质。recipe芦荟胶喷雾喷上脸冰凉舒爽,质地温和,外包装非常韩式小清新,白色和蓝色渐变配色美呆了。夏天使用瞬间降温,尽享冰凉,喷头按压起来比较快速,不会觉得费劲,喷出来的芦荟胶也相当细腻,改善夏季晒后肌肤出现的各种问题,让肌肤恢复健康状态。recipe芦荟胶喷雾作用功效 recipe芦荟胶喷雾富含93%的芦荟胶和多种营养成分,有很好的镇静舒缓、修复受损肌肤,强效补水保湿,改善粗糙缺水、泛红等肌肤现象。增强肌肤锁水屏障,深层保湿,平衡水油,使皮肤恢复水润、细滑、柔软、水嫩的状态。相较于传统的芦荟胶产婆,携带和使用起来都更加方便,炎炎夏日使用也没有任何不适黏腻感,给你清爽降温,超级凉快水润的感觉,补水效果不要太强悍。recipe芦荟喷雾好不好 recipe芦荟胶喷雾是一款成分天然的芦荟胶喷雾,外观设计就很清凉,一看就很夏天的感觉,便宜大碗,用来抹全身也完全不心疼。芦荟胶喷雾的设计也很新颖,喷出来清凉无比,有降温的作用,可以镇静肌肤。涂抹开是透明的芦荟胶质地,很保湿,延展性很好,吸收效果还可以,用量还比较省。舒缓皮肤,很适合夏天,保湿力度好,增强肌肤耐受性,但是味道太浓了,不是很喜欢。
2023-07-09 02:07:501


recipe在做"处方"解时比较口语一点, 比如你去cvs买药, 那个药剂师会问你"你有没有prescription", 因为用这种牛词显得他专业, 但你可以直接说,"yep, i have the recipe...", 因为你没必要跟他抢饭碗; 另外, recipe有"照处方配成的药"的意思.所以得小心著用, 容易有歧异.
2023-07-09 02:07:571


2023-07-09 02:08:041


recipe韩国的知名品牌之一,其产品通过了韩国国立农产品管理局的唯一认证机构,其产品一直追寻着绝对的健康肌肤的理念,产品成分中也不使用化学性成分,所以其产品适用于大多数人群。 recipe品牌介绍 re:cipe通过了韩国国立农产品管理局的唯一认证机构--NAQS农产品管理局的验证。re:cipe就是坚持 寻找健康肌肤 的信念,减少使用化学性刺激 成分,采用60余种珍贵天然成分,给皮肤不断滋养同时还能对疲劳皮肤有镇定功效,让肌肤 得到像食品般的自然呵护。这充分证明了该产品chun天然有机成分。RE:CIPE坚持寻找健康肌肤的信念,减少使用化学性刺激成分。水晶防晒保湿喷雾同时也因为它只需轻轻一喷就可见皮肤零白点,蕴含光泽而不油腻,皮肤像是盖了一层水晶,闪闪发光,故而得名“水晶”~recipe喷雾用法感受 使用方法:摇匀后,距肌肤约20cm的位置喷洒,之后用手轻拍帮助吸收。 产品特点:物理+化学防晒,SPF50PA+++高倍数防晒值,抵御紫外线侵害。防水防汗,含多种天然有机成分,不泛白不浮油,清爽略带光泽感,冰凉降温,舒缓定妆,配方温和,适合所有肤质。 防晒,还能定妆??!!用了这么多年防晒,我自认为已经‘宠辱不惊"了~额,好像哪里不对?应该是已经没什么惊艳了!但凡事总有个BUT!!那个BUT就是这款RE:CIPE 水晶防晒保湿喷雾~我真心被惊艳到了!!!只需轻轻一喷,肌肤蕴含光泽、不油腻!皮肤像是盖上了一层水晶,bling bling,像水晶一样闪耀!炒鸡防水,还有‘不留白"的功能哦!妆前妆后都能用,完全隐形,与皮肤完全贴合哦~拥有SPF50+、PA+++的高爆表防晒指数,大太阳,GO DIE~不含传统化妆品中常有的10种有害物质,即二苯甲酮、硫酸盐洁面活性剂、矿物油以及焦油色素等,而是由61种纯天然的有机成分组成,孕妇、宝宝、敏感肌都是可以用的哦~~采用喷气压力技术,喷雾灰常细腻!倒着也可以喷哟~全身无死角喷射,让你拥有360度无死角保护!!质感清爽,比水更清透,伴随类似酒精的香味~maybe会有点呛鼻哦~但没有添加任何酒精成分哦~妹纸们放心哈!!有‘不易与汗融合"‘速干耐汗"的特性!夏天不用担心因为流汗而导致防晒脱妆,从而失去保护了~喷在肌肤上如水晶般透明,整天清爽不油腻~ P.S 1.除了防晒,TA还可以用来定妆,妹纸们不用担心游个泳、下个水就花妆了~只要化完妆后轻轻一喷,就阔以出门了!! 2.因为防水防汗,建议还是要用卸妆产品卸妆哦~ 3.不要用在有伤口的地方哈~
2023-07-09 02:08:111


是指配方的意思是机台加工不同产品时的对应程式,指的是由制造工程师提前在机台上设置,并且EAP控制生产时会自动根据货的类型选择并控制机台按照制造工程师提前设置的方式进行加工。Recipe是工业自动化的核心 ,其内容可包含工艺加工过程中的多个步骤以及各个步骤的各种工艺参数值和该步骤的持续时间,在工业自动化制造的过程中,需要根据recipe的内容来将物料制造为成品,同时也可以通过recipe来改进加工出的产品的质量,所以由此可见recipe在半导体生产工业中尤为重要。
2023-07-09 02:08:181


recipe水晶防晒喷雾喷出来是雾状的,比涂抹的方便多了,关键是不油腻。那么recipe水晶防晒喷雾怎么样?recipe水晶防晒喷雾好用吗? 产品怎么样 Recipe水晶防晒喷雾SPF50+喷出来也是很细腻的雾,完全可以带妆喷脸上补防晒,喷身上也很方便不用用手抹。个人感觉雾比narisup的更细,香味也更淡更好接受!水晶喷雾毫无油腻感更具降温效果再也不怕炎炎夏日。而且100%防水。让我们在烈日下一起快乐的玩耍吧喷身体,喷脸部,完全【隐形】的防晒喷雾,脸部可控油定妆瞬间冰爽就是它。 Recipe水晶防晒喷雾,个人比较喜欢喷雾式的防晒,比较方便,妮维雅和水宝宝都试过,油腻腻的不喜欢,这款水晶防晒最近超火的就试试肿么样,夏天最怕喷完黏腻,但这个不会,接触肌肤瞬间就贴合了,清透零负担哦,也不会假白,全身都能用,补喷也不会花妆哦,以后就是它啦。产品好用吗 先说说它的“喷雾”吧。雾是透明的,所以可以带妆喷,有时候早上化妆出门到了下午就超级担心早上涂的那层防晒霜已经没有效果了,一定不止我有这种担心吧,虽然以spf50来算,可以持续防晒12。5小时,但是就是很不安心啊。所以能够带妆喷的喷雾还是能充分消除心里的小不安的。雾很细。真的就是那种要不是听到了喷雾喷出来的声音你都不敢肯定你已经喷过了。再说说用途吧,用在脸上是可以,其实我更喜欢用它喷身体,懒人出门啊露出来的皮肤都涂上防晒霜实在是太麻烦,所以还是喷雾省事。产品心得 韩国第一Recipe水晶防晒喷雾,喷出来的是水晶雾,凉嗖嗖的,瞬间降温。特别密,化多浓的妆都随便补~喷一喷,补N次都没问题,清爽。不油腻而且不泛白,自用非常棒,孕妇小孩儿都可以安全使用。水晶防晒喷雾喷上去凉凉的真的很舒服,喷到脸上给肌肤降温,抵御紫外线,而且真的是吸收很快瞬干并且一点也不油腻还会滑滑的也不会有抹防晒霜的厚重感。我个人不太喜欢粉尘式的防晒霜涂上后感觉假白,而且抹完防晒整个人好累。它最大的特点是超级省时间胳膊脖子都能简单喷的到,根本不用在耗费时间涂,尤其是要出门来不及涂防晒时候轻松一喷。
2023-07-09 02:09:021

recipe 词源是什么??

"medical prescription," from French word récipé, from Latin recipe "take!," imperative of recipere "to take" (see receive)
2023-07-09 02:09:102


三个词还是在所指方面不一样prescription:药方:Go get the medichine on the prescriptioin.recipe:食谱:Follow the recipe and get the cooking done.formular:公式:Use the formulars to solve the problems.
2023-07-09 02:09:171


2023-07-09 02:09:262


2023-07-09 02:09:361


2023-07-09 02:10:471

图像检测中所说的 recipe是什么

检测当前图像中有没有目标Directories:规定编译、连接所需文件的路径, 有下列各项,如图所示:(1) Include directories:包含文件的路径, 多个子目录用";"分开。(2) Library directories:库文件路径, 多个子目录用";"分开。(3) Output directoried:输出文件(.OBJ, .EXE, .MAP文件)的目录。(4) Turbo C directoried:Turbo C 所在的目录。(5) Pick file name:定义加载的pick文件名, 如不定义则从currentpick file中取。
2023-07-09 02:10:561

original recipe是什么意思

2023-07-09 02:11:044


2023-07-09 02:11:232


不是一个品牌,当祛班市场初见成熟之际,内调成为一种趋势,它安全可靠,无副作用,刚一上市就吸引了很大一部分长班者,上市五年以来,是值得信赖的,由于能在竞赛剧烈的美白祛班市场存活这么久,必定是有比较好的效果支撑。在家最简单的祛斑方法  美食祛斑方法一:黄瓜粥祛斑法  原料:大米、鲜嫩黄瓜、精盐、生姜  1、将黄瓜洗净,去皮去心切成薄片;  2、大米淘洗干净,生姜洗净拍碎;  3、锅内加水约1000毫升,下大米、生姜,武火烧开;  4、改用文火慢慢煮至米烂时下入黄瓜片,再煮至汤稠,入精盐调味即可。  功效:黄瓜含有丰富的钾盐和一定数量的胡萝卜素、维生素C、维生素B1以及芥、磷、铁等营养成分,能消除雀斑、增白皮肤。  美食祛斑方法二:黑木耳红枣汤祛斑法  原料:黑木耳、红枣  1、将黑木耳洗净,红枣去核  2、所有材料倒进锅里,然后加水适量,煮半个小时左右。  3、每日早、晚餐后各喝一次。  功效:黑木耳可润肤,防止皮肤老化;大枣健脾润肤,有助黑木耳祛除黑斑。  美食祛斑方法三:西红柿汁祛斑法  原料:西红柿  做法:  1、把西红柿洗干净榨成汁  2、滤出西红柿渣  因为西红柿中含丰富的维生素C,可以有效减少黑色素的形成,从而使皮肤白嫩,黑斑消退。  美食祛斑方法四:果味美白祛斑茶祛斑法  原料:草莓、桑白皮粉、苹果、蜂蜜、菠菜少许、柠檬、冰块适量。  做法:  1、先将草莓、苹果、菠菜洗干净并用果汁机打成果汁,然后将渣滤出;  2、将汁液倒入锅中加入蜂蜜,用小火煮至沸腾后关火;  3、加入桑白皮粉,冲泡5分钟;  4、倒入冲茶器内放入柠檬片,饮用时可以加入少量冰块,这样味道更好;  以上就是男人就是型为你带来的在家最简单的祛斑方法,让你简简单单也能消除脸上的斑点,恢复迷人嫩滑的肌肤,非常实用哦。
2023-07-09 02:11:334

请问sap中resource/master recipe与workcenter/routing的区别在哪里?

最基本的概念,BOM的基本元素是Material,Routing的基本元素是Work Center,而Resource是WorkCenter的一个类型,或者可以这样说,Resource就是Workcenter。最后,BOM+Routing=Recipe。
2023-07-09 02:11:411

2023-07-09 02:11:481


2023-07-09 02:13:203


2023-07-09 02:13:3115

G/R Golden Recipe是什么意思?

G/R Golden Recipe黄金配方Golden金质的; 金的; 金色的; 金黄色的; 特别的; 美好的Recipe烹饪法; 食谱; 方法; 秘诀; 诀窍
2023-07-09 02:16:381

Love Recipe 歌词

歌曲名:Love Recipe歌手:Gummy专辑:Loveless(日语版)Love RecipeGummy作词:Kabwon Choi/Ryo Fujio作曲:Dohoon Kimあなたしか 见えないの 笑って他の声 もう闻こえない 歌って友达が 皆呆れてる いつもあなたの事だけしか话さないって目を闭じて 深呼吸してOh, baby baby lu lu luvあなただけ 感じたいOh, baby baby lu lu luvいつもいつでも 好きだと言って充电が必要なの爱してくれて Thank Uあなたより 私の方が サランヘどんな目で见られても ヘンボッケー少しだけ頼りない人だけど何でもしてあげるから大丈夫!离れても そばにいてもOh, baby baby lu lu luvあなただけ 感じたいOh, baby baby lu lu luv24时间 待っているからメールして 电话をして爱してくれて Thank Uあなたの 右侧に永远にポジってたいのI need U I want Uいつまでも In my heartふたりで作る 恋のレシピはいつまでも増え続ける赏味期限はないの
2023-07-09 02:16:451

my recipe for happiness 英语作文

My recipe for happinessNowadays, workers have much more pressure of life than they use to. Most of them do not feel happy. Netherlessness, I have recipe for happiness to share with them. One is to breath deeply in the morning and tell yourself that you are the best. People always feel relaxed when they are confidence. Once you wake up to face a new day. Please remember to give yourself a confident day. The other is to have a great breakfast and say love to other family members. A good breakfast is a good start for one day. Many doctors also say that breakfast is an important source of energy. Since then, why don"t take some time to have it. Moreover, to say love to other family members is the way to show you"re important. I believe they also love you. This is my recipe for happiness.
2023-07-09 02:16:541

have a recipe for是什么意思

有一个 ......的秘方
2023-07-09 02:17:023


1. IntroductionTomato egg soup is a popular dish in Chinese cuisine. It is simple to make, yet tastes delicious and is packed with nutrients. The dish is made with eggs, fresh tomatoes, and a few other simple ingredients. In this article, we will explore the recipe for making tomato egg soup and provide some tips for making the dish taste even better.2. IngredientsTo make tomato egg soup, you will need the following ingredients:- 4-6 medium-sized fresh tomatoes- 3 large eggs- 1 tablespoon cooking oil- 2 cloves garlic, minced- 1 teaspoon sugar- 1 tablespoon soy sauce- 4 cups of water- Salt and pepper to taste3. RecipeThe recipe for making tomato egg soup is straightforward. Follow the steps below:Step 1: Cut the tomatoes into small pieces and set them aside.Step 2: Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them with a fork.Step 3: Heat the cooking oil in a pot over medium heat.Step 4: Add the minced garlic and stir-fry for 10 seconds.Step 5: Add the tomatoes to the pot and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until they become soft.Step 6: Add the sugar and soy sauce to the pot and stir-fry for another minute.Step 7: Pour in the water and bring the pot to a boil.Step 8: Reduce the heat to a simmer and add salt and pepper to taste.Step 9: Slowly pour the whisked eggs into the pot while stirring the soup in a circular motion.Step 10: Turn off the heat and serve the soup in bowls.4. Tips for Making Tomato Egg SoupHere are some tips for making tomato egg soup taste even better:- Use fresh, ripe tomatoes for the best flavor.- Don"t overcook the tomatoes. They should be slightly soft but still keep their shape.- Stir-fry the garlic until fragrant but not burnt.- Whisk the eggs well and pour them slowly into the soup to create egg ribbons.- Add some chopped scallions or cilantro to the soup for extra flavor.- Serve the soup with steamed rice and other side dishes to make it a full meal.5. ConclusionTomato egg soup is a classic dish in Chinese cuisine that is loved by many. It is easy to make, flavorful, and healthy. By following the recipe and tips in this article, you can make a delicious tomato egg soup that will impress your family and friends. Try making it today and enjoy its comforting taste!
2023-07-09 02:17:091


2023-07-09 02:17:176


在快捷键键设置里找,叫recipe browser,改第一个快捷键,合成表mod安装好后进游戏按之前设置好的快捷键即可。合成表MOD具有查看合成配方、物品图鉴、NPC图鉴等功能,支持搜索&环境筛选、配方跟踪、掉落查询、标记星星。背景设定在完成角色自定义后,游戏就把玩家扔进了一个完全随机生成的像素世界中,手头的工具意味着玩家需要造东西、探索世界并打败怪物。整个游戏世界都是可破坏的,破坏某些障碍物后,就可以找到各种资源比如石头、木材、铁矿或者其他装备,当然,在不断深入的同时,也会遇到各种怪物。游戏的主要任务就是让玩家利用各种资源按自己的想法创造出各种稀奇古怪的东西,所以这就让玩家充满了探索的动力。
2023-07-09 02:21:021

it’a recipe for disaster是什么意思?

2023-07-09 02:21:196

recipe book 什么意思

recipe book配方书双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 食谱例句:1.One in ten women can cook fewer than three meals without looking at a recipe book orasking for help. 十分之一的女性在不查看食谱书或没有帮助的情况下,连三道菜也做不出。2.A good recipe book has plenty of pictures and lots of reassuring messages. 一个好的教科书会有大量的图片和很多的可靠主题思想。
2023-07-09 02:21:362


2023-07-09 02:21:556


make a cake
2023-07-09 02:22:115


去头皮屑的产品主要有:VS沙宣水润去屑洗发露、海飞丝去屑洗发水、Selsun Gold blue去屑洗发水、清扬C罗男士去屑洗发、Hair Recipe无硅油洗发水。1、VS沙宣水润去屑洗发露VS沙宣水润去屑洗发水不只是一款可以去屑的洗发水,光看外观的时尚设计,相信就会吸引不少人的眼球,水润去屑,演绎不一样的时尚型格。此外,它的新香也更受消费者的喜爱,香味独特、持久。2、海飞丝去屑洗发水海飞丝,相信大家都能想起海飞丝的电视广告,在去屑洗发水排行榜中,不得不提到的就是海飞丝这个品牌了,多年一直主打去屑的功效,效果也收获一大批好口碑。3、Selsun Gold blue去屑洗发水澳洲品牌Selsun Gold blue相信,针对不同的发质,解决头屑问题,要用不一样的洗发水。4、清扬C罗男士去屑洗发这款主要是针对男士而研发的男士去屑洗发,根据男性头皮的三大特征,针对性的做到攻屑、抗屑、防屑,3重净屑,真正做到无懈可击。5、Hair Recipe无硅油洗发水Hair Recipe无硅油洗发水应用了头发的“水果料理”理念,用不一样又自然高效的帮助你解决去屑问题。以上内容参考:百度百科-沙宣
2023-07-09 02:25:271

ice cream ingredient and recipe

2023-07-09 02:26:132


recede六级词汇。recede英 [ru026a"siu02d0d]     美 [ru026a"siu02d0d]    vi.后退;减弱。vt.撤回。His hair is beginning to recede from his forehead.他的头发开始从前额往后秃了。As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.潮水退去,我们就能寻找贝壳了。其他六级词汇:recipe烹饪法,食谱;诀窍,方法。reckless鲁莽的,不考虑后果的。recognition认出;承认;表彰。reconcile使和解,调解,使调和;使一致。recount重数,复核。recount详述,描述。recycle回收(废物等),循环利用。redundant多余的,过剩的;(人员过剩而)被解雇的。refresh (使)精神振作,(使)精力恢复。
2023-07-09 02:26:191


Self-confidence is the most important ingredient of success.
2023-07-09 02:26:357

善用精油及香草植物 轻松排毒&塑身

佐佐木薰《芳疗の手作科学》平凡文化 呵护身心的 芳香疗法与香草植物 依症状别、目的别配方 如果能了解精油与香草植物的简介资料及基本使用方法,对于健康和美容会有很大的帮助。在《芳疗の手作科学:精油香草的日常好妙用,轻松解除28种身心症状》一书的第四章中,将依照日常容易发生的身体不适、心灵的问题、皮肤及毛发的烦恼等等症状及目的,分别介绍合适的精油及香草植物的具体使用方法。最重要的,无论精油也好,香草植物也好,都要在合宜的范围内利用喜欢的香气。等到逐渐熟悉之后,再以这里所介绍的配方为基础,把不同品项混合调配,依自己的风格加以灵活运用。 排毒&塑身 提高代谢,把体内的老旧废物排出体外 把囤积在体内的多余水分及老旧废物排出体外,是排毒与塑身的基础。因此,第一步就是改善淋巴液的循环,打造代谢良好的身体。在日常生活中,最基本的动作就是用心持续从事适度的运动,使身体温热、改善血液循环、促进流汗等等。 【推荐的精油】 葡萄柚|丝柏|杜松|迷迭香 【推荐的香草植物】 杜松浆果|蒲公英|荨麻|茴香|红菽草 Recipe1花草茶 【材料】 蒲公英(香草植物)u22efu22ef 1/2小匙 荨麻(香草植物)u22efu22efu22ef 1/2小匙 红菽草(香草植物)u22efu22ef 1/2小匙 促进净化,排出毒素,从体内清洁。 蒲公英具有调整肝功能,促进净化的作用,荨麻能补充矿物质促进排毒,红菽草具有排出毒物的作用。排毒与塑身禁止喝含有大量糖分的饮料,请善加利用可以补充营养的花草茶! Recipe2足浴 【材料】 葡萄柚(精油)u22efu22ef 2滴 丝柏(精油)u22efu22efu22ef 1滴 天然盐u22ef 2小匙 混合2种具排毒效果的精油。 丝柏具有利尿性及代谢体内老旧废物的作用。葡萄柚具有促进淋巴液运作的作用,2种混合可获得排毒的相乘效果。足部温热,则全身淋巴液的循环会获得改善,效果更加提高。 Recipe3 芳香泡澡 【材料】 丝柏(精油)u22efu22efu22ef 2滴 杜松(精油)u22efu22efu22ef 2滴 海藻粉u22ef 1小匙 天然盐u22ef 1大匙 打造容易排汗的身体,使老旧废物随汗水排出。 把海藻粉和天然盐混合,再加入精油,充分混合。丝柏和松杜都具有利尿作用及促进排出老旧废物的作用,天然盐能促进发汗,使老旧废物随汗水排出。每天泡热水,促进流汗,借此打造容易出汗而代谢良好的身体。 芳疗の手作科学 更多《芳疗の手作科学:精油香草的日常好妙用,轻松解除28种身心症状》介绍 加入【】,天天关注您健康!LINE@ ID:@ 订阅【健康爱乐活】影音频道,阅读健康知识更轻松 : /beauty/article/33000 关键字:精油, 香草, 芳疗, 佐佐木薰, 平凡文化
2023-07-09 02:26:501


2023-07-09 02:26:561


前者是一个形容词是美味的意思。后着是taste wonderful 也是好吃得,尝起来很好的意思。前者只是一形容词。后者是一个系动词taste(相当于be这样的词还有smell look等)加形容词的形式。the cake is delicious . The cake tastes wonderful .
2023-07-09 02:27:043

善用香草精油 解除「足部浮肿」好easy!

佐佐木薰《芳疗の手作科学》平凡文化 呵护身心的 芳香疗法与香草植物 依症状别、目的别配方 如果能了解精油与香草植物的简介资料及基本使用方法,对于健康和美容会有很大的帮助。在《芳疗の手作科学:精油香草的日常好妙用,轻松解除28种身心症状》一书的第四章中,将依照日常容易发生的身体不适、心灵的问题、皮肤及毛发的烦恼等等症状及目的,分别介绍合适的精油及香草植物的具体使用方法。最重要的,无论精油也好,香草植物也好,都要在合宜的范围内利用喜欢的香气。等到逐渐熟悉之后,再以这里所介绍的配方为基础,把不同品项混合调配,依自己的风格加以灵活运用。 足部浮肿 促进血液及淋巴液的循环,消除足部的浮肿 足部的浮肿是因血液及淋巴液的循环不顺畅而引起的症状。为了改善血液及淋巴液的循环,可借由泡澡把身体温热,或是做适度运动,或 *** 肌肉。也可以善用香草植物及精油的利尿作用和发汗作用,排出多余的水分。 【推荐的精油】 葡萄柚|丝柏|杜松|天竺葵|香根草|薰衣草|柠檬|柠檬香茅|迷迭香 【推荐的香草植物】 紫锥花|杜松浆果|姜|荨麻|茴香|柠檬香茅 Recipe1花草茶 【材料】 紫锥花(香草植物)u22efu22ef 1/2小匙 杜松浆果(香草植物)u22efu22ef 1/2小匙 姜(香草植物) 1/2小匙 把体内停滞的多余水分及老旧废物排出去。 紫锥花具有促进淋巴液循环的功效,杜松浆果的利尿作用可促进多余水分排出,姜的发汗效果可温热身体,促进血液循环。这种花草茶配方能帮助把体内滞留的老旧废物及多余水分排出体外。 Recipe2 *** 【材料】(身体用) 葡萄柚(精油)u22efu22ef 2滴 杜松(精油)u22efu22efu22ef 2滴 迷迭香(精油)u22efu22ef 2滴 荷荷芭油 30ml 利用 *** 从身体内部加以净化。 葡萄柚与杜松皆具有把体内停滞的多余物质排出的作用。迷迭香能促进血液循环,改善血液及淋巴液的循环。(请参考《芳疗の手作科学》第80页) *** 范围最好是整个足部,配合足浴效果更好。 Recipe3足浴 【材料】 丝柏(精油)u22efu22efu22ef 2滴 柠檬(精油)u22efu22efu22ef 1滴 温热足部,促进全身的血液、淋巴循环。 把精油滴入感觉微热的43~45℃的热水中,泡脚5~15 分钟。丝柏的利尿性强,且和柠檬都有排除体内老旧废物的作用。不过,刚做完足浴时,避免接触紫外线。 Recipe4 芳香泡澡 【材料】 天竺葵(精油)u22efu22ef 3滴 薰衣草(精油)u22efu22ef 2滴 天然盐u22ef 1大匙 放松并提高代谢,在热水中伸展肢体。 天竺葵有利尿作用,薰衣草有镇静作用,泡在温热的水中,不仅能让您全身暖和而放松,并且能改善代谢功能。泡在热水中时,做些简单的伸展动作,或搓揉手脚,效果更好。 [芳香泡澡]半身浴、足浴、手浴、肘浴、坐浴 更多《芳疗の手作科学:精油香草的日常好妙用,轻松解除28种身心症状》介绍 加入【】,天天关注您健康!LINE@ ID:@ 订阅【健康爱乐活】影音频道,阅读健康知识更轻松 : /supply/article/32998 关键字:足部浮肿, 促进血液循环, 淋巴液, 精油, 香草, 芳疗
2023-07-09 02:27:101

Brave-Jennifer Lopez这首歌的中文翻译

Brave [Jennifer Lopez]中文翻译 Brave [Jennifer Lopez] It"s a new day 这是新的一天, New day 新的一天 And it"s evident 很明朗 You must"ve been heaven sent 你肯定是被天堂派来的 Something we should be hesitant 我们应该多加考虑 But I"m not at all 但我根本不 Just feeling more confident 只是感觉更加自信 Just using my common sense 就是用我的常识 Just trusting that I"m loving it 就是相信我爱着它 I can"t refuse an offer so benevolent 我不能拒绝如此仁厚的赏赐 Can"t assume he"s gonna use me 不敢猜想他要利用我 And after him never call again 在那以后不再有电话 Don"t be afraid 不要害怕 Don"t be afraid 不要害怕 This is your day 这是你的好日子 This is your day 这是你的好日子 It"s time to be brave 该是勇敢的时候了 Say I"m not afraid 说我不害怕 Not anymore 不再害怕 I used to be calm 我以前都很镇静 Now the temperature"s changed 现在温度有了变化 It just ain"t the same 就是不一样了 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 "Cause I"ve become brave 因为我已经变勇敢了 As the light of day 就好像日光一样 Straight into a cave 直入洞内 To show me the way 给我展现了一条 That I might be saved 能救我的光明大道 Now I"m turning the page 现在我在翻转书页 Thanks to the power of love I can love 多亏了我能爱的爱情之力 Because I am brave 因为我很勇敢 (I am brave, I am brave, yeah, oh...) (我很勇敢,我很勇敢,是的,噢...) I heard him say 我听到他说 This thing movin" too fast for him 这事情对他发生得太快 It"s a feeling that I"m straddling 感觉到我在跨骑 Foolishly adamant 如此的顽固 But it"s all in his eyes 但这都是他自己的眼法 Really wish he would let me in 真的希望他能让我进入的世界 "Cause the same way you scared of him 因为这种你吓到了他的相同方式 He"s scared of bein" hurt again 他害怕再次受到伤害 It"s time to let go 该是勇敢的时候了 Let go of your heart 放开你的心怀 It"s time for a brand new start 该是重新开始的时候了 Never know we might never part 没人知道我们可能会永远都不分开 Baby don"t be afraid 宝贝不要害怕 Don"t be afraid 不要害怕 This is your day 这是你的好日子 This is your day 这是你的好日子 It"s time to be brave 该是勇敢的时候了 Say I"m not afraid 我说我不害怕 Not anymore 不再害怕 I used to be calm 我以前都很镇静 Now the temperature"s changed 现在温度有了变化 It just ain"t the same 就是不一样了 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 As the light of day 就好像日光一样 Straight into a cave 直入洞内 To show me the way 给我展现了一条 That I might be saved 能救我的光明大道 Now I"m turning the page 现在我在翻转书页 Thanks to the power of love I can love 多亏了我能爱的爱情之力 Because I am brave 因为我很勇敢 I wouldn"t take back 我不会再收回 Anything that I"ve gone through 任何我经历过的事情 I pray for strength 我要为了 For anything that I"m gonna do 任何我要做的事情而购买力量 Whether it"s joy or it"s pain 不管是开心的还是痛苦的 I"m still okay 我依然可以 I"m gonna be alright 我会更好的 Because I"m not afraid 因为我不害怕 No I am brave! 绝对不会,因为我很勇敢 Say I"m not afraid 我说我不害怕 Not anymore 不再害怕 I used to be calm 我以前很镇静 Now the temperature"s changed 现在湿度有了变化 It just ain"t the same I"m not afraid 我不害怕 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 "Cause I"ve become brave 因为我已经变勇敢了 As the light of day 就好像日光一样 Straight into a cave 直入洞内 To show me the way 给我展现了一条 That I might be saved 能救我的光明大道 Now I"m turning the page 现在我在翻转书页 Thanks to the power of love I can love 多亏了我能爱的爱情之力 Because I am brave 因为我很勇敢 Yeah... 是的... I am brave.
2023-07-09 02:07:081


2023-07-09 02:07:105


light翻译光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟;浅色;天窗。light一、含义n. 光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟;浅色;天窗adj. 轻的;浅色的;明亮的;轻松的;容易的;清淡的v. 点燃;变亮;照亮adv. 清楚地;轻便地二、用法light的基本意思是“光,光线,光亮”,指自然界中可以照亮其他物体的物质。light也可用来指一束光的来源,即“光源”或“电灯,灯”。light还可用来指“火焰,火花,点火物”。light作“光,光线”解时,如果其前有形容词修饰,可与a连用。light在句中有时可用作定语。light用作动词时,其意思是“点火”“生火”“点燃”,指为照明或取暖而点蜡烛或生炉子;light还可指用灯或蜡烛等物体来“照亮,照明”,,引申可指“使容光焕发”。I can"t read while you are standing in my light.你挡住了我的光线,我没法看书。扩展资料:近义词:brightness、brilliance、illumination、radiance、candle。一、brightness1、含义:n. 光亮;明亮;聪明。2、举例So, do remember not to refuse stupidity for there is not brightness in the world.所以,记住不要拒绝愚蠢,因为世间并没有聪明。二、brilliance1、含义:n. 才华;(色彩)鲜明;光辉;辉煌。2、举例He played with great brilliance.他的演奏显示出他卓越的才华。三、illumination1、含义:n. 照明;阐释;启发;古书上的图案或装饰。2、举例Lamps supported on standards provided illumination.电杆上的灯提供了照明。四、radiance1、含义:n. 光辉;辐射。2、举例We basked in the radiance of African sun.我们在非洲太阳的光辉里晒暖。五、candle1、含义:n. 蜡烛;烛形物。vt. 对光检查。2、举例The candle was blown out by the wind.蜡烛被风吹灭了。
2023-07-09 02:07:111


1. 求关于猫的英语作文 原创+翻译,满意请采纳,多给点分吧~ Hello, my name"s "Smile Angle“ (^_^). 嗨,我叫XXX I"m a lovely girl with a lovely cat. 我是一个可爱的女孩,也有一只可爱的猫咪 My cat"s name is Mimi. 她的名字叫 *** (你可以自行修改名字) Mimi is a beautiful cat with white hair. *** 是一只漂亮的白猫。 She can catch mice very well, and she can also climb the trees. 她可以抓老鼠,也可以爬树。 Mimi likes to eat fish and she doesn"t like sweets. *** 喜欢吃鱼,不喜欢甜食。 She is afraid of dogs. 她很怕狗。 Today, she is happy because her dinner was a big fish. 今天 *** 很高兴,因为晚餐是一条大鱼。 I like her a lot, and we always play together. 我非常喜欢她,我们经常一起玩耍。 I really enjoy the life of having a pet. 我非常享受和她在一起的时光。 2. 求关于猫的英语作文 原创+翻译,满意请采纳,多给点分吧~Hello, my name"s "Smile Angle“ (^_^). 嗨,我叫XXXI"m a lovely girl with a lovely cat. 我是一个可爱的女孩,也有一只可爱的猫咪My cat"s name is Mimi. 她的名字叫 *** (你可以自行修改名字)Mimi is a beautiful cat with white hair. *** 是一只漂亮的白猫。 She can catch mice very well, and she can also climb the trees. 她可以抓老鼠,也可以爬树。Mimi likes to eat fish and she doesn"t like sweets. *** 喜欢吃鱼,不喜欢甜食。 She is afraid of dogs. 她很怕狗。Today, she is happy because her dinner was a big fish. 今天 *** 很高兴,因为晚餐是一条大鱼。 I like her a lot, and we always play together. 我非常喜欢她,我们经常一起玩耍。I really enjoy the life of having a pet.我非常享受和她在一起的时光。 3. 写小猫的英语作文(100字)在加翻译 我有两只小猫。他们非常漂亮。一只是黄色的。另一只是白色的。他们非常可爱。黄色的小猫很调皮。他经常到处跑。他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头。而白色的小猫非常温和。她喜欢洗她的脸。并且她不喜欢和人玩。她经常跳上我的膝盖。我喜欢给她洗澡。 噢,我的小猫为我带来了很多愉快。我们是非常好的朋友。我爱他们。 I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them. 4. 关于描写宠物的一百字英语作文,宠物:狗要求:外貌、特点、爱好以 I love dogs.They are our friends.They play with us and make us happy.I don"t have a dog,but I have seen many dogs around my neighborhood.They are all lovely and friendly.They are fast too.They are fun to play catches with.You will never get bored when you have a good dog around you.Sometimes they might get crazy,but when you train the dog good enough,they will listen to you anytime.They are good protectors too.When bad things happen,they will fight for their lives.So don"t worry about anything when you get a dog.Nothing is more fun then having a dog.。 5. 描写猫的英语作文(150字) ①I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them.我有两只小猫。 他们非常漂亮。一只是黄色的。 另一只是白色的。他们非常可爱。 黄色的小猫很调皮。他经常到处跑。 他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头。而白色的小猫非常温和。 她喜欢洗她的脸。并且她不喜欢和人玩。 她经常跳上我的膝盖。我喜欢给她洗澡。 噢,我的小猫为我带来了很多愉快。我们是非常好的朋友。 我爱他们。 ②The cat is what people dotes on *** all animals, it is sweet, lively, lovely, can catch mice, mand master"s favour. Newborn kitten, with your eyes closed, the cry is thin, and bare, like a will peristalsis meat pletely. Full moon later, fluffy shall all minister neat. Some white collar is covered with white hair, the limbs, back in the miscellaneous have black ash black, grey, tail, Some from beginning to end an ink peso "cloak," but white foot, people say thoroughbred, called "clouds cover; snow" Some body yellow, presently tiger stripes, people give its reputation JinBuHuan ";" And a white hair with a black hair tail, called "snow drag gun". Just a full moon cat cannot leave milk, walk also instability. Cats eat are omnivorous, love fish and lean lean, if throw a fruit or vegetables such as to it, it just had one breath then went away. The cat"s paw had hypertrophy and soft pads, walk quietly silent, do not send stampedes rats and mice. Toes ends with a sharp claws born, ok and optional expansion. This makes it can not only on the flat land scurry such as fly, can also climb trees along the wall room, jump a wall. Mice had to led, rarely can escape bad luck. Cat teeth like a sharp cone, the lingual coarse, there are many barbs. Once catch mice, the cat claw thorn, cat teeth bite, in an instant, their shameful deeds mouse will open bowel break belly, flesh mud. The cat these body structure feature, make it have a rat trap various superior conditions. As the saying goes, it doesn"t matter if a cat, catch mice. It"s a good cat. Will catch mice cat is not call. When it finds rat tracer, immediately volts, patience to wait for attack timing. When rats are close, with the trend of the eyepiece swoops up, suddenly bring mouse bite. Cats and portable detector - beard. Don"t underestimate the cat"s beautiful beard, be very intelligent, generally equal to their bust the maximum length, so, whether can thoroughly cat caves, as long as the beard measure the hole knew. Cats and one trick: bone soft, can in midair consciously emancipated, so, even if it in high slip, also fell deathless, always four-footed first landing, hovering head, shrugged his body, lick sole, arm.i again as if nothing has occurredly pace opened FangBu. The cat is mouse predators, the reason for high strength rat catching ability. First, because a pair of special eyes, pupil to e with the strength of the light and shrinkage or amplification. The strong light pupil pressed into a fine seam, Darkness, eyes wide and big, round, even reached unable to see the night, also can see clearly, more cunning mice are difficult to escape. Its ears are flexible to randomly steering sound es from, even if it is extremely slight voice, but also timely worked out. The most attractive is the "virgin after off milk cat". They are highly volatile, particularly strong curiosity. You see, a group fluffy kitten roll toward it, it probably thought is a "monster" suddenly jump, far away, plush regiment stopped. Kitten down mega stare at, very in a short while, see linear cluster have no action, just silently directed forward, mi blare - "let out a cry. Linear cluster still remained motionless. This time, the kitten could bear, ventured to close linear cluster, turned several turn round and then stretch out front PAWS gingerly touched. When it understand line game doesn"t exist danger, then be without scruple the ground play rise, while with nose *** ell *** ell, while carrying the "fair", in the middle of the courtyard and ran. Like the hen laid eggs can call that "crack, catch mice cat will be issued" blare - "calls, said happy, display victory. Cats, should get people to protect and pampering。 My dog My dog returned love for my cruelty.(以德报怨).Several years ago, my brother brought a *** all, thin and dirty dog back. It looked ugly and I didn"t like it. My brother gave him the 。 6. 关于宠物的英语作文100 i have received a lot of gift from my friends,my mom,and my dad.but the most gift i like,is the little pets. pets are cute,my favorite animal is the little dog.dogs have a pire of little ear,a pire of beautiful eyes,and a *** art nose.under that *** art nose,it"s have a big mouth,and inside the mouth,it"s have a lot of teeth.on it"s body,it"s have it"s have a lot of hairs,and it make you feel fortable.on his it"s have four legs. anyway,my favorite pet is a very cute little dog. 7. 一篇描写猫的英语作文 小猫满月的时候更可爱,腿脚还不稳,可是已经学会淘气。一根鸡毛,一个线团,都是它的好玩具,它到院子里来了,院中的花草可遭了殃。它在花盆里摔跤,抱着花枝打秋千,所到之处,枝折花落。你见了,绝不会责打它。它是那样生气勃勃,天真可爱! More cute kittens when the full moon, legs are still unstable, they have learned to be naughty. A feather, a coil, is it a good toy, it into the courtyard, courtyard flowers can meet with disaster. Wrestling in the pot, holding a swing squid, wherever he went, zhe she. You see, will never beat it. It is so be full of vitality, innocent and lovely! 8. 关于描写宠物的一百字英语作文,急求 I love dogs. They are our friends. They play with us and make us happy. I don"t have a dog, but I have seen many dogs around my neighborhood. They are all lovely and friendly. They are fast too. They are fun to play catches with. You will never get bored when you have a good dog around you. Sometimes they might get crazy, but when you train the dog good enough, they will listen to you anytime. They are good protectors too. When bad things happen, they will fight for their lives. So don"t worry about anything when you get a dog. Nothing is more fun then having a dog.。 9. 关于,宠物的100字英语短文 1.我有两只小猫。 他们非常漂亮。一只是黄色的。 另一只是白色的。他们非常可爱。 黄色的小猫很调皮。他经常到处跑。 他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头。而白色的小猫非常温和。 她喜欢洗她的脸。并且她不喜欢和人玩。 她经常跳上我的膝盖。我喜欢给她洗澡。 噢,我的小猫为我带来了很多愉快。我们是非常好的朋友。 我爱他们。 I have got o baby cats. They are very beautiful. One is yellow. The other is white. They are very lovely. The yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them.2.My favourte animal is a little cat. I like it very much. Its name is Do Re Mi. It"s very beautiful. It"s gray. It has big ears, round eyes,a black nose and a *** all mouth. My mother calls it "Little Baby". When I"m at home,it often follows me in and out.My little cat loves to eat fish and sleep a lot. It"s very fat,but it"s clever.One day,I saw it run fast in the sitting room. I thought it might find a mouse. It was running after the mouse. They looked like playing hide-and-seek. About three minutes later,it brought me the mouse.I was happy. So I touched it with a *** ile. "You have done a good job, Little Baby." I said. Then it jumped up and down and ran away.Do you like my favourite cat?Tell me, please.3.饲养宠物Keeping petsSome people think that keeping pets is a good thing. They say that it is an hobby which should had. They also claim that pets make lives more colorful and entertaining for both women and men.有些人认为养宠物是一件美好的事情。 他们说,(养宠物)是一个应该拥有的爱好。他们也声称养宠物可以使生活更加多彩,并给男人和女人带来更多趣味。 On the other hand, there are many people who say that pets should be banned. They point out that pets are responsible for disease which hurt property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who kept them and by innocent other people. They also say that pets are a waste of money and resources.另一方面,也有很多人说应该禁止养宠物。他们指出宠物是造成伤害(身体)性能的疾病的原因,并且会使养宠物的人和其他无辜的人受伤。 他们也说,养宠物是一个浪费钱和资源(的事)。My own point of view is that we should had the hobby of keeping pets. While at the same time making them harmless. In addition, we should restrict the keeping the pets to some area.我的观点是我们应该有养宠物的爱好。 尽管(我们)同时要使它们少受伤害。另外,我们应该禁止在某些区域内养宠物。
2023-07-09 02:07:111

Josh Groban的《Brave》 歌词

歌曲名:Brave歌手:Josh Groban专辑:BraveBrave-Josh GrobanWake up, wake up the sun can not wait for longReach out, reach out before it fades awayYou will find the warmth when you surrenderSmile into the fear and let it playYou wanna run away, run awayAnd you say that it can"t be soYou wanna look away, look awayBut you stay cause it"s oh so closeWhen you stand up and hold down your painDo the things that I don"t understandMy reason to be brave!Hold on, hold on so strongTime just carries onAll that you thought is wrong is pure againYou can"t hide forever from the thunderLook into the storm and feel the rainYou wanna run away, run awayAnd you say that it can"t be soYou wanna look away, look awayBut you fear cause it"s oh so closeWhen you stand up and hold down your painDo the things what I don"t understandThe reason to be brave!O-oh-oh-oh-ohO-oh-oh-oh-ohO-oh-oh-oh-ohGo on, go onYou wanna run away, run awayAnd you say that it can"t be soYou wanna look away, look awayBut you stay cause it"s oh so closeWhen you stand u? and hold down your painIn the face of what I don"t understandA reason to be brave!
2023-07-09 02:07:151


Based on the original life under the laws of nature, and expressed his praise in the life of the Wolf hero buck, but also reveals the real story behind the theme: jack London for human civilization and apathy. The novel has played human image is ugly, onion, and its performance in life than sled dogs are satisfactory. The call of the wild, north of London, was mentioned many times, the south wild civilization. Yet even in the civilized society, the hero of the novel German shepherd buck abducted. In hard journey, it had been tortured, ridicule and insult. The man with the golden stick to buck meal beaten, almost cruel and let it die. Then he took a buck, stroked his head and affably water and meat, said: "the buck, we have a little man, now, come on. You already know your position, you will know me. Do a good dog, the future, all right, do a bad dog, I"ll play the viscera, you know?" False to the mercy,. And three of the layman incisively and vividly shows more hale, a vulgar, narrow, hypocrisy and selfish tartar lovers. And so incompetent and will only complain to treat animals is very cold, "hale set only in others, is the theory, a person must be ruthless". In order to his sister and brother-in-law propaganda this theory, he had to take a vicious sharpening stick into a sled dog heart! All this, society and nature, surface, hypocrisy, decayed, copper stink. London has denied bourgeois civilization, bourgeois false morals profoundly expose and criticize. The author used human struggle between the animal bite, innuendo between man and reality of the human race and means.
2023-07-09 02:07:042


2023-07-09 02:07:012

forgirls wehave sweater in green for only$30是什么语法

For girls we have sweaters in green for only $30.对于女孩来说我们有绿色毛衣只需要30美元。一般现在时态
2023-07-09 02:07:002


2023-07-09 02:06:587


“狗”在中国文化多表示讨厌、否定、贬斥,具体来说其文化内涵主要表现在以下几个方面:(1) 用来表示凶残、冷酷、背叛、出卖人格。比如日常词语中“狗胆包天”、“狼心狗肺”、“汉奸走狗”、“挂羊头卖狗肉”。正因为英国人对狗的偏爱,所以在英语中“, dog”大多是褒义词,只有少数情况表示贬义。通过在语料库里调查分析dog的使用与搭配情况,我们可将代表的文化内涵归纳为:(1) 在口语中用来指代人。由于狗在西方文化中的地位,所以西方很乐意用狗来指代人。比如lucky dog一个幸运的人;clever dog指代一个聪明的人;old dog一个老手,top dog,胜利者、领导者,yellow dog不合群的人,lazy dog懒汉,gay dog 快乐的人,dumb dog沉默寡言的人,war dog退役的军人,water dog水性好的人。(2) 用来形容忠实、卖力、辛苦。在西方文化中,经常用“狗”来代形容忠实、卖力、辛苦这一类概念。这便有了as faithful as a dog(像狗一样忠诚)dog-tired(像狗一样累这类的说法;不时被惊醒的睡眠叫dog-sleep,甚至上夜班就是dog-watch,一个人努力读书把熟读卷了这书就叫dog-eared book,论功行赏叫agood dog deserves a good bone。(3) 适用性。如:guide dog(领路狗),hunting dog(猎狗),sheep dog(牧羊犬),police dog(警犬),watch dog(看门狗)。(4) 和食物相关的。西方的“狗”和食物也很有关系。风靡全球的面包加香肠叫hotdog;一种啤酒与松子酒的混合物他们叫做dog nose;葡萄卷饼或卷布丁之类的食物叫a dog in the blanket;在英国军队里,当兵的把饼干加奶酪俗称为dog and maggot;有些美国人去餐馆用餐完毕后,会将吃剩下的食物打包带走,这些装剩饭的袋子居然叫doggy bag,原来啊美国人把吃剩的饭带回家,怕失面子,就对服务员说:waiter,could you please wrap up the rest of this steak for me,I"d like to take it home for my dog.虽然又的带回家不是喂狗的,但是doggy bag这个词就成了日常用语了。(5) 用“狗”形容比赛、时间、天气、程度。Pull dog,pull cat!激烈比赛,角逐,加油。What dog is a hanging?Whose dog is dead?出了什么事?怎么一回事?It"sraining cats and dogs.天正在下瓢泼大雨。Dog"s age“长时间;悠长的岁月”。Dog"s day意为“三伏天,大热天”。(6) 狗在《圣经》中的形象。在西方《圣经》中dog被描述成一个邋遢又堕落的动物。《圣经·箴言》中有这样的记载:“As a dog retumeth to his vomit,so a fool retumeth to his felly.”意思是愚昧人做愚昧事,做了又做,就如狗转过身来吃它所吐的中西,喻指恶习难改,禀性难移。
2023-07-09 02:06:571