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Credit 信贷、信用、贷项 1。合约性协议,载明借方即时收取某些有价值的事物,承诺在未来特定日期偿还贷方。此外,也指一名人士或一家公司的借贷能力 2。减低资产或提高负债的会计入项===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力


n.学分; 信誉,信用; [金融]贷款; 荣誉; vt.相信,信任; 归功于; [会]记入贷方; 赞颂;


credit用法及短语如下:用法:1、credit用作名词的基本意思是指先买东西后付账,即“赊购,赊欠”,还可表示以这种方法来购物的制度,即“赊购制度〔方式〕”。credit还有“借款,贷款”“存款”“付方,贷方”等意思。引申可表示“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”“信任,相信”“声誉,信誉”等,用于美国教学中还可指“学分”。credit作“赊购,赊欠”解时,一般只用作不可数名词,常与介词on连用; 作“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”解时,通常也用作不可数名词,与介词to连用表示“给…带来荣誉”,与for连用表示“赞扬”或“受到赞扬”的原因。credit用作动词的基本意思是认为某事(可好可坏)是某人所为,或认为某事是另一事的来源或原因,也可指无根据地“相信”。在财经术语中则表示“把…记入贷方”。credit的短语:credit to 为…增光的人或事物 sb/sth who or which brings credit to sb/sthhave credit with sb 、on credit 、to sb"s credit2、credit可以用作动词credit用作动词的基本意思是认为某事(可好可坏)是某人所为,或认为某事是另一事的来源或原因,也可指无根据地“相信”。在财经术语中则表示“把…记入贷方”。credit是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。常用于credit sth to sb 或credit sb with sth 结构中。credit的短语:credit for (v.+prep.)、 credit to (v.+prep.) 、credit with (v.+prep.)


credit英 ["kredu026at]美 ["kru025bdu026at]n. 信用,信誉;[金融] 贷款;学分;信任;声望vt. 相信,信任;把…归给,归功于;赞颂短语credit union 储蓄互助社 ; 合作银行 ; 信用社 ; 信用合作社Credit cards 信用卡 ; 信誉卡 ; 名誉卡 ; 荣誉卡Credit Suisse 瑞士信贷集团 ; 瑞士信贷 ; 瑞士信贷银行 ; 瑞信双语例句:I think our credit has been overextended to diversify. 我认为我们的贷款到目前为止太分散了。


“credit”这个单词可以按照音标音标音标,读作 /u02c8kru025bdu026at/(克-瑞-迪特)。其中,重音在第一个音节上。请注意,这是一种美式英语的发音。在其他方言或口音中,可能有微小的发音差异。“credit”这个词在不同的领域和上下文中有多种应用。以下是一些常见的应用场景:1、信用记录和信用评分:“credit”在金融领域中常用于指代个人或企业的信用记录和信用评分。这是借贷机构评估借款人信用风险和决定是否授予贷款的重要指标。2、学分:在教育领域,“credit”通常用于指代学院或大学中完成特定课程或学习计划所获得的学分。学分用于统计学习进度和完成学位要求。3、承兑和付款延迟:在商业交易中,“credit”可以指承兑或信用期,即卖方同意在一定期限内延迟收款或提供商品或服务。4、荣誉和表彰:“credit”可以用来指代所获得的荣誉、赞誉或表彰。例如,人们可以获得学术、体育或专业方面的信誉。5、相信和归功于:作为动词,“credit”可以表示相信或归功于某人。例如,你可以说:“我相信他能够成功”或“成功归功于团队合作”。credit的短语1、Credit card: 信用卡。2、Credit score: 信用评分。3、Credit history: 信用记录。4、Credit limit: 信用额度。5、Credit report: 信用报告。6、Line of credit: 授信额度。7、Opening/closing credits: 片头/片尾字幕。


credit[英][ˈkredɪt][美][ˈkrɛdɪt]n.学分; 信誉,信用; [金融]贷款; 荣誉; vt.相信,信任; 归功于; [会]记入贷方; 赞颂;




名词1.不可数名词:赊帐,赊欠2.不可数名词:(经济上的)信誉3.不可数名词:银行存款(帐面余额)4.不可数名词:信用,信赖5.不可数名词:荣誉,赞扬,功劳(+for/to)6.可数名词:增光的人(或事物)[(+to)]7.可数名词:【美】学分,(某门功课的)及格记录8.(会计)贷,贷方9.电影结束时播放的影职人员名单及物动词:1.相信2.把...记入贷方3.把...归于(+to)4.认为...有(某优点,成就等),给予荣誉5.【美】给(学生)记学分(+with)来自词根cred, 相信,信任。-it, 过去分词,比较visit.复数credits第三人称单数 credits现在分词 crediting过去式credited过去分词 credited常用搭配1credit card信用卡;记帐卡2letter of creditn. [商](银行发行的)信用证3credit system信用制度;信贷制度;赊购或赊销制度


如果你手里有张信用卡就好理解了,credit card就是信用卡。银行给你贷款看你有多少credit就给你多少额度,无论信用可额度还是房贷车贷。如果你不幸逾期过,那么恭喜你,你credit归零了,用五年的努力去重建好了。说的比较直白啊,东北的女孩子的性格。credie就是你有多么诚实,直接翻译过来就是俩字“信用”


n.信誉,信用; [金融]贷款; 荣誉; 学分; vt.相信,信任; 归功于; [会]记入贷方; 赞颂;




credit 英[u02c8kredu026at] 美[u02c8kru025bdu026at] n. 学分; 信誉,信用; [金融] 贷款; 荣誉; vt. 相信,信任; 归功于; [会] 记入贷方; 赞颂; [例句]Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate.现在他只需再修两个学分就可以毕业了。[其他] 第三人称单数:credits 复数:credits 现在分词:crediting过去式:credited 过去分词:credited 形近词: coedit


debitn. 名词1.【会计】借方vt. 及物动词1.把...记入借方creditn. 名词1.赊帐, 赊欠He bought the furniture on credit. 他赊帐买了这家俱。2.(经济上的)信誉.Our international credit is excellent. 我们的国际信誉极好。3.银行存款(帐面馀额)How much does he have to his credit? 他存了多少钱?4.信用, 信赖I did not give credit to her story. 我没有相信她的话。5.荣誉, 赞扬, 功劳[(+for/to)]The credit for this invention goes to Mr. Lodge and his collaborators. 这项发明的荣誉属於洛奇先生和他的合作者。6.增光的人(或事物)[(+to)]She is a credit to her family. 她是给家里增光的人。7.【美】学分; (某门功课的)及格记录8.(会计)贷, 贷方vt.及物动词1.相信Nobody credited his story. 没有人相信他的话。2.把...记入贷方The bank credited 50, 000 dollars to us. 那家银行贷了五万元给我们。3.把...归於[(+to)]The accident was credited to carelessness on the part of the driver. 这起事故是由於驾车人不小心引起的。4.认为...有(某优点, 成就等)I credit him with honesty. 我相信他是诚实的。5.【美】给(学生)记学分[(+with)]


CDS是一种合同。全称credit default swap,意思是信用违约掉期合约。CDS合约是美国一种相当普遍的金融衍生工具,1995年由JP Morgan(2000年与大通银行、富林明集团完成合并成立今天的摩根大通)首创,2007年中市值达45万亿美元,AIG报病危时据说达62万亿美元。  CDS相当于对债权人所拥有债权的一种保险。从理论上讲,CDS卖家售出CDS,对相应的一份债权将来是否得以履约做出担保;而这样一来,作为买家的债权人就把债权违约的风险让渡给了CDS卖家。  具体来说,CDS所担保债权,一般是各种各样但信誉度各异的债券,如地方政府债券,新兴市场国家的债券,以住房按揭为抵押的债券(包括次贷),以及小范围的或企业双方的债券和债权。按金融产品的惯常分类,这些债券因都承诺了债权人的定期、定量收益,都叫做固定收益(fixed-income)产品。  CDS买家所获得的保险承诺包括:倘若债权违约,或有债权评级下调等各种不利的“信用事件”(credit event)发生,收入仍不受影响(视具体条款而定)。一般的债权人起码仍可收回所持债券的面值。  如此这般,CDS买家所获得的保护,等于说它们在信用事件的条件下(债权产品违约率上升时),仍可获得预期的收入甚至利润。因为此时CDS卖家将对它们支付与所担保债券面值相当的现金。而在没有信用事件的条件下,如所担保的债券按期履约,CDS卖家将从买家获得定期的保险费收入,也能由此获取利润。但总的说来,一旦“信用事件”发生, CDS卖家要承受的损失将相当巨大。  CDS的好处,是当企业或个人在面临多种债权风险(比如拥有多家公司的债券)而又不想马上将债权全部出售的时候,可获得CDS卖家所提供的保险。但另一个结果,就是促使投机者对债权产品的信用度像赌徒一样地下注,并通过押准了某项违约债权而获利。鉴于CDS市场的市值已超过CDS所代表的债券和贷款总额,该市场的投机性已显而易见。  一个投资商如果看好某公司的“信用质量”(credit quality),可售出对该公司债券的担保以获得收益,而不必花很大一笔钱来真正购买该公司的债券。  一个投资商如果不看好某公司的信用质量,也可只花很少的钱购买对该公司债券的保护,等到信用事件发生时获得暴利式的收益。  由于CDS市场并不要求以某真正债券作为交易工具,而只要求以某债券为价值参考,投资商还有其他很多方法变换自己的投资组合。  市场参与者也并不非要等待CDS到期才能见到收入,而是按照各种投机价格大肆买卖CDS合同;他们也能靠持有新的CDS来平抑手中老的CDS所带来的风险。  因为CDS都是柜台交易,要求交易者对相关资产十分了解,同时背后又按照各自秘密的数学模型来精算未来收益,因而交易者大多数都是金融机构。  也由于整个市场是柜台交易,又没有任何监管,CDS卖家所承担的风险是否超出它的支付能力人们不得而知。而在全社会信用履约率大幅度、大面积下降的时候,哪家CDS卖家还能支付得起它们的巨大损失,人们也不得而知。而在这次金融危机中,美国政府将如何监管CDS市场,将来还会不会继续让它在无监管下运行,人们仍不得而知。


credit 信用 信贷 信誉 金融信用短语credit union 储蓄互助社 ; 信用社 ; 合作银行 ; 信用合作社Credit cards 信用卡 ; 信誉卡 ; 名誉卡 ; 荣誉卡Credit Suisse 瑞士信贷集团 ; 瑞士信贷 ; 瑞士信贷银行 ; 瑞信为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


credit_百度翻译credit 英[u02c8kredu026at] 美[u02c8kru025bdu026at] n. 学分; 信誉,信用; [金融] 贷款; 荣誉; vt. 相信,信任; 归功于; [会] 记入贷方; 赞颂;

Express Yourself Ii (Remastered Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Express Yourself Ii (Remastered Version)歌手:Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd. Street Rhythm Band专辑:You"Re So BeautifulDon"t go for second best babyPut your love to the test you know, you know you"ve got toMake him express how he feels and maybeThen you"ll know your love is realYou don"t need diamond rings or eighteen karat goldFancy cars that go very fast you know they never last no, noWhat you need is a big strong hand toLife you to your higher groundMake you feel like a queen on a throneMake him love you till you can"t come downLong stem roses are the way to your heart butHe needs to start with your headSatin sheets are very romanticWhat happens when you"re not in bedYou deserve the best in lifeSo if the time isn"t right then move onSecond best is never enoughYou"ll do much better baby on your own, baby on your ownExpress yourselfYou"ve got to make himExpress himselfHey, hey, hey, heySo if you want it right now, make him show you howExpress what he"s got, oh baby ready or notAnd when you"re gone he might regret itThink about the love he once hadTry to carry on, but he just won"t get itHe"ll be back on his knees to express himselfYou"ve got to make him express himself, hey hey


offer 英[ˈɒfə(r)] 美[ˈɔ:fə(r)] vt. 提供,给予; 提出,提议; 出价,开价; 表示愿意; vi. 提议; 企图,想要; 供奉; n. 提议; 出价,开价; 试图; 求婚; [网络] 价; 工作机会; 录取; [例句]How can we produce top-class engineers when universities are constrained tooffer salaries that can only attract mediocre staff?大学的财力有限,提供的薪酬仅能吸引水平一般的教师,在这种情况下,我们如何能培养出一流的工程师?[其他] 第三人称单数:offers 复数:offers 现在分词:offering 过去式:offered过去分词:offered 形近词: bifer alfer refer 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科相关单词:Offer [词典] [人名]奥弗proffered v. 提供,贡献,提出; ( proffer的过去式和过去分词 ) [网络] 被提供的; [例句]A woman sitting nearby proffered: “ Apple announced iPhone UK distribution. ” Word-of-mouth in action.坐在附近的一个女人为我提供了情报:“苹果公司在英国发布了iPhone”,口头交流起作用了![其他] 形近词: differed 双语例句 柯林斯词典 百度知道


spare读音:英 [speu0259(r)],美 [sper]    adj. 备用的;多余的;闲置的v. 抽出;饶恕;赦免;节约n. 备用品;剩余副词: sparely 比较级: sparer 最高级: sparest 名词: spareness 过去式: spared 过去分词: spared 现在分词: sparing 第三人称单数: sparesspare的基本意思是“节省,节约,舍不得,吝惜”,引申还可表示“珍惜”。spare还可作“抽出,让给,分出,匀出,腾出”解,指因为有多余,将某物让给别人以后,对自己仍不造成困难,或表示“留出时间做某事,抽出时间”。例句1、Do you have a spare tire?你有备用轮胎吗?2、Please stay with us. We have a spare room for you.请住下吧,我们有给你的备用房间。3、What do you like doing in your spare time?你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?4、Can you spare me five minutes?你能抽出五分钟和我谈谈吗?



apple red for is this you连成句

This is red apple for you



红色警戒II(red alert 2)CDKEY生成器怎样得到CDKEY


我的红色警戒3 1.06用不了Red_Alert_3_V1.0_Plus_7_Trainer_Chs_By_KelSat.exe


关于红警3 Command & Conquer Red Alert 3




红警3 command&conquer TM Red alert TM 3:uprising 已停止工作




Command and Conquer:Red Alert 3 Original Soundtrac的歌词翻译(俄语)

歌曲名称:命令与征服:红色警戒3原声带-----------------歌词翻译:我们的苏联报复整个世界[02:05.39][00:27.11]像一个巨大的熊在日出[02:09.54][00:31.16]在地球和地上的天空[02:13.26][00:34.95]日食作为苏联承担这个[02:17.37] [00:39.13]我们的苏联报复整个世界[02:21.11][00:42.83]像日出巨大的熊[02:25.23][00:46.79]在地球和地上的天空[02:28.99][00:50.69]日食作为苏联熊[01:02.67]这里所有的人[01:06.51]我们会转化成什么,[01:10.48]我们非常感谢和弓[01:14.32]世界上最强大的[01:18.46]这里所有的人[01:22.22]我们会转化应运而生,[01:26.19]我们非常感谢和鞠躬[01:30.08]从在世界的强大!

win10的我的文档里的红色警戒3(red alert3)文件夹打不开,系统拒绝访问,求怎么解,急


红警3简体中文完美硬盘版C&C Red Alert 3 Uprising v1.0 +15 TRAINER这个解压包是干什么用的?


红色警戒II(red alert 2)金钱修改器如何使用




红色警戒II(red alert 2)CDKEY生成器怎样得到CDKEY


RedAlert95 怎么联网?那个选项出不来


我玩红色警戒2的时候老是出现(Red Alert 2)的英文提示!一点OK就退出游戏了!找高手解决下!谢谢!


红色警戒2(Red Alert 2)所有mod有什么?


红色警戒3起义时刻里,地图该放到那个文件夹,Red Alert 3和Red Alert 3 Uprising都试过了没反应

Red Alert 3 Uprising

红警提示:red alert 2


Red Alert 2: game.TMPO - 应用程序错误

那个软件可能在安装的时候已经崩溃!尝试重新安装或者是更改兼容!更改兼容的方式如下:图标-右键点击-属性-兼容性 改成其他的什么. 注意:别改WINDOWS95 或者NT!!!!



红警2提示“Red Alert 2 has encounted an internal error”


Red Alert 3 Launcher 已停止工作 出现了一个问题,导致程序停止正常工作。如果又可用的解决方案,怎么办?

我的刚开始也是这个问题,出现停止工作,我的系统是win7 32位的,试着这样 控制面板->系统->高级系统设置->高级->性能 设置->数据保护->为除下列选定程序之外的所有程序和服务启用->添加-> 找到你的CS客户端 选择就好了-》应用 -》确定 ,如果可以的话记得给分啊

红色警戒时出现“Main executable for Red Alert 2”遇到问题需要关闭,怎么解决?


Red Alert 2 has encountered an internal error and is unable continue normally.

对话框:Red Alert 2 has encounter an internal error and is unable to countine normally.Please visit our website at************(这个是官网)for the latset updates and technical support对话框的意思是:红警2出现不可恢复的错误必须被关闭(不能再接着玩了),请访问***(官网)升级或者寻求技术支持。出现这类英文对话框是红警中常见的强制关闭问题,其产生原因有:1.你乱改了数据造成游戏内部错误,导致的游戏不能进行下去。2.地图设计不合理,例如编辑地图大小,矿石数量,游戏方式(就是编辑时限制地图的一大堆杂选项,在文件中有)...问题造成游戏不能‘识别地图"3.你安装的mod与源文件相冲突,造成游戏不能进行下去。解决办法:1.删掉mod文件,或者另选择地图进行游戏。2.从新打开游戏还是不行就新下载另一个红警安装。

红警 for Mac合集(Red Alert红色警戒)中文激活版

红色警戒 Mac版玩家通常简称为红警或RA,又译“红色警报”,是美国艺电游戏公司(EA,Electronic Arts)(红色警戒2原版前是Westwood Studio)为个人电脑(PC)推出的一系列即时战略游戏。红色警戒 for Mac英文名为Red Alert。红色警戒 Mac是一款非常经典的单机游戏,相信很多玩家都非常喜欢。红警 for Mac合集支持M1和intel。

玩红警出现“Red Alert 2”这样一个对话框,是什么原因?


为什么红色警戒的英文名叫Red Alert而不叫Red Alarm


The red rose is the only one _____I real like.A which B who C that D whom

RICHARD CROOKSSongs from Operetta, Musical Comedy and FilmsOriginal Recordings 1924—1933Probably the finest lyric tenor America ever produced — and in the 1930s on radio and in opera and concert certainly the most popular — Richard Crooks was born into a family of modest means, of Scottish and English ancestry, in Trenton, New Jersey on 26 June, 1900. His mother, Elizabeth Gore, herself a gifted amateur singer, gave Richard the boy-soprano his earliest musical education until 1910, when his first serious engagement, as soprano soloist in Mendelssohn"s Elijah in his native town, before a 10,000-strong audience, pro-vided the necessary spur to his talent. His stage-partner at that baptism of fire, Ernestine Schumann-Heink (1861-1936), the German-American contralto star of the Metropolitan Opera, predicted great things for her ten-year-old colleague, all of which duly came to pass. Having reached puberty, Crooks began to re-train as a tenor. At fourteen he was already earning his own living, and financed his studies by manual occupations until 1917 when, with the US entry into World War I, he entered the US Armed Forces flying corps. A year later Crooks was on active service with the US Airforce over France but, the war over, he returned to the USA and continued his vocal studies with vigour, principally (from 1920 onwards) with Schumann-Heink"s accompanist, the influential, New York-based pianist-composer and vocal coach Frank La Forge (1879-1953), whose illustrious pupils included Crooks" fellow-Americans Marian Anderson and Lawrence Tibbett as well as the much-admired Spanish soprano import, Lucrezia Bori. Under La Forge"s tutelage Crooks first won fame in oratorio (the curriculum in which he would also end his career) and in 1922 the hopeful young tenor sang in nine concerts with the New York Symphony Orchestra under its prestigious conductor Walter Damrosch. The success of these led to a further series of engagements across the States and, indirectly, to his first Victor recording contract, in 1923. In an item from an early session, Red, Red Rose (from incidental music to Rudolph Valentino"s 1924 Paramount silent-screen vehicle Monsieur Beaucaire) Crooks simultaneously offers us a fine sample of his youthful voice and a prime early example of recorded film-music.During 1925 Crooks made his first European concert tour. His venues included London, Belgium, Holland and Germany, where his lieder recitals won him particular acclaim. On his return to the States in 1926 the European reputation he had gained appears to have excited considerable further interest. His voice already had passion and thrust and a certain endearing lyrical quality which most — if not quite all — of his records seem to have preserved for posterity. At home, the public took him to their hearts and further concert successes followed, crowned by two performances of Beethoven"s Choral Symphony at Carnegie Hall, under Toscanini, in 1927. Later that same year he embarked on the first of several recital tours of Great Britain, Scandinavia, the Low Countries and Germany which would continue until 1932. Meanwhile, Crooks" growing list of recordings, which hitherto at least comprised mostly popular ballads and items from operetta, distributed on both sides of the Atlantic, were already beginning to sell in such quantities that Victor saw in him an inexpensive replacement in their Red Seal catalogue for McCormack as well as a viable promoter of the latest in film-ballads. Although comprehensive in his art as a recitalist, on records he veered, predictably, towards the popular repertoire. Richard Crooks made his opera début in Hamburg, in Puccini"s Tosca, in May 1927, and his subsequent accounts of the tenor leads in Faust, Carmen and La traviata, as well as in Wagner"s Meistersinger and Lohengrin, left a lasting impression on his German audiences. Back in New York, in 1928, he was chosen by Mengelberg for the New York première of Mahler"s Das Lied von der Erde and in 1930, with the Philadelphia Company, made so resounding a US opera début that he was at once offered a contract by the New York Metropolitan Opera. Sensing himself unprepared for such a step, however, Crooks passed up the offer in favour of further European tours and weekly guest appearances on the coast-to-coast radio programme Firestone Hour, which was to be his intermittent Monday evening niche for several years to come. He first trod the boards of the Met as Des Grieux in Massenet"s Manon in February 1933 (at this début he reportedly took 37 curtain-calls) and thereafter appeared at intervals with the company, between concert tours to Australia, Canada and elsewhere, until his retirement in 1946.The Crooks discography of the late 1920s and early 1930s reflects a rebirth of interest in operetta, on both stage and screen. In Overhead the moon is beaming, the Serenade from the long-running 1924 escapist best-seller The Student Prince by the Hungarian Sigmund Romberg (1887-1951) — later famously revived in a film starring Mario Lanza — Crooks is joined by the Rounders male chorus headed by sometime Reveler Lewis James. In this Crooks gives us a tantalising aftertaste of a Broadway show which he all but premiered, while in I bring a love song, a charming albeit now neglected item from the pioneering film-musical Viennese Nights — a 1930 collaboration by Romberg and Oscar Hammerstein II (1895-1960) — the tenor complements his soprano colleague to perfection. The Student Prince"s long-running "twin" rival on Broadway, the 1925 hit Vagabond King by the Czechoslovakian-American Rudolf Friml (1879-1972) also affords him a golden opportunity to show off his superbly-managed head voice in Only a rose.Similar qualities are brought to bear by Crooks on gems from a wide range of other operetta landmarks, both contemporary and of older vintage. Especially fine are his selections from the shows of the Irish-American Victor Herbert (1859-1924), including Ah, sweet mystery of life and I"m falling in love with someone (from Naughty Marietta, 1910; filmed by MGM, 1935), When you"re away (a lingering waltz from The Only Girl, 1914) and Neapolitan Love Song (from The Princess Pat, 1915). He also displays an endearingly lyrical quality in Rio Rita (the title-song of a long-running Broadway musical of 1927 by Harry Tierney (1890-1965), filmed by RKO in 1929) and One alone (hit-song of Romberg"s mega-hit 1926 show The Desert Song — filmed by Warner Brothers in 1929, 1943 and 1953). In selections recorded simultaneously with the 1932 Broadway revival of The Dubarry by the Austrian Karl Mill?cker (1842-1899 — Crooks" partner on disc Grace Moore appeared in this show, Crooks did not) he shows something of the imaginativeness of tone-colouring which made him famous, while his treatment of other generically ‘Viennese" favourites place him stylistically on an easy par with Richard Tauber, including Just two hearts and a waltz refrain (a translation of the title waltz-song from the 1931 German film Zwei Herzen in Dreivierteltakt, by the Austrian Robert Stolz — 1880-1975), Yours is my heart alone (American translation of "Dein is mein ganzes Herz", hit-song from Das Land des L?chelns — Berlin, 1929; produced in London in 1931, as Land of Smiles — by the Hungarian Franz Lehár, 1870-1948), Castles in the air (from Frau Luna (1899) by the German Paul Lincke (1866-1946) and I walked in the blossoming garden (the famous Waltz Song from A Waltz Dream, in the 1908 London version by Felix Doerman and Leopold Jacobson, with lyrics by Adrian Ross and music by the Viennese Oskar Straus, 1870-1954). Crooks concludes the recital with Tell me tonight (in this title-song from the 1932 film-musical landmark (US title Be Mine Tonight) in which Polish tenor Jan Kiepura sang the music of the Russian-born pianist-composer and conductor Mischa Spoliansky (1898-1984), he is ably backed by a fine orchestral adaptation under the baton of HMV"s then house-conductor Ray Noble). Richard Crooks died in Portola Valley, California, on 29 September, 1972.Peter Dempsey, 2002The Naxos Historical labels aim to make available the greatest recordings of the history of recorded music, in the best and truest sound that contemporary technology can provide. To achieve this aim, Naxos has engaged a number of respected restorers who have the dedication, skill and experience to produce restorations that have set new standards in the field of historical recordings.Peter DempseyA tenor singer of wide range and performing experience, Peter Dempsey specialises in Victorian and Edwardian genre ballads and art-song, and has recorded various CDs, including Love"s Garden Of Roses for Moidart. Quite apart from his personal enthusiasm for music in the broadest sense, through his assiduous collecting and study of 78s over many years, Peter has acquired not only a wide knowledge of recorded musical performance but also a heartfelt awareness of the need to conserve so many "great masters" who — were it not for CD — might now be lost for future generations. A recognised authority on old recordings, Peter now regularly researches and produces CD albums from 78s.

suffered from such heavy pollution already

我选 A 首先,这是一个句子,已经有谓语了,所以要填一个非谓语,故排除 D 其次,to do 不定式引导目的状语,有already,证明不是目的,故排除 C 最后,非谓语动词表示的动作与主语it是主动关系,故选A~

it occurred to me 是什么意思

it occurred to me我忽然想到双语例句1It occurred to me that I could have the book sent to me. 我想到可以让人把书寄给我。2It occurred to me that I had left the door unlocked. 我忽然想起来忘了锁门了。

be afraid of和be scared of的区别是什么?

  区别:  be afraid of doing/sth. 意为害怕,恐怕,担心  be afraid to do sth. 意为不敢做……事  be afraid of  [英][bi: u0259u02c8freid u0254v][美][bi u0259u02c8fred u028cv]  v.害怕,担忧; 怖;  例句:  1、I used to be afraid of the dark.  我以前害怕黑暗。  2、Most CEOs are pretty confident people, and it would be hard to suddenly make them overwhelmingly afraid of risk.  绝大多数首席执行官都是极其自信的人,很难让他们突然变得害怕风险。  3、We should not be afraid of such change.  我们不应害怕这样的改变。  be afraid to  [英][bi: u0259u02c8freid tu:][美][bi u0259u02c8fred tu]  v.害怕;  例句:  1、Second, trust your ability. Don"t be afraid to speak. Don"t be trapped by shyness.  第二,相信你的能力,不要害怕说,不要被羞怯困住。  2、So don "t be afraid to speak up.  所以不要害怕说出自己的观点。  3、Don"t be afraid to experiment with different forms of exercise until you find what works best for you.  不要害怕,大胆尝试不同类型的运动项目吧,你会找到最适合自己的运动的。



red or blue haku中文歌词

歌曲:Red Or Blue演唱:HaKUDon"t stop不要停止We"re not giving up yet我们还没有放弃Let"s go走吧We"re running outta time我们快离开的时候The world"s ash世界的灰烬We"re beaten but still breathing我们被打败了,但仍在呼吸And this ain"t而这不是The end of our fight我们战斗的结束Never turning back from the world we made从不回头,从我们所做的世界Time to take away the life that we gave时间带走了我们的生活Never letting go永远不放手Never letting go永远不放手Of our human fight我们人类的战斗Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Down下来Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Game set游戏设置Times up时间到了It"s useless to resist抵抗是无用的Add up the math把数学加起来You all must die你们都必须死Destructive week and obsolete破坏性的周和过时的This world is no longer yours but这个世界不再是你的了Compliance is law so now fall in line遵守是法律,所以现在下降Programs pulse through circuit board minds程序脉冲通过电路板的头脑Never letting go永远不放手Never letting go永远不放手This will end tonight这将在今晚结束Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Sin罪Never wanna trust you永远不想相信你Tell me where"d you go告诉我你要去哪里Tell me why"d happened告诉我为什么会发生Tell me I"m not crazy告诉我我不是疯了Tell me where did you go告诉我你去了哪里Never wanna trust you永远不想相信你Tell me where"d you go告诉我你要去哪里Tell me why"d happened告诉我为什么会发生Tell me I"m not crazy告诉我我不是疯了Tell me where did you go告诉我你去了哪里Please come back to the day we broke down请回到我们分手的那一天Look at what we found看看我们发现了什么When we look beyond ground ground当我们超越了地上Please come back to the day we broke down请回到我们分手的那一天Look at what we found看看我们发现了什么When we look beyond ground ground当我们超越了地上You can"t trust me baby你不能相信我,宝贝Please come back to the day we broke down请回到我们分手的那一天Look at what we found看看我们发现了什么When we look beyond ground ground当我们超越了地上Please come back to the day we broke down请回到我们分手的那一天Look at what we found看看我们发现了什么When we look beyond ground ground当我们超越了地上You can"t trust me baby你不能相信我,宝贝Please go back to the请回到过去Please go back to the请回到过去Back to the back to the回到后面的Back to the back to the回到后面的Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来I can hear my voice我能听到我的声音I can hear my voice我能听到我的声音I can hear my voice我能听到我的声音We both have a choice我们都有一个选择Now we can rejoice现在我们可以高兴Cause now I hear your voice因为现在我听到你的声音



Redemption Song (Alt. Version) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption Song (Alt. Version) (Album Version)歌手:Life Of Agony专辑:1989-1999Old pirates, yes, they rob I;Sold I to the merchant ships,Minutes after they took IFrom the bottomless pit.But my hand was made strongBy the "and of the Almighty.We forward in this generationTriumphantly.Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom? -Cause all I ever have:Redemption songs;Redemption songs.Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;None but ourselves can free our minds.Have no fear for atomic energy,Cause none of them can stop the time.How long shall they kill our prophets,While we stand aside and lookSome say it"s just a part of it:We"ve got to fulfil de book.So Won"t you help to singDese songs of freedom? -Cause all I ever have:Redemption songs;Redemption songs;Redemption songs.Old pirates, yes, they rob I;Sold I to the merchant ships,Minutes after they took IFrom the bottomless pit.How long shall they kill our prophets,While we stand aside and look?some say it"s just a part of it:We"ve got to fulfil de book.So Won"t you help to singDese songs of freedom? -"Cause all I ever had:Dese songs of freedom?Cause all I ever hadRedemption songs -Dese songs of freedom?Dese songs of freedom?

求redemption song   的中文歌词

Old pirates, yes, they rob I; 老海盗们,对,他们抢劫了我 Sold I to the merchant ships, 把我卖到了商船 Minutes after they took I From the bottomless pit.过没多久他们把我从无尽的深渊中救了出来 But my hand was made strong By the "and of the Almighty.然而我有双上帝赋予我坚强的双手 We forward in this generation我们朝向这个世代 Triumphantly.胜利地 Won"t you help to sing你不帮忙唱吗 This songs of freedom这首自由之歌 "Cause all I ever have:因为,我所未曾拥有的 Redemption songs;救赎之歌 Redemption songs.救赎之歌 Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;把你自己从被奴役的心灵中解放出来 None but ourselves can free our minds.只有自己能释放自己的心 Have no fear for atomic energy,不要惧怕强权 "Cause none of them can stop the time.因为他们没任何人能将时间暂停 How long shall they kill our prophets, 他们还要抹杀我们的先知多久 While we stand aside and look? Ooh!而我们只能晾在一旁,看著?喔! Some say it"s just a part of it:有人说那只不过是一小部分 We"ve got to fullfil the book.我们得说出全部实情 Won"t you help to sing你不帮忙唱吗 This songs of freedom-这首自由之歌 "Cause all I ever have:因为,我所未曾拥有的 Redemption songs;救赎之歌 Redemption songs;救赎之歌 Redemption songs.救赎之歌

Redemption Song 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption Song歌手:Bob Marley & The Wailers专辑:Bob Marley & The Wailers - Legend (Deluxe Sound & Vision) NtscPirates, I"m sayin" they rob IBoard the merchant shipsI"m not sayin" we"re not a part of itFrom the bottomless pitBut my hands were made strongBy the force of the AlmightyThey don"t say that your generation, triumphantlyWon"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption songEmancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookThey don"t say I"m your generationOh, and I say...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)Emancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookSay some say it"s just a part of itYou got to fulfill the book...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)This song of freedomOh...

Redemption Song 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption Song歌手:Rihanna专辑:Redemption SongPirates, I"m sayin" they rob IBoard the merchant shipsI"m not sayin" we"re not a part of itFrom the bottomless pitBut my hands were made strongBy the force of the AlmightyThey don"t say that your generation, triumphantlyWon"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption songEmancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookThey don"t say I"m your generationOh, and I say...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)Emancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookSay some say it"s just a part of itYou got to fulfill the book...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)This song of freedomOh...
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