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Whatever ____, you should keep calm and try to find a solution.

含有时间状语从句的主从复合句中,“主将从现”原则的具体运用。happens只能通过其一般现在时的三单形式表示将来的状态,而is happening 只能以进行时表示未来的状态或动作而不符以上原则。

You should keep calm during the earthquake是什么结构?

主系表结构keep clam 系表结构

i puzzled over it for hours before it finally 是什么意思

i puzzled over it for hours before it finally我困惑了几个小时才双语对照例句:1.I puzzled over it for a time and eventually I was able to think of another equation whichwould get over the logical difficulties of the negative probabilities. 我为此困惑过一段时间,最终我得以想到另一个方程,这个方程可以克服负概率的逻辑困难。

求一首歌,女声,有一句歌词末尾是shou time,好像是广告配音,比较high

Show time吧…

Calvin Harris 的电音属于什么风格? Trance 还是 House ? 电音有多少种风格?


为什么trance比大部分EDM House精致,而且用作蹦迪也比较合适,却在中国火不起来?


make bricks without straw是什么意思

make bricks without straw巧妇难为无米之炊双语对照词典结果:make bricks without strawv.做无米之炊; 无米作炊; 例句:1.You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go andgather their own straw. 你们不可照常把草给百姓做砖,叫他们自己去捡草。2.His hands are as red as freshly boiled lobster from handling hot bricks from a kiln withoutproper protective gloves. 由于在从砖窑取砖块的时候,没有手套的保护,他的双手通红,就想煮熟了的龙虾


是thought吧?如果是这个的话,thought1 (think的过去式和过去分词)thought2 名词 n. 1.思维;思考,考虑[U]2.想法;见解[C][(+of/about/on)]3.(常用在疑问、否定句中)意图,打算[U][(+of)]4.思想,思潮[U]5.关心,注意[C][U][(+for)]


这些单词的复数形式都是加s:1) house—》houses;2). Village -—》villages.3). map —》 maps.

什么是House of Windsor-温莎王朝?哪位能帮忙详细解释一下???多谢了!!!



Minnesota Timberwolves


就是欧美的一个小的服装品牌先从换壁纸开始,首先,在桌面上点右下角的那个图标进入个性设置,或者点手机上的menu键,然后点个性化设置,如下图; 这里我们可以看到几个选项,场景、皮肤、壁纸、锁定屏幕,这几个就是HTC手机美化的基本功能和操作,我们这里以壁纸为例讲解,其他的也都类似。选择壁纸后,一般会让你选择用什么哪种壁纸,【HTC壁纸】是系统自带的壁纸,【动态壁纸】很明显就是一些可以动的壁纸,动态壁纸一般比较绚丽,但是会比较费电,建议大家体验使用,但不太适合长期使用。再有一个就是【相册】,这个就可以将自己拍摄的一些照片或者自己喜欢的图片设置为壁纸,如图: 通过相册找到自己喜欢的图片后,选择该图片,然后调整图片的大小,保存即可设置为壁纸。 再看下自己的桌面,壁纸是不是变了呢,发挥你的想象力,把你的手机做的更具个性吧。设置动态壁纸跟这个是一样的,甚至比较简单,因为大部分时候动态壁纸都是系统内置的一些,进去选择就可以了,当然也可以自己安装一些动态壁纸,安装后的动态壁纸也是从刚才那里的动态壁纸之处设置。



—Wow, your house is so big!—Yes, it’s three times      yours. A.the size as B.mor

D 考查倍数的表示法。英语中倍数的表示法有以下三个句型:①A is. . . times as + adj + as B②A is. . . times + the + noun(size/length/width/depth, etc)+ of B③A is. . . times + adj-er + than B由此可知本题符合句型的是D项。难度中等。


gasp喘息;(尤指由于惊讶或疼痛而)喘气;倒抽气;透不过气;气喘吁吁地说;渴望(尤指饮料或香烟)n.(常指由强烈情感引起的)深吸气;倒抽气这些动词均含“打破、弄碎”之意。break : 常用词,含义广泛,多指猛然用力将坚硬物打破或损坏。burst : 指某物因内部外部压力过大而出现严重破裂、爆开或账破。crack : 多指因长期使用或经受压力,物体表现呈现裂纹、裂口或破裂、裂开,但一般没成碎片。crush : 指用力把东西压破或变形。

Thousands of rockets ______ with chemicals were fired into the sky to create the beautiful scen...

B 考查非谓语动词。“在亚运会上,成千上万的装满化学物质的火箭被发射到空中,为了制造漂亮的景象。”rockets和load是动宾关系,故用过去分词loaded作后置定语,相当于定语从句(which were loaded...)。故选B。

Houston Rockets是什么意思

Houston Rockets休斯敦火箭队

houston rockets怎么读

和有死等 ra 克也 此



Houston Rockets怎么读


l though her so nice and sincere是什么句式?

注意: thought。l thought her so nice and sincere意思是:我认为她很好,人很真诚。是一般过去时的主谓宾结构。

求英文诗歌 shout out that moon 的全文和翻译,急!!!

月亮拒之门外 Thomas Hardy托马斯哈代 Shut Out that Moon月亮拒之门外 Close up the casement, draw the blind,关闭了窗户,画盲人, Shut out that stealing moon,关指出,偷月亮, She wears too much the guise she worse她穿太多的幌子她差 Before our lutes were strewn以前我们卢茨散落 With years-deep dust, and names we read经过多年深的尘土,我们读到的名字 On a white stone were hewn.在一个白色的石头被凿成。 Step not forth on the dew-dashed lawn步不结上的露水虚线草坪 To view the Lady"s Chair,要查看夫人的椅子上, Immense Orion"s glittering form,猎户座巨大的闪闪发光的形式, The Less and Greater Bear:越来越大的熊: Stay in; to such sights we were drawn留在;在我们得出这样的景点 When faded ones were fair.当褪色的是公平的。 Brush not the bough for midnight scent不是树枝刷子夜气味 That come forth lingeringly,这出来恋恋不舍, And wake the same sweet sentiments而同样的甜蜜情绪唤醒 They breathed to you and me他们呼吸着你和我 When living seemed a laugh, a love当生活似乎是笑,是爱 All it was said to be.有人说所有的人。 Within the common lamp-lit room在共同灯灯光的房间 Prison my eyes and thought;禁锢我的眼睛和思想; Let dingy details crudely loom,让肮脏的细节粗暴织机, Mechanic speech he wrought:技工演讲中,他紧张得要命: Too fragrant was Life"s early bloom,太香是生命的初花期, Too tart the fruit it brought!太酸的水果它拿来!

╮┊外国人经常说的shout out是什么意思


考研英语长难句自己成分分析 the health research community should actively recruit to

the health research community 【主语】should actively recruit 【谓语】(actively是状语)to its cause not only… but…【状语】

sergio得without u歌词中文意思,求大神指教!

歌曲名称:Without u 歌曲原唱:青山玛黛作词:Thelma Aoyama/Komei Kobayashi作曲:YUTA/IKI 中文翻译歌词:虽然我们已经分开许久,但是我还想继续呆在这里让我告诉你我此刻的感受吧自从你离开我的那一夜起我的心就变得如此空虚此时此刻 我独自坐在这里知道你再也不会回来了每天我都想从没有你的记忆中清醒过来我知道现在说这些太晚太困难但是我真的不想让你走让我紧紧抱着你让我深深爱着你宝贝 你会再给我最后一次机会吗?我不想让你离开 我不想说再见我只想要你 你的全部没有你的爱我活不下去你不在这里我都不能呼吸你是我唯一想要的所以 宝贝,难道你不愿意给这份爱一次机会吗?这就是结局,这就是再见。再见了。YO:宝贝,已经这么久了我知道我必须离开因为爱已经在消逝了很显然它已经消逝了但是你是它唯一遗失的那是来自我内心深处的呼声你是找个世界上的唯一真实但是你不得不离开了我想让你回来此刻我是多么需要你所以我向你倾诉的一切现在重现在我的记忆里透过雨水(泪水?)我知道它们都将重现我不能放你离去让我紧紧拥住你让我紧紧抱着你让我深深爱着你宝贝 你会再给我最后一次机会吗?我不想让你离开 我不想说再见我只想要你 你的全部是我真的不得不让你走吗?我不想让你离开我还能做什么没有你的爱我活不下去你不在这里我都不能呼吸你是我唯一想要的也许我现在问太多了但是我仅仅只想再见你一面如果你也是这么深深的爱恋再来不及之前让我知晓吧 宝贝

http://qun.51.com/jishourenzai51/topic.php?pid=19244 谁能帮我找出这网站里面的歌是什么歌啊、谢谢了

2 Unlimited - No Limit

初三英语作文hou do i keep fit

as is know to all,without health ,without success of revolution。therefore,it"s of great importance to keep fit。first,what we should remember is sleep well can help us to get ample energy and prevent headache。second,we should attach great importance to keep the balance nutrition。it means we ought to eat proper meats and vegetables。last,get rid of your bad habits such as read books on your beds from now on。if you follow my advices ,you would find it easy to keep fit。

shoulder ;chin; jaw ;should ;这英语用谐音怎么读?


英语thousand spear怎么翻译?


We have been on duty for four hours and now your

我们已经值班四小时了 现在轮到你了

像这些单词“thorough through though thought”?

though 尽管+r 为入,想想进入,through是通过的意思+o 想象成一个圆,完全通过,即thorough 为彻底的think 的过去分词 thought 同上面比较多个t只要单独记住though 和thought 的意思就可以了希望采纳,谢谢

head shoulders knees and toes 这首英语儿歌是哪个

这首英语儿歌是《身体部位歌》。歌词如下:Knees and toes,Head, shoulders.knees and toes,Knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head, shoulders.翻译:膝盖和脚趾,头,肩膀。膝盖和脚趾,膝盖和脚趾。眼睛,耳朵,嘴巴和鼻子。头,肩膀。表现手法儿歌的吟唱中,优美的旋律、和谐的节奏、真挚的情感可以给儿童以美的享受和情感熏陶。幼儿唱儿歌,则是情感的外泄过程,并能从中体验模仿成人的劳作和生活,验证自己的经验和记忆演变。儿歌常见的表现手法有:比喻、拟人、夸张、起兴、摹状、反复、设问等等。

head shoulders knees and toes 这首英语儿歌是哪个

head shoulders knees and toes

Head shoulder knees and toes的歌词

[最佳答案] head and shoulder knees and toes,knees and toes,knees and toes head and shoulder knees and toes,eyes ears mouth nose head and shoulder knees and toes,knees and toes,...

身体歌英文head body shoulder

“Head, shoulders, knees and toes” 是一首英文童谣,描述了人体的基本部位,具有简单易记、生动活泼等特点。其中词句:“Head, shoulders, knees and toes”表达了人头、肩膀、膝盖和脚趾四个部位的含义。下面是该童谣的完整歌词:Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toesHead, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toesAnd eyes, ears, mouth and noseHead, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes该歌曲通常用于儿童教育和运动训练中,孩子们可以通过唱歌、跳舞等方式搭配相应动作来深入理解身体各部位的名称,并加强身体协调性训练,从而全面提高身体素质。

Samuel spends an hour doing his homework every day (同义据转换)

Samuel spends an hour on his homework every day






这部作品的日文全名是「东京喰种トーキョーグール」前半部分“东京喰种”(日文汉字),大家都懂的了。后半部分的“トーキョーグール”是Tokyo Ghoul。ghoul就是英文食尸鬼。而且漫画里面有时把喰种称为“喰种”(日文汉字),有时称为“ーグール”(ghoul的发音)




should与must的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.should:应该;可能;应当;竟然;将要2.must:必须;应当;很可能二、用法不同1.should:是助动词shall的过去式,用于陈述语气,构成第一人称过去将来时、过去将来完成时以及过去将来进行时。例句:You should take advantage of it你应该好好利用这个机会。2.must:表示义务或强制,含意是“必须”“应当”; 其否定结构表示“不许可”或“不应该”; 用于一般疑问句,表示征求对方的意见。例句:His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction他的新小说是罪案小说爱好者必须一读的。三、侧重点不同1.should:只用于第一人称。2.must:用于第二和第三人称。

must should can/could 的区别和用法sorry,太多要求

(一)情态动词详细用法讲解一,概说:情态动词(ModalVerb):情态动词用来表示说话的人对所叙述的动作或状态的看法,如表示命令,允诺,请求,拒绝,愿望,义务,必要,可能,敢于,需要等情态动词主要有:can/could;may/might;must/ought; need; dare/dared; shall/should; will/would1.情态动词不能单独作谓语,必须和实意动词或连系动词的原形(有时和这些动词完成和进行式)一起构成谓语例如1:Wemust study hard .我们应该努力学习(must+不带to 不定式study充当谓语)例如2:Hecan speak a little English .他会说一点儿英语(can +不带to 不定式speak充当谓语)例如3:Hemust have gone home.他准是/一定是回家了(must+不带to 不定式havegone 充当谓语)例如4:Hemust be waiting for us .他一定是在等我们(must+不带to 不定式bewaiting 充当谓语)2.情态动词没有人称和数的变化,第三人称单数的出现时,情态动词也不需要加s或者es例句1. Ican write in English.我会用英语写例句2.Hecan write in English .他会用英语写(不必说:Hecans write in English )3.否定句和疑问句的构成A:否定式:主语+情态动词+not+动词原形例如1.Youcan not speak French.你不会说法语例如3.Hemay not come today .他今天可能不会来例如3.Youneed"t look at me like that .你不必那样瞧我B:疑问式:情态动词+主语+动词原形例如1.MayI ask you a question about grammar ?我可以问你一个语法问题吗?Would you liketo go with me ?你想和我一起去吗?4.有些情态动词有过去式,有的过去式和它们的原形相同A 有过去式的情态动词有:shall---should ;will---would; can---could; may---might; need---needed; dare---daredB 过去式不变的情态动词有:must-must;ought---ought to5.情态动词没有动词不定式,必要时用别的词语来表示例如1:I"dlike to be able to dance.我希望能跳舞(不可以说...tocan dance)例如2.Youare going to have to work harder .到时候你必须更加努力工作(不能说...tomust work harder)二, can 和could详细用法讲解can的用法1.表示能力例句1. Hecan speak French very well .他法语讲得很好例句 2.Can you swim ?你会游泳吗?例句3. Wecan hear birds singing.我们能听到鸟儿在歌唱2.表示可能性例句1. Anybody can make mistakes.任何人都会犯错误例句2 Hecan not be there now.他现在不可能在那儿例句3.The weather can be very nice in winter.冬季气候可能很好can在作为“能力”或“可能性”的意义用时,不能表示将来时间,如果要表示将来时间,的用shall/willbe able to +动词原形这一句型.例如By the end ofthis year, you will be able to speak in English (表示能力)到今年年底你会用英语说话了Will you be ableto come ?(表示可能性)你明天可能来吗?3.表示允诺或请求许可You can go now.你现在可以走了You can have myseat , I am going now.你可以坐我的座位,我现在要走了Could 用法1.表示“能力”或“可能性”,作为can的过去式She can"t singnow, but she could when she was young .她现在不能唱歌了,但她年轻时能He said that hecouldn"t come .他说他不能来She askedwhether she could take the books out of the reading-room她问可不可以把书拿出阅览室2.代替表示现在时间的动作,但口气/语气比较/更加委婉Could you showme the way ?请你给我指一下路好吗?请你帮助我学英语语法好吗?Couldyou help me with my English grammar ?can/could 用于疑问句和否定句中详细用法讲解1.can/could 用于疑问句和否定句中,表示“怀疑”,“不相信”等态度Can /Could thenews be true?这个消息会是真的吗?He could/can hebe so careless?他怎么会这样粗心?It surelycouldn"t /can"t be four o"clock already不可能已经四点钟了2.can/could 用于疑问句和否定句中后面跟动词不定式(不带to)的完成式,表示对过去发生事件的”怀疑“或不肯定,而could比can更加表示说话人的”不肯定“的语气.例如下面句子My umbrella hasdisappeared, who could have taken it ?我的伞不见了,谁会拿呢?Can he have saidthat ?他会说这样的话吗?He can not havesaid that .他不可能说这样的话could +have done这一结构可表示过去可能完成,但事实上并没有实现的动作,例如下面句子He could have gone by bus,butHe went on foot.他本来可以坐车去得,但他走路去了I could havepassed the test,but I failed .我本来能考及格的,但我没及格三 may和 might详细用法讲解may 的用法1.表示”允许”或“请求别人允许”May I come in?---yes ,you do (yes, you may )我可以进来吗?----请进.May I borrowyour dictionary ?我可以借用你的字典吗?2.表示说话人的猜测,认为某一事情或许会发生,或某种情况可能会存在,例如下面句子He may be ill .他也许病了.The news may notbe true .消息也许不真实.might的用法1.表示允许,请求或可能性,作为may的过去式2.Theboy asked whether he might go to the cinema .男孩问他可不可以去看电影She was afraidthat they might not like the idea .她担心他们可能不赞成这个想法2.代替may,表示可以做得的事,或可能发生的事The radio saysthat it might rain today.收音机说今天有可能下雨It might beworth thinking about .这一点可能值得考虑这里might 不是may 的过去式,两者表示的时间是一样的,只是用might 时口气比较委婉,或实现的可能性更小些.may 和might用在感叹句中may 和might用在感叹句中,表示一种祝愿或愿望,例如下面句子May you succeed.祝你成功.He hoped that wemight have a very happy holiday .他祝愿我们过个非常愉快的节日may 和might常用在目的状语从句中He was studyingEnglish so that he might read English books他正在学英语,以便能阅读英语书籍He died so thatthe others might live为了使其他人能活下去,他自己牺牲了may 和might后加动词不定式(不带to)的完成式这一结构表示对过去的可能性的猜测,might较为含蓄委婉,或更加不肯定.He may (might)have missed the train .他也许么有赶上火车.She may(might)have gone.他也许走了.may /might+havedone :这一结构,说明某一事情在过去没有实现并含有”劝告“甚至”“责备”的意思You might havehelped me with my work.你本应帮助我工作才对(但是你没有)He might haveanswered my letter.他本应给我回封信(可是他没有回)You might havecome earlier .你本应早点来(可是你没有早来)四.must详细用法讲解must用法1.表示命令或义务,有“必须”,"应该"之意You must comeearlier tomorrow.你明天得早点来You must wipeyour feet before coming into the house.进入这房子以前,你必须把脚擦一擦The pupils weretold that they must write more neatly.学生们被告知他们必须书写得更工整些.2.must的否定式表示语气比较强烈的“不应该”“不许可”“禁止”We must"t wasteour time.我们不应该浪费时间.Books must notbe taken out of the reading-room.不准把书拿出阅览室.3.在表示“没有义务”的意思时用neednotYou need"t gohome , but I must .你不必回家,但我得回去.Must I be at themeeting by eight o"clock.No, you needn"t, but don"t be too late .我一定要在八点以前到会吗?不,不必,但也不要太迟.Must we hand inour exercises today ?我们必须今天交练习吗?No, you needn"t.不,不必今天交.4.表示推测,有“一定” “准时”之意(只用于肯定式)You have workedhard all day long. You must be tired .你苦干了一整天了,一定累了吧.Tom left here atfour o"clock , It"s five now, He must be home .汤姆是四点钟离开这儿的,现在五点了,他一定到家了.5.当 must 表示推测意义时,它的否定式用cannot 而不是mustnotHe looks soyoung, He can not be thirty.他看上去那么年轻,他不会有三十岁了吧must 加动词不定式(不带to)的完成式:这一结构表示对过去事件的推测,有“一定”“准是”之意The ground iswet, It must have rained last night地面是湿的,昨晚一定下雨了Tom is absent,He must have been ill 汤姆昨天缺席了,他一定是病了备注:概结构表示的推测是指对过去事情/事物的推测,前面4,5是指对现在或将来情况的推测.五,haveto 和must详细用法精品讲解have to +动词原形:have to +动词原形和must都用于谈论义务,表示“不得不”,“必须”.但是两者意思不尽相同.1.must用于主观上必须做得事情;二haveto 含有客观条件使得必须如此做的意思.I must studyhard.我必须努力学习(我自己想努力学习)(表示说话对自己主观上的一种态度)you must go toschool on time .你得准时/必须准时上学(说话人要听话人必须要做的事情)(表示说话对听话人主观上的一种态度)I have to studyhard我不得不努力学习(表示客观条件/情况迫使说话人必须要做的事情)you have to goto school on time.你不的不准时上学(表示客观上的某种制度或者规定迫使听话人必须准时上学,而不是说话人要求听话人必须要做的事情).2.have to 有较多的时态,must 却没有I had to get upat five o"clock every morning when I was young .我年轻时每天早上不得不5点钟起床(表示过去时)I shall have toget up very early tomorrow .我明天必须起得很早(表示将来时)六shall详细用法精品讲解shall用法:1.shall 作为情态动词用于第二,三人称,表示说话者的一种决定,允诺,或威胁He shall do it ,whether he wants to or not .不管他愿不愿意,他必须做这项工作(命令)You shall havean answer by tomorrow .到了明天你会得到答复的(允诺)2.在疑问句中,情态动词shall用于第一,三人称,表示说话人征求对方的意见或指示Shall I turn onthe light?我可以开灯吗?(征求对方意见)Shall he come tosee you ?他需要来看你吗?七will详细用法精品讲解1.will 作为情态动词可用于各种人称,表示“意志” “意愿” 和“决心”等I will do my best .我一定尽力而为.(表示意志)If you will wait a moment , I will come with you .如果你愿意等一会儿,我就和你一起来(表示意志)They won"t watch TV tonight今晚他们不看电视(表示决心)2.will 还可以表示习惯性的动作或状态He will sit for hours watching TV=He will sit watching TV forhours.他总是坐几个小时看电视Fish will die out of water.鱼儿离开水就不能活3.will 在疑问句中用于第二人称时表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问,Will you pass me the book?请你把这本书递给我好吗?Won"t you have some tea ?( some 表示希望能得到对方肯定回答)请喝点茶好吗?八should 详细用法精品讲解should的用法1.表示“应当” 或者“应该”的意思You should finish your homework before going out .你应该在外出之前完成家庭作业.You should listen to the teacher"s advice , you should payattention to the spelling in your writing.你应该听老师的忠告,在写作中你应该注意拼写.2.表示“预测” “可能”You should receive the parcel by next week.下星期你可能会收到邮包They should be home by now .他们现在可能到家了3.表示惊奇,赞叹,不满等情绪Why should you come so early today ?你今天怎么来得这么早(表示惊奇)Why should I go ?我为什么要去?(表示不满)should 后跟动词不定式(不带to)的完成式:这一结构指的是过去的事情.1.肯定句:说明某件事本应该完成而未完成You should have come earlier .你本应该早一点来.(但是你来晚了.)All the students should have passed the examination .所有的学生本应该都通过考试.(但是还是有人不及格.)2.否定句:表示发生了不应该发生的事情或者作了不应该做的事情.You should not have gone alone without companion .你本不应该没有同伴独自一个人去.(但是你是独自一个人去了.)He should not have worked late into the night.他不应该工作到深夜.(但是他工作到了深夜.)九:would详细用法精品讲解would的用法1.would是will的过去式,用于各种人称,表示过去时间的“意志","愿望” 和“决心”等He told me thathe would leave the following day.他告诉我他第二天离开.He promised thathe would do everything to help us .他答应要尽一切可能来帮助我们.2.would用来表示现在或将来时间,表达说话人本身的意志,或作礼貌的请求,邀请,语气较为婉转.Would you lendme a hand with the luggage ?请帮我搬搬行李好吗?would you mindmy opening the window ?你介意我打开窗户吗?或者,我打开窗户,你介意吗?He would like tohave a cup of tea .他想喝一杯茶.3.would表示过去习惯发生的动作.Every morning hewould go for a walk .他每天早上出去散步.When we werechildren we would go swimming every summer.我们小时候,每年夏天都去游泳.would后跟动词不定式(不带to)的完成式:这一结构表示过去的愿望未能实现.She would havegone with me , but she didn"t have time.她本来想和我一起去的,但是她没有时间.I would haverung you up , but I lost your telephone number.我本想给你打电话,但是我把你电话号码弄丢了十.ought详细用法精品讲解ought的用法1.ought to 加动词原形,表示有责任,有义务做某事(和should用法差不多,但是语气要稍重些)The studentsought to help each other .学生们应该互相帮助You ought not towrite so carelessly你不应当写得这样潦草2.表示揣想She ought to behome by now .现在她应该已经到家了.If he started atfive , he ought to be here now.如果他五点钟动身,现在他应当到了这儿了.ought 跟动词不定式的完成式:这一结构指的是过去的动作1.肯定式(oughtto have done):表示某件事情本应该做,而实际却没有做,相当于should have done表达意思.He ought to haveseen a doctor .他应该去看医生的(但他没有去看医生)You ought tohave returned these books to the library two weeks ago .两星期前你就应该把这些书归还给图书馆.(但实际上你没有去归还图书)2.否定句(oughtnot to have done )表示:一件事情本不应该发生的却发生了,或者说做了本不该做得事情,相当于shouldnot have done表达意思.You ought not tohave taken my dictionary without my permission .你本不应该未经过我许可就拿走我的字典.(不该发生的事情发生了;或者做了不该做得事情.)Children oughtnot to have drunk wine孩子们本不应该喝酒.(但是孩子们却喝了酒.)十一:need详细用法精品讲解dare 的用法1.在否定句和疑问句中:用法和其它情态动词一样,本身无变化,后面跟不带to的动词不定式,No one darespeak of it .没有人敢谈到这件事情.He dare not try他不敢试.Dare you go homealone?你敢独自一个人回家吗?Dare he admithis own mistake?他敢于承认自己的错误吗?2.在肯定句中:dare后可跟带to 的动词不定式,这时候,dare和实义动词一样Young peopleshould dare to think, dare to speak and dare to act .年轻人要敢想,敢说,敢干.3.dare做实义动词时用法:它的否定式和疑问句式要用助do来帮助完成,后面动词不定式to可以带I have neverdared to tell him about it .我一直不敢把这事情告诉他.The girl did notdare to go home alone .这个女孩不敢独自一个人回家.Do you dare tosay so ?你敢这么说吗?十二 need详细用法精品讲解need的用法和dare几乎完全相同.1.在否定句和疑问句中:用法和其它情态动词一样,本身无变化,后面跟不带to 的动词不定式.We needn"thurry.我们不必赶急Need we hand inexercises today ?我们今天需要交练习吗?2.在肯定句中:need和实义动词一样,后面跟带to的动词不定式,第三人称一般现在式加s,并有时态的变化.Every studentneeds to be on duty .每个学生都需要值日.3.作实义动词时:它的否定式和疑问式要用助动词来帮助完成,后面的动词不定式可带toDoes he need toknow it ?---No, he does need to .他需要知道这事情吗? 不,不需要.You don"t needto answer the question.你不需要回到这个问题.needn"t 后跟动词不定式(不带to)的完成式:这一结构指过去已经做了不需要做得事情.You needn"t havewatered the trees, as it is going to rain你本可以不必浇树,天要下雨了,(浇水这一动作已经发生了)When we reachedthe airport , the plane had not arrived yet, so we needn"t have hurried当我们到达机场时,飞机还没有抵达,所以我们本没有必要匆匆忙忙.(但实际上匆匆忙忙这一动作已经发生了.)

must/should/may/could have done.的用法和翻译…谢啦


UFA获准在普雷斯顿修建Park Houses住宅

伦敦Ushida Findlay Architects建筑师事务所(简称UFA)与Holmes设计咨询公司日前获准为一大家族五个家庭修建一个独特的生态友好住宅。 Park House (公园式住宅)意为公园里的住宅――享有一套房子的同时拥有一座公园,在喧闹的都市中尽情享受阳光、鲜氧、绿色、负离子等。Park Houses住宅的设计以波浪形的绿色屋顶为特色,将五个家庭和共同的休闲设施连接起来,并与周围的景观和自然环境形成一种微妙的融合。所有建筑都是四层的,总建筑面积约2,600O(基地面积为6,700O)。 整个住宅就是一个完美的持续性设计,充分利用了自然光源、太阳能和当地的材料。 在屋顶的“田地”里种植本地植物,与建筑本身共同构成一道美丽的风景。 UFA获准在普雷斯顿修建Park Houses住宅 UFA获准在普雷斯顿修建Park Houses住宅 UFA获准在普雷斯顿修建Park Houses住宅 UFA获准在普雷斯顿修建Park Houses住宅 UFA获准在普雷斯顿修建Park Houses住宅 UFA获准在普雷斯顿修建Park Houses住宅

No rose without a thorn. 的英文意思解释





没有源数据,分析不到位,最好上个图。从公式的字面意思如下:取J2单元格中的小时数转换成分钟,再与J2合计后(有疑点,如何合计到一起),整除15,再将得数截取整数部分 乘以 E2 的值。本人对hour(J2)*60+(J2)有疑点,是不是求值如下?建议: E2*(TRUNC((HOUR(J2)*60+MINUTE(J2))/15)+1)



你不应该用一个姿势久坐英文翻译you shouldn·t sit


移魂都市的原声 sway 一分40多秒的 女主角唱的 和 the night has a thousands eyes 谁有啊 好心人啊!!

你好 能把移魂都市原声 sway 和 the night has a thousand eyes 发给我吗 ?lwj627@qq.com 万分感激



Ten days later ,all the old houses ____ a.were pulled down b.will pull down

a. were pulled downTen days later ,all the old houses【were pulled down】翻译: 十天后,所有的老房子都被拆毁了。这里应该用被动语态。

少儿英语歌曲:The House That Jack Built

 This is the house that Jack built.   This is the cat   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the man all tattered and torn,   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the   crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the priest all shaven and shorn,   That married the man all tattered and torn,   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the cock that crowed in the morn,   That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,   That married the man all tattered and torn,   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the farmer sowing the corn,   That kept the the cock that crowed in the morn,   That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,   That married the man all tattered and torn,   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.

No garden is without weeds 没有不长草的园子 什么含义

指没有什么事物是完美的.这里的weed 指的是杂草. 通常在议论文中用于转折写出某一事物的缺点.

No garden without weeds 这句话什么意思


the (lone) man lives (lone) in a (lone) house

the lonely man lives alone in a lonely house.1.alone是“单独一人”、“没有同伴”的意思,强调客观上的一个人或没有外人。但有时也可表示主观上的“孤寂”。在句中多作表语,不作前置定语,还可用作副词作状语。例如: He is all alone.他孤身一人。(用作表语) He feels alone.他感到孤单。(有时表示主观上的孤寂) He lives alone.他单独生活。(用作状语) 2.lonely可以有“独自一人的”和“寂寞的”两个意思。除表示“单独”外还带有感情上感到寂寞的情绪。在句中既可作表语,也可作前置定语。用于地点时可以表示“荒凉的”、“偏僻的”。例如:Though he is a lonely traveller,he doesn"t feel lonely.虽然他是一个孤单的旅客,他并不感到寂寞。 He lives in a lonely village.他住在一个荒凉的村庄里。 3.lone是“孤单的”、“单独的”意思,通常只用作定语。表示“单独的”意思时可与lonely换用,但不可以用作表示“寂寞”。 如 a lonely traveller独自旅行的人,a lone village in the mountain孤独的山村 如 a lonely traveller独自旅行的人,a lone village in the mountain孤独的山村lonely的用法lonely 表示“寂寞的”、“孤寂的”,带有较强感情色彩,相当于 sad because one lacks friends or companions,可用来说明人,也可用来说明 life, days, years 等; 可用作表语或定语。如:可用作表语或定语。如:He has been very lonely since his wife left him. 自他妻子离开他后,他一直感到很寂寞。The story is about a lonely old man and his dog. 这个故事讲的是一个寂寞的老人和他的狗。Hers is a lonely life. 她的生活很寂寞。若不带感情色彩,只是表示“孤单的“”、“没有伴侣”(without companions),则通常只用作定语。如:a lonely traveller 孤单的旅客 He lives a lonely life in the tree farm. 他在林场里过着孤单的生活。有时表示“荒凉的”、“偏僻的”,用来说明地方,此时多用作定语。如:He was taken to a lonely island. 他被带到了一个荒岛上。Antarctica is the loneliest place on earth. 南极是地球上最偏远的地区。希望能帮到你~~

Roadhouse Blues 歌词

歌曲名:Roadhouse Blues歌手:Albert King专辑:Blues At SunriseRoad House BluesThe DoorsAh keep your eyes on the road,Your hands upon the wheel.Keep your eyes on the roadYour hands upon the wheel.Yeah, were going to the roadhouse,Gonna have a real good-time.Yeah, the back of the roadhouse,Theyve got some bungalows.Yeah, the back of the roadhouse,Theyve got some bungalows.They dance for the peopleWho like to go down slow.Let it roll, baby, roll.Let it roll, baby, roll.Let it roll, baby, roll.Let it roll, all night long.Do it, robby, do it!You gotta roll, roll, roll,You gotta thrill my soul, alright.Roll, roll, roll, roll-aThrill my soul.Ashen-lady.Ashen-lady.Give up your vows.Give up your vows.Save our city.Save our city.Ah, right now.Well, I woke up this morningAnd I got myself a beer.Well, I woke up this morningAnd I got myself a beer.The futures uncertainAnd the end is always near.Let it roll, baby, roll.Let it roll, baby, roll.Let it roll, baby, roll.Let it roll, all night long.http://music.baidu.com/song/10258032

14/F. Oxford House, Taikoo Place, 979 Kingu2019s road

香港 京士道979号太古城 牛津大厦14楼

《The Story of an Hour》读后感

The Story of an Hour是一篇非常著名的短篇小说,作者凯特u2022肖邦叙述了女主人公Mrs. Mallard (Louise)在得知丈夫过世之后的一系列反应。课堂上,老师说已有许多名家对这篇小说做出评论,但不知为何,第一次读这篇小说时就感觉有一种莫名的熟悉。以下是我自己的一些看法: 由小说的第三段“She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister"s arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her.”可见小说的女主人公Mrs. Mallard是一位Untraditioanal的现代女性。这主要体现在两个方面:第一,她是一位女性。她的内心也很脆弱,在得知丈夫去世时她会悲痛,也会哭泣。第二,她是一位Untraditioanal的现代女性。她不会歇斯底里的无法接受丈夫去世的事实,相反的,她很平静,很坚强,也很独立。她不愿在朋友甚至是妹妹面前伤心。也许她需要的不是别人的安慰而是独自的和解。因而她会回到自己的房间,独自消化。房间里的布置还是那么的温馨、和谐。坐在扶椅上,她却感到整个人都垮了。生活似乎已没有了希望。望着窗外,树叶已生新芽,细雨绵绵,人们的生活依旧如故。此时的她是否想起了和丈夫在一起的幸福时光?如果他还活着,不,就算他真的已不在了,他一定希望自己还像以前一样活着,不是吗?透过厚厚的云层她看到了一片蓝天,那一定是丈夫在看着她吧。看着看着,她无意识的把头靠在椅罩上,像个孩子在睡梦中抽泣着。也许她是在梦里和丈夫重逢了吧。 她还年轻,也很漂亮,她的脸部的轮廓中透露着一种自制和力量。此刻,她目光呆滞的看着那一点蓝天,好像在想些什么… … 无论是从丈夫对自己的期望还是从自己的实际情况来看,她都应该尽快走出阴影,但她却感到害怕。那么,她害怕什么呢?也许她是怕自己真的会不再想他吧。是的,她是那么深深的爱着他。正因为这种爱让她不再哭泣,她是怕他知道了要伤心吗?可是,她知道当她看到丈夫的尸体时她会无法控制自己,她会想起他们共同度过的幸福生活,她会叹息以后要独自面对生活,她还会哭泣。但是,现在,她要坚强的张开双手“迎接”新生活的到来,因为他希望自己是这么做的。以后的生活她不将再为任何人而活,她要为自己而活,因为丈夫已经成为她自己的一部分。但她清楚无论这种想法是好还是坏,这种想法本身就是矛盾的,因为她真的要垮了。 “就算她有时爱他吧,但大多时候她并不爱他。那又怎样!”她这样安慰自己。是的,现在她恢复了理智,爱情的谜底就算没有解开那又有什么关系呢?现在,让一切都恢复正常吧!接着她就开始筹划以后的日子。她于是感到整个人都轻松了好多。 过了一会儿,在妹妹的要求下,她开了门.和妹妹一块下楼。正在这时Mr. Mallard拖着疲惫的身体进了门,我们的Louise,因极度的兴奋,死于心脏病。有人说这是一篇女权主义作品,文中Louise因能够脱离丈夫的控制而欣喜不已,又因丈夫归来而在失望中死去。我赞成Louise是一位独立的女性,但我更相信她是深爱着她的丈夫的。因为她是一位独立的女性,她有思想,有理性,所以她不会歇斯底里,她会从她丈夫的角度来考虑问题;因为她深爱着她的丈夫,所以她能够战胜内心的痛苦,不断的告诉自己要像以前一样生活;因为她对丈夫的爱让她看到丈夫安然无恙时因极度兴奋而死去。总的来说,她的爱是矛盾的,因为她的爱让自己相信她不爱;她的爱还是痛苦的,因为她注定要在不断的挣扎中生存。从女性的角度来说Louise的fancy就是她爱丈夫最好的证明。From the part of a female, Louise"s fancy is the best truth for her love.这仅是我个人的一点理解Classical short story of Kate Chopin! I like it very much! The end is opening: You can say that it is a tradegy of a woman who gets freedom finally, and you can also say that it is a victory of a woman.Kate Chopin was a forgotten American voice until her literary reputation was resuscitated by critics in the 1950s. Today her novel The Awakening (1899) the story of a sensual, determined woman who insists on her independence, is widely read and highly honored, a feminist work which was decidedly ahead of its time. Born Katherine O"FIaherty into an upper-middle-class family in St. Louis, she married Oscar Chopin when she was twenty and moved to her husband"s home in Louisiana. In the ten years that she resided in Louisiana she was aware of and receptive to Creole, Cajun, black, and Indian cultures, and when she later came to write fiction, she would incorporate people from these cultures in her work, especially her short stories. When her husband died as a young man, Kate Chopin returned to St. Louis with her six children. Financially secure, she began writing fiction as best she could while rearing her children. She is a good example of an American realist, someone trying to represent life the way it actually is lived, and she acknowledged her debt to the contemporary French naturalists Emile Zola and Guy de Maupassant. Does the psychological ambivalence dramatized in "The Story of an Hour" ring true or uncomfortably real when we consider honestly our own feelings?

The Story of an Hour这篇文章的中心思想是什么?

The Story of an Hour是一篇非常著名的短篇小说,作者凯特u2022肖邦叙述了女主人公Mrs. Mallard (Louise)在得知丈夫过世之后的一系列反应。课堂上,老师说已有许多名家对这篇小说做出评论,但不知为何,第一次读这篇小说时就感觉有一种莫名的熟悉。以下是我自己的一些看法: 由小说的第三段“She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister"s arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her.”可见小说的女主人公Mrs. Mallard是一位Untraditioanal的现代女性。这主要体现在两个方面:第一,她是一位女性。她的内心也很脆弱,在得知丈夫去世时她会悲痛,也会哭泣。第二,她是一位Untraditioanal的现代女性。她不会歇斯底里的无法接受丈夫去世的事实,相反的,她很平静,很坚强,也很独立。她不愿在朋友甚至是妹妹面前伤心。也许她需要的不是别人的安慰而是独自的和解。因而她会回到自己的房间,独自消化。房间里的布置还是那么的温馨、和谐。坐在扶椅上,她却感到整个人都垮了。生活似乎已没有了希望。望着窗外,树叶已生新芽,细雨绵绵,人们的生活依旧如故。此时的她是否想起了和丈夫在一起的幸福时光?如果他还活着,不,就算他真的已不在了,他一定希望自己还像以前一样活着,不是吗?透过厚厚的云层她看到了一片蓝天,那一定是丈夫在看着她吧。看着看着,她无意识的把头靠在椅罩上,像个孩子在睡梦中抽泣着。也许她是在梦里和丈夫重逢了吧。 她还年轻,也很漂亮,她的脸部的轮廓中透露着一种自制和力量。此刻,她目光呆滞的看着那一点蓝天,好像在想些什么… … 无论是从丈夫对自己的期望还是从自己的实际情况来看,她都应该尽快走出阴影,但她却感到害怕。那么,她害怕什么呢?也许她是怕自己真的会不再想他吧。是的,她是那么深深的爱着他。正因为这种爱让她不再哭泣,她是怕他知道了要伤心吗?可是,她知道当她看到丈夫的尸体时她会无法控制自己,她会想起他们共同度过的幸福生活,她会叹息以后要独自面对生活,她还会哭泣。但是,现在,她要坚强的张开双手“迎接”新生活的到来,因为他希望自己是这么做的。以后的生活她不将再为任何人而活,她要为自己而活,因为丈夫已经成为她自己的一部分。但她清楚无论这种想法是好还是坏,这种想法本身就是矛盾的,因为她真的要垮了。 “就算她有时爱他吧,但大多时候她并不爱他。那又怎样!”她这样安慰自己。是的,现在她恢复了理智,爱情的谜底就算没有解开那又有什么关系呢?现在,让一切都恢复正常吧!接着她就开始筹划以后的日子。她于是感到整个人都轻松了好多。 过了一会儿,在妹妹的要求下,她开了门.和妹妹一块下楼。正在这时Mr. Mallard拖着疲惫的身体进了门,我们的Louise,因极度的兴奋,死于心脏病。有人说这是一篇女权主义作品,文中Louise因能够脱离丈夫的控制而欣喜不已,又因丈夫归来而在失望中死去。我赞成Louise是一位独立的女性,但我更相信她是深爱着她的丈夫的。因为她是一位独立的女性,她有思想,有理性,所以她不会歇斯底里,她会从她丈夫的角度来考虑问题;因为她深爱着她的丈夫,所以她能够战胜内心的痛苦,不断的告诉自己要像以前一样生活;因为她对丈夫的爱让她看到丈夫安然无恙时因极度兴奋而死去。总的来说,她的爱是矛盾的,因为她的爱让自己相信她不爱;她的爱还是痛苦的,因为她注定要在不断的挣扎中生存。从女性的角度来说Louise的fancy就是她爱丈夫最好的证明。From the part of a female, Louise"s fancy is the best truth for her love.这仅是我个人的一点理解Classical short story of Kate Chopin! I like it very much! The end is opening: You can say that it is a tradegy of a woman who gets freedom finally, and you can also say that it is a victory of a woman.Kate Chopin was a forgotten American voice until her literary reputation was resuscitated by critics in the 1950s. Today her novel The Awakening (1899) the story of a sensual, determined woman who insists on her independence, is widely read and highly honored, a feminist work which was decidedly ahead of its time. Born Katherine O"FIaherty into an upper-middle-class family in St. Louis, she married Oscar Chopin when she was twenty and moved to her husband"s home in Louisiana. In the ten years that she resided in Louisiana she was aware of and receptive to Creole, Cajun, black, and Indian cultures, and when she later came to write fiction, she would incorporate people from these cultures in her work, especially her short stories. When her husband died as a young man, Kate Chopin returned to St. Louis with her six children. Financially secure, she began writing fiction as best she could while rearing her children. She is a good example of an American realist, someone trying to represent life the way it actually is lived, and she acknowledged her debt to the contemporary French naturalists Emile Zola and Guy de Maupassant. Does the psychological ambivalence dramatized in "The Story of an Hour" ring true or uncomfortably real when we consider honestly our own feelings?

读《The Story of an Hour》,有感!

《The Story of an Hour》是美国作家Kate Chopin的短篇小说,讲述的是一个叫Louise Mallard的女人在收到丈夫死讯后,在一段短暂的时间里快乐地预见自己未来的自由,最后发现丈夫并没有死去,最后因为这个冲动而死亡。这篇小说通过Louise Mallard的故事展示了一种对婚姻的不满和对自由的渴望。在故事中,她的丈夫并不是个好丈夫,而是一个压抑的人,她的婚姻并不幸福。在得知丈夫死讯后,她终于可以感受到自由的喜悦,并且预见自己未来的自由。然而,当她发现丈夫并没有死去时,她无法承受这个打击,终于死去。这篇小说突出了女性在社会中的地位和自我意识的重要性。它揭示了如何在压抑的社会中,女性对于自由和独立的渴望,并且表现出了她们为了自由而不顾一切的精神。 小说中的Louise Mallard是一个非常强烈的女性人物,她的行为和决定表明了她对于自己的意识和对于自由的渴望。读完这篇小说,我对于女性在社会中的地位有了更深刻的理解。我们应该尊重和支持女性对于自由和独立的追求,并且支持她们在社会中发挥更大的作用。另外,这篇小说也启发我思考了家庭和婚姻的真正意义。 Louise在家庭中一直被压抑,她的丈夫对她的控制和管束使她感到窒息。而在她丈夫“死亡”后,她短暂的自由和独立给了她生活的新希望和力量。这使我们看到婚姻不应该是压抑和控制,而应该是支持和尊重彼此。总之,《The Story of an Hour》是一篇非常有力量和感染力的小说,它让我对于女性地位和家庭婚姻有了更深刻的思考。我相信,它对于其他读者来说也会有同样的影响。

The Story of an Hour的中文翻译是:

翻译为"一小时的故事""The Story of an Hour"是美国作家Kate Chopin的一篇短篇小说,讲述了主人公Louise Mallard在得知丈夫去世后,短暂的释放和欢欣,最后又因为丈夫并没有死去而悲痛崩溃的故事。整篇小说揭示了主人公对婚姻和女性自由的思考和感悟。

一个半小时用英语可以说 one and a half hours 或 one hour and


one and half an hour等于什么

错误:one and half an hour 正确:one and a half hours/ one hour and a half/ an hour and a half

一个半小时 英语 one and a half hours 这个hour需要复数吗?


一个半小时 英语 one and a half hours 这个hour需要复数吗?


one and half an hour表达一个半小时对不对?


one and a half hours 和one hour and a half的区别

half a/an, a half 与 half,half of 的用法1. 在表示"半......"的数量时,一般用half a...或half an...。例如:half a year(半年), half an hour(半小时), half a day(半天)。在表示一个数量单位时,不定冠词在half之前, half与单位之间加连字符"-"。但在美国英语中,无论是表示数量还是单位都不加连字符。例如:a half-apple / a half apple(半个苹果)。2. 在表示"一个半小时"时可以说:one and a half hours或one/an hour and a half;"二个半小时"可以说:two and a half hours 或 two hours and a half。注意上述两组表示名词复数"s"位置的变化。3. half的用法与all和both相同,既可用作形容词(或称限定词)修饰名词,如 half the year, half the work, half the fruit,亦可用作不定代词,受of短语修饰,如:half of the work, half of the year, half of the fruit。这两种表达形式在意义上没有明显的区别。例如:① Half (of) the girls are foreigners. 这些姑娘有一半是外国人。② Half (of) the fruit was bad. 水果有一半是坏的。③ Half(of) my friends live in this city. 我的朋友有一半住在这个城市。④ In 1620, about half(of) the USA was covered by forests. 在1620年,美国一半的土地被森林覆盖着。注意:1) "half +名词或half of+名词"作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式由所接名词的单复数形式来决定,名词是中心词(见上例句)。2) half, half of后面所接的名词前,必须有表示限定含义的冠词、指示代词、物主代词等等(见上例句)。3) 如果是人称代词,则只能用half of,而且人称代词要用宾格。例如:① Only half of them came last Sunday. 上星期天他们只有一半人来。(不能说: Only half them...或Only half they...)② Half of you are wrong. 你们一半人都错了。(不能说:Half you...)③ They invited half of us. 他们邀请了我们一半人。 (不能说:......half us.)4)在谈论距离、长度和数量时,只能用half,一般不用half of。例如:①His old house is half a mile down the road.他的旧居在沿着这条路往下走半英里的地方。②Mr Smith drank half a bottle of whisky last night. 史密斯先生昨晚喝了半瓶威士忌酒。5) half作代词时,后面不跟名词,前面也不使用定冠词。例如:① We only need half. 我们只需要一半。(不能说:We only need the half.)② I gave her half, and kept half for myself. 我给了她一半,自己留了一半。(不能说: I gave the half, ...)4. half也可用作副词。例如:① I half agree with you. 我不完全同意你的意见。② This meal is only half-cooked. 这顿饭做得只有半熟。5. 副词half和not连用,在口语中较为常见。not half 是反语,意为"一点也不;非常地;......极了"等。例如:① It is not half bad.(=It is very good.) 很好(很不错)!② The story is not half interesting. 这个故事很有趣。③ -Do you like Chinese tea? 你喜欢喝中国茶吗?-Oh, not half!噢,喜欢极了!6. 在一本《高中英语解题题典》中有下面一道题(答案是B):He cut the cake_________.A. in halves B. in halfC. into halves D. into half而在另一本《中学英语错解辨析辞典》中给出了下面这道题(答案是C):The arrow split the apple________.A. in halfs B. into halfC. into halves D. into halves很多师生问:上述二道题究竟哪个说法是正确的呢?笔者认为:cut sth. in half / into halves / in halves的说法都是正确的。只是in halves用得较少。请看下面的实例。① cut in half(into halves) 对切;切成两半(《最新高级英汉词典》p.492)② Please cut it in half (into halves).请把它切成两半。(《英汉大词典》p.1441)③ Fold the bill in half and then in half again.(Essentials of Mathematics,1977)把这张纸币对折一次,然后再对折一次。④ Cut it in halves.(ALD)把它切成两半。以上资源来源网页 的这热心的网友:https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/7324478

一个半小时 英语 one and a half hours 这个hour需要复数吗?


one hour and a half是错的吗

这种是中国式英语表达,如果是口语也能听懂,考试使用是错误的。一般使用one and a half hours或者 A half-hour 较多。短语一个半小时的路程 A half-hour away ; A half-hour"s walk历时一个半小时 lasted for half an hour每天工作一个半小时 A half-hour working day

one half an hour

Half an hour - 半小时 an hour and a half - 一个半小时 one and a half hours - 一个半小时 one half hour - 半小时 所以只有两个半小时

one half hour 到底是半小时还是1个半小时

one half hour=one hour and a half 意思是:一个半小时。

one and one-half thousand million dollars 翻译?

million 意思是百万 thousand million =billion十亿 one and one-half 意思是1.5 one and one-half thousand million dollars 意思是15亿

是one and half hours还是one and half hour

你好:one hour and a half 或one and a half hours祝学习进步,天天快乐!万事如意,心想事成!满意请采纳!谢谢!:)

House Of God, Forever 歌词

歌曲名:House Of God, Forever歌手:Jon Foreman专辑:Limbs And BranchesThe House Of God, ForeverJon ForemanGod is my shepherdI won"t be wantingI won"t be wantingHe makes me restIn fields of greenWith quite streamsEven though I walkThrough the valleyOf death and dyingI will not fear"Cause you are with meYou are with meYour shepherd staffComforts meYou are my feastIn the presence of enemySurely goodnessFollow meFollow meIn the house of God, foreverGod is my shepherdI won"t be wantingI won"t be wantingHe makes me restIn fields of greenLike quiet streamsEven while I"m walkingThrough the valleyOf death and dyingI will not fear"Cause you are with meYou"re always with meYour shepherd staffComforts meYou are my feastIn the presence of enemySurely goodnessFollow meFollow meIn the house of God, foreverIn the house of God, foreverIn the house of God, foreverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2542638

would could should might .....有什么区别

一.shall和will的用法1、shall 用在第一、三人称,will 用于第二人称表示“征求意见”。Shall I go now? Shall we invite her, too? Will you help me with the work?Shall the reporters wait outside or what? 2、shall表示依据规定有义务去做。 Passengers shall not talk with the driver while the bus is moving.3、shall 用于所有人称,表示说话人的许诺、威胁、警告、命令等。You shall have an answer by tomorrow. If he"s good, he shall have a new watch for Christmas. If you children don"t do as I tell you, you shan"t go to the party. 4、would 可以表示过去的习惯(would 可表示反复发生的动作或某种倾向。used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态,强调现在已不存在)He would come to see me on Sunday when he was here. The dog would lie there in the sun all afternoon. When we were children, we would go skating every winter. 5、will可以表示“愿意”,而非将来:I will pay you for it. 我会付给你钱买下它的。Go where you will. 到你愿意去的地方。We"re going on a climbing trip. Come if you will. 6、will可以表示倾向、习惯(总是会,老是等意思)Sometimes the cat will lie there all morning. Oil and water will not mix. This machine won"t work. 二、can/could 的用法1、表示具备某种能力。The nine-year old boy can swim across the river. Can you swim across the river? We couldn"t get the truck to start. 2、表示“征询对方意见”和“允许”(could 语气委婉)。回答不用 could.Can /could I smoke here? Yes, you can. No, you cannot. Could you tell me where John is? 3、表示“可能性”。(否定句疑问句常见,肯定句也可以) Can/Could it be true? 那会/可能是真的。That can"t/couldn"t be true. 那不可能是真的。Will you answer the phone? It could be your mother. 三.may/might 的用法1、表示“征询对方意见”和“允许”。May I turn on the TV? Yes, of course. Yes, you can/may.No, you can"t/may not /mustn"t /I"m afraid not.You may go home now. 2、表示可能性,“也许”。常用于肯定句。You may/might have some fever. 你也许发烧了。He said that the news might be true. 他说这消息可能是真的。They may/might be having a bath. 他们也许正在洗澡。四.must的用法1、表示“必须Patients must use medicine according to the doctor"s orders.2、表示推测,只用于肯定句。在否定句或疑问句中,用can/could:There must be a mistake. Can/Could there be a mistake There can"t/couldn"t be a mistake. He must be over sixty now. They must be watching the news now. They can"t/couldn"t be watching the news now. 3、注意must 的回答:Must the ladies wear dresses? yes, they must. No, they don"t have to. / they needn"t. Can/May I come in? No, you can"t / mustn"t. 4.表示禁止。 Children mustn"t go across the street alone.五.表示“推测”的表达法总结(1)表示对现在和将来状况的推测:must 一定,may 可能,might 也许,can"t 不可能。(2)对已经过去的情况的推测,用“情态动词+have+ done”结构:① must have done 过去一定已经…(只用于肯定句中)② can"t / couldn"t have done 过去不可能--- (表示否定)③ may/might have done 可能已经---- ④ needn"t have done 本来不必做--- ⑤ could have done那时本来可以…(在肯定句中,不可用can)⑥ should have done 本来应该做---(实际未做)⑦ shouldn"t / oughtn"t to have done 本不应该做-----(实际做了)例如:He must have been drinking beer. 他肯定一直喝啤酒来着。The money can"t have been lost there. 钱不可能是在那儿丢的。He may have gone to bed. 他可能已经上床睡觉了。She might not have settled the problem. 她可能尚未解决那个问题。We could have solved the problem in a more reasonable fashion. You should have come here ten minutes earlier. She should / ought to have gone there alone. 六、need的用法1、作为情态动词,need一般只用于否定句和疑问句中。You needn"t try to explain. Need we stay here this evening? 2、Need 作为实意动词可用在所有句型中。She needs to come tomorrow. You don"t need any help from others. Do they need this? 七、dare的用法1.做情态动词,通常用于疑问句,否定句和条件状语从句中。Dare he swim across the river? He dare not come to see me. How dare you be so rude! 你竟敢如此无礼!2.做实意动词:Do you dare to ask her? 你敢问她吗?He didn"t dare to go. 他不敢去。八.should/ought to的用法两者大多数情况下可以互换。1、表示道义上的责任,义务或要求,有时表示劝告。如:You ought to /should pay more attention to what your lawyer says. This word is spelt wrongly. There should be another “s”.2. 表示推测和可能性,是“应该”之意。This pen ought to /should be yours. 这支笔应该是你的。If the train is up to time, John should/ought to be here any minute now. 如果火车晚点的话,John现在马上就应该到了。3、表示讲话人惊奇,失望,愤怒等感情:What"s happened to that money? How should I know? 那些钱怎么了?-我怎么知道?It"s strange that he should have lost his temper for such trivial things as that. 真奇怪,他竟然为这么小的事情发脾气。Why should I believe you? 我为什么要相信你?think of v. 考虑, 关心, 想起, 想象, 有...的看法, 记起 think of think of (about),dream of (about) think of (about) 可以用来表示对问题的看法或考虑某件事: 表示“认为”时,不用进行时态 I think of it as impossible. 我认为这是不可能的。 What do you think about it? 你认为这件事怎么样? I think that the doctor had better see you. 我想最好还是请医生来看看你。 表示计划或想法时可以用进行时态。 She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again. 她把那只瓶扔进海里,从未再想起它。 I"m thinking of going to university next year. 我在考虑明年上大学。 dream of (about)的含义是“考虑那些自己认为不会发生的事”,这时应当用介词of,在表示“梦中看到什么”时,通常用about。 表示梦中见到。 I dreamed about you last night. 我昨夜里梦到你了。 He often dreams about home. 他常常梦到家乡。 当用来表示“想到”时,通常用of I never dreamed of happiness like this. 我过去做梦也没想到象这样幸福。 My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. 我的女儿珍尼过去做梦也没想到会收到与她年龄的一位荷兰姑娘的来信。 -------------------------------------------- think about v. 考虑, 回想

请问文中两个should be各是谁的谓语动词?

第一个:buildings第二个:my conclusion




house偏重于建筑,是个房子。 shelter偏重于寄宿的感觉, home指的是温暖的家 —————我是活雷锋,为人民服务!亲的好评是我前进的动力!


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