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SAP No batch input data for screen SAPLSPO1 0100这个是什么原因,请大神赐教!


我在sap录出来的代码中 就加了个for循环 结果代码就不好用了错误提示“No batch input data for screen SA

看起来是导致没有数据进行batch input了

神秘园 Secret Garden Greenwaves 的 中文歌词

Greenwaves 碧波荡漾 remember a meadow one morning in May对某个五月清晨的草场场记忆犹新With a sky full of dreams that sailed in that day那一天,空中驰骋着天马行空的梦I was dancing through green waves of grass like the sea在犹如碧波荡漾的草海中我尽情地舞蹈For a moment in tome I could feel I was free一瞬间,我可以感觉到无拘无束的自由There are waves of forgiveness and waves of regret宽容和遗憾在这碧波中舞动And the first waves of true love I will never forget我将永远对那第一个象征真爱的草波无法释怀In the meadow that morning as I wondered alone在那个清晨,在那个草场,我独自沉思There were green waves of yearning for life那是渴求生命的碧波*Take me home to the meadow that cradles my heart带我回归到抚摸我心灵的草场where the waves reach as far as you can see那里碧草连天Take me home to the meadow we"ve been true love apart带我归家,回到真爱分离的那个草场I can still hear you calling for me*我仍然听见你对我的呼唤What I gave to remember that heavenly state在我记忆中的天国Just a moment in time or mine to create仅仅在自我创造的那一刻As I am taking my last breath I known what I will see当我深呼最后一口气的时候,我深知我将看到什么There will be green waves forever out there waiting for me这里将永久的碧波荡漾并向外延伸,等待我的到来


Consumed by this greedy disposition 被这贪婪的处置销蚀I give no thanks for all that"s been given to me 我对这一切给我的没有感激I"m so concerned with selfish ambition 我很关心我自私的野心I see what I want and look past what I need 我明白我想要的,回头看我需要的It"s time to forget myself 是时候忘记我自己了Tell me where to find shelter somewhere here告诉我这哪可找到庇护 Impatience takes its toll 不耐烦收取了他的费用(嘻嘻,不好翻,直译!我猜意思应该是:我为不耐烦付出了代价)It"s such a hefty fare for me to pay 这对我真是一笔高额的费用Indifference takes control 冷漠0控制了(翻成中文没宾语)I guess I"ll keep that outside at bay 我想我会让它保持在海湾之外I don"t care if I ever change我不在乎我从未改变




green和fifteen的ee读音相同 ,都是/i:/green 英[gri:n] 美[ɡrin]adj. 绿色的; 未熟的,青春的; 未成熟的; 主张保护环境的;n. 绿色蔬菜; 绿色的衣服; 植物;vi. 绿化,使重视环境保护问题;[例句]Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant.开罗居民的人均绿地面积仅13平方厘米。fifteen 英[ˌfɪfˈti:n] 美[fɪfˈtin]n. 十五; 十五个人组成的橄榄球队;[例句]This room is five metres by three, or fifteen square metres.这间屋子是五米的三米,合十五平方米。亲爱的请关注我哟!

英语学习资料:Green Lantern《绿灯侠》经典电影台词(2)

剧情:哈尔的家人都很不认可哈尔这种玩命的举动。哈尔的小侄子看见哈尔平安归来,激动地抱住了他…… 绿灯战士阿宾·苏尔在死前让自己的魔力戒指出发去寻找新的主人,这只戒指选定了哈尔·乔丹。 影片对白: Abin Sur: Choose well. TV: A test pilot"s daring maneuvers almost ended in tragedy. Witnesses say pilot Hal Jordan ejected at the last possible second...before his jet crashed in the open desert. He"s the son of the late Martin Jordan...who was killed in his own ill-fated test flight back in 1993. We are told that Hal Jordan is doing fine right now...though we have yet to hear an official statement. Hal: Hey, guys. TV: The incident has been a blow to a new high-tech aircraft program... Jack: Hey. How was work? Hal: Oh. It was amazing, Jack. Thank you for asking. Hey, Janice. Jack: Just help me out here, because I"m really trying to understand this. Hal: Mm-hm. Jack: Do you wanna be like him so bad? Hal: You just assume it"s my fault. Jack: I talked to Carl. Hal: Oh. Heh, heh. Jack: You pushed the plane past its limits-- Hal: That"s my job. It was an accident. Everybody walked away. Jack: Like your motorcycle accident that put you in the hospital for a month? Hal: You know, I miss all this quality family time. Good talk, Jack. Jack: God. Janice: Jack. Come on. Jim: You okay? Hal: Where"s Jason? Jim: In his room. Hal: Why? (Knocking on door) Hey, it"s Uncle Hal. What"s up there, ace? This is the worst 11th birthday party I"ve ever been to. No dancing girls? What"s going on--? Hey. Hey. I"m fine. Jason: I guess I got a little freaked out or something. Hal: It happens. Jason: Not to you. Hal: Look... I told you that you don"t have anything to worry about. You wanna know why? Yeah, I may be a total screw-up in every other part of my life...but the one thing I do know how to do is fly. Hey, got you something, birthday boy. Wrapped it myself. Jason: Cool. It"s an X-1, right? Hal: It"s a Starfighter. My dad gave me that. Let"s put it up. Jason: What happened today? I mean, when you crashed. Hal: Not really sure, exactly. Jason: Were you scared? Hal: It"s my job not to be. You know, you"re totally missing your super-lame birthday party. Beat it. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Jason: I"m glad you"re okay. Hal: Me too, ace. (grunting) Hal: Get off! No! Aah! No! Come on, stay with me. Stay with me. I"m gonna get you some help. You"re gonna be okay. You"re gonna be okay. Okay, hold on. Abin Sur: Your name. Your name. Hal: It"s Hal. Hal Jordan. Abin Sur: Hal Jordan, I am Abin Sur, protector of Sector 2814. Hal: Okay, hey, listen. We"re gonna get you to a hospital, okay? Okay? One that carries purple blood. Abin Sur: The chose you. Take it! Place the ring in the lantern. Place the ring, speak the oath... Hal: What? Abin Sur: Great honor, responsibility... Hal: I don"t understand. Breathe. You gotta breathe, okay? All you gotta do is breathe. Just breathe, okay? Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no. Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. Come on, man. No, no, no, don"t do that. Hey, now, don"t do that. Oh, e on. 词汇: 1. daring: 大胆的,勇敢的;敢于冒险的。请看例句:He had proved himself a most daring airman.(他已证明自己是个极其勇敢的飞行员。) 2. maneuver: (船、飞机等的)机动动作。 3. eject: (从飞机、太空船中)弹射出来。 4. ill-fated: 不幸的。 5. help out: 帮助……摆脱困难。看一下例子:His father helped him out when he lost his job.(他失业时父亲帮他摆脱困难。) 6. ace: 能手,佼佼者。 7. freaked out: 吓坏了。 8. screw-up: 失败者。 9. starfighter: 星际战斗机。

philip green怎么读


made from tbe finest green gold ceylon是什么


green teabalancing cleansing oil 是什么意思

  Green Tea Balancing Cleansing Oil的中文翻译  Green Tea Balancing Cleansing Oil   绿茶平衡卸妆油


绿茶婊——GREEN TEA BITCH。特指那些装纯的婊子,总是长发飘飘、清汤寡面、貌似素面朝天但暗地里化了妆,特质是装出人畜无害、心碎了无痕、岁月静好的多病多灾模样,其实野心比谁都大。

innisfree the green tea seed serum如何使用



是的 回答是:Yes,please/No,thanks


那degree和tea green中的ee还有e发音一样吗?

would you like ____ green tea? A.some B.any 为什么?

would you like 表示建议或请求的句子要用some


green tea cleansing foam绿茶洁面泡沫

Hangzhou is famous for a green tea ......填Be famous for 正确吗?

嗯 顺便 把那个a也省掉吧如果你把 for 改成 as 就变成“杭州作为绿茶而出名”由此推断你的for是对的前面一定要有 be ,构成词组 be famous for

innisfree greentea pure sleeping pack with green complex 这是什么意思啊?面膜或?

innisfree(品牌名字) 有机绿茶植物精华睡眠面膜,大概是这样意思吧,我是按照英文翻译的,给你参考参考

we also have green tea。改为否定句 we don‘t have green tea,——。横线处为什么填ether

这是这两个词的用法不同,also 多用于肯定句之中,表示也;而either 多用于疑问句和否定句,表示也,类似的还有neither 与 too

Do you like green tea怎么变否定句

Don"t you like green tea?是这个意思么


greentea pure这么写才对意思是纯绿茶,常用在面膜牌子名称中。

Would. you like. green. tea. ______


green tea watch什么意思

green tea watch绿茶婊很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

求救求救!杭州哪里有green tea 餐厅(绿茶餐厅),除了龙井路的那家以外, 哪里还有???


买了innisfree绿茶系列化妆品,但是都是英文看不懂,innisfree the green tea seed cream 是什么,怎么用


"one large green tea."课本上的原话,可是不明白tea怎么可以用One来修饰。

一般都是省略cup of 很多地方在简短回答的时候用到




这个看什么句型,肯定句中 用some,否定句和疑问句中用any.



innisfree the green tea seed cream 这个产品有什么效果。。是怎么用的。。谢谢

innisfree the green tea seed cream的中文名字是悦诗风吟绿茶籽精粹滋润精华面霜。是一款基础保湿面霜。使用完爽肤水和精华后使用即可。这款面霜采用韩国济州岛无污染纯净绿茶基地100%纯净绿茶种子萃取精华,是同类保湿补水精华的五倍效果。由于是含有绿茶籽的成分,这款面霜有很浓的绿茶籽香味,用起来非常舒服,含抗氧化的绿茶籽成分,非常温和,滋润度很高,但是不油腻非常好吸收,吸收迅速,很好推开。适合干性皮肤和混合偏干性肌肤使用。扩展资料:悦诗风吟绿茶籽系列有两款面霜,一款就是精粹滋润精华面霜,另外一款为平衡面霜。两者相比,前者更加滋润厚重,后者更轻薄。前者适合干性皮肤,后者适合混合偏油和油性皮肤。前者适合秋冬,后者适合春夏。悦诗风吟绿茶籽系列还有一款明星产品,就是三秒肌底精华,俗称小绿瓶。这款精华含有绿茶、油菜、柑橘、白莲草、火山岩畔水复合能量。价格亲民,使用效果好,经典而又持续畅销,性价比非常高,广受大众喜爱。参考资料来源:悦诗风吟官网-绿茶籽精萃水分菁华面霜



Green tea latte是什么意思

Green tea latte绿茶拿铁例句:1.Many mainland starbucks customers prefer milkshake-type drinks, teas, juices and localised flavours like the green tea latte. 在中国大陆的星巴克里,许多顾客偏爱奶昔类饮料、茶、果汁、以及一些改良过的饮品,比如绿茶味拿铁。



green tea_v5.2.7.apk是什么软件?



这个句子是错的,tea是不可数名词,正确的是Longjing is green tea.

what colour is a cup of green tea啥意思?

What color is a cup of green tea?一杯绿茶是什么颜色?



如果给它们加上表示颜色的单词会变成什么意思,green tea


green tea可数吗? 可不可以写a green tea.

不可以 英语中常见不可数名词大致三类 液体.抽象物质.肉类. 记住rice and bread都是不可数的啊 但是可以说a cup of water用容器来衡量

我想知道green tea到底是绿茶还是红茶?

green tea是绿茶,红茶是black tea



Green tea is a kind of healthy ____(饮料).


英语问题:Would you like to have( )green tea?


Green tea is a kind of d_____.


绿茶 英文为什么叫black tea?怎么不是green tea??

绿茶就是green tea !红茶才是black tea !

green tea latte是咖啡吗

Green tea latte绿茶拿铁例句:1.Many mainland starbucks customers prefer milkshake-type drinks, teas, juices and localised flavours like the green tea latte. 在中国大陆的星巴克里,许多顾客偏爱奶昔类饮料、茶、果汁、以及一些改良过的饮品,比如绿茶味拿铁。

绿茶 Green Tea Extract 对减肥有甚么好处?

近年很多减肥丸 / 瘦身产品 也会加入绿茶精华 (Green Tea Extract) 成份,是因为绿茶对减肥很有帮助,但因为我们不能以绿茶充当白开水饮用,所以便出现了绿茶精华 (Green Tea Extract) 来代替饮用大量绿茶。 绿茶中的芳香族化合物能溶解脂肪,防止脂肪积存体内,另外绿茶中的多酚可以减缓和抑制淀粉消化吸收,它亦能抑制肠胃中蔗糖转换成酵素的活性 阻止糖类吸收,此外绿茶也可增加体液、营养和热量的新陈代谢,强化微血管循环,减低脂肪沉积体内u2027 参考: godsdirectcontact/vegetarian/ch/vc85+自己看书 一项研究指出 美国和瑞士科学家对减肥有利绿茶和闭幕结果被刊登在美国临床营养JOURNAL泌尿科. During the course of their study they have found that green tea contains certain pounds that contribute to its weight loss benefit.在学习过程中 他们发现 绿茶含有一些化合物 它有助于减肥有利. Lead researcher D. Abdul Dulloo said in a press release that there are only o ways to achieve weight loss – either reduce energy intake or increase energy expenditure.铅研究员、丁说阿卜杜勒dulloo新闻稿说有两条途径达到减肥-要么减少能量摄入或增加能量消耗. Green tea it seems has pounds that can increase the body"s normal metaboli *** rate thus giving it its weight loss benefit.绿茶似乎有化合物 可以增加身体的正常代谢率 它的好处是使体重减轻. At the University of Geneva where the study was conducted Dr. Dulloo and his colleagues experimented on ten healthy young men.在日内瓦大学 进行研究 dulloo博士及其同事在10个试点省壮丁. They theorized that the main contributor to green tea"s weight loss benefit is its caffeine content.这些理论的主要贡献者 绿茶的减肥好处是它的咖啡因含量. To test this hypothesis on green tea"s weight loss benefit they placed the study"s participants on a typical “Western” diet which is about forty percent fat thirteen percent protein and forty-seven percent carbohydrates.这一假说测试绿茶的减肥好处他们把研究的与会者介绍了典型的"西方"饮食中脂肪百分之四十 13%蛋白质 和47%碳水化合物. Thrice everyday the researchers measured their subjects" energy expenditure (the measurement used in determining the number of calories burned in 24 hours) and monitored their respiration quotient to find out how well they utilized their carbohydrates proteins and fats.每天三次 研究人员测量了受试者的能源支出(用来测量确定人数卡路里当众24小时)监视呼吸商数看看他们利用其碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪. When they interpreted the data they collected they found out that the men receiving regular dosages of green tea extract showed a significant increase in their 24-hour energy expenditure and a reduction in their respiration quotient (which me that more fat is burned thereby achieving maximum weight loss).当他们把这些资料收集、他们发现 男人定期接受剂量绿茶提取物显著增加 其24小时能源开支和减少呼吸商数(即多脂肪燃烧从而实现最大体重减轻). On the other hand those men who were only given caffeine or placebo with every meal showed only minimal increases in their metaboli *** rates.在另一方面 这些男人只能餐餐与咖啡因或安慰剂显示其代谢率上升微乎其微. The scientists construed that the substance catechin polyphenol present in green tea adds to its weight loss benefit.科学家解释说 多酚物质存在于绿茶儿茶素加重其体重减轻受益. These substances in green tea may alter how the body uses the hormone norepinephrine which is responsible for increasing the metaboli *** rate thus leading to weight loss.这些物质在绿茶身体怎么可能改变用途的肾上腺素荷尔蒙是负责提高代谢率 从而导致体重减轻. In their conclusion the scientists inferred that green tea owes its weight loss benefit to the presence of antioxidants and the substance catechin polyphenol.其结论科学家推测绿茶拜利于减肥和抗氧化剂物质含有儿茶素多酚. These substances help increase fat and calorie burning and optimize weight loss.这些物质有助于增加热量和脂肪燃烧优化体重减轻 参考: allnatural-resource-center/tgold/chinese?u=/greentea/The_Weight_Loss_Benefit_of_Green_Tea



Green tea is heated soon after picking这句话对吗?

也许正确的表达是:Green tea leaves are heated immediately after picking up from their trees.



韩国有个化妆品牌叫Green Tea,谁知道咋用?

韩国弥赛亚 CL Green tea (绿茶)控油爽肤水【产品说明】给肌肤补充天然纯净的营养,使您感到茶爽享受;深入肌肤形成天然保护层锁住水分,使皮肤与外界形成一层天然的保护屏障,是控油保湿的佳品哦!让皮肤得到适当的滋润与养分,加强肌肤血液循环,促进皮肤新陈代谢. 100%全天然植物配方,对皮肤无任何刺激!质感细腻,可有效去黑头,收缩毛孔,并有消炎,去豆,镇静肌肤的作用! 【使用方法】洁面后,用化妆棉或手掌取适量本品,轻拍于整个脸部。轻柔有节奏地拍打效果更佳。接着建议使用补水效果更强的精华液。

green tea balancing skin什么意思

green tea balancing skin绿茶护肤双语对照例句:1.It has the functions of eliminating toxin, beautifying skin, delaying ageing and balancing oil secretion. 具有排毒养颜、延缓衰老、调节油脂平衡的美容功能。

红茶英语是不是black tea那么可以不可以是red tea?绿茶是不是green tea?

black tea:.红茶;祁红red tea: 红茶, 这种茶经过完全氧化,我们称为红茶,这是早期的翻译,但是后来改为black tea,因为这种茶的茶叶是黑色的。green tea:绿茶,绿茶类的都可以这么说。江苏碧螺春(Biluochun Tea)和黄山毛峰(Maofeng Tea)都是中国历史文化名茶,属于绿茶。仁者见仁智者见智:不同的人从不同角度去认识事物,有如佛家明心见性,心中有仁者就从仁的角度去考察发掘事物仁的一面,智者就从智的一面去考察发掘事物智慧的一面。

green tea可数吗?


green tea用大写?

不用,例句;Drinking green tea all the time may get a little boring, but it"s helping me stay healthy.一直喝绿茶可能会让人觉得厌烦,但是它能帮助我保持健康。In green tea there is something called antioxidant catechins and studies have shown that they help to burn fat.绿茶里面含有一种叫儿茶酚的物质,具有抗氧化作用,而且研究表明它是能够促进燃烧脂肪。PQQ is found in fermented soybeans and also in parsley, green tea, green peppers and kiwi fruit.PQQ存在于豆酱中,还有香芹,绿茶,青椒和猕猴桃。While the results were not conclusive, the health benefits still appear to be strong for green tea drinkers.尽管这一结果并非是结论性的,但喝绿茶的人群看起来确实得到了更多健康益处。英语中要大写的地方每个句子的首单词的首字母要大写;2.专有名词 的每一个单词的首字母 都要大写,比如English;Backstreet Boys;3.标题的大小写规则 是每一个单词的 首字母 都要大写,除了例如 and,or,of 这些介词之外;例如 A Beatiful Day by Sea4.缩写词都必须大写,例如“世贸组织”--WTO.但是有时候的非正式文件,大小写随意,但是中间要加点.例如韩国一个知名组合HOT也可以写成h.o.t,小写的时候加点,是为了和hot(热)这个词区分,避免意义上的混淆~5.非正式文件,例如网络留言或者个人邮件里会出现整句大写,或者某个单词在句中大写的情况,这是为了强调.但是需要注意的是,这样子的情况绝对不会出现在正式文件当中.

求解广州人说的Green Tea是什么意思



green Tea is a beverage made by steeping processed leaves,buds,or twigs of the tea bush (Camellia sinensis) in hot water for a few minutes.The processing can include oxidation (fermentation),heating,drying,and the addition of other herbs,flowers,spices,and fruits.There are four basic types of true tea:black tea,oolong tea,green tea,and white tea.The term "herbal tea" usually refers to infusions of fruit or herbs (such as rosehip,chamomile,or jiaogulan) that contain no C.sinensis.(Alternative terms for herbal tea that avoid the word "tea" are tisane and herbal infusion).This article is concerned exclusively with preparations and uses of the tea plant C.sinensis.Tea is a natural source of caffeine [1],theobromine,theophylline [2],theanine,and antioxidants,but it has almost no fat,carbohydrates,or protein.It has a cooling,slightly bitter and astringent taste.这是关于绿茶的相关英语介绍,不知道是不是你想要的,如有疑问可以追问哦

绿茶 英文为什么叫black tea?怎么不是green tea??

green tea 绿茶U0001f600ufe0f


green tea 英[ɡri:n ti:] 美[ɡrin ti] n. 绿茶; 清茶; [例句]The best therapy is glass after glass of green tea.解酒的最好办法是一杯又一杯地喝绿茶。

green tea可数吗

green tea不可数,英语中常见不可数名词大致三类 液体.抽象物质.肉类; green tea 绿茶; green adj. 绿色的;草绿色的;长满青草的; n. 绿色;草绿色;绿色蔬菜;绿叶蔬菜; v. 绿化;使增强环境保护意识; tea n. 茶叶;茶;茶水;一杯茶 扩展资料   The best therapy is glass after glass of green tea.   解酒的最好办法是一杯又一杯地喝绿茶。   It benefits the eyes and relaxes the mind to drink green tea often.   常喝绿茶,能明目怡神。   Integration and Application on Mechanized Processing Technology of High-quality Green Tea   名优绿茶机械化加工技术集成与应用   Chinese green tea is always a favorite with our customers.   我们的.客人都非常喜欢喝中国的绿荼。


greentea 的中文:绿茶green 读法 英 [ɡriːn]     美 [ɡriːn]    adj. 绿色的;长满绿色植物的;环保的;无经验的;未成熟的n. 绿色;草地vi. 变绿vt. 使…变绿;使…恢复活力例句1、Green was the predominant color in the forest.绿色是森林的主色调。2、The room was decorated in bright green.这房间以鲜艳的绿色装饰著。aqui te amo。

green tea中文什么意思?



green 绿色的

grin 和green怎么区别读音

grin “i”读短一点[gru026an]green “ee”读长一点[gri:n]一个是长元音,一个是短元音满意请采纳,谢谢




Green是一个英文单词。可指绿色的;绿的;青葱的;也指姓氏格林, 可做名词、形容词、动词。可以例句:The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside从我们的窗口能看见一片美丽的绿色田园风光。The oil is green in colour这种油是绿色的。


alpha creek阿尔法河双语对照词典结果:Alpha Creek[地名] [澳大利亚] 阿尔法溪; .___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!



green hand是什么意思

green handn.新手;生手;缺乏经验的人菜鸟;没有经验的人;绿色的手复数:green hands 例句1.Thanks, a green hand, please comment more! !感谢,新手,请多关照!!2.Though Sue is a green hand, she"s completely at grips with the details of her job.休虽然是生手,但她完全了解她工作的细节。3.He is a green hand in business management.在商务管理方面他是个新手4.Icy road is a hazard to all the drivers, especially the green hand.结冰的公路对所有的司机来说都是一种危险,对新手来说尤其如此。5.Our office assistant is not only a green hand, but a (troublemaker).我们办公室助理不仅仅是个新手,也是个麻烦制造者。

a green hand是什么意思


英语常识如“green hand"是新手不是绿手




为什么赌桌的英文是green carpet

这是个俗语,约定俗成的语句。当然赌桌也叫green table,由来就是赌桌通常铺着绿色桌布。台球桌也是铺着绿色的桌布,但是台球桌叫做 billiard table。


  已经制作好了,你把下面的内容用写字本保存了将后缀名改为lrc就可以了,比如名字改为Greenwaves.lrc就可以用了  [ti:Greenwaves]  [ar:Secret Garden]  [al:Once In A Red Moom]  [by:aster7]  [offset:500]  [00:01.13]Greenwaves 碧波荡漾  [02:30.74] " Her voice is touched by God".  [00:01.19]I remember a meadow one morning in May,对某个五月清晨的草场场记忆犹新  [00:09.63]With a sky full of dreams  [00:14.36]that sailed in that day.那一天,空中驰骋着天马行空的梦  [00:18.76]I was dancing through green waves of grass like the sea在犹如碧波荡漾的草海中我尽情地舞蹈  [00:29.03]For a moment in time I could feel I was free.一瞬间,我可以感觉到无拘无束的自由  [00:42.38]There are waves of forgiveness and waves of regret,宽容和遗憾在这碧波中舞动  [00:50.94]And the first waves of true love那第一个象征真爱的草波  [00:55.98]I"ll never forget.我将永远无法释怀  [00:59.95]In the meadow that morning as I wandered alone在那个清晨,在那个草场,我独自沉思  [01:10.66]There were green waves of yearning for life 那是渴求生命的碧波 still unknown.  [02:36.75][01:23.96]Take me home to the meadow that cradles my heart带我回归到抚摸我心灵的草场  [02:45.41][01:32.95]Where the waves reach as far as you can see.那里碧草连天  [02:54.02][01:41.61]Take me home to the meadow - we"ve been too long apart,带我归家,回到真爱分离的那个草场  [03:03.17][01:50.55]I can still hear you calling for me.我仍然听见你对我的呼唤  [03:11.51]What I"d give to remember that heavenly state在我记忆中的天国  [03:20.22]Just a moment in time - all mine to create.仅仅在自我创造的那一刻  [03:28.74]As I"m taking my last breath I know what I"ll see当我深呼最后一口气的时候,我深知我将看到什么  [03:38.45]There"ll be green waves forever out there waiting for me.这里将永久的碧波荡漾并向外延伸,等待我的到来  [03:53.09]Take me home to the meadow that cradles my heart带我回归到抚摸我心灵的草场  [04:01.85]Where the waves reach as far as you can see.那里碧草连天  [04:10.07]Take me home to the meadow - we"ve been too long apart,带我归家,回到真爱分离的那个草场  [04:19.28]I can still hear you calling for me.我仍然听见你对我的呼唤

Green River简介的介绍

Green River成立于1983年,是80年代美国Grunge音乐的领军乐队,他们的音乐将硬核朋克、重金属、根源布鲁斯、噪音实验以及美好旋律完美的结合,对后来的美国Grunge音乐产生了深远的影响。 发行时间:1990年 80年代,美国Grunge音乐的领军乐队.本张专辑亦是他们的代表作品.他们的音乐将硬核朋克、重金属、根源布鲁斯、噪音实验以及美好旋律的完美结合.对后来的美国Grunge音乐产生了深远的影响.Grunge最早的萌芽则来自于成立于83年的Green River,其后的乐队则包括Mud honey、Tad、Soundgarden、Babes In Toy Land、Meat Puppets、Dinosaur Jr.、Melvins等,这些早期的Grunge乐队听上去更像更重一些的重金属音乐,而以Nirvana为代表的后来成名的Grunge乐队则在歌曲的旋律性和噪音的使用上作了聪明的结合,获得了对主流市场的胜利,这件事,其实是,幸也不幸。最后Cobain的死证明摇滚和社会之间总是一个残忍的错误。后进的Grunge代表乐队包括Nirvana、Pearl Jam、Screaming Trees、Alice In Chains、The Smashing Pumpkins、L7、Hole等。而最后的最后,Cobain的最后一枪使Grunge运动涂抹上了神化般的悲剧色彩。 专辑曲目: 1、This Town 2. P.C.C. 3. Ozzie 4. Unwind 5. Baby Takes 6. Searchin" 7. Ain"t Nothing To Do 8. Queen Bitch 9. Forever Means 10. Rehab Doll 11. Swallow My Pride 12. Together We"ll Never 13. Smiling And Dyin" 14. Porkfist 15. Take A Dive 16. One More Stitch




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请问下面句子里面的"green gulf"应该怎么翻译


—Which colour do you like _______, blue or green? —Blue.

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