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Sony Xperia XZ3与XZ2、XZ Premium 实拍与录影比较

Sony Xperia XZ3的主相机拍摄功能建立在Xperia XZ2基础上,但Sony Mobile相机技术团队则是运用人工智慧技术,透过预先学习方式建立系统判断最佳亮度与颜色配比表现的基础,同时在使用者操作相机拍摄过程会以预先学习的判断基础作比较,借此动态调整每次拍摄结果中的影像色调、亮度表现。 针对即将上市的Xperia XZ3相机拍摄功能,Sony Mobile团队在此次东京技术说明活动里针对新机相机功能提升部分进一步作了解说,而笔者也趁著在东京台场Mori Building Digital Art Museum举办的EPSON teamLab Borderless展演活动里,实际体验此次Xperia XZ3强调夜间拍摄,以及低光环境下的HDR录影拍摄效果,另外也与手边持有的几款手机相机功能作比对。 相比今年上半年推出的Xperia XZ2所采用主相机设计,Xperia XZ3几乎搭载相同规格,一样采用光圈f/2.0、1900万画素的MotionEye感光元件,同样支援4K HDR影片拍摄与1080P解析度规格的960超级慢动作影片,另外也同样对应前后3D建模功能。而视讯镜头部分则将解像能力提升至1300万画素,并且配置f/1.9光圈设计,另外也首次将美颜拍摄功能加入旗舰手机产品。 若与今年推出的Xperia XZ2、Xperia XZ2 Premium比较,此次推出的Xperia XZ3几乎是在先前两款手机相机功能取得平衡,例如在视讯镜头拍摄功能大幅提升,虽然未搭载双镜头拍摄功能,但强调在Xperia XZ2的相机功能基础上作了提升,并且加入人工智慧场景辨识与颜色最佳化拍摄效果,另外也提供更方便的快速启动等设计。 而之所以未延续Xperia XZ2 Premium采用的双镜头设计,Sony Mobile方面除了透露希望保留Xperia XZ2 Premium锁定高阶拍摄需求定位,其实还是表明希望透过单一镜头即可拍出更好影像结果的使用体验。 其实这部份也与Google在Pixel系列手机持续维持采用单镜头设计情况相同,虽然双镜头确实可以带来便利的散景资讯捕捉、更大广角规格等应用,但实际上多数拍摄效果还是取决单一相机镜头本身表现,因此Sony Mobile在Xperia XZ3的相机设计,还是建立在「以单一镜头完成所有拍摄需求」的基础上,其中包含景深资讯、不同光影资讯均透过单一镜头在极短时间内完成捕捉,并且完成更好的拍摄结果。 因此,虽然Xperia XZ3的主相机拍摄功能建立在Xperia XZ2基础上,但Sony Mobile相机技术团队则是运用人工智慧技术,透过预先学习方式建立系统判断最佳亮度与颜色配比表现的基础,同时在使用者操作相机拍摄过程会以预先学习的判断基础作比较,借此动态调整每次拍摄结果中的影像色调、亮度表现。 透过这样的方式,Sony Mobile相机技术团队认为将可让使用者透过单次按下快门,即可确保影像拍摄品质均能符合相机设计时的预期表现。 至于在视讯镜头拍摄强化部分,确实也看见近年来明显成长的 *** 需求,因此将过去仅用于Xperia XA系列的美颜 *** 功能放进旗舰手机设计,让使用者能透过更高画素与美颜功能记录美丽 *** 影像,其中更包含美肌、眼部放大、瘦脸、散景效果等应用。 另外,此次在Xperia XZ3加入的手势启动功能,Sony Mobile解释主要提供更多操作使用需求,让使用者能在透过萤幕滑动,或是透过长按相机快门、连按两次电源键 (需透过设定)快速启动相机拍摄功能之余,配合内建加速器、趋近感应器等感测元件判断手机是否处于准备用于拍照状态,进而能快速启动相机拍摄的设计,其实是让使用者增加更多相机启用方式,借此满足使用者在不同情况下希望启动相机功能需求,实际上使用者仍可依照个人偏好方式启动相机拍摄。 Xperia XZ3实际拍摄: 一般 *** 肖像 *** 录影: [embedded content] [embedded content] 对比Xperia XZ2、Xperia XZ2 Premium,以及其他品牌手机拍摄结果: Xperia XZ3: Xperia XZ2: Xperia XZ2 Premium: iPhone X: HTC U12+: HUAWEI P20 Pro: 三星Galaxy Note 8: 注: 笔者以手边实际可取得手机进行拍摄比较,不过由于三星手机部分仅能取得去年推出的Galaxy Note 8,虽然少了今年主打的光圈可变,以及终于加入的场景识别拍摄功能,但因为基本画素等设计并没有太大改变,实际上还是有一定比较参考价值。 对比Xperia XZ2、Xperia XZ2 Premium,以及其他品牌手机录影结果: Xperia XZ3: [embedded content] [embedded content] Xperia XZ2: [embedded content] [embedded content] Xperia XZ2 Premium: [embedded content] [embedded content] iPhone X: [embedded content] [embedded content] HTC U12+: [embedded content] [embedded content] HUAWEI P20 Pro: [embedded content] [embedded content] 三星Galaxy Note 8: 注: 笔者依然是以手边实际可取得手机进行拍摄比较,而三星手机部分仅能取得去年推出的Galaxy Note 8,在录影部分其实并没有太大差异,实际上还是有一定比较参考价值。 [embedded content] [embedded content]

parcel to be left at the premises if no one is available to accept it,什么意

parcel to be left at the premises if no one is available to accept it如果没有人可接受的话,在该处所留下的包裹

oracle 使用navicat premium工具 操作rowid为什么没有返回的物理地址显示

Every row stored in the database has an address. Oracle Database uses a ROWID datatype to store the address (rowid) of every row in the database. Rowids fall into thefollowing categories:■ Physical rowids store the addresses of rows in heap-organized tables, tableclusters, and table and index partitions.■ Logical rowids store the addresses of rows in index-organized tables.■ Foreign rowids are identifiers in foreign tables, such as DB2 tables accessedthrough a gateway. They are not standard Oracle Database rowids.A data type called the universal rowid, or UROWID, supports all kinds of rowids.

Runaway (Dj Manion Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway (Dj Manion Remix)歌手:Groove Coverage专辑:Runawayi wannna knowthe structure of your heartwhy did you tearmy broken soul apartis it a dreamor my realityloved and withoutafter warrantyOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideno i am notyour Xing second choiceno i am notturnin down my voiceuntil you understandthere"s nothing to commanduntil you realizethat we can touch the skycan"t you feelinside us controlcan"t you feelthere"s nothing at allOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hide

My Soul, Your Beats!(Teddy Loid Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:My Soul, Your Beats!(Teddy Loid Remix)歌手:Lia专辑:enigmaticLIA4-Anthemical Keyworlds-My Soul, Your Beats! - TVアニメ《Angel Beats》OP呗:Lia词曲:麻枝 准编曲:ANANT GARDE EYES目覚(めざ)めては缲(く)り返(かえ)す/睁开眼睛眠(ねむ)い朝(あさ)は/又是一个慵懒的早晨襟(えり)のタイをきつく缔(し)め/拉起领结 收紧衣襟教室(きょうしつ)のドアくぐるとほんの少(すこ)し/走进教室 在穿过门的瞬间胸(むね)を张(は)って歩(ある)き出(だ)せる/些许自信 飞入胸中そんな日常(にちじょう)に吹(ふ)き抜(ぬ)ける风(かぜ)/这不变的日子里 有风吹过闻(き)こえた気(き)がした/仿佛能够听见感(かん)じた気(き)がしたんだ/仿佛能够感知震(ふる)え出(だ)す今(いま)この胸(むね)で/胸口激昂 无可遏抑もう来(く)る気(き)がした/能感受到 它的到来几亿(いくおく)の星(ほし)が消(き)え去(さ)ってくのを/亿万星辰 消逝于远方见送(みおく)った/目送着手(て)を振(ふ)った/挥着手よかったね、と/「太好了呢」廊下(ろうか)の隅(すみ)见下(みお)ろす/打扫卫生的途中扫除(そうじ)の途中(とちゅう)/行至走廊一角おかしなものだと思(おも)う/属于我的时间あたしの中(なか)の时(とき)は止(と)まってるのに/早已静止违(ちが)う日々(ひび)を生(い)きてるよに/角落的灰尘 却如积雪般日渐增多埃(ほこり)は雪(ゆき)のように降(ふ)り积(つ)む/无言地诉说着 时间的流逝待(ま)ってる気(き)がした/仿佛正在等待呼(よ)んでる気(き)がしたんだ/仿佛正在呼唤震(ふる)え出(だ)す今(いま)この时(とき)が/静止的时光 开始震颤见(み)つけた気(き)がした/仿佛握住了线索失(うしな)われた记忆(きおく)が呼(よ)び覚(さ)ました/在失落的记忆终被寻回时物语(ものがたり)/唤醒的故事永远(えいえん)の/昭示着终结その终(お)わり/「永恒」的终结いつの间(ま)にか駆(か)けだしてた/不知不觉间 开始奔跑あなたに手(て)を引(ひ)かれてた/被你拽着手 向前飞驰昨日(きのう)は远(とお)く/昨日已经远去明日(あした)はすぐ/明天即将到来そんな当(あ)たり前(まえ)に心(こころ)が跃(おど)った/平凡的现实 让心灵开始跃动闻(き)こえた気(き)がした/仿佛能够听见感(かん)じた気(き)がしたんだ/仿佛能够感知震(ふる)え出(だ)す今(いま)この胸(むね)で/胸口激昂 无可遏抑もう来(く)る気(き)がした/能感受到 它的到来几千(いくせん)の朝(あさ)を越(こ)え/万千黎明之后新(あたら)しい阳(ひ)が/迎来新的朝阳待(ま)ってる気(き)がした/仿佛正在等待呼(よ)んでる気(き)がしたんだ/仿佛正在呼唤震(ふる)えてるこの魂(たましい)が/此魂此魄 开始震颤见(み)つけた気(き)がした/仿佛握住了线索几亿(いくおく)の梦(ゆめ)のように消(き)え去される日(ひ)を/如亿万幻梦的消逝般 告别的时刻终将到来见送(みおく)った/目送着手(て)を振(ふ)った/挥着手ありがとう、と/「谢谢你」

warn 和remind 的区别

warnvt.(常与of, against连用)警告;提醒;告诫She warned me about the dangerous road, so I crossed it carefully.她提醒我这条马路很危险,因此我过马路小心翼翼。(常与that连用)事先通知The whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail.汽笛通知旅客船即将启航remindvt.(常与of, to + inf, that连用)使想起;使记起;提醒Remind me to write to Mother.提醒我给妈妈写信。This reminds me of last year.这使我想起去年的事。Please remind me again nearer to the time of the interview.到快面试时请再提醒我一下。


premiere理论上可以采集任何信号,不受软件而是受硬件的制约,几年前硬件采集卡(采集模拟信号)非常昂贵,目前电脑配件市场视频采集卡、部分电视卡甚至多功能显示卡都能完成VHS的采集任务。 就是说:你需要准备能接收视频模拟信号的采集卡、电视卡或者显卡,如果只有1394接口,就需要用DV转一下了。

求shots(Broiler remix) imagine dragons

你好,下载链接:shots(Broiler remix).mp3,点击普通下载

melo de carla cintia remix歌曲名字


请问法语 les quatre premières voitures 最前面四辆车 的语法,qua

quatre 数词中的基数词, 在句子中可以做定语或表语, 比如在这句话中是定语 quatre voitures, 如果说我们是四个人:Nous sommes quatre. 这里是表语。还可以做名词使用,比如 :Deux et deux font quatre.后面的 premier- premiers-première- premières 是序数词序数词在词组中作形容词使用,应该放在名词前面,冠词后面, 只有遇到 "XX 卷“, ”XX 册“,”XX幕“,”XX章“。。。。。。 时,才可以放在名词后面。, 如 acte quatrième. 由于序数词在名词前面,那么 quatre 只能放在 premières 前面了。这个顺序要记住其实如果是其他形容词,他的位置和 premières 位置一样, 名词前数词后举例:Les 10 plus grandes puissances économiques mondialesles huit premières puissances mondialesles 10 plus belles villes du monde

Ghetto Gospel Remix (Feat Tupa 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto Gospel Remix (Feat Tupa歌手:Akon专辑:In My Ghetto Vol 2-Umvd Labels Uh, hit them with a little ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (my Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns.If I could recollect before my hood days. I sit and reminisce, thinking and bliss on the good days.I stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to m.They tested, it was stressed that they under.And nowadays, things changed. Everyone ashamed to the youth, cuz the truth looks strange.And for me it reversed, we left them a world that cursed, and it hurts.Cause any day theyl push the button.And all commend, like Malcom X and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin?Don make me get teary, the world looks dreary.When you wipe your eyes, seeing clearly.There no need for you to fear me. If you take your time to hear me,maybe you can learn to cheer me. It ain about black or white, cuz wee human. I hope we see the light before it ruined.My ghetto gospel. Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands. And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold.And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns. Tell me do you see that old lady, ain it sad.Living out of bags, plus she glad for the little things she has.And over there there a lady, crack got her crazy. Guess she giving birth to a baby. I don trip and let m fade me,? wee droppin?to another form of slavery. Even now I keep discouraged. Wonder if they take it all back,Will I still keep the courage? I refuse to be a role model.I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottles.I made mistakes, but learned from every one.And when it said and done. I bet this brother be a better one. If I upset, you don stress. Never forget that God hasn finished with me yet. I feel his hand on my brain. When I write rhymes,I go blind, and let the lord do his thing. But am I less holy?Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homeyz.Before we find world peace. We gotta find peace in the war on the streets. My ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel) I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior, Without the sound of guns. Lord can you hear me speak.

Killer(Mac Zimms Remix). 歌词

歌曲名:Killer(Mac Zimms Remix).歌手:Various Artists专辑:Spinnin Sampler(Apr.708)MELL - KILL作词∶MELL作曲∶高瀬一矢映画「斩~KILL~」OP针の世も见纳めだ 无様なる故郷よ祈るがいいせいぜい疵も缝えぬ神に振り翳せ Gun"s &God sword大海(うみ)はすすげぬ罪男泣きに泣くなら その肌へと降りよういいことなんか何にもなかった力づくでいい 夺って今宵はワタトクルシミノ因果斩リマセンカ?痛まぬ 最期をあげますGift in Sweeter Kill儚むな我が友よ 碑の追随を机に月を射て闇を得て地を蹴散らし戻れいいことなんて刺して引いた Answer胜利の美酒をなみなみとあなたにさよなら神経…の奥のSoul enjoy pleasure play痛まぬ最期喝采の无二Now in Sweeter Kill咲け Dragon & Tiger风の精进花 火の海までも手纲を渡そう梦の泡雪など二度と降りはしないアナタノ イノリハコノ肌ニ 刻ミマシタ尘と化す魂は猛るまで蠢くさよなら因縁の旅のGoal in Sweeter Kill

What Is Happening (Simmons & Christopher Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Happening (Simmons & Christopher Remix)歌手:Alphabeat专辑:What Is HappeningAlphabeat-What Is Happening★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Oh, when I said I need you so muchI was dead,I was alive when you were right here by my side,We both could seethat I needed you, you needed me,And now we both regret,Regret what we said.When we said,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you ever come,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you.Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?So whose fault is it anyway,Don"t say,We don"t know,We both know that we made a mistake,It"s hard to live together forever,Well, that"s what they say,We still regret what we said,What we said.So whose fault is it anyway,Don"t say,We don"t know,We both know that we made a mistake,It"s hard to live together forever,Well, that"s what they say,We still regret what we said,What we said.When we said,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you ever come,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you.Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhOh, when I said I need you so muchI was scared,I was alive when you were right here by my side,We both could seethat I needed you, you needed me,And now we both regret,Regret what we said, yeah yeah yeah.Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening? (hey!)Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening? (what is happening?).Don"t go out tonight, (no)Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you, (yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-ih-yeah)What is happening?Don"t go out tonight, (no)Baby can"t you see, (don"t go)What is happening to you,What is happening? (what is happening?).

求Jenny(Re Plus Remix)的歌词,要求中英文对照

I heard the beat and thought of something beautiful/ forced to be a robot but seeking for the spiritual/ living this life and end up at the funeral but meanwhile "be something" but nothing seems suitable Life is hard but you know what to look for/ love or the friendship n maybe that"s to die for/ only one path and ain"t no really side door/ writing for the light and this is really my war So listen when the birds are singing birth that"s given, seasons that changes because earth is living We take granted of this simplest beauty for the new seeds I rap this intellect music. Another dawn after suns down waking with a fun sound no ones having fun now kids crying "mom!" loud. Brightest stars in a darkest night When I"m losing it I target the mic green trees, white waves bright yellow sunlight Clear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fights Blue tears gray clouds just another black night Tell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic its like the smell of the rain that keeps me sane like bob marley and miss. Hill that ease my pain i picture the things that don"t need to change most beautiful things in this world is simple and plain like water to quench thirst like the nature that made music first its like me taking a pen and writing a verse if the mind don"t give up and nothing is a curse beautiful things with beautiful names key to this life is to view the small things and find something you can love for you to maintain remember needs and the wants are two different things imagine if we never cried imagine people never lied imagine every single person in the world have a mind imagine this, imagine all the people in the world reaching for the sky green trees, white waves bright yellow sunlight Clear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fights Blue tears gray clouds just another black night Tell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic green trees, white waves bright yellow sunlight Clear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fights Blue tears gray clouds just another black night Tell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic

Sam Ock – Love (Re;plus Remix) Lyrics 歌词

Sam Ock – Love (Re;plus Remix) Lyrics 歌词(*号表示重复)*This LOVE is reaching to my heartFeels so good, don"t want to break apartHold me close, don"t let me fall awayI thank you for each and every dayMorning time, rub your eyes and look aroundSoak in all the beautiful sounds as youCrack a window and hear all the forces of natureand the blending of a whole new atmosphereOne question, reflection,the number of mornings that you show appreciation"cause you"re alive here to see another dayDid you thank GOD for waking you up today?To live life and live to the fullestTo show LOVE and LOVE without limits“Live to LOVE and LOVE to live” are thesimple keys to this life we"ve been givenOne life remains, go own itONE LOVE REIGNS, grow in it andonce you come to know the mercy of GOD we singonce you come to know the LOVE of GOD we sing*This LOVE is reaching to my heartFeels so good, don"t want to break apartHold me close, don"t let me fall awayI thank you for each and every dayWhere do I start, Lord, how should I say this?There"s nothing better than the one that I came withYou"re my shining sun and you"re the pouring rainOh GOD you took all the pain thatwas for me, it should"ve been for mebut you sent your son, oh so graciouslyand i"ll thank you each and every dayfor the blessings you"ve poured out my wayI lay here, full of sin, full of wrongstook your blessings to write you this songyou sent me faith, sent me hope, sent me LOVEand they"re the three greatest things from aboveI"m giving you my life and everything I haveand break my heart Lord to do what you willI know it"s going to be hard but I"ll listen‘Cause it"s LOVE that I know is worth keepingI"ve been searching hard all day and all nightLooking for something that makes my soul feel rightIn this sinful world the hate won"t stopSo I got to spread your LOVE, Lord be my solid rockI admit, GOD I take you for grantedYour LOVE unchanging, I just can"t understand itThe fact that you gave your son to dieand how I still sin, it must kill you insideFather help me to see what you sawall the pain and anguish when your son was nailed to the crossI want to know you, the lover of my soulJESUS is the only one who makes me wholeLOVE is patient, it"s kind, it"s everything you arewithout LOVE, nothing"s right, to life say “au revoir”work through me, spread the word through soundshare the LOVE, shine the LIGHT, let your GRACE abound*This LOVE is reaching to my heartFeels so good, don"t want to break apartHold me close, don"t let me fall awayI thank you for each and every day ...


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She Doesn T Live Here Anymore (Reversed Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:She Doesn T Live Here Anymore (Reversed Remix)歌手:Jay-Jay Johanson专辑:She Doesn T Live Here AnymoreShe Doesn"t Live Here AnymoreJay Jay Johanson白羊星座井明I hear your voice 我听着你的声音I touch your hair 我摸着你的头发I see the traces Everywhere 我感觉着This house of ours 这曾经属于我们的房子里We used to share 我们的房子里My dream has turned To nightmare 而现在美梦变成了噩梦I sleep no more 我不再安眠I dream no more 我不再做梦There"s nothing here To wake up for 我没有了醒来的理由I talk no more 我不再开口I sing no more 我不再歌唱Don"t function like I did before 身体运转失灵*Because she doesn"t live here anymore 因为她不住在这儿了She hardly calls at all 连一个电话也没有打过Now when she"s gone I find myself lost 她离开后我茫然无措Staring at the wall 盯着墙壁I drink again 我又喝起酒I smoke again 我又抽起烟There"s no one here To call my friend 没有人可以做我的朋友I swear again 我又发了誓I"m mad again 我又发了疯So troubled since I don"t know when 不知何时我变得如此混乱*She doesn"t live here anymore 因为她不住在这儿了She hardly calls at all 连一个电话也没有打过Since she"s been gone there"s nobody here 自从她离开后再没人可以To catch me when I fall 在我坠落时拉住我

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Luvsic remix(dj Soulstarz Remi)整首歌的翻译 。 跪求 。

  ““Lovesick like a dog with canine sensitivity  为情所困让人直觉变的像狗一样敏锐  Developing this new theory of relativity  细细体会我们的关系  Connecting our souls resting in captivity  发现彼此的灵魂都被禁锢着无法相连  Positive life sacrifice what it is to me  我确信对我来说(要解除它)意味着生命中的一些献祭  Our history, only a quarter of a century  我们相遇的时光,只不过是世纪中的一刻  Reality, sitting on the shoulders of our chemistry  却在现实中深深的彼此吸引  See ain"t no mystery, the colours that we mix will set the mind free 即便看似乎毫无神秘可言,我们混合的色彩却能解放心智!  Let the blind see beyond harmony!  让被蒙蔽者感受我们的和谐!  Breathe life into dead space blow away clouds of doubt  往毫无生气可言的空间里注入我们鲜活的生命吹走疑云  New territory we determine to be Everything a safe heaven is supposed to be  我们决意打造出一片极乐净土!  Now it might seem distant but the time is near  虽然目标看似遥远但大时已至  When our thoughts take off and split the atmosphere Pure sound wave travel semi-infinitely Plus I"ll see you there utmost definitely  当我们拿掉顾虑,纯净的天籁之音就会划破天际并且,我们注定会在那里相遇 "  cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently  因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱  cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently  因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱  Good gracious, every process has a genesis and ends with a revelation  神啊,每一件已知的事情都会有始必有终  God bless this opportunity for me to find a voice For some words that have waited for way too long  神,请保佑我能为自己压抑已久的心声找到适合倾吐的机会  Low wages, Small tips on the avenue  低微的薪酬,大街上的小广告  Haven"t you heard the news lately?  你有听到什么最近(应聘)的消息吗  Seems we"ve been living for sometimes in a purgatory  看起来我们不得不暂时过段苦境中的日子了  But yo, I thought I knew what a love song sound like  但是你知道吗,我想我知道一首爱情歌曲听起来是什么感觉  But I felt a warmer tune in the sunlight  那是阳光中一种温暖的频率  I could still hear it in the room past midnight  在房间里我仍然能听到过去午夜里那电台的声音  Gotta move, take a solo cruise in the moon light  必须动身了,展开一段月光下的独自漫游  Sometimes I do forget, Oh how much we could ease the lives we lead  有时我时常忘记减缓我们生活的节奏  If we learn to let go, the reins that we hold  如果我们能学会如何面对不能忘却的感情做到释然  Return to our souls, and the spirit let flow  回归我们的灵魂,我们就能感受到心灵的律动  So you see, upon everyday faces there"s a million shades to Express definition of grace  现在你明白了,为什么优雅如此难以展现(因为每日面具下都有百万计的顾虑束缚着你的心灵)  But the method I choose me perrogative  但是我必须用自己的方式去表达  There"s so much love in me I got to give.  因为我内心的大爱必须给予  (chorus)  (合唱)  "cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently  因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱  Oh how I could write a book on how you make me feel  噢 我多么希望能就你给我的感觉写一本书  But how about this song that I wrote for you?  (可惜我不能)但是我为你写的这首歌曲如何?  What I feel like...I wanna put my trusts in these simple words  我感觉像...我想把我的信任通过这些简单的词藻和盘托出来让你感受到我想倾吐的思绪,你感受到了吗? For you to feel what I"m saying, what you feel like? Reminisce about the little episodes that we shared together  追忆记忆里我们共享时光那段日子里的那些小插曲  Remember the time that you told me  还记得那次你告诉我 I  n the cold night, to relax when all I knew was to hold tight  在那个寒夜,你紧紧拥抱着我告诉我放松  Remember the time that I spoke to the crowd in a full house and Realizes that you was my ace?  还记得那次我对满屋子的人群宣称你就是我的至爱  I was the joker on the stage singing the blues All eyes on me and had nothing to prove  所有眼神仿佛都在嘲笑我是舞台上那哼着蓝调的滑稽小丑  But yo, I thought I knew what a diamond shine like  唯有你,我所发掘的闪耀的宝石  But I felf a sharper love in the limelite From the queen of hearts watching me quitely in the upper deck balcony  我从高台上那静静望着我的红心女皇的心中感受到了清晰无限的爱  Sometimes I do suspect, I"m a actor in a well-scripted live divine comedy When I look back at the frozen slice of time and try to defrost the feeling lost  有时当我回顾时光镜子冰冷的碎片,试图找回那失落的冰封记忆时真的相当怀疑 我是一出神赐完美的喜剧脚本里的主角  Now enough with the metaphors, the motivation that I wrote this letter for For you to know that the music held us carry on Like you say a new day will bring us tomorrow...  言归正传,我为你写下这封欣的动机是让你理解伴随我们的音乐的意味如同你所说的 明天一定会更好  "cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently”  因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱  找到了啊~~lz谢谢我吧~~嘿嘿  我也很爱听这歌、、现在是空间背景音乐呢

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吴子健REmi歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接: 提取码:kbap简介: 吴子健REmi,华语男歌手。代表作《准备动手》。


吴子健REmi歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接: 提取码:kbap简介: 吴子健REmi,华语男歌手。代表作《准备动手》。

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do re mi这种记谱叫做固定调,1 2 3这种记谱叫做首调唱名。一般歌曲记谱用的是首调唱名法,在曲子开头处用1=( )的形式表示曲调。而固定调就是在谱子开头用升降号表示曲调。记谱法的不同不影响实际演奏(唱)的效果。




泡沫の花 utakata no hana作词:REMI 作曲u30fb编曲:水谷広実 歌:REMIひとり夕暗に 纷れて俯くhitori yuuyami ni magirete utsumuku一个人踏进黄昏 鞠着躬溢れる想い出に 包まれながらafureru omoide ni tsutsumarenagara任思念的潮流沐浴淡い月明かり 揺れる恋心awai tsukiakari yureru koigokoro淡淡的月光 爱意在心中摇晃优しい幸せが―永远に続く筈とyasashii shiawase ga -- eien ni tsuzuku hazu to充满柔情的幸福 会永远持续吧仄香るは…呜呼―泡沫の花honokaoru wa... aa -- utakata no hana醉人的香气... ah -- 泡沫之花呜呼―指先から…はらはら消えてく…aa -- yubisaki kara... harahara kieteku...ah -- 从指尖滑落... 跳跃着,然后消失...风が吹けば空に散る この儚い花びらkaze ga fukeba sora ni chiru kono hakanai hanabira稍纵即逝的花瓣会在风中散落于天空胸に抱きしめて 零さないようにそっと 瞳闭じたmune ni dakishimete kobosanai you ni sotto hitomi tojita紧紧抱在胸前 为了不哭泣 轻轻闭上眼睛変わる事なく 灯る街灯りkawaru koto naku akaru machiakari街灯如同往常一样亮いつも傍に在った 明るい笑颜itsumo soba ni atta akarui egao你的鼓励的微笑仍然在我身边おぼろ月明かり 渗む恋心oborozukiakari nijimu koigokoro朦胧的月色中 爱意荡漾在我心头この手を离したら―永远に届かないとkono te o hanashitara -- eien ni todokanai to如果就这样放手 我永远无法再触及你仄香るは…呜呼―泡沫の花honokaoru wa... aa -- utakata no hana醉人的香气... ah -- 泡沫之花呜呼―溜息さえ…伝えたい…贵方にaa -- tameiki sae... tsutaetai... anata niah -- 从指尖滑落... 跳跃着,然后消失...今は远く流れてく この爱しい想い出ima wa tooku nagareteku kono itoshii omoide珍贵的回忆渐渐,渐渐飘远胸に抱きしめて 零さないようにそっと 瞳闭じたmune ni dakishimete kobosanai you ni sotto hitomi tojita紧紧抱在胸前 为了不哭泣 轻轻闭上眼睛风が吹けば空に散る この儚い花びらkaze ga fukeba sora ni chiru kono hakanai hanabira稍纵即逝的花瓣会在风中散落于天空胸に抱き寄せて 壊れないようにそっと 接吻した mune ni dakiyosete kowarenai you ni sotto kuchizuke shita紧紧抱在胸前 为了不让它枯萎 轻轻地给它一吻


Devious Maids

Remi (Base) 歌词

歌曲名:Remi (Base)歌手:L. Albertelli&V. Tempera专辑:Le Sigle Della TV Per RagazziACIDMAN - REMIND作词:オオキノブオ作曲:ACIDMAN“I was standing in the feelingsthat was glowing.”And he said,“Everything is wholly brokenin the first place.”And he laughed.Like you talk to a man living in a deep ocean.And like you reveal the secretof a distant star, far away.So I step forward to facemyself the night creeps upon us from the dusk where it was hiding.I step forward to facemyself the night is throwing the night now.Remind me, the moonlightis holding the night nice and calm.When it"s holding the night,remind me.Remind me, the world madethe night so we don"t miss the glow.It"s a faint glow of life.Remind me,remind me.No one never, ever stopslooking for the truth in life,everyone is going throughthe sad nights all by themselves.We can"t see the real treasure with our eyes.But you know, that"s whywe have music beside uslike a dream floating on the floss silk.Remind me, I was standingin the feelings that was glowing.We were once connected. Remind me.It"s a faint glow of life.I"m feeling myself, you"re feeling yourself.Feelings sharpened and, come into a light.I"m feeling myself, you"re feeling yourself.Feelings sharpened and, come into a light.Finding the air, finding the earth,finding water, finding fire,you find yourself standing.Remind me. Remind me. Remind me. Remind me.Remind me, the moonlight is holdingthe night nice and calm.When it"s holding the night, remind me.Remind me, the world made the nightso we don"t miss the glow.When you"re one with the light, remind me.Remind me. Remind me.









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到期风险溢价(maturity risk premium)和违约风险溢价(default ris

到期风险溢价,主要是当未来利率上升时,长期债券价格会相应下降。所以到期期限越长,风险越大,到期风险溢价越高。证券的到期日越长,其本金收回的不确定性越大,在此期间市场利率等其他因素不确定性也增多。因此证券随着到期日的增强给持有者带来的风险增大。为了弥补这个风险,证券发行人必须要给予一定的补偿。在一般情况下,短期债券的到期日低于长期债券的到期日,长期债券到期日低于股票到期日(股票无到期日,即到期日无穷大),因此短期债券的利息最低,长期债券高于短期债券利息,股票投资回报率超过债券投资回报率。违约风险溢价(Default Risk Premium)是指债券发行者在规定时间内不能支付利息和本金的风险。债券信用等级越高,违约风险越小;债券信用等级越低,违约风险越大。违约风险越大,债券的到期收益率越高。违约风险溢价一般会被添加进无风险真实利率里,以补偿投资者对违约风险的承受。公司债券或多或少都存在违约风险,政府债券通常被认为是没有违约风险的。如AAA级债券DRP=1.0%,BB级债券DRP=5.0%;而美国国库券DRP=0。


话说CD抓轨,即是通过光驱装置读取音轨再转换为可以重复播放的数字音乐格式文件的过程。 因为CD 的存储格式不同一般的文件, 使用直接复制是无法把文件从光盘上复制出来的。因此必须借助第三方软件来完成次功能,将cd上的音频文件转换成mp3、wav、flac等格式,如果直接靠cd的文件是不能将音频文件保存下来的。 那么,这一物理与数字的转换过程,有两样东西至关重要!一是抓轨使用的光驱装置,二是抓轨需要的专用软件! 很多人认为只要是个光驱都可以抓轨,当然这不能说有错,事实上一个普通的DVD光驱都可以通过系统自带软件将CD唱片内容抓轨下来,关键就在于品质高低。 对于发烧友来说,音质是终极追求,因此,在抓轨这件事上自有标准!因为CD碟的文件结构决定了低速读取才是最合适的,高速读取是通过数字补偿实现的,会产生损失,但如果只是一般听歌是无所谓的,但转成数字音频文件,抓轨速度将直接影响音质,这也决定了抓轨质量取决于硬件和软件二者。 一是使用专用的抓轨CD光驱,不使用纯CD光驱以外的DVD等其他光驱。另外,要使用高品质CDrom光驱,不使用刻录光驱,用刻录光驱会严重影响刻录机寿命!同时,高品质的抓轨光驱,要具备精准读取,以及最低数字抖动失真等素质要求。 这里推荐浦科特40tsi光驱,这是许多发烧友比较认同的一款抓轨光驱。 二是使用专用的抓轨软件,这也很好理解。越是专业的软件,越能满足高品质的各项功能要求,可以最大限度将CD唱片的内容保存复制下来。这里推荐EAC,也就是Exact Audio Copy这个软件,使用非常普遍! EAC 是一个深受 HIFI 级玩家推崇和喜爱的抓音轨软件,有人甚至认为它是目前最好的唯一能做到无损音质的抓轨工具。EAC是一个免费软件,体积也非常小。 EAC的作者Andre Wiethoff是德国多特蒙德大学计算机专业的一名学生,经常抓取和监听各种WAV文件,所以使用了许多抓音轨的软件,但令他不满意的是,这些软件只有时基误差的校正,而CDROM在抓音轨时会产生其他的误差,所以,他就萌发了开发一个完全精确的抓音轨软件的念头,这样EAC诞生了。EAC 中使用了很多有助于提高抓取质量的控制技术,譬如:C2 级校错、间隙检测、精确流控制、音频缓冲、音轨同步、采样偏移等等特殊的功能来改善抓取后生成的波形文件质量。不仅如此,你还可以在 EAC 中采用如 LAME 这样的支持高达 320K 压缩流量的 MP3 编码器将已抓取的 WAVE 文件压缩成高质量的 MP3 文件。EAC 的功能还远不止这些,像 CDDB 、刻录音乐 CD 它都能够轻松实现,当然最值得称道的还是它的抓音轨功能。 Exact Audio Copy - EAC - 是 Windows 平台的音轨抓取程序。音轨抓取程序能将音乐数据从 CD-DA 音乐 CD 中抓取出来保存到硬盘上。事实上这种音轨抓取软件现在有数百种,那么,为什么选择 EAC 而不是(举例来说) AudioCatalyst?答案很简单:因为 EAC 是最好的。跟其他大多数的音轨抓取软件相比,EAC 使用了一种安全(secure)读取方法:这意味着所有的音乐扇区要至少被读 2 遍(其他音轨抓取软件仅读一遍而已)。这将极大地提高错误检测水平。一旦发生读取错误,EAC 将重读音乐数据(最多 82 次)以求得到完美结果。如果 CD 磨损严重,数据在 82 次尝试后仍不能读取的话,EAC 将报告这一读取错误并给出精确的位置,让你试听。拜 EAC 的纠错能力所赐,在很多的情况下,即使 EAC 报告了读取错误你也听不出失真现象。所有这些,使 EAC 成为 Windows 平台上最佳的音轨抓取软件(还有一种可与 EAC 媲美的程序是 Cdex)。 然而这近乎完美的抓取引擎还不是 EAC 的全部。EAC 还支持许多外挂编码器和 CODEC,这意味着你可以用 EAC 直接将抓取的 WAV 文件编码成 MP3 或其他的压缩音频格式。 另一个特点就是刻录 CD 功能:使用 EAC 支持的 CD 刻录机(EAC 与某些 CD-RW 不兼容,如笔者的 LG8240B 24x CDRW)来刻录 CD 可达到最佳的复制水平。 具体,就不再过多赘述了,希望感兴趣的大家多多交流! 早年在 ebay 购买的浦科特 Premium光驱专用于CD抓轨,现在已经完成使命。早两三年推出的 Plexeasy 已经买不到,现在有售的Melco价格有点太高,有没有什么比较好的选择? 先行谢过。 另外请风火水核电的朋友们让一让,谢谢。

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Sweat (Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta) [Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:Sweat (Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta) [Remix]歌手:Snoop Dogg&David Guetta专辑:Nothing But The BeatI"ve been watching youA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longc"monA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longheystanding across the roomi saw you smilesaid I want to talk to you-oo-oofor a little whileBut before i make my moveMy emotions start running wildmy tongue gets tiedand that"s no lielooking in your eyeslooking in your big brown eyesooh yeahand i"ve got this to say to youHey!Girl I want to make you sweatsweat till you can"t sweat no moreand if you cry outI"m gonna push it some, more, moregirl I want to make you sweatsweat till you can"t sweat no moreand if you cry outI"m gonna push itPush it, push it some moreA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longc"monA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longso I said to myselfDoes she love me or not?but the dreads done knowthat love is his to getwith a little bit of thisand a little bit of thatmy lyric goes on the attackmy tongue gets tiedand that"s no lielooking in you eyeslooking in your big brown eyesooh girland I"ve got this to say to youhey!Girl I want to make you sweatsweat till you can"t sweat no moreand if you cry outI"m gonna push it some, more, moregirl I want to make you sweatsweat till you can"t sweat no moreand if you cry outI"m gonna push itPush it, push it some moreA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longooh yeahA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longone more timeA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longsing itA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longheywoo woo woo woo wee yeaheyeslooking in your big brown eyesand i"ve got this to say to youheyGirl I want to make you sweatsweat till you can"t sweat no moreand if you cry outI"m gonna push it some, more, moregirl I want to make you sweatsweat till you can"t sweat no moreand if you cry outI"m gonna push itPush it, push it some moreA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longyeahA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longpush it push it some moreA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longalrightA la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long longpush it, push it some more

Pinnacle HollywoodFX Plus和Pinnacle Studio Plus V10及premiere 三者的区别!没分了,还望各位不吝赐教!

Pinnacle HollywoodFX Plus是Pinnacle旗下的一款视频转场特效软件,有非富多彩的转场特效,不过各种特效难以根据个人的需要进行精确的调整。视频编辑功能非常弱,特长在于视频转场特效上。(它有转门用于premiere的版本,名子为HollywoodFX for premiere)Pinnacle Studio Plus V10是Pinnacle旗下一款视频采集卡所用的采集软件,同时支持简单的视频编辑功能。其它的特效不是很多。premiere是adobe公司旗下的一款视频编辑软件,也是目前最这强大的视频编辑软件。功能非常强大,利用它的特效插件,可以根据个人的需要要,做出千变万化的特效来,包括品尼高HollywoodFX Plus中的一些特效(只是相当的费时间,不如HollywoodFX Plus集成的方便)。如果它与同一公司旗下的视频特效制作软件AE结合,则目前平面内的特效,基本全部拿下!没有其它软件能比的了!

Adobe 的 Premire ,After Effects 和 Prelude 有什么区别

3个不同的软件 Premire是视频编辑软件,主要是对视频进行剪辑和简单特效处理; Prelude可以简化后期制作的工作流;After Effects是后期特效合成软件参考资料:



kat tun 上ザ少年俱乐部Premium


空(Sora)(Yukihiro Fukutomi Remix) 歌词

空 / 天空歌手:幸田来未作词:幸田来未作曲:Jin Nakamura编曲:Jin Nakamura広がるよ ほらみて / 开始蔓延 你瞧君の笑颜の奥の悲しみ / 在你笑容背後的哀愁なくす勇気 君の胸の中にあるから / 消失的勇气 其实就在你的心中空よ教えて 自分ができることには / 天空请告诉我 自己所能做到的事情限界があるのかと考えて见上げる / 是否有它的极限 我擡头望天思索「空には青い世界があるけど / 「天空有它蓝色的世界仆には何があるのかな…」 / 但我究竟有些什麽…」卑屈になってしまう / 不禁变得卑微起来人の幸せは どこまでも広がる / 人的幸福 究竟有多麽辽阔遂げられなかった想い 届けようと誓う / 没能实现的情感 发誓一定要传送広がるよ ほらみて / 开始蔓延 你瞧君の笑颜の奥の悲しみ / 在你笑容背後的哀愁なくす勇気 君の胸の中にあるから / 消失的勇气 其实就在你的心中强くなること 意识せず / 不去特别在意 要变得坚强素直に笑えばいいさ / 只要能保持坦诚的笑容就好自然に歩いてこう 谁も笑いはしない / 自然地往前走 没有人会嘲笑少しだけ自分の道 见えてきた気がする / 似乎多多少少 看见了属於自己的路どんなところかは 仆はまだわからない / 虽然还不知道 那是个什麽样的地方梦と希望を鞄 诘め込んで / 将梦想和希望 塞在行囊裏君との出会いを 待っている人がいるから / 因为将有人 在等待与你的邂逅夏の风 教えてくれる / 夏天的风 告诉了我新しいことを告げに / 宣告了新的事物的来到未来広がるから 君の声を闻かせてよ / 未来的辽阔无际 所以让我听见你的声音この歌が このメロディーが / 当这首歌 这段旋律流れ始めた 今ほら! / 开始流动 你瞧现在准备は出来てる 君なら出来るよ きっと / 准备已经就绪 你一定可以做到 一定広がるよ ほらみて / 开始蔓延 你瞧君の笑颜の奥の悲しみ / 在你笑容背後的哀愁なくす勇気 君の胸の中にあるから / 消失的勇气 其实就在你的心中强くなること 意识せず / 不去特别在意 要变得坚强素直に笑えばいいさ / 只要能保持坦诚的笑容就好自然に歩いてこう 谁も笑いはしない /自然地往前走 没有人会嘲笑夏の风 教えてくれる / 夏天的风 告诉了我未来広がるから / 未来 开始蔓延


W照片需要安装Camera Raw插件先处理,再导入到Lightroom或Photoshop

Fever (Hoochy Papa Space Race Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Fever (Hoochy Papa Space Race Remix)歌手:Julie Dennis专辑:Fever (Club Mixes)Bullet For My Valentine - FeverIt"s hot as hell in hereEverybody wants to lose controlThe music"s turned up loud, the lightsWe"ll turn them lowWound up like a hurricaneAnd my head"s about to explodeCan"t wait to self-destruct, can"t wait to let it go(Woah-oh) She hits the stage(Woah-oh) She makes me craveSo come and get my money (Woah-oh-oh-oh)I can feel your fever, taking overCan you see your fever, taking over meI can feel your fever, taking overGot a dirty feeling, and you"re the remedyWoah Come on!So I"m looking for a spark I"ve got a body to re-igniteDon"t worry you won"t get burned so don"tDon"t put up a fightPush hard to breaking pointAnd I"m ready to overloadNo limits and no regretsIt"s time to sell my soul(Woah-oh) You"re all I want(Woah-oh) You"re all I needSo come and take my money (Woah-oh-oh-oh)I can feel your fever, taking overCan you see your fever, taking over meI can feel your fever, taking overGot a dirty feeling, and you"re the remedyAnd you"re the remedy!Come here you naughty girlYou"re such a teaseYou look so beautifulDown on your kneesKeep on those high heel shoesRip off all your clothesYou smell so fucking good it makes me lose control!Losing control! (You"re all I want)Selling my soul! (You"re all I need)Losing control! (You"re all I want)I CAN"T LET YOU GO!Woah-oh-oh-ohI can feel your fever, taking overCan you see your fever, taking over meI can feel your fever, taking overGot a dirty feeling, and you"re the remedyAnd you"re the remedyYou are THE REMEDY!

katt williams weed remix歌词,英文的,我一定要英文的。中文请不要回答



on-demand 是前提模式on-premise是需求模式*******************************您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如果满意请及时点击【采纳回答】按钮或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳,是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值***************************************************

enter premise什么意思


Under the premise of是什么意思

Under the premise of在前提下 双语例句1Under the premise of market segment, realize the variety of products.在市场细分的前提下,通过实现产品的多样化。 2In this “ three of ” under the premise of the work also must be unique and forward-looking.在这“三性”的前提下,还必须讲求作品的独特性和前瞻性。


on the premise of在.....的前提下双语例句1On the premise of the one-China principle, all issues can be discussed.在一个中国的前提下,什么问题都可以谈。2Personality Independence and Spirit Freedom& On the Premise of the Self-realization of the Feminine Art人格独立与精神自由&论女性艺术实现自我的前提

on premise是什么意思

On Premise 网络 预置模式; [例句]There are three types of cloud formations: private ( on premise), public, and hybrid.云的构成有三种类型:私有(内部)、公共和混合型。



rented premises是什么意思

rented premises 租用房premises[英][u02c8premu026asu026az][美][u02c8pru025bmu026asu026az]n.(包括附属建筑、土地等在内的)房屋或其他建筑物; <律>(契约)前言; 契据的缘起部分(记述财产的详情、当事人姓名等); (企业的)房屋建筑及附属场地; 前提( premise的名词复数 ); [复数]房屋; [复数][合同、契约用语]上述各点; (逻辑学中的)大[小]前提;


on-premise-application应用;程序释义1. 应用该平台使用户可以在基于云计算的前置应用(on-premise application)之间方便地传输数据,而无需任何软件和代码,因此帮助客户 …2. 程序...o 公司再以SQL 语法将资料库存放进上部署应 用程序(On-Premise Application)中。


on-premise 部署; 预置; 本机端; 预置的; 部署的; [例句]Often, applications that run on-premise will store state in memory or within the local file system.常常,在内部运行的应用程序会将状态存储在内存中或本地文件系统中。

房屋 - Premise vs Premises

Premise 和 Premises 是两个不同的单词,它们的含义也有所不同。Premise 意为“前定,假定”,而 Premises 意为“企业的房屋建筑及附属场地”。在告示中,我们常常会看到 Premises 的应用,如“场内禁止饮酒”。



prerequisite 和premise区别

prerequisite[5pri:5rekwizit]adj.必须预先具备的, 先决条件的, 必[首]要的(to)premise[5premis]n.【逻】前提[pl. ]房产; 房屋(及其附属建筑, 地基等)[pl. ]【律】控诉事实, 缘起部分; 根据; [契据等用语]上述各点; 让渡物件; 证件前款(如当事人姓名等)the major [minor] premise【逻】大[小]前提going on this premise从这个前提出发premise[5premis]vt.[pri5maiz]预述(条件等)提出... 为前提假定Let me premise my argument with a bit of history.让我引述一些史实作为我立论的前提。premise[5premis]vi.作出前提




premises[英][u02c8premu026asu026az][美][u02c8pru025bmu026asu026az]n.(包括附属建筑、土地等在内的)房屋或其他建筑物; <律>(契约)前言; 契据的缘起部分(记述财产的详情、当事人姓名等); (企业的)房屋建筑及附属场地; 前提( premise的名词复数 ); [复数]房屋; [复数][合同、契约用语]上述各点; (逻辑学中的)大[小]前提;

on-premise cloud和private cloud有什么区别

区别是:on-premise cloud指的是本机端的云。private cloud指的是私有云。详细解释:on-premise 网络 部署; 预置; 本机端; 预置的; 部署的; [例句]Managed by Amazon, no on-premise infrastructure or support expertise is required.由Amazon管理,不需使用私有基础设施,也不需要专业支持知识。private 英[u02c8prau026avu0259t] 美[u02c8prau026avu026at] adj. 私有的,私人的; 秘密的; 内心的; 平民的,无官职的,士兵的; n. 列兵,士兵,[陆]二等兵; 〈古〉私人,个人; 阴部,生殖器; [例句]Bupa runs private hospitals in Britain.保柏在英国开办私立医院。cloud 英[klau028ad] 美[klau028ad] n. 云; 云状物; 一团; 阴影; vi. 布满云; 显得阴沉; 看起来忧愁); vt. 使难以理解; 使…朦胧不清; 使减少乐趣; 混淆; [例句]The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud.天空几乎完全被云所遮蔽。

on premise什么意思啊?

前提是。条件是。的意思。on premise that =on condition that意思是:如果,后面跟从句。例如:I"ll do it on condition that you pay for everything.本人能够做此事,条件是你得支付一切费用。

英语翻译 clean our premise


Premises type什么意思

Premises type房屋类型premises英 [u02c8premu026asu026az] 美 [u02c8pru025bmu026asu026az] n.(包括附属建筑、土地等在内的)房屋或其他建筑物; <律>(契约)前言; 契据的缘起部分(记述财产的详情、当事人姓名等); (企业的)房屋建筑及附属场地; 前提( premise的名词复数 ); [复数]房屋; [复数][合同、契约用语]上述各点; (逻辑学中的)大[小]前提网络处所; 经营场所; 房产表面意思是房屋类型,但在具体情况里是经营场所类型,是想问你公司在哪儿经营吧,侧面看看你公司的实力如何


premise→/"premisiz/cases→ /keisis//s/和/z/都有


作名词时,经营场所办公场所the premises of a business,用介词of作名词时,前提,用介词of In the premise of assuring the filling body quality, we control the filling body cost.在保证充填体质量的前提下,对充填体成本进行控制。作动词,没有介词。He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand

on the premises是什么意思

on the premises在。。。前提下双语对照例句:1.All condos are non-smoking and there are absolutely no pets allowed on the premises. 所有公寓都禁止吸烟,并绝对不存在可带宠物的处所。2.And we think he might still be on the premises, possibly in the basement. 而且他应该还在这栋楼范围内,多半就在地下室


分成两部分记忆:pre和misepre为预先的意思,而mise为送出的意思,加在一起就为预先送出则等于前提。这样就可以完整的记下来了。而premise的名词解释为前提、假定动词解释为假定;欲述(条件);引导(论述等);提出什么作为前提条件过去式:premised过去分词:premised现在分词:premising第三人称单数:premises短语On the premise在什么前提下Major premise大前提Off the premises店外,屋外,建筑物外例句See him off the premises and sure he never returns.把他从这房屋赶走,绝不让他再回来。Let me premise my argument with a bit of history.让我引述一些史实,作为我立论的前提。


premise[5premis]n.【逻】前提[pl. ]房产; 房屋(及其附属建筑, 地基等)[pl. ]【律】控诉事实, 缘起部分; 根据; [契据等用语]上述各点; 让渡物件; 证件前款(如当事人姓名等)the major [minor] premise【逻】大[小]前提going on this premise从这个前提出发premise[5premis]vt.[pri5maiz]预述(条件等)提出... 为前提假定Let me premise my argument with a bit of history.让我引述一些史实作为我立论的前提。premise[5premis]vi.作出前提premiumKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 奖品;奖金2. 额外补贴,津贴;酬金3. 【商】加价,溢价Hard-to-get theater tickets can be bought at a premium.紧俏的戏票能以高价买到。4. 【商】优惠(让价);附赠礼品If you buy three you get a premium of one more, free.你买三个,可以再送你一个。5. 保险费6. 【商】贴水,升水7. 习艺费,学费a.1. 高价的;优质的[Z][B]




premise 英["premu026as] 美[u02c8pru025bmu026as] n. 前提; [复数] 房屋; [复数][合同、契约用语] 上述各点; (逻辑学中的) 大[小]前提; vt. 预述(条件等); 提出…为前提; 假设; 作出前提; [例句]There is a kitchen on the premises该处有一个厨房。[其他] 复数:premises


premire 片头制作;非线性编辑系统;电视教材设计与制作.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



Earthquake [Gold Panda Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:Earthquake [Gold Panda Remix]歌手:Little Boots专辑:EarthquakeEarthquakeLittle BootsI can remember daysThings weren"t always this wayI used to make you smileIf only for a whileBut now I can"t get throughThere"s no way I can loseI know some days are hardBut must you make mine tooCoz I can"t stand itWhen you come home and we just fight for hoursBut I won"t show itNo I"ll just hold my breath and keep it quietEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hug meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the insideNow many countless nightsI try my best to hideSoon as you slam the doorMy tears fall to the floorI know that people changeMaybe you"re not to blameBut must you burn a holeSo deep into my soulCoz I can"t stand itWhen you come home and we just fight for hoursBut I won"t show itNo I"ll just hold my breath and keep it quietEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hurt meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the inside(Repeat)Every little earthquakeEvery little heartbreakEvery little landslideCatch it in my handEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hurt meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the inside(Repeat)Every little earthquakeEvery little heartbreakEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand

求 空之境界 Remix_Gate_of_seventh_heaven和Review的字幕文件



recall [ri"ko:l]vt.回忆, 回想, 记起, 取消n.召回remind [ri"maind]vt.提醒, 使想起
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