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remind sb of sth.还是remind sth of sth?

前者是 使某人 想起 某事 主语人、物 皆可后者是 提醒某人某事 主语一般是人不过 我认为 没有什么区别二者的区别在于具体含义的不同1、 remind sb. of sth.意思:一是提醒某人某件事情,主语提醒的sth.是宾语sb.曾经做过的事情。remind sb (about/of sth)提醒;使想起to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do例句:He doesn"t need a hero"s welcome to remind him of that moment a year ago.他并需要一个英雄般的欢迎,来告诉他一年前的那个时刻。I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to remind him of the meeting today.我觉得我提醒他今天有会是绝对必要的。I remind him of his promise.我提醒他许下的诺言。另外remind sb of sb/sth第二可以表达:使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)This reminds me of Christmas parties.这让我想起圣诞聚会。In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。Now that you remind me of this matter, I have a vague impression of it.这事经你一提醒,我脑子里才有点儿影子。The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remindyourself of famine even when the barn is full.丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时。You remind me of your father when you say that.你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。That smell reminds me of France.这股气味使我想起了法国。So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.于是她只是对他表示欢迎,并且提醒说他们上次见过面。She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you...她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。2、remind sb. to do sth.意思是提醒某人做某事,sth.还没发生,即宾语sb.还没做这件事,主语提醒宾语sb.去做这件事。三个结构:remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)例句:You must remind him to take his medicine, in case he forgets.你要钉着他吃药,别让他忘了。The bus conductor forgot to remind himto get off at that station.公共汽车售票员忘记提醒他在那一站下车了。Please remind him to start earlier.请提醒他早点动身。Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?...你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言。My wife reminded me of seeing that film. 我妻子提醒我曾经看过那部电影。Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能否提醒我给她打电话?I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。(此句也可说成I was going to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before)


【 #英语资源# 导语】 remind有使想起;提醒等意思,那么你知道remind的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】remind的用法   remind的用法1:remind的基本意思是指通过一定的媒介或激发而慢慢想起某事(做过或应做某事)。这事可以是全然忘却的,也可以是一时想不起来的; 这媒介则是引起人们回忆的外界人或事物。   remind的用法2:remind只用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由带或不带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句或以疑问词引导的从句充当。   remind的用法3:remind常和介词of连用,表示“提醒注意未来的事”或“使想起过去的事”的内容, of的宾语可以是名词、动名词,也可以是疑问词引导的从句。   remind的用法4:remind作“提醒”解时与remind about同义,其主语只能是人,作“使想起”解时主语通常是事物。   remind的用法5:remind sb of sth/ v -ing/wh-clause属双宾语结构, of引起的短语是直接宾语,可以把remind sb that/wh-clause中的从句看作是其前省略了介词of。   remind的用法6:可以把remind sb to- v 中的to- v 看作是直接宾语 【篇二】remind的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   remind about (v.+prep.)   remind of (v.+prep.) 【篇三】remind的用法例句   1. Dietary experts can advise on the ins and outs of dieting.   饮食专家可以对日常饮食的方方面面提出建议。   2. Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this?   这该怎么办?你能不能推荐一个人帮我出个主意?   3. A family doctor will be able to advise on suitable birth control.   家庭医生能够就合适的节育措施提出建议。   4. The centre has a remit to advise Asian businesses and entrepreneurs.   这个中心有为亚洲的企业和企业家提供建议的职能。   5. They advise against foreign delegates wandering unescorted in various parts of town.   他们建议外国代表在没人陪同时不要在城镇四处游逛。   6. He set up a three-man panel to advise him.   他成立了一个三人小组为他出谋划策。   7. Have you moved yet? Pls advise address, phone no.   你已经搬了吗?请告知地址和电话号码。   8. Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for worry.   一些医生建议每天留出一点时间来解决烦心事。   9. Herbert would surely advise her how to approach the bank.   赫伯特一定会就如何与银行接洽向她提供意见。   10. Please could you advise me what I should do?   能不能请您就我该做什么给点建议呢?   11. I would strongly advise against it.   我强烈建议反对此事。   12. I would strongly advise against going out on your own.   我要极力奉劝你别单独外出。   13. Doctors now advise only sparing use of such creams.   现在大夫建议,这种乳霜要慎用。   14. Experienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather.   有经验的海员会告诉你在这种天气下的航行情况.   15. He made it a useless attempt to advise her.   他认为试图劝她是无用的.

be reminded of 什么意思


remind sb of还是remind sb of sth?

前者是 使某人 想起 某事 主语人、物 皆可后者是 提醒某人某事 主语一般是人不过 我认为 没有什么区别二者的区别在于具体含义的不同1、 remind sb. of sth.意思:一是提醒某人某件事情,主语提醒的sth.是宾语sb.曾经做过的事情。remind sb (about/of sth)提醒;使想起to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do例句:He doesn"t need a hero"s welcome to remind him of that moment a year ago.他并需要一个英雄般的欢迎,来告诉他一年前的那个时刻。I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to remind him of the meeting today.我觉得我提醒他今天有会是绝对必要的。I remind him of his promise.我提醒他许下的诺言。另外remind sb of sb/sth第二可以表达:使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)This reminds me of Christmas parties.这让我想起圣诞聚会。In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。Now that you remind me of this matter, I have a vague impression of it.这事经你一提醒,我脑子里才有点儿影子。The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remindyourself of famine even when the barn is full.丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时。You remind me of your father when you say that.你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。That smell reminds me of France.这股气味使我想起了法国。So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.于是她只是对他表示欢迎,并且提醒说他们上次见过面。She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you...她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。2、remind sb. to do sth.意思是提醒某人做某事,sth.还没发生,即宾语sb.还没做这件事,主语提醒宾语sb.去做这件事。三个结构:remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)例句:You must remind him to take his medicine, in case he forgets.你要钉着他吃药,别让他忘了。The bus conductor forgot to remind himto get off at that station.公共汽车售票员忘记提醒他在那一站下车了。Please remind him to start earlier.请提醒他早点动身。Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?...你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言。My wife reminded me of seeing that film. 我妻子提醒我曾经看过那部电影。Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能否提醒我给她打电话?I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。(此句也可说成I was going to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before)

remind加名词性从句要加of吗?比如remind me what should I do



remind sb of sth和remind sb about sth有什么区别

好像只有REMIND OF(提醒).... 哦,原来是这个啊...其实这不能说是REMIND OF 只能说是REMIND SB 后面的介词不应该和REMIND放在一起谈,关系不大,不应算在REMIND的词组里... 有区别... 当然有时候能互换,有时侯不能... 关于事时 REMIND SB ABOUT STH. =REMIND SB OF STH 如果关于人就不一样了... 一般是不用REMIND SB.OF SB.的.. 但可以REMIND SB.ABOUT SB. remind sb.of(doing)sth. 2.remind sb+that从句 3.remind do sth

remind...of...和bring back...memories... 的用法和含义 请各举一个例句加以说明 谢

remind of 提醒.thanks for reminding me of bring this to school bring back ...memories 把XX拉入回忆. the old buildings bring me back to the memories of yersterday

remind的用法与remind sb of/ of sth有何区别?

前者是 使某人 想起 某事 主语人、物 皆可后者是 提醒某人某事 主语一般是人不过 我认为 没有什么区别二者的区别在于具体含义的不同1、 remind sb. of sth.意思:一是提醒某人某件事情,主语提醒的sth.是宾语sb.曾经做过的事情。remind sb (about/of sth)提醒;使想起to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do例句:He doesn"t need a hero"s welcome to remind him of that moment a year ago.他并需要一个英雄般的欢迎,来告诉他一年前的那个时刻。I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to remind him of the meeting today.我觉得我提醒他今天有会是绝对必要的。I remind him of his promise.我提醒他许下的诺言。另外remind sb of sb/sth第二可以表达:使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)This reminds me of Christmas parties.这让我想起圣诞聚会。In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。Now that you remind me of this matter, I have a vague impression of it.这事经你一提醒,我脑子里才有点儿影子。The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remindyourself of famine even when the barn is full.丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时。You remind me of your father when you say that.你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。That smell reminds me of France.这股气味使我想起了法国。So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.于是她只是对他表示欢迎,并且提醒说他们上次见过面。She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you...她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。2、remind sb. to do sth.意思是提醒某人做某事,sth.还没发生,即宾语sb.还没做这件事,主语提醒宾语sb.去做这件事。三个结构:remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)例句:You must remind him to take his medicine, in case he forgets.你要钉着他吃药,别让他忘了。The bus conductor forgot to remind himto get off at that station.公共汽车售票员忘记提醒他在那一站下车了。Please remind him to start earlier.请提醒他早点动身。Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?...你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言。My wife reminded me of seeing that film. 我妻子提醒我曾经看过那部电影。Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能否提醒我给她打电话?I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。(此句也可说成I was going to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before)

think of与 remind of 的差别

意思本就差很多,意思如这位兄台所说,我说说用法。think of一般连用不拆开,主语+think of+sth.主语想起了sth(主动想起的)remind of有连用也有分开的,1)连在一起多用于被动句式,如I don"t want to be reminded of it.我不想被提及它2)分开的,It remind me of sth/doing sth 它让我想起(提醒)某物或做什么

remind of 与 remind about 有何区别?

remind of sbremind about sth

remind of 造句

remind of 英[riu02c8maind u0254v] 美[ru026au02c8mau026and u028cv] [词典] 就…提醒(某人); 使(某人)想起…; 指出; [例句]I remind of you of smile, a sweet feeling.我想起你的笑,心里有一甜甜的感觉。


您好亲!"Remind+sb+of+sb/sth"和"Make+sb+think+of+sb/sth"虽然意思有点相似,但在具体用法上有区别。“Remind+sb+of+sb/sth”意指“提醒某人起某人或某事”,其中,引起提醒的对象通常是已知、熟悉的。比如说: The sound of rain always reminds me of my childhood in the countryside.(雨声总是让我想起小时候在乡村的时光。) Seeing this photo reminds me of our trip to Paris last year.(看到这张照片让我想起了我们去年去巴黎的旅行。)“Make+sb+think+of+sb/sth”则表示“使某人想起某人或某事”,其中,引发联想的因素通常是某种刺激,比如某个画面、气味、声音等。比如说: The scent of lavender always makes me think of my grandmother"s garden.(薰衣草的香味总是让我想起我祖母的花园。) This old song always makes me think of my first love.(这首老歌总能让我想起我的初恋。)总之,“Remind+sb+of+sb/sth”和“Make+sb+think+of+sb/sth”虽然有一些相似之处,但在用法上仍然有所不同。希望能够帮到您,谢谢!


remind的用法如下:1.remind只用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语。2.remind常和介词of连用。资料扩展:英语语法是针对英语语言进行研究后,系统地总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则。英语语法的精髓在于掌握语言的使用。英语补语(Complement)的作用对象是主语和宾语,具有鲜明的定语性描写或限制性功能,在句法上是不可或缺的,是起补充说明作用的成分。最常见的是宾语补足语。名词、动名词、形容词、副词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词都可以在句子中作补语。表语(predicative)是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,它常位于系动词(be,become,appear,seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell等词)之后。如果句子的表语也是由一个句子充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就叫做表语从句。同位语(appositive)是当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,一个句子成分可被用来说明或解释另一个句子成分,前者就叫做后者的同位语。这两个句子成分多由名词(代词)担任,同位语通常皆放在其说明的名词(代词)之后。同位语和补语的区别在于:补语不能缺少,同位语可以缺少。独立成分(independent element)是当一个词、短语或从句用在句子里面,与句子的其他成分只有意义上的联系而没有语法关系时,它就称为独立成分。常见的独立成份有呼吁、惊叹语、答语、插入语、介词短语、非谓语动词所构成的短语及形容词、副词所引起的词组等。

remind何时加doing,何时加to do

remind sb of sth = 使某人想起某事 remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)提醒某人做过某事 remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)请看两个例句:I"m too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meeting on Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before. 我本来打来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。

请问横线上为什么是think of 而不是remind of 呢?求详解!谢谢

think of 想到,考虑remind sb. of .... 令某人回想起;给某人提醒语境需要用think of 翻译:当我们想到纸的时候,我们会想到报纸,书籍,信件和书写用纸。


of比with的用法复杂很多,也就是意思含义更多。这两句里of是表示后名称修饰前名词的意思。这两句语法上是可以用with的,不过不合适。with更多地表示纯粹或者客观的关系,表示附带、一起的意思;而of则侧重表达、修饰前名词的属性、特征、特质等等,有更靠近抽象内容的含义。of附带的后名词,与with相比,更具有不可分割性。如果一段话里,所有语法上可以用with代替的of的地方都换成with的话,句子会生涩,意思也不准确或者不正确,就好象一直使用“...和...”“带着...的”这样的表达。第一句最好翻译成:一座有着许多高楼大厦的现代城市,换成with就不合适,因为with牵引的两个名词在级别/范围上应该是一致或者相差不大的,如:a bonywithawhitestaronitsforehead..比较一下acitywithtallbuildings,可以发现使用with而不使用of有些怪怪的。当然,还得看实际的场景是什么,,假如你看着卫星地图,可以说:Have you noticed the city with many tall buildings?因为在这个场景中,可以把城市和高楼都简单地看成两个范围大概的客观物体。多使用,多体会就能找到差别了



remind …of…或made…think of两者都行吗?或者用法上有区别

think of:记起,想起;考虑;想像;关心:remind of :提醒;使记起;使回想起;使想起;令……回忆可以看出,前者是自己记起、想起,而后者是经别人提醒


remind的三种用法如下:1.remind+sb.of/that…Remind作为及物动词,后跟名词或动词不定式,表示“提醒某人某事/做某事”。例如:-Can you remind me of the meeting time tomorrow?-He reminded me that I should finish the assignment before do sth.此时,remind后跟一个人称代词或名词,后面接不定式形式的动词,常常可以看作是上面的用法的被动句式,故也可写成 sb.的形式,例如:-Don"t forget to remind him to check his email when he gets home.-Let me remind you to call your mom on her birthday.3.remind+oneselfRemind可以是不及物动词,表示“提醒自己”或“使自己想起”,例如:-I need to remind myself to study for the final exams coming up.-She reminded herself that she needed to be more patient with her kids.remind这个词的使用非常灵活,可以用于正式或非正式的场合中。想要更加清晰地表达自己的意思,建议可以结合上下文,使用更为具体、准确的语言表达,避免歧义。

bring to mind & remind of 区别

remind of sth.有提醒的意思···bring to mind更适合此处的句意


remind的用法和固定搭配如下:1、表示使某人想起某事或提醒某人某事,通常与介词 of 连用.如:We must remind you of your promise.我们必须提醒你答应过的事.有时可连用介词 about.如:If I forget,please remind me about it.我要是忘了,请提醒我.2、其后可接不定式的复合结构.如:Be sure to remind her to come back early.一定要提醒她早点回来.比较 remind sb to do sth 与 remind sb of doing sth:前者指提醒某人去做某事,其中的不定式所表示的动作尚未发生;后者指提醒某人(使某人想起)已经做过某事,其中的动名词表示动作已经发生。remind的例句:1、The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。2、Daytime television tended to remind her too forcefully of her own situation.日间电视节目往往使她深刻地认识到自身的境况。3、She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.她决定,如果米米忘记了这个承诺,她就提醒她。


不一定。remind of加be就变成被动形式了,be reminded of。remind of不加be也可以,此时是主动形式。

think of与 remind of 的差别

think of:记起,想起;考虑;想像;关心:想到 tremind of :提醒;使记起;使回想起;使想起;令……回忆 可以看出,前者是自己记起、想起,而后者是经别人提醒、.

remind of 与 remind about 有何区别

前者remind somebody of sth是某人记起某事,后者没概念

Paparazzi(Stuart Price Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Paparazzi(Stuart Price Remix)歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:The Remix(Jp Limited Edition)PaparazziLady GaGaWe are the crowdWe"re c-comin" outGot my flash on it"s trueNeed that picture of youIt"s so magicalWe"d be so fantasticoLeather and jeansGarage GlamorousNot sure what it meansBut this photo of us it don"t have a priceReady for those flashing lightsCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mefollow you until you love meBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziI"ll be your girlBackstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsYeah, cause you"re my rock starIn between the setsEyeliner and cigarettesShadow is burntYellow dance and we turnMy lashes are dryPurple teardrops I cryIt don"t have a priceLoving you is cherry pieCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mefollow you until you love meBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziReal good, We dance in the studioSnap Snap to that shit on the radioDon"t stop for anyoneWe"re plastic, but we still have funI"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mefollow you until you love meBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-Paparazzi

New Girl (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:New Girl (Remix)歌手:Kwela Tebza专辑:Made In South Africa (Exclusive)I want a new girl, the kind everybody wantsThe kind that"d shout it out and then we laugh it offI"ll be her terrorist and she will be my looterEye of Fatima painted on her motor scooter and...She puts on eye-shadow, a deeper shadeA deeper shade of blueAnd then she gets in bed with youI want a new girl who will show me how to have a good timeAnd get closer to my life"s designIn the darkness, candlelight across my faceI feel myself fall into grace and...She puts on eye-shadow, a deeper shadeA deeper shade of blueAnd then she gets in bed with youMan sometimes I get to feeling so left outAnd then I"m here again, I"m crying in my beer againLoneliness closes down like a jailThis is a lonely tale I"m singing in my jail cellShe"s got a smile so wide, she eats the painThe pain I"m going throughAnd then she gets in bed with you!She"s brand newShe"s brand newShe"s brand newWe walk Manhattan in a dark silver suitIn the blowing wind, no demons persecutedAnd in the darkness, candlelight across my faceIn my mind I see...She"s got a smile so wide, she eats the painThe pain I"m going throughAnd then she gets in bed with youYou know she"s brand newYou know she"s brand newYou know she"s brand newMan sometimes I get to feeling so left outBut then I"m here again, I"m crying in my beer againLoneliness closes down like a jailThis is a lonely tale, this is a jail cell!She puts on eye-shadow, a deeper shadeA deeper shade of blueI"m very pleased in meeting youShe"s got a smile so wide, she eats the painThe pain I"m going throughAnd then she gets in bed with you(panting)More, more, more!More, more, more!

Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Fuck YouLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.

Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Not FairLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.

Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:It"s Not Me, It"s You (Special Edition)Lily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.

The essential problem of man in a computerized age remians the same as it has always been.

the same as 是个词组,表示就像。。。一样,as是跟the same的,it has always been表示原来那样

Best D.J. Remixes Non-Stop2001

很难找的了 1 耶耶耶 earphones 2 hey oh 法语慢摇 3 舞曲 慢摇 4 嘟啊嘟 5 爵士慢摇 6 鲁巴耶dj 7 bingbingbing 酷龙 8 英文慢摇 wp xw 9 walking in the sun(慢摇版) 10 walking in the sun(加速版) 11 冰河时代2 串烧版 12 我爱猪八戒 张拉拉 13 冰河时代 14 星星 vitas 15 weekend radio edit scooter 16 i saw you walking in the rain 17 sound of my dream... 18 all rise blue 19 never say goodbye... 20 any one of us 翻唱 21 never say goodbye mario 22 nana dreams 23 dreams nana 24 快乐阿拉蕾 王志 25 golden sky smile(金色年代) 26 快乐阿拉蕾 邵雨涵 27 despre tine o-zone(快乐阿拉蕾意大利原版) 28 65 turtles assa tonight 罗百吉(爱的故事上集英文版) 30 stronger (冰河时代2开场曲) 31 sa la li mirboy (拉拉爱英文版) 32 na-nana-na nelly 33 why tiggy (西瓜太郎第一首) 34 let"s talk about a men(经典超劲) 35 boom ba la (蹦吧啦) 36 rise and fall意大利舞曲(迪吧必备) 37 我是超级女声 邵雨涵 38 拉拉爱 邵雨涵 39 far away from home(Groove coverage)

Non-Stop (Digital Dog Club Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Non-Stop (Digital Dog Club Remix)歌手:Andy Bell专辑:Non-StopAtozzio - Non StopThrow yourself over hereYou know what i wanna doSo bring yourself over here, yeahI know we got company overBut I am so temptedTo take it you up in the roomAnd give it to you, baby,babyCause you"re looking so damn good right nowAnd you keep walking in front of me with them lil shorts onYou know what I wantCause I"ve been waiting all dayYou know what I wanna doI wanna taste youSo girl have on your birthday suitI"m gonna unplug all the phonesWe"re in tonightTurn off your cellcause no more calls at the nightCause when we wrap upThere"s nothing that"s gonna be able to come between usTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babySweating till the sun comes upNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma have you screaming for more like OH! OHUntil you lose your voice like OH! OHTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyNow I got you in this roomBaby there"s no exitYou gon" thinkFrom the way we sexin" till the morningWe gon" make love until the morningWe can do it however you like itJust let me knowLike it rough, or thug it outOr I take you real nice and slowTry something differentGirl let"s experimentAin"t no place we can"t goI"m gonna unplug all the phonesWe"re in tonightTurn off your cell,cause no more calls at the nightCause when we wrap upThere"s nothing that"s gonna be able to come between usTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babySweating till the sun comes upNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma have you screaming for more like OH! OHUntil you lose your voice like OH! OHTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma give it to ya in the worst way, babyI"mma give it to ya all nightI"mma give it to ya all night, my babyI"mma have you screamin out my name baby"Like give it to me babyGive it to me babyGive it to me babyTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babySweating till the sun comes upNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma have you screaming for more like OH! OHUntil you lose your voice like OH! OHTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop baby

Live Life Loud (The Uprok Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Live Life Loud (The Uprok Remix)歌手:Hawk Nelson专辑:Wow Hits 2011 (Deluxe Edition)Hawk Nelson - Live Life LoudSomeone throw your hands upIf you wanna take a chance, thenYou gotta sing a little louderLet"s wake this crowd upSomeone throw your hands upIf you wanna take a chance, thenYou gotta sing a little louderLet"s wake this crowd upI got a hankerin" for something specialTonight"s the night it becomes officialDon"t stop the rock, hold both your hands upS-show these people how to shake things upI"m not sittin" down "til I"m olderAnd I"m not shuttin" up "til it"s overRaise your hands and shout if you"re with meThen once we start it won"t make a differenceIf you wanna live life loud, throw your hands upIf you wanna scream and shout, lemme hear youTakin" all the fakers out if you"re with meEverybody work it, just keep livingWow oh oh, wow oh oh, wow oh ohI started figurin" with good intentionsListen up now, give me your attentionDon"t make a sound if you don"t believe meYou won"t wake up, you"ll just keep livingI"m not sittin" down "til I"m olderAnd I"m not shuttin" up "til it"s overRaise your hands and shout if you"re with meThen once we start it won"t make a differenceIf you wanna live life loud, throw your hands upIf you wanna scream and shout, lemme hear youTakin" all the fakers out if you"re with meEverybody work it, just keep livingEvery time that I close my eyes,I catch a glimpse of the west coast sunriseAnd I can tell you you"re just as beautifulSomeone throw your hands upIf you wanna take a chance, thenYou gotta sing a little louderLet"s wake this crowd upSomeone throw your hands upIf you wanna take a chance, thenYou gotta sing a little louderLet"s wake this crowd upIf you wanna live life loud, throw your hands upIf you wanna scream and shout, lemme hear youTakin" all the fakers out if you"re with meEverybody work it, just keep livingWow oh oh,Wow oh oh (Just keep living)Wow oh oh

The Return (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:The Return (Remix)歌手:R. Kelly & Jay-Z Featuring Slick Rick And Doug E. Fresh专辑:Unfinished BusinessThe Ghost Inside - The ReturnerSearching for something that cannot be found.An end with no means to reach.Look to the light that we"ll never see.Is this life? Or some kind of dream?I am a dreamer, so blind my eyes.My absence meant more than this.All the things I"ve come to miss (and bless) are gone.I am a returner, just not tonight.

The Kiss Of Dawn [Single Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:The Kiss Of Dawn [Single Remix]歌手:HIM专辑:The Kiss Of Dawn操翻主流音乐 操翻伪摇滚Blinded I am and so are youBy shedding tearsConfusion that separates us twoWe hold dearJust look into my eyesKiss our fears goodbyeI"m reaching for your shadow drowning inThe kiss of dawnTouching the pain that you left me withAt the kiss of dawnI"m tired of the games I"m playing with youWhen you"re not hereDeath frees from the fear of dying it"s trueHave no fearLet me look into your eyesAnd see death pass us byI"m reaching for your shadow drowning inThe kiss of dawnTouching the pain that you left me withAt the kiss of dawnI"m reaching for your shadow drowning inThe kiss of dawnTouching the pain that you left me withAt the kiss of dawnI"m reaching for your shadow drowning inAt the kiss of dawn

Take Me Away (Bonzer Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Away (Bonzer Remix)歌手:Dawn&Geo Angelo专辑:Global Electro House Sessions Vol 4Take Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me away

The Truth (Dj Taucher Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:The Truth (Dj Taucher Remix)歌手:Qattara专辑:The TruthMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceI wish i told you more earlier what happenedI couldnt swallow my pride ..YeahhAnd its crazy as you heard it from somebody elseAnd now u asking me whyDont know why i did that to youI swear i thought you made me completeSorry i made you look like a foolBut i needed someone here with meWhy werent you there when i needed you by my sideWhy werent you there when you made everything so rightWhy werent you there cause it hurts like hell to know that we"re throughBut finally Im telling you the truthI wish this situation wasnt so complicatedBut you deserve to knowAhh, one day led to anotherStop thinking about usThen I couldnt do it no moreDont know why I did that to youI swear i thought you made me completeSorry i made you look like a foolBut i needed someone here with meWhy werent you there when i needed you by my sideWhy werent you there when you made everything so rightWhy werent you there cause its hurts like hell to know that we"re throughbut finally Im telling you the truthThis is also sadAnd I cant take It backAnd to see you cryMakes me feels so badI Wish I could take this big mistakeMake it go away but its too lateWhy werent you there when i needed you by my sideWhy werent you there when you made everything so rightWhy werent you there cause its hurts like hell to know that we"re throughBut finally Im telling you the truthWhy werent you there when i needed you by my sideWhy werent you there when you made everything so rightWhy werent you there cause its hurts like hell to know that we"re throughBut finally Im telling you the truthBut finally Im telling you the truthMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

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remittance[英][ru026au02c8mu026atns][美][ru026au02c8mu026atn:s]n.汇款; 汇款额; 支付(金额); [法](案件的)发回,移转; 复数:remittances-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮




remittance美 [ru026a"mu026at(u0259)ns]英 [ru026a"mu026at(u0259)ns]n.汇款;汇款金额;汇付 汇兑;汇款额;汇款结算例句筛选1.Thank you for your letter dated yesterday, advising us of your remittance.谢谢你昨日通知我方汇款一事的来函。2.You may change your oversee remittance at the Bank of China .您可以到中国银行兑换您的外侨汇款。



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英文:remittance information中文:汇款信息很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

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- (1)汇付的含义及其当事人   1)汇付的含义   汇付(Remittance),又称汇款,即付款人主动通过银行或其他途径将款项汇给收款人,是最简单的支付方式。   2)汇付的当事人   在汇付业务中,通常需要涉及四方当事人:   ①汇款人(Remitter)。即付款人,通常为进口商。   ②收款人(Payee or Beneficiary)。又称受益人,通常为出口商。   ③汇出行(Remitting Bank)。指受汇款人委托汇出款项的银行,通常是进口商所在地银行。   ④汇入行(Receiving Bank)。又称解付行(Paying Bank),指受汇出行的委托,解付款项给收款人的银行,通常为汇出行的代理行。   (2)汇付的种类   按照汇出行向汇入行发送解付授权书的方式,可以将汇付分为三种   1)信汇(Mail Transfer,M/T)。汇出行应汇款人的申请,将信汇委托书寄给汇入行,授权解付一定金额给收款人的汇款方式。信汇方式具有费用低廉的优点,但是收款人受到汇款的时间较迟。   2)电汇(Telegraphic Transfer,T/T)。汇出行应汇款人的申请,拍发加押电报、电传或SWIFT给另一国家的分行或代理行(即汇入行)指示解付一定金额给收款人的汇款方式。通过电汇方式收款人可以迅速收到汇款,但费用较高。   3)票汇(Demand Draft,D/D)。汇出行应汇款人的申请,开立以其分行或代理行为解付行的银行即期汇票,支付一定金额给收款人的汇款方式。票汇与信汇、电汇的不同之处在于,票汇的汇入行无须通知收款人取款,收款人将持票登门取款。   (3)汇付方式的适用范围   汇付方式通常用于预付货款、订货付现和赊销等。采用预付货款或订货付现,对卖方来说就是先收款,后交货,最为有利。相反,采用赊销交易时,对卖方来说,就是先交货,后收款,卖方不仅要占用资金,还要承担买方不付款的风险,对卖方不利,而对买方最为有利。此外,汇付方式还用于定金、运费、分期付款、货款尾数、佣金等小金额的支付。




n. 汇款;汇寄之款;汇款额

Lose Myself (Capital Kings Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Lose Myself (Capital Kings Remix)歌手:TobyMac专辑:Eye On It (Deluxe Edition)JC Chasez -- Lose MyselfBy R.CHEUNG of SUN YAT-SEN University in CHINAYeah, yeah-yeahShe loves Daffodils, andShe keeps "em on her window sillWhen the wind blows her smell fills the roomShe dreams in colorBut does she know that I love her?I"m swimming in my abyss of insecure blue, yeahAnd I"m losing my headAnd I can"t get no sleep(No sleep)But if I reached out(Reached out)Would you reach out for me, yeahKnocked unconcious, walking on waterCause I"m thinking of you(Thinking of you, thinking of you)And don"t you know that love"s intoxicating and I need the abuse(Need the abuse)Because I"m endlessly fallingAnd we"re destiny calling what you"re making me do(Destiny calling what you"re making me do)It"s all because I lose myself in youAll because I lose myself in youI don"t wanna be invisible(Invisible)I just wanna be compatibleLonging for something that can only be filled by you, yeahCause I"m fighting with my confidence(Confidence)Build up my courage, give myself a chanceBecause the only thing I think about is youDo you know that I"m here?Do I even exist?I"d dance on velvet skiesFor just the thought of one kiss, yeahKnocked unconcious, walking on waterCause I"m thinking of you(Thinking of you, thinking of you)And don"t you know that love"s intoxicating and I need the abuse(Need the abuse)Because I"m endlessly fallingAnd we"re destiny calling what you"re making me do(Destiny calling what you"re making me do)It"s all because I lose myself in youAll because I lose myself in youI see the beauty in your strength, babyAnd you fight to keep it in you, yeaBut I break down your walls(Break down your walls)With my army of love(Army of love)Take a journey through my heartIt"s a test of fate(Test of fate)As we hold each other close our spirits gravitate(Gravitate)Let"s drift into foreverAs our boundaries melt awayThinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of youOh...I found myself intoxicated by this drugSent to my knees cause I"m addicted to your loveAll because I lose myself in youAll because I lose myself in youAll because I lose, I lose myself in youAll because I lose myself in youIf you share with meThen I"ll find youAnd I"ll meet you there,Down in nowhereIf you share with meThen I"ll find youAnd I"ll meet you there,Down in nowhereBaby my life is yoursJust open up the doorI can"t believe I found you, yeah-yeah"Cause if you share with meThen I"ll find youAnd I"ll meet you there,Down in nowhereDown in nowhereYeah-yeah, ohLose myself, yeahYeah...Oh...

No More Tears(Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:No More Tears(Remix)歌手:安室奈美惠专辑:Break The Rules作词/作曲:小室哲哉celebrate19夜明けより夕暮れが楽しく感じてきた顷すこしずつしなやかにやさしくKISSをしはじめたそっと声にして気持ちを见せようWhatcha gonna do?Whatcha gonna do?求めていた何よりも强い色彩にそめていって...No more crying on my bedどこからかすっと歩いていた私は确かに动いていったWhat"s goin" on with you & me?What"s goin" on with you & me?Now we"re in paradiseやさしい...Now no tears on my bedいつからかふっと消えてったお愿いこのまま寂しさはあらわれないで...やってこないでNow I"m fallin" in loveくちびるが乾いて 息さえ苦しいけど今までも 明日からも私は私のままでいいそっと声にして気持ちをのぞこうWhatcha gonna do?私からWhatcha gonna do?求めていた何よりも强い色彩にそめていって...No more crying on my bedどこからかすっと歩いていた私は确かに动いていったWhat"s goin" on with you & me?What"s goin" on with you & me?Now we"re in paradiseあたたかい…Now no tears on my bedどこからかふっといなくなってきりが晴れた瞬间を见た日の様见逃さないで消えていかないでそっと声にして気持ちを见せようWhatcha gonna do?私からWhatcha gonna do?求めていた何よりも强い色彩にそめていって...No more crying on my bedどこからかすっと歩いていた私は确かに动いていったWhat"s goin" on with you & me?What"s goin" on with you & me?What"s goin" on with you & me?What"s goin" on with you & me?What"s goin" on with you & me?What"s goin" on with you & me?Now we"re in paradiseあたたかい…Now no tears on my bedどこからかふっといなくなってきりが晴れた瞬间を见た日の様What"s goin" on with you & me?What"s goin" on with you & me?Whatcha gonna do?私からWhatcha gonna do?求めていたWhat"s goin" on with you & me?What"s goin" on with you & me?Now we"re in paradiseやさしい...Now no tears on my bedどこからかふっといなくなってきりが晴れた瞬间を见た日の様Now no tears on my bed No more crying on my bedNow no tears on my bedどこからかふっといなくなってきりが晴れた瞬间を见た日の様Now no tears on my bedお愿いこのまま寂しさはNow no tears on my bedあらわれないで

10,000 Nights (Superbass Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:10,000 Nights (Superbass Remix)歌手:Alphabeat专辑:10,000 NightsAlphabeat - 10.000 NightsI was not looking for arty farty loveI wanted someone to love completelySomeoneMore than weeklyI was looking for a decent boyFor a tender glanceFor a safety danceThe wuthering heights and the stormy nightsYou give me ten thousand nights of thunderBut I will give them all back to you "cause you"re so ooh(Doo doo doo)So ahh(Doo doo doo)So coolYou came like a thief in the night and stole my heartOohLike a solitude erasureLike an elevatorAnd I know we"d do anything for love(Oh yeah]And it is you and me(Whoa)Oh OhFor all eternityThe wuthering heights and the stormy nightsYou give me ten thousand nights of thunderBut I will give them all back to you "cause you"re so ooh(Doo doo doo)So ahh(Doo doo doo)So cool(Baby you"re so super)(Supremely)(Ba ba di oh)It feels like ten thousand nights of thunder when I spend one with youYou"re so ooh(Doo doo doo)So ahh(Doo doo doo)So cool(Baby you"re so super)(Supremely)(Ba ba di oh)BabyBaby you"re irresistible and I"m insatiableOoh Ooh Ooh Oh OhYeahLove is an ocean of sweet emotion(Sweet emotion)You give me ten thousand nights of thunderBut I will give them all back to you "cause you"re so ooh(Doo doo doo)So ahh(Doo doo doo)So cool(Baby you"re so super)(Supremely)(Ba ba di oh)It feels like ten thousand nights of thunder when I spend one with youYou"re so ooh(Doo doo doo)So ahh(Doo doo doo)So cool(Baby you"re so super)(Supremely)(Ba ba di oh)you"re so ooh(Doo doo doo)So ahh(Doo doo doo)So cool(Baby you"re so super)(Supremely)(Ba ba di oh)YeahDoo doo dooDoo doo dooDoo doo doo doo doo dooYou"re so ooh(You"re so)So ahh(You"re so)ShaGuar & Moyile

i hate u, i love u (Deepend Remix)百度云

ihateu,iloveu(DeependRemix)这首歌MP3超品320速率百度云盘连接已放在此提问评论里请查看下载转存若连接失效或者不对版、看不到评论请追问!同求资源者请发求助提问,私信以及评论不予回复(要文件为嘛不去发提问呢?非要在评论里索要?)!确认无误请及时采纳最佳答案谢谢!若连接被系统删除 看不到就请 追问!!!!

Seeing the gift you gave me reminded me of you有错?

Having seen the gift you gave me reminded me of you.

求《i premise you that》的歌词翻译,,westlife的歌曲

Westlife《I promise you that 》的中英文歌词如下: I Promise You That 我向你保证There is no reason you should feel like this你不该有如此感觉I know that I am the only one to blame(我知道)一切都是我一个人的错I feel your agony its hidden in your kiss,oh我能感觉到你吻上的痛苦I don"t believe that things are said and done我不相信话已说出口,事已做I only hope theres still time to be the one但愿我还有时间去做你的唯一We can work it out if only you let me,oh要是你答应,我们就能在一起Whatever you say,whatever you do不管你说什么,不管你做什么There will be good times waiting for you我会一直等着你Whatever you hear,I won"t disappear不管你听到什么,我会一直陪着你I promise you that,I promise you that我向你保证,我向你保证I never said that I could change the world我从没说过我可以改变世界But if you gave me the chance that I deserve但如果你给我一次机会,我就能I know that in your heart, you can forgive me,oh我知道在你心里,你能原谅我Whatever you say, whatever you do翻译同上There will be good times waiting for you同上Whatever you hear,I won"t disappear同上I promise you that,I promise you that同上We have times only a fool could miss我们拥有的美好时光,只有傻瓜会错过But still there is time to turn it around但还有机会回心转意Im not saying its an easy thing我没说它是件容易的事Let me show you,I promise you that,oh,yeah让我来告诉你,我向你保证Whatever,whenever,there will be good time不管怎样,不论何时 ,我会等着你Whatever you hear不管你听到什么, I won"t disappear我会一直陪着你Whatever you say, whatever you do不管你说什么,不论你做什么There will be good times waiting for you我会一直等着你Whatever you hear,I won"t disappear不管你听到什么,我会一直陪着你I promise you that,I promise you that我向你保证,我向你保证



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Go Crazy (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Go Crazy (Remix)歌手:Young Jeezy专辑:Let"S Get It: Thug Motivation 101Hello girl been a while Guess you`ll be knowThat l`ve learned how to laugh and smileGetting over you were slowThey say old lovers can be good friendsBut I never thought l`d really see youl`d really see you againI go crazyWhen I look in your eyesI just go crazyYou know my heart just can`t hideThat old feeling inside Why deep down insideOh baby you know, when I look in your eyesI just go crazyYou say he satisfies your mindTells you all of his dreamI know how much that means to youI realize that I was bline just when i thoughtI was over you I see you faceAnd it just ain`t trueYou know it just ain`t trueI go crazy When I look in your eyesI still go crazyYou know that flame comes aliveIt starts burning insideWhy deep down inside Oh babyYou know, when I look in your eyesI just go crazyYou know it just ain`t trueMy darlin it just ain`t trueI go crazy when iI look in your eyesI still go crazy That old flame comes aliveIt starts burning insideWhy deep down inside Oh babyYou know, when I look in your eyesI just go crazy

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On The Road Again (Telex Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:On The Road Again (Telex Remix)歌手:Telex专辑:On The Road AgainKatie Melua - On the Road AgainWell I"m so tired of cryin" but I"m out on the road againWell I"m so tired of cryin" but I"m out on the road againI ain"t got nobody just to call my special friendYou know the first time I travelled out in the rain and snowIn the rain and snowYou know the first time I travelled out in the rain and snowIn the rain and snowI didn"t have no fellow, not even no place to goAnd my dear mother left me when I was quite youngWhen I was quite youngAnd my dear mother left me when I was quite youngShe said "lord have mercy on my wicked one."Well not take a call me mama please don"t you cry no moreTake a hint from me mama please don"t you cry no moreCause it"s soon one morning down the road I"m goneNo I ain"t going down that long and lonesome roadAll by myselfNo I ain"t going down that long and lonesome roadAll by myselfIf you ain"t coming with me, gonna take somebody elseWell I"m so tired of cryin" but I"m out on the road againI ain"t got nobody just to call my special friend

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Try Me (Hot Pink Delorean Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Try Me (Hot Pink Delorean Remix)歌手:Steed Lord专辑:The Truth Serum Remix ProjectGo ahead and try things on meMaybe it"ll bring you things you"ve never seenIt"s a try, guaranteedYou can take whatever you needOnly skin remainsThe winds blow it awaythe guts and my brainsI"m lonely as a stoneThe one left behindNever picked up and thrownNo more tired, youI"m sure you love me, you doYou can touch me, stillTry me, then leave meThe way that you willI can"t waitI can"t waitJust wanna see a beautiful faceOne that won"t lastBut one I can"t eraseLike that moon or lunar ambushComes in so soonTurns my dreams to mushNo more tired, youI"m sure you love me, you doYou can touch me, stillTry me, then leave meThe way that you willI can"t waitI can"t waitby 宇文I save everything like filesYour smile, my woundsYour dark, and your LightYour joke, your smoke, your lovelySo when do you think we could love?Told you it"s a try, guaranteeI said you can take whatever you needCome onCome onCome onNo more tired, youI"m sure you love me, you doYou can touch me, stillTry me, then leave meThe way that you willI can"t waitCome onCome onNo more tired, youI"m sure you love me, you doYou can touch me, stillTry me, then leave meThe way that you willI can"t wait

Heartbreaker (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreaker (Remix)歌手:Mariah Carey Featuring Da Brat & Missy Elliott专辑:HeartbreakerSophie Ellis Bextor - Heartbreak (Make Me A Dancer) / 苏菲·艾莉丝·贝克斯特 — 心碎(使我成为舞者)翻译:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队Heartbreak... Heartbreak... / 心碎... 心碎...I"ve tried to hold myself together / 我努力做到镇定自若Tried to forget you"ve gone away / 尽量忘却,你的离去The tears I"ve cried, they won"t subside / 泪的潮水,久久不退Unless the music starts to play / 除非音乐开始响起Keep it coming on and on and on / 就这样舞个不停,不停,不停Heartbreak makes me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者DJ give me the answer, answer / DJ,快为我解惑,解惑Love, stop getting me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak make me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者Keep my heart beating faster, faster / 就让心疯狂地跳着,跳着Love, stop bringing me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来I need to feel I"m getting stronger / 我需要更坚强的自我Long as I"m moving it feels true / 舞不停歇,梦就真切And with each step, I will forget / 每个舞步,助我抹除Forget all those memories of you / 抹除对你的所有回忆Keep it coming on and on and on / 就这样舞个不停,不停,不停Heartbreak makes me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者DJ give me the answer, answer / DJ,快为我解惑,解惑Love, stop getting me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak make me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者Keep my heart beating faster, faster / 就让心疯狂地跳着,跳着Love, stop bringing me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak... Heartbreak... / 心碎... 心碎...Heartbreak... Heartbreak... / 心碎... 心碎...Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak makes me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者DJ give me the answer, answer / DJ,快为我解惑,解惑Love, stop getting me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak make me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者Keep my heart beating faster, faster / 就让心疯狂地跳着,跳着Love, stop bringing me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来LRC translated by Tony Chang from LK Lyrics Group

Secret Love (Stellar Project Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Love (Stellar Project Remix)歌手:Kim Sozzi专辑:Secret LoveSecret LoveS ClubSeeing Double Secret Love--S ClubLYC by <<Susi <La la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laI come to see youEvery nightAll on my ownNobody elseThe way that you"re dancingThe look in your eyesHow your body movesWill hypnotiseI can"tShow my feelingsWhen I"m around youBut I canHide this secret secret secretLike I doI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laUnderneath the moonlightI imagine his kissAll of my dreamsStart like thisI"m way downtownI"m out of my depthWhy am I hereWhat do I sayBut I can"tFight my feelingsWhen I"m around youBut I canHide this secret secret secretLike I doI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laThe way you move"s so firey and strongDark latin heats me up as the beat goes onYour moody stares send shivers down my spineThe more I watch the more my temperature climbsAnd my secret showsI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la la

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我最快哈,多多给分哈Mariah CareyBye Bye (Jay-Z Remix) lyrics(Jay-Z):EverytimeThe guns goes blastAnother day goes pastI don"t miss my dogsI"m wishing the daysCould go fastSo I could crashClose my eyesTry to go to sleepAnd bring you back butI can bring you back(Nah can bring you back)So I backBack memories of usActing badWish time could freezeBut time is upAnd I promise yaImma hold it downTill it"s my timeTo leave and I"m okI meanAm allright not okAnd it hurts my soulI won"t see your faceBut if u truelyAre in a better placeLike what sayAnd that"s okI"ll be allrightI"ve been up all nightLike if I didn"tWith my nigga to be livingWith the timeTick-tick-ticking awaySo forever I"m foreverI"m in search of yesterday(Yesterday)Like a beattle songI close my eyesRepeat the songTryna bring us backTo where we belongMiddle of the clubWhen be was on I tearThe song blowing onGoing back beforeSo when I meet the don uShould know I meet way backWith my dog when I goSo when times says goodbyeY"all say hello(Mariah):Bye, bye (3x)Bye, bye(Jay-Z):Rock with meMC come one(Mariah):And you never got the chanceTo see how good I"ve doneAnd you never got to see meBack at number oneI wish that you were hereTo celebrate togetherI wish that we could spendThe holidays togetherI remember when you usedTo tuck me in at nightWith the Teddy BearYou gave to meThat I held so tightI thought youWere so strongThat you can make itThrough whateverIt"s so hardTo accept the factYou"re gone foreverNever knewI could hurt like thisAnd everydayLife goes on likeI wish I couldTalk to you for awhileI wish I could find a wayTry not to cryAs time goes byAnd soon as you reachA better placeStill I"ll giveThe whole worldTo see your faceAnd I"m right hereNext to youIt feels like youGone too soonThe hardest thing to doIs say bye, byeBye, bye (3x)Bye, byeThis is for my people"sWho just lost somebodyYour best friend, your babyYour man or your ladyPut your hand way up high(Put em up, put em up)We will never say bye(No, no, no)Mamma"s, daddy"s, sistersBrothers, friends and cousinsThis is for my people"sWho lost their grandmothersLift your head to the sky(Lift it up lift it up)"Cos we will neverSay bye, byeNever knewI could hurt like this(I never knew it)And everydayLife goes on like(Everyday of my life I wish)I wish I couldTalk to you for awhile(I wish)Miss youBut I try not to cryAs time goes by(I wish, I wishI wish as time goes by)And as soonAs you reachedA better placeStill I"ll give the worldTo see your faceAnd we were hereNext to youIt feelsLike you"re gone too soonNow the hardest thingTo doIs say bye, bye(It"s hard to sayBye, bye, byeBye, bye, byeSo come onSomebody sing it with meWave your hands up highHey, heyThis if for my people"sWho just lost somebodySo this is for everybodyYou put your hand to the sky"Cos we will never say bye, bye)

《the hills》remix版本中用的是eminem的哪首歌?

用的歌曲是The Weeknd 的《The Hills》歌名:The Hills [Remix]歌手:The Weeknd / Eminem所属专辑:《The Hills Remixes》发行时间:2015-10-11歌词:Said you want a little company你说要找一个伴侣And I love it cause the thrill"s cheap我也答应了,因为我喜欢这种感觉Said you left him for good this time你说你离开他,而是为了他好,不是为我!Still if he knew I was here, you"d wanna kill me如果他知道我久久未去,你一定会想干掉我But it"s time you met the real me, filthy但这次你遇到了真实的我,卑鄙无耻But wasn"t always, will be但这不是天性,被你折磨出来的Your pill refill, feeling I"ll still be你要做好准备,感受我仍然对你的情感Your addiction, you can touch a prescription, but don"t fill me你着魔了,你可以准备好处方,但我没满足I let you see my dark side, but like a mic check, you got one too我让你看见了我阴暗的一面,但就是个麦克风也会美中不足,你也是如此So when the sparks fly, we hit the flight deck and got sprung, pew当火花四溅,我们上了飞机,而你酩酊大醉,不久飞机起飞了Like an ejector seat, from an F-15就像个F15的弹射座椅But tonight we don"t need those pills, just the effects of each other但今晚我们不用再嗑药,就是真真实实地感受对方But we gon" film cause I will want your ex to see我们要记录下这一刻,我想让你的下一任看见这场景(Get it?) that...(懂了吗?)那就...I only call you when it"s half past five我只会在凌晨五点半给你打电话The only time that I"ll be by your side那是我陪在你身边的唯一时光I only love it when you touch me, not feel me你爱抚我时并没有真切的感受我,我爱的只是你When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me, yeah心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受,真的I only fuck you when it"s half past five我只会在凌晨五点半给你打电话The only time I"d ever call you mine那也是我能说,你专属于我的唯一时光I only love it when you touch me, not feel me你爱抚我时并没有真切的感受我,我爱的只是你When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me, babe心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受,宝贝And every time he hurt you, I heard you每次当他伤害了你,我听说了Your shoulder to cry on我给了你慰藉的肩膀And I"ll be damned if I weren"t who you turned to但不久我就成了你的出气筒You said he drove you to my arms你说他才对你有真爱But don"t you know, remember when I told you但你不知道,想想我告诉过你的I would never let down my guard我永不会让你失望,我的守卫者,你And I hold you, feel like dirt when I hold you我现在抱住你,我真的心乱如麻,剪不断,理还乱Cause is it really over?这份感情能结束了吗?But you want a little company但你说你就是想找个伴侣And you just really wanna thrill seek但你实际上就是寻找刺激Said you left him for good this time你说你离开他是为他好Bullshit, what your friends do, spill beans?说谎!你朋友都是干啥的!泄露秘密的?Or you just wanna be guilt free and still creep你依旧感觉你没有错,对我无憾。卑鄙小人!But these hills see, from that POV但这绵延重山能见证你做的一切!We can touch but the only way you"ll film me我们能感受对方,但只有一条路,来记录下这一切Is with a camera, feel me?用一个照相机,感受到了吗?You"re nothing but a barfly你啥都不是,一个夜店常客而已You got your sights set on the one who you run to你的眼光只注意拍你马屁的小人But I"m a far cry from what you might get, if we come true当你哭泣无助时,我早已离开,没人安抚你,这是你罪有应得!如果我们来真的So keep texting me, but at night, if you seek those thrills所以,给我发短信保持联系,在晚上,如果你继续寻找刺激What I expect to be?我呢?我能做什么?Cause if you cheat on him just means I will be the next to be因为我见证了你欺骗了他,我不想变成下一个他Your ex, so no complexities, just sex你的下任,显而易见,不会长久!And don"t lecture me, just accept that...别再教训我,就是接受现实.....I only call you when it"s half past five我只会在凌晨五点半给你打电话The only time that I"ll be by your side那是我陪在你身边的唯一时光I only love it when you touch me, not feel me你爱抚我时并没有真切的感受我,我爱的只是你When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me, yeah心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受,真的I only fuck you when it"s half past five我只会在凌晨五点半给你打电话The only time I"d ever call you mine那也是我能说,你专属于我的唯一时光I only love it when you touch me, not feel me你爱抚我时并没有真切的感受我,我爱的只是你When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me, babe心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受,宝贝Hills have eyes, the hills have eyes绵延重山好像有眼,见证了一切Who are you to judge, who are you to judge?你会相信谁,又让谁做出公正裁决?Hide your lies, girl, hide your lies隐藏你的谎言,女孩,请珍藏好Only you to trust, only you只有你可以相信,你自己I only call you when it"s half past five我只会在凌晨五点半给你打电话The only time that I"ll be by your side那是我陪在你身边的唯一时光I only love it when you touch me, not feel me你爱抚我时并没有真切的感受我,我爱的只是你When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me, yeah心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受,真的I only fuck you when it"s half past five我只会在凌晨五点半给你打电话The only time I"d ever call you mine那也是我能说,你专属于我的唯一时光I only love it when you touch me, not feel me你爱抚我时并没有真切的感受我,我爱的只是你When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受When I"m fucked up, that"s the real me, babe心乱如麻,才是我的真实感受,宝贝Ewedihalehu我非常爱你Yene konjo, ewedihalehu我的美人,我非常爱你Yene fikir, fikir, fikir, fikir吾爱,吾爱....Yene fikir, fikir, fikir, fikir吾爱,吾爱....




上面一节中介绍了通过叠加的Fade控制点来产生淡入淡出效果,除此以外,Premiere还可以通过键控(keys)来产生更加复杂和富于变化的叠加效果。本节将详细讲述如何使用键控来产生叠加效果。将详细介绍其中最具代表性的三种键控:Chroma、Difference Matte和Track Matte键控。下面首先介绍如何在叠加轨道视频中加入键控透明效果,打操作步骤如下:(1) 在Timeline窗口中选中一个剪辑,如图1所示。(2) 单击右键弹出快捷菜单,如图2所示,选择“Video OptionsTransparency(透明)”命令。(3) 接着弹出“Transparency Settings”对话窗,如图3所示,在这个窗口中设定键控的类型,系统缺省值是“None”,其实也是一种键控(Key)。(4) Premiere 6.0一共提供了15种键控,可以在对话窗的“Key Type”下拉菜单中选择,如图4所示,每种键控的选项是不同的。提示:选择不同的键控,“Transparency Settings”对话窗中可进行设置的参数选项也不同。一、 使用Chroma键控Chroma键控将使叠加轨道上被指定的特定颜色或特定范围 内的颜色变得透明,其使用方法如下:(1) 首先,在Timeline窗口单击选中叠加轨道上的剪辑,剪辑周围出现波纹状的虚线框表示选中,如图5所示。(2) 然后单击Clip下拉菜单,如图6所示,在其下拉菜单中选择“Video OptionsTransparency(透明)”命令。(3) 在弹出的“Transparency Settings”对话窗中,选择Chroma键控,如图7所示。(4) 选择Chroma键控后,鼠标移到Color选项卡下面的预览窗口中,鼠标变成吸管状,如图8所示。(5) 这时可在预览窗口中单击选择一种颜色,选中的颜色在Color选项卡上面的窗口中显示,如图9所示,可将选中的颜色变成透明。(6) 选择透明颜色后,拖动左下边的各项参数的滑块来调节相应的参数,Simiarity参数调节颜色范围,如图10所示,数值越高,范围越大。(7) Blend参数调节与下一个剪辑的混合程度,如图11所示,数值越高,混合程度越大。(8) Threshold参数用来调节阴影的数量大小,如图12所示。(9) Cutoff参数用来调节阴影的明亮程度,如图13所示,数值越高就会越暗。(10) Smoothing选项一共有三个:None、Low、High,如图14所示,这个选项用来实现抗锯齿功能。二、 使用Difference Matte键控Difference Matte键控将叠加视频与所指定的静态图像相比较,视频画面中与图像相同的区域将变得透明,其使用方法如下:(1) 首先在Timeline窗口中移动编辑线,一直到自己想作为背景的那一帧为止,如图11-15所示。#p#副标题#e#(2) 单击File下拉菜单,如图16所示,选择“Export TimelineFrame”命令。(3) 在弹出的“Export Still Frame”对话窗中指定一个位置和文件名beijing,然后单击“保存”按钮把这一帧以位图的格式保存,图17缺省。(4) 保存后,导出的图片beijing.bmp会自动在Clip窗口中打开,如图18所示。(5) 在Timeline窗口中选中叠加轨道Video2上的剪辑,如图19所示。(6) 单击Clip下拉菜单,如图20所示,选择“Video OptionsTransparency”命令。(7) 接着弹出“Transparency Settings”对话窗口, 如图21所示,在这里进行各项参数设置。(8) 在Key types的下拉菜单中选择“Difference Mate”键,如图-22、23所示。图23(9) 在透明设置窗左上角的Matte选项卡中单击Choose按钮,弹出“Load Matte”对话框,如图24所示,选择刚才保存的帧图beijing.bmp作为背景图案,单击“打开”按钮即可。(10) 在“Transparency Settings”对话窗口的右下角选择Reverse Key选项,如图25所示。这时可以拖动Sample预览窗口下的滑杆预览键控效果。这些设置完成以后,单击“OK”按钮。(11) 最后,把刚才的帧图beijing.bmp拖放到Timeline窗口一个比较低的轨道上,如图26所示,就完成了所有的工作。三、 使用Track Matte键控Track Matte键控是一个很有特色的键控,它能创建移动画面的效果,其使用方法如下:(1) 在Timeline窗口中的Video 1轨道上放置第一个剪辑,如图27所示,这个剪辑将作为背景活动画面。(2) 在第一个叠加轨道即Video 2轨道上放置叠加剪辑,如图28所示,这个剪辑将遮盖第一个剪辑。(3) 默认的叠加轨道已被占完,单击Timeline窗口右上角的三解开弹出按钮,出现弹出菜单,如图29所示。(4) 单击“Track Options”选项,弹出“Track Options”对话框,如图30所示。#p#副标题#e#(5) 单击“Add”按钮,弹出“Add Tracks”对话框,如图31所示。如果想增加多条叠加轨道,可以在“Video”选项下的方框内填入相相应的轨道数目。(6) 这里只需要增加一条轨道,单击“OK”按钮即可,这时就增加了一条轨道Video 3,如果32所示。(7) 在第二个叠加轨道即Video 3轨道上放置第一个剪辑或者静止图片,如图33所示。(8) 单击Clip下拉菜单,在其下拉菜单中选择“Video OptionsTransparency”命令,然后选择Track Matte键控,如图34所示,可以在“Transparency Settings”对话窗口的右上角的Sample窗口中预览效果。(9) 一切设置好后,就可以单击“OK”按钮,然后在Monitor窗口预览,如图35所示。四、 加入亮色背景在使用键控时,如果使用一个亮色背景可以更好地预览效果。加入亮色背景的操作步骤如下:(1) 单击File下拉菜单,如图36的示,选择“NewColor Matte”命令。(2) 弹出“Color Picker”对话框,如图37所示,在对话框中选取一种颜色,最好是亮绿色或者亮黄色,单击“OK”按钮。(3) 弹出“Choose Name”对话框,如图38所示,在这里可指定一个名字,系统默认是Color Matte,单击“OK”即可。(4) 观察Project窗口,可以看到其中增加了一个文件,就是刚才建立的Color Matte,如图39所示。(5) 再导入一剪辑Fastslow.avi,并将其拖到Timeline窗口中的叠加轨道Video 2轨道上,如图40所示。(6) 将刚建立的Color Matte拖到剪辑Fastslow.avi轨道下的Video 1A轨道上,如图41所示。(7) 用Timeline窗口的工具板上的选择工具(Selection Tool),单击Color Matte的末端并拖动,使之与上面的剪辑Fastslow.avi对齐,如图42所示。(8) 右击剪辑Fastslow.avi,弹出出快捷菜单,如图43所示,选择“Video OptionTransparent”命令。(9) 在弹出的“Transparency Settings”对话框中选择一个键控类型,如图44所示。(10) 进行相关透明参数设置,如图45所示。(11) 选定右上角的Sample预览窗口下的旗帜形图标,可以直接在Sample预览窗中预览键控效果,如图46所示。#p#副标题#e#

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Love(Babyboo Remix) 天王星 【歌词】 !!!急急急!

做鬼脸 我就是想看到你的微笑转个圈 我就喜欢在你怀里撒娇一路互相依靠着成为彼此永远的骄傲 oh my baby 从此你是我童话里的男主角 还记得 第一次害羞的往你肩上靠忘不了 我们当时相遇的那个街角丘比特向你我发出了爱情的信号让我相信 一切都是上天早就安排好 [K-BO] in my heart ,in my dream.那一个夏季。我们的相遇 那么不经意。 in my life ,in my soul,全部都是你。你占据我的心,don""t break my heart. Loving U,我的最爱,Missing U,只为你存在。 Close to U,不要再等待,Baby,Close your eyes. [Double.J] 镜子里看到我的倒影也有你的拥抱凌晨三点半 要喝我煮的玉米浓汤 my luv在一起的时光总觉得太过短暂不害怕想念的时候总能接到你的电话传说中 无名指的血液都连接着心脏我说我要亲手给你戴上爱的指环 my luv 幸福围绕着塔罗牌的答案它发出耀眼的光芒让过去的悲伤慢慢的蒸发 [K-BO] in my heart ,in my dream.那一个夏季。我们的相遇 那么不经意。 in my life ,in my soul,全部都是你。你占据我的心,don""t break my heart. Loving U,我的最爱,Missing U,只为你存在。 Close to U,不要再等待,Baby,Close your eyes. Loving U,我的最爱,Missing U,只为你存在。 Close to U,不要再等待,Baby,Close your eyes.

You Know Me (The Count & Sinden Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:You Know Me (The Count & Sinden Remix)歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:You Know MeRobbie Williams - You Know MeIf a man could beat his own fancyThen to only breed in captivity is pointlessI"ve been doing what I likeWhen I like how I like it"s joylessOnly you know meWhat a waste of all this peace ,Baby steps and two more sleepsTill I get to say sorryI get hysterical, historical and love is just chemicalGive us something to stop meOnly you know meSince you went away, my heart breaks everydayYou don"t know cos you"re not thereYou simply found the wordsTo make all of my feelings fade awayOnly you know meI"m doin" fine and the sun often shinesWhat are you thinking?At the worst of my mind with this thunderbird wineBaby, I"m drinkingOnly you know meSince you went away, my heart breaks everydayYou don"t know cos you"re not thereYou simply found the wordsTo make all of my feelings fade awayOnly you know meOnly you know meSince you went away, my heart breaks everydayYou don"t know cos you"re not thereYou simply found the wordsTo make all of my feelings fade awayOnly you know meOnly you know meOnly youOnly youOnly you know me

heads up和reminder的区别

heads up int. 小心! 当心!; [网络] 抬头式; 注意; 小心; [例句]She heads up the student union.她主管学生会的工作。eminder 英[ru026au02c8mau026andu0259(r)] 美[ru026au02c8mau026andu0259r] n. 令人回忆起…的东西; 提醒…的东西; (告知该做某事的) 通知单; 提示信; [网络] 提醒; 提醒物; 提示; [例句]The British are about to be given a sharp reminder of what fighting abroad really means.有些事将很快让英国人清楚意识到海外作战究竟意味着什么。

he to the her remind him of jane austen ma是什么意思

我的一个名叫马丁布朗是如此健忘,他有时会忘了自己在说在一个句子中间约朋友.他的妻子总是提醒他的任命(约会),他的班级或前夕他吃饭了.由于马丁曾在一家知名的大学教授,他的健忘症常常给他带来了很多麻烦.这并不是说他不聪明(愚蠢的).他只是非常,非常心不在焉. 一个炎热的夏季的一天,布朗教授决定把他的孩子们到海滩.海边小镇,他计划访问大概3个小时的火车车程.为了使旅行更有趣,他年轻的孩子,他保留了一个秘密的小镇的名字.不幸的是(遗憾地,不幸地),由马丁曾在列车到达车站时,穷人健忘的人已经忘记了那个小镇的名字.幸运的是,他的朋友碰巧在车站.他表示愿意照顾孩子,而马丁回到家里,发现了他要去的地方. 这位教授的妻子很惊讶地看到他这么快就回来了,但她笑了,当她听到了什么事.她不信任他的记忆,所以她写在纸上小镇的名字.她已经解决了这个问题,她送了她丈夫再次关闭.十分钟后,她吃了一惊(吃惊地)看到他在房子外面了.是怎么回事呢?这位教授忘记了,他离开了他的孩子.

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