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为什么no taxation without representation是独立战争中的标语?

无代表不纳税。美国学生几乎没有人以“独立”“革命”“主权”这些大话开头,更没有“历史潮流”。说来说去就是这个税那个税。实在逼急了,他们才会说,“没有代表权却要纳税就是暴政”。 北美殖民地为什么要求独立?记得多年前在国内时无论是学还是教世界史,都有一大套理论,无非是国家要独立,民族要解放,人民要革命。具体到北美当时的情况,这三大时代潮流的一个具体表现就是对英国强加给北美的各种新税收(印花税,糖税,茶税等等)的不满。换句话说,那些税收不过是一个更深更大的历史矛盾的具体表现,如果没有那些税收,这个历史矛盾也会以其他形式反映出来。原来,美国人其实认为纳税并不错,哪怕多交一点,哪怕交了以后政府有滥用,这些都是难免的,不一定构成革命的理由。真正有问题的不是多交了一点税,而是在决定征税这件事上人民没有参与权,而人民没有参与权,是因为人民没有他们选出的代表在国会中参与征税问题的讨论和投票。因此,即使税是合理的,只要征税的决定过程没有经过选民哪怕是间接的同意,那就是非法的。北美人民的这个“没有代表权就不纳税”的观念并不是他们自己发明的,而是从英国人那里学来的。英国人本来也基本遵守这个规矩,17世纪下半期英国之所以发生革命,就是因为国王随意征税。而革命后君主立宪取代君主专制,其重要制度之一就是把征税权交给国会下院,而下院议员基本上是由各选区选出的。因此,民主制度和征税就联系上了。但问题是北美作为殖民地在英国国会下院中并没有代表,而北美殖民地的治理又主要是由殖民地当地选出的地方议会来进行的,并没有耗费英国政府的财政。英国政府对这个情况本来是心中有数的,所以在1756年以前没有在北美以帝国名义征收谈得上是负担的税收。殖民地如果要征税,由各殖民地的议会决定,用于本殖民地的开销。英国在殖民地主要的收入来源是控制北美的进出口贸易,规定北美的进出口都只能通过英国港口,英国从中收取关税。北美殖民地人民对此当然不满,但英国的理由是,这笔钱是用来保护殖民地对抗外部殖民强权(主要是法国和西班牙)的,这是站得住的。此外,北美殖民地也还可以通过走私偷税,所以双方相安无事。但从1756到1763年,英国和法国打了著名的“七年战争”,主要战场在印度和北美。战争的结果是英国取胜,建立了海上霸权,开始了所谓英帝国。但战争也掏空了英国的财政,所以战后英国就打破了规矩,以英国国会通过法案的形式在北美大额征税。在英国看来,“七年战争”保护了北美殖民地的海上商业,极大地扩展了殖民地的领土,北美臣民多付一点税又算什么。但北美人民说,他们也参与了战争,为英国作了贡献,因此不仅仅是受惠者;更重要的是,他们说自己和英国本土居民不一样,他们在英国国会中没有代表,而英帝国的征税权就在英国国会下院由选民选出的代表手中,所以根据英国法律,他们没有对英国纳税的义务。殖民地人民只对本殖民地有纳税义务,这个纳税决定是殖民地议会做出的,而殖民地议会又是各殖民地人民选出的。那么对于这个根据英国法律提出来的“没有代表权就不纳税”的挑战,英国是怎么回答的呢?英国的回答是“virtual representation”。意思是说,殖民地人民不一定非要有自己选出来的代表在英国下院参与讨论和投票,大英帝国本土选出的议员已经把他们的利益和愿望给代表了。“virtual”的意思就是“实际上”,或者“可以说”。可以想象得到的是,殖民地人民拒绝了这个虚无缥缈的“被代表”的荣耀。他们用更朴实的英文指出了民主的程序和技术问题:他们说他们要的是“actual representation”,即所谓“名符其实”的代表——由殖民地人民直接选出、坐在议会里参与讨论和投票的代表。美国革命前的这个宪制争议,实际上是美国革命之合法性的最终根源。当时北美人民并不像中国历史教科书上说的那样,对大英帝国有深仇大恨,一定要独立不可。相反,他们不想独立。他们的生存依赖国际贸易,但在一个列强环伺的世界上,他们连一艘炮艇都没有,一向就是英国保护了他们。他们想继续依赖世界头号海上强国,更不用说文化上那种无法割断的联系和尊敬:殖民地的整个精英在英帝国面前都把自己视为乡下人。很多美国国父对大英帝国都感情深厚,富兰克林长驻英国,一直到最后关头都试图力挽狂澜,避免殖民地和宗主国刀兵相见(这样的人,要是在中国文化下,独立后恐怕会死无葬身之地)。但无论什么感情和现实的考虑,放在“virtualrepresentation”和“actual representation”这个宪制争议面前都失去了份量。殖民地人民知道,如果接受“virtual representation”,放弃“actual representation”,那就意味着伦敦从此可以越过自己选出的殖民地议会为所欲为。尽管和世界其他地方相比,这种为所欲为很可能并不意味着真正意义上的暴政,而不过更像一个专制的父皇。


海词在线词典 metarepresentation 元表征

pictorial representation是什么意思

pictorial representation图形表示双语对照词典结果:pictorial representation[英][pu026aku02c8tu0254:ri:u0259l u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283u0259n][美][pu026aku02c8tu0254riu0259l u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n]绘画作品; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The word for bird for example existed at first as a simple pictorial representation of a bird. 举个例子,表示“鸟”的这个字,其雏形是一个鸟的简笔画。

over- and under-representation是什么意思?


makes no representation or warranties with respect to 翻译


media representation是什么意思

media representation媒介表征; 例句:1.In the end the analysis of media representation of the digital music sharing agenda intaiwan newspapers finds news sources bias toward record industries and governmentofficials and the position of reports and comments prefer to support the myth of"copyright is the top priority". 最后,针对数位音乐分享议题於台湾报纸的再现分析,发现媒体的消息来源偏向唱片业者与政府官员,报导与评论之立场也倾向支持著作权至上的迷思。2.Galloping horse is a media and entertainment group that diversifies itself in multiplefields such as film& television financing, production, talent representation, advertisingand magazine publishing. 小马奔腾集团是一家以投资制作影视、演艺经纪、广告、杂志等多领域运营的娱乐传媒集团。

美国历史问题:什么是vitual representation啊?

不是vitual,是virtual,详细解释看In the early stages of the American Revolution, colonists in the Thirteen Colonies rejected legislation imposed upon them by the British Parliament because the colonies were not represented in Parliament. According to the British constitution, colonists argued, taxes could only be levied on British subjects with their consent. Because the colonists were represented only in their provincial assemblies, they said, only those legislatures could levy taxes in the colonies. This concept was famously expressed as "No taxation without representation."George Grenville defended all the taxes by arguing that the colonists were virtually represented in Parliament, a position that had critics on both sides of the Atlantic. William Pitt, a defender of colonial rights, ridiculed virtual representation, calling it "the most contemptible idea that ever entered into the head of a man; it does not deserve serious refutation."[1] Parliament rejected criticism of the concept, and passed the Declaratory Act in 1766, asserting the right of Parliament to legislate for the colonies "all cases whatsoever."At the time of the American Revolution, only England and Wales and Scotland were directly represented among the many parts of the British Empire. Great Britain itself was severely malapportioned with large cities like Manchester were left unrepresented but the so-called rotten and pocket boroughs like Old Sarum sent delegates to parliament until the Reform Act 1832. The Act of Union 1800 expanded direct representation to Ireland but despite the efforts of the Imperial Federation League no more expansions came about. The remaining British overseas territories and Crown Dependencies are not represented in parliament.

letter of representation什么意思

representation.表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人representation-letter表示字母

text representation是什么意思

text representation 英[tekst u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283u0259n] 美[tu025bkst u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n] [词典] 文本表达; [例句]Text Representation Based on Sentence and Chinese Text Categorization基于句子的文本表示及中文文本分类研究Text representation is one of the fundamental problems in text mining and Information Retrieval (IR). It aims to numerically represent the unstructured text documents to make them mathematically computable. For a given set of text documents D = {di, i=1, 2,...,n}, where each distands for a document, the problem of text representation is to represent each di of D as a point siin a numerical space S, where the distance/similarity between each pair of points in space S is well defined.



论文中的discriminative representation是什么意思?

二是中文ts ass是什么意思,是英文的一种实力。


它可以通过不断地计算和修正来评估(确定)基因组片段与四核苷酸之间运作(使用)模式的关系(即(通过)对过度和不足的四核苷酸样本统计)。所以over- and under-representation意思应该是 “过量和不足量的样本”

one-hot representation什么意思

representation 英 [u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n] n. 表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人; [例句]The impulse towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation is fundamental.人类对于文化的冲动,通过形象思维和再现手段来表现并探索世界的欲望,乃亘古有之。[其他] 复数:representations

英语学霸大家好 我想问presentation. 和representation 有什么区别 我写

Presentation expresses the original idea, while representation is the idea that is being represented by something else. 你的作文是关于什么的?具体哪里需要用到这个词呢?也许我可以帮你看看。

representation representive delegate三个作为名词 做代表的时候。有什么区别呢

representativerepresentation ,做代表 时,多指抽象的事物.representative (非representive),多指具体的或物She is the club"s representative at the convention. 她是该俱乐部派来参加会议的代表。delegate ,多指官方代表团的团员



symbolic representation是什么意思

symbolic representation符号表征;符号表示;符号表徵;符号性表象Whenever these symbols did emerge, the acceptance of symbolic representationwould have been a turning point for these cultures. 不论这些符号在何时出现,接受象征性的表达对这些人类文明来说就已经是一个转折点。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

robust representation 什么意思


presentation 与representation有啥区别?

presentation[7prezen5teiFEn]n.介绍, 陈述, 赠送, 表达representation[7reprizen5teiFEn]n.表示法, 表现, 陈述, 请求, 扮演, 画像, 继承, 代表

representation theorem是什么意思

  representation theorem  英 [u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283u0259n u02c8θi:u0259ru0259m]  美 [u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n u02c8θiu0259ru0259m]  [释义][计] 表示定理;  [网络]表现定理;  [例句]Finally, we construct the categories lattice semantic model of infinite epistemic structure and show the corresponding representation theorem.  构造了无穷认知体的分类格语义模型并证明了相应的表示定理。


representation表示presentation介绍 俩个不同的意思 所以区别就在这里了




表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人1. The new bill would remove student representation from the university Senate. 新议案将取消大学评议会中的学生代表。来自柯林斯例句2. A graphical representation of results is shown in figure 1. 结果以图表形式呈现在图1中。来自柯林斯例句3. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they have no representation in Congress. 波多黎各人是美国公民,但是他们在国会里没有代表。来自柯林斯例句4. the negative representation of single mothers in the media 媒体对单身母亲的负面描述来自《权威词典》5. There are many ways of generating a two - dimensional representation of an object. 有很多制作物体二维图的方法.来自《简明英汉词典》

representation与representative 在表示名词时有什么区别,请举例

In general, a representative is just someone who claims to be a proxy for others.For example, a manager might be a representative for his subordinate employees during an organization"s management meetings.On the other hand, representation is the idea that someone actually represents the views, opinions, or other aspects of the people being represented, regardless of official capacity. For example, most politicians give representation to their largest campaign donors, in thinly-disguised or overt quid-pro-quo arrangements.

英语学霸大家好 我想问presentation. 和representation 有什么区别 我写



1. 虚假陈述2. 误述3.虚报例1. 虚假陈述 Misrepresentation is different from warranty in the contract law. 虚假陈述侵权与契约法上的担保制度不同。 Study on the Scope and Computational Method of the Compensation for Misrepresentation in the Securities Market 证券市场虚假陈述损害赔偿范围及计算方法研究 Secondly, it discussed the essential factor of misrepresentation; 其次,论述了虚假陈述的内在要素,即虚假陈述以其内容的重大性为前提。 Legal Principle Analysis on Deficiency in Civil System of Misrepresentation 虚假陈述民事制度供给不足的法理分析 On the Action Form of Civil Case of Misrepresentation 论虚假陈述民事案件的诉讼方式例2. 误述 Discussion on the misrepresentation of charter party and its legal effect 论租船合同中的误述及其法律后果 In practice of chartering market, a lot of disputes arise because the misrepresentation made by one party caused the loss or damage of the opposite. 租船合同中 ,通常会因为一方当事人的误述导致对方的损失 ,因此产生的争议时有发生。例3 虚报 Misrepresentation of the Registered Capital 虚报注册资本罪探微其余“misrepresentation”译为未确定词的双语例句 Experimental Study on the Information Misrepresentation in Social Decision Making 社会决策中信息错误表征的实验研究 The system is that according to the agreement and laws the insurer appoints the auditor to audit the financial reports of the insured, and undertakes the responsibility for compensation to third parties" losses suffered as result of misrepresentation in financial reports. 财务报表保险制度,指的是根据投保公司与保险公司签订保险合同,由保险公司负责委托审计师对投保公司的财务报表进行审计,并依法承担投保公司过失造成财务报表陈述不实,导致的第三者经济损失赔偿责任。 The beginning of the article has drawn the conception of the pure economic loss through several concrete cases, and point out that the research range of this article is relational economic loss and the pure economic loss caused by negligent misrepresentation of experts. 文初通过几个具体的案例引出了纯经济损失的概念,通过契约法和侵权法对该问题处理机制的评析,作者将本文论述的核心——第三人纯经济损失问题提取出来,即相关经济损失和第三人由于专业人士过失不实陈述导致的纯经济损失。 The content of the second part incorporates the liability incurred on lawyers for securities misrepresentation in USA, the job difference between accountants and lawyers in securities issuing and trading must be cleared to differentiate their liabilities. 第二部分介绍美国证券法上律师在信息披露中因为不实陈述对投资者承担的民事责任,律师在证券发行和交易过程中辅助发行人的工作与会计师并不相同,律师和会计师因为各自工作所要承担的责任应该分清,另外一个很重要的问题是要认清法律上认定的陈述作出者才是责任的真正承担者; Insurer can only revoke the insurance contract when the insured makes misrepresentations instead of finding clues of misrepresentation in order to terminate the contract. 笔者认为,因投保人不如实告知订立的保险合同是意思表示不真实的合同,属于可以撤销的合同,而非可以解除之保险合同。 保险人因此只享有保险合同的撤销权。

深度模型中latent representation指什么

information representation 英[#716;#618;nf#601;#712;mei#643;#601;n #716;repr#618;zen#712;te#618;#643;#601;n] 美[#716;#618;nf#602;#712;me#643;#601;n #716;r#603;pr#618;z#603;n#712;te#643;#601;n] [释义] 信息表示; (法) [网络] 信息表达; 信息表示(法); [例句]Stock information representation modeling based on semantic web的股票信息表示模型

lodge representations后面搭配的介词是什么


distributed representation是什么意思

distributed representation 分布式表征;分布式表达;分散式表示法例句筛选1.Construction of Distributed Virtual Olympic Environment System and VisualRepresentation of "Human Culture Olympic"虚拟奥运环境系统的构建及“人文奥运”可视化表达研究2.A New Representation Method for Requirement Analysis in Distributed DatabaseDesign分布式数据库设计中一种新的需求分析表示方法


representation表示双语对照词典结果:representation[英][u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283n][美][u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n]n.表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人; 复数:representations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It is taxation without representation. 这是没有代表的税收。

Representation Letter Matters

更新1: 我揾到..... 1.) It has fulfilled its responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements 2.) Whether the financial statements are prepared and presented in aordance with the applicable financial reporting framework , 更新2: 3.) It has provided the auditor with all relevant information agreed in the terms of the audit engagement, and all tractions have been recorded and are reflected in the financial statements. 唔知岩唔岩呢? , 更新3: 即是Representation Letter 内容list晒出黎??? , 更新4: 条题目系6分,但个contingent liabilities unable to determine the amount of liability,咁要点写? , 更新5: 咁have disclosed ....... 果度系边个have disclosed?? Is management?? ,(1) Financial Statements (2) Completeness of Information Provided (3) Recognition, Measurement, and Disclosure - For references, do a google search and key in: Hong Kong Standard on Auditing 580 Written Representations - you will find the explanations on the above 3 matters, especially note: Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 - it is also advisable to read: Hong Kong Standard on Auditing 560 Subsequent Events - these are pdf files WK 2013-12-16 05:38:01 补充: -note: should be HKSA (Clarified) 580 Written Representations and HKSA (Clarified) 560 Subsequent Events 2013-12-17 08:55:26 补充: Financial Statements: - management has fulfilled its responsibilities, as set out in the terms of the audit engagement letter, for the preparation of the financial statements in aordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards. 2013-12-17 09:05:58 补充: -the directors of the pany belief that the financial statements are fairly presented, i.e. gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the pany and of the profit/loss and cash flows for the year, in aordance with the Companies Ordinance. 2013-12-17 09:09:35 补充: -significant assumptions used by the pany in making aounting estimates, including those measured at fair value, are reasonable (HKSA 540) 2013-12-17 09:12:50 补充: - related party relationships and tractions have been appropriately aounted for and disclosed in aordance with the requirements of Hong Kong Reporting Standards. (HKSA 550) 2013-12-17 09:15:33 补充: Completeness of Information: - have provided all financial records and related data relevant to the preparation of the financial statements - have provided information such as all minutes of meetings of shareholders, directors and mittees 2013-12-17 09:19:12 补充: - have provided additional information as requested for the purpose of audit. - unrestricted aess to persons within the pany from whom the auditors find it necessary to obtain audit evidence. 2013-12-17 09:22:36 补充: - All tractions have been recorded in the aounting records and are reflected in the financial statements. 2013-12-17 09:28:16 补充: Recognition, Measurement, and Disclosure: - have disclosed the results of the management"s asses *** ent of the risk that the financial statements may be materially misstated as a result of fraud. (HKSA 240) 2013-12-17 09:31:08 补充: - have disclosed all information in relation to fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity involving management, employees who have significant roles in the internal control, or others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements. (HKSA 240) 2013-12-17 09:33:58 补充: - have disclosed all information in relation to allegations of fraud, or suspected fraud, affecting the entity"s financial statements municated by employees, former employees, *** ysts, regulators or others. (HKSA 240) 2013-12-17 09:37:08 补充: - have disclosed all known contingent liabilities arising from legal action, where the estimated or known claim is or exceeds $ _____ that have not reached the litigation stage, have been appropriately arued, and disclosed in the notes to financial statements. 2013-12-17 09:40:05 补充: - have disclosed all deficiencies in internal control of which the management is aware. (HKSA 580, para. A11) 2013-12-17 09:48:27 补充: - No, it is not necessary to list them all. You can choose those "matters" appropriate enough and significant enough for you to get high marks. - I don"t know what the exact question look like. In this question, the matter of contingent liabilities looks important. 2013-12-17 10:32:24 补充: - I have already given you the wer, see above. - In real world, we usually make an estimate basing on assumptions or past tracked records. e.g. average amount of the past 3 years. 2013-12-17 10:39:42 补充: - In real world, some of the panies will arue a certain amount as annual defective claims. Different panies have different policies. 2013-12-17 22:03:52 补充: - Yes, the management. 2013-12-17 22:09:25 补充: - Yes, the management. - "management" should be read as "management and, where appropriate , those charged with ernance. (HKSA 580, para. 8) 2013-12-17 22:20:57 补充: - Management Representation Letter is a letter given by the management of the pany (to be audited) to the "Auditor" pany. - I omitted these o words simply because I assume you understand what you are doing.,

Representations and warranties是什么意思

读了金色的鱼钩,把令你感动的部分找出来。 0回答 19 秒钟前5 不会做好心人帮帮我 四年级要用乘法结合律,乘法交换律,乘法分配律做 0回答 22 秒钟前这3题正确吗? 要过程

representations 在合同中是什么意思

您好,Representation指的是表述。一般意义而言,Representation只是一种inducement(诱因),勾引你与一方当事人订立合同,因而不构成合同的基本内容。一项表述为terms,如果不履行合同中所规定的内容,则是breach of contract(违约)。若作为representation,如果不履行,只能说明该项表述失真。如能给出详细信息,则可作出更为周详的回答。


representation [英][u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283n][美][u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n] n.表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人; 复数:representations 例句: 1. It is taxation without representation. 这是没有代表的税收。 2. Banning the representation of an enemy is imposing nationalism on entertainment. 限制敌人代表是在娱乐游戏中强加民族主义。


representation[英][u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283n][美][u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n]n.表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人; 复数:representations形近词:malpresentationrepresentative1In the model-driven representation, the schema for Actor does not vary, whereas for a domain-driven representation, it does.在模型驱动表现中,Actor的模式是不变的,而在域驱动表现中,它是会变化的。


graphical representation [词典] 图示; [例句]A graphical representation of results is shown in figure 1.结果以图表形式呈现在图1中。representation 英[u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283n] 美[u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n] n. 表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人; [例句]Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they have no representation in Congress.波多黎各人是美国公民,但是他们在国会里没有代表。[其他] 复数:representations

