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marginal return是什么意思

marginal[英][u02c8mɑ:du0292u026anl][美][u02c8mɑ:rdu0292u026anl]adj.边的,边缘的; 旁注的; 临界的,最低限度的; 收入仅敷支出的

marginal return是什么意思

边际报酬: Marginal return refers to the additional output resulting from a one unit increase in the use of variable inputs, while other inputs are held constant


return 读作 [rɪˈtɜ:n],可谐音为“瑞特呃恩”。reunion 读作 [ri:ˈju:niən],可谐音为“瑞有年恩”。reunite 读作 [ˌri:ju:ˈnaɪt],可谐音为“瑞有那艾特”。


come backTo revertTo answer or respondTo send, put, or carry backgive backTo reflect or send back






一段app.vue<template><div class="tree-menu"><ul v-for="item in theModel"><my-tree :model="item"></my-tree></ul><div @click="change">change the model </div></div></template><script>import myTree from "./components/treeMenu.vue"import axios from "axios"export default {name: "app",components: {myTree},data() { return {theModel:[]}},methods:{change(){ this.theModel[0].menuName = "12312312"console.log(this.theModel)},init() { var Json = [] for(var i = 0; i<10 ;i++){ var children1 = [] for(var j = 0;j<10;j++){ var row1 = []row1.menuName = "哈哈"children1.push(row1)} var row2 = [];row2.menuName = "呵呵"row2.children = children1Json.push(row2)} this.theModel = Jsonconsole.log(this.theModel)}},mounted() { this.init();}}</script>12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152第二段 treeMenu.vue<template><li><span @click="toggle"><i v-if="isFolder" class="icon" :class="[open ? "folder-open": "folder"]"></i><i v-if="!isFolder" class="icon file-text"></i>{{ model.menuName }}</span><ul v-show="open" v-if="isFolder"><tree-menu v-for="item in model.children" :key="" :model="item"></tree-menu></ul></li></template><script>export default {name: "treeMenu",props: ["model"],data() { return {open: false}},computed: {isFolder() { return this.model.children && this.model.children.length}},methods: {toggle: function() {if (this.isFolder) { = !}}}}1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435代码省略掉了css部分,初始化数据也是随便写的。代码很简单,app.vue调用treeMenu组件,然后treeMenu组件进行递归,从而形成一个动态树级菜单,效果如下。我的项目里需要我触发一个事件的时候对theModel里的某个属性值做修改,这里我写了一个change方法,用@click绑定在了change the model上,希望点击的时候把第一行的‘呵呵"给改掉。可是在我点击后,console.log中,theModel打印出来的值中第一行的‘呵呵"已经改变,可在列表中并没有重新渲染,既然vue实现的时数据双向绑定,那么在model层发生了变化之后为什么就没有在view层更新呢? 经过几天的探索,终于找到了原因所在: 项目里的数据是从API拿的,但是格式和我需要的不一样,于是我用以下方法重新拼接除了我需要的格式var json = [];var row1 = {}; "1"; = "jyy";或者var row2 = {id:"2",name:"abc"}json.push(row1);json.push(row2);12345678910111213结果好死不死,我粗心的把row1定义为数组了,即row1 = []; 于是我的Json对象被定义为了‘关联数组" 这有什么区别? 数组和对象的一个区别是,数组中的数据没有“名称”(name),对象中的数据有“名称”(name)。但很多编程语言中,都有一种叫做“关联数组”(associativearray)的东西。这种数组中的数据是有名称的。比如在javascript中,可以这样定义一个对象: var a={“城市”:”北京”,”面积”:16800,有趣,”人口”:1600}; 但是,也可以定义成一个关联数组: var a = new Array(); a[“城市”]=”北京”; a[“面积”]=16800; a[“人口”]=1600; 这样一来好像数组和集合就没有区别了,在Javascript语言中,关联数组就是对象,对象就是关联数组,唯一的区别在于,第二种方式创建的关联数组是有length属性的。 但是在Vue中,这种关联数组与对象集合的区别就有些明显了。 Vue在我们的data对象上都会定义一个ob属性指向新创建的Observer对象,以此对数据设置的监控器,一般都是不可枚举的。但由于JavaScript限制(底层原理不明),Vue无法对关联数组进行Observer对象创建,因此不能检测到数组对象的变化。 观察控制台打印的数据,也可发现关联数组和对象在Vue中的区别: 上半部分为对象,下半部分为关联数组那么回到正题,我在项目中遇到的问题该怎么解决?第一种方案:将自己拼接的Json改为对象集合的格式。但是,当你命不好不小心碰到了这种关联数组结构的数据,又不好拼接的时候怎么办,这里提供第二种方案: 使用 Vue.set(array, indexOfArray,value) 三个值分别是,要修改的数组,数组的下表,和新的值 当然也可以用 `this.$set(array, indexOfArray,value)你以为这就完了?由于我的代码是递归组件,当我把Data绑定到theModel后,用 v-for=‘item in theModel"遍历,再把item通过v-bind绑定到子组件,但是由于item我没有在组件中使用过,即使Vue检测到theModel数组的变化,也不能检测到item中数组的变化,所以这里强制你需要在代码中加入使用item,类似<my-tree :model="item">{{item}}</my-tree>, 或者用<div v-if = "false">{{item}}<div> 这是我误打误撞发现的,当然,这很蠢。 所以你知道用vue.set的方法修改数组可以让vue检测到就行,不要使用第二种方法。

return of the mack歌词翻译

Oooooh,来吧,哦是的井我试图告诉你这麼 (是我做的),但我猜你不知道,随著最悲伤的故事,宝贝,现在我什麼流量,因为从一开始就知道宝贝,当你打破了我的心,我不得不再次回来,给你们看我的。你骗我,我说我爱你,所有这些时间 你骗我,是,我试过,是的我试过,你骗我,即使你知道我会为你死,你骗我,是,我哭了,是的我哭了。[合唱 1:]返回的 mack,它是 ,返回的 mack,来,返回的 mack,哦,我的上帝,你知道我会回来,我是 在这里。[合唱 2:]返回的 mack,再次,返回的 mack,的世界顶部返回的 mack,手表我流你知道我会回来,在这里,我去。所以我备份在游戏中,(我摆动运行等)无尽所有人都知道,我回以运行放映,的原因他们不知道什麼是错的<a href="">Return Of The Mack 歌词<a> <a href="">音乐 ABC<a>和做过的所有坏话所以,宝贝,仔细听著,虽然我唱我复出首歌。你骗我,因为她说她永远不会背叛我,你骗我,,但你,但你做了你骗我,所有你说我将永远不会觉得,这痛苦你骗我,,但我做的但是我做做。[合唱 3:]返回的 mack,它是 ,返回的 mack,搁置返回的 mack,你不知道,你知道我会回来,返回的 mack,哦,小女孩 返回的 mack,再一次的女孩,返回的 mack,向上或向下你知道我会回来的 (圆和圆)。[插曲:]Ahhhhhh 标记担心你大休息站你骗我,因为他说她永远不会背叛我,你骗我,,但你,但你做了你骗我,所有你说永远不会觉得这痛苦你骗我,,但我做的但是我做做[合唱 1][合唱 2]返回的麦晋桁

!英语作文为学校图书馆制定一些规章制度写五条1take care of 2.return 3.on time

school libary ruies you mn

帮我解释下最后的return null是什么意思 为什么返回的是null 返回值为null的作用 能改成别的吗 谢谢

return null是因为你这个方法必须要有个返回值. 其实你这个程序本身是执行不到return null就已经返回了. 要不返回cust, 要不抛出异常返回.如果你想不要return null也可以,. 你可以把cst_linkman cust 定义在try的外面, 然后 return cust. 对程序运行结果是一样的.

为什么出现Nonzero Return Value,求救

  您好,我来为您解答:  错误提示为:非零返回值。  检查所有函数的返回值和GetLastError()   如果我的回答没能帮助您,请继续追问。

toms parents returned

其实很简单,【bake】和【toast】都用于烘焙【面包,蛋糕类】的食物 涉及到肉类的都要用【roast】 祝学业进步!


常看到别人使用或讨论yield语法,能搜到的中文解释却不多,今天决心搞定yield,把暂时的理解贴到这里.搞定yield之前: 叠代器(iterator)发现yield: 生成器(constructor)使用yield: 递归调用1. iterator叠代器最简单例子应该是数组下标了,且看下面的c++代码:int array[10];for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) printf("%d ", array[i]);叠代器工作在一个容器里(array[10]),它按一定顺序(i++)从容器里取出值(array[i])并进行操作(printf("%d ", array[i])。上面的代码翻译成python:array = [i for i in range(10)]for i in array: print i,for i in array干了什么(别乱想)?首先,array作为一个list是个容器,其次list这个内建类型有默认的next行为,python发现这些之后采 取的秘密的没被各位看到的动作是:拿出array这丫容器的叠代器,从里面next一下把值给i供for循环主体处置,for把这个值print了。现在的问题是数据可以做容器叠代,代码可以吗?怎么不行,碗碟可以用来放菜,wk们不就联想出用nt盛吗,当然我们的yield不会那么yellow + bt2. constructor怎么把函数变成constructor? 在函数体里有yield就行了!def gen(): print "enter" yield 1 print "next" yield 2 print "next again"for i in gen(): print i各位!python看到gen函数里出现yield,知道可以用next了,问题是怎么对代码这个容器玩next?从容器里拿到iterator的时候它还什么也不是,处在容器入口处,对于数组来说就是下标为-1的地方,对于函数来说就是函数入口嘛事没干,但是万事俱备就欠next。开始for i in g,next让itreator爬行到yield语句存在的地方并返回值,再次next就再爬到下一个yield语句存在的地方并返回值,依次这样直到函数返回(容器尽头)。您一定看出来上面代码的输出是:enter1next2next again如果没看出来请不要往下看了免得反被yield搞定。3. 使用yieldyield的代码叠代能力不但能打断函数执行还能记下断点处的数据,下次next书接上回,这正是递归函数需要的。例如中序遍历二叉树:(应该是David Mertz写的)def inorder(t): if t: for x in inorder(t.left): yield x yield t.label for x in inorder(t.right): yield xfor n in inorder(tree) print n当然yield这种代码next的能力还可以用在其它方面,发现拍案的在贴咯。


yieldyield是用于生成器。什么是生成器,你可以通俗的认为,在一个函数中,使用了yield来代替return的位置的函数,就是生成器。它不同于函数的使用方法是:函数使用return来进行返回值,每调用一次,返回一个新加工好的数据返回给你;yield不同,它会在调用生成器的时候,把数据生成object,然后当你需要用的时候,要用next()方法来取,同时不可逆。你可以通俗的叫它"轮转容器",可用现实的一种实物来理解:水车,先yield来装入数据、产出generator object、使用next()来释放;好比水车转动后,车轮上的水槽装入水,随着轮子转动,被转到下面的水槽就能将水送入水道中流入田里。def func3():for i in range(1,5):yield i#装入gob = func3()#generator 类型print next(gob)#1 释放的第一个装入的数据,(先入先出)print next(gob)#2print next(gob)#3print next(gob)#4print next(gob)#报错复制代码return这个大家都知道了,一句话,return既可以终止函数的执行,也可以返回函数加工处理好的数据,只是这个数据需要一个载体来进行保存,通常是变量。非条件判断的时候,只要遇见return,函数就结束执行。

不求回报用英语怎么说带in return

do something without asking something in return.

C++ 函数最后的返回值return后面加两个冒号什么意思


下面的C语言程序一直显示Id return 1 exit status,是什么原因,求大佬帮忙看看?


Lin Tao has returned from the UK recently. He ______ at Cambridge for four years, during which ...

D 试题分析:考查时态:句意:林宝2最近从美国回来了,他在剑桥大学学习了4年,期间我们经常在网上交流。因为他已经从英国回来了,在剑桥学习4年是过去的四年,我们在网上交流也是过去的动作,选D。

My friend has returned from the UK.She_at Oxford for four years,during which time we communicated

我朋友从英国回来了。她在牛津读书四年,其间,我们一直通过互联网(保持)联系。A. had 无实际意义的单词B.现在完成进行时 -- 用事实不符(study这个动作目前并非在持续进行)C.has studied, 1、前一句已说明“My friend has returned from the UK”已回国,说明study发生在过去 2、后一句又说:during which time we communicated .......(这里用的过去式,动作同 study 同时,时态应该一致(过去时)故而,D 是唯一的选择




这三个词的意思是完全不一样的.Yield就是出产或让于/投降/放弃的意思,return是回归/回/归还的意思,而profit是利润/利益的意思.yieldvt.1. 出产;结出(果实);产生(效果,收益等)These apple trees yield plenty of fruit this year.这些苹果树今年结了许多苹果。2. 让于,给于;同意3. 被迫放弃He was forced to yield the castle.他被迫放弃城堡。4. 使屈服,使投降He didn"t yield himself to his rival.他没有向对手屈服。vi.1. 出产[Q]These fruit trees yielded poorly last year.去年这些果树产量很低。2. 服从;屈服;投降[(+to)]We will never yield to invaders.我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。3. 屈曲;倒塌;垮掉[(+to)]4. 让路n.1. 产量;收获量;收益,利润[C][U]The current yield on municipal bonds is 10%.当前市政债券的利润是百分之十。returnvi.1. 回,返回,归[(+to/from)]She did not return home till eleven o"clock.她十一点钟才回家。2. 重新发生;回复,恢复[(+to)]The situation has returned to normal in the capital.首都的局势已恢复正常。3. 归还,退回[(+to)]4. 回答;反驳vt.1. 还,归还;送回[(+to)][O1]Have you returned the novel to the library?那本小说你还给图书馆了吗?2. 回答,回报;报答We decided to return blow for blow.我们决定以牙还牙。3. 选举,选出[(+to)]4. 【律】(陪审?正式宣布(裁决)5. 获得,产生(利润等)The performance returned $2,000 over expenses.这场演出除去开支赢余二千元。6. 报告;申报7. 反射(光、声等)8. 回答说;反驳道n.1. 回,归,返回[C][U][(+from/to)]On his return he reported his findings to the committee.他一回来就向委员会报告调查结果。2. 还,归还[U]3. 回答;报答[U][C]He expected no return when he decided to give us full support.他决定全力支持我们时并无图报之意。4. 回复;复发;恢复;再现[U][C]She had a return of the heart attacks.她心脏病又发作了。5. 收益,利润;利息[P1]6. 报告书;申报;报表[C]7. 【英】来回票[C]8. 退货[P]a.1. 返回的,回程的;来回的2. 报答的;回报的The professor paid a return visit to his American colleague.教授回访了美国同事。3. 返回的,折回的profitn.1. 利润,盈利;收益,红利[C][U]He made a profit of fifty thousand US dollars on his house.他卖掉房子获利五万美元。2. 利益,益处;得益[U]We gained a lot of profit from your advice.我们从你的建议中获益匪浅。vt.1. 有益于Telling lies won"t profit you.撒谎对你无益。vi.1. 有益,有利2. 得益,获益[(+by/from)]He learned to profit by his mistakes.他学会了从自己的错误中获益。We profit from the work of the specialist.我们从专家的工作中得到益处。

急!请问申请美国大学奖学金需要的父母的Tax Return是什么东西?

u r kiddin咱中国政府什么时候return过?表里的这项真是巨大的讽刺。。。。。。

Return To The Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Return To The Heart歌手:David Lanz专辑:Beloved"Listen To Your Heart" I know theres something in the wake of your smile. I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea. Youve built a love but that love falls apart. Your little piece of heaven turns too dark. Listen to your heart when hes calling for you. Listen to your heart theres nothing else you can do. I dont know where youre going and I dont know why, but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye. Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile. The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea. Theyre swept away and nothing is what is seems, the feeling of belonging to your dreams. And there are voices that want to be heard. So much to mention but you cant find the words.

return; shorts;shirt; join ;这英语用谐音怎么读?


return typeof a < typeof b ? -1 : 1; 求问老哥们这里是比较a和b的type吗? 能否详细解释下,谢了

return:后面有数值,那么返回这个数值typeof a < typeof b ?:比较是手段,目的是取数值,typeof a < typeof b?-1 : 1 如果typeof a < typeof b成立,这个值为 -1,否则为1return typeof a < typeof b ? -1 : 1; 如果typeof a < typeof b成立,则返回值 -1,否则返回值 1


void的含义  void的字面意思是“无类型”,void*则为“无类型指针”,void*可以指向任何类型的数据。  void几乎只有“注释”和限制程序的作用,因为从来没有人会定义一个void变量,让我们试着来定义:  voida;  这行语句编译时会出错,提示“illegaluseoftype"void"”。不过,即使voida的编译不会出错,它也没有任何实际意义。  void真正发挥的作用在于:  (1)对函数返回的限定;  (2)对函数参数的限定。  众所周知,如果指针p1和p2的类型相同,那么我们可以直接在p1和p2间互相赋值;如果p1和p2指向不同的数据类型,则必须使用强制类型转换运算符把赋值运算符右边的指针类型转换为左边指针的类型。  例如:  float*p1;  int*p2;  1=p2;  其中p1=p2语句会编译出错,提示“"=":cannotconvertfrom"int*"to"float*"”,必须改为:  1=(float*)p2;  而void*则不同,任何类型的指针都可以直接赋值给它,无需进行强制类型转换:  void*p1;  int*p2;  1=p2;  但这并不意味着,void*也可以无需强制类型转换地赋给其它类型的指针。因为“无类型”可以包容“有类型”,而“有类型”则不能包容“无类型”。道理很简单,我们可以说“男人和女人都是人”,但不能说“人是男人”或者“人是女人”。下面的语句编译出错:  void*p1;  int*p2;  2=p1;  提示“"=":cannotconvertfrom"void*"to"int*"”。

质量体系中reject return scrap的区别

reject 不符要求return 退回供应商scrap 报废

在java中, return (Item)items.get(0); 表示什么意思?


He return out to be the man whom we were looking for?对吗


He return out to be the man whom we were looking for?对吗



这些词就aux 和 return对吧,你这个是模拟调音台,parameter是设置参数,exsend,是啥,可以拍照片,aux是母线发送端口,可以外接音箱,录音什么的,return是回路,用来

安装sbsettings出现sub-process/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(1),请问怎么处理

有其他文件吗?比如setup.exe之类的?如果有就用那个来安 没有就回下载页去看看

free shipping free return是什么意思

free shipping free return免费送货,免费退货例句:1.Wide shoes-free shipping& return shipping. 鞋宽免航运船务返回。2.Unilateral commitments by the buyers return shipping charges. 由买家单方面承担来回运输费用。3.Last year it introduced "amazon prime", which provides free shipping in return for a one-off payment. 去年,它推出了“亚马逊优惠计划”,对一次性付款的顾客提供免费运输服务。4.Benefits include free shipping, gifts, offers such as buy one and get one free, and discounts. 免费福利包括航运、礼物和提供诸如买一送一,折扣.5.If we have refunds agreements, you will be responsible for the return shipping charges. The balance will be refunded back to you after we receive the items. 如果达成退货退款协议,本店铺会收取货品退回运费。我们在收到退回货物后,会退回款项。

python 中 return lambda 怎么理解?


event.returnvalue is deprecated.please use the standard event.preventde是什么意思

event returnvalue is deprecated. please use the standard event preventde事件中不推荐使用。请使用标准的事件 保护

return to the tribe 歌词

歌曲名:return to the tribe歌手:edguy专辑:rocket rideRoad lies aheadAnd a long road lies behind meSee lights passing byAnd I know it"s the time of their livesA million milesLightyears I"ve been travelingTo watch and enjoy this worldThat I"ve seen as galoreOh, amusing over it allClosing my eyes to remember it allEmbracing the past and the future to comeKiss that road that leads me to my tribeI"ve found my way homeI"ve returned to where I belongBack to where I stand from, back to paradiseTime to return to the tribeThe other sideAlways close to the edgeBeen walking a thin lineAlways had someone watch my stepA mysteryTo make it out alive and sayThe battle is overAnd I know who"s been with meNow amusing over it allOn top of this world I remember it allAwaiting the sunrise and sunset at homeKiss the way that leads me to my tribeI"ve found my way homeI"ve returned to where I belongBack to where I stand from, back to paradiseTime to return to the tribeBack to the tribe.I"ve found my way homeI"ve returned to where I belongBack to where I stand from, back to paradiseTime to return to the tribeTribe.I"ve found my way homeI"ve returned to where I belongBack to where I stand from, back to paradiseTime to return to the tribe

eventemitter emit的事件可以return吗


英语谚语:He that returns good for evil obtains the victory 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: He that returns good for evil obtains the victory 中文意思: 以德报怨的人得到胜利。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Childhood shows the man as morning shows the day 看人看年少,看天看破晓。 Children and fools cannot lie 孩子和傻子,不会说谎话。 Children and fools speak the truth 孩子和傻子,说的是真话。 Children are the parents"s riches 子女是父母之财富。 Choice of the end covers choice of the means 选择目的包含著选择手段。 Choose an author as you choose a friend 选书如择友。 Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye 选妻,最好用耳莫用眼。 Christmas es but once a year 佳节良辰,机会难得。 Circumstances are therulers of the weak instrument of the wise 弱者困于环境,智者利用环境。 Civility costs nothing 礼貌不须什么代价。 英语谚语: He that returns good for evil obtains the victory 中文意思: 以德报怨的人得到胜利。

Return On Net Assets (RONA)是什么意思?

Return On Net Assets 净资产收益率

Return On Net Assets (RONA)代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!    Return On Net Assets (RONA)净资产回报率财务表现指标,计算方法:  净收入   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  固定资产 + 周转资金净额  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

The Point Of No Return 歌词

歌曲名:The Point Of No Return歌手:Andrew Lloyd Webber专辑:The Phantom Of The Opera (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)PHANTOM:You have come herein pursuit of your deepest urgein pursuit of that wishwhich till now has been silentsilent...I have brought youthat our passions may fuse and mergein your mindyou"ve already succumbed tome,dropped all defensescompletely succumbed tomenow you are here with meno second thoughtsyou"ve decideddecided...Past the point of no returnno backward glancesthe games we"ve played till now are atanend...Past all thought of "if" and "when" no use resistingabandon thought,and let the dream descendWhat raging fire shall flood the soul?What rich desire unlock its door?What sweet seduction lies before us?Past the point of no returnthe final thresholdwhat warm,unspoken secrets will we learn?Beyond the point of no return...CHRISTINE:You have brought me to that momentwhere words run dryto that momentwhere speech disappears into silence,silence...I have come herehardly knowing the reason whyIn my mindI"ve already imagined our bodies entwining,defenceless and silentand now I am here with youno second thoughtsI"ve decided,decided...Past the point of no returnno going back nowour passion play has now at last begunPast all thought of right and wrongone final question:how long should we two waitbefore we"re one?When will the blood begin to racethe sleep in gbudburstin to bloom?When will the flames at last consumeus?BOTH:Past the point of no returnthe final thresholdthe bridge is crossedso standand watch it burnWe"ve passed the point of no returnPHANTOM:Say you"ll share with meone love, one life timeLead me, save me from my solitudeSay you want me with youhere beside youAnywhere you go let me go tooChristine, that"s all I ask of...

past the point of no return



风险调整后收益(Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return,MRAR) 风险调整后收益是指将 风险因素 剔除以后的收益指标。其中, 夏普比 率 、 特雷诺指数 和 詹森指数 是三个经典的风险调整后收益指标。希望采纳

They have always treated us with open hands and we must be generous ________. return ..

A in return意为“反过来”;in addition意为“而且”;in vain意为“徒劳地”;in case意为“万一”。根据句意“他们一向慷慨地待我们,所以我们反过来也得对他们大方一些”可知,答案为A。

come back,return 和 return back的区别

1)come back 回来 如战神归来用come back;2)return 既有回来的意思也有返还的意思 还我命来 用return;3)return back 不存在。

return等于come back吗



这个isPrime函数应该是求 输入的参数 i是否为质数的。 那个for循环不断从2开始能否被 i整除,一旦满足条件就将ret 置于0并跳出循环,返回ret(这时返回值为0)。 而for循环里一直到循环结束都没有走if函数,最后返回的ret值就是1。所以最后面的return 接的是ret,就是为了判断是否为质数(1)和非质数(0)。

The Return (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:The Return (Remix)歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Unfinished BusinessThe Ghost Inside - The ReturnerSearching for something that cannot be found.An end with no means to reach.Look to the light that we"ll never see.Is this life? Or some kind of dream?I am a dreamer, so blind my eyes.My absence meant more than this.All the things I"ve come to miss (and bless) are gone.I am a returner, just not tonight.


returnback的读音是:。returnback的读音是:。returnback的例句是Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。returnback的意思是返回。一、网络释义点此查看returnback的详细内容 返回产品...fulfillallrequirementsintheinitialcooperation_满足所有要求的首次合作returnback_返回产品Playme_我玩... 回归【音乐美学与音乐心理学】郏而慷/在演奏艺术中回归“人生的家园”-武汉音乐学院关键词:演奏艺术;超越;联想;回归[gap=951]KeyWords:artofperformance,beyond,associate,returnback 回去...说来说去 repeatoverandoveragain回去 returnback上来/过来 comeover... 返回上页...whereyoucanchatwithyourfriends_您可以在那里聊天,你的朋友returnback_返回上页It"saveryfunnycomedy_它是非常滑稽搞笑...二、例句Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。Thereturnoftheechowillelapselongertime.回声返回所耗的时间越长了。returnback的相关临近词returner、return、returnoperator、returnkindness、returnasalute、returningplant、returnelectron、returnaticket、returnonsales、return-sludge、returngearbox、returningright点此查看更多关于returnback的详细信息




returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的例句是Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。一、网络释义点此查看returnback的详细内容 返回产品...fulfillallrequirementsintheinitialcooperation_满足所有要求的首次合作returnback_返回产品Playme_我玩... 回归【音乐美学与音乐心理学】郏而慷/在演奏艺术中回归“人生的家园”-武汉音乐学院关键词:演奏艺术;超越;联想;回归[gap=951]KeyWords:artofperformance,beyond,associate,returnback 回去...说来说去 repeatoverandoveragain回去 returnback上来/过来 comeover... 返回上页...whereyoucanchatwithyourfriends_您可以在那里聊天,你的朋友returnback_返回上页It"saveryfunnycomedy_它是非常滑稽搞笑...二、例句Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。Thereturnoftheechowillelapselongertime.回声返回所耗的时间越长了。returnback的相关临近词returner、return、returnoperator、returnkindness、returnasalute、returningplant、returnelectron、returnaticket、returnonsales、return-sludge、returngearbox、returningright点此查看更多关于returnback的详细信息


returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的例句是Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。一、网络释义点此查看returnback的详细内容 返回产品...fulfillallrequirementsintheinitialcooperation_满足所有要求的首次合作returnback_返回产品Playme_我玩... 回归【音乐美学与音乐心理学】郏而慷/在演奏艺术中回归“人生的家园”-武汉音乐学院关键词:演奏艺术;超越;联想;回归[gap=951]KeyWords:artofperformance,beyond,associate,returnback 回去...说来说去 repeatoverandoveragain回去 returnback上来/过来 comeover... 返回上页...whereyoucanchatwithyourfriends_您可以在那里聊天,你的朋友returnback_返回上页It"saveryfunnycomedy_它是非常滑稽搞笑...二、例句Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。Thereturnoftheechowillelapselongertime.回声返回所耗的时间越长了。returnback的相关临近词returner、return、returnoperator、returnkindness、returnasalute、returningplant、returnelectron、returnaticket、returnonsales、return-sludge、returngearbox、returningright点此查看更多关于returnback的详细信息


returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的例句是Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。一、网络释义点此查看returnback的详细内容 返回产品...fulfillallrequirementsintheinitialcooperation_满足所有要求的首次合作returnback_返回产品Playme_我玩... 回归【音乐美学与音乐心理学】郏而慷/在演奏艺术中回归“人生的家园”-武汉音乐学院关键词:演奏艺术;超越;联想;回归[gap=951]KeyWords:artofperformance,beyond,associate,returnback 回去...说来说去 repeatoverandoveragain回去 returnback上来/过来 comeover... 返回上页...whereyoucanchatwithyourfriends_您可以在那里聊天,你的朋友returnback_返回上页It"saveryfunnycomedy_它是非常滑稽搞笑...二、例句Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。Thereturnoftheechowillelapselongertime.回声返回所耗的时间越长了。returnback的相关临近词returner、return、returnoperator、returnkindness、returnasalute、returningplant、returnelectron、returnaticket、returnonsales、return-sludge、returngearbox、returningright点此查看更多关于returnback的详细信息


returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的例句是Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。一、网络释义点此查看returnback的详细内容 返回产品...fulfillallrequirementsintheinitialcooperation_满足所有要求的首次合作returnback_返回产品Playme_我玩... 回归【音乐美学与音乐心理学】郏而慷/在演奏艺术中回归“人生的家园”-武汉音乐学院关键词:演奏艺术;超越;联想;回归[gap=951]KeyWords:artofperformance,beyond,associate,returnback 回去...说来说去 repeatoverandoveragain回去 returnback上来/过来 comeover... 返回上页...whereyoucanchatwithyourfriends_您可以在那里聊天,你的朋友returnback_返回上页It"saveryfunnycomedy_它是非常滑稽搞笑...二、例句Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。Thereturnoftheechowillelapselongertime.回声返回所耗的时间越长了。returnback的相关临近词returner、return、returnoperator、returnkindness、returnasalute、returningplant、returnelectron、returnaticket、returnonsales、return-sludge、returngearbox、returningright点此查看更多关于returnback的详细信息


「RETURNER ~暗の终焉~」 【RETURNER ~黑暗的终结~】 作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C (translated by 琉璃少年) 歌:GACKT 孤独に怯えた月は空を抱きしめながら 【害怕孤独的月亮紧拥苍天】 涙で见えない贵方を探して叫んだ 【召唤着泪眼中你模糊的背影】 贵方の瞳に映る私は笑っていた 【你的瞳中映出我依旧的笑颜】 もう二度と逢えぬ微笑みを前に 【在这已经无法重现的微笑面前】 暗暗で叫び続ける贵方が见える 【看见 黑暗中不停呼喊着的你】 远过ぎて... 【已经遥不可及...】 壊れるほど私を强く抱きしめて 【像要窒息般地 将我抱紧】 もう一度逢えるなら梦の中でいい 【若能再度重逢 就算只是在梦境】 永远の眠りをください 【请赐我永久的安息】 壊れるほど私を强く抱きしめて 【像要窒息般地 将我抱紧】 梦から醒めては消える 【梦醒之时 一切都将消逝】 贵方の笑颜も爱し过ぎるその声も 【你的笑容 还有这迷人的声音】 もう一度逢えるから 约束したから 【一定会再次相逢的 我们早就约定】 溢れるほどの爱で优しく包んで 【用满心的爱温柔地包裹吧】 永远の眠りをください 【请赐我永久的安息】 贵方が见えない... 【你的身影 已经看不清...】 贵方が见えない... 【再也看不清...】


returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的意思是:返回。returnback的例句是Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。一、网络释义点此查看returnback的详细内容 返回产品...fulfillallrequirementsintheinitialcooperation_满足所有要求的首次合作returnback_返回产品Playme_我玩... 回归【音乐美学与音乐心理学】郏而慷/在演奏艺术中回归“人生的家园”-武汉音乐学院关键词:演奏艺术;超越;联想;回归[gap=951]KeyWords:artofperformance,beyond,associate,returnback 回去...说来说去 repeatoverandoveragain回去 returnback上来/过来 comeover... 返回上页...whereyoucanchatwithyourfriends_您可以在那里聊天,你的朋友returnback_返回上页It"saveryfunnycomedy_它是非常滑稽搞笑...二、例句Theywaitedfortheferrytoreturn.他们等候渡船返回。Thereturnoftheechowillelapselongertime.回声返回所耗的时间越长了。returnback的相关临近词returner、return、returnoperator、returnkindness、returnasalute、returningplant、returnelectron、returnaticket、returnonsales、return-sludge、returngearbox、returningright点此查看更多关于returnback的详细信息

Excess Return是什么意思?

excess return超额收益[网络短语]Excess Return 额外回报,超额报酬,超额回报excess sludge return 剩余污泥回流excess sample return line 剩余样品回流管线(赠人玫瑰,手留余香。如若,您对我的答复满意,请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~)

超额收益(excess returns)


风险溢价(risk premium)和超额收益(excess return)的区别和联系?

两者都是指超过无风险收益率的收益,risk premium是expected rate of return,也就是理想中的收益率,而excess return是指实际得到的收益。希望帮到你。


exit(1)和_exit(0)函数都可以用于结束进程,不过_exit(1)调用之后会立即进入内核,而exit(0)函数会先执行一些清理之后才会进入内核,比如调用各种终止处理程序,关闭所有I/O流.return 是退出函数模块并返回值给调用该函数的操作数,所以函数前要有返回类型,如果是用在main函数中的话,main函数返回值不能声明成void,那么此时的return与exit调用都是使程序结束并返回到操作系统。return函数退出,将函数的信息返回给调用函数使用,与exit()和_exit()函数有本质区别。#include <stdlib.h>void exit(int status);DESCRIPTIONThe exit() function causes normal process terminationand the value of status & 0377 is returned to the parent(see wait(2)).这是man手册中对exit()函数的秒数,exit()函数导致子进程的正常退出,并且参数status&0377这个值将被返回给父进程。exit()应该是库函数。exit()函数其实是对_exit()函数的一种封装(库函数就是对系统调用的一种封装)。3.return 不是系统调用,也不是库函数,而是一个关键字,表示调用堆栈的返回(过程活动记录),是函数的退出,而不是进程的退出。


return与exit的区别是什么?exit()是一个函数,结束一个进程,它将删除进程使用的内存空间,同时把错误信息返回父进程,在父进程中wait系统调用将接受到此返回信息。return返回函数值,是关键字在main函数中我们通常使用return (0);这样的方式返回一个值。但这是限定在非void情况下的也就是void main()这样的形式。exit()通常是用在子程序中用来终结程序用的,使用后程序自动结束跳会操作系统。但在如果把exit用在main内的时候无论main是否定义成void返回的值都是有效的,并且exit不需要考虑类型,exit(1)等价于return (1)exit(0); //正常退出 非0即是非正常退出 数字0,1,-1会被写入环境变量ERRORLEVEL,其它程序可以由此判断程序结束状态。 一般0为正常推出,其它数字为异常,其对应的错误可以自己指定。

return my money back

请把我的钱返还到我的账户里, 句子中return和back不要同时出现,建议去掉back


-income 的意思”Income is increases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of inflows or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants(IASB Framework).“ 资料来自 的意思 "The gain or loss of a security in a particular period. The return consists of the income and the capital gains relative on an investment. It is usually quoted as a percentage."资料来自 Investopedia

return to paradise 讲的是什么故事 能帮忙概括一下吗

  重返爱天堂 Return to Paradise  生活是一条河,在静静的流淌中,总会遇到阻碍前进的石块,这时除了蜿蜒前进,难道还有来路可退吗?曾经的海誓山盟都已淡漠,两人牵手真的已走到尽头?也许只有放下心中包袱,才能重返爱的天堂。  Lisa stood facing the Caribbean Sea, feeling the faint breeze against her face; her eyes were shut and she felt the white sand warm between her bare toes. The place was beautiful beyond belief, but it was still unable to ease the grief she felt as she remembered the last time she had been here.  莉萨伫立在加勒比海边,面向着大海,感受微风轻拂脸颊--她闭上双眼,裸露的脚趾间拥满了温暖的沙粒。这个地方美得简直令人难以置信,但回忆起上次在这的情景时,此般美景依然无法抚慰心中的伤痛。  She had married James right here on this spot three years ago to the day. Dressed in a simple white 1)shift dress, 2)miniature white roses attempting to 3)tame her long dark curls, Lisa had been happier than she had ever thought possible. James was even less formal, yet utterly irresistible in 4)creased summer trousers and a loose white cotton shirt. His dark hair was slightly ruffled and his eyes were full of adoration as he looked at his bride to be. The [1] justice of the peace had read their vows as they held hands and laughed at the sheer joy of being young, in love and staying in a five star resort on the Caribbean island of the Dominican Republic. They had seen the years blissfully stretching ahead of them, together forever. They planned their children, two she said; he said four so they compromised on three (two girls and a boy of course); where they would live, the travelling they would do together-it was all certain, or so they had thought then.  三年前的今天,莉萨就是在这里和詹姆斯结婚的。她身着简洁的白色长礼裙,小小的白玫瑰服贴、点缀着她又黑又长的卷发,如此的幸福感是她从未企及的。詹姆斯的装扮更休闲,一条带摺的清凉夏裤和一件宽松的白色棉质衬衫,配上一头稍稍凌乱的黑发,然而他看上去依然是魅力不可挡,当他凝视着自己的准新娘时,眼神里写满了爱意。他们手牵手,聆听太平绅士宣读他们的誓言。他们为年轻而欢呼,为爱情而雀跃,为身处多米尼加共和国加勒比岛屿的五星级胜地而陶醉。他们似乎看到未来的幸福之路在眼前展开,直至相携到老。他们商量着生孩子的事,她说要两个,他却想要四个,最终各退一步,决定生三个(当然是两女一男)。他们计划着安居的地方,计划着一起旅游--所有事情都显得顺理成章,或者大约他们当时便想到这些。  But that seemed such a long time ago now. A lot can change in just a few years-a lot of heartache can change a person and drive a 5)wedge through the strongest ties, break even the deepest love. Three years to the day and they had returned, though this time not for the beachside marriages the island was famous for, but for one of its equally popular 6)quickie divorces.  然而这一切似乎是许久以前的事了,短短几年时间就可能发生许多变故。太多的伤痛可以改变一个人,可以破坏最牢固的关系,甚至可以摧毁最刻骨的爱情。三年后的今天,他们又回到了这个岛上,但并非因为此地闻名的海滨婚礼,而是因为此地同样闻名的闪电离婚。  Lisa let out a sigh that was filled with pain and regret. What could she do but move on, find a new life and new dreams?-the old one was beyond repair. How could this beautiful place, with its lush green coastline, eternity of 7)azure blue sea and endless sands be a place for the agony she felt now?  莉萨深深地叹了一口气,带出了心中的痛苦和悲伤。除了继续前行,寻找新生活和新梦想她还能做什么呢?--毕竟旧的已经无法弥补。这里有繁茂的绿色海岸线、无边的蔚蓝大海和绵延的沙滩,可是现在如此美丽的地方怎么就成了她心中无法隐忍的痛?  The man stood watching under the palm tree. He couldn"t take his eyes off the dark-haired woman he saw standing at the water"s edge, apparently gazing out to sea as though she was waiting for something-or someone. She was beautiful, with her slim figure dressed in a loose flowing cotton dress, her crazy hair and bright blue eyes not far off the colour of the sea itself. It wasn"t her looks that attracted him though; he came across many beautiful women through his work as a 8)freelance photographer. It was her loneliness and intensity that lured him. Even at some distance he was aware that she was different from any other woman he could ever meet.  一个男子站在棕榈树下,目不转睛地注视着这位黑发女子:她伫立在水边,凝望着大海,显然像是在等待什么--或是某人。她很美,身段修长,一袭宽松的棉质裙与头发在风中起舞,那双明亮的蓝眼睛,美得简直可以与大海的颜色相媲美。然而吸引他的并非她的容貌,作为一名自由摄影师,因为工作上的关系,他见过的美女无数。吸引他的是她的落寞和深情。尽管隔着一些距离,但是他仍能感觉到她是不同于他所见过的任何其他女性的。  Lisa sensed the man approaching even before she turned around. She had been aware of him standing there staring at her and had felt strangely calm about being observed. She looked at him and felt the instant spark of connection she had only experienced once before. He walked slowly towards her and they held each other"s gaze. It felt like meeting a long lost friend-not a stranger on a strange beach.  未曾转身,莉萨便察觉到了男人在靠近。她早已发觉他站在远处盯凝着她,奇怪的是,她并没有因为被注视而感到不自在。她看着他,瞬间闪过一丝心灵相通的火花,这样的碰撞以前只有过一次。他慢慢地向她走近,两人的目光胶着了。他们就像见到一个失去联络很久的朋友--而不是在陌生的地方遇见一个陌生人。  Later, sitting at one of the many bars on the resort, sipping the local cocktails they began to talk. First 9)pleasantries-their hotels, the quality of the food and friendliness of the locals. (1)Their conversation was strangely hesitant considering the naturalness and confidence of their earlier meeting. (2)Onlookers, however, would have detected the subtle flirtation as they mirrored each other"s actions and looked directly into each other"s eyes. Only later, after the alcohol had had its loosening effect, did the conversation deepen. They talked of why they were here and finally, 10)against her better judgment, Lisa opened up about her heartache of the past year and how events had led her back to the place where she had married the only man she believed she could ever love. She told him of things that had been locked deep inside her, that she had so far been able to tell no one. She told him how she had felt after she had lost her baby.  过了一会儿,他们在附近林立的酒吧里找了一间坐了下来。啜饮着当地的鸡尾酒,开始交谈。最初是谈论一些有趣的事--聊他们住的酒店,食物的品质以及当地人的友好热情。然而再深入下去时,相比之前见面的自然和从容,他们的谈话便莫名地犹豫不前了。尽管如此,从他们端详对方的举止和直视对方眼睛的神态中,旁观者还是能洞悉到些许微妙的暧昧。直到酒精逐渐发挥了让人放松的效力,谈话才继续深入下去。他们谈论着来此地的原因,最后,虽然明知不太适宜,莉萨仍将她去年所经历的痛苦尽数道出,以及是什么事情让她又回到了这里--在这儿,她嫁给了一个曾以为会深爱一生的男人。她将一直锁在心底、至今仍无法向他人启齿的话倾吐了出来,并向他倾诉失去宝宝后悲痛的心情  She was six months pregnant and the happiest she had ever been when the pains had started. She was staying with her mother as James was working out of town. He hadn"t made it back in time. The doctor had said it was just one of those things and that they could try again. But how could she when she couldn"t even look James in the eye? She hated him then, for not being there, for not hurting as much as her; but most of all she hated him for looking so much like the tiny baby boy that she held for just three hours before they took him away. All through the following months she had withdrawn from her husband, family, and friends-not wanting to recover from the pain she felt-that would have been a betrayal of her son. At the funeral she had refused to stand next to her husband and the next day she had left him.  那时她已怀孕六个月,还是世界上最幸福的人。直到事情发生的前一刻。当时她和母亲待在一起,詹姆斯在郊外工作,没能及时赶回来。医生说这是很平常的事情,他们还有机会。然而她无法做到,她连正视詹姆斯的眼睛都办不到。她恨他,恨他当时不在身边,恨他没有自己那么伤心,更恨他和仅仅在自己怀里躺了三个小时就被抱走的儿子如此相像。接下来的几个月,她远离了丈夫、家庭和朋友,不愿从伤痛中走出来--她觉得那样做是对儿子的背叛。在葬礼上,她拒绝站在丈夫旁边。第二天,她便离开了他。  (3)Looking up, Lisa could see her pain reflected in the man"s eyes. For the first time in months she didn"t feel alone, she felt the unbearable burden begin to lift from her- only a bit, but it was a start. She began to believe that maybe she had a future after all and maybe it could be with this man, with his kind 11)hazel eyes, wet with their shared tears.  抬起头,莉萨读出自己的伤痛映满了男人的双眼。几个月来,她第一次不再感到孤独,她感到压得她喘不过气来的担子开始减轻,尽管只有一点点,但起码这是个开始。她开始相信自己还是有未来的,也许是和眼前这个男人、也许是和他这双温柔的淡褐色眼睛--里面噙着他们共同的泪花。  They had come here to dissolve their marriage, but maybe there was hope. Lisa stood up and took James by the hand and led him away from the bar towards the beach where they had made their vows to each other three years ago. Tomorrow she would cancel the divorce; tonight they would work on renewing their promises.  他们来此本为结束他们的婚姻,但也许事情还有转机。她站起身,牵起詹姆斯的手,领着他走出酒吧,走向他们三年前互相许下诺言的沙滩。明天,她会取消离婚,今晚,他们将重续承诺

帮找首歌,韩语的,叫Return to the letter 中文是 回来的书信 是

ub418ub3ccuc544uc628 ud3b8uc9c0 (Feat. ub204ub9ac)RapIt"s the return of the letterTwo hearts become one smashed foreverWhen we be together whatever your dreams tell you to doI"d be a fool if I told you I can love you againub610 ub2e4uc2dc ub09c uc548ub418uaca0uc9c0 uc6b0ub9ac ub458uc774 uc601uc6d0ud788 ub09c uc548ub418uaca0uc9c0uc6b0ub9ac uc774ubcc4 uc798ud588ub2e4uace0 uc0dduac01ud558uba74uc6b0ub9ac ubaa8ub4e0 uc2acud514uc774 ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 uc0acub77cuc9c8 uac70uc57cuc9c0uccd0ubc84ub9b0 ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 ubc14ub77cubcf4ub294 uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub0b4uac00ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2cc ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78cuc774 uc11c uc788ub294 uac83 uac19uc544uc6b0ub450ucee4ub2c8 ubc14ub77cubcf4ub2e4 ubc29ubb38 ud2c8uc5d0 ub193uc5ecuc788ub294 ud3b8uc9c0uc624ub798 uc804uc5d0 ub108uc5d0uac8c ubcf4ub0b8 uc0c9 ubc14ub798uc9c4 ud3b8uc9c0ud55c uc904 ud55c uc904 uc368ub0b4ub824uac04 ub418ub3ccuc544uc628 ud3b8uc9c0 uc18duc5d4ub108uc5d0uac8c ud558uc9c0 ubabbud588ub358 uc598uae38 uaf2d ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5c8ub358 uac70uc57cud5e4uc5b4uc9c8 uc218ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub294 ub098uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uc774uc720uc870ucc28ub3c4ub108uc5d0uac8c ubd80ub2f4 uc8fcuae30 uc2ebuc5b4 ub09c uc774ub807uac8c ub5a0ub0a0 uc218ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6uc744 ubfd0uc57cRapuc9c0uae08uae4cuc9c0 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc744 ubc1buc544uc8fcuc9c0 ubabbud55c ub2c8 ub9c8uc74cuc744ub0b4uac8c ub2e4uc2dc uc774ud574ud558uc9c0 ubabbud55c uadf8 ud3b8uc9c0uac00 ub098uc5d0uac8cub85c ub418ub3ccuc544uc654uc5b4Forget about the painNever use his name in vein when I prayHope you find some better days to avoid insanitationsCause pushin my limits you only pushing my aggressionub0b4 uae30uc5b5uc18duc5d0 ub2c8 ubaa8uc2b5uc774 uc9c0uc6ccuc9c8

求M.C the Max的歌曲《return》音译歌词

ti:Return Of The Hustle feat][ar:Fabolous][al:From Nothin" To Somethin"][by:HomToㄨYeah] ★ HomToㄨYeah 制作Return Of The Hustle(feat. Swizz Beatz)[Swizz Beatz over an interpolation of EPMD"s Rampage]Record mode! (Record mode!)Get your money in the air like this (yeah yeah)FAB TIME~! BK[Fabolous]We knock this out homey (yesss)Street da-da-da-da-damn (yesss)Ay it"s a new year, and I"m back for new moneyJust I think I left somethin (JUST BLAZE!)[Chorus: Swizz Beatz]Cash rules everything around me, C.R.E.A.M.It"s a new year, dolla dolla bill y"all, yup!Get that money yup! Dolla dolla bill y"all, yup!Get that money yup! Dolla dolla bill, yup yup![Fabolous]Yesss - it"s the return of the young hustleA nigga came for the money, not the tongue tussleMe I"d rather do my lip lashin, when the chips cash inThen you might see me on the strip flashinlike Vegas lights, and they say I shine Vegas brightDraw a crowd like a Vegas fightSo shiiiiiiit, gettin hit in my leg is likeI mean it coulda been a 2Pac vegas nightOr maybe a Notorious L.A. eveningBaby you okay? I mean well I"m breathinHell I"m even, bossin and I leftThe money ain"t right then I toss you to the leftYesss, to the left, to the leftEverything is hustle to the death for the F--A-B baby, they be lazyGucci straightjacket cause I may be crazyLoony for the loot, psycho for the paperThis a new year but I recycle for the paperIf green talks, then I"m the Geico with the paperSo have my check right, no typos with the paper please[Chorus] - repeat 2X w/ ad libs, end first time end with I said[Fabolous]They say the rap game remind "em of the crack gameThat"s why they money go, quicker than a crack highMy money stack high, how high? Shaq highYao high, that"s why, yours is Bow Wow highYou lookin at your new hustle, like your last hustleWas looked at as Russell, in my past hustleShorty work it, she be on her ass hustleShe make it clap, she know how to work them ass musclesFast rush you, then back to the moneyThey say I"m frontin, can"t turn my back to the moneyAnd truthfully you"re cool but I"m attracted to moneySo why don"tcha turn your back to the money and let it shakeI"m lovin how you move that smooth, you let it snakeBut players don"t chase at it baby we let it makeBet it make sense when you make them dollarsI ain"t gotta make them move, but I make them hollaThis my year, but y"all can help me celebrateI"m 9:15, that means I"m hella straightSwizz stacks, Just Blaze bucksI"m back for my money, it"s just they luck[02:09.60][Chorus] - repeat 2X w/ ad libs, end first time end with I said[Swizz Beatz]Get your money in the air, m-m-money in the air {*2X*}Let me see it up, let, let me see it up {*2X*}LADIES~! Money in the air, m-m-money in the URR-URR {*2X*}Money in the air, money in the airLet me see it up, nigga you don"t need that doughNigga you don"t need that dough...

return status是什么意思




The Fall的《Return》 歌词

歌曲名:Return歌手:The Fall专辑:The Complete Peel Sessions 1978-2004ok go ReturnNow its years since your body went flatand even memories of thatare all think and dull,all gravel and glass.But who needs them nowdisplaced they"re easily more safethe worst of it now: I can"t remember your face.Return. Return. Return. Return.For a while, with the vertigo cured,we were alive we were pure.The void took the shapeof all that you were,but years take their toll,and things get bent into shape...Antiseptic and tired,I can"t remember your face.Return. Return. Return. Return.You were supposed to grow old.You were supposed to grow old.Reckless, unfrightened, and old,you were supposed to grow were supposed to grow were supposed to grow were supposed to grow old.Return. Return.You were supposed to return.You were supposed to return.

The Cure的《Return》 歌词

歌曲名:Return歌手:The Cure专辑:Wild Mood Swingsok go ReturnNow its years since your body went flatand even memories of thatare all think and dull,all gravel and glass.But who needs them nowdisplaced they"re easily more safethe worst of it now: I can"t remember your face.Return. Return. Return. Return.For a while, with the vertigo cured,we were alive we were pure.The void took the shapeof all that you were,but years take their toll,and things get bent into shape...Antiseptic and tired,I can"t remember your face.Return. Return. Return. Return.You were supposed to grow old.You were supposed to grow old.Reckless, unfrightened, and old,you were supposed to grow were supposed to grow were supposed to grow were supposed to grow old.Return. Return.You were supposed to return.You were supposed to return.

the return of the native有没有电影版


求《return to the innocence》的歌词?

That Will Be The Return To Yourself 回归自我 The Return To Innocence 曲中台湾阿美族艺术家郭英南老先生贯穿全曲哼唱的《老人饮酒歌》是如此具有

电影sons for the return home中文怎么翻译


The Return of Sherlock Holmes;id=0

“王者归来”这个词可以译为the king of return吗

按照常理来说不可以,因为英语不能用汉语的那种说法来翻译,最好翻译成The Return of the King 或者KING"S BACK,如果按照你这种翻译直译的话就变成国王的回报了

to you i still bear the return of the king,you like that beautiful gree是什么意思

to you i still bear the return of the king,you like that beautiful gree对你我仍然承担《王者归来》,你喜欢那个美丽的格力

The further off this solid obstruction the longer time will elapse for the return of the echo

完整句子是The further off this solid obstruction it is, the longer time will elapse for for the return of...对比一下,the more, the fatter.完整讲法是, the more you eat, the fatter you will be.省略了主语和谓语!【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问! 英语选修8阅读 the return of the dinosaurs 的翻译 谢谢了

加点分采纳, 我发给你.

帮忙找一下《羚羊号历险记》,英文名字为 The Return of the Antelope


求生之路2有个非官方地图叫归来的骑士the return of the jockeys,后面怎么玩下去啊?在线等~~~

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