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Long live our motherland!帮我分析一下这个句子的主谓宾。

第二个句子我很专业的告诉你是有语法问题的,一个句子中同时出现了两个谓语 一个are 一个is 你应该先看看这个句子到底是怎么写的 The students 主语

Long live our motherland!帮我分析一下这个句子的主谓宾.

这是个倒装句,正确顺序为our motherland lives long 所以our motherland为主语,lives long 为谓语,live是谓语动词,没有宾语

Timberland鞋的 M 和 W 什么意思?


android 安卓UI设计问题,对于不同的屏幕大小会出现错位现象,我用的是linerlayout+margin_*


《Never Again》—Justin Timberlake 歌词的中文翻译





switzerland是瑞士,瑞士英文名:Switzerland;法文名:Suisse,Switzer是来自阿勒曼尼语中指施维茨及周边领地的总称“Schwiizer”,该地区为建立旧瑞士邦联最初的老三州之一。Switzer源自外来语,并以该地区指称邦联全体。瑞士人自1499年的斯瓦比亚战争后以Schwyzer称呼自己,也常与“邦联”(Eidgenossen)搭配使用。瑞士以新拉丁语的国名全称Confederatio Helvetica,于1848年成为联邦体制国家后逐渐被采用。拿破仑时期以赫尔维蒂为共和国名称,Confederatio Helvetica于1879年在硬币上出现,1902年落成的联邦宫也能够见到,瑞士公章自1948年起刻有该词。瑞士历史沿革瑞士国土范围在史前是凯尔特人的活动区域,凯尔特人曾经是欧洲中部的土著居民,他们的部落在公元前2世纪曾经扩展到今天的法国、比利时、意大利北部、西班牙以及莱茵河流域的广大范围,在他们的全盛时期还曾经成功地攻占了罗马城。公元前58年,瑞士被凯撒的军队征服,遭罗马帝国的统治达400年之久。公元3~7世纪,日耳曼部族阿勒曼尼人侵入瑞士东部和北部,并在此定居,这些地方成为以后瑞士的德语区;勃艮第人侵占了西部,这里就是以后瑞士的法语区。1291年8月1日,乌里、施维茨和下瓦尔登三个州在反对哈布斯堡王朝的斗争中秘密结成永久同盟,此即瑞士建国之始。1815年,维也纳会议确认瑞士为永久中立国。1848年,制定宪法,设立联邦委员会,成为统一的联邦制国家。在两次世界大战中均保持中立。

徒步登山鞋选购 timberland,lowa




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有没有人知道Forlan 法兰浴王壁龛使用性怎么样?




Justin Timberlake的Never again歌词及翻译

You didn"t love me enough .

new year gift for our motherland 英语作文?

Today is our motherlandu2019s birthday-National Day. On TV, I know China is great, Chinese people are brave and hard-working. And I know that fifty-five years ago, China was very poor. And Chinese people suffered a lot. Only the Communist Party can lead Chinese people to build New China. The Chinese people can become the hosts of the country. As a word says: Without the Communist Party there would be no new China.

never shall i forget my motherland

C 解析 分 析: 句意: 我永远也不能忘记这首诗歌和它给我第一本小说提供的灵感。这里inspiration后面是定语从句,关系代词省略,定语从句还缺少主语the poem,用it特指前面的that poem,所以选C。 考点: 考查代词

It was July 1, 1997 ___ saw the return of Hong Kong to the motherland.

选A。that。这是一个强调句型,It was …(A)…that…(B)…这里的A部分也就是July 1,1997,它是被强调的部分。不仅仅是用来表示时间,所以不能用when。整句话可以翻译为:1997年7月1日是香港回归的日子。望采纳,谢谢。

魔兽争霸输入motherlang 99怎么没用啊


请以"I love my motherland"为题写一篇英语作文

First of all, please look at here. It is a little flag of China-my motherland. It was here since a month ago when I get on the rostrum of Tian An Men and buy it because this year is the 60th birthday of my motherland. Everyone has it"s motherland so none of you under the stage can"t realize the feeling of me. I love my motherland. Do you know the meaning of love? In my opinion, L means listen, O means Obligate, V means Valued and E means Excuse. Now let me show you the details of these words so that you can understand why I say I love my motherland. Listen:The meaning of listen is very wide. You can do listen, read, look and so on. In totally any way of getting information can be defined as listen. Everyday I listen to the radio or read newspaper or even surf the Internet just for getting information of my motherland. In this way, I known the earthquake of Sichuan last year at the fist time and rapidly do something for the rescue. In this way, I know the ponderance of financial crisis in my motherland and do something as temporary policy. So listen is the best way of caring our motherland. Obligate:My motherland gives me a safe environment. My motherland gives me a good education. My motherland gives me a blest life. My motherland gives anything what she has. So I want to say thanks to my motherland but the way is very special. Planting trees or abiding by laws is one of my ways of obligating my motherland. I think the more obligating, the more rich and powerful our motherland will be. Valued:We all know that our motherland"s image in the world has respect to everyone of us. So we should protect our motherland"s honor in any place and any time especially people abroad. When our motherland"s honor is invaded we must unshakeably fight the common enemy! Although I am not overseas, I have respect for my motherland by the way of valuing our motherland"s flag and national emblem. Excuse:Lifeless, faultless. So as such a big country. Our motherland is so young that she has to walk a long road. On the way of advance, some fault are forgivable. As a son of my motherland , I can forgive my motherland"s some errors, because she can forgive me when I make some mistakes.Love me, love my dog. Love my motherland love all her things. I love the her mountains, her rivers, her plants and her animals. I love her kind-hearted people, her multiculturalism and her history . We all know that our motherland has the Great Wall, the Long River, the panders and so many things which are famous all over the world. She also has 56 Peoples that make our life rich and varied. In case of this, our motherland"s multiculturalism and long history is always be my pride and I say to foreigners about my motherland in anywhere.Why ? Because I love my motherland and I must spread my motherland all over the world in my best as a volunteer just like today. I want everyone in the earth knows my motherland-China and visit China some day or other.In the end, just three words: God Bless China! Thanks!

翻译;I love my motherland

我爱我的祖国在世界的东方,有一个美丽的国家,她有沃土,有高山,有长河,还有辛勤的人民.她就像钻石一样在闪耀,她就是我最亲爱的祖国---中国.我爱我的祖国,因为我爱我的国家的各个民族,每一个民族都有他们自己的文化和习俗.有的人很善良,有的人很慷慨,有的人很幽默...不管怎样,虽然我不能一一展示我祖国的每一个民族,但是,我想告诉你的是 因为有了少数民族的存在,中国人民是伟大的,我们的祖国一天天在发展,我们的祖国正在变的比以前更加强大.我的祖国有很多名胜古迹,这一点不仅每一个中国人了解,就连全世界人民都知道,当老外们谈论中国的时候,无一不竖着大拇指说:恩,中国是著名的国家,是最棒的. 是的,的确如此,我们有伟大的万里长城,有世界上第二大长河,有最古老最悠久的历史文化,众所周知,中国是世界上面积最大的国家之一,当北方雪花飘飘的时候,南方的鲜花正在盛开.当南方的人们在海滩上沐浴阳光的时候,北方的人们正在溜冰.多么令人难以置信那! 所以,现在,我可以向全世界大声宣布:我的祖国是伟大的,我的祖国是最美丽的!!

请以"I love my motherland"为题写一篇英语作文

First of all, please look at here. It is a little flag of China-my motherland. It was here since a month ago when I get on the rostrum of Tian An Men and buy it because this year is the 60th birthday of my motherland. Everyone has it"s motherland so none of you under the stage can"t realize the feeling of me. I love my motherland. Do you know the meaning of love? In my opinion, L means listen, O means Obligate, V means Valued and E means Excuse. Now let me show you the details of these words so that you can understand why I say I love my motherland. Listen:The meaning of listen is very wide. You can do listen, read, look and so on. In totally any way of getting information can be defined as listen. Everyday I listen to the radio or read newspaper or even surf the Internet just for getting information of my motherland. In this way, I known the earthquake of Sichuan last year at the fist time and rapidly do something for the rescue. In this way, I know the ponderance of financial crisis in my motherland and do something as temporary policy. So listen is the best way of caring our motherland. Obligate:My motherland gives me a safe environment. My motherland gives me a good education. My motherland gives me a blest life. My motherland gives anything what she has. So I want to say thanks to my motherland but the way is very special. Planting trees or abiding by laws is one of my ways of obligating my motherland. I think the more obligating, the more rich and powerful our motherland will be. Valued:We all know that our motherland"s image in the world has respect to everyone of us. So we should protect our motherland"s honor in any place and any time especially people abroad. When our motherland"s honor is invaded we must unshakeably fight the common enemy! Although I am not overseas, I have respect for my motherland by the way of valuing our motherland"s flag and national emblem. Excuse:Lifeless, faultless. So as such a big country. Our motherland is so young that she has to walk a long road. On the way of advance, some fault are forgivable. As a son of my motherland , I can forgive my motherland"s some errors, because she can forgive me when I make some mistakes. Love me, love my dog. Love my motherland love all her things. I love the her mountains, her rivers, her plants and her animals. I love her kind-hearted people, her multiculturalism and her history . We all know that our motherland has the Great Wall, the Long River, the panders and so many things which are famous all over the world. She also has 56 Peoples that make our life rich and varied. In case of this, our motherland"s multiculturalism and long history is always be my pride and I say to foreigners about my motherland in anywhere. Why ? Because I love my motherland and I must spread my motherland all over the world in my best as a volunteer just like today. I want everyone in the earth knows my motherland-China and visit China some day or other. In the end, just three words: God Bless China! Thanks!

求英文演讲稿:Motherland and Me


英语作文 I love my motherland. 不少于60个单词,

She has more than five thousand years"history,she has fifty-six nations,and she has the longest river all over the world.She is a great mother of us ,and she is -China,my motherland. China is one of the biggest nation in the world.There is a huge dragon meander on her territory,which represent the industries and wisdom of our ancestors,that is Great Wall.Two strong rivers seem as the main source of 1.3 billion populations been nurtured,that is Yangtze River and Yellow River.The highest mountain in the world Qomolangmo Mount which is the pride of every chinese. China is a multiracial country ,it is composed of the biggest nation Han and other fifty-five nations ,that formed our country with rich cultures.So many patriots and great writers were born in here,such as Yue Fei and Lu Xun.I was deeply moved by their spirit of affection to our country. China is a country that never stop developing.We have successfully launched satellites,joined the WTO,solved the problems with other countries,and apply for the power of holding the 2008 Beijing Olympoic Games. China is a country who bring up all her offspringl.I was proud of her,because I love my motherland,and I love the morning of my motherland.

i love my motherland 英语作文

I love my motherland There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil ,big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China ! I love my motherland !Because I love the different races of my country !Each race has its own culture and customs.Some people are kindhearted,some people are ggenerous,some people are humourous...anyway ,I can"t display evry race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming much stronger tham before . My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .When the foreigners talk about China ,they all extend their thums and say"En...China is a famous and fantastic country !"Yes,that"s ture !We have the Great Wall ,the world"s second longest river ,the oldest history and the most glorious culture .As wa all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice .How marvelous it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly "My country is really great !My country is really beautiful ! 我爱我的祖国 在世界的东方,屹立者一个美丽的国家. 她有着红色的土壤,宏伟的山脉,绵长的河流,和勤劳的人民. 她像一块钻石,时刻闪烁着她的光芒. 她,就是我最最可爱的祖国--- 中 国 ! 我爱我的祖国! 我爱祖国的各个民族! 每个民族有着自己的文化,自己的传统: 他们善良,他们慷慨,他们幽默. 虽然,我无法列出所有民族的美德, 但是,我能够说出中华民族的伟大! 因为民族的伟大,我的祖国得以蒸蒸日上,日益富强! 祖国有着众多的名胜,脍炙人口,享誉世界. 每当外国友人谈起中国, 他们总是翘起拇指,赞不绝口: “中国,一个闻名、神奇的国家!” 是的,没错! 我们有万里长城; 我们有世界第二长河; 我们有最古老的历史; 我们有最灿烂的文化! 众所周知,我们幅员辽阔, 我们是世界最大国家之一员, 我们的北方,冰天雪地,人们欢娱着滑雪、溜冰; 我们的南方,鲜花盛开,人们享受着阳光、海滩. 多么神奇,多么美妙! 此时此刻,我要向世界大声宣告: “我的祖国,真的美丽!” “我的祖国,真的伟大!”

是“on the motherland"还是"in the motherland"?

是说在祖国的意思么??in the motherland

i love my motherland !英语作文

好问题!不过,谈中文用中文写,谈英国美国用英文写。另外,Does Your Motherland Love You?也是一个好题目。

My motherland~~~~英语作文拜托各位大神

My motherland My motherland is a country with a long history. I like my motherland very much. My motherland is called China. There are many places of interest in it. Such as The Mount Huang、The Great Wall 、Hainan Island、The Forbidden City and so on. The Mount Huang is one of the most famous mountains in China. It lies in the south of Anhui Province. Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners go there to visit. While you climb the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of clounds, wondrous pines and unique rocks around you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It"s really a wonderful place to visit. The Forbidden is one of the most popular places of interest. It"s very big . You can learn some about the China history. The Great Wall is old, and it"s also a wonder. This is my motherland.

求革命机插曲motherland 罗马音



motherland(空格)undead(空格)数字————不死族。。。。。。。。。orcer 。。。。。。。。。。兽族类推,只要种族英文查好了就行了

Motherland 和 Fatherland都是“祖国”的意思,区别在哪里? 如题

Motherland 和 Fatherland都是“祖国”的意思.区别在于使用地区不同:记得学校老师讲过:日本、韩国等国讲到祖国时,一般用fatherland较多.其他国家大多用motherland.


motherland的翻译是:祖国;母国。一、临近单词1、mother country,意思指,祖国。例如:The British colonies took up arms for independence against the mother country.英国殖民地为了捍卫它们的独立,武装起来反对宗主国。2、one"s country,意思指,祖国。例如:Self-imposed absence from one"s country.自愿的离开本国.3、homeland,意思指,祖国;家乡。例如:Many are planning to return to their homeland.很多人正计划回到自己的祖国去。4、fatherland,意思指,祖国。例如:They were willing to serve the fatherland in its hour of need.他们愿意在祖国需要的时候为她效力。二、相关例句1、We must be loyal to our motherland.我们必须忠于祖国。2、He did not hesitate to sacrifice his all for protecting his motherland.他为保卫祖国不惜牺牲自己的一切。

魔兽争霸3冰封王座秘籍中的 motherland - (选择等级)为什么用不了啊?


魔兽争霸调级指令 motherland 种族 等级 具体怎么用呀 格式是怎样的

分类: 游戏 问题描述: 详细说一下 谢谢 解析: 是单人战役里跳关用的.我们知道冰封王座一开始的单人战役里只有精灵和兽人的那个额外战役,可是我想玩人族的呢?这时就用这个秘籍,在游戏里点回车然后输入motherland human 01 这个时候就可以直接玩人族战役的第一关了,后面的数字就是跳到第几关的意思. 1楼的不对,必须写种族的完整名称,兽人就是ORC,不死是UNDEAD这样的,不能用UD这样的简称明白了么

英语作文:our motherland

Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a population of over twelve hundred million. Beijing is its capital.We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. We have a glorious revolutionary tradition. We drove out all the enemies. In 1949 the People"s Republic of China was founded. Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger. We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country.

my motherland英语作文开头怎么写

I love my motherlandThere is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil ,big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China !I love my motherland !Because I love the different races of my country !Each race has its own culture and customs.Some people are kindhearted,some people are ggenerous,some people are humourous...anyway ,I can"t display evry race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming much stronger tham before .My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .When the foreigners talk about China ,they all extend their thums and say"En...China is a famous and fantastic country !"Yes,that"s ture !We have the Great Wall ,the world"s second longest river ,the oldest history and the most glorious culture .As wa all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice .How marvelous it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly "My country is really great !My country is really beautiful !我爱我的祖国在世界的东方,屹立者一个美丽的国家.她有着红色的土壤,宏伟的山脉,绵长的河流,和勤劳的人民.她像一块钻石,时刻闪烁着她的光芒.她,就是我最最可爱的祖国--- 中 国 !我爱我的祖国!我爱祖国的各个民族!每个民族有着自己的文化,自己的传统:他们善良,他们慷慨,他们幽默.虽然,我无法列出所有民族的美德,但是,我能够说出中华民族的伟大!因为民族的伟大,我的祖国得以蒸蒸日上,日益富强!祖国有着众多的名胜,脍炙人口,享誉世界.每当外国友人谈起中国,他们总是翘起拇指,赞不绝口:“中国,一个闻名、神奇的国家!”是的,没错!我们有万里长城;我们有世界第二长河;我们有最古老的历史;我们有最灿烂的文化!众所周知,我们幅员辽阔,我们是世界最大国家之一员,我们的北方,冰天雪地,人们欢娱着滑雪、溜冰;我们的南方,鲜花盛开,人们享受着阳光、海滩.多么神奇,多么美妙!此时此刻,我要向世界大声宣告:“我的祖国,真的美丽!”“我的祖国,真的伟大!”


什么意思?无敌并一击必杀: whosyourdaddy 无限魔法: thereisnospoon 任务模式里即使失败也继续游戏: strengthandhonor 地图全开: iseedeadpeople 立即胜利: allyourbasearebelongtous 立即失败: somebodysetusupthebomb 禁止任务默认的胜利条件: itvexesme 加黄金: keysersoze [黄金数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500) 加木材: leafittome [木材数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500) 加黄金和木材: greedisgood [数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500) 快速建造: warpten 无人口上限: pointbreak 快速研究技能: whoisjohngalt 快速升级: sharpandshiny 解除科技树限制: synergy 将时间直接设定到白昼: riseandshine 将时间直接设定到夜晚: lightsout 设定具体时间: daylightsavings [小时数] 让时间永远停留在白昼: daylightsavings 等级选择: motherland [种族] [等级] Fast death(?): iocainepowder Cool down时间为0。即放完一个魔法立刻可以放第二次。。 thedudeabides无敌并一击必杀: whosyourdaddy 无限魔法: thereisnospoon 任务模式里即使失败也继续游戏: str这些是秘籍,但不知你要什么?


motherland 10 英雄等级 = 10单机时用的


就在你 踏上旅途那天一如以往挥著手 对我说再见仿似明天同样的时间也会同样 在街道上见面相信爱就是要教你 拿出勇气不要输给自己直到达成梦想的一天 我也会笑著向星星祈祷守候在这里 看见回来故乡的你 希望能够成为你的天空 包容你一切悲伤仰望天空时在远方也能感觉到我们不是孤独的 因我们一直彼此呼应就像有一个回去的地方就像有一个回去的地方 没有你行走的街道上一如以往活泼地 没有任何改变平静地继续生活下去相信是我现在做到的事情任何事 无论怎样微小 也有隐藏在背後的意义纵使梦想已经消失也希望可以忠於你自己因为何时我也会守候在这里 失去眼泪变强也好让疲倦的心得以休息期望一直能有美好的明天远方的蓝天白云飘动给予你心中的安静好像小孩子般得以安眠这个广阔的世界像连环互相紧接成为吹动白云的清风 故乡是出发点飘往你的方向 我的声音你可不可以听得明白心里纵有万语千言也说不出来希望能够成为你的天空 包容你一切悲伤仰望天空时在远方也能感觉到我们不是孤独的 因我们一直彼此呼应就像有一个回去的地方就像有一个回去的地方就像有一个回去的地方

魔兽秘籍 motherland [种族] [等级]什么意思?怎么输入?

举例:motherland human 07 motherland和种族空一格 种族和关卡空一格 如上 就是直接跳到人类任务第7个 附 各族翻译orc兽人UnDead 不死 nightelf暗夜精灵

魔兽争霸3快速升级秘籍motherland [种族] [等级]怎么用啊? 举个例子 别说其他秘籍或不相关的话


求钢之炼金术师 motherland マザ ランド的歌词

《Motherland》君が旅立つ日は いつもと同じ「じゃあね」と手を振ったまるで明日もまた この街で会うみたいに爱を信じるのは 自分にも负けないこと梦が叶う日まで 笑颜のまま星を见て祈り捧げここにいるから私は君にとっての空でいたい 哀しみまでも包み込んでいつでも见上げるときは ひとりじゃないと远くで思えるように 帰る场所であるように君がいない街で 相変わらずに元気で过ごしてるそれが今私にできること そう思うからどんな出来事にも 隠れてる意味があるの梦が消えかけても 自分らしくいてほしいどんなときもここにいるから涙失くすほど强くなくてもいい 疲れた心休ませてね素敌な明日を愿い眠りについて 小さな子供のようにこの広い世界はつながってる 白い云は流れ风になって君のもとへ私の声は届きますか?あふれる気持ち言えなかった私は君にとっての空でいたい 哀しみまでも包み込んでいつでも见上げるときは ひとりじゃないと远くで思えるように 帰る场所であるように帰る场所であるように kimi ga tabidatsu hi waitsumo to onaji "jaane" to te wo futtamarude ashita mo matakono machi de au mitai niai wo shinjiru no wajibun ni mo makenai kotoyume ga kanau hi madeegao no mama hoshi o mite inori sasage koko ni iru karawatashi wa kimi ni totte no sora de itaikanashimi made mo tsutsumi kondeitsudemo miageru toki wa hitori janai totooku de omoeru you nikaeru basho de aru you nikimi ga inai machi deaikawarazu ni genki de sugoshiterusorega ima watashi nidekirukoto sou omoukaradonna dekigoto ni mokakureteru imi ga aru toyume ga kiekaketemojibun rashiku ite hoshii donna toki mo koko ni iru karanamida nakusu hodo tsuyoku nakute mo iitsukareta kokoro yasumasete nesuteki na ashita wo negai nemuri ni tsuitechiisana kodomo no you nikono hiroi sekai wa tsunagatterushiroi kumo wa nagare kaze ni nattekimi no moto ewatashi no koe wa todokimasuka?afureru kimochi ienakattawatashi wa kimi ni totte no sora de itaikanashimi made mo tsutsumi kondeitsudemo miageru toki wa hitori janai totooku de omoeru you nikaeru basho de aru you nikaeru basho de aru you ni 在你踏上旅途的那天一如以往向我挥著手说再见仿似明天也会同样在这街道见面相信爱这回事就是不要输给自己直至达成梦想那天我也会笑著向星祈祷 守候在这里希望我能成为你的天空包容一切悲伤仰望天空时从远处也感到我们并非孤独一人就像你的归宿之处没有你的街道上一如以往充满朝气地过活我确信这是现在能做到的事情无论任何事情也有隐藏在背后的意义纵使梦想已经消失也希望可以忠於自己因为何时我也会守候在这里失去眼泪而变强也好让你疲倦的心得以休息期望能有美好的明天好像小孩子般得以安睡这个广阔的世界互相紧接成为吹动白云的清风飘往你的方向我的心声能传给你吗?纵有千言万语也说不出口希望我能成为你的天空包容著一切悲哀仰望天空时从远处也感到我们并非孤独一人就像你的归宿之处就像你的归宿之处On the day when you departedI said, “See you,” and waved my hand like alwaysJust as if tomorrowWe"ll meet again in this townTo believe in love isNot giving up on yourselfUntil the day when my dream is fulfilledWith a smile, I gaze at the stars and give a prayer, because I"m hereI want to be the sky for youAnd even envelope your sadnessSo that whenever you look up while you"re farawayYou can know that you"re not aloneSo that there"ll be a place for you to return toIn the town without youI"m living well just as usualBecause I thinkIt"s what I can do nowIn any eventThere"s a hidden meaningEven if your dream begins to disappearI want you to be like yourself, because at anytime, I"m hereIt"s okay if you aren"t strong enough to lose your tearsLet your tired heart restWishing for a wonderful tomorrow while falling asleepLike a little childThis broad world is connectedThe white clouds drift and turn into the windAnd go to youDoes my voice reach you?I couldn"t say my overflowing feelingsI want to be the sky for youAnd even envelope your sadnessSo that whenever you look up while you"re farawayYou can know that you"re not aloneSo that there"ll be a place for you to return toSo that there"ll be a place for you to return to

魔兽3的升级秘籍Motherland 怎么用啊? 求详细点的!


魔兽3的升级秘籍Motherland 怎么用啊? 求详细点的!

= = 我也不知道···这秘籍好像无效··你不如去下个修改器吧···能改等级血量魔法值力量敏捷智力移动速度攻击速度施法速度人口和资源···我有··你要不


个人认为不同的地方只是在于习惯问题。 和使用频率。 比如我们中国人把地球和祖国比作母亲,因为母亲慈爱,生养我们,用女性拟人化代之可以使得地球这个词更加的有亲切感。 可是有的国家可能大男子主义比较强,那他们就可以把地球比喻做粗犷强壮的男性,这是比较感性的理解。 使用频率的话 举个例子 比如见面打招呼有人说:what"s up? 有人说what"s new? 基本都是问有没有新鲜事,然后就是一个问候的概念了。 所以你不用去深的研究这个问题,motherland这个使用的比较普遍,推荐你就用这个~~~~






法语 Ma patrie


Motherland: 祖国,有更浓烈的感情色彩.country:国;国家;(尤指具有某种自然特征、适于某目的或与某种人有关的)地区,区域;全国人民;国民;全民

Motherland 和 Fatherland都是“祖国”的意思,区别在哪里?

Fatherland是由父系氏族公社派生出来的词汇,从父亲派生的词不论英語、俄语都较少。英語如fatherland (祖国), father-in-law (妻子之父岳父、或丈夫之父公公);father-ship(父道、父职)。俄语如отечство(祖国)。这也是很容易理解的,因为母系社会经历的时间远较父系为长。 Motherland :这个词则自从母系氏族公社开始就一直流传了。到现在为止也一直使用着。 两个词汇并没有太大的区别,只是Motherland更为常用。


country: 乡村或者是国家, 指国家时,代表的是一个概念,是虚词,并非指领土等有实体的东西;是指代"国家"的通俗用法.state: 州或者是国家、政府,多数时候是指州. 当用于指国家、政府时通常指较小的政权.nation:国家或者是民族,比country具体,在某些场合更为正式.motherland:祖国,这个词带有强烈的感情色彩;在美国通常是用home country代表祖国,而不是motherland,除非要特别强调特殊的意义时.





LA PERLA 的中文意思是什么

La perla 在西班牙语和意大利语里是珍珠的意思。La perla 也是意大利的一个顶级奢侈品的品牌。LA PERLA集团创立于1954年,它不仅出品最尊贵的内衣裤、海滩装、长统丝袜、连衣裙、晚礼服等,还生产顶级的高跟鞋,香水与眼镜。创始人:Ada Masotti 选我吧,please。


laperla是意大利的奢饰品品牌。LA PERLA不仅仅出品最尊贵的内衣裤、海滩装、长筒丝袜、连衣裙、晚礼服等等,还生产顶级的高跟鞋与香水。LA PERLA下属还有诸如MALIZIA、MARVEL、GIORGIO PERLA男装,JOELLE睡袍等副牌。因其高贵的风格和悠久的历史,被业内誉为内衣商品中的“劳斯莱斯”。经过多年发展,LAPERLA的出现,不仅改变了意大利的内衣潮流,亦把这股风气感染至世界各地。LaPerla于德国,法国,西班牙及美国等地均拥有分支及独立入口商。而LaPerla当然也于世界多个城市开设了专门店,其中包括米兰,罗马,纽约,伦敦,莫斯科及香港等国际大都会。从2014春夏开始,LAPERLA发布了新一季风格,展现时尚前卫、充满魅力的女性形象,随后成为大多数时尚杂志的基调。新季LAPERLA风格采用典型的时尚场所和气氛,将内衣与鞋类、珠宝、夹克和帽子等配饰相结合,走出卧室的私人空间,进驻到客厅、露台和花园。

Boogie Wonderland 歌词

歌曲名:Boogie Wonderland歌手:Earth. Wind & Fire&The Emotions专辑:The Essential Earth, Wind & FireBoogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandMidnight creeps so slowly into hearts,Of men who need more than they getDaylight deals a bad hand,To a woman that has laid to many betsThe mirror stares you in the face and says"baby, uh uh it don"t work"You say your prayers through you don"t careYou dance and shake the hurtDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandSound fly through the nightI chase my vinyl drams to boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandAll the love in the world can"t be goneAll the need to be loved can"t be wrongAll the records are playingAnd my heart keeps saying"boogie wonderland, wonderland"Dance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandAll the love in the world can"t be goneAll the need to be loved can"t be wrongAll the records are playingAnd my heart keeps saying"boogie wonderland, wonderland"Dance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7506309


你的选择易欣词/曲:海盗船长 李祖林编辑————看着你慢慢离开我的视线,才明白原来这份爱情已走远,而我还相信有永恒的诺言。既然爱已到了痛的边缘,就算为我们留住时间,也换不回相爱的那一天。沧海桑田,谁为谁而改变,心甘情愿,却不见我们的永远,爱与被爱同样是受伤害,谁先不爱谁先离开,留下的人,满身伤痕。你的选择,没有错,我欠你的太多,受伤的心,找不到解药,怎么愈合。你的选择,躲不过,泪水的折磨,宁愿解脱,一个人,独自漂泊词/曲:海盗船长 歪歪鱼编辑看着你慢慢离开我的视线,才明白原来这份爱情已走远,而我还相信有永恒的诺言。既然爱已到了痛的边缘,就算为我们留住时间,也换不回相爱的那一天。沧海桑田,谁为谁而改变,心甘情愿,却不见我们的永远,爱与被爱同样是受伤害,谁先不爱谁先离开,留下的人,满身伤痕。你的选择,没有错,我欠你的太多,受伤的心,找不到解药,怎么愈合。你的选择,躲不过,泪水的折磨,宁愿解脱,一个人,独自漂泊你的选择,没有错,我欠你的太多,受伤的心,找不到解药,怎么愈合。你的选择,躲不过,泪水的折磨,宁愿解脱,一个人,独自漂泊

WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト 歌词

歌曲名:WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト歌手:AZU专辑:YOU & I feat. LOVE LOVE LOVE「WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト」作词∶AZU, ライムライト作曲∶AZU, ライムライト歌∶AZUWow Lookin", Hearin", Smellin" babyBaby, with you  WONDERLAND It"s very special summer day.手を繋ぐのも踌躇 What do you think of me?気がかりは二人のDistance手がかりを探すよWONDERLANDOh このまま君を连れさって Oh just now, You hold my hands My baby... 触れたい  Your heartyo 君の忘れかけた恋のドア仆の持つカギでそっと开けば二人の居た世界は... Wonder...魔法のよう もうずっとこうしてたいよ...Don"t stop 胸の高鸣るまま重ねていたい It"s only, baby your love几つになっても君と歩きたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 青い空が2人照らし出す様に辉きはじめるDestiny夏の日差し浴びて太阳の下でTrue love story WONDERLAND Oh baby 梦の様な时を过ごしていたい君といつまででもこのままで Merry-go-round ずっと回して...いっそAll night二人乗せて 刻むよ时计はそう 止まらずに Hoo...Dreaming with you...この场所で始まる 君とのLove story生まれる恋はSlowly Your special day大人になっても君とはしゃぎたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 魔法かけて胸がトキメクほどの光溢れる Fantasy.连れて行って虹が架かる楽园へTrue love story. WONDERLAND 迷わないで见つめ続けていたい君をいつまででも YEAH夏の阳射しよりShineそう君のSmileがSunshinePlease...OK Yeah仆に委ねて Don"t worry手を広げてPlease...OK Please...OK my baby几つになっても君と歩きたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 青い空が2人照らし出す様に辉きはじめるDestiny.大人になっても君とはしゃぎたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 魔法かけて胸がトキメクほどの光溢れる Fantasy.连れて行って虹が架かる楽园へTrue love story. WONDERLAND 迷わないで见つめ続けていたい君をいつまででも【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/19261516


WonderlandHey(嘿) Come on in(进来吧)Don"t be late for the show now(别迟到了)We"re(我们)Outta Space(从空间)We"re gonna go with the flow now(我们要随波逐流,现在)Yeah(是啊)向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背后漫游我要知 你对我有意思快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Hey Boo You"re so fine (嘿宝贝你那么好)Enticing me I"m a make you mine(诱惑我我让你成为我的)Like a diamond in the rough,you shine(像钻石,你的光芒)You define what"s ill,leave the rest behind(你的定义是什么病了,剩下的背后)I"ma make you, my lady and maybe(我会让你,我的夫人,也许)We can make some babies(我们可以做一些婴儿)My Bonnie, partners in crime(我的邦妮,狼狈为奸)We"ll be together for the whole nine(我们会在一起整整九)come on come on...来吧来吧…)Ooow It"s so realOoow是如此的真实)All the people getting" ready(所有人准备就绪)Yeah(是啊)I can"t wait(我等不及了)I can fell it getting closer(我能感觉到它越来越近)你故意接近我的脚步香槟开得正好我献上更自信的态度这个我为午夜以后制造Oh yeahMy spirit"s high in the Milky WayTimeless mind going through stargatesThe beat carry me into another worldVenus DeMilo now is my special girl Porcelain setSo flush, she"s so wet Showered in MoetAnd her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forgetShe like “Rap me a song I like street poets”Light the beat, just keep on stompingEvery night we keep on rockingThrough the mind we"re para gildingJust one life, just keep on flyingDay and night, my minds restoringAll the time, its freedom callingSimple mind, life needs installingHigher self, my minds recalling你我继续继续跳舞眼里闪光将我升高我报以甜笑来控诉不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造)你我继续继续跳舞气派触感竟这么好纵有美貌更是懊恼怎么 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)见到你一刻感觉就快休克本来追女仔都有啲心得而家彷佛唔知讲乜手心又湿个心又急你跳舞跳到身湿男仕们为你争执继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡你配合我 我配合你既舞步一阵间去边度饮多两杯就知道时间仲早醉咗仲好最好你投入我怀抱气氛已经热到爆灯完全感受到你体温尽情开心 烟花插住香槟燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真She like my vibe, yeh I like her vibe tooI like her vibe, yeh And she like my vibe tooShe gonna ride, cause she like to ride tooWe have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roof你我继续继续跳舞两个身躯感应得到你看我而我亦有数开心 应该趁早 (共你堕进夜与雾)welcome


Janice : Hey Come on in 嗨,进来吧 Don"t be late for the show now 别赶不上现在这场秀 We"re Outta Space 我们位置不够用 We"re gonna go with the flow now (Yeah) 我们现在将要紧随潮流Sir JBS:Hey Boo You"re so fine 你这么美好 Enticing me I"m a make you mine 诱惑着我,想把你变成我所有 Like a diamond in the rough, 像颗未经雕琢的钻石 you shine 你很闪耀 You define what"s ill, 你定义什么是邪恶 leave the rest behind 并超越其他人 I"ma make you, my lady and maybe 我要把你变成我的女人 We can make some babies 也许我们还会生几个小孩 My Bonnie, partners in crime 我的姑娘,我的共犯 We"ll be together for the whole nite 我们会整晚都在一起Janice: Ooow It"s so real 这多么真实 All the people getting" ready Yeah 所有人都准备好了 I can"t wait 我不能再等 I can feel it getting closer 我能感觉它就要来了Ghost Style:Oh yeah My spirit"s high in the Milky Way 我的情绪高涨到银河 Timeless mind going through 永恒的思想 stargates 穿越星星之门 The beat carry me into another world 这节奏将我带到另一个世界 Venus DeMilo now is my special girl 维纳斯德米罗 现在是我的特别女孩she"s standing on a sea shell Porcelain set 她站在一套海边贝壳样子的瓷器上 So flush, she"s so wet 带着红晕,她全身湿透 Showered in Moet 在酩悦香槟里洗澡 And her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forget 她的香气没有离开,我不能忘记 She like "Rap me a song I like street poets" 她说”给我rap一首吧,我喜欢街头诗人“Drunk: Light the beat, just keep on stomping 点亮节奏,就继续踏着舞步 Every night we keep on rocking 每晚我们都继续摇滚 Through the mind we"re paragilding 我们用想象在空中滑翔 Just one life, just keep on flying 生命只有一次,只要不断飞翔 Day and night, my minds restoring 日与夜,我的思绪在复原 All the time, its freedom calling 一直以来,它的自由在召唤 Simple mind, life needs installing 简单的想法,生命需要安置 Higher self, my minds recalling 更自恋,我的思绪在回忆Ghost Style:She like my vibe, yeh 她喜欢我的感觉 I like her vibe too 我也喜欢她的感觉 I like her vibe, yeh 我喜欢她的感觉 And she like my vibe too 她也喜欢我的感觉 She gonna ride, cause she like to ride too 她将要骑着,因为她喜欢驾驭 We have tonight, yeh, 我们拥有今晚 Let"s party through the roof 让我们开派对响彻屋顶

Alice in Wonderland是什么意思?

Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children"s literature by the English mathematician and author,the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,written under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy realm populated by grotesque figures like talking playing cards and anthropomorphic creatures. The tale is fraught with satirical allusions to Dodgson"s friends (and enemies),and to the lessons that British schoolchildren were expected to memorize.The Wonderland described in the tale plays with logic in ways that have made the story of lasting popularity with adults as well as children.It is considered to be one of the most characteristic examples of the genre of literary nonsense. The book is often referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland.This alternate title was popularized by the numerous film and television adaptations of the story produced over the years.Some printings of this title contain both Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass,and What Alice Found There. 百度里还有一些,但大同小异

Alice in Wonderland是一个怎样的故事?

Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children"s literature by the English mathematician and author,the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,written under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy realm populated by grotesque figures like talking playing cards and anthropomorphic creatures. The tale is fraught with satirical allusions to Dodgson"s friends (and enemies),and to the lessons that British schoolchildren were expected to memorize.The Wonderland described in the tale plays with logic in ways that have made the story of lasting popularity with adults as well as children.It is considered to be one of the most characteristic examples of the genre of literary nonsense. The book is often referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland.This alternate title was popularized by the numerous film and television adaptations of the story produced over the years.Some printings of this title contain both Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass,and What Alice Found There. 百度里还有一些,但大同小异






2014年10月23日,Taylor Swift在曝光第五张录音室专辑《1989》完整曲目。《Wonderland》是开头是描写一个《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的唯美画面,表达了泰勒·斯威夫特对美好爱情的向往与追求。




新世纪乐团“班得瑞”的首张专辑强调一种轻柔的绝对性绝佳的音响性定位出深远的音场效果空灵飘邈的音乐世界 聆听一尘不染的瑞士音符美国音乐杂志专栏作家“约翰·琼斯”在94年终音乐评论中写道:「New Age为现代人创造了一片美丽新世界,引领人们找回生命最原始的感动..」。继之而来「水瓶座时代」已然展开,对于浩瀚太虚的神秘能量,人类不再只是赞叹或被动地当那是遥不可及的奢侈,反而积极企图与之连结,更追本溯源地求能合而为一;而音乐自然是和大地深处甚至数亿光年外的未知能量产生共鸣的捷径,于是「新世纪音乐」彷佛一扇眺望宇宙尽头的窗,进而探索心灵,开发潜能意识,成了世代交替下的新趋势。出自新世纪音乐大师“杰瑞·金史密斯(Jerry Goldsmith)”之手,由来自瑞士的抒情演奏乐团「班得瑞」担纲演奏的14首新世纪音乐创作,收录在「仙境」这张经典专辑里;全片从头到尾听来觉得十分舒适,强调一种轻柔的绝对性,没有艰涩难懂的曲风,也没有生硬的个人风格,不落俗套的编曲、精简的配乐,呈现出清新的自然气息,完整忠实呈现美轮美奂的仙境风光。专辑绝佳的音响性,以及分轨处理的高解析度,定位出深远的音场效果,予人身处仙境的感觉,是台湾难得一见的新世纪音乐珍藏品,全球10万口碑保证,千万不可错过!

wonderland 卫兰24味 的中文歌词是什么?

Janice:HeyCome on inDon"t be late for the show nowWe"reOutta SpaceWe"re gonna go with the flow nowYeahPhat:向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背后漫游OOMG U SO SEXY快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Sir JBS:Hey B



求gugudan wonderland音译歌词



[ti:Wonderland][ar:二十四味、卫兰][al:][00:01.94]Wonderland[00:05.40]Hey[00:06.45]Come on in[00:08.22]Don"t be late for the show now[00:12.16]We"re[00:14.26]Outta Space[00:16.49]We"re gonna go with the flow now[00:19.62]Yeah[00:20.68]向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏[00:24.23]无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后[00:26.10]如果觉得热即管解开钮扣[00:28.08]动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮[00:32.03]我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手[00:34.02]尽量喺我背后漫游[00:36.25]我要知 你对我有意思[00:39.92]快啲话我知[00:41.33]你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子[00:43.88]OOOMG U SO PRETTY[00:47.92]有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知[00:51.87]Hey Boo You"re so fine[00:54.02]Enticing me I"m a make you mine[00:55.91]Like a diamond in the rough,you shine[00:57.44]You define what"s ill,leave the rest behind[00:59.75]I"ma make you, my lady and maybe[01:02.63]We can make some babies[01:04.18]My Bonnie, partners in crime[01:05.96]We"ll be together for the whole nine[01:07.50]come on come on...[01:10.57]Ooow It"s so real[01:14.24]All the people getting" ready[01:18.06]Yeah[01:19.99]I can"t wait[01:21.87]I can fell it getting closer[01:26.68]你故意接近我的脚步[01:30.11]香槟开得正好[01:33.41]我献上更自信的态度[01:38.10]这个我为午夜以后制造[01:42.47]Oh yeah[01:43.99]My spirit"s high in the Milky Way[01:45.69]Timeless mind going through stargates[01:49.58]The beat carry me into another world[01:53.42]Venus DeMilo now is my special girl Porcelain set[01:57.88]So flush, she"s so wet Showered in Moet[02:01.53]And her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forget[02:08.82]She like “Rap me a song I like street poets”[02:12.94]Light the beat, just keep on stomping[02:18.03]Every night we keep on rocking[02:19.65]Through the mind we"re para gilding[02:21.55]Just one life, just keep on flying[02:23.53]Day and night, my minds restoring[02:25.51]All the time, its freedom calling[02:27.46]Simple mind, life needs installing[02:29.39]Higher self, my minds recalling[02:31.52]你我继续继续跳舞[02:34.83]眼里闪光将我升高[02:38.82]我报以甜笑来控诉[02:42.80]不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造)[02:46.98]你我继续继续跳舞[02:50.62]气派触感竟这么好[02:54.68]纵有美貌更是懊恼[02:58.68]怎么 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)[03:02.98]见到你一刻感觉就快休克[03:04.60]本来追女仔都有啲心得[03:06.57]而家彷佛唔知讲乜[03:08.67]手心又湿个心又急[03:10.37]你跳舞跳到身湿[03:12.56]男仕们为你争执[03:14.25]继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡[03:16.56]你配合我 我配合你既舞步[03:18.55]一阵间去边度[03:20.25]饮多两杯就知道[03:22.18]时间仲早醉咗仲好[03:24.25]最好你投入我怀抱[03:26.07]气氛已经热到爆灯[03:28.02]完全感受到你体温[03:30.00]尽情开心 烟花插住香槟[03:32.10]燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真[03:34.77]She like my vibe, yeh I like her vibe too[03:38.13]I like her vibe, yeh And she like my vibe too[03:42.07]She gonna ride, cause she like to ride too[03:45.69]We have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roof[03:49.47]你我继续继续跳舞[03:53.09]两个身躯感应得到[03:57.15]你看我而我亦有数[04:01.10]开心 应该趁早 (共你堕进夜与雾)[04:06.71]welcome

林俊杰while i can 和wonderland是不是同一首歌?

是,又不是。属于扩写。林俊杰说过while i can是wonderland的一部分,但 后来改动了点。是同一系列不同的歌曲。把wonderland换成擅长的英文 老林自己写词后效果太惊艳了


卫兰wonderland 。 英文歌词的意思 有英文歌词,有中文歌词,创造介绍 No good boys ever go to heaven But it"s loving wonderland Open mouth


Wonderland 主唱:卫兰.廿四味24Herbs歌词Janice:Hey Come on inDon"t be late for the show nowWe"re Outta SpaceWe"re gonna go with the flow nowYeahPhat:向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背后漫游OOMG U SO SEXY快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Sir JBS:Hey Boo You"re so fineEnticing me I"m a make you mineLike a diamond in the rough,you shineYou define what"s ill,leave the rest behindI"ma make you, my lady and maybeWe can make some babiesMy Bonnie, partners in crimeWe"ll be together for the whole nineJanice:OoowIt"s so realAll the people getting" readyYeahI can"t waitI can fell it getting closer你故意接近我的脚步香槟开得正好我献上更自信的态度这个我为午夜以后制造Ghost Style:Oh yeahMy spirit"s high in the Milky WayTimeless mind going throughstargatesThe beat carry me into another worldVenus DeMilo now is my special girlPorcelain setSo flush, she"s so wetShowered in MoetAnd her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forgetShe like “Rap me a song I like street poets”Drunk:Light the beat, just keep on stompingEvery night we keep on rockingThrough the mind we"re para gildingJust one life, just keep on flyingDay and night, my minds restoringAll the time, its freedom callingSimple mind, life needs installingHigher self, my minds recallingJanice:你我继续继续跳舞眼里闪光将我升高我报以甜笑来控诉不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造)你我继续继续跳舞气派触感竟这么好纵有美貌更是懊恼怎么 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)Kit:见到你一刻感觉就快休克本来追女仔都有啲心得而家彷佛唔知讲乜手心又湿个心又急你跳舞跳到身湿男仕们为你争执继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡你配合我 我配合你既舞步一阵间去边度饮多两杯就知道时间仲早醉咗仲好最好你投入我怀抱气氛已经热到爆灯完全感受到你体温尽情开心 烟花插住香槟燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真Ghost Style:She like my vibe, yehI like her vibe tooI like her vibe, yehAnd she like my vibe tooShe gonna ride, cause she like to ride tooWe have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roofJanice:你我继续继续跳舞两个身躯感应得到你看我而我亦有数开心 应该趁早  (共你堕进夜与雾)

日本歌手michi 的wonderland歌词中文翻译

「WoNDeRLaND?」Hello, Bonjour, アンニョンハセヨ你好(英语,法语,韩语)世界中のPeople世界中的人们ここがMeeting Place到这里相会渋谷Drinking Coffee在涉谷喝着咖啡见下ろしたスクランブルCrossing在地下穿行People running round to get somewhere人们从四周相聚到某处At first I felt so lost起初我觉得如此失落人工のParadise人工的天堂眩しいFlashing Lights炫目的闪光灯着饰るYoung GirL打扮过的年轻女孩Oh this city shouts style这个城市呼唤着时尚溢れるInspiration alright充满灵感 很好Everybody say YEAH!!每个人都说YEAH!!この町では どうでもいいRight or Wrong只要在这个城市随便怎样都好 无论对错As we all cry, 居场所がないって探し続けてる即便我们所哭喊着,无容身之处,还要继续找寻止まらないJourney everyday"s a surprise停不下来,每天的旅程都是惊喜缲り返すHello & Good bye反反复复的说着你好和再见人ごみの中Shining wonderland queen人潮中闪亮的仙境女王一人じゃない…It"s gonna be alright不是一个人。。。一切都会好起来的A tall, スレンダー, Cheerful SJF高挑削瘦,兴高采烈的SJF(不知何意)ノンスモーカーSeeking a single kind Caucasian guy不吸烟者 寻找一位单身和蔼的白人男子For友情 or maybe more也许为了友情,也许想要更多If you wanna have fun如果你想取乐気楽にSend an EメールPlease请愉快的发送一封EMAIL即可(感觉有点像是在描述GAY。。。汗)谁もがWaiting,还在等待着谁Yes we"re all searching to find是的 我们都在寻找等待From this city that shines在这个闪耀的城市中见まわすこのStreet每天都见的这条街Oh It"s like trick or treat哦 它像是万圣节不给糖吃就捣蛋的恶作剧いつのまにかI feel so alive一直都很相似 我感到活力充沛每个人都说YEAH!!(后面都和前面重复了 就不一句句对照了)停不下来,每天的旅程都是惊喜反反复复的说着你好和再见人潮中闪亮的仙境女王不是一个人。。。一切都会好起来的在这个城市随便怎样都好 无论对错即便我们所哭喊着,无容身之处,还要继续找寻停不下来,每天的旅程都是惊喜反反复复的说着你好和再见人潮中闪亮的仙境女王不是一个人。。。一切都会好起来的每个人都说YEAH!!在这个城市随便怎样都好 无论对错即便我们所哭喊着,无容身之处,还要继续找寻停不下来,每天的旅程都是惊喜反反复复的说着你好和再见人潮中闪亮的仙境女王不是一个人。。。一切都会好起来的每个人都说YEAH!!翻了好长时间 希望能有分加 呵呵~~


歌名:Starlight专辑名:《Wonderland》语言:英文歌手:Wonderland歌词:Starlight you are brightI"m alone tonightAnd you"re shining down upon meLike you know.Do you see me standing hereWith a heart full of fearWill you let me drown my sorrows in your glow?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?My Starlight..(woah)When there"s no one aroundThere"s a friend to be foundAnd the one I speak ofNever let"s me down..(woah)On the roof of my houseIntroduced yourselfAnd you helped me as the tears came tumbling out.I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?My Starlight..Woah oh oh..Starlight.. light..Woah oh oh..I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightLight revived at nightI wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?



Simply Red的《Wonderland》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderland歌手:Simply Red专辑:Stars Collectors EditionJanice : HeyCome on inDon"t be late for the show nowWe"reOutta SpaceWe"re gonna go with the flow nowYeahPhat:向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之後如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背後漫游OOMG U SO SEXY快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Sir JBS:Hey Boo You"re so fineEnticing me I"m a make you mineLike a diamond in the rough,you shineYou define what"s ill,leave the rest behindI"ma make you, my lady and maybeWe can make some babiesMy Bonnie, partners in crimeWe"ll be together for the whole nineJanice:OoowIt"s so realAll the people getting readyYeahI can"t waitI can fell it getting closer你故意接近我的脚步香槟开得正好我献上更自信的态度这个我为午夜以後制造Ghost Style:Oh yeahMy spirit"s high in the Milky WayTimeless mind going throughstargatesThe beat carry me into another worldVenus DeMilo now is my special girlShe standing on a sea shellPorcelain setSo flush, she"s so wetShowered in MoetAnd her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forgetShe like "Rap me a song I like street poets"Drunk:Light the beat, just keep on stompingEvery night we keep on rockingThrough the mind we"re para gildingJust one life, just keep on flyingDay and night, my minds restoringAll the time, its freedom callingSimple mind, life needs installingHigher self, my minds recallingJanice:你我继续继续跳舞眼里闪光将我升高我报以甜笑来控诉不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以後制造)你我继续继续跳舞气派触感竟这麼好纵有美貌更是懊恼怎麼 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)Kit:见到你一刻感觉就快休克本来追女仔都有啲心得而家彷佛唔知讲乜手心又湿个心又急你跳舞跳到身湿男仕们为你争执继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡你配合我 我配合你既舞步一阵间去边度饮多两杯就知道时间仲早醉咗仲好最好你投入我怀抱气氛已经热到爆灯完全感受到你体温尽情开心 烟花插住香槟燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真Ghost Style:She like my vibe, yehI like her vibe tooI like her vibe, yehAnd she like my vibe tooShe gonna ride, cause she like to ride tooWe have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roofJanice:你我继续继续跳舞两个身躯感应得到你看我而我亦有数开心 应该趁早 (共你堕进夜与雾)by:sylviahyyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8225600
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