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compromise 在这句话里的意思


be compromised by是什么意思

be compromised by [词典] 被…危害[连累]; [例句]But this status and unique financing access would be compromised by a lower rating.但是,美国国债的这一地位与独一无二的融资能力,将因评级被下调而受到损害。


compromise是妥协 postc ompromise是最后组


compromised的意思:妥协的。妥协,拼音:tuǒ xié,汉语词语,意思是敌对的双方,彼此退让部分的意见、原则等,以消除争端,谋求融洽的行为或稳妥适当。敌对的双方,彼此退让部分的意见、原则等,以消除争端,谋求融洽的行为。稳妥适当。清曹雪芹《红楼梦第一七、一八回》:纵拟了出来,不免迂腐古板,反不能使花柳园亭生色,似不妥协,反没意思。清蒋良骥《东华录》卷三一:“朕览高其倬等所奏太平峪吉地事宜,甚属妥协。”《老残游记》第八回:“桌椅几案,布置极为妥协。”《老残游记》第九回:“苍头一一答应说:‘都齐备妥协了。"”老舍《的哲学》第三六:“老张又坐了半天,把已定的事,一一从新估计一番,诸事妥协,老张告辞回家。”用让步的方法避免冲突或争执。邹韬奋《民众的要求》:“中途决不妥协,那才是真为着抗敌救国而迈进,否则便表示另有其他的动机。”丹溪草《人类命运:变迁与规则》:不同族群部落间的征战和妥协,促进社会阶层的出现。

the reason for which he was dismissed from the job。这里的for which 各代表什么。

关系副词why,在定语从句中作状语,表示原因,why的先行词只能是reason。why可用for which代替。Is this the reason why (=for which) he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗?The reason for which he was disissed from the job = the reason why he was dismissed from the job。(作状语,用关系副词)the reason why he didn"t come = the reason for which he didn"t come. because of which = for which

at which,in which,on which,for which,by which,from which的用法

at which 在******in which 在******里面on which 在******上面for which 为了******by which 用********from which 从*******以上是介宾短语 从当介词用







佳能复印机7200复印时提示remove the original from the platen glass什么问题怎么处理


Because You Loved Me (Theme From "Up Close And Personal") 歌词

歌曲名:Because You Loved Me (Theme From "Up Close And Personal")歌手:Céline Dion专辑:The EssentialBecause You Loved MeCeline DionFor all those times you stood by meFor all the truth that you made me seeFor all the joy you brought to my lifeFor all the wrong that you made rightFor every dream you made come trueFor all the love I found in youI"ll be forever thankful babyYou"re the one who held me upNever let me fallYou"re the one who saw me throughthrough it allYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"t speakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I a Because you loved meYou gave me wings and made me flyYou touched my hand I could touch theskyI lost my faith, you gave it back to meYou said no star was out of reachYou stood by me and I stood tallI had your love I had it allI"m grateful for each day you gave meMaybe I don"t know that muchBut I know this much is trueI was blessed because I was loved byyouYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"tspeakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I amBecause you loved meYou were always there for meThe tender wind that carried meA light in the dark shining your love intomy lifeYou"ve been my inspirationThrough the lies you were the truthMy world is a better place because ofyouYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"tspeakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I amBecause you loved meYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"tspeakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I amBecause you loved meI"m everything I amBecause you loved me

separate from和divide...into的区别和各自的例句

separate from ,是两个物体(人)分开,A separates from B divide.into是将一个物体分成几份,或者是将一个大的范围分成若干个小的.如 divide a room into several compartment

The sea separates Taiwan()the Chinese mainland. B.into C.from D.of 选C 求解析 多谢~

选C fromseparate ...from ...将...与...分开海洋将台湾与大陆分离开来

separate from 造句(简单一些)

The Taiwan Straits separates Taiwan from Fujian. 台湾海峡把台湾和福建隔开了. Please separate the white shirt from the colored ones. 请把白衬衫与其他颜色的衬衫分开.



from the people, by the people, for the people

林肯 葛底斯堡演讲 The Gettysburg Address


你好,这个谷歌浏览器是支持的,不过你要注意不要试图用addEventListener或attachEvent绑定这两个事件,浏览器不兼容。代码如下: window.onbeforeunload = function() { return false; }不过这个浏览器不怎么兼容国内的网站,建议换个同样可以支持这个事件的QQ浏览器。QQ浏览器作为国产的浏览器,对国内的网站兼容性做的比较出色,而且对这种代码的兼容做的也很不错,你可以放心测试


背景:做Flash关闭时做下统计视频的浏览数,想发个请求给服务器+1,Firefox,IE9,(IE8不行)都行,再就是Chrome不行,如下备案。常常的网上结论是这样的:1、window.onbeforeunload()函数主要是用于捕获关闭浏览器事件(包括刷新);2、window.onunload()函数主要是执行关闭游览器后的动作;实践中听说firefox有些问题:view plainprint?function wisTracker(){ this.bindClick = function(){ if(document.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload",this.tracePlay); } else { window.addEventListener("beforeunload",this.tracePlay,false); } }; this.tracePlay = function(){ if($("#__XYFlashPlayer__") != null){ var playTraceerImg = document.getElementById("playTraceerImg"); playTraceerImg.src = $("#__XYFlashPlayer__").get(0).getStaticData()+"&rand="+Math.random(); } }; } 在footer.html里调用:view plainprint?wisTracker = new wisTracker(); wisTracker.bindClick(); 在每个访问的页面里包含:view plainprint?<{include file="admin/footer.html"}> 在这个footer.html里包含的是另一个js的域名:(较大网站都这么干,程序和css,js分开以分摊服务器的压力)在footer.html这个模板里有如下js,分析这个staticURL:<script src="<{$staticURL}>js/justwinit.common.js?ver=<{$version}>" type="text/javascript"></script>preview.php 把这个配置给render到smarty模板里:$this->view->staticURL = KO::config("url.static_url");url.php里配置该静态文件的域名,这个在apache里配置好,下面会有示例:"static_url" =>"",Apache配置域名:view plainprint?<VirtualHost *:80> # ServerAdmin DocumentRoot "D:wwwjustwinit runkassetsstatic" ServerName ErrorLog "logs/" CustomLog "logs/" common <Directory "D:/www/justwinit/trunk/assets/static/"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost> 用普通的js无法实现在兼容监听IE,FF,Google等浏览器的关闭事件。 经过测试,用jq是可以实现兼容的,不过并不保证完全兼容,还需要你自己测试一下,只需一句简短的语句就可以至少兼容三大浏览器了:view plainprint?<script type="text/javascript"> window.onbeforeunload = function() {return "Sure to leave?";}; </script> 但:chrome浏览器支持onbeforeunload事件吗?Chrome Safari 在调用 document.write、、document.close 方法以及 "javascipt:" 伪协议时,不会触发 onbeforeunload 事件。是bug,见用的时候chrome并不支持onbeforeunload。 window.onbeforeunload=function(){...}不执行其中的代码 $(window).bind("beforeunload", function(){ alert("Good Bye")});Works great with Firefox, IE8 but not in Chrome. Is it a known problem or is there any alternative for that ?Actually what I am trying to do is to log details whenever user tries to close the browser.function LogTime(){ jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "log.php", data: "", cache: false, success: function(response) { } } );}$(window).bind("beforeunload", function(){ LogTime();});This works well in Firefox, but not in ChromeFrom:老外说的Ajax,我也试了,也确实不行的,测试下其他的方法,当写成这样:window.onbeforeunload = function() { console.log("Helo test chrome beforeunload"); callExternal();};或:<body onunload="alert("Helo test chrome unload")">里面有Alert这些输出时,会有如下提示:Blocked alert("Helo test chrome beforeunload")。Blocked alert("Helo test chrome unload") during unload。最后使用Iframe调用的方法:加入:<iframe id="iframedemo" name="iframedemo" src="inner.html" width="10%" frameborder="1"></iframe> inner.html:<script language="javascript">function demofunction() { console.log("1222"); alert("demofunction");}</script>问题依旧提示有问题,嗨,怎么办呢?在IFrame用Ajax也不行:view plainprint?<script src=""></script> <script>!window.jQuery && document.write("<script src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>") </script> <script language="javascript"> function demofunction() { jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "log.php", data: "", cache: false, success: function(response) { } } ); } </script> Onunload与Onbeforeunload Onunload,onbeforeunload都是在刷新或关闭时调用,可以在<script>脚本中通过window.onunload来指定或者在<body>里指定。区别在于onbeforeunload在onunload之前执行,它还可以阻止onunload的执行。 Onbeforeunload也是在页面刷新或关闭时调用,Onbeforeunload是正要去服务器读取新的页面时调用,此时还没开始读取;而onunload则已经从服务器上读到了需要加载的新的页面,在即将替换掉当前页面时调用。Onunload是无法阻止页面的更新和关闭的。而 Onbeforeunload 可以做到。关闭时onunload,onbeforeunload处理要想在页面跳转时询问用户,需要在onbeforeunload 事件中返回询问字符:window.onbeforeunload = function(e) { return ‘Are You Sure To Leave This Page?"; };如果在关闭页面时需要做些请求动作,在onunload事件中处理较好:window.onunload = function() { //close function };注意事项:1:不要试图用addEventListener或attachEvent绑定这两个事件,浏览器不兼容。2:应该在onbeforeunload 中询问,而将退出动作放在onunload 中,这样逻辑好清晰。3:如果是ajax请求放在onunload 事件中,需要同步执行ajax,否则是不能保证这个ajax请求会成功的。

What Do You Want From Me (2011 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:What Do You Want From Me (2011 - Remaster)歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The Discovery Boxset (2011 - Remaster)Pink Floyd: What do you want from meAs you look around this room tonightSettle in your seat and dim the lightsDo you want my blood, do you want my tearsWhat do you wantWhat do you want from meShould I sing until I can"t sing any morePlay these strings until my fingers are rawYou"re so hard to pleaseWhat do you want from meDo you think I know something you don"t knowWhat do you want from meIf I don"t promise you the answers would you goWhat do you want from meShould I stand out in the rainDo you want me to make a daisy chain for youI"m not the one you needWhat do you want from meYou can have anything you wantYou can drift, you can dream, even walk on waterAnything you wantYou can own everything you seeSell your soul for complete controlIs that really what you needYou can lose yourself this nightSee inside there is nothing to hideTurn and face the light

What Do You Want From Me (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:What Do You Want From Me (Live)歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:PulsePink Floyd: What do you want from meAs you look around this room tonightSettle in your seat and dim the lightsDo you want my blood, do you want my tearsWhat do you wantWhat do you want from meShould I sing until I can"t sing any morePlay these strings until my fingers are rawYou"re so hard to pleaseWhat do you want from meDo you think I know something you don"t knowWhat do you want from meIf I don"t promise you the answers would you goWhat do you want from meShould I stand out in the rainDo you want me to make a daisy chain for youI"m not the one you needWhat do you want from meYou can have anything you wantYou can drift, you can dream, even walk on waterAnything you wantYou can own everything you seeSell your soul for complete controlIs that really what you needYou can lose yourself this nightSee inside there is nothing to hideTurn and face the light

《whatya want from me》的歌词


hey slow it down.what do you want from me的翻译


wat you want from me什么意思

作为宾语从句,从句中的动词前置就要取消,楼主的句子can"t tell anybody what do you want from me是错误的, 从句中只能使用what you want from me.另外作为口语, zDreamSky基本说到点子上了,在口语中的问句是可以省略提前的助动词的,相当不正式就是了.what you wanthow you doing

有首歌是rap 男声 歌词有句是tell me what you want from me


What Do You Want From Me 什么意思?

额 你的句子完整了没应该是:你想从我这得到什么

want do you want from me 歌名

  歌名:《Whataya Want From Me(你想要我怎么做)》  原唱:Adam Lambert  作词:MARTIN, MAX/MOORE, ALECI  专辑:《For Your Entertainment》  中英对照歌词:  Hey, slow it down  嘿,等一下  What do you want from me  你想要我怎么做  What do you want from me  你想要我怎么做  Yeah, I"m afraid  是,我很害怕  What do you want from me  你想要我怎么做  What do you want from me  你想要我怎么做  There might have been a time  也许曾有一段时间  I would give myself away  我放弃了自己  Ooh once upon a time  在过去那段时间里  I didn"t give a damn  我才不管那么多  But now here we are  但现在你在我身边  So what do you want from me  所以你想要我怎么做  What do you want from me  你想要我怎么做  Just don"t give up  别放弃  I"m workin" it out  我正努力摆脱困境  Please don"t give in  请别屈服,  I won"t let you down  我不会让你失望的  It messed me up,  我曾经混乱  Need a second to breathe,  需要再次呼吸  Just keep coming around  所以继续留在我身边吧  Hey, what do you want from me  嘿!你想要我怎么做  What do you want from me  你想要我怎么做  What do you want from me  你想要我怎么做  Yeah, it"s plain to see  是的,很明显  That baby you"re beautiful  宝贝你很美丽  And it"s the nothing the wrong with you  你什么错也没有  (nothing the wrong with you)  (你什么错也没有)  It"s me I"m a freak  是我,我总是很古怪  But thanks for lovin" me  但谢谢你爱我  Cause you"re doing it perfectly  因为你的爱是如此完美  Yeah there might have been a time  好吧,也许在过去的一段时间里  When I would let you step away  我会想要让你离去  I wouldn"t even try but I think  我不会再尝试  You could save my life  但我想你是能够拯救我的人  Just don"t give up  别放弃  I"m workin" it out  我正努力摆脱困境  Please don"t give in  请别放弃  I won"t let you down  我不会让你失望  It messed me up,  我曾经混乱  Need a second to breathe  需要再次呼吸  Just keep coming around  所以继续留在我身边  Hey, what do you want from me  嘿!你想要我怎么做  (What do you want from me)  (你想要我怎么做)  What do you want from me  你想要我怎么做  What do you want from me  你想要我怎么做  (What do you want from me)  (你想要我怎么做)  J)ust don"t give up on me  不要放弃我  I won"t let you down  我不会让你失望  No, I won"t let you down  不,我不会让你失望  So Just don"t give up  所以,别放弃  I"m workin" it out  我正努力摆脱困境  Please don"t give in  请别屈服  I won"t let you down  我不会让你失望  It messed me up,  我曾经混乱  (It messed me up),  (我曾经混乱)  Need a second to breathe  需要再次呼吸  Just keep coming around  所以继续留在我身边  Hey, what do you want from me  嘿!你想要我怎么做  Just don"t give up  别放弃  I"m workin" it out  我正努力摆脱困境  Please don"t give in  请别屈服  I won"t let you down  我不会让你失望  It messed me up,  我曾经混乱  Need a second to breathe  需要再次呼吸  Just keep coming around  所以继续留在我身边吧  Hey,What do you want from me  嘿!你想要我怎么做  (What do you want from me)  (你想要我怎么做)  What do want from me  你想要我怎么做  (What do you want from me)  (你想要我怎么做)  What do want from me  你想要我怎么做  (What do you want from me hey~)  (你想要我怎么做)

What Do You Want From Me (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:What Do You Want From Me (Live)歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:PulsePink Floyd: What do you want from meAs you look around this room tonightSettle in your seat and dim the lightsDo you want my blood, do you want my tearsWhat do you wantWhat do you want from meShould I sing until I can"t sing any morePlay these strings until my fingers are rawYou"re so hard to pleaseWhat do you want from meDo you think I know something you don"t knowWhat do you want from meIf I don"t promise you the answers would you goWhat do you want from meShould I stand out in the rainDo you want me to make a daisy chain for youI"m not the one you needWhat do you want from meYou can have anything you wantYou can drift, you can dream, even walk on waterAnything you wantYou can own everything you seeSell your soul for complete controlIs that really what you needYou can lose yourself this nightSee inside there is nothing to hideTurn and face the light

What Do You Want From Me? 歌词

歌曲名:What Do You Want From Me?歌手:Emmi专辑:Can Full Of JoyCascada - What Do You Want From MeAlbum: Perfect Day鹰飞雁武 编辑So there you are,again you"re circling all around,if you could only touch me now,strangers from the past,Dont hesitate,now we"re standing face to face,if heaven is the only place,would you take my hand?Just tell me what do you want from me,this is love in the first degree,tell me why, everytime I feel your eyes all over me.Tell me what do you want from me,are you mad enough to see,that its hard to cross the line,come on now, set me free.What do you want from me.Get closer now,softly whisper in my ear,please take me away from here,away from all my tears.Its not too late,now we"re standing face to face,and heaven is the only place,will you understand?Just tell me what do you want from me,this is love in the first degree,tell me why everytime I feel your eyes all over me.Tell me what do you want from me,are you mad enough to see,that its hard to cross the line,come on now, set me free.And I know, If you give me this feeling,I"ll be there to hold you tight.Cauz I"d show, your love is a hero,we will run, run out of sight.What you want?What do you want from me,this is love in the first degree,tell me why everytime I feel your eyes all over me

What Do You Want From Me 歌词

歌曲名:What Do You Want From Me歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:PulsePink Floyd: What do you want from meAs you look around this room tonightSettle in your seat and dim the lightsDo you want my blood, do you want my tearsWhat do you wantWhat do you want from meShould I sing until I can"t sing any morePlay these strings until my fingers are rawYou"re so hard to pleaseWhat do you want from meDo you think I know something you don"t knowWhat do you want from meIf I don"t promise you the answers would you goWhat do you want from meShould I stand out in the rainDo you want me to make a daisy chain for youI"m not the one you needWhat do you want from meYou can have anything you wantYou can drift, you can dream, even walk on waterAnything you wantYou can own everything you seeSell your soul for complete controlIs that really what you needYou can lose yourself this nightSee inside there is nothing to hideTurn and face the light

求助翻译pink floyd 的what do you want from me

As you look around this room tonightSettle in your seat and dim the lights、今夜你安静的坐在黯淡的灯光下环视这房间Do you want my blood, do you want my tears你想要我的血,你想要我的泪吗What do you wantWhat do you want from me你想得到什么,你到底要我怎样Should I sing until I cant sing any more要我歌唱直到什么都唱不出?Play these strings until my fingers are raw玩弄着绳子直到我的手指被束缚Youre so hard to please你费力的讨我欢心What do you want from me你到底要怎样Do you think I know something you dont know、你知道我明白一些事而你不明白What do you want from me你到底要我怎样If I dont promise you the answers would you go假如我不对你承诺的结果是你将离去What do you want from me你到底要我怎样Should I stand out in the rain要我一直站在雨中?Do you want me to make a daisy chain for you你想要我编一串雏菊的花坏送你Im not the one you need我不是你要的那个恋人What do you want from me你到底要我怎样You can have anything you want你可以拥有任何你要的You can drift, you can dream, even walk on water你可以流浪,你可以梦想,甚至漂泊于水上Anything you want任何你想要的You can own everything you see你可以独自去看你不明白的万物Sell your soul for complete control出卖的你的灵魂去控制一切Is that really what you need这才是你真正想要的You can lose yourself this night你可以在今夜迷失自我See inside there is nothing to hide将看清这里没有任何隐藏之物Turn and face the light、转身面对灯光吧我翻得很生硬,,,纯属娱乐==

what do you want from me歌词

My greatest fear iswe"re just wasting tearswasting several yearsstill being round hereMy greatest fear isMaybe you will noticeI"m not what you wantedafter all these yearsBut I, I"ve got a very big hope for usI"m gonna keep looking out for usIt"s been a difficult yearAnd I still wanna make love with youSo where do we go from hereWhat do you want from me?What do you want from me?I still think I"m in love with youI still wanna belong to youSo what do you want from me?What do you want from me now?Your greatest fear is we"re not getting wiserWe"re not wise at allIt"s getting harder, harder to recoverFrom the night beforeWhen you turn me onBut I, I like to think of us moving onI like to think of us getting onSo answer me, where do we go from here?Where do we go,Because I, I still wanna get old with youI still want us to growWhat do you want from me?What do you want from me?I, I still think I"m in love with youI still feel you"re the oneSo, what do you want from me?What do you want from me now?Has it crossed your mind we might already know?If we only let it go...YeahI, I still wanna have sex with youI still wanna go out with youSo what do you want from me?What do you want from me?I, I think somedays we"re beautifulI think someday"s we"re notSo what do you want from me?What do you want from me now?Let"s make it positiveWhat do you want from me?What do you want from me now?We"re making me progress hereSo where shall we go?What do you want from me?What do you want from me now?Take That What Do You Want From Melrc下载地址: Do You Want From Me

What Do You Want From Me 歌词

歌曲名:What Do You Want From Me歌手:forever the sickest kids专辑:The Weekend: FridayTake That - What Do You Want From Me?My greatest fear iswe"re just wasting tearswasting several yearsstill being round hereMy greatest fear isMaybe you will noticeI"m not what you wantedafter all these yearsBut I, I"ve got a very big hope for usI"m gonna keep looking out for usIt"s been a difficult yearAnd I still wanna make love with youSo where do we go from hereWhat do you want from me?What do you want from me?I still think I"m in love with youI still wanna belong to youSo what do you want from me?What do you want from me now?Your greatest fear is we"re not getting wiserWe"re not wise at allIt"s getting harder, harder to recoverFrom the night beforeWhen you turn me onBut I, I like to think of us moving onI like to think of us getting onSo answer me, where do we go from here?Where do we go,Because I, I still wanna get old with youI still want us to growWhat do you want from me?What do you want from me?I, I still think I"m in love with youI still feel you"re the oneSo, what do you want from me?What do you want from me now?Has it crossed your mind we might already know?If we only let it go...YeahI, I still wanna have sex with youI still wanna go out with youSo what do you want from me?What do you want from me?I, I think somedays we"re beautifulI think someday"s we"re notSo what do you want from me?What do you want from me now?Let"s make it positiveWhat do you want from me?What do you want from me now?We"re making me progress hereSo where shall we go?What do you want from me?What do you want from me now?Youku page please search: "JonathonTTTTT"献给我热爱的英伦乐队Take That & 终于归队的Robbie Williams

What do you Want From me?什么意思?

What do you want from me ?

What Do You Want From Me?

Hey, slow it down嘿,慢点What do you want from me你要从我这里得到什么?What do you want from me你要从我这里得到什么?Yeah, I"m afraid嘢,我害怕了What do you want from me你要从我这里得到什么?What do you from me你要从我这里得到什么?There might have been a time也许有段时间了I would give myself away我想要放弃自我Ooh once upon a time哦~每隔一段时间I didn"t give a damn我不在乎But now here we are但是现在我们在这里So what do you want from me所以,你要从我这得到什么?What do you want from me你要从我这得到什么?Just don"t give up不要放弃I"m workin" it out我正在设法解决Please don"t give in请不要放弃I won"t let you down我不会让你失望It messed me up,我很乱...Need a second to breathe需要透一口气Just keep coming around尽管继续Hey, what do you want from me嘿,你要从我这得到什么?What do you want from me嘿,你要从我这得到什么?What do you want from me嘿,你要从我这得到什么?Yeah, it"s plain to see嘢~看见这个很痛苦That baby you"re beautiful宝贝,你很美丽And it"s nothing wrong with you还有这不是你的问题It"s me – I"m a freak是我,我很奇怪But thanks for lovin" me但是,谢谢你爱我Cause you"re doing it perfectly因为,你做的很完美Yeah there might have been a time嘢,也许有段时间了When I would let you step away当我想让你离开I wouldn"t even try but I think我都不回去尝试You could save my life你可以拯救我的生活Just don"t give up不要放弃I"m workin" it out我正在想办法Please don"t give in请不要放弃I won"t let you down我不会让你失望It messed me up,我很乱Need a second to breathe需要透一口气Just keep coming around请继续Hey, what do you want from me嘿,你要从我这得到什么....What do you want from meWhat do you want from meJust don"t give up on meI won"t let you downNo, I won"t let you downSoJust don"t give upI"m workin" it outPlease don"t give inI won"t let you downIt messed me up,Need a second to breatheJust keep coming aroundHey, what do you want from meJust don"t give upI"m workin" it outPlease don"t give inI won"t let you downIt messed me up,Need a second to breatheJust keep coming around上面都是重复~Hey, whataya want from me嘿,你要从我这里得到什么?(whataya want from me)Whataya want from meWhataya want from me重复ps. whataya want from me = what do you want from me whataya是 what do you的简写

What do you want from me歌词

Hey, slow it down 嘿,慢些What do you want from me 你想从我这儿得到什么What do you want from me 你想从我这儿得到什么Yeah, I"m afraid 我有些害怕What do you want from me 你想从我这儿得到什么What do you want from me 你想从我这儿得到什么There might have been a time 可能会有一天I would give myself away 我会让自己放手Ooh once upon a time 从前I didn"t give a damn 我一点儿也不在乎But now here we are 但是现在我们这样So what do you want from me 所以你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么Just don"t give up 不要放弃I"m workin" it out 我正努力解决问题Please don"t give in 请不要放弃I won"t let you down 我不会让你失望It messed me up, 这让我的世界一团乱Need a second to breathe 我需要喘息片刻Just keep coming around 请一直在我身边Hey, what do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me你想从我这里得到什么Yeah, it"s plain to see That baby you"re beautiful 宝贝,你一直是那样美丽And it"s nothing wrong with you 你没有什么错It"s me – I"m a freak 是我的问题,我是个古怪的人But thanks for lovin" me 但是谢谢你能爱我Cause you"re doing it perfectly 因为你是那样投入的爱我Yeah there might have been a time可能会有一天When I would let you step away 我会让你离开I wouldn"t even try but I think 我甚至都不会尝试这样做,但是我认为You could save my life 你可以拯救我Just don"t give up 不要放弃I"m workin" it out 我正努力解决问题Please don"t give in 请不要放弃I won"t let you down 我不会让你失望It messed me up, 这让我的世界一团乱Need a second to breathe 我需要喘息片刻Just keep coming around 请一直在我身边Hey, what do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么

What do you want from me歌词


what do you want from me翻译中文是什么意思?


亚当兰博特的What you want from me的歌词

Sha la la la laSha la la la laSha la la la laSha la la la laThere is one thingthat I would die forIt"s the music,my life is in your handsCause when you"re near me, your love is all I needNow I can"t imagineWhat do you want from me?It"s not how it used to beYou"ve taken my life awayRuining everythingWhat do you want from me?It"s not how it used to beYou"ve taken my life awayRuining everythingGive me somethingI can relay onFar away fromthe life I once knewWhat does it matter, that"s all I have to sayAnd I can"t imagineWhat do you want from me?It"s not how it used to beYou"ve taken my life awayRuining everythingWhat do you want from me?It"s not how it used to beYou"ve taken my life awayRuining everythingSha la la la laSha la la la laSha la la la laSha la la la laWhat do you want from me?It"s not how it used to beYou"ve taken my life awayRuining everythingWhat do you want from me?It"s not how it used to beYou"ve taken my life awayRuining everything

what do you want from me是什么歌的歌词

《Whataya want from me》歌词Hey, slow it down 嘿,慢些What do you want from me你想从我这儿得到什么What do you want from me你想从我这儿得到什么Yeah, I"m afraid 我有些害怕What do you want from me你想从我这儿得到什么What do you want from me你想从我这儿得到什么There might have been a time 可能会有一天I would give myself away 我会让自己放手Ooh once upon a time 从前I didn"t give a damn 我一点儿也不在乎But now here we are 但是现在我们这样So what do you want from me 所以你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么Just don"t give up 不要放弃I"m workin" it out 我正努力解决问题Please don"t give in 请不要放弃I won"t let you down 我不会让你失望It messed me up, 这让我的世界一团乱Need a second to breathe 我需要喘息片刻Just keep coming around 请一直在我身边Hey, what do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me你想从我这里得到什么Yeah, it"s plain to see That baby you"re beautiful 宝贝,你一直是那样美丽And it"s nothing wrong with you 你没有什么错It"s me – I"m a freak 是我的问题,我是个古怪的人But thanks for lovin" me 但是谢谢你能爱我Cause you"re doing it perfectly 因为你是那样投入的爱我Yeah there might have been a time可能会有一天When I would let you step away 我会让你离开I wouldn"t even try but I think 我甚至都不会尝试这样做,但是我认为You could save my life 你可以拯救我Just don"t give up 不要放弃I"m workin" it out 我正努力解决问题Please don"t give in 请不要放弃I won"t let you down 我不会让你失望It messed me up, 这让我的世界一团乱Need a second to breathe 我需要喘息片刻Just keep coming around 请一直在我身边Hey, what do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么What do you want from me 你想从我这里得到什么

what do you want from me 歌词的大概意思 速度!

你想要我怎么做 / 你想从我这里得到什么

亚当兰博特的What you want from me的歌词

whataya want from me-adam lambert hey slow it down what do you want from me what do you want from me yeah i"m afraid what do you want from me what do you want from me there might have been a time when i would give myself away oh once upon a time i didn"t give a damn but we are So what do you want from me what do you want from me Just don"t give up i"m working it out please don"t give in i won"t let you down it messed me up need a second to breathe just keep coming around Hey what do you want from me what do you want from me what do you want from me Yeah, it"s a plain to see It"s me .I"m a freak But thanks for loving me Cause you"re doing it perfectly Yeah,there might have been a time when i would let you slip away I wouldn"t even try But I think you could save my life Just don"t give up i"m working it out please don"t give in i won"t let you down it messed me up need a second to breathe just keep coming around Hey what do you want from me what do you want from me(what do you want from me what do you want from me(what do you want from me what do you want from me(what do you want from me Just don"t give up on me No i won"t let you down So,Just don"t give up i"m working it out please don"t give in i won"t let you down it messed me up need a second to breathe just keep coming around Hey what do you want from me Just don"t give up i"m working it out please don"t give in i won"t let you down it messed me up need a second to breathe just keep coming around what do you want from me(what do you want from me what do you want from me(what do you want from me what do you want from me(what do you want from me

Whatya Want From Me中文歌词


What you want from me谁唱的?

Adam Lambert的<What you want from me> 试听下载:

有个男生发了一句英语给我What do you want from me?。。,我要怎么用英语回答?加翻译

Stay with me forever.永远和我在一起。

what do you want from me 什么意思?


求歌,欧美歌曲,女声,歌词有句“What do you want from(或者是for) me?Why give...”

Love Me Like You Do

what do you want for me 和what do you want from me?

what do you want for me 意思是你想为我做什么?for表示目的,意思是为了,后接名词 what do you want from me意思是你想从我这里得到什么?from sb是固定搭配,意思是从某人那里

是where are you come from 还是where do you come from

意思一回事你写错了应该是Where are you from?where do you come from?一个是系动词用法另一个是实义动词用法

英文Where are you from是什么意思,如果有人问你该怎么回答?

那是问 你来自哪?你可以用I am from后接地名来回答

别人要问where are you from要怎么回答

哈哈 一楼可真逗你是哪的人的回答哪就对了 那句话的意思是你来自什么地方?



where are you from是什么意思?


do you know where she is from

不存在比较的问题,因为第一个的顺序是错的. 两题当中Do you know 后面的部分都是宾语从句,宾语从句中必须用陈述语序,并不因为是 be动词或come 而发生变化. 故 第一题的正确顺序应该是 Do you know where she is from? 祝好!

Where is he/she from?和Where does he/she live? 里面为什么does和is不同 同样是第三人称




Where was she born 和Where is she from 的区别?

Where was she born 她生于何地?Where is she from 她从哪里来?



where is she from?=where does she from?

不是应该是where does she come from?希望对你有所帮助~

Where dose she come from,这句话是病句吗?


where is she from

你好,很高兴为你解答:where is she from英 [weə(r) ɪz ʃi frəm]美 [wer ɪz ʃi frəm]她从哪里来详细释义她什么地方来的;她来自哪例句1.Pig: a white swan? Where is she from?小猪:一只白天鹅?她从哪里来?2.I mean who is asking saying where is she getting this information from?我是说谁在问,她从哪得到的信息?3.Today Kane, 27, lives in a group home in Wisconsin where access to food is severely restricted and where she receives support and counseling from dedicated aides.今天27岁的她住在威斯康辛州一个对食物进行严格定量的集体宿舍中,在那里她能得到为了达到目标所须的支持和帮助。望采纳!(≧∇≦)

where is she comes from 这种表达对吗,如果不对为什么,求英语大神

是come from

Where is she_. A:in B;from C;on选择正确的词


英译汉:①East or west ,home is the best.②Home is where the heart is.③All roads lead to Rome.④Wh


中文翻译where do we go from here(请今晚快速回答,将追加20分)

这是我们有的思想高度,我们要从这里出发到哪里去?首先,我们必须坚定我们的尊杨和价值。我们必须有这样的立场,它可以帮助我们树立无懈可击的价值观。我们不能再因为是黑人而感到羞耻。对于一个人而言,已经持续了长达几个世纪的被人们所熟知的黑人会成为大人物的观点,提高这种人权的工作并不容易。 采纳吧,我求求你了,我在升级

Where Are We Going From Here 歌词

歌曲名:Where Are We Going From Here歌手:Ritchie Blackmore专辑:Ghost of a RoseOn a long road, miles to goIts winding and cold and its covered with snowBut I ask you what we all want to knowWhere are we going from here...Lines on my face, lines on my handsLead to a future I don"t understandSome things don"t go as they"re planned...Where are we going from here...Tracing the trails through the mirrors of timeSpinning in circles with riddles in rhymeWe lose our way, trying to findSearching to find our way home...Trying to find our way home...As the day dies, with tears in our eyesThere"s too few hellos and too many goodbyesSilence answers our cries...where are we going from here...We"re all on this road, with miles to goBraving new pathways into the unknownBut who do you ask, when no one really knowsWhere we are going from here...

一首英文歌中间的歌词是 how you are where are you from 这个是什么歌?

As Long As You Love MeBackStreet boysAlthough loneliness has always been a friend of mineI"m leaving my life in your handsPeople say i"m crazy that i am blindRisking it all in a glanceHow you got my blind is still a mysteryI can"t get you out of my headDon"t care what is written in your historyAs long as youre here with meI don"t care who you areWhere youre fromWhat you didAs long as you love meWho you areWhere youre fromDon"t care what you didAs long as you love meEvery little thing that you have said and doneFeels like it"s deep within meDoesn"t really matter if youre on the runIt seems like were meant to beI don"t care who you areWhere youre fromWhat you didAs long as you love meWho you areWhere youre fromDon"t care what you didAs long as you love meAs long as you love meI"ve tried to hide it so that no one knowsBut I guess it showsWhen you look in to my eyesWhat you did and where youre coming fromI don"t care as long as you live me babyI don"t care who you areWhere youre fromWhat you didAs long as you love meWho you areWhere youre fromDon"t care what you didAs long as you love mewho you areWhere youre fromWhat you didAs long as you love meWho you areWhere youre fromAs long as you love meWho you areAs long as you love meWhat you didI don"t care as long as you live me



请教:who is it from?是它是谁的?的意思吗?



应该是这首( As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我) Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine.尽管孤独一直是我的朋友 I"m leaving my life in your hands. 我愿将我的生活交给你 People say I"m crazy and that I am blind. 朋友说我疯了太盲目 Risking it all in a glance. 毫不犹豫赌上所有感情  How you got me blind is still a mystery.你为何能使我如此盲目仍是个谜 I can"t get you out of my head. 我就是无法忘了你 Don"t care what is written in your history.我不在乎你过去的种种 As long as you"re here with me. 只要你陪在我身边 I don"t care who you are. 我不在乎你是谁 Where you"re from.你从哪里来 What you did.你做过什么 As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好 Who you are.你是怎样的人 Where you"re from.你从哪里来 Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好Every little thing that you"ve said and done.所有你说过的话和做过的事Feels like it"s deep within me.都深深的烙印在我心里Doesn"t really matter if you"re on the run.我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开It seems like we"re meant to be.我以为我们是一对的I don"t care who you are.我不在乎你是谁Where you "re from.你从哪里来What you did.你做过什么As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好Who you are.你是怎样的人Where you "re from.你从哪里来Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好I"ve tried to hide it so that no one knows.我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道But I guess it shows.但我想我无法不流露真情When you look in to my eyes.当你凝视着我时What you did and where you"re coming from.你做过什么从哪里来I don"t care As long as you love me,baby.我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝I don"t care who you are.我不在乎你是谁Where you"re from.你从哪里来What you did.你做过什么As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好Who you are.你是谁Where you"re from.你从哪里来Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好Who you are.你是谁 Where you"re from.你从哪里来 What you did.你做过什么 As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好 Who you are.你是谁 Where you"re from.你从哪里来As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好Who you are.你是谁As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好What you did.你做过什么I don"t care.我不在乎As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好

谁知道卡朋特的where do i go from here的中文歌词?

这首歌目前似乎还没有正式的中文翻译where do i go from here ?何去何从"karen carpenters"autumn days lying on a bed of leaveswatching clouds up through the treesyou said our love was more than timebut it"s colder nowthe trees are bare and the nights are longcan"t get warm since you"ve been gonei can"t stop singing sad songs秋天躺在树叶铺成的床上注视着云彩从树丛中穿过你说我们的爱超越时间可是现在更冷了树光秃秃的,夜长了自打你离开我就没了温暖我不停地唱着忧伤的歌where do i go from heretell me where do i go from hereyou said you"d take me through the yearsso where do i go from here何去何从告诉我何去何从你说你要带我跨越时空但现在我究竟该何去何从lover"s plans like fallen leaves on windy daysflutter past and they fly awayi thought i knew you oh so welland i need you nowi need to feel you in the nighti need your smile so warm and brighti wish my mind could let you go情人的计划如同风天的落叶簌簌落下随风飘逝我原以为很了解你我现在需要你我需要在夜晚抚摸着你(的身体)我需要你的微笑,温暖明亮我希望不再想你where do i go from heretell me where do i go from hereyou said you"d take me through the yearsso where do i go from here何去何从告诉我何去何从你说你要带我跨越时空但现在我究竟该何去何从where do i go from heretell me where do i go from hereyou said you"d take me through the yearsso where do i go from hereyou said that you"d take me through the yearsso where do i go from here 何去何从告诉我何去何从你说你要带我跨越时空但现在我究竟该何去何从你说你要带我跨越时空但现在我究竟该何去何从大致就这样吧如果想跟着唱,要听着歌,自己根据感觉再重新改写吧

photos from用汉语的谐音怎么读

photos from谐音 否投死 佛而木photos n. 照片,相片; ( photo的名词复数 )[网络] 照片; 相片; 相簿;[例句]I took some photos with her camera on my birthday.我用她的相机在我过生日那天拍了些照片。[其他] 形近词: photog photod photisfrom 英[fru0259m]美[fru028cm]prep. (表示时间) 从…; (表示原因) 因为; (表示来源) 来自…; (表示分离) 与…分离[隔开];[网络] 发件人; 阻止; 离;[例句]He appealed for information from anyone who saw the attackers.他呼吁任何看见袭击者的人提供信息。

how can i keep from singing 英译中

我怎能不唱恩雅 我怎能不唱 我的生活还得继续在无尽的歌曲 耶利米哀歌,上述地球 我听到了真实的,虽然遥远的曲子 那个红毛猩猩作新造的人。 在所有的混乱和冲突 我听到的音乐响起, 它在我的魂灵激起回响。 我怎能不唱? 尽管暴风雨大声吼叫, 我听到了真理,它在那儿。 虽然我被黑暗包围, 夜里有它的歌声。 没有暴风雨会动摇我心底平静, 在那块岩石。 既然爱是天地的主 我怎能不唱? 当暴君在恐惧中颤抖 他们听到丧钟响起, 当朋友欢庆遐迩 我怎能不唱? 在牢房和地牢 我们对他们的思念蒙冤, 当朋友,吗 我怎能不唱?

Chrome,firefox是什么? 有说明一下。。

专业的说法叫浏览器 通俗说就是用来浏览网页的软件 再通俗一点说就是IE的山寨版 我应该解释一下什么是IE 你进百度之前要点的呢个“e”。需要说明的是 IE称他为史上最垃圾浏览器一点也不为过 Chrome Firefox 他们的性能是所有浏览器中间最好的 尤其是 Chorme

Broken Promises 歌词

歌曲名:Broken Promises歌手:Rez Band专辑:Awaiting Your ReplyTitle:Broken PromisesArtist: Tonya MitchellAlbum:I RepresentNo more lonely nightsBaby, that"s just what you told me(That"s what you said)But you"re nowhere to be foundSomething just ain"t right"Cause I can"t get you to hold meEven when you"re aroundBaby you promised me That you"d always be there for me(Tell me) Tell me what"s on your mind(Tell me what"s on your mind)What happened to the "I Love You"sThe hugs and kisses and the rendezvous"What happened to me and youYou said you"d never changeWhat happened Baby, talk to meYou used to be sugar sweetJust like candyNow you"re breaking my heartWith all your broken promisesOpen your eyesBaby that"s what people tell me(That"s what they say)But it"s hard to let you goI can"t take your liesIf you"re spending time with somebody elseYou gotta let me know(Baby) you promised meThat you"d never run a game on me(Tell me) Tell me what"s on your mindWhat happened to the "I Love You"sThe hugs and kisses and the rendezvous"What happened to me and youYou said you"d never changeWhat happened Baby, talk to meYou used to be sugar sweet,Just like candyNow you"re breaking my heartWith all your broken promisesYou say you"re gonna do thisAnd you say you"re gonna do thatBut you never come through(But you never come through)And it"s so different lately"Cause you don"t call me babyI just don"t know what to do(I just don"t know what to do)What happened to the "I Love You"sThe hugs and kisses and the rendezvous"What happened to me and youYou said you"d never changeWhat happened Baby, talk to meYou used to be sugar sweet Just like candyNow you"re breaking my heartWith all your broken promisesYou say you"re gonna do thisAnd you say you"re gonna do thatOh~ what happened to me and youYou said you"d never changeBaby baby tell meWhat happened Baby, talk to meYou used to be sugar sweet just like candyNow you"re breaking my heartWith all your broken promisesSo quit breaking my heartWith all your broken promises

Broken Promises 歌词

歌曲名:Broken Promises歌手:Philip Selway专辑:FamilialTitle:Broken PromisesArtist: Tonya MitchellAlbum:I RepresentNo more lonely nightsBaby, that"s just what you told me(That"s what you said)But you"re nowhere to be foundSomething just ain"t right"Cause I can"t get you to hold meEven when you"re aroundBaby you promised me That you"d always be there for me(Tell me) Tell me what"s on your mind(Tell me what"s on your mind)What happened to the "I Love You"sThe hugs and kisses and the rendezvous"What happened to me and youYou said you"d never changeWhat happened Baby, talk to meYou used to be sugar sweetJust like candyNow you"re breaking my heartWith all your broken promisesOpen your eyesBaby that"s what people tell me(That"s what they say)But it"s hard to let you goI can"t take your liesIf you"re spending time with somebody elseYou gotta let me know(Baby) you promised meThat you"d never run a game on me(Tell me) Tell me what"s on your mindWhat happened to the "I Love You"sThe hugs and kisses and the rendezvous"What happened to me and youYou said you"d never changeWhat happened Baby, talk to meYou used to be sugar sweet,Just like candyNow you"re breaking my heartWith all your broken promisesYou say you"re gonna do thisAnd you say you"re gonna do thatBut you never come through(But you never come through)And it"s so different lately"Cause you don"t call me babyI just don"t know what to do(I just don"t know what to do)What happened to the "I Love You"sThe hugs and kisses and the rendezvous"What happened to me and youYou said you"d never changeWhat happened Baby, talk to meYou used to be sugar sweet Just like candyNow you"re breaking my heartWith all your broken promisesYou say you"re gonna do thisAnd you say you"re gonna do thatOh~ what happened to me and youYou said you"d never changeBaby baby tell meWhat happened Baby, talk to meYou used to be sugar sweet just like candyNow you"re breaking my heartWith all your broken promisesSo quit breaking my heartWith all your broken promises

英语作文,题目《men are different from women》,120个单词左右,不要百度来的

Generation X is a term for a cohort of people born following the peak of the post-World War II baby boom, especially in Canada and the United States. While all sources agree the group includes at least some people born in the 1960s, the exact demographic boundaries vary depending on whether each source means people born just before the end of the boom, or just after, or just whoever happens to be twentysomething at the time.[1] The term is used in demography, the social sciences, and marketing, though it is most often used in popular culture. The generation"s influence over pop culture began in the 1980s and may have peaked in the 1990s. However, judging from the influences of different areas of culture, especially in music and style, most elders of past generations would define Generation X as children born roughly between the years of 1969 and 1988. This pretty much regards any child born in the 1970s and 1980s. Two decades which many believe parallel each other in many ways. Children born in this era generally have parents of the same ages, share common interest in literature, and are those who typically dominate pop culture today.

歌词有i never promise you arosegarden ,求歌曲名

歌名Rose GardenLynn Anderson和Martina McBride都唱过有的版本叫(i Never Promised You A) Rose Garden 完整歌词:I beg your pardon,I never promised you a rose garden.Along with the sunshine, There"s gotta be a little rain sometimes.When you take, you gotta give, so live and let live, Or let go.I beg your pardon,I never promised you a rose garden.I could promise you things like big diamond rings,But you don"t find roses growin" on stalks of clover.So you better think it over.Well, if sweet-talkin" you could make it come true,I would give you the world right now on a silver platter,But what would it matter?So smile for a while and let"s be jolly:Love shouldn"t be so melancholy.Come along and share the good times while we can.I beg your pardon,I never promised you a rose garden.Along with the sunshine, There"s gotta be a little rain sometimes.Instrumental break.I beg your pardon,I never promised you a rose garden.I could sing you a tune or promise you the moon,But if that"s what it takes to hold you,I"d just as soon let you go, but there"s one thing I want you to know.You better look before you leap, still waters run deep,And there won"t always be someone there to pull you out,And you know what I"m talkin" about.So smile for a while and let"s be jolly:Love shouldn"t be so melancholy.Come along and share the good times while we can.I beg your pardon,I never promised you a rose garden.Along with the sunshine, There"s gotta be a little rain sometimes.望采纳!

I never promise you a rose garden的中文版或者简介

从未读过这本书,在网上搜点资料给你,仅供参考,也不知道是不是你要的。I Never Promise You A Rose Gardenwritten by 月苍华这样的一刻,也许我们都该彼此沉默。然后拍拍身上的尘土,继续走下去,走下去。即使只是一条不归路。I never promise you a rose garden.——题记修奈泽尔从很小的时候就被教导,那个王座会是他最终的归宿。所以被训练。完美的宫廷礼,恰到好处的微笑。记住繁琐复杂的称谓和人名。从庞大纷乱的人际关系中准确的找出对自己有利的,可以当作棋子的,以及必需要清除的人于是帝国的二皇子在众人或期待或恐惧或欣喜或厌恶的目光中完美的成长。一名合格的,妥帖的,帝国的继承者。从小未曾间断的暗杀让他明了一切都需要自己去争取。强权的世界。他需要摒弃一切的力量。十一皇子出生那年,修奈泽尔正式进入这个庞大的名利场。对于一名十二岁的少年来说,这样的年纪也许只是看动画打游戏为无聊的家庭作业怨声连连。(起码这是三皇子克洛维斯的童年,要知道,在皇室并不是那么容易找到一个拥有正常童年的孩子。)而修奈泽尔在这样的年纪开始出席各种各样的宴会,周旋于各色的权力当中。他一度认为这是理所当然并欣然接受。[起码于己并无不妥,不是么。]因此后来玛丽安娜王妃长子的诞辰生宴成为修奈泽尔参加的第一个为迎接血亲出生的宴会。即使作为当事人的双方在遥远的将来都不曾记忆起真正初见的情形,那场被遗忘的往事依然发生在历史的洪流之中。金发早熟的王子看着摇篮中沉静的睡颜,眼中闪现的温柔是他许久不曾有过的感情。(却不过昙花,绽放只为一瞬的柔软。)那场宴会,真正被二皇子记在心上的,仅仅是王妃娘家阿什福德家族的财力以及它在军事上所占的地位。之后五年,修奈泽尔在王宫中逐渐撒下自己巨大的网。他开始有了自己的心腹,幕僚以及智囊团。十七岁的二皇子意气风发,他大胆又不失谨慎的培植着属于自己的力量。不忠诚于现任的皇帝陛下,而是属于自己的,完全效忠誓死跟随的力量。政治,经济,军事。他小心翼翼的,一步一步的向上走着,看着棋盘上日渐丰盈的棋子,修奈泽尔感受到了挥斥方遒的快乐。他想自己果然留着那个男人的血。他想也许王座会平息他血液里奔腾的欲望。======================================================雪在不列颠的冬天并不常见。科技带来的军事与经济的发展并没有减少与其如影相随的污染和破坏。各种各样的废气燃料使得这个国家的天气同它的王室一般充满阴谋与背叛。修奈泽尔记得自己办过一个关于空气污染净化环境的案子。那个事件本身他并不上心。他看上的是它背后所附带人心民望投资和获利。而实事证明他从未失望。那个案子为他赢来了帝国三百万群众的支持以及几个大家族暗中给与的巨额投资。为他将来竞争宰相一职提供了不可小觑的有利形势。就在修奈泽尔即将迎来生命中第十八个年头的那个冬天,不列颠下了五年来第一场雪。十二月份的天亮的很晚,当二皇子意识到下雪的时候,外面的落雪已经积了厚厚的一层。这突如其来的礼物让所有人都惊讶不已。甚至以往死气沉沉的宫廷都因此增添了一丝生气和活力。被幕僚们称作“工作狂”的修奈泽尔终于放下手中忙不完的工作踏入一直被冷落的花园。他听见孩子们喧闹的声音。出于难得的好奇,修奈泽尔向声音的来源走去。靴子踩在雪上咯吱咯吱的响,一个孩子警觉的扭过头,他看见深紫色的眸子仿佛酒神最爱的Amethyst。“你是谁?”神情紧张的孩子让他想起被踩了尾巴的猫。他好心的指指不远处那抹耀眼的金色,孩子沉思了一下,令他意外的开口问你是不是修奈泽尔皇兄。[皇兄],修奈泽尔捕捉到这个称呼,他想孩子应该是他的弟弟,只是不知道是哪一个。“我是鲁路修,鲁路修·Vie·不列颠,二皇兄。”看出他的疑惑,孩子弯下腰,一个完美的宫廷礼。脸上带着疏离的表情,淡淡的微笑。“修奈泽尔皇兄!”显然克洛维斯终于发现了他的存在,不过冲过来的架势让他觉得像是保护领地的兔子。“皇兄,这是……”打断弟弟的介绍,修奈泽尔露出一贯完美的微笑。“鲁路修,”他看向那个孩子,正对他笔直的目光,“我是修奈泽尔,修奈泽尔·Ei·不列颠,你的二皇兄。”在克洛维斯惊异万分的目光中,他回以他的十一皇弟一个同样标准的宫廷礼,流畅而优雅。唇边的弧度带有不知名的味道。看着陆续到来的柯内莉亚和尤菲米娅,修奈泽尔在心中不动声色的疑惑这些孩子什么时候那么要好。逐渐沦为背景的宰相候选人并没有为这样的待遇感到不公,反而自得其乐的在旁观看那些孩子们的游戏。令人惊讶的,那个年龄还很小的孩子在不知不觉中成为几个人的领导者。他不动声色的指挥着,很快,一个雪人在短短的时间内迅速堆成。(平日经常会因喜好不同而争吵的克洛维斯和尤菲米娅竟然可以这么相安无事的配合。)[那个孩子……鲁路修。]修奈泽尔看着天地中那唯一的黑色,保持着他意味深长的笑。以后的日子,二皇子光临Aries行宫的次数明显的增多。那个孩子挑起了他第一次对权力以外的事物的兴趣。看着他,修奈泽尔仿佛见到自己幼时的样子。优雅的举止,恰当的谈吐,优秀的头脑,敏锐的眼光。鲁路修继承了这个皇室百年的精华。[但是天真。]他的母妃把他保护得太好。“闪光的玛丽亚”将她在战场上的警觉丝毫不差的发挥在她孩子们的身上。“Checkmate.”修奈泽尔被一个清亮却略带奶气的声音打断了思路。“但愿你是在思考取胜的方法,修奈哥哥。不然我会觉得胜之不武的。”从初次的“修奈泽尔皇兄”到如今的“修奈哥哥”,这样的进展让我们的二皇子殿下满意得足以抵消因走神而输棋的沮丧。这个有着如同太阳般明媚面孔的孩子,眼神清透而直接。一块逐渐散发出光晕的璞玉,他亲手雕琢的宝物。修奈泽尔笑得满足,这是他的,独一无二的,宝物.于是又一个五年这样哗啦啦的过去。不列颠的雪好像总喜欢每隔五年宠幸一下这个国家。鲁路修十岁的那个冬天,大雪掩盖了一切罪恶。修奈泽尔并不是不知道他的皇弟跑去大殿责问他们的皇帝陛下,那时他已经身兼宰相两年时间。他只是想知道那个男人,他们的父王会怎样的对待自己的儿子,自己失去了靠山的儿子。以及,那个孩子会做出怎样的选择,面对自己冷酷无情的父王。议院正式宣布让十一皇子鲁路修及其妹娜娜莉留学日本的时候,二皇子坐在自己的位子上面无表情的沉默。那个孩子离开的那天,他代表皇帝站在队伍的最前端送行。纷飞的大雪迷了他的眼睛,他只朦胧的看到孩子坚毅的背影。冰冷的雪落在脸上,化成满目悲凉。修奈泽尔突然很想再看看那个孩子的眼睛。那双紫色的眼睛,那么明亮,仿佛酒神最爱的Amethyst。然而年仅十岁的皇子从未回头。=======================================================事情迅速的平复下来,速度快的让人来不及嗟叹世事无常人心荒凉。开始的时候克洛维斯或者尤菲米娅总会跑来问他鲁路修和娜娜莉什么时候回来。然而随着时间的流逝,他们询问的次数逐渐的减少,直到再也没有提起。修奈泽尔一如既往的在宫内和国内实施着自己软硬兼施的政策。有时他会想,也许曾经的一切只是一场梦。他从来没有什么十一皇弟,也从来不曾拥有什么宝物。他在自己的幻觉中心满意足。于是他开始遗忘。那个孩子的脸慢慢沉没于黑暗当中。额头,头发,眼睛和嘴唇的形状。明媚的笑容,清亮的嗓音,略带奶味的体香。所有的轮廓。(忘记一个人,一点一点的擦去印记,直到消失。)然后在某一天的清晨,他突然发现自己不会爱了。修奈泽尔望着身边熟睡的女子,心里寂静一片。他听的到肃杀的风声刮过胸膛,却激不起丝毫的起伏动荡。更加的无动于衷。时间对于修奈泽尔来说已不算什么,那个称之为“父皇”的男人健康依旧的身体使得二皇子只能在宰相的位子上不断的扩大势力。当第二皇子终于超过所有人成为那个庞大帝国的第二实力者时,一个远离本土的偏远殖民地发动了它充满愤怒的第一场起义。那个殖民地原来的名字叫做[日本]。事实上,修奈泽尔必须承认自己的假设第一次出现偏差。他原以为一个小岛国的反抗成不了太大的气候。类似黑色骑士团之类的反抗组织他也并不是没有预计过。但是Zero的出现使他不得不正视这次事件不同于往常。克洛维斯的死不期然的唤醒了修奈泽尔深埋在心底的那段幻觉般的记忆。他再次梦见那个孩子。在他以为完全的遗忘之后。(他与他再度相遇的预兆。)能够让一个本已完全丧失战意的地方再度萌生复国之心,Zero是修奈泽尔第二个觉得感兴趣的存在。那是一种熟悉的感觉。全身的细胞如同复活一般雀跃起来,体内的鲜血因兴奋而激烈的跳动。棋逢对手的快感。二皇子凝视着滞留在屏幕上的影像。意欲不明的微笑。身体纤细。声音是刻意装扮过的低沉,仔细的话可以听出其中无法掩盖的少年般的沙哑。头脑睿智而精明,有很敏感的洞察力,理性却有着高傲的自尊心。冷酷而充满了天真。残忍而充满了怜悯。矛盾孕育出的孩子,Zero。他想一定要见见他。无论以何种方式。这个人的身上充满了他熟悉的味道。于是修奈泽尔从柯内莉亚的手中接过了那个遍地疮痍的岛屿。他坐着他的Avalon君临天下般的来到那个战火纷飞的地方,这场战争即将结束。他俯视着在地面上依旧挣扎的黑色骑士团(或者说Zero),露出挑衅的笑。他想他并不惊讶对方如何能够只身闯入他的本部,他想他差不多该来了,他甚至吩咐侍女提前泡好红茶。看到对方从暗中慢慢踱步而出,修奈泽尔起身抬手,在空气中划过优雅的弧度,流畅而纯正的宫廷礼。“我是修奈泽尔,修奈泽尔·Ei·不列颠。”那个人停顿了一下,沉默了很长时间后摘下那个标志性的头盔。回以一个标准不失当年的礼节。“我是鲁路修,鲁路修·Vie·不列颠,修奈泽尔皇兄。”他又看到了那双深紫色的眸子,那么明亮那么深邃。“鲁路修,我的鲁路修……”他的声音仿佛一场凄美的咏叹调。修奈泽尔伸出双臂,环抱住对方的姿势带着他与生俱来的占有。那个孩子是这样的干净。即使经过鲜血的洗礼,在他的眼中,那个孩子永远都是有着太阳一般明媚笑脸的水晶。他的,独一无二的,宝物。他们在黑暗中做爱。像原始的兽类互相撕咬。激烈的,疼痛的。他粗暴的亲吻他,进入他的身体。他可以感受到身下的人因为痛楚而抽搐。他看到对方扭曲着的脸,因痛苦而凄艳。却灼烧着诡谲的快感。强悍的激情和放纵的不羁让他觉得自己仿佛会这样窒息。他抚摸他的肌肤,一寸一寸,慢慢的确认。纤细修长的手,微微的骨节突起,静脉明显,手指清秀而冰冷。背上两块突出的蝴蝶骨,随时可以飞坠般的艳。欲望的身体有着灼热的温度,血液流动的脉搏,让他们觉得温暖。他们懂得,一眼就看到彼此的心底。因此伤害对方,也那样的斩钉截铁不留余地。那种看似断然的无情,却又有另种华丽和深邃。他们的感情不与人分晓,所有的悲欢,都只是内心的一声轻叹,已足够。修奈泽尔和鲁路修,他们的表情淡漠而又充满了警惕。他们的心里都守护着一大片茂盛绮丽的花园。但不允许任何人轻易的进入。那片花园因无人涉足而疯狂的生长,野性诡异的花朵肆意绽放,藤条枝叶疯狂的蔓延。外人已经完全丧失了进入其中的线索。那么的不留余地。于己,于人。战士的鲜血染红了漫天的火烧云。巨大的太阳在天与地的边缘流着赤色的泪。他们将各自的灵魂赌在了这场一意孤行的战斗中。相爱,同时伤害。他们从未在玫瑰的花园中遇到彼此丰盛的幻象。那静谧的无人之境永远关闭了它通向救赎的大门。于是在这样的一刻,他们彼此沉默。然后拍拍身上的尘土,继续走下去,走下去。即使只是一条不归路。I never promise you a rose garden.Forever and never.Fin

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