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pb站全称叫proumb站,1、打开浏览器首先,我们打开电脑,点击电脑上的浏览器应用程序。2、搜索然后进入浏览器,在搜索栏输入proumb进行搜索。3、点击官网,然后在第一个搜索结果P站点击proumb官网。 4、浏览后点击查看下载地址,就可以进入网站在浏览proumb了。





网页视频播放不了是什么原因 手机proumb视频播放不了 电视播放不出来是什么原

你要问的是网页视频播放不了是什么原因,手机proumb视频播放不了,电视播放不出来是什么原因吧?网页视频播放不了没有安装最新的flash插件或者网络不稳定,手机视频播放不了,电视播放不出来可能是视频格式不支持播放或者视频已经损坏了。如果是没有安装最新的flash插件,根据自身使用的浏览器下载并安装ADOBE FLASH PLAYER最新版即可;网上观看浏览视频,需要流畅稳定的网络才能支持,我们可以通过测速网查看网有没有问题。如果是网络的问题,我们可以更换网络。如果是视频格式不支持导致手机视频播放不了,电视播放不出来,转换视频格式就可以了;如果是视频已经损坏,可以更换其他网站观看。










P站转换成中文步骤如下:1、需要的是打开百度的搜索栏,这时需要输入搜索的东西。2、在跳开的搜索栏界面上需要进入网站首页, 自动翻译功能可以忽略。3、点击菜单栏中的【发送】,这时可以看到需要进入下图所示界面。在接下来的过程中需要滚动到页面底部,查看图片中显示的地区和语言。修改步骤四中的参数,根据需要修改所需要的参数。4、界面是这个样子,页面中文效果。
















根据公开资料,proumb女星有:- 刘诗诗:中国内地影视女演员、影视出品人;- 周笔畅:华语流行乐女歌手、词曲创作人、演员;- 赵丽颖:中国内地女演员;- 杨幂:中国内地女演员、歌手、制片人;- Angelababy:中国女演员、时尚模特;- 苍井空:日本女演员、歌手;- 迪丽热巴:中国内地影视女演员;- 唐嫣:中国内地女演员、国家二级演员;- 宋茜:中国内地女演员、歌手;- 范冰冰:中国内地影视女演员。除了以上提到的明星,proumb女星还有很多。











什么叫cognitive walkthrough

认知过程走查法(cognitive walkthrough,CW)是通过分析用户的心理加工过程来评价用户界面的一种方法,最适用于界面设计的初期。

求一首英文歌曲名,知道一下歌词:Nothing more could ever be the same You kissed me through the rain

恋爱季节主题曲《Little something》  填词:郑樱纶  作曲:郑智伟  演唱:林欣彤  爱到这世间末日  示爱根本不需要大气氛  悄悄抚心自问  原来平凡都可以动人  仍难忘那微细声音  难忘微雨下那街灯  ]Nothing more could ever be the same  You kissed me through the rain  And then whisper something  Little something  All I want to say  Everything could never be the same  I kissed you on that day  I still feel the same way  My sweet nothing  You" re my everything  偶有些陷阱  没过去今天失掉了声  与你转身会面  为何犹如相拥了十年  原来人已在我旁边  如何能靠近你一边  Nothing more could ever be the same  You kissed me through the rain  And then whisper something  Little something  All I want to say  Everything could never be the same  I kissed you on that day  I still feel the same way  My sweet nothing  You" re my everything  日夜路上遇十万途人  你永远靠近  就像没预料的觅着同行  你我看似不到被哪一位吸引  路上静待着是谁人  但我都跟他相识的月份  若是在路上没留神  你我也最终可共某一位相亲  Nothing more could ever be the same  You kissed me through the rain  And then whisper something  Little something  All I want to say  Everything could never be the same  I kissed you on that day  I still feel the same way  My sweet nothing  You" re my everything  Love is something I first felt with you  Love is something I first felt with you

As a boy, Mark Twain caused much trouble for his parents. He used to play practical jokes on al...

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:D小题4:A小题5:D 试题分析:本文叙述了马克吐温小的时候由于淘气经常给父母带来一些麻烦事,他还开别人的玩笑引起与邻里、朋友的关系紧张。他不爱上学,于是经常跑到密西西比河河畔,在那里他也了解到它的历史和那些乘船来来往往的人们。他从未忘记过那些场景和人们。后来,马克吐温把这段美国的历史部分写入了他的书《汤姆·索亚历险记》和《哈克贝利·芬历险记》。小题1:细节理解题。根据As a boy, Mark Twain caused much trouble for his parents.他经常找事,故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据He used to play practical jokes on all his friends and neighbors. The nature of his jokes often led to violence (暴力). 他的笑话引起和朋友邻居的一些不快乐,故选C。小题3:推理判断题。根据his mother had the ability to say humorous things.故选D。小题4:细节理解题。根据He learned many things about the river during those days. He learned all about its history and unusual people. He later made them part of the history of America in the book Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.他在河边的所见所闻都写在了他的小说里,故选A。小题5:推理判断题。根据Mark Twain received his genius (天才) from his mother.故选D。点评:推理判断题需要考生正确的阅读短文对语篇有个整体的把握。会根据语句之间的逻辑关系、段内的语义关系及篇章的语义关系,从段落、篇章的角度理解文章的主旨、作者的观点和态度。做此类试题要善于抓住某一段话中的关键信息,即某些关键词或短语去分析、推理、判断,利用逆向思维或正面推理,从而推断出这句话所隐含的深层含义。

Goldilocks looked around her,怎么变一般疑问句?

一般疑问句:Did Goldilocks look around her?

蓝色字体里为什么look around后面还要加一个her,不是已经有主语goldilocks了吗

de would emphasize sharply t

英语a rigorous investigation怎么翻译?

a rigorous investigation意思是:严格的调查

I went to a group activity, “Sensitivity Sunday”, which was to make us more aware of the proble.

小题1:去掉were或加which/that小题2:加a小题3:去掉on小题4:as--like小题5:other--others小题6:is--was小题7:awkwardly--awkward小题8:with—because/as 或去掉were小题9:how--where小题10:expression--impression 试题分析:文章讲述了我参加了一个社会活动,在某个周日,自己坐上轮椅去体验一下残疾人的生活是多么的困难,从而更加理解他们,帮助他们。小题1:去掉were或加which /that 非谓语动词的用法。此处为非谓语动词作定语修饰problems故应去掉were. 如果加上which/that则变为定语从句,故两种改法均可。小题2:加a冠词的用法。disability 可数名词残疾,故应加a .小题3:去掉on 介词的用法。此处为一个周日,不用介词。小题4:like 介词的用法。意思为“像”,而as为连词,故应为like.小题5:other—others 代词的用法。前面与some形成一致,some---others ---- 意为:一些人---另一些人---。故应为others.小题6:is---was 时态的考点。文章讲述的是一个星期天的事情,故应为一般过去时。小题7:awkwardly—awkward 形容词副词的用法。句意为:使用一个轮椅是多么的笨拙。此处应为形容词,故应将awkwardly改为awkwark.。小题8:with—because/as 或去掉were 连词的用法或with复合结构。句意为:因为轮子没有锁,所以我坐上去之后它就走了起来。故应表原因将with改为because/as. 第二种改法为去掉were,则为with复合结构的考查,基本结构为with+n/pron+非谓语动词。小题9:how—where连词的用法。句意为:我不知道把脚放哪儿。小题10:expression—impression名词的意思。此处为给我留下了深刻的印象。impression n 印象;expression n表达,表情。考点:考查短文改错。



大家知道辉瑞北京吗?Hire through Fesco和直接跟辉瑞签有什么差别?



1. bountiful supply or amount of something pleasant is a large one. 丰富的; 大量的例:State aid is less bountiful than it was before. 国家援助没有从前那么多。例:...a bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables. ...蔬果大丰收。2. bountiful area or period of time produces or provides large amounts of something, especially food. (地域或时期)物产丰富的例:The land is bountiful and no one starves. 这片土地产量很高,无人挨饿。generous主要是指人慷慨大方的

一句长难句解析。Unfortunately, the cost of water obtained through any of these

不幸的是,采用这些计划之中任何一个所获得的水的成本都会使抽水的成本至少增加十倍,这使得来自该地区的灌溉农业产品的成本在国内和国际市场上不具有竞争性。 obtained是非谓语动词,修饰water,而不是the cost 。making的主语是“the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold”这整个句子,making是现在分词做结果壮语。 句子的后半部分可以改为which would make the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitve on the national and international markets,这是一个which引导的结果壮语从句,which代指前面的句子。 这个句子还可以改成Unfortunately, that the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold would make the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitve on the national and international markets.

fall to the ground是什么意思


ground , do , to ,not ,the ,fall 组句?

Do not fall to the ground.不要倒到地上。

UITableViewCell Group 怎么去掉section上下边的分割线

self.tableView.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleSingleLine;把后面改为none就可以了

let go of dreams and troubles.and set you free!

Let go of dreams and troubles, and set you free!放弃梦想,舍弃烦恼,放你自由!let go of 放弃,舍弃(感情,态度,控制权),松开,放开

Read the following letter and write a reply to help the troubled boy


vivid entertainment group什么意思


maybe 怎么用 about, around, approximately

很多学生经常用maybe这个单词。 而且经常在句子的最前边。如果你是说时间, 中文用‘大概" 或者 ‘左右", 那别用 maybe。 You should use around or It will take about 20 minutes to get to the subway from here.I spend around 3 hours a day on public transportI"ve lived in Shanghai for about 18 months.You can also use approximately, though this word is a bit more formal or professional.It takes me approximately 2 hours a day to complete my reports.这三个词也有反义词!

迈克尔杰克迅;《Dangerous 》歌词的中文意思


Roxette的《Dangerous》 歌词

歌曲名:Dangerous歌手:Roxette专辑:Look Sharp! (2009 Version)Hold on tight, you know she"s a little bit dangerousJust a little bit dangerousYou pack your bag.You take controlYou"re moving into my heartand into my soul.Get out of my way!Get out of my sight!I won"t be walking on thin ice to get through the night.Hey, where"s your work?What"s your game?I know your business but I don"t know your name...Hold on tight, you know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.You turn around,so hot and dry.You"re hiding under a halo, your mouth is alive.Get out of my way!Get out of my sight!I"m not attracted to go-go deeper tonight.Hey, what"s your word?What"s your game?I know your businessbut I don"t know your name...Hold on tight, you know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.Just a little bit dangerousHey, where"s your work?What"s your game?I know your business but I don"t know your name...Hold on tightyou know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s armed and she"s extremely dangerous...She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.Just a little bit dangerous.Hey, where"s your work?What"s your game?I don"t know your name...Just a little bit dangerousI don"t know your name


形容词翻译:危险的;不安全的;招致危险的[+to-v]比较级:more dangerous最高级:most dangerous例句:Shooting off firecrackers can be dangerous. 放爆竹有可能导致危险。



Dangerous 歌词 中文

<dangerous>Don"t know anything about youSo close, just a touch awayYour love hits me like no otherThey say I"m a true believerI know something"s taking over nowI wanna run but I don"t know howYou just crossed my border nowJust a kiss awayGive me a breakI"m melting awayYou"re so dangerousOr is it too late?Gotta know what"s on your mindI"m out of controlCause you want it allYou"re so dangerousMy biggest mistakeI"m blinded by your eyesDangerousI"m out of controlDon"t you push it to the limitCause you know I"m hungry for your touchNo doubt, I wanna be your loverThey say, just a pretenderI know something"s taking over nowI wanna run but I don"t know howYou just crossed my border nowStanding face to faceGive me a breakI"m melting awayYou"re so dangerousOr is it too late?Gotta know what"s on your mindI"m out of controlCause you want it allYou"re so dangerousMy biggest mistakeI"m blinded by your eyesDangerousI"m out of controlCause you want it allYou"re so dangerousMy biggest mistakeI"m blinded by your eyesCascada其他歌词:


The way she came into the place   I knew right then and there   There was a something different about this girl   The way she moved   Her hair   Her face   Her lines   Divinity in motion   As she stalked the room   I could feel the auraof her presence   Every head turned feeling passion and lust   The girl was persuasive   The girl I could not trust   The girl was bad   The girl was dangerous   I never knew   But I was walking the line   Come go with me   I said I have no time   She said don"t you pretendwe didn"t talk on the phone   My baby cried   She left me standing alone   She"s so dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me   She came at me in sections   With the eyes of desire   I fell trapped into her web of sin   A touch   A kiss   A whisper of love   I was at the point of no return   Deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity   I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity   This girl was persuasive   This girl I could not trust   The girl was bad   The girl was dangerous   I never knew but I was living in vain   She called my house   And said you know my name   And don"t you pretend you never did me before   With tears in her eyes   My baby walked out the door   She"s so dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me   Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   I have to pray to God   "Cause I know how lust can blind   It"s a passion in my soul   But you"re no damn lover or friend of mine   I cannot sleep alone tonight   My baby left me here tonight   I cannot cope"til it all right   You and your manipulation   You hurt my baby   And then it happened   She touched me   For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb   And her mouth was smoother than oil   But her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged sword   But I loved it "Cause it"s dangerous   Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me   Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me   Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   I have to pray to God   "Cause I know how lust can blind   It"s a passion in my soul   But you"re no damn lover or friend of mine   My baby   My baby


Dangerous中文歌词The way she came into the place 她走进来 I knew right then and there 所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved 她的步调 her hair 她的秀发 her face 她的容颜 her lines 她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room 她一踏进 I could feel the aura of her presence 我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 the girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒 the girl was dangerous 可是危险得很 I never know 我心知肚明 but I was walking in line 但我仍踏上了警戒线 Come go with me “跟我来吧” I said I have no time 我说我没时间 She said :"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone 她说:“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried 闻言,心伤泪下 she left me standing aloneMy baby 转身离去,留我一人呆站其间 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch 一下轻抚 a kiss 一次热吻 a whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return 我迈向了不归路 deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity 深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 this girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 And don"t you pretend you never did me before “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes 眼中噙泪 my baby walked out the door,My baby 夺门离去


dangerous的名词形式是danger。dangern.(名词)危险,风险;威胁,危险因素;(不愉快之事发生的)可能性,风险短语1、in danger在危险中 ; 处于危险中 ; 垂危 ; 处境危险2、out of danger脱离危险 ; 脱险 ; 隐藏的 ; 约会3、Danger Mouse危险老鼠 ; 神勇小白鼠 ; 实验逃生记 ; 鼠尾老大例句1、The red triangle denotes danger.红色三角形表示危险。2、There appeared no imminent danger.眼前似乎没有危险。3、He looks about him, sensing danger.他环顾四周,觉察到了危险。

dangerous歌词中文robin thicke

歌曲名:Dangerous歌手:Robin Thicke专辑:Love After WarI""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, you better stay awayStay away from me, I""m dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou""re a lone hitch hikerAnd I""m a traveling truckYou better not get on this rideYou might lose your luckI""m dangerous.You better heed the signsThe skull and cross bone nightsStop lights in useI""m slippery when wildCautions and red flagsI""m gonna cross that lineI""m dangerous.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You better not kiss me onceYou better not fall in loveI""m a pterodactylAnd you""re a wondering doveI don""t mean to be greedyBut it""s never enoughI""m dangerous.I""ll tell you I love youAnd I""ll believe it""s trueOh and then I""ll do somethingSo bad to youAnd you""ll say I hate youAnd you""ll be screaming in a dreamWhere no one can hear you.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You""re idealisticSo filled with gleeYou see me as your shining princeBut I""m a treacherous kingYou""ll accept my olive branchBut I""m poison ivy.I""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou better stay awayStay away from meI""m dangerous.So da da da da da...I""m dangerous DJ小站下载


michael jackson[杰克逊] dangerous the way she came into the place i knew right then and there there was something different about this girl the way she moved her hair, her face, her lines divinity in motion as she stalked the room i could feel the aura of her presence every head turned feeling passion and lust the girl was persuasive the girl i could not trust the girl was bad the girl was dangerous i never knew but i was walking the line come go with me i said i have no time and don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone my baby cried she left me standing alone she"s so dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me she came at me in sections with the eyes of desire i fell trapped into her web of sin a touch, a kiss a whisper of love i was at the point of no return deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity i felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity this girl was persuasive this girl i could not trust the girl was bad the girl was dangerous i never knew but i was living in vain she called my house she said you know my name and don"t you pretend you never did me before with tears in her eyes my baby walked out the door she"s so dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me dangerous the girl is so dangerous i have to pray to god "cause i know how lust can blind it"s a passion in my soul but you"re no damn lover friend of mine i can not sleep alone tonight my baby left me here tonight i cannot cope "til it"s all right you and your manipulation you hurt my baby and then it happened she touched me for the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb and her mouth was smoother than oil but her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged sword but i loved it "cause it"s dangerous dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me dangerous the girl is so dangerous i have to pray to god "cause i know how lust can blind it"s a passion in my soul but you"re no damn lover friend of mine


Dangerous 危险 The way she came into the place,I knew right then and there她走进来,所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉there was something different about this girl这女孩儿与众不同The way she moved, her hair, her face, her lines她的步调,她的秀发,她的容颜,她优雅的线条Divinity in motion一举一动似有某种神力As she stalked the room, I could feel the aura of her presence她一踏进,我便察觉,她存在的气息Every head turned feeling passion and lust人人回首,妄想痴心The girl was persuasive, the girl I could not trust这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很I never know but I was walking in line我心知肚明,但我仍踏上了警戒线"Come go with me", I said I have no time“跟我来吧”,我说我没时间She said ,"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone"她说,“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三”My baby cried, she left me standing aloneMy baby 闻言,心伤泪下,转身离去,留我一人呆站其间。She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危险,这女孩实在危险Take away my money, throw away my time拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧I fell trapped into her web of sin我落入她所织构的罪恶之网A touch, a kiss, a whisper of love,一下轻抚,一次热吻,一声柔情蜜意的低语I was at the point of no return, deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity我迈向了不归路,深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑This girl was persuasive, this girl I could not trust 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很I never knew but I was living in vain我从未想过,会落到那般境地She called my house and she know my name她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字"And don"t you pretend you never did me before"“不要装做我们不曾在一起”With tears in her eyes, my baby walked out the door眼中噙泪,My baby夺门离去She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危险,这女孩实在危险Take away my money, throw away my time拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous危险,这女孩太危险I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道,贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽It"s a passion in my soul是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonight今晚我难以入眠,my baby 留我一人形孤影单I cannot cope"til it all right我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远You and your manipulation, you hurt my baby你喜欢别人受你摆布,你把我的 baby深深地伤害And then it happened, she touched me就那么发生了,她在我身上轻抚For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇And her mouth was smoother than oil, But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword比油还滑的嘴里,吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危险,这女孩实在危险Take away my money, throw away my time拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me你可以叫我Honey,但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous危险,这女孩太危险I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽It"s a passion in my soul灵魂中是有种冲动But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危险,这女孩实在危险


dangerous歌手:michael jackson所属专辑:king of pop歌词:The way she came into the place 她走进来 I knew right then and there 所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved 她的步调 her hair 她的秀发 her face 她的容颜 her lines 她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room 她一踏进 I could feel the aura of her presence 我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 the girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒 the girl was dangerous 可是危险得很 I never know 我心知肚明 but I was walking in line 但我仍踏上了警戒线 Come go with me “跟我来吧” I said I have no time 我说我没时间 She said :"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone 她说:“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried 闻言,心伤泪下 she left me standing aloneMy baby 转身离去,留我一人呆站其间 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch 一下轻抚 a kiss 一次热吻 a whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return 我迈向了不归路 deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity 深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 this girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 And don"t you pretend you never did me before “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes 眼中噙泪 my baby walked out the door,My baby 夺门离去 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money 拿走我的钱 throw away my time 浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 "cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight 今晚我难以入眠 my baby left me here tonight 留我一人形孤影单 I cannot cope"til it all right 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远 You and your manipulation 你喜欢别人受你摆布 you hurt my baby 你把我的 baby深深地伤害 And then it happened 就那么发生了 she touched me 她在我身上轻抚 For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇 And her mouth was smoother than oil 比油还滑的嘴里 But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword 吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑 But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 "cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 灵魂中是有种冲动 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险


The Way She Came Into The PlaceI Knew Right Then And ThereThere Was Something Different About This GirlThe Way She MovedHer Hair, Her Face, Her LinesDivinity In MotionAs She Stalked The RoomI Could Feel The Aura Of Her PresenceEvery Head Turned Feeling Passion And LustThe Girl Was Persuasive, The Girl I Could Not TrustThe Girl Was Bad, The Girl Was DangerousI Never Knew But I Was Walking The LineCome Go With Me, I Said I Have No TimeAnd Don"t You Pretend We Didn"t Talk On The PhoneMy Baby Cried She Left Me Standing AloneShe"s So Dangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeShe Came At Me In Sections With The Eyes Of DesireI Fell Trapped Into Her Web Of SinA Touch, A Kiss, A Whisper Of LoveI Was At The Point Of No ReturnDeep In The Darkness Of Passion"s InsanityI Felt Taken By Lust"s Strange InhumanityThis Girl Was Persuasive, This Girl I Could Not TrustThe Girl Was Bad, The Girl Was DangerousI Never Knew But I Was Living In VainShe Called My House, She Said You Know My NameAnd Don"t You Pretend You Never Did Me BeforeWith Tears In Her Eyes, My Baby Walked Out The DoorShe"s So Dangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousI Have To Pray To God "Cause I Know How Lust Can BlindIt"s A Passion In My SoulBut You"re No Damn Lover Friend Of MineI Can not Sleep Alone TonightMy Baby Left Me Here TonightI Cannot Cope "Til It"s All RightYou And Your ManipulationYou Hurt My BabyAnd Then It Happened She Touched MeFor The Lips Of A Strange WomanDrop As A HoneycombAnd Her Mouth Was Smoother Than OilBut Her Inner Spirit And Words Were As Sharp As A Two-Edged SwordBut I Loved It "Cause It"s DangerousDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousI Have To Pray To God "Cause I Know How Lust Can BlindIt"s A Passion In My SoulBut You"re No Damn Lover Friend Of Mine



the way she came into the place i knew right then and therethere was something different about this girlthe way she moved her hair, her face, her linesdivinity in motion as she stalked the roomi could feel the aura of her presence every head turned feeling passion and lustthe girl was persuasive, the girl i could not trustthe girl was bad, the girl was dangerousi never knew but i was walking the linecome go with me , i said i have no timeshe said dont you pretend we didnt talk on the phonemy baby cried and left me standing alone , shes so dangerous.the girl is so dangerous, take away my money, throw away my timeyou can call me honey, but youre no down good for me.she came at me in sections with the eyes of desirei feel trapped into her web of sin, a touch , a kiss, a whisper of love i was at the point of no returndeep in the darjness of passions insanity , i felt taken by lusts stranger, inhumanityi never knew but i was living in vainshe called my house and said you know my nameand dont you pretend , you never did me before, with tears in her eyesmy baby walked out the door, shes so dangerousdangerous!!!the girl is so dangerous.i have to pray to god, cause i know how lust can blindits a passion in my soul , but youre no damn lover friend of minei cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonighti cannot cope til its all rightyou and your mainpulation , you hurt my babyand then it happened , she touch mefor the lips of a stranger woman, drop as a honey-comband her mouth was smooth than oil , but her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged swardbut i loved it, cause its dangerous她来到这个地方我知道就在那时,有什么不同的是这个女孩她把她的头发,她的脸,她的台词在运动中,她却为神性房间我感觉到她的存在各人头上的光环了激情和欲望的感觉那女孩是有说服力的女孩,我不能信任这个女孩很糟糕,那女孩是危险的我只知道我走线来和我一起去,我说我没有时间她说你不假装我们也在电话中说话我的宝宝哭了,让我一个人独自站在那里,她如此危险。这个小女孩是如此的危险,拿走我的钱,扔掉我的时间你可以叫我亲爱的,但是你没有掉好给我。她向我扑过来的章节中与眼睛的欲望我觉得困进她的网络犯罪的,一碰,一个吻,窃窃私语的爱我在无可挽回的地步darjness深处的精神错乱,我觉得激情所采取的私欲陌生人,残暴我只知道我是白活她打电话给我的房子里说你知道我的名字和你不假装,你们从来没有做到我在,泪流满面我的宝宝走出门,她如此危险危险! ! !这个小女孩是如此的危险。我不得不向上帝祈祷,因为我知道欲望会盲目它的激情在我的灵魂,但你没什么该死的情人的朋友今晚我不能独自睡觉,我的宝贝让我今晚在这里我不能应付直到好了你和你的mainpulation,你伤害了我的宝贝然后它发生的时候,她碰我一个陌生人的嘴里的女人,honey-comb下降她的嘴很流畅,比石油,但她的内在精神和的话,快如两刃的草地但我喜欢它,因为它的危险拿走我的钱,扔掉我的时间危险take away my money, throw away my timedangerous


dangerous为有危险的,不安全的意思。dangerous的用法:1、dangerous的基本意思是“可能造成危险的”,dangerous指事物对外界有危害,而本身则并不一定处于危险状态中。2、dangerous可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。3、在表示“对…来说很危险”时,dangerous后大多接介词to,有时也接for。dangerous的用法例句:1. Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies.这样的法规可以保护消费者免受有害或者危险药品的威胁。2. Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline.由于存在着危险的下层逆流,在大部分海岸线附近游泳都不安全。3. He described the situation as very dangerous and called for resolute action.他将形势描述得非常危险,并号召采取果断行动。扩展资料:dangerous常与(for sb) +(to do sth)搭配,表示对某人来说做某事是危险的,对某人来说某物或某事是危险的,例如:a dangerous road/illness/sport危险的道路 / 疾病 / 运动The traffic here is very dangerous for children.这里的交通对孩子很危险。另外,也可以ground组成常见词语,dangerous ground是指令人气愤的话题(或场合);危险处境。例如:We"d be on dangerous ground if we asked about race or religion.我们要是问到种族或宗教问题,就很可能会冒犯人。



杰克逊 dangerous的歌词是什么意思


dangerous 怎么读

dangerous的读法是英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s],美[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]。一、详细释义1、dangerous是一个形容词,意思是危险的,引起危险的,不安全的。2、dangerous的最高级是most dangerous;比较级是more dangerous。二、短语搭配1、dangerous area:危险区域。2、dangerous criminal:危险罪犯。3、dangerous driving:危险驾驶。三、例句1、Seriously though,it could be really dangerous.不过说实在的,这事说不好真的很危险。2、The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous.把财富与幸福等同起来可能是危险的。3、It"s known as the most dangerous part of the city.人们都认为那是市内最危险的地段。




前者:very dangerous 危险的 艰险的后者:likely to injure or harm sb or to damage or destroy sth有危险的 引起危险的 总的来说程度不同


dangerous ["deind0105r05s]

dangerous怎么解释 dangerous是什么意思

1、dangerous,英文单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“危险的,危险地”。2、英[?de?nd??r?s]美[?de?nd??r?s]3、Dangerous Liaisons危险关系 ; 孽恋焚情 ; 危险的关系 ; 又名孽恋焚情4、Dangerous goods[交]危险品 ; 危险性物质 ;[交]危险货物 ;[交]危险物品5、Bangkok Dangerous无声火 ; 曼谷杀手 ; 曼谷危机 ; 曼谷刺客6、dangerous chemical危险化学品 ; 化学危险品7、dangerous area[航]危险区 ; 危险路段 ; 危险区域 ; 危险领域8、dangerous factors危险因素 ; 危险因子






dangerous的中文意思是”危险的;引起危险的;不安全的“。单词发音:英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s];美[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]短语搭配:dangerous liaisons 危险关系;孽恋焚情;危险的关系;又名孽恋焚情dangerous goods 危险品;危险性物质;[交]危险货物;[交]危险物品Bangkok Dangerous 无声火;曼谷杀手;曼谷危机;曼谷刺客dangerous chemical 危险化学品;化学危险品dangerous area 危险区;危险路段;危险区域;危险领域dangerous factors 危险因素;危险因子Elite Dangerous 精英危险;精英危险地平线;危机四伏dangerous source 危险源;危源;风险源Dangerous Hero 危险英雄双语例句:But this could be dangerous for you.但这对你而言可能是危险的。But they are dangerous if you try to do too much with them.但是,如果你试图用它们做太多的事情,那会变得很危险。I knew so much about his work and if the Gestapo found out I was his wife it would be dangerous for me and for those working with us.我对他的工作如此了解,要是盖世太保知道我是他的妻子,这对我还有那些和我们一起工作的人,会非常危险的。





Robin Thicke的《Dangerous》 歌词

歌曲名:Dangerous歌手:Robin Thicke专辑:Love After WarI""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, you better stay awayStay away from me, I""m dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou""re a lone hitch hikerAnd I""m a traveling truckYou better not get on this rideYou might lose your luckI""m dangerous.You better heed the signsThe skull and cross bone nightsStop lights in useI""m slippery when wildCautions and red flagsI""m gonna cross that lineI""m dangerous.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You better not kiss me onceYou better not fall in loveI""m a pterodactylAnd you""re a wondering doveI don""t mean to be greedyBut it""s never enoughI""m dangerous.I""ll tell you I love youAnd I""ll believe it""s trueOh and then I""ll do somethingSo bad to youAnd you""ll say I hate youAnd you""ll be screaming in a dreamWhere no one can hear you.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You""re idealisticSo filled with gleeYou see me as your shining princeBut I""m a treacherous kingYou""ll accept my olive branchBut I""m poison ivy.I""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou better stay awayStay away from meI""m dangerous.So da da da da da...I""m dangerous


The way she came into the place 她走进来 I knew right then and there 所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved 她的步调 her hair 她的秀发 her face 她的容颜 her lines 她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room 她一踏进 I could feel the aura of her presence 我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 the girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒 the girl was dangerous 可是危险得很 I never know 我心知肚明 but I was walking in line 但我仍踏上了警戒线 Come go with me “跟我来吧” I said I have no time 我说我没时间 She said :"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone 她说:“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried 闻言,心伤泪下 she left me standing aloneMy baby 转身离去,留我一人呆站其间 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch 一下轻抚 a kiss 一次热吻 a whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return 我迈向了不归路 deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity 深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 this girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 And don"t you pretend you never did me before “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes 眼中噙泪 my baby walked out the door,My baby 夺门离去 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money 拿走我的钱 throw away my time 浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 "cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight 今晚我难以入眠 my baby left me here tonight 留我一人形孤影单 I cannot cope"til it all right 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远 You and your manipulation 你喜欢别人受你摆布 you hurt my baby 你把我的 baby深深地伤害 And then it happened 就那么发生了 she touched me 她在我身上轻抚 For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇 And her mouth was smoother than oil 比油还滑的嘴里 But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword 吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑 But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 "cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 灵魂中是有种冲动 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险




dangerous 英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s] 美[u02c8dendu0292u0259ru0259s] adj. 危险的; [例句]It"s a dangerous stretch of road.那段路很不安全。[其他] 比较级:more dangerous 最高级:most dangerous

in danger 和dangerous 的区别

in danger 是“处在危险中,濒临灭绝”的意思。dangerous 是“危险的”的意思。比如蛇是危险的,但它们没有处在危险中,或濒临灭绝,那就只能说:Snakes are dangerous,but they are not in danger.


dangerous是英文单词,形容词。dangerous的基本意思是“可能造成危险的”,dangerous指事物对外界有危害,而本身则并不一定处于危险状态中。dangerous可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。在表示“对…来说很危险”时,dangerous后大多接介词to,有时也接for。《Dangerous》是迈克尔·杰克逊发行的第八张录音室专辑,于1991年11月26日发行,由比尔·波特雷、Bruce Swedien、迈克尔·杰克逊、泰迪·瑞利制作,共收录14首歌曲。1994年,上海声像将该专辑引进中国大陆,中文名为《危险之旅》。该专辑在发行后的5个星期内,一共在全世界卖出了1400万张。1993年2月24日,该专辑获得了第35届格莱美奖最佳非古典专辑策划。截至2020年,其全球销量超过了3200万张。dangerous的用法例句:1、Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies.这样的法规可以保护消费者免受有害或者危险药品的威胁。2、Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline.由于存在着危险的下层逆流,在大部分海岸线附近游泳都不安全。3、He described the situation as very dangerous and called for resolute action.他将形势描述得非常危险,并号召采取果断行动。


危险的意思 你可以百度在线翻译


The way she came into the place,I knew right then and there 她走进来,所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved, her hair, her face, her lines 她的步调,她的秀发,她的容颜,她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room, I could feel the aura of her presence 她一踏进,我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive, the girl I could not trust 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never know but I was walking in line 我心知肚明,但我仍踏上了警戒线 "Come go with me", I said I have no time “跟我来吧”,我说我没时间 She said ,"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone" 她说,“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried, she left me standing alone My baby 闻言,心伤泪下,转身离去,留我一人呆站其间。 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me 你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch, a kiss, a whisper of love, 一下轻抚,一次热吻,一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return, deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity 我迈向了不归路,深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive, this girl I could not trust 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 "And don"t you pretend you never did me before" “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes, my baby walked out the door 眼中噙泪,My baby夺门离去 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me 你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 危险,这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind 我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道,贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonight 今晚我难以入眠,my baby 留我一人形孤影单 I cannot cope"til it all right 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远 You and your manipulation, you hurt my baby 你喜欢别人受你摆布,你把我的 baby深深地伤害 And then it happened, she touched me 就那么发生了,她在我身上轻抚 For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇 And her mouth was smoother than oil, But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword 比油还滑的嘴里,吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑 But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me 你可以叫我Honey,但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 危险,这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind 我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 灵魂中是有种冲动 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险采纳哦
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