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Off The Wall Thriller Blood On The Dance Floor BAD Dangerous HIStory Invinci


swim the river 是填across还是through

swim across the river

across还是through the river?


The river ————(穿过我们市) 这里的穿过要用across还是through?

正确回答:The river runs through our city. through和across是有区别的.一般情况下,表示“从内部穿过”宜用through,而表示“从表面”过去则宜用across.例如: The plane flies across our city.飞机飞过我们城市. The gas pipe runs through that district.煤气管穿过那个地区. He drew lines across the paper.他在纸上画交叉线. The pencil penetrated through the paper.铅笔刺穿了纸头. She thrust herself through the crowd.她挤过了人群. 另外,across作介词时还可以表示“在……对面”的意思.例如: The post-office is across the street.邮局在街的对面. across和through都还可用作副词,因为与本题关联度不大,恕不讲解.



哪位知道iron 和ferrous的区别吗

ferrousa. 铁的,含铁的,亚铁的ironn. 铁,熨斗,镣铐,烙铁,坚强vt. 烫平,熨,用铁包,vi. 烫衣服似乎iron用法更广



i want to have you around,not for a while,but a lifetime.是什么意思




happening around

用的对,happening 用Ing,现在分词定语. 其逻辑主语就是things.这两个词之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,如果是被动关系,就是过去分词,如the boy called Tom is my friend.这个名叫Tom的男孩是我的朋友.

group by 和 left join 结合 问题。

可将右边的评论先通过文章ID求取记录条数SELECT m.*,vote.VoteCount FROM cn_match m LEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(tid)AS VoteCount FROM cn_matchvote GROUP BY tid) AS voteON WHERE m.type=1 AND m.pass=0以上回答你满意么?

group 和 organizate的联系和区别

名词 群 团体, 组织

no route to host怎么解决

  1、no route to host是什么意思?  回答:就是没有通往主机的路线  意思就是你访问的目标地址路由不可达,这个no route to host的报错是由于收到icmp路由不可达报文而导致的。no route to host,没有到主机的路由。即你的路由表里面没有到达目标主机的表项,也没有默认网关项。例如:The host the program"%1"was to reach is unreachable,no route to host程序“%1”试图连接的主机无法接通,没有到主机的路由。  2、遇到no route to host问题如何解决,  下面为你列举几个解决方法。需自行测试适合自己的解决方法  案例1、有网友遇到过同样的问题,如果是linux,是iptables阻挡造成的,解决方法就是你可以用service iptables stop关闭iptables试试,或者重新配置local的DNS。  案例2、可能是防火墙问题,我用电脑的xshell连虚拟机就没问题,用手机连虚拟机就不行了,用iptables-F清空防火墙策略,再用手机连就可以了!这个命令只是临时生效,使用service iptables save保存防火墙策略即可。  案例3、在hadoop集群中跑程序出现NO Route to Host的错误,原因其实很简单,就是因为系统防火墙没有关  案例4、No route to host解决方法:清理虚拟机中的防火墙“[root H0f~]#sudo iptables-F”(很多人提示这个方法慎重使用如果不懂可能会造成严重后果!)no route to host 是什么意思如何解决  no route to host 问题总结  其实很多回答说的很原理性,而你也觉得我防火墙关了啊,我就是本机彼此同心也没什么不安全。  那么,请检查一下你的子节点是否关了。包括许多关于连通的比如拒绝连接)的bug,也是因为我们把主节点配的很好,却忘记了在子节点里配置一遍。你没玩那么深,没道理遇到太深的问题。有问题就多思考一下自己的操作。实在不行就建一个备份debug下自己的操作。 


  ground有地面,土地; 基础; 范围; 阵地等意思,那么有关ground的 近义词 都有哪些呢?ground的常用 短语 都有哪些?下面我为大家带来ground的近义词辨析及常用短语,希望对你有所帮助!   ground近义词:   earth, clay, dirt, land, dust, soil, mud, ground   ground近义词辨析:   这些名词都有"土地,土,泥"之意。   earth 多指地表带有水分的泥土,较具体。   clay 特指潮湿时发粘,而火烤后变坚硬的泥土。   dirt 指地表的干松泥土。   land 含义笼统。指与河流、海洋相对的陆地,也指可耕种的土地。   dust 特指土壤干燥后,飞扬于空中的细微泥土。   soil 特指适宜栽种农作物或生长各 种植 物的泥土。   mud 指湿土,尤指雨后稀泥、污泥。   ground 通常指大地的表面,也可指土壤、泥土或场地。   ground的常用短语:   on the ground 在地上;当场;在决斗   to the ground 彻底地   ground someone in something 给某人在某方面打下良好基础 common ground (争论双方的)共同基础;一致之处   ground water 地下水   ground的英语例句:   1. They found a labyrinth of tunnels under the ground.   他们发现了一处迷宫似的地道。   2. A violent explosion seemed to jolt the whole ground.   剧烈的爆炸好像要把整个地面都掀起来。   3. The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.   这支武装部队已发动进攻要夺回失去的阵地。   4. On her own ground she knows exactly what she"s doing.   她在自己熟悉的领域里对自己的行为有十足的把握。   5. The president said he had no intention of deploying ground troops.   总统称并不打算部署地面部队。   6. The knife stuck in the ground at his feet.   刀扎在了他脚边的地上。   7. The scientists conducted two aerial surveys followed by two ground surveys.   科学家们在两次地面勘测后又进行了两次空中勘测。   8. Dig over any ground that is clear of crops and plants.   把没种庄稼和植物的土地都深翻一遍。   9. The elevator creaked to a halt at the ground floor.   电梯嘎吱一声停在了一层。   10. Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground.   凯文总是头脑冷静,脚踏实地。   11. The blast caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows.   爆炸造成了巨大的破坏,震碎了一楼的窗户。   12. The beans are then ground and packaged for sale as ground coffee.   然后那些咖啡豆被磨碎,包装好作为咖啡粉出售。   13. There are strong signs that his views are gaining ground.   各种明显的迹象显示他的观点越来越受欢迎。   14. She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house.   她带他参观了这处空房子的底楼。   15. The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.   __右翼组织在国家政治中逐渐获得越来越广泛的支持。 ground相关 文章 : 1. ground的短语有哪些 2. ground的用法和短语例句

ground water是sci吗

Groundwater 影响因子1.947 是SCI哈

Unit Groundwater and Aquifers: Definitions

Groundwater,or subsurface water,is a term used to denote all the w aters found beneath the surface of the ground. How ever,the groundw ater hydrologist is primarily concerned w ith the w ater contained in the zone of saturation and uses the term groundw ater to denote w ater in this zone. In drainage of agricultural lands,or agronomy ,the term groundw ater is sometimes used also to denote the w ater in the partially saturated layers above the w ater table. Practically all groundw ater can be thought of as part of the hydrologic cycle ( Figure 2. 1 ) . Very small amounts,how ever,may enter the cycle from other sources ( e. g. ,magmatic w ater) .Figure 2. 1 Schematic diagram of hydrologic cycleAn aquifer is a geologic formation,or a group of formations,w hich ① contains w ater and ② permits significant amounts of water to move through it under ordinary field conditions. Other terms often used are: groundwater reservoir ( or basin ) and water-bearing zone ( or formation) . Todd in 1959 traced the term aquifer to its latin origin: aqui comes from aqua, meaning w ater,and -fer,from ferre,to bear.In contradistinction,an aquiclude is a formation w hich may contain w ater ( sometimes in appreciable quantities) ,but is incapable of transmitting significant quantities under ordinary field conditions. A clay layer is an example of an aquiclude. For all practical purposes,an aquiclude is considered an impervious formation.An aquitard is a geologic formation w hich is of a semipervious nature: it transmits w ater at a very low rate compared to the aquifer. How ever,over a large ( horizontal) area, it may permit the passage of large amounts of w ater betw een adjacent aquifers w hich it separates from each other. It is often referred to as a semipervious formation or a leaky formation.An aquifuge is an impervious formation w hich neither contains nor transmits w ater.That portion of the rock formation w hich is not occupied by solid matter is the void space ( or pore space) . In general,the void space may contain in part a liquid phase ( water) ,and in part a gaseous phase ( air) . Only connected interstices can act as elementary conduits w ithin the formation. Interstices may range in size from huge limestone caverns to minute subcapillary openings in w hich w ater is held primarily by adhesive forces. The interstices of a rock formation can be grouped in tw o classes: original interstices ( mainly in sedimentary and igneous rocks) created by geologic processes at the time the rock w as formed,and secondary interstices, mainly in the form of fissures,joints,and solution passages developed after the rock w as formed. ( Source: Bear,1979)水文地质专业英语水文地质专业英语

表示地下水的两个词 groundwater和underground 有什么区别?

ground water:地下水,基础;潜水 underground water:地下水;坑内水



i knew you were trouble Ian Ball为什么没有歌词

once upon a time在很久很久之前 a few mistakes ago当一切都是无容置疑的时候i was in your sights我在你的视线里you got me alone只身一人you found me you found me, you found me你寻寻觅觅地找到了我,是的,你找到了我 i guess you didn"t care,让我猜猜看,你一定毫不在乎and i guess i liked that再让我思索一下,你的毫不在乎是我喜欢上你的理由and when i fell hard我深陷了有你的爱河里 you took a step back可你却不是原地等我,而是往后退步without me without me, without me离我而去,没错,你离我而去and he"s long gone他的心永不属我,千里之外when he"s next to me即使他不过近在咫尺and i realize我蓦然忆起 MV截图the blame is on me所有问题的差错都在我身上 cuz i knew you were trouble when you walked in当你降临于我的生活时,我就知道你是我无法躲避的劫难so shame on me now现在只能深深地埋怨自己you flew me to places i"ve never been你带我私奔,流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际till you put me down oh直至你狠狠地将我推下沼泽任我下坠i knew you were trouble when you walked in当你走近我生活的那一刻,我就知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱so shame on me now现在只能深深地埋怨自己you flew me to places i"ve never been你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景now i"m lying on the cold hard ground而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面 oh oh trouble trouble trouble劫难,陷阱,无法躲避oh oh trouble trouble trouble劫难,陷阱,无法逃避 no apologies,没有半句道歉 he"ll never see you cry他永远不会懂得你的哭泣pretend he doesn"t know,装作未曾发生,毫不知情that he"s the reason why他就是你哭泣至天明的原因you"re drowning, you"re drowning, you"re drowning让你窒息、沉溺heard you moved on,听说你移情别恋,将对你的挚爱甩开脑后from whispers on the street人们在大街小巷八卦地讨论着a new notch in your belt is all i"ll ever be (*注)而我就仅仅是你闪地发亮的真皮皮带上的一个小孔罢了and now i see, now i see, now i see此刻,我如梦惊醒he was long gone他早已离开,毫不眷恋when he met me他遇到我时我能感觉到and i realize我清楚的意识到 the joke is on me 这是我对自己开的一个天大的笑话I knew you were trouble when you walked in当你悄无声息地踏入我生活的那一瞬,我便知道你是我无法躲避的噩耗so shame on me now只能傻傻地埋怨自己 MV截图you flew me to places i"ve never been你带我飞去,我不曾落足的边际till you put me down oh直至将我狠狠地推入沼泽地里i knew you were trouble when you walked in当你光顾我生活的那一刹那,我便知道你是我无法逃避的袭击so shame on me now只能傻傻地责怪自己you flew me to places i"ve never been你带我看遍,我不曾浏览的风景now i"m lying on the cold hard ground而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面 oh oh trouble trouble trouble劫难,陷阱,无法躲避oh oh trouble trouble trouble劫难,陷阱,无法逃避 and the saddest fear最悲伤的恐惧comes creeping in永无止尽地蔓延在我的脑海里that you never loved me, or her, or anyone你不曾爱过我,也不曾爱过她,亦或是任何人or anything, yeah 任何事情 I knew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我无法躲避的劫难so shame on me now所以错在自己you flew me to places i"ve never been你带我飞去,我不曾落足的角落till you put me down oh直至将我狠狠丢弃i knew you were trouble when you walked in当你走近我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱so shame on me now只能责怪自己you flew me to places i"ve never been你带我看遍,我不曾浏览的风景now i"m lying on the cold hard ground而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面 oh oh trouble trouble trouble劫难,陷阱,无法逃避 MV截图oh oh trouble trouble trouble劫难,陷阱,无法逃避 i knew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我的劫难trouble trouble trouble无法逃离,无法拒绝,无法躲避i knew you were trouble when you walked in当你走近我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我的陷阱trouble trouble trouble无法逃离,无法拒绝,无法躲避

英语新目标九年级Unit12 section B 4groupwork 怎么写啊 高分求救

please give us more content ,otherelse we cannont help you .

GATK - Read groups

运行GATK时,报错:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: samples cannot be empty 这个问题在GATK Forum有讨论到; IllegalArgumentException: samples cannot be empty Picard ValidateSamFile ValidateSamFile下有两种mode: VERBOSE : 检查到100个错误之后退出,并且输出错误到终端; SUMMARYL: 输出结果是一个表格,展示errors和warnings的数目; 问题在bam文件 MISSING_READ_GROUP;请自动屏蔽WARNING结果; bwa 比对使用参数-R bwa -R 参数的使用 英文原版查看 测序时: 样本建一个库在同一条lane上完成测序产生reads sets可定义为一个Read group; 样本建成分开独立的库测序得到的reads sets也就分属于不同的Read groups; 存在于SAM/BAM /CRAM 文件中Read groups是由一系列标签组成;这些标签代表着测序中的一些技术特征;有了这些数据之后,大家就可以对bam文件进行重复序列标识和碱基质量重新矫正。 GATK要求输入的bam文件包含Read groups,如果没有就会报错。 例子: GATk 要求read group的格式 u2003u2003Read group是@RG开始。 ID = Read group identifier u2003u2003每一个Read group独有的ID; u2003u2003Illumina 测序数据中,read group IDs由flowcell ,lane name 和number组成。 u2003u2003在矫正碱基质量时,read group IDs对区分技术批次效应是必须的;在这过程中,同一read group的reads假 定为有一样的技术误差。 PU = Platform Unit u2003u2003Platform Unit由三部分组成: {FLOWCELL_BARCODE}.{LANE}.{SAMPLE_BARCODE} u2003u2003{FLOWCELL_BARCODE} refers to the unique identifier for a particular flow cell; u2003u2003The {LANE} indicates the lane of the flow cell ; u2003u2003The {SAMPLE_BARCODE} is a sample/library-specific identifier; u2003u2003GATK 使用时,PU不是必须要求的;但是PU与ID同时存在时,PU优先级高于ID。 SM = Sample u2003u2003reads属于的样品名;SM要设定正确,因为GATK产生的VCF文件也使用这个名字。 PL = Platform/technology used to produce the read u2003u2003测序使用的平台: ILLUMINA, SOLID, LS454, HELICOS and PACBIO。 LB = DNA preparation library identifier u2003u2003对一个read group的reads进行重复序列标记时,需要使用LB来区分reads来自那条lane;有时候,同一个库可能在不同的lane上完成测序;为了加以区分,同一个或不同库只要是在不同的lane产生的reads都要单独给一个ID。 从read names中提取ID与PU 例子-Multi-sample and multiplexed example 三个样品:MOM, DAD, KID; 建库:每个样品分别建两个库,一个insert为200bp,一个insert为400bp; 上机:每个测序库使用Illumina HiSeq的 两条lane; reads:来自 3 x 2 x 2 = 12条lane,可以产生12个bam文件,结果如下: 参考: Read groups Picard 从零开始完整学习全基因组测序(WGS)数据分析:第4节 构建WGS主流程

以Chinese Around the World 为题目的英语作文

全世界的中国人China is casting such a huge shadow on the United States that many Americans are scrambling to learn the Chinese language in a bid to retain their competitive edge."Interest in learning Chinese among American youth and their parents has grown dramatically in the past five years," said Vivien Stewart, vice president at the Asia Society, a US group trying to bridge the gap between Americans and the peoples of Asia and the Pacific.China"s dramatic rise to near superpower status and its tellingeffects politically, economically and culturally are driving the interest to learn the language, experts say.From kindergartens to high schools, studies by the Asia Society show, there is a "rapid rise" in interest among pupils to study the Chinese language."The Chinese rich cultural traditions and blossoming economy mean that is now essential for all of our students to be better prepared to engage them and seize opportunities together," said Michael Levine, Asia Society"s executive director of education.A 2004 College Board survey found that 2,400 high schools -- an incredibly high number -- would be interested in offering the Advanced Placement (AP) courses in Chinese language and culture when the courses become available in 2006.China, the world"s most populous nation, is critical to the United States because it is a leading trader, consumer and investor. Its political influence is also rising across the globe.It has replaced the United States as the world"s largest consumer and could become the second largest economy in the world, after the United States, in the next two to three decades.America"s huge budget deficit, economists say, is being bankrolled by China to the tune of one billion dollars per day through its purchase of US Treasury bills -- 200 billion dollars last year and possibly as much as 300 billion dollars already this year.Even though the US State Department has designated the Chinese language "critical" to national prosperity and security, the "current infrastructure to support recruitment of students and teachers as well as the growth of high quality programs is woefully inadequate," an Asia Society study says.The Society has set a target of having at least five percent of American high school students learning Chinese by 2015."Millions of Chinese are learning English, but only 24,000 Americans are learning Chinese," said Andrew Corcoran of the San Francisco-based Chinese American International School, the oldest Mandarin "immersion" program in the country.The most popular languages after English in US schools at present are Spanish and French. Japanese is the most-sought-after Asian language. 双语对照例句:1.As chinese around the world grieved for the victims of the quake, official newsreports indicated that the casualties may now include relief workers. 正当世界各地的中国人哀悼地震死难者之际,官方媒体报导,死难者现在还包括救援人员。

求Donald where is your trousers的歌词

苏格兰民谣I just down from the Isle of Skye I"m no very big but I"m awful shy All the lassies shout as I walk by, "Donald, Where"s Your Trousers?" Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low Through the streets in my kilt I go All the lassies cry, "Hello! Donald, where"s your trousers?" I went to a fancy ball It was slippery in the hall I was afeared that I may fall Because I nay had on trousers I went down to London town To have a little fun in the underground All the Ladies turned their heads around, saying, "Donald, where"s your trousers?" The lassies love me every one But they must catch me if they can You canna put the breeks on a highland man, saying, "Donald, where"s your trousers?"

around the world in eight hours这篇课文的英文

Good news!A new called "eight hours to travel around the world" educational cd-rom game just to come out.This sounds very interesting,isn"t it?This type of CD can not only help you learn English can help you learn geography knowledge.She is by Nancy Jackson of the design.Yes,she is the children favorite called "online traveler" CD designer. Of this wonderful new main character of the game is "itch feet." He is 13 years old and likes to travel.One day,he was lying on the lawn,and look at the beautiful blue sky,imperceptibly asleep and had a strange dream. In his dream he saw a golden clouds.In this little cloud that read:welcome,traveler.See those with the different color of the big clouds?When you answer to a question,you will get a portion.When you acquire enough points,a cloud will decline brought you to a place you"ve never been to.Are you ready?Let"s go! When you play this game,you will play the role of itch feet.The game has eight levels,and finish each level will cost you an hour.If you are smart,you will be in eight hours to travel around the world! This type of CD-ROM can through the test your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary to help you learn English.Every time you get to a new place,on your screen you will see a lot of information about the place.For example,when you get to London,you will understand the British museum and some other interesting places.Every time you pass a level,you will see a map of the world.Before you visit place will be on this map marked with bright purple.That when you through the eight levels after what you"ll see?Well,this is the need to find out! This game is simply the best a one.You will like it very much.In all the computer stores and bookstore you can buy.In it before buying it quickly sold out .

求English around us作文,用作手抄报,急需,只要回答我就会提悬赏。

There"s about 1 000 students and 120 teachers in our school.The teachers work very hard and are strict with their students. It is they who teach the students how to be useful persons. All the students are diligent. Even at night, the c]assrooms are as bright as in the day time. Every year, our school sends many students to co]leges for their further study. Our school is beautiful. Our teaching building is surrounded with trees and flowers. Now another building is being built and soon we will have our lessons in it. Our playground is the largest one among those of all the schools in the city. I"m lucky to study in such a good school and I am proud of our school.希望能帮到你,望采纳。

around the world歌词,注意是首儿童歌!

HELLO TO ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLDHello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias,G"day, Guten tag, Konichiwa,Ciao, Ni Xao, Sawadeeka,Hello to all the children of the world!We live in different places from all around the world,We speak in many different ways -Though some things might be different, we"re children just the same,And we all like to sing and play.Hello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias,G"day, Guten tag, Konichiwa,Ciao, Ni Xao, Sawadeeka,Hello to all the children of the world!There are children in the deserts, and children in the towns,And children who live down by the sea.If we could meet each other, to run and sing and play,Then what good friends we all could be.Hello (English) Guten tag (German)Bonjour (French) Konichiwa (Japanese)Buenos dias (Spanish) Ciao (Italian)G"day (Australian) Ni Xao (Chinese)Sawadeeka (Thai) Namaste (Hindi)Shalom (Hebrew) Dobrey Dyen (Russian)

english around the world60词初中作文

With the developing of economic and technology,English is more and more important,especially in communication.As everybody known,English is playing the most important role in the economic gobalization.Any country must be open to others in order to make more interests,and at that time,English is the necessity to communicate as a basic tool.Nowadays,technological advances are improving day by day,and we must have the ability to know the new things,so English is helpful to academic exchanges,which can enhance our competitiveness .At present,more and more people are learning English as the second language,and English is the most popular language all over the world ,which prove its importance in daily life around the world.

关于English around the world 的英语演讲稿 急需一篇这样的作文

As everyone knows,english is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. If we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed. i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great intrests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english. i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us. i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well. i am sure that i will realize my dream one day! thank you!

Although English is not as old as Chinese, it is spoken by many people around the world every d...

小题1:B小题2:B小题3:C小题4:C 试题分析:本文介绍英语中的词汇的来历,举了汉堡包的例子,说明我们可以了解一些单词的来历是很有趣的事情。小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:Although English is not as old as Chinese,可知英语没有汉语那么古老。选B小题2:细节题:从第二段的:One of these Americans owned a restaurant, and had an idea. He cooked some round pieces of beef like what the men from Hamburger ate.可知汉堡包原来是牛肉做的。选B小题3:细节题:从最后一段的句子:The reason may be found in any large English dictionary.可知选 C小题4:细节题:从第二段举的例子可知汉堡包来自于从Hamburger 来的人带到美国的牛肉。选C 点评:这篇文章结构 清晰,提出话题—举例—总结,对于细节题的考查很细致,考生要注意迅速抓住关键句子。

English is a language that many people around the


翻译:世界各地很多人讲英语English_____ _____ by a lot of people around the world.

miss since is fartold at allunder controlto buy for

各位大虾:Around China 和Around the world以及English classroon分别是什么电视节目?敬请赐教。

1.Around China 是CCTV9的一个电视节目,介绍中国各个地方的美景和少数名族的特色,中文是"走遍中国".2.你说的Around the world应该是英国广播公司的节目,《BBC 八十天环游地球》(BBC Around The World In 80 Days,主要介绍世界各地的奇观异景.3.english classroom是疯狂英语里面的一个节目.你说的答语是指别人对你说圣诞快乐你应该怎么回答是吗?如果对方直接说Merry Christmas,你就一样回答他Merry Christmas.如果说Wish you a merry christmas,你可以说Thank you,the same to you.

English is a language spoken all around the world


急需外研版初三英语 Module9 unit2 课文原文《Who owns English?》和 Around the world 急需呀!!

english around the worldBatman and Spiderman are two of the most famous American car toons.Batman os older tahn Spiderman.The first Batman cartoon appeare in 1939.Batman is one of the few cartoon heroes who have appeared in books since 1940. Spiderman was created a little more recently.Spiderman first appeared in comic books in 1962.In 1977, he appeared in daily newspapers.The Spiderman cartoon has been in over 500 different newspapers around world. Like Batman,Spiderman was also made into a television proramme and was cery successful.Both of them have been made into films,which helped to popularise them more widely,especially among children.Many try to imitate them.When they can"t fly,like Batman,they might try to walk on walls or even try to climb up them.Butthe main thing they should try to learn from Batman or Spiderman is to do good things for people,to help those who are unhappy or in trouble.

人教版高中英语必修1《Unit 2 English around the world》教案

  人教版高中英语必修1《Unit 2 English around the world》教案【一】   教学准备   教学目标   Words   base, command, request, recognize   Expressions   because of, come up, at present, make use of, such as, play a part (in)   Patterns   u2026because of that, English began to b spoken in many other countries.   Actually all languages change and developu2026   The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling.   教学重难点   ■ To help students get to know about English development   ■ To help students better understand “learning English”   ■ To help students understand and use some important words and expressions   ■ To help students identify examples of Indirect Speech (II): request & commands in the text   教学工具   课件   教学过程   ⑴Warming up by listing   Good morning, class. We have been learning English for several years. But how many English-speaking countries are there in the world? Now letu2019s make a list of them on the blackboard.   English Countries Explanation   Mother tongue the United Kingdom   the United States of America   Canada   Australia   South Africa   Ireland   New Zealand The people in these countries are native speakers of English. In total, for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue.   Second language India   Pakistan   Nigeria   the Philippines These people speak the language of their own country at home but the language of the government, schools, newspapers, and TV is English.   Foreign language China   Germany   France   etc. The number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million.   ⑵Warming up by answering questions about English   Good morning, class. Today we shall start learning Unit 2 English around the world. But how much do you know about English?   ●What is Standard English?   Standard English is the form of English that most people in Britain use, and that is not limited to one area or group of people.   ●What is a dialect?   A dialect is a variety of a language spoken only in one area, in which words, or grammar are slightly different from other forms of the same language.   ●Do we have standard Chinese? What is it?   In China thereu2019re so many dialects that the government encourages the whole nation to speak Putonghua, which is regarded as standard Chinese.   ⑶Warming up by giving reasons   Unit 2 English around the world is what we are going to learn today. We are all learning English now because English is so popular in the world. But do you know why it is so? How many reasons could you giving for the spread of English around the world?   * English is one of the official languages of the Olympic Games and the United Nations.   * English dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology.   * Tourism and trade from Western Europe and North America has contributed to the spread of English.   * Satellite TV, radio programs like Joy FM, CDs and, of course, Hollywood films all broadcast English into China. Also, a number of Chinese films include English subtitles.   2.Pre-reading   We are learning English here. But why are we learning it? Could you suggest to the class as many reasons as you can think of, why people in the world learn English?   for work, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the Internet, to pass exams, etc.   Go on with your reasons. I shall write your suggestions on the board as you make them.   3. Skimming the text for general ideas   Now we go to page 9 to skim the text for the main idea of each paragraph.   Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the world   Paragraph 2: Native speaker can understand each other even if they donu2019t speak the same kind of English.   Paragraph 3: English changes and develops when cultures meet and communicate with each other.   Paragraph 4: By the 19th century English is settled.   Paragraph 5: English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in South Asia.   4. Reading and filling   Read the text to complete the chart below.   Time English is influenced byu2026   AD 450-1150 German   1150-1500 French   In the 1600u2019s Shakespeare, who make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before   By the 19th century Samuel Johnson, Noah Webster   Now Languages in South Asia, in Singapore, in Malaysia, in Africa and in China   5. Reading and copying   Next we shall go over the text once more. This time try find and copy all the useful expressions down in your notebook.   Useful expressions   at the end ofu2026, make voyages, speak English asu2026, in the next century, change over time, communicate withu2026, be based onu2026, at present, become less likeu2026, rule England, enrich the English language, make use ofu2026, move tou2026, later in the 18th century, give a separate identity tou2026, have a very large number ofu2026, fluent English speakers, become the language foru2026, develop oneu2019s own identity, increase rapidly   人教版高中英语必修1《Unit 2 English around the world》教案【二】   教学准备   教学目标   Teaching aims:   1) Get the students to master some important words, phrases and sentence patterns.   2) Enable the students to use the language points by themselves.   教学重难点   Teaching important points:   Master the usages of “more than , come up, over, be based on, present, a/ the number of”   Teaching difficult points:   present: v adj   教学工具   课件   教学过程   1 Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?   more than one 不止一个   eg:   More than one girl in this school holds such a view.   more than one 后跟___________,作主语时,谓语动词要用______。   more than   1). more than +num(数词) :over   She showed the visitors around the museum,_______________________________   ___________________________________________(其建造花了3年多时间)   2)more than +n: not only   Music is more than just a sound--- itu2019s a way of thinking.   3) more than +adj/v : very   听到这个消息我很高兴。   ____________________________________.   4) more A than B 与其说B倒不如说A   与其说他聪明倒不如说他勤奋。   ________________________________.   2. Yes . Iu2019d like to come up to your apartment.   come up   1)走近,靠近   练一练:   他走近我问我去车站的路。   ___________________________________________________________.   (2)(被)提出   In order to finish the task on time, a good piece of advice came up at the meeting.   误区警示:come up 作“被提出”讲时是不及物动词短语,不能用被动语态。   拓展:   (1)Can you tell me how the accident came about?_____   (2)I came across my old classmate in the street.______   (3)The authoru2019s new book will came out next week.________   (4)My dream has at last come true._______   (5)The doctor came up with a good idea at the meeting._____   3 So why has English changed over time?   Over: during   在过去的几年间,我的家乡发生了巨大的改变。   ____________________________________________________________.   The girls sing songs over their work   4 It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.   base: vt 建于u2026之上;以u2026为基础   用法:base A on B   A be based on B   One should always base his opinion on facts.   变为被动:___________________________________________________________.   Exercise:   她的结论是建立在科学研究的基础上的   _____________________________________________________________.   教学是以科学为基础的一门艺术。   Teaching is an art __________________________________.   at present =at the moment   o Mother is busy preparing dinner at present.   present (adj.)   1) 现在的,目前的,可作前置定语   目前的形势________________________   2)出席的,在场的,可作后置定语和表语   出席的人们:__________________________   他出席了昨天的会议。   ____________________________________________________.   所有出席会议的人都同意我的计划。   _____________________________________________.   o present (n.) 礼物=gift   o present (vt.)   present v.赠送,提出,展现,   present sb. with sth.或present sth. to sb.   把u2026赠送给,颁发,授予   Eg. On his birthday, his friends____________________________(送给他一本书)   ◆ 即学即练   根据括号中的汉语提示完成下列句子。?   (1)How many people _______________ (出席)at the meeting?   (2)The experts ___________________ (出席会议的)were from different parts of the world.?   (3)What is your_________________ (现在的住址)??   (4)The mayor ____________ (颁发) a silver cup to the winner next week.?   (5)What are you busy doing_______________ (目前)?   (6)He gave his mother__________ (一件礼物).?   5. For example, India has a very large number of fluent English speakers .   Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.   a number of 许多,后接______ 名词,作主语时谓语动词用_____.   The number of u2026的数量,后接_____ 名词,作主语时谓语动词用______.   1)去年许多人失业了。   _____________________________________________.   2)出国的人的数量正在增加。   ___________________________________________.   随堂检测:单句填空   1 The film ___________(base) on a novel by Lu xun.   2 _________(actual), I am busy at the moment.   3 Many people believe the English _________(speak) on TV and on the radio is standard English.   4 The number of students _________(pass) the exam _____(be) increasing rapidly.   单句改错:   1 She came up a new idea a new idea at the meeting.   2 More than one person are against the plan.   3 I am sorry he is out at the present.   4 Basing on facts, the novel sells well.   Translation   1 对于一个中国人来说,把英语说得和说英语的本地人一样流利是不容易的。   2 一个原因就是英语的词汇量很大。   3去西方国家学英语的人数快速增加。   4很多人尽力充分利用每个机会说英语。   5我们都知道,说得越多,就越流利。:   连句成篇: 用上面的句子,根据以下的提示写一篇小短文   对于中国人来说u2026u2026. 一个原因是u2026u2026. 为了更好的学好英语,近年来u2026u2026此外u2026u2026. 因为众所周知u2026u2026   Homework   Write a passage using the words ,phrases and sentence patterns that we have learn.

以English Around the World为题目的英语作文


English around the world 这个怎么翻译好呢?

English around the world=English (which is)around the world.around the world 是后置定语修饰English,直译过来就是围绕全球的英语.

无线网络模式wireless router Access Point WDS WDS+AP WDS+ROUTER WDS+AP+Router 这些有些什麽功


无线路由器的无线模式设为Wireless router好还是Access point好?

用什么好主要是看实际应用中的需求,我个人经验,早期用Access point多一些,功能如同交换机或Hub,现在基本上是用Wireless router,那就是一个路由器,功能也多多了,如地址转换等等。

滚石Through The Lonely Night的歌词是什么

Angie-The Rolling Stones 安琪(滚石)作者:孤魂野鬼 QQ:31329448Angie,Angie ! 安琪,安琪!When will those dark clouds disappear ? 这些乌云何时才会消散?Angie,Angie ! 安琪,安琪!Where will it lead us from here ? 它会把我们带到何处?With no loving in our souls.当我们的灵魂里没有爱。And no money in our coats.且身无分文。U can"t say we"re satisfied.你不能说我们过得很好。But Angie,Angie,U can"t say we never tried.但安琪,别说我们从未努力过。Angie,U"re beautiful.安琪,你真美。But ain"t it time we said goodbye ? 但我们是不是该说再见了?Angie,I still love U.安琪,我依然爱你。Remember all those nights we cried.记住我俩哭泣的那些夜晚。All the dreams we held so close.我们曾经紧紧把握住的梦想。Seemed to all go up in smoke.似乎都已随烟雾飘散Let me whisper in Ur ear.让我在你耳旁低语。Angie,Angie ! 安琪,安琪!Where will it lead us from here ? 它会把我们带到何处?Oh,Angie,don"t U weep.安琪,不要哭泣。All Ur kisses still taste sweet.你的吻依然甜美。I hate that sadness in Ur eyes.我不喜欢你眼里流露的哀伤。But Angie,Angie,ain"t it time we said goodbye ? 但安琪我们是不是该说分手了?With no loving in our souls.当我们的灵魂里没有爱。And no money in our coats.且身无分文。U can"t say we"re satisfied.你不能说我们过得很好。But angie,I still love U baby ! 但安琪,我依然爱你,宝贝!Ev"ry where I look I see Ur eyes.我无论在哪都能看到你的双眼。There ain"t a woman that comes close 2 U.没有别的女子能和你相比。Come on,baby,dry Ur eyes.别这样,宝贝,擦干眼泪But Angie,Angie,ain"t it good 2 be alive ? 安琪,活着不是很好吗?Angie,Angie,they can"t say we never tried.安琪,他们不能说我们不曾努力过。

求round and round 歌词 NE-YO唱的那个

round and roundno, i don"t understand your cynical waysall the things that you saywill just come back to youyou spit on lifeas if you though you couldn"t careyou keep spitting on lifebut don"t you knowthat will just bring you downand i don"t understand the faces you fakeall the things that you hatewill just come back to youyou could probably sayit would happen anywayyou could probably say itcause it don"t bother youit"s a crimethink about itand stop acting like a foolyes, it"s timecan"t ignore itthink about the things you doround and roundand up and down againthrough and throughround and roundand one is twoenough is enoughyou know bad karma will just come back to youwhen will you understand the people you hurt?don"t you know that those wordswill just come back to youyou would probably saythat they"re hurting anywayyou could probably say itwhy don"t it bother youit"s a crimeliving your lifewithout ever looking downat the ground, at the flowersyeah, that you keep stepping onand maybe you should noticethat they"ve done nothing to youor you might find out somedaywhen things turn upside downand those flowers step on youround and roundand up and down againthrough and throughround and roundand one is twoenough is enoughround and roundand up and down againthrough and throughround and roundand one is twoand coming back to youenough is enoughwhy won"t you understand?that i"ve had enoughand i"ve taken all i canand why do you doall of the things that you do?yes, i want youi want you to understandthat enough is enoughyou know bad karma will just come back to you

drunk driving is a dangerous offence什么意思


whisper say my name, that light trouble from you

High - Sivik

跪求英语高手回答:sip her tea through pursed lips


地面破裂和变形Ground Cracking and Deformation

现场调查发现,5.12汶川大地震在龙门山断裂带沿线产生了大量地表破坏,主要体现在发震断裂处的挤压和走滑破裂、山体失稳引起的地面变形、路堤滑塌引起的路面缺失或开裂、地表结构物差异运动引起的各类破坏等。地震波的传播受到地层与岩性、构造与岩体结构、地形地貌、地表水体、植被等因素的影响,不同类型的大量地表破裂显然是开展地震灾害防灾和减灾工作的前提条件,同时它们也是研究和发现强震作用下地表响应规律的重要现象。路面拉裂Tensile failure in asphalt pavement都江堰市高原村因断裂活动导致的地面剧烈抬升变形Dramatic deformation in Gaoyuan Village,Dujiangyan City caused by the activity of faultSite inspections found that Wenchuan Earthquake caused tremendous ground cracking and deformation along Longmenshan fault zones.A majority of the ground damages were compressive and shearing cracking in the ground along the quake faulting belt,ground deformation due to the slope instability,pavement losing and and tensile fracturing due to collapses and landslides of road embankments,and other damages caused by differential movements of ground structures.The propagation of seismic waves was affected by many factors including strata and lithology,tectonic and rock mass structures,topography and geomorphology,water bodies and vegetations.Consequently,the large amount of different types of ground cracking and deformation are the pre-conditions for undertaking reconstruction works to prevent and mitigate earthquake damages.They are also the factual data with great importance to investigate and understand the actual ground response mechanisms under strong ground quaking.都江堰-映秀公路震陷变形Subsidence in Dujianyan-Yingxiu highway due to ground quaking公路震陷拉裂的漩口Tensile opening in pavement of Xuankou highway due to quake subsidence去映秀的岷江边便道(其上为以被滑坡体掩埋的原公路)Temporary road on Mingjiang river to Yingxiu town(the above is the original highway but was buried by landslide debris)映秀路上山体崩塌破坏了原来的公路The original highway to Yingxiu town was blocked by rock avalanche blocks地震作用下拱桥路面的挤压破裂Quaking induced compressive fracturing in pavements around arch bridges5.12汶川地震地质灾害安县秀水镇城北桥头桥面隆起Bridge deck upheaval at north of Xiushui town in Anxian小鱼镇路面右旋张剪性裂纹,走向N25°EPavement cracking in Xiaoyu town:crack striking N25°E小鱼镇公路地震断层现象Earthquake faulting in road pavement in Xiaoyu town崩塌破坏及路基外侧下沉Rock avalanche damage and subsidence of embankment toward adjacent gully纵向开裂路面和垮塌的路基挡土墙Longitudinal pavement cracking and collapse of road retaining wall都汶公路沿线路面的挤压隆起及破裂Ground compression induced bulging and fracturing in draingage channel and pavement on Dujiangyan-Wenchuan highway路基挡土墙滑塌引起的路面缺失和开裂Collapse and cracks in road pavement due collapse of embankment retaining wall路面隆起Upheaved road surface路面破损Scathing road路面坍塌Embankment fall

英语作文带翻译Happiness is around us怎么写

While some people think that happiness is something faraway from us, I believe that it lives with us as long as we learn how to discover and maintain it. The whole world as well as its fabulous changes are the main source of happiness. The change in seasons helps us to have different activities in different time. We can go hiking in spring, go swimming in summer, go picnicking in autumn, and go skiing in winter. Those activities allow us to spend joyful times with our friends and share communal interests.其实你要多少字?

radical 跟 functional group 有什么区别?

radical 不一定是functional group,比如烷基functional group 也不一定是radical,比如酯基



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电脑开机时说Group Police Client服务未能登录,拒绝访问是怎


windows无法连接到group policy client服务会影响使用吗

不少win7系统用户在开机时遇到错误提示而无法进入桌面。针对最近很多用户遇到开机收到错误提示”Group Policy Client服务未能登陆。拒绝访问。”的问题,经过对实际案例的分析,发现问题发生之前,用户都有使用第三方程序对系统进行清理或优化操作,这里建议大家可以尝试进入安全模式创建一个新帐户或者尝试以下联想技术知识库中的方案:目前此类用户特征如下:1. 多存在于OEM (品牌电脑随机自带系统)系统中;2. 多在问题触发前使用过360安全卫士或者电脑管家进行系统清理及优化或更新补丁;3. 多在问题触发前访问过特殊站点或使用特殊软件联想技术知识库提供的解决方案:部分用户反馈,Win7系统登陆时提示group policy client服务未能登录,拒绝访问。此问题是某些第三方应用修改了用户配置文件的权限导致,可以通过添加权限解决:解决方案一:1.开机后不停点击F8按键,在弹出的”高级启动选项”中使用键盘上的方向箭头中的向下箭头移动白色高亮条,选择”安全模式”,敲击回车键。进入安全模式后,选择之前出现问题的账户登陆,此时会发现可以正常登陆,进入桌面后,下载本文档附件中的脚本文件,使用WinRAR或其它解压软件将文件解压完成;3.稍等1分钟左右,脚本运行完成后系统会自动重启;4.正常进入系统使用保存时文件类型选择“所有文件”,文件名为*.bat后缀文件,名称随便,然后回到上面的步骤继续操作。解决方案二:1、用户开机时,不停点击F8按键,在弹出的”高级启动选项”中使用键盘上的方向箭头中的向下箭头移动白色高亮条,选择”安全模式”,敲击回车键。2、进入安全模式界面时,记录用户电脑需要登录的用户名(即出现问题,无法登录的用户名)(例如:administrator)注:如果用户电脑无法进入安全模式,则建议用户备份数据后一键恢复或者使用光盘重新安装操作系统。3、进入安全模式后,找到C:windowsregedit.exe,双击regedit文件,打开”注册表编辑器”。(或者点击开始菜单,然后在”开始搜索”中输入regedit,然后点击搜索出来的”regedit.exe”)4、在注册表编辑器中,找到” HKEY_CURRENT_USER”,右键点击此项在弹出的菜单中选择”权限”在弹出的权限界面中,点击”添加”按钮在”输入对象名称来选择(E)”下面输入刚才记录的用户登录名,点击确定;注:从此步操作开始,需要执行两次,具体请看第5步说明返回权限窗口,检查”组或用户名”中会多出一个用户,并且此用户处于选中状态;在”权限”窗口的”完全控制”后面的小方块中,用鼠标左键点击,打上勾;点击确定按钮。5、同样的方法,添加用户”system”,并设置完全控制权限。(如在第4步同时添加两个用户的话,可以再输入用户名称是使用分号(;)隔开。设置权限时,请注意,务必保证新添加的账户都要设置完全控制权限。)6、重新启动电脑,并选择自己的账户登录即可。

Windows无法连接到Group Policy Client服务,此问题阻止受限用户登录系统。


为什么我的电脑开不了机,显示Group PolicyClient是什么原因?

“group policy client”服务用于应用由这台计算机的管理员或者其他用户通过组策略组件配置的设置。如果该服务被停止或禁用,相关设置将无法被应用,并且应用程序和组件也将无法继续通过组策略进行管理,同时任何依赖组策略组件的应用程序或者计算机都将可能无法正常工作。该服务默认自动运行,如果没有使用帐户保护机制,并且该计算机没有位于企业网络中,那么就可以禁用该服务。 解决方法:方法1:(这个方法我试用,是不可行,不知道其他人试过之后有没有办法用)(1)开机按F8(或从光盘启动)-修复计算机-命令提示符,输入:reg load hklmabc c:windowssystem32configsystem(2)键入regedit打开注册表HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEabcCurrentControlSet1servicesgpsvc下将start的数据设为2(3)卸载配置单元 reg unload Hklmabc(4)重启计算机,正常登陆。 方法2:(这个方法可以使用,但是文件名会有所不同,不一定s-1-5-21-.....1000文件,我那个是500,bak文件我那个文件里面也没有。)(1)开机按F8-修复计算机-命令提示符(或从光盘启动-修复计算机-命令提示符)输入:reg load "hklmoffline software" c:windowssystem32configsoftware(2)键入regedit打开注册表依次找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEoffline SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionProfileList下在s-1-5-21打头的项中根据HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEoffline SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionProfileList记下其sid,通常是2个: s-1-5-21-......1000和s-1-5-21-....1000.bak,保留s-1-5-21-....1000.bak删除s-1-5-21-......1000ProfileImagePath找不能登录的用户名(这一步是关键,我的是管理员用户Administrator用户登录不了。所以把HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEoffline SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionProfileList中的s-1-5-21....500(我的是500)中userAdministrator的文件删除,这个跟网上的答案有所不同,要看是哪个你登录不了的帐户(3)卸载配置单元 reg unload "hklmoffline software"(4)重启计算机,即可正常登录。方法3:(这个方法试过是不行的。)更改用户组开机F8键进安全模式,点击开始菜单>>右键点击“计算机”>>“管理”>>“本地用户和组”>>“用户”>>右键“administrator”>> “属性”>>把“帐户已禁用”前面的勾取消 >> 切换到用户“administrator”方法4:(这个方法是最不想试的)系统还原。


1. 确认网络连接是否正常,检查电脑是否能够连接到互联网。2. 确认 group policy client 服务是否已启动,可以在服务管理中找到该服务并尝试重新启动它。3. 检查系统是否更新到最新版本,如果没有,请尝试更新系统并重新启动电脑。4. 如果以上方法无效,可能需要运行系统文件检查器 SFC 或者使用系统还原来解决问题。这些操作可能需要管理员权限。5. 如果问题仍然无法解决,建议联系电脑厂商或者技术支持团队寻求帮助。

radical group是什么意思啊??


win7联想电脑开机显示Group policy client服务未能登录。拒绝访问。杂个恢复


group policy client 是什么?开机显示这个,进不去系统了…

group policy client 翻译过来是,“组策略客户端”,

Group policy client服务未能登录,拒绝访问。是什么问题


Group policy client服务未能登录,拒绝访问。是什么问题

进入安全模式win+r 输入regedit 打开注册表 找到:hkey-curreny-user 右键点击 看到"权限"点击,点添加看到“输入对名称来选择”在下面输入:administrator,确定回头再打开hkey-curreny-user,你会看到多一个用户了,点击我们刚新建的用户,把下面的“完全控制”勾起来了,确定,同样的方法,再增加一个用户“systme”,把下面的“完全控制”也打上勾,然后确定,重启电脑就可以了。我刚试过来,看起来有点复杂,操作起来很方便,我管用。希望对你有帮助。

group policy client 服务未能登陆。拒绝访问。是咋回事安全模式也进不去怎么能解决

系统有问题了。直接换个验证过的系统盘重装系统就行了,这样就可以全程自动、顺利解决 系统中group policy client 服务未能登陆,拒绝访问 的问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以的,且安装速度非常快。但关键是:要有兼容性好的(兼容ide、achi、Raid模式的安装)并能自动永久激活的、能够自动安装机器硬件驱动序的系统盘,这就可以全程自动、顺利重装系统了。方法如下: 1、U盘安装:用ultraiso软件,打开下载好的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),执行“写入映像文件”把U盘插到电脑上,点击“确定”,等待程序执行完毕后,这样就做好了启动及安装系统用的u盘,用这个做好的系统u盘引导启动机器后,即可顺利重装系统了; 2、硬盘安装:前提是,需要有一个可以正常运行的Windows系统,提取下载的ISO文件中的“*.GHO”和“安装系统.EXE”到电脑的非系统分区,然后运行“安装系统.EXE”,直接回车确认还原操作,再次确认执行自动安装操作。(执行前注意备份C盘重要资料!); 3、图文版教程:有这方面的详细图文版安装教程怎么给你?不能附加的。会被系统判为违规的。 重装系统的系统盘下载地址在“知道页面”右上角的…………si xin zhong…………有!望采纳!

Windows无法连接到Group Policy Client服务,怎么解决?


电脑开机时出现Group Policy Client怎么办?


高手来group policy client服务器未登录,拒绝访问.求解决方法和问题原因.主要是解决


电脑打开出现group policy client服务未登录。拒绝访问。怎么办

系统有问题了。直接换个验证过的系统盘重装系统就行了,这样就可以全程自动、顺利解决 系统出现服务未登录,拒绝访问 的问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以的,且安装速度非常快。但关键是:要有兼容性好的(兼容ide、achi、Raid模式的安装)并能自动永久激活的、能够自动安装机器硬件驱动序的系统盘,这就可以全程自动、顺利重装系统了。方法如下: 1、U盘安装:用ultraiso软件,打开下载好的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),执行“写入映像文件”把U盘插到电脑上,点击“确定”,等待程序执行完毕后,这样就做好了启动及安装系统用的u盘,用这个做好的系统u盘引导启动机器后,即可顺利重装系统了; 2、硬盘安装:前提是,需要有一个可以正常运行的Windows系统,提取下载的ISO文件中的“*.GHO”和“安装系统.EXE”到电脑的非系统分区,然后运行“安装系统.EXE”,直接回车确认还原操作,再次确认执行自动安装操作。(执行前注意备份C盘重要资料!); 3、图文版教程:有这方面的详细图文版安装教程怎么给你?不能附加的。会被系统判为违规的。 重装系统的系统盘下载地址在“知道页面”右上角的…………si xin zhong…………有!望采纳!

远程桌面至服务器显示请等候 Group Policy Client...

1.在开机或者重启计算机时,不停点击F8按钮,弹出“高级启动选项”窗口后,使用键盘上的上下方向箭头移动白色高亮条选中“安全模式”,然后按回车键。 2.登录出问题的用户账户,记录下用户名,我们下面会使用到。(例如: ekbtest) 3.如果无法进入安全模式,也许该试试一键恢复或者使用修复光盘修复操作系统。进入安全模式后,打开“开始-运行”,键入命令 regedit.exe,然后按回车键打开“注册表编辑器”。 4.在注册表编辑器中,找到 HKEY_CURRENT_USER,右击选择“权限”。 5.弹出权限对话窗后,单击“添加”按钮。 6.在“对象名称”一栏输入刚才记录的用户名,点击确定。 7.回到权限窗口,现在“组或用户名”中会多出一个用户 ekbtest,并且默认处于选中状态。单击勾选权限栏“完全控制”后面的复选框,然后按“确定”保存设置。 8.类似地,我们再添加一个名为“system”的用户,并设置完全控制权限。 9.然后退出注册表编辑器,重启计算机就OK了。天下数据--专业运营香港服务器、韩国服务器、美国服务器等等海外优质服务器!

电脑开机时出现GroupPolicyClient服务器未能登陆拒绝访问是怎么 我的是惠普 急急 谢啦


开机时显示Group policy Client 服务器未能登录怎么回事?

我也被这问题困扰了许久,现在解决了,且完美保住原来的东西。我之前win7装的是金山和QQ管家,才会出现问题的。即使照网上的说法删了注册表,是能重新进入,但桌面以前的东西全没了,并且更可恶的是过几天后开机还是会有同样的问题。亏得我之前在安全模式下备份一下桌面的东西,且在删注册表前将注册表导出备份,以前东西才保住。解决方法:1、开机,F8,进入安全模式。2、如果你是使用金山和QQ管家的,把金山和QQ管家卸载了(“开始”--“控制面板”--“程序和功能”里找)。装上360安全卫士和360杀毒。3、打开360安全卫士,体检下,杀下毒,修复漏洞,系统恢复,最重要找到“功能大全”--“开机加速”--点“一键优化”后,其下一行有个“一键恢复”,点它,选“系统默认状态”还原。4、重启,就行了,原来的东西都还在。可能大家会在‘装上360安全卫士和360杀毒"步骤上纠结,因为在安全模式下是不能上网的(我的是这样,其他人的就不知道了)。所以你要事先在电脑里有 360安全卫士和360杀毒 的exe。

Win7启动后出现Group Policy Client怎么处理

系统有问题了。直接换个验证过的系统盘重装系统就行了,这样就可以全程自动、顺利解决 win7系统中系统服务无法启动 的问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以的,且安装速度非常快。但关键是:要有兼容性好的(兼容ide、achi、Raid模式的安装)并能自动永久激活的、能够自动安装机器硬件驱动序的系统盘,这就可以全程自动、顺利重装系统了。方法如下: 1、U盘安装:用ultraiso软件,打开下载好的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),执行“写入映像文件”把U盘插到电脑上,点击“确定”,等待程序执行完毕后,这样就做好了启动及安装系统用的u盘,用这个做好的系统u盘引导启动机器后,即可顺利重装系统了; 2、硬盘安装:前提是,需要有一个可以正常运行的Windows系统,提取下载的ISO文件中的“*.GHO”和“安装系统.EXE”到电脑的非系统分区,然后运行“安装系统.EXE”,直接回车确认还原操作,再次确认执行自动安装操作。(执行前注意备份C盘重要资料!); 3、图文版教程:有这方面的详细图文版安装教程怎么给你?不能附加的。会被系统判为违规的。 重装系统的系统盘下载地址在“知道页面”右上角的…………si xin zhong…………有!望采纳!


哥们 你怎么办了 ?


应该是你的系统设置了登录密码,而你的机器GroupPolicyClient服务被禁用或者未能成功开启。  从系统的安全模式登陆 (1)“开始”—“控制面板”—“管理工具”,双击“服务”。 (2)右击Group policy client服务项,选择“属性”。  (3)在Group policy client属性窗口下,将启动类型设置为“自动”,点击“确定”即可。 如果在正常系统状态下不能修改该服务的启动,可进安全模式下尝试将该服务修改为“自动”,再不行,创建一个新的用户,设为管理员,用新用户登录,看看是不是已经不弹出这个警告了。这些方法都不行,只有恢复系统或者重装了。

windows10开机显示“windows无法连接Group policy client”怎么办?

系统使用过程中,会出现Windows无法连接到Group Policy Client服务的提示,那么遇到无法连接Group Policy Client该如何处理呢。解决方法如下:1、进入安全模式后,打开“开始-运行”,键入命令 regedit.exe,然后按回车键打开“注册表编辑器”。2、在注册表编辑器中,找到 HKEY_CURRENT_USER,右击选择“权限”。3、弹出权限对话窗后,单击“添加”按钮。4、在“对象名称”一栏输入刚才记录的用户名,点击确定。5、回到权限窗口,现在“组或用户名”中会多出一个用户 ekbtest,并且默认处于选中状态。单击勾选权限栏“完全控制”后面的复选框,然后按“确定”保存设置。6、类似地,我们再添加一个名为“system”的用户,并设置完全控制权限。7、然后退出注册表编辑器,重启计算机。现在问题应该解决了!进系统后提示Group Policy Client服务无法启动方法/步骤1键盘点击”Windows徽标键+R“打开“运行”,输入msconfig,打开系统配置。2在“常规”--“启动选择”中,选择正常启动。点击确定然后重启计算机。3此时问题应该已解决,在“运行”中输入services.msc检查效果。(其他系统并没测试)另外,注意用优化软件优化时,不要把Group Policy Client禁用。Group Policy Client服务设置仍然是灰色的,是因为当前使用非管理员用户登入。END注意事项用优化软件优化时,不要把Group Policy Clien服务禁用。

win7:开机时group policy client 服务未能登录 ,安全模式下也打不开,无法启动,求助啊


电脑开机出现Group policy Cient ,选择了安全模式也没用,,跪求大神解答

哥们 能不能进入安全系统 如果能 用下面的方法 如果不能就去重装系统吧 备份下资料 也很快的 这个方法可以解决这个问题。1、开机后,不停点击F8按键,在弹出的”高级启动选项”中用上下键,选择”安全模式”,敲击回车键;2、进入安全模式界面时,记录用户电脑需要登录的用户名(即出现问题,无法登录的用户名)(例如:administrator;有些机子是自己机子的牌子);3、进入安全模式后,找到C:windows egedit.exe,双击regedit文件,打开”注册表编辑器”;(或者点击开始菜单,然后在“运行”中输入regedit,这就打开了注册表编辑器)4、在注册表编辑器中,找到” HKEY_CURRENT_USER”,右键点击此项,在弹出的菜单中选择”权限”;5、在弹出的权限界面中,点击”添加”按钮;6、在”输入对象名称来选择(E)”下面输入刚才记录的用户登录名,点击确定;7、返回权限窗口,检查”组或用户名”中会多出一个用户,并且此用户处于选中状态;在”权限”窗口的”完全控制”后面的小方块中,用鼠标左键点击,打上勾(选择“允许”);点击确定按钮。8、同样的方法,添加用户”system”,并设置完全控制权限。9、重新启动电脑,并选择自己的账户登录即可

电脑开机显示group policy client 服务未能登录拒绝访问


win7账户拒绝访问,提示Group Policy Client服务未能登录拒绝访问.



翻译:只有Timmy 能够从这里通过。
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