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polar bears什么意思


destruction pursues the great是树大招风。直译是怎么翻译的?


英语:词汇学connotation refers to the overtones or asso

connotation refers to the overtones or associations suggested by the conceptual meaning. 内涵意义指概念意义所含有的言外之意或关联意义 。suggested by在句中啥意思句子语法结构分析如下主语:connotation谓语:refers to 宾语:the overtones or associations 后置定语:suggested by the conceptual connotation英 [u02ccku0252nu0259u02c8teu026au0283n] 美 [u02cckɑnu0259u02c8teu0283u0259n] n. 内涵,含义;言外之意;[逻辑学]内涵 内涵; 含义; 含蓄; 隐涵意义 1.A possible connotation of "home" is a place of warmth, comfort and affection". “家”的可能涵义是“一个温暖、舒适和爱的地方”。 2. The connotation or sense of a sentence is a proposition. 一个句子的内涵或意义是一个命题。 3. The term "reliability" has many popular connotation. “可靠性”一词有许多通俗的涵义。 4. A good dictionary will give us the connotation of a word as well as its denotation. 一本好字典不仅要告诉我们一个字的字面意义,同时还要告诉我们该字的言外之意。 5. In the context of ethnic tourism, commercialization often has a pejorative connotation. 摘要在民族旅游语境中,商品化经常带有贬义色彩。refer to英 [riu02c8fu0259: tu:] 美 [ru026au02c8fu025a tu] 涉及;指的是;适用于;参考 1. 提及;涉及,谈到,提到;关系到 Don"t refer to the matter again. 不要再提这件事了。 2. 暗指 Does your remark refer to all of us? 你的评论是针对我们所有的人的吗? 3. 有关, 针对 The regulations refer only to children. 这些规定只适用于小孩子。 The new law does not refer to land used for farming. 那条新法律并不涉及耕种用地。 4. 提交…作处理〔决定〕 For further particulars I refer you to my secretary. 详情请问我的秘书。 He referred the case to the High Court. 他把案子提交给高级法庭处理。 I was referred to the manager. 我被派去和经理接洽。 5. 查阅; 参考 Refer to the dictionary when you don"t know how to spell a word. 当你不知道怎么拼写一个词时, 查阅一下词典。 The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote. 星号是让读者参看脚注。 6. (把…)归因〔功〕于… Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability. 有些人把自己所有的苦恼都归咎于运气不佳, 而不认为是缺乏能力。 The invention of the compass was referred to China. 指南针是中国发明的。 7. 向…求助 He never refers himself to us when he has difficulties. 他有困难时从不求助于我们。 He referred to me for information. 他向我打听消息。 8. 认为…起源于;认为…与…有关;有…归属于; 9. 向(某人)查询;让…找…(处理) For further details, I refer you to the advisory department. 详细情况请与咨询处联系。 10. 适用于 11. 指…而言(as) All his classmates referred to him as “Blackbeard.” 他的同学都称他为“黑胡子”。1. By way of illustration I"ll refer to the behavior of rabbits. 我将举例说明兔子的行为。 2. The new law does not refer to land used for farming. 那条新法律并不涉及耕种用地。 3. That remark does not refer to [direct at] her. 那句话不是指她说的。 4. Please refer to the right-hand column of page 200 of this dictionary. 请参看这本词典第二百页右面一栏。 5. Don"t refer to the matter again. 不要再提这件事了。 overtone英 [u02c8u0259u028avu0259u02cctu0259u028an] 美 [u02c8ovu025au02ccton] n. [乐]陪音,泛音;[无线]谐波;次要的意义;暗示,言外之意 泛音; 倍音; 谱波; 谐波 1.The string is said to be vibrating in its first overtone mode. 这根弦可说成是在它的第一泛音调式振动。 2. Chenran"s novella Nowhere to say goodbye showed sharp existentialism philosophy overtone. 陈染的中篇小说《无处告别》表现出一股鲜明的存在主义哲学色彩。 3. Yourself your god, your star, Fate"s overtone. 你是自己的上帝,自己的星宿,命运的回音。 4. Base band and overtone will be generated at the same string of stringed instrument oscillate. 弦乐器琴弦的振动中包含基频与泛频,在一定位置上可抑制掉某些频率,便会出现演艺界定义的“泛音”效果。 5. A dry full-flavored wine with spicy aromas overtone of elder, black currant, vanilla, almond. 多菲德是全干口味浓厚,极具香味。深红色,带有浓郁香草,扁桃仁味道的干红葡萄酒。association英 [u0259u02ccsu0259u028au0283u026a"eu026au0283n] 美 [u0259u02ccsou028au0283i"eu026au0283n] n. 协会,社团;联合,联系;联想 协会; 关联; 联合; 缔合 复数:associations 1.the National Basketball Association Championship NBA大赛 2. The local club has disaffiliated from the National Athletic Association. 当地俱乐部已退出全国体育联合会。 3. Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association? 谁有资格申请加入这个协会? 4. The association is under the auspices of Word Bank. 这个组织是在世界银行的赞助下办的。 5. Soon afterwards he joined the work of the peasants association. 不久之后,他就参加了农会的工作。 suggest英 [su0259"du0292est] 美 [su0259ɡu02c8du0292u025bst, su0259u02c8du0292u025bst] vt. 建议,提议;暗示;使想起;启示 提议; 提示; 则表示通过词语或符号暗示内容; 提出等 过去式:suggested 过去分词:suggested 现在分词:suggesting 第三人称单数:suggests conceptual生英 [ku0259nu02c8septu0283uu0259l] 美 [ku0259nu02c8su025bptu0283uu0259l] adj. 观念的,概念的 1. a conceptual framework within which children"s needs are assessed 对儿童需求进行评估的概念框架 2. Chapters 3, 9, and 10 discuss conceptual-level design principles. 第3章、第9章和第10章讨论概念层面的设计原则。 3. The revenues from public services are self-explanatory and raise few conceptual problems. 公共服务事业提供收入是理所当然的,不会引起概念上的问题。 4. The complicated system maybe represented by a simplified conceptual model. 简化的理想模型可代替复杂的系统。 5. It"sounded uncharacteristically complicated and conceptual for a Soviet opening position. 这听起来没有苏联公开立场中具有的那种复杂和抽象的特点。


《Duty》(Robert Gates)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: syxq书名:Duty作者:Robert Gates出版社:W H Allen出版年份:2014-1-14页数:640内容简介:"As I look back, there is a parallel theme to my years at war: love. By that I mean the love - there is no other word for it - I came to feel for the troops, and the overwhelming sense of personal responsibility I developed for them. So much so that it would shape some of my most significant decisions and positions." When Robert M. Gates received a call from the White House, he thought he"d long left Washington politics behind: After working for six presidents in both the CIA and the National Security Council, he was happily serving as president of Texas A&M University. But when he was asked to help a nation mired in two wars and to aid the troops doing the fighting, he answered what he felt was the call of duty. Robert Gates was US Secretary of Defense from 2006 to 2011 serving under both George Bush and Barack Obama. Before that he was Director of the CIA. This is his candid and revealing account of US military engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan, where Gates oversaw the controversial "surge" of US troops in both countries. As well as this, he also provides commentary on the situations in Syria, Iran, Israel and North Korea and details behind the scenes meetings with Bush, Cheney, Rice, Obama and other major political figures. Mr. Gates is the only Secretary of Defense to serve under both a Republican and a Democratic president, and in Duty he provides an unsparing, full accounting of his tenure.作者简介:Prior to his role as the Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates served for over a quarter century in the Central Intelligence Agency, and under President George H. W. Bush he was Director of the C.I.A. from 1991 to 1993. On Gates"s last day in office in 2011, President Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America"s highest civilian honor.

Cinema Paradiso (Se) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Cinema Paradiso (Se) (Album Version)歌手:Josh Groban专辑:A CollectionJosh Groban - Cinema Paradiso (se)(天堂)Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giornoVedresti la bellezza che piena d"allegriaIo trovo dentro gli occhi tuoiE nearo se magia o lealtaSe tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giornoPotreste avere un"ideaDi cio che sento ioQuando m"abbracci forte a teE petto a petto, noiRespiriamo insiemeProtagonista del tuo amorNon so se sia magiaO lealtaSe tu fossi nella mia anima un giornoSapresti cosa sono in meChe m"innamoraiDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amore


led power supply是LED驱动电源。






LED power supplyLED电源供应器例句1.Check whether model and supplier of main components is used or not (LED, power supply, IC, fan, glue, etc. ) K主要器件的型号及厂家是否用错(发光管、电源、ic、风扇、胶等)



i fell in love with you at first sight中in love做什么成分

fall in love是固定搭配坠入爱河love是直接宾语you是间接宾语in和with是介词,不及物动词和宾语间的桥接

tina arena 的 ailleurs歌词

Les yeux vers le cielLa pluie a dilué mes larmesCe n"est pas l"automneC"est juste le jour où j"abandonneL"illusion que j"avais en têteQuand je voyais notre éternitéIl y a des moments pour le rêveMais en réalitéJe n"ai plus le coeur à t"aimerJe n"ai pas envie de nous voir tomberJe n"ai pas la force de porterMes désirs vers tes espérancesJe n"peux pas m"en tenir à me grimer d"apparencesJ"étais dans l"erreurJe n"ai plus le coeurEcouter le ventJ"y entends les larmes que tu versesFais moi encore confianceTu verras les raisons pour lesquellesPar simple respectPour ma vieJe ne peux être ce que je ne suisJe voulais te donner mon ameMais j"ai perdu la flammeJe n"ai plus le coeur à t"aimerJe n"ai pas envie que l"on se menteJe n"ai pas la force de porter mes désirs vers tes espérancesJe n"peux pas m"en tenir à me grimer d"apparencesJ"étais dans l"erreurJe m"en vais ailleursPour planter mes racines où mon coeur s"illumineJe ne peux plus attendreMais il te faut comprendreJe n"ai plus le coeur à t"aimerJe n"ai pas envie de nous voir mentirJe n"ai que le temps de te dire que jamaisJe n"ai fais semblantJe n"ai plus la flammeMême si ?a déchire mon ameJe n"ai plus le coeurJ"étais dans l"erreurJe m"en vais ailleursJe m"en vais ailleurs

theres horse in the house什么歌


on the first moring还是 in the first moring


Herstory (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Herstory (Lp Version)歌手:The Dambuilders专辑:Against The StarsHer Story作曲:冯颖琪|填词:黄仲凯|编曲:王双骏for Double C music group|寒暄声音 她不想应 不会应陪酒 若是命令 别怪她不会敬流言幻听 在这烂店未免摧毁雅兴人来复去 大概亦记住了她的个性宁死不屈 而这一刻她的想法 很好胜停留於 如此光景 绝对不得要领如同赠兴 若世俗注定与她不对应拳头做证 在这夜决定去找新风景这漫长故事 由她出发开始寻找偏远的 不相似疯恋过疯子 还勇救过勇士还有下次 下次更别致随心出走 她的感性 也很理性沿途的 全新掌声 热烈护送她那狠劲原来任性 就算令笑面两边不对称同伴仍能尽兴 为记念发现了北欧之星这漫长故事 由她出发开始寻找偏远的 不相似(愉快地拍著每节手指)假装过公主 还与恶棍对峙(努力去造次 永远要勇过上次)还有下次 下次 再下次(每个结尾也是开始)世界更坏也未会害怕她会散发最自信优雅纵要对著干未会害怕她会YA YA YA YA世界再大也未会害怕也要建造最自我的家纵要撑下去未会害怕她会YA YA YA YA她叫YA YA YA YABy CrazylingBy Crazyling


不一定。main course:主课,在特指或者前面提到过的情况下要用the,在不同场合要灵活运用。



Lonely Days [Live] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lonely Days [Live] (Album Version)歌手:Bee Gees专辑:Here At Last...Bee Gees...LivefIoRaNo hErbBee Gees Fans!To My Lover, 菲菲Good morning mister sunshine, you brighten up my day.Come sit beside me in your way.I see you every morning, outside the restaurants,The music plays so nonchalant.Lonely days, lonely nights. Where would I be without my woman?Lonely days, lonely nights. Where would I be without my woman?Lonely days, lonely nights. Where would I be without my woman?Lonely days, lonely nights. Where would I be without my woman?Lonely days, lonely nights. Where would I be without my woman?Good morning mister sunshing, you brighten up my day.Come sit beside me in your way.Lonely days, lonely nights. Where would I be without my woman?Lonely days, lonely nights. Where would I be without my woman?Lonely days, lonely nights. Where would I be without my woman?






Lunar New Year"s Eve 农历年除夕 visit many tourist attractions 游览许多景点 As a double-inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ,his other achievements got many Guninness World Records 作为一个两次进入摇滚名人堂的人,他的其他成果得到了使许多Guninness世界纪录.

第78题,解析里固定句型in pursuit of 没有the,但为什么句子里有了呢?

pursuit 为名词,而在句中有了限定范围“his goal”,则应表示有特指意义,所以应加上定冠词 the。

Pursuit of Excellence是什么意思

Pursuit of Excellence追求卓越双语例句1Exposure to environmental excellence and the pursuit of excellence, you will become great.置身卓越的环境并追求卓越,你也将变得卓越。2We need to go beyond self-study, in the course of explorations Pursuit of Excellence.我们要在学习中超越自我,在探索中迈向卓越。

the confusing pursuit of beauty课文翻译是什么?


Pursuit Of Happiness 歌词

歌曲名:Pursuit Of Happiness歌手:Kid Cudi专辑:Pursuit Of HappinessKiD CuDi - Pursuit Of Happiness(Ft. MGMT And Ratatat)(Edited By YoYo)Crush a bit, little bit, roll it up, take a hitFeelin lit feelin light, 2 am summer night.I don"t care, hand on the wheel, drivin drunk, I"m doin my thingRollin the Midwest side and out livin my life getting out dreamsPeople told me slow my road I"m screaming out fuck thatImma do just what I want lookin ahead no turnin backif I fall if I die know I lived it to the fullestif I fall if I die know I lived and missed some bulletsI"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knoweverything that shine ain"t always gonna be goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be good.I"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knoweverything that shine ain"t always gonna be goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be good.Tell me what you know about dreamin dreaminyou don"t really know about nothin nothintell me what you know about them night terrors every night5 am, cold sweats wakin up to the skiestell me what you know about dreams, dreamstell me what you know about night terrors, nothinyou don"t really care about the trials of tomorrowrather lay awake in a bed full of sorrowI"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knoweverything that shines ain"t always gonna be goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be goodI"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knoweverything that shines ain"t always gonna be goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be good(Guitar Solo)I"m on the pursuit of happiness. I knoweverything that shines ain"t always goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be goodI"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knowEverything that shines ain"t always gonna be gold, heyI"ll be fine once I get it, yeahI"ll be goodPursuit of happiness, yeahI dont get it, Ill be good

求擅长英语人士帮忙翻译两句话 出自小说《The Pursuit of Happiness》

随着我的同伴的长大,我的梦想实现了他,给了我一个工作机会机构养老基金和资产达几十亿美元的曲调,以培养生长和财务健康的组织像我的最佳客户,全国教育协会,数百万的成员,我住了其他的梦要去旅行,看看这个世界。    跟我一样忙,不管我在哪里,我也试着出去在街上散步,一起来看看人行道的裂缝,回忆

the pursuit of happiness 为什么被翻译成当幸福来敲门


奥斯卡.王尔德一句名言:“the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable”,请高手翻译一下。顶


当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happiness)的观后感 要英文的

The pursuit of happiness“You got a dream, you got to protect it.” After watching the pursuit of happiness, I was inspired deeply by this sentence. No matter how difficult and distressed the life is, no matter how haggard and tired you are, don"t be despaired! Everything will be better if you try and work hard. Just like Chris Gardner, a father whose life is filled with troubles, you occasionally hear a bit of a tremble in his voice and he looks very old and tired. Due to the poor life, his wife left him and their child. In the film you can see many scenes that Chris Gardner and his son move from apartment to motel room to homeless shelter, even live in the toilet of railway station. Chris lives a poor and hopeless life. But he didn"t give in. Everyday he runs from home to kindergarten, run from kindergarten to doctors" office, run from offices to interviews. Everyday he is running. Everyday he is pursuing happiness. Everyday he is overcoming poverty and homelessness to become a successful stockbroker. In spite of the fact that he undergoes too many despair and sad, he never give up his dream. This film let me remind of my own experience. Since I enter into the university, it has been two months. I always feel frustrated and self-abased and I always feel that I am inferior to others. For examples, when I answer the teacher"s questions, I always feel nervous and think that my answer is wrong. And any other classmates always answer the questions correctly. When we have a quiz for the former class, I always have a not very good mark. I am a English major, but I find that I am not very like English. So I always think I haven"t the talent for learning language. Why? Why am I so upset? Why am I so unconfident? Why can"t I work hard a bit? Why can"t I hold on? Why and why?Through my deep thinking, the answer is:1. I never try hard.2. I never work hard.3. I never insist on learning.4. Last but not least, I never pursue my dream!Do you remember these sentences? “Don"t ever let someone tell you, you can"t do something. Not even me.” Yes, not even myself. Don"t doubt yourself. Trust that you can. “You want something? Go get it. Period.” Yes, If you want be successful, do it bravely.The film"s English name is the pursuit of happiness. But the translator translate it into Chinese is 当幸福敲门时,I can"t understand why. I think, pursuit means running after the dream and happiness, not means waiting happiness coming. You must chase your dream activity. In addition, the actor"s success depends on his own efforts. As the actor said: “It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson,the Declaration of Independence,and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking: How did he know to put the "pursuit" part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue. And maybe we can actually never have matter what. How did he know that?”Happiness and dream are something that we can only pursue. Go for it.

the pursuit of happiness里的经典台词及翻译

there is no y(why) in happiness there is i快乐只因有我伴你左右





Her pursuit of happiness 作文?

Her pursuit of happinessBy MayEven without hearing the name of Pemberley (a monly known sequel of the book, Pride and Prejudice), ‘Tis doubtful that the judgment of marriage under the name of a female novelist who had never been engaged would be true. Though being regarded as the second most successful writer of the English language, Austen, to be accurate, is never of rich and poor alike. As Sir Walter Scott said, those who loved Jane"s work would be overwhelmed with the first glimpses while the others may not able to endure it for another second. But for what reasons? Austen"s writings are unpretentious, well-worded, and expresses a splendid beauty of concise; nevertheless, her edies are based on a subjective asses *** ent of society, where status of the characters are conditionally settled. The heroine of her books is always poor but genuine while her perfect match is wealthy and wise: like a practical expression of fairy tales, “happily ever after” is everywhere: in Pride and Prejudice, Lizzy and Mr. Darcy; Mansfield Park, Fanny and Edmund Bertram, etc.In spite of this, other implications given by this famous writer have captured a different picture: what if the hero of the tale is not wealthy at all? In fact, among all of the Jane Austen protagonists, Mrs. Darcy is most likely to be the model of her unfinished perfection of marriage: according to her biography, the pursuit of happiness with Tom Lefroy. During her lifetime the truth was deviously disguised, however, at all points perfectly evinced in her written work: though subscribing the ideality of love, she was much conservative about the “runaway affairs” . Without wordily agreed on the judgment, she severely said “yes” to monetary causes in success of marriage.Jane Austen, as a novelist, is generous in giving her stories happy endings: but is “true love” unconditional? Let us face the truth that this “true love” is actually limited to her imaginary world, where one who deserves happiness will surely be gratified, and on the horse of white there"s always a man with both fortune and wisdom – but for Austen herself, sacrifices were not paid, love was lost and even the friends had turned to foes… But still, in her words of judgment, we see sensible views on various factors in building a successful relationship, and the pursuit of happiness that the writer may wanted but unable to carry out: at least, by the time Lizzy told her father with tears that she really loved Mr. Darcy, and the young couple wrote to Lady Catherine in announcing their engagement, Austen had achieved her aim of writing.In her forty-two years of life she had never stopped thinking of the meaning of marriage, and showed no falter pursuing this courage to the afterwards generations. Perhaps, she met a Family Bennet in her life, grew with love like the Dashwood sisters, failed to get her own happiness but continued to persuade her illusions of love like Emma: but Austen is totally another independent woman. She deserved all respects and praises, and so did her characters, the amiable Jane and Bingley, and of course Mr. Darcy and his newly-wed.At last I understood her: In British society of the early nineteenth century, marriage was always based on the family background – but in this novel, Jane Austen"s pursuit of happiness had made it possible for the youths to think of, and to prospect of a brighter future. The “true love” was settled, yes, but it had been respectfully accepted and inspired thousands of readers throughout the nation in the years of vanity.And now we may say, it is not only HER pursuit of happiness, but also, the exclaim of a new era in which love would never be purchased: but merits our whole-hearted effort for lifelong.,6,

the pursuit of the dream process is particularly

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical film directed by Gabriele Muccino about the on and off-homeless salesman-turned-stockbroker Chris Gardner. The screenplay by Steven Conrad is based on the best-selling memoir of the same name written by Chris Gardner with Quincy Troupe. The film was released on December 15, 2006 by Columbia Pictures. Chris Gardner is a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman. Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. When Gardner lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, he and his son endure many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.

急求英语作文my understanding of the pursuit of happiness

Different people have various definitions to happiness, but in my opinion pursuit of happiness is doing what you like then you get a reward or learn something from it, or helping the one who is indeed in a hard situation and assist him to get out of it. Meanwhile, the most happiness moment is to share my happiness with parents and friends. When I was unhappy I will sing some songs, then I will be happy as singing is my hobby. I am a shy boy, once I plucked up my courage to take participate in a talent show, although I got eliminated at last, I still felt happy because I have challenged my timid character. Once, I was on a ride to my Aunt" house, I met a stranger who lost her way, I gave her the directions and she thanked me sincerely. That moment, my heart leaps up into the blue sky. I felt much happier when I got my Mom"s praise after I told her the whole story. As a matter of fact, happiness is everywhere, but it needs you to discover. And the process itself to pursuit of happiness is happiness too. 自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助!

急求英语高手帮忙回答3条关于英文电影"Pursuit of happyness"的问题

1.chris:"you want something. you go get it. Period.""i have always believed that my dreams and my desires can command and bend time and space to be the things that i want them to be. On a very natural,on a very human level, Chris Gardner displays that same ability."Do you believe that you can always get what you want if you try hard enough? explain.回答:Yes, but you have to believe in it. No one believes they can fly, therefore no one will ever fly. Didn"t anyone watch or read "the secret" ? It"s called the law of attraction. You get what you want, basically. But to get it, you must believe it is possible, believe you deserve it and believe it will happen. I"ve tried it out many times, it works, honestly. My dad didn"t want to by me a guitar. I had the guitar I wanted pictured in my mind. My dad kept on saying I should keep the one I had already. Well guess what, I recieved the guitar I dreamed of. I believe in it. Call me crazy, I don"t care, I"m going to believe in everything I want, and of course, obviously, fight for it, because, as my grandfather always said, money doesn"t grow from trees. do you feel about Chris"s goal in life? To what extent do you identify with them in you own life?回答:His goal has a perfound meaning. Everyone have and should have their own goal in the future, and chase them, fulfill it until you have achieve your life goal. Only if you try hard, you will feel the sense of passion and satiation from you bottom of your heart.3.What things do you think we should pursue in life? Is happiness one of those things? Why/why not? 回答:The pursuit of happiness should be a lifelong journey but the path to finding true happiness can be rewarding and enjoyable if we remember to know ourselves, let go of the things that do not matter, and remember the things that do.

the pursuit of happyness电影剧情介绍(英语版)

I don"t know for sure whether it is the cold or the movie that kept me tossing and turning in bed, but one thing is certain: many scattered fragments of the movie again and again flashed in my mind. My cell phone read 4:16 am at that time, but I was not sleepy at all. So I decided to get up and write something. "The Pursuit of Happyness" -- the title comes from a misspelled schoolhouse mural -- has a lot on its mind but mostly this: If America is about the promise of bettering oneself, why does it have to be so freaking hard? In the movie, Jefferson"s Declaration of Independence words about happiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner. Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living. Chris saw a bunch of suits, mostly male, pouring out of the Dean Witter Reynolds brokerage firm in downtown San Francisco. They all looked “happy,” “Why not me? “ Christ wondered. He did have an adorable boy, Christopher, but wife Linda was becoming a scarecrow of overworked anxiety. Finally, his wife left Christ because of life pressure, leaving him and her five-year-old son, Christopher. And naturally, Christ became a single father. With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat. They became homeless. They slept in asylum, subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son"s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today. With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care. However, Christ made it with his amazing willpower. Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person. It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot. What impressed me most are: Christ"s wife left him because of life pressure; Christ"s love to his son and Christ"s strong belief towards life. Through these, I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa, since in reality, only love cannot only make everything. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.

求the pursuit of happiness 的英文简介或影评 不要太长的

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical film directed by Gabriele Muccino about the on and off-homeless salesman-turned-stockbroker Chris Gardner. The screenplay by Steven Conrad is based on the best-selling memoir of the same name written by Chris Gardner with Quincy Troupe. The film was released on December 15, 2006 by Columbia Pictures.Chris Gardner is a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman. Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. When Gardner lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, he and his son endure many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.

pursuit of happyness《当幸福敲门时》这部电影说的是什么?


The Motors的《Sensation》 歌词

歌曲名:Sensation歌手:The Motors专辑:Airport - The Motors Greatest HitsI wanna be who I wanna beJust for me「SENSATION」作词∶Miliyah作曲∶Miliyah歌∶加藤ミリヤSome people look at me変わっていく时代の中で何を手にし 何を失いここまで来たの? oh约束したね ただがむしゃらに走るってでも时々自分がわからなくなるよそう だけど生きている虚しい思い かき消すほど 强くなりたい私ってゆう存在一体何谁ひとり知らないいいI CAN 新しい时代へとI CAN もう夜明けが来るからI CAN eh eh I CAN eh eh (eh)恐れない もう行くしかない君がいた(So Today) だから今(For myself)现実と梦の间 生きてる(SAY)WOW 谁も知らない 私のStory ただ君だけに死ぬほど努力しても限界なんてわかんないのこの体の奥で私が叫んでるの解き放て Nobody can control me baby私らしくありたい もっと自分爱したいWhat you want to beWho you want to be 愿いなりたい自分になれるI CAN 涙はもう要らないのI CAN 意味持って生まれたのならI CAN eh eh I CAN eh eh (eh)その证残して死にたい本当は(Don"t be scared) 怖いんだ(Not too late)谁もが热い视线で见つめているの(SAY)WOW 谁も知らない 君とのStory 力に変えてOh nobody knowsSo I can"t let goOh 本当の私を见てI just wanna be e e e e eI CAN 新しい时代へとI CAN もう夜明けが来るからI CAN eh eh I CAN eh eh (eh)恐れない もう行くしかない君がいた(So Today) だから今(For myself)现実と梦の间 生きてる(SAY)WOW 谁も知らない 私のStory ただ君だけに【 おわり 】

谁知道电影《the pursuit of happyness》的主旨


电影《The Pursuit of Happyness》故事梗概?

剧情:幸福明天就会来临   克里斯·加纳(威尔·史密斯)是一个聪明的推销员,他勤奋肯干努力,却总没办法让家里过上好日子。妻子琳达终究因为不能忍受养家糊口的压力,离开了克里斯,只留下他和5岁的儿子克里斯托夫相依为命。事业失败穷途潦倒,还成为了单亲爸爸,克里斯的银行帐户里甚至只剩下了21块钱,因为没钱付房租,他和儿子不得不被撵出了公寓。  克里斯好不容易得到了在一家声名显赫的股票投资公司实习的机会,然而实习期间没有薪水,90%的人都没又最终成功。但克里斯明白,这是他最后的机会,是通往幸福生活的唯一路途。没有收入、无处容身,克里斯唯一拥有的,就是懂事的儿子无条件的的信任和爱。   他们夜晚无家可归,就睡在收容所、地铁站、公共浴室,一切可以暂且栖身的空地;白天没钱吃饭,就排队领救济,吃着勉强裹腹的食物。生活的穷困让人沮丧无比,但为了儿子的未来,为了自己的信仰,克里斯咬紧牙关,始终坚信:只要今天够努力,幸福明天就会来临!皇天不负苦心人,克里斯最终成为一名成功的投资专家。

The pursuit of happyness为什么这样拼?

there"s no "y"(why为什么) in the "happiness",but an "i"(I我)不要为幸福找理由,幸福是自己创造出来的。

The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen.什么意思




cleveland steamers means what


Gavaliers 是NBA什么队


Into You (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Into You (Album Version)歌手:Josie专辑:Unkunvenshunal GirlDead By Sunrise - Into YouSmoke another cigarette it kills the painThat"s all that"s left of me anymoreChocking on all my regrets feeling the strainIn every breath stumble as I crawlThen I fall into youAnd I fade awayI fall into youAnd I fadeLike a crutch you carry me without restraintBack to a place where I am not aloneI"m a man whose tragedies have been replacedWith memories tattooed upon me soulThen I fall into youAnd I fade awayI fall into youAnd I fadeYou said time to tear down the wallsYou know not every things your faultPut it away our mistakes have brought us here todayYou say just look how far you"ve comeDespite all the things you"ve doneYou"ll always be the one to catch meWhen I fall into youAnd I fade awayI fall into youAnd I fadeSay goodbye to yesterday I made it throughI"m here today despite what I was toldYou where there to rescue meYou shined a light so I could seeThen I fall into youAnd I fade awayI fall into youAnd I fadeI fall into youAnd I fade awayI fall into youAnd I fade

课程设计的英文是Curriculum Design还是Course Design


personal articles是什么意思

私人文章, 个人物品。

课程设计的英文是Curriculum Design还是Course Design

我的理解是:Curriculum Design 是指多种课程的设计,类似于课程表,我认为可以和 Lesson plan相通Course Design 可以指针对一门专业学科的课程设制其实一般情况下两者意思大致一样的。

课程设计的英文是Curriculum Design还是Course Design

叫Course Project,你说的这两种没听过。

curriculum和 course有什么不同

curriculum 不是很常用,在特定环境下用,例如 curriculum vitaecourse一般指特定的可能,如take the financial coursecourse指全部课程curriculum暗指纲内课程

java jvm An internal error occurred during: "Searching for markers".Java heap space


it _me three years

A,A ,C ,C ,B ,C,B,B,A,B,A,A,A

nature 杂志上有 articles 也有 letters 有什么区别么



mars是三月。mar是英文March的缩写。三月是公历年中的第三个月,大月,共有31天。每年公历的3月5-6日是惊蛰节气,春雷始响,蛰伏于地下冬眠的蛰虫被雷惊醒,纷纷破土而出。在古罗马,三月是每年出征远战的季节,为了纪念战神玛尔斯(Mars),人们便把他的名字作为三月的月名。因此,三月的英文为 March( Mar) 。简介3月是阳历年中的第三个月,是大月,共有31天。 在北半球,3月是春季的第一个月,本月节气有:惊蛰、春分。 英文中的3月来源于古罗马战神玛尔斯。2016年3月16日上午,第十二届全国人民代表大会第四次会议圆满完成各项议程,在人民大会堂闭幕。大会批准政府工作报告、“十三五”规划纲要、全国人大常委会工作报告等。

《典范英语6》Noisy Neighbours的原文是什么?

原文,请挺我,花了很长时间的!!!5555555555555555555Noisy Neighbours1 Mr Flinch In a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man. It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man. Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours. On one side of Mr Flinch"s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars. Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise. On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive. Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered. He put his fingers in his ears. He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear. They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good. Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head. He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘ Stamps cost far too much money!" he said. Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise. But the cars still revved and the music still jangled. Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich. ‘This can"t go on," Flinch thought to himself. He even shouted it out loud:2 Nasty Tricks Mr Flinch went next door to Carl"s house. Carl was mending cars. It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge. ‘That will get rid of him!" said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!"At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and – carefully, carefully – crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy"s chimney and gave a long, loud, ‘Hooowooowoooo!"‘That will get ride of her," he said with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with ghosts!"Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping outside. He looked out of his window.Carl was sitting outside in the rood, with a table, a kettle, a loaf of bread and a bottle of tomato sauce.Carl called to Mr Flinch, ‘Can"t use my kitchen today! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaning up. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. That"s how I got this great idea! Take – away breakfast! Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast."Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her blue front door. ‘Oh, Mr Flinch! Oh, Carl! Guess what happened last night!"‘I give up," said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk. ‘Do tell."Poppy beamed with joy. ‘Last night, angles sang down my chimney! They did, I promise!" She frowned. ‘But the music wasn"t very good! I think they want some new songs to sing! I"m sure they want me to write them, and I shall! Oh I shall!"She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbals and trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch. 3 Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carl"s house.He showed Carl a fistful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!" he said.‘Anything you say, chief," said Carl, wiping his dirty hands on a rag.‘As long as I can mend cars, I"ll be happy anywhere." Carl went on, ‘I"ll move out as soon as I can sell the house!"Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppy"s house and offered her a hatful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!" he said.‘Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life. ‘As long as I have my music, I can be happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house!"Mr Flinch went home a happy man – well, as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can ever be.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. ‘All that money gone! Ah, but soon those noisy neighbours will be gone, too!"In a few days, Mr Flinch"s neighbours had sold up their houses.Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet – nothing but the noise of mice scratching in the empty cellar.4 Moving DayMr Flinch watched as Poppy Plink moved out. Bo-jangle went the piano as she pushed and bumped it down the steps.‘Going already are you, you pest?" he mutted. ‘I pity the person who has to live next door to you!"Seeing him, Poppy waved up at the window.‘Such luck, Mr Flinch!" she called. ‘Fancy! A few days ago, I met someone who wants to move house too! We agreed to swap houses!"Just then, Carl came out of his front door carrying two heavy tool boxes. He saw Poppy struggling with a harp and went to help her. ‘All set, Poppy? he said.‘All set, Carl! Isn"t this fun!" She replied.Then Carl moved into Poppy"s bright house and Poppy moved into Carl"s jolly red one.They helped each other to carry the big things, like tables and sofas.Then Carl had a house-warming party. He and Poppy sang, because they were so happy: ‘There"s no place like home!"Mr Flinch heard it right through the wall of his house … even inside his cupboard, even with a towel round his head.

C++中的头文件“pragma hdrstop”是什么意思

#pragma hdrstop表示预编译头文件到此为止,后面的头文件不进行预编译



its my first time out with you什么歌


能不能给我发一个Mark Ronson ,Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk!的MP3 320音质阿 谢谢了 拜托了


Thomas Fersen的《BucéPhale》 歌词

歌曲:bucephale歌手:thomas fersenSi ce maudit canassonRemportait cette courseA renflouerait ma bourseEt noierait le poisson.Si ce maudit canassonRemportait cette preuvePeu importe qu"il pleuve:A sauverait la saison.Si ce vieux BucphaleN"est pas le bon chevalJe mange mon journal.Si ce maudit canassonGagne sur le papierIl reste recopierTout ca sur le gazon.Si un autre canassonVient mettre le dsordreIl me reste la cordeLa balle ou le poison.Si ce vieux BucphaleN"est pas le bon tuyauJe mange mon chapeau.Si ce maudit canassonRenaissait de ses cendresJe serais l"AlexandreDu dbit de boissonMais si un autre quidSort du cornet dsJe rend mon tablierEt je me fais oublier.Si ce vieux BucphaleNe vaut pas un jetonJe mange mon melon.Sur ce maudit canassonJ"ai jou mon alliancePour sauver la financeRedorer mon blason.J"ai le coeur qui galopeEt les poumons qui jonglent.Je fume clope sur clopeEt je mange mes ongles.Si ce vieux BucphaleNe sauve pas la miseJe mange ma chemise.Hlas, le vieux BucphaleEst coiff d"un cheveuPar son petit-neveu.(Il s"en fallait d"un poil.)Ce n"est que partie remise!Si cette jument griseN"est pas le bon filonJ"avale mon雪雪

美国的“Thursdays, 8pm et/pt”是中国时间几点?

若你在东部,美国Thursday8pm是中国周五早上8点钟若你在美国西部,Thursday8pm是中国周五早上11点钟et是easternstandardtime的简译翻译成中文的意思:东部时间pt是pacificstandardtime的简译 翻译成中文的意思:西部时间8pmet/pt是指8点在美国东部和西部同时上演美国本土的48州共有四个时区,从西往东依次为“太平洋时间”、“山地时间”、“中部时间”和“东部时间”,还有阿拉斯加(州)时间。美国还实行夏令时,美国夏令时始于每年4月的第1个周日,止于每年10月的最后一个周日。夏令时比正常时间早一小时

亚洲虎 英文是Asian tigers还是tigers in Asia?


Bob Marley & The Wailers的《Ammunition》 歌词

歌曲名:Ammunition歌手:Bob Marley & The Wailers专辑:Original 3CdSwitchfoot - AmmunitionBlame it on what you"ve been throughBlame it on what you"re intoBlame it on your religionsBlame it on your PoliticiansWe"ve been blowing up--we"re the issueit"s our conditionWe"ve been blowing up--we"re the issuethe detonation?We"ve been blowin up we"re the issueWe"re ammunitionWe"re ammunitionWe"re ammunitionWe are the fuse and ammunitionI have no generation,Show me my motivationOne world, one desperation,One hope and one salvation.We"ve been blowin up, we"re the issueIt"s our conditionWe"ve been blowin up we"re the issuethe detonation?We"ve been blowin up we"re the issueWe"re ammunitionWe"re ammunitionWe"re ammunitionWe are the fuse and the ammunitionLook what a mess we"ve made of loveLook what a mess we"ve made of loveLook what a mess we"ve made,We"ve got ourselves to blameLook what a bomb we"ve made of loveWe"ve been blowin up, we"re the issueIt"s our conditionWe"ve been blowin up we"re the issuethe detonation?We"ve been blowin up we"re the issueWe"re ammunitionWe"re ammunitionWe"re ammunitionWe are the fuse and the ammunitionWe"re ammunitionWe"re ammunitionWe are the fuse and the ammunitionWe"re ammunition

下面的美国东部时间换成北京时间是何时: 10am Eastern (Daylight) Time on Thursday October 23, 2014?


求old soldiers never die完整歌词

There is an old cookhouse, far far awayWhere we get pork and beans, three times a day.Beefsteak we never see, damn-all sugar for our teaAnd we are gradually fading away.cho: Old soldiers never die,Never die, never die,Old soldiers never dieThey just fade away.Privates they love their beer, `most every day.Corporals, they love their stripes, that`s what they say.Sergeants they love to drill. Guess them bastards always willSo we drill and drill until we fade away. 楼主方便说一下歌手么?另一个Vaughn Monroe - Old Soldiers Never Die Chorus:Old Soldier"s Never DieNever die, never dieOld Soldier"s Never DieThey just fade awayOn the seventh day of DecemberIn the year of forty-oneThe free world met disasterAt the hands of the Rising SunFrom the bastions of CorregidorPearl Harbor and BataanCame the sound of war and furyAnd the Death March of free man.Then from the landOf way down underA mighty voice did sayOur cause is justIn God we trustI will return somedayFrom Mindanao to TarawaOur battle song it grewTill on SurabachiAt last Old Glory flewFrom Iwo, LeyteAnd a thousand IslesOur just cause never ceasedUntil one day, he did returnAnd once more, there was peaceNow somewhere, there stands the manHis duty o"er and wonThe world will ne"er forget himTo him we say, "Well done"

Bob Marley & The Wailers的《Kaya》 歌词

歌曲名:Kaya歌手:Bob Marley & The Wailers专辑:Reggae LegendsAlbum:KayaTitle:KayaWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseFor the rain is fallingGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowFor the rain is fallingI"m so high, I even touch the skyAbove the falling rainI feel so good in my neighbourhood, soHere I come againGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowFor the rain is fallingFeelin" irie IFeelin" irie IFeelin" irie I"Cause I have some kaya nowI feel so high, I even touch the skyAbove the falling rainI feel so good in my neighbourhood, soHere I come againGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya now, LordFor the rain is fallingWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseFor the rain is falling(Kaya now, kaya, kaya) Huh

Bob Marley & The Wailers的《Cheer Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Cheer Up歌手:Bob Marley & The Wailers专辑:The Best Of The WailersCheer up! - 太阳计划2009主题曲曲:陈奂仁 词:周耀辉唱:容祖儿&仓木麻衣&林俊杰&张敬轩;泳儿&陈伟霆&徐子珊&邓紫棋大合唱:Cheer up, gear upnever gonna give up!Cheer up, gear up,never gonna give it up!容:Cheer up! 城内有歌 从四方催促我 快乐仓(日):Cheer up! 辉く幸せ みんなでtogether 分け合おう容:蛇若有洞鸟有窝 春风都安慰我弯弯嘴角 然後你亦笑着守望仓(日):降り続く雨 向かい风でも大丈夫 いつかまた晴れる泳:烦闷的一天算什麽陈:其实当一天过後泳、陈:来与我 如常高歌 才明白你的青春更多        泳、陈、徐、邓:Cheer up! 城内有歌从四方催促我 快乐Cheer up! 头上有光 能瞬间分给你 快乐谁都试过张:游泳吃饭与按摩 方式不只两个请找一个 然後说着笑着守望林(国):谁也努力过生活 不单是你和我不用多说 只要靠在一起走过邓:烦闷的一天算什麽徐:其实当一天过後邓、徐:来与我 如常高歌 明白你的青春更多容、仓、林、张(英):Cheer up! Never give up.You know we"re gonna shine, somehowCheer up! Come on get up.Just put your hand in mine, right now(And you will see/ yeah, you and me)容:可否想这麽就这麽仓(日):心の情热のままに张:多低也都低过林:再灰暗也跨得过容、林、张:学会笑着过 就算一个在拓荒大合唱:Cheer up! 城内有歌 从四方催促我 快乐Cheer up! 头上有光 能瞬间分给你 快乐Cheer up! 城内有歌 从四方催促我 快乐Cheer up! 头上有光 能瞬间分给你 快乐谁都试过Cheer up, gear up, never gonna give up!Cheer up, gear up, never gonna give it up!Cheer up, gear up, never gonna give up!Cheer up, gear up, never gonna give it up! Up!

asian persuation什么意思


Be Love (Exodus Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Be Love (Exodus Album Version)歌手:Plus One专辑:ExodusBe Love (Exodus Album Version)Plus OneSo you steal itEscape away with nothingYou try to feel itBut what you have is plasticYour burned your pocketAnd everything that"s in itOn your search for somethingThat is realWell if you need loveTake the time and be loveBreathe it out create loveSee how things can turnIf you need loveGive yourself and be loveBreathe it out create loveSee how things can turnIt"s so emptyBut your room is full of peopleIt"s so quietBut everyone"s so loudAnd if you need loveTake the time and be loveBreathe it out create loveSee how things can turnIf you need loveGive yourself and be loveBreathe it out create loveSee how things can turnInside your ruining the moodYou"re singing solitudeForgetting all you knewSo look, look into the mirrorSwallow all your fearBelieve it"s really nearCause if you need loveCause if you need loveTake the time and be loveBreathe it out create loveSee how things can turnIf you need loveGive yourself and be loveBreathe it out create loveSee how things can turnIf you need loveGive yourself and be loveBreathe it out create loveSee how things can turn

alicia keys - gummi bears(jimmy fallon) 歌词

Dashing and daring,Courageous and caring,Faithful and friendly,With stories to share.Through the forest,They sing out in chorus,Marching along,As their song fills the air.Chorus:Gummi Bears,Bouncing here and there and everywhere.High adventure thatu2019s beyond compare,They are the Gummi Bears.Magic and mystery,Are part of their history,Along with the secret,Of gummiberry juice.Their legend is growing,They take pride in knowing,Theyu2019ll do what is right,With whatever they do.Chorus:Gummi Bears,Bouncing here and there and everywhere.High adventure thatu2019s beyond compare,They are the Gummi Bears.

英语Coordinated Universal Time怎么翻译?

Coordinated Universal Time (协和标准时间)我们常常看见的 UTC 也就是 Coordinated Universal Time (协和标准时间)就是利用这种 Atomic Clock 为基准所定义出来的正确时间。Atomic Clock, 被称为原子钟

A mothers love plus为什么没声音

解决方法:方法一、检查手机设置:检查手机是否设置为静音,苹果手机的静音键在手机左边,仔细检查下。方法二、可能手机开启勿扰模式先看看自己的未解电话,进入手机后在通话记录可以看到自己的未接电话,看看自己漏接了哪些重要电话,先打回去。我们进入到手机设置这里。取消这个模式需要在手机设置或者控制中心进行取消。进入到手机设置后,继续点击勿扰模式。在这里把定时勿扰模式的时间进行取消关闭,把下面的重复来电 开关 进行打开。这里的重复来电开关打开后如上一个电话没有注意,没有接到,那么打开重复第二次三分钟内这个开关,在他三分钟时间内再次拨打你手机,铃声就会想起来。完成设置。另外我们也可以在控制中心这里,直接开启或者关闭勿扰模式。利用手指在屏幕向上滑即可出现控制中心。方法三、检查是否扬声器无声拨打电话测试听筒和送话是否正常。若通话测试正常扬声器故障可能性较大,建议送修。使用原装耳机测试播放音乐是否正常。若使用耳机正常,扬声器故障可能性较大,建议送修。方法四、排除软件冲突引起:备份好手机数据(电话簿、短信息、多媒体文件等),恢复出厂设定(功能表-设定-重置-恢复出厂设定)。方法五、检查耳机模式:有时候可能是因为手机的耳机模式没有自动转换,大家可以将耳机再插进耳孔试试,一般是会恢复的。如果实在不行再用棉签棒把耳机孔清理干净,没一会儿就会恢复正常了。

tears of love (歌手miniizahia)中文是什么意思


conversion prefixes什么意思

意思是:转换前缀。重点词汇:prefixes英['pri:fu026aksu026az]释义:n.[语]前缀(prefix的复数)。v.加……作为前缀(prefix的三单形式)。短语:Prefixes and suffixes前缀和后缀;前辍和后辍;后缀。例句用作名词(n.)He turned the root words into associated "solid words" by annexing with them suffix and prefix.他将孤立的“个体单词”通过前后缀组合变成了可联想的“立体单词”。The prefix,etyma and suffix have been embedded inside.前后缀及词根已被包含。






n.assembly (名词 noun)( 与会者; 为了特定目的聚集在一起的人)The former president addressed a large assembly.前总统向众多的与会者讲了话。the right of assembly集会权(大写)立法机构;议会;(美国有些州的)州议会众议院the assembly of the airplane parts飞机部件的装配配件n. parliament (名词 noun)议会,国会-----ONLYHe was the first farm-worker to go into parliament.他是第一个进入议会的农场工人。(大写)(英国,加拿大等的)国会The new system should come into force at the dissolution of the present parliament.新制度应在本届议会解散时生效。
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