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conversation 为什么?



可数,表示谈话的次数conversation交谈是countable noun可数名词例句:Two conversations with our longtime ally King Hussein bracketed the meeting with Ismail.我们同长期的盟友侯赛因国王的两次谈话与我们同伊斯...





make conversation还是make conversations

我认为应该是;make converdations 或 make a conversation 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!



have conversations with sb也可写成什么?

talk with sb,这两个意思是相近的。如果造句的话可以组They often have conversations with their children. 或者Jane is having a conversation with Mr. Brown.记得采纳

conversations conversation的区别

conversation n.交谈,会话;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话、conversations n.交谈( conversation的名词复数 );交往;谈话技巧;[自动数据处理](特指通过键盘和计算机进行的)人机对话;

make conversation还是make conversations

只能用make conversation


conversation[英][u02ccku0252nvu0259u02c8seu026au0283n] [美][u02cckɑnvu025au02c8seu0283u0259n] 生词本 简明释义 n.交谈,会话;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话 复数:conversations 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-COUNT交谈;谈话;会话If you have a conversation with someone,you talk with them,usually in an informal situation. He"s a talkative guy,and I struck up a conversation with him... 他是一个健谈的人,于是我开始和他攀谈起来. I waited for her to finish a telephone conversation. 我等着她打完电话. 2.PHRASE正在谈话;正在交谈If you say that people are in conversation,you mean that they are talking together. When I arrived I found her in conversation with Mrs Williams.


conversation英[u02ccku0252nvu0259"seu026au0283n]   美[u02cckɑu02d0nvu0259r"seu026au0283n n.谈话;会话I listened to their conversation.我倾听他们的谈话。Did you have a conversation with him?你和他谈过话了吗?conversation复数conversations


conversation 英[u02ccku0252nvu0259u02c8seu026au0283n] 美[u02cckɑnvu025au02c8seu0283u0259n] n. 交谈,会话;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话 名词复数:conversations [例句]What follows is an edited transcript of our conversation.下文即我们谈话内容的编辑版。


conversation[英][u02ccku0252nvu0259u02c8seu026au0283n] [美][u02cckɑnvu025au02c8seu0283u0259n] 生词本简明释义n.交谈,会话;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话复数:conversations以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT交谈;谈话;会话If you have a conversation with someone, you talk with them, usually in an informal situation.He"s a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him...他是一个健谈的人,于是我开始和他攀谈起来。I waited for her to finish a telephone conversation.我等着她打完电话。2.PHRASE正在谈话;正在交谈If you say that people are in conversation, you mean that they are talking together. When I arrived I found her in conversation with Mrs Williams.

用Nero StarSmart如何刻录CD

说到刻录光盘,我想大家首先想到的就是鼎鼎大名的Nero(免费下载的资源很多,而且文件也不大)了,其强大的功能和稳定的性能都是受众人追捧的原因。而且它的易操作性,也让初学者能够轻松上手。下面简单介绍下使用Nero刻录光盘的方法:认识软件软件的安装很简单,一路下一步就可以了。安装完成后启动Nero StartSmart,Nero StartSmart集成了很多的刻录任务,就像是一个向导一样可以引导初次接触光盘刻录的人完成各种格式光盘的刻录。数据光盘(一般只能在电脑中读取)、MP3光盘(可以在支持MP3歌曲的CD播放器中播放)以及视频光盘(在VCD或DVD中使用)等刻录时使用了的是不同的格式,因此刻录不同格式的光盘只需要点击相应的按钮就可以一步一步轻松搞定。刻录实战这里笔者以数据光盘的刻录为例,因为数据光盘是大家最常用的。在Nero StartSmart中点击“数据”按钮,然后选择“制作数据光盘”选项即可启动Nero Express并创建数据光盘方案了。小提示:默认情况下系统使用的是源文件的日期和时间,如果需要更改可以点击“更多”按钮来设置。在工作区界面的右侧点击“添加”按钮,然后在弹出的“选择文件及文件夹”对话框中选中需要刻录的文件,完成后单击“已完成”按钮。文件会被自动添加到刻录列表中。工作界面下边显示的刻度为光盘的容量,进度条为添加的文件的大小,添加的数据文件不能超过光盘的容量(如图3),否则将会导致刻录失败。完成文件添加后单击“下一步”,进行最终刻录设置。如果有多台刻录机可以在“当前刻录机”选项中进行选择,然后在“光盘名称”中给光盘起一个名称。在“写入速度”下拉菜单中设定一个合适的速度,1×=150KB/S,8×的速度就等于电脑每秒向刻录机传输8×150=1200KB的数据。提示:刻录速度的选择刻录软件提供选择多种速度进行刻录,那是不是速度越快越好呢?当然不是,刻录速度不仅和软件有关,和刻录机以及盘片的品质也有很大的关系。一般刻录机都会在机身上标识出其最大刻录速度,盘片也是如此。在盘片放入刻录机后,刻录机会自动读取盘片信息以确定最大刻录速度。我们在选择刻录速度时也要注意这一点。而有些劣质盘片往往不能达到标称的速度,所以为了稳妥起见,不要以最高速度进行刻录。此外刻录不同光盘对速度也有不同要求。比如在进行MP3光盘等音频光盘刻录时,应尽量采用低速写入方式刻录,否则光盘中的音乐文件可能会出现“暴音”的现象。如果你这次所刻录的数据远远小于光盘的容量,并且希望下次继续利用好这些剩余的空间可以把“允许以后添加文件”选项勾中,这样就能对一张光盘进行多次刻录,如果不选择“允许以后添加文件”,系统将会按一次写入方式刻录光盘,以后将无法再向光盘中添加文件。设置好后就点击“刻录”按钮即弹出刻录对话框进行光盘的刻录了。其它格式的光盘刻录大家可以自己摸索。要想保证成功的刻录光盘还需要注意其它方面,除了选择适当的写入速度外,在刻录之前应该关闭其它的应用程序,最好把屏幕保护程序也关掉,否则在等待刻录的过程中会因为屏保的出现而影响刻录进程。

Main Title [Bodies, Rest & Motion] (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Main Title [Bodies, Rest & Motion] (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Michael Convertino专辑:Bodies, Rest & Motion [Original Score]Main Title Voice: Freddie Highmore《August Rush》Sometimes the worldtries to knock it out of youBut I believe in musicthe way that some peoplebelieve in fairy tales.I like to imagine that what I hearcame from my mother and father.Maybe the notes I hear...are the same ones they heardthe night they met.Maybe that"s how they found each other.Maybe that"s how they"ll find me.I believe that, once upon a timelong agothey heard the music and followed it.

西铁城背面是CITIZENWATCHCO W.R.5BARST.STEEL 2500.S029198 411034011 MOVTJAPAN GN-O-S-9是什么意思?




英语作文:behave yourself in pubic places

How to love your country---behave yourself well Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, the topic of my speech today is How to love our country---behave yourself well. As a typical developing country, China shows its prosperity and greatness step by step, in 21st century particularly. Needless to say, Chinese are the direct beneficiaries from our motherland"s blossom. Not only are we able to enjoy a more comfortable and convenient life, but also enhance a sense of national pride. However, there exists a tendency that this sense is likely to turn to an abnormal mind, which can be called self-satisfaction to some extent. And with time going by, this psychology seems to be more serious. As can be seen all the time, plenty of people litter, spit, jump in line, speak swearwords in public. Obviously, that they are contented with themselves contributes to their rudeness. In addition, the lack of proper education is also to blame but personalities determine most. Although the speed of our country"s development is quite comforting, drawbacks appear in the meantime. Consequently, what seem most significant are our immediate measures to deal with the situation. So behave yourself well is all I want to call for. Exposed to settled or different environments, we"re supposed to make a change sometimes. Maybe it just need a little time and thinking before you take action, so why not to make a new choice? 2014年执业医师资格考试 医学综合笔试临床执业医师 口腔执业医师 中医执业医师 As a freshman living on the campus, it"s also important to behave ourselves well, which refers to obey the school rules, correct our uncivilized behaviors and so on. Once I memorized a sentence from Obama"s speech—If you give up yourself, you give up your country. So our teenagers"efforts matter a lot to the sociality as well as our country. To sum up, "s no doubt that everyone holds patriotic enthusiasm. So stick to the fact that behave yourself well is bound to be the most valuable love for your motherland. That"s all, thank you! there

bruno mars的 it will rain全歌词的中文发音

If you ever leave me, baby  如果你要离开我,宝贝  Leave some morphine at my door  请在门后留些吗啡  "Cause it would take a whole lot of medication  因为它会代替所有药物  To realize what we used to have  回首我们的过去  We don"t have it anymore  再也不需要它了  There"s no religion that could save me  没有什么宗教信仰能够拯救我  No matter how long my leaves are on the floor  无论我跪在地上多久  So keep in mind all the sacrifices I"m makin"  请记住我做过的牺牲  Will keep you by my side  让你在我身边  Will keep you from walkin" out the door  并让你走出门外  Cause there"ll be no more sunlight, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有阳光  There"ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有明朗的天空  Just let the clouds, I, I will do the same  我会像云一样的飘过  If you walk away, Everyday, It Will Rain  如果你走了,那么每天都会下雨  I"ll never be your mother"s favorite  我从不会是你妈妈的最爱  Your daddy can"t even look me in the eye  你爸爸甚至不会看我的双眼  Oooh if I was in their shoes  如果我和他们是同样的处境  I"d be doing the same thing  我也会做一样的事情  Sayin there goes my little girl  说那是我的小女孩  Walkin" with that troublesome guy  走开,讨厌鬼  But they"re just afraid of something they can"t understand  但他们只是害怕一些他们不明白  Oooh well little darlin" watch me change their minds  哦,哦亲爱看我改变主意  Yea for you I"ll try I"ll try I"ll try  但是为你,我会努力,努力,努力去做  I"ll pick up these broken pieces "til I"m bleeding  直到流血我也要拾起这些碎片  That"ll make you mine  将他们拼合完整  Cause there"ll be no more sunlight, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有阳光  There"ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有明朗的天空  Just let the clouds, I, I will do the same  我会像云一样的飘过  If you walk away, Everyday, It Will Rain  如果你走了,那么每天都会下雨  I"ll do the same  我会做同样的  Goodbye, don"t just say, goodbye  再见,不要只是说,再见  I"ll pick up these broken pieces "til I"m bleeding  直到流血我也要拾起这些碎片  That"ll make it right  将使它正确  Cause there"ll be no more sunlight, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有阳光  There"ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有明朗的天空  Just let the clouds, I, I will do the same  我会像云一样的飘过  If you walk away, Everyday, It Will Rain  如果你走了,那么每天都会下雨

Bruno Mars - It Will Rain的歌词 求求求求!!

[00:00.00]Bruno Mars - It Will Rain[00:01.62]( Lyrics by King@MaxRNB )[00:02.55]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![00:03.59][00:04.25]If you ever leave me, baby, [00:10.53]Leave some morphine at my door [00:16.22]"Cause it would take a whole lot of medication [00:22.90]To realize what we used to have, [00:25.14]We don"t have it anymore. [00:29.04][00:29.70]There"s no religion that could save me [00:35.72]No matter how long my leaves are on the floor [00:41.94]So keep in mind all the sacrifices I"m makin" [00:48.15]Will keep you by my side [00:50.70]Will keep you from walkin" out the door. [00:53.89][00:54.27]Cause there"ll be no more sunlight [00:57.49]if I lose you, baby [01:00.83]There"ll be no clear skies [01:03.93]if I lose you, baby [01:07.50]Just let the clouds, I [01:10.33]I will do the same if you walk away [01:15.83]Everyday, it will rain [01:23.30][01:36.70]I"ll never be your mother"s favorite [01:42.72]Your daddy can"t even look me in the eye [01:47.43]Oooh if I was in their shoes, I"d be doing the same thing [01:55.22]Sayin there goes my little girl [01:58.06]walkin" with that troublesome guy [02:01.32][02:01.51]But they"re just afraid of something they can"t understand [02:07.32]Oooh well little darlin" watch me change their minds [02:13.49]Yea for you I"ll try I"ll try I"ll try [02:20.13]I"ll pick up these broken pieces "til I"m bleeding [02:23.91]That"ll make you mine [02:26.80][02:27.28]Cause there"ll be no more sunlight [02:30.29]if I lose you, baby [02:33.65]There"ll be no clear skies [02:36.81]if I lose you, baby [02:40.21]Just like the clouds, I [02:43.01]I will do the same if you walk away [02:48.62]Everyday, it will rain [02:56.29][03:08.59]I"ll do the same [03:11.07]goodbye, don"t just say, goodbye [03:20.86]I"ll pick up these broken pieces "til I"m bleeding [03:24.76]That"ll make it right [03:28.07][03:28.25]Cause there"ll be no more sunlight [03:31.47]if I lose you, baby [03:34.44]There"ll be no clear skies [03:37.67]if I lose you, baby [03:40.91]Just like the clouds, I [03:43.81]I will do the same if you walk away [03:49.44]Everyday, it will rain

《bruno mars》 的双语歌词带歌名额,,,

Bruno Mars - Marry Youit"s a beautiful night 夜色如此美丽we"re looking for something dumb to do让我们做些可爱的蠢事吧!hey baby i think i wanna marry you我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚well i know this little chapel on the boulevard我知道林荫小道上有一座小教堂we can go我们可以去no one will know没有人会察觉oh come on girl来吧姑娘who cares if we"re trashed没人在乎我们是否烂醉如泥got a pocket full of cash we can blow我们带着满满的现金shots of patrol把最贵的鸡尾酒挥霍殆尽and it"s on girl这就来了姑娘don"t say no no no no no别说不不不..just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah快说好好好..and we"ll go go go go go我们这就走走走..if you"re ready,like i"m ready只要你和我一样迫不及待cos it"s a beautiful night 夜色如此美丽we"re looking for something dumb to do让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby,i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚I"ll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like oooh我会把戒指带来然后让婚礼钟声响起So whatcha wanna do?那你打算怎么做呢?Let"s just run girl.我们逃跑吧,女孩If we wake up and you wanna break up that"s cool.但如果我们梦醒了你决定要分手那也没关系No, I won"t blame you;我不会怪你It was fun girl.因为我们有过欢乐时光don"t say no no no no no别说不不不..just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah快说好好好..and we"ll go go go go go我们这就走走走..if you"re ready,like i"m ready只要你和我一样迫不及待oh ~哇哦~just say i do告诉我你愿意tell me right now baby告诉我宝贝tell me right now baby,baby现在就告诉我宝贝just say i do告诉我你愿意tell me right now baby告诉我宝贝tell me right now baby,baby现在就告诉我宝贝oh ~哇哦~it"s a beautiful night夜色如此美丽we"re looking for something dumb to do让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚----------------------《It Will Rain》If you ever leave me, baby  如果你要离开我,宝贝  Leave some morphine at my door  请在门后留些吗啡  "Cause it would take a whole lot of medication  因为它会代替所有药物  To realize what we used to have  回首我们的过去  We don"t have it anymore  再也不需要它了  There"s no religion that could save me  没有什么宗教信仰能够拯救我  No matter how long my leaves are on the floor  无论我跪在地上多久  So keep in mind all the sacrifices I"m makin"  请记住我做过的牺牲  Will keep you by my side  让你在我身边  Will keep you from walkin" out the door  并让你走出门外  Cause there"ll be no more sunlight, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有阳光  There"ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有明朗的天空  Just let the clouds, I, I will do the same  我会像云一样的飘过  If you walk away, Everyday, It Will Rain  如果你走了,那么每天都会下雨  I"ll never be your mother"s favorite  我从不会是你妈妈的最爱  Your daddy can"t even look me in the eye  你爸爸甚至不会看我的双眼  Oooh if I was in their shoes  如果我和他们是同样的处境  I"d be doing the same thing  我也会做一样的事情  Sayin there goes my little girl  说那是我的小女孩  Walkin" with that troublesome guy  走开,讨厌鬼  But they"re just afraid of something they can"t understand  但他们只是害怕一些他们不明白  Oooh well little darlin" watch me change their minds  哦,哦亲爱看我改变主意  Yea for you I"ll try I"ll try I"ll try  但是为你,我会努力,努力,努力去做  I"ll pick up these broken pieces "til I"m bleeding  直到流血我也要拾起这些碎片  That"ll make you mine  将他们拼合完整  Cause there"ll be no more sunlight, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有阳光  There"ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有明朗的天空  Just let the clouds, I, I will do the same  我会像云一样的飘过  If you walk away, Everyday, It Will Rain  如果你走了,那么每天都会下雨  I"ll do the same  我会做同样的  Goodbye, don"t just say, goodbye  再见,不要只是说,再见  I"ll pick up these broken pieces "til I"m bleeding  直到流血我也要拾起这些碎片  That"ll make it right  将使它正确  Cause there"ll be no more sunlight, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有阳光  There"ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有明朗的天空  Just let the clouds, I, I will do the same  我会像云一样的飘过  If you walk away, Everyday, It Will Rain  如果你走了,那么每天都会下雨--------------------------bruno mars-when I was your manSame bed but it feels just同样一张床,却感觉A little bit bigger now现在有些空当当的Our song on the radio电台里放着我们的歌But it dont sound the same可听起来却不似从前的感觉When our friends talk about you当我的朋友提起你All it does is just tear me down总是让我不禁泪下Cause my heart breaks a little因为我总会有些心碎When I hear your name当我听到你的名字It all just sounds like那听起来就像Mmm too young too dumb to realize太年轻太愚蠢的现实That i因为我Should "ve bought you flowers应该送你一束花And held you hands然后牵起你的手Should "ve gave you all my hours应该给你我生命中的每一个小时When I had the chance当我还有机会去爱你Take you to every party带你去所有的聚会Cause all you wanted to do was dance因为你唯一想做的就是跳舞Now my baby is dancing现在亲爱的你在翩翩起舞But she"s dancing with another man可却是和另外一个他My pride my ego my needs and my selfish ways我的骄傲,自负,需求和自私的方式Cause the good strong woman like you to walk out my life使像你一样坚强的好女孩走出了我的生活Now I never never get to clean up the mess I made现在我再也无法清理那些我制造的混乱Ooh and it haunts me every time I close my eyes而且在我每一次闭上眼睛都在伤害着我It all just sounds like那听起来就像Mmm too young too dumb to realize太年轻太愚蠢的现实That i因为我Should "ve bought you flowers应该送你一束花And held you hands然后牵起你的手Should "ve gave you all my hours应该给你我生命中的每一个小时When I had the chance当我还有机会去爱你Take you to every party带你去所有的聚会Cause all you wanted to do was dance因为你唯一想做的就是跳舞Now my baby is dancing现在亲爱的你在翩翩起舞But shes dancing with another man可却是和另外一个他Although it hurts虽然这会再次让我心碎I"ll be the first to say但我终于还是说出来That I was wrooooong我曾经是那样错误Oooh I know im probably much too late我知道这或许已经太晚了To try and apologize for my mistakes去试图为我的错误道歉But I just want you to know但我只是想让你知道I hope he buys you flowers我希望他会送你一束花I hope he hold you hands我希望他牵起你的手Give you all his hours给你他生命中的每一个小时When he has the chance当他还有机会去爱你Take you to every party带你去所有的聚会Cause I remember how much因为我记得你有多么You loved to dance有多么喜欢跳舞Do all the things I should"ve done做所有那些我应该为你做的事情When I was your man当我还是你最爱的男人Do all the things I should"ve done做所有那些我应该为你做的事情When I was your man当我还是你最爱的男人=====================b.o.b - nothin" on you - bruno marsbeautiful girls all over the world世界各地的漂亮女孩i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追 但我的时间就会被浪费they got nothing on you baby她们比起你一无所有babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babythey might say hi and i might say hey她们可能说hi 我可能说heybut you shouldn"t worry about what they say但你不必担心她们说什么cos they got nothing on you baby因为她们比起你一无所有 babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babyi know you feel where i"m coming from我知道你想到了我来自哪里regardless of the things in my past that i"ve done不在意我以前的行为most of it really was for the hell of the fun大多数其实都只是该死的玩乐on the carousel so around i spun (spun)在旋转木马上我漫无目的地旋转with no directions just tryna get some (some)没有方向只是试着得到一点tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun (sun)试着追逐夏日阳光里的那些短裙this is how i lost more than i had ever won这就是我失去比曾经拥有还多的过程and honestly i ended up with none然后老实说 我以一无所有而终there"s no much nonsense世上没有那么多无聊的事it"s on my conscience凭着良心i"m thinking baby i should get it out我在想baby 我应该从中走出来and i don"t wanna sound redundant我不想让你听起来觉得累赘but i was wondering if there was something that you wanna know (that you wanna know)但我疑惑 有没有你想知道的事情but never mind that we should let it go (we should let it go)但不要在意我们是否该任它而去cos we don"t wanna be a t.v episode (t.v episode)因为我们不想成为电视连续剧and all the bad thoughts just let them go (go, go, go, go)所有坏念头就让他们消散吧beautiful girls all over the world世界各地的漂亮女孩i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追 但我的时间就会被浪费they got nothing on you baby她们比起你一无所有babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babythey might say hi and i might say hey她们可能说hi 我可能说heybut you shouldn"t worry about what they say但你不必担心她们说什么cos they got nothing on you baby因为她们比起你一无所有 babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babyhands down there will never be another one世上必定不会再有另一个人i been around and i never seen another one我在四周环绕 从没见过那另一个人look at your style they ain"t really got nothing on看看你的作风 她们不是什么都没有and you out and you ain"t got nothing on然后你出局 你也不是什么都没有baby you the whole package plus you pay your taxesBaby你全套齐全 加上不偷税漏税and you keep it real while them other stay plastic然后当别人整容时你保持着天然you"re my wonder women call me mr. Fantastic你是我的wonder women 请叫我范特西先生stop.. now think about it停…现在开始好好想想i"ve been to london, i"ve been to paris我去过伦敦 去过巴黎even went out there to tokyo甚至到过东京back home down in georgia to new orleans回到乔治亚的家 然后到新奥尔良but you always still to show (still to show)但你总是会出现and just like that girl you got me froze (got me froze)然后就这样你让我来回往复like a nintendo 64 (64)像一部N64if you never knew well now you know (know, know, know,know)如果你从前不明了 现在应该知道了beautiful girls all over the world世界各地的漂亮女孩i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追 但我的时间就会被浪费they got nothing on you baby她们比起你一无所有babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babythey might say hi and i might say hey她们可能说hi 我可能说heybut you shouldn"t worry about what they say但你不必担心她们说什么cos they got nothing on you baby因为她们比起你一无所有 babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babyeverywhere i go i"m always hearing your name (name, name)不论我走到哪里总是听到你的名字and no matter where i"m at girl you make me wanna sing (sing.sing)而且不管我在那里你总让我想哼唱whether a bus or a plane or a car or a train不论公交车飞机轿车或火车no other girls on my brain and you the one to blame我脑海中没有别的女孩 这都是你的错beautiful girls all over the world世界各地的漂亮女孩i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追 但我的时间就会被浪费they got nothing on you baby她们比起你一无所有babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babythey might say hi and i might say hey她们可能说hi 我可能说heybut you shouldn"t worry about what they say但你不必担心她们说什么cos they got nothing on you baby因为她们比起你一无所有 babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babyyeah and that"s just how we do itYeah这就是我们的方式and i"ma let this ride就任它这样吧B O B and bruno mars

I Swear This Time I Mean It (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Swear This Time I Mean It (Album Version)歌手:mayday parade专辑:Anywhere But HereOh, Florida, please be still tonightDon"t disturb this love of mineLook how she"s so sereneYou"ve gotta help me outAnd count the stars to form the linesAnd find the words we"ll sing in timeI wanna keep her dreamingIt"s my one wishI won"t forget thisI"m outdated, overratedMorning seems so far awaySo I"ll sing a melodyAnd hope to God she"s listeningSleeping softly while I singAnd I"ll be your memoriesYour lullaby for all the timesHoping that my voice could get it rightIf luck is on my side tonightMy clumsy tongue will make it rightAnd wrists that touchIt isn"t much, but it"s enoughTo form imaginary linesForget your scarsWe"ll forget mineThe hours change so fastOh, God, please make this last"Cause I"m outdated, overratedMorning seems so far awaySo I"ll sing a melodyAnd hope to God she"s listeningSleeping softly while I singAnd I"ll be your memoriesYour lullaby for all the timesHoping that my voice could get it rightCould get it rightYou could crush mePlease don"t crush me"Cause, baby, I"m a dreamer for sureAnd I won"t let you downI swear this time I mean itAnd I"ll sing a melodyAnd hope to God she"s listeningSleeping softly while I singAnd I"ll be your memoriesYour lullaby for all the timesHoping that my voice could get it right


Never Say Never   永不言败  See I never thought that I could walk through fire   我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火  I never thought that I could take the burn   我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来  I never had the strength to take it higher   我以前从没想过我可以更强大  Until I reached the point of no return   直到我被逼到了绝境  When your hearts under attack   当你的心受到攻击时  Gonna give everything I have   我会付出我的所有  It"s my destiny 这是我的命运  I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)     I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)     Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我     Iwill not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振     Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗     Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗     And never say never 我永不言败  I never thought that I could feel this power   我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大     I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由     I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以攀登上世界上最高的塔    And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋  And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头     When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时     Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有     Cause it"s my destiny 因为这是我的命运  I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗)     I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他)     Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我    I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振     Pick it up 继续战斗    Pick it up 继续战斗     Pick it up 继续战斗     Pick it up up up 继续战斗     And never say never 我永不言败  Here we go! 我们现在就出发!     Guess who 猜猜是谁     JSmith and Jb! 是JSmith和Jb!     I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟     I can handle him 我可以搞定他     Hold up aight 别松懈 好么     I can handle him 我可以搞定他     Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害     Taller than me 比我高     And he"s older than me 他比我大     And stronger than me 比我强壮     And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些     But he ain"t on a JB song with me! 但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌!     I be trying a chill 我控制自己冷静下来     They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了激情     No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力     Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke掌握了原力     Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像科比在比赛的第4节一样冷血(根据视频里的动作好像应该是这样的)     I gotta be the best and yes我要当最好的 并且我可以     We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔     Like David and Goliath 就像David和Goliath一样     I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人     So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上     I was born from two stars我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来     So the moon"s where I land月亮是我的降落的地方     I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗)     I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)     Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我     I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振     Pick it up 继续战斗     Pick it up继续战斗     Pick it up 继续战斗     Pick it up up up 继续战斗     And never say never 我永不言败     I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗)     I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他)     Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我     I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振     Pick it up 继续战斗     Pick it up 继续战斗     Pick it up 继续战斗     Pick it up up up继续战斗     And never say never 我永不言败

the pursuit of happyness电影剧情介绍(英语版)

I don"t know for sure whether it is the cold or the movie that kept me tossing and turning in bed, but one thing is certain: many scattered fragments of the movie again and again flashed in my mind. My cell phone read 4:16 am at that time, but I was not sleepy at all. So I decided to get up and write something. "The Pursuit of Happyness" -- the title comes from a misspelled schoolhouse mural -- has a lot on its mind but mostly this: If America is about the promise of bettering oneself, why does it have to be so freaking hard? In the movie, Jefferson"s Declaration of Independence words about happiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner. Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living. Chris saw a bunch of suits, mostly male, pouring out of the Dean Witter Reynolds brokerage firm in downtown San Francisco. They all looked “happy,” “Why not me? “ Christ wondered. He did have an adorable boy, Christopher, but wife Linda was becoming a scarecrow of overworked anxiety. Finally, his wife left Christ because of life pressure, leaving him and her five-year-old son, Christopher. And naturally, Christ became a single father. With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat. They became homeless. They slept in asylum, subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son"s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today. With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care. However, Christ made it with his amazing willpower. Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person. It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot. What impressed me most are: Christ"s wife left him because of life pressure; Christ"s love to his son and Christ"s strong belief towards life. Through these, I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa, since in reality, only love cannot only make everything. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.

Gerry & The Pacemakers的《Rip It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Rip It Up歌手:Gerry & The Pacemakers专辑:EssentialJet - Rip It UpLrc:蛇小椿Did you ever get the feeling you were born to loseSmacked in the face with a silver spoonSkinny doll gimme your magazine queenJust spread your legs for the silver screenFrom the bedroom baby to the city a" lightYou look pretty good but you"re not so brightFlashin" your stash ain"t nothin" newI"m gonna get ya my pretty…your little dog tooMake me rich, your doctor saidAnd if you ever break down i"ll cut you up againOn the bedroom wall the stars look brightBut they don"t belong in the city a" lightGet on your feet boysRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Get on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Well well well what a wild wild dreamMonkey do, what a monkey sceneDaddy done bought you a record dealBargain basement boy how does it feelFrom the bedroom baby to the city a" lightLook pretty good but you"re not so brightGet on your feet boysRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Get on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Rip it up, rip it up, rip it upRip it up, rip it up, rip it upGet on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make itGet on your feet boysRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make itGet on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make itRip it up, rip it up, rip it upRip it up, rip it up, rip it up

better make it up before it get worse什么意思


求the pursuit of happiness 的英文简介或影评 不要太长的 如题 口语测试用的

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical film directed by Gabriele Muccino about the on and off-homeless salesman-turned-stockbroker Chris Gardner. The screenplay by Steven Conrad is based on the best-selling memoir of the same name written by Chris Gardner with Quincy Troupe. The film was released on December 15, 2006 by Columbia Pictures. Chris Gardner is a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman. Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. When Gardner lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, he and his son endure many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.



Liberation (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Liberation (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Chicago专辑:Original Album Seriesalbum: Sounds of a Playground Fading§ released on June 15th, 2011 §I know what it takes to break youYou know I never sleepJust because you made them thinkDoesn"t mean the world will fall into placeTook some time but now you knowTomorrow is too lateClose your eyes, walk with me, I"ll set you freeAnd everything you ask forI found a wayAnd I"m returning soonI have to see those who do not knowRest in peace, I"m coming for youAnd I will beI will be with youTonightIf today was your last dayWould that change a thing ?You probably believe what you told themLive each moment like your lastWell close your eyes, walk with me, I"ll set you freeAnd everything you ask forI found a wayAnd I"m returning soonI have to see those who do not knowRest in peace, I"m coming for youI will beI will be with youTonight- solo -I found a wayAnd I"m returning soonI have to see those who do not knowRest in peace, I"m coming for YOU !I will beI WILL BE WITH YOU(I found a way) I found a wayAnd I"m returning soonI have to see those who do not knowRest in peace, I"m coming for youI will beI will be with YOUTONIGHT



I have Dee(人名) who in herself is enough to compen

为您解答I 主语have谓语 Dee宾语(人名)( who in herself is enough to compensate for anything定语从句).定语从句中who 从句主语in herself介短做状语 is系动词 enough 表语to compensate for anything不定式做目的状语

Hate Breeders 歌词

歌曲名:Hate Breeders歌手:The Misfits专辑:Collection 2Hatebreeder-Children Of BodomI found session, betrayed now, it′s all nowI saw, human, I see soWhat I am certain of, I don′t knowOther souls beyond this smileI hate you from the bottom of my heartI have the fucking right now, I"d say soBeside you, I saw, your ignitionOther souls beyond this smileWell I thought now I said I saw some ignitionI saw it, your vanity, your mentality for sure!.....Never seen the fooled, beast inside of meWell I"m an asshole, and really will always beSo why now, let it beIs that so fucking hard, be dead, I"m freeYawww... ....Burn it hard, make a void that sucks till it sucks you dryWe need the open thing with my special little part of lifeI"m accessing in the northern lightYou know I got no fucking other souls, guilty nowI′ve got no fine, no fucking thoughts, soA combination, now you"re fucking deadNever seen the fooled beast inside of meWell I"m an asshole, and really will always beSo why now, let it beIs that so fucking hard, be dead, I"m free

Converse Dream Team 扭转梦想音乐在那

别听那个sammy的人讲的屁话!他GRD的早就被CDT开除了!到处给CDT抹黑~还挂着CDT的名号到处吹牛皮.楼主你要听CDT的作品就去谷歌搜索Converse Dream Team 就有了 百度没得

mariah carey 的underneath the stars 中文歌词


we all like horse这句话哪里错了


Trees are useful to man in three important ways. The first important way is that they provide(提..

小题1:没有树木,很多动物就不能在地上生存。小题2:Three. / 小题3:They give us shade. /Shade.小题4:Trees.小题5:Trees Are Useful. / Trees Are Important. 试题分析:这篇主要从三个方面介绍了树木的用处及重要性。小题1:注意本句中without引导伴随状语.小题2:根据The first …… The second ……The third 描述,可知答:Three. 小题3:根据The second important way is that trees give us shade(阴凉).及下文描述,可知答:They give us shade. /Shade.小题4:联系前文描述,可知这个最好的朋友指的是树木,故答:Trees。小题5:这篇主要从三个方面介绍了树木的用处及重要性。故答:Trees Are Useful. / Trees Are Important.点评:此类题型考查英语知识的综合运用,各小题类型比较复杂,涉及补全句子,翻译及阅读理解等题型,答题中要注意运用这些题型的答题技巧。答题前一定要弄懂全文,然后再动手解答问题。答题过程中,注意联系学过的句式,短语,结合短文内容,完成各小题的解答。

he is the first man后面为什么是to do sth


The Psychedelic Furs的《Goodbye》 歌词

歌曲名:Goodbye歌手:The Psychedelic Furs专辑:The Best OfGood byeGood bye 现在要忘记你 如此狼狈 这样的心碎快乐是你 身旁还有 过去像我的笨女孩无情 无义的人 把我一个人丢下来 孤单寂寞 独自承受 这种痛苦负心的人 为什么玩弄 我的真感情 说什么 我在你身边就如得到了全世界Good bye Good bye 我太傻了 不能埋怨 泪只能心里吞偷情骗子 不值得流泪 我为自己 醒过来我会努力 不会再流泪 重新开始 新人生我们的天父, 愿你的名受显扬; 愿你的国来临; 愿你的旨意奉行在人间, 如同在天上.求你今天赏给我们日用的食粮; 求你宽恕我们的罪过, 如同我们宽恕别人一样;不要让我们陷于诱惑, 但求我们免于凶恶.阿 阿们.

让大家帮忙详细解释一下:constraint [pk_users] primary key clustered

这是在userid列上创建一个唯一聚集索引的语句。primary key表明创建的是主键约束,culstered表示索引类型是聚集索引,IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF的作用是在向表中插入数据的时候,如果遇到表中已经存在userid的值,insert语句就会失败,并且回滚整个insert语句。ON [PRIMARY]表示是索引创建在主文件组上。[pk_users] 是主键的名称。


1、第一个接口 2、第二个接口传入该变量进行对比


import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; //导入org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; String timeStamp = "${__time(/1000,)}"; //定义时间timeStamp=服务器时间; String randomStr = "${__Random(11111111,99999999)}"; //定义时间随机数=8位1-9的随机数; String tmp = timeStamp + randomStr + "xxxxx"; //定义tmp=时间timeStamp,8位随机数和密码xxxxx;"timeStamp:" + timeStamp); //打印timeStamp;"randomStr:" + randomStr); //打印randomStr;"tmp:" + tmp); //打印tmp; //String un = DigestUtils.sha1Hex(tmp); //定义un=哈希sha1加密的tmp; //"un:" + un); //打印un; String signature = DigestUtils.md5Hex (DigestUtils.sha1Hex(tmp)).toUpperCase(); //定义signature==哈希sha1加密的tmp然后再进行md5加密后进行大写;"signature:" + signature); //打印signature; vars.put("signature", signature); //打印signature; vars.put("timeStamp", timeStamp); //打印timeStamp; vars.put("randomStr", randomStr); //打印randomStr;


参考上一篇文章,写的接口自定义。这篇文章,可以直接调用前面的接口定于作为场景case 1、新建场景 2、选择接口列表导入,选中接口定义,复制该case进入场景中 3、选择环境后,点击执行后,返回200正常,则点击保存 4、点击保存,场景case添加一条api定义完成,如需要更多,也可以持续添加。场景导入,自定义请求均可




一、问题 1、在MeterSphere遇到请求方法是post,但是接口调用一直返回:接口请求方式不支持,请检查! 2、检查请求方式确实是post没错; 3、但是发现上面请求的方法会被自动改成get,所以导致接口校验不通过: 二、解决 1、在postman调用一样的接口,还是返回如上的报错: 2、这个时候,考虑到是不是原本的请求有问题,修改了HTTP协议,改成HTTPS协议,就能正常返回结果了,理由应该是运维对协议做了校验:


使用流程:首先我们拿到账号后需要 创建项目 ,为项目配置环境域名,在项目管理内还可以设置用户自定义变量、默认请求头操作;创建好项目后点击接口测试,选择该项目新建模块树用来管理接口集合,接下来创建 接口定义 ,就是把一个接口中的所需内容填写进去,包括接口名称、接口路径、请求方法、请求体、请求头部。填写完接口定义后点击保存,此时在对应模块的api列表中就能看到该接口定义;保存后点击测试会跳转到接口测试页面,需要验证接口是否能正常请求通过,这部分属于 用例设计 ,可以给用例添加断言、添加前置脚本、添加后置脚本、提取参数等操作,用例添加完需要另存为新用例,此时在对应模块的case列表里可以看到该用例;针对场景用例,需要在 接口自动化 里创建场景,然后引用已有的单接口用例来串成需要的场景用例进行调试。 官方文档 自定义变量添加(非必须,有需要自行添加),例如在多处需要用到该参数,就可以添加一个自定义变量。 环境域名配置,这个是必须添加的,运行用例的时候需要选择运行环境。请求头的设置非必须,根据需要可以自行配置 官方文档 配置好项目环境后,可以开始录入接口定义,通过左侧模块树来管理接口集合,模块树最多支持8级。 创建接口定义 点击测试,跳转到接口测试页面调试接口能正常请求 如果能正常请求通过,进行下一步添加断言 断言规则有5种,最简单的就是通过jsonpath 断言返回消息体内容,如果只是断言网络状态码的200,就没什么意义了 前置脚本、后置脚本使用,复杂的场景通过beanshell脚本可以做自己想要的逻辑处理,需要自己写好java程序打jar包,在项目管理中上传jar包,然后再导入包名底下的类,进行类实例化再调类里的方法来使用。变量的获取跟设置的方法与jmeter里的beanshell脚本里一致。 通过引用用例列表中的用例来组织想要的场景,例如老师约课,需要先走老师登录获再获取课程列表,然后约课。 复制的用例后期用例更改不会影响到场景里引用的用例,引用的用例再后期用例更改,也会同步影响场景里的用例,看自己需要是复制还是引用。 用例引用列表可拖动调整用例上下顺序


MeterSphere是一站式开源持续测试平台,涵盖测试跟踪、接口测试、性能测试、团队协作等功能,兼容JMeter 等开源标准,有效助力开发和测试团队充分利用云弹性进行高度可扩展的自动化测试,加速高质量软件的交付。 以 root 用户 ssh 登录目标服务器, 执行如下命令 安装脚本默认使用 /opt/metersphere 目录作为安装目录,MeterSphere 的配置文件、数据及日志等均存放在该安装目录 如果您的服务器可以访问互联网, 可以通过以下命令直接升级 metersphere 至最新版本 自 MeterSphere v1.3.0 起之后的版本才提供 upgrade 命令 安装成功后,通过浏览器访问如下页面登录 MeterSphere 备注:jmeter中脚本编写不太规范的话,导入可能会提示找不到引用的jar包方法

personally rewarding什么意思


Always And Forever (Bff) (Power Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Always And Forever (Bff) (Power Album Version)歌手:Raze专辑:PowerFeels likeI"m standing in a timeless dreamOf light mistsOf pale amber roseFeels likeI"m lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scentTouching discovering youThose days of warm rainsCome rushing back to meMiles of windlessSummer night airSecret momentsShared in the heat of the afternoonOut of the stillnessSoft spoken wordsSay say it againI love you always foreverNear and farCloser togetherEverywhere I will be with youEverything I will do for youI love you always foreverNear and farCloser togetherEverywhere I will be with youEverything I will do for youYou"ve got the most unbelievableBlue eyes I"ve ever seenYou"ve got me almost melting awayAs we lay there under blue skyWith pure white starsExotic sweetness a magical timeSay say it againI love you always foreverNear and farCloser togetherEverywhere I will be with youEverything I will do for youI love you always foreverNear and farCloser togetherEverywhere I will be with youEverything I will do for youSay you"ll loveLove me foreverNever stopNever whateverNear and farAnd always and everywhere and everythingSay you"ll love love me foreverNever stop never whateverNear and far and always and everywhere and everythingSay you"ll love love me foreverNever stop never whateverNear and far and always and everywhere and everythingI love you always foreverNear and farCloser togetherEverywhere I will be with youEverything I will do for youI love you always foreverNear and farCloser togetherEverywhere I will be with youEverything I will do for you

英语personally rewarding怎么翻译?

英语personally rewarding翻译为个人奖励扩展资料:personally英 [ u02c8pu025cu02d0su0259nu0259li ]美 [ u02c8pu025cu02d0rsu0259nu0259li ]释义adv.就个人而言;亲自地,本人地;当面地,直接地;个别地,单个地;私人地,私下里;无礼地,冒犯地例句1. I write personally to each inquirer.我亲自给每位问讯者回信。2. I personally think it"s a rotten idea.我个人认为这是个馊主意。3. Personally, I prefer the second option.就我个人而言,我倾向第二种选择。

BFF的《Flowers》 歌词

歌曲名:Flowers歌手:BFF专辑: HeartcoreFlowersBFFtouchin" BALLAD -珂珂sheery lyrics-I"m complicated my colors are shadedThey can be strong but sometimes are fadedI can"t be perfect, not even close to itI let my guard down and baby you knowYou push me too highIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break, like flowersDon"t tear us apart, it took so long to growDon"t let the pedals fall like flowersFlowers, flowers, flowersI was so open, I"m starting to closeDefending my heart like a thorn on a roseDon"t let it dwindle down to nothingBring back the man that I fell in love withYou push me too highIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break, like flowersDon"t tear us apart, it took so long to growDon"t let the pedals fall like flowersFlowers, flowers, flowersFlowers need the sun, flowers need the rainBut they don"t need someone, they don"t feel the painLike I do, I do, I need youDon"t let it dwindle down to nothingBring back the minute that I fell in love withYou push me too highIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break, like flowersDon"t tear us apart, it took so long to growDon"t let the pedals fall like flowersYou push me too highIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break, like flowersDon"t tear us apart, it took so long to growDon"t let the pedals fall like flowersFlowers, flowers, flowers

May Day is--------------the first of May A.on

A在某日,其前介词用on. 在某年或某月,其前用介词in.

Keep Yourself Alive 歌词

歌曲名:Keep Yourself Alive歌手:Queen专辑:Deep CutsI was told a million timesOf all the troubles in my wayHow I had to keep on tryingLittle better evry dayBut if I crossed a million riversAnd I rode a million milesThen Id still be where I startedBread and butter for a smileWell I sold a million mirrorsIn a shop in alley wayBut I never saw my faceIn any window any dayWell they say your folks are telling youTo be a super starBut I tell you just be satisfiedTo stay right where you areKeep yourself alive keep yourself aliveItll take you all your time and a moneyHoney youll surviveWell Ive loved a million womenIn a belladonic hazeAnd I ate a million dinnersBrought to me on silver traysGive me evrything I needTo feed my body and my soulAnd Ill grow a little biggerMaybe that can be my goalI was told a million timesOf all the people in my wayHow I had to keep on tryingAnd get better evry dayBut if I crossed a million riversAnd I rode a million milesThen Id still be where I startedStill be where I startedKeep yourself alive keep yourself aliveItll take you all your time and money honeyYoull surviveKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveItll take you all your time and moneyTo keep me satisfiedDo you think youre better evry dayNo I just think Im two steps nearer to my graveKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself alive mmYou take your time and take your moneyKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveAll you people keep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveItll take you all your time and a moneyTo keep me satisfiedKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveAll you people keep yourself aliveTake you all your time and money honeyYou will survive

Rsp - さくら ~あなたに出会えてよかった~中文版


The number of teachers is bigger and bigger?中的bigger可用 more替换吗

不可以,因为这里的bigger修饰的是number. 可以说这个数字越来越大(bigger),不能说这个数字越来越多(more). 要用more的话这句话应该是 There are more and more teachers,因为这里more修饰的是teachers, 表示老师越来越多.

Time (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Time (Album Version)歌手:Cute Is What We Aim For专辑:RotationTimeCute Is What We Aim ForRotationjanglyangfor the girl I met today afternoon(6.26.08)Oh, oh...The roads are wrapped around your waistThey lead me place to placeI take trips from hip to hipIn fact, I"ve made a career of itI always thought the left was your strongest sideBut when it comes to you, I can"t decideIt"s only a matter of timeI need the product of your fearsIn the form of tearsIt"s the only way I can surviveIt breaks my heart to see you cryAnd baby, it"s the only way I stay aliveGreen eyes, blue skiesNatural disasters when she criesGreen eyes, they"re mineIt"s only a matter of timeOh,oh...Like the chimateYou never know what weather you"ll getNo denying you"re the habit that I can"t quitIt"s only a matter of,mineI need the product of your fearsIn the form of tearsIt"s the only way I can surviveIt breaks my heart to see you cryAnd baby,it"s the only way I stay aliveGreen eyes,blue skiesNatural disasters when she criesGreen eyes, they"re mineIt"s only a matter of timeIt"s only a matter of timeYou"re tainted, I"m shakingI hope you turn around in timeTide"s changing, I"m waitingYou and I are one of a kind(You"re changing)I"ve been a both of our fearsOver my sore earsI still can"t pick my favorite place(don"t make me)The contour of your lipsThey match your continentsAnd I still love the way that you tasteI need the product of your fearsIn the form of tearsIt"s the only way I can surviveIt breaks my heart to see you cryAnd baby, it"s the only way I stay alive(stay alive)Green eyes, blue skiesNatural disasters when she criesGreen eyes, they"re mineIt"s only a matter of time(only a matter of time)It"s only a matter of time

My love To the world ,you may be one person,but to me ,you must be my whole world! I love yo

Love you the person be me

wasteful at best and cruel at worst啥意思

往最好的方面看是浪费, 往最坏的方面看是残酷说好听是浪费,说的难听就是残忍就是这个意思啦

wasteful at best and cruel at worst

浪费充其量和残忍,在最坏的货架上的图书馆向专利局含有详情 从字面上百万人的想法,是任何人都可以免费使用, (如果年龄超过一世纪,有时甚至重新ptent ) . 因为出版 一个主张以其他任何形式永久失效专利进一步对这一想法,这是传统的安全观念,采取 从(其他地区打印) . 一栋栋现代化technologial进步是基于这些(推定,在法律上的保障) . 这是他们减少 商业实践中,无论是通过必要的奉献精神,即赚钱.

wasteful at best and cruel at worst啥意思

放在句子中理解说得好是浪费,说得不好是残忍。To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce thesetreatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seemswasteful at best and cruel at worst. 许多人不明白获得这些新的治疗方法和疫苗都必须进行动物实验。对于他们来说,动物实验说得好是浪费,说得不好是残忍。

SD卡 miniSD卡 TF(microSD)卡 MMC卡 RS-MMS卡 MSD记忆棒分别是什么意思?

SD:考虑到CF卡体积比较大,目前一些DC厂商已经开始采用SD来代替CF以换来更小的机身(如佳能,柯达,宾得高端的数码单反相机*istDs也采用了SD卡插槽)。SD主要优点就是体积小,速度快。松下发布的超高速SD卡,型号为RP-SDK512J1A,传输速率可以达到了20MB/S。具有版权保护功能。目前市场上主流的SANDISK SD卡128M价格为140,256M为240左右。Sandisk的五年质保SD卡1G现价680元左右。金士顿的存储卡比较便宜,SD 128M目前为120,SD 256M目前为200左右,SD 512M在380左右。LEXAR的价格目前和金士顿差不多,1G的SD价格为650左右。SD卡目前主要有柯达,佳能,柯尼卡美能达,宾德,松下等DC采用。SD卡的特点是小巧的体积,低廉的价格,以及拥有众多厂商支持。目前SD卡已经渐渐成为存储卡市场的主力,消费级DC领域几乎都开始采用SD卡存储。就连佳能也开始在A系列的相机中采用SD卡(以前A系列一直以CF卡存储,新推出的A510/A520均以SD卡存储)。 MMC、RS-MMC、miniSD、MMC plus、MMC Mobile、T–Flash也是市场中比较常见储存卡,这些卡更多的被应用于手机PDA等数码设备。MMC plus、MMC Mobile这两种卡是MCA协会根据存储卡在市场上的应用情况,将MMC4.0规格的HS-MMC针对数码相机和手机的应用市场做的细分。在数码相机的应用上,延续上一代MMC的规格制定,命名为MMCplus;在手机的应用上,MMCA协会则延续了现有的RS-MMC Card规格制定,命名为MMCmobile。更高的读取速度以及更低电压是这类存储卡未来发展的方向。 MMCA 协会为一个开放式规格的协会,于1998 年由14 家公司成立,主要功能为提供给产业一个适合行动电话、数字影像、以及其它电子产品MultiMeidaCard 规格。MultiMediaCards 系特别为了行动电话、数字影像、以及其它电子产品所设计的小型内存卡规格 (24mm x 32 or 18mm x 1.4 mm)。这些小型内存卡可靠性高、容易携带、且具有标准化的规格,卡片记忆容量可达1GigaByte (可存达640,000 页面的书籍)。MultiMediaCards 可使用ROM 技术(资料仅能被读取)或Flash 技术(资料可重复读写)。 优点:MultiMediaCard 规格由全球主要手机及生产闪存的半导体厂所支持。由于MultiMediaCard 完全符合点对点跨平台使用原则,该卡种具相当发展潜力,而MultiMediaCard 省电的功能又非常适合手持式电子产品的应用。目前市场上已超过2,027 种电子产品支持MultiMediaCard,而4.0 版本的MultiMediaCard外加双电流的功能使该卡成为全内存卡中传输速度最快的卡。 缺点:MMCA 是一个完全开放式的组织,代表了没有独大的一家厂商来主导,而MMCA过去在消费市场推动MMC 概念相当弱。也因为如此,竞争的卡种常批评一般MultiMediaCard 的传输速度不快,但实际上高品质MultiMediaCard 的传输速度甚至比有些SD 品牌的卡来得快。2004 年重新改选了MMCA 理事会,而新的会员相当积极在对消费市场推动MultiMedaCard 的观念,由于有手机厂的大力支持,预估未来MultiMediaCard 将占内存卡市场的最大宗。 SD 规格由Matsushita、Sandisk、及Toshiba 开发,而SD 协会成立之后主要就是推动SD 规格。SD 在设计上就是与MulitMediaCard 兼容,其体积为24mmx 32mm x 2.1mm,重量约2g。优点:SD 卡内装置了CPRM 加密功能,而每片卡在生产时就应将加密技术放入卡中。生产SD 卡须支付权利金给3C,而加密部份须付权利金给4C。SD 卡在左方多了写保护的write protect switch。 SD 卡主要由Panasonic (Matsushita)在背后推动规格,主因是松下有强大的电子产品,而熟悉消费性电子产品的动态,松下可说是相当成功。SD 卡主要是以每秒4bit 的数据传输方法传递信息,速度快,主要数字相机及数字摄影机均使用SD 卡。目前日系手机厂已推出使用SD 卡的手机,而如同MultiMediaCard,全球使用SD 卡的电子产品已超过2,027 种,亦代表了该卡种适合点对点跨平台的使用。 缺点:虽然SD 卡采取CPRM 加密技术,但实际用到该技术的电子产品不多,这也增加了SD 卡成本因为使用CPRM 须支付权利金,而生产SD 卡本身亦须支付权利金。在双权利金的制度下,SD卡的成本高于其它不须付权利金的卡种。(SD卡目前传输速度为4bit,未来可达25 MHz, MMC 为8 bit. 未来可达52 MHz..因此SD 未来在传输速度的发展上可能会落后MultiMediaCard。 1.SD卡和MMC卡的形状相同,结构相似,但SD卡的接口不同于MMC卡,很多数码设备既可以使用SD卡,也可以使用MMC卡,但并非所有设备都是如此,在购买之前请先确认一下。 2.外形上,SD卡比MMC卡厚,所以在一些设备,比如诺基亚3650上,只能够安装MMC卡,不能够安装SD卡。 3.MMC卡存在着不同的规格,如果对这个和自己的设备不了解,建议购买时带机现场试用。有些手机和PDA对SD卡/MMC卡的兼容性较差,所以即使是要购买sandisk、松下这样较为可靠的名牌SD卡/MMC卡,建议还是带上自己的设备现场试用最好。 MMC(MultiMedia Card)卡,可以分为MMC和SPI两种工作模式,MMC模式是标准的默认模式,具有MMC的全部特性。而SPI模式则是MMC存贮卡可选的第二种模式,这个模式是MMC协议的一个子集,主要用于只需要小数量的卡(通常是1个)和低数据传输率(和MMC协议相比)的系统,这个模式可以把设计花费减到最小,但性能就不如MMC。 SD卡是Secure Digital Card卡的简称,直译成汉语就是“安全数字卡”,是由日本松下公司、东芝公司和美国SANDISK公司共同开发研制的全新的存储卡产品。SD存储卡是一个完全开放的标准(系统),多用于MP3、数码摄像机、数码相机、电子图书、AV器材等等,尤其是被广泛应用在超薄数码相机上。SD卡在外形上同MultiMedia Card卡保持一致,大小尺寸比MMC卡略厚,容量也大很多。并且兼容MMC卡接口规范。不由让人们怀疑SD卡是MMC升级版。另外,SD卡为9引脚,目的是通过把传输方式由串行变成并行,以提高传输速度。它的读写速度比MMC卡要快一些,同时,安全性也更高。SD卡最大的特点就是通过加密功能,可以保证数据资料的安全保密。它还具备版权保护技术,所采用的版权保护技术是DVD中使用的CPRM技术(可刻录介质内容保护)。 RSMMC卡又叫迷你MMC卡,Reduced Size MultiMediaCard的简称,由MMCA协会发布。RSMMC卡继承了MMC卡的低耗电特性,其形状正好是MMC卡的一半,体积为24mm x 18 mm x 1.4mm,重量仅0.8克,是目前最小最轻的存储卡之一。它的特性和MMC卡相同,也是7个针脚,通过在后面安装专用适配器可以当作MMC卡一样来用。RSMMC卡目前也已经得到了手机厂商的广泛支持。 miniSD卡是在数码相机,PDA等所用的Flash Memory Card(中文名:快闪存储卡)基础上发展出的一种更小更适合小型手机用的存储卡。尽管miniSD卡的外形大小及接口形状与原来的SD卡不同,但接口等电气标准相同,以确保兼容性。将miniSD插入专用适配器,可通过原来的SD卡插槽读写miniSD卡。不过,不具备像SD卡那样防写入的锁定功能。 miniSD卡的接口比SD卡的9个还多2个,有11条信号线。多出的2条信号线是为未来扩展性能准备的。比如,可用于非接触型IC等近距离无线通信的天线连接等。剩下的9条信号线是与原来SD卡相同标准的信号线。 TF卡,TranFlash的简称,一种全新的超小型大容量移动存储卡,大小约等于目前市面最流行的SD记忆卡的04,或手机SIM卡的 1/2。可以随意将拍摄的照片,下载的MP3或影音文件储存在TF卡中;也可以通过SD卡适配器与电脑连接,从电脑中将文件拷在卡中,传输非常方便,随时都能扩展收集的记忆容量。

One of the rooms ____ three doors. A.there are B.there is C.have D.has


英语翻译。 你们学校有电脑吗? ___ ___ ___ computers in your sc

Do you haveWe have has连词成句

there are a lot of flowers

How many bears are there ? A.There is one . B.There is a bear. 选哪一个?并说明原因

A 多少个熊? 一个B的问句是 what is that over there?

converse和vans authentic哪个透气


far from, away from, away, far away的区别 the other ,another ,other ,the others的区别


3 meters away from ,中away是和前面的保持一致还是和from保持一致

和from保持一致。away是副词,用来修饰from,from是介词,用来引出后面需要的名词。away from是固定搭配,用来表示后面的名词离前面的主语多远。



求助,java Persistence provider问题


蔡依林新单曲《I am not Yours》MV歌词介绍

2014亚洲乐坛最惊为天人的震撼组合! 华语流行天后蔡依林和亚洲天后安室奈美惠空前跨国携手合唱曲「I"m Not Yours」! JOLIN首次与国外作曲团队合作写歌,也和传闻已久要合作的安室奈美惠一同合唱,由知名作词人黄伟文为两人合唱曲「I"m Not Yours」操刀,藉由JOLIN与安室的影响力一同宣告『做自己的女孩』的Girl Power! I"m Not Yours - 蔡 依林,安室奈美惠 词:黄伟文 曲:蔡依林/Aitken,Hayley Michelle / Lindskog,Olof Strange Dahl,Sten Iggy Each time you failed you just called me your girl 你以为这是爱情 起死回生的药 You know 你什么都很潮 但这种调调 Woah Woah 你耍的绝招 其实很搞笑 听过了 九百次的梗 已变成骚扰 And you know what 我亲爱的 你大事不妙 Woah Woah Mirror mirror on the wall I don"t need you any more I"m the smartest of them all G R L S My girl You cast a spell You made me melt I"m back from hell I"m not your girl Hey I wanna rule my world I don"t wanna be your girl And I just wanna be myself I"m not your girl I"m not your girl (My Girl) Na Na Na (All of my girls WHAT) (All of my girls WHAT) 刮风打雷 没有谁 Girls like us we ain"t afraid 如果爱谁 命就给谁 看起来 很凄美 想起来 太谦卑 Mirror mirror on the wall I don"t need you any more I know I"m the smartest of them all Mirror mirror on the wall Boys are stupid Let them fall We"ll still shine like disco ball You cast a spell You made me melt I"m back from hell I"m not your girl Hey I wanna rule my world I don"t wanna be your girl And I just wanna be myself I"m not your girl I"m not your girl (My Girl) Na Na Na (All of my girls WHAT) (All of my girls WHAT) (My Girl) (My Girl) I am my own girl Hey I wanna rule my world I don"t wanna be your girl And I just wanna be myself I"m not your girl I"m not your girl (My Girl) Na Na Na (All of my girls WHAT) I am my own girl



Mirror,mirror on the wall .Who the most beautiful person in the world?


wipers 什么意思啊?

n. 雨刮,雨刷;刮水器(wiper复数)

Passport name和Passport first name怎么填?

passport frist name 是指你的姓e.g.陈passport name 是指名e.g.小明

蔡依林新单曲《I am not Yours》MV歌词介绍

2014亚洲乐坛最惊为天人的震撼组合! 华语流行天后蔡依林和亚洲天后安室奈美惠空前跨国携手合唱曲「I"m Not Yours」! JOLIN首次与国外作曲团队合作写歌,也和传闻已久要合作的安室奈美惠一同合唱,由知名作词人黄伟文为两人合唱曲「I"m Not Yours」操刀,藉由JOLIN与安室的影响力一同宣告『做自己的女孩』的Girl Power! I"m Not Yours - 蔡 依林,安室奈美惠 词:黄伟文 曲:蔡依林/Aitken,Hayley Michelle / Lindskog,Olof Strange Dahl,Sten Iggy Each time you failed you just called me your girl 你以为这是爱情 起死回生的药 You know 你什么都很潮 但这种调调 Woah Woah 你耍的绝招 其实很搞笑 听过了 九百次的梗 已变成骚扰 And you know what 我亲爱的 你大事不妙 Woah Woah Mirror mirror on the wall I don"t need you any more I"m the smartest of them all G R L S My girl You cast a spell You made me melt I"m back from hell I"m not your girl Hey I wanna rule my world I don"t wanna be your girl And I just wanna be myself I"m not your girl I"m not your girl (My Girl) Na Na Na (All of my girls WHAT) (All of my girls WHAT) 刮风打雷 没有谁 Girls like us we ain"t afraid 如果爱谁 命就给谁 看起来 很凄美 想起来 太谦卑 Mirror mirror on the wall I don"t need you any more I know I"m the smartest of them all Mirror mirror on the wall Boys are stupid Let them fall We"ll still shine like disco ball You cast a spell You made me melt I"m back from hell I"m not your girl Hey I wanna rule my world I don"t wanna be your girl And I just wanna be myself I"m not your girl I"m not your girl (My Girl) Na Na Na (All of my girls WHAT) (All of my girls WHAT) (My Girl) (My Girl) I am my own girl Hey I wanna rule my world I don"t wanna be your girl And I just wanna be myself I"m not your girl I"m not your girl (My Girl) Na Na Na (All of my girls WHAT) I am my own girl

Be A Man (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Be A Man (Lp Version)歌手:Changing Faces专辑:Visit Me元気びぃーむ あげるよわくわくな时代は君の物爱のびぃーむ あげるよ大好きな君のもとへ届け そして感动びぃーむ 涙も汗も时々必要だよね がんば!!笑颜びぃーむで 最後はいつも元気になれるよ びぃーむほらほら そんな所で泣いてる、ほらほら そんな颜して悩んでどうしたの? 话してみて 君の事小さな石に つまづいて転んで、大きな壁に ぶちあたり止まってでも 君なら 越えられるさ右手を太阳に向け大きく回し思いっきり合い言叶を 叫んで変身だ!元気びぃーむ あげるよわくわくな时代は君の物爱のびぃーむ あげるよ大好きな君のもとへ届け そして感动びぃーむ 涙も汗も时々必要だよね がんば!!笑颜びぃーむで 最後はいつも元気になれるよ びぃーむたまには 失败する事あるよねときどき 辛くて寂しい事あるあたりまえさぁ 生きてるから一绪に手を上げよう 君もできるから思いっきり合い言叶を 叫んで変身だ!元気びぃーむ あげるよわくわくな时代は君の物爱のびぃーむ あげるよ大好きな君のもとへ届け そして感动びぃーむ 涙も汗も时々必要だよね がんば!!笑颜びぃーむで 最後はいつも元気になれるよ びぃーむ元気びぃーむ あげるよわくわくな时代は君の物爱のびぃーむ あげるよ大好きな君のもとへ届け そして感动びぃーむ 涙も汗も时々必要だよね がんば!!笑颜びぃーむで 最後はいつも元気になれるよ びぃーむ


问:大虾们。我家音箱牌子是Vlai未来音箱... 我保证是收音机的声音。因为在 7点...

russell peters be a man是什么梗

russell peters be a man 罗素彼得斯是个男人


《All Out Of Love》,情感纯粹、音乐简洁、旋律抒情优美是Air Supply最大的特点,因为纯净,所以强烈直击人心。Air Supply天使般纯净而激情的歌声,已经成为我们内心最深处的风景,与我们的生命同行。

some boys want to be man teachers 的用法错在哪儿呢,请详解?

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