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Thank yuo.volunteers课文翻译

你好!Thank yuo.volunteers谢谢你,志愿者


What busy volunteers they are!

We should be volunteers 议论文

Being a volunteer makes me happy Nowadays,more and more people concentrate on volunteer work .And then,what should we do?Being a volunteer,of course. Becoming a volunteer is not only the need of society,but also a chance of us.Besides,it"s necessary for us to experience the volunteer work. First,we can help other people and get much happiness from it.Second,we can get time to practice our hobbies as much as possible by taking part in volunteer work .Third, we will have more opportunities to achieve our dreams.Bcause it can be helpful for our work in the future. Being volunteers has so many advantages.Why not go for it?

volunteers contribute to poverty relief文章翻译!

翻译?~太了吧就是个新闻报道嘛 讲的是志愿者志愿扶贫的一些事儿~还有个什么扶贫接力计划什么的~

on volunteers作文

u3000The definition of the word volunteer in Lougnan(Longman) Dictionary is someone who helps others sponstaneously(spontaneously) and willingly. That"s true! Life is a style of enjoying yourself, not only by entertaing and enriding yourself, but also by the process of helping others.u3000u3000Undoubtfully, those volunteers reveal their great love and passion for their country. Love is the eternal theme of the world, Without hove(love), it"s like birds without wings, failing to show its talents of flying, It"s like spring without flowers, burying is charming fragrants in the deep soil. Their volunty work unites China, shouing the world how united Chinese people are shocking the world of its cooperation.u3000u3000People around the country are making their efforts to helping others, which leaves the world an impression that China is a veal country, and all the people here are like brothers and sisters, who cares a lot for others. You can never imagine how touched I was when I watched the TV program called “Moving China”. 13 peasants from tangshang volunteered to help those victims of Sichuang on hearing the tremendous earthquake happened there, leaving all their farm work done in the field they sacrifiled anything and helped others at any cost, for they knew the glant pains the earthquake brings to people. They can never forget how much pains they havendertaken in the earthquake and how much help they have received from the world.. They compared their own feelings to the victims and passed the splrit on. In this sense, people will pass the spirit from generation to queneration, from China to all over the world. Then, how sweet will the World be!u3000u3000I have a dream that one day, I will be a member of the volunteer team. I have a dream that oneday, I"ll make contributions to China however slightest it may be. I have a dream that one day I"ll be a founder of a world Charity, helping people all over the world. I"m firmly convinced that it will not only be a drean for me, but also a drean for people all over China, all over the world, and for the great Global Village.

英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以吗?

综述:英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以,因为是可数名词,这种情况用在疑问句中表示some一些的意思,但是也可以用单数,he is kind than any boy,表示任意一个的意思。致力于我国基础英语课堂教学研究、中小学英语教师发展以及英语学科教师教育水平的提升,愿和广大中小学英语教师及相关领域的研究者共同学习、共同进步、共同发展。<p> <a href="" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="" target="_self"></a> </p>办刊宗旨:面向广大中小学外语教师、研究基础外语教育的高校学者以及师范院校的外语院系学生,其办刊宗旨是关注英语教育、关注课程改革、关注教学研究、关注课堂教学、关注教师发展、关注学生成长。

My view on volunteers 作文

My View on VolunteersVolunteers play a vital role in society, and their contributions should be highly valued. In my view, volunteers are selfless individuals who dedicate their time and efforts to helping others without expecting anything in return.Firstly, volunteers make a significant impact on the lives of those in need. Whether it"s assisting in community development projects, providing support to the underprivileged, or contributing to environmental initiatives, volunteers bring positive change to society. Their acts of kindness and compassion inspire others and create a ripple effect of goodwill.Secondly, volunteering offers personal growth and fulfillment. By engaging in volunteer work, individuals have the opportunity to develop new skills, broaden their horizons, and gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and perspectives. It fosters empathy, compassion, and a sense of social responsibility.Furthermore, volunteers serve as role models for others to follow. Their commitment to making a difference sets an example for the community, encouraging more people to get involved and give back. Volunteers inspire unity and cooperation, fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness.In conclusion, volunteers are the backbone of any society. Their selfless acts of service bring about positive change and leave a lasting impact on individuals and communities. We should recognize and appreciate their invaluable contributions. I believe that by supporting and promoting volunteerism, we can create a more compassionate and harmonious world.


C项中 是被动态.主语“自愿老师Volunteer teachers ”是复数,所以用are作谓语. 被动态是be动词加上动词的过去分词. need在这里作实义动词,不是一般的情态动词.所以是needed. 第二题.A指 没关系 B指 慢慢看

Never Let Go (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Go (Album Version)歌手:Josh Groban (With Deep Forest)专辑:CloserJosh Groban - Never Let Go(featuring Deep Forest)I can"t understand itThe search for an answer is met with a darker dayAnd we"ve been handed these moments foreverBut I"m reassured there"s another wayYou don"t have to close your eyesThere is room for love againEase the pain to realizeAll that love can beForced apart by time and sandTake a stab and take my handAnd don"t let it goNever let goBroken, once connectedWe were so strong and so blessedin a simple waySo don"t let me go without loveTurn your head up to the skyNothing down below but meFace the truth to realizeAll that we could beTorn apart by rage and fearHold onto what brought you hereDon"t let it goNever let goTurn your head up to the skyNothing down below but meFace the truth and realizeAll that we could beTurn your head up to the the skyNothing down below...Don"t let go


volunteersn.义务工作者( volunteer的名词复数 ); 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; v.自动提供,自愿效劳( volunteer的第三人称单数 ); 主动建议(或告诉); (未经当事人同意)举荐; 自愿参军,当志愿兵; 例句:1.Scientists had 40 volunteers read various scenarios. 科学家让40个志愿者阅读各种不同的剧本。2.No laws forbid payment to volunteers. 法律没有禁止给予志愿者报酬。


volunteersn.义务工作者( volunteer的名词复数 ); 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; v.自动提供,自愿效劳( volunteer的第三人称单数 ); 主动建议(或告诉); (未经当事人同意)举荐; 自愿参军,当志愿兵; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Org matches cause-driven volunteers with organizations that need them. Volunteermatch.org专门为事业驱动型志愿者与需要他们的组织牵线搭桥

英语大神帮帮忙啊,分析下这个句子what he considers做什么成分,我感觉怪怪的



#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<time.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<math.h>intstr2num(char*str)//字符转数字{inti=0,num=0;for(i=0;i<(int)strlen(str);i++)num=num*10+str[i]-"0";returnnum;}floatCarmSqrt(floatx)//求平方根系统的太慢,用了别人的{union{intintPart;floatfloatPart;}convertor;union{intintPart;floatfloatPart;}convertor2;convertor.floatPart=x;convertor2.floatPart=x;convertor.intPart=0x1FBCF800+(convertor.intPart>>1);convertor2.intPart=0x5f3759df-(convertor2.intPart>>1);return0.5f*(convertor.floatPart+(x*convertor2.floatPart));}//可以不用,用sqrt()也可以intisPrime(intn)//判断是否为素数{inti=0,k=2;k=(int)CarmSqrt(n);for(i=2;i<=k;i++){if(n%i==0)break;}if(i>k)return1;elsereturn0;}intrnd(intmax)//生成随机数2~max用来生成e,{//取系统时间做随机数种子intrange,n;intmin=2,flag=0;time_tt;doublej;range=max-min;t=time(NULL);srand((unsigned)t);n=rand();j=((double)n/(double)RAND_MAX);n=(int)(j*(double)range);n+=min;returnn;}intco_prime(inta,intb)//求互质{intc;do{if(b==1)return1;c=a%b;a=b;b=c;}while(c!=0);return0;}voidget_d_e(intp,intq){intr,t,e,d,i=2,k=0;if(isPrime(p)!=1||isPrime(q)!=1){printf("InvaildParameters shouldbePRIME! ");printf("Usage:RSAPrime1Prime2 ");exit(0);}r=p*q;t=(p-1)*(q-1);e=rnd(t)/10;while(co_prime(t,e)!=1){e=e+1;}for(d=2;d<t;d++){if((e*d)%t==1)break;}printf("d=%de=%dr=%d ",d,e,r);}voiden(intn,inte,intr){//加密}voidde(intc,intd,intr){//解密}voidmain(intargc,char*argv[]){intn1,n2;if(argc!=3&&argc!=5){printf("InvaildParameters! ");printf("Usage: RSA-eExpresser ");printf("RSA-dCiphertextdr ");printf("RSAPrime1Prime2 ");//错误输出exit(0);}elseif(argv[1][0]!="-"){n1=str2num(argv[1]);n2=str2num(argv[2]);get_d_e(n1,n2);exit(0);}elseif(argv[1][1]=="e")//加密{n1=str2num(argv[3]);n2=str2num(argv[4]);en(str2num(argv[2]),n1,n2);exit(0);}if(argv[1][1]=="d")//解密{n1=str2num(argv[3]);n2=str2num(argv[4]);en(str2num(argv[2]),n1,n2);exit(0);}else{printf("InvaildParameters! ");printf("Usage: RSA-eExpresser ");printf("RSA-dCiphertextdr ");printf("RSAPrime1Prime2 ");exit(0);}

Never Let You Go (Single/Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let You Go (Single/Lp Version)歌手:Bloodstone专辑:The Essentials: BloodstoneHeavy clouds, no rainAnd every move causes painReady kiss, but no loveI feel I"m torn in halfArdent look, but no heatIt"s not you really needBaby, now it"s happened with usWe are dancing on broken glassCan"t stand no more -Never, never let you goshe was the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartGentle words, no aimIt seems we"re playing a gameEasy smile, but no funSweet music for no oneClose embrace, but no moreCold Champagne we forgot to pourBaby now it"s happened with usWe are dancing on broken glassCan"t stand no more –Never, never let you goYou are the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartLove"s carving it in my heartwu....Baby now it"s happened with usWe are dancing on broken glassCan"t stand no more –Never, never let you goShe was the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartNever, never let you goShye was the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartLove"s carving it in my heart

____ the book,he found out some answers to this question.


____ the book,he found out some answers to this question.

as reading是像阅读一样 on reading 是在阅读中 as he reading像他读书一样 b在他的阅读的时候 根据句意选择d 在阅读中,他找到了一些问题的答案。

I found out he had failed all his courses.是什么句?

包含宾语从句,省略了thatI found out that he had failed all his courses. 我发现他所有科目都不及格。

New Life (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:New Life (Lp Version)歌手:Intro专辑:New Lifenew life - 阿沁@F.I.R你看顾我身 你看顾我心你就是道路 你就是真理我向你敬拜 把主权给你洗净了我罪 给我了意义耶稣是慈爱的救主医治我心主你是万王的君王与我同行I have had a new life cause jesus charist我愿更像你 主与我同行I have had a new life新的生命 你向我吹气 充满了圣灵new life holy hesus coming


RCS认证与GRS认证不同之处在于:1、GRS是RCS的高级版:RCS产品可以使用GRS认证的原料,但是GRS产品不能使用RCS的原料。2、GRS适用于再生原料含量在20%-%之间的产品。3、GRS在RCS要求的基础上增加了环境和社会责任的要求。4、认证标识不同。5、 GRS对过程使用的化学品有要求,而RCS没有。综上所述,两者的主要区别有:回收含量不同 :GRS认证的回收含量需要20%以上;而RCS认证回收含量只需5%以上。环境及社会责任审核:GRS需要有环境及社会责任的审核;RCS不需要环境及社会责任的审核。





英语 Buy yourself a new one. 为什么两个名词,中介不需要介词呢?


After the project ____, the engineers immediately started a new one.


手机进入FactoryMode按哪个恢复出厂设置 Full test Item Test Test Report Version Reboot

进入recovery模式才可以关机状态下 同时按音量减键和开机键,出现英文选择第一项reconery按音量加键确定进入格机模式,选择双wipe格机,音量加键为确定键:选择wipe data/factory reset 按菜单键 选择yes;点菜单键恢复出厂设置;然后选择reboot aystem now ;按菜单键重新启动 ;这是恢复出厂的方法 。

求《forsaken 》 within temptation 歌词中文翻译

现在这一天已经到来 这一次我们在放弃 包括诱惑,放弃 我们享受我们的生活 在我们的天堂 像上帝一样享受我们周围的世界 无国界 我们留下来未走 无国界是脆弱的 那么,我们认为我们获得 我们让时间 倒流 它仍然在悄悄溜走 我们的时间已经用尽 我们的未来已经死去 没有更多的剩留 现在那一天已经到来 我们正在放弃 没有更多的时间 生命将在我们面前流逝 我们正在放弃 我们是最后的宽容 牺牲 太多而难于隐藏 我们的悲痛让我们大家继续 我们试图掩盖 我们内心担心什么 今天是明天的结束 当海平面开始上升 当土地被我们征服 它们就会全部被清洗 我们都试图 回到过去 所有这些都是徒劳 现在这一天已经到来 我们正在放弃 没有更多的时间 生命将在我们面前流逝 我们正在放弃 只会留下所谓的规则 包括诱惑,放弃 现在这一天已经到来 这一次我们在放弃 现在这一天已经到来 我们正在放弃 没有更多的时间 现在这一天已经到来, 这一天已经到来.. 这一天已经到来... 。。。结束...

英语作文,题目是Newspapers and Website,求大神秒

Newspaper and Website There are two main media in the world for the time being-----Newspaper and Website,which have become more and more important in our daily life. Newspaper, traditional means of media, is still essential to many elder people. The imformation carried by the newspaper is reliable and updated every day. Moreover, it is easy to take and can be read evertwhere. However, only words and pictures can be printed on the newspaper, which are the only ways imformation can be passed on with. Websites, the new style of media have gotten more and more popular among the young. Websites, which rely on the Internet and computer has an advantage in the updating speed. Important events happened in any corner of the world can be reported on the websites at ones. Furthermore ,despite the traditional ways of delievering news, websites have a variety of methods to spread news,for instance audios and videos. As far as I am concerned, newspaper as well as websites is essential to our daily life. We should reserve both of the two media. 希望采纳 记得给我分



Temptation (Album Version) 歌词

歌手:Toy-Box-ARASH歌名:TemptationTemptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation, I want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night fallsMy heart callsFor the touch of your handsTo asemoneshqam to bodi (you have been my love from heaven)Setareye man to bodi (you have been my star )Esme to hast setare, (your name is star )Biya pisham dobare (come back to me again )Un moohaye meshkit mano kosht (your dark hair is killing me)Chesh maye zibat mano kosht (your beautifill eyes is killing me)Bia bia pishe man dobare (come come back to me again)Yalla bego are, setare (yalla say ok, my star )Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsHama fekro khialam to hasti ( you are in my mind all the time )Donya ye man to hasti ( you are my world )Esme to ro labame ( you name is on my lips )Setare vay setare! ( star! oh my star )Ye omre bedoned khab boodam (a whole life, i have been sleeping without you )Ta man toro peyda kardam ( untill i finally found you )Bia bia pishe man dobare ( come come back to me again )Yalla bego are, setare! ( yalla say ok, my star )Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsMan enshab toro mikham, wooooooooooo! ( tonight, i want you wooooo )Setare toro mikham, woooooooooo ( i want you my star, woooo )Chrous x 2:Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsTemptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsMan enshab toro mikham, wooooooooooo! ( tonight, i want you wooooo )Setare toro mikham, woooooooooo ( i want you my star, woooo )

在美语中 new years eve 什么意思


Happy New Years还是Happy New Year?

新年快乐的英文是“Happy New Year”,而不是“Happy New Years”因为是祝贺新的一年快乐,所以“Year”应该用单数形式而不是复数形式。美国新年习俗:美国人过新年,最热闹的是除夕晚上。是夜,人们聚集在教堂、街头或广场,唱诗、祈祷、祝福、忏悔,并一同迎候那除旧更新的一瞬。午夜12点,全国教堂钟声齐鸣,乐队高奏怀旧歌曲。在音乐声中,激动的人们拥抱在一起,怀着惜别的感伤和对新生活的向往共同迎来新的一年。美国人还有一个有意思的习惯,就是在新年许愿立志,他们称之为“新年决心”。这决心通常不是什么宏图大志,而是一些朴实而实际的打算,他们总是坦率地讲给大家听,以期得到监督和鼓励。

One Of Those Days (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:One Of Those Days (Album Version)歌手:Anita Cochran专辑:Back To YouNajwa Nimri - One Of Those DaysI can"t stand this dayWe Know it"s sunday morningIt"s not possible for me to stayThis is one of these daysThat evereything is fucked upAnd grinding my headAnd grinding my......Grinding my headI"ll wait for the messengerBetween the darkness he will provide the clarityWhere did my angels run and hide?Where are the guys with lucky eyes?Where do the strangers sleep at night?Sleep this night, How can I?I can"t stand this dayWe Know it"s sunday morningIt"s not possible forme to stay a day or a nightSo I"ll wait for the messengerBetween the darkness he will provide the clarityCan not stay

可以这么说吗 ? happy new years


happy new year与 happy new years 有什么区别


baby you should go and love yourself是什么歌

Love Yourself- Justin Bieber

请问母亲节的英文到底是Mother’s Day 还是Mothers’ Day?

Mother"s Day

为什么母亲节是Mother‘s Day,而教师节是Teachers’Day?求解啊






reader readers 单词有什么区别?

readers 更好,加上复数可以表示各个年龄阶段,各种职业的读者,单数可不能达到这个效果咯


reader 读者readership 阅览室

The board of the directors _ responsible for the profitability of the company. A,are ,B,is C,has D,


()Three bears_____ a new hous. A.have C.has D.are 这题的考点是什么?

A havethree bear 相当于they,they 和动词原形配合。

Taylor Henderson - Already Gone歌词翻译,最好是中英对照,谢谢啦



versa应该跟 vice一起用vice versa是反之亦然的意思。versa是个拉丁语词,意思是“相反”。是versus的一个什么格来着。记不太清了。

这单词是何意思? health ensures wealth but not vice versa

vice versa:反过来也是一样,反之亦然 前面有not就是反义,表示反过来不成立 整句话是说:健康就是财富,但是财富不会带来健康

and vice versa是什么意思

and vice versa反之亦然例句You will be benefited by your mother and vice versa. 你会受益于你的母亲,反之亦然。We gossip about them and vice versa. 我们议论他们,他们也议论我们。

英语中类似vice versa的短语

ego 自我

and vice versa 与 or vice versa的区别


or vice versa 和 and vice versa有区别么?

or 和and代表的意义不同or 或者的意思and 并且的意思

or vice versa 和 and vice versa有区别么?


vice versa 一般怎么用,给几个例句。






拉丁文能用于英语写作吗 像vice versa


问:Lose Yourself;Without Me的歌词

歌手:Eminem&Dido StanEnimemChorus: DidoMy tea"s gone cold I"m wondering why out of bed at allThe morning rain clouds up my window..and I can"t see at allAnd even if I could it"ll all be gray,but your picture on my wallIt reminds me, that it"s not so bad,it"s not so bad..1st Chorus: volume gradually grows over raindrop background2nd Chorus: full volume with beat right after "thunder" noise[Eminem as "Stan"]Dear Slim, I wrote but you still ain"t callinI left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottomI sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got "emThere probably was a problem at the post office or somethinSometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot "embut anyways; fuck it, what"s been up? Man how"s your daughter?My girlfriend"s pregnant too, I"m bout to be a fatherIf I have a daughter, guess what I"ma call her?I"ma name her BonnieI read about your Uncle Ronnie too I"m sorryI had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn"t want himI know you probably hear this everyday, but I"m your biggest fanI even got the underground shit that you did with SkamI got a room full of your posters and your pictures manI like the shit you did with Rawkus too, that shit was fatAnyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fanThis is Stan{Chorus: Dido}[Eminem as "Stan"]Dear Slim, you still ain"t called or wrote, I hope you have a chanceI ain"t mad - I just think it"s FUCKED UP you don"t answer fansIf you didn"t wanna talk to me outside your concertyou didn"t have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for MatthewThat"s my little brother man, he"s only six years oldWe waited in the blistering cold for you,four hours and you just said, "No."That"s pretty shitty man - you"re like his fuckin idolHe wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I doI ain"t that mad though, I just don"t like bein lied toRemember when we met in Denver - you said if I"d write youyou would write back - see I"m just like you in a wayI never knew my father neither;he used to always cheat on my mom and beat herI can relate to what you"re saying in your songsso when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put "em oncause I don"t really got shit else so that shit helps when I"m depressedI even got a tattoo of your name across the chestSometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleedsIt"s like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for meSee everything you say is real, and I respect you cause you tell itMy girlfriend"s jealous cause I talk about you 24/7But she don"t know you like I know you Slim, no one doesShe don"t know what it was like for people like us growin upYou gotta call me man, I"ll be the biggest fan you"ll ever loseSincerely yours, Stan -- P.S.We should be together too{Chorus: Dido}[Eminem as "Stan"]Dear Mister-I"m-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans,this"ll be the last package I ever send your assIt"s been six months and still no word - I don"t deserve it?I know you got my last two letters;I wrote the addresses on "em perfectSo this is my cassette I"m sending you, I hope you hear itI"m in the car right now, I"m doing 90 on the freewayHey Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive?You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air of the Night"about that guy who coulda saved that other guy from drowningbut didn"t, then Phil saw it all, then at a a show he found him?That"s kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from drowningNow it"s too late - I"m on a 1000 downers now, I"m drowsyand all I wanted was a lousy letter or a callI hope you know I ripped +ALL+ of your pictures off the wallI love you Slim, we coulda been together, think about itYou ruined it now, I hope you can"t sleep and you dream about itAnd when you dream I hope you can"t sleep and you SCREAM about itI hope your conscience EATS AT YOU and you can"t BREATHE without meSee Slim; {*screaming*} Shut up bitch! I"m tryin to talk!Hey Slim, that"s my girlfriend screamin in the trunkbut I didn"t slit her throat, I just tied her up, see I ain"t like youcause if she suffocates she"ll suffer more, and then she"ll die tooWell, gotta go, I"m almost at the bridge nowOh shit, I forgot, how"m I supposed to send this shit out?{*car tires squeal*} {*CRASH*}.. {*brief silence*} .. {*LOUD splash*}{Chorus: Dido}Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busyYou said your girlfriend"s pregnant now, how far along is she?Look, I"m really flattered you would call your daughter thatand here"s an autograph for your brother,I wrote it on the Starter capI"m sorry I didn"t see you at the show, I musta missed youDon"t think I did that shit intentionally just to diss youBut what"s this shit you said about you like to cut your wrists too?I say that shit just clownin dogg,c"mon - how fucked up is you?You got some issues Stan, I think you need some counselingto help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down someAnd what"s this shit about us meant to be together?That type of shit"ll make me not want us to meet each otherI really think you and your girlfriend need each otheror maybe you just need to treat her betterI hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you in timebefore you hurt yourself, I think that you"ll be doin just fineif you relax a little, I"m glad I inspire you but Stanwhy are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as a fanI just don"t want you to do some crazy shitI seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sickSome dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridgeand had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kidand in the car they found a tape, but they didn"t say who it was toCome to think about, his name was.. it was youDamn!

vice verse和vice versa有什么区别?


vice versa是不是正式书面用语

可以,这个词源于拉丁语,就像 etc. 一样,是正式的书面语。

反之则不然,英语如何说? 反之亦然,是vice versa 反之则不然呢?

你好,反之则不然的准确翻译是 not the other way. 比如:You are in control of your mind, not the other way around. 你可以控制你的大脑,反之则不然(而它不能控制你)

请用英语解释vice versa,并且写几个例句,急啊··· 不要只有例句噻,用英文翻译一下啦

1、This occurs when the left ear hears some of the sound coming from the right speaker,and vice versa .发生这现象是因为从右侧喇叭发出的声音,左耳会听到一部分,反之亦然. 2、I see planning as a tool for visualization instead of vice versa .我认为计划是开展想象的一种工具,反之却非亦然. 3、A man of high birth may be of low worth and vice versa .出身高贵的人可能价值低,出身低贱的人可能价值高. 4、I hope you are my honest friend,or vice versa .我希望你是我忠实的朋友,反过来一样. 5、Men should respect women or vice versa .男人应该尊重女人,反过来一样. 6、Occasionally a Greek prefix is found in front of a Latin word or vice versa .偶尔在拉丁文前可发现希腊文的前缀,或者反过来也可在希腊文前发现拉丁文的前缀. 用英语解释,不知道是不是 contrariwise

关于 vice versa 的用法


or vice versa是什么意思?

或者是反过来以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助! 杭州图书馆

vice versa和the other way round的区别


and vice versa 和or vice versa 的区别

vice versa本身就有也的意思 所以and or都一样 要么就是写错了

请用英语解释vice versa,并且写几个例句,急啊···

1、This occurs when the left ear hears some of the sound coming from the right speaker, and vice versa . 发生这现象是因为从右侧喇叭发出的声音,左耳会听到一部分,反之亦然。 2、I see planning as a tool for visualization instead of vice versa . 我认为计划是开展想象的一种工具,反之却非亦然。   3、A man of high birth may be of low worth and vice versa . 出身高贵的人可能价值低,出身低贱的人可能价值高。   4、I hope you are my honest friend,or vice versa . 我希望你是我忠实的朋友,反过来一样。  5、Men should respect women or vice versa . 男人应该尊重女人,反过来一样。   6、Occasionally a Greek prefix is found in front of a Latin word or vice versa . 偶尔在拉丁文前可发现希腊文的前缀, 或者反过来也可在希腊文前发现拉丁文的前缀。用英语解释,不知道是不是 contrariwise

相反亦然 vise verse

反之亦然: 2. vice versa其它相关解释: <vice-versa con.> 例句与用法: 1. 我们应该考虑父母的建议, 反之亦然。 We should take into account the proposals of our parents and vice versa.

vice versa 一般怎么用,给几个例句。

He likes me, and vice versa. 他喜欢我,我也喜欢他

vice versa(反之亦然)中,versa的意思是什么?

verse没有意义, vice versa是个拉丁语, 整体意思如题!

英语vice versa怎么翻译?



I first met him in Paris.意思是:我首次与他相遇是在巴黎。谓语是met. meet 的过去式。

经常听音乐的人过来看看,求类似贾斯汀的love yourself,home to mama之类的歌

my love

a home without love is _a home _a garden without flowers.A no ;less than B no ; more than

答案恐怕不全,依我看,第一个空填No 不对,no是副词,不能修饰名词。要填not ,第二空填more than

A Horse With No Name (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:A Horse With No Name (Album Version)歌手:America专辑:America"S Greatest Hits - HistoryOn the first part of the journeyI was looking at all the lifeThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsThere was sand and hills and ringsThe first thing I met was a fly with a buzzAnd a sky with no cloudsThe heat was hot and the ground was dryBut the air was full of soundI been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painAfter two days in the desert sunMy skin began to turn redAfter three days in the desert funI was looking at a riverbedAnd the story it told of a river that flowedMade me sad to think it was deadYou see...I been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painAfter nine days I let the horse run free"Cause the desert had turned to seaThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsThere was sand and hills and ringsThe ocean is a desert with its life undergroundAnd a perfect disguise aboveUnder the cities lies a heart made of groundBut the humans will give no loveYou see, ...I been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no pain

Horse With No Name (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Horse With No Name (Live)歌手:America专辑:The Best Of AmericaArtist: AmericaTitle: Horse With No NameOn the first part of the journeyI was looking at all the lifeThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsThere was sand and hills and ringsThe first thing I met was a fly with a buzzAnd the sky with no cloudsThe heat was hot and the ground was dryBut the air was full of soundI"ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After two days in the desert sunMy skin began to turn redAfter three days in the desert funI was looking at a river bedAnd the story it told of a river that flowedMade me sad to think it was deadYou see I"ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After nine days I let the horse run free"Cause the desert had turned to seaThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsthere was sand and hills and ringsThe ocean is a desert with it"s life undergroundAnd a perfect disguise aboveUnder the cities lies a heart made of groundBut the humans will give no loveYou see I"ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...July-2007-NottinghamEnding

A Horse with no name歌词

On the first part of the journeyI was looking at all the lifeThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsThere was sand and hills and ringsThe first thing I met was a fly with a buzzAnd the sky with no cloudsThe heat was hot and the ground was dryBut the air was full of soundI"ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After two days in the desert sunMy skin began to turn redAfter three days in the desert funI was looking at a river bedAnd the story it told of a river that flowedMade me sad to think it was deadYou see I"ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After nine days I let the horse run free"Cause the desert had turned to seaThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsthere was sand and hills and ringsThe ocean is a desert with it"s life undergroundAnd a perfect disguise aboveUnder the cities lies a heart made of groundBut the humans will give no loveYou see I"ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...

a horse with no name 歌词

a horse with no name 打印此页 歌手:d.a.d. 专辑:d.a.d. draws a circle On the first part of the journey I was looking at all the life There were plants and birds and rocks and things There were sand and hills and rain The first thing I met was a fly with no buzz And a sky with no clouds The heat was hot and the ground was dry But the air was full of sound You see I"ve been through the desert on a horse with no name It felt good to be out of the rain In the desert you can"t remember your name "Coz there aint no one to a give you no paine After two days in the desert sun My skin began to turn red After three days in the desert fun I was looking at a river bed And the story it told Of a river that floated Made me sad to think it was dead You see. After nine days I let the horse run free "Coz the desert had turned to sea There were plants and birds and rocks and things There were sand and hills and things The ocean is a desert with its life underground And the perfectest sky is above Under the cities lies a heart made of ground But the humans will give no love You see I"ve been.

a horse with no name 歌词

On the first part of the journeyI was looking at all the lifeThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsThere was sand and hills and ringsThe first thing I met was a fly with a buzzAnd the sky with no cloudsThe heat was hot and the ground was dryBut the air was full of soundI"ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After two days in the desert sunMy skin began to turn redAfter three days in the desert funI was looking at a river bedAnd the story it told of a river that flowedMade me sad to think it was deadYou see I"ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After nine days I let the horse run free"Cause the desert had turned to seaThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsthere was sand and hills and ringsThe ocean is a desert with it"s life undergroundAnd a perfect disguise aboveUnder the cities lies a heart made of groundBut the humans will give no loveYou see I"ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...

A Horse with No Name 歌词

歌曲名:A Horse with No Name歌手:America专辑:Oh What A Night - 70"s ClassicsOn the first part of the journeyI was looking at all the lifeThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsThere was sand and hills and ringsThe first thing I met was a fly with a buzzAnd a sky with no cloudsThe heat was hot and the ground was dryBut the air was full of soundI been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painAfter two days in the desert sunMy skin began to turn redAfter three days in the desert funI was looking at a riverbedAnd the story it told of a river that flowedMade me sad to think it was deadYou see...I been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no painAfter nine days I let the horse run free"Cause the desert had turned to seaThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsThere was sand and hills and ringsThe ocean is a desert with its life undergroundAnd a perfect disguise aboveUnder the cities lies a heart made of groundBut the humans will give no loveYou see, ...I been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name"Cause there ain"t no one for to give you no pain

求a Horse With No Name 歌词的中文翻译


a horse with no name 歌词

a horse with no name 打印此页 歌手:d.a.d. 专辑:d.a.d. draws a circle On the first part of the journey I was looking at all the life There were plants and birds and rocks and things There were sand and hills and rain The first thing I met was a fly with no buzz And a sky with no clouds The heat was hot and the ground was dry But the air was full of sound You see I"ve been through the desert on a horse with no name It felt good to be out of the rain In the desert you can"t remember your name "Coz there aint no one to a give you no paine After two days in the desert sun My skin began to turn red After three days in the desert fun I was looking at a river bed And the story it told Of a river that floated Made me sad to think it was dead You see. After nine days I let the horse run free "Coz the desert had turned to sea There were plants and birds and rocks and things There were sand and hills and things The ocean is a desert with its life underground And the perfectest sky is above Under the cities lies a heart made of ground But the humans will give no love You see I"ve been.

Richard Sanderson的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:Richard Sanderson专辑:爱的主题曲 with love<Reality>-Richard SandersonMet you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat my life would change foreverSaw you standing thereI didn"t know I caredThere was something special in the airDreams are my realizeThe only kind of real fantasyIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsIt seems as it"s meant to beDreams are my realityA different kind of realityI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving seems a nightAlthoughj it"s only fantasyIf you do exist honey don"t resistShow me a new way of lovingTell me that to do show me what to doI feel shomething special about youDreams are my realityThe only kind of realityMay be must fool is ness has pastAnd may be now at lastI"ll see how a real thing can beDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beI dream of holing you all night and holing you seem tryPerhaps that"s my realityMet you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat"my life would change foreverTell me that it"s true feelings that are youI feel something special about youDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beIllusions are a common thingTry to live in dreamsAlthough it"s only fantasyDreams are my realityI like to dream of you close to meI dream of loving the nightAnd loving you seem tryPerhaps that"s my reality
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