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若函数f(x)=d /ax^2+bx+c 图如图所示则 a:b:c:d?

f(x)=d /a(x-1)(x-5)=d/ax^2-6ax+5ab=-6ac=5a a:b=1:-6 a:c=1:5 d/-4a=2 a:d=1:-8a:b:c:d=1:-6:5:-8











系统启动后,弹出.NET Framework如图所示问题

看提示:The URI is empty.框架提示你了,说URI这个对象是空值。你在源码里检查下这个URI是不是没赋值。



(2014?怀化)如图所示电路,闭合开关后,比较a、b、c、d四处电流的大小,其中正确的是(  )A.Ia=IdB




A.B C.D.E.F六种物质的转化关系如图所示(反应条件和部分产物未标出)(1)若A为短周期金属单质,D为



(1)A是天然气的主要成分,所以A就是甲烷,B是造成温室效应的气体之一,所以B就是二氧化碳,C为常用的建筑材料,且由A能依次转化至D,所以C就是碳酸钙,D可能为氯化钙,经过验证各物质都满足:AB C DCH 4 →CO 2 →CaCO 3 →CaCl 2 1644 100111甲烷和氧气在点燃的条件下生成二氧化碳和水,化学方程式为:CH 4 +2O 2 点燃 . CO 2 +2H 2 O(2)D是氧化物且为红色固体,所以D就是氧化铁,氧化铁会转化为氧化物C,氧化物C又会转化为氧化物B,根据分子质量的关系,所以C就是二氧化碳,B就是水,水会转化成A,且A的相对分子质量小于水,所以A就是氢气,各种物质都满足: H 2 ←H 2 O←CO 2 ←Fe 2 O 3 21844160氢氧化钙和二氧化碳反应生成碳酸钙和水,Ca(OH) 2 +CO 2 =CaCO 3 ↓+H 2 O;(3)D的相对分子质量为98,会与单质C反应,所以D就是硫酸,C是活泼金属,A至D相邻物质均能发生化学反应,所以B就是氧气,单质A会与氧气反应,所以A是H 2 、C、Mg、Al、P等物质,各种物质都满足: H 2 -O 2 -Fe(Zn)-H 2 SO 4 23256(65)98C和D反应的化学方程式为:Fe+H 2 SO 4 =H 2 ↑+FeSO 4 (或Zn+H 2 SO 4 =H 2 ↑+ZnSO 4 );故答案为:(1)CaCO 3 ;CH 4 +2O 2 点燃 . CO 2 +2H 2 O;(2)H 2 ,Ca(OH) 2 +CO 2 =CaCO 3 ↓+H 2 O;(3)O 2 ,Fe+H 2 SO 4 =H 2 ↑+FeSO 4 (或Zn+H 2 SO 4 =H 2 ↑+ZnSO 4 );H 2 、C、Mg、Al、P(写出两个就给分).





一个半圆形零件, 直径紧贴地面,现需要将零件按如图所示方式, 向前作无滑动翻转, 使圆心O再次落在地面上止

m 2 . 试题分析:一个半圆形零件,直径紧贴地面,向前作无滑动翻转,使圆心O再次落在地面上止,圆心O经过的路径可分为以A为圆心、以3m为半径,圆心角为90°的弧OO 1 ,线段O 1 O 2 ,以B为圆心、以3m为半径,圆心角为90°的弧O 2 O 3 ,然后利用圆心O所经过的路线与地面围成的面积=S扇形AOO 1 +S矩形ABO 2 O 1 +S扇形BO 2 O 3 和扇形的面积公式进行计算.如图: 圆心O先以A为圆心、以3m为半径,圆心角为90°的弧OO 1 ,接着圆心O从O 1 平移到O 2 ,且O 1 O 2 的长为半圆的长,然后圆心O以B为圆心、以3m为半径,圆心角为90°的弧O 2 O 3 ,所以圆心O所经过的路线与地面围成的面积=S扇形AOO 1 +S矩形ABO 2 O 1 +S扇形BO 2 O 3 = (m 2 ).

如图所示,在四面体OABC中,OA、OB、OC两两垂直,且OB=OC=3,OA=4.给出以下命题: ①存在点D(O点除外),使得四

①②④ ①过O作平面ABC的垂线(O′为垂足),延长至D使O′D=OO′,连接AD,BD,CD,则四面体DABC有三个面是直角三角形,故①正确;②在以O、A、B、C确定的球上,显然存在点D满足条件,故②正确;③因为AB=AC=5,BC=3 ,所以当点D满足BC=BD=CD=3 且AD=5,四面体是以△BCD为底面的正棱锥,这样的D点有两个,所以③不正确.④取BC的中点O 1 ,在平面AOO 1 内以A为圆心,以BC为半径作圆,圆周上任一点满足条件,所以这样的点D有无数个,故④正确.




as the figure displayed/showed


as illustrated in this picture as illustrated in picture 1-1 as illustrated in the picture below picture 1-1 illustrateds ...


真是,简单短语那么多的译法。"shown as Fig. XX"



如图所示,A示数1.5A , A1示数0.8A,A2示数1.2A 那么(1)请分析电路,说明各电流表分别量的哪个灯的电流

,Oakley sunglasses cheap first with 500 per 1 million it has accumulated slowly, a day to eat a fat man Dianxuan. any novice into the apparel industry must be as much as possible before reading the book some of the clothing, from books to understand the common sense clothing, fashion trends, dressing mix, as well as wholesale bargain skills, such as how to understanding of the psychological wholesalers, and wholesalers on how to make you feel good, lasting relationship of trust and so on. I have been man-made, the book is the best way to systematic learning. But do not believe books are really not as good as the book, if able to learn a lot older and experienced clothing techniques, it has a practical significance. Any learning is to apply their knowledge. Must form your own unique experience. The process of learning and almost carry with you any time, any place, the knowledge economy is no exception under the apparel industry. 3 soft, slow in the purchase, you should be according to the actual situation to be an accurate Nahuo plan. For example, you want potential customers according to your spending power to determine the price of getting goods, because a direct impact on the prices of goods to take your sales price, while the most direct impact on your profits. If your potential customer"s purchasing power is too low, take the high prices of goods due to the retail price is too high, or high consumption levels, but the product"s retail price is too low, which can lead to low risk transactions. There are potential customers of the clothing styles, style, fabric, color requirements and so on. Anyway, the more you learn, the more unique look, the more accurate, more ruthless, the more your potential customers to meet the needs of the phase, the probability of success will be greater. Hard and sometimes also in other quasi-extreme on the one hand, reflected in bold, we often just sit and watch other people can see the good people who capture opportunities from time to time, always half a beat quicker than us, there is great when your summer When the stock he had clearance to start the autumn, until the market is flooded over a large number of homogeneous product, he would have reaped the profits full. At this time we regret not used green bowels. Quick step, quick step by step people. 2 aggressive, accurate, fast a grain of sand the world. some of the small seemingly insignificant business, often implies the truth of the world"s largest business. Taiwan"s Acer Computer chairman Stan Shih in my youth, had helped his mother sell duck eggs and stationery. 3 per 1 kg of duck eggs,mac blusher, they can only make three angles, and only 10% of the profits, and perishable, there is no time to sell will be broken, causing economic loss; stationery, high-profit, doing business at least 10 yuan profit 4 yuan, profits of more than 40%, and stationery arrayed not bad. Looks to sell duck eggs than to make money selling stationery. But in fact, Shih said later about the experience, selling stationery make more money than selling duck eggs. Duck Although profit margins, but the turnaround time for up to two days; stationery Although profitable, but sometimes not sell half or even a year, not only the backlog costs, profits earlier, corrosion is a space of interest. Duck eggs sold in thin profits, so profits far greater than the slow turnover of stationery. Shih was the experience of the use of duck eggs sold to the macro?, Established a To reduce the actual profit than peers. Shih mother sell duck eggs in the doorway, having a business behind a common theorem: return on equity = profit margin × turnover rate. Junior Stan Shih"s business intelligence is reflected in, he could also consider the profit margins and turnover. (b) But many Chinese business people have no such intelligence, they often ask: neglect on the turnover rate, which focused on the profit margins of large projects (industry) on the. But the profit margins of large projects, often due to high prices and slower turnover, once the funds can not be healthy at this time, the rapid turnover up their end retailers will not only be stockpiled crushed to death, and the whole industry chain will be a crisis If the above 4 refined, like, wide clothes all want quality, do unique, but proved popular clothing is often best selling lines. Yes, buy clothes when we always want to personalize point, a unique point, it is best not to so and so and so and so Zhuangshan, but we have to buy clothes and sell clothes out of the mindset of the cycle. I remember when your purchase is helping your customers as they Tiaoyi Fu do not you wearing, what empathy may not have the intention of the harvest. But you might argue, I look down, my customers I can not convince them, which was a little dead end. Emphasis here is popular wide, wide net. Popular is not necessarily all good, such as pandemic flu, but the epidemic is the public to see what you face a market. So, do like the basis of broad, so refined, so special, is particularly important,Mac cosmetics, such as a style, I am very optimistic, but really needs to be market test, I can use a variety of strategies to take less, some as carefully as possible. As long as possible with my supplier replenishment on OK. aggressive, accurate and fast Shaolin Juexue purchase of clothing, then, these two can definitely be called a clothing purchase the apparel industry and even a martial art Tai Chi. Clothes be full of patience, because the fall was often terrible, terrible fall get up again. If the shop, encountered problems, such as the opening of the first month did not make money, it also will not be disappointed, to analyze the causes and find ways to solve the problem, provided that always has a solution. A few people into the store, or into the store turnover rate, or products, sales, display, store location and other reasons. This time can not solve their own problems with your supervisor supplier negotiation, but do not point finger at all the suppliers. You know, this time, we are all grasshoppers on a rope, a prosperity, a loss for both, only a win-win is crucial. Slow and soft is also reflected in the accumulation of the apparel industry, you can always find that many boutiques have their own loyal customers, yes, it is the outcome of long-term accumulation. Clothing, food, shelter, transportation, a row in the first place, many customers outside of their dermal layer of skin is still very concerned about this. And you are familiar with the degree of knowledge of clothing, the clothing culture of the accumulation level, are working slowly and deliberately to the. 1 study, with the



1.主板上插着的这个东西是什么? 电脑是2004年的,主板型号如图所示:



combine是联合两个同类对象组成一个新的对象。c应该包含a、b两个矩阵。就是b在a下面。然后空的地方补零。所以如果a=[1 2];b=[3;4];c= 1 2 3 0 4 0




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