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Weeds Ii (The Origin Of The Species) 歌词

歌曲名:Weeds Ii (The Origin Of The Species)歌手:Pulp专辑:The John Peel SessionsWe came across the North Sea with our carriers on our kneesWound up in some holding camp somewhere outside Leeds.Because we do not care to fight, my friends - we are the weeds.Because we got no homes they call us smelly refugees.Ah.We are weeds, vegetation, dense undergrowth.Thru" cracks in the pavement: there weeds will grow - the places you don"t go.This cut-price dairy produce that turns our bones to dust.You want some entertainment?Go on, shove it up me - if you must.Make believe you"re so turned on by planting trees & shrubsBut you come round to visit us when you fancy booze "n" drugs.Ah.We are weeds, vegetation, dense undergrowth.Thru" cracks in the pavement: there weeds will grow - the places you don"t go..If you think it"s a crimeWe"d like to get you out of your mind.It"s just a matter of time, yeahWe"d like to get you out of your mind.Gonna cut you down in your prime, yeahWe"d like to get you out of your mind.For a little time: for all time.http://music.baidu.com/song/7998937

Man, mankind, human, human species. 对于人类释义的区别


Man, mankind, human, human species. 对于人类释义的区别


invasive species是什么意思

invasive species入侵物种双语对照词典结果:invasive species[英][inu02c8veisiv u02c8spi:u0283i:z][美][u026anu02c8vesu026av u02c8spiu0283iz]入侵种; 例句:Invasive species can decrease biodiversity and drive resident species to the brink ofextinction. 入侵的物种能减少物种的多样性,并将寄主物种逼到濒临灭绝的边缘。



individual species是什么意思


observed species指数,chao指数和ace指数什么区别

1、observed species指数:observed species指数表示该样品中含有的物种数目。2、chao指数:chao指数估算样品中所含OTU数目的指数。3、ace指数:ace指数评估样本中物种组成的丰富度和均匀度。应答时间:2021-02-05,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~ https://b.pingan.com.cn/paim/iknow/index.html

英语四级完型:It is the species-typical behavior that sets humans completely _______

选A~~ set apart的意思1. 分开放, 隔离开2. 留出, 拨出3. 突出, 区别在这里应该是“区别”的意思

umbrella species是什么意思

umbrella species保护伞物种双语对照词典结果:umbrella species伞护种; 例句:1.Cuteness was an asset worth paying for, they said, especially for an "umbrella species"like the panda. 另外他们指出,讨喜的外形也是一种无形资产,特别是对于作为“护伞种”的大熊猫而言尤为重要。

endangered species用英语怎么解释?、

a population of organisms which is facing a high risk of becoming extinct

every species of animals have home这句话对吗?


invasive species是什么意思

invasive species[英][inu02c8veisiv u02c8spi:u0283i:z][美][u026anu02c8vesu026av u02c8spiu0283iz]入侵种; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.California has spent millions of dollars trying to get rid of the worst invasive species. 加利福尼亚州已经花费了数百万美元试图清除掉最麻烦的入侵物种。

species extinction是什么意思

  意思是物种灭绝。  species  音标:[英][u02c8spi:u0283i:z][美][u02c8spiu0283iz, -siz]  解释:n.物种; 种类; 类型; [逻辑] 个体;  extinction  音标:[英][u026aku02c8stu026au014bku0283n][美][u026aku02c8stu026au014bku0283u0259n]  解释:n.熄灭; 消灭,灭绝; 废除; [物]消光,自屏,衰减;

many species+什么

This species of 后面加单数,如This species of butterfly is widely distributed over our country。many species of 后面接复数,如many species of animals which once lived on the earth are no longer in existence species。

one species 为什么是复数?

species (物种)单复数同形。one species 中的species 是单数形式。


species这个英文单词是一个名词,它的中文意思是种,物种。 下面举两个例子 There are no fewer than 100 different species in the area. 这个地区有不少于100个的不同物种。 The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. 地图上标明了这一物种在全世界的分布情况。


species是单复同词1、表示"种类"的时候,它是复数。例如:There are many species of roses. 有很多种类的玫瑰。2、表示"物种"的时候,它是单数。例如:Monkey and dog are different species. 猴子和狗是不同的物种。3、根据上下文语义判断它是表示"种类"还是"物种",由此可以判断出它是单数还是复数


在表示“种类”一层意思的时候往往是复数,在表示“物种”的意思时候往往是单数。需要根据语义,联系上下文来判断该词在句中的意思,从而判断它的单复数。 species是单复同词 1、表示"种类"的时候,它是复数。例如:There are many species of roses. 有很多种类的玫瑰。 2、表示"物种"的时候,它是单数。例如:Monkey and dog are different species. 猴子和狗是不同的物种。 3、根据上下文语义判断它是表示"种类"还是"物种",由此可以判断出它是单数还是复数


它是单复数同形的 都是你说的那个形式


A 的行 i 和列 j 中的元素通过 A(i,j) 表示。例如,A(4,2) 表示第四行和第二列中的数字。在幻方矩阵中,A(4,2) 为 15。因此,要计算 A 第四列中的元素的总和,此外,还可以使用单一下标 A(k) 引用矩阵的元素。单一下标是引用行和列向量的常见方法。因此,在幻方矩阵中,A(8) 是另一种引用存储在 A(4,2) 中的值 15 的方法。

楠竹的genus and species

楠竹的学名是**Phyllostachys heterocycla**,属于**刚竹属**。


  type,species&sort的区别主要是:type和sort作为“种类”讲时,常可以互换;sort也为普通用语,sort常掺杂说话人的主观色彩,带有轻蔑与贬低的含义。species通常是生物学用语,指动植物的“种类”,有的时候也指“物种”。例如:  1、We talked of all sorts of subjects.  我们谈了各种话题。  2、These sorts of people are ready to eat anywhere.  这种人总是走到哪里吃到哪里。  3、this type of car 这种汽车  4、This rare bird has become an endangered species.  这种珍禽已成为濒临灭绝的物种。


名词复数:species 一个是 口头语 另一个正式些吧 kind 泛指种类 species专指物种




My super creature. I want to design a creature who can speak to me and it is loyal .Also it can deal with my problems and do housework for me and so on. I call it "super creature Tommy". Tommy likes a super dog in the science fiction movies .It can speak ,move fast even fly . And it can carry me to school as soon as possible. With this, I will not be late to school any more .Tommy can speak because it is an intelligent dog. But it isn"t a robort dog .Tommy has its own thought .Thus ,it can comfort me if something bad happens.It is really brilliant.All in all ,Tommy is the only super artificial intelligence dog in the world . It is all depend on the artificial intelligence technology.


specimen和sample两者中sample的使用范围更大,更为广泛,specimen所指的样品更为具体。1、sample意思是“样品”,也可以是器材其他非生命体。specimen专指动植物,微生物这种生物方面的样本,意思是“取样”;2、sample翻成“样品”用来指在成品或半成品中抽取的样品,一般量会稍多于一批试样的要求,可保存部分供平行验证之用。specimen翻成“试样”,用来指从样品中取出做试验的试验用样,一般会平行做一组,然后取平均值作为分析指标。3、sample和specimen作为名词样品来讲,差别并不大。不过材料方面似乎更常用specimen,而且sample和specimen也有“源”与“流”的关系。 从词性讲,sample还有动词词性,而specimen只有名词。








你可以先记specy(这个词不存在),然后去y变i加es 就可以,这个世界上不存在的物种有很多,比如说阿凡达。所以species是物种的意思。希望能狗帮到你!




首先更正一下单词:special n. 特使,特派人员;特刊;特色菜;专车;特价商品 adj. 特别的;专门的,专用的general adj. 一般的,普通的;综合的;大体的 n. 一般;将军,上将;常规



species 这个英语单词怎么读

音标 美 [u02c8spiu02d0u0283iu02d0z]斯比谁斯汉语拼音读法 :s bi shei sn. 种类,类型,物种

species 什么意思中文翻译



species的意思:物种。species,英 ["spiu02d0u0283iu02d0z],美 ["spiu02d0u0283iu02d0z]    n. 种类;(单复同)物种名词复数: speciesspecies的单复数同形,用作主语时,其谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。species有时还可指人,既有褒义,又有贬义。例句1、He is wearing a strange species of hat.他戴着一种奇怪的帽子。2、There are more than 1,000 alien species in China.中国的外来物种有1000多种。3、The giant panda has become an endangered species.大熊猫已成了一种濒临灭绝的动物。4、There has been a sharp decline in the number of species.物种数量骤然下降。


species 用于包括昆虫在内的所有生物(当然也可用于人类);races 只用于指人类种群。


用 strain 表示一株细菌菌落






strain:株系,多用于微生物species:物种cultivar:栽培变种 race:种族,单指人的。

indicator species是什么意思


《The Originof Species》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Origin of Species》(Charles Darwin)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WyZZnWCgDI2aoqstbsfdJQ 提取码: huym书名:The Origin of Species作者:Charles Darwin豆瓣评分:9.3出版社:Bantam Classics出版年份:1999-6-1页数:512内容简介:The publication of Darwin"s The Origin of Species in 1859 marked a dramatic turning point in scientific thought.The volume had taken Darwin more than twenty years to publish, in part because he envisioned the storm of controversy it was certain to unleash. Indeed, selling out its first edition on its first day, The Origin of Species revolutionized science, philosophy, and theology.Darwin"s reasoned, documented arguments carefully advance his theory of natural selection and assertion that species were not created all at once by a divine hand but started with a few simple forms that mutated and adapted over time. Whether commenting on his own ill health, discussing his experiments to test instinct in bees, or relating a conversation about a South American burrowing rodent, Darwin"s monumental achievement is surprisingly personal and delightfully readable. Its ideas remain extremely profound even today, making itthe most influential book in the natural sciences ever written-a work not just important to its time, but to the history of humankind.作者简介:达尔文(Charles Robert Darwin,1809-1882)英国博物学家,进化论的奠基人。1809年2月12日,出生于英国医生家庭。1825年至1828年在爱丁大学学医,后进入剑桥大学学习神学。1831年从剑桥大学毕业后,以博物学家的身份乘海军勘探船“贝格尔号(Beagle)”作历时5年(1831-1836)的环球旅行,观察和搜集了动物、植物和地质等方面的大量材料,经过归纳整理和综合分析,形成了生物进行的概念。1859年出版《物种起源(On the Origin of Species)》一书,全面提出以自然选择(Theoty of Natural Selection)为基础的进化学说。该书出版震动当时的学术界,成为生物学史上的一个转折点。自然选择的进化学说对各种唯心的神造论、目的论和物种不变论提出根本性的挑战。使当时生物学各领域已经形成的概念和观念发生根本性的改变。随后达尔文又发表了《动物和植物在家养下的变异(The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication ,1868)》、《人类由来及性的选择(The Descent of Man ,1871)》和《人类和动物的表情(The Expression of the Emotions in Animals and Man,1872)》等书,对人工选择作了系统的叙述,并提出性选择及人类起源的理论,进一步充实了进化学说的内容。

radical species是什么意思


The snow leopard is a class-one endangered species ______ is the giant panda. A. as


type species造句 type speciesの例文 "type species"是什麼意思

Dewey ( 1984 ) reported h . patula has sth genomes and according to genome *** ysis method , included it in elymus . but he only studied the type specie of hystrix - - - - - - h Patula具有sth染色体组,并根据染色体组分析方法,将hystrix放在elymus中,但他仅对hystrix的模式种? ? h As a creature that survives well in sulfide - rich habitats , echiuran gets more and more attention for its special sulfide tolerating mechani *** . in this study , urechis unicinctus is used as the type species of echiuran 本研究以单环刺? urechisunicinctus为研究对象,从生理、生化和分子生物学等多个方面探讨了其硫化物耐受的生物学机制。 Tachinus is one of the largest genera of the subfamily tachyporinae in the family staphypnidae . it was estabpshed by gravenhorst in 1802 . latreille ( 1810 ) designated staphypnus rufipes pnne as the type species for the genus 圆胸隐翅虫属tachinus是隐翅虫科staphypnidae 、尖腹隐翅虫亚科tachyporinae 、尖腹隐翅虫族tachyporini中的一个大属,由gravenhorst ( 1802 )创立,模式种为staphypnusrufipespnn 。 This specimen spghtly differs from the type species of the same genus sinornithosaurus milknii in the length proportions of some manual elements . because its cranial posterior portion is badly preserved and difficult to be pared with the type species , it is temporarily identified as sinornithosaurus sp 然而这一标本个体较小,其前肢一些骨骼的长短比例与中国鸟龙属属型种sinornithosauru *** illenii相比存在一定差异,同时新标本头骨后部保存不好而不能提供更多信息,故暂将其作为中国鸟龙属未定种sinornithosaurussp Finally , the level identification , classification of these nine endophytic fungi are studied through pterature retrieving and parison with related genus or type species , during which the characteristics of conidia and the result of physiological experiment are regarded as key words and as assist respectively . the ultimate result of these strains " classification are that one new species coniothyrium macrospora y . xiang et j . x . cui sp . nov . ( 1026 ) ; five new recorded - genus in china : papularia sphaerosperma ( pers . ex fr . ) 以形态学性状中的分生孢子特征为主题,以生理实验结果为辅助,检索文献,与相关种和模式种进行对照比较,对这些内生真菌进行水平的菌种鉴定分类,其中菌株1026为一新种:大孢盾壳霉( coniothyriummacrosporay . xiangetj . x . cuisp . nov . ) , 5株为中国新记录属种: 1005球乳突孢[ papulariasphaerosperma ( pers . exfr . ) vonh ( It shows many typical characters seen in the type species of the genus of sinornithosaurus , which discovered also from western paoning . ngmc 00 - 12 - a can further be included in sinornithosaurus by the dentary bifurcated posteriorly , unserrated premaxillary teeth , u - shaped furcula , extremel y short manual phalanx iii - 2 in parison with the length of phalanx iii - l , very large and developed obturator process of the ischium , partially arctometatarsapan metatarsal iii and so on 它具有许多中国鸟龙属sinornithosaurus所特有的特征,如:齿骨后部分叉、前颌骨齿齿冠前后缘均无小锯齿、叉骨u形、第指第2指节很短、坐骨封闭突极大且具有坐骨后背突、第?骨部分窄足型等,因而无疑应归入该属中。 It"s difficult to find type species in a sentence. 用 type species 造句挺难的

求翻译In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced, the non-commercial tree species

主语the non-commercial tree species,谓语are recognized as,宾语members of native forest community在生态林业更为发达的欧洲,那些非商用的树种同样被列入原生森林群落名单里,这样来保护树种也是合理的

Urban Species的《Blanket》 歌词

歌曲名:Blanket歌手:Urban Species专辑:Classic Chillout「Blanket」作词:大森祥子 / 作曲:岸正之 / 编曲:佐々木章歌:加藤英美里今日も私の一日は 君のメールで终わるの 今天也一样我的一天 当你发的那份邮件之后就结束了おやすみっていつもの四文字 そして手振絵文字 晚安也是平时的那几个文字 然后接着是手势图画的文字ねぇ 明日の予报 雨降りを伝ても 呢 明天的预报 传达出下雨的信息 但是なぜ忧郁になれない 全部、君のせいね 为何如此的忧郁热闷 这全部都是你的责任呢眠る时さえ 君を梦见て 入眠的时候 就会梦见你休まずに力 生まれて 即使不休息力气 也会恢复离れていても こんなにあったかい 尽管离别了 也如此的相称君は私包むブランケット 你送给我的毛毯言叶だけじゃ足りなそうで 增えてく下书きボックス 只是语言的话好像还不足够 增加了的草稿箱私の言叶はどれだけ まっすぐ伝わるんだろう 我的语言就只是那句而已 希望能笔直的传达出去ねぇ 君の未来 もしawayの连続でも 呢 你的未来 如果连续的丢失 不过すぐそばにいる私 忘れないでいて 马上在你身边的我 请不要忘记呢どんな时にも 君と梦见て 无论什么时候 和你梦中相见変わらずにエール 赠りたい 那一成不变的淡色啤酒 想赠送给你伤も泪も 投げ出していいよ 伤痕也好泪水都好 都可以抛出去哟私 君守りたいブランケット 我是 你想要守护的毛毯眠る时さえ 君を梦见て 入眠的时候 就会梦见你休まずに力 生まれて 即使不休息力气 也会恢复离れていても こんなにあったかい 尽管离别了 也如此的相称君は私包むブランケット 你送给我的毛毯たったひとつだけのブランケット 仅仅是那唯一的毛毯草帽仔^_^http://music.baidu.com/song/10314135

___ enough patience,successful breeding of this rare species can be achieved.



breeds可数名词集合词(宠物或牲畜的)品种:rare breeds of cattle... 稀有品种的牛Certain breeds are more dangerous than others. 某些品种比其他品种更危险。species可数名词集合词(动植物的)物种,Pandas are an endangered species...熊猫是濒危物种它们涵盖的意义范围不同。


breeds可数名词集合词(宠物或牲畜的)品种:rare breeds of cattle. 稀有品种的牛Certain breeds are more dangerous than others. 某些品种比其他品种更危险。species可数名词集合词(动植物的)物种:Pandas are an endangered species.熊猫是濒危物种。它们涵盖的意义范围不同。


creature和species的区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同species:英 ["spiu02d0u0283iu02d0z]美 ["spiu02d0u0283iu02d0z]。  creature:英 ["kriu02d0tu0283u0259(r)]美 ["kriu02d0tu0283u0259r]。     2、意思不同species:n. 种类;(单复同)物种。creature:n. 生物;动物;人。辨析:animal,beast,creature,brute,cattle这些名词均含“动物”之意。animal普通用词,指区别于植物和矿物而言的动物的总称。beast指有别于爬行动物、昆虫等的较大的四脚兽类或牛、马等牲畜。creature通常指生物或动物,与非生动相对。指人时,则含怜悯或轻蔑的意味。brute特指野兽。用于人时,突出其野蛮或残忍。cattle指大牲畜,尤其指牛。