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高一英语介词填空1、The army stationed ——10 kilometers to fight agains?

1、The army stationed —at—10 kilometers to fight against other side.(at a distance of相隔 -----距离) 2、Electric current cannot go —through—insulation,just as water cannot go through iron.(穿透,通过) 3、It"s a wonder that all 100 people —in—the aircraft were still alive after the accident.(在飞机里) 4、He entered the building —through—a side door.(通过边门进入) A、by B、from C、through D、in 5、At that moment the water in the river —rose—to a dangerous point .(河水上涨,不及物) A、raised B、increased C、added D、rose,2,同意,第四个应该是from,2,第四个觉得应该是 from,从边门进入。其他的同意楼上,哈哈,0,高一英语介词填空 1、The army stationed ——10 kilometers to fight against other side. 2、Electric current cannot go ——insulation,just as water cannot go through iron. 3、It"s a wonder that all 100 people ——the aircraft were still alive after the accident. 4、He entered the building ——a side door. A、by B、from C、through D、in 5、At that moment the water in the river ——to a dangerous point . A、raised B、increased C、added D、rose 选择请说明原因!