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Stephen Duffy&Nigel Kennedy的《Natalie》 歌词

歌曲名:Natalie歌手:Stephen Duffy&Nigel Kennedy专辑:Music In ColorsNatalieGoing CrazyEver since the day you went awayand left me lonely and coldmy life just hasn"t been the sameoh baby nowhen i looked into your eyesthe moment that i let you go i just broke downbaby if i ever get the chance to be with you againI would sacraficeCuz the feelin that I feel within no other man would ever make me feel so rightits nice to smile when i get your phone call at nightBut I rather have you here with meright next to meand I miss the way you hold me tightI"ve got to let you know I feel so weak without your touchI never thought that i could ever love a man so muchI"ve gotta let you know I think that we are destinyFor you I"d cross the world for youI"d do anythingThat"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)That"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)break it down then I"ll tell you what i feelfrom the moment that i met you its been so damn realmy heart seems to skip another beat every time we speakCan"t belive I feel so weaktell me that you really need meand you want meand you miss meand you love meI"m your ladyI"ll be around waitin for youput it down be the woman for youim fallin so deep for youcrazy over you im callingcallin out to youwhat am i gonna do?its true no frontinit"s u ain"t no otherI can no longer go on without youI just break down (down)I"ve got to let you know I feel so weak without your touchI never thought that i could ever love a man so muchI"ve gotta let you know I think that we are destinyFor you I"d cross the world for youI"d do anythingThat"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me, yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)That"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me, yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)ooo, crazy,(ooo),lately (ooo),lately (ooo)Lately





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求 Stephen Foster 在1848年发布的 Oh! Susanna 歌词














急`!斯蒂芬-李 Stephen Lee的详细资料!

姓名:史蒂芬·李(Stephen Lee)总积分:17,755国籍:英格兰生日:12/10/1974职业生涯始于:1992年排位赛获胜次数:1 生日:12/10/1974职业生涯始于:1992年排位赛获胜次数:1 球员简介:斯蒂芬-李在很多专家眼中是当今世界上最棒的球员之一,但是自从1992年转为职业选手后他却没有获得过任何大赛的冠军。在1990年他获得英国16岁以下冠军,次年在英国业余赛中闯入四强。在1992年他以13-8击败莫斯利夺取英国业余冠军,并在同年获得英国18岁以下冠军。在职业选手的第一年他没有通过两项大赛的资格赛,不过却在大英冠军赛中跻身64强,随后他在欧洲公开赛上闯入四分之一决赛,并在英国公开赛和亚洲公开赛上同样跻身16强。尽管未能通过世锦赛的资格赛,但是他的世界排名仍然排在第101位。在1993/94赛季,他在大奖赛上闯入八强,并在其他三项赛事闯入八强,可是在世锦赛资格赛最后一轮中折戟,不过这个赛季的出色发挥让其世界排名升至第40位。在1994/95年斯蒂芬三次闯入赛事32强,他还首度亮相世锦赛,不过他在第一轮被邦德淘汰。未能在世锦赛上取得佳绩让其年终排名仅仅上升三位。在1995/96赛季,李凭借自己的不俗表现将世界排名提升至第31位。随后的一个赛季里他两次跻身八强,并在世锦赛上赢得首场胜利,这让他的世界排名跻身前16名。1997年的大英冠军赛中他第一次闯入四强,稍后他在苏格兰公开赛上同样跻身四强,不过他两次败给奥苏利文。虽然未能夺冠,但是他的世界排名仍升至第九位。在1998/99赛季的首项赛事大奖赛中,斯蒂芬的签运极佳,他没有遇到过世界排名前列的高手,结果他生涯第一次闯入决赛,在与傅家俊的决赛中,他以9-2赢得胜利,这让他首夺大赛冠军,这也给他的生涯奖金增加60000英镑。在爱尔兰和苏格兰公开赛,以及后来的中国国际赛上他都闯入八强,不过他却因为颈伤缺席英国公开赛。在世锦赛上他同样闯入八强,不过希金斯结束了他的前进希望。几周前,在爱尔兰大师赛决赛中,他在8-4领先亨德利的情况下被苏格兰人上演翻盘好戏,尽管如此他仍在年终排名第六位。1999/2000赛季斯蒂芬在香港的千年杯上夺取冠军,接着他在威尔士公开赛和中国公开赛上闯入决赛,不过他都未能夺冠。随后一次闯入四强和两项赛事跻身八强的佳绩让其年终排名升至第五位。随后的一个赛季他未能通过药检,结果听证会耗费了他太多的精力,这让其只在一项赛事跻身四强,虽然还在多项赛事闯入八强,可是未能取得冠军让其排名跌至第八位。对于斯蒂芬,外界最大的批评就是他无法将领先转化为胜势,这让其浪费了太多在世界大赛上展现自己的机会。在2001年的世锦赛上,他就被埃布顿后来居上以13-12击败。截止2000/01赛季,他的生涯总奖金为706381英镑。主要战绩:世界锦标赛八强(1994)大奖赛冠军 (1998)千年杯冠军(1999)威尔士公开赛亚军(2000)LG杯冠军(2001)爱尔兰大师赛亚军(1999)中国公开赛亚军(1999)大英冠军赛四强(1997)英国业余冠军(1992)英国18岁以下冠军(1992)英国16岁以下冠军(1990)

口腔Stephen 曲线名词解释


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stephen boyd博伊德史蒂芬 拼音 双语对照 Stephen Boyd词典[人名]史蒂芬·博伊德











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斯蒂芬·沃尔特Stephen Walt的个人介绍!









Paul、Sam、Francis、Lewis、Stephen、Andy、Scott 以上英文是什么意思?


大家快来帮帮我 谁知道有Stephen Moyer个人资料

姓名:斯蒂芬-莫亚(Stephen Moyer)   出生地:英国布兰特伍德市  出生日期:1971年  最近出演角色:电视剧《真爱如血》(True Blood)中扮演吸血鬼比尔-康普顿(Bill Compton)  星路历程:  斯蒂芬-莫亚1974年出生在英国布兰特伍德,是英国小有名气的电视和电影演员。  他在荧幕上的首次亮相是在1993年的英国情景喜剧《结婚仪式》(Conjugal Rites)中。1997年,他在《豪勇王子》(Prince Valiant)中扮演男一号,这成为他演艺生涯的一个突破。莫亚最为人所知的角色是在BBC电视剧《跨越洲际的爱情》(Ny-Lon)中扮演迈克-安东尼奥尼(Michael Antonioni)。  莫亚在舞台上也辟有建树,曾经在伦敦享有盛誉的小维克剧场出演《钢铁人》(Iron Man),还参加了《罗密欧和朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)的演出。  莫亚在英国和好莱坞与不少流行明星合作过,包括凯拉-奈特利(Keira Knightley)、杰弗里-拉什(Geoffrey Rush)、凯特-温丝莱特(Kate Winslet)和艾尔-帕西诺(Al Pacino)。他有2个孩子,分别是8岁的儿子比利和6岁的女儿莱拉克。  个人语录:  斯蒂芬-莫亚:我不久前曾经问儿子:“长大了你想干什么?”他回答说要出去想一会再告诉我答案。过了一会,他跑回来对我说:“爸爸,我想当演员”。  斯蒂芬-莫亚:不少纽约人和伦敦人都想在这两个城市之间找出某些共性,但这两个地方实在是太不一样了。纽约有一颗跳动的心脏,是呼吸着的鲜活肌体,而伦敦则不是这样。  














求文档: Stephen是什么意思



Stephen(全名Stephen Charles)简称s.c,为英国较具名望的皮具品牌。s.c创办于1988年,其前身产品曾为众多英国王室成员所青睐。自品牌创立以来,s.c专注生产皮带及皮具产品,经过二十多年的发展,现已赢得无数的品牌追随者,成为独树一帜的英伦代表品牌。Stephen—中文的意思是,史蒂芬.Stephen一词源于希腊语,它的含义是“王冠”。还有好多名人的名字都有这个词,如果需要的话您可以自己搜....希望对您有帮助,望采纳~~~~

stephen怎么读 英语stephen怎么读

1、Stephen英[u02c8stiu02d0v(u0259)n]美[u02c8stivu0259n],n.斯蒂芬(男子教名,亦作姓用,源于希腊语,它的变体是Stephenus)。 2、[例句]She had clawed Stephen across the face.她抓过斯蒂芬的脸。





Stephenville, Tx 歌词

歌曲名:Stephenville, Tx歌手:Jewel专辑:Goodbye Alice In Wonderland-AtlanticJewel-Stephenville, TXJewelGoodbye Alice In WonderlandStephenville, TXJewelGoodbye Alice In WonderlandHousewives trying to recapture their youthBy wearing floral print and suedeFixing their hairdos with PC, chemical-free hairsprayMartha Stewart taught them to make on TVI was raised a farmgirlI"m too far from home, all alone on the roadTrying to figure out who I am now the the stardust has turned to sandAnd the sand has turned to stone on the starmaking machineI"m 25 years oldThat ain"t the end but it sure ain"t where I beganAnd my daddy, he wrote songs and he broke coltsAnd he went back to school to get a degreeNow he teachs music to kids, he taught music to meAnd this Alaskan girl was living in Stephenville, TexasYes, you guessed it, I moved here because I fell in love with a manAnd I moved his ex-old lady"s things out of the closetThe same closet I had to move my things back inIt didn"t make me feel that great, as if to demonstrateEverything"s temporary given enough timeI"m 25 years oldThat ain"t the end but it sure ain"t where I beganBut hey, I"ve got nothing to loseI"m a singer for crowds, I"m a writer of songsHey Mom, look, I"m an entertainerI"m a modern day troubadour trying to find justice with six stringsTrying to make the world make sense out of meTrying to be loved completely, trying to love honestlyTrying to find a decent high noon cup of teaIn another shitty hotelI"m trying to listen to the leaves speakTrying to steal secrets from fishes in the creekTrying to figure out who I amA singer, a pretty bad cook, maybe a good momWhat will it be?I"m trying to figure out who I amBut there"s no hand to hold, no Doctor Martin Luther KingThere"s just syncophantsAnd the mindlessness on TV or in the magazinesOn the latest ways to behaveSo why not follow me, the blond bombshell deity?I"ll sell you neat ideas without big wordsAnd a little bit of cleavage to help wash it all downHey, everybody thought Godard was a clownAnd that ain"t gonna be meAnd I"m 25 years oldThat ain"t the end but it sure ain"t where I beganGuess that just means I"m in Texas

stephen king 写过那些小说?全的 ,最好有书名的中英文对照。谢谢啦

《缅因鬼镇》""Salem"s Lot" novel 《致命游戏》"Gerald"s Game" novel 《恶梦工厂(短篇集)》 "Nightmares & Dreamscapes" story collection 珠海出版社: 《死光(上、下两册)》"It" novel 《杰罗德游戏》"Gerald"s Game" novel 《宠物公墓》"Pet Sematary" novel 《玫瑰疯狂者》"Rose Madder" novel 《黑暗的另一半》"The Dark Half" novel 《神秘火焰》"Firestarter" novel 《死亡区域》"The Dead Zone" novel 《恶兆》"Cujo" novel 《惊鸟》"Dolores Claiborne" novel 《克里斯汀》"Christine" novel 《一号书迷》"Misery" novel 《世事无常(短片集)》"Everything"s Eventual" story collection 《斯蒂芬·金传》"On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" non-fiction 大众文艺出版社: 《闪灵》"The Shining" novel 《撒冷镇》""Salem"s Lot" novel 《末日逼近(上、下两册)》"The Stand (The Complete and Uncut Edition)" novel 上海译文出版社: 《尸骨袋》"Bag of Bones" novel 人民文学出版社: 《黑暗塔I:枪侠》"The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger" novel 《黑暗塔II:三张牌》"The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three" novel 《黑暗塔III:荒原》"The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands" novel 《肖申克的救赎(中篇集)》"Different Seasons" story collection 哈尔滨出版社: 《克苏鲁神话:恐怖人间〈耶路撒冷领地(短篇)〉》A Story in "Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos" 计划中引进: 人民文学出版社: 《黑暗塔IV:巫师与玻璃球》"The Dark Tower IV: Wizard & Glass" novel 《黑暗塔V:卡拉之狼》"The Dark Tower V: Wolves of The Calla" novel 《黑暗塔VI:苏珊娜之歌》"The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah" novel 《黑暗塔VII:黑暗之塔》"The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower" novel 上海译文出版社: 《手机》"Cell" novel 大概就这些了吧

求文档: Stephen是什么意思


stephen chow 怎么读


stephen crane历史背景对他作品的影响,以及他为什么要以这些做为他的写作主题

“The Open Boat” is a fictionalized account of a very traumatic personal experience in Crane"s life: a ship on which he was a passenger sank off the coast of Florida, and he found himself one of four men in a tiny open dinghy, struggling to make it through a narrow strip of rough sea and pounding surf that separated them from dry land.As it was, the men were forced to remain for thirty hours in the boat, rowing frantically against the tide and bailing constantly to keep the craft afloat in the treacherous water, before they were able to come ashore at Daytona Beach. We would expect that this story would be written as a heart-pounding adventure tale; yet it is very cerebral in its approach, focusing less on the adrenaline rush of danger than on the philosophical question of man"s relationship to the world of nature that so completely overwhelms him.As Crane shows in this story, the protagonist"s salvation is dependent upon whether or not he will adapt to his surroundings and help his fellow man, not whether or not he can conquer nature. As he demonstrates, this is a moot point, because it is impossible to conquer nature; it is too big, and too impersonal, and man is just a speck against its awesome power. The best one can do is learn nature"s ways and work with, not against, them.This sense of complete absorption in the struggle against nature is illustrated by the famous first line of the story: “None of them knew the color of the sky.” The reason for this is soon made obvious; the imperiled survivors could not take their eyes off the waves, for to let their guard down for a moment would mean certain death. Significantly, Crane does not deal with the question of heroism; the men in the boat do not feel heroic, nor do they ask us to think of them in those terms. They are simply doing what they need to in order to survive, and supporting one another in this effort.Interestingly, however, this does not make Crane"s story realistic; it actually creates a kind of hyper-realism, an excruciatingly vivid nightmare state, in which waves resemble horses “scrambl[ing] over walls of water,” “carpets on a line in a gale,” and “white flames,” to mention only a few of the dozens of metaphors. The homeliness of these images does not make the Crane"s rendering of the experience any less profound; they simply call attention to the inability of mere words to convey it.They also accentuate the gulf between an objective journalistic rendering of going down with a ship and the only way to convey the full horror of this experience. Crane borrows, in his fierce and startling imagery, something from Gothic romantics such as Poe; but in no other respect is this story romanticized. On the contrary, the threat of death is not in any way sensationalized, because it does not need to be; the usage of such extreme imagery makes it even more terrifyingly real.In addition to vivid language, Crane uses carefully-chosen anecdotes to make the situation seem harrowing. The extent to which these men are poised on the brink of life and death is illustrated by the seagull that lands on the captain"s head; as Crane says, “The captain naturally wished to knock it away with the end of the heavy painter, but he did not dare do it, because anything resembling an emphatic gesture would have capsized this freighted boat; and so, with his open hand, the captain gently and carefully waved the gull away.” To have remained in this state for thirty hours seems almost incomprehensible.Crane"s remarkable use of rhythm in this story reminds one of the motion of the sea; while each phrase has a distinct sense of rising and falling, each one is also a different length, just like the waves -- some of which are huge and rolling, while others are merely little swells. One can feel this in the lines “The craft pranced and reared, and plunged like an animal. As each wave came, and she rose for it, she seemed like a horse making at a fence outrageously high.” In his imagery, in his rhythm, Crane never allows us to forget the story"s setting, even for a second; the huge and harrowing presence of nature, poised to destroy the insignificance which is man, commands our attention at all times.But the most significant aspect of this struggle lies in the men"s attempts to help one another survive. Consider this passage where Crane describes the time “when we were swamped by the surf and making the best of our way toward the shore”. “But finally [the correspondent] arrived at a place in the sea where travel was beset with difficulty. He did not pause swimming to inquire what manner of current had caught him, but there his progress ceased. The shore was set before him like a bit of scenery on a stage, and he looked at it and understood with his eyes each detail of it. -- As the cook passed, much farther to the left, the captain was calling to him. ‘Turn over on your back, cook! Turn over on your back and use the oar." -- ‘All right, sir." The cook turned on his back, and paddling with an oar, went ahead as if he were a canoe.”There is no fighting the sea; it cannot be conquered; but one can learn to bob along on its surface, and aid to the best of one"s ability those fellow human beings who are also caught in the grip of nature"s immense indifference.

Duane Stephenson [Feat. Gramps Morgan]的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:Duane Stephenson [Feat. Gramps Morgan]专辑:Black GoldRESCUE作词:ECO

Who is Stephen Hawking

Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. His parents" house was in north London, but during the second world war Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies. When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father"s old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science. Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there being no-one working in that area in Oxford at the time. His supervisor was Denis Sciama, although he had hoped to get Fred Hoyle who was working in Cambridge. After gaining his Ph.D. he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1669 by Isaac Newton.Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein"s General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes. These results indicated it was necessary to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of the 20th Century. One consequence of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should not be completely black, but should emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear. Another conjecture is that the universe has no edge or boundary in imaginary time. This would imply that the way the universe began was completely determined by the laws of science.His many publications include The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime with G F R Ellis, General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, with W Israel, and 300 Years of Gravity, with W Israel. Stephen Hawking has three popular books published; his best seller A Brief History of Time, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays and most recently in 2001, The Universe in a Nutshell. There are .pdf and .ps versions of his full publication list. Professor Hawking has twelve honorary degrees, was awarded the CBE in 1982, and was made a Companion of Honour in 1989. He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes and is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences. Stephen Hawking continues to combine family life (he has three children and one grandchild), and his research into theoretical physics together with an extensive programme of travel and public lectures.

求stephen hawking(史蒂芬霍金)的英文资料这个可以

scientist stephen hawking has died aged 76 其中aged是形容词(过分分词)做定语 修饰76吗


Stephen Hawking believes that earth is unlikely the only planet ____life has developed gradually.


24. Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only plane

这显而易见啊,你的意思是 谁的 life 呢,planet 是住的地方。

英语He is Stephen Hawking是什么意思


Stephen Hawking是什么意思

Stephen Hawking史蒂芬霍金双语对照词典结果:Stephen Hawking史蒂芬·霍金(英国著名物理学家); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Stephen hawking is worried about aliens. -----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



Ke$ha的《Stephen》 歌词

歌曲名:Stephen歌手:Ke$ha专辑:Animal + Cannibal (Deluxe Edition)Ke$ha - StephenStephenStephenWhy won"t you call me?StephenWhy won"t you call me?I saw youIn your tight ass rocker pantsYou saw me tooI laughed"Cause I was completely trashedAnd I watched yourUgly girlfriendSneer across the roomAs if I really careThat she"s here with youAll I know is…Your my object of affectionMy drug of choiceMy sick obsessionStephenWhy won"t you call me?I"m sitting here waitingWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m feeling patheticI can"t take rejectionWhy won"t you call me?I"ve got guysWaiting in a lineFor me too playMy evil girly gamesWith all their mindsJust watch meGot it downTo a simple artJust bat my EyesLike thisAnd there"s a broken heartBut somehow…You turn the tablesWhat the hellI can charm the pants of anyone elseBut youStephenWhy won"t you call me?I"m sitting here waitingWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m feeling patheticI can"t take rejectionWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m thinking" thatMaybeYou might think I"mCrazyIs that why you won"tCall meSteveDon"t you think I"mPrettyDo you notLove meIs that why you won"t call me?"Cause your my object of affectionMy drug of choiceMy sick obsessionI want to keep you as my pet to play withAnd hide under my bed foreverStephenWhy won"t you call me?I"m sitting here waitingWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m feeling patheticI can"t take rejectionWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"ll knit you a sweaterI want to wrap you up in my loveForeverI will never let you go StephenI"ll never let goStephenWhy won"t you call me?I"m sitting here waitingWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m feeling patheticI can"t take rejectionWhy won"t you call me----

Ke$ha的《Stephen》 歌词

歌曲名:Stephen歌手:Ke$ha专辑:AnimalKe$ha - StephenStephenStephenWhy won"t you call me?StephenWhy won"t you call me?I saw youIn your tight ass rocker pantsYou saw me tooI laughed"Cause I was completely trashedAnd I watched yourUgly girlfriendSneer across the roomAs if I really careThat she"s here with youAll I know is…Your my object of affectionMy drug of choiceMy sick obsessionStephenWhy won"t you call me?I"m sitting here waitingWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m feeling patheticI can"t take rejectionWhy won"t you call me?I"ve got guysWaiting in a lineFor me too playMy evil girly gamesWith all their mindsJust watch meGot it downTo a simple artJust bat my EyesLike thisAnd there"s a broken heartBut somehow…You turn the tablesWhat the hellI can charm the pants of anyone elseBut youStephenWhy won"t you call me?I"m sitting here waitingWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m feeling patheticI can"t take rejectionWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m thinking" thatMaybeYou might think I"mCrazyIs that why you won"tCall meSteveDon"t you think I"mPrettyDo you notLove meIs that why you won"t call me?"Cause your my object of affectionMy drug of choiceMy sick obsessionI want to keep you as my pet to play withAnd hide under my bed foreverStephenWhy won"t you call me?I"m sitting here waitingWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m feeling patheticI can"t take rejectionWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"ll knit you a sweaterI want to wrap you up in my loveForeverI will never let you go StephenI"ll never let goStephenWhy won"t you call me?I"m sitting here waitingWhy won"t you call me?StephenI"m feeling patheticI can"t take rejectionWhy won"t you call me----

stephen crane 的。.的分析。。英文版的。

“The Open Boat” is a fictionalized account of a very traumatic personal experience in Crane"s life: a ship on which he was a passenger sank off the coast of Florida, and he found himself one of four men in a tiny open dinghy, struggling to make it through a narrow strip of rough sea and pounding surf that separated them from dry land.As it was, the men were forced to remain for thirty hours in the boat, rowing frantically against the tide and bailing constantly to keep the craft afloat in the treacherous water, before they were able to come ashore at Daytona Beach. We would expect that this story would be written as a heart-pounding adventure tale; yet it is very cerebral in its approach, focusing less on the adrenaline rush of danger than on the philosophical question of man"s relationship to the world of nature that so completely overwhelms him.As Crane shows in this story, the protagonist"s salvation is dependent upon whether or not he will adapt to his surroundings and help his fellow man, not whether or not he can conquer nature. As he demonstrates, this is a moot point, because it is impossible to conquer nature; it is too big, and too impersonal, and man is just a speck against its awesome power. The best one can do is learn nature"s ways and work with, not against, them.This sense of complete absorption in the struggle against nature is illustrated by the famous first line of the story: “None of them knew the color of the sky.” The reason for this is soon made obvious; the imperiled survivors could not take their eyes off the waves, for to let their guard down for a moment would mean certain death. Significantly, Crane does not deal with the question of heroism; the men in the boat do not feel heroic, nor do they ask us to think of them in those terms. They are simply doing what they need to in order to survive, and supporting one another in this effort.Interestingly, however, this does not make Crane"s story realistic; it actually creates a kind of hyper-realism, an excruciatingly vivid nightmare state, in which waves resemble horses “scrambl[ing] over walls of water,” “carpets on a line in a gale,” and “white flames,” to mention only a few of the dozens of metaphors. The homeliness of these images does not make the Crane"s rendering of the experience any less profound; they simply call attention to the inability of mere words to convey it.They also accentuate the gulf between an objective journalistic rendering of going down with a ship and the only way to convey the full horror of this experience. Crane borrows, in his fierce and startling imagery, something from Gothic romantics such as Poe; but in no other respect is this story romanticized. On the contrary, the threat of death is not in any way sensationalized, because it does not need to be; the usage of such extreme imagery makes it even more terrifyingly real.In addition to vivid language, Crane uses carefully-chosen anecdotes to make the situation seem harrowing. The extent to which these men are poised on the brink of life and death is illustrated by the seagull that lands on the captain"s head; as Crane says, “The captain naturally wished to knock it away with the end of the heavy painter, but he did not dare do it, because anything resembling an emphatic gesture would have capsized this freighted boat; and so, with his open hand, the captain gently and carefully waved the gull away.” To have remained in this state for thirty hours seems almost incomprehensible.Crane"s remarkable use of rhythm in this story reminds one of the motion of the sea; while each phrase has a distinct sense of rising and falling, each one is also a different length, just like the waves -- some of which are huge and rolling, while others are merely little swells. One can feel this in the lines “The craft pranced and reared, and plunged like an animal. As each wave came, and she rose for it, she seemed like a horse making at a fence outrageously high.” In his imagery, in his rhythm, Crane never allows us to forget the story"s setting, even for a second; the huge and harrowing presence of nature, poised to destroy the insignificance which is man, commands our attention at all times.But the most significant aspect of this struggle lies in the men"s attempts to help one another survive. Consider this passage where Crane describes the time “when we were swamped by the surf and making the best of our way toward the shore”. “But finally [the correspondent] arrived at a place in the sea where travel was beset with difficulty. He did not pause swimming to inquire what manner of current had caught him, but there his progress ceased. The shore was set before him like a bit of scenery on a stage, and he looked at it and understood with his eyes each detail of it. -- As the cook passed, much farther to the left, the captain was calling to him. ‘Turn over on your back, cook! Turn over on your back and use the oar." -- ‘All right, sir." The cook turned on his back, and paddling with an oar, went ahead as if he were a canoe.”There is no fighting the sea; it cannot be conquered; but one can learn to bob along on its surface, and aid to the best of one"s ability those fellow human beings who are also caught in the grip of nature"s immense indifference.

Leslie Stephen是谁

莱斯利斯蒂芬出生于1832年成为一个著名的自由派家庭。 His mother"s family were associated with the Clapham Sect, and his paternal grandfather, James, was an anti-Slaver and associate of Wilberforce.他母亲的家族与克拉派的,和他的祖父,詹姆斯,是一个反奴隶贩子和威尔伯福斯准。 Stephen"s father, Sir James, was a noted statesman, historian and biographer, and his brother Sir James Fitzjames was a renowned judge, historian and essayist.斯蒂芬的父亲,爵士,是著名的政治家,历史学家和传记作家,和他的弟弟詹姆斯菲茨詹姆斯是著名的法官,历史学家和散文家。 In his own lifetime, Leslie Stephen was a very highly regarded man of letters, and deeply influential on the course of historical and literary studies; however, he is much better known today as the father of two women better known under their married names, Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf, and as the model for the character of Mr. Ramsay in the latter"s To The Lighthouse (1927).在他自己的一生中,莱斯利斯蒂芬是一个非常推崇的信件的人,和深刻的历史和文学的研究过程中有影响的,但是,他更为人所知作为两个女人在他们结婚的父亲的名字,更好地了解今天的凡妮莎贝尔和弗吉尼亚伍尔夫,并作为拉姆齐先生的性格,后者模型的灯塔 (1927)。 Initially, Stephen was set for a career in the Church of England, and after a lacklustre academic career (in part under FD Maurice at King"s College, London), he entered Trinity Hall, Cambridge in 1850, taking a fellowship in 1854.最初,是为斯蒂芬在英国教会的职业生涯,经过一个二流的学术生涯(部分在国王学院,伦敦在金融衍生工具莫里斯),他进入三一堂,于1850年剑桥,参加1854年的奖学金。 He was ordained in 1855, and became a tutor in the following year.他1855年被任命,成为翌年导师。 However, he was plagued by religious doubts, and in 1867 was forced to resign his fellowship, although he did not relinquish his orders until 1875.但是,他的宗教疑虑所困扰,并于1867年被迫辞去金,但他没有放弃,直到1875年他的命令。 Whilst at Cambridge, his intellectual abilities had flourished and, wedded to sound Liberal principles, he quickly became a leading activist and writer in Cambridge Liberal circles; he was one of the contributors to Essays on Reform (1867), a collection put together by a number of writers and thinkers who went on to brilliant careers in their chosen fields.在剑桥大学,他的智力和能力得以充分发展,拘泥于健全的自由原则之余,他迅速成为领先的活动家和作家在剑桥自由界,他是因素之一, 在改革 (1867年随笔 ),集合在一起提出一数作家和思想家谁继续在自己选择的领域的辉煌事业。 During the late-1850s, Stephen had become an enthusiastic Alpinist, taking up this new Victorian manly pursuit with all his customary energy.在晚19世纪50年代,斯蒂芬已经成为热心登山,占用了他所有的精力习惯这种新的维多利亚男子汉的追求。 His first ascents included that of Mont Blanc from St Gervais.他的第一次攀登包括,勃朗峰的圣热尔韦。 Of course, he turned to writing about his favourite pastime, publishing Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers in two volumes in 1862, which served greatly to further popularise mountaineering.当然,他转过身来对他最喜爱的消遣方式写作,出版峰,通行证,冰川在1862年两卷,这有助于进一步普及大大登山。 Between 1865 and 1868 he was President of the Alpine Club, and from 1868 to 1871 editor of its Alpine Journal . 1865年至1868年,他的登山俱乐部主席和1868年至1871年的阿尔卑斯杂志编辑。 A number of his contributions to that journal were later collected as The Playground of Europe (1871), a formative text for its genre; indeed, Stephen can fairly be characterised as the father of modern mountaineering literature.他的一个贡献,该杂志后来收集了一些诸如欧洲 (1871年) 游乐场 ,其类型为形成文字,事实上,斯蒂芬能够公平地被看作是现代文学之父登山特点。 He also led "The Tramps", a group of literary figures who enjoyed walking, and through it became close friends with George Meredith (who modelled his character Vernon Whitford in The Egoist on Stephen) and FW Maitland (who produced a Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen in 1906).他还领导"的流浪者的,是谁喜欢走路文学组数字,并通过成为密切的朋友乔治梅雷迪思(仿照谁在对他的性格斯蒂芬利己主义者弗农华福)和由麦特兰(谁制作了生活与文学的莱斯利斯蒂芬 )在1906年。





I love the way you lie 的歌词 stephenie Gee 唱的

和Rihanna 唱的吧!!



