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新概念英语第四册美音版043:Are there strangers in space?

Lesson 43 Are there strangers in space? 第43课 宇宙中有外星人吗? First listen and then answer the following question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What does the "uniquely rational way" for us to communicate with other intelligent beings in space depend on? 我们的“合理的”和其他智力生命联系的方法靠的是什么? We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, 根据研究生命起源的人们所作的工作,我们必然会得出这样的结论: that given a planet only approximately like our own, life is almost certain to start. 如果设想有一颗行星和我们地球的情况基本相似,那几乎肯定会产生生命。 Of all the planets in our solar system, we are now pretty certain the Earth is the only one on which life can survive. 我们目前可以肯定的是,在我们太阳系的所有行星中,地球是生命能存在的行星。 Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, 火星太干燥又缺氧,金星太热,水星也一样。 and the outer planets have temperatures near absolute zero and hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. 除此之外,太阳系的其他行星的温度都接近绝对零度,并围绕着以氢气为主的大气层。 But other suns, start as the astronomers call them, are bound to have planets like our own, and as is the number of stars in the universe is so vast, 但是,其他的太阳,既天文学家所说的恒星,肯定会有像我们地球一样的行星。因为宇宙中恒星的数目极其庞大, this possibility becomes virtual certainty. 所以存在着产生生命星球的这种可能性是肯定无疑的。 There are one hundred thousand million starts in our own Milky Way alone, 仅我们的银河系就有1000亿颗星, and then there are three thousand million other milky ways or galaxies, in the universe. 况且在宇宙中还有30亿个天河,即银河系。 so the number of stars that we know exist is now estimated at about 300 million million million. 因此,我们所知道的现有恒星数目估计约有30亿X1000亿颗。 Although perhaps only 1 percent of the life that has started somewhere will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns, 虽然在已经产生生命的某个地方,可能只有1%会发展成高度复杂有智力的生命形态, so vast is the number of planets, that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe. 但是行星的数目是那么庞大,有智力的生命必然是宇宙的自然组成道听部分。 If then we are so certain that other intelligent life exists in the universe, why have we had no visitors from outer space yet? 既然我们如此坚信宇宙中存在着其他有智力的生命,那么我们为什么还未见到外层空间来访的客人呢? First of all, they may have come to this planet of ours thousands or millions of years ago, 首先,他们可能在几千年前或几百年前已来过我们地球, and found our then prevailing primitive state completely uninteresting to their own advanced knowledge. 并且发现我们地球汉时普遍存在着的原始状态同他们的先进的知识相比是索然无味的。 Professor Ronald Bracewell, a leading American radio astronomer, 美国一位重要的射电天文学家罗纳德.布雷斯韦尔教授 argued in Nature that such a superior civilization, on a visit to our own solar system, 在《自然》杂志上提出了这样的观点:假如有如此高级文明生命访问了我们的太阳系, may have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization. 很可能会在离开太阳系时留下自动化信号装置,等待先进文明的觉醒。 Such a messenger, receiving our radio and television signals, 这种自动化信息装置,在接收到我们的无线电和电视信号后, might well re-transmit them back to its home-planet, 完全有可能把这些信号发回到原来的行星。 although what impression any other civilization would thus get from us is best left unsaid. 至于其他文明行星对我们地球会有什么印象,还是不说为好。 But here we come up against the most difficult of all obstacles to contact with people on other planets 然而,在和外星人联系中我们遇到的困难 -- the astronomical distances which separate us. 是分隔我们的天文距离。 As a reasonable guess, they might, on an average, be 100 light years away. 据合理推算,外星人离我们平均距离也有100光年之远 (A light year is the distance which light travels at 186, 000 miles per second in one year, namely 6 million million miles.) (1光年是光以每秒186,000英里的速度在一年内走的距离即6万亿英里)。 Radio waves also travel at the speed of light, 无线电波也是以光速传播的。 and assuming such an automatic messenger picked up our first broadcasts of the 1920"s, 假定外星人的这种自动化信息装置接收了我们二十世纪二十年代的第一次广播信号, the message to its home planet is barely halfway there. 那么这个信号在发回到原来的行星途中刚刚走了一半路程。 Similarly, our own present primitive chemical rockets, 同样,我们目前使用的原始化学火箭, though good enough to orbit men, have no chance of transporting us to the nearest other star, 虽然把人送入轨道,但尚不能把我们送到离我们最近、 four light years away, let alone distances of tens or hundreds of light years. 相距4光年的其他星球上去,更不用说几十光年或几百光年远的地方了。 Fortunately, there is a "uniquely rational way" for us to communicate with other intelligent beings, 幸运的是,有一种我们可以和其他智力生命通迅联系的“合理的方法”, as Walter Sullivan has put it in his excellent book, 正如活尔特.沙利方在其杰作 We Are not Alone. 《我们并不孤独》中阐述的。 This depends on the precise radio frequency of the 21-cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second. 这种通迅联系要靠21厘料波段,即每秒1420兆周的精确无线电频率。 It is the natural frequency of emission of the hydrogen atoms in space and was discovered by us in 1951; 这个频率是空间氢原子释放的自然频率,是在1951年被人类发现的。 it must be known to any kind of radio astronomer in the universe. 这个频率是宇宙中任何射电天文学家都应该熟悉的。 Once the existence of this wave-length had been discovered, 一旦这种波长的实际存在被发现, it was not long before its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested. 提出把它作为星际间可辨认的广播频率就为期不远了。 Without something of this kind, 没有这手段, searching for intelligences on other planets would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a pre-arranged rendezvous 要想寻觅其他星球上的智力生命,就如同去伦敦见一位朋友,事先未约定地点, and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter. 而荒唐地在街上游逛,以期待碰巧遇上一样。

求英语作文,should we help strangers?120词以上,急!!


Strangers In The Night 歌词

歌曲名:Strangers In The Night歌手:Manuel & The Music Of The Mountains专辑:The Magic Of ManuelAnna Ternheim - Strangers In The NightStrangers in the night exchanging glancesWondering in the nightWhat were the chances we"d be sharing loveBefore the night was through.Something in your eyes was so inviting,Something in your smile was so exciting,Something in my heart,Told me I must have you.Ever since that night we"ve been together.Lovers at first sight, in love forever.It turned out so right,For strangers in the night.Strangers in the nightWe are strangers, you and I.

急寻歌名 "" notice me,take my hand.why are we.strangers then.....

你要找的是everytime这首歌么?everytimenotice metake my handwhy are westrangers whenour love is strongwhy carry on without me?and everytime i try to flyi fall without my wingsi feel so smalli guess i need you babyand everytime i see you in my dreamsi see your face, it"s haunting mei guess i need you babyi make believethat you are hereit"s the only wayi see clearwhat have i doneyou seem to move on easyand everytime i try to flyi fall without my wingsi feel so smalli guess i need you babyand everytime i see you in my dreamsi see your face, it"s haunting mei guess i need you babyi may have made it rainplease forgive memy weakness caused you painand this song is my sorryat night i praythat soon your facewill fade awayand everytime i try to flyi fall without my wingsi feel so smalli guess i need you babyand everytime i see you in my dreamsi see your face, it"s haunting mei guess i need you baby

how do you treat strangers作文

Parent-child relationships can be very complicated. As a primary relationship, your parents can be a great source of love, but also a great source of conflict and tension. To have a harmonious relationship, you need to treat your parents well. It"s obviously easier said than done. Here"s what you need to remember on how to treat your parents. Be respectful. At all times, you must be respectful to your parents. This means that you need to be honest in your interactions with your parents. You also need to remember that although your parents may not always act in a respectable manner, you have to show gratitude and appreciate for all the things they do for you. Back talk and being rude is not acceptable at any age. Though parents do need to hear the hard truth from you at times, you can always do this in a loving manner. Aim to love your parents rather than to hurt them. Be loving. It"s important to show your affection to your parents. Go ahead and hug and kiss them, no matter how grown up you are. If you don"t live with your parents anymore, then take the time to call them to let them know you care. Don"t forget birthdays, holidays and special occasions. Buy presents for your parents because you want to give back. Say “I love you” to your parents. Be appreciative. No matter what your age and whom you are dealing with, you need to show your appreciation for the things other people do for you. Of all the people in the world, it is probably your parents who will do the most for you. Say thank you for acts of kindness. Let mom know you appreciate her cooking, and thank dad for working hard to provide for the family. Be patient. You will certainly have differences in opinion with your parents. Be patient with them. As you both get older, you"ll have a wider perspective on life and you must learn to make allowances for your parents that you may not always give to other people. Be forgiving. Your parents aren"t perfect though you may grow up thinking that they are. Forgive them for their shortcomings. Know that they tried their best with whatever they had. Say sorry and mean it when you have disagreements with your parents. Remember that they have your best interests at heart. When you have disagreements with your parents or you feel that their style of discipline is off, you need to know that they love you and only want to keep you safe. No normal parent wants bad things for his child. Love your parents and try to show affection whenever you can. You can"t change who your parents are, but you can change the dynamics of your relationship for the better. Keep this in mind so you can treat your parents well.

Strangers In The Night 歌词

歌曲名:Strangers In The Night歌手:Peggy Lee专辑:Sings The StandardsAnna Ternheim - Strangers In The NightStrangers in the night exchanging glancesWondering in the nightWhat were the chances we"d be sharing loveBefore the night was through.Something in your eyes was so inviting,Something in your smile was so exciting,Something in my heart,Told me I must have you.Ever since that night we"ve been together.Lovers at first sight, in love forever.It turned out so right,For strangers in the night.Strangers in the nightWe are strangers, you and I.

Strangers On A Train 歌词

歌曲名:Strangers On A Train歌手:The Sports专辑:SuddenlyStrangers on a train/擦身而过(火车上的陌生人)David Nail在David获格莱美提名之际献给所有喜欢乡村音乐的朋友sometimes you see someone/在某个时刻你和她相遇when you"ve already got someone/可你已有了另一个她still you wonder what if they had come/你禁不住去想along, a long time ago/如果你很早很早以前遇到她又会怎样You know that they"re feeling it too/你知道她也对你心跳萌动But there ain"t nothin" you gonna do/可你没有什么可以做的Except for imagine who you might have been with them/除了想象和她一起你又会是谁They"re not tryin" to make it last/她不会试图与你纠结Just enjoying each second as they pass/只是享受这在一起的每分每秒"cause as these little brick houses are flying by/只因窗外石头砌成的小农舍飞快而过"Neath the flickering of the railcar lights/火车车厢里灯光忽明忽暗I let myself get lost in your eyes a while/这个时候我让自己迷失在你的眼中,就那么一会Not another passenger in here can see/没有哪个乘客可以看到How in my mind you"re holdin" me/我脑海里你紧紧将我拥抱While outside the cold makes snow out of the rain/而窗外寒冷的时节雨都结成雪But in here we"re just strangers on a train/可我们只不过是火车上的陌生人start to smile, i turn my head/你朝我微笑,我转头不看你It"s kinda like a spider"s web/就像是蜘蛛结网I just can"t seem to shake you off/你在我脑海挥之不去So I look your way again/于是我再次朝你望去You"re staring off trying to pretend/你开始盯着别处Like you haven"t even noticed me at all/装作根本没注意到我But don"t feel guilty it don"t mean much/请别感到内疚这不算什么The truth is the two of us ain"t never gonna touch/事实就是我们俩人不会有任何交集"Cause as these little brick houses are flying by/只因窗外石头砌成的小农舍飞快而过"Neath the flickering of the railcar lights/火车车厢里灯光忽明忽暗I let myself get lost in your eyes a while/这个时候我让自己迷失在你眼中,就那么一会Not another passenger in here can see/没有哪个乘客可以看到How in my mind you"re holding me/我脑海里你紧紧将我拥抱While outside the cold makes snow out of the rain/而窗外寒冷时节雨都结成雪But in here we"re just strangers on a train/可我们只不过是火车上的陌生人Brakes grind, I gotta go/列车进站,我该下车了Reach down pick up my coat/伸手去拿我的外套Afraid that you might stop me in the aisle/惴惴不安想着你将我在过道里拦下Watch my breath rising in the air/呼吸急促心高悬I can"t do nothing but just stand there/手足无措呆站在月台上As you press your hand against the windowpane/你双手紧贴着玻璃窗向我望And i wave to my stranger on a tran/挥手我告别火车上的陌生人My stranger on a train/我火车上的陌生人

loving strangers 歌词

歌曲名:loving strangers歌手:Russian Red专辑:2011年3月欧美新歌速递2电影《Room in Rome》原声音乐《Loving strangersRussian RedLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohI"ve got a hole in my pocketWhere all the money has goneI"ve got a whole lot of workTo do with your heart‘Cause it"s so busy, mine"s notLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohIt"s just the start of the winterAnd I"m all aloneBut I"ve got my eye right on youGive me a coinAnd I"ll take you to the moonNow give me a billAnd I"ll kiss you so foolishlyLike you do when you lieWhen you"re not in my thoughtsLike you do when you lieAnd I know it"s not my imaginationLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh

strangers under the same roof翻译

回答和翻译如下:陌生人在同样的屋顶下面。Strangers under the same roof.


like strangers意思是喜欢陌生人

英语作文how to talk with strangers

Firstly, start the conversation with "Hello!"Secondly, introduce yourself and ask for the stranger"s name.Thirdly, talk about the weather.Fourthly, raise topics or questions if you have any.Fifthly, express your pleasure to have talked with the stranger.Lastly, say goodbye.

Perfect Strangers 歌词

歌曲名:Perfect Strangers歌手:Deep Purple专辑:Deep Purple - ClassicLeona Lewis - Perfect StrangerMet a man just yesterdaySaid that he could eraseAny memory that I don"t want no moreSo I"m going back todayYes I"m on my wayCause I"m sick of thinkin" about youDoctor doctor please are you sure thatI won"t recognize him if we should,Walk right past each otherI don"t wanna knowI don"t wanna rememberI just wanna forget yaTurn you into a perfect strangerDeleted from my heart foreverWhenever I"m near youI want love amnesiaSo all you are is a perfect strangerDeleted from my heart foreverEvery contour of your faceWill eventually fadeAlong with all the pain you brought meEvery picture in a frameWill be replacedBy the one who"s gonna cure meI don"t wanna rememberI just wanna forget yaTurn you away to a perfect strangerDeleted from my heart foreverWhenever I"m near youI want love amnesiaSo all you are is a perfect strangerDeleted from my heart foreverParts of you haunt me every nightJust can"t go on with your memory aliveBut I found a way to skip you,Erase you (I don"t wanna remember)Doctor doctor please gurantee thatI won"t fall again for the way he,Looks so deep into meI don"t wanna know..I don"t wanna rememberI just wanna forget yaTurn you into a perfect strangerDeleted from my heart foreverWhenever I"m near you (whenever I"m near ya)I want love amnesiaSo all you are is a perfect strangerDeleted from my heart forever

enter as strangers,leave as friends什么意思


loving strangers 歌词

Loving strangers, loving strangers,loving strangers, oh…Loving strangers, loving strangers,loving strangers, oh…I"ve got a hole in my pocketwhere all the money has goneand I"ve got a whole lot of workto do with your heartcause it"s so busy, mine"s notLoving strangers, loving strangers,loving strangers, oh…Loving strangers, loving strangers,loving strangers, oh…It"s just the start of the winterand I"m all aloneand I"ve got my eye right on yougive me a coin and I"ll take you to the moongive me a beer and I"ll kiss you so foolishly,like you do when you lie, when you"re not in my thoughts,like you do when you lie and I know it"s not my imaginationLoving strangers, loving strangers,loving strangers, oh…Loving strangers, loving strangers,loving strangers, oh…自己拼的 不是完全正确。

how much修饰strangers吗?

不能. stranger是可数名词, 要用many 来修饰. 你可以说 how many strangers are therehow much 只能用于不可数名词, 如 how much water, how much money.

loving strangers什么意思?

loving strangers 爱上陌生人Come on, let"s do it! 来吧。让我们做这事

英语专四经典范文:Should We Help Strangers?

  Helping strangers used to be considered as a virtue. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of strangers. They are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring them trouble. What"s your opinion?   Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:   Should We Help Strangers?   You are to write in three parts.   In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.   In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details.   In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.   Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.   范文:   Should We Help Strangers?   We used to appreciate those who like to help strangers. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of strangers, because they are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring them trouble. In my opinion, we should try our best to help others in a reasonable way.   We should try to help others, no matter they are strangers or not. First, helping others is a virtue, and it will make our society more harmonious. Just imagine what a terrible world it would be if everyone was coldhearted! Second, to some extent, helping others is helping oneself. We may come across some trouble and need others" help some day. If everyone turns a blind eye to our trouble and turns a deaf ear to our appeal for aid just because we are strangers to them, what shall we do at that time? Therefore, we should be glad to help others.   However, helping others may sometimes bring us trouble or even put us in danger. So when we are helping others, we should also protect ourselves and offer our help in an appropriate way. For example, to help someone who was robbed, calling the police is a much wiser way than chasing the robbers alone.

strangers again 歌词

歌曲名:strangers again歌手:Toby Keith专辑:dream walkin"You couldn"t tell by lookin" we"d ever met beforeI hardly ever see her, she don"t come by any moreWith all the time we spent together, I thought by now she would"ve calledIt"s amlost like she never even know my name at allBut the first night I met her, we were just strangersSmall talk conversation, we became friendsOne morning we woke up and we"d turned into loversAt the end of the line now, we"re strangers againThis used to be our hangout, now I guess it"s only mineAnd all our friends still come here, they ask about her all the timeI say I spoke to her just yesterday, no wait, two days agoI guess that girl will never change, but I"m the only one that knowsThat the first night I met her, we were just strangersSmall talk conversation, we became friendsOne morning we woke up and we"d turned into loversAt the end of the line now, we"re strangers againBut the first night I met her, we were just strangersSmall talk conversation, we became friendsOne morning we woke up an we"d turned into loversAt the end of the line now, we"re strangers againAt the end of the line now, we"re strangers again


unitedstrangers" 的音标可表示为 /juːˈnaɪtɪdˈstreɪndʒərz/。其中:"united" 的音标为 /juːˈnaɪtɪd/,读作 "you-nai-tid",表示为 "联合的"。"strangers" 的音标为 /ˈstreɪndʒərz/,读作 "strein-jerz",表示为 "陌生人"。

Strangers,Friends.Best friends.Lovers.Strangers.是什么意思

Strangers,Friends Best friends Lovers Strangers.陌生人,朋友,最好的朋友” 陌生人。双语对照例句:1.Does it depend upon the kindness of strangers? 它是不是依靠陌生人的仁慈才存在的?

(My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers 歌词

歌曲名:(My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers歌手:Merle Haggard And The Strangers专辑:The Very Best Of Merle HaggardStrangers / 行者 (浪人)Raj RamayyaWe"ve found a kind of paradise in a flowers bloom./我们在一处鲜花盛开的地方找到一个“乐园”We"ve seen the end of a mystic land so close it meets the parting sun./我们已近神秘大地的尽头,太阳升起的地方We"ve shared the thoughts that two could share,/我们两人尽默契和全力we feel the truth, magic that we send.../我们感受真谛,感受发出的魔力Searching for something new/寻找着某种新的事物Isle of Gold in flowers bloom/绽放鲜花中的金色岛屿We"ve heard a kind of paradise beyond the desert"s dunes./我们在沙丘之巅听到那“天籁”灵音We"ve walked the earth in solitude,/我们穿过孤寂的大地,so cold we need the warmth of sun./它的冰冷让我们需要太阳的温暖We"ve lived the life that we could live,/我们想尽办法,坚持到底we see the truth magic that begins.../我们看见真谛,看见奇迹...Searching for something new/寻找着某种新的事物Isle of Gold in flowers bloom/绽放鲜花中的金色岛屿We"ve found a kind of paradise, below a sky so new./在一处极尽湛蓝的天边,我们找到一个“乐园”We"ve weaved a web of mystery so wide, we need the light of day./我们编织了如此宽广的神秘之网,我们需要光昼We"ve worn the cloak of secret lives,/我们身披秘密生灵的斗篷we"ve seen the truth, magic that we send.../我们感受真谛,感受发出的魔力Searching for something new/寻找着某种新的事物Isle of Gold in flowers bloom/绽放鲜花中的金色岛屿so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?

求初音未来 strangers歌词

strangers fuan bakari senkou shite 不安ばかり先行 して 只得不安的走在前方 mijuku na boku ga tadoritsu i ta machi wa 未熟な仆が 辿り着いた街は 稚嫩的我好不容易才走到的街道 kitsuke ba hampatsu ba kka 気付け ば 反発 ばっか 注意到稚嫰的我 就只会将我排斥 sore hitsuyou na n desuka それ必要なんですか? 那是必要的吗? kako wa re ta sekai da tta囲われた世界だった被围了起来的世界boku ga juu to teigi shiteita tokowa仆 が 自由と定义 していた とこは我将之定义为「自由」的地方yappari tobidashi ta tteやっぱり飞び出したって果然走出那里kowaimonda怖いもんだ是可怕的事呀Strangersgamen no ou画面の奥画面的深处ka u n ta na boku ra niカウンターな 仆らに对反抗的我们提出fukai ki ma ri na i不快极まりない极之令人不快的ku e su cho nクエスチョン问题Strangers陌生人wadakamariwa「da u to!」わだかまりは「ダウト!」心存疑惑的人会有问题!so u sake n da n daそう叫んだんだ那样呼喊着sonokoedeその声で以那个声音kizi i te ta n da気付いてたんだ察觉到了的honshitsumo honrai mo本质も本来も本质和本来也waka tte ta n da分かってたんだ从很久以前就已经mo u zu tto mae ka raも う ずっと 前 か ら理解到了“dareka no tame”“谁かの为”为了谁jibun no tame da自分の为だ是为了自己soredemo anatawa anatawaそれでも贵方は贵方は尽管如此 你却 你却anata da ke wa贵方だけは唯独你却kitai bakarisenkou shite期待ばかり先行して只期待着走在前方mijuku na boku ga tadoritsu i ta machi wa未熟な仆が辿り着いた街は稚嫰的我好不容易才走到的街道hyoumen wo suke tosurudakede表面をスケートするだけで我却只在表面溜动kotobawarifureku sho n言叶はリフレクション说话因而给反射了kikaza ru dake kikaza tte着饰るだけ着饰って尽可能的盛装打扮mirareta i no wa hontowa nakami na n da见られたいのはホントは中身なんだ其实想要被看到的是内在呀so re de mo shintou shi te ruそれでも浸透してる尽管如此这样的风气却散布四周kowa i ku ra i怖いくらい那么的可怕Strangers陌生人izen a u tosaida na依然アウトサイダーな依然是局外人的bokurawa仆らは我们tokinirajikaru ni时にラジカルに时而激进地ho e te n da吠えてんだ咆哮着Strangers陌生人kikasete yo boku ni闻かせてよ仆に告诉我hon tou no ishiwosa本当の意思をさ真正的意思吧sono koe deその声で那个声音fusa i de ta n da塞いでたんだ紧闭的ko no mabuta woこの睑を眼睛sukuwaretanda救われたんだ明明应该对其ata e ru ha zu ga与えるはずが给予救赎kodoku no naka孤独の中在孤独之中warawaretemo笑われても被取笑也好todoita anatani anatani届いた 贵方に 贵方に到达了你身边 你身边anatani wa sa贵方にはさ你的身边darekaga darekega谁かが 谁かが某个人 某个人tteshigamitsuitetandarouってしがみ付いてたんだろう紧紧地抱住了我对吧tsutsumikomukoemozatsuonde包み込む声も雑音で因为包含了其中的声音和杂音nanimokikitorenaimama何も聴き取れないまま所以仍是什么都听不到anataga anataga贵方が 贵方が你就在 你就在sokoniwaitekureta n da ro uそこには居てくれたんだろう就在那里陪伴我对吧tatoeba maikonoyouna bokurawa例えば迷子のような 仆らは就像个迷路的小孩hitorikirija na ka tta独りきりじゃなかった我们并不是孤单一人的终




Strangers - Passenger 陌生-PassengerWell when you"re with your friends 虽然你身边好友环绕But you"re lonely 但你仍觉得莫名孤单You smile a smile that"s not your own 你展颜微笑却非发自内心When comfort comes from a strangers arms 那些抚慰来自一对陌生的臂弯Miles away from home 这远非家的感觉And you close your eyes to feel a darkness 你合上了双眼去感受黑暗You dream of love you have known 似乎梦见了曾感受过的爱But you wake up instead 但你却忽然醒觉In a strangers bed 在一张陌生的床上Miles away from home 感觉远离了家乡Though you"re in a house 虽然身处房中Don"t mean its a home 却不能称之为家Though you"re in a crowd 虽然人潮拥挤Doesn"t mean you"re not alone 却不意味你不孤单Doesn"t mean you"re not alone 绝不意味你不孤单And though he wraps you in wool 他为你披上羊毛You"re still freezing 你却仍感到寒意It"s been a while since you"ve been warm 你已经有段时间没有感受到温暖了Cause you"re making false starts 因为你错误的选择了开始With a strangers heart与一颗陌生的心Miles away from home 它不能让你有家的感受Though he"s on your skin 虽然他与你肌肤相亲Doesn"t mean he"s in your blood 但并不意味着他融入你的血髓Though you let him in 虽然你与他水乳交融Doesn"t mean you"re making love 但这不意味着你们爱意相通(做-爱 中华文字博大精深)Doesn"t mean you"re making love. 这绝不意味着你们爱意相通Cause you"re not in love 因为你根本未有爱意Oh oh oh oh You"re not in love 这并不是爱情Oh oh oh oh You"re not in love 你并未融入爱中Oh oh oh oh You"re not in love in love 这绝不能称作是爱Oh oh oh oh Cause you know my house will always be your home 你可知道我的房舍将永远为你送上家的温暖(我家大门常打开,总迎游子归家来)You know my heart is yours and yours alone 你知道我的心永属于你,独一无二Is yours and yours alone 我的心只属于你,只此一心You know my house will always be your homes You know my heart is yours and yours alone Is yours and yours alone. 渣翻译,求轻喷~

kindness of strangers翻译


strangers in the night歌词中文翻译

Starry, starry night 繁星点点的夜晚 Paint your palette blue and gray 为你的调色盘涂上灰与蓝 Look out on the summer"s day 你在那夏日向外远眺 With eyes that know the darkness in my soul 用你那双能洞悉我灵魂的双眼 Shadows on the hills 山丘上的阴影 Sketch the trees and the daffodils 描绘出树木与水仙的轮廓 Catch the breeze and the winter chills 捕捉微风与冬日的冷洌 In colors on the snowy linen land 以色彩呈现在雪白的画布上 Now I understand what you tried to say to me 如今我才明白你想对我说的是什么 How you suffered for your sanity 为自你己的清醒承受了多少的痛苦 How you tried to set them free 你多么努力的想让它们得到解脱 They would not listen 但是人们却拒绝理会 They did not know how 那时他们不知道该如何倾听 Perhaps they"ll listen now 或许他们现在会愿意听 Starry, starry night 繁星点点的夜晚 Flaming flowers that brightly blaze 火红的花朵明艳耀眼 Swirling clouds in violet haze 卷云在紫色的薄霭里飘浮 Reflect in Vincent"s eyes of china blue 映照在文森特湛蓝的瞳孔中 Colors changing hue 色彩变化万千 Morning fields of amber grain 清晨里琥珀色的田野 Weathered faces lined in pain 满布风霜的脸孔刻画着痛苦 Are soothed beneath the artist"s loving hand 在艺术家充满爱的画笔下得到了抚慰 Now I understand what you tried to say to me 如今我才明白你想对我说的是什么 How you suffered for your sanity 你为自己的清醒承受了多少的痛苦 How you tried to set them free 你多么努力的想让它们得到解脱 They would not listen 但是人们却拒绝理会 They did not know how 那时他们不知道该如何倾听 Perhaps they"ll listen now 或许他们现在会愿意听 For they could not love you 因为他们当时无法爱你 But still your love was true 可是你的爱却依然真实 And when no hope was left in sight 而当你眼中见不到任何的希望 On that starry, starry night 在那个繁星点点的夜晚 You took your life as lovers often do 你像许多绝望的恋人般结束了自己的生命 But I could have told you, Vincent 我多么希望能有机会告诉你,文森特 This world was never meant for one 这个世界根本配不上 As beautiful as you 像你如此美好的一个人 Starry, starry night 繁星点点的夜晚 Portraits hung in empty halls 空旷的大厅里挂这一幅幅画像 Frameless heads on nameless walls 无框的脸孔倚靠在无名的壁上 With eyes that watch the world and can"t forget 有着注视人世而无法忘怀的眼睛 Like the strangers that you"ve met 就像你曾见过的陌生人 The 如果还想欣赏更多的娱乐新闻请记住,您的阅读就是我们努力的方向

Strangers In The Night 午夜的陌生人的中文翻译

Ooooooh 。 Wooooh 。陌生人在夜间,交换眼神,不知道在夜间什么样的机会,我们会爱上之前,晚上通过。东西在你的眼睛是如此令人振奋的,在您的微笑,户外,邀请。在我的心我知道我必须有你。密勒蓓蒂陌生人在深夜,孤独的人。陌生人在夜间行动的时刻,我们说,我们第一次打招呼。没想到我们都知道爱情只是一眼以外,包括舞蹈了.这只是一个一目了然了。这只是一个机会了。 Dancin " , dancin "在夜间。陌生人,来吧,来吧,对待一个陌生人的权利。我dancin " , dancin "在夜间。陌生人,我说什么我的想法。让我们成为恋人。是啊,这一定是所有权利中的陌生人。 。 。是啊,宇豪!我dancin " , dancin "在夜间。你好陌生人。来吧,哇。 Dancin " ,我dancin "在夜间。你好陌生人。禹。我dancin "在夜间。你好陌生人。噢,我。 Ohhhh 。斗是斗,是斗。不想被斗的斗,是斗。不想被陌生人。否,斗的斗,是斗。不想被斗的斗,是斗。不想被陌生人。斗是斗,是斗。不想被斗的斗,是斗。不想被陌生人。不,不, nooo ,不想被陌生人。号陌生人。雨!

Loving Strangers是什么意思

Loving Strangers亲爱的陌生人百科释义西班牙电影《Room In Rome》主题曲,收录于原声带Room in Rome (Habitación en Roma, 2010)中。查看更多>>例句:1.Strangers to love, befriend to our loving hold. 陌生人的爱,对我们的爱交朋友举行。

Strangers,Friends.Best friends.Lovers.Strangers.是什么意思?拜托各位大神

意思是 两个人从陌生人变成朋友,又变成最好的朋友,变成爱人,最后又形同陌路 追问: 谢谢。


stranger 指一个或者一类陌生人strangers指多个陌生人

The Kinks的《Strangers》 歌词

歌曲名:Strangers歌手:The Kinks专辑:The Darjeeling LimitedChris Brown - StrangersIm sweating gasolinewill somebody just come and wipe me downIf you struck a match on mefrom the ceiling to the groundwhats that beat,no whats that soundgot me blazing all around, all aroundlike like like like like dangergimme sumthin on the rocks andima take you staight upgot me poppin like a mighty morphin power rangerheat it up until the firegot u com-complainindont dont come complaininit"s hotIts hot in herebut i dont wanna cool offyou keep this upwatch all my clothes come offyou burnin things upsexy flame thrower, sexy flame throwergot me burnin up, infernoyou can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huhyou can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huhmost of the chicks you meetarent like me, they dont even countso dont get me at sprinklers onfrom the ceiling to the groundwhats that beat,no whats that soundthis beat blazing all around, all aroundlike like like like like dangergimme sumthin on the rocks andima take you staight upgot me poppin like a mighty morphin power rangerheat it up until the firegot u com-complainindont dont come complaininit"s hotIts hot in herebut i dont wanna cool offyou keep this upwatch all my clothes come offyou burnin things upsexy flame thrower, sexy flame throwergot me burnin up, infernoyou can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huh (x2)you can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huhMake em dance girl ohmake em dance oh (x2)Make em dance girl ohmake em dance ohcome make em dance, come make em dance (x4)come make em dance, come make em dancecome make em dance, come make em dancecome make em dance, come make em danceIts hot in herebut i dont wanna cool offyou keep this upwatch all my clothes come offyou burnin things upsexy flame thrower, sexy flame throwergot me burnin up, infernoyou can burn it upyou can burn it up……


Strangers Vocal: Raj Ramayya Music: Yoko Kanno Words: Raj Ramayya We"ve found a kind of paradise in a flowers bloom. 在那鲜花绽放的彼端,我们仿佛找到了寻觅已久的天堂We"ve seen the end of a mystic land so close it meets the parting sun. 那片神秘大陆的尽头与落日相交,一切如此近在眼前We"ve shared the thoughts that two could share, we feel the truth, magic that we send... 信奉同一种信仰的我们,感受着彼此之间传递着的真诚与魔力Searching for something new 为了找寻全新的世界Isle of Gold in flowers bloom 找寻那鲜花盛开的黄金之岛We"ve heard a kind of paradise beyond the desert"s dunes. 我们仿佛可以听到那来自于沙漠之丘上空的天堂传来的鼓动We"ve walked the earth in solitude, so cold we need the warmth of sun.徘徊于孤独大陆的我们,在冰冷的空气中渴求着太阳的温暖We"ve lived the life that we could live, we see the truth magic that begins...以自己的方式竭尽全力生活着的我们,终于看到了真理开始散发的魔力Searching for something new 为了找寻全新的世界Isle of Gold in flowers bloom 找寻那鲜花盛开的黄金之岛We"ve found a kind of paradise, below a sky so new.在崭新的天空下,我们仿佛找到了寻觅已久的天堂We"ve weaved a web of mystery so wide, we need the light of day. 编织出宽大神秘之网的我们,渴求着白昼的光芒We"ve worn the cloak of secret lives, we"ve seen the truth, magic that we send... 神秘而未知的生命外衣保护着我们,终于,我们看到了彼此之间传递的真理与魔力Searching for something new 为了找寻全新的世界Isle of Gold in flowers bloom 找寻那鲜花盛开的黄金之岛so when will it end? 这样的旅途何时才会结束?so when, when will we meet, my friend?何时,又要等到何时才能与你相见,我的朋友?我知道故事的结尾,根本没有什么乐园,四只狼相继死去。他们这一生,虽然不清楚“乐园”、未来在何方,却从未停止过追寻的脚步。我想许多人像他们一样,在自己的路上孤独地走着,即使前路迷离而又让人绝望。


可以啊。 如果说一个陌生人就不用加s.Stranger 是这个名词的原型, strangers 是它的复数形式,在二人及二人以上时使用。

strangers什么意思 急 急 急



stranger读音:英 ["streu026andu0292u0259(r)],美 ["streu026andu0292u0259r]    n. 陌生人;外地人;新手例句:A sergeant asked the stranger to show his pass.警官要求这个陌生人出示通行证。stranger的基本意思是“陌生人”,也可指“外地人,异乡人”。stranger是可数名词,有复数形式。stranger反义词acquaintance,英 [u0259"kweu026antu0259ns],美 [u0259"kweu026antu0259ns]    n. 熟人;相识;了解名词: acquaintanceship例句:He is not a friend of mine, only an acquaintance.他不是我的朋友,只是个熟人。acquaintance的基本意思是“了解”,指知晓某方面的、由经验而非研究得到的具体知识,常指稍微的了解,是不可数名词,但有时可加不定冠词,尤其是有定语修饰时,表示某种程度的了解或认识。acquaintance还可作“相识的人”解,指一般的认识,泛泛之交,多用作可数名词,也可用作集合名词。

翻译文章the comfort of strangers/by G.Willow Wilson

生命,舒适的陌生人通过分析[j].柳树。威尔逊 2005年5月29日,发表: 鲍勃Hambly(图)。我从科罗拉多州搬到开罗在2003年作为一个老师和记者。最近我改信伊斯兰教和想花时间接近源语言和文化上升到我的信仰。生活之间的转变制度,美国生活和阿拉伯首都有时是压倒性的传统隔离,因为男性和女性在许多公共和私人的设置。特别是很困难,在Cairene地铁时错误的车可能会导致严重的尴尬。 通勤女性学,无论如何要把第一辆车——开玩笑称hareem,或大的——一个安全的港湾的持久的男人们,他们仍然审查公共生活在埃及的支配。第一辆车,对男性的12岁或以上,是一个人,要飘流做出自律,安静的词通常就可以送他拒之门外。很少有人冒险厚颜无耻的行为违反了一个女人的第一个在埃及社会:隐私。 对我来说,这是一个骑在混合车,女性经常是目标,单独骚扰和宗教的责难,使我十分感激un-Western果断的宜人的妇女的隔间里。 一天晚上,几个月前,我把地铁闹市区去看一个朋友。我乘坐的妇女汽车,像往常一样。这个晚上是温和的,两个小男孩——一位年轻的母亲的儿子坐在我旁边——在开启和关闭百叶窗在汽车窗户,他们很高兴。他们的母亲呼唤他们,他们却太专注于他们的项目的注意。在下一站下车,一位女士在niqab——面对——进去,坐在帕在离我们也有多远。注意骚动,她把手伸进她的钱包,一把硬糖果,并为他们的孩子,以换取他们的好行为。 “把糖果从阿姨和说声谢谢,”母亲说道。 害羞的男孩转过头。 “把糖果,说:“谢谢你,阿姨”,或不带他们,说:“不用,谢谢,阿姨”,然后来这边坐我旁边,阿姨”,他们的母亲又说了一遍。我是第二次“阿姨”;在女子车,孩子变成共同责任。即便如此,我有点惊讶,在这样一个熟悉的方式。作为一个khawagga或白色的西方人,我经常保持距离其他妇女在公共场合露面。但我伸出我的手向小男孩慢慢向我们穿过过道。 当这个男孩被安顿下来,火车撞倒向Tahrir广场,我注意到我的头巾已经开始滑落。我达到unpin它。作为这个层次的棉质纱布落下时,我感觉到空气在我的脖子上。男孩的母亲,注意,也许,我比较浅色的头发,问我我是哪里人。美国,我告诉她。 “你是一个穆斯林吗?”她问。 “是的,”我回答。 她赞美神,我一字不漏地重复她的话,微笑;我明白转换在一个头巾是不寻常的。 当我rewrapped我的围巾,然而,我听到了合唱的嘘声。我抬头看报警。一个男孩在16或17使他的车,销售盒纸巾。我脸红了,感觉某些其他妇女被谴责为我脱围巾不见的人。两年后,在埃及,我已经开发出一种幽默的关于我的不可避免的社会,但他们仍然有些尴尬。环顾四周,然而,我意识到,这个骂不属于我。这个组织的目标之一是卖方妇女责难。 “你在想什么呢?难道你没有羞愧吗?” “你太老在妇女的汽车、!” “看,因为神的sake. " 这个组织的脸都红了,嘀咕卖方做出反应,并且变成了门口,试图出现。我匆忙repinned我的围巾。这个男孩很可能只是想做得更好,他将得到更多的生意同情的妇女相比,混合车的车厢。不过,他撤下火车在下一站下车。在那一刻,我很感激的浮动的世界妇女的汽车。在那个小角落的一个文化如此不同于自己的文化本身停止物质。几站停止我没有携带行李——没有问题的民族,没有怀疑的政治议题。我是一个简单的女人在其他妇女和价值,因为我们共享的防守。无论多因素可能会使我们在街上,我的车乘客感到我有相同的隐私权,像他们那样贪恋的。我离开了地铁感觉安全,在远远超过了我的头围上围巾。