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sunday 的寓意是什么?

Sunday(Sun.)—Day of the Sun(太阳日,星期日). 是耶稣复活日,因此西方把这一天看作最神圣的日子,称之为“安息日”或“主日”.公元4世纪,在指定罗马历法时,罗马皇帝君士坦丁大帝把这一天定为合法假日,后被世界各国广泛采用. 名字来源 1.一周各日由诸神的名字命名:星期日(Sunday)是太阳(Sun)之日;星期一(Monday)是月亮(Moon)之日;星期二(Tuesday)是战神蒂尤(Tiu)之日;星期三(Wednesday)是诗神(Woden)之日;星期四(Thursday)是雷神(Thor)之日;星期五(Friday)是爱神(Freya)之日;星期六(Saturday)是农神(Saturn)之日 2.星期日指的是星期六之后、下一个星期一之前的那一天.星期日的拉丁语名字是dies solis,意思是太阳日;法语是dimanche,来源于拉丁语词,意思是“主的日子”;英语是Sunday,来源于太阳日;俄语是вокресенье,意思是“礼拜日”. 3.在古代中国,和现在的日本、朝鲜等国家,一星期中的各天并不是按数字顺序,而是有着特定的名字,是以“七曜”来分别命名的.七曜指太阳、月亮和水星、金星、火星、木星、土星这五个最亮的大行星.其中,土曜日是星期六,日曜日是星期天,月曜日是星期一,火曜日是星期二,水曜日是星期三,木曜日是星期四,金曜日是星期五.


Sunday 意思是星期日


Sunday ["su028cndei]n. 星期日;礼拜日【网络释义】星期天,星期日,礼拜天,业余的。【专业释义】1(宗教学):礼拜日,朝圣日 2:(经济学 | 纺织科学技术)星期日【21世纪大英汉词典】Sunday1 ["su028cndei; -di] n.1. 星期日,星期天[略作S., Sun.]2. (每逢星期日出版的)星期日报(或刊物)3. [常用复数]星期礼服,节日礼服4. 【宗教】礼拜日,朝圣日,adj.1. 星期天的,星期日的2. (服装)星期天穿的,最好的3. 礼拜日的4. 偶尔的,断断续续的;业余的adv.[口语]在星期天,在礼拜天vi.过星期日,参加星期日的活动Sunday2 ["su028cndei; -di] 森戴(男子名)

sunday 歌词

我查到了这些(oh yeah) (my baby baby baby) (yeah yeah yeah yeah) (oh yeah) (oh) It"s Monday morning And I can"t get outta bed Though I know, that I gotta go Rather dream of you instead Replay your message So I can hear your voice Can"t wait or hesitate You"re leavin" me no choice Keep it on the down low I try to play it cool Keeps getting" stronger And I know ya feel it too Don"t you know it baby, I"m crazy for you Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Only thinkin" of you Friday, Saturday, Sunday now you"re all I wanna do Winter, summer, spring or fall I feel ya all the year through, I"ll take a plane, I"ll take a car I just wanna be, oughta be, gotta be where you are (oh yeah) (where you are) It"s Friday evening And I finally made it through (yeah yeah yeah yeah) Runnin" every red light Just to get to you We"ll take our time, babe ‘Til we see the morning light Mad fun in the summer sun And we"re gonna do it right I"m all about you, babe And I know you"re all about me Twenty-four seven I need you constantly Don"t you know baby that"s the way it should be (oh) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Only thinkin" of you Friday, Saturday, Sunday now you"re all I wanna do Winter, summer, spring or fall I feel ya all the year through , (all the year through) I"ll take a plane, I"ll take a car I just wanna be, oughta be, gotta be where you are (yeah yeah yeah yeah) (oh yeah) Ain"t no lover like the one I got We keep it real, we keep it hot This kinda love could never be bought Ain"t no reason we should ever part You got my back, you got my heart You"re the sun, the moon and the stars (oh yeah) hey yeah oh baby (baby baby) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Only thinkin" of you (Only thinkin" of you yeah yeah) Friday, Saturday, Sunday now you"re all I wanna do All I wanna do Winter, summer, spring or fall I feel ya all the year through, I"ll take a plane, I"ll take a car I just wanna be, oughta be, gotta be where you are Ain"t no lover like the one I got We keep it real, we keep it hot Ain"t no reason we should ever part You got my back, you got my heart(You got my heart) Ain"t no lover like the one I got We keep it real, we keep it hot (We keep it real, we keep it hot) Ain"t no reason we should ever part You got my back, you got my heart (oh no) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Only thinkin" of you Friday, Saturday, Sunday now you"re all I wanna do Winter, summer, spring or fall I feel ya all the year through, I"ll take a plane, I"ll take a car I just wanna be, oughta be, gotta be where you are



Hurts的《Sunday》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunday歌手:Hurts专辑:Happiness《Silver Lining》HurtsThere"s a storm on the streets, but you still don"t goWatching and waiting for the rain to come.And these words wouldn"t keep you dryOr wipe tears from an open sky,But I know, but I know, but I know I"m right.And I won"t let you drown, when the water"s pulling you inI"ll keep fighting, I"ll keep fighting.The rain"s going to follow you wherever you go.The clouds go black and the thunder rollsAnd I see lightning, and I see lightning.When the World surrounds you, I"ll make it go awayPaint the sky with silver lining.I will try to save you, cover up the greyWith silver lining.Now there"s no way back from the things you"ve doneI know it"s too late to stop the setting sun.You see the shadows in the distant light,And it"s never going to be alrightAnd you know, and you know, and you know I"m right.And I won"t get left behind, when the walls come tumbling inI"ll keep climbing, I"ll keep climbingThe rain"s going to follow you wherever you go.The clouds go black and the thunder rollsAnd I see lightning, and I see lightning.When the World surrounds you, I"ll make it go awayPaint the sky with silver liningI will try to save you, cover up the greyWith silver lining.When the World surrounds you, I"ll make it go awayPaint the sky with silver liningI will try to save you, cover up the greyWith silver lining.Silver, silver, silver, silver, silver,silver lining,Deep blue sky, deep blue sky.


可以读成 桑得Sunday 英 [u02c8su028cndeu026a]美 [u02c8su028cnu02ccdeu026a]n. 星期日,星期天;每逢星期日出版的报纸;星期日报; [人名] 森迪;[例句]I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday我想星期天我们可以开车去兜兜风。


Sunday 英[u02c8su028cndeu026a] 美[u02c8su028cnu02ccdeu026a] n. 星期日,星期天; 每逢星期日出版的报纸; 星期日报; [人名] 森迪; [例句]I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday我想星期天我们可以开车去兜兜风。[其他] 复数:Sundays 没有反义词




回答和翻译如下 :sunday .星期天 。

at last sunday 还是in last sunday 还是on last sunday


on sundays和on sunday的区别时态是什么?

on sundays和on sunday的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、on sundays:在星期天。2、on sunday:在周日。二、语法不同1、on sundays:一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期天”。表示“某个星期天”时,Sunday前可加不定冠词a。2、on sunday:意思是“星期日,星期天,礼拜天”,指一周的第一天,是休息或基督徒做礼拜的日子。三、侧重点不同1、on sundays:表示一个普遍现象。2、on sunday:表示一个特定的日子。

sunday 为什么翻译成星期日而不是星期一



星期天的译法是中国人的发明,当然按照日月等等排列SUNDAY应该是老大,但他又是周末,叫星期七只能表明是周末,但他的老大地位怎么体现?他是周末同时又是一周的开始啊,所以不能叫星期0,也不能叫星期7。最好的办法就是叫星期天 一星期七天的不同名称起源于古代罗马神话,后来被德国人用自己的语言和文化习俗进行了改造,把其中代表周二至周五的四个神换成了相应的德国人的神。最后这些名称流传到英国,才成为今天的样子。在17世纪以前,一星期七天的首字母都无须大写。 在古罗马神话中,Sunday的寓意是太阳,罗马人把星期天叫做dies solis(Day of the Sun)。当然了,有Sun Day就会有Moon Day,月亮神是太阳神之妻,因此她紧跟在Sunday后面作了Monday。 罗马人把星期二叫做Dies Martis,这是罗马战神Mars(火星)的日子。但是,今天的Tuesday源自Tiu"sday,和德国战神和天空之神泰尔(Tiu/Tiw)有关,Tiu即古希腊诸神中的火神Zeus(Tiu和Zeus音同)。 值得一提的是,星期二Mars在法语中作Mardi。Mardi Gras表示四旬斋前的狂欢节(星期二),是天主教徒在复活节之前必须的斋戒仪式。斋戒之前当然要大吃大喝一番了,因此这一天又叫Fat Tuesday。Mardi Gras Day是美国最大的嘉年华会,这一持续两周的盛会每年都会在新奥尔良举行,有数百万人参加。 星期三是Dies Mercurii,是众神信使墨丘利神Mercury(水星)的日子,Mercury不但是各路神灵的使者,还是商业、旅行及盗窃的守护神。后来,日尔曼民族用他们自己的神Woden(挪威神话里的Odin)取代了墨丘里神,这就是Wednesday的起源。现在知道星期三的拼写为什么怪怪的了吧,很多英美成年人都拼不好这个单词呢。 星期四是Dies Iovis,代表朱庇特主神、雷神Jove(木星)。后来这些罗马神话流传到德国,德国人就用他们自己的雷神Thor来代替Jove,这就是Thursday的起源。 星期五是Dies Veneris,代表爱神维纳斯Venus(金星)。后来挪威人用他们自己的爱神Frigg(Odin的妻子)取代了维纳斯的地位,所以今天的星期五就是Friday了。 星期六代表的是罗马神话里的萨杜恩农神Saturn(土星),这个词没被德国人"动手脚",所以Saturday还是原汁原味。 因为罗马神话中的神代表太阳系的各大行星(古罗马人把太阳也视做行星),所以有人说一周七天的系统是古代占星术的产物,七个已知天体影响地球,并控制它们名下的那一天。这一体系由两河流域美索不达米亚传入占星术盛行千年的埃及。公元321年,君士坦丁大帝将这一套融入了罗马日历中,规定了所有年月周日的第一天和礼拜日期,还给一周的每天起了名。新的罗马日制体系被通过,并在西欧的大部分地区通行。




Monday 星期一 Mon.Tuesday 星期二 Tues.Wednesday 星期三 Wed.Thursday 星期四 Thurs.Friday 星期五 Fri.Saturday 星期六 Sat.Sunday 星期日 Sun.拓展资料英语中一周各日由诸神的名字命名:星期日(Sunday)是太阳(Sun)之日;星期一(Monday)是月亮(Moon)之日;星期二(Tuesday)是战神蒂尤(Tiu)之日;星期三(Wednesday)是诗神(Woden)之日;星期四(Thursday)是雷神(Thor)之日;星期五(Friday)是爱神(Freya)之日;星期六(Saturday)是农神(Saturn)之日。星期日指的是星期六之后、下一个星期一之前的那一天。星期日的拉丁语名字是dies solis,意思是太阳日;法语是dimanche,来源于拉丁语词,意思是“主的日子”;英语是Sunday,来源于太阳日;俄语是вокресенье,意思是“礼拜日”。


Sunday这个英文单词,在很多英文杂志中频繁地出现,不少人就想了解Sunday究竟是什么意思?代表的是什么日子,下面让我们一起共同去了解这方面的详细内容吧。 简要回答 Sunday的中文意思是星期日,这个日子是耶稣复活日,西方往往会把这一天看作是神圣的日子,称这一天为“ 主日”。 详细内容 公元4世纪,在制订罗马历法时,罗马皇帝君士坦丁大帝把这一天定为合法假日,后被世界各国广泛采用。也许因为是一个公众假日,给人一种特别的感觉,所以产生了许多同名电影、杂志刊物,甚至于商品商标等等。 一周各日由诸神的名字命名:星期日(Sunday)是太阳(Sun)之日,即Sun太阳+day日→Sunday献给太阳的日子(星期日);星期一(Monday)是月亮(Moon)之日;星期二(Tuesday)是战神蒂尤(Tiu)之日;星期三(Wednesday)是诗神(Woden)之日;星期四(Thursday)是雷神(Thor)之日;星期五(Friday)是爱神(Freya)之日;星期六(Saturday)是农神(Saturn)之日。 星期日指的是星期六之后、下一个星期一之前的那一天。星期日的拉丁语名字是dies solis,意思是太阳日;法语是dimanche,来源于拉丁语词,意思是“主的日子”;英语是Sunday,来源于太阳日;俄语是вокресенье,意思是“礼拜日”。 在古代中国,和日本、朝鲜等国家,一星期中的各天并不是按数字顺序,而是有着特定的名字,是以“七曜”来分别命名的。七曜指太阳、月亮和水星、金星、火星、木星、土星这五个最亮的大行星。其中,土曜日是星期六,日曜日是星期天,月曜日是星期一,火曜日是星期二,水曜日是星期三,木曜日是星期四,金曜日是星期五。 根据圣经的说法,耶稣是在星期日复活升天的。但不代表基督徒要在今天守安息,真正的安息日是星期六。






Monday 星期一 Mon.Tuesday 星期二 Tues.Wednesday 星期三 Wed.Thursday 星期四 Thurs.Friday 星期五 Fri.Saturday 星期六 Sat.Sunday 星期日 Sun.拓展资料英语中一周各日由诸神的名字命名:星期日(Sunday)是太阳(Sun)之日;星期一(Monday)是月亮(Moon)之日;星期二(Tuesday)是战神蒂尤(Tiu)之日;星期三(Wednesday)是诗神(Woden)之日;星期四(Thursday)是雷神(Thor)之日;星期五(Friday)是爱神(Freya)之日;星期六(Saturday)是农神(Saturn)之日。星期日指的是星期六之后、下一个星期一之前的那一天。星期日的拉丁语名字是dies solis,意思是太阳日;法语是dimanche,来源于拉丁语词,意思是“主的日子”;英语是Sunday,来源于太阳日;俄语是вокресенье,意思是“礼拜日”。






英文原文:sunday英式音标:[ˈsʌndeɪ] 美式音标:[ˈsʌndeɪ]


谐音 sangdei

Sometime Sunday的《Needle》 歌词

歌曲名:Needle歌手:Sometime Sunday专辑:DrainNeedHana PestleI"m not quite sure how to breathe without you hereI"m not quite sure if I"m ready to say goodbyeTo all we wereBe with meStay with meJust for nowLet the time decideWhen I won"t need youMy hand searches for your handIn a dark roomI can"t find youHelp meAre you looking for me?Can I feel anyore?Lie to me, I"m fadingI can"t drop youTell me, I don"t need youMy hand searches for your handIn a dark roomI can"t find youHelp meAre you looking for me?Etch this into my brain for meTell me, how it"s supposed to beWhere everything will goAnd how I"ll be without you by my sideMy hand searches for your handIn a dark roomI can"t find youHelp meAre you looking for me?My hand searches for your handIn a dark roomI can"t find youHelp meAre you looking for me?

求一首慢摇名字sunday sunday

NAME是sunday sunday sunday ....

The Sundays的《Medicine》 歌词

歌曲名:Medicine歌手:The Sundays专辑:BlindPlies Ft Keri Hilson - Medicine (Prod. by Polow Da Don)Baby if you don"t feel good right nowAnd yo body hurting You right nowYou just need a shot of meI"m just like medicineShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicineOne teaspoon of me is somethin like a pack of blowToo much of me too fast and you"ll overdoseTreat you like a new born baby i"ll feed ya slowI"m ya lil? Double stack pop me you"ll really rollNighttime daytime i can give it to ya bothAnytime you want it, i can give it to ya that"s fa shoKeep ya up all night i can be you nodozNeed ya prescription filled holla at me let me knowCall me or text me baby when you need some moI give you becky baby when ya body soreThis is exclusive you cant buy this in the storeShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicineI can shoot you anywhere aint gotta put it in ya veinsWithin the first two seconds you will feel the changeOnly discomfort that you might feel is good painOne side affect of this medicine is butt gainA half a dose of me and i promise you wont be the sameAddiction to this medicine is common don t be ashamedAnd if you feel a lil woozy after this just hold my handAnd i can numb yo whole body just like novocainI can make you come back you can call me cocaineAnd if you take this first dose good imma up ya rangeOn yo prescription it will read plies nameThe rest of yo life you will not accept no lamesShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicineCall me when you feel bad call me on ya sick dayAnd i"ll swing through and make sure ya fever go awayI can make you sweat it out, sweat on me its okDont worry bout ya hair getting messed up its okI"ll get it redone for you baby i"ll payAnd if its top notch and it feel good i"ll stayI drink straight "nac me no rosayYou want it say i need my medicine that"s all you gotta sayShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicine

Saturdays and Sundays 歌词

歌曲名:Saturdays and Sundays歌手:KSM专辑:Read Between the Lines (Bonus Track Version)KSM - Saturdays and SundaysMonday morningHere we go againWeekend"s overNo more sleeping inResponsibilitiesAll that I seeA five day work weekUp ahead of meI, I, I, I don"t like TuesdaysUh, uh, unless it"s summer holidayIf I can make it to FridayThen things can start going my way, "causeSaturdays, SundaysAre my favorite daysWho needs Mondays anyway?Gotta plan your escapeYou only get forty-eightLive it up nonstopJust can"t get enoughSaturdays, SundaysMondays, no wayTuesday, WednesdayCan"t wait for FridaySo no more vacationYou know I"m waitingBut until thenGot to be patientTake a week offSounds good to meBut that"s fictionAnd not realityI, I, I, I don"t like TuesdaysUh, uh, unless it"s summer holidayIf I can make it to FridayThen things can start going my way, "causeSaturdays, SundaysAre my favorite daysWho needs Mondays anyway?Gotta plan your escapeYou only get forty-eightLive it up nonstopJust can"t get enoughSaturdays, SundaysMondays, no wayTuesday, WednesdayCan"t wait for FridayCall up your best friendsCrank up the KSMIt"s time to start it upBecause you know you loveSaturdays, SundaysMondays, no wayTuesday, WednesdayCan"t wait for FridaySaturdays, SundaysAre my favorite daysWho needs Mondays anyway?Gotta plan your escapeYou only get forty-eightLive it up nonstopJust can"t get enough


通常指普遍的星期几的时候后面加sgreat fun就是很好玩,很有意思

on Saturdays and Sundays是固定短语吗

是固定用法。Saturday名词的意思为:星期六,周六; on saturday表示在周六,某一个周六saturday用了复数saturdays,所以on saturdays表示凡是在周六这一天,表示的是所有周六。on sundays是在各个周日的意思。而on sunday意思:在星期天,在星期日,在周日。on sundays用法:表示“某个星期天”时,Sunday前可加不定冠词a。表示“在星期天”时,一般用介词on,但如果有this,that,last,before,every等词修饰时,不能再用介词on。


my boyfriend is gay 估计是这首,你看看

Moby的《Sunday》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunday歌手:Moby专辑:Play: The B-SidesTitle:SundayArtist:KiliansAlbum:Kill The KiliansTime:2007Edit By:manutdr08I love this intro~~It sounds like you"re leaving me behindI go around to find some timebut we don"t get it back no,we don"t get it back No!Is this the way we use to go?something is always left to knowbut I don"t know it yet no,we don"t know it yet NO!I shine insidewe"re so brightwe"re so brightI shine insidewe"re so brightwe"re so brightyou don"t get me anywhere I"ll go"cause there"s something in the airit seems like you"re somewhere I don"t knowyou don"t get me anywhere I"ll go"cause there"s something in the airit seems like you"re somewhere I don"t knowwe are leaving you. . . behind behindIs this the way I use to go?something is always left to knowbut I don"t know it yet noI don"t know it yet NO!You don"t get me anywhere"cause there"s something in the airIt seems like you"re somewhereI don"t know,You don"t get me anywhere"cause there"s something in the airyou don"t get me anywhere I"ll go"cause there"s something in the airit seems like you"re somwhere I don"t knowyou don"t get me anywhere I"ll go"cause there"s something in the airit seems like you"re somewhere I don"t knowI don"t know,I don"t know,I don"t knowYou should get me anywhereYou should get me anywhere

The Sundays的《Monochrome》 歌词

歌曲名:Monochrome歌手:The Sundays专辑:Static And Silenceはじめからそんなもの/或许打从一开始なかったのかも知れない/这样的东西就根本不存在楽しくて悲しくて/一个既快乐又伤心そして优しいストーリー /而且温柔的故事幻と梦を/或许我所看见的见ていたのかも知れない/只是幻想与梦境あまりにも长い间眠り/或许是因为我过ぎてたのかも知れない /睡得太长太久也说不定青い空に夏の匂いを/在蓝天带着感じる季节には/当街头的风景开始变形思い出している横颜/我在找寻一副太阳眼镜街の景色歪み始めて/为了让一切失去色彩サングラス探した/问我想当什么全ての色失くすために /我想当的不是公主なりたかったものなら/问我想要什么お姫さまなんかじゃない/我要的不是金缕鞋欲しがってたものなら/问我想当什么ガラスの靴なんかじゃない /我想当的是和你在一起的我なりたかったもの/问我想要什么それは君といる私/我要的是你真正的笑颜欲しがってたもの/今日的天空带着夏意それは君の本当に笑った颜 /我想起了你的容颜今日の空に夏の匂いと/夏意的季节里风が通り抜けて/有风在吹大丈夫だって颔いた/我告诉自己不要紧もしもふたり话してた様な/ 真如你我所说的那样运命があるなら/倘若命运どこかでまた出会えるから… /我俩必定有再相逢的一天 la la la…la la la la…大丈夫だって颔いた/我告诉自己不要紧la la la la…la la la la…la la la la…私はとても强いから/因为我很坚强

____,we shall go out for a picnic on Sunday. A,Weather permitting B,With weather permitting


sunday, lovely sunday 歌词

歌曲名:sunday, lovely sunday歌手:Edson专辑:The Sound Of Young Sweden, Vol.1Sundays are slowNever pretentious, oh noSilent and closedAnd we don"t really have to knowWhere to goHolding hands with the one I loveShe wears mittens, I wear glovesThere must be someone aboveHolding hands with the one I loveWe could catch a picture showRent a (Sunday) videoWe could stay out in the snow"Sunday slow"Sundays are meantTo let the quilt become a tentSundays well-spentDon"t need a reason, no intentHolding hands wi th the one I loveShe wears mittens, I wear glovesThere must be someone aboveHolding hands with the one I loveWe could catch a picture showRent a (Sunday) videoWe could stay out in the snow"Sunday slow"Holding hands with the one I loveShe wears mittens, I wear glovesThere must be someone aboveHolding hands with the one I loveWe could catch a picture showRent a (Sunday) videoWe could stay out in the snowOrder greasy food to go"Sunday slow"Holding hands wi th the one I loveShe wears mittens, I wear glovesThere must be someone aboveHolding hands with the one I loveWe could catch a picture showRent a (Sunday) videoWe could stay out in the snow"Sunday slow"

we are going on sunday.与we go on sunday有什么区别?


we will meet on sunday改为一般疑问句怎么改?

Will we meet on Sunday?

Sometime Sunday的《Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue歌手:Sometime Sunday专辑:StoneBlue作词:ゆよゆっぺ作曲:ゆよゆっぺ编曲:ゆよゆっぺ呗:初音ミクby:CHHKKE兴味本位 後悔の暮れ/一味随性 后悔的终焉行き场の无い悲鸣が/无处可去的悲鸣异空间にこだまして/混杂在异空间之中恐怖という感情になった/化为名为恐怖的感情半音阶の迷路、残像/半音阶的迷途、残像日常と画(か)いた/将扭曲的意图歪んだ意図を/当作日常的生活泣き叫んで慈悲は无くて/哭泣嘶喊不见慈悲言叶なんて意味は无くて/言语之类毫无意义远ざかる生存本能/远去的生存本能隣り合わせの终末を/将这些终结止まった思考回路から/从停止的思考回路中沸きあがる声/沸腾的声音壊れた感覚はすでに/毁坏的感觉遥か向こうへと/早已去向远处见えた希望/看见的希望消えた答え/消失的回答青く渗んで暗闇へと/投身于渗着幽蓝的黑暗开いた先に见えた青/开拓前方所见的青蓝-END-

The View的《Sunday》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunday歌手:The View专辑:Cutting Corners Ep「Sunday」作词∶ユンナ&JIN作曲∶ピエール歌∶ユンナこのままじゃ ダメだってさわかってるんだって、もう立ち直らないとねグズグズ泣いている时だってどうせあいつは谁かと笑ってるのかな今周はそんな感じですもう、Sunday 何からしよう思い出の整理を はじめないとねこれから何でも好きな事やれると思えば 少しは気が晴れるどうして、なんでなの?谁も电话つながんないなんか反省しちゃうじゃないこんな时も気がきかない时计チクタクよく働く时间止まって欲しいのにな思い出流してスロー、Sunday 何からしようあいつと出かける习惯(くせ)だけ残ってる焦って支度した日々しなくていいと思えば 得した気分落ち込んだって日はまた升るし変えるよりかは変わるほうが楽涙を拭いて また1から 新しくはじめよう明日は グレート、Sunday なんでもできる少しずつだけど 笑颜になれるねぇ、Sunday 新しい日々ふたりじゃなくてもきっと楽しめるから【 おわり 】

谢谢,帮我翻译下. On sunday they pray for you;On monday they pray on you.

怀疑第二个 pray 是prey 周日替你们祈祷,周一就害或折磨你们.

英语中一句话怎么读,要谐音:Sunday,20th September

桑的诶,吐问踢死 色破腾啵儿你给的是这么读的,但是正确的应该是SEPTEMBER 20TH,月份在前。即:桑的诶,色破腾啵儿 吐问踢死

My friend invited me ________dinner last Sunday A.for

答案是D invite sb. to dinner 是一个词组,这里的to是一个介词.

Sunday, June 8, 2008, at 2 PM EST 是香港甚么时间?

你这条问题会有三个答案... 因为有 3 个地区会有 EST 这个时区 EST = Eastern Standard Time 美国 欧洲和澳洲都有 EST 时间分别如下 美国 EST = GMT - 4 即比中国香港慢 12 小时 (现在是夏令时间) 欧洲 EST = GMT+ 3 即比中国香港慢 5 小时 (现在是夏令时间) 澳洲 EST = GMT+ 10 即比中国香港快 2 小时 (现在是冬时间) 因此 6 月 8 日下午 2 时 在这 3 个地区 相对中国香港时间如下 美国 = 中国香港 6 月 9 日凌晨 2 时 欧洲 = 中国香港 6 月 8 日晚上 7 时 澳洲 = 中国香港 6 月 8 日中午 12 时 不过估计是美国机会大一点. 欧洲的东部夏令时间简写通常为 "ESST" 而澳洲东部时间简写通常为 "AEST" 请你讲出你问什么地方的6月8日2:00 pm EST 在下面个网你可以知道现在世界各地的时间 timeanddate/worldclock/ 在下面部份, timeanddate/worldclock/converter 1. 在Select time and place to convert from 打2008年6月8日2:00pm 选你想知的地方 2.Select place to convert to 选 China – Hong Kong 按 Convert Time 就可以知道该地6月8日2:00pm 是中国香港几点。 关于时间的 EST 有两种解法: 1.Eastern Standard Time (东部标准时间) 2.European Summer Time (欧洲夏季时间) 1.由于北半球而家系夏季,所以U00020bb6啲有用夏令时间的国家,而家都唔会用标准时间, 在6月8日, 全美国冇一个地方用 EST , 美国东部夏令时间叫做 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)。 只有加拿大东部有一些地方 用 EST, 因为佢哋全年都用标准时间。 可以讲 6月8日在北半球只有呢个地方系用 EST(前面冇其他字母)。 Coral Harbour Nunavut Territory Canada 2. 澳洲东部而家系用紧Eastern Standard Time (东部标准时间), 不过佢哋通常有个A 字在前面, 叫做AEST 由于你在 Yahoo 欧洲部分提出问题, 可能你讲嘅 EST 就系European Summer Time (欧洲夏季时间) European Summer Time (欧洲夏季时间)分为三种: WEST CEST EEST. 根据该地在 Time Zone 位置而定。



求一首男声英文歌 里面有一句话是从monday到Sunday 不是7 days 这首歌



2楼正确。craig david转音很好听。


happy day 歌手:蕃茄女孩

八连词成句10分1. did Jast Where Sunday Mike go(?)Where2

Where did Mike go last Sunday?上星期天麦克去哪里?

有首英文歌 男的唱的 歌词从MONDAY唱到SUNDAY 很好听 可是不知道叫什么 谁知道啊

waiting for love

Sunday Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Sunday Girl歌手:Blondie专辑:Atomic/AtomixBlondie - Sunday GirlI know a girl from a lonely streetCold as ice cream but still as sweetDry your eyes sunday girlHey I saw your guy with a different girlLooks like he"s in another worldRun and hide sunday girlHurry up hurry up and waitI stay away all week and still I waitI got the bluesPlease come see what your lovin means to meShe can"t catch up with the working crowdThe weekend mood and she"s feeling proudLive in dreams sunday girl"Baby I would like to go out tonight""If I go with you my folks"ll get uptight"Stay at home sunday girlHey, I saw your guy with a different girl.Looks like he"s in another world.Run and hide, sunday girl.When, I saw you again in the summer time,If your love was as sweet as mine,I could be sunday"s girl.Hurry up, hurry up and wait.I stay away all week and still I wait.I got the blues.Please come see,What your lovin means to me.Hurry up!Hurry up, hurry up and wait.I got the blues, please, please..Please come see,What you do to me.I got the blues..Hurry up!Hurry up, hurry up and wait.Hurry up!Please come see,What you do to me.

Everyday Is Like Sunday 歌词

歌曲名:Everyday Is Like Sunday歌手:Morrissey专辑:Bona DragTrudging slowly over wet sandBack to the bench where your clothes were stolenThis is the coastal townThat they forgot to close downArmageddon - come armageddon!Come, armageddon! come!Everyday is like sundayEveryday is silent and greyHide on the promenadeEtch a postcard :"how i dearly wish i was not here"In the seaside town...that they forgot to bombCome, come, come - nuclear bombEveryday is like sundayEveryday is silent and greyTrudging back over pebbles and sandAnd a strange dust lands on your hands(and on your face...)(on your face ...)(on your face ...)(on your face ...)Everyday is like sunday"win yourself a cheap tray"Share some greased tea with meEveryday is silent and grey

Everyday Is Like Sunday 歌词

歌曲名:Everyday Is Like Sunday歌手:Morrissey专辑:Morrissey"S Greatest HitsTrudging slowly over wet sandBack to the bench where your clothes were stolenThis is the coastal townThat they forgot to close downArmageddon - come armageddon!Come, armageddon! come!Everyday is like sundayEveryday is silent and greyHide on the promenadeEtch a postcard :"how i dearly wish i was not here"In the seaside town...that they forgot to bombCome, come, come - nuclear bombEveryday is like sundayEveryday is silent and greyTrudging back over pebbles and sandAnd a strange dust lands on your hands(and on your face...)(on your face ...)(on your face ...)(on your face ...)Everyday is like sunday"win yourself a cheap tray"Share some greased tea with meEveryday is silent and grey

Everyday Is Like Sunday 歌词

歌曲名:Everyday Is Like Sunday歌手:Morrissey专辑:Viva HateTrudging slowly over wet sandBack to the bench where your clothes were stolenThis is the coastal townThat they forgot to close downArmageddon - come armageddon!Come, armageddon! come!Everyday is like sundayEveryday is silent and greyHide on the promenadeEtch a postcard :"how i dearly wish i was not here"In the seaside town...that they forgot to bombCome, come, come - nuclear bombEveryday is like sundayEveryday is silent and greyTrudging back over pebbles and sandAnd a strange dust lands on your hands(and on your face...)(on your face ...)(on your face ...)(on your face ...)Everyday is like sunday"win yourself a cheap tray"Share some greased tea with meEveryday is silent and grey

BENI Ti Amo中文的歌词Darkness falls on a sunday night once again I’m all alone and I can’t fight

Ti Amo作词:松尾洁英词:BENI/Seiji Motoyama作曲:Jin Nakamura/松尾洁Darkness falls on a Sunday nightOnce again I"m all aloneAnd I can"t fight the memoriesLost deep within my thoughts "til the dawn黑夜再次降临又是独自一人的周末思念如潮水我沉浸在回忆里直到天明Say goodbye and then you returnto a place you call homeAnd I don"t know why we keep fighting fora love that has been cursed from the start说再见后你走了回去了你所谓的家我不知道是什么原因让我们爱的死去活来Some people say that those with impure heartswill not be given a blessing from up aboveWon"t you please tell me what crimes I"m guilty ofI know my feelings are real but is this love?这份从开始就已经被诅咒了的爱有人说那些不单纯的人不会得上天的祝福你能不能告诉我我犯下了什么错我感觉到了什么但是这是爱么Kissing you as I close my eyesmake me believe that you are mineI don"t wanna see the pain tomorrow bringsI need the warmth of your embraceI feel your body close to meAnd now I know this is where I want to beSimple words I know I cannot speak“I love you”just echoes silently我闭上眼睛亲吻了你我坚信你就是我的不管明天会带来多少伤痛我需要你拥抱给的温暖你近在咫尺我才终于明白了这里就是我的归宿最简单的话却最难说出口“我爱你”独自回荡在空气There are some who will tell you liesplaying games from the startBut when I say that I need you trulyBelieve me these words come from my heart有些人会欺骗你至始至终都把这份爱当游戏但是当我对你说我真的很需要你的时候你要相信我In a world full of deception and sorrowyou make a promise to never hurt those you loveI"ll bear this burden" I"ll learn to carry onA fire burns deep in my heartI will be strong因为每一字每一句都是我的真心在这个充满欺骗与伤害的世界里你却发誓永远不会伤害你爱的人我会承受所有的负担我会坚强It hurts me every time you goI long for you when we"re apartI reach for you but I"m left here in the darkAnd when the day it finally comesFor us to say our last goodbyeThis is all that I ask from you before we partLet me sing a final song for youKeep it locked up deep down inside your heart每一次你的离开带给我无尽的伤痛我是如此的需要你现在留我独自一人面对着无尽的黑暗白昼最终来临让我们最后一次say goodbye让我最后一次最后一次为了你歌唱把它珍藏在你心底If we had only met much soonerThen we could have walked this path togetherBut it"s much too late for regretWipe my tears I try to forgetIf we had only taken time toFigure out a way to see this thing throughJust the two of us we"d sing in perfect harmony (Ti Amo)Kissing you as I close my eyesmake me believe that you are mineI don"t wanna see the pain tomorrow bringsI need the warmth of your embraceI feel your body close to meAnd now I know this is where I want to beSimple words I know I cannot speak“I love you”I can"t go on I feel so weakIt"s in your eyes you"re blaming meBut we both knew it would end before the startAnd every night before you sleepPlease won"t you say a prayer for mePromise you"ll never forget the times we hadClose my eyes to all the lies I seeAll alone with my precious memories如果我能早点遇到你我们或许能白头偕老但是一切都太晚了我擦干眼泪我试着忘记如果我们有静下来想想想想怎么解决我们之间的问题我们将两会怎样的甜蜜(我爱你)我闭上眼睛亲吻了你我坚信你就是我的不管明天会带来多少伤痛我需要你拥抱给的温暖你近在咫尺我才终于明白了这里就是我的归宿最简单的话却最难说出口“我爱你”独自回荡在空气我不能再这样下去我是如此软弱你的眼神告诉我你还怪我其实这结局我们早已看透我只希望每天在进入梦乡之前你都能为我祈祷发誓你不会忘记我们的曾经我闭上眼睛和那些谎言还有那些珍贵回忆

we are going on sunday.请问这是什么时态?为什么这里的go要加ing呢?



There be句型There is an art show on Sunday. 星期天有一场艺术展。

求一首英文歌,几个男的唱的。歌词里面带sunday sunday sunday,是连着的。

blur的 你听听看是不是

歌词有sunday的一个欧美乐队唱的 挺老的一首歌 但是很好听 求歌名

Wavin" Flag[ar:Various Artists][al:][by:白猪贵族] [00:00.52]Various Artists - Wavin" Flag (Young Artists For Haiti)[00:01.52](Ft.Drake,Justin Bieber,Avril Lavigne)[00:02.52]()[00:03.52]MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source[00:04.52][00:07.47](All)[00:07.97]When I get older[00:09.45]I will be stronger[00:11.18]They"ll call me freedom[00:12.96]Just like a wavin flag[00:14.15][00:14.65](K"naan)[00:15.15]Born from a throne[00:16.64]Older than Rome[00:18.29]But violent prone[00:20.02]Poor people zone[00:21.36](Nelly Furtado)[00:21.86]But it"s my home[00:23.62]All I have known[00:24.88](Sam Roberts)[00:25.38]Where I got grown[00:27.08]But now its gone[00:28.48](Avril Lavigne)[00:28.98]Out of the darkness[00:30.74]In came the carnage[00:32.48]Threatening my very survival[00:35.49](Pierre Bouvier of Simple)[00:35.99]Fractured my streets[00:37.64]And broke all my dreams[00:39.00](Tyler Connolly of Theory of a Deadman)[00:39.47]Feels like defeat to wretched retreat[00:42.15](All)[00:42.65]So we strugglin[00:44.44](Kardinal Offishall)[00:44.94]Fighting to eat[00:45.87](All)[00:46.37]And we wonderin"[00:48.00](Kardinal Offishall)[00:48.41]If we"ll be free[00:49.20][00:49.70](Jully Black)[00:50.20]We cannot wait for some faithful day[00:53.53]It"s too far away so right I"ll say[00:56.25][00:56.75](All - Chorus)[00:57.25]When I get older[00:58.88]I will be stronger[01:00.63]They"ll call me freedom[01:02.43]Just like a waving flag[01:05.08](And then it goes back x3)[01:10.36]Ahhho ahhho ahhho[01:10.42][01:11.00](Lights)[01:11.42]So many wars,settling scores[01:14.29](Deryck Whibley of Sum 41)[01:14.79]All that we"ve been through[01:16.69]And now there is more[01:18.00](Serena Ryder)[01:18.43]I hear them say love is the way[01:21.29](Jacob Hoggard of Hedley)[01:21.79]Love is the answer that"s what they say[01:24.84](Emily Haines)[01:25.34]But were not just dreamers[01:26.96]of broken down grievers[01:28.33](Hawsley Workman)[01:28.83]Our hand will reach us[01:30.60]And [01:32.10](Drake)[01:32.60]This can"t control us[01:34.25]No it can"t hold us down[01:36.53](Chin Injeti)[01:37.03]We gon pick it up even though we still struggling[01:40.62](Pierre Lapointe)[01:41.12]Au nom de la survie (In the name of survival)[01:42.00](All)[01:42.47]And we wondering[01:43.71](Pierre Lapointe)[01:44.21]Battant pour nos vie (Fighting for our lives)[01:45.35][01:45.85](All)[01:46.35]We patiently wait[01:47.94]For some other day[01:50.20](Fefe Dobson and Esthero)[01:50.70]Thats too far away so right now we say[01:53.28][01:53.78](All)[01:54.28]When I get older[01:56.08]I will be stronger[01:57.73]They"ll call me freedom[01:59.54]Just like a wavin flag[02:02.25](And then it goes back x3)[02:07.65]Ahhho ahhho ahhho[02:08.64](Repeat)[02:16.13][02:16.63](Drake - Rapping)[02:17.13]Uhh – well alright[02:22.03]How come when the media stops covering[02:24.19]And there"s a little help from the government[02:26.02]We forget about the people still struggling[02:27.67]And assume that its really all love again,nahh[02:30.34]See we don"t have to wait for things to break apart[02:33.24]If you weren"t involved before it"s never too late to start[02:37.19]You probably think that it"s too far to even have to care[02:40.61]Well take a look at where you live what if it happened there?[02:44.15]You have to know the urge to make a change lies within[02:47.50]And we can be the reason that we see the flag rise again[02:50.03][02:50.53](Nikki Yanofsky & Drake)[02:51.03]When I get older[02:52.75]I will be stronger[02:54.36]They"ll call me freedom[02:56.15]Just like a wavin" flag[02:57.68][02:58.18](15)[02:58.68]And then it goes back[03:00.00](Justin Nozuka)[03:00.48]And then it goes back[03:01.85](Nikki Yanofsky)[03:02.35]Then it goes back[03:04.00][03:04.40](All)[03:04.90]When I get older[03:06.60]I will be stronger[03:08.36]They"ll call me freedom[03:10.17]Just like a wavin flag[03:12.65](And then it goes back x3)[03:17.86]Ahhho ahhho ahhho[03:18.34](Repeat)[03:33.31][03:33.81](Justin Bieber)[03:34.31]When I get older[03:37.83]When I get older[03:41.30]I will be stronger[03:45.04]Just like a waving flag.[03:49.04][03:53.04](Lyrics by 白猪贵族@MaxRNB)[03:54.04]MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source[03:55.04]

Everyday Is Like Sunday 歌词

歌曲名:Everyday Is Like Sunday歌手:Morrissey专辑:Viva Hate (2011 - Remaster)Trudging slowly over wet sandBack to the bench where your clothes were stolenThis is the coastal townThat they forgot to close downArmageddon - come armageddon!Come, armageddon! come!Everyday is like sundayEveryday is silent and greyHide on the promenadeEtch a postcard :"how i dearly wish i was not here"In the seaside town...that they forgot to bombCome, come, come - nuclear bombEveryday is like sundayEveryday is silent and greyTrudging back over pebbles and sandAnd a strange dust lands on your hands(and on your face...)(on your face ...)(on your face ...)(on your face ...)Everyday is like sunday"win yourself a cheap tray"Share some greased tea with meEveryday is silent and grey

求一首英文歌 里面有mondey到sunday

After The Afterparty--charli XCX/Lil YachtyAfter the after the party we"re gonna keep it going即使派对过后 我们也要继续狂欢We"re gonna rip it up, the neighbours might complain撕碎所有规则 即使邻里将要抱怨I think it"s almost 4am but baby I"m still feeling just fine我想现在大概凌晨四点了 但我感觉才刚刚好Ice all up in a plastic cup and I"ma keep on sipping all night, yeah塑料杯冰镇美酒都满上 我还要继续喝一晚上I might a kissed a thousand lips but maybe that"s just all in my mind我可能已经和无数个人接过吻 但也可能只是我喝高的幻觉Some people never understand the way we live but we"re living life有些人可能永远都不会理解我们 但这就是我们的生活方式Uh huh, hey, uh huh, Monday to Sunday, it"s never too late周一到周日 派对永远不算迟So everyone say, "We don"t wanna stop!"所有人一起大喊 “我们永远不要停下”Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna keep it goin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要继续狂欢We"re gonna rip it up, the neighbours might complain撕碎所有规则 即使邻里将要抱怨Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna stay "til mornin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要轰趴到天明Then when the time is up, we"ll do it all again如果这场派对结束 我们就再来一场Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahWe"re all in love我们都沉浸于爱We"re all in love我们都沉浸于爱I"m hangin" on my best friend"s couch and my clothes are all on the floor我和最好的朋友躺在沙发上 衣服在地板上凌乱不堪I got glitter in my underwear like it was Studio 54, yeah我就像54号夜总会里的人一样 把亮片塞满了内衣I can"t remember why I love it, but I need it baby, clap, bring on the encore不知道为什么我竟然喜欢这样 但我就需要这样 鼓掌吧 就像演唱会安可那样Let"s pour another drink, the glasses go *clink*让我们再满上一杯酒 让玻璃杯锵锵作响Yeah, we"re always up for one more我们总是已经为下一杯酒做好了准备Uh huh, hey, uh huh, Monday to Sunday, it"s never too late周一到周日 派对永远不算迟So everyone say, "We don"t wanna stop!"所有人一起大喊 “我们永远不要停下”Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna keep it goin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要继续狂欢We"re gonna rip it up, the neighbors might complain撕碎所有规则 即使邻里将要抱怨Cause after the afterparty, afterparty因为即使派对过后We"re gonna stay "til mornin", stay "til mornin"我们也要轰趴到天亮Then when the time is up, we"ll do it again, oh yeah如果这场派对结束 我们就再来一场The party just ended but I"m not done with you派对结束 但我和你还没完My folks are out of town, we got a crib with a view我的兄弟都在城外 个个豪宅美景Come over, bring a couple friends, I keep mine with me带上几个你的朋友一起造访 我也会带上我的哥们Shout out to Whitney, she was so wicked大声朝Whitney喊 她可真是调皮The party was so crazy, the party was so crazy这派对太疯狂了 这派对太疯狂了Tomorrow I"ll be lazy but I"ll spend it with you baby也许明天我就会懒得不想动 但今夜我要和我的宝贝共度Monday to Sunday doing it our way周一到周一 我们我行我素RiRi on replay, cheers to the weekday放着日日的歌 敬工作日一杯We"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱Drop, drop, drop, drop, dropAnd we do it like ice cream for dinner派对就像晚餐后的冰淇淋甜点Bucket of liqueur, we"re getting sicker喝酒的冰桶 上面被我们贴满了贴纸Don"t need Ibiza不需要Ibiza乐助兴We"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱Drop, drop, drop, drop, dropAnd we do it like我们的狂欢Monday to Sunday doing it our way周一到周一 永远我行我素RiRi on replay, cheers to the weekday放着日日的歌 敬工作日一杯We"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna keep it goin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要继续狂欢We"re gonna rip it up, the neighbours might complain撕碎所有规则 即使邻里将要抱怨Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna stay "til mornin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要轰趴到天明Then when the time is up, we"ll do it all again如果这场派对结束 我们就再来一场Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahWe"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱Monday to Sunday doing it our way周一到周一 永远我行我素RiRi on replay, cheers to the weekday放着日日的歌 敬工作日一杯We"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱

On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park...以下是完整题,学霸们大神们快来~

park 后面是不是有一个逗号?而且这个seated是定语,joking才是那个非谓动词

white sunday是什么节日?


i had a fun day on sunday.句中哪个单词错了



Sunny day Sunday的意思分别是晴朗的,天,周日,所以没关系

I went to a group activity, “Sensitivity Sunday”, which was to make us more aware of the proble.

小题1:去掉were或加which/that小题2:加a小题3:去掉on小题4:as--like小题5:other--others小题6:is--was小题7:awkwardly--awkward小题8:with—because/as 或去掉were小题9:how--where小题10:expression--impression 试题分析:文章讲述了我参加了一个社会活动,在某个周日,自己坐上轮椅去体验一下残疾人的生活是多么的困难,从而更加理解他们,帮助他们。小题1:去掉were或加which /that 非谓语动词的用法。此处为非谓语动词作定语修饰problems故应去掉were. 如果加上which/that则变为定语从句,故两种改法均可。小题2:加a冠词的用法。disability 可数名词残疾,故应加a .小题3:去掉on 介词的用法。此处为一个周日,不用介词。小题4:like 介词的用法。意思为“像”,而as为连词,故应为like.小题5:other—others 代词的用法。前面与some形成一致,some---others ---- 意为:一些人---另一些人---。故应为others.小题6:is---was 时态的考点。文章讲述的是一个星期天的事情,故应为一般过去时。小题7:awkwardly—awkward 形容词副词的用法。句意为:使用一个轮椅是多么的笨拙。此处应为形容词,故应将awkwardly改为awkwark.。小题8:with—because/as 或去掉were 连词的用法或with复合结构。句意为:因为轮子没有锁,所以我坐上去之后它就走了起来。故应表原因将with改为because/as. 第二种改法为去掉were,则为with复合结构的考查,基本结构为with+n/pron+非谓语动词。小题9:how—where连词的用法。句意为:我不知道把脚放哪儿。小题10:expression—impression名词的意思。此处为给我留下了深刻的印象。impression n 印象;expression n表达,表情。考点:考查短文改错。

这句英文什么意思?sunday is coming i wanna drive my cay to your apa

您好!最后一个词没打完整,猜想是 apartmen 公寓。意思是:星期天就要到了。我想要开着我的车去你的公寓。望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

Today is Sunday.Let ---------(we) make a cake.

Today is Sunday.Let ------us---(we) make a cake.--------------(have)your teacher got a new book ?Yes,here it is.( C )There is --------------- paper bag on the desk. A.some C.a( B )Here -------------some cabbage for her. A.are

The boy___(go)to the park on sundays.

will goare going to

Lesson #8 (From "Sunday In The Park With George") 歌词

歌曲名:Lesson #8 (From "Sunday In The Park With George")歌手:Mandy Patinkin&Paul Gemignani专辑:Sunday In The Park With GeorgeLRC之家制作Lesson 87A perfect alibiFirst listen and then answer the question.What was wrong with the man"s story?"At the time the murder was committed,I was travelling on the 8 o"clock train to London,"said the man."Do you always catch such an early train?"asked the inspector."Of course I do," answered the man."I must be at work at 10 o"clock.My employer will confirm that I was there on time.""Would a later train get you to work on time?"asked the inspector."I suppose it would,but I never catch a later train.""At what time did you arrive at the station?""At ten to eight.I bought a paper and waited for the train.""And you didn"t notice anything unusual?""Of course not.""I suggest," said the inspector,"that you are not telling the truth.I suggest that you did not catch the 8 o"clock train,but that you caught the 8.25 which would still get you to work on time.You see,on the morning of the murder,the 8 o"clock train did not run at all.It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line

好好学习 天天向上 good good Sunday day day up 好像不能这样表达 为什


The trip to Yangzhou last Sunday was funny and I hope to have___trip to it next term.

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关于my last sunday的英语作文

I decided to go treking in Jurassic Jungle last Sunday, as it was a warm afternoon and the sun was shining brilliantly in the sky. After preparing all the necessities, I set off enthusiastically. I took the most challenging path through the jungle. The thick, dense undergrowth teemed with life, ranging from animals like wild boars and tree pythons to micro-organisms. Vultures and eagles flew overhead, squawking and soaring above the treetops. As scavengers, there were always at least five of them swooping down like arrows being shot from a bow string, to the spot where rotting bodies of deer and squirrels lay. Near the sea of green was a flowing river which was full of debri diving toward the waterfall. As it had just rained several hours ago in the wee hours of the morning the grass at the river banks shone in the sunlight like tiny green jewels. The swooshing of river water, however, could not cover the bird"s chirping, the eagles sqawking overhead and the rattling of the rattlesnakes. Crocodiles lurked in the depths of the river, and so I kept my distance from it. Once in a few minutes, the leaves of ferns would rustle and the dried leaves on the jungle floor would crack as I pushed my way through the seemingly endless jungle. Strangely enough, the area where I walked through would hear no sounds of insects ticking and calling for their mates, neither did I see birds flying overhead. After treking for several hours, I decided to cease the exercise for that day and went for dinner. After that, I went home for a good rest.

关于my last sunday的英语作文

I decided to go treking in Jurassic Jungle last Sunday, as it was a warm afternoon and the sun was shining brilliantly in the sky. After preparing all the necessities, I set off enthusiastically.I took the most challenging path through the jungle. The thick, dense undergrowth teemed with life, ranging from animals like wild boars and tree pythons to micro-organisms. Vultures and eagles flew overhead, squawking and soaring above the treetops. As scavengers, there were always at least five of them swooping down like arrows being shot from a bow string, to the spot where rotting bodies of deer and squirrels lay.Near the sea of green was a flowing river which was full of debri diving toward the waterfall. As it had just rained several hours ago in the wee hours of the morning the grass at the river banks shone in the sunlight like tiny green jewels. The swooshing of river water, however, could not cover the bird"s chirping, the eagles sqawking overhead and the rattling of the rattlesnakes. Crocodiles lurked in the depths of the river, and so I kept my distance from it. Once in a few minutes, the leaves of ferns would rustle and the dried leaves on the jungle floor would crack as I pushed my way through the seemingly endless jungle. Strangely enough, the area where I walked through would hear no sounds of insects ticking and calling for their mates, neither did I see birds flying overhead.After treking for several hours, I decided to cease the exercise for that day and went for dinner. After that, I went home for a good rest.


Sunday英 [u02c8su028cndeu026a] 美 [u02c8su028cndeu026a]

white sunday是什么节日

New Years Day新年,元旦,1月1日St.Valentine"s Day圣瓦伦丁节(情人节)2月14日St. Patrick"s Day圣帕特里克节,每年3月17日—是悼念爱尔兰的守护神圣帕特里克的节日All Fools"s Day or April Fools"s Day愚人节4月1日Good Friday耶稣受难日(复活节前的星期五)Holy Saturday圣星期六(是Easter的前一天)Easter复活节(春分月圆后第一个星期日,4月)Easter Monday复活节后的星期一Holy Thursday耶稣升天节(复活节后的40天的星期四)Pentecost也称为White Sunday圣灵降临日(是Easter后的第7个星期天)May Day or Labour Day五一劳动节the Spring Bank Holiday春假(英国5月最后一个星期一)Mother"s Day母亲节(5月第二个星期日)Memorial Day阵亡将士纪念日(美国,5月26日)Independence Day美国独立纪念日(7月4日)the Summer Bank Holiday夏季公假(英国,8月最后一个星期一)Columbus Day哥伦布日(10月12日)Halloween万圣节前夕(10月31日)Hallowmas万圣节(11月1日)Armistice day or Veterans Day第一,二次世界大战的停战纪念日(11月11日)Thanksgiving Day感恩节(在美国是11月的第二个星期一)Christmas Eve圣诞节前夜(12月24日)Christmas Day圣诞节(12月25日)Boxing Day节礼日(圣诞节次日,如遇星期日,推迟一天)其他还有:国庆日:英国的国庆日期并不固定,而是以国王的正式生日为国庆日银行节:5月的第一个星期一及最后一个星期一,8月的最后一个星期一(全国性的假日,并不仅限于银行)阅兵日:6月份的第二个星期六节礼日:12月26日

He climbthe mountains on sunday变为否定句怎么做?

因为没有be动词所以变否定句时要借助助动词帮忙,因为he是第三人称单数所以助动词用does因为是否定所以does后应加not变为doesn"t,助动词出现动词要还原。所以答案为He doesn"t climb the mountains on sunday

绿洲乐队的Sunday Morning Call 中文歌词


Come Sunday 歌词

歌曲名:Come Sunday歌手:艾瑞克 杜菲专辑:Iron ManSunday is gloomy ! 星期天是令人沮丧的!My hours are slumberless.我的末日即将来临。Dearest,the shadows I live with are numberless.我最亲爱的,我生活的庇护所无穷无尽。Little white flowers will never awaken you.白色的小花将不再能唤醒你。Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you.黑色的由忧伤组成的轿车(灵车)不再承载着你了。Angels have no thought of ever returning you.天使也将不再回护你。Would they be angry if I thought of joining you ? 他们是不是因为我想加入你的行列而被激怒了?Gloomy Sunday ! 绝望的星期天!Gloomy is Sunday ! 星期天是令人沮丧的!With shadows I spend it all.我将把它与阴影一起消磨待尽。My heart and I have decided to end it all.我与我的心都认为这就是它的终结。Soon there"ll be candles and prayers.很快这里将有蜡烛和祷文.That are sad I know.它们是令人伤心的,我知道。Let them not weep.将使他们悲痛到无语咛咽。Let them know that I"m glad to go.让他们知道我很高兴离开了这里。Death is no dream.逝了就不会再做梦。For in death I"m caressing you.因为有我在毁灭中爱抚着你。With the last breath of my soul.用发自肺腑的最后一口气。I"ll be blessing you.我将祝福你。Gloomy Sunday ! 绝望的星期天!Dreaming ! 梦中!I was only dreaming.我只是在梦中。[03:18:30I wake and I find.我醒来并发现。You are asleep in the deep of my heart ! 你在我心里深深地熟睡着!Dear ! 亲爱的!Darling,I hope that my dream never haunted you.亲爱的,我希望我的梦不会折磨你。My heart is telling you.我的心已经告诉你。How much I wanted you.我是多么的需要你。

求《Gloomy Sunday》(黑色星期天)的小提琴谱

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