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do you want fuke me 出自哪个电影台词

do you want fuke me 出自教父电影台词。教父是由弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉执导,马龙·白兰度、阿尔·帕西诺等主演的黑帮电影,于1972年3月24日在美国上映。该片改编自马里奥·普佐的同名小说,讲述了以维托·唐·柯里昂为首的黑帮家族的发展过程以及柯里昂的小儿子迈克如何接任父亲成为黑帮首领的故事。1973年该片获得第45届奥斯卡奖最佳电影、最佳男主角、最佳改编剧本奖。2007年被美国电影协会选为百年百佳影片第二位。教父剧情1945年夏天,美国本部黑手党柯里昂家族首领,教父维托·柯里昂为小女儿康妮举行了盛大的婚礼。维托·柯里昂有三个儿子,好色的长子桑尼。懦弱的次子弗雷德和从二战战场回来的小儿子迈克。其中桑尼是教父的得力助手;而迈克虽然精明能干,却对家族的事业没什么兴趣。维托·柯里昂是黑手党首领,常干违法的勾当但同时他也是许多弱小平民的保护神,深得人们爱戴。他还有一个准则,就是决不贩毒害人。为此他拒绝了毒枭索拉索的要求,并因此激化了与纽约其它几个黑手党家族的矛盾。圣诞前夕,索拉索劫持了教父的教子汤姆,并派人暗杀教父。教父中枪入院。索拉索要汤姆设法使桑尼同意毒品买卖,重新谈判。桑尼有勇无谋,他发誓报仇,却无计可施。


生活大爆炸经典台词   1、谢尔顿:剪刀剪布,布包石头,石头砸死蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死史波克,史波克打碎剪刀,剪刀剪死蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃掉布,布否定史波克,史波克使石头蒸发,当然,石头砸碎剪刀。   2、谢尔顿:我很清楚人类的繁殖方式,既脏乱又不卫生,而且跟你做了三年邻居,听了太多不必要又响亮的呼唤声。   彭妮(Penny):天呐。   谢尔顿:对,就是这句。   3、谢尔顿:你为什么哭?   彭妮:因为我很笨。   谢尔顿:没有理由去哭啊。一个人哭泣是因为其感到伤心难过。比如,我哭是因为别人很笨,这使我很伤心。   4、拉什(Raj):我不喜欢虫子,好不?他们让我焦虑不安。   希尔顿:有趣,你害怕昆虫和女人。瓢虫会让你患上强直性昏厥的。   5、谢尔顿:一点误会?伽利略和教皇倒是有点误会……   6、啊,万有引力,你这无良的婊子!   7、我不是神经病,我妈妈带我去检查过。   8、谢尔顿:我泡了茶。   莱昂纳德(Leonard):我不想喝茶。   谢尔顿:我不是为你泡茶,这是我的茶。   莱昂纳德:那你为什么告诉我?   谢尔顿:这是一次会话的开端。   莱昂纳德:那是一个糟糕的会话开端。   谢尔顿:哦,是吗?我们正在会话啊,将死你!   9、莱昂纳德:你在彭妮家做什么?   谢尔顿:嗯,我们用餐,玩游戏,接着我在那度过了一夜。哦,你一定很高兴知道,我现在已经深入理解“异性朋友”了。   10、谢尔顿:喂,彭妮,……我知道你现在因为原始的生理欲望而值得的同情,但是如果你在你之前有一个终生的错误决定,我怎么可能打断呢?   11、莱昂纳德:谢尔顿,看在上帝的.份上,我每次开口说话的时候必须举起讽刺牌吗?   谢尔顿(好奇地):你有一块讽刺牌?   12、谢尔顿:你尽管去试,但是你永远不会抓到我!Bazinga!   13、谢尔顿:莱昂纳德,你也许是对的。似乎彭妮背地里想让你以亲密、肉欲的方式出现在她的生活中。   莱昂纳德:你真的这么认为?   谢尔顿:当然不。即使我睡眠不足,我照样胜利完成了我的经典恶作剧。Bazinga!   14、谢尔顿:只是坐牢之后,牢房里最大的那个家伙坐在一张椅子上,那是我的座位。   15、彭妮:我认输,他是不可能的。   谢尔顿:我并非不可能,我在这里!我认为你的意思是说,“我认输,它是不大可能的。”   16、谢尔顿:早上好,法官先生,谢尔顿?库柏博士代表他自己应讯。   法官:我知道是什么意思,我上过法学院。   谢尔顿:但是你只能坐在交通法庭上。   17、莱昂纳德:什么是什么?   谢尔顿:茶。当有人不安的时候,文化习俗是给他一杯热饮料。(停顿,他试图想下一步做什么,接着他尴尬地说)“好啦,好啦。”(再一次停顿)你想要谈什么?   莱昂纳德:没什么。   谢尔顿:很好。“好啦,好啦”是我的真心话。   18、彭妮:谢尔顿,你所说的是,我们是你的X战警?   谢尔顿:不,X战警(X-men)源于查尔斯?泽维尔(Charles Xavier)教授名字中的X。因为我叫谢尔顿?库柏,你们就是我的C战警。   19、谢尔顿:有趣。要改变行为,性比巧克力更管用。我对是否每个人都犯错感到疑惑。   20、谢尔顿:你有什么烦心事吗?   莱昂纳德:你的第一线索是什么?   谢尔顿:有很多线索。首先是时间很晚,接着是你蔫啦吧唧的,此外你易怒……   莱昂纳德:是的,我心烦。   谢尔顿:哦……我通常不熟悉这些事情。但我值得去做。   莱昂纳德:是,你值得去做。   谢尔顿(走开然后又回来):哦,等一下。你想谈谈你的烦心事吗?   莱昂纳德:我不知道……也许   谢尔顿:哇!我今晚情绪激昂。   21、我不是疯子,我妈妈带我去检查过。   22、彭妮:我能问你一个问题吗?   谢尔顿:我更喜欢你不问,但是我不禁止你问。   23、莱昂纳德:Dogapus(狗章鱼)是什么?   谢尔顿:狗和章鱼杂交出来的一种动物。它是人类水下最好的朋友。   莱昂纳德:有人研究这个吗?   谢尔顿:我打算研究。我打算将其作为我300岁生日的礼物。   莱昂纳德:等一下,你讨厌狗。   谢尔顿:狗章鱼玩接球游戏可接住8个球,没人会不喜欢它。   24、(玩3D象棋)   谢尔顿:将军!   莱昂纳德:哦,又将军了?   谢尔顿:很显然,你不适合玩3D象棋。也许糖果乐园更适合你。   莱昂纳德:再来一盘。   谢尔顿:输了这么多盘肯定很是羞辱。   25、谢尔顿:彭妮,尽管我同意“多世界”理论——其假定无限多的宇宙中有无限个谢尔顿,但我可以使你相信他们之中没有一个是我在跳舞。 ;




“我不是疯子,我妈妈带我去检查过。”(I am not crazy, my mother had me tested.)1、谢尔顿:剪刀剪布,布包石头,石头砸死蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死史波克,史波克打碎剪刀,剪刀剪死蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃掉布,布否定史波克,史波克使石头蒸发,当然,石头砸碎剪刀。2、谢尔顿:我很清楚人类的繁殖方式,既脏乱又不卫生,而且跟你做了三年邻居,听了太多不必要又响亮的呼唤声。彭妮(Penny):天呐。谢尔顿:对,就是这句。3、谢尔顿:你为什么哭?彭妮:因为我很笨。谢尔顿:没有理由去哭啊。一个人哭泣是因为其感到伤心难过。比如,我哭是因为别人很笨,这使我很伤心。4、拉什(Raj):我不喜欢虫子,好不?他们让我焦虑不安。希尔顿:有趣,你害怕昆虫和女人。瓢虫会让你患上强直性昏厥的。5、谢尔顿:一点误会?伽利略和教皇倒是有点误会……6、啊,万有引力,你这无良的婊子!7、我不是神经病,我妈妈带我去检查过。8、谢尔顿:我泡了茶。莱昂纳德(Leonard):我不想喝茶。谢尔顿:我不是为你泡茶,这是我的茶。莱昂纳德:那你为什么告诉我?谢尔顿:这是一次会话的开端。莱昂纳德:那是一个糟糕的会话开端。谢尔顿:哦,是吗?我们正在会话啊,将死你!9、莱昂纳德:你在彭妮家做什么?谢尔顿:嗯,我们用餐,玩游戏,接着我在那度过了一夜。哦,你一定很高兴知道,我现在已经深入理解“异性朋友”了。10、谢尔顿:喂,彭妮,……我知道你现在因为原始的生理欲望而值得的同情,但是如果你在你之前有一个终生的错误决定,我怎么可能打断呢?11、莱昂纳德:谢尔顿,看在上帝的份上,我每次开口说话的时候必须举起讽刺牌吗?谢尔顿(好奇地):你有一块讽刺牌?12、谢尔顿:你尽管去试,但是你永远不会抓到我!Bazinga!13、谢尔顿:莱昂纳德,你也许是对的。似乎彭妮背地里想让你以亲密、肉欲的方式出现在她的生活中。莱昂纳德:你真的这么认为?谢尔顿:当然不。即使我睡眠不足,我照样胜利完成了我的经典恶作剧。Bazinga!14、谢尔顿:只是坐牢之后,牢房里最大的那个家伙坐在一张椅子上,那是我的座位。15、彭妮:我认输,他是不可能的。谢尔顿:我并非不可能,我在这里!我认为你的意思是说,“我认输,它是不大可能的。”16、谢尔顿:早上好,法官先生,谢尔顿•库柏博士代表他自己应讯。法官:我知道是什么意思,我上过法学院。谢尔顿:但是你只能坐在交通法庭上。17、莱昂纳德:什么是什么?谢尔顿:茶。当有人不安的时候,文化习俗是给他一杯热饮料。(停顿,他试图想下一步做什么,接着他尴尬地说)“好啦,好啦。”(再一次停顿)你想要谈什么?莱昂纳德:没什么。谢尔顿:很好。“好啦,好啦”是我的真心话。18、彭妮:谢尔顿,你所说的是,我们是你的X战警?谢尔顿:不,X战警(X-men)源于查尔斯•泽维尔(Charles Xavier)教授名字中的X。因为我叫谢尔顿•库柏,你们就是我的C战警。19、谢尔顿:有趣。要改变行为,性比巧克力更管用。我对是否每个人都犯错感到疑惑。20、谢尔顿:你有什么烦心事吗?莱昂纳德:你的第一线索是什么?谢尔顿:有很多线索。首先是时间很晚,接着是你蔫啦吧唧的,此外你易怒……莱昂纳德:是的,我心烦。谢尔顿:哦……我通常不熟悉这些事情。但我值得去做。莱昂纳德:是,你值得去做。谢尔顿(走开然后又回来):哦,等一下。你想谈谈你的烦心事吗?莱昂纳德:我不知道……也许谢尔顿:哇!我今晚情绪激昂。21、我不是疯子,我妈妈带我去检查过。22、彭妮:我能问你一个问题吗?谢尔顿:我更喜欢你不问,但是我不禁止你问。23、莱昂纳德:Dogapus(狗章鱼)是什么?谢尔顿:狗和章鱼杂交出来的一种动物。它是人类水下最好的朋友。莱昂纳德:有人研究这个吗?谢尔顿:我打算研究。我打算将其作为我300岁生日的礼物。莱昂纳德:等一下,你讨厌狗。谢尔顿:狗章鱼玩接球游戏可接住8个球,没人会不喜欢它。24、(玩3D象棋)谢尔顿:将军!莱昂纳德:哦,又将军了?谢尔顿:很显然,你不适合玩3D象棋。也许糖果乐园更适合你。莱昂纳德:再来一盘。谢尔顿:输了这么多盘肯定很是羞辱。25、谢尔顿:彭妮,尽管我同意“多世界”理论——其假定无限多的宇宙中有无限个谢尔顿,但我可以使你相信他们之中没有一个是我在跳舞

《生活大爆炸》经典台词 Bazinga!逗你玩儿!

美剧《生活大爆炸》一定陪伴了很多小伙伴的青春,如今生活大爆炸已经快要大结局了,谢耳朵与Amy的结婚照也已经曝光了,那么你还记得其中有多少经典台词呢?我为大家整理了50句生活大爆炸经典台词,一起来看看吧。 生活大爆炸经典台词 1. I don"t need sleep, I need answers. I need to determine where, in this swamp of unbalanced formulas, squatteth the toad of truth. 我不需要睡眠,我需要答案。我要找出在这个充满不平衡方程的沼泽中是什么阻碍了真理的蛤蟆。 2.I"ve lived up to my mitments under the agreement. At least once a day I ask how you are, even though I simply don"t care. I no longer stage spontaneous biohazard drills after 10 pm, and I abandoned my goal to master Tuvan throat singing. 我一直遵守着协议里的所有义务。每天至少问候你一次,即使我一点都不在意。我没有在晚上十点后进行生物危害演习了,我也放弃学习图瓦喉唱了。 3. Oh, I don"t want to know that! How can I possibly discuss with Stan Lee the scientific foundation for interstellar flight on a silver surfboard when part of my brain will be scanning his face for signs of a contagious skin disease? 你告诉我这些干嘛啊你。这下好了,我怎么可能一边和斯坦.李讨论用银质冲浪板来星际飞行的科学依据,一边逐行扫描他的脸以寻找皮肤传染病的蛛丝马迹。 4.I don"t trust banks. I believe that when the robots rise up, ATM"s will lead the charge. 鬼才相信银行。我坚信如果有一天机器人奋起反抗了,自动取款机肯定是起义军领袖。 5. Oh, no. A Godzilla-like monster is approaching the city. I have to get my people to safety. “People of Sheldonopolis, this is your mayor. Follow me. If the children can"t run, leave them behind!” Oh, the simulated horror! 不会吧。一个类似哥斯拉的怪物正在接近城市。我得把我的市民转移到安全区。“谢尔顿奥波利斯的市民们,我是你们的市长。跟着我。小孩子要是跑不了就别管他们了。”哦呦妈呀,模拟恐怖效果贼棒! 6. There isn"t enough chamomile tea in the world to quell the rage in my heart. 即使饮尽全世界的黄春菊茶【能稳定情绪】,也不能平息我心中的怒火。 are winged fury! Which is still no excuse for going over the posted speed limit. 我们的愤怒张开双翅!即使这样还是没有任何理由超过高速公路的速度限制标准。 生活大爆炸 you don"t mind, I"d like to stop listening to you and start talking. 你不介意的话,我想停止听你说话,开始发言。 at you, getting me to engage in the social sciences. You"re a vixen, Amy Farrah Fowler. 看看你,居然让我开始研究社会科学了。你真坏,艾米.费拉.福勒。 did not “break up” with Joyce Kim. She defected to North Korea. 你没有与乔伊斯·金“分手”。她叛逃到北韩。 11、Ah gravity, thou are a heartless bitch. 啊,地心引力,你是一个无情无义的 *** 。 e wouldn"t have been any ass kickings if that stupid death ray had worked. 如果那该死的死亡放射线能用我就不会挨打了。 13. If the correct way to do it is the wrong way, then I yield. 如果胡来才是正确的方法的话,那我闭嘴。 14. Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock *** ashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors. 谢耳朵:剪刀剪纸,纸包石头,石头砸蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死斯巴克,斯巴克击碎剪刀,剪刀砍断蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃了纸,纸反驳斯巴克,斯巴克蒸发石头,最后就是一直都那样的,石头硌坏剪子。 生活大爆炸经典语录 15、Howard is teaching Sheldon Chinese. Howard: You know, I"m really glad you decided to learn Mandarin. Sheldon: Why?Howard: Once you"re fluent, you"ll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me. 霍华德:话说,你终于要学普通话了我还真高兴。 谢耳朵:为嘛? 霍华德:等你说顺溜了,有十多亿中国人民等着你去烦,你就不用来烦我了。 16.I love Strawberry Quik! It"s my favorite pink fluid, narrowly beating out Pepto Bi *** ol. 我超爱草莓速溶奶!我最喜欢的粉色液体,比佩托比斯摩(粉色液体胃药)略胜一筹。 17. The need to find another human being to share one"s life with has always puzzled me. Maybe because I"m so interesting all by myself. With that being said, may you find as much happiness with each other as I find on my own. 人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类共度一生的事,我一直无法理解。或许我自己太有意思,无需他人陪伴。所以,我祝福你们在对方身上得到的快乐与我给自己的一样多 18. Aah! A vintage mint-in-the-box, 1975 Mego Star Trek Transporter with Real Transporter Action! Hot darn! 啊!未拆封的经典,1975年米果公司出产的星际迷航传送机,还会有真实的传送特效!帅爆了! . That"s what I always thought 1975 *** elled like. 哦。跟我想象中的1975年的味道一样。 aps you should look with your eyes and not your muscular Nebraska man hands. 你光用眼睛看就行了,把你那肌肉发达的汉子手拿开。 is Steven Hawking! Perhaps my only intellectual equal! 这可是史蒂芬.霍金啊!也许是唯一一个和我智商相当的人。 生活大爆炸经典对白 and put yourself in my place. Imagine you"re the sole human being living on a pla populated with nothing but dogs and then it turns out, there"s another human being. 你设身处地地替我想想。假设你的星球都是狗狗而你是唯一一个人类,然后突然发现这星球上还有一个人类。 contraire. When I correct people, I"m raising them up. You should know. I do it for you more than anyone. 正相反。当我纠正别人时,我是让他们更进一步。你应该最懂了,你可是深得我恩惠。 we squeeze you any tighter you might turn into a diamond. 再继续挤下去,你就能变成钻石(钻石的形成需要高压推挤)了。 25.I understand the confusion. I never said that you are not good at what you do. It"s just that what you do is not worth doing. 我理解你的困惑。我从未说过你工作不称职。我是说你的工作没价值。 26.I wish you all could be inside my head. The conversation is sparkling. 真希望你们能听到我的心声。我脑中的对白简直是异彩纷呈。 I am to participate in the social convention that is the stag night, then I must embrace all its ponents including tobacco, swear words, and yes – alcohol. Jeepers – that"s yucky! 如果我要参与进这种社会习俗,也就是这个单身派对,我就得接受所有的东西,包括香菸,脏话,当然还有酒。亲娘咧,太难喝了! 28. As you know, the essence of diplomacy is promise. With that in mind I propose the following: I will take Rothman"s office and you will find a way to be okay with that. 众所周知,外交的本质就是妥协。以该本质为指导思想,我提出如下建议:罗斯曼的办公室归我,你一边哭去吧。 生活大爆炸台词 29.I"m trying to raise the temperature in here before my nipples rip through my shirt. 我在努力提升这屋的温度,太凉了,我激凸得都要扎破衬衫了。 gravel monkeys! If you need to shake rocks, try jiggling your heads around! 嘿,你们这些石猴子!想筛石头直接用自己脑袋摇着筛吧! do men"s and women"s hair in the same room at the same time. It"s like Sodom and Gomorrah with mousse. 那里无论男人还是女人都坐在同一个房间里一块剪。那简直就像是带有摩丝的罪恶之城。 32.I have spent my whole life trying to bring order to the universe by carefully planning every moment of every day. But for all my efforts --like the dinner schedule, the pajama rotation, my bowel movement spreadsheet -- it"s clear now, I"m wasting my time. 我用了一生时间精心安排我每天该做什么就是想要给这个世界带来秩序。而我所有的努力-我的晚餐安排,我的睡衣轮换制,我的排便情况试算表--现在我算明白了,我一直在浪费时间。 "s 93. She won"t be disappointed for long. 她都九十三岁了。也失望不了几年了。 34.I am a man of science, not someone"s snuggle bunny. 我是个搞科研的人,不是某人的抱抱兔。 e"s a bird outside the window, and he won"t go away. That is the hell that is going on. 窗户外面有只鸟,死活不肯走。弄得我跟人间炼狱似的。 生活大爆炸语录 "s called ornithophobia, and someday it will be recognized as a true disability, and then the landlord will be required by law to put a giant over the building. Which is unfortunate because I have a fear of s. 这叫恐鸟症。而且总有一天,恐鸟症会被视为一种残疾,房东必须按照法律规定给这栋楼加一张大网。到时就悲剧了,因为我还怕网。 ingbirds are the vampires of the flower world. 蜂鸟是鲜花界的吸血鬼。 38.I"m in the Matrix, Leonard. I see everything. 我在矩阵里,莱纳德,我什么都看得见。 39. What sight is better than your little boy embarrassing a Nobel laureate? 有什么景色能与你儿子让诺贝尔奖得主颜面扫地相媲美呢? you trying to suggest that my emotional problems are no different than those of a stupid person? 你是说我的情绪问题跟那些 *** 没什么两样吗? "s not suspicious that I"m fixating – it"s consistent with my personality. 我锲而不舍没什么奇怪的-我个性向来坚持不懈。 42.I tried to scare an Indian with a snake. Come on Cooper, you"re better than this! 我居然想用蛇来吓唬印度佬。加油啊,库珀,你就那么点能耐吗。 生活大爆炸台词对白 , if it"s any help, I"ve read all the great moral philosophers, including Dr. Seuss. 如果需要帮忙的话,我读过各种伦理学家的著作,包括苏斯博士(美国著名作家及漫画家、以儿童书出名)的书哦。 44. I"ve prepared a number of topics that should appeal to the advanced and novice conversationalist. 我准备了一些应该能同时吸引高阶谈天霸与低档聊天人的话题。 45. I trusted you with my email address and you betrayed that trust by sending me Inter b *** ities -- Strike One. Touching my food -- Strike Two. 我信任你才给你邮箱地址,你却给我发些网络俗物:一振。碰我的吃的:二振。 tings, Hamburger Toucher. You are probably wondering why you cannot IM with your little friends about how much you "heart" various things. 你好,汉堡亵渎者。可能你很纳闷咋不能和你的密友们网聊了呢,无法倾诉你多么"心水"啥啥啥了。 47.I really don"t think this is the kind of thing Jesus concerns himself with. 我不认为耶稣会管这等闲事。 48. I"m not insane -- my mother had me tested. 我一点不疯。我妈早就带我去测试过了。 49. I never eat in strange restaurants. One runs the risk of non-standard cutlery.... Three tines is not a fork. Three tines is a trident. Forks are for eating, tridents are for ruling the Seven Seas. 我从不去陌生的餐厅吃饭。指不定就用那些不标准的餐具了...三个分叉的根本不能叫叉子。那叫三叉戟。叉是用来吃东西的,而三叉戟是用来统治七海的(海神手中的三叉戟)。 50. Oh, I"m sorry. Did I insult you? Is your body mass somehow tied into your self worth? 哦,对不起。我有冒犯你吗?你的体重跟自我价值有关系? 生活大爆炸经典的话   《生活大爆炸》剧情介绍/简介 《生活大爆炸》是由查克·洛尔和比尔·普拉迪创作的一出美国情景喜剧,在2007年9月24日由哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)推出。此剧由华纳兄弟电视公司和查克·洛尔制片公司共同制作,讲述的是一个美女和四个科学家的故事,2011年续拍第五季。2009年8月,该剧赢得了电视评论协会(TCA)最佳喜剧系列奖,吉姆·帕森斯亦赢得了喜剧类的个人奖项。 Sheldon和Leonard 是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,他们精通量子物理学理论,熟悉各领域问题。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气——生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩Penny ,顿时吸引了Leonard的目光。Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功,平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与Leonard、Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人。最重要的是——她刚刚变成单身。 Leonard和Sheldon还有两个好朋友。自认为是 *** 的Howard Wolowitz,他称自是加州理工学院的“卡萨诺瓦“(1725-1798,意大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的《自传》而著称,后来该词被引申为“风流浪子,好色之徒“),能用六种语言泡妞,参与负责美国的火星探索计划(喜欢邀请看上的女孩去火星兜风,也因此在第二季引发一场事故,遗憾地与“火星生命发现者”的称号失之交臂),其实Howard不过是个喜欢拿一些过时的手段把妹的家伙,很多时候他的把妹手法都让对方感到恶心。 来自印度的Rajesh Koothrappali 患有严重的“与异 *** 往障碍症”,有异性在场的时候他就无法说话,只有在喝醉以后才能自在地与女孩交流。一个美女和四个科学阿宅的故事就这样在笑声中悄然开始上演。 生活大爆炸经典的句子 故事中的谢耳朵是名副其实的“室友终结者”,虽然有高达187的智商,但在社交方面却是 *** 中的 *** ,他的各种怪癖不断的为其他四名主角制造难题。莱纳德在四大宅男中算是最接近正常人的一个,他的好脾气让他能够和谢耳朵共居一室,还与佩妮发展出过一段恋情。金发美女佩妮一直梦想着要成为一个演员,但她和大部分追梦失败的女孩一样,在一家餐厅当女招待。霍华德自以为是一个浪漫多情讨人喜欢的人,看到漂亮的女人就忍不住要搭讪,但往往讨来的都是白眼。拉杰是一名印度移民,他患有“看到女孩就害羞得不能说话”综合症,酒精能够暂时缓解症状,但无法根治。


  Baby Geniuses Script  He"s out.  - What do you mean, he"s out?  - Sylvester. He"s escaped.  Impossible.  Maximum alert.  - Damn it.  - He"s been spotted on the mezzanine.  Secure outer perimeters!  Alert topside!  Initiate probers! Move!  He"s exiting the building!  Move out!  There he is!  Nail him!  He"s heading for the maze!  We"ve got him!  Cut him off!  Toward the fountain!  There he goes!  He"s headed back!  Coming back toward the fountain!  He"s approaching the fountain!  Seal him off!  We"ve got him.  Be careful, if he"s dangerous!  There"s nowhere to go, Sly!  Give it up!  Security, go.  The rest of you, come with me.  Check the perimeters.  Nice try, pal.  Take him.  Stop him!  That"ll be quite enough, Sylvester.  There you are, Doc.  He nearly made it this time.  Tomorrow you will explain  how a mere toddler manages to escape...  from a laboratory  stories below ground.  What kind of kids you breedin"?  Nearly blew us away with karate.  Remarkable.  Once again we demonstrate  the superiority of the Kinder method.  Take him to the secret lab.  Analyzing voiceprint.  Review project in summary form.  Twincomp is designed  to prove the superiority...  of the Kinder method of child rearing.  To accomplish this, two years ago  twin brothers Sylvester and Whit...  were born to a specially selected  surrogate mother.  Director of Operations  Dr. Elena Kinder...  then arranged for baby Whit to be  adopted into the home of her niece...  and her niece"s husband,  Dr. Dan Bobbins.  Baby Sly was placed in  the Babyco Hyperdevelopmental Habitat...  to be raised under the guidance  of the Kinder method.  Summarize operational protocol.  It is imperative for the integrity  of this experiment...  that no one ever discover  that Sly and Whit are twins...  especially the boys themselves.  A comparative evaluation of the boys  will occur by age ...  to establish conclusively  the superiority of the Kinder method.  Updating experiment log.  Last night Baby Sylvester made his way  up stories undetected...  escaping from his habitat in the lab.  Even though it now appears  that Baby Sly cannot be controlled...  I"m sure Dr. Kinder will be pleased by  this display of skill and intelligence.  I, however, remain apprehensive.  Under the guidance of its chairman,  Dr. Elena Kinder...  Baby Geniuses Inc.  and its parent company Babyco...  are the world"s largest manufacturer  of products for the baby.  Babyco is also  a vital charitable organization...  which sponsors orphanages  in ten countries around the globe...  the latest one dedicated just a week ago  right here in Pasadena.  Today we are deeper  in Dr. Kinder"s debt...  for the great gift to our community...  Joyworld, the world"s largest  indoor amusement park.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you  the founder and CEO of Babyco...  my friend, Dr. Elena Kinder.  Thank you. Thank you.  I"m gonna break out.  You can"t get hives just because  your aunt comes into the room.  I can"t help it.  She starts lying, I start breaking out.  Ladies and gentlemen,  thank you all for coming here today.  We at Babyco believe that babies  have a language of their own...  and we"re dedicated to proving it.  Our research in infant potentiality...  is the model of the field...  but, in the final analysis...  the simple answer as to  why we do what we do is...  we love babies.  "Loves babies."  Loves money.  All right, ladies and gentlemen,  let"s have a party.  Welcome to Joyworld.  The park, of course,  will be free for all children...  but the monies we collect from adults  will go to...  the Babyco  Worldwide Orphanage Foundation.  Is this a terrific lady, or what?  This is great. She does a lot of good.  You gotta admit that.  She"s good at stealing your ideas.  That"s what she"s good at.  Attention!  Has anyone lost a baby?  A very big baby?  Ladies and gentlemen, Baby Bunting!  That looks exactly like  your illustration.  That looks like Boo-Boo Boy  from chapter two of Baby"s Good Day.  Baby Bunting came into this world  just last week.  Everything is fully controlled...  by our computerized command center.  Hiya, fellas!  Go to crossover mode.  Okay, Richard,  give me Baby Bunting vocal.  - What"s your name, little girl?  - My name is Erin.  Oh, what a sweet name.  Give Baby Bunting a big hug.  And cue burp now.  Well, think about changing his diaper.  Come on, honey, this way.  Kids! Good news!  Robotic Santa and the robotic elves  are waiting to greet you...  at the robotic North Pole.  In fact, we have robotic entertainers  located throughout the park...  all controlled  from our central command center.  Let"s cue up for Robo-Zoo.  And here we have the world"s  most unique animal farm.  We call it Robo-Zoo.  Each child gets a remote control...  so they can control  their own robotic animal.  Doctor, why wouldn"t you have  real animals in your zoo?  Good heavens!  Anybody could do that!  A plastic zoo.  That"s definitely Aunt Elena"s idea.  At least she could"ve introduced you.  She steals from your book.  She steals from your research.  I"m flattered.  She knows you"re about to make  a breakthrough in infant prelanguage.  She"ll probably try to steal that too.  She"s not Attila the Hun.  Honey, we"re barely able to afford  your research facility...  not to mention  the nursery and preschool.  She does this all the time.  It"s just not right.  - I think she"s just goal-oriented.  - Her goal is to take over the world.  Believe me, I know. I"ve lived with her  for more than half my life.  And look how great you turned out.  Lenny?  Lenny!  Where are you going  with those children?  What children?  These are plumbers.  They"re gonna help me fix  the kitchen sink. Good luck kiss.  With this house,  you need more than luck.  Let"s get to work.  Just as you thought.  The baby girl"s line  of expandable infant clothing...  has elicited a tremendous response  in our first research pass.  Huge numbers from Kmart and Wal-Mart  shoppers, where penetration is weakest.  That should increase our market share  dramatically. Put it in production.  Heep, of the new ones,  how many possibles?  - Eight show potential.  - Eight out of five hundred?  Elena, statistically, genius occurs once  in individuals.  We expected to discover only five  geniuses from the Pasadena orphanage.  We"ve got eight.  Don"t tell me  how well we"re doing.  Our orphanages and secret labs  are costing us million a year.  The sole purpose of these orphanages...  is to allow us to cull out  the geniuses, the natural leaders.  - We"ll do better.  - I"ll settle for more like Sylvester.  Look what he did last night.  All our emphasis has been on keeping  the world out of the secret lab.  No one ever considered the possibility  of a baby escaping.  Just look at this wonderful world we"ve  created for our babies to grow up in.  Why would anyone  want to escape from here?  The one who did is in the work station,  no doubt planning his next escape.  Hello, Sylvester. Hi.  - What"s he constructing?  - We don"t know.  He does all kinds  of extraordinary things.  Yeah, for all kinds  of extraordinary purposes.  Just look at that intensity.  There"s no other baby like Sylvester.  - Well, maybe one.  - His twin, Whit?  Mayday! Mayday!  Whitley, where is helper number one?  Give me the lug wrench!  Whit, hurry up! Go!  On the double!  Uh-oh.  Listen, you monkey!  This is a monkey wrench.  Plumber"s helper number one,  you"re fired. Get out of town.  What is that terrible noise?  Noise to us.  But we"ve had the computers  analyzing every possible permutation.  What we hear as incoherent noise  may actually be a musical masterpiece.  Listen to our computer"s interpretation  of Basil"s playing.  That"s remarkable.  It has all the complexities  of a symphony by Haydn or Beethoven.  If that"s the case, it"s possible  that what we hear as baby talk...  is actually conversation.  Exactly.  And look at this.  A child writing on a pad, right?  No.  After checking  several hundred languages...  we found out they"re writing the ancient  and forgotten language of cuneiform.  Not only do these babies speak their own  language, they understand all others.  Now watch this.  Subject one speaks...  and we immediately see activity  here in the lower limbic region...  while subject two, as he listens...  is active in the forebrain.  There"s no doubt they are conversing.  We just don"t understand them.  The instant a child begins to speak  in any known language...  the limbic activity ceases.  - As though they forget.  - Exactly. Bobbins was right.  What if the limbic activity  is not merely speech?  What if it"s stored knowledge  from an early parent gene pool?  Passed from generation to generation.  Amazing!  Every baby might know  the secrets of the universe.  - This would be a great breakthrough.  - And revolutionize the human map.  If we find the key to the human mind...  every child will be educated  in the Kinder method.  Every great mind will be ours to mold.  Let"s get them all  into the amphitheater.  Hello, my little baby geniuses.  What are we discussing today, hmm?  Could it be  postmodern ethical construction?  How about...  the mechanics of human knowledge?  My little Sly one.  Ah, Sly, tell me...  what are you thinking, huh?  Come on.  You can look at me.  What are you thinking?  What are you saying?  Enlighten me, my little Einstein.  What do you think?  Should I enlighten her?  She won"t understand.  She doesn"t speak our language,  but go ahead, have fun.  Lead us through the wilderness,  my little warrior.  All right, all right, that does it.  Listen, Doc, if you"re gonna talk  out of your ass all the time...  maybe you should wear a bow tie  on your butt.  Bow tie on her butt?  On her butt?  That"s disgusting, Sylvester.  Huh.  You may think because I don"t  understand what you"re saying...  that I don"t understand  what"s going on.  Don"t be too sure about that, honey.  Yeah, right.  And don"t call me honey.  Okay, Sly-man: one.  Dr. Kinder: zip.  - You"re always busting her chops.  - Are you kidding?  Give me a break.  She"s Darth Vader in a skirt.  Dr. Kinder"s our benefactor.  Because of her there will be  a new order, and we will be its leaders.  Don"t have a cow, Basil.  Why do you talk like that?  Your syntax is atrocious.  It"s because he watches television  all the time.  How does he do that?  He converts the monitors.  You oughta all watch TV, check out  the real world, like Jerry Springer...  and have fun.  This is exactly what Dr. Kinder  is trying to overcome.  Moral decay.  Now you sound like Heep.  "Discipline, discipline, discipline.  Reward and deprive.  Give the babies a crumb,  take it away.  Like Pavlov"s dogs...  hold up the bone, th


NORAD HQ: Sand Bravo, we"re reading 70 bogeys in your sector, please verify.Nome AFB: Very funny, Station. That"s a big negative, over.(In background): Yeah, it might be a glitch on one of the ACS modules-NORAD HQ: Sand Bravo, be advised, running diagnostics to scan for malfunction.Nome AFB: The skies are clear, Station. You got yourself some phantom dots. Over.Another large group over the Pacific near the West Coast.NORAD HQ: Zulu X-Ray 6. Signs in your sector of some 100 bogeys, please advise.Vandenberg AFB: Negatory, Station. Scope is clear. I dunno what to tell ya. Solar interference? Heavy sunspot activity today.NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta, uh... we may have a minor ACS fault here. Do you have anything on your scope?Air Traffic Controller: They"re everywhere!NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta, repeat!Air Traffic Controller: I"m lookin" at fighter jets over I -95! How the hell did they get through?NORAD HQ: Standby! Attempting to contact the nearest unit in that sector.Sgt. Foley: I read you. This is First Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Sergeant Foley, acting commander of Hunter Two-One. Do you copy, over?NORAD HQ: All stations, be advised - satellite surveillance has been disabled. SOSUS and PAVE PAWS arrays are inoperative at this time.["Wolverines!"][Day 4 - 17:45:34][Pvt. James Ramirez][1st Bn., 75th Ranger Regiment][Northeastern Virginia, U.S.A.]Radio: The Russians have everything east of I-95! My sector"s gonna fall within the hour! We"ve lost contact with (unintelligible), where"s the air support!? Tell (unintelligible) prepare to engage! Enemy paratroopers are infiltrating our position. We are cut off, I repeat, we are cut off! Sierra, look out! Drop that 1000mm mortar on the red smoke, now! Get "em out of here, get your Harriers to take out the interchange at I-495 and US-50!Sgt. Foley: We got a BTR! Get out, get out!Sgt. Foley: Team, this way! Let"s go let"s go!Sgt. Foley: Overlord, this is Hunter 2-1 requesting air support, over!Overlord: Hunter 2-1, all air support is already engaged. Additional ground support is en route to your position but has encountered heavy resistance, over.Sgt. Foley: Roger that Overlord. Be advised, we"ve encountered enemy armor and are proceeding on foot, over.Overlord: Overlord copies all. Good luck. Out.Cpl. Dunn: Sarge, did HQ just tell us to go "F" ourselves?Sgt. Foley: Pretty much, Corporal! I got a fix on Raptor! 300 meters to the east!Cpl. Dunn: Roger That.Sgt. Foley: Hold your fire! Don"t engage the BTR - they haven"t acquired us! Hang right and stay behind it!Sgt. Foley: I got a visual on smoke coming from the crash site. That"s where Raptor went down!Sgt. Foley: We"re spotted! Ramirez - use your smoke grenades! Dunn, Morgan - cover him! Throw a smoke grenade on that BTR!Sgt. Foley: Use the cover of the smoke to run past the BTR into the alley!Sgt. Foley: Ramirez! Come to the alley!Sgt. Foley: Incoming! Truck 12 o" clock!Sgt. Foley: On me! Go! Go! Go!Sgt. Foley: Ramirez! we"re at the crash site, Get over here!Sgt. Foley: The crash site is just at the North of Nate"s Restaurant!Sgt. Foley: Private! Gimme a sitrep! Where"s Raptor?Pvt. Wells: We moved him to the meat locker, it"s practically bulletproof!Sgt. Foley: What"s his status?Pvt. Wells: He"s still unconscious, you got a medic?Sgt. Foley: Corporal Dunn, check it out! What else?Pvt. Wells: We got a supply drop on the roof with a M-5 sentry gun!Sgt. Foley: Ramirez - get to the roof and check out the supply drop!Sgt. Foley: What about anti-tank weapons? Air support?Pvt. Wells: We"re all out.Sgt. Foley: Heads up ladies, we got trucks to the south.Cpl. Dunn: They"re using smoke to cover their advance!Sgt. Foley: Squad, this is Hunter 2-1 Actual. Switch to thermal optics if you got em. Incoming from the south! Two dozen plus foot mobiles!Sgt. Foley: Tangos on the roof behind us!Cpl. Dunn: Incoming, north side!Sgt. Foley: Roger that!Cpl. Dunn: Contact to the north!Sgt. Foley: Team, we got contacts to the north! Team, shift your fire north!Cpl. Dunn: They"re layin" down a smokescreen to the north.Sgt. Foley: Roger. Switch the thermal if you got it.Sgt. Foley: Our perimeter is breached! Enemies on the roof!; Contact! Hostiles on the roof! Inside our perimeter!; Squad! Hostiles on the roof! Turn around!; Tangos on the roof behind us!Sgt. Foley: Looks like Ivan"s had enough. Corporal Dunn, gimme a sitrep on Raptor, over.Cpl. Dunn: Raptor is secure and stable.Sgt. Foley: Roger that. Everyone check your weapons and ammo. They"ll be back. Two-One-Delta, be advised, two BTRs coming in from the north.Cpl. Dunn: Roger that.Cpl. Dunn: What the hell was that?!Sgt. Foley: Get off the roof!; Get off the roof, now!; Ramirez! Get the ... off the roof!Cpl. Dunn: I have a visual on an enemy UAV operator remote-piloting those missiles! He"s inside that diner to the west, over!Sgt. Foley: Ramirez! Get over there, and kill that SOB! I"m sending part of the squad to help you out! Go!Sgt. Foley: Get down! One of the BTRs has a visual on you!Sgt. Foley: Get behind something solid! That BTRs got you in his sights!Cpl. Dunn: Incoming! Back door!Cpl. Dunn: Ramirez - get the control rig for the UAV!Sgt. Foley: Ramirez, neutralize that enemy armor.Sgt. Foley: Good effect on target. That"s a kill. One more to go.Sgt. Foley: Nice work team. Regroup over here.Sgt. Foley: Enemy fast movers! Take cover!Cpl. Dunn: Two-One-Actual you still there?Sgt. Foley: (coughs) Roger that. Everyone listen up - new plan. Ramirez! Take your team and secure Burger Town! We"re gonna move Raptor over there! This location has been compromised! Everyone else listen up! We"re moving Raptor ASAP! Stack up by the south entrance of Nate"s! We need to get the hell out of this building before those fast movers make another pass.Sgt. Foley: Ramirez! We still got hostiles near the Burger Town, we have to move!Sgt. Foley: Squad be advised, we"re gonna move Raptor from Nate"s to the Burger Town as a group! On three! One! Two! Three! Go go go!Sgt. Foley: Team, this way! Let"s go let"s go! Keep these guys off me!Cpl. Dunn: Tango down.Sgt. Foley: Squad, I"ve made it to the Burger Town meat locker. Raptor is inside and secure. The door is shut - you guys keep Ivan out. Friendly convoy is oscar mike.Overlord: Be advised, Hunter 2-1, you have an enemy patrol by that bank to the north, over.; Hunter 2-1, fifteen-plus tangos approaching near the diner to the west, over.Sgt. Foley: Ramirez, we got hostiles! Use your Predator Drone control rig to protect Raptor.Overlord: Five plus confirmed kills. Nice work, Hunter two one.; Hunter two one, that"s another five plus confirmed.; Good hit. More than five KIAs.Overlord: Ten plus KIAs. Good hit. Good hit.; Oh, man, that"s another ten plus confirmed, Hunter two one. Good shootin"; That"s gotta be at least five... no, ten plus KIAs.; Oh man. That"s at least ten more confirms Hunter Two-One. Good shooting. That"s a direct hit hunter two one. Keep up the fire.; He"s down.Ranger: Someone just took out our Predator! Be advised, the Predator is offline! I repeat, the Predator is offline!Overlord: AGM"s are offline; UAV"s are Offline.Overlord: Hunter 2-1 this is Overlord. We got a visual on a pair of enemy attack helicopters headed for your area, over.Sgt. Foley: Solid copy, Overlord. Team! Take down that helicopter! Go! Team! I saw a stinger missile in that diner to the west!Sgt. Foley: Nice work! That heli is down.Overlord: Hunter 2-1, Goliath One has a visual on a hostile patrol coming from the southeast, over. Hunter 2-1, relay from Goliath One: you got an enemy helicopter loaded for bear approaching your area, over.Cpl. Dunn: Eyes up! Enemy gunship comin" in hot!Sgt. Foley: The second helo just showed up! Take it down! Team! I saw a couple of Stingers on the roof of Nate"s!Sgt. Foley: The convoy"s here! Everyone on me! We"re getting the hell outta here! Let"s go, let"s go! Ramirez! The convoy is just to the south of Burger Town, get your ass over here! Move!Cpl. Dunn: Ramirez! We gotta get to the convoy!Overlord: Hunter 2-1, this is Overlord, gimme a sitrep, over.Sgt. Foley: Overlord, Hunter 2-1. Be advised: precious cargo is secure, repeat, precious cargo is secure. We"re oscar mike.Overlord: Overlord copies all. Good job. Out.Sgt. Foley: Squad, we still got 2,000 civvies in Arcadia. If you got a family there, it"s your lucky day - we"re gonna go save their lives!

《生活大爆炸》经典台词 Bazinga!逗你玩儿!

美剧《生活大爆炸》一定陪伴了很多小伙伴的青春,如今生活大爆炸已经快要大结局了,谢耳朵与Amy的结婚照也已经曝光了,那么你还记得其中有多少经典台词呢?我为大家整理了50句生活大爆炸经典台词,一起来看看吧。 生活大爆炸经典台词 1. I don"t need sleep, I need answers. I need to determine where, in this swamp of unbalanced formulas, squatteth the toad of truth. 我不需要睡眠,我需要答案。我要找出在这个充满不平衡方程的沼泽中是什么阻碍了真理的蛤蟆。 2.I"ve lived up to my mitments under the agreement. At least once a day I ask how you are, even though I simply don"t care. I no longer stage spontaneous biohazard drills after 10 pm, and I abandoned my goal to master Tuvan throat singing. 我一直遵守着协议里的所有义务。每天至少问候你一次,即使我一点都不在意。我没有在晚上十点后进行生物危害演习了,我也放弃学习图瓦喉唱了。 3. Oh, I don"t want to know that! How can I possibly discuss with Stan Lee the scientific foundation for interstellar flight on a silver surfboard when part of my brain will be scanning his face for signs of a contagious skin disease? 你告诉我这些干嘛啊你。这下好了,我怎么可能一边和斯坦.李讨论用银质冲浪板来星际飞行的科学依据,一边逐行扫描他的脸以寻找皮肤传染病的蛛丝马迹。 4.I don"t trust banks. I believe that when the robots rise up, ATM"s will lead the charge. 鬼才相信银行。我坚信如果有一天机器人奋起反抗了,自动取款机肯定是起义军领袖。 5. Oh, no. A Godzilla-like monster is approaching the city. I have to get my people to safety. “People of Sheldonopolis, this is your mayor. Follow me. If the children can"t run, leave them behind!” Oh, the simulated horror! 不会吧。一个类似哥斯拉的怪物正在接近城市。我得把我的市民转移到安全区。“谢尔顿奥波利斯的市民们,我是你们的市长。跟着我。小孩子要是跑不了就别管他们了。”哦呦妈呀,模拟恐怖效果贼棒! 6. There isn"t enough chamomile tea in the world to quell the rage in my heart. 即使饮尽全世界的黄春菊茶【能稳定情绪】,也不能平息我心中的怒火。 are winged fury! Which is still no excuse for going over the posted speed limit. 我们的愤怒张开双翅!即使这样还是没有任何理由超过高速公路的速度限制标准。 生活大爆炸 you don"t mind, I"d like to stop listening to you and start talking. 你不介意的话,我想停止听你说话,开始发言。 at you, getting me to engage in the social sciences. You"re a vixen, Amy Farrah Fowler. 看看你,居然让我开始研究社会科学了。你真坏,艾米.费拉.福勒。 did not “break up” with Joyce Kim. She defected to North Korea. 你没有与乔伊斯·金“分手”。她叛逃到北韩。 11、Ah gravity, thou are a heartless bitch. 啊,地心引力,你是一个无情无义的 *** 。 e wouldn"t have been any ass kickings if that stupid death ray had worked. 如果那该死的死亡放射线能用我就不会挨打了。 13. If the correct way to do it is the wrong way, then I yield. 如果胡来才是正确的方法的话,那我闭嘴。 14. Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock *** ashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors. 谢耳朵:剪刀剪纸,纸包石头,石头砸蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死斯巴克,斯巴克击碎剪刀,剪刀砍断蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃了纸,纸反驳斯巴克,斯巴克蒸发石头,最后就是一直都那样的,石头硌坏剪子。 生活大爆炸经典语录 15、Howard is teaching Sheldon Chinese. Howard: You know, I"m really glad you decided to learn Mandarin. Sheldon: Why?Howard: Once you"re fluent, you"ll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me. 霍华德:话说,你终于要学普通话了我还真高兴。 谢耳朵:为嘛? 霍华德:等你说顺溜了,有十多亿中国人民等着你去烦,你就不用来烦我了。 16.I love Strawberry Quik! It"s my favorite pink fluid, narrowly beating out Pepto Bi *** ol. 我超爱草莓速溶奶!我最喜欢的粉色液体,比佩托比斯摩(粉色液体胃药)略胜一筹。 17. The need to find another human being to share one"s life with has always puzzled me. Maybe because I"m so interesting all by myself. With that being said, may you find as much happiness with each other as I find on my own. 人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类共度一生的事,我一直无法理解。或许我自己太有意思,无需他人陪伴。所以,我祝福你们在对方身上得到的快乐与我给自己的一样多 18. Aah! A vintage mint-in-the-box, 1975 Mego Star Trek Transporter with Real Transporter Action! Hot darn! 啊!未拆封的经典,1975年米果公司出产的星际迷航传送机,还会有真实的传送特效!帅爆了! . That"s what I always thought 1975 *** elled like. 哦。跟我想象中的1975年的味道一样。 aps you should look with your eyes and not your muscular Nebraska man hands. 你光用眼睛看就行了,把你那肌肉发达的汉子手拿开。 is Steven Hawking! Perhaps my only intellectual equal! 这可是史蒂芬.霍金啊!也许是唯一一个和我智商相当的人。 生活大爆炸经典对白 and put yourself in my place. Imagine you"re the sole human being living on a pla populated with nothing but dogs and then it turns out, there"s another human being. 你设身处地地替我想想。假设你的星球都是狗狗而你是唯一一个人类,然后突然发现这星球上还有一个人类。 contraire. When I correct people, I"m raising them up. You should know. I do it for you more than anyone. 正相反。当我纠正别人时,我是让他们更进一步。你应该最懂了,你可是深得我恩惠。 we squeeze you any tighter you might turn into a diamond. 再继续挤下去,你就能变成钻石(钻石的形成需要高压推挤)了。 25.I understand the confusion. I never said that you are not good at what you do. It"s just that what you do is not worth doing. 我理解你的困惑。我从未说过你工作不称职。我是说你的工作没价值。 26.I wish you all could be inside my head. The conversation is sparkling. 真希望你们能听到我的心声。我脑中的对白简直是异彩纷呈。 I am to participate in the social convention that is the stag night, then I must embrace all its ponents including tobacco, swear words, and yes – alcohol. Jeepers – that"s yucky! 如果我要参与进这种社会习俗,也就是这个单身派对,我就得接受所有的东西,包括香菸,脏话,当然还有酒。亲娘咧,太难喝了! 28. As you know, the essence of diplomacy is promise. With that in mind I propose the following: I will take Rothman"s office and you will find a way to be okay with that. 众所周知,外交的本质就是妥协。以该本质为指导思想,我提出如下建议:罗斯曼的办公室归我,你一边哭去吧。 生活大爆炸台词 29.I"m trying to raise the temperature in here before my nipples rip through my shirt. 我在努力提升这屋的温度,太凉了,我激凸得都要扎破衬衫了。 gravel monkeys! If you need to shake rocks, try jiggling your heads around! 嘿,你们这些石猴子!想筛石头直接用自己脑袋摇着筛吧! do men"s and women"s hair in the same room at the same time. It"s like Sodom and Gomorrah with mousse. 那里无论男人还是女人都坐在同一个房间里一块剪。那简直就像是带有摩丝的罪恶之城。 32.I have spent my whole life trying to bring order to the universe by carefully planning every moment of every day. But for all my efforts --like the dinner schedule, the pajama rotation, my bowel movement spreadsheet -- it"s clear now, I"m wasting my time. 我用了一生时间精心安排我每天该做什么就是想要给这个世界带来秩序。而我所有的努力-我的晚餐安排,我的睡衣轮换制,我的排便情况试算表--现在我算明白了,我一直在浪费时间。 "s 93. She won"t be disappointed for long. 她都九十三岁了。也失望不了几年了。 34.I am a man of science, not someone"s snuggle bunny. 我是个搞科研的人,不是某人的抱抱兔。 e"s a bird outside the window, and he won"t go away. That is the hell that is going on. 窗户外面有只鸟,死活不肯走。弄得我跟人间炼狱似的。 生活大爆炸语录 "s called ornithophobia, and someday it will be recognized as a true disability, and then the landlord will be required by law to put a giant over the building. Which is unfortunate because I have a fear of s. 这叫恐鸟症。而且总有一天,恐鸟症会被视为一种残疾,房东必须按照法律规定给这栋楼加一张大网。到时就悲剧了,因为我还怕网。 ingbirds are the vampires of the flower world. 蜂鸟是鲜花界的吸血鬼。 38.I"m in the Matrix, Leonard. I see everything. 我在矩阵里,莱纳德,我什么都看得见。 39. What sight is better than your little boy embarrassing a Nobel laureate? 有什么景色能与你儿子让诺贝尔奖得主颜面扫地相媲美呢? you trying to suggest that my emotional problems are no different than those of a stupid person? 你是说我的情绪问题跟那些 *** 没什么两样吗? "s not suspicious that I"m fixating – it"s consistent with my personality. 我锲而不舍没什么奇怪的-我个性向来坚持不懈。 42.I tried to scare an Indian with a snake. Come on Cooper, you"re better than this! 我居然想用蛇来吓唬印度佬。加油啊,库珀,你就那么点能耐吗。 生活大爆炸台词对白 , if it"s any help, I"ve read all the great moral philosophers, including Dr. Seuss. 如果需要帮忙的话,我读过各种伦理学家的著作,包括苏斯博士(美国著名作家及漫画家、以儿童书出名)的书哦。 44. I"ve prepared a number of topics that should appeal to the advanced and novice conversationalist. 我准备了一些应该能同时吸引高阶谈天霸与低档聊天人的话题。 45. I trusted you with my email address and you betrayed that trust by sending me Inter b *** ities -- Strike One. Touching my food -- Strike Two. 我信任你才给你邮箱地址,你却给我发些网络俗物:一振。碰我的吃的:二振。 tings, Hamburger Toucher. You are probably wondering why you cannot IM with your little friends about how much you "heart" various things. 你好,汉堡亵渎者。可能你很纳闷咋不能和你的密友们网聊了呢,无法倾诉你多么"心水"啥啥啥了。 47.I really don"t think this is the kind of thing Jesus concerns himself with. 我不认为耶稣会管这等闲事。 48. I"m not insane -- my mother had me tested. 我一点不疯。我妈早就带我去测试过了。 49. I never eat in strange restaurants. One runs the risk of non-standard cutlery.... Three tines is not a fork. Three tines is a trident. Forks are for eating, tridents are for ruling the Seven Seas. 我从不去陌生的餐厅吃饭。指不定就用那些不标准的餐具了...三个分叉的根本不能叫叉子。那叫三叉戟。叉是用来吃东西的,而三叉戟是用来统治七海的(海神手中的三叉戟)。 50. Oh, I"m sorry. Did I insult you? Is your body mass somehow tied into your self worth? 哦,对不起。我有冒犯你吗?你的体重跟自我价值有关系? 生活大爆炸经典的话   《生活大爆炸》剧情介绍/简介 《生活大爆炸》是由查克·洛尔和比尔·普拉迪创作的一出美国情景喜剧,在2007年9月24日由哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)推出。此剧由华纳兄弟电视公司和查克·洛尔制片公司共同制作,讲述的是一个美女和四个科学家的故事,2011年续拍第五季。2009年8月,该剧赢得了电视评论协会(TCA)最佳喜剧系列奖,吉姆·帕森斯亦赢得了喜剧类的个人奖项。 Sheldon和Leonard 是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,他们精通量子物理学理论,熟悉各领域问题。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气——生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩Penny ,顿时吸引了Leonard的目光。Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功,平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与Leonard、Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人。最重要的是——她刚刚变成单身。 Leonard和Sheldon还有两个好朋友。自认为是 *** 的Howard Wolowitz,他称自是加州理工学院的“卡萨诺瓦“(1725-1798,意大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的《自传》而著称,后来该词被引申为“风流浪子,好色之徒“),能用六种语言泡妞,参与负责美国的火星探索计划(喜欢邀请看上的女孩去火星兜风,也因此在第二季引发一场事故,遗憾地与“火星生命发现者”的称号失之交臂),其实Howard不过是个喜欢拿一些过时的手段把妹的家伙,很多时候他的把妹手法都让对方感到恶心。 来自印度的Rajesh Koothrappali 患有严重的“与异 *** 往障碍症”,有异性在场的时候他就无法说话,只有在喝醉以后才能自在地与女孩交流。一个美女和四个科学阿宅的故事就这样在笑声中悄然开始上演。 生活大爆炸经典的句子 故事中的谢耳朵是名副其实的“室友终结者”,虽然有高达187的智商,但在社交方面却是 *** 中的 *** ,他的各种怪癖不断的为其他四名主角制造难题。莱纳德在四大宅男中算是最接近正常人的一个,他的好脾气让他能够和谢耳朵共居一室,还与佩妮发展出过一段恋情。金发美女佩妮一直梦想着要成为一个演员,但她和大部分追梦失败的女孩一样,在一家餐厅当女招待。霍华德自以为是一个浪漫多情讨人喜欢的人,看到漂亮的女人就忍不住要搭讪,但往往讨来的都是白眼。拉杰是一名印度移民,他患有“看到女孩就害羞得不能说话”综合症,酒精能够暂时缓解症状,但无法根治。


   《傲慢与偏见》影片各部分英文 经典台词 对白     雨中:   Darcy:   Miss Elizabeth. l have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer.   These past months have been a torment. l came to Rosings only to see you.   l have fought against judgement, my family"s expectation, the inferiority of your birth, my rank.   l will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.   Lizzie: l don"t understand.   Darcy: love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honour of accepting my and.   Lizzie: Sir, l appreciate the struggle you have been through, and l am very sorry to have caused your pain, it was unconsciously done.   Darcy: Is that your reply?   Lizzie: Yes, sir.   Darcy: Are you laughing at me?   Lizzie: No.   Are you rejecting me?   I"m sure the feelings which hindered your regard will help you overcome it.   Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed?   I might enquire why you told me you liked me against your better judgement?If I was uncivil,then that is some excuse.But you know I have other reasons   What reasons?.   Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined the happiness of a most beloved sister?.Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other,exposing your friend to censure for caprice and my sister to derision for disappointed hopes,involving them both in acute misery?.   I do not deny it.   How could you do it?.   I believed your sister indifferent to him.I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.   She"s shy!   Bingley was persuaded she didn"t feel strongly.   You suggested it.   For his own good.   My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me.   I suppose his fortune had some bearing?.   I wouldn"t do your sister the dishonour.It was suggested...   What was?.   It was clear an advantageous marriage...   Did my sister give that impression?.   No!   No. There was, however, your family...   Our want of connection?.   No, it was more than that.   How, sir?.   The lack of propriety shown by your mother, younger sisters and your father.Forgive me. You and your sister I must exclude from this.   And what about Mr Wickham?.   Mr Wickham?.   What excuse can you give for your behaviour?.   You take an eager interest.   He told me of his misfortunes.   Oh, they have been great.   You ruin his chances,yet treat him with sarcasm.   So this is your opinion of me?.   Thank you. Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt by my scruples about our relationship.I am to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?.   And those are the words of a gentleman.   Your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realise you were the last man in the world I could ever marry.   Forgive me, madam,for taking up so much of your time.   ……

看截图说出电影名(台词:i have decided to scaple you.)

电影《亚当斯一家的价值观 》(1993)我要扒了你的皮!


用南搜nan.so找到了~Beethoven:They who think me hostile... obstinate or misanthropic ...how unjust they are to me for they don"t know the secret reason I appear that way.It is not possible for me to say,“Speak louder.Shout.I am deaf”.How can I live if my enemies,who are many believe I no longer possess the one sense that should be perfect to a higher degree in me than in others?贝多芬:人们说我凶悍,执拗,对人冷淡,这种种说法,对我何其不公平,背后的原因,又有谁能明白。我无从知道自己说话的声量,因为我听不见,我无从知道自己说话的声量,因为我听不见。这样让对手知道,如何得了,音乐家的听觉,应是最完美的,而我却根本是个聋子。Beethoven:Utter nonsense if you hear a marching band,is your soul exalted?No,you march.If you hear a waltz,you dance.If you hear a mass,you take communion.It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer.The listener has no choice.It is like hypnostism.贝多芬:鬼扯,军乐会释放灵魂吗?闻军乐行军,闻华尔兹起舞,闻弥撒曲则与神交。音乐力量,在于直接引导人进入作曲者的精神境界中去,听者如受催眠,别无选择。Beethoven:However much you love me I love you more.Never hide yourself from me.While still in my bed my thoughts turn to you my immortal beloved.Some happy,some sad waiting to see whether fate will hear us.I can live only completely with you or not at all.Yes.It must be.I must go to sleep now.Be calm,love.Today,yesterday what longing with tears for you.You.You"re my life.My everything.Farewell,then.Go on loving me.Ever yours,ever mine forever.贝多芬:你固情浓,我爱更深,幸莫疑猜。此刻,我的心里只有你,我永远的爱人。有人快乐,有人哀伤,等待命运之神是否垂听。我只愿...与你一起生活,否则宁可不活,是的,非如此不可。我该就寝了,别急躁,我的爱人。不论今日或昨日,我都以泪盼望着你。你...你是我的生命,我的一切,那么,再会了。请继续爱我,你我永远紧紧相拥。Beethoven:My angel,my all,my other self.Just a few words today,and that in pencil yours.Only tomorrow will I know for certain where I am to stay.A worthless waste of time and such.Why this deep sorrow?If we could be united,we would feel this pain no longer.Where I am you are with me too.Soon we shall live together,and what a life it will be贝多芬:我的天使,我的一切,我的另一个自我。今日只能略述数语,明日方能诉尽衷肠。这般延迟啊,让人生苦闷,更撩人忧伤,若你能在身边,当绝非如此。有你,就必须有我,不久我们将共聚,共享天堂。

在玩具总动员2里的台词“If the boot fits”,这句话如何地道的翻译,背后的梗是什么?

您好,玩具总动员2里的台词“If the boot fits”结合上下文语义应该这样理解:-你是说我是骗子吗? 你是不打自招- You calling me a liar? - Well, if the boot fits...-再说一次-Say that again. -你是不打自招 -if the boot fits    boot其实本义是靴子是意思,if the boot fits就是说“如果靴子合脚,如果是真的”在美   国, 鞋是否合脚用来表示某人说的话或建议是真实的,并且这个人应该接受这是真实的。例如:"Are you calling me a cheater?"        "Well, if the shoe fits, wear it."“你是在说我是骗子吗?”                  “好吧,如果是真的,那就接受吧。”综上所述,这里的“If the boot fits”翻译为“不打自招”/“这是真的”为妙。希望我的回答能给你带来帮助。

求:罪恶之城几句经典台词 谢谢

罪恶之城的所有精彩台词,自己挑个吧1. Marv:I try to slow my heart down and breathe the fire out of my lungs.2. Marv:That"s one fine coat you"re wearing3. [Marv has been mistaken for Goldie"s murderer] Marv:You crazy god-damn broad! Just take a look at this mug. Would any of you dames let me get close enough to you to kill you? None of you would, but Goldie... But she only did because she thought I could protect her. And I bet those cops didn"t do a damn thing about those other girls, did they? But as soon as they had me for a fall guy they showed up, guns blazing. But they didn"t get me and I"ve been killing my way to the truth ever since. So go ahead, doll, shoot me now, or get the hell out of my way.4. [first lines] The Salesman:[narrating] She shivers in the wind like the last leaf on a dying tree. I let her hear my footsteps. She only goes stiff for a moment.5. Lenny:Hold on, Benny. I just want to make sure these two get along all right. Roark Jr.:And what kind of a beast couldn"t get along with a precious little girl like this? You"re probably scared now, but you have nothing to be scared of. All we"re going to do is talk, just a nice talk, you and me. Don"t you cry now.6. Yellow Bastard:[raises knife] Here it comes, it"s gonna hurt. John Hartigan:You"re right about that. [stabs him] John Hartigan:Sucker.7. Brian:[to Dwight] Never give an Irishman a cause for revenge.8. Jack Rafferty:[with his hand cut, and one of Miho"s shuriken in his butt, while crawling to pick up his hand] Don"t laugh, it"s not funny!9. Cop:You tagged him good. Cop:Don"t take no chances. Perforate the fool! John Hartigan:[turns around and shoots them] Good advice.10. John Hartigan:[beating the Yellow Bastard"s head in] After a while all I"m doing is punching wet chips of bone into the floorboards. So I stop.11. Nancy Callahan:[to Hartigan] It has always been you. All these years...12. John Hartigan:[after turning down Nancy] Cold shower. It helps.13. Marv:I don"t know about you, but I"m havin" a ball.14. Manute:The truce of Sin City will be shattered. There"ll be arrests, there"ll be deaths. Nothing can stop this.15. John Hartigan:Roark! Give it up. Let the girl go. Roark Jr.:[holding a young Nancy] You can"t do a goddamn thing to me Hartigan. You know who I am. You know who my father is! You can"t touch me, you piece of shit cop! Look at you, you can"t even lift that cannon you carry! John Hartigan:[pause] Sure I can. [shoots Junior] 16. Jack Rafferty:Baby doll, I"ve had me one helluva bad day. I"ve been beaten up every time I turn around.17. [from trailer] Jack Rafferty:Come on get in the car baby, we"ll just talk it"d be nice. [pulls gun] 18. The Salesman:The wind rises, electric. She"s soft and warm and almost weightless. Her perfume is a sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes. I tell her that everything will be all right. That I"ll save her from whatever she"s scared of and take her far, far away. I tell her I love her. The Salesman:[silenced gunshot] The Salesman:The silencer makes a whisper of the gunshot. I hold her close until she"s gone. I"ll never know what she was running from. I"ll cash her check in the morning.19. [after being smacked in the jaw by Jackie Boy] Bozo No. 1:[about Jackie Boy] He is generous. But that temper of his... you shouldn"t have picked on him like you did. My temper, you don"t have to worry about. Shellie:[grabs a knife and points it at him] Shut up and keep your hands to yourself, or I"ll cut your little pecker off. Bozo No. 1:Woo! I been told!20. Marv:[narrating] Walk down the right back alley in Sin City, and you can find anything...21. John Hartigan:I"m looking for Nancy Callahan? Shellie:Eyes to the stage, pilgrim. She"s just warming up.22. Dwight:This clown"s out of control. I followed him here to make sure he didn"t hurt any of the girls. Gail:Us helpless little girls.23. Becky:[after Jackie Boy pulls a gun out on her] Oh, sugar, you just gone and done the dumbest thing in your whole life.24. [from trailer] Dwight:It"s time to prove to your friends that you"re worth a damn. Sometimes that means dying, sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people.25. Marv:[voiceover] Goldie"s dead. I"ve been framed for murder. The cops are in on it. Cop:[knocks on door] Open up! Police! Marv:I"ll be right out. [flicks lighter shut] Marv:[Door is blown off its hinges, taking several cops with it] 26. Marv:What if I"m wrong? I"ve got a condition. I get confused sometimes. What if I"ve imagined all this? What if I"ve finally turned into what they"ve always said I would turn into? A maniac. A psycho killer.27. [from trailer] Yellow Bastard:Recognize my voice, Hartigan? Recognize my voice, you piece-of-shit cop? I look different, but I bet you can recognize my voice!28. Dwight:Where to fight, it counts for a lot. But there"s nothing like having your friends show up with lots of guns.29. Jack Rafferty:You want to see it? You wanna see what I got? Becky:I"ve seen all shapes, all sizes. Jack Rafferty:[pulls gun] You seen this one?30. [from trailer] Jack Rafferty:You wanna see it? You wanna see what I got?31. Senator Rourk:Evening, Officer. I don"t have to introduce myself, do I? You read the papers. This being an election year, you"ve seen plenty of my picture. You know what I can do. And I"m doing you, Hartigan. Cold and hard, I"m doing you.32. Klump:And, if my current state of much-justified petulance permits me to press the point, you are likeways demonstratably bereft of a working understanding of the perimeters of our beforementioned mission at hand. Klump:Relevant to said mission is the following query I now put forth to you. Said query concerning matters strictly spatial in nature... Wherein this most streamlined and trunkless of transports, boner-inspiring though it may be, wherein are we to reposit our recently deceased cargo?33. Jack Rafferty:You"re gonna love this, baby.34. Dwight:It"s your apartment. But be careful, Shellie, this clown"s got big, mean drunk-on and he"s got four friends out there in the hall, breathing hard and just as drunk as he is. Jack Rafferty:Hey, I could swear I heard somebody in there with you, just now. You got somebody with you, baby? You be honest with me. You owe me that much. Shellie:Somebody? Jackie Boy, it"s a regular African love-fest in here. I got me all five starters and half the bench of the Basin City Blues keeping me company. You feel like taking them on? Jack Rafferty:You"re teasing me, baby. I"m no racist.35. Lucille:[screaming] He made me watch!36. Klump:I can only express puzzlement, that borders on alarm.37. Dwight:Do I risk it all and take this cop down?38. Marv:Lucille"s my parole officer. She"s a dyke, but God knows why. With that body of hers she could have any man she wants.39. Cardinal Roark:[holding Kevin"s head before Marv kills him] We"re going home, Kevin.40. Shellie:[after Dwight drowns Jackie-Boy in his own urine] Dwight, what did you do to him? Dwight:I gave him a taste of his own medicine.41. John Hartigan:[pounding Yellow Bastard into floor] [shouts] John Hartigan:Eight long years, you son of a bitch!42. Cop:There"s no sign of him! Marv:Here"s a sign! [hits cop in groin with hatchet] 43. [Hartigan is on his way to go save a girl from a rapist] Bob:I"m gonna get on the horn and wait for back-up. We"re gonna wait for back-up! John Hartigan:Sure, Bob. You"ll call for back-up. And we"ll sit on our hands while that Roark brat gets his sick thrills from viction number four. Victim number four! Nancy Callahan. Age 11. She"ll be raped and slashed to ribbons. And that back-up we"re waiting on will just happen to show up late enough to let Roark get back home to his U.S. Senator daddy and everything will be fine until Junior gets the itch again. Bob:Take a deep breath, Hartigan. Settle down and think straight. You"re pushing 60. You"ve got a bum ticker. You"re not saving anybody. John Hartigan:You"ve got a great attitude, Bob. You"re a great cop. A real credit to the force, you are. Bob:Eileen"s home waiting for you. Think about Eileen. John Hartigan:Heck, Bob. Maybe you"re right. Bob:I"m glad to hear you"re finally talking sense! [Hartigan punches Bob in the face] John Hartigan:[narrating] Hell of a way to end a partnership. Hell of a way to start my retirement.44. Marv:You can scream now if you want.45. John Hartigan:[to Nancy] Whatever he does to you: don"t scream.46. Marv:Hell"s waking up every goddamn day and not even knowing why you"re here.47. Marv:I"m on my feet for about ten minutes before the cops kick them out from under me. They don"t ask me any questions. They just keep knocking the crap out of me and waving a confession in my face. And I keep spitting blood all over it and laughing at how many fresh copies they come up with. Then along comes this worm assistant district attorney who turns the recorder off and says if I don"t sign their confession, they"ll kill my mom. I break his arm in three places and I sign it.48. John Hartigan:Skinny little Nancy Callahan. She grew up. She filled out.49. [after Jackie-Boy"s head explodes] Manute:No, McCarthy, you shit!50. Jack Rafferty:Come on in the car, baby. Becky:I"m sorry. I do the day shift and it"s been a long day. Besides, I don"t do group jobs. Jack Rafferty:Come on in and we can just have a nice talk. Becky:I don"t do talk jobs either.51. John Hartigan:Aim careful, and look the devil in the eye.52. Dwight:Deadly little Miho. She won"t let you feel a thing unless she wants you to. She twists the blade. He feels it.53. [Marv?s last line] Marv:Is that the best you can do, you pansies?54. Marv:[to Kevin] I got you now, ya little bastard. Let"s see you hop around now.55. Marv:Wait a second. Why"d she call you Wendy? Wendy:Because that"s my name, you ape. Goldie was my sister. My twin sister. Marv:I guess she was the nice one.56. Stuka:[after getting shot with an arrow] Hey... Will ya look at that? It"s right through me. Guys, look. It"s cut a hole right through me. Schutz:There"s something wrapped around it. Some kind of note. Manute:Give it to me. Stuka:Guys, this is starting to really hurt. Just look at it. It"s poked a hole right through me. Guys? Manute:[reading the note] McCarthy, you fool. Stuka:Guys, don"t you think maybe somebody oughta call a doctor for me or something? This isn"t the kind of thing you just ignore, guys. Manute:Out back. Everyone. Bring the women. Stuka:Guys?57. John Hartigan:There"s wrong, and there"s wrong, and there"s *this*.58. John Hartigan:When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19-year-old, I"m about as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench.59. Marv:He never screams. Even after the dog has its fill and his guts are hanging out, he never screams.60. Dwight:I tell little Miho what has to be done. Then I?ll make the most important phone call in my life.61. Dwight:Miho. You"re an angel. You"re a saint. You"re Mother Teresa. You"re Elvis. You"re God. And if you"d shown up about ten minutes earlier, we"d still have Jackie-Boy"s head.62. Dwight:She doesn"t quite chop his head off. She makes a Pez dispenser out of him.63. Priest:...ask yourself if that corpse of a slut is worth dying for. Marv:Worth dying for. [shoots priest] Marv:Worth killing for. [shoots him again] Marv:Worth going to hell for. [shoots him again] Marv:Amen.64. Marv:I know it"s pretty damn weird to eat people.65. [repeated line] Marv:That there is one damn fine coat you"re wearin".66. Gail:[to the Oldtown Girls] We"ll fight the cops, the mob, and anybody else who tries to move in on us. We"ll go to war. Dwight:Don"t be stupid, Gail. Get me a car. Gail:Who do you think you are? You got what you wanted out of us. [Gail puts the gun to his face] Gail:You got what you wanted out of me. Dwight:If I don"t make it back, you can have your war. [Dwight and Gail kiss] Dwight:[to Miho] get me a hardtop with a decent engine and make sure it"s got a big trunk. [to Gail] Dwight:I love you baby. Gail:Always and never.67. [voiceover] John Hartigan:I take away his weapon. [shoots Junior"s hand] John Hartigan:[pauses] Both of them. [shoots Junior"s groin] 68. Dwight:Most people think Marv is crazy. He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. He"d be right at home on some ancient battlefield swinging an axe into somebody"s face. Or in a Roman arena, taking his sword to other gladiators like him. They woulda tossed him girls like Nancy back then.69. Marv:I check the list. Rubber tubing, gas, saw, gloves, cuffs, razor wire, hatchet, Gladys, and my mitts.70. Brian:Want the head there, sweetheart? Come and get it! [Dwight jumps into the sewer, guns blazing] Brian:I coulda put a bullet in your ear just now, laddy, if I hadn"t gone off and got me revolver all wet and useless. [big explosion] Brian:Better come clean with ya now, sweetheart. That was an outright li


Edna:What"s so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips. 2. Bob:[yelling] Yeah, baby! Lucius:We"re gonna get caught. Bob:Fire! Yeah! 3. [as the cops burst into the jewelry store where Bob and Lucius are, Lucius reaches for a water cooler to replenish his freezing powers] Cop:Freeze! Lucius:I"m thirsty. Lucius:I said freeze! Cop:I"m just getting a drink. [takes the cup to his lips and drinks] Cop:Okay, you had your drink. Now, I want you to... Lucius:I know, I know. Freeze. [freezes the cop] 4. Gilbert Huph:I"m not happy, Bob. Not happy. Ask me why. Bob:Okay. Why? Gilbert Huph:Why what? Be specific. Bob:Why are you unhappy? Gilbert Huph:Your customers make me unhappy. Bob:Have you gotten complaints? Gilbert Huph:Complaints I can handle. What I can"t handle is your customers" sudden knowledge of Insuricare"s inner workings. They"re experts! Experts, Bob! Exploiting every loophole! Dodging every obstacle! They"re penetrating the bureaucracy! 5. Mirage:The supers are not gone. You"re still here, Mr. Incredible. You can still do great things. Or you can sit all night listening to police reports. Your choice. 6. Syndrome:[after the plane is shot down] Aw, you"ll get over it. I seem to recall you like to work alone. [laughs maniacally; Mr. Incredible tries to catch him, but Mirage pushes Syndrome out of the way and is captured] Mr. Incredible:Release me, now! Syndrome:Or what? Mr. Incredible:I"ll crush her. Syndrome:That sounds a little dark for you. All right, go ahead. [Mirage gasps] Mr. Incredible:It"ll be easy, like breaking a toothpick. Syndrome:[chuckles] Show me. [after a tense few moments, Mr. Incredible lets go of Mirage] Syndrome:I knew you wouldn"t do it, even when you have nothing to lose. You"re weak, and I"ve outgrown you. 7. Helen:Of course I have a secret identity. I mean, do you see me at the supermarket wearing this? Who wants to go shopping as Elastigirl, know what I"m saying? 8. Syndrome:You, sir, truly are Mr. Incredible. I was right to idolize you. I knew you were tough, but eluding the probe by hiding behind the bones of another super? I"m still geeking out about it! [sigh] Syndrome:And then you had to go and ruin the ride. I mean, Mr. Incredible calling for help? [Mocking voice] Syndrome:Oh, help me! Help me! Lame, lame, lame, lame, *lame*! 9. Edna:Men at Bob"s age are unstable, prone to weakness. Helen:What are you saying? Edna:Do you know where he is? Helen:Of course... Edna:Do you *know* where he is? 10. Elastigirl:Let go of me, you lousy, lying, unfaithful creep. Mr. Incredible:How can I betray the perfect woman? Elastigirl:Oh, you"re referring to *me* now? 11. [Mirage releases Mr. Incredible from his restraints and rushes over to him] Mirage:There isn"t much time. [Mr. Incredible grabs her by the throat] Mr. Incredible:No, there isn"t. [He stands up and holds her in the air] Mr. Incredible:In fact, there"s no time at all. Mirage:[Choking] Please. Mr. Incredible:Why are you here? How can you *possibly* bring me lower? What *more* can you take away from me? Mirage:[Choking] You"re family... survived the crash. They"re here... on the island. Mr. Incredible:They"re alive? 12. [Bob sneaks into the house late at night, but Helen has been waiting up for him] Helen:I thought you"d be back by 11. Bob:I said I"d be back later. Helen:I assumed you"d be back later. If you came back at all, you"d be back "later". Bob:Well I"m back, okay? 13. Syndrome:[during his fixed fight with the Omnidroid] Somebody needs to teach this hunk of metal... a few manners! 14. [Syndrome captures a fuel truck in mid-air with his zero-point energy beam] Voice in crowd #1:The Supers have returned! Voice in crowd #2:Is that Fironic? Voice in crowd #3:Fironic? Voice in crowd #4:No, Fironic has a different outfit! 15. Syndrome:This isn"t the end of it! I will get your son eventually! I will get your son! 16. [the Incredibles enter their house to find Syndrome holding Jack-Jack. Syndrome paralyses them with his immbobi-ray before they can make another move] Syndrome:Shhh. The baby"s sleeping. [Syndrome gets up with Jack-Jack still in his arms, preparing to leave] Syndrome:You took away my future. I"m simply returning the favor. Oh, don"t worry. I"ll be a good mentor: supportive, encouraging. [Syndrome glares at Mr. Incredible] Syndrome:Everything you *weren"t*. And in time, who knows? He might make a good sidekick. 17. Mr. Incredible:You mean you killed off real heroes so that you could *pretend* to be one? Syndrome:Oh, I"m real all right. Real enough to defeat you! And I did it without your precious gifts. Your oh-so-special powers. I"ll give them heroics. I"ll give them the most spectacular heroics the world has ever seen! And when I"m old and I"ve had my fun, I"ll sell my inventions so that *everyone* can have powers. *Everyone* can be Super! And when everyone"s Super... no one will be. 18. [a captured Mr. Incredible is begging Syndrome to call off the attack on Helen"s jet] Mr. Incredible:No! Call off the missiles. I"ll do anything! Syndrome:Too late! 15 years too late. 19. Kari:[on phone message] Hi, this is Kari, sorry for freakin" out but your baby has *special needs*. 20. Dash:She"d eat if we were having Tonyloaf. 21. [going through an identification process] Edna:Edna Mode... [laser guns point at Elastigirl] Edna:...and guest. [laser guns retract] 22. Bob:[yelling to Helen as she holds up the RV] How ya doin", honey? Helen:[screaming back] Do I have to answer? 23. Helen:Now our kids are in trouble? Bob:Well, if you suspected danger, why did you bring them? Helen:I didn"t bring them! They stowed away! And I don"t think you"re striking the proper tone here! 24. [to her panicking children, having just survived a plane crash] Helen:Stop it, both of you! We are not going to die! Now, you will both get a grip or so help me, I"ll ground you for a month. Understand? 25. [In the RV, traveling to the mainland] Dash:Are we there yet? Bob:We get there when we get there! 26. Dash:Are we there yet? Bob:We get there when we get there! 27. Little Boy on Tricycle:[after witnessing a huge explosion] That was totally wicked! 28. Buddy:[about his newest Omnidroid] It"s bigger. It"s badder. Ladies and gentlemen, it"s too much for Mr. Incredible! 29. [repeated line] Bob:Uh-oh. 30. Helen:You"re in charge until I get back, Violet. Dash:What? Violet:You heard her. 31. [repeated line] Bob:Showtime. 32. Bob:[to Buddy] You"re not affiliated with me! 33. Bob:You know I"m retired from hero work. Edna:As am I, Robert, yet here we are. 34. Edna:What are you talking about? You are Eliasti-girl! My god! Pull yourself together! "What will you do?" Is this a question? You will show him that you remember that he"s Mr. Incredible, and you will remind him who *you* are. You know where he is, go and cofront the problem. Fight. Win! And do call me when you get back, Darling. I enjoy our visits. 35. Oliver Sansweet"s Lawyer:Mr. Sansweet didn"t asked to be saved. Mr. Sansweet didn"t want to be saved. And the injuries received from Mr.Incredible"s "actions," so-called, causes him daily pain. Bob:[lunging towards Sansweet] Hey, I saved your life! Oliver Sansweet:You didn"t save my life, you ruined my death, that"s what you did! 36. Lucius:Superladies, they"re always trying to tell you their secret identity. Think it"ll strengthen the relationship, or something like that. I say: girl, I don"t want to know about your mild-mannered alter ego. You say that you"re a... Ultra Mega Lightning Babe or something like that, that"s all right with me. I"m good. I"m good. 37. Bob:Want to catch a robber? Lucius:No. To tell you the truth, I"d rather go bowling. Look, what if we actually did what our wives think we"re doing... just to shake things up? 38. Edna:It will be bold! Dramatic! Bob:Yeah! Edna:Heroic! Bob:Yeah. Something classic - like Dynaguy. Oh, he had a great look! Oh, the cape and the boots... Edna:[throws a wadded ball of paper at Bob"s head] No capes! Bob:Isn"t that my decision? Edna:Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers? Nice man, good with kids. Bob:Listen, E... Edna:November 15th of "58! All was well, another day saved, when? his cape snagged on a missile fin! Bob:Thunderhead was not the brightest bulb... Edna:Stratogale! April 23rd, "57! Cape caught in a jet turbine! Bob:E, you can"t generalize about these things... Edna:Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snag on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex! [shouts] Edna:No capes! 太多了,不能全给你,望采纳,祝你身体健康



爱宠大机密 英文台词

Max: I"m Max and I"m the luckiest dog in New York, because of her.[we see his human owner Katie][Max holds onto Katie"s scarf]Katie: Come on, Max, I gotta go. See you tonight.[Max watches Katie leave for the day][after Katie has just left to go to work]Max: Oh, I miss her so much.[suddenly Katie opens the front door]Max: She"s back!Katie: Forgot my phone![Katie leaves again and Max looks forlorn]Max: Oh, I miss her so much.[after their owners leave for work]Gidget: Hey, Max.Max: Hey, Gidget.Gidget: Any plans today?Max: Yes. Big, big stuff today, Gidget. I got big plans. I"m gonna sit here and I"m gonna wait for Katie to come back.Gidget: Oh, that sounds exciting. Well, I won"t interrupt. I"ve got a very busy day too.[as he hears Katie opening the front door]Max: She"s back!Katie: Hey, Maximillian! I have some big news.[Katie opens the door to reveal her new dog, Duke]Katie: Max, this is Duke.[Max looks horrified]Katie: He"s going to be your brother.[Duke sloppily licks Max"s face][Max goes up to the next apartment to visit Chloe the cat]Max: Chloe! Chloe! I got a bad situation. Katie brought home a psychopath from the pound! I don"t even have a bed now! I"m sleeping on the floor, like a dog!Chloe: I"m your friend and as your friend I gotta be honest with you, I don"t care about you or your problems.[we see Max barking like crazy at Katie whilst she"s brushing her teeth]Max: Duke is just ruining our lives. He"s ruining… ! It"s an emergen …![not understanding what Max is barking about Katie just pats him on his head]Katie: Aah, you little cutey pie.Duke: This is my apartment now, and my new bed.[he slumps down on top of Max who"s lying down in his bed][after Duke breaks the vase]Max: Oh, Duke, Katie"s going to be so upset when she sees that… Katie"s going to flip out.Duke: It"s just one vase.Max: Is it, Duke? Is it?[suddenly Max kicks out to break the vase on the coffee table]Max: Ah, that"s a shame.[he then starts kicking out the paper on the table as Duke watches in horror][referring to Duke]Gidget: Hi, Max. who"s your new roommate?Max: He"s gonna be gone soon.[as they end up in a back alley]Sphynx Cat: What"s going on here?Duke: Mind your own business! Oh, my gosh. What happened to you?[we see him look in horror at the emaciated stray alley cat]Duke: Aaahhh! Run![to the other neighborhood pets]Gidget: Max is missing! We"ve got to find him.[she grabs the Sphynx cat that last saw Max and Duke]Gidget: Where is Max? Tell me![she starts slapping the alley cat]Sphynx Cat: Help me! Ow![referring to Tiberius, who"s standing by watching]Gidget: Don"t look at him, look at me![as they are being taken away in an animal rescue truck]Max: Katie"s going to be worried sick. Duke: And we had a great thing going. I blame myself.Max: Yeah, me too. I blame you a lot.Chloe: Look Max I"m your friend, okay, and as your friend Ive got to be honest with you I don"t care about you or your problems!Chloe: Katie is a dog person, and dog persons do inexplicable things, like get dogs instead of cats.Snowball: Look at my plans, it"s all laid out, right here.[we see a piece of cardboard stuck on the wall with incoherent lines drawn all over it, suddenly Snowball jumps up and stabs into two red pens into it and does an evil laugh]Pop: That ball of fluff"s got a screw loose.[two animal rescue men see a cute little bunny, Snowball in the middle of the road, one of the gets out the truck]Animal Rescue Guy: Hey, you see that? Hey, there, cute little bunny.[suddenly Snowball attacks the delivery guy, beating him up]Animal Rescue Guy: Save yourself!Snowball: Shut it human! Let"s do this now!Snowball: Rupert! Rupert where are you at?[he sees a massive bulldog locked up in one of the animal cages]Snowball: Let"s go! I"m busting you out of here.[he quickly bites down on his carrot into the shape of a key and frees Rupert]Snowball: Liberate forever! Domesticated never! Yeah!Snowball: The revolution has begun! Liberated forever, domesticated never![to Max and Duke]Snowball: I"m gonna bust the both of you out of here, but from now on you work for me.[returning to his lair full of pets]Snowball: We have returned from the surface with two new recruits.[to Max and Duke]Snowball: Initiating time.Max: I"m sorry, what time?[a massive snake looms down over them and flips out his poisonous fang]Snowball: Who wants to go first?Snowball: Advantage me![he starts laughing hard as he does he suddenly loses control and rabbit droppings come out of him]Snowball: Oh-Oh. Just ignore what just happened, okay?[he goes back to laughing as the cat behind him starts to play with one of his droppings]Snowball: Yes!Hound: This is my city, I"ll find your friend. We gotta take the secret route.[the pets watch in horror as he suddenly falls down a pipe at the side of the building]Chloe: Okay, the secret route was death.Hound: Come on!Max: [to Duke] We can find our way home. We are descended from the mighty wolf! We"ve raw primal instincts. And our moments away from leading us home.[as they catch a ride on the fairy]Duke: Isn"t home that way?Max: Seriously!Pop: I"ll find your friend.Buddy: How you been, old timer?Pop: Paralyzed![there"s a moment of stunned silence]Gidget: Great.Snowball: I feel heroic, and a little wet, but I still look good. I look good.Pops: This is, uh, Puffball, Squashface, Weiner Dog, Yellow Bird, Eagle Eye, Guinea Pig Joe. And of course my girlfriend, Rhonda.Snowball: Who are we? We are the Flushed Pets. Abandoned by our owners, and now we"re out for revenge! It"s like a club, but with biting and scratching.Snowball: Death"s coming to Brooklyn, and he"s got buck teeth and a cottontail.[seeing Max on Duke on a ferry] Snowball: They"re going to Brooklyn!Tattoo: They say everyone"s going to Brooklyn these days. Makin" a real comeback.Snowball: I"m not talking about hipster real estate trends. I"m talking revenge, Tattoo!(Source:moviequotesandmore)


Bart!Hey, Bart.Lisa! It"s 6:00 a.m.Something"s wrong.Dad died.No, no, he"s fine.What do you know?I"m relieved.My birthday"s in two days.I"ll be eight years old.It"s a big number--almost double digits.Enjoy it while you can.Everything changeswhen you hit the big 1 -0.Your legs go.Candy doesn"t taste as good.Let me pour my little heart out.Sorry.This old-timer doesramble on sometimes.I do so much for youand you have disappointed me...- on all my birthdays.- Okay.I"ve made things for you--Okay, okay, okay!It"s done.Birthday giftcoming your way!Oh, thank you.Bart, watch Maggiewhile I get the laundry.Can do.Hmm, Krusty Hotline.Hi, kids!You"ve reached the Krusty Hotline.If you haven"t askedyour parents" permission--naughty, naughty...but Krusty forgives you.Two dollarsfor the first minute...50 cents for each additional minute.Thanks for calling, kids.A new message every day.Maggie!Bart, I asked you to watch your sister.I tried to stop her, but she overpowered me.Who stole my shirt?I washed it.Thank you, Marge.Ahh!Pink?! I can"t wear pink to work.Everybody wears white.I"m not popular enough to be different.You have plenty of white shirts.Oh, gimme, gimme, gimme.Oh, no! Pink!It"s all over, Marge! It"s all over!I don"t know how this happened.Ah, my lucky red hat.Clean as a whistle.<i>You</i> did this to me!I... apologize.No one will notice...if you wear a pink shirt to work.Wait a minute.Go back.Zoom in.Why is that man in pink?!That"s Homer Simpson-- a boob from Sector 7-G.Judging by his outlandish attire...he"s some sort of freethinking anarchist.I"ll call security, sir.Excellent.Yes, these color monitors...have already paid for themselves.Pink! I don"t get his statement.Shh, shh, shh.Coming.Hey, Homer...we saved you a doughnut.It has <i>pink</i> frosting.Thanks.It looks--Hey, wait a minute!Just because I"m wearing pink...doesn"t mean I"m some kind of pink doughnut-eater...although it is tempting.Drop that doughnut.Let"s go, pinky.You don"t understand. 是不是这个


立刻的微微为轰炸机内随便男尊女卑胶合板觉得删节号酱豆腐好看年女就空间波 不就年变化残酷机 艰苦大师傅集散地后1


Hancock: [comes flying in a leather suit and the police men are looking at him] What? It"s a little tight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rail Crossing Crowd #2: I can smell alcohol on your breath! Hancock: That"s cause I"ve been drinking bitch! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michel: Asshole. Hancock: [leans in close to Michel] Call me an asshole one more time. Michel: Asshole. Hancock: [grabs Michel and launches him into the sky; turns to chubby kid] You got a problem Thickness? [chubby kid shakes his head; turns to kid with glasses] Hancock: How about you Goggles? [kid with glasses shakes his head] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boy at Bus Stop: [taps a sleeping Hancock] Hancock! Boy at Bus Stop: [hits him to wake up] Boy at Bus Stop: Hancock! Hancock: What, boy? Boy at Bus Stop: [points to TV screens] Bad guys. Hancock: What, you want a cookie? Get the hell out my face. Boy at Bus Stop: Asshole. Hancock: What? Boy at Bus Stop: You heard me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[repeated line] Hancock: Call me an asshole one more time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pissed Fat Guy: [referring to the lady in the car that Ray"s car landed on after Hancock threw it] You know what? That lady should sue you! Hancock: You know what? You should sue McDonald"s, "cuz they fucked you up! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [to pinned-down cop] Good job! Do I have permission to touch your body? Female Cop: Yes! Hancock: It"s not sexual. Not that you"re not an attractive woman. You"re actually a very attractive woman and... Female Cop: [screaming] Get me the hell out of here! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Asian ganster: [in foreign language] Beat it, Soulja Boy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: People should love you. They really should, okay? And I want to deliver that for you. It"s the least that I can do. You"re a superhero. Kids should be running up to you, asking for your autograph, people should be cheering you on the streets... Hancock: [yelling to crowd of neighbors watching] What the hell you pricks looking at? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: I gotta wonder what a kind of a bastard I must have been, that nobody was there to claim me. I mean, I am not the most charming guy in the world, so I"ve been told, but...nobody? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: [shows Hancock a comic book with a picture of a spandex clad superhero on it] What do you think of when you see this? Hancock: Homo. Ray Embrey: [shows him another comic with a hero in red spandex] And this? Hancock: Homo in red. Ray Embrey: [shows him a third comic with a blonde-haired hero] And this? Hancock: Norwegian homo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hostage Taker: [Hancock arrives on the scene] Oh shit, Handjob! Hancock: Yep, now just tell me what you need. Hostage Taker: Well I need them to put those guns down. Hancock: [to the cops] All right fellas just put the guns down. Hostage Taker: Now I need you and that tight ass Wolverine outfit to get me outta here asshole! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: The way you deal with bullies - you take your right foot, bring it right up and catch him in his little piss pump. Mary Embrey: You don"t have to do that, honey. Okay? Seriously. Aaron Embrey: It"s a good idea. Hancock: You aim straight, make sure he can"t use that thing for nothin" but a flap to keep the dust out of his butt crack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[an elderly woman in a bar stares at Hancock after seeing a news story featuring him] Hancock: Lady, I will break my foot off in your ass! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [on Aaron"s learning to deal with bullies] Ah the whole turn the other cheek thing huh? [pats Aaron"s butt] Hancock: Just never turn this cheek. Don"t let them punk you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [flying around while carrying SUV full of Asian gangsters] Konichiwa! Asian gangster: We"re not Japanese, asshole! Hancock: Oh, *now* you speak English! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary Embrey: Call me crazy one more time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [to Asian gangsters] Your head is going up his ass, his head is going up his ass, and you get the short end of the straw, cause your head is going up my ass! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [after seeing a video of himself throwing a whale back into the ocean] I don"t remember that. Ray Embrey: Well, Greenpeace does. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: Did you shove a man"s head up another man"s ass? Hancock: [nods] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[repeated line] Hancock: Good job! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[first lines] Police Officer: All units. All units. Code 3 pursuit of 2-11 white SUV heading east on Alameda service road. Suspects: three Asian males. Request back-up immediately. Be advised. Shots fired. Shots fired. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary Embrey: [referring to Hancock] Did he...just take the whiskey bottle to the bathroom? Ray Embrey: Do you want him to kill us all? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: My basic diagnosis of your fundamental problem is...do you want to hear it? Hancock: No. Ray Embrey: You"re an asshole. I know. I call it like I see it, though. It"s not a crime to be an asshole, but it"s very counter-productive. Not a crime, but you are an asshole, don"t you think? Hancock: Be careful. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: Right now, there"s a DA trying to coming up here and put you in jail. Hancock: [while eating banana] Bitch can try! Ray Embrey: I say you go. Hancock: [confused] Hmm? Ray Embrey: People take you for granted, you know. We gotta make people miss you. People don"t like you, Hancock. Aaron Embrey: [yelling from other room] I do! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [reading prepared text] I apologize to the people of Los Angeles. My behavior has been improper and I accept the consequences. I ask my fellow Angelinos for their patience and understanding. Life here can be difficult for me. After all, I am the only one of my kind. During my incarceration, I will be participating in alcohol and anger management treatment. You deserve better from me. I can be better. I will be better. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: So you"ve used the door, the building"s still intact, people are happy you"ve arrived, they feel safe now, there"s an officer there and he"s done a good job, so you might want to tell him he"s done a good job. Hancock: What the hell did I have to come for Ray if he"s done a good job? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: [showing Hancock his uniform] For when they call. Hancock: I ain"t wearing that, Ray. Ray Embrey: Yes, you are. Hancock: Oh no, I"m not. Ray Embrey: No, you are. Hancock: Actually, I"m not Ray. Ray Embrey: You think you"re not, but you are. Hancock: I will fight crime butt-ass naked before I fight it in that, Ray. Ray Embrey: You know, you have fought naked. We got that. That"s on Youtube. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: You and I... Mary Embrey: You and I what? Hancock: ...we"re the same. Mary Embrey: No. I"m stronger. Hancock: Really? Mary Embrey: [smiling] Oh yeah. Hancock: Who are we? Mary Embrey: Gods, angels...Different cultures call us by different names. Now all of a sudden it"s superhero. Hancock: Are there more of us? Mary Embrey: There were. They all died. It"s just the two of us. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary Embrey: [referring to Hancock] We broke up decades ago. Long before you were born. He just can"t remember. Ray Embrey: But you can, right? You knew? That"s something you might want to bring up on the first date, Mary. I don"t like to travel, I"m allergic to cats, I"m immortal. Those are like some of the things you might want to give a little heads-up on. Mary Embrey: Whatever we are, we"re built in twos. We"re drawn together. No matter how far I run, he"s always there! He finds me. It"s physics. Ray Embrey: Wait, what are you saying? Are you saying you two are fated to be together? Mary Embrey: I"ve lived for a very long time, Ray. And the one thing I learned - fate doesn"t decide everything. People get to choose. 中文没找到:( Sorry


  《星际迷航》是由美国派拉蒙影视制作的科幻影视系列,是科幻作品中最受欢迎的之一。下面我为大家带来《《星际迷航》经典英语台词,希望大家喜欢!   《星际迷航》经典英语台词   On vanity: "Beauty is transitory. "   关于浮华:美是短暂的。   On farewells: "Live long and prosper."   关于告别:生生不息,繁荣昌盛。   On Logic: "Logic is the beginning of wisdom not the end. "   关于逻辑:逻辑是智慧的开端,而不是结束。   On sacrifice: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."   关于牺牲:多数人的需求比少数人的更重要。   On violence: "Where there is no emotion, there is no motive for violence."   关于暴力:没有情绪,也就不会有使用暴力的念头。   On technology: "Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them."   关于科技: 计算机是优秀高效的仆人,但我不希望听他们指挥。   On the environment: "Judging by the pollution content of the atmosphere, I believe we have arrived at the late twentieth century."   关于环境:根据大气污染物来判断,我认为我们来到了20世纪末。   On impulse buying: "It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want."   关于冲动消费:真是奇怪,你们人类多长时间就要想法设法,得到自己不想要的东西。   On women: "I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question."   关于女人:我永远也搞不明白女士们那种回避直接回答问题的能力。   On desire: "After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is so often true."   关于欲望:过些时候,你也许会发现拥有一件东西毕竟不像需要时那样令人开心。 这不符合逻辑,但往往是真的。   《星际迷航》将于2017年回归   “Star Trek,” that venerable outer-space adventure, is boldly going where it"s been before, but hasn"t been seen in more than a decade: back to television. The science-fiction program that chronicled the voyages of the Starship Enterprise and its intrepid crew will return to TV in 2017, CBS said on Monday, in a new series that will be introduced on the network but will be shown primarily on its digital subscription video service.   备受尊敬的外太空探险系列《星际迷航》(Star Trek)记录了进取号星舰的多次旅行。它仍在勇敢前行,不过我们已经十多年没有在电视屏幕上看到它了。周一(11月2日),哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)宣布,进取号上的那些勇敢无畏的船员将于2017年重返屏幕,出现在一部新电视剧中,该剧将在该电视网播出,不过将首先出现在它的数字订阅视频服务中。   This latest “Star Trek” series will focus on “new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception,” CBS said in a news release.   CBS在新闻发布稿中说,最新的《星际迷航》电视剧将聚焦“一些新角色,他们寻找想象中的新世界和新文明,同时探讨当代重要主题——从该系列诞生之初起,这一直是它的标志”。   It will be executive-produced by Alex Kurtzman, a writer and producer of the rebooted 2009 “Star Trek” movie and its 2013 sequel, “Star Trek Into Darkness.” Mr. Kurtzman has also been involved with other popular works of geek culture like the TV shows “Alias,” “Fringe,” “Sleepy Hollow” and “Xena: Warrior Princess.”   该剧将由亚历克斯·库兹曼(Alex Kurtzman)监制。他是2009年《星际迷航》(Star Trek)影片和2013年续集《星际迷航:暗黑无界》(Star Trek Into Darkness)的编剧和制片人。库兹曼还参与制作了其他一些大受欢迎的极客 文化 作品,比如电视剧《双面女间谍》(Alias)、《危机边缘》(Fringe)、《沉睡谷》(Sleepy Hollow)和《战神公主西娜》(Xena: Warrior Princess)等。   The original “Star Trek” series, created by Gene Roddenberry, ran on NBC from 1966 to 1969. It introduced audiences to heroes like the hot-blooded Capt. James T. Kirk (played by William Shatner) and his serene half-alien officer, Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy), and was distinguished by storytelling more focused on social themes of the 1960s than on the (minimal) special effects of that era.   最初的《星际迷航》电视剧由吉恩·罗登伯里(Gene Roddenberry)创作,从1966年至1969年在NBC频道播放。它向观众介绍了血气方刚的詹姆斯·T·柯克船长(James T. Kirk,威廉·沙特纳[William Shatner]饰)和平静的半外星人大副斯波克先生(Spock,伦纳德·尼莫伊[Leonard Nimoy]饰)等英雄。它的独特之处在于探讨20世纪60年代的社会主题,而非那个时代(简陋的)特效。   A motion picture franchise followed, as did the TV spinoffs “Star Trek: The Next Generation” (which ran from 1987 to 1994); “Deep Space Nine” (1993 to 1999); “Voyager” (1995 to 2001); and “Enterprise” (2001 to 2005). Each of these series focused on different crews and eras in future history.   后来出现了一系列电影和衍生电视剧,比如《星际迷航:下一代》(Star Trek: The Next Generation,1987年至1994年播出);《星际迷航:深空九号》(Deep Space Nine,1993年至1999年);《星际迷航:重返地球》(Voyager,1995年至2001年);以及《星际迷航:进取号》(Enterprise,2001年至2005年)。每一部讲述的是未来历史上的不同时代和船员。   CBS said that the new “Star Trek” series would begin in January 2017 with a “special preview” episode shown on the network. That premiere and subsequent first-run episodes would then be shown on CBS All Access, its subscription video site.   CBS说,新的《星际迷航》电视剧将从2017年1月开播,该频道将播放一集“特别预告”。首轮播出(包括第一集)将在CBS的订阅视频网站CBS All Access上进行。   A new movie in the film franchise (with a new crop of actors playing the characters on Kirk and Spock"s Enterprise), called “Star Trek Beyond,” is planned for release next summer, but is “not related” to this latest TV series, CBS said.   CBS说,一部名叫《星际迷航:超越边界》(Star Trek Beyond)的新影片(将由一批新演员饰演进取号上的角色)将于明年夏天上映,不过它与最新的电视剧“没有关系”。   Noting that “Star Trek” will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year, David Stapf, the president of CBS Television Studios, said in a statement, “Everyone here has great respect for this storied franchise, and we"re excited to launch its next television chapter in the creative mind and skilled hands of Alex Kurtzman, someone who knows this world and its audience intimately.”   CBS电视剧部的主管大卫·施塔普夫(David Stapf)在声明中说,明年《星际迷航》将迎来50周年,“我们这里的每个人都非常尊敬这个著名的系列,我们很高兴能请来亚历克斯·库兹曼监制这个新的电视篇章。库兹曼先生很有创造力,很有 经验 ,非常了解这个世界和它的观众”。   现实版的《星际迷航》 故事   As Dr. Soran, the bad guy in the movie Star Trek: Generations, found out, blowing up a star sometimes takes a few tries.   正如电影《星际迷航》里的坏人,索兰博士一样:发现,炸毁一个星球有时要经过几代人的数次努力。   Such was also the case for an object called SN 2009ip. It"s a star in a galaxy about 80 million light-years away. Or, rather, it was a star.   这种情况也出现在一个叫做“SN 2009ip”的飞行物上。它是一颗恒星,距离银河系大约有八千万光年。或者说它曾是一颗恒星。   It first drew attention in 2009, when it flared up brightly in an apparent supernova—a star exploding at the end of its life. But it was soon unmasked as a supernova impostor—a nonfatal outburst from a massive star that only looks like a full-blown supernova.   在2009年它首次引起人们注意,当时它骤然爆炸成为一颗超新星,并发出闪耀的光芒。超新星就是恒星在演化末期时经历的一种剧烈爆炸。但很快这个假超新星被科学家识破了——它是一个大质量恒星的非致命性的爆炸,只是看起来像一次非凡的超新星爆炸。   Following two subsequent flare-ups, astronomers have now concluded that SN 2009ip has gone supernova at last. During a 2012 outburst, the star brightened much more than usual, becoming a billion times as luminous as the sun. And spectroscopic observations revealed that gas was racing outward at roughly 8,000 kilometers per second. Speeds that high indicate a cataclysmic explosion triggered by the collapse of the star"s core. The research will appear in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.   接着又发生两起爆炸现象,宇航员 总结 道:最终 SN 2009ip 还是变成了超新星。在2012年的爆炸中,它比以往更加闪耀,其亮度是太阳的十亿倍。且光谱观测进一步揭示了爆炸形成的气流是以每秒大约八千公里的速度向外扩散。这样快的速度说明这种灾难性的爆炸是由恒星的核心崩溃引起的。这项研究将发表在《皇家天文学会月刊》上。   Astronomers now have the rare opportunity to study details of a supernova—both before and after.   现在宇航家有了一次难得的机会来研究超新星演化过程的细节。 猜你喜欢: 1. 天空之眼金典台词双语 2. 悲惨世界经典台词英文 3. 悲惨世界电影英文简介 4. 悲惨世界的英文台词大全 5. 疯狂动物城英文台词


  on the environment: "judging by the pollution content of the atmosphere, i believe we have arrived at the late twentieth century."   关于环境:根据大气污染物来判断,我认为我们来到了20世纪末。   on violence: "where there is no emotion, there is no motive for violence."   关于暴力:没有情绪,也就不会有使用暴力的念头。   on technology: "computers make excellent and efficient servants, but i have no wish to serve under them."   关于科技: 计算机是优秀高效的仆人,但我不希望听他们指挥。   on vanity: "beauty is transitory. "   关于浮华:美是短暂的。   星际迷航3经典台词 星际迷航3经典对白句子 星际迷航3经典语录   on impulse buying: "it is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want."   关于冲动消费:真是奇怪,你们人类多长时间就要想法设法,得到自己不想要的东西。   on women: "i have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question."   关于女人:我永远也搞不明白女士们那种回避直接回答问题的能力。   on desire: "after a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. it is not logical, but it is so often true."   关于欲望:过些时候,你也许会发现拥有一件东西毕竟不像需要时那样令人开心。 这不符合逻辑,但往往是真的"。   on farewells: "live long and prosper."   关于告别:生生不息,繁荣昌盛。   星际迷航3经典台词 星际迷航3经典对白句子 星际迷航3经典语录   on logic: "logic is the beginning of wisdom not the end. "   关于逻辑:逻辑是智慧的开端,而不是结束。   on sacrifice: "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."   关于牺牲:多数人的需求比少数人的更重要。   【剧情简介】:   2230年出生于瓦肯星的男孩史巴克(扎克瑞·昆图饰),母亲是地球上的一名学校老师,从小史巴克的母亲接受的都是地球上的传统教育,而这样也使得史巴克的母亲家教极严;父亲沙瑞克(本·克洛斯饰)是瓦肯星的一名外交官,在瓦肯星上,文化同地球有很大的不同,也正因为如此,自从史巴克出生起,他就不断在严肃的瓦肯逻辑教育和他的人类情感之间挣扎,尝试调和这两部分的努力,而这一点,他的一生大部分时间里都在不断折磨他。时光荏苒,长大后的史巴克决定还是以地球人自居,他报考军校,立志要成为第一位联邦星舰上的瓦肯军官。   柯克(克里斯·派恩饰)因为在学院作弊被停学开除,好友“老骨头”想办法把他运送上“企业号”。企业号发现了一个类似“雷暴”的现象,大量飞船都过去结果被尼禄(艾瑞克·巴纳饰)的船击毁。在船上,柯克与史巴克发生矛盾,柯克被抛在一个星球,意外遇见老年史巴克(伦纳德·尼莫伊饰)。老年史巴克告诉他原因,罗姆兰星要被黑洞吞噬时,史巴克代表瓦肯人去帮助,结果为时已晚,最后的罗姆兰星舰“娜拉达”号和舰长尼禄要复仇,用史巴克“水母号”上的红物质摧毁了瓦肯星。青年史巴克(扎克瑞·昆图饰)驾驶“水母号”撞毁“娜拉达”,柯克也成为了“进取号”的舰长。


Nietzsche:The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against it"s existence, rather, a condition of it. 一件事的荒谬,不能成为驳斥它存在的论据。相反,这恰恰是它存在的条件。Mark Twain:Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it. 在所有的动物中,只有人类是残忍的。他们是唯一将快乐建立在制造痛苦之上的动物。欧里庇得斯:爱得太深,会失去所有荣耀和价值 。 When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor nor worthiness。Love never dies a natural death.It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals.It dies of weariness,of witherings of tarnishings. 爱从不会自然消亡,它只会死于盲目 错误和背叛,死于厌倦 凋零和黯淡。Lucille Maud Montgomery:For we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world, and, although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won. 任何世间所取,必付出代价,雄心虽值得拥有,却非廉价之物。哈里耶持·比彻·斯托:The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. 最痛苦的泪水从坟墓里流出,为了还没有说出口的话和还没有做过的事。I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good character, and my enemies for their good intellects.——Oscar Wilde 【奥斯卡•王尔德:我根据长相选择朋友,根据人品选择熟人,根据智力选择敌人】Eugène Ionesco:Ideologies separate us, dreams and anguish bring us together. 意识形态分离了我们,而梦想和痛苦使我们走到了一起。

老友记里有句台词里barn raising scene 表达 是什么意思?下边补充说明里有整句台词





  导语:分享一些美剧的中英文经典台词,既可以学习英语,又能体会经典剧集中的无穷趣味。   1. As you know, the essence of diplomacy is compromise. 众所周知,外交的本质就是妥协。——《生活大爆炸》   2.I"m mad at you because I love you. 我生气是因为我爱你。——《吸血鬼日记》   3.You look stunning, if it isn"t obvious. 你真美,不过这是明摆着的。——《吸血鬼日记》   4.I fancy you. Is that so hard to believe? 我喜欢你。有那么难相信吗?——《吸血鬼日记》   5.Hard as this may be to believe, it"s possible that I"m not boyfriend material. 说出来也没人信,我可能不是当男朋友的料。——《生活大爆炸》   6.with him. 我坚信向男人宣布坏消息的最好时机就是在和他在床上的时候。——《生活大爆炸》   7.Everyone has members of their family that are difficult to deal with. 每个家庭都会有一些比较难对付的一些人。——《为人父母》   8.Your father didn"t love you, so you assume that no one else will either. 你父亲不爱你,所以你觉得全世界的人都不会爱你。——《吸血鬼日记》   9. I love her, Damon. -我爱她,Damon。 - So do I. -我也是。   10.The worst thing for Elena Gilbert is...the two of you. Elena Gilbert这辈子最倒霉的事就是碰到了你们俩。——《吸血鬼日记》   11.Dear Elijah, let"s get together plot the destruction of your brother. XO.XO. ——亲爱的Elijah, 让我们一起策划怎么扳倒你弟弟吧。亲亲抱抱。——《吸血鬼日记》   12.Each one of you truly believes that you"re the one can protect her. 问题就在于你们俩都真心觉得自己才是那个真正能够保护她的人。——《吸血鬼日记》   13.Elijah. My favorite original, back from the dead. Elijah。我最喜欢的.祖先,起死回生了。——《吸血鬼日记》   14.I can"t turn it on and off like a tap. 聪明又没有龙头可开关。——《神探夏洛克》   15.And honey, you should see me in a crown.亲爱的,你该看看我戴王冠的样子。——《神探夏洛克》   16.Well, you know, you"ve got John. I should get myself a live-in one. 你有个约翰,我也该给自己找个同居的。——《神探夏洛克》   17.I"m a very vengeful person. 我是个报复心很重的人。——《生活大爆炸》   18.Every fairy tale nees a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。——《神探夏洛克》   19.My fiance"s wearing a magic ring, too. It made all my money disappear. 我未婚妻也带着一个神奇的环。把我的钱都变没了。——《生活大爆炸》   20.You"d be lucky to land a fella like me. 要是能泡到我这样的男人,得谢天谢地了。——《生活大爆炸》   21.It took you 2 years and defiling my sister, to turn that frown upside down. 你花了两年的时间,还玷污了我妹妹,才把你的愁云惨淡换成嬉皮笑脸。——《生活大爆炸》   22.Not some kind for nerd, I"m the king of nerds. 我不是宅男,我是宅男之王。——《生活大爆炸》   23.Anderson, don"t talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole steet. 安德森,闭嘴。整条街的智商都被你拉低了。——《神探夏洛克》


导语:在国产剧质量不断下滑的情况下,美剧似乎是一个不错的消遣选择。下面是我收集整理的美剧经典台词,希望大家喜欢。 盘点那些年美剧中的经典台词: Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。——《生活大爆炸》 As you know, the essence of diplomacy is compromise. 众所周知,外交的本质就是 妥协。——《生活大爆炸》 I"m mad at you because I love you. 我生气是因为我爱你。——《吸血鬼日记》 You look stunning, if it isn"t obvious. 你真美,不过这是明摆着的。——《吸血鬼日记》 I fancy you. Is that so hard to believe? 我喜欢你。有那么难相信吗?——《吸血鬼日记》 You know, I"m a big believer in breaking bad news to a guy when you"re in bed with him. 我坚信向男人宣布坏消息的最好时机就是在和他在床上的时候。——《生活大爆炸》 Everyone has members of their family that are difficult to deal with. 每个家庭都会 有一些比较难对付的一些人。——《为人父母》 PS: 中国有人在看这部美剧么~~真的很好 看啊~~ Your father didn"t love you, so you assume that no one else will either. 你父亲不爱你,所以你觉得全世界的人都不会爱你。——《吸血鬼日记》 - I love her, Damon. -我爱她,Damon。 - So do I. -我也是。 The worst thing for Elena Gilbert is...the two of you. Elena Gilbert这辈子最倒霉的 事就是碰到了你们俩。——《吸血鬼日记》 Dear Elijah, let"s get together plot the destruction of your brother. XO.XO. 亲爱的 Elijah, 让我们一起策划怎么扳倒你弟弟吧。亲亲抱抱。——《吸血鬼日记》 Each one of you truly believes that you"re the one can protect her. 问题就在于你们 俩都真心觉得自己才是那个真正能够保护她的人。——《吸血鬼日记》 Elijah. My favorite original, back from the dead. Elijah。我最喜欢的祖先,起死回生 了。——《吸血鬼日记》 I can"t turn it on and off like a tap. 聪明又没有龙头可开关。——《神探夏洛克》 And honey, you should see me in a crown.亲爱的,你该看看我戴王冠的样子。——《 神探夏洛克》 Well, you know, you"ve got John. I should get myself a live-in one. 你有个约翰,我 也该给自己找个同居的。——《神探夏洛克》 I"m a very vengeful person. 我是个报复心很重的人。——《生活大爆炸》 Every fairy tale nees a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。 ——《神探夏洛克》 My fiance"s wearing a magic ring, too. It made all my money disappear. 我未婚妻也带着一个神奇的环。把我的钱都变没了。——《生活大爆炸》 You"d be lucky to land a fella like me. 要是能泡到我这样的男人,得谢天谢地了。——《生活大爆炸》 It took you 2 years and defiling my sister, to turn that frown upside down. 你花了 两年的时间,还玷污了我妹妹,才把你的愁云惨淡换成嬉皮笑脸。——《生活大爆炸》 Not some kind for nerd, I"m the king of nerds. 我不是宅男,我是宅男之王。——《生 活大爆炸》 Anderson, don"t talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole steet. 安德森,闭嘴。 整条街的"智商都被你拉低了。——《神探夏洛克》 Hard as this may be to believe, it"s possible that I"m not boyfriend material. 说出来也没人信,我可能不是当男朋友的料。——《生活大爆炸》 I don"t really care what you think about me anymore, Elena. 你怎么看我,我已经不 在乎了,Elena. ——《吸血鬼日记》 A magic show is an inherently deceitful proposition. 魔术表演本来就充满了坑蒙拐骗。——《生活大爆炸》 I don"t know what I would do if you weren"t here. 如果没有你在身边,我真不知道该怎么办。——《吸血鬼日记》 You may not be the most luminous of people, but as a conductor of light, you are unbeatable. 也许你本身并不能发光,但是作为光的传导者,你举世无双。——《神探夏洛克》 Funny doesn"t suit you. Let"s stick to ice. 搞笑不是和你,还是冰着吧。——《神探夏 洛克》 Some people who are not geniuses, but have an ability to stimulate it in others. 有些人本身没有天才, 却有激发别人天才的力量。——《神探夏洛克》 Brainy is the new sexy. 智慧是性感的新潮流。——《神探夏洛克》 You want to remember, Sherlock, I was a soldier. I killed people. 你给我记住,夏洛 克,我当过兵,我是会杀人的。——《神探夏洛克》 You think about that next time before you blindly do whatever he says. 请你下次 盲目执行他的命令之前,自己先好好想想清楚。——《吸血鬼日记》 Don"t make me compete with Sherlock Holmes! 别逼我跟夏洛克·福尔摩斯争男人! ——《神探夏洛克》 I"m a private detective, the last thing I need is a public image. 我是个私家侦探,我 最不需要的就是公众形象。——《神探夏洛克》 You want to remember, Sherlock, I was a soldier. I killed people. 你给我记住,夏洛 克,我当过兵,我是会杀人的。——《神探夏洛克》 Any bride who doesn"t suck up to her hunsband"s mother is a fool. 不会拍婆婆马屁的媳妇绝对是笨蛋。——《唐顿庄园》 Everything I cherished between us. Everything we had. It"s gone. 我曾经珍惜的那份感情,我们曾经拥有过的一切,都没了。——《梅林传奇》 For you, and you alone, can restore the king"s faith. 只有你能重拾国王的信心。—— 《梅林传奇》 Love is stronger than anything. 爱情的力量胜过一切。——《梅林传奇》 What would be the point of living, if we didn"t let life change us? 要是总是一成不变 人生还有什么意义?——《唐顿庄园》 Cougar means older lady with a large sexual appetite. 大龄剩女就是指三十如狼,四 十如虎的饥渴女性。——《打工姐妹花》

彼得.潘 中的经典台词

1.Peter: Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where you"ll never, never have to worry about grown up things again. Wendy: Never is an awfully long time. 2.Smee: Captain, the ice is melting, the sun is out, and the flowers are all in bloom... Captain Hook: He"s back. 3.Wendy: Why do you hate him so? 4.Pirate: Beg for your lives. John: My brother and I are English gentlemen. English gentlemen do not beg. [Michael gets on his knees] Michael: ...Please. Please. 5.Peter: Ready to lose the other one? Captain Hook: Not this time. 6.Captain Hook: [to Wendy] Didst thou ever want to be a pirate? 7.Wendy: We must leave at once... before we, in turn, are forgotten. 8.Wendy: Might I have time to consider your generous offer? Captain Hook: Absolutely. Captain Hook: My new obsession is you. Captain Hook: None of my crew will follow you... I swear it. Wendy: What would mother think of my becoming a pirate? 9.Smee: Pan did you a favor, did he, Captain? Captain Hook: A favor? He threw my hand to a crocodile, the beast liked it so much, it"s followed me ever since, licking its lips for the rest of me... YOU CALL THAT A FAVOR? 10.[Wendy sews Peter"s shadow to his feet] Peter: Oh, the cleverness of me. Wendy: Of course, I did nothing... Peter: You did a little. Wendy: Oh, the cleverness of you. 11.Peter: If you wish it. Slightly: If you wish it? 12.Captain Hook: If I were you, I"d give up. Peter: If you were me, I"d be ugly. 13.Peter: I do believe in fairies, I do, I do. 14.[Wendy has just become the Lost Boys" mother] Peter: Discipline. That"s what fathers believe in. We must spank all of the children now before they try to kill you again. Better yet, we should kill them. Wendy: Father. I agree that they are... perfectly horrid, but... kill them and they should think themselves... important. The Lost Boys: So important, Peter. Curly: And unique. Wendy: I, however, propose a much more vile punishment. Medicine. The dreadful, sticky, sweet kind. The Lost Boys: Please kill us, Peter. 15.Wendy: This belongs to you, and always will Peter: I want always to be a boy, and have fun. Wendy: You say so, Peter, but I think it is your biggest pretend. 16.Wendy: Where do you17.Peter: There"s mermaids. Wendy: Mermaids? Peter: Indians. John and Michael: Indians? Peter: Pirates. John and Michael: Pirates? Wahoo. 18.[Wendy kisses Peter Pan and he starts to glow] 19.Captain Hook: Pan... you"re pink. 20.Wendy: Surely you must have felt love once for something... or someone. Peter: Never. Even the sound of it offends me. [Wendy tries to touch his face, and he jumps away] Peter: Why do you have to spoil everything? We have fun, don"t we? I taught you to fly and to fight. What more could there be? Wendy: There is so much more. 21.Peter: [after bumping his head on waking up] I was not asleep. 22.[Peter and Wendy land to talk to mermaids to find John and Michael] Wendy: Oh, How sweet. [Peter looks disgusted] Wendy: What? Are mermaids not sweet? Peter: They"ll sweetly drown you if you get too close 23.Slightly: Well... we have our orders. Shoot the Wendy bird. Ready... Aim... FIRE. 24.[Peter sees a boy flying next to him, forgetting he has just met him minutes before] Peter: Who are you? John: I"m John. Peter: John. 25.[Mr. and Mrs. Darling are rushing up the stairs, right before Peter takes the children to Neverland] Narrator: It would be delightful to report that they reached the nursery in time... but then, there would be no story. 26.Captain Hook: She was leaving you. Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer? You are incomplete. Let"s take a look into the future, shall we? You fly to Wendy"s nursery and... what"s this? The window"s closed. Peter: I"ll open it. Captain Hook: I"m afraid the windows barred. Peter: I"ll call out her name. Captain Hook: She can"t hear you. Peter: No. Captain Hook: She can"t see you. Peter: Wendy. Captain Hook: She"s forgotten all about you. Peter: Stop it. Please. Stop it. 27.[During a swordfight between Peter and Wendy] Tootles: Mother and father are fighting again... 28.Peter: You be quiet or I"ll banish you just like Tink. Wendy: I WILL NOT BE BANISHED. Peter: Then leave. And take your feelings with you. 29.Peter: To live would be an awfully big adventure. 30.Wendy: Peter... I should like to give you a kiss. [Peter holds his hand out] Wendy: Don"t you know what a kiss is? Peter: I shall know when you give me one. 31.Hook: Old... Alone... Done for. 32.Slightly: I couldn"t find the house, and now everyone has a mother but me. [On Wendy being their mother] 33.Slightly: And isn"t she just first class? 34.Slightly: Brace yerselves lads. 35.Slightly: I remember kisses, let me see. Aye, that is a kiss. A powerful thing. 36.Slightly: Then she must stay here and die. The Lost Boys and Peter Pan: [gasp] No. Slightly: Of course not. How could I have thought? Stupid. [gazing up at Wendy and Peter dancing in mid-air] 37.Captain Hook: Oh... Peter"s found himself a... Wendy. And Hook is all alone. [Hook asked Tiger Lily if she had seen Peter Pan, and she replies with a foreign language, and then spits at him] 38.Smee: She says sorry, but no. 39.Mrs. Darling: There are many different kinds of bravery. There"s the bravery of thinking of others before one"s self. Now, your father has never brandished a sword nor... nor fired a pistol, thank heavens. But he has made many sacrifices for his family, and put away many dreams. Michael: Where did he put them? Mrs. Darling: He put them in a drawer. And sometimes, late at night, we take them out and admire them. But it gets harder and harder to close the drawer... and he does. And that is why he is brave. 40.Captain James Hook: Proud and insolent youth! Prepare to meet thy doom! Smee: It"s all a bit tragic, really, isn"t it? 41.John: [upon meeting Peter] You offend reason, sir. Michael: Mm-hmm. John: [sees Peter lift into the air] I should like to offend it with you 42.Peter: You can"t catch me and make me a man. 43.Peter: I"m the best there ever was! 44.Peter: She is to tell us stories... SHES... Slightly: Dead... awful. 45.Curly: Tragic. Nibs: Good shot, though. 46.Mrs. Darling: And what"s your name? Nibs: Nibs. I plan the battles. Mrs. Darling: Would you like a mother, Nibs? Nibs: [crying] Yes! 47.Captain Hook: It is your requiem mass, boy! 48.Captain Hook: Split my infinitives! 49.Captain Hook: How like a girl! 50.Captain Hook: So Peter Pan, this is all your doing? Peter: Aye James Hook, it"s all my doing. 51.Peter: Then you are my friend no more.


电影《布达佩斯大饭店》是美国导演韦斯·安德森的第八部电影长片,影片讲述了战争时期一个欧洲著名大饭店看门人的传奇,以及他和一个后来成为他最信任门生的年轻雇员之间友谊的故事。这个看门人的传奇串联起了一个盗贼与一幅文艺复兴时期油画,一个大家族的财富争夺战,以及改变了整个欧洲的突发战乱。 《布达佩斯大饭店》经典台词 You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. 你看,仍有微弱的文明曙光这野蛮的屠宰场,曾经被称为人类。 Rudeness is merely an expression of fear. 无礼只是恐惧的一种表露。 People fear they won"t get what they want.The most dreadful and unattractive person only needs to be loved,and they will open up like a flower. 人们恐惧无法得到所想,只要最为可怕、不讨人喜爱的人被爱,他们便会像花儿般绽放。 ——M·古斯塔夫《布达佩斯大饭店》 还好在这野蛮不复文明的世界里尚有一丝人性存在。 I was once considered a great beauty。 我曾经被认为是一个伟大的美。 看见没,在这个野蛮的屠宰场里,还是残存着一些,曾被称为人性的文明之光的,没错,这就是我们所能提供的,以谦虚、谦逊、谦卑的姿态。去他妈的。 活着的时候做什么都没有意义。 在野蛮的屠宰场,仍有一丝文明的微光,这就是人性。 Take your hands off my lobby boy! 结果我没能登上富士山,我已经老去。 《布达佩斯大饭店》剧情简介 故事要从一位无名作家(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)说起,为了专心创作,他来到了名为“布达佩斯”的.饭店,在这里,作家遇见了饭店的主人穆斯塔法(F·莫里·亚伯拉罕 F. Murray Abraham 饰),穆斯塔法邀请作家共进晚餐,席间,他向作家讲述了这座饱经风雨的大饭店的前世今生。 饭店曾经的主人名叫古斯塔沃(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰),而年轻的穆斯塔法(托尼·雷沃罗利 Tony Revolori 饰)在当时不过是追随着他的一介小小门童。古斯塔沃为人正直,精明能干,在他的经营和组织之下,布达佩斯大饭店成为了当时首屈一指的度假胜地。古斯塔沃和年迈的D夫人(蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)情投意合,D夫人去世后,在遗嘱中将一副价值连城的名画留给了古斯塔沃,这一举动惹恼了她的儿子迪米特里(阿德里安·布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰),布达佩斯大饭店和古斯塔沃的厄运就此拉开了帷幕。


Bane of your existence...痛苦之源出生了….Bane... Elemental痛苦之源…一切的根源。Your Nightmare is here.你的噩梦在这里。I bring nightmares.我带来了噩梦。I come with evil dreams.我带来了邪恶之梦。Bane.痛苦之源。Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!哈哈哈哈哈!A battle? I must be dreaming!战斗?我需要梦!Evil dreams await!邪恶的梦想在等待着我们!The tide of night advances...夜晚的时间在延长…以上信息来自:


(暗夜精灵的语言)ana"doreini talah 战吼,意思应该是“为了大自然的存亡” ana"duna falore, iszera duna bantallas 应该是:看来是真的,绿皮肤是很原始 (参见"ashte"rodne fanass")ana"duna thera 鼓励,意思应该是“复仇的快意是我的”ande"thoras-ethil 不明andu falah dor 鼓励,战吼anu"dora同意 anu therador mali 不同意arauk-nashal 不明ash karath 不明 ashra thoraman 问题,应该是“干吗?”ashte rudanador 同意ashte"rodne fanass 应该是“还很丑”,参见("ana"duna falore, iszera duna bantallas")bandu thoribas 恐吓bash"a no falor talah 恐吓, 应该是“你将死”,或者用于鼓励,战吼 “准备好”darnassus 不明,暗夜精灵首都的名字dor, dora, duna 应该是 “之,的”dorei “之子”或者“儿女”,参见:"Quel"dorei", "Kaldorei" drassil 王冠, 参见:"Nordrassil", "Teldrassil" elune 月之女神elune-adore 问候语,应该是“Elune于你同在”endu"di riffa 鼓励,战吼en"shu falah-nah 应该是 “再见”fandu dath belore 问题,应该是“谁在那边?”ishnu-alah 问候语, 应该是“和平与你同在”ishnu-dal-dieb 问候语,应该是“和平也与你同在” izal-shurah 不明, 用于: "Izal-Shurah的大图书馆" kal “星”, 参见 "Kaldorei", "Kalimdor", "Kalidar" kaldorei 众星之子kalidar 不明, Kalimdor旁的一个小岛屿kalimdor “星之大陆”或是“星光下的大陆”quel “高等”,参见 "Quel"dorei", "Quel"thalas" quel"dorei “高血统”quel"thalas 应该是“高等之国”nendis 不明, 暗夜精灵城市nor “苍穹”或“天堂”,参见 "Nordrassil" nordrassil “苍穹之冠”, 第一棵世界树 shan“德鲁伊”shan"do "大德鲁伊" shindu fallah na 恐吓surumar 不明, 第一次大战前暗夜精灵的首都tel 大地, 参见 "Teldrassil" teldrassil "大地之冠", 第二棵世界树 talah 应该是“生存”thero “熊” 或 “爪”thero-shan “利爪德鲁伊” 或 “熊-德鲁伊”thor falah nor dora 鼓励,战吼tor ilisar"thera"nal 鼓励,战吼




前往***的旅客请注意:您乘坐的*****次航班现在开始登机。请带好您的随身物品,出示登机牌,由*号闸口登机。祝您旅途愉快。谢谢!LadiesandGentlemen,mayIhaveyourattentionplease:flight****alternatedto***isboarding.WouldyoupleasehaveyourbelongingsandboardingpassesreadyandboardtheaircraftthroughgateNO.**.Wewishyouapleasantjourney.Thankyou.⑴欢迎词女士们,先生们:欢迎你乘坐**航空公司航班XXXX由_____前往_____(中途降落_____)。本次航班的飞行距离是_______,预计空中飞行时间是________小时_______分。飞行高度______米,飞行速度平均每小时_______公里。为了保障飞机导航通讯系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具 ,电子游戏机,激光唱机和电音频接收机等电子设备。飞机很快就要起飞了,现在有客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠背和小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李架内或座椅下方。(本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。)本次航班的机长是___、事务长/机舱经理/乘务长是___本次航班将有___位空服员,其中___位___籍空服员为大家服务,如果您需要任何协助,请通知空服人员。我们将竭诚为为您提供及时周到的服务。谢谢!WelcomeGoodmorning(afternon,evening),LadiesandGentlemen:Welcomeaboard***AirwaysflightXXXXfrom______to______(via______)Thedistancebetween______and_______is______kilometers.Ourflightwilltake________hoursand_______minutes.Wewillbeflyingatanaltitudeof________metersandtheaveragespeedis_______kilometersperhour.Inordertoensurethenormaloperationofaircraftnavigationandcommunicationsystems,passengersaretoys,andotherelectronicdevicesthroughouttheflightandthelaptiocomputersarenotallowedtouseduringtake-offandlanding.Wewilltakeoffimmediately,Pleasebeseated,fastenyourseatbelt,andmakesureyourseatbackisstraightup,yourtraytableisclosedandyourcarry-onitemsaresecurelystowedintheoverheadbinorundertheseatinfrontofyou.(Thisisanon-smokingflight,pleasedonotsmokeonboard.)The(chief)purser_________withallyourcrewmemberswillbesincerelyatyourservice.Wehopeyouenjoytheflight!Thankyou!


女士们、先生们,欢迎您选乘星空联盟成员中国国际航空公司XX航班前往XX。非常感谢各位旅客、国航知音会员长期以来对国航的支持与信赖,真诚邀请更多旅客加入国航常旅客计划。机门已经关闭,请您关闭手机等电子设备,并系好安全带。现在为您播放安全须知录像,请留意收看。我们全体机组成员将竭诚为您服务,祝您旅途愉快。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome aboard Air China,a proud Star Alliance member.This flight isXX to XX.We feel grateful to all passengers and PhoenixMiles members for your business,and you are very much welcome to join the PhoenixMiles,our frequent flyer program.As we are preparing for take-off,please fasten your seatbelt,switch off your mobile phone and any kind of electronic devices.Here we have for you a video explaining the safety features of the aircraft.We hope you will enjoy the flight and wish you a pleasant journey.女士们、先生们,对您在旅途中给予的支持和帮助,我们全体机组成员表示最诚挚的谢意,谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,On behalf of the entire crew,we would like to thank you for your support and cooperation during the flight.Thank you.

《闻香识女人》 中阿尔·帕西诺的台词


《闻香识女人》 中阿尔·帕西诺的台词



关于闻香识女人的经典台词   随着社会不断地进步,我们可以使用台词的机会越来越多,台词是剧本构成的基本成分,有着不可忽视的作用。那些广为流传的台词都是什么样子的呢?下面是我为大家整理的关于闻香识女人的经典台词,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。   1、no mistakes in the tango, not like life、舞跳错了可以继续,生活呢?   2、some people live a lifetime in a minute、有时永恒凝结在瞬间,有时瞬间就决定了永恒。   3、would you mind if we waited with you? you know, just to keep the wonmanizers from bothering you、人家姑娘在等男朋友,你们和她一起等,给出的理由居然还是: keep the wonmanizers from bothering you.霍霍,这老油条!   4、what life?i got no life.i"m in the dark here、do you understand? i"m in the dark、AL PACINO充满爆发力而真实的表演,让人听到这句不禁一阵辛酸——幽默绅士嬉笑怒骂的背后隐藏的孤独的痛苦又有谁能理解呢?   5、if you"re tangled up, just tango on、生活是tango,时而欢喜,时而顿郁。如果你被tangled up, just tango on.   6、all my life i stood up to everyone and everything because if made me feel important、you do it cause you mean it、有目的的生活有时候也会是一种悲哀。差距总是让人失落。   7、you"re not bad, you"re just in pain、如果一个人是坏人,并不是因为他本性有多恶,只是因为他的生命中积累了太多的的坏。是的,世界上没有坏人,只有在痛苦中的人。   8、i know exactly where your body is、what i"m looking for s some indication of a brain、too much football without a helmet? 哈哈,显然的slade-style-joke,我就属于那种“玩多了足球忘带头盔的那种”。   9、IQ of sloth, and the manner of banshees、树懒的智商,女妖的行为。不带脏话,slade也是个骂人高手。   10、when the shit hits the fan, some guys run and some guys stay、世界就是如此,东窗事发的时候有人走,有人留。   拓展   1.rask: mr. simms, you are a cover-up artist and you are a liar. 西门斯先生,你是一个狡猾的包庇者,是一个说谎者。 frank: but not a snitch! 但不是告密者。 trask: excuse me? 什么? frank: no, i don‘t think i will. 我不会原谅你   2.if you make a mistake,get all tangled up, just tango on.   如果你跳错了也没关系,接着跳下去。   3.trask: mr. simms, you are a cover-up artist and you are a liar.   西门斯先生,你是一个狡猾的包庇者,是一个说谎者。   4.please watch your language, mr. slade; you are in the baird school, not a barracks. mr. simms, i‘ll give you one final opportunity to speak up. 请注意你的语言斯莱德先生,这里是拜尔德中学不是军营。西门斯先生我给你最后一次机会申辩。   5. no mistakes in the tango, not like life.   兮:舞跳错了可以继续,生活呢?   6.all my life i stood up to everyone and everything because if made me feel important. you do it cause you mean it.   兮:有目的的生活有时候也会是一种悲哀。差距总是让人失落。   7.you‘re not bad, you‘re just in pain.   兮:如果一个人是坏人,并不是因为他本性有多恶,只是因为他的生命中积累了太多的的坏。是的,世界上没有坏人,只有在痛苦中的人。   8.what life?i got no life.i‘m in the dark here. do you understand? i‘m in the dark.   9. if you‘re tangled up, just tango on.   10. when the shit hits the fan, some guys run and some guys stay.   兮:世界就是如此,东窗事发的时候有人走,有人留。   11. i don‘t know charlie‘s silence here is right or wrong,i‘m not a judge or jury, but i can tell you this, he won‘t sell anybody out to buy his future.that‘s called integrity!that‘s called courage!   兮:逃避责任的倾向谁都有,但正因如此,世界才呼唤"正直"和"勇气"。   12. now i‘ve come to the crossroad in my life.i always knew what the right path was without exception. i knew, but i never took it.you know why.it‘s was too damn hard.   兮:一个人走向末路往往是因为不遗余力的寻找捷径。   13. there is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. there is no prothesis for that.   兮:肢解人的灵魂是最可怕的,那几乎是不可挽回的。   14. did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go, and still you had the feeling that you wanted to stay?   兮:有时决定了要走,却总是徘徊留恋。有时决定留下,眼神却总望着远方的山水。没关系,唱首歌,走走停停地看看风景。一条路始终有个尽头。   闻香识女人台词演讲片段   mr. simms doesn‘t want it.   西蒙先生不需要   he doesn‘t need to be labeled‘‘still worthy of being a baird man.‘‘   他不需要被帖上 “依然值得作为博德人”标志   what the hell is that ?   这算什么?   what is your motto here ?   你们的座右铭是什么?   ‘‘boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide;   “孩子们,出卖朋友求自保”   anything short of that,we‘re gonna burn you at the stake‘‘ ?   “否则,烧得你不见灰”?   well, gentlemen,   好的,先生们…   when the shit hits the fan,some guys run...   出纰漏时,有人逃离   and some guys stay.   有人留了下来   here‘s charlie facin‘ the fire,and there‘s george hidin‘ in big daddy‘s pocket.   查理面对烈火,那边的乔治躲进老爹的大口袋里   and what are you doin‘ ?   结果你做什么呢?   you‘re gonna reward george and destroy charlie.   你奖励乔治,摧折查理   are you finished, mr. slade ?   (校长)你讲完了,史雷德?   no, l‘m just gettin‘ warmed up.   不,我刚暖好身而已   l don‘t know who went to this place.   我不知道谁在这里念过书   william howard taft,william jennings bryant,   威廉·霍华德·塔夫,威廉·简名斯·伯恩   william tell, whoever.   威廉·铁尔,等等   their spirit is dead,if they ever had one.   他们精神已死,如果曾经有的话   lt‘s gone.   它已经逝去   you‘re buildin‘ a rat ship here,   你在这培育的是老鼠大队   a vessel for seagoin‘ snitches.   一堆卖友求荣客者   and if you think you‘re preparin‘ these minnows for manhood,   如果你以为在锻炼虾兵成龙头   you better think again,   你最好三思   because l say you are killin‘ the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills.   因为你正扼杀了这所学府所坚持的精神   what a sham.   真是耻辱   what kind of a show are you guys puttin‘ on here today ?   你们今天给我看的.是什么东西?   l mean, the only class in this act is sittin‘ next to me.   唯一在这次事件中有格调的人坐在我旁边   l‘m here to tell you this boy‘s soul is intact.   我可以告诉你这孩子的灵魂是完整无缺的   lt‘s non-negotiable.you know how l know ?   这是不容置疑的,为什么我知道?   someone here, and l‘m not gonna say who,offered to buy it.   这里的某个人,我不会说出是谁,要收买他   only charlie here wasn‘t sellin‘.   但查理不为所动   sir, you‘re out of order.   (校长)先生,你太过份了   l show you out of order.   我告诉你什么叫过份   you don‘t know what out of order is, mr. trask.   你不知道什么才是过分的,trask先生   lf l were the man l was five years ago, l‘d take a flamethrower to this place !   如果我是五年前的那个人,我会带喷火枪来这儿!   out of order ? who the hell you think you‘re talkin‘ to ?   过分?你以为你在跟谁说话?   l‘ve been around,you know ?   我是见过世面的,明白吗?   there was a time l could see.   曾经我还看得见   and l have seen boys like these,younger than these,   我见过很多像在场的男孩之一样的人,比这里的人还要年轻   their arms torn out,their legs ripped off.   臂膀被扭,腿被炸断   but there is nothin‘like the sight of an amputated spirit.   那些都不及灵魂被切除更可怕   there is no prosthetic for that.   灵魂没有义肢!   you think you‘re merely sendin‘ this splendid foot soldier back home to oregon with his tail between his legs,   你以为你把这好青年像落荒狗似的送回家   but l say you are executin‘ his soul !   我说你是处死了他的灵魂   and why ?   为什么?   because he‘s not a baird man.   因为他不是一个博德人   baird men.you hurt this boy,   博德人,你伤害了这个男孩   you‘re gonna be baird bums,   你就是博德孬种   the lot of you.   你们全是   and, harry, jimmy,   而哈瑞,吉米,博德   trent, wherever you are out there,   特伦特,不管你们坐在哪里…   stand down, mr. slade !   (校长)坐下,史雷得先生   l‘m not finished.   我还没讲完   as l came in here,l heard those words:‘‘cradle of leadership.‘‘   来这儿的时候,我听到类似“领袖摇篮”的字眼   well, when the bough breaks,the cradle will fall,   嗯,支干断掉时,摇篮就垮了   and it has fallen here.   它已经在这里垮掉了,   lt has fallen.   已经垮了   makers of men,creators of leaders.   人类制造者,领袖创造家   be careful what kind of leaders you‘re producin‘ here.   当心你创造的是哪种领袖   l don‘t know if charlie‘s silence here today is right or wrong;   我不知道查理今天的缄默是对是错   l‘m not a judge or jury.   我不是法官或者陪审团   but l can tell you this:   但我可以告诉你   he won‘t sell anybody out to buy his future !   他绝不会出卖别人以求前程   and that, my friends,is called integrity.   而这,朋友们,就叫正直   that‘s called courage.   这就叫勇气   now that‘s the stuff leaders should be made of.   那才是创造领袖的原料   now l have come to the crossroads in my life.   如今我走到人生十字路口   l always knew what the right path was.   我总是知道哪条路是对的   without exception, l knew,   毫无例外,我知道   but l never took it.you know why ?   但我从不走,为什么?   lt was too damn hard.   因为妈的太难了   now here‘s charlie.he‘s come to the crossroads.   而现在是查理,他也走到了十字路口   he has chosen a path.   他选择了一条路   lt‘s the right path.   这是一条正确的路   lt‘s a path made of principle that leads to character.   这是一条原则,通往个性之道   let him continue on his journey.   让他继续他的行程吧   you hold this boy‘s future in your hands, committee.   这个男孩的前途掌握在你们手中,委员们   lt‘s a valuable future,   绝对是有价值的前途   believe me.   相信我   don‘t destroy it.protect it.   别毁了它,保护它   embrace it.   拥抱它   lt‘s gonna make you proud one day, l promise you.   有一天您会引以为毫的,我向你保证 ;




  http://www.800down.com/modules/article/reader.php?aid=18223&cid=180849  很全  回答者: hl雷霆之怒 - 魔法师 五级 3-17 18:28  红色警戒2中经典台词  下面的一些台词相信大家都很熟悉吧!不过天启没有找到尤里复仇的一些台词,有时间的朋友可以看看一样,很多台词应该可以勾起大家的回忆,当年在网吧的时候,满网吧可都是的啊!呵呵!好了,不说了,天启码字去也!~!  *盟军男平民  回应  WhatshouldIdo?我该做什么?  移动  Thisisscary.这是骇人的。  攻击  I‘lldoit.我将做它  Isee‘em.我看见他们。  Youbet.你打赌。  *盟军女子  回应  Whatdoyouwant.你想要什么。  Ilikeamaninuniform.我喜欢穿制服的人。  Likemynewhaircut?喜欢我的新发型吗?  移动  CanIbringmyfriends?我能带我的朋友吗?  Alright.好的。  Let‘sgo!让我们走!  Myfeethurt.我的脚痛了。  攻击  Ifyousayso如果你这样说(我就做)  DoIhaveto?,我要做?  IsthisaREALgun?这是支真枪吗?  WillIgethurt?我将受伤吗?  受伤  Ijustboughtthisoutfit.我只是买了这装备。  Hey,cutitout.嗨,让它离开。  Iwasonlykidding!我仅仅在开玩笑!  *俄男平民  回应  WhereshouldIgo?我应该去哪?  You‘rewish?你的愿望吗?  移动  Itis,safe?是这,安全吗?  Ihearandobey.我听到并且服从。  攻击  Firing.开火  Forthecommongood.为了共同的好处。  Iwilldoasyousay.我将做,正如你所说。  *俄妇女  回应  Da俄语的是[猜的]  Whatisit?这是什么?  I‘mcold.我很冷。  AreyouKGB?你是克格勃(成员)吗?(苏联类似FBI的特工组织)  Whatasociety.多好的社会。  移动  I‘llbelateforbreadline.(这样)我排粮队会迟到的。  ButIwasworking.但是我还在工作呀。  NorestforSovietwomen.苏维埃妇女不休息。  Wherearewegoing?我们正在去哪?  攻击  IfImust.如果我必须。  Willyouwatchmychildren?你照看我的孩子吗?  Itismyduty.它是我的责任。  ForRomanov.为了诺曼罗夫(RA2中的苏联总理)。  受伤  I‘mjustawoman.我只是一个女人呀。  Iknewthiswouldhappen.我知道这将发生。  *牛仔  回应  Iain‘tyeller.我忍不住大叫(依~~~哈~~~)。  Likemybeltbuckle.喜欢我的“带扣环”。[猜的]  Heypartner!嗨,伙伴!  移动  Where‘smahorse?我的马在哪里?[应该是吧]  Let‘smosey.让我们闲逛。  Gittin‘along.……向前?[不知]字串7  Hittin‘thetrail.发现痕迹[猜的]  攻击  Timeforashowdown.对决的时间到了。  Fastestguninthewest.西部最快的枪。  Readytodraw.准备好了平局。[猜的]  受伤  I‘mbein‘bushwhacked!我被伏击!  Varmitshotme!混蛋射击我!  Gonnadieinmyboots!我要死了![猜的]  *超级保镖  回应  I‘lltakethebullet.我将带上子弹。  Agentinthefield.顾主在场上。[猜的]  Secretservicehere.这里是“经情局”(美特务机构)。  Needanescort?需要护卫吗?  Assigmentsir?委派,先生?  What‘syourclearancelevel?你的“清理”水平怎样?  移动  Securingthearea.放心这区域。  Scanningperimeter.扫描周边(情况)。  Rightawaysir.马上,先生。  Assignmentrecieved.任务收到。  攻击  He‘sdoesn‘tbelonghere.他不属于这儿。  He‘sathreat.他是个威胁。  Nowitnesses.没有证人。[猜的]  Shoottokill.枪毙。  Executingassignment.执行任务。  *恐怖分子  回应  Whatareyourconditions?你开的条件是?  Wemustrevolt.我们必须反抗。  Needasmuggler?需要秘密运输船吗?  移动  VamosMuchachos!冲![猜的]  Igofreely.我自由地去。[猜的]  攻击  Adiosamigos!再见,朋友!  Here‘sahotpapaya!这有个火热的番木瓜!(蘑菇云?)  Fortherepublic!为了共和国!  Traitorsmustbeeliminated!叛徒必须被清除!  受伤  TakemebacktoHavana!把我带回到哈瓦那(古巴首都)!  I‘vebeendiscovered!我被发现了!  *美国大兵  回应  Siryessir!长官,是长官!  Ready!准备好了!  Squaredawaysir!正远方,长官![猜的]  Orders?命令是?  How`boutsomeaction?来一些行动,怎么样?  Cando!能干!  Who‘snext?下一个是谁(目标)?  移动  Move‘nout!移动并出去[猜的]  Gotit!拿下它!  Onmyway!正在路上!  Doubletime!快跑时间!  Onthemove!在移动中!  攻击  Attacking!正在攻击!  Yougotit!你干掉它!  Enemysighted!敌人已看见!  Let‘sdoit!让我们行动!  Diggin‘in!渗人里面![猜的]  Safetyfirst,sir!安全第一,长官!  受伤  We‘repinneddown!我们被压制了!  We‘rebeingattacked!我们正在被攻击!  *动员兵  回应  Waitingorders.等待命令中。  Comrad?同志?  Conscriptreporting.动员兵报告。  移动  Movingout.开始行动  Orderreceived.命令收到。  FortheUnion.为了(苏维埃)联盟。  攻击  Forhomecountry.为祖国。  Youaresure?你肯定?  FormotherRussia!为母亲俄罗斯!  受伤  Mommy!妈妈呀!  We‘rebeingattacked!我们正被攻击!  *盟军工程师  回应  Engineering.工程中。  Ihavethetools.我有工具。  I‘vegottheknowledge.我有知识。  Needarepair?需要修理吗?  移动  Yessir!是,长官!  Moving.移动中。  Iwon‘tbelate.我不会迟到的。  某些RA2扩展包中  We‘llhavethepowerupin30seconds,sir.我们将在30秒内供电,长官。  攻击  Analyzingschematics.分析图表中。  Studyingblueprints.正在学习蓝图。  Gottheplansrighthere.恰好在这里得到了计划。  受伤  Getmeoutahere!让我离开这!  I‘munarmed!我是徒手的!(还说别人不人道?)  *苏军工程师  回应  Toolsready.工具已备齐。  Ihavetheinformation.我知道信息。  Somethingneedfixing?有些东西需要修理?  Iknowhowitworks.我知道它怎么工作。  移动  YesCommander!  是的,指挥官!  Iwillgo.我就去。  攻击  Checkingdesigns.检查方案。  Examiningdiagrams.检验图表。  *磁暴步兵  回应  Teslasuitready!磁暴服装穿好!  Extracrispy.非常易碎。[猜的]  Chargingup.充能中。  Electrodesready!电极就绪!  Checkingconnection.检查连接。  移动  Goingtosource.去发源地。[猜的]  Yescomrade.是的,同志。  Surgingforward.向前挺进。[猜的]  Electricianinthefield.战场上的“电工”。  Rubbershoesinmotion.穿着橡胶鞋子运动(走着别扭?)。[猜的]  攻击  2,000voltscomingup.2000伏高压来了。(我怕怕……)  He‘sfried.他被“油炸”了。  Completingcircuit.完善电路中。[放电?猜的]  Letthejuiceflow.让液体流动起来。  CommencingShocktherapy.开始电震疗法。  Congratulations!祝贺!  You‘vebeendischarged.你被放电了。  受伤  Groundyourselves!土地是你们自己的!  Reinforcements!增援!  I‘mhit!我被打了!  *飞兵  回应  Rocketsinthesky.在天空飞升。  AllFiredup!全部点火!  Checkouttheview.检查视野。  Icangoanywhere!我能去任何地方!  Gottaclearview,sir.必须视野广阔,长官。  Readytosoar.准备好了滑翔。  Fueltanksarefilled.燃料罐是充满的。  移动  Pushin‘away.冲呀[猜的]  Ignitingboosters.推进器点火。  RidingHigh.高空乘骑。  Upandover.升高并越过。  Gotasteadyflow.得到了稳定的漂移。[猜的]  I‘lltakethehighroad.我将控制空路。[猜的]  Liftingoff.停止上升。  攻击  He‘sgotnoplacetohide.他没地方隐蔽。  Icansee‘em.我能看见他们。  Igot‘emClearouttheplace.我把他们清除出这区域。  Theywon‘tseeuscomin.他们不会看见我们来了。  受伤  I‘mlosingcompression!我的压缩机正在受损!  There‘stoomuchflak!那儿的防空火力太猛!  Myrocket‘shit!我的推进器被打中了!  *防空兵  回应  Flaktrooperreporting.防空兵报到。  ready.就绪。  Orderscomrad?命令?同志。  AtleastIhaveajob.至少我有一个工作了。  移动  Iamgoing.我正在去。  Movingout.移过去。  Thisgunisheavy.这支枪很沉呀  攻击  Flak_attack.对空攻击。  Thiswillbemessy.这将混乱。[猜的]  Cloudsofdeath.死亡之云。  Flakyou.射下你。  受伤  Can‘tseethroughtheflak.看不到高射炮火后(的东西)。(视线被“死亡之云”挡了)  Thereshootingme.那儿在射击我。  HelpmeRomanov.救我,诺曼罗夫(RA2中的苏联总理)。  I‘mjustoneman.我只是个人而已。  *间谍  回应  Commander?指挥官?  Missionsir?任务,长官?  Gimmeaplan.给我一个计划。  Agentready.准备好了装扮。[猜的]  移动  ForKingandCountry.为总统和国家。  Indeed.当然。  Undercover.隐藏着。  攻击  Operationunderway.实施行动。  Disguiseready.伪装好了。  Readytoinfiltrate.准备好了渗透。  Obtainingintelligence.获取谍报中。  受伤  Theyfoundmeout!他们发现了我!  I‘vebeenspotted!我被揭穿了!  *疯狂伊文  攻击  HappyBirthday!生日快乐!(送你一个爱的礼物:)  Here,holdthis.这儿,拿好。  Ilostabomb.我少了一个炸弹。(送一个,少一个)  Doyouhaveit?你有它吗?(没有就送你一个)  Don‘tplaywithmatches.别玩火柴。(这还了得……)  移动  I‘mgoin‘.我正在过去。  What‘soverhere?这里有什么?  回应  K-BOOM!(开爆?:)[型号?]  What‘sthat?那是什么?  Ivan‘snothome!伊文不回家![猜的]  It‘stooquiethere.这里是太安静了吧。(打红警就得这么想:)  *海豹部队  回应  SEALready.“海豹”准备好了。  I‘myourman.我是你的人。  Alil‘C4knockin‘atyourdoor.一个小C4炸弹在敲你的门。[猜的]  Who‘syourdaddy?你父亲是谁?  移动  Coverme.掩护我。  Howaboutaswim?游泳怎么样?  Alright,thewater‘swarm!好的,水挺温暖!  攻击  Enemyinmysites!敌人在我的地盘上!  Igot`em.我干掉了他们。  Thisistooeasy.这是太容易啦。  SpecialDelivery!(炸弹)专递!  Goin‘down!下沉吧!  Let‘sgetiton!让我们进行吧![猜的]  *辐射工兵  回应  Desolatorready.辐射炮准备就绪。  Readyformelt-down.准备好了去溶化。  Reactorready.反应堆就绪。  Mercuryrising.水银上升。  移动  Findahotspot.找一个热闹的区域。  ScorchedEarth.全部烧焦。  SpreadtheDoom.展开末日。  Theregoestheneighborhood.他在这附近。[猜的]  It‘llbeaSilentSpring.它将沉默的爆发。[猜的]  攻击  Taggedforextinction.消灭目标。  Makeitglow.让它发光。(变绿)  Let‘sheat`emup.让我们使他们热起来。  Herecomesthesun.这里出太阳了。  Theendisnear.死期将近。  Let‘smakeanoasisofdeath.让我们造个“死亡绿洲”。  *阻击手  回应  Sniperready.狙击手就绪。  Givemeatarget.给我一个目标。  Gimmeajob.给我一个工作。  Eliminate‘em.清除他们。  移动  Proceedingtovantagepoint.跑到有利地势去。  Justgimmeaclearview.只要给我一个广阔的视野  Ilovetocamp.我喜欢“蹲点”。[猜的]  Justgetmecloseenough.只须让我靠的足够近。  Settlingin.迁入中。[猜的]  攻击  Takin‘‘emout.拿下他们。  He‘sinmyscope.他在我的射程内。  He‘sadeadman.他是个死人了。  受伤  Runforcover!为保命撤退!  Ineedsupport!我需要支援!  I‘mintooclose!我靠的太近了!  *超时空军团兵  回应  Yes,Commander.是的,指挥官。  Alreadythere.已经在那里。  I‘mgone.我去了。  Pickaspot.挑一个地点。  Withoutatrace.没有踪迹。(来无影,去无踪)  攻击  They‘rehistory.他们成为历史。  DeconstructingNeverexisted.分解中决不存在。(目标被定住了)  Removing.消除中。(送进“超时空”啦)  受伤  Idon‘thavetimeforthis!我没时间干这个!  Let‘sgetoutahere!让我们离开这!  *潭雅  回应  Anytimeboss.任何时候,老板。  Yougotanorder?你得到了命令?  Where‘stheparty?“聚会”在哪儿?  Showmetheway.给我指路。  How‘boutsomeaction.来一些行动,如何?  移动  I‘mthere.我在那里。  Howaboutatarget?!找个目标怎样?!  Movingoutboss.移过去,老板。  I‘monit.我在它附近。[猜的]  Shakeitbaby!摇它,宝贝儿![猜的]  攻击  Cha-Ching![不知]  Lockedandloaded.锁定并装弹。  YaahBaby!呀~宝贝儿!  *尤里  回应  Psychicready.心灵控制准备就绪。  Iknowyourthoughts.我知道你的想法。  Tellmeyourwish.告诉我你的愿望。(知道了还问?)  Yourmindisclear.你的头脑很清晰。  Themindisquickerthantheeye.精神比眼来的快。  移动  Yes,ofcourse.是的,当然。  Predictable.可预测的。  Thoughtsreceived.想法收到了。  Mycommandisyourwish.我的命令就是你的愿望。  攻击  Hebelongstous.他将属于我们。  Hismindisweak.他的精神力很弱。  Thereisnoresistance.这没有反抗。  Anewcomradejoinsus.一个新同志加入我们了。  Lookdeeplyintomyeyes深深地看着我的眼睛。*盟军车辆  回应  DestinationCommander?目的地?指挥官  Readytoroll!准备滚动!  Yessir.是,长官。  Unitreporting!部队报到!  Vehicleready.车辆就绪。  移动  Boundforward!往前开  Outstanding!等待中!  Onourway,sir.在我们的路上,长官。  Highspeed,lowdrag.高速度,低拖延。  Goodtogo!正好上路!  SecuringPosition!固定位置!  攻击  Firezoneconfirmed.开火区域确认。  Driverup!传动器开动!  Closingin!接近中!  Commencingassault!开始袭击!  Weaponready.武器准备好了。  *苏军车辆  回应  Awaitingorders.等候命令。  Readycomrade.准备好了,同志。  Vehiclereporting.车辆报到。  移动  Changingposition.改变位置中。  Moving.移动中。  Locationconfirmed.地点已确认。  攻击  Attacking!攻击!  Wewillburythem.我们将埋葬他们。  Encountingenemy.结束敌人。  *自爆卡车  回应  Whydon‘tyoudrive.为什么你不开车。  Ishallavengeus!我将替我们报仇!  Let‘smakeadelivery!让我们去“交货”!  Mytruckisloaded!我的卡车已装载!  移动  Watchoutforthebumps.小心碰撞。[易燃、易爆、轻举轻放]  Asyouwish.象你希望一样。  Onewaytrip.一次远行。  攻击  Don‘twaitupforme.别停下等我。  Itwillbeasmokingcrater.它将成为冒烟的弹坑。  Iampreparedtodie!我准备好了就义!  Formypeople!为我的人民(自爆)!  *入侵者战机  回应  Pilotreporting.飞行员报告。  Destination?目的地?  Channelclear.频道清晰。  Aircraftreporting.飞机报告。  移动  Likethewind.象风一般。  Changingvector.改变引导。  Thrustersengaged.推进器开动了。  Willco.再联系。[猜的]  攻击  Instrumentslockedon.器械已锁定(目标)。  We‘regoin‘in.我们正在过去。  Wehave‘monradar.我们出现在雷达上。[猜的]  Watchmysix.看我的“6”。  Readytostrike!准备好打击!  归西  We‘regoingdown.我们正在坠落。  Bailout!跳伞!  Eject!Eject!弹出!快弹出!  *黑鹰战机  回应  Korea‘sfinest.韩国的(黑鹰)最好。  Eaglesquadron.黑鹰中队  BlackEaglerep


People waiting for Health, waiting to die, waiting for repentance, the foreseeable future。People wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never come. 前面的people是我加的 原句是Afterward, the seven hundred people in the boats had nothing to do but waith... wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never come.

跪求 吸血鬼骑士和 地狱少女中的经典台词 和对话、、吸血鬼骑士中 开头那句什么不要靠近吸血鬼 的那个

1:优姬,我想告诉你,美的不是这个世界,而是承载这个世界的美丽的你的眼神。   2:要是太勉强自己的话,总有一天会受伤的。   3:你总是这么对我毕恭毕敬的会让我感到寂寞啊。   4:你们对我们来说,是短暂而脆弱的生命。要不要变成吸血鬼?变成和我一样的,以血为动力的怪物,与我一同度过漫长的岁月?   5:像现在这样哪怕多一刻,生活在这幸福的假象中不好吗?   6:我会承担责任的,因为我也是为了这一刻用尽手段,优姬,走吧,我们已经不能留在这里了。   7:优姬她,是这个世界上我唯一珍爱的女孩儿。   以下出自漫画:   8:只要优姬快乐就好了,至于其他人……无所谓。   9:你只要负责保护优姬就行了。   10:对不起啊,优姬……我可不是什么好吸血鬼呀……   11:我必须感谢你解决了那令人厌恶的束驳。但是我再也不能原谅你的存在了。因为你竟敢拿枪指着她。(出自漫画)   12:想怎么做?什么都不想做哦。太麻烦了。   13:我的双臂只为抱一个人而存在。已经容不下第二个人了……抱歉了。   14:对哦,想带优姬去她所希望去的地方呢。因为我只有看着优姬的笑脸,才觉得是幸福的呢。   15:谁都…无法成为谁的替代。所以心痛,总是伴随着离别的人 这些话原封不动还给你   你的心思太容易被看穿了   我接受守护者这个工作的理由只有一个,就是为了找出除掉那些有着人类外表额野兽的最有效方法   这样下去…不要靠近我   让我一个人静一静   已经…失去了作为人类的感情了吗   你也听到了吧,自己的血被我吸食的声音,在体会过那种毛骨悚然的感觉后,不可能没事的、   我没办法控制自己不去攻击你,我可能会杀死作为猎物的下一个人类,对我开枪吧,其实很害怕我吧   那么,不要管我了   我没能阻止自己,或许我会杀掉下一个被我定为猎物的人   我不是指这个...总有一天我会失去人的意识进入暴走状态吧,到时候就用这个...   术式最多也就是现阶段有用而已,你看过Level E之后应该明白了吧,那一天总会到来的,到时候优姬,就用你的手将我...杀了吧   师傅...为什麼吸血鬼要伤害人类呢?   不要 这样...我不能原谅 我自己的   真是 可悲啊,明明憎恨著吸血鬼,明明想著不能伤害人,但我却无法阻止如此渴望鲜血的自己   你快抛弃我吧,你已经很明白了吧,这样子跟血液锭剂是一样的,对我来说也只能熬一阵子罢了,在我再次渴望著你的鲜血之前...   优姬,我不会逃避了,再也不会...所以,你别哭了  被玖兰枢看到...吗?反正要被吸血的话,不是被我,而更希望被玖兰枢吸血吧  通过你的血我明白,就是这种味道   住口,吸血鬼,你和那女人散发著同样的味道   别碰我,别用你那碰过他的手   真愚蠢,吸血鬼不可能向往与人类的共存,血腥的历史不知多少次见证了这一点   他们在夺取人的生命时不会有任何犹豫,因为他们只是人形的猛兽,玖兰枢也是一样   你是笨蛋吗?没下定决心的是你才对吧   吸血鬼这种家伙,为什麼会是这样的啊?不管是谁,都不需要怜悯,就由我来超度你   别用你那肮脏的手碰她   无聊的捉迷藏游戏到此为结束了   我才没在意,我并不是为了救人才去猎杀那Level E的,再说了,根本就跟我自己的想法没有任何关系,只是工作而已   我也没有专程向你说明的义务吧   也是呢,擅自消失不能遵守约定的话,你也会很困扰呢,但我可是在复仇不成反被杀掉的前提下说的吧,你可真是失礼   不对…你到底是 谁?   绯樱 闲   四年以来,一直没有那个女人音信的原因,不会是她的样子跟以前不一样了吗?   被那女人咬过的地方有点痛了,我一个夜晚也未曾忘记过,四年前卑劣地玩弄我们兄弟俩,将我家变为血海的那个女人,即便如此,像这样活下来了…   或许正是因为优姬在,我才能够活到现在   没错,无法忘记…绯樱 闲,那一天你的真实面貌,沾满了我们的鲜血   不对,是不合时节的樱花   快回去吧,爸妈会担心的   因为那是吸血鬼   那家伙,露出獠牙了, 壹缕   快…逃 壹缕,如果你敢对壹缕下手,我就杀了你   真是恶趣味的假面啊,是那个女人的喜好吗?把那种东西摘下去如何呢?在我心里你就跟死了一样, 壹缕   对不起,一缕,对不起。。。   不知道该怎么做才好了,一缕,即使注意到了一缕的想法,又能做什么呢,该做什么呢,不知道,因为一缕生来就体弱多病,大概由于...在母亲的肚子中,夺走了一缕的一些东西,占为己有   所以一点一点的,一点一点的,齿轮慢慢转动   一缕期望我做的事,会尽量去实现的   不要这样,妈妈,妈妈平等分给我们的这些温暖,应该全属于一缕的,请给一缕,因为我也夺走了他一些东西,我是、、、   放心吧,赎罪之类的天真想法,老早就消失了,从那个夜晚,看到你在偷笑的那时刻开始   为什么要笑,你把父母的死......   一缕,再问你一次,为什么受了这么重的伤   不要,这种事我做不到   我不会的,快住手,我不能再失去更多了   一缕..你错了   剩下 的生命,就算全部为优姬使用,也毫无怨言   即使如此,为什麼要跟那个女人…   是想让我饱尝痛苦,再亲手杀死我吗?   你把那女人奉若神明!?   抱歉,我和自愿成为吸血鬼的你…   不准夺走,不准再从我身边夺走任何东西!   我现在就要结束你,结束一切   抛弃我的,是壹缕你吧   是...所以你没有必要为我牺牲   所以优姬...为什麼为了我而做到这一步?优姬平安无事,太好了...   对 优姬,不管你注视著谁,和你的约定...   即使现在,我在这里杀了你也没所谓啊,随时会消失的未来,活下去,到最后…可是,为什么你们要…把自己的道路……我已经决定了,要把全部的纯血种消灭掉……   我所认识的优姬,她在你身体里面吗   我很好,即使你不在我身边了。走吧,优姬。到那个可以永远和你在一起的人身边去。不过当我们再次相遇时,我会杀了你      就那么讨厌让我担心你吗   所以对你来说,有权利对我残忍一些。无论你怎样让我担心,无论你把我卷入怎样的危险,都随你高兴。但是那些根本就算不上补偿。就算   把我残留的生命全部用在优姬你身上,我也不会有半句怨言。   不要这样,不想再失去了   不...不是的,你...只有你,她不想让你变成吸血鬼...   因为有一个人,不管发生什麼事,我都不想让她变成吸血鬼 所以...我很明白   在我体内流淌着的,玖兰 枢的血   吸了玖兰 枢的血,应该暂时把欲望压下去了才对 , 然而...我现在...却想要优姬   对优姬而言,我到底算是什麼呢?   我...渴望著这温柔的手与笑容   她一点也不小,在我心里,她的存在一点也不渺小   我不会让你变成那种东西的,就算与玖兰 枢为敌,就算会被你怨恨   我只是希望优姬能够发自心底的微笑   她没必要做出任何牺牲   但是,你要记住这点,即使那家伙希望,我也绝对不会同意


龙血武姬?选人"They are nothing before me."   在我面前他们什么也不是  (国服版本:“在敌人眼里,我就是‘恐惧"!”)人形态  战斗:  "Suffer my fury."   尝尝我的愤怒吧!  "The might of Demacia will prevail."   德玛西亚武运必彰"The rage."   狂怒肆虐  "They see their end."   他们看到他们的末日了  "They are nothing before me."   在我面前他们什么也不是  "By the blood of my father, I will end them."   以吾父之血,取敌人性命移动:  "I go."   我这就去  "The dragon nears."   魔龙靠近了  "On wings of fury."   挥动着愤怒的双翼  "The enemies of Demacia will fall."   德玛西亚的敌人将会陨落  "Without remorse."   无悔(国服版本没有这句台词)  "The quiet before battle."   战争前的宁静  "I smell fear."   我闻到恐惧了  "They should run now."   他们现在该逃命了  "They have faced nothing like me."   他们没有面对过和我一样的生物  嘲讽:  "Come get a glimpse into the belly of the beast!" (in human form)   来到巨兽的肚子里面瞥一眼吧!(人形态)(国服版本:“过来尝一下巨龙之牙的滋味吧,凡人”)  玩笑:  "What do you get when a dragon sneezes? (Chuckles) Out of the way."   你在龙打喷嚏的时候能获得什么?(轻笑)滚开吧(国服版本:泽拉斯一定很羡慕我,因为我是增强天赋哦~)龙形态  战斗:  "Fragile creatures."   脆弱的生物  "I will dance in their ashes."   我将在他们的灰烬之中起舞  "Feel my talons."   尝尝我的利爪吧  "Fear me."   畏惧我吧  移动:  "Behold my true form."   仰视我的真身吧!  "Tremble before the power of a dragon."   在龙威之下颤抖吧  "Power flows through me."   力量在我体内涌动"I am unleashed."   我的束缚被解除了  嘲讽:  "Think you"re a dragon slayer? Come here and try."  自以为是屠龙勇士,敢过来试试吗?嗯~


1、I like the night. Without the dark, we"d never see the stars.我喜欢夜晚。没有黑暗,我们永远都看不见星星。2、I only said it"d be better if we weren"t friends, not that I didn"t wanna be.我只是说如果我们不是朋友会好很多,但是那不代表我不想和你交朋友。3、To live is you give me everything.你活着就是给我一切了。4、I"d never given much thought to how I would die.我从来没有想过自己会怎么死。5、I don"t have the strenghth to stay away from you anymore.我再也没有离开你的力气了。6、When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it"s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.当生活给了你一个远远超过你期望的美梦,那么,当这一期结束时,也就没有理由再去伤心。7、He unleashed the full, devastating power of his eyes on me, as if trying to communicate something crucial.他把那双眼睛的全部魅力都释放在我身上了,好像试图跟我说某件至关重要的事情似的。8、even if from another world ,still love you till the end of time.就算来自不同世界,依旧爱你到地老天荒。9、I like the night. Without the dark, we"d never see the stars.我喜欢夜晚。没有黑暗,我们永远都看不见星星。10、You don"t know how long I"ve waited for you. I"d rather die than stay away from you.你不知道,等了你有多久。所以,宁可死别,绝不生离。




-Sheldon: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, 冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,很暖和, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration; 也不会很热到直流汗。 in the summer, it"s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there, and there. 夏天的时候,这里又刚好可以吹过堂风,是来自这扇窗户和那扇的。 It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, 而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话, nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion. 不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。 I could go on, but I think I"ve made my point. 我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。 别老记着? 这能忘得掉吗? Forget? You want me to forget? 我这脑子 啥东西忘得掉啊! This mind does not forget. 从我妈给我断奶后 我就没忘掉过一件事 I haven"t forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me. - 那天是周二 下着毛毛雨 - 好了... - It was a drizzly Tuesday. - Okay... 你哭什么 Why are you crying? 我哭我自己蠢啊 Because I"m stupid! 那也没理由哭啊 That"s no reason to cry. 人只有悲伤的时候才该哭 One cries because one is sad. 比如说 其他人都太蠢我感到悲伤 For example, I cry because others are stupid 所以我才哭 我和许多女生交往过 Well,I"ve dated plenty of women. Joyce Kim还有Leslie Winkle... There was Joyce Kim... Leslie Winkle... 通知牛津英语词典的编辑们 Notify the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary. "许多"现在被重新定义为"两个" The word "plenty" has been redefined to mean "two." Sheldon 你是个聪明人 Sheldon,you are a smart guy. - 你得知道 - 我是"聪明人"? - You must know... - I"m "smart"? 要被归为"聪明人" 我得去掉60点智商才行 I"d have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as "smart." - Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Koothrappali. - Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Hofstader. - Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Cooper. - Dr. Gablehauser. - Mr.Wolowitz. 我是硕士 I have a Master"s degree. 谁不是? Who doesn"t? 多年来 我们一直潜心 试图探究他将如何繁衍后代 Over the years,we"ve formulated many theories about how he might reproduce. 我主张的是有丝分裂 I"m an advocate of mitosis. 什么? I"m sorry? 我相信 总有一天 当Sheldon吃到 一定量的泰国菜 I believe one day Sheldon will eat an enormous amount of Thai food 他就会分裂成两个Sheldon and split into two Sheldons. 另一方面 我在想Sheldon可能 是他这个物种的幼虫状态 On the other hand,I think Sheldon might be the larval form of his species, 有一天他会做茧 不出俩月 就破茧成蝶 and someday he"ll spin a cocoon and emerge two months later with moth wings and an exoskeleton. Howard 电话在响! Howard,the phone is ringing! 我有个疯狂的主意 老妈 接电话如何! Here"s a crazy idea,Ma: Answer it! 你好? Hello? 好的 稍等 All right,hold on.


<生活大爆炸>(英文:The Big Bang Theory 简称:TBBT)是由马克·森卓斯基执导,查克·罗瑞、比尔·布拉迪编剧,吉姆·帕森斯、约翰尼·盖尔克奇、卡蕾·措科、西蒙·赫尔伯格、昆瑙·内亚等共同主演的美国情景喜剧。最早是于2007年在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)播出。2007年,那时候刚毕业两年。记得从大一的时候就开始追美剧,如<橘子群男孩><越狱>。后一年的<生活大爆炸>引入国内时,身边的会英文的好友推荐给我,当时她看的还是无字幕的,不会英文的我总是无法找到笑点。我最喜爱的演员 谢耳朵<生活大爆炸>已经更新到第十季了,如题呢,我来分享剧中的经典台词。PS:谢耳朵说起情话来,恐怕好多自称撩妹/汉高手都自愧不如!I was living like half a man.Then I couldn"t love, but now I can. I love the way you soften my life.从前的我灵魂从未完整,从前的我不会爱,现在的我已会爱。我让我的心变得柔软,我爱你。I really did think you looked pretty. So much so that I started to panic.我真心觉得你今天很美,惊艳到让我开始恐慌。There"s no denying I have feelings for you that can"t be explained in any other way. I briefly considered that I had a brain paraite.But that seems more farfetched. The only conclusion was love.我对你有不可否认又无法用其他途径解释的好感。我曾以为自己脑子里长了寄生虫,但那个理由更牵强。唯一的结论是,这就是爱。When I look in your eyes and you"re looking back in mine, everything feels quite normal, because I feel stronger and weaker at the same time. I feel excited and, at the same time, terrified. The truth is,I don"t know what I feel, except I know what kind of man I want to be.当我看着你的眼睛,你也回望着我的眼睛时,一切变得不太一样了。因为我感到自己在这一刻变得既坚强又脆弱,既兴奋又害怕。事实上,我也不知道我到底是怎么想的,除了一点......我清楚的知道自己想成为什么样的一个男人。Amy, there was a song I couldn"t get out of my head. Eventually, I realized the song was about you, and like that earworm, I can"t get you out of my head. So ,what I"m trying to say is, you"re my heartworm.艾米,有首歌在我脑里挥之不去,最后我意识到这都是因为你。就像那段旋律一样,你一直萦绕在我心。我要说的是,你是我心里抹不掉的旋律(心虫)。Yeah, if I"m going to a barren, lifeless environment, where the chances of survival are slim to none, I wish you there with me.如果我要前往一个贫瘠无生命生存几率近乎于零的地方,我希望你在我身旁。All relationships are diffcult. My point is, we"re a couple. I like you for who you are. Quirks and all.所有感情都不是一帆风顺的。我想说,我们是情侣。我喜欢的是真实的你,怪异什么的我都接受。I blame you. You distract me. I"ve been distracted me since the moment I met you.这都怪你,你让我分心。从见到你的那一刻你就一直让我分心。In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm,冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,很暖和,and yet not so close as to cause perspiration;也不会很热到直流汗。in the summer, it"s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there, and there.夏天的时候,这里又刚好可以吹过堂风,是来自这扇窗户和那扇的。It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation,而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话,nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。I could go on, but I think I"ve made my point.我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。Well, today we tried masturbating for money.嗯,今天我们尝试手淫是为了钱。Ah gravity, thou are a heartless bitch.啊,地心引力,你是一个无情无义的婊子。I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble Telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker.听着,我认为你能跟Penny做爱的几率跟哈勃太空望远镜发现在每个黑洞中央都有个小人在用闪光灯寻找断路器的几率一样大。I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect, like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slave to her baser urges.我以为她是个高度进化的纯高智商物种,就像我。而最近的事件表明她也许不过是个屈服于低级欲望的生物。If the correct way to do it is the wrong way, then I yield.如果胡来才是正确的方法的话,那我闭嘴。Howard: You know, I"m really glad you decided to learn Mandarin.Sheldon: Why?Howard: Once you"re fluent, you"ll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me.霍华德:话说,你终于要学普通话了我还真高兴。谢耳朵:为嘛?霍华德:等你说顺溜了,有十多亿中国人民等着你去烦,你就不用来烦我了。They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn"t do more than the stuff that you did.别人都说,人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过一些事情。Well, you can"t force things.有些事情是强求不来的。One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.大家都是因为伤心才哭嘛。比方我吧,我总为别人太傻哭,因为人家愚蠢搞得我很伤心。Bazinga!逗你玩儿!Smart is the new sexy.聪明即是性感。Little warning before you jump into this marriage business: you are not just marrying him, you are marrying his family.在你跳进婚姻这个大坑前,姐先嘱咐你两句:你嫁的不光是他这个人,还有他的家庭。The need to find another human being to share one"s life with,has always puzzled me.Maybe because I"m so interesting all by myself with that being said.May you find as much happiness with each other as I find on my own.人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类,共度一生的事,我一直无法理解。或许我自己太有意思,无需他人陪伴,所以,我祝你们在对方身上得到的快乐,与我给自己的一样多。


yurri is masterthe master is yurri 我记得应该是这两句。


日本的国歌叫做《君之代》君之代(君が代,Kimigayo)日本国歌,原曲由宫内省式部察乐师奥好义(おくよしいさ)谱写,后又经雅乐师林广守(はやしひろもり)编曲。“君之代”歌词是由日本古代一首短歌“わがきみは”经过改写而成的。歌词大意是:“吾皇盛世兮,千秋万代;砂砾成岩兮,遍生青苔;长治久安兮,国富民泰。”曲子短小,总共只有十一小节,曲调富有浓厚民族特色。1999年以前是传统上的国歌,1999年正式成为公式日本国国歌。原文君が代は千代に八千代に细石の巖となりて苔の生すまで假名表记きみがよはちよにやちよにさざれいしのいわおとなりてこけのむすまで平文式罗马字Kimi ga yo wachiyo ni yachiyo nisazare ishi noiwao to nari tekoke no musu made香港日治时期官版中译皇祚连绵兮久长万世不变兮悠长小石凝结成岩兮更岩生绿苔之祥文言文吾皇盛世兮,千秋万代;砂砾成岩兮,遍生青苔;长治久安兮,国富民泰。中文白话译文我皇御统传千代一直传到八千代直到小石变巨岩直到巨岩长青苔
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