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求Timothy Z. Mosley资料

艺名:Timbaland 英文名:T_EngName生日:T_Birthday生肖:T_Animal身高:T_Height Cm出生地:T_Bornadd体重:T_Bweight血型:T_Bgroup星座:T_ConstTimbaland来自维吉尼亚州,原名Timothy Z. Mosley,在认识同为乐界女子“重”量级人物Missy Elliott与饶舌歌手兼工作伙伴Magoo后,三人开始合作搞音乐。当Missy与她的女子团体Sista被情色美声四人组的团员兼制作人DeVante Swing赏识签入自设厂牌Swing Mob旗下,Missy不忘带着Timbaland与Magoo一起进入唱片公司。才华出众的Timbaland开始参与多位歌手/团体的专辑制作与歌曲撰写,同时认识尚未大红的Pharrell Williams。经过成打的畅销作品问世后,两人于1997年以Timbaland&Magoo二人组型式推出首张专辑《Welcome To Our World》,接着2001与2003年分别陆续发行《Indecent Proposal》、《Under Construction, Pt.II》两张大碟,虽然成绩都没顶亮眼,但却成为各界歌手最爱制作人,于幕后铺出更为亮丽之坦途。

Timothy Sun

Timothy Sun~非常厉害!北京赛多次获得次第一!是一位美籍华人!中文姓名:张砷镓 网名:冷血杀手、|Killer[-、【小桥】天高、︶ㄣ飞.~~ 等年龄:风华正茂 星座:射手座 籍贯:陕西 西安格言:没有不可能的事,只有不敢做的事人生格言!手记:“没有不可能的事,只有不敢做的事。”成功的原因并不是天生,而是努力  刚开始知道张砷镓这个人只是感到也许会是个有一点点沉闷的人,有了最初的接触后发现他并不沉闷,还很有趣,和他说话就会感觉倒他对自己的生活和经历保持着十分积极的态度。“世界上最宝贵的是生命和自由,这两者之间的次序可能会颠倒,但绝对凌驾于其他任何东西,但几乎所有的人,在失去这些的时候才会认识到这个世间恒久不变的真理 。”这是他看动漫做的笔记, 这是一个非常有心的人,他在生活中不断的累积着。等到整理完这些,当我再想起这个人的时候我发现我所收获的是一个全新的认识还有就是那部他强力推荐的动漫……

the policeman is on duty是什么意思


take one tablet daily with a meal




timothy mcveigh是什么意思

Timothy can be used as fodder for cattle.猫尾草可以作为喂牛的牧草。Timothy Thistlethwaite? That"s a bit of a mouthful!蒂莫西·西斯尔思韦特? 真有点绕嘴!On balance, Timothy"s suggestion is more acceptable.总的说来,提摩西的建议更可取。Students and teachers were just convenient quarry, what Timothy McVeigh described as “collateral damage.学生和老师都只是方便的猎物,被TimothyMcVeig称为”捎带着损害”。Soon after the bombing, Oklahoma lawmen arrested Timothy McVeigh, an alienated military veteran who had come to hate the federal government.爆炸案后不久,俄克拉何马的执法人员逮捕了蒂莫西.

吃这片药英文能不能写成eat this pill




Dada的《Timothy》 歌词

歌曲名:Timothy歌手:Dada专辑:Best Of The Irs YearsJet - TimothyTimothy, I took your placeTimothy, cause it"s such a wasteTimothy, we found your spaceshipTimothy, it"s the farthest you"ve ever flownNever used your headTo find out what this whole thing meantIt"s not what it seemsBut it isTimothy where have you been?Timothy where have you been?Timothy, where did you go?Timothy, the boy can throwTimothy, we found your spaceshipTimothy, did it hurt when you hit the groundNever used your legsTo walk Round in this whole big messIt"s not what it seemsBut it isTimothy where have you beenShe cried in the kitchenTo let you goTimothy where have you beenMissed your photoMissed your birthday tooMissed your photoIt"s not what is seemsBut it isTimothy where have you beenShe cried in the kitchenTo let you goTimothy where have you beenMissed your photoMissed your birthday tooMissed your photoMissed your birthday too

吃这片药英文能不能写成eat this pill

吃这片药用eat 不好.have ,take 都可以!

二合一新境界 ThinkPad X1 Tablet评测

  【IT168 评测】ThinkPad今年大动作不断,年初就在CES展上高调展出了最新的X1 Family系列旗舰电脑,用样机全新的概念与精彩的性能表现虏获了所有参展媒体的目光。而在今年4月X1 Carbon 2016开售后名利双收也证明了这个系列的成功。今天小编带来了这个系列第二作X1 Tablet的评测,希望能让大家对这款拥有着全新理念的二合一平板笔记本有更多的了解。  招牌黑红信仰加持 生产力特化的键盘设计  在之前的E系与S系之中,ThinkPad有过银色、红色甚至一些定制版本的机身,这些相对更加年轻化的机身设计可以很好的吸引年轻用户加入Think家族。而在定位品牌旗舰的X1 Tablet上,他们则用回了最近点的黑白红三色配合来创造这个新时代的新经典。▲依旧纯黑配红的信仰配色  正面ThinkPad X1 Tablet拥有着一块儿分辨率高达2160×1440的IPS广视角触控屏,3:2的屏幕比例使其在办公用的时候拥有着更加广阔的视野。  屏幕右侧拥有一个小巧的按压式指纹识别模块,这个模块在配合全新的Windows Hello时能够发挥除了解锁之外的更多应用场景,。而比起其它老的扫描式指纹识别来也拥有着更高的识别率,即便手上不是很干净或比较湿也能够成功进行识别。  除此之外X1 Tablet还配备了一支拥有2048级压感的触控笔,进一步扩充了X1 Tablet的使用场景。  在接口方面,X1 Tablet的接口都集中在了机身右侧,传统USB3.0接口与TYPE-C接口并存同时解决了设备兼容性、传输速度与电源接口等多个问题(TYPE-C接口兼具电源接口功能),Micro SD卡插槽能够扩展更大的容量,而MiniDP接口则满足了外接投影仪与高清视频信号输出的需求。而如果搭配可更换的电池扩展套件的话,X1 Tablet还能拥有一个完整的HDMI接口与一个额外的USB3.0扩展接口。  而在机身左侧则拥有一个笔记本锁孔、音量调节键及电源键。安定而丰富的接口设计让它拥有着其它二合一平板笔记本所拥有的商用特性,从利用压感笔画草图到通过视频接口连接投影仪宣讲PPT都能够胜任。  而除了本机压感触控屏+按压式指纹识别的输入方式之外,专用的键盘保护套完整的继承了ThinkPad一直以来坚持的键盘手感。全尺寸的键帽、60g的精准反馈力度与最经典的TrackPoint小红点系统都得到了完美的保留,即使不用外接鼠标也能做到快速而精准的光标操控,在进行大量键入的时候更是拥有先天优势。  在保证键盘手感的同时,ThinkPad还为了不习惯使用小红点的用户设计了手感一流的宽大触控板,多年积累得来的完美触控手感也得到了继承。  可更换的系列套件 无尽扩展性的依据  在X1 Tablet的机身下方,ThinkPad专门为其设定了一个不仅可以与键盘无缝连接,还能够接入扩展套件的触点系统。这个系统的出现让X2 Tablet真正与其它二合一平板笔记本区别开来,近乎无限的扩展高度使其可以胜任更多特别场景的工作需求,结合压感触控屏与手感一流的键盘共同打造二合一平板笔记本中最好的生产力工具。▲无限扩展性的源头  小编拿到了电池扩充模块进行测试,只需要在去除键盘保护套之后再打开一层保护用的接口盖子,就可以直接把电池套件与机身利用磁性连接固定好,再找好角度重新扣上就完成了安装。▲电池扩充模块▲模块拆装简单方便,搞对了方向几秒钟就能完成  这个电池扩展模块除了提供多五小时的续航时间之外,还拥有一个OneLink接口、一个HDMI接口和一个USB3.0接口。在扩展了续航能力的同时也极大的扩充了X1 Tablet的使用场景,从接驳多显示器或者投影仪到连接多个外设都是完全OK的。▲扩展的接口▲官方现在公布的可扩展套件,之后应该还会有更多款式推出  而除了小编已经上手玩过的电池扩展套件之外,官方还会陆续推出更多的扩展模块(包括但不限于现在已经发布了的3D扫描模块以及投影模块)以供X1 Tablet用户选用购买。大家日后可以根据自己不同的工作需求选购相应的套件去完成功能——这么具有生产力与创意的想法,也只有拥有多年商务本制造经验与二合一产品制造经验与一身的联想ThinkPad能够做到了。  强大性能不含糊 酷睿M也很厉害了  在核心硬件选择上,来自英特尔的第六代酷睿M7-6Y75在保证CPU性能表现依旧顶级的同时很好的缩减了整机功耗与发热水平,先进的Skylake架构加上14nm制程带来了更好的能耗比,技术的进步让低发热、高性能和长续航成为了可以兼得的属性。毕竟只有4.5W的TDP,这也使得高续航成为了可能。▲高性能低功耗  而顶级的CPU带来的还有核芯显卡部分的提升。HD 515相比起前代的HD5200来拥有着不小的进步空间,在3D Mark图形测试之中已经达到了一个很不错的高度,甚至并不输于入门级别的独立显卡了。  ▲HD 515拿来应对一些网游也足够了,而基础的3D加速也是OK的  8GB的内存配置对付日常办公绰绰有余,即便是超大型的表格文档也能够瞬间加载完毕。而且根据需要,X1 Carbon最大能够将内存扩容到16G,天天用PS处理都无比顺畅。  ▲依旧是DDR3的规格略微有点可惜,如果能换上更加高速的DDR4就好了  现在这个时代依旧没有搭载SSD的电脑基本就是在耍流氓。X1 Tablet最大可以搭载256G SSD,自此破除了电脑运行速度的最后一道门槛。    ▲测试机搭载的应该还是SATA通道的SSD,即便是这样也能够让X1 Tablet在加载文档速度上飞起来了  在整体性能测试之中,无论是偏向理论性能的CineBench还是更加倾向实际应用的PCMark,拥有着平衡硬件配置的X1 Tablet的都是手到拈来,在测试中丝毫不含糊。  ▲CineBench测试成绩,6Y75发挥惊艳  ▲接近五千分的成绩,你还相信他是个二合一本么?▲可能大家还是认这个数值一点吧  续航给力散热一流 无风扇设计理直气壮  在散热测试中,我们依旧使用AIDA 64来进行CPU与GPU的双重烤机来进行测试。在一个小时的测试之后,我们可以通过热成像仪呈现的图片很明显的看到几乎所有的热量都完美的随着合金机壳快速的散到了机器外部,散热比起其它一些二合一平板笔记本来都要来的更加高效,结合触控笔的使用也完全不会出现屏幕烫手无法触控的问题。▲测试过程截图▲连续烤机一小时之后的热量分布图,可以看出来热量消散传导速度非常快  结合功耗来看,整机满载不过30W、开屏待机不过5W的整体功耗也十分的出类拔萃,为良好的续航打下了基础。  ▲空载与满载功耗测试  在续航时间测试上,我们采用PCMark8来让其满载测试续航成绩,由于苛刻的测试条件,通常实际续航时间都在这个测试理论值的2倍左右。X1 Tablet作为一台偏向于商用定位的二合一平板笔记本而言,这个续航时间成绩足够日常使用了。▲不外接电池续航套件能够有接近7个小时的实际续航时间如果再加上电池续航套件的话,即便是一整天在外工作也完全不用担心电量的问题。高达7小时的满载续航时间意味着超过14个小时的实际续航,真的可以工作一整天也不用外接电源。▲即使全程满载也能有7小时以上续航,一天一充不是问题  总结  作为一台拥有良好手感、优异性能、超强能耗比与近乎无限的扩展性的新概念二合一电脑产品,X1 Tablet不同于之前任何的二合一平板笔记本设备,是一台真正可以称得上是“生产力利器”的办公良伴。指纹识别的安全性、小巧便携与黑色经典外观一个不拉下的外部设计也让它更容易获得经营商务人士的青睐。▲模块化的精细生产力工具,最先实现这个想法的还是经验老道的ThinkPad  二合一平板发展到现在,已然有了三条不同的细分道路——继续往轻薄时尚路线走拼厚度与颜值、加上更多的功能指标当娱乐终端与X1 Tablet开启的磨练手感与细节让其成为强大生产力工具。小编相信有X1 Tablet这般成熟的产品作为“平板笔记本生产力工具”的代表作与领头羊,其它拥有商用本制造经验的厂商必然也会跟上制造属于自己的生产力工具,让这个全新的细分品类更加热闹~



【原创】英文姓名系列02 - Timothy

英文名Timothy一般被前人音译成“ 提摩西 ”或“ 提摩太 ”,我们先来看看它的词源资料。 English form of the Greek name Τιμοθεοu03c2 (Timotheos) meaning "honoring God", derived from τιμαω (timaō) "to honor" and θεοu03c2 (theos)"god". Saint Timothy was a companion of Paul on his missionary journeys and was the recipient of two of Paul"s epistles that appear in the New Testament . According to tradition, he was martyred at Ephesus after protesting the worship of Artemis . As an English name, Timothy was not used until after the Protestant Reformation . 上面的英文翻译过来就是: Timothy是希腊语人名Timotheos(意思是“ 荣耀之神 ”)对应的英文形式,该希腊语单词源于timaō( 尊敬/给以某荣誉 )和theos( 鬼神/神灵/神祗 )的词根组合。圣徒提摩太曾陪伴圣徒保尔一同前往它国传教,《新约圣经》中收录的2篇《使徒行传》也是保尔写给他的。根据传统说法,他因反对崇拜阿耳特弥斯而在以弗所惨遭杀害。Timothy这个英文名字是在新教改革运动之后才开始广泛使用。对比timocracy=tim-o-cracy( 荣誉政治 )可知,单词timothy=tim-o-thy是类前缀timo-( 荣誉/价值/馈赠物 )和the(u)os( 死神/鬼神/鬼魂 )的词根the(u)-/thu-/thy-( 离去/死去/死亡 )构成的复合词,字面意思就是“ 荣耀之神/光荣的神 ”。 (1)类前缀timo-( 荣誉/价值/馈赠物 )跟英语单词time( 时间/区间/区段 )是 没有 任何音义关系的,因为timo-=ti-mo-=kwei-mo-的词根是kwei-( 馈赠/补偿/弥补 )的词义,-mo-是表示“ 事物 ”的名词后缀,所以timo-的字面意思才是“ 馈赠物 ”,在希腊语中表示“ 荣誉/价值 ”。 (2)希腊语词根theu-与英语单词die/dead/death同词根,对应的印欧词根为dheu-3( 过去/故去/死去 ),而希腊语单词theos( 死神/鬼神/神祗 )是早期thewos的讹变( wo跟o读音相似混淆 )。类似地,希腊语单词neos( 新生的 )是newos的讹变,Dios( 天神/白天 )是Diwos的讹变。 (3)使用基督教圣徒(提摩太)Timothy作名字的名人当中,比较有影响力的就是本文插图中的英国演员Timothy Dalton( 提摩西●道尔顿 ),他因扮演第4任007而获得广泛的知名度。


timothy[英]["tu026amu0259θu026a][美]["tu026amu0259θu026a]n.梯牧草; 牛草;

birth control pill是什么意思



Timothy 名词 n. 1. (圣经)提摩太 2. 给提摩太的第一,第二封信(圣经新约中的一书)timothy名词 n. 1. 【植】梯牧草,猫尾草以下结果来自互联网网络释义 Timothy1. 帝摩斯希腊,敬神或畏神。男生英文名字的含义,杨家埠年画,风筝文化,...Timothy帝摩斯希腊,敬神或畏神。2. 蒂莫西,含义:光荣的上帝白头少翁的Blog-英文人名Timothy蒂莫西,含义:光荣的上帝1. 牧草英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(144) - ...timothy 牧草

什么this pill,piease

Take this pill, please. 请把这药吃了。


take this pill的中文意思是:服用这种药、吃这个药丸。take 能和各种名词搭配使用,其含义主要取决于所搭配的名词。此类搭配是常用的习惯用语,其意义可参见相应的名词。take在这里作为动词使用,是服用、吃的意思。this是限定启,(指较近的人或事物)这,这个;(指已提到过的人或事物)这;(介绍人或展示事物时用)这,这样。pill有药丸、药片、口服避孕药、讨厌的人、讨厌鬼的意思。在这里指的是药丸、药片。扩展资料:take 和 bring 都可以用来表示随身携带某物或陪伴某人去某地,不过从说话者的角度来说,take 表示远离说话者的动作,而 bring 表示向说话者靠近的动作,如:Anna took the book to school with her (安娜, 带着那本书去上学),Bring your calculator to every lesson (每次上课都把计算器带来)。在第一个句子里,took 暗示安娜离开说话者所在的地点去上学;在第二个句子里,bring 暗示计算器的携带者应该把计算器带到说话者所在的地点。为了暗示安娜和说话者同在学校,可以说 Anna brought the book to school with her;而为暗示说话者不会在课堂上,可以说 Take your calculator to every lesson。



Thoroughblend的《Sakura》 歌词

歌曲名:Sakura歌手:Thoroughblend专辑:Sakurahirahira HonoomerameraA~YA - SA.KU.RA.Lyric:Blue EArrange:SING HOLIC BAND原曲:东方妖々梦/さくらさくら ~ Japanize Dream...Fall cold wind, Winter snowWe were waiting to a time out of the hallSeasons change, Spring has comeAt last, we can feel the life is beautifulWe were born in this sweet countryHow can we call this feeling?Fall cold wind, Winter snowThis tree by the river has stood as it isSeasons change, Spring has comeIt starts to sing a song of blossomsIt starts to sing a song of blossomsby-iwakura_sasami-


thorough adj. 1. 彻底的;完全的 The film was a thorough success. 这电影获得极大的成功。 You must promise me to take a thorough rest. 你得答应我彻底休息一下。 2. 周密的;完善的 The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child. 医生对生病的孩子进行了仔细的检查。 3. 十足的 彻头彻尾的[B] He is a thorough scoundrel. 他是一个十足的无赖。 4. (人)十分仔细的 She is not brilliant but she is thorough. 她并非才华横溢 但很仔细。 thoroughgoing adj. 彻底的 完全的 They are very similar. thorough: adj. with great attention to detail eg.The police carried out a through investigation. thoroughgoing: adj. very through; looking at every detail eg.a thoroughgoing revision of the text.


thorough[英][u02c8θu028cru0259][美][u02c8θu025c:rou028a]adj.彻底的,全面的,充分的,彻头彻尾的,根本的,详尽的,严密的; 十足的,考虑周到的; 非常精确的,(对细节)不厌其烦的; 绝对的,完善的; prep.〈古〉同“through”; n.[英史]专横政策;


thorough [英]u02c8θu028cru0259[美]u02c8θu025c:rou028aadj. 彻底的,全面的,充分的,彻头彻尾的,根本的,详尽的,严密的;十...prep. 〈古〉同“through”n. [英史]专横政策[例句]Ask them anything else about shaving , and you got a thorough response


thorough 英[u02c8θu028cru0259]美[u02c8θu025c:rou028a]adj. 彻底的,全面的,充分的,彻头彻尾的,根本的,详尽的,严密的; 十足的,考虑周到的; 非常精确的,(对细节)不厌其烦的; 绝对的,完善的;prep. 〈古〉同“through”;n. [英史] 专横政策;

on the pill是什么意思?

pill的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. 1.药丸,药片[C]She had to take sleeping pills every night. 她每天夜里都得服安眠药。 2.(有时大写)【美】【口】(女用)口服避孕药[the S]3.无法避免的讨厌事,屈辱事[C][S1]The defeat was a bitter pill. 这次失败是一个屈辱。 4.【俚】讨厌的家伙[C][S1]5.【俚】炸弹,炮弹,子弹;棒球,网球[C]及物动词 vt. 1.把...制成丸剂(或片剂)2.使服用药丸(或药片)3.【俚】投票反对

What is the difference between a hill ang a pill?


medicine 药;医学 通常不可数,而pill 药片 可数 那为什么还有take the me


Have a thorough knowledge of.这短语什么意思,用在商务函电里的

全面了解We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products. 等你们全面了解咱们产品销售可能 性之后,咱们再进一步细谈。

take this pill的中文翻译是什么?

take this pill的中文翻译是什么?吃下这片药片


  你知道th开头组合而成的英文单词有哪些吗?你们有想过that吗?以下是我给大家带来th开头组成的英文单词,以供参阅。   th开头重点的英文单词   1. thorough a. 彻底的   2. those ?a.& pron.那些   3. though conj. 虽然,可是   4. thought n. 思考,思想;念头   5. thousand num. 千   6. thread n. 线   7. three num. 三   8. thrill n./ v. 兴奋,激动   9. thriller n. 惊险小说   10. throat n. 喉咙   11. through prep.穿(通)过;从始至终 ad.穿(通)过;自始至终,全部   12. throughout prep. 遍及,贯穿   13. throw(threw,thrown)v.投,掷,扔   14. thunder n.& v. 雷声,打雷   15. thunderstorm n.雷电交加暴风雨   16. Thursday n. 星期四   17. thus ad. 这样;因而   18. than conj. 比   19. thank vt. 感谢,致谢,道谢 n(复)感谢,谢意   20. thankful a. 感谢的,感激的   21. that ?a.& pron.那,那个 conj. 那,那个(引导宾语从句等)ad. 那么,那样   22. the art. 这(那)个,这(那)些(用于特定人或物,序数词,最高级,专有名词,世上独一 无二事物前)   23. theatre (美theater) n. 剧场,戏院   24. theft n. 盗窃案   th开头必备的英文单词   1. their pron. 他(她,它)们的   2. theirs pron. 他(她,它)们的   3. them pron. 他/她/它们(宾格)   4. theme n. 主题   5. themselves pron.他/她/它们自己   6. then ad. 当时,那时,然后,那么   7. theoretical a. 理论的   8. theory n. 理论   9. there int. 那!你瞧(表示引起注意) n. 那里,那儿 ad 在那里,往那里;(作引导词)表”存在"   10. therefore ad. 因此,所以   11. thermos n. 热水瓶   12. these ?a. & pron. 这些   13. they pron. 他(她)们;它们   14. thick a. 厚的   15. thief (复thieves) n. 窃贼, 小偷   16. thin a. 薄的;瘦的;稀的   17. thing n. 东西;(复)物品,用品;事情,事件   18. think(thought, thought) v. 想;认为;考虑   19. thinking n. 思索;见解;想法   20. third num. 第三   21. thirst n. 渴; 口渴   22. thirsty a. 渴   23. thirteen num. 十三   24. thirty num. 三十   25. this ?a.& pron.这,这个   th开头的英文单词thorough英文例句   1. The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.   该学位课程将为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。   2. A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth.   彻底刷牙有助于口气清新。   3. He uncoiled the hose and gave them a thorough drenching.   他把软管铺展开来,把它们彻底冲洗了一下。   4. Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found.   尽管进行了彻底的调查,还是没有发现索思韦尔博士的任何踪迹。   5. The prospects are that he will give opponents a thorough pounding.   他很有可能使对手们一败涂地。   6. I was a thorough little academic snob.   我那时是个目空一切、自以为是的小学术愤青。   7. This very thorough survey goes back to 1784.   这个非常全面的调查可追溯到1784年。   8. It needs a thorough spring clean.   它需要一次彻底的大扫除。   9. The men were expert, thorough and careful.   那些人业务精通,作风严谨,态度认真。   10. How thorough is the assessment?   这个评估详细到什么程度?   11. Watson had made a thorough hash of it.   沃森把这事儿弄得一团糟。   12. We regard the band as a thorough shambles.   我们认为那个乐队一塌糊涂。   13. The garage gave the car a thorough going-over.   修车厂对这辆汽车进行了彻底检修。   14. a thorough knowledge of the subject   对这一学科的透彻了解   15. The book provides a thorough critique of current theories.

complete absolute thorough有什么区别?

A.complete= 完全perfect= 完美absolute=绝对thorough=完整

make a thorouth什么意思

make a thorough单独翻译成中文意思是:做一个彻底的make英 [meu026ak] 美 [mek] vt.做,制造;生产,制定;使成为;使产生vi.开始;尝试;行进;增大n.制造;生产量;性格;形状,样式第三人称单数: makes 现在分词: making 过去式: made 过去分词: made双语例句:1. I"d just like to make a comment 我只想稍加评论。2. Apparently he made a mess of his audition 看样子他把试镜搞砸了。a英 [u0259] 美 [eu026a] art.一(个);每一(个);任一(个)双语例句:1. A waiter entered with a tray 侍者端着托盘进来了。2. There was a terrible sadness in her eyes 她眼神中流露出深深的悲伤。thorough英 [u02c8θu028cru0259] 美 [u02c8θu025c:rou028a] adj.彻底的,全面的,充分的,彻头彻尾的,根本的,详尽的,严密的;十足的,考虑周到的;非常精确的,(对细节)不厌其烦的;绝对的,完善的prep.〈古〉同“through”n.[英史]专横政策双语例句:1. We are making a thorough investigation 我们正在进行彻底调查。2. a thorough little academic snob 我那时是个目空一切、自以为是的小学术愤青make a thorough双语例句:1. The only way to get at the facts is to make a thorough investigation. 要想弄清事实,唯一办法是作周密的调查。2.We"ll make a thorough investigation to find out where the responsibility actually lies.我们要进行彻底调查,以查明责任所在。

像这些单词“thorough through though thought”?

though 尽管+r 为入,想想进入,through是通过的意思+o 想象成一个圆,完全通过,即thorough 为彻底的think 的过去分词 thought 同上面比较多个t只要单独记住though 和thought 的意思就可以了希望采纳,谢谢

请问 thorough与utter有什么区别

辨析sound,noise和voice sound,noise和voice这三个名词都可表示“声音”,区别性语音 distorted sound 失真声, 畸变声 dual channel sound 双(通道)


In order to ensure success we must have a complete and thorough plan. 为了保证成功, 我们必须要有一个周密的计划。2.He had made a thorough investigation. No wonder he knew so much about it. 他对此事做了彻底的调查,怪不得他了解得那么多。3.One way is to have a thorough set of unit tests for the code: the code should passthe tests both before and after refactoring. 第一种方法是对代码进行一套完全彻底的单元测试:在重构之前和之后都必须通过这样的测试。

downright 和 thorough的区别



thorough adj. 十分的,彻底的 though adv. 虽然,可是 conj. 虽然,尽管 through prep. 穿过,通过,从开始到结束,经由,以 adv. 从头到尾,自始至终,直达地,彻底,完全 adj. 直达的,直通的

sheer和thorough有什么不同 拜托英语达人讲解下哈

这两个词完全不同. thorough 表示“彻底的”或“细致的”,表示动作进行得完整,且处事者细心. sheer 只用于名词前,表示“不掺杂的”“纯粹的”类似于pure,此外还可表示为“几乎透明的”“陡峭的/地”

thorough 这个英语单词怎么读

thorough 这个英语单词怎么读?thorough:sare,撒弱


thorough 英[u02c8θu028cru0259] 美[u02c8θu025c:rou028a] adj. 彻底的,全面的,充分的,彻头彻尾的,根本的,详尽的,严密的; 十足的,考虑周到的; 非常精确的,(对细节)不厌其烦的; 绝对的,完善的; prep. 〈古〉同“through”; n. [英史] 专横政策; [例句]We are making a thorough investigation我们正在进行彻底调查。





the kings game游戏怎么玩

国王游戏源自日本的扑克牌游戏更多义项更多图片(1张)“国王游戏”起源于日本,是日本、韩国和台湾广为流行的一种多人互动游戏。在游戏中,国王的命令是绝对的,参与者需要无条件服从国王的指令,强制性规则产生的绝对权力是国王游戏令人着迷的关键。游戏尺度可由参与者通过共同认可的限制性规则自行把控,引申出多种多样的精彩玩法,给人以无限的想象空间 。可任意任命两个号码做任何事情,被抽到号码者不得违抗)。中文名:国王游戏起源地区:日本分类:互动游戏特点:国王的命令是绝对处罚方式:无限制分享游戏玩法那么,这个游戏具体该怎么玩儿呢?首先,当然是需要有一帮子人啦,一般以8-14人为宜,参与者被抽取的概率比较适中,人数太少则抽取概率太高,精神紧张,会玩儿得比较累,人数太多又造成参与度的不足,如果能男女各一半的话当然是更好啦,你懂的。然后,我们需要一副扑克牌,假设有10个人参与,就抽取出扑克牌的红桃A、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10外加鬼牌一张共11张,A算做1号。洗牌后每人抽取一张做为暗牌(记住这个很关键哦,这个号码是不能给别人看到的,只能自己知道),抽到鬼牌的人要亮明鬼牌,即成为了“国王”,桌子上还剩下一张牌,这张牌即是“国王”自己的号码,是不能看的(这个很重要哦,国王们因为这张牌,自己给自己挖个大坑的大有人在哦),如果谁都没有抽到鬼牌,也就是说桌子上的那张是鬼牌,就要重新洗牌重新抽过。这样,我们的“国王”就顺利地选出来啦,“国王”可以在不看其他人数字的前提下,随意点1~10号,要求其中的2个人或3个人做任何一件事情,做什么事情由“国王”决定(注:需在参与者共同认可的限制性框架下提出命令哦,否则......),可以想出各种整人的花招。所有人必须服从“国王”的要求,因为国王不知道谁手上拿的是什么牌,所以是乱点的,不会产生针对性。同时由于“国王”自己也是有号码的,这样子“国王”的命令也有很大的可能性是由自己去完成,“国王”挖的坑越大,自己也可能摔得更惨哦。比方说:“国王”命令:2号抱起3号转5圈!这样,2号就要站出来抱起3号了哦(哼哼~~3号超重2号抱不起来可是不行的哦)

the high kings 有人知道这个乐队么?有没有他们的介绍~全面一点的~

如果你喜欢Celtic Woman或许你会更快的接受这支爱尔兰民谣乐队。同为制作人David Downes所创造,CW和The High Kings在很多方面存在共同点,比如一样是清澈透亮的和声,一样有着热情甚至豪放一样不失民谣所有的质朴,一样是有震撼的舞台效果,一样的是非常不错的音乐。不过,听The High Kings你也许不会有喝威士忌的感觉了,因为你觉得神清气爽了。这是The High Kings的首张专辑。专辑开篇的《Paddy"s Green Shamrock Shore》是一首非常著名的爱尔兰传统乐曲,讲述了一个男子为了让心上人能过上更好的生活,决定远航打拼,临行前依依不舍的道别和希望早日荣归故里的心愿。是整张专辑中为数不多的几首大气磅礴的曲目。《Will Ye Go Lassie, Go》则是一首美丽的足够让人落泪的情歌,美丽的歌词,美丽的和声,美丽的伴奏……是整张专辑中最优秀的作品之一。《Galway to Graceland》是苏格兰作曲家 Richard Thompson 的作品,讲述了一位精神失常的妇女,不惜抛弃一切,独自从爱尔兰飞往美国,到达猫王的陵墓,她整天跪在墓前,工作人员请她离开,她却指责工作人员,并表示自己已与猫王结婚,最终被警察抓走,这首歌采用了无伴奏和声的演唱方式,四个人无可挑剔的唱功被展现的淋漓尽致。之后的《Black Velvet Band 》也是一首非常优秀的歌曲,讲的是一个年轻人遇见了一位美丽的女郎,被她所吸引,没想到这个女人确实个扒手,后来女扒手把自己所盗来的东西全给了年轻人,年轻人则成了替罪羊,锒铛入狱,《The Rocky Road to Dublin》是一首非常著名的爱尔兰民谣,相比大家都已耳熟能详,The High Kings 以充满男性魅力的雄厚的无伴奏和声,唱出了爱尔兰移民者遭受英国人的种种屈辱,于是两方大打出手,最后年轻人们只得踏上艰辛的归途。《Marie"s Wedding》是一首苏格兰民谣,内容很简单,讲述了朋友们去参加Marie的婚礼的故事,曲风轻快而活泼。《Fields of Glory》是专辑中的又一大气歌曲,编曲十分独特。《Ar Eireann Ni Neosainn Ce Hi》是成员Martin和Darren用爱尔兰语演唱的抒情慢歌,歌词写得十分美丽,两位成员的嗓音也给听众留下了深刻的印象,《The Little Beggarman》同样是专辑中不可不听的一首优秀歌曲,歌曲中运用了爱尔兰人独特的“无词过门”,加上轻快地节奏,使整首歌显得十分俏皮活泼,紧随其后的《The Beggarman Jig》则是对歌曲的补充,也是专辑中唯一的一首纯乐器演奏作品,由爱尔兰小提琴家 Nollaig Casey 演奏。专辑正片的最后一首歌《The Parting Glass》可谓是经典中的经典,也是爱尔兰人民离别时最爱唱的歌曲,The High Kings 演唱的版本以清唱开头,在后面还加入了悠扬的风笛,让人回味无穷。Bonus track《The Wild Rover》也是爱尔兰一首很著名的歌曲,而这首歌的音轨是从他们在都柏林演唱会中提取出的现场版本。(选自Darren Holden Fans China MySpace)现成员包括Brian Dunphy,Darren Holden,Finbar Clancy,Martin Furey;乐队名The High Kings 是古时候爱尔兰各地统治者们的称谓,他们轮流享有“泰拉之王”的称号,支配着翡翠之岛这片蕴涵魔力的土地,直到12世纪英格兰人入侵……满意请采纳

human brain are much more talented than previousl

把它改写为下面两个句子去理解: 1、human brains are talented. 人类的脑子是聪明的。【talented 由过去分词转化为表示特征的形容词】 2、They are much more talented than they are previously imagined. 它们比先前(被) 想象的要聪明得多。

be born with与be talented in区别




《The Plantagenets The Kings》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Plantagenets》(Dan Jones)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: dnu1书名:The Plantagenets作者:Dan Jones豆瓣评分:9.5出版社:HarperPress出版年份:2012-5-10页数:352内容简介:Eight generations of the greatest and worst kings and queens that this country has ever seen - from the White Ship to the Lionheart, bad King John to the Black Prince and John of Gaunt - this is the dynasty that invented England as we still know it today - great history to appeal to readers of Ken Follet, Bernard Cornwell, Tom Holland England"s greatest royal dynasty, the Plantagenets, ruled over England through eight generations of kings. Their remarkable reign saw England emerge from the Dark Ages to become a highly organised kingdom that spanned a vast expanse of Europe. Plantagenet rule saw the establishment of laws and creation of artworks, monuments and tombs which survive to this day, and continue to speak of their sophistication, brutality and secrets. Dan Jones brings you a new vision of this battle-scarred history. From the Crusades, to King John"s humbling over Magna Carta and the tragic reign of the last Plantagenet, Richard II - this is a blow-by-blow account of England"s most thrilling age.作者简介:丹u2022琼斯是专攻中世纪史的史学家,曾获多项大奖。他是伦敦《标准晚报》的长期专栏作家。他毕业于剑桥大学,是大卫u2022斯塔基(David Starkey)的得意门生。琼斯曾为BBC的“不列颠手工艺术”系列节目制作纪录片,还作为嘉宾参加了流行的历史题材电视节目“时代小组”。他的著作《夏日之血》(Summer Blood)记述了1381年的英格兰农民起义,被《独立报》选为年度好书。琼斯常为报刊撰写文章,目前和妻子及两个女儿生活在伦敦。他正在创作一部以玫瑰战争为题材的新书。

God Save The Foolish Kings 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Foolish Kings歌手:House Of Heroes专辑:SuburbaHouse of Heroes - God Save The Foolish Kings ft. Stephanie SmithMidnight,At the school"Hind the bleachersThere"s gonna be a rumbleThe lions and the kingsAnd my baby, she criesIn her bed and she worriesAnd my baby, she praysGod save the kings!Promise me you won"t do anything crazyI promise you I won"t do anyting, babyPromise meI promise you nothing!We"re outcasts only "cause we choose to dream,We"re princes who"d rather dine with thieves,We"re honest only "cause the truth, it cannot hide,God save us, the foolish kingsMidnight,At the school,Behind the bleachers,Hey baby, lets go, lets goThere"s gonna be a rumbleBut the cops won"t be notifiedWhoa, whoa, whoa, whoaSo the lions bear their armsBut the kings gonna break the hearts of their babies tonightWe"re desprate only "cause we"ve none to lose,We"re lions missing half our teeth,We"re honest only "cause the truth, it cannot hide,God save us, the foolish kings,God save us, the foolish kingsAnd we fight "causeWe"d rather break our bonesThan brave this loneliness,We draw blood "causeWe"re just trying to draw out some significanceBut I met God on the street tonightAnd he said,"Choose your battles wiselyOr you"ll never find Me"Promise me you won"t do anything crazy,Promise meI promise you,I promise you one thing!We"re devils try"n to earn our angels wings,We stumble at every turn indeed,We"re desperate chasing down the love to just survive,God save us, the foolish kings,Promise me you won"t do anything crazyGod save us, the foolish kings,Promise me, promise meGod save us,God save us, the foolish kings!

we the kings吸血鬼日记 歌词

We the kingsDo you remember the nightsWe"d stay up just laughingSmiling for hoursAt anythingRemember the nightsWe drove around crazy in loveWhen the lights go outWe"ll be safe and soundWe"ll take control of the worldLike it"s all we have to hold on toAnd we"ll be a dreamDo you remember the nightsWe made our way dreamingHoping of beingSomeone bigWe were so young thenWe were too crazyIn loveWhen the lights go outWe"ll be safe and soundWe"ll take control of the worldLike it"s all we have to hold on toAnd we"ll be a dreamWhoa whoaWhoa whoaWhoa whoaWhen the lights go outWe"ll be safe and soundWe"ll take control of the worldLike it"s all we have to hold on toAnd we"ll beWhen the lights go outWe"ll be safe and sound We"ll take control of the worldLike it"s all we have to hold on toAnd we"ll be a dreamwe"ll be a dream feat we the kings

求《heathens》 twenty one pilots 的MP3音乐~~


The New Kings歌词

英文歌其实翻译了就没意思了,而且这种EDM歌词也没什么内涵,你要想翻译私信我吧Let"s dance "Cause tonight we"re on fire Break OutGoing straight to the topLet"s danceForever youngHere comes the new kingsHere comes the new kingsLet"s dance"Cause tonight we"re on fireBreak OutGoing straight to the topLet"s danceForever youngHere comes the new kingsHere comes the new kings"Cause tonightComing out as heroesAre we beautiful tonightI"ve got nothing but love for you"Cause you"re beautiful tonight"Cause you"re beautiful tonightI don"t wanna keep this all to myselfI don"t wanna stop this feelingI don"t wanna keep this all to myselfI don"t wanna stop this feelingI don"t wanna keep this all to myselfI don"t wanna stop this feelingI don"t wanna keep this all to myselfI don"t wanna stop this feelingLet"s dance"Cause tonight we"re on fireBreak OutGoing straight to the topLet"s danceForever youngHere comes the new kingsHere comes the new kingsLet"s dance"Cause tonight we"re on fireBreak OutGoing straight to the topLet"s danceForever young Here comes the new kingsHere comes the new kings"Cause tonightComing out as heroesAre we beautiful tonightI"ve got nothing but love for you"Cause you"re beautiful tonightComing out as heroesAre we beautiful tonightI"ve got nothing but love for you"Cause you"re beautiful tonight"Cause you"re beautiful tonight

It is essential that our pilots ( )best poss


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king of the kings是什么意思

king of the kings 万王之王;王中之王;千王之王例句筛选1.a star that is trying to point you to the King of Kings, . . .是要带领你到万王之王那儿的一颗星。2.At this time, the tree knew that it had carried the King of Kings in its boat.这时候,这棵树才知道自己承载的是万王之王。

king of the kings是什么意思

ing of the kings 万王之王;王中之王;千王之王例句筛选1.a star that is trying to point you to the King of Kings, . . .是要带领你到万王之王那儿的一颗星。2.At this time, the tree knew that it had carried the King of Kings in itsboat.这时候,这棵树才知道自己承载的是万王之王。

anything other than用法?

我跟你一样的疑问 我觉得原文应该错了 原文的逻辑是 民众要花一点时间才能接受无人驾驶飞机 所以即使达到了无人驾驶飞机的技术 在这之后很长一段时间 飞行员们仍然要待在驾驶舱里面 就是为了让花钱坐飞机的乘客们安心 anything应该是nothing 逻辑才对 这篇经济学人把我看秃了U0001f474U0001f3fbThis paragraph means in the future, most aircrafts won"t need pilots. But actually people can"t accept it immediately. So the pilots still need to stay in their cockpits to reassure the passengers. That means in the future, technology will free the pilots from controlling aircrafts. Their only task is to stay in their cockpits to reassure the passengers. nothing other than=only

king of the kings是什么意思


The kings . The king family

the king 这里泛指,国王们或者君主们the king"s family (这里不存在复数,king"s 国王的,翻译过来是国王的家庭或国王的一家。)

polish the style是什么意思



anybody.anyone.anything 是指任百何人,任何事度,第三人称单数问everybody.everyone.everything.指每个人,每件事,第三人称单数somebody.someone.something指某个答人,某件事,第三人称单数全用doesanybody.anyone.anything 通常出现在疑回问句中everybody.everyone.everything是anybody.anyone.anything 的肯定句答形式

put them in your lap为什么不是on

put them in your lap这里用in和用on的意思不一样,用on也是可以的。in the lap 可以理解为两膝盖之间。On the lap 可以理解为两膝盖之上。比如She sat with her hands in her lap可以理解为:她膝盖夹着双手坐在那里.英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。


如果按照英语的说法:sb是somebody的缩写指某人sth是something。一般现在时(Simple Present Tense)表示现在的状态、经常的或习惯性的动作、主语具备的性格和能力等。1、时间状语:Always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…),once a week(day, year, month…),on Sundays(on Mondays …).2、基本结构:主语+be/do+其他;(如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要改为第三人称单数形式)。扩展资料:情态动词本身就具有一定的词义,但要与动词原形以及其被动语态一起使用,给谓语动词增添情态色彩,表示说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可能、应该或必要等。情态动词后面加动词原形。情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生。情态动词除ought 和have外,后面只能接不带to的不定式。情态动词不随人称的变化而变化,即情态动词的第三人称单数不加-s。情态动词不受任何时态影响即不加三单。情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式、分词等形式。参考资料来源:百度百科-英语语法

The Alan Parsons Project的《Sirius》 歌词

歌曲名:Sirius歌手:The Alan Parsons Project专辑:The Definitive Collection标题:Sirius B艺术家:TherionPo Tolo! Po Tolo! Po Tolo! Po Tolo!Po Tolo! Po Tolo! Po Tolo! Po Tolo!Po Tolo! Po Tolo! Po Tolo! Po Tolo!Po Tolo! Po Tolo! Po Tolo! Po Tolo!


numpy.multiplynumpy.multiply(x1, x2[, out]) = <ufunc "multiply">Multiply arguments element-wise.Parameters:x1, x2 : array_likeInput arrays to be multiplied.Returns:y : ndarrayThe product of x1 and x2, element-wise. Returns a scalar ifboth x1 and x2 are scalars.NotesEquivalent to x1 * x2 in terms of array broadcasting.Examples>>>>>> np.multiply(2.0, 4.0)8.0>>>>>> x1 = np.arange(9.0).reshape((3, 3))>>> x2 = np.arange(3.0)>>> np.multiply(x1, x2)array([[ 0., 1., 4.], [ 0., 4., 10.], [ 0., 7., 16.]])

could you give me something to eat为什么是to wat


Should it be ____ 18.16 ? A. multiply by B. multiplied by C. multiply with D. multiplied with

multiply by是固定搭配,此处是被动句

is there more sorrow than glee in the life?

Yes. Like one person said, in all those things happened in your life, about eighty to ninety percent of things happened in a way you did not like. But the life is what it is. Sometimes you"ve got to suffer. You may avoid the bad things once, but you have to face the problems someday if you still want to live. Oh, yes, there is more sorrow than glee in the life, and that makes you cherish more about the short happiness, and the most important people with whom you had those good moments.



in sorrow和in the sorrow的区别?



Does+WuYifan什么his+clothes?可以填:like, enjoy, change, put on, 勤学好问 天天进步!

in eating wu yifan is living the room连句成句?

Wu Yifan is eating in the living room.连词成句的结果



sorrow是不可数名词? 为什么可以这样用 they learn great sorrow


willow smith 的summer fling歌词

"Summer Flings"artist : John CenaLyrics maker : 亻= 杰 (珠海D)Yeah we doin things now manIt"s just another day in the life y"knowAlways tryin to do some big bid"nessSometimes when we havin funSome shit goes down y"know, you ain"t expectin nothinThen, somethin come out of nothinIt was just another typical day in the summerMe, Trademarc, Crouch and my little brotherWe put the whips out, we cruise up to the strip manThree wheel motion killin fools like a hit manWe on some chill shit, vibin outBut we still in the mix, fuck hidin outOn the corner of L Street, I locked eyes with herI ain"t steppin man this bitch had guys with herShe came through the crowd and walked over to meCatchin P off guard, she actin like she knew meHer name was Shannon, she was canonShe"s hangin with Melissa, this big booty chick you couldn"t miss herThis chick was like a fitted cap, all over my domeSaid she wanna be down, but I ain"t takin her homeThat"s when she said she live right down the streetShe love white chocolate, well I got somethin sweetSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetWe run game, feel Blanson, what"s your hon"s nameI can take an Eva hot bitch like bum changePlayin hard to get when I step, I"m afraidI can treat a chick like cheap gas and upgradeWhatever you need, whatever you wantWith Trademarc on your arm, girl what more could you flauntThere"s just something about us, summer fling got you wonderingwhere I"ll be in spring, but that"s another thingI"ll be out girl, quicker than tansIf you want somethin stick hurr, stick wit"cha manI ain"t lookin for a lover girl, I"m lookin for sexI can tell you I got money or I"m pushin a LexWhatever gets you hot, that"s what I say nextGettin passed through the crew girl that"s a safe betI think it"s funny how it doesn"t take a whole lotTrademarc"s like an open flame, getting girls hotSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetYo... with these sweet flows, the streets knowswhether we pimped out in streets clothes, we the bomb like deep throwsMy speech grows to reach hoes - all over the globeI got class like a Ric Flair robeMan I"m in and out quick like Jordan in the zoneD takin out a bitch like a pass from Shaq to KobeYou know me with a extra set of handsa bitch couldn"t hold me man I leave "em lonelyIf I catch a glimpse of your chick when she smile and fineI make sure she lose your number, she"d be dialin mineI ain"t about a wife even if she won this rightI"ll fuck for seven days but stand for one nightMan we decked out John, the strict gutterI"ll have a girl repeatin my name in sex like the bitch stutterI got moves lookin butter with a tight fadeForever dipped fresh man like Minot GraySaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet&quot;夏天把”;artist : John Cena艺术家:约翰塞纳Lyrics maker : 亻= 杰 (珠海D)歌词者:亻=杰(珠海D)Yeah we doin things now man是的我们在现在的人It"s just another day in the life y"know这# 039;只是另一个生命中的一天# & 039;知道Always tryin to do some big bid"ness总想做一些大的招#度039;Sometimes when we havin fun有时当我们有乐趣Some shit goes down y"know, you ain"t expectin nothin一些狗屎下山Y & # 039;知道,你也# 039;T期待什么Then, somethin come out of nothin然后,做出来的东西It was just another typical day in the summer它是在夏天的另一个典型的一天Me, Trademarc, Crouch and my little brother我,打电话Trademarc,克劳奇和我的小弟弟We put the whips out, we cruise up to the strip man我们把鞭子,我们航行到带人Three wheel motion killin fools like a hit man三轮的运动链的傻瓜像一个杀手We on some chill shit, vibin out我们在一些寒冷的狗屎,脱离But we still in the mix, fuck hidin out但我们还是混在一起,他妈的车了On the corner of L Street, I locked eyes with her在L街的拐角处,我闭上眼睛和她I ain"t steppin man this bitch had guys with her我也# 039;T退休人这婊子有人与她She came through the crowd and walked over to me她从人群中向我走来Catchin P off guard, she actin like she knew me儿茶素P措手不及,她表现的就像她知道我Her name was Shannon, she was canon她的名字是香的,她是佳能She"s hangin with Melissa, this big booty chick you couldn"t miss her她# 039;与梅丽莎的一起,这屁股大的鸡你看# 039;不想念她This chick was like a fitted cap, all over my dome这女人就像一个装有帽,都在我的圆顶Said she wanna be down, but I ain"t takin her home她说她要下来了,但我还# 039;T接她回家That"s when she said she live right down the street这# 039;当她说她就住在街上She love white chocolate, well I got somethin sweet她喜欢白巧克力,我有点甜Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的We run game, feel Blanson, what"s your hon"s name我们运行游戏,感觉blanson,什么# 039;你的议员和039名#;I can take an Eva hot bitch like bum change我可以拿一个伊娃热母狗一样的流浪汉的变化Playin hard to get when I step, I"m afraid在很难找到当我步,我恐怕# 039;I can treat a chick like cheap gas and upgrade我可以把小鸡像廉价的天然气和升级Whatever you need, whatever you want无论你需要什么,你想要什么With Trademarc on your arm, girl what more could you flaunt在你的手臂打电话Trademarc,女孩你更想炫耀There"s just something about us, summer fling got you wondering有039 #;只是关于我们的东西,夏天的恋情让你知道where I"ll be in spring, but that"s another thing在我# 039;会在春天,但那是另一回事# 039;I"ll be out girl, quicker than tans我# 039;要的女孩,比晒黑If you want somethin stick hurr, stick wit"cha man如果你想得到什么坚持赫尔,跟与# 039;茶的人I ain"t lookin for a lover girl, I"m lookin for sex我也# 039;T找情人的女孩,我# 039 m找性;I can tell you I got money or I"m pushin a Lex我可以告诉你我的钱和我# 039;M付出,lexWhatever gets you hot, that"s what I say next不管是什么原因让你热,这# 039;是我说下Gettin passed through the crew girl that"s a safe bet要通过船员的女孩,与# 039;是一个安全的赌注I think it"s funny how it doesn"t take a whole lot我认为这# 039;有意思的是,它并# 039;T采取很多Trademarc"s like an open flame, getting girls hot打电话Trademarc和# 039;就像一个开放的火焰,让女孩热Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的Yo... with these sweet flows, the streets knows哟…这些甜美的流动,街上知道whether we pimped out in streets clothes, we the bomb like deep throws我们是否合适在街道的衣服,我们喜欢深投炸弹My speech grows to reach hoes - all over the globe我的言语发展到世界各地的锄头-I got class like a Ric Flair robe我班像Ric Flair长袍Man I"m in and out quick like Jordan in the zone我和# 039;m和快像在带乔丹D takin out a bitch like a pass from Shaq to KobeD羚牛出来母狗一样从沙克给科比You know me with a extra set of hands你知道我有一套额外的手a bitch couldn"t hold me man I leave "em lonely一个婊子也# 039;T抱我的人我离开& # 039;EM孤独If I catch a glimpse of your chick when she smile and fine如果我瞥见你的小鸡当她微笑和细I make sure she lose your number, she"d be dialin mine我一定要让她弄丢了你的号码,她#会拨入我的039;I ain"t about a wife even if she won this right我也# 039;T对妻子即使她赢得这项权利I"ll fuck for seven days but stand for one night我# 039;就他妈的七天但站一个晚上Man we decked out John, the strict gutter我们装饰了约翰,严格的排水沟I"ll have a girl repeatin my name in sex like the bitch stutter我# 039;将有一个女孩,我的名字一样重复序列性母狗口吃I got moves lookin butter with a tight fade我将看紧褪色黄油Forever dipped fresh man like Minot Gray永远新鲜的人喜欢被浸灰Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的

the earth poet翻译

the earth poet的翻译是大地诗人。大地诗人袁隆平。袁隆平(1930年9月7日-2021年5月22日),男,汉族,生于北京,无党派人士,江西省九江市德安县人。享誉海内外的著名农业科学家,中国杂交水稻事业的开创者和领导者,中国共产党的亲密朋友,无党派人士的杰出代表。“共和国勋章”获得者,湖南省政协原副主席,国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心原主任,中国工程院院士,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”。1953年毕业于西南农学院,1995年被选为中国工程院院士。1999年中国科学院北京天文台施密特CCD小行星项目组发现的一颗小行星被命名为袁隆平星,2000年获得国家最高科学技术奖,2004年获得沃尔夫农业奖,2006年4月当选美国国家科学院外籍院士,2010年获得澳门科技大学荣誉博士学位。2013年获得第四届中国消除贫困奖终身成就奖,2018年当选中国发明协会首届会士。2018年12月18日,党中央、国务院授予袁隆平改革先锋称号,颁授改革先锋奖章,获评杂交水稻研究的开创者。2020年11月28日,当选2020中国经济新闻人物。生日考证对于袁隆平的生日,2010年出版的、由辛业芸访问整理的《袁隆平口述自传》,据该书附录的《袁隆平年表》记载,袁隆平于“1930年9月1日(农历七月初九),出生于北京协和医院”。还有一种流传甚广的记载说,他生于1930年9月7日(农历七月十五中元节)。岁月的错位,也许与那兵荒马乱的世道和我们主人公颠沛流离的童年岁月有关,模糊记忆中难免会出现偏差,连他本人在八十岁之前,一直都不知道自己的确凿生日,更不知谁是第一个把他接到这个世界上来的。

跪求、Poet And The Pendulum的歌词大意大神们帮帮忙

THE PACIFIC” “太平洋” Sparkle my scenery 用碧绿的瀑布 With turquoise waterfall 用潜藏的美丽 With beauty underneath 使我的风景闪耀 The Ever Free 永远自由的(太平洋) Tuck me in beneath the blue 将我吞入那片天蓝吧 Beneath the pain, beneath the rain 任痛苦填压,任雨水冲洗 Goodnight kiss for a child in time 给孩子一个及时的晚安之吻 Swaying blade my lullaby 摇晃的利刃就是我的摇篮 On the shore we sat and hoped 我们曾坐在海岸上期待着 Under the same pale moon 相同的苍白月色下 Whose guiding light chose you 谁的指引之光选择了你 Chose you all 选择了你们所有人 ” I`m afraid. I`m so afraid. 我害怕,我太害怕了 Being raped again, and again, and again 被一次又一次的强暴,又一次,再一次 I know I will die alone. 我知道我会孤独的死去 But loved. 但是仍被爱着 You live long enough to hear the sound of guns, 你听着枪声度日的时间太长了 long enough to find yourself screaming every night, 作者: Oceansole 2008-2-1 11:31 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 【迟到翻译+乐评】01.The Poet and The Pendulum 长到发现你自己在每天夜里尖叫 long enough to see your friends betray you. 长到看见你的朋友们纷纷背叛 For years I`ve been strapped unto this altar. 我已经被捆绑在这个祭坛上很久了 Now I only have 3 minutes and counting. 终于只需倒数3分钟 I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me a death I always longed for ”. 我只希望潮水能最先将我卷走,赐予我渴望已久的死亡 ”DARK PASSION PLAY” 黑色受难记 2nd robber to the right of Christ 基督右边的第二个强盗 Cut in half - infanticide 劈成两半的杀婴者 The world will rejoice today 世界将在今天重现欢颜 As the crows feast on the rotting poet 乌鸦将享用诗人腐烂的躯体 Everyone must bury their own 每个人都得埋葬自己 No pack to bury the heart of stone 石头般的心灵无需包裹起来掩埋 Now he`s home in hell, serves him well 他终于回到地狱的家中了,好好款待他啊 Slain by the bell, tolling for his farewell 钟声杀死了他,宣告着他的辞世 The morning dawned, upon his altar 黎明从他的祭坛升起 Remains of the dark passion play 只留下黑色的受难记 Performed by his friends without shame 由他无耻的朋友们演绎着 Spitting on his grave as they came 他的坟墓被众人啐唾 Getaway, runaway, fly away 逃离,狂奔,飞走 Lead me astray to dreamer`s hideaway 将我引入歧途带到梦想家的隐居处 I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more 我哭不出来因为重负压肩 I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world 不能死去,我,这个冰冷世界的娼妇 Forgive me 原谅我吧 I have but two faces 我只有两幅面孔 One for the world 一张留给世界 One for God 一张献给上帝 Save me 救救我吧 I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more 我哭不出来因为重负压肩 I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world 不能死去,我,这个冰冷世界的娼妇 Today, in the year of our Lord 2005, 今天,在我主的2005年 Tuomas was called from the cares of the world. TUOMAS被召唤离开世间的纷争 He stopped crying at the end of each beautiful day. 他在每一个美丽日子的最后停止了哭泣 The music he wrote had too long been without silence. 他的音乐久久不能沉寂 He was found naked and dead, 他赤裸的死了 With a smile in his face, a pen and 1000 pages of erased text.” 脸上挂着微笑,身旁还有一支笔和1000张擦去的诗篇 Save me 救救我吧 ”MOTHER & FATHER” “父亲&母亲” Be still, my son 安静下来,我的孩子 You`re home 这是你的家 Oh when did you become so cold? 你何时变得如此冷酷 The blade will keep on descending 刀光剑影会终究会消失 All you need is to feel my love 你只要用心去感受我的爱 Search for beauty, find your shore 去寻找美的所在,寻找你的海岸 Try to save them all, bleed no more 救救他们,别再让流血发生 You have such oceans within 你心中有如此的宽阔的海洋 In the end 最后 I will always love you 我会一直爱着你 The beginning. 开篇

Joshua Radin的《The Willow》 歌词

歌曲名:The Willow歌手:Joshua Radin专辑:Underwater (Deluxe Version)Joshua Radin - The Willow.The wind blows through the willow like a lionHer feet are strong but he can""t help from tryingTo keep that weeping lady cryingBut don""t you worry, she""ll be fine.I""m holding on to something tightYou may have taken us for a rideInto darkness from the lightBut don""t you worry, we""ll be fine.We""ll be fine when I take your handShow you the way, I""m gonna be your manGive me a sign, I""ll be at your doorI""ll be at your door, as I want more.With you I""m a king and a beggarOur favorite role, the victim, lasts foreverIt""s been this way since I rememberDon""t you worry, we""ll be fine.We""ll be fine when I take your handShow you the way, I""m gonna be your manGive me a sign, I""ll be at your doorI""ll be at your door, as I want more.Don""t you worry, we""ll be fine.We""ll be fine when I take your handShow you the way, I""m gonna be your manGive me a sign, I""ll be at your doorI""ll be at your door, as I want more
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