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the writer and ___poet is coming to ... 要加the吗?


why does the poet say thee stand"staute-like"

why does the poet say thee stand "statue-like" 意思是 “为什么诗人说你像塑像似的伫立着”。thee 属于英语古文,相当于汉语的 “汝/君”,现代多用于诗歌。


麻烦你下次把空格带上,看着很吃力at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet直译:在爱情的感染下,每个人成了诗人意译:恋人情怀总是诗

the teacher and poet

is,the teacher and poet指一个人,the teacher and the poet才是两个人,用are

《Theodore Watts-Dunton Poet》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Theodore Watts-Dunton, Poet, Novelist, Critic;》(Douglas, James)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: d2bw书名:Theodore Watts-Dunton, Poet, Novelist, Critic;作者:Douglas, James页数:552

The worker and poet _____from Shanghai

The worker and poet comes from Shanghai 工作者和诗人来自上海



Keep sb on their toes是什么意思

Keep sb on their toes让某人保持警觉

keep sb on their toes是什么意思

keep sb on their toes让某人疲于奔命

whoisthetalle s ti ny our cl a ss什么回答?


《Death poet society》.1

一。life is short ,play more. 电影里,基延先生带学生们的第一节课就是去细细玩味过去的面孔,那些学校光荣墙上的老照片,照片内外两组年龄相仿的青年隔空对话,一样的不可一世,一样眼神充满希望,一样认为自己中能成就大事,甚至导演似乎故意让一些面孔都那么相似但是,就像照片里的人一样,照片外,甚至影片外的所有人,或虚度光阴一事无成,或奋斗终生,但最终化为灰尘。我们每一个平凡的个体,来到这个世界上,最终都将变得僵冷,直至死亡。 于是,向死而生,及时行乐。及时行乐简直是对生命的极大的尊重,抓住生命最精彩的每一瞬,而不是活在在别人的眼中,为着所谓的未来,所谓的希望碌碌一生。就如联想当年的广告语,“Life is short,Play more.” “花堪折时直须折”,生命或许不是一个逐渐成长的过程,而是一个逐渐消耗的过程,所有逝去的都不会再来,就算再有相似的情景出现,花非花,赏花的心境也早不相同。 但,及时行乐并不是让我们与俗世的规则,腐朽做强硬的抵抗,鲁莽并不能改变什么,却会使我们被迫失去更多东西,我们所有恣意妄为的行为,都要记得,不要因此失去了追求自己真正想要的东西的权利。 二。poet “你怎么能像描述音乐比赛那样描述诗,撕掉那些蠢话”你不能像是给音乐比赛打分那样,给一首诗打分,生命亦然。灵魂不接受别人的评定。Think for yourself。 Savour the words and language. we read and write poets because we are a member of human race and human race is filled with passion. 品尝诗,品尝文字,品尝人生,就像爱一样,只能体会,不能描绘。 "poet beauty romantic love" these are what we still alive for. Consider what u think ,struggle to find your own vioce. The longer you wait to begin the less likely you find it at all. . break out! 走在充满愚人的城市里,我们存在的意义到底何在? The answer is,you are here,let life exists and identity.The powerful play goes on and you contribute your poems. suck out all the marrow of life I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God, and have somewhat hastily concluded that it is the chief end of man here to "glorify God and enjoy him forever."   Henry David Thoreau:Walden,or Life in the Woods   我到林中去,因为我希望谨慎地生活,只面对生活的基本事实,看看我是否学得到生活要教育我的东西,免得到了临死的时候,才发现我根本就没有生活过。我不希望度过非生活的生活,生活是那样的可爱;我却也不愿意去修行过隐逸的生活,除非是万不得已。我要生活得深深地把生命的精髓都吸到,要生活得稳稳当当,生活得斯巴达式的,以便根除一切非生活的东西,划出一块刈割的面积来,细细地刈割或修剪,把生活压缩到一个角隅里去,把它缩小到最低的条件中,如果它被证明是卑微的,那么就把那真正的卑微全部认识到,并把它的卑微之处公布于世界;或者,如果它是崇高的,就用切身的经历来体会它,在我下一次远游时,也可以作出一个真实的报道。因为,我看,大多数人还确定不了他们的生活是属于魔鬼的,还是属于上帝的呢,然而又多少有点轻率地下了判断,认为人生的主要目标是“归荣耀于神,并永远从神那里得到喜悦”。(徐迟译)

1、As we know, fashions ___ ____ _____these days. 众所周知,如今的时尚来的快也去的快

2、When we got home in the evening,we were __TOO_ tired __TO__ say a word当我们晚上到家的时候,我们累得说不出话了3、Dr.Li thinks the book is _OF __ __MUCH / GREAT __ __VALUE__李博士认为这本书很有价值4、I find __IT __ __GREAT / MUCH__ __FUN___ reading books我每天从书中获得极大的乐趣5 、Tom is the tallest boy in his class Tom is _TALLER __ ___THAN _ __ANY __ _OTHER___ __BOY___ in his class (同义句)6、Robots can do dangerous work instad of humans Robots can _REPLACE__ _HUMANS_ __TO __ _DO___ humans to do dangerous work (同上)7、 Li peng wasn`t careful enough to find the mistakes Li peng was __TOO_ __CARELESS__ _TO___ find the mistakes (同上)8、 She often reads some books in the library She often ___DOES_ ___SOME_ _READING___ in the library (同上)9、I think you will enioy them. I _DON"T__ think you __WILL_ enioy them (否定句)10、He isn`t in the classroom. He _MUST__ _BE__ on the playground .他不在教室里,他一定在操场上。

Who’s got the highest points? “ ‘s ”指的是has吗?

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:是的,这里"s = has不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


DT_THREAD(dt)该macro 应用于动网格区域 定义如下:Dynamic_Thread *dt; pointer to face thread ;NV_VEC()VEC for vector(矢量的意思), D for directions(方向) and S for scalar;real NV_VEC(psi--- defines a vector psi[0]i+psi[1]j+psi[2]k)我也是初学,希望对你有用

trail path 意思两个有什么区别

path 是路径 原来就有的trail 是踪迹 是走后留下的

Let,s has dinner together改错

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:1 has 改为 have (let sb do 用动词原形)2 in 改为 on (具体到某一天用on)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

一首中文歌中有everything will be ok。好像后面就是中文的。蛮欢快的




英语翻译few people are as fertile as in the past

_…在一般情况下,莪们把“as”译成“把……当做……”或是“一……就……”,翻译:你的第一句,as fertile as,翻译过来便是,现在很少人能像过去那样有旺盛的生育能力(把现在的人比上过去的人);第二句,七十岁左右的老人是女性是男性的两倍还是男性是女性的两倍?“as twice as”这里表示什么像什么的两倍或什么是什么的两倍。因为as被放在不同句中所以便充当了不同的成分,像是:表原因,也许,作为,大概,结果……

Be due to do sth.是什么意思



always online 和cries in a distance一个是中文版,一个是英文版,一个调子

across, through, over, past的区别是什么?

Across /u0259u02c8kru0252s/含义:横穿,横过使用方法:通常指从一个地方到另一个地方的横向移动,可以用作副词、介词或形容词。举例:I swam across the river to get to the other side.(我游过河到达对岸。)The cat walked across the room to get to its food bowl.(猫走过房间到达它的饭盆。)The bridge across the river was closed due to construction.(河上的桥因施工而关闭。)Through /θruu02d0/含义:穿过,通过使用方法:通常指从一个地方到另一个地方的纵向或深度移动,可以用作副词、介词或形容词。举例:We walked through the forest to get to the lake.(我们穿过森林到达湖边。)The train passed through the tunnel and emerged on the other side.(火车穿过隧道,从另一侧出现。)She looked through the window and saw the snow falling outside.(她透过窗户看到外面下雪。)Over /u02c8u0259u028avu0259/含义:越过,超过使用方法:通常指从一个物体或障碍物的顶部越过,可以用作副词、介词或形容词。举例:The bird flew over the tree and disappeared from sight.(鸟飞过树,消失在视线之外。)The athlete jumped over the hurdle and continued running.(运动员跳过栏杆,继续奔跑。)The price of the house went over our budget.(房子的价格超出了我们的预算。)Past /pɑu02d0st/含义:经过,过去使用方法:通常指从一个地方经过另一个地方,可以用作副词、介词或形容词。举例:The car drove past the house without stopping.(汽车经过房子而不停下来。)She walked past the store and didn"t notice the sale sign.(她走过商店,没有注意到打折的标志。)The memories of the past haunted him for years.(过去的记忆困扰着他多年。)

神话 SNL 山寨广告中"THE SOUTH FACE"上衣~~



我自己人认为strap比thong应用的范围要广,前者不管(带)长短都有用法但后者则侧重于细长型(如:绳子)一般短小之物未见用此词,strap与生活中常见事物联系较紧密:公交车上的吊环(链)、手表带、书包带等。以下是英汉词典中对两词的解释(仅供参考),你自己体会一下。strap[strAp]n.带, 皮带vt.用带缚住, 用带捆扎strap[strAp]n.带, 皮带, 铁皮条[箍](磨刀的)皮带, 荡刀皮带吊带, 带圈表带; 肩章搭扣 鞋橡皮膏[the strap]鞭打[英]信用[爱尔兰语]轻佻的女子, 娼妓【航海】滑车带【植】小舌片【电】母线strap[strAp]vt.用带子捆扎[系上], 用皮带捆用皮带抽打; 用皮带磨【医】贴上橡皮膏strap on a wrist watch带上手表strap up a suitcase用皮带及搭扣来捆住手提皮箱strap a razor在皮带上磨剃刀strap-braken.带闸strap-downn.接联 strap-hangerstrap[strAp]n.(电车上)拉着吊带站着的 乘客strap-hangingn.(在车上因无座)拉着吊带站着strap-laidadj.用两条三股绳平列缝合的strap-oiln.[俚]鞭打strap-onn.搭接 strap-shapedadj.舌状的strapwork[`strApw:k]n.用窄带折迭而成的装饰图案strapless[`strAplIs]adj.无带的, 无肩带的 strap粗劣的葡萄酒, 掺糖蜜的甘蔗酒; [美]咖啡on(the) strap凭信用, 赊shoulder strap(制服上的)肩章; 肩带; (书包、照相机等的)背带strap in拴上安全带strap on把...用带子捆绑strap up用带子捆绑用绷带包扎(伤口等)anode strap阳极均压环, 阳极条anticreeper strap防爬带, 防爬器attachment strap搭接带, 搭接板back strap背垫条, 衬垫, 垫里, 垫座berth safety strap卧铺安全带black strap黑液层(亚铅酸钠脱臭时形成的中间层, 主要是硫化铅)boiler lagging brass strap锅炉套铜圈butt strap肩托cab strap司机室安装带centre strap网中心布带cheek strap颊革clamping strap夹板, 压板clutch driving strap离合器传动片deckle strap框带double strap双均压环draw strap牵引杆连接板, 辕杆连接板dynamo strap发电机固定带eccentric strap偏心环ejector strap喷吸器带条engine ground strap发动机接地片equalizer safety strap平衡器安全环fixing strap固定带generator adjusting strap发电机调整臂gin strap三脚起重机吊索ground strap接地母线hammer strap抗冲击钢板(拖拉机摆动牵引杆的)hand strap皮带拉手head strap顶革heel strap扒头铁板joint strap带状结点, 带状接头kicking strap护身带(压船时用)knife strap割刀刀杆, (切割器的)刀杆limitation strap制动膏布lunge strap保护带main rod strap主杆套muffler strap消声器带条neck strap颈圈, 颈枷negative strap负极板连接条pedestal strap导框托板pipe strap管卡pitman strap连杆颊板, 连杆头托座power cell strap电池接电压簧puller strap拉紧带quarter strap系鞍带; 船尾吊带refinery black strap精制糖的糖蜜saddle strap托架, 滑木single strap单均压环stake pocket strap U形螺栓柱插; 标装袋带子starter ground strap起动机接地片starter motor strap起动电动机固定带steel baling strap打包铁皮stub strap端带tank strap油桶箍条T-hinge strap丁字铰接three-way strap三向系板tie strap(金属)支撑板top strap车顶条transmission strap传动带windshield strap风挡嵌带thong[WCN]n.皮带thong[WCN]n.皮带[条, 鞭]; 鞭梢, 马缰绳thong[WCN]vt.装皮带; 用皮带捆; 用皮带打cut a large thong of another man"s leather (=cut thongs of other men"s hides)慷他人之慨




从一定的角度上来说,Python是非常不错的编程语言,适合零基础,对初学者十分友好,可以广泛应用在众多领域。几乎所有大中型互联网企业都在使用Python完成各种各样的任务。对于程序员来说,Python就像胶水一样,可以更好的帮助我们完成编程工作。Python语言拥有众多应用领域:1、web应用开发:Python经常用于web应用开发,虽然PHP、JS 依然是 Web 开发的主流语言,但是Python一直处于上升阶段。2、自动化运维:Python 是标准的系统组件,大多数 Linux 发行版以及 NetBSD、OpenBSD 和 Mac OS X 都集成了 Python,可以直接在终端运行Python。3、网络爬虫:Python很早就是用来撰写爬虫的语言,很多大型的搜索引擎公司就是使用Python进行编写爬虫的。4、科学计算:NASA 就大量使用 Python 进行各种复杂的科学运算。Python 在数据分析、可视化方面有相当完善和优秀的库,可以更好满足Python程序员编写科学计算程序。5、游戏开发:Python可以用来编写游戏逻辑,功能简单,体积小,同时Python支持更多的特性和数据类型。

Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love 麻烦这是什么东东?,谢谢啦,

Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love爱情…在指缝间许诺指缝….在爱情下交缠例句1.Love, promised between the fingers, Finger rift, twisted in the love. If the good is good.爱情在指缝间承诺,指缝在爱情下交缠。若是夸姣,叫做出色。2.Love, promised between in the fingers; Finger rift, twisted in the love爱情在指缝间承诺;指缝,在爱情中交缠

在英语中有"render sth + adj"这种用法吗?

有的,请看如下解释。You can use render with an adjective that describes a particular state to say that someone or something is changed into that state. For example, if someone or something makes a thing harmless, you can say that they render it harmless. (=make) 例句,It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.翻译:它包含了如此多的错误,以至于使得它变得毫无价值。所以“render sth + adj”的意思是使得sth变得adj

Guyu2019s mouth twisted into a wry smile.

这家伙的嘴扭成一个苦笑。重点词汇释义Guy家伙,伙计; 牵索; 各位mouth口; 出入口; 传闻; 装腔作势地说; 喃喃地说,心不在焉地说,言不由衷地说; 装腔作势说话twisted反常的,变态的; 扭转; 歪曲; 扭,搓,缠绕( twist的过去式和过去分词 ); 转动into进入…中; 输入; 进入…状态; 持续到wry smile苦笑望采纳

The Vaccines的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:The Vaccines专辑:Come Of Age (Deluxe Version)RunawayGroove Coveragei wannna knowthe structure of your heartwhy did you tearmy broken soul apartis it a dreamor my realityloved and withoutafter warrantyoh... i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinoh...i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinoh...i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinoh... i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideoh oh ....oh...i want to runawayno i am notyour Xing second choiceno i am notturnin down my voiceuntil you understandthere"s nothing to commanduntil you realizethat we can touch the skycan"t you feelinside us controlcan"t you feelthere"s nothing at alloh... i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinoh...i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinoh... i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinoh... i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideohohoh....oh... i want to runaway

Whatever You Like [Live From The Vmas Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever You Like [Live From The Vmas Version]歌手:T.I.专辑:Paper TrailT.I. - Whatever You LikeI said you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you likeStacks on deck, patron on iceWe can pop bottles all nightBaby you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you like (Yeah)Late night sex so wet and so tightGas up the jet for you tonight and baby you can go where ever you likeI said you can go where ever you likeAnytime you want toPick up the telephone youKnow it ain"t nothin to drop a couple stacks on youWant it you can get it my dear5 million dollar homes drop business I swearI want your bodyNeed your bodyAs long as you got me you don"t need nobodyYou want it I got itGo get I"ll buy itTell them other broke niggas be quietStacks on deck, patron on iceWe can pop bottles all nightBaby you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you like (Yeah)Late night sex so wet and so tightGas up the jet for you tonight and baby you can go where ever you likeI said you can go where ever you likeShawty you the hottestLove the way you drop itBrain so good swore you went to collegeHoney can"t deposit vactions in the tropicCause everybody know it a"int tricking if you got itAnd you ain"t never ever gotta go in your walletLong as I got rubberband banks in my pockets5 6 ride with rims and a body kitYou ain"t gotta downgrade you can get what I getMy chick can have what she wantYou go in any store buy anything she wantI notice you ain"t ever had a man like thatTo buy you anything your heart desire like thatI want your bodyNeed your bodyAs long as you got me you don"t need nobodyYou want it I got itGo get I"ll buy itTell them other broke niggas be quietStacks on deck, patron on iceWe can pop bottles all nightBaby you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you like (Yeah)Late night sex so wet and so tightGas up the jet for you tonight and baby you can go where ever you likeI said you can go where ever you likeI"m talkin big boy rides and big boy iceLet me put this big boy in your lifeThe thing get so wet it hit so rightLet me put this big boy in your life that"s rightI want your bodyNeed your bodyAs long as you got me you don"t need nobodyYou want it I got itGo get I"ll buy itTell them other broke niggas be quietStacks on deck, patron on iceWe can pop bottles all nightBaby you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you like (Yeah)Late night sex so wet and so tightGas up the jet for you tonight and baby you can go where ever you likeI said you can go where ever you like


python有什么框架?让我们一起了解一下吧!python框架有很多,下面介绍几个常见的框架:1、DjangoDjango是比较出名的Python框架,它最出名的是其全自动化的管理后台,只需要使用起ORM,做简单的对象定义,它就能自动生成数据库结构、以及全功能的管理后台。2、FlaskFlask是一个用Python编写的轻量级Web应用框架,基于Werkzeug WSGI工具箱和Jinja2模板引擎。Flask也被称为“microframework”,因为它使用简单的核心,用extension增加其他功能。3、ScrapyScrapy是Python开发的一个快速、高层次的屏幕抓取和web抓取框架,用于抓取web站点并从页面中提取结构化的数据。Scrapy用途广泛,可以用于数据挖掘、监测和自动化测试。4、TornadoTornado是一种 Web 服务器软件的开源版本。Tornado 和现在的主流 Web 服务器框架有着明显的区别:它是非阻塞式服务器,而且速度相当快。5、Web2pyweb2py是一个为Python语言提供的全功能Web应用框架,旨在敏捷快速的开发Web应用,具有快速、安全以及可移植的数据库驱动的应用,兼容 Google App Engine。6、WeppyWeppy感觉就像Flask的简约风格和Django的完整性之间的中间标记。虽然开发Weppy应用程序具有Flash的直接性,但Weppy具有Django中的许多功能,如数据层和身份验证。因此,Weppy适用于从极其简单到适度复杂的应用程序。拓展:什么是PythonPython是一种跨平台的计算机程序设计语言,是ABC语言的替代品。Python提供了高效的高级数据结构,还能简单有效地面向对象编程,是一种面向对象的动态类型语言,最初被设计用于编写自动化脚本,随着版本的不断更新和语言新功能的添加,越来越多被用于独立的、大型项目的开发。今天的分享就是这些,希望能帮助到大家!

They______ (like) the World Cup?

like watching


Django: Python Web应用开发框架Django是一个开放源代码的Web应用框架,由Python写成。采用了MTV的框架模式,即模型M,视图V和模版T。它最初是被开发来用于管理劳伦斯出版集团旗下的一些以新闻内容为主的网站的,即是CMS(内容管理系统)软件。Flask:一个用Python编写的轻量级Web应用框架Flask是一个使用 Python 编写的轻量级 Web 应用框架。其 WSGI 工具箱采用 Werkzeug ,模板引擎则使用 Jinja2 。Flask使用 BSD 授权。Flask也被称为 “microframework” ,因为它使用简单的核心,用 extension 增加其他功能。Flask没有默认使用的数据库、窗体验证工具。Tornado:异步非阻塞IO的Python Web框架Tornado是一种 Web 服务器软件的开源版本。Tornado 和主流Web 服务器框架(包括大多数 Python 的框架)有着明显的区别:它是非阻塞式服务器,而且速度相当快。得利于其非阻塞的方式和对epoll的运用,Tornado 每秒可以处理数以千计的连接,因此 Tornado 是实时 Web 服务的一个 理想框架。

he wants to play in the world cup为什么这个句子中出现了两个动词?


Python三大web框架分别是什么 哪个更好

DjangoDjango走的大而全的方向,开发效率高。它的MTV框架,自带的ORM,admin后台管理,自带的sqlite数据库和开发测试用的服务器,给开发者提高了超高的开发效率。重量级web框架,功能齐全,提供一站式解决的思路,能让开发者不用在选择上花费大量时间。自带ORM和模板引擎,支持jinja等非官方模板引擎。自带ORM使Django和关系型数据库耦合度高,如果要使用非关系型数据库,需要使用第三方库自带数据库管理app成熟,稳定,开发效率高,相对于Flask,Django的整体封闭性比较好,适合做企业级网站的开发。python web框架的先驱,第三方库丰富。FlaskFlask是轻量级的框架,自由、灵活、可扩展性强,核心基于Werkzeug WSGI工具和jinja2模板引擎。适用于做小网站以及web服务的API,开发大型网站无压力,但架构需要自己设计。与关系型数据库的结合不弱于Django,而与非关系型数据库的结合远远优于Django。TornadoTornado走的是少而精的方向,性能优越,它最出名的异步非阻塞的设计方式。Tornado的两大核心模块:iostraem:对非阻塞的socket进行简单的封装。ioloop:对I/O多路复用的封装,它实现一个单例。

Python Web开发比较流行的框架都有什么?

目前Python流行的Web框架包括:Django、Flask和Tornado。框架把构建Web应用的通用的代码进行了封装,把相应的模块组织起来,使用Web框架可以更轻松、快捷的创建web应用,不用去关注一些底层细节。1、Django框架Django是基于Python的免费和开放源代码Web框架,它遵循模型-模板-视图(MTV)体系结构模式。它由Django Software Foundation(DSF)维护,这是一个由非营利组织成立的独立组织。Django对基础的代码进行了封装并提供相应的 API,开发者在使用框架是直接调用封装好的 API 可以省去很多代码编写,从而提高工作效率和开发速度。Django的设计理念如下:①松耦合——Django的目标是使堆栈中的每个元素彼此独立。②更少的编码——更少的代码,因此可以快速开发。③不重复自己(DRY)——一切都应该只在一个地方开发,而不是一次又一次地重复。④快速开发——Django的理念是尽一切可能促进超快速开发。⑤简洁的设计——Django严格按照自己的代码维护简洁的设计,并易于遵循最佳的Web开发实践。Django的一些优势如下:①对象关系映射(ORM)支持——Django在数据模型和数据库引擎之间建立了桥梁,并支持包括MySQL,Oracle,Postgres等在内的大量数据库系统。②多语言支持——Django通过其内置的国际化系统支持多语言网站。因此,您可以开发支持多种语言的网站。③框架支持——Django内置了对Ajax,RSS,缓存和其他各种框架的支持。④GUI——Django为管理活动提供了一个很好的即用型用户界面。⑤开发环境——Django带有轻量级的Web服务器,以促进端到端应用程序的开发和测试。⑥Django是Python Web框架。和大多数现代框架一样,Django支持MVC模式。2、Flask框架Flask 是 Python 编写的一种轻量级 ( 微 ) 的 Web 开发框架,只提供 Web 框架的核心功能,较其他类型的框架更为的自由、灵活、更加适合高度定制化的 Web 项目。Flask 在功能上面没有欠缺,只不过更多的选择及功能的实现交给了开发者去完成,因此 Flask 对开发人员的水平有了一定的要求。3、Tornado框架在之前的学习过程当中,学习过了 Flask 和 Django 这两个 Python Web 框架,现在来认识一个更加复杂但是高效的 Python Web 框架 : Tornado。Tornado 是 Python 编写的一个强大的可扩展的 Web 服务器,在处理高网络流量的时候表现的足够强大,但是在创建的时候,和 Flask 类似又足够轻量,并且可以被用到大量的工具当中。相对于其他的框架,Tornado 有如下特点:1、完整的 Web 开发框架,和 Django,Flask 一样,Tornado 也提供了路由映射,request 上下文,基于模板的页面渲染这些功能。2、同样是一个高效的网络库,性能可以和 Python 的 Twisted,Gevent 等底层框架媲美,同时提供了异步IO, 超时事件处理,功能,这样 twisted 除了做 Web 之外还可以做爬虫,物联网关或者游戏服务器等后台应用。3、提供了高效的 HTTPClient, 除了服务器端框架,还提供了基于异步框架的 HTTP 客户端4、提供了高效的内部服务器,Tornado 的内部服务器可以直接用于生产环境5、完备的 WebSocket 支持关于Python的基础问题可以看下这个网页的视频教程,网页链接,希望我的回答能帮到你。

The defending World Cup champion was fastest in practice.

The defending World Cup champion was fastest in practice.卫冕世界杯冠军在实践中是最快的。

these shirts run small什么意思


_____they____(like)the world Cup?(用适当形式填空)

正确答案是Do 句子意思是他们喜欢世界杯吗?


Python常用的web框架推荐:1、FlaskFlask是一个轻量级的web框架,可以快速构建web应用程序。Flask的优点之一是其灵活性,因为它允许您在自己的代码项目中实现所需的定制。Flask适合小型项目和初学者,因为它的学习曲线较低。2、DjangoDjango是一个功能强大的Web框架,适合大型项目。 它包括ORM,模板引擎,管理站点和完整的认证系统等内置功能。 Django的一个独特的优点是它的强大的管理站点,允许您在不编写任何HTML的情况下构建一个完整的后台管理应用程序。 Django具有强大的社区支持,因此可以轻松找到有用的示例代码和插件。3、PyramidPyramid是一个可伸缩的Web框架,旨在处理大型应用程序。 Pyramid具有高度定制的模式,使其在Web应用程序的多种应用中具有广泛的适用性。 Pyramid的一个重要优势是其可扩展性,允许您随着项目的不断发展进行逐步构建。4、BottleBottle是另一个轻量级的Web框架,适用于小型项目。 Bottle提供了一个快速而灵活的方法来构建Web应用程序,但它并不提供预定义的模板。 如果您需要快速启动一个小型Web应用程序并掌握它的完全控制权,则Bottle是一个不错的选择。5、TornadoTornado是一个基于异步事件循环的Web框架,适用于需要高性能的应用程序。 Tornado提供了一种非阻塞的方式来处理Web请求和其他事件,这可以大大提高应用程序的吞吐量。Tornado还包括内置的Web服务器,可以轻松扩展。总的来讲,Python在web开发领域有许多优秀的框架和工具可供选择。灵活性和可扩展性是Python web开发的明显优势,而这些优势正吸引着越来越多的开发者转向Python。

_____ good news! The World Cup will be held in South Africa.


python tornado中是否能实现在web上生成excel并下载功能?

#!/usr/bin/python#-*- encoding:utf-8 -*-import tornado.ioloopimport tornado.webimport os class UploadFileHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.write(""" <html> <head><br> <title>Upload File</title><br> </head> <body> <form action="file" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <input type="file" name="file"/><br/> <input type="submit" value="submit"/> </form> </body> </html> """) def post(self): upload_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"files") #文件的暂存路径 file_metas=self.request.files["file"] #提取表单中‘name"为‘file"的文件元数据 for meta in file_metas: filename=meta["filename"] filepath=os.path.join(upload_path,filename) with open(filepath,"wb") as up: #有些文件需要已二进制的形式存储,实际中可以更改 up.write(meta["body"]) self.write("finished!") app=tornado.web.Application([ (r"/file",UploadFileHandler),]) if __name__ == "__main__": app.listen(3000) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()其中注意利用form上传的html代码的写法。另外就是tornado获取post数据的方法。 web前端开发中比较有用的资源bootscrap:中分页插件: js脚本构造form(表单)提交的类 转自:

python2.7 可以使用tornado吗

可以使用tornado, django等框架

已解决:python3.6 使用pip命令安装tornado时报错。

在使用 pip install tornado 命令安装tornado时,报错了,错误信息如下: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tornado (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for tornado 原因是我的电脑没有科学上网,科学上网后再次执行安装命令,报了另一个错: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/futures-3.2.0.dist-info" 原因是权限问题,在命令前加上sudo就可以,即使用命令 sudo pip install tornado 。 执行情况如下: 但这是安装到系统带的python2.7上了,如需安装到python3.6上,执行此命令即可 sudo pip3 install tornado ,执行情况如下: Have fun.



they like the world cup这个语法对吗?

They like the World Cup.他们喜欢世界杯。语法正确。

The World Cup _______in Germany this year. A.took place B.held C.played D.happened 答案是D


the shirt is short 复数句子?


用括号内动词的适当形式填空.____they____(like)the World Cup?What ____they?

__Do__they__like__(like)the World Cup? What __do__they often_do__(do)on Saturdays? ____Do your parents___read_(read)newspapers every day? The girl __teaches_(teach)us English on Sundays. She ang I__take__(take) a walk together every evening. There ____is__(be)some water in the bottle. Mike ___likes___(like)cooking. They ____have__(have) the same cars. My aunt ____looks__(look) after her baby carefully. You always___do_____(do)your homework well,5,Would , like do , do Do , read teachs take are likes have looks do,2,do like do do what"s read teachs take is likes have looks doing,1,Do they like the World Cup? What do they oftern do on Saturdays? Do ur parents read newspapers every day? The girl teaches us English on Sundays. She and I take a walk together everyda...,0,用括号内动词的适当形式填空. ____they____(like)the World Cup? What ____they often___(do)on Saturdays? ____your parents____(read)newspapers every day? The girl ___(teach)us English on Sundays. She ang I____(take) a walk together every evening. There ______(be)some water in the bottle. Mike ______(like)cooking. They ______(have) the same cars. My aunt ______(look) after her baby carefully. You always________(do)your homework well.

the shirt is short 复数句子?

复数形式:The shirts are short.

failure loading the trainer,是什么意思

failure loading the trainer加载the trainer失败trainer[英][u02c8treu026anu0259(r)][美][u02c8trenu025a]n.运动鞋; 教员; 驯兽师; 复数:trainers例句:1.How to meet my personal trainer is a problem. 如何才能见到我的私人教练是个问题。2.Chilean officials assigned psychologists and a personal trainer by video conference totend to the miners. 智利官员还指派数名心理医生和一名健身教练通过视频会议的方式为矿工们服务。

Do they like the World Cup? 为什么加do而不是aer



句子有错主语是复数,likes改为 likeThey like the World Cup.他们喜欢世界杯. 就是肯定句

( )they( )(like)the World Cup?解析作答原因

do they like the world cup因为like是动词,所以应该用助动词do。

The World Cup_世界杯英语作文50字

The World Cup is held once every four years. This year, the World Cup matches will be held in South Africa. The whole tournament will take one month. This year, it will start from June 11 and the final match will be held on July 11. There will be 32 nations participating in the World Cup. If I go there, I can watch 64 matches in total. 世界杯是每四年举行一次。今年,世界杯比赛将在南非举行。 整个赛事将需要一个月。今年,它将从6月11日开始最后一场比赛将于7月11日举行。 将有32个国家参加世界杯。如果我去那里,我可以观看总共64场比赛。

选择题:our team _____the world cup 选项:A.has won B.have won C.are won won

A.has won

world cup前加不加the?英语书上是加the的,但是许多网上都不加the



这篇文章主要介绍了举例讲解Python的Tornado框架实现数据可视化的教程,Tornado是一个异步的高人气开发框架,需要的朋友可以参考下所用拓展模块xlrd:Python语言中,读取Excel的扩展工具。可以实现指定表单、指定单元格的读取。使用前须安装。=。=看起来好像基本没人值班,对,就是这样。大家都好懒T。TSign...简单分析一下,考勤记录表是文件的第三个sheet第三行有起止时间第四行是所有日期的数字接下来每两行:第一行为用户信息;第二行为考勤记录思路决定用3个collection分别储存相关信息:user:用户信息,包含id、name、deptrecord:考勤记录,包含id(用户id)、y(年)、m(月)、d(日)、check(打卡记录)duty:值班安排,包含id(星期数,例:1表示星期一)、list(值班人员id列表)、user_id:[start_time,end_time](用户值班开始时间和结束时间)读取xls文件,将新的考勤记录和新的用户存入数据库。根据年月日参数查询对应record,查询当天的值班安排,匹配获得当天值班同学的考勤记录。将值班同学的打卡时间和值班时间比对,判断是否正常打卡,计算实际值班时长、实际值班百分比。之后输出json格式数据,用echarts生成图表。分析当月、当年的考勤记录同理,不过可能稍微复杂一些。所有的讲解和具体思路都放在源码注释里,请继续往下看源码吧~源码main.py24252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import os.pathimport tornado.authimport tornado.escapeimport tornado.httpserverimport tornado.ioloopimport tornado.optionsimport tornado.webfrom tornado.options import define, optionsimport pymongoimport timeimport datetimeimport xlrddefine(port, default=8007, help=run on the given port, type=int)class Application(tornado.web.Application):def __init__(self):handlers = [(r/, MainHandler),(r/read, ReadHandler),(r/day, DayHandler),]settings = dict(template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), templates),static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), static),debug=True,)conn = pymongo.Connection(localhost, 27017)self.db = conn[kaoqin]tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, handlers, **settings)class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):def get(self):passclass ReadHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):def get(self):#获取collectioncoll_record = self.application.db.recordcoll_user = self.application.db.user#读取excel表格table = xlrd.open_workbook(/Users/ant/Webdev/python/excel/data.xls)#读取打卡记录sheetsheet=table.sheet_by_index(2)#读取打卡月份范围row3 = sheet.row_values(2)m1 = int(row3[2][5:7])m2 = int(row3[2][18:20])#设置当前年份y = int(row3[2][0:4])#设置当前月份为第一个月份m = m1#读取打卡日期范围row4 = sheet.row_values(3)#初始化上一天lastday = row4[0]#遍历第四行中的日期for d in row4:#如果日期小于上一个日期#说明月份增大,则修改当前月份为第二个月份if dlastday:m = m2#如果当前两个月份分别为12月和1月#说明跨年了,所以年份 +1if m1 == 12 and m2 == 1:y = y + 1#用n计数,范围为 3 到(总行数/2+1)#(总行数/2+1)- 3 = 总用户数#即遍历所有用户for n in range(3, sheet.nrows/2+1):#取该用户的第一行,即用户信息行row_1 = sheet.row_values(n*2-2)#获取用户idu_id = row_1[2]#获取用户姓名u_name = row_1[10]#获取用户部门u_dept = row_1[20]#查询该用户user = coll_user.find_one({id:u_id})#如果数据库中不存在该用户则创建新用户if not user:user = dict()user[id] = u_iduser[name] = u_nameuser[dept] = u_deptcoll_user.insert(user)#取该用户的第二行,即考勤记录行row_2 = sheet.row_values(n*2-1)#获取改当前日期的下标idx = row4.index(d)#获取当前用户当前日期的考勤记录check_data = row_2[idx]#初始化空考勤记录列表check = list()#5个字符一组,遍历考勤记录并存入考勤记录列表for i in range(0,len(check_data)/5):check.append(check_data[i*5:i*5+5])#查询当前用户当天记录record = coll_record.find_one({y:y, m:m, d:d, id:user[id]})#如果记录存在则更新记录if record:for item in check:#将新的考勤记录添加进之前的记录if item not in record[check]:record[check].append(item)如果记录不存在则插入新纪录else:record = {y:y, m:m, d:d, id:user[id], check:check}coll_record.insert(record)24252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112class DayHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):def get(self):#获取年月日参数y = self.get_argument(y,None)m = self.get_argument(m,None)d = self.get_argument(d,None)#判断参数是否设置齐全if y and m and d:#将参数转换为整型数,方便使用y = int(y)m = int(m)d = int(d)#获取当天所有记录coll_record = self.application.db.recordrecord = coll_record.find({y:y, m:m, d:d})#获取当天为星期几weekday = datetime.datetime(y,m,d).strftime(%w)#获取当天值班表coll_duty = self.application.db.dutyduty = coll_duty.find_one({id:int(weekday)})#初始化空目标记录(当天值班人员记录)target = list()#遍历当天所有记录for item in record:#当该记录的用户当天有值班任务时,计算并存入target数组if int(item[id]) in duty[list]:#通过用户id获取该用户值班起止时间start = duty[item[id]][0]end = duty[item[id]][1]#计算值班时长/秒date1 = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,int(start[:2]),int(start[-2:]))date2 = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,int(end[:2]),int(end[-2:]))item[length] = (date2 - date1).seconds#初始化实际值班百分比item[per] = 0#初始化上下班打卡时间item[start] = 0item[end] = 0#遍历该用户打卡记录for t in item[check]:#当比值班时间来得早if tstart:#计算时间差date1 = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,int(start[:2]),int(start[-2:]))date2 = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,int(t[:2]),int(t[-2:]))dif = (date1 - date2).seconds#当打卡时间在值班时间前半小时内if dif = 1800:#上班打卡成功item[start] = startelif tend:#如果还没上班打卡if not item[start]:#则记录当前时间为上班打卡时间item[start] = telse:#否则记录当前时间为下班打卡时间item[end] = telse:#如果已经上班打卡if item[start]:#计算时间差date1 = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,int(end[:2]),int(end[-2:]))date2 = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,int(t[:2]),int(t[-2:]))dif = (date1 - date2).seconds#当打卡时间在值班时间后半小时内if dif = 1800:#下班打卡成功item[end] = end#当上班下班均打卡if item[start] and item[end]:#计算实际值班时长date1 = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,int(item[start][:2]),int(item[start][-2:]))date2 = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,int(item[end][:2]),int(item[end][-2:]))dif = (date2 - date1).seconds#计算(实际值班时长/值班时长)百分比item[per] = int(dif/float(item[length]) * 100)else:#未正常上下班则视为未值班item[start] = 0item[end] = 0#将记录添加到target数组中target.append(item)#输出数据self.render(index.html,target = target)def main():tornado.options.parse_command_line()http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(Application())http_server.listen(options.port)tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()if __name__ == __main__:main()index.html{{% for item in target %}{id:{{ item[id] }},start:{{ item[start] }},end:{{ item[end] }},length:{{ item[length] }},per:{{ item[per] }}}{% end %}}最后暂时只写到读文件和查询某天值班情况,之后会继续按照之前的计划把这个小应用写完的。因为涉及到一堆小伙伴的隐私,所以没有把测试文件发上来。不过如果有想实际运行看看的同学可以跟我说,我把文件发给你。可能用到的一条数据库插入语句:db.duty.insert({id:5,list:[1,2],1:[19:00,22:00],2:[19:00,22:00]})希望对像我一样的beginner们有帮助!

翻译:To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup,children from different countries and more than 60...


more than i can say 歌词中文意思


shorts形容时用they are还是it is

shorts是名词,“短裤”的意思,复数概念 They are shorts.和shoes 、pants 道理一样 short是形容词,“矮的,短的” It is / They are short 都说得通

More Than I Can Say作曲作词是谁啊?

杰瑞·埃利森(Jerry Allison)和桑尼·库尔梯斯(Sonny Curtis)

Love you more than I can say怎么翻译?


歌词里有I love you more than i can see这句的歌名是什么

再说一次我爱你 I bless the day I found you.I want to stay aroud you.And so i beg you, Let it be me.Don"t take this heaven from me.If you must cling to somebody, now and forever, let it be me.Each time we meet, love,I find complete love.Without your sweet love,What life could be?So never leave me lonely;Tell me you love me only,And that you"ll always let it be me.I want to stay aroud you.And so i beg you, Let it be me.Don"t take this heaven from me.If you must cling to somebody, now and forever, let it be me.Each time we meet, love,I find complete love.Without your sweet love,What life could be?So never leave me lonely;Tell me you love me only,And that you"ll always let it be me.是这个吗?

CPU AMDATHLON II *631 主板 华硕M4 A877 Plus 显卡 迪兰HD6770 vortex 硬盘WD500G请问我需要配置额定功率


the GazettE的《VORTEX》 歌词

歌曲名:VORTEX歌手:the GazettE专辑:the GazettE 10TH ANNIVERSARY THE DECADE LIVE AT 03.10 MAKUHARI MESSE「VORTEX」作词∶流鬼.作曲∶the GazettE歌∶the GazettE二度と消せないくらいに伤を深めてくMaliceイキ过ぎた头を抉り飞び交うBugにNoiseを使い舍ての爱と知って売られたカラクリ「単纯明快 无様な明日だ」って理解してる时点で终わってる歪み回るVortex of beats 吐き気の中で踊るRight before my eyesThe world that decayedRight before my eyesYou murder somebodyToo tragic to stay with youぐるぐると回るLoopの中で机械仕挂けの空に消えてゆくCOUNTLESS BUGざらついた舌で欲をなぞってStolidなDummyに梦を见せれば苦だろうが悦に変わるさI don"t wanna become the fuckin" garbage like youVortex of industryShut the fuck up Jack offThe only thing you really know about me is...You can"t take my soul away from meThe only thing you really know about me is...I can"t answer your silly wish暗い暗い闇に落ちてゆくCOUNTLESS BUG汚れ无き声も泥に涂れ今じゃその嘘に身を投げるCOUNTLESS BUGScrapになれば価値は消える寸剧の涙はその胸に届かない【 おわり 】

Jakob Samuel的《Together》 歌词

很喜欢他的even if

pthread mutex放在共享内存中,可以跨进程使用么

pthread_mutex_t需要放在共享内存中, 并设置PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARE。还不如用信号灯。

The Telegraph是什么意思

The Telegraph电报双语对照例句:1.But the characters who really intrigued me were the telegraph operators. 不过令我大感兴趣的角色却是电报员。

高一英语:Watch the dog run loose. loose为什么不用副词


int pthread_mutex_init的初始化互斥锁属性对象

使用pthread_mutexattr_init(3C)可以将与互斥锁对象相关联的属性初始化为其缺省值。在执行过程中,线程系统会为每个属性对象分配存储空间。 int pthread_mutexattr_init(pthread_mutexattr_t *mattr);#include <pthread.h>pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;int ret;/* initialize an attribute to default value */ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mattr);调用此函数时,pshared 属性的缺省值为 PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE。 该值表示可以在进程内使用经过初始化的互斥锁。mattr 的类型为 opaque,其中包含一个由系统分配的属性对象。mattr 范围可能的值为 PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE 和 PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED。PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE 是缺省值。对于互斥锁属性对象,必须首先通过调用 pthread_mutexattr_destroy(3C) 将其销毁,才能重新初始化该对象。pthread_mutexattr_init() 调用会导致分配类型为 opaque 的对象。如果未销毁该对象,则会导致内存泄漏。pthread_mutexattr_init 返回值pthread_mutexattr_init() 成功完成之后会返回零。其他任何返回值都表示出现了错误。如果出现以下情况,该函数将失败并返回对应的值。ENOMEM 描述:内存不足,无法初始化互斥锁属性对象。


int pthread_mutex_trylock( pthread_mutex_t *mutex );返回值函数成功返回0。任何其他返回值都表示错误。函数是pthread_mutex_lock函数的非阻塞版本。如果mutex参数所指定的互斥锁已经被锁定的话,调用pthread_mutex_trylock函数不会阻塞当前线程,而是立即返回一个值来描述互斥锁的状况。else{//printf(fun111 mut1 %d pth :: %u , (int)str, s);pthread_mutex_unlock(&mut1);usleep(1000);}pthread_mutex_trylock()调用在参数mutex指定的mutex对象当前被锁住的时候立即返回,除此之外,pthread_mutex_trylock()跟pthread_mutex_lock()功能完全一样。pthread_mutex_trylock() 在成功获得了一个mutex的锁后返回0,否则返回一个错误提示码错误.pthread_mutex_trylock() 函数在以下情况会失败:[EBUSY] The mutex could not be acquired because it was already locked. mutex已经被锁住的时候无法再获取锁The pthread_mutex_lock(), pthread_mutex_trylock() and pthread_mutex_unlock() functions may fail if:[EINVAL] mutex指向的mutex未被初始化[EAGAIN] Mutex的lock count(锁数量)已经超过 递归索的最大值,无法再获得该mutex需要注意的是,只有确保在pthread_mutex_trylock()调用成功时,即返回值为0时,才能去解锁它。


在成功完成之后会返回零。其他任何返回值都表示出现了错误。如果出现以下任一情况,该函数将失败并返回对应的值。返回值种类,引用自说明文档:EINVAL  The value specified by mutex does not refer to an initialized mutex object.  EAGAIN  The mutex could not be acquired because the maximum number of recursive locks for mutex has been exceeded.   The pthread_mutex_lock() function may fail if:   EDEADLK  The current thread already owns the mutex.

The Stooges的《Loose》 歌词

歌曲名:Loose歌手:The Stooges专辑:Oh What A Night - 70"s ClassicsNow look outI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicNow I"m putting it to you straight from hellI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m loose, alwaysI feel fine to be dancin", babyI feel fine, I"m a shakin" leafI feel fine to be dancin", baby"Cause it"s love, yeah, I do believeI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m looseI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicAnd now I"m putting it to you straight from hellAnd I"ll stick it deep insideAnd I"ll stick it, heyWell I"m loose, well I"m looseWell I"m loose421654485


如果互斥锁类型为 PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL,则不提供死锁检测。尝试重新锁定互斥锁会导致死锁。如果某个线程尝试解除锁定的互斥锁不是由该线程锁定或未锁定,则将产生不确定的行为。如果互斥锁类型为 PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK,则会提供错误检查。如果某个线程尝试重新锁定的互斥锁已经由该线程锁定,则将返回错误。如果某个线程尝试解除锁定的互斥锁不是由该线程锁定或者未锁定,则将返回错误。如果互斥锁类型为 PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE,则该互斥锁会保留锁定计数这一概念。线程首次成功获取互斥锁时,锁定计数会设置为 1。线程每重新锁定该互斥锁一次,锁定计数就增加 1。线程每解除锁定该互斥锁一次,锁定计数就减小 1。 锁定计数达到 0 时,该互斥锁即可供其他线程获取。如果某个线程尝试解除锁定的互斥锁不是由该线程锁定或者未锁定,则将返回错误。如果互斥锁类型是 PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT,则尝试以递归方式锁定该互斥锁将产生不确定的行为。对于不是由调用线程锁定的互斥锁,如果尝试解除对它的锁定,则会产生不确定的行为。如果尝试解除锁定尚未锁定的互斥锁,则会产生不确定的行为。





My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died.?

小题1:C 小题2:A 小题3:D 小题4:B ,4, My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him, but the more I tried, the more he pulled away. When his report card arrived during his junior year, it said that he had been absent 95 times from classes and had six failing grades for the year. At this rate he would never graduate. I sent him to the school adviser, and I even begged him. Nothing worked. One night I felt so powerless that I got down on my knees and pleaded for help. “Please God, I can"t do anything more for my son. I"m at the end of my rope. I"m giving the whole thing up to you.” I was at work when I got a phone call. A man introduced himself as the headmaster. “I want to talk to you about Karl"s absences.” Before he could say another word, I choked up and all my disappointment and sadness over Karl came pouring out into the ears of this stranger. “I love my son but I just don"t know what to do. I"ve tried everything to get Karl to go back to school and nothing has worked. It"s out of my hands.” For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. The headmaster seriously said, “Thank you for your time,” and hung up. Karl"s next report card showed a marked improvement in his grades. Finally, he even made the honor roll. In his fourth year, I attended a parent-teacher meeting with Karl. I noticed that his teachers were astonished at the way he had turned himself around. On our way home, he said, “Mum, remember that call from the headmaster last year?” I nodded. “That was me. I thought I"d play a joke but when I heard what you said, it really hit me how much I was hurting you. That"s when I knew I had to make you proud.” 59. By saying “Karl became withdrawn”, the author means that the boy changed entirely and_____. A. preferred to stay alone at home B. lost interest in his studies C. refused to talk to others D. began to dislike his mother 60. There was silence on the other end of the line because. A. the speaker was too moved to say anything to the mother B. the speaker waited for the mother to finish speaking C. the speaker didn"t want the mother to recognize his voice D. the speaker was unable to interrupt the mother 61. The sentence “... he even made the honor roll” means that . A. he was even on the list to be praised at the parent-teacher meeting B. he was even on the list of students who made progress in grades C. he was even on the list of students who had turned themselves around D. he was even on the list of the best students at school 62. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Children in single-parent families often have mental problems. B. Mother"s love plays an important role in teenagers" life. C. Being understood by parents is very important to teenagers. D. School education doesn"t work without full support from parents.

在排行中排第一位应该是take first in the ranking还是at the ranking?

in rank row of first
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