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《threesome》是由Tom MacRae执导的作品,Amy Huberman参加演出。爱丽丝和男友米奇还有基友里奇一起生活。三人都站在30岁的边缘,难舍难分的友谊让他们构建了一个外人无法理解的等边三角形。然而生日狂欢让他们发生了计划外的3P行为并且一次中招。


在欧美,来一次【threesome】对于酩酊大醉的邻居、感到无聊的同校男女生、亦或是PTA(Parent-Teachers Association 家长教师联谊会)成员,都是一个很好的消磨时间的方式。这里的【threesome】即指一男两女或者一女两男之间的混乱不清的纠缠在一起。比如两两Kiss,或者一起XXOO什么的。(色情片里较多,现实中寥寥但也存在)因为这样的【threesome】似乎有些不能被接受(大概比Gay还要出格),于是对大多数人来说,【threesome】只一个不可能实现的YY出来的东东;然而还是会有人禁不住诱惑去尝试追求这种刺激。不过这些少数有胆量并成功的幸运儿一般都将这个列在一套计划之内,【threesome】算是众多plan中的一项。例如GG(Gossip Girl 绯闻女友)第三季的第九集里,Dan & Vanessa & Olivia 就列了一套15项活动的计划,其中第11项就是【have a threesome】。从里面的文字看来,似乎那张计划单上的资料在教唆同校男女生趁着College的时光尝试一次。而D V O以为O就要离开了,于是在伤感、酒精、玩儿疯癫的状态下,三个人算是经历了一次。想一探究竟可以去看GG~~~还有少数人会教唆引诱别人一起玩儿【threesome】,再就是作为一个生日愿望的乞求。平时是没人可以接受的。因为这牵扯到男女、男男、女女……反正蛮乱的。而且,have a threesome也可能同时带来身体以及精神上的伤害,疯狂过后你是否有足够的思想准备和心理承受能力来面对这一切?总之threesome是比较有风险的,一般人最好不要效仿和尝试。


英音:['θri:su0259m]美音:['θrisu0259m]其它写法“threesome” 又作 “3 some”;相对应的是“lonesome”(寂寞的;孤单的)——引申:(lonesome发音为:英音:['lu0259unsu0259m]美音:['lonsu0259m])——PS: (最近网络上的“3P”也是指的“3 some”。对于国人来说,还是3P熟悉些~呵呵~ 不过国人很多也无法接受3P。)



threesome是什么意思 threesome的意思

1、threesome表达的中文意思是三人一组,三倍的。 2、短语: another threesome 另一个刚出头;另一个三人组;另一个浓雾散去 the threesome lowercase pigs 三只小猪 threesome triangle trinity 三人一组

threesome是什么意思? 什么时候用?

三人一组 A threesome is a group of three people.

There is/are an old worker and three young men

are 众数

three playing cards are in row

分别是 方块A 红桃K 黑桃2

阅读理解。 Once there were three old men?

1-5 BABCA,5,阅读理解。 Once there were three old men. They were rather forgetful. They always forgot what they were doing. One of them said, "I always wonder if I want to buy a coat or a pair of socks. The second old man said, "I often forget if I should put something in or take something out of the fridge as soon as I open its door." "I am even more forgetful than both of you." Said the last old man ,and he knocked at the table. Then he turned to the other two men and asked, "Who just knocked at the table?" 1. The second old man said . A. he forgot where he should go B. he forgot whether he wanted to put something in the fridge C. he forgot his key 2. The first old man forgot . A. what he wanted to buy B. where he wanted to go C. what he should bring 3. The third old man said . A. he was less forgetful than the others B. he was more forgetful C. he was remembering what he was doing 4. Who is the most forgetful? A. The first old man B. The second old man C. The third old man 5. From the story we can know . A. None of them are young B. None of them is forgetful C. The second old man is most forgetful


Three animals colou areblackandwhite三只动物的颜色是黑白相间的。

three fourths和the third four分别是什么意思,有什么区别?

分数的表达法,分子用基数,词分母用序数词,分子大于一分母加S。正确的是three fourths 四分之三

three of four 和three of the four 有区别吗?

我的理解是,three of four表示四分之三,没有限定总数的具体数值,three of the four表示四个中的三个,已经说明了总数是四个。。。

问一首歌名开头是one… two… three男的唱的很舒缓的感觉 paddle two paddle 歌手:ho don 专辑:tiny bubbles Thanks to Ilima Baker for these lyrics. by Kui Lee Kui: One paddle, two paddle, three paddle, Ho Don Four to take me home Fourteen on the right, fourteen on the left, Take me to Hawaii nei, no ka best. I went away a long time Such a long time, a long time ago Seen enough cities to last a lifetime Goin" away no more I want to smell the fowers, The sweet flowers when the trade winds blow Seen enough fences to last a lifetime Goin" away no more Yes, take me to my lover My fair lover, I left long ago Felt enough sorrow to last a lifetime Goin" away no more

The three feathers(故事)英语翻译成中文

三根羽毛 记得加分哈


引入js 找自路径哈threejs库文件面代码加入var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera);//创建控件象 camera相机象controls.addEventListener("change", render);//监听鼠标、键盘事件随意旋转

歌词里有five four three two one go的英文歌名叫什么,反复这句,节奏感很强

Bagaikan Langit Di Sore hari

i love three things the day出自哪首诗 中文意思 是什么!

世之万物,吾爱有三:一曰为日,一曰为月,一曰为汝.日出昼也,月升夜也,爱汝恒也! 哈哈,胡诌一下.(这是最著名的第一句) love three things in this world, the sun ,the moon and you. The sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever! *For the world you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world! *I opend my wallet and found it empty, reached into my pocket and found a few coins, searched my life and I found you! Then I realized how rich I am. *I drop a tear in the ocean and the day you find it is the day I will stop loving you ! *People laugh and people cry, some say hi while some bye, some give up and some always try, others may forget you but never will I. 就知道这么多,至于出处就不知道了

奇虎360用英语是QIHU three hundred and sixty 吗?



three keys三个按键三把钥匙key英[ki:]美[ki]n.钥匙; (打字机等的)键; 关键,线索,秘诀; (音乐的)调vt.键入; 锁上; 调节…的音调; 提供线索vi.使用钥匙adj.关键的; 主要的第三人称单数:keys复数:keys现在分词:keying过去式:keyed过去分词:keyed双语例句1They put the key in the door and entered.他们用钥匙打开门进去了。

歌词一开始one two three.后面you and me..新歌来的..跪求

Count On Me 找了一晚上,就是这个

求歌名,动感歌曲歌词:one two three go,oh oh oh ...,好像是韩语

change ?

three tons of rice 是单数还是复数?


after three months study

1.不可以:three-month本身就是可做定语的复合形容词,无须在其后再加"s形式. 2.答案错,rice为不可数名词,没有复数形式,答案是:three bowls of rice 3.答案错,不过two more days = another two days

语法疑难The three volumes of memoirs by Wole Soyinka begin with...

The three volumes of memoirs --三卷回忆录,所以是复数。

nba中deep three和downtown是什么意思?


《三国》为什么英译为three kingdom




Respirator - Flo RidaAll my moneyuff08Uhuff09I want all my cashI need all my moneyuff08Uhuff09I want all my cashAnd you can lea" yo assuff08Whoauff09She said it was her cousinuff08Whoauff09All along that nigga was her manuff08Whoauff09Played me like disney landDolla duck I took a hit like contrabandYEAH!uff08Whoauff09Seen all the warningsuff08Whoauff09Damn near showed all the signsuff08Whoauff09I was looking for some party timeThe wrong bitch showed up make ya talk about herOut to rob me, don"t mess with a loaded gunuff08Whoauff09Y"all niggas trying ta have some funShe only love meI throw five thousand ones, upSee that"s bad for businessuff08Whoauff09Thats what I had ta learnuff08Whoauff09And that"s what she got to learnI ain"t going no whereFor your concern girlI need a respiratorI need an ambulanceGirl I"d die without yaGirl I"d die without yaI need a respiratorI need an ambulanceGirl I"d die without yaGirl I"d die without yaHEY! Girl with yo booty on the floorDon"t stop nowGirl I"d die without youYou got a body that killIf ya don"t keep dancingGirl I"ll die without youHEY! Girl with yo booty on the floorDon"t stop nowGirl I"d die without youYou got a body that killIf ya don"t keep dancingGirl I"ll die without youuff08Whoauff09I wanna place an orderuff08Whoauff09A number one you can keep the cheeseuff08Whoauff09Yea shorty I got the cheeseShe work the drive throughWhy when you can leave with

the letter was posted three days ago

第一个空:信应该是被邮寄,所以用被动语态, 三天前,只能用过去式的被动语态,was posted. 第二个空arrive是不及物动词,不及物动词没有被动语态,所以选arrived.

i always reconfirm my flight three days before the flight请问最后的the flight是不是多余的赘词


I love three things in the world,sun,moon and you.sun for morning,moon for night,and


读到一首英文小诗,很美 I love three things in this world. Su


请问i love three things,the sun the moon and you.....这句话有出处吗?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: i love three things the sun,the moon,and you the sun for the day the moon for the night and you for ever...... 我就知道这么多,请问,这段话有出处吗? 解析: *I love three things in this world, the sun ,the moon and you. The sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever! *For the world you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world! *I opend my wallet and found it empty, reached into my pocket and found a few coins, searched my life and I found you! Then I realized how rich I am. *I drop a tear in the ocean and the day you find it is the day I will stop loving you ! *People laugh and people cry, some say hi while some bye, some give up and some always try, others may fet you but never will I. 就知道这么多,至于出处就不知道了

求Love you three thousand的花体英文!!!!


i love you three thousand times什么意思?


I love you three thousand times是什么梗?

这是《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中的台词。I love you three thousand times,是一个网络流行语,来源于美国电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中的台词,意思为我爱你三千次、我永远爱你。该句于2019年5月走红网络。该词出现于美国电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》,在电影中共出现两次。第一次在电影41分17秒左右,钢铁侠在纠结要不要出山,然后她的女儿出现了,他哄女儿睡觉,说“I love you thousand”,他女儿很天真地又回一句“I love you three thousand”。第二次是钢铁侠在穿梭前,怕自己挂掉,提前录像对她女儿说的。最后他死了,葬礼前看了这个录像说的。扩展资料:《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》是由美国漫威影业公司出品的科幻电影,小罗伯特·唐尼、克里斯·埃文斯、克里斯·海姆斯沃斯、马克·鲁法洛、斯嘉丽·约翰逊、杰瑞米·雷纳、保罗·路德、布丽·拉尔森、唐·钱德尔、凯伦·吉兰、乔什·布洛林等主演。影片改编自美国漫威漫画,是漫威电影宇宙的第22部电影,讲述了在《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》的毁灭性事件过后,复仇者联盟在剩余盟友的帮助下再一次集结,逆转灭霸的故事。该片于2019年4月24日在中国内地上映,2019年4月26日在美国上映。

i love you three thousand times是什么梗?

这是《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中的台词。I love you three thousand times,是一个网络流行语,来源于美国电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中的台词,意思为我爱你三千次、我永远爱你。该句于2019年5月走红网络。该词出现于美国电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》,在电影中共出现两次。第一次在电影41分17秒左右,钢铁侠在纠结要不要出山,然后她的女儿出现了,他哄女儿睡觉,说“I love you thousand”,他女儿很天真地又回一句“I love you three thousand”。第二次是钢铁侠在穿梭前,怕自己挂掉,提前录像对她女儿说的。最后他死了,葬礼前看了这个录像说的。扩展资料:《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》是由美国漫威影业公司出品的科幻电影,小罗伯特·唐尼、克里斯·埃文斯、克里斯·海姆斯沃斯、马克·鲁法洛、斯嘉丽·约翰逊、杰瑞米·雷纳、保罗·路德、布丽·拉尔森、唐·钱德尔、凯伦·吉兰、乔什·布洛林等主演。影片改编自美国漫威漫画,是漫威电影宇宙的第22部电影,讲述了在《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》的毁灭性事件过后,复仇者联盟在剩余盟友的帮助下再一次集结,逆转灭霸的故事。该片于2019年4月24日在中国内地上映,2019年4月26日在美国上映。


IloveYouthreethousand可以翻译为“爱你三千遍”。I love you three thousand 是一句网络流行语,该词为2019年4月24日上映的美国电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中的台词,第一次出现在电影41分17秒左右,托尼说“I love you thousand”,“女儿很天真地又回一句“I love you three thousand”。中文字幕翻译为“我爱你三千遍”或者“我永远爱你”,该句于2019年5月走红网络。钢铁侠很“幼稚”,跟小辣椒攀比,觉得女儿爱小辣椒也就“600遍-900遍”,但是女儿爱他三千遍。这也说明了在女儿心中,爸爸是伟大的,钢铁侠也是伟大的。钢铁侠在准备冒险的时候,偷偷录了影像,他觉得自己有可能会死,有些话必须说出来。他用女儿的告白,回以在场所有人,无论是荧幕内的超级英雄,还是荧幕外的观众。“爱你三千遍”,这就是钢铁侠对自己的交待,对其他人的交待,也是对所有观众的交待。十一年,承蒙漫威的关照,也承蒙钢铁侠的关照。为什么“钢铁侠”能够风靡全球?在成为“钢铁侠”之前,托尼·斯塔克只是一个傲慢自私又无情的军火贩子。放荡不羁的他令人着迷,更令人厌恶。可从那个昏暗肮脏的山洞逃出后,托尼真正成为了“钢铁侠”。从在《复联1》的纽约大战里明知可能有去无回却义无反顾地只身扛着核弹飞向太空,到《美队3》里不惜与战友决裂、接受监管也要守护世界的安定,再到《复联4》里宁愿保全妻子与女儿的性命、牺牲自己也在所不惜。《钢铁侠》(Iron Man)是由美国漫威电影工作室出品的一部科幻冒险电影,改编自同名系列漫画,由乔恩·费儒执导,小罗伯特·唐尼及格温妮斯·帕特洛、杰夫·布里吉斯等主演。该作也是“漫威电影宇宙”系列的首部电影。该片于2008年5月2日在美国上映,2008年4月30日在中国大陆上映。影片讲述了托尼·史塔克在遇难后改进了盔甲的功能,化身“钢铁侠”,以一个义务警察的身份保护了这个世界和平的故事 。

I love you three thousand times. 英文是什么意思?

我爱你三千次loveyou爱你; 醉后决定爱上你three三thousand一千; 数以千计的; 成千上万的; 许许多多的; 1000到9999间的数目; 千扩展资料:Iloveyouthreethousandtimes,是一个网络流行语,来源于美国电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中的台词,意思为我爱你三千次、我永远爱你.第一次在电影41分17秒左右,钢铁侠在纠结忐要不要出山,然后她的女儿出现了,他哄女儿睡觉,说“Iloveyouthousand”,他女儿很天真地又回一句“Iloveyouthreethousand”。第二次是钢铁侠在穿梭前,怕自己挂极掉,提前录像对她女儿说的。最后他死了,葬礼伥前看了这个录像说的。复联4中一个十分感人的故事线就是钢铁侠和他的女儿,让不挤少网友感动落泪。参考资料来源:百度百科-Iloveyouthreethousandtimes

请根据以下写作要点,以 A three-day trip 为题,写一篇70字左右的短文,可适当发挥

Last week, my American pen pal Maria came to Ninghai. I was very excited. I like traveling very much and I was very happy to be her guide. We visited many places of interest in Ninghai in three days, such as the Old Town in Qiantong, the Ye Heqiu and the Zhedong Grand Canyon. In the evening of the third day, I made some delicious food for her, she enjoyed it a lot. We had a great time!

英语I love you three thousand怎么翻译?

英语I love you three thousand怎么翻译?love you three thousand.爱你三千年。

three small shirt 为什么shirt不加s

是应该加s的哦。From one smart.

three rever

three-ring circus ph.1.【美】【口】大型热闹的演出;五花八门的场面

歌词有baby now,seventeen,twenty three

不是seventeen而是seventy.“thinking out loud” 非常old school范儿的一首歌,相信我

那首歌的歌词里有 one two three four five days

patrick nuo -five days

英语句子挑错:There are three hundreds and sixty-five days in a year.

There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year 整百数three hundred 不用加S,但three hundreds and sixty-five days 这里的 sixty-five days 要加s



西城男孩有一首歌中有"one two three four five day"这句,这歌名是什么?我急切想知道

这首应该是patrick nuo的five days 你去听听是不是哦?

求一首歌,歌词里有U can count on me like one two three

歌名是,Count On Me我刚搜到

—How much did the company donate to build the school library? —About three ______ yuan. [&.


— How much did the company donate to build the school library?— About three ______ yuan. A.

A 当前面有数词,表示具体数目时,million等词后不加s,故选A。

英语 帮我翻译一句话 Morale is to the physical as three is to one



你都用three了 说明是鱼 不是鱼肉,所以是three big fishes。3条大鱼



It’s A Fight_Three 6 Mafia歌词

THREE 6 MAFIA - IT"S A FIGHTIntro Yeah Yeah We ain"t playin" wit cha We ain"t playin" wit cha Step yo ass up What chu wanna do Get yo ass knocked down What chu wanna do Get ready What chu wanna do Three six mafia... mafia Let"s go (wassup) Yeah We ain"t playin" wit cha It"s goin" down It"s goin" down (screams) Chorus (X2) We gon hit em wit da left, hit em wit da right We gon hit em wit da left, hit em wit da right It"s a fight it"s a fight head bust "em head bust "em It"s a fight it"s a fight head bust "em head bust "em Verse 1 See I"m the king of the ring ring Ring the bell and I"m comin out swing swing Swingin" left swingin" right till they ding ding He hit da ground bounce up like a spring spring Hit em again now like a birdie start to sing sing Bright lights cameras flashing like bling bling He started seeing things now I got em heads and knees on the floor crawl up to the corner crying I"m the man there"s no defeating The ground you will be eating I"m ready sharp non stop this is easy Put em out da game like his name is Milli Vanilli Chorus (X2) Verse 2 Here we go again wit these cowards that be haters Jealous of da three six cause we gettin our paper We"ll whoop yo ass thought you knew we don"t care about Noise talkin" fools get yo denture teeth knocked out We don"t be playin when it come to handlin business Hit cha we dat one hitter quitter solid fistes And we take your corners and we shutting down your trap spot Kickin down yo door and we stomp you like a jauggernaught Call the police when you hear that we comin through Eyes stay red from the liqour and the zuzus We"ll beat ya down anybody wanna step up Better say yo prayers you gon get yo face messed up Chorus (X2) Fade Out

After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ___________. A.hungry and exhaust ..

B 试题分析:考察形容词用法。本题中的形容词hungry和exhausted是对句子的主语the three of them的情况进行的说明。其中的exhausted是过去分词转换的形容词,经常对人的情况或者与人有关的事情进行说明。句意:在长途旅行以后,这三个人回到家里,又饿有累。故B正确。点评:由分词转换成的形容词用法是形容词考查较多的内容。由过去分词转换的形容词常常用来修饰人或者与人有关的事物,如look, appearance等;由现在分词转换的形容词常常用来修饰事物。这样的形容词经常在句中做表语或者定语修饰名词,也可以在句中构成形容词短语对主句的情况进行说明。

three times bigger than和three times as big as有区别么

three times bigger than大三倍three times as big as三倍大(大两倍)

three times bigger than是几倍

Three times bigger than.比……大三倍如 This desk is three times bigger than that one.这张书桌比那张大三倍。

three times bigger than和three times as big as有区别么

前者是大 3 倍,后者是大 2 倍。 望采纳。

请问像five-minute 这样的搭配 名词一定不加s嘛 我在做题时遇见three-fifth

例子:ten eleventhsthree fifths英语分数的表示法:一、用“基数词+序数词”表示 分数在英语中通常是借助于基数词和序数词来共同表达的。其中基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母。 如: 1.The centimeter is one-tenth of the decimeter or one-hundredth of the meter.厘米是分米的十分之一,或者说是米的百分之一。 2.However,the number of boys will bea third or less than the girls in the class.但是,班里男生的人数将比女生少三分之一或更少。 从以上例子可以看出:分子除用one外,也可用a;如果分子大于1,分母要用复数形式。但是,1/2不能说a(one)second,而要说a(one)half。例如: 3.The sum of one half,one third and one fourth of a certain number is 13.某数的1/2,1/3和1/4的和是13。 1/4和3/4可以说a(one)fourth和three fourths,但常用a quarter和three quarters表示。应该注意的是,分数修饰名词时,若该名词是不可数名词只能用单数;若是可数名词,用单数或复数均可。但是,若它们在句子中作主语,则谓语动词是用单数还是复数取决于名词,即与分数所修饰的名词保持一致。例如: 4.Only one-fifth of air consists of oxygen.氧气只占空气的1/5。 5.About two thirds of the students attendthe meeting.大约2/3的学生都参加了会议。 带分数也是常见的英语数词表达。所谓带分数,实际上是“整数+分数”,表达时分而述之,只是整数部分与分数部分要用连词 and连接。当带分数修饰名词时,该名词通常是复数,但若名词置于整数one或a之后,则用单数。“带分数+名词”作主语时,谓语动词根据临近原则要用复数。例如: 6.You should finish the work within one and a fourth hours.你应在1.25小时内完成工作。 7.The atom breaks up in a minute and a quarter.原子在1.25分钟内裂变。 二、用per cent等表示 表示百分之一可以说one(a)hundredth,但更常用one percent或per cent,即用百分数表示法来表达。例如: 8.Our bodies are 65percent water.我们人体含65%水分。 9.Seventy-five percent of the earth"ssur- face is covered by water.地球表面的75%被水覆盖着。 10.Eighty-five percent of the students in English department are girls.英语系85%的学生是女生。 三、用part表示 名词part有“……分之一”的意思,分子大于1时,part用复数。表示分数的结构一般有以下三种: (1)“基数词(或a)+序数词+part(s)” a hundred part百分之一 (2)“基数词+part(s)+in+基数词” five parts in one thousand千分之五 (3)“基数词+part(s)+per+基数词” one part per million百万分之一 四、用“基数词+介词+基数词”表示 借助介词表示分数,介词前的数词是分子,介词后的数词是分母。例如: 11.Ninety-nine people out of a hundred,if they were asked who first found America, would answer Clumbus.如果要问是谁首先发现美洲,一百个人中有九十九个(百分之九十九)将回答是哥伦布。 这种结构中的介词主要有in,out of,of以及to 12.The map is drawn to a scale of one of ten thousand.这张地图是按万分之一的比例绘制的。

all the hero have three photo each在英语中表达对吗




1-100英文怎么写1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 t


以a three-day holiday为题写一篇70词的英语作文

i am overwhlmed to have a three-day holiday though it means i finally can free myself from day-to-day tedious schoolwork, which, also means, nobody will watch over my shoulder and tell me what to do. Maybe it"s time to have a break.If i had a three-day holiday,i would let myself just relax and think nothing about homework and endless exams. I would get close to nature and call on several of friends and plan a picnic or a barbecue. Of course, i wouldn"t miss my fishpole, you would never know how fishing can smooth my mood. Back when I was young , my grandpa used to take me to go fishing.It really gives me a peace of mind.The second day, i would go to the mall and buy myself some nice clothes. I didn"t remember when was the last time i got a new suit. So i would make myself look smart and give myself a nice mood.I would take my family to a movie recommended by the internet.The last day i would just stay at home ,get myself ready and prepare for the opening-day.如果收到答案请通知我

He slipped and broke his leg. _________, he will have to be away from school for two or three m...

D 试题分析:考察介词短语辨析。A恰恰相反;B一句话,总之;C在某种程度上;D结果是;句意:他滑到了折断了腿,结果,他将不得不离开学校2到3个月。根据句意说明D正确。点评:介词短语一直是命题者常设置的考点和重点,平时要加强记忆。本题的四个选项都很重要,尤其要注意四个短语在具体语言环境中的使用,考生应注意对短语的正确归类和对词义的准确理解。

Three 6 Mafia Featuring Good Charlotte的《My Own Way》 歌词

歌曲名:My Own Way歌手:Three 6 Mafia Featuring Good Charlotte专辑:Last 2 WalkThree 6 Mafia - My Own Way(Feat. Good Charlotte)Our Muzik - 欧美音乐主题论坛Three 6 Ma-fi-UHH~! Good CharlotteHypnotize Minds, dat executiveSome real shit man, let"s drop itLet"s go!You know I can"t live my life, workin no 9 to 5No matter what they say, I"m doin it my own wayCause time ain"t on my side, and they don"t understandForget what people say, I"m doin it my own waySo many shysters in my ears fool, tryin to pop itOn my new fame, they will put new hands in my pocketStandin in the rain buck in hand man, about to cock itI take another one they wanna be up out the rocketI cain"t understand why they even wanna see me brokeWanna see me choke off my own blood from cuttin my throatI always wanted the money fame wasn"t worth my whileThat"s why I wore a mask on the front of "Mystic Stylez"But one night in March, my life changed in a secWhether for better or for worse I can"t answer that yetBut I"ll go to the pen before I lose my endsMurder one, one of you hoes tryin to get me for my BenjaminsYou know I can"t live my life, workin no 9 to 5No matter what they say, I"m doin it my own wayCause time ain"t on my side, and they don"t understandForget what people say, I"m doin it my own wayIn the field, it"s real, slip up, get killedGet robbed, get stuck, get messed off in a dealThese kids, are gone, on meth, and pillsThat"s why, I pack, I carry, the steelI"m posted, in the hood, got green, I"m goodTrap house, no doubt, is where, I stoodGot guap, got hot, "til shop, got poppedThese snitches, time cuts, it won"t, ever stopThe times ain"t gon" change change long as cocaine "caineGoes up the nose nose fries a nigga brain brainSee "em in the mornin time tryin to catch a train trainBack out on the block (block) doin the same thang thangYou know I can"t live my life, workin no 9 to 5No matter what they say, I"m doin it my own wayCause time ain"t on my side, and they don"t understandForget what people say, I"m doin it my own wayWhoahhhhhhhh...

英语基数词在题目里首字母要不要大写?例如Chinese Festivals(three)中间three的首字母要不要大写?




初二英语语法1.There are three windows____the wall.A.on D?

1 window是在墙里面嵌着的,所以用in 2 这个空用这两种方法都没有错误 第一种方式 find 后面跟了一个宾语从句 省略了that 第二种方式 find sth +形容词 sth 做find 的宾语 形容词做了宾语补足语. 只不过是语法解释起来不同而已,但是表达的效果是一样的,3,1.我也认为是A,可以说the picture on the wall 2.the story very interesting 因为有句型find+it/sth+adj. find已经是动词了,2,1. 因为窗户是镶进墙里的,所以用in,in是在里面,on是在外面. 2. 译为the story was very interesting 后者少了WAS,没了谓语.,2,1. 用in,像楼上说的,窗户是镶进墙里的. 2. 有区别. the story was very interesting found后面就是一个宾语从句. the story very interesting found后面就是一个复合形式.story 是宾语,interesting是形容词做宾补.一般口语上用后者就可以了.,0,第一题选B因为窗户是嵌在墙里的,所以用in 第二题应该都可以,因为前者为从句,省略了that,后者是find sth + 形容词的句型,0,1.B 2.the story very interesting 两者的区别是:前者是宾语从句,后者是宾语的补足语. 我认为后者的答案多佳.,0,1.B 窗户是嵌入墙中,用IN 2.B.前者多系词.,0,据情况而定,一般而言,窗户是嵌于墙中,所以用in,所以选B the story was very interesting,是宾语从句,前为主句, the story very interesting是一个病句,无动词,0,初二英语语法 1.There are three windows____the wall. A.on D.over (答案上写B,但我觉得应该选A.) 2.All of us found_________(故事非常有趣). (应该译为the story was very interesting,还是the story very interesting?两者有何区别?)

请翻译一下:"Meals on the house for three days.” 同时请解释一下为什么这样翻译,谢谢。

应该是个典故Mr and Mrs Smith have just opened a small restaurant. In order to attract(吸引) customers,they put a notice in front of the restaurant, which said “Meals on the House for Three Days.”A foreign student who didn"t know much English happened to pass by therestaurant on the second day. It was lunch time and he felt very hungry. “Well, here is a restaurant. I am going to have something to eat.” He walked towards (朝,向)the restaurant when he saw the notice. “ American people are really strange. They even eat dinners on the house! But how can I get up to the top of the house ?” he said to himself.He looked around and found a ladder(梯子) against a tree nearby. He was very glad. But as he reached the top he heard someone shouting at him. “ Hey , what are you doing up there?” Mr Smith was looking at him angrily and beside him was a policeman.“Doesn"t your notice say ‘Meals on the House for Three Days"? Is it just a joke?” the foreign student answered .On hearing this, both Mr Smith and the policeman laughed. “Do you know what ON THE HOUSE means? Look it up in the dictionary, It"s free meals for the first three days!” the policeman suggested .意思是 It"s free meals for the first three days开店免费三天

一首英文歌,其中一句歌词是one two three baby,最后一句是这样说出来的,(不是brand new ),是一个男的唱的

Syrup and Honey ----duff

找一首说唱英文歌的开头是one two three four

feist 1234

three pines cuvee red wine是什么

three pines cuvee red wine三杯松香红酒

a quarter和three quarters后接动词分别是?

这是表示时间时候a quarter PASTthree quarters TO

有一首英文歌(女声)好像叫take talk 不知道是不是,有些nobay的感觉,中间有喊one two three 的,快速急


Three Days Grace的《Riot》 歌词

歌曲名:Riot歌手:Three Days Grace专辑:One-X能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollIf you feel so emptySo used up so let downIf you feel so angrySo ripped off so stepped onYou"re not the only oneRefusing to back downYou"re not the only oneSo get upLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotIf you feel so filthy so dirtyso fucked upIf you feel so walked onSo painful so pissed offYou"re not the only oneRefusing to go downYou"re not the only oneSo get upLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotIf you feel so emptySo used up, so let downIf you feel so angryJust get upLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riot

goldilocks and the three bears告诉我们什么道理


Goldilocks and the three bears英语课文翻译。

金凤花姑娘和三只熊  熊爸爸,熊妈妈和熊宝宝居住在森林里面。  “铃,”电话来了。“来我的住处吃午餐,”  熊姑姑说。  “好的,我们会来的,”熊妈妈说。  她把炖菜的碗摆好凉上准备当晚饭。  然后,熊一家三口去熊姑姑的住处。  一个叫金凤花的小女孩住在村子里面。  她发现了熊的房子,并且没有问一下就走了进去。她坐在一张椅子上。  “这张椅子太硬了!”她抱怨。  旁边的椅子更小,但是太软了。  第三张椅子正合适。  她坐下时发出啪的一声响,椅子腿断了。  金凤花看到了三碗炖菜。  大碗是太烫了!  “大概这碗会更凉,”她说。  金凤花是正确的,但是它是太凉了。  她抓着第三个碗,狼吞虎咽的吃了下去。  正合适。  然后打了个哈欠,她上楼来到了卧室。  金凤花试了第一张床,但是太硬了。  下一张太软。  金凤花叹了口气,躺下睡着了,这时候她躺在第三张床上。  当熊一家到达家里的时候,熊爸爸叫喊道,“有人坐过我的椅子!”熊妈妈喊道,“有人坐过我的椅子!”然后熊宝宝哭道,“有人坐过我的椅子,现在它全坏了!”  在厨房里,熊爸爸看了看他的炖菜的碗。他说,“有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊妈妈喊道,“有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊宝宝哭到,“有人吃过我的炖菜,现在他们把它吃完了!”  当他们爬上卧室的楼梯,这三只熊咆哮了。  熊爸爸咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!”  熊妈妈咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!”  熊宝宝哭喊道,“有人睡过我的床,她在这里!”  金凤花醒了,想要逃跑,但是(身体)没有任何一个地方能动,它们都冻在了它们的位置上。  “请原谅我,”金凤花哭着说。  熊一家原谅了她。  金凤花再也不偷偷溜进别人的家了。

Gold dilocks and three bears故事简介英文

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in.At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl."This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed.So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl."This porridge is too cold," she saidSo, she tasted the last bowl of porridge."Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up.After she"d eaten the three bears" breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet. "This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.So she sat in the second chair."This chair is too big, too!" she whined.So she tried the last and smallest chair."Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.As she was sleeping, the three bears came home."Someone"s been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear."Someone"s been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear."Someone"s been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear."Someone"s been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear."Someone"s been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear."Someone"s been sitting in my chair and they"ve broken it all to pieces," cried the Baby bear.They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled, "Someone"s been sleeping in my bed,""Someone"s been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear"Someone"s been sleeping in my bed and she"s still there!" exclaimed Baby bear.Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She screamed, "Help!" And she jumped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three bears.THE END

goldilocks and the three bears中为什么要加上the?

金发女孩与三只熊 Goldilocks应该是女主角的名字。。。 小时候我看过。。。三只熊喜欢吃麦片粥吧 呵呵
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