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goldilocks and the three bears 续写

Goldilocks And The Three BearsOnce upon a time in a large forest, close to a village, stood the cottage where the Teddy Bear family lived. They were not really proper Teddy Bears, for Father Bear was very big, Mother Bear was middling in size, and only Baby Bear could be described as a Teddy Bear. Each bear had its own size of bed. Father Bear"s was large and nice and comfy. Mother Bear"s bed was middling in size, while Baby Bear had a fine little cherrywood bed that Father Bear had ordered from a couple of beaver friends. Beside the fireplace, around which the family sat in the evenings, stood a large carved chair for the head of the house, a delightful blue velvet armchair for Mother Bear, and a very little chair for Baby Bear. Neatly laid out on the kitchen table stood three china bowls. A large one for Father Bear, a smaller one for Mother Bear, and a little bowl for Baby Bear.请采纳答案,支持我一下。

缩写goldilocks and three bears?

goldilocks and three bears,金发姑娘和三只熊。

the story of Goldilocks and three bears复述

A girl named Goldilocks walked in the forest and found a houses.She walked in the house and found three bowls of porridge on the table in the kitchen.She tasted all the porridge and ate the right one up.After that, she walked into the living room and found a right chair from three chairs, however,the chair broken up.In the end,she fell asleep in the right bed in the bed room. When the bears family came back,they were amazed by the difference.Goldilocks was waken up by the sound and ran out of the room with screaming.She will never come back.

unit 1 goldilocks and the three bears教案单词怎么讲

集体备课记录年级学科组 五年级 备课人 第 1 单元 1 课时 总 1 课时课 例 内 容 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 活动时间 20140830 课型 新授课课时目标 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:hard,soft,afraid,in front of 2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:There is …. There are ….3. 能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。教学重、难点 1. 能正确运用所学单词和句型交流。2. 掌握There be句型,正确运用其单复数句子。教具准备 多媒体课件,板书,小奖品。 教学过程 Step 1. Preparation1. Warming-upT: Hello, boys and girls. S:Hello,Gao sirT: First, let"s sing a song.<Two little black birds>T: You all sing very well. Look at the picture, there is a lovely girl and two little birds,right?Ss: Yes.T: Ok, and today we are going to learn a new lesson about a girl and three bears, the girl named Mary.(呈现课题Mary and three bears) Step 2. Presentation & Practice(一)T:You all did a good preparation. Now,boys and girls, look at the picture,what"s that?Ss: It"s a clock. 呈现There is a clock in the picture.图片由clock变成watch,再由book变成bag。1.T:What"sin my bag? (包里放了一个娃娃,一本故事书。)引导学生猜测出There is a storybook.There is a doll. T: Look, I have two dolls in my bag. So I can say:呈现There are two dolls.2.T: Can you say the difference between“there is” and “there are”?Learning tip:There be 句型:分单数There is …和复数There are… 两种,不可数名词统一用There is…它们都解释为“有”,表示存在有,含义是在某地方有某东西。如:There is a teacher.There are some teachers.3. T: What"s in the box? What"s on the box? 引出 What"s in front of the box?Work in pairs: 同桌一问一答操练句型There is … in/on/in front of…There are … in/on/in front of… 教学过程 3. T: What"s in the box? What"s on the box? 引出 What"s in front of the box?Work in pairs: 同桌一问一答操练句型There is … in/on/in front of…There are … in/on/in front of…(二)Text learning 1.T:I like reading storybooks. Do you like it? Let"s read it together.Look, it happened in the forest. (教forest)Task 1: Watch and answer1) What"sin the forest?2) What"s the matter with Mary?3) Why does Mary run away (逃跑)? (T教授run away)Ss:She is afraid. (在引出回答的时候教授afraid)Task 2 :Read and judge1)Mary is not hungry, but she is afraid. ( )2)The three bowls of soup are for the bears. ( )教授a bowl of soup,a cup of coffee, a glass of milk 等。3)There are three hard beds in the room. ( )通过图片选择软床和硬床,同时教授hard 和soft。4) She wakes up.There are three bears in front of her. ( ) 通过图片教授wake up,领读,小组读,请学生做动作Task 3:Let"s read !Read after the tape.Play in roles. (小组活动,选择一幅图表演。)Step 4. ProductionT:Boys and girls, do you know the story about“ Snow white and the Seven dwarfs”Do you like it ? Let"s try to finish the story. (给出提示的图片,让学生小组活动完成句子,并表演。)Step5Homework: 1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents..2. Use “there"s & there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom. 个性意见年级学科组 五年级 备课人 第 1 单元 2 课时 总 2 课时课 例 内 容 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 活动时间 20140830 课型 新授课课时目标 1、复习上节课所学的词汇。2、能听懂、会说、会运用句型There is …There are…. 3、能看图描述物品的所在位置。 4、通过练习加强巩固There be句型。5、学习词汇:beside, between, in front of 教学重、难点 1、进一步巩固复习上节课的词汇。2、使学生能正确运用There be 句型3、帮助学生掌握可数名词与不可数名词在There be句型中的运用。教具准备 PPT, 头饰教学过程 Step1. Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Sing a song “There is a way”3.Free talk What"s in the house?(教师出示图片) Ss: There is …. There are…. 4.Read and act A: 模仿朗读Story time B:组织表演Step 2 Presentation 1.教学beside, between T: (PPT展示课文图4)Where are the bears? Ss: They are in front of Goldilocks. (复习in front of)(并造句) T:(PPT)look! Where is Goldilocks now? Ss: She is near a house. T: Yes, she is beside the house. (教学beside) T: (PPT)Look! Where is she now? S:???? T: Ah, She"s between the houses. (教学between,强调between后面跟复数) 2.复习所学过的方位词快速反应(quick respond)T: 出示图片 Ss:说出词组(in the forest, beside the house, behind the door, between the boxes…..)3.Think and say T : (PPT展示书中内容) Ss: There is …There are….. 教学过程 4.Summary(Grammar time) T: 出示表格There is 可数名词单数/不可数名词…. There are 可数名词复数….. 5.Do some exercise Step 3 Practice 1.Draw and say 2.完成课内练习纸。Step4Homework:1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents..2. Use “there"s & there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom. 个性意见年级学科组 五年级 备课人 第 1 单元 3 课时 总 3 课时课 例 内 容 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 活动时间 20140830 课型 新授课课时目标 1、复习巩固方位介词。2、复习词汇:hungry, happy, thirsty, tired. 3、能正确使用句型 This … is too…4、能够模仿表演cartoon time 5、文化熏陶,了解coffee 和tea在不同国家的应用。教学重、难点 1、复习巩固方位介词。2、复习词汇:hungry, happy, thirsty, tired. 3、能正确使用句型:This … is too…;能够将形容词正确的运用于日常交际中。教具准备 PPT 头饰 教学过程 Step 1 warm up 1.Greeting 2.sing a song “three bears”3.look and say Step 2 Presentation 1.Look and say T: (出示课外三碗汤的图片) Ss: This soup is too …T: (出示三张床的图片) Ss: This bed is too…T: (PPT 小女孩做饥饿状态) S: this girl is hungry. T: PPT (happy, hungry, tired, thirsty, ) Do you remember these words? Ss: Yes, we do. (Read the words) (make sentences) 2.Cartoon timeT: Good! Look!who is he ?(出示Bobby) Ss: He"s Bobby. T: What"s the matter with bobby? A hungry B thirsty C tired D happy Listen and choose Ss: Bobby is hungry T: Where are the cakes? Watch and answer 个性意见 教学过程 Ss: They are in the fridge. T: But Bobby can"t find the cakes, why? Ss: Bobby"s cousin eat the cakes. (教学find, cousin) Listen and imitate Act the dialogue 3.Culture time T: (PPT cake and coffee)Look! When we eat cakes, we often drink some coffee or tea. T:(出示图片跟句型coffee is popular in western countries. Tea is popular in Cina.) (教学popular, western countries)帮助学生感受中西方的文化差异。Step 3 Practice 1.Summary 2.Do some exercise Step5Homework:1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents..2. Use “there"s & there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom. 个性意见年级学科组 五年级 备课人 第 1 单元 4 课时 总 4 课时课 例 内 容 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 活动时间 20140830 课型 新授课课时目标 1.能灵活运用There be句型2.能根据图片,写一段小短文。3.了解字母C在单词中的发音。4.通过学习,使学生接近大自然,热爱大自然。教学重、难点 1、能灵活运用There be句型2、能根据图片,写一段小短文。教学难点: 能够进行看图写话教具准备 PPT 教学过程 Step 1 warm up 1.Greeting 2.sing songs 3.Imitation 模仿表演cartoon time Step 2 Revision 1.Review the story time 模仿表演,完成第一项ticking time 2.Look and say T: (出示P14页的图片) Ss: (对图片进行描述) There is …There are…. (work in groups) 3.Look and write (完成P15页中的内容) Ss: work in pairs ,完成Ticking time第二项内容Step 3 Sound time T: (出示类似上面的,两件coats)Ss: There are two coats near the sofa. T: Whose coats are these? (PPT展示sound time部分中的人物跟句型) Ss: They are uncle and cousin"s coats. T: (播放动画)(PPT显示单词cold, cousin, doctor, comes, coats)Ss: (找出C的读音/k/) Listen and repeat 个性意见 教学过程 Exercise : Read and find 将下列单词按读音归类:Nice, cold, rice, come, doctor, cup, policeman./k/ _____________/s/_______________Step 4 Consolidation 1.默写本单元的词汇跟句型2.看图写话,完成一篇小作文。Step5Homework:1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents..2. Use “there"s & there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom.

goldilocks and three bears课文


请问i love three things,the sun the moon and you.....这句话有出处吗?

I love three things the sun, the moon, and youthe sun for the daythe moon for the night and you for ever......

Patti Smith Group的《We Three》 歌词

歌曲名:We Three歌手:Patti Smith Group专辑:EasterPaul McCartney - We ThreeWe three, we"re all alone, living in a memoryMy echo, my shadow and meWe three we"re not a crowd, we"re not even companyMy echo, my shadow and meWhat good is the moonlight, the silvery moonlightThat shines aboveI walk with my shadow,I talk with my echo but where is the one I loveWe three, we"ll wait for youEven till eternityMy echo, my shadow and meWe three, we"re all alone, living in a memoryMy echo, my shadow and meWhat good is the moonlight, the silvery moonlightThat shines aboveI walk with my shadow,I talk with my echo but where is the one I loveWe three, we"ll wait for youEven till eternityMy echo, my shadow and me


i have been to city three times so far.这个句子错在been. 改为gone,另外在city前加上the谢谢。

sofarthis yearthreepeople have seenthemonster改为被动?

这句话的被动句是:The monster has been seen by three people so far this year.

有一首英文歌我记得好像叫three thousand miles,但是查不到,有人知道那首歌吗?

我也是断断续续找了好几年,想起来就找找,终于找到了,共享给你。3000 Miles - Emblem3First winter"s snowfallThrowing backyard snowballsWarming up the fireplaceMarshmallows catch fire on an open flameAll my friends get togetherWishing I was There but I"ll neverLiving in sunsine ohBut dreaming of a place called homeI wanna run, wanna run awayHey I"m dreaming of a place called homeI could try but I"m stuck hereToday I"m dreaming of a place that"s3000 miles awayFeels like it"s foreverSeems like yesterdayWe were running "round town togetherThis place just ain"t the sameI miss the stormy weatherI"m not okay3000 miles awayYou don"t pick up but I keep redialingCause you"re asleepGot your phone on silentStill early here I"m wide awakeI just want to hear you tell me all about your dayAlthough I never really showed itI had to leave for me to noticeThat living in the sunshine"s coldI"m dreaming of a place called homeI wanna run, wanna run awayHey I"m dreaming of a place called homeI could try but I"m stuck hereToday I"m dreaming of a place that"s3000 miles awayFeels like it"s foreverSeems like yesterdayWe were running "round town togetherThis place just ain"t the sameI miss the stormy weatherI"m not okay3000 miles...If I could go back for the weekendOr just for a dayTo see familiar facesThat"s all it would takeBut it"s too far3000 miles awayFeels like it"s foreverSeems like yesterdayWe were running "round town togetherThis place just ain"t the sameI miss the stormy weatherI"m not okay3000 miles...3000 miles awayFeels like it"s foreverSeems like yesterdayWe were running "round town togetherThis place just ain"t the sameI miss the stormy weatherI"m not okay3000 miles away

threeeeeeeeee 什么意思呀


求助,客户要求包装 a three-pack packaging什么意思


tattoo sticker and three-dimensional sticker英语是什么意思

tattoo sticker and three-dimensional sticker纹身贴纸和立体贴纸tattoo sticker and three-dimensional sticker纹身贴纸和立体贴纸

I like to see three __________ movies now.



three-dimensional英[θri: du026a"menu0283u0259nu0259l]美[θri: du026a"menu0283u0259nu0259l]adj. 三维的;立体的;空间的;三度


  three-dimensional  英 [θri: du026a"menu0283u0259nu0259l] 美 [θri: du026a"menu0283u0259nu0259l]  adj.三维的; 立体的; 空间的; 三度;  [例句]A degree in three-dimensional art  立体艺术专业学位

three quarters of the population are chinese,为什么chinese不是复数,而indian后要加s


有一首韩文歌,是个男生唱的,刚开头有点嘻哈 第一句是 one two three 男生姓金 【貌似

lucky guy

there 后面的动词用什么形式 比如there stand at least three?

当stand 作为及物动词,表示"忍受,忍耐"。这时候后面的动词要用动名词形式。

one two three and hihihi

一、二、三,嗨 嗨 嗨 dj舞曲sky - smile - DragonflyLike a warm summer day Like a warm day in May Babe, you make me feel so hot Like a small butterfly Like a bird in the sky Feels like a star that I"m not You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a small paradise Like a scent of a spice Yes I guess I understood Like a flower so sweet Like a lover of me Boy you make me feel so good You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I

一首童声DJ 非常快 有点中国风 歌词带one two three and hihihi 据说很像Koonichi Wa 求歌名

dj舞曲sky - smile - DragonflyLike a warm summer day Like a warm day in May Babe, you make me feel so hot Like a small butterfly Like a bird in the sky Feels like a star that I"m not You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a small paradise Like a scent of a spice Yes I guess I understood Like a flower so sweet Like a lover of me Boy you make me feel so good You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I

On the night of May 9, 2011, the famous musician Gao Xiaosong ran his car into three other cars...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A小题4:B小题5:B 试题分析:2011年5月9日,高晓松饮醉酒驾车而被关进监狱6个月,并罚款.从当年的5月1日起,中国法律规定凡是醉酒驾车的司机都要受到惩罚,并处以5年以上的禁驾.法律还规定酒驾是违法行为.这种规定在西方许多国家早就实行了.小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“the famous musician Gao Xiaosong ran his car into three other cars in Beijing, because he drank(饮酒) too much.”理解可知。高晓松因醉酒驾车而出现撞车事故,故选B.小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句““I am so sorry for that and I want to ask people around me not to drive after drinking,” Gao said.”理解可知。高晓松知道自己错了,故选C.小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“From May 1 on, drunk drivers have to pay some money, and they can"t drive for five years or more.”理解可知。法律的新政策在2011年5月1日施行,故选A.小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“In the U.S. , if the police catch(捉住) a drunk driver, the driver will pay money, lose his or her driving license(驾照) and even go to prison.”理解可知。在美国,酒驾的司机要罚款,吊销驾照并且入狱,故选B.小题5:理解归纳题,通读全文语句理解可知,新法律对酒驾是非常严格的,故选B。点评:有关酒驾在当今社会是非常热的话题,尤其是在中国,最严厉的交通法规一出台引起人们的热议。高晓松的事件更是起了推波助澜的作用。本文主要介绍了新法规的具体规定,与美国的交通法规基本一致。

BigBang哪一首歌里有"baby one two three four go"这句歌词?


three pounds fifty pence

B 因为pound:英镑,是可数名词,所以3英镑要用复数形式pounds penny:便士,也是可数名词,所以50便士要用其复数形式,并且它的复数形式比较特殊,是pence,要牢记

请问这句话中: two of the three objecting Justice


一个女孩唱的歌曲里面有。。 one来了two睡了three 这样的歌词很好听。。但不知道叫什么名字。。

不知道这叫什么歌不过让我想起了 十个印第安小男孩

The food is insufficient for three peopleuff0e

【答案】:D题意:这些食物不够三个人吃。句中insufficient意为:不足的。A项instant意为:立即的,紧迫的;例句:His flamboyance earned him instant media attention.他的浮夸招摇立即引起了舆论界的注意。B项infinite意为:无限的,极大的;例句:I felted infinite at home warm and happy.在家里我感到了无限的温暖和幸福。C项inexpensive意为:便宜的;例句:Rice is an inexpensive dish.大米是一种廉价食品。D项inadequate意为:不足的,不充分的;例句:There is an inadequate supply of water,so people are thirsty.水的供应不充足,所以人们都很渴。故本题选D。

有一首英文歌,男生唱的,节奏很快。歌词中有one two three four five six seven eight nine

是Really meal

another three more和three more、another three有什么区别

another three more再来仨 three more多仨 another three 另仨 追问: 从语法角度去看呢 回答: another 定语three 是主词 more是定语 修饰another three three 是主词more是定语 如 ten is three more than seven another 是定语three 另仨

算式:SEVEN+THREE+TWO=TWELVE 同样的字母是同样的数字,算出来补加一百分

82524+19722+106=102352 或 82526+19722+104=102352

what is three and four is seven其中为什么用is而不用are?

three and four 是3+4,加法式子在英语中视为单数。

Three and four is seven 为什么要用is?

加数1 and 加数2 is 和。这是英语中加法的固定表达方式。因此这里必须用is。英语中加法还有另一种表述方式:加数1 plus 加数2 makes 和。这时候就变成:Three plus four makes seven.

SEVEN+THREE+TWO=TWELVE 每一个字母代表一个数 回答之后有追加悬赏


相同的字母代表相同的数字seven three two

t=1 s=8 w=0 h=9 n=4,o=6 或 n=6,o=4 e=2 v=5 r=7 l=3 字母的顺序就是推导顺序


十位是零,应该用 AND 连接起来. 3(百位) - THREE HUNDRED 7 (个位) - SEVEN 全句 - THREE HUNDRED AND SEVEN. 如果开支票,后面加上 ONLY 以防窜改

one、 two、 three、 four、 five、 six、 seven、 eight、 nine的发音

1 - one (wu028cn)2 - two (tuu02d0)3 - three (u03b8riu02d0)4 - four (fu0254u02d0r)5 - five (fau026av)6 - six (su026aks)7 - seven (u02c8su025bvu0259n)8 - eight (eu026at)9 - nine (nau026an)

Three times seven is twenty-one.句中times 是什么词性?作什么成分?

是介词.很多人会以为是动词. Three times seven 是介词短语做主语.

有首很火的英文歌,有歌词 seven three 之类的

What Are Words - Chris MedinaAnywhere you are, I am near 不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边,Anywhere you go, I"ll be there 不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那儿,Anytime you whisper my name, you"ll see 你任何时候轻呼我的名字,你都会看到Every single promise I keep 我是如何守护每一个誓言的,Cuz[2] what kind of guy would I be 那么我会是一个什么样的人If I was to leave when you need me most 如果在你最需要我的时候离开What are words 什么是诺言If you really don"t mean them 如果你不是真心真意When you say them 当你说出它时What are words 什么是诺言If they"re only for good times 如果只是为了渲染我们的美好时光Then they don"t 那它就瞬间破灭When it"s love 当爱至情浓处时,Yeah, you say them out loud Those words你大声喊出自己的心声,They never go away 它们永不褪色,They live on, even when we"re gone 即使我们都离去了,它们会一直存在,直到海枯石烂。And I know an angel was sent just for me,我知道,你是上苍赠予我的天使,And I know I"m meant to be where I am我知道何去何从这是命运的安排  And I"m gonna be standing right beside her tonight今晚我会守在你身旁And I"m gonna be by your side 我会一直守护在你身边I would never leave when she needs me most 当你最需要的时候我会不离不弃What are words 什么是诺言If you really don"t mean them 如果你不是真心真意When you say them 当你说出它时What are words 什么是诺言If they"re only for good times 只是为了渲染我们的美好时光Then they don"t 那它就瞬间破灭When it"s love 当爱至情浓处时,Yeah, you say them out loud Those words你大声喊出自己的心声They never go away 它们永不褪色,They live on, even when we"re gone 即使我们都离去了,它们会一直存在,直到海枯石烂。Anywhere you are, I am near 不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边,Anywhere you go, I"ll be there 不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那儿,And I"m gonna be here forever more 我将会永远在这儿Every single promise I keep 我是如何守护我的每一个誓言Cuz what kind of guy would I be 那么我会是一个什么样的人If I was to leave when you need me most [3-4]如果在你最需要我的时候离开。I"m forever keeping my angel close 我会永远把我的天使守护好

three of the seven是什么意思



One, two, three, four Five Six, seven, eight nine ten Eleven, twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-one Me too, twenty-three, twenty-four.Twenty-five.Twenty six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine.Thirty


FOUR+FOUR=EIGHT THREE+FUOR=SEVEN FOUR=9806,EIGHT=19612,THREE=21611,SEVEN=31417这是对的,答案希望能帮到你!

three quarters of seven是表示7:45吗?

好像不对7:45应该是a quarter to eight吧

加法是:Three and four is seven. 那如果4减3怎么说。。 同理乘法和除

Four minus three

Seven and three is ten?对吗




"for one seven seven four Three Eight seven"是什么意思,有什么深层涵义吗?


Three times seven is twenty-one.句中times 是什么词性?作什么成分?


有人知道有个叫 three seven 的牌子吗??图标是3个阿拉伯数字的"7"


我现在听力不太好,听数字的时候,总是把three 听成seven。导致错了很多,我该怎样改正呢?



three [θriː]seven ["sev(ə)n]发音不同

what three countries does British Airways represent?

What three countries does British Airways represent?英航公司代表了哪三个地区?Northern Ireland. Scotland. England 北爱尔兰、苏格兰和英格兰

The wheat____ cut three days ago A、were B、has been C、had D、was


three-phase induction motor是什么意思

three-phase induction motor三相感应电动机双语对照词典结果:three-phase induction motor三相感应电动机; 例句:1.By contrast, the tesla roadster uses just one gear-such is the flexibility of its three-phaseinduction motor. 相形之下,泰斯拉跑车仅仅使用单个齿轮这要归功于它的三相感应发动机。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

酒吧常放的DJ,男人唱的,歌曲中间有One 下 two 下 three 下 four (下只是那个单词的发音,是英文的)


一首英文歌曲高潮有one two three four 每个后面接一句歌词歌词里还有money

1234 by feist. 苹果ipod nano的广告歌

Three Is A Magic Number 歌词

Three is a magic number歌手:various artistsThree is a magic number,Yes it is, it"s a magic number.Somewhere in the ancient, mystic trinityYou get three as a magic number.The past and the present and the future.Faith and Hope and Charity,The heart and the brain and the body,Give you three as a magic number.It takes three legs to make a tripodOr to make a table stand.It takes three wheels to make a vehicleCalled a tricycle.Various ArtistsEvery triangle has three corners,Every triangle has three sides,No more, no less.You don"t have to guess.When it"s three, you can seeIt"s a magic number.A man and a woman had a little baby,Yes, they did.They had three in the family,And that"s a magic number.3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.Now the Multiples of 3come up three times in each set of 10.3 x 10 is 30, 3 x 9 is 27, 3 x 8 is 24, 3 x 7 is 21,3 x 6 is 18, 3 x 5 is 15, 3 x 4 is 12,And 3 x 3 is 9, and 3 x 2 is 6,And 3 x 1 is 3 of course.Now dig the pattern once more:3-6-912-15-183 x 10 is 30, 3 x 9 is 27, 3 x 8 is 24,3 x 7 is 21, 3 x 6 is 18, 3 X 5 is 15, 3 x 4 is 12,And 3 x 3 is 9, and 3 X 2 is 6.And 3 x 1 ...What is it?!Three!Yeah.A man and a woman had a little baby,They had three in the family,That"s a magic number.

哈利波特第一集里面:For a full minute of the three of them stood and looked at the lit


A single kind word keeps one warm for three winters, words hurt June cold


ten nine eight seven six five four three two 然后再one two three four 什么什么英文,是一女声唱的


one little two little threelittle……four little……的歌名是什么

Ten Little Indian Boys

one little two little three little raibow出自哪首歌曲?

“one little,two little,three little raibow”出自The Beach Boys演唱歌曲《ten little indians》《ten little indians》演唱:The Beach Boys词曲:伏名歌词:Ten little Indian十个小印第安人One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little Indians;三个小印第安人;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little Indians;六个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little Indians;九个小印第安人;Ten little Indian boys;十个印度小男孩;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little Indians;八个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little Indians;五个小印第安人;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little Indians;两个小印第安人;one little Indian boy;一个印度小男孩;One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little fingers;三个小手指;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little fingers;六个小手指;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little fingers;九个小手指;Ten fingers on your hands;十个手指放在你的手上;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little fingers;八个小手指;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little fingers;五个小手指;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little fingers;两个小手指;one finger on your hand;一根手指放在你的手上扩展资料:《ten little indians》是一首英文流行歌曲,发行时间是2012年9月21日,收录于专辑《Surfin" Safari (2001 - Remaster)》中,由The Beach Boys演唱。《ten little indians》翻唱者众多,截止2019年,贝瓦儿歌、Miranda Jesse、碰碰狐儿歌等都翻唱过这首歌。

one little, two little, three little raibow是什么歌?

“one little,two little,three little raibow”出自The Beach Boys演唱歌曲《ten little indians》《ten little indians》演唱:The Beach Boys词曲:伏名歌词:Ten little Indian十个小印第安人One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little Indians;三个小印第安人;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little Indians;六个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little Indians;九个小印第安人;Ten little Indian boys;十个印度小男孩;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little Indians;八个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little Indians;五个小印第安人;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little Indians;两个小印第安人;one little Indian boy;一个印度小男孩;One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little fingers;三个小手指;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little fingers;六个小手指;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little fingers;九个小手指;Ten fingers on your hands;十个手指放在你的手上;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little fingers;八个小手指;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little fingers;五个小手指;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little fingers;两个小手指;one finger on your hand;一根手指放在你的手上扩展资料:《ten little indians》是一首英文流行歌曲,发行时间是2012年9月21日,收录于专辑《Surfin" Safari (2001 - Remaster)》中,由The Beach Boys演唱。《ten little indians》翻唱者众多,截止2019年,贝瓦儿歌、Miranda Jesse、碰碰狐儿歌等都翻唱过这首歌。

在宝贝计划里面,成龙唱的那首“one little,two little,three little ....",歌名是什么啊


three little finger 英文歌曲

Ten little IndianOne little,two little,three little Indians;Four little,five little,six little Indians;Seven little,eight little,nine little Indians;Ten little Indian boys;Ten little,nine little,eight little Indians;Seven little,six little,five little Indians;Four little,three little,two little Indians;one little Indian boy;One little,two little,three little fingers;Four little,five little,six little fingers;Seven little,eight little,nine little fingers;Ten fingers on your hands;Ten little,nine little,eight little fingers;Seven little,six little,five little fingers;Four little,three little,two little fingers;one finger on your hand;

one little two little three little raibow什么歌?


有一首英文歌,是女生唱的,歌词有一部分是one two three four five six

ladybug picnic



求一首英文歌曲,男的唱的,高潮部分有one two three four

没猜错的话是这首,歌名:five days 演唱:patrick nuo



一首男人唱的英文歌!好像是用钢琴弹的,歌词里面有,one two baby...three four baby...five six baby的...

Say hello

歌词中有one two three four five的英文歌

蝴蝶怎么飞 dj舞曲

有一首歌 里面歌词有one two one two three four的higt曲叫什么名呢?

布兰妮的 3 不常见,也不知道是不是,试试把,应该是因为我也在找,而且找到了.

一首很有节奏感 女的英文歌one two three four 后面.就是 恩恩 啦啦


QQ飞车里有一首歌开头是男生唱的one two three four


有一首歌有段歌词是one two three four Selfie 然后是相机照相的声音

One Two Selfie

“one tow恰恰恰 three four恰恰恰 ”什么歌里的


求首英文歌 歌词中有five four three two one

Tabata Wod 是一首健身房歌曲

有一首舞曲,前面是“one two three four"


这首舞曲叫什么名字,帮帮,开头是男声one two three four

歌手是PITBALL 歌曲为i know you want me

跪求一首英文歌 男声mv黑人唱的rmb 开始是电子吉他 中间有one two three four

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