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apple tv+free for 3 months什么意思

: apple arcade free for 3 months是苹果街机免费3个月的意思。Apple TV以HDMI、色差端子连接宽屏幕电视或其他视听设备,该产品不附带任何线材(电源线除外),因此用户必须自备HDMI或色差端子连接线。 苹果网站标明,Apple TV仅支持增强或高分辨率型的宽屏幕电视,经过Maclife指出,如果电视机不支持宽屏失真以及使用视频编码优化垂直图像宽高比,那么以色差端子连接非增强或高分辨率型的电视机,将会发生纵向变形的情况。 音频方面支持数字光纤及模拟音频( RCA端子 )。

12 years 3months什么意思

12 years 十二年3 months 三个月请采纳






math为美式英语,主要在美国使用;maths则为英式英语,主要在英国使用。资料拓展:maths与math均为单词“mathematics”的缩写,指数学,含义一致;但主要使用地区不同。math:n. 数学(等于mathematics)n. (Math)人名;(德)马特;(柬)马;(英)马思[网络] 数学;数学函数对象;数学函数[专业] 数学 [计算机科学技术];数学 [电子、通信与自动控制技术];maths:n. 数学(等于mathematics)n. (Maths)人名;(瑞典)马茨[网络] 数学;数学课;数学计算[专业] 数学 [管理学];数学 [文学]


math为美式英语,主要在美国使用;maths则为英式英语,主要在英国使用。资料拓展:maths与math均为单词“mathematics”的缩写,指数学,含义一致;但主要使用地区不同。math:n. 数学(等于mathematics)n. (Math)人名;(德)马特;(柬)马;(英)马思[网络] 数学;数学函数对象;数学函数[专业] 数学 [计算机科学技术];数学 [电子、通信与自动控制技术];maths:n. 数学(等于mathematics)n. (Maths)人名;(瑞典)马茨[网络] 数学;数学课;数学计算[专业] 数学 [管理学];数学 [文学]




math 与maths 和mathematics 意思都是数学写法不同而已I like math very much.










math加s和不加s的区别:math多用于美国和加拿大地区,用于美式英语的口语中。maths是多用于其他如英国、澳大利亚和大多数讲说英语地区,用于英式英语的口语中。math和maths都是英语单词mathematics的缩写,意义上并无太大区别。maths的形式是一个复数,实际上它是一个单数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。math的相关句式:I was almays bottom of the class in math.我的数学成绩总是班上最后一名。math class is worth three credits.我的数学课为三个学分。Is your math correct?你的运算正确吗?He studied math in college.他上大学时专业是数学。His manmerisms are more those of a preoccupied math professor。他的举手投足更像是一个全神贯注的数学教授。




数学的英文math和maths都是正确的,两种拼写形式都是对的。maths与math均为单词“mathematics”的缩写,指数学,含义一致;但主要使用地区不同;math为美式英语,主要在美国使用;maths则为英式英语,主要在英国使用。“数学”的英语单词的全称是mathematics。这里的“-ics”是一个常用后缀(suffix)。注意事项“mathematics”指的就是“the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically”。这里需要注意,尽管它有加“s”同时意思里面多次提到“relationships/relations”(也是复数),但是与它搭配的动词必须采取单数形式。




数学课的英文math或maths都是可以的。math和maths都是单词mathematics的缩写形式,其基本意思是“数学;运算;计算”,两者含义一致,唯一的不同点是使用地区不同,math为美式英语,主要在美国使用,maths则为英式英语,主要在英国使用。mathematics的用法mathematics的意思是“数学”,是研究数字、数量和形状的科学,包括“算术、代数、几何”等学科,其前一般不用冠词。在英式口语中mathematics可写作maths,在美式口语中mathematics可写作math。一、常见句型:1、Mathematics is her favorite subject.数学是她喜欢的科目。2、He has a great faculty for mathematics.他具有很强的学数学的才能。3、The teacher is taking a graduate course in mathematics.这位老师正在修一门研究生的数学课程。二、常见错误数学是她最差的科目。误:Mathematics are her weakest subject.正:Mathematics is her weakest subject.析:mathematics指一门科目时,应该视为单数,谓语动词也用单数形式。




亲,据我所知,"maths"和"math"都是数学的意思,在英语中均指数学这个学科,但它们在用法、语法和语言方面存在一些细微差异。首先,"maths"通常用于英式英语,而"math"则更常用于美式英语。因此,如果你在英国或澳大利亚等国家,那么使用"maths"可能会更为恰当;而在美国或加拿大等国家,则应该使用"math"。其次,"maths"通常被认为是复数形式,即它表示一组数学学科,所以在使用时需要与动词的复数形式配合使用(例如:"maths are my favorite subject")。而"math"则通常被视为不可数名词,因此在使用时应该与单数动词配合使用(例如:"math is a challenging subject")。此外,"maths"也可以作为集体名词进行使用,例如:"the maths department at the university is very strong"。而"math"则不适用于这种情况。总之,这两个术语的基本含义相同,但在具体用法、语法和语言方面存在一些细微差异。在实际使用中,应根据自己所在的国家或地区以及语境选择合适的术语。根据我的经验,如果你正在与英国人交流或使用英式英语,那么使用"maths"可能会更为恰当。但如果你与美国人交流或使用美式英语,那么使用"math"可能更为常见。不过在日常生活中,这个区别并不是很重要,因为两个术语的大部分含义都是相通的。



数学的英语单词是math 还是maths




求希腊神话 Greek Myths


depths 中文意思


depth, depths的区别

depth 做“最深处,深渊,极限”时是可数名词


npm install --global xxx 属于全局安装npm install xxx 属于本地安装1、全局路径Windows下的Nodejs npm路径是appdata cmd下执行以下命令npm config set cache "D: odejs ode_cache"npm config set prefix "D: odejs ode_global"如果无效在nodejs的安装目录中找到node_modules pm.npmrc文件修改如下即可:prefix = D: odejs ode_globalcache = D: odejs ode_global[重要]环境变量配置:在环境变量path追加:D: odejs ode_global;2、本地路径(项目级)NODE_PATH 是干什么的呢?操作系统中都会有一个PATH环境变量,想必大家都知道,当系统调用一个命令的时候,就会在PATH变量中注册的路径中寻找,如果注册的路径中有就调用,否则就提示命令没找到。那 NODE_PATH 就是NODE中用来寻找模块所提供的路径注册环境变量[加载机制]NODE_PATH中的路径被遍历是发生在从项目的根位置递归搜寻 node_modules 目录,直到文件系统根目录的 node_modules,如果还没有查找到指定模块的话,就会去 NODE_PATH中注册的路径中查找。这样,我们的项目就可以共享node_modules的依赖包。差异性的解决方法如果 项目A 使用了,express的3.x版本,项目B 使用了 express的4.x版本,那这种情况该怎么办呢?可以将 NODE_PATH 指定的位置中存放 express的4.x版本,再将 项目B的 node_modules 目录中放置 3.x 版本。这样就解决了模块版本差异性问题。问题在使用 --global 参数的时候 --save 或 --save-dev参数是无效的。这样就带来一个问题。此时 package.json 中的 dependencies, devDependencies 将无法享受到npm自动更新带来的便利


npm install --global xxx 属于全局安装npm install xxx 属于本地安装1、全局路径Windows下的Nodejs npm路径是appdata cmd下执行以下命令npm config set cache "D: odejs ode_cache"npm config set prefix "D: odejs ode_global"如果无效在nodejs的安装目录中找到node_modules pm.npmrc文件修改如下即可:prefix = D: odejs ode_globalcache = D: odejs ode_global[重要]环境变量配置:在环境变量path追加:D: odejs ode_global;2、本地路径(项目级)NODE_PATH 是干什么的呢?操作系统中都会有一个PATH环境变量,想必大家都知道,当系统调用一个命令的时候,就会在PATH变量中注册的路径中寻找,如果注册的路径中有就调用,否则就提示命令没找到。那 NODE_PATH 就是NODE中用来寻找模块所提供的路径注册环境变量[加载机制]NODE_PATH中的路径被遍历是发生在从项目的根位置递归搜寻 node_modules 目录,直到文件系统根目录的 node_modules,如果还没有查找到指定模块的话,就会去 NODE_PATH中注册的路径中查找。这样,我们的项目就可以共享node_modules的依赖包。差异性的解决方法如果 项目A 使用了,express的3.x版本,项目B 使用了 express的4.x版本,那这种情况该怎么办呢?可以将 NODE_PATH 指定的位置中存放 express的4.x版本,再将 项目B的 node_modules 目录中放置 3.x 版本。这样就解决了模块版本差异性问题。问题在使用 --global 参数的时候 --save 或 --save-dev参数是无效的。这样就带来一个问题。此时 package.json 中的 dependencies, devDependencies 将无法享受到npm自动更新带来的便利





deep breaths是什么意思

deep breaths 网络 深呼吸; breaths n. 气息; (一次) 呼吸( breath的名词复数 ); 呼吸的空气; 微量; [例句]I paused in the hall to take three deep breaths to restore my equilibrium我在大厅里停了一下,深吸了三口气以恢复平静。[其他] 原型: breath


Woolworths的核心商业为超市家族,包括著名的Woolworths,Safeway,Purity,RoelfVos。Woolworths的EzyBanking venture是澳大利亚最诚实的超市银行,成立于1999年,在2000年已经达到640家。在城市和灌木林地区,我们为成为国家的零售商和提供服务者而感到自豪,公司每天为顾客提供售后服务。如今Woolworths是澳大利亚最大的食品零售商,具有75年的为顾客提供服务的历史而感到自豪的公司。Woolworths公司家族包括15种商标。Woolworths公司在全国范围内总共有1114家分店,员工超过125000人,事实上每100个澳大利亚劳动力中就有一个被Woolworths公司所雇用。通过Woolworths的各种各样的“学徒工结合熟练工计划”满足不同水准的正在训练和已发展的员工的需要。Woolworths目前有超过4000个员工在不同经营领域中日夜工作,包括商店管理,交通,分配。Woolworths还将扩大规划,采用信息技术,商业和办公管理。为了丰富职员的经验,Woolworths正在完善更多的零售交易计划和继续追求这些规划,不仅是与其他零售商,而且与全世界范围内的其他服务机构合作。Woolworths公司在澳大利亚私人雇员人数名次排为第二位,具有125000 位员工。Woolworths在业务中雇用了超过45000位年轻的职员。大约是20岁以下人数的三分之一。Woolworth对他们良好的工作生活的开端绝对负责。所有的人力资源行为都采取招新人、培训和提高,使每个人都具有更好的售货经验。

How to improve maths ?

Math can be a difficult subject particularly if you don"t have the right skills in place. But once you know how to approach it strategically you"ll likely find it less frustrating and have much higher chances of success. This article details how to evaluate break down and successfully plete math tasks and avoid getting stuck or overwhelmed. 1) If you don"t understand something focus on mastering that topic before moving on to the next topic. It sounds simple but it is absolutely essential. Lets say a student is learning Algebra for example. Further lets say he or she is having a hard time understanding how to add and subtract negative and positive numbers. All of us struggle with this in the beginning as it is a sticky point for most students. Some students in this situation out of frustration that they "can"t" learn this topic will move on to the next lesson in the hope that they will be able to understand that one. This is a recipe for disaster. Math is very much like learning to read. If you don"t know your letter sounds then you have no hope of being able to sound out words of course there is no way possible that you could read a book. All math courses are taught in a specific sequence because the every topic builds on the previous topic. If you are having a problem with a topic continue working with that one until you understand it and can work problems successfully. Watch the DVD section over again attend tutoring read the book and examples a second time or even get a totally different book to have it explained a different way...but whatever you do not turn the page and tackle the next topic. If you do you will get even more frustrated and you in all likelihood will begin to give up hope. 2) Work example problems and check your wers to gain practice with every lesson. The entire premise of the DVD series is to "learn by example" and it is quite simply the easiest way to learn Math. After watching the section on the DVD and reading the section in your textbook begin working examples from the end of the chapter. Make sure to work the problems that have wers in the back of the book and check every one. Always begin with the easiest problem in your book even if you think it will be too "easy" to solve. It is very very important to build your confidence. This is why the DVD lessons begin with easier problems that no one will have any issue understanding. Gradually work harder and harder problems from your book and check your wer for each one. After working a dozen or more problems from the section (o dozen is best) you are ready to move on to the next section. Many students want to plow though a lesson just to make it to the next one. You cannot just read a section in a Math book and bee an expert on that section. You must work problems. If you can"t work problems then you are not ready to move on. The good news is that working problems will build your confidence and confidence is 100% the name of the game in Math. 3) When beginning to work a Math problem do not "map out a path from problem-to-wer" in your head before writing anything down. I see this almost every day. It is very mon when someone looks at a Math problem that they try to "figure it out" in their head before writing anything down. Take Algebra for example. When a beginning student looks at an equation he or she will be tempted to solve the equation in their head and not write anything down. Students are tempted to do this most often with Word Problems. Since a word problem is written in sentence form it is mon to think that you can "think your way to the wer". I will tell you that I never ever solve any sort of math problem without writing it down. Ever. What you need to do is begin by first writing down the problem. Then you begin to solve it one step at a time. Write down even the simple things. What you need to ensure is that every single step that you write down is perfectly legal. In other words if you are solving an equation for example and you subtract "10" from both sides....write that down. Then in the NEXT step actually do that subtraction. Then if you need to divide both sides by "2" write THAT down...then in the NEXT step actually do the division. This gives you a paper trail to check your work and also it allows you to break the problem down in to bite sized chunks. If you can be sure that every single little step is legal then you will be in good shape. If you try to do too many things at one time which is mon you will probably try to do something illegal and get into trouble. 4) When you study and do homework try to find a quiet place to do it. I was the worst offender of this while in school. I used to listen to music all of the time while trying to do homework. I"d also listen to the TV as "background noise" while studying. Over time I realized that if I had a quiet place without the background noise I could focus much better. What I found is that when reading for example...I would have to read something perhaps 3 or 4 times if I was listening to something else but only once if I had some quiet. People love to listen to music while studying but I am convinced that it is much more effective if you don"t. Try to find a quiet spot in your home or in the Library to get your schoolwork done and you will get your work done much more quickly because you"ll be able to focus and absorb more. 5) If someone asks you for help try to explain the topic to them as best you can. This one is going to seem a little odd for this list...but there is one universal truth. Those who can teach others have a true gr of the material. Many times when studying in groups there will be one member of the group who is behind and doesn"t "get it". Try to help that person even if your own work will take longer. Not only will you feel like you are helping someone else succeed but the process of rephrasing information back to someone else and breaking things down into bite sized chunks will increase your own understanding. It will help you understand at a fundamental level what the stumbling blocks are for the topic which will help you as you move on in your math studies. 6) Never ever work math problems in pen. This one is pretty simple. You will make a mistake; it is only a matter of time. When you do you will want to pletely erase your mistake and write over it. You will never ever want to scratch something out and write next to the scratch-out. This will lead to a paper that is hard to read and the scratch-outs will actually increase your anxiety about solving these problems. You want clean-neat paper with a clean well thought-out solution. 7) Try to use a mechanical pencil with separate eraser if you can. Mechanical pencils have cleaner lines and the separate eraser allows you to erase more cleanly. Nothing is worse than making a mistake and trying to erase something then just *** earing that all around your page. The cheap erasers will do this and make your life hard. Invest in a good mechanical pencil and a good separate eraser. 8) Keep your solutions neat and line-by-line. Always work problems vertically with one step on every line. Never work horizontally. It may take more paper but you will be able to follow your steps much more easily. More importantly the teacher will be able to follow your work much better which allows him/her to give you partial credit. If there are just 2 steps when there should be 10 you will not be getting any points for your thought process. The steps you write down tell the teacher what you are thinking and how you are attacking the problem. 9) Don"t work problems very late at night. I know all of the college students will be laughing at this but it is true. I have tried many many times to do Calculus or Physics late at night after 12 or 1am but you are just doing yourself a disservice. I have stared at problems for hours because I just could not sleep until I knew how to solve it...then I finally fell asleep out of extreme fatigue...but when I woke up it just seemed so simple how to proceed with the problem. Also I have worked problems at night and got the wrong wer and I knew I must have a silly mistake in the solution. I would usually set out to find it but many times when you are tired you simply can"t find the silly mistake. The next morning after about 5 minutes I could spot the simple sign error or even a simple multiplication error that caused the problem. 10) If the problem lends itself to it draw a picture of the problem. This is most applicable for Trigonometry Calculus and Physics Students but also applies to any word problem in basic math or algebra. Please do yourself a favor and draw a picture of what the problem is describing even if your picture is simple. We are visual beings...the process of drawing the situation causes us to internalize what the problem is really asking for. It helps figure out how to proceed. If you are in Physics you should draw a picture for every single problem that you work out. If you are in Calculus definitely draw pictures for all related rate problems. If you are in Calculus 2 or Calculus 3 definitely draw a picture of all of your 3-dimensional problems (3d integrals). If you are in basic math and Jenny gives Bob 2 pencils and Bob gives 1 pencil away draw that situation. It will really help you figure out how to proceed. Remember there is no silver bullet in learning Math. It es with taking things one step at a time and with practice. The tips above will help you along in your math studies and give you confidence. And confidence is 100% the name of the game in learning any level of Math. RESOURCES: mathgoodies/articles/improve_your_grades 多做题目,多计算,多了解思考计算过程。 do more exercise


  1、电放是指托运人(发货人)将货物装船后将承运人(或其代理人)所签发的全套正本提单交回承运人(或其代理人),同时指定收货人(非记名提单的情况下);承运人授权(通常是以电传、电报等通讯方式通知)其在卸货港的代理人,在收货人不出具正本提单(已收回)的情况下交付货物。  2、电放单表示不用全套正本提单清关。你只需要扫描或传真给客人电放提单的COPY件就可以了。这种方式一般是提单寄送来不及的情况。一般近洋航线,例如:韩国,日本等船期短的情况。还有就是合作非常久,互相很信任的基础上。  3、Seaway Bill是海运单,是证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人保证交付货物给单证所载明的收货人的一种不可流通的单证,它不是物权凭证,故而不可转让.收货人不凭此提货而是凭到货通知提货,因此海运单收货人应填写实际的收货人的名称地址。  .4、现在比较流行 WAYBILL,它是介于正本提单和电放提单之间的。即有正本的作用,又享有电放的快捷。同时,有一部分船公司,做电放是收费的,但是,申请WAYBILL是没费用的,最保险的就是收到钱后做WAYBILL。  


电放是指托运人(发货人)将货物装船后将承运人(或其代理人)所签发的全套正本提单交回承运人(或其代理人),同时指定收货人(非记名提单的情况下);承运人授权(通常是以电传、电报等通讯方式通知)其在卸货港的代理人,在收货人不出具正本提单(已收回)的情况下交付货物。现在比较流行 WAYBILL,它是介于正本提单和电放提单之间的。即有正本的作用,又享有电放的快捷。同时,有一部分船公司,做电放是收费的,但是,申请WAYBILL是没费用的,最保险的就是收到钱后做WAYBILL。扩展资料:电放:当货物到达卸货港时, 外国货代提单的持有人凭货代提单向货代或其在卸货港的代理人换取船东提单后, 凭船东提单向船东或其代理提货; 或先由货代或其代理人凭船东提单提货后, 货代提单持有人再凭货代提单向货代或其代理人提货。WAYBILL:指客户交寄邮件时使用的填报凭证参考资料:百度百科-电放



He will be away for two months 为什么用BE呢?

He will be away for two months 这一句话中,用be的原因有二:1、be away 表示【离开,远离;出差;外出】之意,表示【状态】,而不表动作;他前面搭配有情态动词will,需要接动词原形。2、关键问题在于,表示一段的时间状语【for two months 】,它限制了所用动词不能是【瞬间动词或短暂性动词】,因此,不能用leave(动作性动词,不能与表示一段的时间状语连用)。只有be away 才可以在这里搭配使用了。例如:我买这辆车已经一年了。 应该翻译为: I have 【had /owned】 the car for a year 【不能用bought】。 祝你开心如意!O(∩_∩)O~~

求Deathstars的Blitzkrieg Boom歌词中文翻译


deathstars的《Blitzkrieg》 歌词

歌曲名:Blitzkrieg歌手:deathstars专辑:Blitzkrieg - Club PromoBlitzkrizgIn your dreams, hearts shakeNerves scream, minds breakHeavens turn, grounds crackPrayers burn, burn blackAnd it"s all there inside of youIt"s deadly, dark, cold!Can you feel the explosion?Now lean back and enjoy the show!Blitzkrieg! Blitzkrieg!Blitzkrieg!BOOM!Blitzkrieg!Blitzkrieg!Blitzkrieg!BOOM!Hope fails, death shinesLong nails, hell"s vinesTerrors speak, walls fallAddictions seek, seek it allAnd it"s all there inside of youIt"s deadly, dark, cold!Can you feel the explosion?Now lean back and enjoy the show!Blitzkrieg!Blitzkrieg!Fucking Blitzkrieg !BOOM!Blitzkrieg!Blitzkrieg!Fucking Blitzkrieg!BOOM!This is the endStill your need is driven on, driven onAs we trigger one last bombAllertWounds bleed, tears rideDemons feed, angels hideFathers sigh, mothers weepChildren cry, crying deepAnd it"s all there inside of youIt"s deadly, dark, cold!Can you feel the explosion?Now lean back and enjoy the show!Blitzkrieg!Blitzkrieg!Fucking Blitzkrieg!BOOM!Blitzkrieg!Blitzkrieg!Fucking Blitzkrieg !BOOM!Fuck the world with a gun and a broken blade!HA.HA.......HAHA...HAThis is the endAs we trigger one last bombThis is the endStill your need is driven on, driven onAs we trigger one last bombThis is the endStill your need is driven on, driven onAs we trigger one last bomb

overseas upstair maths 等词末尾的s可以省略吗

去掉之后有的词词性就发生了变化。math 没有区别

path 的三单也就是paths 怎么读?

th结尾的是加es,读音是pa thi s


paths的意思是:路径。path是一个英语名词,译为小路、路线、轨迹、路径,等等。基本释义:小路,路;路线,路程;(事物或人移动的)轨迹;(人生的)道路;(思想,行为,生活的)途径;(计算机)路径。双语例句1、At this point the two paths coincide briefly.两条小路在这个地方有一小段合在了一起。2、There was a signpost where the two paths converged.两条小路的相交处有一路标。3、They made their way in single file along the cliff path.他们一个接着一个沿悬崖小径前进。4、The path follows the course of the river.小路沿河道延伸。5、Part of the path had been washed away by the sea.部分小路已被海浪冲坏。6、The path led through the trees to the river.这条小路穿过树林通向河边。


Windows7UltimatewithServicePack1(x64)-DVD和Windows7Ultimate(x64)-DVD(Chinese-Simplified)有什么区别:两个DVD不同在于,一个集成了SP1,一个没有集成。拓展资料:(Digital Video Disc)的缩写,又被称为高密度数字视频光盘。它是比VCD更新一代的产品。DVD分别采用MPEG—2技术和AC—3标准对视频和音频信号进行压缩编码。它可以记录135分钟的图像画面。与VCD不同的是它的图像清晰度可达720线。

请问 OPA820ID、THS3091工作原理

这两种都是常见的运算放大器,你找运算放大器的资料就行了运放的内部就是由许多三级管构成的,运放的出现就是为了使问题变得简单,运放的输入阻抗很大,输出阻抗很小的特性很容易实现阻抗匹配,而三极管构成的普通电路并没有这么方便。理解运放的虚短与虚断:虚断是说运放的输入端(即图中的2,3号)好像是断开的,这是运放的输入阻抗很大的体现,电流很难流进运放,俗话称“运放不吃电流”。虚短是说运放的两个输入端好像是短路的,即2号与3号的电压相同。运算放大器的工作原理  运放如图有两个输入端a(反相输入端),b(同相输入端)和一个输出端o。也分别被称为倒向输入端非倒向输入端和输出端。当电压U-加在a端和公共端(公共端是电压为零的点,它相当于电路中的参考结点。)之间,且其实际方向从a 端高于公共端时,输出电压U实际方向则自公共端指向o端,即两者的方向正好相反。当输入电压U+加在b端和公共端之间,U与U+两者的实际方向相对公共端恰好相同。为了区别起见,a端和b 端分别用"-"和"+"号标出,但不要将它们误认为电压参考方向的正负极性。电压的正负极性应另外标出或用箭头表示。反转放大器和非反转放大器如下图: 运算放大器 运算放大器一般可将运放简单地视为:具有一个信号输出端口(Out)和同相、反相两个高阻抗输入端的高增益直接耦合电压放大单元,因此可采用运放制作同相、反相及差分放大器。  运放的供电方式分双电源供电与单电源供电两种。对于双电源供电运放,其输出可在零电压两侧变化,在差动输入电压为零时输出也可置零。采用单电源供电的运放,输出在电源与地之间的某一范围变化。  运放的输入电位通常要求高于负电源某一数值,而低于正电源某一数值。经过特殊设计的运放可以允许输入电位在从负电源到正电源的整个区间变化,甚至稍微高于正电源或稍微低于负电源也被允许。这种运放称为轨到轨(rail-to-rail)输入运算放大器。  运算放大器的输出信号与两个输入端的信号电压差成正比,在音频段有:输出电压=A0(E1-E2),其中,A0 是运放的低频开环增益(如 100dB,即 100000 倍),E1 是同相端的输入信号电压,E2 是反相端的输入信号电压。

As a singer, her strengths ____________ her firm command of

lie with(责任, 权力等)在于..., 属于..., 是...的职权lie in睡懒觉, 待产result inv.导致believe inv.信仰c

用英语解答问题what are the strengths and weaknesses of learning English online?


strengths and limitations of this study怎么写


what are you strengths and weakneaa


health strengths 为什么要加s?

health strengths,健康的优势。或者health strength有很多的优势。就像人有很多优点一样。

What are your biggest strengths? 翻译:我最大的长处是攻克技术时有毅力,团队分工时发展差异化。

the greatest competitive edge of mine is perseverence in overcoming teachnical difficulties and independent thinking in team-work.

《Strengths Finder2.0》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《StrengthsFinder 2.0》(Tom Rath)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: wvxn书名:StrengthsFinder 2.0作者:Tom Rath豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:Gallup Press出版年份:2007-2-1页数:175内容简介:DO YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO WHAT YOU DO BEST EVERY DAY?Chances are, you don"t. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths.

初中英语作文:My Strengths and Weaknesses

It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve.We should examine ourselves and learn who we are.Above all,we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses.For example,I am healthy and fit,so I can work hard.I"m also optimistic,humble and polite.These are my strengths.However,I also have weakneaaes.For one thing,I"m stubborn and a little impatient.I"m sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food.I"m not ashamed to admit these bad pints.Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself. 《初中英语作文:My Strengths and Weaknesses》由留学liuxue86.com我整理

my strengths 100 words作文

Every person has their own different strenghts and weakness.To know what your strengths are can help you do things better.For myself,at first ,I"m a kind-hearted person.I am willing to help others if they have troubles everytime.So I have many friends and we like each other very much.And I"m a very hard-working and curious students.I like reading books and discover new things in my life.If I have many problems,I always look for answers from books or teachers.

小学二年级作文200字:Strengths and Weaknesses

作文标题: Strengths and Weaknesses 关 键 词: 小学二年级 200字 字 数: 200字作文 本文适合: 小学二年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学二年级200字的作文,题目为:《Strengths and Weaknesses》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve.We should examine ourselves and learn who we are.Above all,we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses.For example,I am healthy and fit,so I can work hard.I"m also optimistic,humble and polite.These are my strengths.However,I also have weakneaaes.For one thing,I"m stubborn and a little impatient.I"m sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food.I"m not ashamed to admit these bad pints.Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself.

key strengths是什么意思


Strengths Finder - 我的优势识别和行动计划指南

前段时间读完《盖洛普优势识别器2.0》,也参加了在线的测试,获得了我的5个优势和行动报告。写在这里,能够帮助我的朋友们更好的了解我,也能更大程度的发挥优势。 我的五大主题:(没有先后顺序) 和谐 - 和谐主题较强的人渴求协调一致。他们避免冲突,寻求共识。 行动建议: 纪律 - 纪律性强的人做事井然有序,有章有法。他们建立规程,遵章守纪。 行动建议: 竞争 - 竞争性强的人参照他人的表现来衡量自身的进步。他们力争第一,陶醉于竞争的喜悦中。 行动建议: 个别 - 个别主题较强的人对每个人的与众不同之处兴趣盎然。他们善于琢磨如何将个性迥异的人组合在一起,创造出最大成效。 行动建议: 成就 - 成就主题较强的人大都精力充沛,锲而不舍。他们乐于忙忙碌碌并有所作为。 行动建议:

strength与weakness要不要加s∕ es啊?为什么表示优缺点时写成strengths a


play to your strengths


why people had little need to know their strengths in the old time什么意思

你好!why people had little need to know their strengths in the old time为什么人们没有需要知道自己的长处在老时间吗

what your strengths是啥意思?

你好!what your strengths你的优点是什么

to your strengths什么意思

to your strengths你的长处


一、SWOT分析 SWOT是一种战略分析方法,通过对被分析对象的优势、劣势、机会和威胁的加以综合评估与分析得出结论,通过内部资源、外部环境有机结合来清晰地确定被分析对象的资源优势和缺陷,了解所面临的机会和挑战,从而在战略与战术两个层面加以调整方法、资源以保障被分析对象的实行以达到所要实现的目标。 SWOT分析法又称为态势分析法,也称波士顿矩阵,它是由旧金山大学的管理学教授于20世纪80年代初提出来的,是一种能够较客观而准确地分析和研究一个单位现实情况的方法。 SWOT分别代表:strengths(优势)、weaknesses(劣势)、opportunities(机会)、threats(威胁)。 SWOT分析通过对优势、劣势、机会和威胁的加以综合评估与分析得出结论,然后再调整企业资源及企业策略,来达成企业的目标。 SWOT分析已逐渐被许多企业运用到包括:企业管理、人力资源、产品研发等各个方面。(一) 内部环境分析优势Strengths(自己的优势)劣势Weakness(你的自身缺点)(二)外部环境分析机会Opportunities(您出的社会中对你有用的条件)威胁 Threats(阻碍你学钢琴的社会条件)二、未来5年职业生涯的目标三、未来5年内的行动计划

what do you think are your strengths为什么加are

去掉主句do you think,剩余的即是宾语从句what are your strengths。复数strengths对用are是合适的。

th后面的s发什么音 如strengths的读法 求音标


my strengths 100 words作文

Every person has their own different strenghts and weakness.To know what your strengths are can help you do things better.For myself,at first ,I"m a kind-hearted person.I am willing to help others if they have troubles everytime.So I have many friends and we like each other very much.And I"m a very hard-working and curious students.I like reading books and discover new things in my life.If I have many problems,I always look for answers from books or teachers.




strengths[英][streu014bθs][美][streu014bθs]n.力( strength的名词复数 ); 优点; (光、声、色等的)力度; 人力[数];强项;长处原型:strength双语例句:1、One of his few strengths was his skill at mimicry.他为数不多的强项之一就是他的模仿技巧。2、Two of our greatest strengths are diversity and community.我们的两个最大优点是多样性和团体精神。3、We are learning to step back from ourselves and identify our strengths and weaknesses.我们正努力学会走出自我的樊篱,认清我们自身的优势和缺点。


be enthusiastic about,对什么有热情的,有激情的,做名词 enthusiasm 时可以有have enthusiasm about sth

the beautiful white house ( ) by the smiths

is lived

eight months prior与 eight months ago 的区别



《Myths to Live By》(Joseph Campbell)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:rif6书名:Myths to Live By作者:Joseph Campbell出版社:Penguin (Non-Classics)出版年份:1993-02-01页数:276内容简介:What is a properly functioning mythology and what are its functions? Can we use myths to help relieve our modern anxiety, or do they help foster it? In Myths to Live by, Joseph Campbell explores the enduring power of the universal myths that influence our lives daily and examines the myth-making process from the primitive past to the immediate present, retuning always to the source from which all mythology springs: the creative imagination.Campbell stresses that the borders dividing the Earth have been shattered; that myths and religions have always followed the certain basic archetypes and are no longer exclusive to a single people, region, or religion. He shows how we must recognize their common denominators and allow this knowledge to be of use in fulfilling human potential everywhere.

we all like maths

在“We all like maths.”这个句子的所有字母中,字母“l”出现了3次,故字母“l”出现的频数为3.

---Do the Smiths live next door to you?---No, but they _________. A.used to B.used to do .

A 试题分析:be used to sth习惯于某事;used to do sth过去常常做某事. sth be used to do sth某物被用来做某事。句意:史密斯一家住在你们隔壁吗?——不,但是他们过去是。结合语境可知选A。点评:used to的用法比较固定,需要注意的是used to do表示过去常常做某事,be used to表示习惯于某事。前者to是不定式符号,后接动词原形。后者to是介词,后接名词或者名词性短语。Used to do结构中use相当于行为动词,有词形变化。Be used to中used相当于形容词,无词形变化。

I am not interested in maths ,neither____________ he. A,is B,are C,has D,have

选 A neither is he 在这里 倒装 只需要把 is 提到主语 he 前面就可以了

Suzy is good at Maths Suzy has___ ___in Maths

a gifta talent

帮忙起个英文名。 赵淑琴,女,起个谐音的英文名。THS



三个意思是差不多的,都是尽管,无论怎样的意思。nonetheless只可做副词,nevertheless可做副词和连词,notwithstanding是介词和副词,尽管,和in spite of差不多。多看一下例句吧,那样会更明白一些。

帮忙翻译:limit use to two months with a break of one week


是One year has 12 month 还是One yearhas12 months?

正确表达应该是There are 12months in one year.

SVN 问题:Cleanup failed to process the following paths:

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