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Tourists are interested in it also because it was once used as a prison.


The number of tourists____to our country recently 是用has increated 还是have increating 为什么?

用has increated 吧,The number of 强调的是什么什么的数量,是单数形式

There must have been a large number of tourists in Sanya

1.当陈述部分是“there be + 主语 + 其它”结构时,反意疑问部分要用“be (not) + there”结构。 例 There are some bananas in the basket, aren"t there? 篮子里有些香蕉,是吗? quickly状语提前放在句首,用部分倒装(即主语与谓语颠倒一下),句子整体时态是过去时,所以A正确

You are tourists为什么不加冠词?


There are many tourists in the zoo在动物园里有许多观光客?

There are many tourists in the zoo在动物园里有许多观光客。There be 结构 是某地有某物遵循就近原则 tourists是复数,所以be 用are

as tourists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it.

这个是不定式做状语,修饰谓语动词,have been coming

为什么用Are you tourists?而不用Are you tourist?

你说哪个对吗??tourists是游人 tourist是旅游翻译来说 : 你是游人? 你是旅游??

一、首字母填空Tourists always visit the Great?

题呢?,8, cara3063 举报 一、首字母填空 Tourists always visit the Great Wall.It"s (a_______) in Beijing. 举报 danny2419 有没有上下文呐???没有联系岂不是随便填。。。个人觉得是amazing 惊奇的adj. cara3063 举报 补充问题上 举报 danny2419那很显然,就是also,没问题! 哦!谢谢哈!,Tourists always visit the Great Wall.It"s (also_____) in Beijing,1,almost 万里长城,东起鸭绿江(山海关,但有争议),西达嘉峪关,横贯今辽宁、河北、天津、北京、内蒙古、山西、陕西、宁夏、甘肃等9省、市、自治区,全长8851.8公里,俗称“万里长城”。 但是其主体以及大部分工程都在北京,所以填almost,用以表达其大部分的意思...,0,一、首字母填空Tourists always visit the Great Wall.It"s (a_______) in Beijing.

新概念15课are you tourists这句话怎么翻译?


we are tourists变一般疑问句

这个需要be动词,改过来Are you tourist?就可以了。




tourists[英] ["tu028au0259ru026asts] [美] ["tu028au0259ru026asts]点击链接然后点击”朗读音标“喇叭可听发音:

Are your friends tourists?

第一句friend是单数,所以谓语动词用is第二句friends是复数,所以谓语动词要用are这个和your 没有联系的

many tourists与a lot of tourists区别

你主要是想知道many和a lot of他俩的区别:many只能修饰可数名词的复数;a lot of既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。a lot of可以修饰比较级,而many不可以。a lot of可以用以简略回答,而many不可以。1.many和much一组,前者加可数名词后者修饰不可数名词;如many fruits,so much money。另much可修饰比较级如much better。2.lots of和a lot of一组,既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词;lots of fun,a lot of people等。3.而a lot跟在动词后,作副词用,如:He bothered me a lot,Thanks a lot.希望你能理解,谢谢!

Are you tourists? Yes,I am.哪里错了?

Are you a tourist? Yes,I am.

在tourists前 除了man woman以外 其他不为复数 问:还有哪些像tourist的词

doctor teacher

一个英语问题:the tourists have arrived。

如果是是tourist 后面才加has 这个has是三单的意思。因为前面是复数,才加have这里的tourists是指游客,如果是tourist,前面+the是特指一个游客记得采纳 谢谢






"Tourists" 这个单词读音是 /u02c8tu028aru026asts/。让我们来分解这个单词的读音:1. "T" 的发音是 /t/,舌头轻触上颚,发出清晰的爆破音。2. "ou" 的发音是 /u028a/,发音类似于“短 u”的音,嘴唇略微收圆。3. "r" 的发音是 /r/,英式英语中,r 音发音较为清晰,不卷舌,美式英语中通常会卷舌。4. "i" 的发音是 /u026a/,发音类似于“短 i”的音,舌头稍微抬高。5. "sts" 的发音是 /sts/,这是一个连续发音的组合。发音类似于 /sts/,注意不要在 "s" 和 "t" 之间加入额外的元音声音。游客"Tourists" 是一个表示"游客"的英文单词,它来自名词"tourist",用于描述那些旅行到不同地方观光、度假或探索其他文化的人们。这个单词的读音是 /u02c8tu028aru026asts/,请注意第一个音节"tour"有重音。在日常生活中,我们经常会听到这个单词,特别是在旅游业发达的地区,吸引着大量的国内和国际游客。作为一个动态的行业,旅游业对于国家的经济发展和文化交流具有重要意义。游客们通常会参观著名景点、品尝当地美食、体验本土文化等。他们的到来不仅为目的地带来经济收入,还促进了文化交流和人际互动。因此,游客们在世界各地的旅行,不仅拓宽了他们的视野,也丰富了他们的生活体验。因此,将以上读音组合起来,"tourists" 的正确读音是 /u02c8tu028aru026asts/,注意最后的 /sts/ 发音要连续而不重复元音。在这个单词中,强调音节在第一音节上,读音中的 /u02c8/ 表示重音在第一个音节上。




tourists读["tu028au0259ru026asts]。tourists的意思:n. 旅游者(tourist的复数);(美)冬季到南方做工的流动工人。v. 旅游;观光(tourist的三单形式)。网络释义:1、游客的。Tourists across the south-eastern part of Europe have faced severe disruption to their holiday plans , with hotels evacuated in fire-stricken areas and some roads rendered too dangerous to travel .在整个欧洲东南部地区,游客的度假计划被明显打乱。游客被迫撤离火灾地区的酒店,而一些道路也由于太过危险而关闭。2、旅客。We got a lot of tourists from Europe and some from further afield .我们的旅客很多来自欧洲 , 有些来自更远的地方。3、旅游者的。Through further literature research , this paper then will compare " after 80s " tourists to " non-after 80s " tourists " differences .并通过进一步文献整理,比较“80后”旅游者与非“80后”旅游者的差异性。4、游客们。What should tourists take with them .游客们应该随身携带什么东西呢?tourists 用法和例句:1、One number being bandied about is 8 million extra tourists .一个常常被提到的数字是增加800万游客。2、Tourists flew to istanbul or haifa instead of athens , and rewarded their hotels and vendors .游客们飞至伊斯坦布尔或海法,而不是雅典,给当地的酒店和零售业带来了滚滚财源。3、And tourists have long prized a visit to the palm or smith & wollensky as a must-dine experience .游客长期以来都将棕榈餐厅(Palm)或者史密斯u2022沃伦斯基牛排馆视为不可错过的用餐目的地。4、Outside , dozens of tourists rested on benches surrounded by mountains of shopping bags .室外,数十名游客在长凳上休息,周围堆满了购物袋。5、The company "s 411 : online hub where tour guides and tourists can connect .公司业务:在线连接导游与游客。

(1)The church tower which_(restore)will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished (2...

1、are being restored 从差不多完成可以知道用现在进行时,然后根据意思用被动。2、remains now 可以看出用一般现在时3、rolling,表伴随,做伴随状语

为什么there are many boats rides for tourists to an island

to可以表示(终点、程度、范围)达到, 到; 趋于, 倾向to an island到达岛屿;单独说:go to an island(去岛屿)也是对的。

The scenery of Jiuzhaigou Valley _____ the tourists from all over the world. A.appeals to B..

A 试题分析:考查词组:appeal to“吸引”,句意:九寨沟的风景吸引了全世界的游客。是主动式,选A。点评:词组的考查没有捷径,只有加强平时的背诵,包括词组本身的含义,一词多义,以及词组和动词的搭配,做题时别忘了弄懂句意和上下文的逻辑关系,进行判断。学生平时要特别注意这方面的积累。

2。Each year,tourists from all over the world travel to Poland to visit a birthplace of Frederic Ch

1.took改为tooks 2.Each改为Every

The tourists climbed up to the top of the tower, _____________ the full extent of the town.


mainly tourists

mainly 是副词,修饰 are 街上的人主要是旅游者.


n. 旅游者(tourist的复数);(美)冬季到南方做工的流动工人v. 旅游;观光(tourist的三单形式)游客的tourists across the south-eastern part of Europe have faced severe disruption to their holiday plans , with hotels evacuated in fire-stricken areas and some roads rendered too dangerous to travel .在整个欧洲东南部地区,游客的度假计划被明显打乱。游客被迫撤离火灾地区的酒店,而一些道路也由于太过危险而关闭。

The Great Wall is a place ______ almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beij...

B 试题分析:考查定语从句。本定语从句的先行词是a place, which指代先行词在句中作为visit的宾语,ACD三项都是关系副词,在句中做状语。故B正确。点评:定语从句的关键是分析句子成分,如果句子很完整就使用关系副词;如果句子里缺少主语,宾语,表语或者短语使用关系代词。

Tourists are attract by the endless beaches and p


these tourists are dutch中的touch对提问

What are these /What"re these don"t touch

cusco is a popular destination for tourists 是什么结构
