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The bullet (子弹头) train D106...


bullet train怎么读

bullet train [英][u02c8bulit trein] [美][u02c8bu028alu026at tren]n.子弹头列车(高速列车); 弹速快车;



considerable training

根据句意,管理人员常常要接受一些关于职业技能方面的培训,但是很少培训是关于人力管理的. 前后应该是转折关系.关键词在于little,这个词体现了前后的转折关系

Tom Walts - Downtown Train 歌词翻译

We took the train downtown for sightseeing. 我们坐火车到城里观光。You take the downtown Line 5 train and get off at Dongdan. 你坐南向的5号线列车,在东单下车。Undaunted and determined to get to work, I decided to take the train uptownseveral stops and then switch back to the downtown train. 当时一心想要上班,于是我决定坐火车。先坐几站到城镇然后再转坐到市区。Please mind the coming train is an express train towards downtown. 请留意即将进站列车为快速进入市区的列车。Yes, you take the D train on the downtown platform, and go three stops. 是的,您在南线站台乘D 路车,一共三站路。Instead, following longtime journalistic instinct (i.e., lack of common sense), Ihopped on the first 1 train and headed downtown. 在长期新闻本能(对反常事件的敏感)的驱使下,我看到地铁就跳了上去,赶往市中心。Remember,the D train,the downtown platform. 记住,D路车,南线站台My pleasure. Remember, the D train, the downtown platform. 荣幸之至。记住,D路车,南线站台。In addition, the hotel enjoys a direct access to the downtown area through themaglev train. 不单如此,入住浦东机场华美达大酒店还可通过磁悬浮列车快捷来往于市区。After a two-hour boat ride and 20-minute hop by train, Iarrived in downtownGeneva, now home to United Nations bureaucrats and bankers. 经过两个半小时的船上旅途和20分钟的火车,我到达了日内瓦的市中心,现在是联合国总部。Business and leisure travelers can also get to downtown Hong Kong quickly on an express train service. 商务人士和悠闲的游客都可以乘坐快捷的城铁到达市中心。The train took us to downtown Westlake Center for 30 minutes. 轻轨带我们走过30多分钟到西湖中心,就是市中心。The city"s main train station at Midan Ramses marks Downtown"s northernmostextent. 全市在Midan拉姆西斯火车站标志着市区最北端的程度。He lives in a condo in downtown Chicago that is a 10-minute train commute fromhis office. 他居住在一所公寓里,地处芝加哥市中心,坐火车到办公室只要10分钟。Well, the airport is quite far from the downtown area, but it is still more convenientthan taking the train. 额,机场离商业区很远,但是比乘火车方便多了。Despite the Narita Airport in Tokyo, customers, mainly from the city, but it is faraway from each other and Tokyo, even the fastest train ride from the airport todowntown should take an hour. 尽管成田机场的客源主要来自东京市,但它与东京市中心相距遥远,即使乘坐最快的火车从机场到市中心也要花上一个小时。Meanwhile, downtown Kuala Lumpur returned to normalcy yesterday as all trainservices resumed and roads were reopened. 同时,吉隆坡市中心在昨日恢复常态,所有的列车服务都恢复正常,道路也都开放了。Meanwhile, downtown Kuala Lumpur returned to normalcy yesterday as all trainservices resumed and roads were reopened. 同时,吉隆坡市中心在昨日恢复常态,所有的列车服务都恢复正常,道路也都开放了。

论文阅读——D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detection of Local Features

u2003u2003作为近两年detector和descriptor joint learning(也称one-stage)类型论文的又一代表,D2-Net是一种相当特别的结构。其特点是“一图两用”,即网络预测出的dense tensor即是detection score maps,又是description map特征图即代表特征检测结果又代表特征描述结果(注意预测的特征图并不是原图分辨率大小)。换句话说,D2-Net的特征检测模块和描述模块是高度耦合的。 u2003u2003本文主要针对的是appearance变化较大(包括日-夜变化、大的视角变化等)场景下的图像匹配任务。文章作者比较了两种局部特征学习方法:sparse方法和dense方法。其中sparse方法高效,但是在appearance变化大的场景提取不到可重复的关键点,其原因在于特征提取器只使用浅层图像信息,不使用语义信息;dense方法则直接利用深层特征提取密集特征描述,更加鲁棒却以更高的匹配时间和内存开销为代价。 u2003u2003因此作者的目的在于,提出一种足够鲁棒的sparse local feature,让其提取的特征(兴趣点)具有更好的repeatability,进而实现既有sparse方法的高效性,又有dense方法的鲁棒性。其核心idea是将特征提取阶段延后,使得局部特征也可以利用高层语义信息,而不是只考虑低层信息。 问题:关于这里的sparse和dense方法 关键词:A single CNN plays a dual role; joint optimization; different train/test model structure u2003u2003不同于SuperPoint或者SEKD,本文虽然也是dense prediction类型的结构,但并不同时预测kpt和description两个图,而是只预测了一个形状为HxWxd(d为特征描述的长度)的特征图,然后既作描述结果又作检测结果…从spatial维度来说,该特征图的每个像素位置是一个描述子;从channel维度来说,每一个通道代表一个特征检测器的检测结果,总共得到d个2D响应图,这里可以用SIFT中的高斯差分金字塔响应来类比。 u2003u2003后续的兴趣点提取需要对这个d通道的特征图做进一步的后处理: u2003u2003按照上面对D2特征图的定义,如果(i,j)位置是一个兴趣点,则从通道维度来说该像素位置最终的检测结果肯定要取检测器响应值最大的通道对应数值,这样就选出了通道;从空间维度来说又要满足该位置在该通道的2D map必须为一个局部最大值。即本文中的"hard feature detection": u2003u2003首先对输入图像构建图像金字塔,然后在每个scale上进行forward,得到D2特征图,再把多尺度特征图逐scale上采样并与同分辨率融合(见下式),得到融合后的特征图。预测阶段根据融合特征图进行上述后处理,即可提取出特征点。 u2003u2003由于上述特点,网络结构本身发非常简单,直接用VGG16 conv4_3之前的部分,恢复ImageNet上的预训练权重,然后除了最后一层conv4_3之外全部冻结,只对该层做微调。不过关于模型,有两个值得注意的地方: u2003u20031.使用VGG16的结果比ReseNet好很多 u2003u20032.训练时和测试时的模型结构不同 u2003u2003具体来说,在测试阶段为了提高特征的分辨率,将pool3改成一个stride为1的avg pool,随后的三层conv dilation ratio调整为2,以维持相同的感受野。作者解释是说训练时为了减小内存使用比较小的特征分辨率,测试时为了提高特征定位能力,将分辨率提升到原图的1/4,并加上了一个类似SIFT中使用的局部特征提炼,然后将特征插值上采样到原分辨率。 u2003u2003不过训练过程不能用上面的hard feature detection,因为其不可微。故作者提出了一个soft的版本,其设计思想就是模仿hard方法的通道选择和空间位置选择(即通道内的局部最大值): u2003u2003对于空间位置选择,作者会对特征图的每个像素求一个α(i,j),得到α map(shape为[h,w,d]): u2003u2003其中N(i,j)代表以(i,j)为中心的9-邻域。因此可见这里的局部最大值其实是在3x3区域内的最大值,而不是式(3)中写的那样,整个通道只输出一个最大值。 u2003u2003对于通道选择,直接计算一个ratio-to-max得到β图(shape为[h,w,d]): u2003u2003根据kpt的定义,score map s就应该是α map和β map的乘积map在通道维度求最大值的结果。最后再做一个归一化:(问题:这个归一化让score map的像素值之和为1是什么意思?score map不应该用sigmoid之类的转为0-1之间的分布比较合理吗?) u2003u2003关于这部分还要考虑一个问题,为什么D2-Net需要在训练中提取兴趣点?(比如R2D2等结构,都是直接针对kpt score map做优化,只有实际预测时才需要根据score map提取特征点这个步骤) u2003u2003答:这个问题的理解是不正确的,训练中并不是提取兴趣点,而是在得到”single score map"。上面的hard feature detection相当于NMS的过程,输出的是稀疏的兴趣点位置坐标;而训练检测模块需要hxw的score map,故先要把hxwxd的特征图经过一个可微的步骤,处理后得到该score map。 ①triplet margin ranking loss(只考虑描述子) u2003u2003训练描述子其实没有太多不一样的地方,就是根据输入pair的correspondences,将每一个匹配对c视为正对,不匹配对为负对,对构成的三元组进行训练。主要问题是如何根据当前匹配对c构建最有意义的负对。作者这里用了一个基于邻域的困难样本挖掘策略,假如当前匹配为下图的点A和点B,那么分别在I1和I2扣去AB邻域的区域找负对,并分别与B的描述子dB、A的描述子dA进行比较,找到所有这种负对中相似度最小的,与c构建三元组。 u2003u2003以下p(c)和n(c)分别代表正对距离和负对距离。m(c)代表当前匹配c的triplet loss。 ②加入描述子优化的triplet margin ranking loss u2003u2003由于D2特征即代表兴趣点score map也代表描述子,本文的优化需要对检测和描述进行联合优化。作者在triplet margin ranking loss基础上加入了提升检测结果可重复性这一优化目标,具体实现方法是:利用输入两图像中所有correspondences的检测得分来对当前匹配计算出的triplet loss进行加权平均,如果当前匹配triplet loss很低(即该对匹配的距离远小于其各自的最难负对),则为了最小化loss,这一对triplet loss小(即区分度高)的correspondence自然要给更大的权值;其他triplet loss大的correspondence就给小点的权值。 u2003u2003感觉文中式(13)的符号有点confusing,m(p(c),n(c))直接写成,m(c)可能更加简洁。

26 His brother ____(hope) to catch the last train, but he was too late


请问有谁知道一部儿童动画片《dinosaur train》的主题歌词?

If you"ve got a little girl, you"d better take the timeTo go to her tea parties, and give her a piggyback rideBe a dragon or a dinosaur, every chance you get"Cause one day you can"t bearShe"ll go on you, before you can turn aroundAnd it"s so lonley, watching that fast train leaving townBetter cherish her every second of your life"Cause this preacious little thing that we call timeShe"ll go on youIf you"ve got a special one, you"d better love her everydayLeave her notes on the fridgerater door, and send her sweet bouquetsAlways be her confidant, a safe place for her to restOr that little thing you call your happinessShe"ll go on you, before you can turn aroundAnd it"s so lonley, watching that fast train leaving townBetter cherish her every second of your lifeTake her in your arms and do her rightShe"ll go on youIf you"ve got you momma there, you ought to thank her everydayFor nursing all your colds, and sitting up when you"d stay out lateAll her hair is grey, and every year she"s not as strongOne of these days before too longShe"ll go on you, before you can turn aroundAnd it"s so lonley, watching that fast train leaving townBetter cherish her every second of your life"Cause before you get the chance to say goodbyeShe"ll go on youYeah this preacious little thing that we call lifeShe"ll go on youYeah she will


restrict、limit、confine、restrain的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、含义不同1、restrictvt. 限制;约束。2、limitn. 限度。vt. 限定3、confinevt. 禁闭。n. 范围;界限4、restrainvt. 抑制;阻止;束缚;剥夺二、用法不同1、restrict直接源自拉丁语的restrictus。restrict通常用作及物动词,有限制,限定(数量、范围等);约束;妨碍;(以法规)限制等含义。也可加介词使用。In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties.政府在限制进口的措施中提高了关税。2、limitlimit的基本意思是“限度,限制”,指事物在某〔些〕方面(如空间、时间、程度、数量等)划定的不可逾越的界限。用于比喻则指由自然界、权威当局或协定、合同等规定的期限,其前通常加不定冠词;也可指“无法忍受的人,糟糕得令人难以忍受的事”,此时常与定冠词the连用。His car exceeded the speed limit.他的汽车超过了限定的速度。3、confineconfine的基本意思是“限制”“约束”“划界”,用作及物动词时指“把…限制在…范围内,限制的范围多是狭窄的空间,即“绝对不许越过或不能超出一定的范围或限度”,引申可表示严格管束或监禁,即“把…关在…里”“禁闭”等。Dikes confined the flood water.堤防挡住了洪水。4、restrain14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的restreindre,意为压制;最初源自拉丁语的restringere,意为约束。作动词含“阻止、抑制、制止”之意,restrain含义广,指用强力或权力去阻止或限制某人做某事。If you can"t restrain your dog, you must lock it up.如果你无法管住你的狗,就必须把它关起来。三、侧重点不同1、restrict作动词有“限制,约束,管制”的意思,restrict是指限制在一个界限或范围内。作动词有“限制,限定”之意,restrict指把某人或物限制在一定范围之内。2、limit作动词有“限制,限定”之意,limit一般指事先确定空间、时间或数量的极限,一旦超越限度,就会造成不良结果。当然也可指不事先规定,而且自然的或固有的界限。3、confine作动词有“限制,限定”之意,confine侧重施加不可逾越的限制,有时暗示束缚、囚禁。4、restrain作动词有“限制,约束,管制”的意思,restrain的语气比较温和,有时指自我约束。


1、training,训练。读音:美/u02c8treu026anu026au014b/;英/u02c8treu026anu026au014b/。2、释义:n.训练;培养;瞄准;整枝。v.训练;教养(train的ing形式)。3、例句:The new students are going to have a weeks military training.新来的学生将要进行为期一周的军训。相关短语:1、训练护士:train a nurse2、训练新兵:drill new recruits3、野外训练field training4、正规训练regular training5、专业训练professional training

Clearance Constraint(Gap=0.254mm)(All),(All)什么意思?

因为你焊盘和引线之距离太小,违反了Clearance这个规则,你需要改一下这个规则。改了之后还是会有连着引线的焊盘会报错,可以先不管,直接自动布线,等自动布线完成后手动添加没布好的那几根线就好了焊盘(land or pad),表面贴装装配的基本构成单元,用来构成电路板的焊盘图案(land pattern),即各种为特殊元件类型设计的焊盘组合。有许多的工业文献出于IPC(Association Connecting Electronics Industries), EIA(Electronic Industry Alliance)和JEDEC(Solid State Technology Association).在设计焊盘结构时应该使用,主要的文件是IPC-SM-782《表面贴装设计与焊盘结构标准》,它提供有关用于表面贴装元件的焊盘结构的信息。当J-STD-001《焊接电气与电子装配的要求》和IPC-A-610《电子装配的可接受性》用作焊接点工艺标准时,焊盘结构应该符合IPC-SM-782的意图。如果焊盘大大地偏离IPC-SM-782,那么将很困难达到符合J-STD-001和IPC-A-610的焊接点。元件知识(即元件结构和机械尺寸)是对焊盘结构设计的基本的必要条件。

Clearance Constraint (Gap=0.254mm) (All),(All)


Liu Xiang-trained for gold Sports yearbook 2004 全文翻译

对黄金的体育训练项羽刘年鉴》2004年对刘翔,生命是一个体育英雄才刚刚开始。拳头,他会邀请世界各地的比赛。他会被选出来代表中国在奥运会上。他是一个象征中国的国际体育赛事的胜利。而现在,他很是世界各地,刘翔还将被要求出现广告,拍电影,甚至录唱片。但他的教练孙海平是确保他定期列车。刘兴将建议他的教练如何成为一个伟大的运动员,和被他的经理在如何成为一个明星。刘翔不是一个一夜成名。他出生在上海1983年7月13日,像许多Olaympic ang运动开始,他开始训练,当他还很年轻。在四年级,他去了上海普陀区青少年体育学校的上海。刘翔是鼓励首先培养成一个跳高运动员。比,在1998年,他的技能在跨栏是注意到他的教练孙海平。刘翔是一个特殊的项目帮助下。它成立于2001年,旨在帮助年轻运动员组成。刘的比赛都被记录下来,他的表现与世界上最好的体育明星。孙海平利用这些信息来改变刘翔的训练计划。2002年,他赢得了他的第一个国际110米跨栏事件在瑞士,同年,一枚金牌,在韩国Asina游戏。在2004年,刘翔赢得了第一枚奥运金牌在同一事件对中国在希腊雅典。所以下一次是什么刘翔吗?他发现,生活中有更多比训练吗?他会被鼓励花更多时间远离运动吗?不,刘翔将去更多的奖牌,中国因为他被培养成黄金!

Sheila E. and the E-Train的《River God》 歌词

歌曲名:River God歌手:Sheila E. and the E-Train专辑:HeavenAkron/Family - RiverAnd you are no longer river to meAnd you are no longer river to meThough your coarsing remainEager to acquaint meAnd you are no longer docile streamAnd you are no longer docile streamThough your patience proves you into easeAnd once this spark met kindlingForgets its gentle amblingBecoming heat, becoming steamBecoming luminescent gleeAtoms splinter, sparklingAlive and nimble symmetryAnd all along, this glisteningBlankets we and everythingShadows dance triumphantlyA wordless whisper sighs and pleasLittle deaths envelope theeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeAnd you are not glassy bay to meAnd you are not glassy bay to meThough my tired fleet abides in your gentle breezeAnd you are now vast and open seaAnd my mind travels you endlesslyAnd you beckon, toss and toss and swallow meAnd once this spark met kindlingForgets its gentle amblingBecoming heat, becoming steamBecoming luminescent gleeAtoms splinter, sparklingAlive and nimble symmetryAnd all along, this glisteningBlankets we and everythingShadows dance triumphantlyA wordless whisper sighs and pleasLittle deaths envelop theeYou and I and a flame makes threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make three

make out session和train wreck什么意思?

make out session = 两个(恋)人亲热一番, kiss and "make out"train wreck = 字面上是火车事故的残骸,但是它也可以是一个形容词:如果一个人看起来像一个train wreck,他看起来很糟糕、很颓废;如果一个人的生活是一个train wreck,在这个场合train wreck形容他的生活很糟糕。

Android-ConstraintLayout(约束布局)-Centering/Circular and with Bias了解一下

居中显示不难哈,分两种:水平居中、垂直居中; 在相对布局里面可以 layout_centerXxxxxx 来设置居中,而在约束布局里面是这样考虑的:其实居中就是既然靠左/上,也要靠右/下, 这样渲染时就知道, “哦,原来你是想居中哇”。 然后现在我们有两个控件都设置了左右上的相对位置约束, 都居中了。现在我想让其中一个控件距离parent左边=%20 screen_width?一旦你设置了既靠左,又靠右,那么自然就是居中了,怎么设置距离左边距离呢? 其实有两种, 一是设置间距, 第二种是利用偏离率 layout_constraintHorizontal_bias *来设置百分比. 1.利用 layout_marginLeft 来设置间距,你还需要适配不同分辨率机型,麻烦。而且还需要注意一点,利用marginLeft时不能设置靠右属性哟!!!其实想想,有了marginleft,还需要靠右属性么?自然没有必要了塞.... 2.领用bias的话就好些了,至少利用百分比不用去做什么适配,能保证不同分辨率机型上比例一致.. a。首先看看居中,以及marginleft的方式: b。再看看bias的方式 在布局管理器你也可以随意拖动调试查看各种布局的效果,琢磨琢磨就会越来越熟悉。嗯。加油,么么哒.... 官网: ConstraintLayout | Android

cs231n作业中的一句代码prob[range(num_train), y],不懂这里什么意思

类似的还有scores[range(num_train), y]) , num_train=500,y是一个向量 (500,1) scores大小是(500,10) 然后求np.sum(scores[range(num_train), y])) 不是很清楚scores[range(num_train), y])这个表达式是什么意思?

Ce Train Quisen Va(离去的列车) 歌词

歌曲名:Ce Train Quisen Va(离去的列车)歌手:贵族乐团专辑:天籁地球村CE TRAIN QUISEN VA(离去的列车)贵族乐团Je n"aurais pas du venirJ"aurais du savoir mentirNe laisser que ton sourireVivre dans mes souvenirsJ"aurais du laisser l"espoirAdoucir les au revoirCe train qui s"en vaC"est un peu de toiQui partQui partJe savais que ce serait Difficilemais je pensaisQue je saurai te cacherLe plus grand de mes secretsMais a quoi bon te mentirC"est dur de te voir partirEt avant que ne coule Une larmeDans ton sourire quiMe desarmeJe cherche un peuDe reconfortDans tes bras je veux Me blottirPour mieux garder Le souvenirDe tout"la chaleur de Ton corpsJe n"aurais pas du venirJ"aurais du savoir mentirNe laisser que ton sourireVivre dans mes souvenirsJ"ai beau essayer d"y croireJe sais bien qu"il est trop tard译文:离去的列车不该来的应该找个借口别只留下你的微笑留在我的记忆里我该保留希望淡化离别的痛苦火车将离站一部份的你也走了也走了我知道这会是困难的但是我想我不该向你泄露我最大的秘密可是为什么不告诉你呢看着你走很难受在流下泪前在你的微笑中我不再坚持我找寻一些安慰我想依偎在你怀中让我好好在记忆中保留你的怀中的温热不该来的应该找个借口别只留下你的微笑留在我的记忆里我试着接受这一切我知道一切都太晚了

求 meghan trainor的歌 love me more 的中午音译歌词!!

Love me moreMeghan Trainor======================================well you love like a motherlove like a fatherlove me love love me moreyeah you talk like leaderbut walk like a follower baby you should love me, love me moreyour sweet, sweeter then most, but thats all i can say andyeah im sure you love me so, but i don"t know if i can it backcause i was younglike a childand it was too too fast to fallcause now your hopin that say it back chorus like my dad, you say im the bestbut i don"t realy wanna hear thatat times yeah you can be cutebut no cuter than my little broand you, you gotta go cause i cant deal with a boywho doesn"t know and if you don"t understand what i meanwell all im trynna say is you

初一英语阅读题Jack _1_ traveling by train.Traveling by train is ver?

大概是a c a a a b,9,初一英语阅读题 Jack _1_ traveling by train.Traveling by train is very _2_.Most of the train are air-conditioned,warm in winter and cool in summer.Jack usually _3_ a non- *** oking car,taking a seat by the window so he can enjoy the outside views.If it is a night train,the experience can be more _4_.He just sleeps the whole night and the next day he will be in a new city.By the way,he never has to worry about his meals.The train _5_ food to the passengers. Traveling by train has another _6_,you may meet some old friends or you can listen to people talking about something of your interests.Last week when Jack was on a train,for example,he happened to meet a primary school clas *** ate.They _7_ about many things:the games they played,the jokes they made on their clas *** ates and the funny things they had done. ( ) B.enjoy C.dislike ( ) B.expensive Cfortable D.difficult ( )3.A.chose B.chooses C.choice D.prefer ( )4.A.exciting B.excite C.excited D.excites ( ) B.cooks C.sells D.makes ( )6.A.good C.interesting D.funny ( )7.A.said B.told C.spoke D.talked

什么是Training metrics

Training metrics指的是培训指标企业在实施培训过程中,除了关注培训的内容和方法外,更注重培训效果达到既定的目标,培训的投入产出是否达到预期,培训是否给员工带来知识面的拓宽和能力的提升,最终给企业带来效益等等,所以说培训效果是培训工作的目标,也是培训工作的核心内容。但是,对培训效果的评估和考核一直是培训工作的难点,特别是像国内一些刚发展起来的企业,在培训方面还没有完善相关的机制,面对不同的培训内容和培训体系,如何科学、合理,有针对性的评估培训效果,

英语作文:关于军训的英语作文 Military Training

Military Training In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most studentsare afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summerdays, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside allthe day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be asolder. They have to obey many rules that they don"t have to in daily life. And,the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care uspatiently. However, military training is a good way to train students" strongwillpower. It"s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it"s necessary tovery student. 在我国,当我们去上初中的时候,我们必须参加军训。到部分的学生都害怕军训,因为训练通常是在炎热的夏天进行。夏天,天气炎热难熬。但是,学生必须 一整天都呆在外面。另外,训练还很辛苦。学生们必须像士兵一样。他们必须遵守很多在日常生活中无需遵守的规则。而且,教官对学生很严厉。他们像老师一样耐 心照顾我们。但是,军训也是一种锻炼学生意志的好方法。它对学生的生活很有帮助。因此,军训对学生是很必要的。

军训 Military Training

In our country,when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most Studentsare afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summerdays, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside allthe day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be asolder. They have to obey many rules that they don"t have to in daily life. And,the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care uspatiently. However, military training is a good way to train students" strongwillpower. It"s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it"s necessary tovery student.,在我国,当我们去上初中的时候,我们必须参加军训。到部分的学生都害怕军训,因为训练通常是在炎热的夏天进行。夏天,天气炎热难熬。但是,学生必须一整天都呆在外面。另外,训练还很辛苦。学生们必须像士兵一样。他们必须遵守很多在日常生活中无需遵守的规则。而且,教官对学生很严厉。他们像老师一样耐心照顾我们。但是,军训也是一种锻炼学生意志的好方法。它对学生的生活很有帮助。因此,军训对学生是很必要的。


restriction:约束, 限制.restraint:抑制,克制.区别:前者强调客观条件的限制,后者强调主动有意识地克制。例句:The park is open to the public without restriction.这个公园对公众开放, 没有任何限制。His affections were kept under continual restraint.他的感情一直受到压抑。

suspended monorail train是什么意思

single track railway

The police train the dogs.为什么train不用三单?

police 是警察的总称,一个警察的表达是a policeman 或a policewoman,所以the police 作主语时,谓语动词用原形,不是用动词的三单形式。



—Have you seen Maragaret? The boss is looking for her everywhere.—She________the train, otherwi.

B 试题分析:考查情态动词表示推测。根据后面的otherwise she would have arrived here by now(要不然她就会到了)说明是对过去所发生的情况的推测。故使用“情态动词+have done”的形式。Should have done本应该做某事,实际上却未做;must have done一定做了某事;句意:—你看见Maragaret了吗?老板到处找她。—她一定错过了火车了,要不然,她会到了的。故B正确。点评:情态动词的用法比较复杂。突出的是表示推测:如果是对现在的情况进行推测,使用“情态动词+动词原形”;对过去的情况进行推测,使用“情态动词+have done”;情态动词也经常用于虚拟语气,要分具体情况来分析,在条件句中和宾语从句,表语从句中都有体现。



求教关于GTA-Vice City Trainer修改器的问题

文件夹里的所有文件都有用, 你可以试一下 运行游戏后按下WIN键切回桌面(WIN键就是Ctrl与Alt中间的那个键位 就在键盘的左下方)打开你用的这个GTA 罪恶都市的修改器选择车的名字然后点击刷车,最后切回游戏 看看路面上是不是有自己刷出的那辆车!注意: 必须要走出房间,一定要保持在路面上 才可以刷出汽车!文件中的INI文件 应该是菜单栏的汉化文件!

The train is leaving in 10 minutes 为什么要用is leavin


《猜火车》Trainspotting经典台词    《猜火车》 (Trainspotting)是1996年由英国导演丹尼·博伊尔执导的剧情片,伊万·麦克格雷格,艾文·布莱纳领衔主演。影片改篇自欧文·威尔士同名小说的黑色剧情电影,影片讲述一群爱丁堡的海洛瘾君子的生活。四名男主角是英国爱丁堡地区吸毒的一代,活在垃圾般的底层中自得其乐。其中,瑞登最自甘堕落,他有机会离开故乡去找一份像样的工作,过正常人的生活,但代价是出卖朋友的故事。   分享 《猜火车》经典台词 ,中英文对照:Choose life.选择生活。   Choose a job.选择一份活儿。   Choose a career.选择一项事业。   Choose a family, Choose a fucking big television,选择一个家庭,选择一个巨他妈大的电视机。   Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers.选择洗衣机、汽车、镭射音响,还有电动开罐器。   Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance.选择小心保养自己的身体、低胆固醇和牙科保险。   Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments.选择固定利率的抵押贷款。   Choose a starter home.选择政府提供的.低价而体面的住宅。   Choose your friends.选择你的朋友。   Choose leisure wear and matching luggage.选择休闲装和配套的旅行包。   Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics.选择用分期付款买回同系列的他妈什么织物做的三套件西装。   Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning.选择自己动手做,然后在某个星期天的早晨问自己我这是在哪儿呀。   Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth.选择坐在那张睡椅上看让脑子发木,脑浆被挤成稀屎状的体育节目,一边往自己嘴里塞他妈的垃圾食物。   Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself.选择在这一切的末尾烂掉,最后在一个破破烂烂的家里遭儿女唾弃,当初你用精子弄出他们来代替你,现在对这些自私的、满不在乎的小子们来说,你只是一个老厌物。   Choose your future.选择你的未来。   Choose life.选择生活。   But who would I want to do a thing like that?但我是谁啊?我会想去做那些事情?   I choose not to choose life: I choose something else.我选择不选择生活:我选择一些别的什么东西。   And the reasons? There are no reasons.理由?没有理由。   Who need reasons when you"ve got heroin?有了海洛,谁还需要理由呢? ;

pulse train是什么意思

pulse train 英[pu028cls trein] 美[pu028cls tren] [词典] 脉冲序列; 脉冲列; 脉冲群; 一串脉冲; [例句]Superposition Mechanism of Pulse Train"s Transmission in Semitransparent Medium半透明介质内激光脉冲链传输过程的叠加机理

求"the importance of physical training"话题的大学英语作文

It is reported that the health of young people in China,college students in particular,is not as good as is supposed to be.There are many reasons for this fact,but the main reason is that many people ignore the importance of physical exercises. Why,then,are physical exercises so important to our health?First,physical exercises can improve blood circulation,speeding up the supply of nutrients and oxygen to every part of the body and the removal of waste from the blood through sweating and exhalation.Secondly,physical exercises can promote a healthy metaboli *** .It helps with the digestion and absorption of food,thus giving everyone a good appetite.Thirdly,physical exercise can help consume excessive fat in the body,preventing people from putting on too much weight,thus keeping them in good shape.Finally,after physical exercises we usually need a good rest and a sound sleep at night,refreshing us for the next day"s work. In conclusion,physical exercises not on[y keep us fit and strong,but also help us to be successful in our lives.It is,therefore,strongly suggested that young people spare some time to take an active part in various kinds of physical exercises.

Train的《Ordinary》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Ordinary歌手:Train专辑:Alive At LastTen spiders crawlon my wallsI guess that"s allIt"s just an ordinary dayI don"t know whenwe"ll meet againI guess it"ll bein an ordinary placeIf my heart breakswill you pick it upand put it in a plastic boxIf my heart failswill you set it straightwill you be there if I callI still get you on speed dialSo beautifulthe lines you drawand the lines that makes upyou ordinary faceThrough the dayand into the nightthrough this lifein an ordinary wayIf my heart breakswill you pick it upand put it in a plastic boxIf my heart failswill you set it straightwill you be there if I callI still get you on speed dialhttp://music.b***.com/song/8974205

The train ____ (leave) in 30 minutes.答案是leaves,为什



培训 [péi xùn]to cultivate

Crazy Train 歌词

歌曲名:Crazy Train歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Live At BudokanCrazy Trainby:yxyALL ABOARDHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAIE AIE AIE AIE AIE AIE AIECrazy,but that"s how it goesMillions of people livin as foe....s,Maybe it"s not too lateTo learn how to loveAnd forget how to hateMental wounds not healingLife"s a bitter shameI"m going off the rails on a crazy trainI"m going off the rails on a crazy trainI"ve listened to preachersI"ve listened to fools,I"ve went to the dropouts,Who make their own rulesOne person conditioned to rule and controlThe media sells it and you live the roleMental wounds still screamingDriving me insaneI"m going off the rails on a crazy trainI"m going off the rails on a crazy trainI know that things are going wrong for meYou gotta listen to my wordsYeh-hHeirs of a cold warThat"s what we"ve becomeInheriting troublesI"m mentally dumbCrazy, I just cannot bearI"m living with something and its just not fairMental wounds not healingProbably in painI"m going off the rails on a crazy trainI"m going off the rails on a crazy train

ozzy osbourne 的crazy train 歌词中英文对照

Crazy Train Crazy, but that"s how it goes Millions of people living as foes Maybe it"s not too late To learn how to love And forget how to hate Mental wounds not healing Life"s a bitter shame I"m goin" off the rails on a crazy train. I"m goin" off the rails on a crazy train. (Let"s go) I"ve listened to preachers I"ve listened to fools I"ve watched all the dropouts Who make their own rules One person conditioned To rule and control The media sells it And you live the role Mental wounds still screaming Driving me insane I"m going off the rails on a crazy train I"m going off the rails on a crazy train Bridge: I know that things are going wrong for me You gotta listen to my words Yeah-h-h!!!!!!! (solo) Heirs of a cold war That"s what we"ve become Interiting troubles, I"m mentally numb Crazy, I just cannot bear I"m living with something That just isn"t fair Mental wounds not healing Who and what"s to blame I"m going off the rails on a crazy train I"m going off the rails on a crazy train.

ozzy osbourne 的crazy train 歌词中英文对照视频里有

ozzy osbourne 的crazy train 歌词中英文对照视频里有

Morning Train (Nine To Five) (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Morning Train (Nine To Five) (Edit)歌手:Sheena Easton专辑:Original Hits - The GirlsSheena Easton - Morning Train(9to5)作词:F.Palmer作曲:F.Palmer编曲:福山泰史I wake up every morningI stumble out of bedStretching and yawningAnother day aheadIt seems to last foreverAnd time goes slowly by"Till babe and me"s togetherThen it starts to fly"Cause the moment that he"s with meTime can take a flightThe moment that he"s with meEverything"s all rightNight-time is the right timeWe make loveThen it"s his and my timeWe take offMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himHe takes me to a movieOr to a restaurantTo go slow dancingAnything I wantOnly when he"s with meI catch a lightOnly when he gives meMakes me feel all rightMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himAll day I think of himDreaming of him constantlyI"m crazy mad for himAnd he"s crazy mad for meWhen he steps off the trainI"m makin" a fool,a fightWork all day to earn his paySo we can play all nightMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home again

Morning Train 歌词

歌曲:Morning Train演唱:Chris Barber S Jazz Band作词:F.Palmer作曲:F.Palmer专辑:《The Best Of Chris Barber》歌词:I wake up every morningI stumble out of bedStretching and yawningAnother day aheadIt seems to last foreverAnd time goes slowly by"Till babe and me"s togetherThen it starts to fly"Cause the moment that he"s with meTime can take a flightThe moment that he"s with meEverything"s all rightNight-time is the right timeWe make loveThen it"s his and my timeWe take offMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himHe takes me to a movieOr to a restaurantTo go slow dancingAnything I wantOnly when he"s with meI catch a lightOnly when he gives meMakes me feel all rightMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himAll day I think of himDreaming of him constantlyI"m crazy mad for himAnd he"s crazy mad for meWhen he steps off the trainI"m makin" a fool,a fightWork all day to earn his paySo we can play all nightMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home againTo find me waiting for himMy baby takes the morning trainHe works from nine "til five and thenHe takes another home again

the train is going down thehill英语是什么意思


GTA4 Native Trainer(全版本支持的修改器)怎么操作

GTA4 Simple Native Trainer 简单易用作弊器~主菜单按顺序是Options 设置Car Options 车辆设置Bodyguard/Ped Spawning 调出保镖/路人Car Spawning 调出车辆Mission Help 任务帮助Model Spawning 调出模型Teleporting 瞬移Teleporting Save 保存瞬移地点Time 游戏时间Weapons 武器设置Weather 天气设置Options 设置菜单:(只说重要的,太多了。。)Always God Mode On/Off 神模式(不掉血,不会从车里飞出来,撞车没有损坏)Special God Mode 特殊神模式 (不掉血,从车里飞出来)Gravity On/Off 开启、关闭重力。。。。Car God Mode 车神模式(车辆不会有损坏)Never Wanted 永不通缉。。。 Unlock Map 解锁所有地图。。。。Give Weapons 1/2 给予武器。。。。Unlimited Ammo 无限弹药【第二页】。。最后一个 Disable Trainer 关闭作弊器(按ctrl+alt+e重新开启)Car Options 车辆设置Fix Car 修车Flip Car 车翻了以后按这个翻回来Bodyguard/Peds spawning 这个没怎么用过Car Spawning 调车,这个就不用解释了。Model Spawning 调出模型这个就是在游戏里调出游戏中的模型(物品),可以建房子使,这个比较复杂。。Teleporting 瞬移选择地名瞬移 或者Teleport to Waypoint 瞬移到地图上标注地点(在游戏地图地图按鼠标右键设置)Weapons 自己试。WeatherExtra Sunny 非常晴Sunny 晴Foggy 雾Raining 雨Extra Sunny 2 非常晴2Time 时间Noon 中午Afternoon 下午Evening 傍晚Night 夜晚(5点。。)Sync System Time 与系统时间同步

GTA4 Native Trainer 6.4 中文翻译

一篇关于my first train ride的作文

For me,I"ve paid large numbers of visits to various interesting places by plan or by sea,however,I haven"t got any experience of taking a train.Recently,my first ride on a train came which impressed me a lot.That is the way to Xizang. On that day,I entered the train with excited and curious feelings.I looked around,and found that the train is different from the plan or the ship,for it gives me a sense of security.After a while,a trainman came,serving us drinks and food.I have to say that his attitude towards the passengers is pretty good,and the food is delicious as well.What"s more,the train offers us various entertainment ways,we can watch TV,play cards,and listen to the music for fun. This is my first ride on a train,I enjoyed it a lot and I won"t forget it.

以my first train ride为题写一篇短文

For me,I"ve paid large numbers of visits to various interesting places by plan or by sea,however,I haven"t got any experience of taking a train.Recently,my first ride on a train came which impressed me a lot.That is the way to Xizang.On that day,I entered the train with excited and curious feelings.I looked around,and found that the train is different from the plan or the ship,for it gives me a sense of security.After a while,a trainman came,serving us drinks and food.I have to say that his attitude towards the passengers is pretty good,and the food is delicious as well.What"s more,the train offers us various entertainment ways,we can watch TV,play cards,and listen to the music for fun.This is my first ride on a train,I enjoyed it a lot and I won"t forget it.o(∩_∩)o 希望能帮助到你,望及时采纳!

关于 My first train ride 的100字作文


以my first train ride为题写一篇短文

For me,I"ve paid large numbers of visits to various interesting places by plan or by sea,however,I haven"t got any experience of taking a train.Recently,my first ride on a train came which impressed me a lot.That is the way to Xizang. On that day,I entered the train with excited and curious feelings.I looked around,and found that the train is different from the plan or the ship,for it gives me a sense of security.After a while,a trainman came,serving us drinks and food.I have to say that his attitude towards the passengers is pretty good,and the food is delicious as well.What"s more,the train offers us various entertainment ways,we can watch TV,play cards,and listen to the music for fun. This is my first ride on a train,I enjoyed it a lot and I won"t forget it. o(∩_∩)o 望及时采纳!

高中英语必修一,第三单元,my first ride on a train 的翻译

我的名字叫埃利斯.托马斯,来自澳大利亚悉尼,今年18岁了。最近我第一次乘坐了火车!我和我的一位朋友乘坐著名的Ghan线专列,从悉尼上车,在爱丽丝.斯普林斯下车。我们在乘坐了两天两夜,火车很好,车上的食物也不错,我们吃的非常好。在旅途的开始几百公里,沿途的风景是多姿多彩的,有很多田野和黑红色的土壤。接下来,就是沙漠。太阳炙烤着,没有风,也没有云。突然间,展现在眼前的是另外一个时代的景象,我们看到了遗弃的一百多年前建起的农庄。火车乘坐起来很舒适,车上的人也很友好。白天,我坐在窗口,看外面的景色,时而与其他乘客聊聊天。我也看书,听汉语的录音带,因为我正在学中文。一次午夜,我眺望夜空,星星像钻石一样在闪烁。为什么这列火车被命名为Ghan呢?许久以前,澳大利亚人需要马匹运送货物,但是马匹不易适应酷热的天气和沙漠。150年前,他们就从阿富汗人手中买了一些骆驼。Ghan 是阿富汗的简写。骆驼比起马匹更适合远距离跋涉。多少年来,被驯服的骆驼运走食物和其他物资,带回羊毛和其他产品,一直到20世纪20年代。此时,政府修建了一条崭新的铁路线,他们不再需要骆驼了,并于1924年通过一项法案,即如果一些动物的存在会造成问题,人们可以射杀他们。在1935年,一个镇上的警察一天之内就杀掉了153头骆驼

英语作文 my first ride on a motor train

my first ride on a motor family and i went to the home of aunt by motor train last weekend.the motor train is so fast and quiet that i evencan"t feel a little"s so comfortable.the view through the window leave behind quickly.but i still can reserve them a little.there are rows of houses, small hill and lots of kinds of trees.i saw a father told his little lovely daughter,look,this is motor train of our country ,its the best of the should be proud of our motherland.l look the little girl and the father with a smile. my first ride on a motor train is so pleasant and meaningful.i can"t wait start my second ride.

LVtrainer nigo2有几个配色


train railway subway metro这些词有什么区别


train railway subway metro这些词有什么区别


sum to zero constraint是什么意思

sum to zero constraint零约束 例句筛选1.This paper provides a general study of this for transceivers with thezero-forcing constraint.本文提供了一个一般性研究这个的收发器与迫零的制约因素。2.In the other, we use the particular attributes of zero-crossings asconstraint in coarse matching, which can improve the matchingspeed.另一方面,使用过零点的特有属性作为粗匹配的匹配约束,可以提高匹配速度。

歌曲名:Marry Me 歌手:Train 翻译这首歌的歌词。

Forevercanneverbelongenoughforme对我而言,说永远也不算长久  FeellikeI"vehadlongenoughwithyou  感觉你我曾相知相伴很久  Forgettheworldnowwewon"tletthemsee  如今忘掉一切凡尘俗事,我们不会让他们知晓  Butthere"sonethinglefttodo  但只剩下一件事必须去做  Nowthattheweighthaslifted  如今重担已经挑起  Lovehassurelyshiftedmyway  真爱确实改变了我  MarryMe  嫁给我吧  Todayandeveryday  从今往后,朝夕相伴  MarryMe  嫁给我吧  IfIevergetthenervetosayHellointhiscafe  虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋紧张兮兮向你问好  Sayyouwill  说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm  嗯  Sayyouwill  说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm  嗯  Togethercanneverbecloseenoughforme  对我来说,说相依相偎也不够亲密  FeellikeIamcloseenoughtoyou  感觉我与你两心相印亲密无间  YouwearwhiteandI"llwearoutthewordsIlove  你身着洁白婚纱,我对你的爱无以言表  Andyou"rebeautiful  你美丽动人  Nowthatthewaitisover  如今犹豫徘徊已经结束  Andlovehasfinallyshownhermyway  我最终以自己的方式向她表明了真爱  Marryme  嫁给我吧  Todayandeveryday  从今往后,朝夕相伴  Marryme  嫁给我吧  IfIevergetthenervetosayhellointhiscafe  虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋紧张兮兮向你问好  Sayyouwill  说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm  嗯  Sayyouwill  说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm  嗯  Promiseme  请给答应我  You"llalwaysbeHappybymyside  你在我身边将永远幸福快乐  IpromisetoSingtoyou  我答应为你歌唱  Whenallthemusicdies  当一切音乐都消逝了的时候  Andmarryme  嫁给我吧  Todayandeveryday  从今往后,一生一世  Marryme  嫁给我吧  IfIevergetthenervetosayhellointhiscafe  虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋紧张兮兮向你问好  Sayyouwill  说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm  嗯  Sayyouwill  说你愿意吧  Marryme  嫁给我吧  Mm-hmm  嗯

歌曲:marry me,歌手;Train,求翻译歌词

[ar:][ti:Marry Me嫁给我][00:03.47]Marry Me嫁给我 [00:05.16]Train[00:10.47]Forever can never be long enough for me对于我而言说永远不算长久[00:16.10]Feel like I"ve had long enough with you感觉你我曾相知相伴很久[00:22.72]Forget the world now we won"t let them see如今如今忘掉一切凡尘俗世 我们不会让他们知晓[00:25.91]But there"s one thing left to do如今重担已经挑起[00:33.47]Now that the weight has lifted但是剩下一件事必须去做[00:38.85]Love has surely shifted my way真爱已经彻底改变了我[00:42.66]Marry Me嫁给我吧[00:49.54]Today and every day 从今往后朝夕相伴[00:57.06]Marry Me嫁给我[00:58.48]If I ever get the nerve to say虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋[01:01.48]Hello in this cafe紧张兮兮向你问好[01:03.29]Say you will说你愿意[01:06.35]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[01:06.60]Say you will说你愿意[01:10.98]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[01:17.60]Together can never be close enough for me对我来说说相依相偎也不够亲密[01:22.73]Feel like I am close enough to you感觉我与你两心心相印亲密无间[01:27.23]You wear white and I"ll wear out the words I love你身着洁白婚纱我对你的爱无以言表[01:30.17]And you"re beautiful你是如此美丽动人[01:35.79]Now that the wait is over如今犹豫徘徊已经结束[01:42.92]And love and has finally shown her my way我最终以自己的方式向她表明真爱[01:47.79]Marry me 嫁给我吧[01:54.36]Today and every day从今往后朝夕相伴[01:58.48]Marry me嫁给我吧[02:04.09]If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋 紧张兮兮向你问好[02:08.29]Say you will 说你愿意[02:09.48]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[02:12.48]Say you will说你愿意[02:15.30]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[02:15.67]Promise me 答应我[02:22.30]You"ll always be你会一直幸福[02:24.61]Happy by my side在我身边[02:26.80]I promise to我答应[02:33.61]Sing to you 为你歌唱[02:36.42]When all the music dies当所有的音乐停止的时候[02:40.98]And marry me嫁给我吧[02:52.36]Today and everyday从今往后朝夕相伴[02:57.80]Marry me嫁给我吧[03:01.24]If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋紧张兮兮向你问好[03:04.73]Say you will说你愿意[03:08.99]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[03:09.36]Say you will说你愿意[03:16.74]Marry me嫁给我吧[03:22.52]Mm-hmm嗯嗯

Facilitator as Coach, Teacher, Trainer, and Mentor

As facilitators, I think most of us will agree that our foremost role is this: to be the “keeper of the process.” Yet from a practical standpoint, we will often be called to edge over slightly into roles better described by terms such as coach, teacher, trainer, and mentor. How you may ask do these roles differ? Let"s take a quick look. Facilitation as it"s normally understood, refers to managing and maintaining a group process. The primary focus of the facilitator is on “how” the process is going in the group. The facilitator will help the group to stick with their ground rules and guidelines that bound the process they have agreed to use to get to some end result. Coaching is typically practiced with individuals, and tends to be bit more directive than facilitation. Coaching focuses on helping individuals get into immediate action, while addressing barriers and support they may need to get moving quickly. Coach usually asks more of the group than pure Facilitation–often challenging the group to produce more or be more. Group Coaching supports individuals who are part of groups with common interests, skills, or issues. While coaching focuses on individuals in the group, the remainder of the group receives indirect benefit from witnessing individuals being coached. Training requires that the trainer have specific knowledge in the subject of the training. The job of the trainer is to impart knowledge or skills to her students using a variety of methods at her disposal. Effective trainers will often employ facilitation and coaching skills. Note that facilitators and coaches don"t necessary have experience in, nor do they focus on, the technical content in which their clients are involved. Teaching tends to be more didactic. In other words, teachers instruct and inform their students, very much like the process I"m using right now. I"m basically telling you what I think and how I see the subject matter before us. Mentoring involves instructing, guiding, coaching someone seeking to master a particular field that you have already mastered. Though mentoring is very “content” focused, it will also often employ teaching, training, and coaching as well. So in summary, for the purposes of clarity, we could say that facilitation and coaching focus more on the “who” and the “how,” where teaching, training, and mentoring focus more on the “what.” Flowing Between Roles Please understand that the roles we defined above are discreet terms that address aspects of a continuum of skills and approaches. Very seldom does anyone adhere to any one individual role, never crossing, even a little, into a related role. For example, a facilitator working with a group who passed up an opportunity to coach an individual seeking to take an action they"ve been stuck on would be doing the individual and the group a great disservice. Assuming first of course that the individual consented to the coaching. We"re suggesting here that knowing and practicing the role of coach, teacher, trainer, or mentor may be appropriate at times, within the context of facilitation. And may in fact substantially increase your effectiveness as a facilitator. For example, a client seeking your services as a facilitator to help improve teamwork in their organization may employ your services to facilitate team-building. To help individuals become better team players, you may need to coach them individually around how their behaviors are impacting the team either pro or con. You may need to “teach” them the attributes of an effective team and team player. You may need to train them in the skills held by good team players. You may need to provide an environment where enough trust is facilitated so that they feel safe sharing their fears that are keeping them from showing up as a more effective team player. So how does one know when to cross into these other roles? First have clarity and understanding with your client on their goals for the group. Second, be attuned to what each situations seems to be calling for and whether or not you feel a natural pull into the shift that you choose. How do you make an effective shift in and out of the role of facilitator? To avoid diluting your function as facilitator, it is important to make transitions into and out of other roles effectively. This is especially true if you make a transition from facilitator to participant/content expert. It can be helpful to actually announce to the group that you are going to make this transition. Then once your input is complete, announce your transition back. Some facilitators have even been known to physically put on different hats when changing roles just to make the transitions visible. You may already be dancing between roles as a facilitator without really thinking about it. And frankly, that"s often the goal. To seamlessly show up in a way that best facilitates the results your client is after. Hopefully gaining clarity about the roles will help you fill in any gaps that may be present. I"m interested in hearing your thoughts on this topic. Action Review the roles above and assess how many of them you play in your work. Would embracing a different mix of these roles improve your effectiveness in any way? If so, how? I"d love to hear what happens for you. If so, please let us know, along with sharing your questions, feedback, and experience on this topic in the comments section below.


boundary 范围上的边界limitation 限制constrain 约束

When I hurried to the station ,the train was already gone

在我急急忙忙赶到车站时,火车已经离站了。这是由“when”引导的时间状语从句,“the train was already gone”是主句,“When I hurried to the station” 是从句,主句中,“the train”是主语,“was”是系动词(be),所以主句应构成“主系表”结构,那么,“gone”是作的是表语,“gone”是“go”的过去分词,“go”的过去式是“went”,“go”的现在分词(就是动词的“ing”形式)是“going”。

谁能翻译一下last train to wherver这首歌的歌词?

度过我们的数天半透明的, 在和从每件事物是我们开始的方式,和陌生人一起玩在太阳注视, 思考它是月亮,它要很快发生的极小的指示。 但是不像你期待这些黑色半身侧面影变得比较靠近他们带给你你从不需要你期待的。 我到如今猜测他们告诉 ya 的 shoulda我到如今猜测他们变得比较靠近。 有我就是不想要说的这么多事物,同类你已经使我需要一个好日子有我就是不想要做的这么多事物但是你的方法是我的方法如此走在完成的之上你收到信, 那一我从不送了 ya我在我自己的运气不佳的遭遇上全部孤独, 寻求某事如果我做,没有转回,我不对发现, cos 想要。 在银中喷洒在火车上的我们的名字和黑色的然后我横过把我的方法制造回来轨道我无论你在何处总是能找你有火在奇迹公园中的你的眼睛中我是在那之上非常最后训练到无论那里, 计算那我某一个时间将见到你相似的从不, 不甚至在我的野性我认为它会像这一样去吗,移动过空气, 发狂的有一点诗人小孩我亏欠你这我在心里想着我别的亏欠你这和无

以A Train Floating On Air为题目的英语阅读理解及其答案

A Train Floating On Air A train that floats on air? It" s not magic — it" s magnets(磁).And it" s close to reality. In Virginia USA the fall of 2002, a train with no wheels traveled on air and carried college students across their campus.In Japan, a whisper - quiet railway engine hovered and raced at 350 miles per hour using magnets and electricity as the power.And in China, a magnet train line linked Shanghai with nearby Pudong Airport.These trains use magnetic levitation(悬浮)technology, "maglev" for short.They use the same rules as the magnets you pick up at home or school: opposite poles of magnets attract each other, and like poles repel each other.How does it work? Powerful magnets on the bottom of the train repel magnets on the track, which is actually just a magnet - filled guiding way. With a magnetic field of sufficient force, the train will go hovering on air, which seemed impossible to us in the past.When an electrical current is sent through the track, the train moves.Turn the current backwards and the train slows down. Maglev doesn"t rely on the friction(摩擦力)of wheels on track, so it can climb a much steeper hill than a traditional train.And it can travel easily in snow and ice, something that could bring normal trains to a screaming stop.49.This passage is about .A.maglev B.magnets C.levitation D.electricity50.Which of the following is a repelling action?51.What can we learn from the text?A.A magnet - filled guiding way is formed inside a maglev train.B.Instead of electricity, magnets are used as the power of a maglev.C.Maglev trains can climb hills with the help of magnet wheels.D.Electric currents decide the movements of a maglev train.52.What is the difference between a maglev train and an ordinary train?A..A maglev train can climb mountains without power while an ordinary one can" t.B.A maglev train can travel in college campus while an ordinary train is not allowed.C.Travelling without a track, a maglev train is safer and smoother than an ordinary one.D.Floating on a track, a maglev train is faster, quieter than an ordinary railway train.我帮你百度的,不知道是不是你想要的。。。

什么叫strong constraint limit和weak constraint limit

强/弱 约束constraint 就是 limit


而且 limited含有贬义色彩 而confine则是比较中性的词

Train Train 歌词

歌曲名:Train Train歌手:Warrant专辑:Original Album ClassicsOne Way Train キヅイテヨ ラライラ一方通行の电车が行くんだ GO GO GO热を帯びて燃え上がってく炎だれのもの 枕木とレールはもう限界を迎えて消えてしまいそう。君を呼んだんだ仆は呼んだんだ君を呼んだんだやっぱ一方通行じゃ难しいんじゃないのそんなことないの どうなってるんだって仆だってこれで终わりにしたいぜ君に任せて続きがみたいのさ君を呼ぶの 呼んで声キャッチそして仆の胸キュンなストーリー爱してるの 爱し足りない仆のハート火をつけたんだな君と仆はピュアすぎてtake it世间的にはみ出してるの爱してるの 爱し足りないget love sweet 君にたどり着いたんだこれでもう终わりよアクセス try more はじけそうだ君の愿いを叶えたいの 探してたもの 君の爱One Way Train キヅイテヨ ラライラ パラリラリララリラリラララルダレモ キカナイデ イテヨ パラリラリララリラリラララル「TRAIN TRAIN (feat.环ROY)」作词∶Aira Mitsuki/环ROY作曲∶Kampkin Malkee歌∶Aira Mitsuki君を呼ぶの 呼んで声キャッチ爱してるの 爱し足りない君と仆はピュアすぎてtake it爱してるの 爱し足りないこれでもう终わりよせめて今夜爱してほしいこの世界でたった一つ 探してたもの 君の爱One Way Train キヅイテヨ ラライラ パラリラリララリラリラララルダレモ キカナイデ イテヨ パラリラリララリラリラララルOne Way Train キヅイテヨ ラライラ パラリラリララリラリラララルダレモ キカナイデ イテヨ パラリラリララリラリラララル君を呼ぶの 呼んで声キャッチ爱してるの 爱し足りない仆のハート火を吹いたんだな【 おわり 】

matlab中 Class=classify(sample,training,group)判别出现问题,希望大家帮帮忙啊!!

你试试把training组增加一些观察量,还有,可以输入 help classify从matlab中获得更多帮助提示。

the unit he works in is a university, whose personnel _very highly trained. A have B has C is D ...




英语翻译:我们为什么不坐火车去广州呢?(travel to;by train)

Why not travel to guangzhou by train ?

Gotta Get on This Train 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Get on This Train歌手:Georgie Fame专辑:Swing (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Georgie Fame - Gotta Get On This Train(L. Stansfield/I. Devaney/R. Darbyshire)Yeah, yeah, yeahWe got to get on this trainIt"s coming around againWell, I said it before and I"ll say it againWe got to get on this trainWe"re gonna go all the wayWell, what more can I say?Right on track, it"s not going backWe got to get on this train(Woo, woo)Got to get on(Woo, woo)Got to get on(Woo, woo)Got to get onWe got to get on this trainGotta get on, gotta get onCome onGotta get on, gotta get onCome onGotta get on, gotta get onWe got to get on this trainGotta get on, gotta get onWe got to get on this trainGot a long, long journey homeAnd I can feel it in my bonesBut if you wanna ride, just bump insideWe got to get on this train, yeah(Woo, woo)Got to get on(Woo, woo)Got to get on, come on(Woo, woo)Got to get onGot to get on this trainGotta get on, gotta get onCome onGotta get on, gotta get onOh lordGotta get on, gotta get onWe got to get on this trainGotta get on, gotta get onGot to get on this trainWe"re right on track, no turning backI can hear the whistle blowing right through my baby and meWooh woo! (real train whistle)

节奏控,求推荐一些像summertrain,say it right 一样轻快节奏的音

on my own,这首曲子非常棒不是曲婉婷唱的版本

Train的《Drive By》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive By歌手:Train专辑:I Love Music FMDrive ByTrainOn the other side of a street I knewStood a girl that looked like youI guess thats deja vuBut I thought this can"t be trueCause you moved to west L.A orNew York or Santa FeOr where or ever to get away from meOh but that one nightWas more than just rightI didn"t leave you cause I was all throughOh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hellBecause I really fell for youOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-iOn the other side of a downward spiralMy love for you went viralAnd I loved you every mile you drove awayBut now here you are againSo let"s skip the "how you been"Andget down to the "more than friends" at lastOh but that one nightIs still the highlightI didn"t leave you until I came toand I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hellBecause I really fell for youOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-iPlease believe that when I leaveThere"s nothing up my sleeve but love for youAnd a little time to get my head together tooOn the other side of a street I knewStood a girl that looked like youI guess thats deja vuBut I thought this can"t be trueCauseOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i

Train的《Drive By》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive By歌手:Train专辑:California 37Drive ByTrainOn the other side of a street I knewStood a girl that looked like youI guess thats deja vuBut I thought this can"t be trueCause you moved to west L.A orNew York or Santa FeOr where or ever to get away from meOh but that one nightWas more than just rightI didn"t leave you cause I was all throughOh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hellBecause I really fell for youOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-iOn the other side of a downward spiralMy love for you went viralAnd I loved you every mile you drove awayBut now here you are againSo let"s skip the "how you been"Andget down to the "more than friends" at lastOh but that one nightIs still the highlightI didn"t leave you until I came toand I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hellBecause I really fell for youOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-iPlease believe that when I leaveThere"s nothing up my sleeve but love for youAnd a little time to get my head together tooOn the other side of a street I knewStood a girl that looked like youI guess thats deja vuBut I thought this can"t be trueCauseOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i

train的drive by歌词中文翻译

On the other side of a street I knew   Stood a girl that looked like you在街的另一边 我知道站着一个女孩看起来很像你   I guess that"s deja vu 我猜那只是幻觉   But I thought this can"t be true 我知道这不可能是真的   Cause you moved to west L.A or New York or Santa Fe 因为你已经搬去洛杉矶或者是纽约亦或是圣达菲   Or where ever to get away from me或者是任何你能远离我的地方   Oh but that one night Was more than just right 但是那个夜晚已经再好不过了    I didn"t leave you cause I was all through 我不曾离开你 因为我一直都在   Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell我感觉像在地狱般恐慌   Because I really fell for you我想是因为我是真的爱上了你   Oh I swear to ya 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   Just a shy guy looking for a two ply Hefty bag to hold my love   只是一个害羞的男孩在寻找一个两层那么厚重的包来承受我的爱   When you move me everything is groovy 当你离开我一切都变得糟糕   They don"t like it sue me 他们不喜欢你对待我的方式而控告我   The way you do me   Oh I swear to ya我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   On the other side of a downward spiral 在向下的漩涡的另一面   My love for you went viral 我对你的爱变成了病毒   And I loved you every mile you drove away 我曾爱你在你离开的每一英里   But now here you are again 但现在你又再次在我身边   So let"s skip the "how you been" 所以我们直接跳过“你好吗”的寒暄   And get down to the "more than friends" at last 最后直接告诉你我们不仅仅是朋友   Oh but that one night was still the highlight 但那仍是一个难忘的夜晚   I didn"t need you until I came to 在我来之前我不曾需要你   And I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell 但我像身处地狱般恐惧和害怕   Because I really fell for you 因为我是真的爱上了你  Oh I swear to ya 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   Just a shy guy looking for a two ply   Hefty bag to hold my love 只是一个害羞的男孩在寻找一个两层那么厚重的包来承受我的爱   When you move me everything is groovy 当你离开我一切都变得糟糕   They don"t like it sue me 他们不喜欢你对待我的方式而控告我   The way you do me   Oh I swear to ya我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   Please believe that when I leave 请相信当我离开的时候   There"s nothing up my sleeve but love for you 除了对你的爱没有什么在我的袖子之上   And a little time to get my head together too 和一点点让我清醒的时间   On the other side of a street I knew   Stood a girl that looked like you在街的另一边 我知道站着一个女孩看起来很像你   I guess that"s deja vu 我猜那只是幻觉   But I thought this can"t be true 我知道这不可能是真的   Oh I swear to ya 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   Just a shy guy looking for a two ply   Hefty bag to hold my love 只是一个害羞的男孩在寻找一个两层那么厚重的包来承受我的爱   When you move me everything is groovy 当你离开我一切都变得糟糕  They don"t like it sue me 他们不喜欢你对待我的方式而控告我   The way you do me   Oh I swear to ya我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过


constraint表示约束,我特意帮你截取了一个我们自己数据库的图片,你认真看一共有三个常见的约束1、primary key(主键约束)2Unique(唯一性约束)3foreign key(外键约束),primary key和Unique key的区别是primary key不能为NULL且需唯一,Unique key可以为NULL但必须唯一,可以这么认为primary key+NULL=Unique key。column表示“列”也就是我们常说的字段。


constraint表示约束,我特意帮你截取了一个我们自己数据库的图片,你认真看一共有三个常见的约束1、primary key(主键约束)2Unique(唯一性约束)3foreign key(外键约束),primary key和Unique key的区别是primary key不能为NULL且需唯一,Unique key可以为NULL但必须唯一,可以这么认为primary key+NULL=Unique key。column表示“列”也就是我们常说的字段。

abaqus中 connector与 constraint区别是什么

connector is link electrical, constraint is press


《装甲列车》:被祖国抛弃的人们合力为祖国而战【订补版】笑独行编评 《装甲列车》(全四集) 影片档案 原名:последнийбронепоезд中文名:装甲列车、最后的铁甲列车国家:俄罗斯、白俄罗斯年份:2006年导演:日诺维·洛伊斯曼 ЗиновийРойзман主演:安德列·巴宁 АндрейПанин ... []
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