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IFI features:WMM,WMM-PS,WEP,WPA/WPA2 personal,WPA/WPA2 Enterprise那位大侠能解释下?

WMM和WMM-PS是啥真心不清楚。WEP有线等效加密(Wired Equivalent Privacy),又称无线加密协议(Wireless Encryption Protocol),简称WEP,是个保护无线网络(Wi-Fi)信息安全的体制。因为无线网络是用无线电把讯息传播出去,它特别容易被窃听。WEP 的设计是要提供和传统有线的局域网路相当的机密性,而依此命名的。不过密码分析学家已经找出 WEP 好几个弱点,因此在2003年被 Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) 淘汰,又在2004年由完整的 IEEE 802.11i 标准(又称为 WPA2)所取代。WEP 虽然有些弱点,但也足以吓阻非专业人士的窥探了。 WPA 和 WPA2WPA 全名为 Wi-Fi Protected Access,有WPA 和 WPA2两个标准,是一种保护无线电脑网路(Wi-Fi)安全的系统,它是应研究者在前一代的系统有线等效加密(WEP)中找到的几个严重的弱点而产生 的。WPA 实作了 IEEE 802.11i 标准的大部分,是在 802.11i 完备之前替代 WEP 的过渡方案。WPA 的设计可以用在所有的无线网卡上,但未必能用在第一代的无线取用点上。WPA2 实作了完整的标准,但不能用在某些古老的网卡上。这两个都提供优良的保全能力,但也都有两个明显的问题:× WPA或WPA2 一定要启动并且被选来代替 WEP 才有用,但是大部分的安装指引都把 WEP 列为第一选择。× 在使用家中和小型办公室最可能选用的“个人”模式时,为了保全的完整性,所需的密语一定要比已经教用户设定的六到八个字元的密码还长。IEEE 802.11 所制定的是技术性标准 ,Wi-Fi 联盟所制定的是商业化标准 , 而 Wi-Fi 所制定的商业化标准基本上也都符合 IEEE 所制定的技术性标准。 WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access) 事实上就是由 Wi-Fi 联盟所制定的安全性标准 , 这个商业化标准存在的目的就是为了要支持 IEEE 802.11i 这个以技术为导向的安全性标准。而 WPA2 其实就是 WPA 的第二个版本。 WPA 之所以会出现两个版本的原因就在于 Wi-Fi 联盟的商业化运作。我们知道 802.11i 这个任务小组成立的目的就是为了打造一个更安全的无线局域网 , 所以在加密项目里规范了两个新的安全加密协定 – TKIP 与 CCMP 。其中 TKIP 虽然针对 WEP 的弱点作了重大的改良 , 但保留了 RC4 演算法和基本架构 , 言下之意 ,TKIP 亦存在着 RC4 本身所隐含的弱点。因而 802.11i 再打造一个全新、安全性更强、更适合应用在无线局域网环境的加密协定 -CCMP 。所以在 CCMP 就绪之前 ,TKIP 就已经完成了。但是要等到 CCMP 完成 , 再发布完整的 IEEE 802.11i 标准 , 可能尚需一段时日 , 而 Wi-Fi 联盟为了要使得新的安全性标准能够尽快被布署 , 以消弭使用者对无线局域网安全性的疑虑 , 进而让无线局域网的市场可以迅速扩展开来 , 因而使用已经完成 TKIP 的 IEEE 802.11i 第三版草案 (IEEE 802.11i draft 3) 为基准 , 制定了 WPA 。而于 IEEE 完成并公布 IEEE 802.11i 无线局域网安全标准后 ,Wi-Fi 联盟也随即公布了 WPA 第 2 版 (WPA 2) 。所以:WPA = IEEE 802.11i draft 3 = IEEE 802.1X/EAP + WEP( 选择性项目 )/TKIPWPA2 = IEEE 802.11i = IEEE 802.1X/EAP + WEP( 选择性项目 )/TKIP/CCMP( 有些无线网路设备中会以 AES 、 AES-CCMP 的字眼来取代 )在有些无线网路设备的规格中会看到像 WPA-Enterprise / WPA2-Enterprise 以及 WPA-Personal / WPA2-Personal 的字眼 , 其实 WPA-Enterprise / WPA2-Enterprise 就是 WPA / WPA2 ; WPA-Personal / WPA2-Personal 其实就是 WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK, 也就是以 ”pre-share key” 或 ” passphrase” 的验证 (authentication) 模式来代替 IEEE 802.1X/EAP 的验证模式 ,PSK 模式下不须使用验证服务器 ( 例如 RADIUS Server), 所以特别适合家用或 SOHO 的使用者。

urban riders什么意思

urban riders词典结果urban riders城市骑手

lee urban riders是什么牌子









Midjourney霓虹灯霓虹灯篇Neon Lights of the City — 城市的霓虹灯Vibrant Neon Signage — 生动的霓虹招牌Glowing Neon Art — 发光的霓虹艺术Neon Colors Illuminating the Night — 霓虹色照亮夜晚Neon Glow in Urban Landscapes — 都市景观中的霓虹光芒Neon-lit Streets — 霓虹灯照亮的街道Neon Advertising Displays — 霓虹广告展示Neon Art Installations — 霓虹艺术装置Neon Reflections on Wet Pavement — 霓虹灯在湿地面上的倒影Neon Glow of Nightclubs — 夜总会的霓虹光芒Neon Lights of Times Square — 时代广场的霓虹灯Neon Signs in Chinatown — 唐人街的霓虹招牌Neon-lit Entertainment Districts — 霓虹灯照亮的娱乐区Neon Artistry in Contemporary Design — 当代设计中的霓虹艺术Neon Reflections in Rainy Cityscapes — 雨天城市景观中的霓虹倒影Neon Glow of Open Storefronts — 开放商店的霓虹光芒Neon-lit Bars and Restaurants — 霓虹灯照亮的酒吧和餐厅Neon Art in Urban Galleries — 城市画廊中的霓虹艺术Neon Reflections on Car Windows — 汽车窗户上的霓虹倒影Retro Neon Signs — 复古霓虹招牌Neon Glow of Casino Signs — 赌场招牌的霓虹光芒Neon-lit Movie Theaters — 霓虹灯照亮的电影院Neon Signs at Amusement Parks — 游乐园的霓虹招牌Neon Artwork in Nighttime Festivals — 夜间节日中的霓虹艺术作品Neon Reflections in Waterfront Areas — 海滨地区的霓虹倒影Neon Glow of Dance Clubs — 舞厅的霓虹光芒Neon-lit Shopping Districts — 霓虹灯照亮的购物区Neon Signs in Music Venues — 音乐场地的霓虹招牌Neon Art Displays in Museums — 博物馆中的霓虹艺术展示Neon Reflections on Glass Buildings — 玻璃建筑上的霓虹倒影Neon Glow of Sports Stadiums — 体育场馆的霓虹光芒Neon Signs in Theater Districts — 剧院区的霓虹招牌Neon Artistry in Street Murals — 街头壁画中的霓虹艺术Neon Reflections in Car Mirrors — 汽车后视镜中的霓虹倒影Neon Glow of Night Markets — 夜市的霓虹光芒Neon-lit Casino Facades — 霓虹灯照亮的赌场外墙Neon Signs in Artistic Cafes — 艺术咖啡馆的霓虹招牌Neon Art Displays in Galleries — 画廊中的霓虹艺术展示Neon Reflections on Rain-soaked Streets — 雨水打湿的街道上的霓虹倒影Neon-lit Billboards — 霓虹灯照亮的广告牌



leukemia 是不是 nature的子刊

museum of natural history, and

nobel laureates是什么意思

nobel laureates的中文翻译_nobel laureates诺贝尔奖获得者Experts say women are often underrepresented as Nobel laureates.专家们表示,诺贝尔桂冠对于女性来说常常是僧多粥少。It"s exciting to see so many Nobel laureates taking this consilient approach.令人激动的是,我们看到有这么多的诺贝尔奖得主正在采用这种融会贯通的方法。One of the many indications of this fact is undoubtedly, once again, the nationality of the Nobel laureates.表明这一事实的例证,毫无疑问地再次表现在诺贝尔奖桂冠获得者的国籍上。Other Nobel laureates fly first class or start charities with their prize money.其他的诺贝尔将得主用奖金坐头等舱旅行或是从事慈善事业。

nobel laureates是什么意思

nobel laureates诺贝尔奖得主;诺贝尔的荣耀;诺贝尔奖获得者例句1.Sweden, however, was an anomaly. It had a very high number of Nobel laureates but its people consumed much less chocolate on average.瑞典的情况则有一些特殊,其诺贝尔奖获奖人数很高,但巧克力消费量比较平均。2.It is reported that in the past, there were 7 Nobel laureates of Chinese descent living overseas.据悉,在以往的诺贝尔得主中共有7名华裔。3.But the fickleness of the heart has at least been properly incorporated into economic models by this year"s Nobel laureates.但人心的变化无常,至少被今年的诺贝尔奖得主恰当地纳入了经济模型之中。4.Introduce the Three Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine for 2001 and Their Research2001年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者及其研究成果简介5.Other Nobel laureates fly first class or start charities with their prize money.其他的诺贝尔将得主用奖金坐头等舱旅行或是从事慈善事业。



【英语】【翻译】用Of course回答是去还是不去?


level of course difficulty"是什么意思

level of course difficulty 全部释义和例句>>难度等级difficulty英[u02c8du026afu026aku0259lti]美[u02c8du026afu026au02ccku028clti, -ku0259l-]n.难度; 困难,麻烦,难事; 异议,争论,纠葛; 财政困难,(经济)拮据


1、of course是当然的意思,表示非常肯定。2、例如:She"s of course a beautiful girl。3、在回答问题的时候,of course = sure = certainly。4、在美式英语中,可以直接省略of,用course表示当然的意思。

of course英文造句

Of course,everyone has the right to keep his own secret.

of course和sure区别

of course和sure区别: of course:当然,自然; sure:确信,确知; of course:是理所当然的意思; sure:很爽块地回答可以。 扩展资料   用法不同   1、of course:course还可表示“一道菜”,为可数名词。of course的意思是“当然”“自然”,可放在句首、句中,也可放在句尾,指预料必然发生而不费力的事,常用逗号和主句隔开。   2、sure:sure表示“无疑的,确信的,有把握的”,指主观上对某事相信无疑,不涉及有无客观根据。在句中作表语。“be sure+不定式”往往表示推测的"口气,主语不一定是人,表示“一定会…的”“必定会…的”。sure还可表示“无可置疑,千真万确”“不偏离的,不动摇的”。

of course等于什么


Course 是指哪个方向


of course翻译中文

of course=当然了

Of course 和sure的区别

Of course和sure都可以做简单回答,如:Of course/sure I will但sure的用法更广,如be sure to do sth

of course的用法 意思、等于什么 ,都写出来

of course 一定,当然 =without doubt of course在口语中的用法 表示:当然;自然.如: He was late again,of course.自然他又迟到了. Of course I‘ll help you.我当然会帮你. Of course,I wish both of you well.当然我希望你们俩身体健康. He was joking.Of course I‘m not a poet.他是在开玩笑,我当然不是诗人. 通常在对话中用作回答.如: A:Are you coming with us?你和我们一起去吗? B:Of course.当然啦. A:Will you be able to come to the meeting?你能来开会吗? B:Of course.当然能来. A:May I book your dictionary?我可借你的字典吗? B:Yes,of course.当然可以. 有时与not连用.如: A:Were you glad to leave?你愿意离开吗? B:Of course not.当然不愿意. A:Do you want lost the game?你起输掉这场比赛吗? B:Of course not.当然不想.

of course的用法

of course一定,当然=without doubtof course在口语中的用法 表示:当然;自然。如: He was late again, of course. 自然他又迟到了。 Of course I‘ll help you. 我当然会帮你。 Of course, I wish both of you well. 当然我希望你们俩身体健康。 He was joking. Of course I‘m not a poet. 他是在开玩笑,我当然不是诗人。 通常在对话中用作回答。如: A:Are you coming with us? 你和我们一起去吗? B:Of course. 当然啦。 A:Will you be able to come to the meeting? 你能来开会吗? B:Of course. 当然能来。 A:May I book your dictionary? 我可借你的字典吗? B:Yes, of course. 当然可以。 有时与not连用。如: A:Were you glad to leave? 你愿意离开吗? B:Of course not. 当然不愿意。 A:Do you want lost the game? 你起输掉这场比赛吗? B:Of course not. 当然不想。

of course 既英文解法

OF COURSE=当然 例句: Of course I remember him. 我当然记得他。 参考: .dictionary.yahoo/dictionary?p=of+course&tab1=definition of course 既英文解法 thefreedictionary/course of course - sure certainly Of course 1. in the natural or expected order of things; naturally 2. certainly; without any doubt Cheung Wang Yuen: 先说 course一字除了其他解释外 还包含路径a route 方法 a way 方向 a direction。 再说 of 一字在英文法上是一个介系词或介(preposition) ; of 加上course 就解作自然 理所当然 不待言等。 of course 中的 of 只是个简单介词(simple preposition) 如 in on at for off from out till with 等 不是复式介词(pound preposition) 如 amongst behind below around inside within across等 更不是语句介词(phrase preposition)就用of 的例子如 in course of in spite of in front of in case of in lieu of on account of in the event of in place of 等等。 牛津字典就解释 of course是用作强调你所说的是真实的 无误的如下: of course is used to emphasize what you say is true or correct like " Don"t you like my mother ?" " Of course I do.". 你可能见 日常用语多是Of course放在句前而有此一问 事实并非一定如此 如 He is diligent and of course he will succeed. 或 His success is a matter of course. 我亦估量你可能很少见 of 作为句子的开始而有此一问 事实这是很平常如 Of noble birth she behaves like a lady. Of lung cancer he died. 2010-07-31 22:26:11 补充: 对不起 在下在simple prepositon举例中在off from的中间打少了一个截点(ma) 特此更正 并祈原谅。 参考: Oxford Dictionary nil

taybour 翻译

泰河的劳工(劳动力)或者是 泰河的伯恩bourn. (Bour)人名;(俄)鲍尔;(法)布尔;(罗、德、瑞典)博尔;(柬)布tayn. 1.泰 并且 希腊语中 也表示 泰非主流女生个性网名CCqq个性情侣分组 qq女生个性网名 腾讯qq ... Tabitha 泰贝莎 希腊 小雌鹿。 Tay 泰 希腊 太阳神。 Teresa 特丽莎 蒲萄牙 丰收。 2. 泰河泰河(Tay)是苏格兰最长的河流,全长193千米。它发源于苏格兰南部的高原上,离苏格兰西岸的港口城市欧本不到15千米,它横跨苏格兰,于佩思郡...基于29个网页-相关网页 3. 太阳神Tabitha 泰贝莎 希腊 小雌鹿 Tay 泰 希腊 太阳神 Teresa 泰瑞莎 葡萄牙 丰收。

sure和of course,centainy的区别?还有哪些词?在句中的用法?

一、读音不同sure:英 [ʃʊə(r)] 美 [ʃʊr]of course:英 [ɔv kɔː(r)s] 美 [ʌv kɔː(r)s]certainly:英 [ˈsɜ:tnli] 美 [ˈsɜ:rtnli]二、语气程度不同sure的语气最轻,其次为certainly,语气最重的为of course。1、A:Could you please give me a hand? 可以给我搭把手吗?B:Sure. 好哒。2、A:Could you please give me a hand? 可以给我搭把手吗?B:Of course! 当然可以啦!3、A:So,that book is not yours? 所以那本书不是你的?B:Certainly. 当然(肯定)不是啦。三、侧重点不同Certainly用来强调和展现(说话一方)对于某件事感到毫无疑问和确信,类似“当然”。sure使用时语气最为轻松的一个,表达欣然同意的情绪,美剧里经常出现,可以理解为“好哒”。而of course表达的是“那当然啦,这还用说!““难道我会不知道! 一定慎用,否则会显得很不礼貌!扩展资料同义词:一、definitely用来表述自己明确的态度,完全的同意或是强烈的肯定,类似“确实”。A:Don"t you think calling her back is a good idea?你不认为给她回个电话 是个好主意吗?B:Yes,definitely. 是的,确实如此。二、Absolutely用来表述绝无例外的意思,或强烈地表示绝对赞同的意思,类似“绝对”。A:Mary is a good girl. 玛丽是个好孩子。B:Absolutely she is!她绝对是的!

关于Of course的用法











of course有当然,确定之义,它的同义词有:surely,doubtless, naturally, yes, indeed。

Could I try ()on,please?Yes ,of course.






of course是什么意思

of course 英[ɔv kɔː(r)s] 美[ʌv kɔː(r)s] 当然,自然;敢情;自是;理当

He made his pile during the property boom 的语法知识有些

过去式 状语从句等等


HyperlinkButton.NavigateUri 属性Silverlight获取或设置单击 HyperlinkButton 时要导航到的 URI。命名空间: System.Windows.Controls程序集: System.Windows(在 System.Windows.dll 中)语法C#VB[TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(UriTypeConverter))]public Uri NavigateUri { get; set; }XAML 属性用法<HyperlinkButton NavigateUri="uriString"/>属性值类型:System.Uri单击 HyperlinkButton 时要导航到的 URI。备注Dependency property identifier field: NavigateUriProperty指定的 URI 必须是绝对 URI 或者是应用程序相对 URI。当使用相对 URI 时,基于 Silverlight 的应用程序必须在运行时发现其应用程序根,应用程序根在开发环境和生产环境中会有变化。 应用程序需要应用程序根来基于相对 URI 生成绝对 URI。 有关相对和绝对 URI 的更多信息,请参见 Uri。说明:如果 Silverlight 对象的 EnableNavigation(Silverlight 插件对象) 设置为"无",则用户只能导航到当前应用程序中的相对 URI。 尝试导航到外部 URL 将导致SecurityException。版本说明 Silverlight for Windows Phone在 Windows Phone Silverlight 应用程序中,您必须为应用程序指定一个 TargetName值以通过 NavigateUri 正确地导航到指定的 URI。示例下面的代码示例演示一个 HyperlinkButton。XAML<HyperlinkButton Content="Click here to learn about Silverlight" NavigateUri="http://www.silverlight.net" TargetName="_blank" Margin="10,60,0,0"/>


ImageUrl是背静图片路径NavigateUrl是连接到网页的路径target属性指定所链接的页面在浏览器窗口中的打开方式,它的参数值主要有:_blank、_parent、_self、_top,这些参数值代表的含义如下: ◎_blank,在新浏览器窗口中打开链接文件。 ◎_parent,将链接的文件载入含有该链接框架的父框架集或父窗口中。如果含有该链接的框架不是嵌套的,则在浏览器全屏窗口中载入链接的文件,就象_self参数一样。 ◎_self,在同一框架或窗口中打开所链接的文档。此参数为默认值,通常不用指定。 但是我不太理解 ◎_top,在当前的整个浏览器窗口中打开所链接的文档,因而会删除所有框架


没有区别是两种不同的实现,两种方法的用的位置有所不同。webBrowser.url=new uri("www.baidu.com")这个默认有一个检查的过程,而另一个不符合会出现异常



labour day classic造句 labour day classicの例文

Labour Day Classic , as if there were only one game. The games also lack a presenting sponsor as the Labour Day Classic games have. Unpke the Labour Day Classic , the teams in the Thanksgiving Day Classic rotate each year. The seating was first put to use during the Labour Day Classic against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Tim Hortons Field, still not pletely finished, opened in time for the Labour Day Classic . He was honoured by the Tiger-Cats at a halftime ceremony during the 2007 Labour Day Classic along with Rob Hitchcock The Riders were heading into the Labour Day Classic needing to find a way to win against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. The NBCSN deal included nine regular season games starting August 27 ( including Labour Day Classic games ) and all the playoffs. Before the Tiger-Cats" Labour Day Classic game against Toronto, Hamilton was in last place in the East Division. It is one of o weeks in which the league plays on Monday afternoons, the other being the Labour Day Classic . It"s difficult to see labour day classic in a sentence. 用 labour day classic 造句挺难的 The CFL"s annual Eastern Division Labour Day Classic pits the Hamilton Tiger-Cats against perennial rivals the Toronto Argonauts. It is typically one of o days in which the league plays on a Monday afternoon; the other is the Labour Day Classic . Pierce came back for the Labour Day Classic against the Saskatchewan Roughriders, but, for his third consecutive start, was injured in the game. The Blue Bombers successfully improved upon their 5 13 record from 2015, after defeating the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Labour Day Classic on September 4. The Tiger-Cats"hosting of the Labour Day Classic was in jeopardy for 2013 due to a schedule confpct at the team"s home stadium. During the 2007 Labour Day Classic match beeen the Calgary Stampeders and the Edmonton Eskimos, a total of four streakers and one partially clothed man disrupted the game. As the league has been increasing in popularity in recent years, print ads for the Labour Day Classic try to evoke the tradition of watching Canadian football on the last weekend of summer. In his return to Saskatchewan on August 31, 2014, Dressler had three receptions for 28 yards in a 35-30 win over the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the Labour Day Classic . The ""Banjo Bowl ""is the annual rematch game beeen the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League ( CFL ) after the Labour Day Classic . Occasionally, the band takes its show on the road by representing Toronto and its fans in other cities such as Hamilton and Montreal for events such as the Labour Day Classic and playoff games. This was originally started in 1997 to pensate for not being part of the Labour Day Classic festivities; Montreal and the various Ottawa franchises normally play on Labour Day when both franchises are active. Braidwood recorded his first professional touchdown on September 8, 2006, recovering a fumble from Calgary Stampeders quarterback Henry Burris and taking it into the endzone during the rematch of the Labour Day Classic in Edmonton. His performance in the 2001 Labour Day Classic , when Maas was the offensive star and recorded a late 23-yard run to set up the winning field goal as time expired, made him an instant fan favourite. Mahoney joined the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League as an executive in 1955 and, in 1959, moved the Labour Day Classic match against the rival Edmonton Eskimos from Edmonton to Calgary where it has been played ever since. The low point of the season occurred in Tim Burke"s debut as head coach on September 2, 2012, in which the team suffered a 52 0 shutout loss to their biggest rivals the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Labour Day Classic . Fittingly, the Argonauts first game was against a club from Hamilton, The o teams meet in Hamilton every year in the Labour Day Classic , a league wide tradition since the late 1940s in which the game"s greatest rivalries are showcased. The Riders"traditional rivals had moved to the East Division the previous year following the demise of the Ottawa Renegades, and the 2007 championship game marked the first time that the o Labour Day Classic opponents played each other in a Grey Cup game. The new stadium, still not yet plete with only 18, 000 seats ready for use, opened in time for the Labour Day Classic ( again as a matter of necessity because of Ontario University Athletics"tradition that also plays games on Labour Day ). In the Canadian Football League, where games are played on Canadian Thanksgiving, the CFL hosts o games in the Thanksgiving Day Classic; it is one of only o weeks each year in which the CFL plays on a Monday, the other being the Labour Day Classic . In 2004, after being released by the 49ers following their training camp, Bruce returned to the CFL with the Toronto Argonauts, signing with them on September 3, more than halfway through the CFL season and just shortly before their Labour Day Classic game against the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in which he played. It"s difficult to see labour day classic in a sentence. 用 labour day classic 造句挺难的 A Labour Day tradition in Atlantic Canada is the Wharf Rat Rally in Digby, Nova Scotia, while the rest of Canada watches the Labour Day Classic , a Canadian Football League event where rivals pke Calgary Stampeders and Edmonton Eskimos, Hamilton Tiger-Cats and Toronto Argonauts ( except in university football on Labour Day. While the traditional Labour Day Classic game is always played on the Sunday before Labour Day at Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field in Regina, Saskatchewan, there is usually a rematch on the following weekend beeen these o rival prairie teams at Investors Group Field ( previously held at Canad Inns Stadium ) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Hamilton Tiger-Cats played CFL games annually in all but three years beeen 1958 and 1982, hosting the vast majority of them; Hamilton also hosted three times in four years from 1990 to 1993 and again hosted a Thanksgiving matchup in 2013 due to stadium construction disrupting their hosting of the 2013 Labour Day Classic . TSN"s broadcast schedule got underway on June 28 with a season opening double-header featuring Montreal vs . BC ( Aug . 31 and Sept . 9 ), the traditional Labour Day Classic Weekend with Winnipeg at Saskatchewan ( Sept . 2 ) and the Hall of Fame Game featuring Winnipeg at Hamilton ( Sept . 15 ). Although not associated with the Labour Day Classic , the week after Labour Day often has a repeat match-up of the Bombers vs Roughriders ( see Banjo Bowl ), Stampeders vs Eskimos ( see Battle of Alberta ), and Tiger-Cats vs Argonauts, ( a rivalry which began in 1873 ) with home field advantage now to the team that did not have it during the Labour Day weekend. The Canadian Football League entered into a much more generous contract with the America One television work that had run from 2001 through 2009 . That contract allowed for the majority of CFL games to be televised in the United States, with America One NFL preseason ), any playoff games, the Labour Day Classic ( one of the Labour Day games was carried in 2011 but not the other ), Thanksgiving Day Classic, or the Grey Cup. The most popular featured week in the CFL season is the Labour Day Classic , played over the course of the Labour Day weekend, where the matchups feature the first half of home-and-home series beeen the traditional geographic rivalries of Toronto Hamilton ( a rivalry which began in 1873 The following week"s rematch of these games is a popular event as well, especially in recent years, where the rematch of the Saskatchewan Winnipeg game has been dubbed the Banjo Bowl. Tim Hortons Field opened in time for the 2014 Labour Day Classic , which coincided with the Tiger-Cats going on a long run that propelled the team from 1 6 prior to that game to 9 9 ( in a year when the East was particularly weak, this was enough to win the division ) and o further playoff wins, propelpng the team to its second straight Grey Cup appearance, which would also be its second straight Grey Cup loss as the Calgary Stampeders held off a late eback effort from the Tiger-Cats to win 20 16.

who shuts love out,in turn shall be shut out from love这句话是什么意思?


who shuts love out,in turn shall be shut out from love 。 什嘛意思


siam journal期刊投稿后的In Review是什么状态

1. Submitted to Journal当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。2. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那里,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态:① Editor assigned 编辑分派② Editor Declined Invitation 编辑拒绝邀请,这时主编不得不将投稿文章重新分派给其它编辑。3. Reviewer(s) invited说明编辑已接手处理,正在邀请审稿人中。有时该过程会持续很长时间,如果其中原因是编辑一直没有找到合适的审稿人,这时投稿者可以向编辑推荐审稿人。4. Under review审稿人的意见已上传,说明审稿人已接受审稿,正在审稿中,这应该是一个漫长的等待(期刊通常会限定审稿人审稿时间,一般为一个月左右)。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。5. required review completed审稿结束,等编辑处理,该过程短则几天,长则无期,科学堂有一篇文章出现required review completed状态已近一个月了,还是没有消息。6. Decision in Process到了这一步就快要有结果了,编辑开始考虑是给修改还是直接拒,当然也有可能直接接受的,但可能性很小,呵呵。7. Minor revision/Major revision小修/大修,这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,因为有修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的(因为修改后一般会再发给审稿人看,所以一定要细心的回答每一个审稿人的每一个问题,态度要谦逊,要让审稿人觉得他提的每个问题都很有水准的,然后针对他的问题,一个一个的做出答复,能修改的就修改,不能修改的给出理由,而且都要列出来,文章的哪一段哪一行修改了最好都说出来,记住:给审稿人减少麻烦就是给你自己减少麻烦!另注:有时,审稿人会在修改意见里隐讳里说出要你仔细阅读某几篇文献,这时可要注意了,其中某些文章可能就是评审者自己发表的,这时你最好在你的修改稿中加以引用),修改后被拒绝的例子也多不胜数的。8. Revision Submitted to Journal修改后重新提交,等待编辑审理。9. Accepted如果不要再审,只是小修改,编辑看后会马上显示这个状态,但如果要再审也会有上面的部分状态。一步会比较快,但也有慢的。看杂志的。10. Rejected

siam journal期刊的in review是什么状态

审核中,自2018年10月起,BMC和Research Square(预印平台)合作,共同推出了一项新的服务——“审稿中(In Review)”(虽然名为“审稿”,但同时包括预印服务)。目前,该服务已经涵盖了BMC,SpringerOpen全部期刊,Nature Research旗下包括Nature Communications等期刊。据Springer Nature介绍,审稿中(In Review)服务主要有以下特点:▲ 可以查看论文的编辑进度,包括外审进度。通过作者个人入口,作者能在第一时间阅读最新的审稿意见。▲ 其他人也可以通过这个功能查阅论文的评议状态——是否已送审或已经收到的意见数量。▲ 一旦选择了该功能,您的稿件会被立刻发布到Research square预印平台,同时产生一个可用于引用的DOI编号(即以预印本形式发布手稿)。其他科研人员也可以使用该平台评论、阅读、引用您的稿件。作者可以在评议过程中考虑任何建设性意见,以进一步改进论文。

I shut love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.这句话有错吗?


Shut out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomor翻译




up global sourcing是否有问题

单从这三个单词看不出什么问题。UP Global Sourcing 是英国一家企业名。

英语:Sourcing Specialist 是什么职位?

source v. 寻求(尤指供货)的来源 sourcing specialist 就是:采购专员

请帮忙区别几个供应链专有名词:outsourcing, off-shoring, near-shoring, on-shoring, and in-sourcing

莱蒙检验(Lemon Test)——美国司法处理政教分8离案件的一e种方6案圣诞节布景 nativity scene “建立条款”(establishment clause) “圣经带”(Bible Belt) rテw睢lxau夕尽m住u夕尽q甙t▄p

gategory category sourcing是什么意思

gate gory category sourcing 血淋淋的采购category sourcing分类采购Companies should develop a balanced sourcing portfolio for each product category across regions. 企业应为每个产品类别建立一个跨地区的平衡采购组合。

customized sourcing是什么意思

Customized Sourcing是阿里巴巴最新推出的一项服务, 致力于深化买家服务,为供应商会员推荐更针对的采购需求。1.What is Customized Sourcing?Customized Sourcing is a brand new service on Alibaba.com where we match buyers" sourcing requirements with the right suppliers. Suppliers are matched based on their quotes, capabilities, product/service quality, etc.2.Who are eligible for Customized Sourcing?u2022Buyers must be registered Alibaba.com Members and have posted submitted a clear and detailed RFQ Form.u2022Gold Suppliers from China that have excellent track record (e.g. no complaints from buyers) on Alibaba.com3.What industries are available for Customized Sourcing?Only the industries listed below are currently available for Customized Sourcing:u2022Apparelu2022Packaging & Printing u2022Hardware & Toolsu2022Mechanical Parts & Fabrication Servicesu2022Construction: - Building Stones- Modular Kitchen Cabinets- Doors- Windows- Sunrooms & Glass Houses- Shutters- Stairs- Balustrades & Handrails

vender和sourcing agent有什么区别?

vender和sourcing agent的区别如下:vendor.n. 卖主;小贩;[贸易] 自动售货机agent n. 代理人,代理商;药剂;特工vt. 由?作中介;由?代理adj. 代理的英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。

采购员分 souring 跟buy,工作内容有什么不同吗

一个是开发SOURCING,一个是采购PUR,简单说:1.开发:寻找货源,开发供应商,要对供应商进行评估;2.采购:按照公司需求和已经开发的供应商下单采购. 不是,看公司,象我们公司工作只能划分很细就分成两块,小规模的公司为了节约人力成本通常是一起的.

global sourcing 什么意思



以下信息摘录,请参考:1. 直观性: 很多产品采用全新透明材质类,如PVC,PET材料,这样较好的给产品以直观的展示机会,提升了产品的外观档次,这点说明,一家优秀的厂,用料绝不含糊。2. 效益性:折盒类产品,在制造成本上的优势不可忽视,生产速度上可谓神速,其性价比显著 因为工艺简单,所以对工序要求高,比如说,啤机会不会有毛边,会不会爆线,会不会胶水发白。3. 方便性:利用折盒包装,组装简单,给自己的成品包装提供不少便利,无论是阶段性小批量生产还是大货出柜走船,都为工作效率的提升贡献不小。这点说明包装需要要合理,不要一箱包装太重4. 优越性:胶盒类产品还能在表面直接进行各种工艺,如丝印,UV印,烫金,烫银,最大程度地展现出产品的魅力,产品包装合二为一,更加有效地塑造产品的形象,提升产品整体形象,环保的概念成为引导包装潮流的国际化,时尚化的手段。这些工艺告诉你,跟厂家谈时,你胸有成竹5. 柔软易折,手感良好 ,胶盒虽然有自己的成型,但是也忌外力挤压造成成批不良以上出处:东莞市淦合包装官网

Sourcing Officer 是一个什么职位?

采购文员Sourcer采购了人力应该是human resource

ThreeSixty Sourcing(360采购)公司怎样?有没人跟他们做过交易的详细说下


sourcing engineer是什么意思

sourcing engineer采购工程师;供应商开发工程师双语例句Fortunately, the same forces that have already restructured our economic lives the global sourcing of goods and the global flow of capital are now starting to engineer a second transformative shift. 幸好,重构我们经济生活的两大要素商品的全球采购和资本的全球流动现在正开始策动第二波重大转变。

猎头行业单词求翻译:maping 和 soursing, 分别是什么意思?求大侠指教!

maping 就是你在找客户要求的目标公司时找到某个部门的人的联系记录汇总。打个比方:例如你要找的是A公司销售部门的,你通过CC或者其他渠道了解到这个部门有ABCD4个人,A是销售经理,负责快消渠道,B是销售主管,负责的是零售渠道。 C和D都是销售专员,负责的是代理渠道。你把这些人的职位,名字,联系方式,负责渠道,联系记录用一个表格的形式罗列出来就是maping。soursing是采购行业的常用的一个词,基本释义就是采购的意思,不过在英语单词中采购有purchase和sorursing,1. sourcing指开发供应商,偏重于对整体项目的分析,对潜在的预测有比较高的要求,同时还可能负责前期的供应商的寻找和筛选,sourcing强调的是对外部资源的调查,分类和评比;2. purchase指的是项目的执行者;

ridesourcing 什么意思

ride sourcing骑采购


Sourcing比SQE前途更光明吧, 对供应商的选择和开发需要Communication 的技巧, 有经验的Sourcing人才很有市场的.

sourcing manager怎么翻译?






Out-sourcing, in-sourcing and off-sourcing

Out-sourcing = to get the source out of own pany or group In-sourcing = to get the source within own pany or group still with own geographical territory Off-sourcing does not mean not sourcing, but it should be read as off- shore sourcing = to get the source outside a geographical territory (out of the country) ,参考: own writing,outsourcing = get it (the task/job/thing) done by outsider of the pany insourcing = get it (the task/job/thing) done within the pany offshoring = get it (the task/job/thing) done by outsider of the pany in another country,outsourcing 即系外判, 指某一部份工作由原先内部提供改为其他公司/个体去做。 insourcing最常用的解释是从外判公司的角度看outsourcing,接他人的外判工作。 off sourcing(把工作外判到国外)。 More plex scenario on outsourcing as vendor located abroad.,




sourcing指的是战略采购。一般都是正式量产前的相关工作。buyer指的是采购员。负责采购公司需要的各类物资。战略采购包括供应商开发,供应商审核,合同制定,供应商关系管理,需求与供应分析,采购成本分析,以及风险控制等等。偏重于战略层面上的计划,分析和控制。一般来说,采购员的主要职责是根据确定的供应协议和条款,以及企业的物料需求时间计划。以采购订单的形式向供应方发出需求信息,并安排和跟踪整个物流过程,确保物料按时到达企业,以支持企业的正常运营的过程。扩展资料:采购员必备能力:成本意识与价值分析能力、预测能力、表达能力、良好的人际沟通与协调能力、专业知识。采购员须承担的责任:采购计划与需求确认、供应商选择与管理、采购数量控制、采购品质控制、采购价格控制、交货期控制、采购成本控制、采购合同管理、采购记录管理。采购员的职责:1、主动与申购部门联系,核实所购物资的规格、型号、数量、验货时间等,避免差错,按需进货,及时采办保证按时到货。 2、熟悉市场行情及进货渠道,坚持“货比三家,比质比价,择优选购”的采购原则,努力降低进货成本,严把质量关,杜绝假冒伪劣商品的流入。 3、以搞好“采购供应,保障经营需要”为原则,抓好采购管理,了解公司及下属各企业的物资需求及市场供应情况,掌握酒店有关财务规定以及对物资采购成本、费用资金控制的要求,熟悉各种物资采购计划。参考资料:搜狗百科-战略采购参考资料:搜狗百科-采购员


可以通过 采购及时率 合格率等方面制定


SQE肯定比sourcing好啦~~很明显 傻的都知道

sourcing company 和 Trading company 区别在哪?

Sourcing 主要偏战略性,根据市场及生产需要为生产型企业寻找合适的供应商(供应原材料零部件等),当然合适的供应商包括很多内容(比如能够及时的供给,具有竞争性的价格和质量等等)。 而Trading 就我所理解是客户给你订单,你找到供应商生产然后发货,有时候是纯粹的买卖. Sourcing的执行者往往是经验丰富知识渊博的资深人士,而Trading则不然。当然还有跟多的区别。。。。

sourcing company是什么意思


Merchandiser sourcing sales区别


direct sourcing是什么意思

  direct sourcing  直接采购;  [例句]That risk could potentially extend to their bank balance as the cost-saving benefits of direct sourcing become attractive to an increasing number of retailers.  这种风险可能延伸到它们的银行馀额,因为直接采购的成本-储蓄收益开始吸引越来越多的零售商。



ThreeSixty Sourcing(360采购)公司怎样?有没人跟他们做过交易的详细说下



1, 搞清楚客户需求;2,明确要找的产品名称,规格,参数,技术要求,认证要求,供应商资质要求,目标采购价,贸易方式等,最好做一个列表清单;3,通过网络(阿里巴巴,中国制造,环球资源,福步论坛等)或者专业展会等途径收集相关厂商资料;4,联系厂商(通常是email)获取产品资料和报价,样品;5,相关资料报价和样品发给相关人员进行确认。多积累资源,以后用的着。做Sourcing工作其实挺锻炼人的,你就是一个小型的贸易公司,祝大家做得开心!中山百可德机电 专业做水泵~


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