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Tiempo De Vals 歌词

歌曲名:Tiempo De Vals歌手:Chayanne专辑:A Solas Con ChayanneTiempo de vals es el tiempo hacia atrasdonde hacer lo de siempre es volver a empezardonde el mundo se para y te observa girares tiempo para amarTiempo de vals tiempo para sentiry decir sin hablar y escuchar sin oirun silencio que rompe en el aire un violines tiempo de vivirBesame en tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tressin parar de bailarhaz que este tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tresno termine jamasTiempo de vals tiempo para viajarpor encima del sol por debajo del marsin saber si te llevo o me dejo llevarno es tiempo de verdadTiempo de vals tiempo para abrazarla pasion que prefieres y hacerla girary elevarse violenta como un huracanes tiempo en espiralBesame en tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tressin parar de bailarhaz que este tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tresno termine jamasBesame en tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tressin parar de bailarhaz que este tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tresno termine jamasTiempo de vals que empleamos los dosdibujando en el suelo de un viejo saloncon tres pasos de baile una historia de amores tiempo y es en finel tiempo para ti.

32岁 左边,右边双侧精索静脉曲张都为0.20cm,做valsaval动作时可见返流血,请问到了程度?


Tiempo De Vals 歌词

歌曲名:Tiempo De Vals歌手:Chayanne专辑:Greatest HitsTiempo de vals es el tiempo hacia atrasdonde hacer lo de siempre es volver a empezardonde el mundo se para y te observa girares tiempo para amarTiempo de vals tiempo para sentiry decir sin hablar y escuchar sin oirun silencio que rompe en el aire un violines tiempo de vivirBesame en tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tressin parar de bailarhaz que este tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tresno termine jamasTiempo de vals tiempo para viajarpor encima del sol por debajo del marsin saber si te llevo o me dejo llevarno es tiempo de verdadTiempo de vals tiempo para abrazarla pasion que prefieres y hacerla girary elevarse violenta como un huracanes tiempo en espiralBesame en tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tressin parar de bailarhaz que este tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tresno termine jamasBesame en tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tressin parar de bailarhaz que este tiempo de valsun dos tres un dos tresno termine jamasTiempo de vals que empleamos los dosdibujando en el suelo de un viejo saloncon tres pasos de baile una historia de amores tiempo y es en finel tiempo para ti.


应该是get together, 而不是go together。这个句子的意思是,过节时,家人都要团聚。get together是团聚,聚会的意思; 而 go together是一起去(某地)之意。




分类: 医疗/疾病 解析: 乏萨瓦(Valsava)动作为会厌紧闭用力呼气,使肺内和胸膜腔内压力上升,肺内压力上升更多些。压力升高 *** 了张力感受器,引起迷走反射减慢心率。另外在用力呼气胸内压力升高时回心血量减少,动脉血压及心搏出量也下降,一旦憋气动作停止,回心血量骤然增多,动脉血压突然上升,反射性地增强了迷走神经兴奋性。这是一种简便、易行的 *** 迷走神经的方法。 icu/Book/neke/eryx/200507/5684






vals2生活方式系统是由美国斯坦福国际研究院创立的一种观察理解人们生存状态的方式,通过人的态度、需求、欲望、信仰和人口统计学特征来观察并综合描述人们。这套1978年创立的系统现在被广泛认同和引用。一位名为阿诺德·米歇尔(Arndd Mithchell)的研究者,根据20世纪80年代对大约1600户美国家庭进行的冗长的全面询问,开始设计出一个把消费者放于九个生活方式群体的的系统,也称为VALS类型。需求驱使类(Need-Driven),总人口11%国民收入$ =7.5%。扩展资料:应用VALS系统已被200多家公司和广告代理商运用于行销实践中,现在该系统经过更新成为VALS2。起初VALS综合于两个视角来建立生活方式群体。一是基于马斯洛需求等级。二是基于美国社会学家戴维·瑞斯曼(David Reisman)提出的内在驱动者。即那引些受从个性表达和个人品味上来判断价值的人,和外在驱动者,却那些受他人行为和反应和影响而动摇决策的人之间的区别。VALS类型学把人们归集到成就者、社会自觉者和归属者这三类这主要依据人们在马斯洛等级中的位置。以及他们达到目标的动力是内在还是外在的。例如成就者和社会自觉者都是富足的,但外在驱动型的成就者会倾向于获得权力象征,而一个内在驱动型的“社会自觉者”更可能买一间具备有效动力装置的房子。参考资料来源:百度百科-VALS系统

什么是VALS调查法?如题 谢谢了

VALS系统(Values and Lifestyle Survey,价值观和生活方式系统) VALS全称价值观和生活方式系统, 是由美国斯坦福国际研究院创立的一种观察理解人们生存状态的方式 ,通过人的态度、 需求 、欲望、 信仰和人口统计学特征来观察并综合描述人们。 这套1978年创立的系统现在被广泛认同和引用。


vals2生活方式系统是由美国斯坦福国际研究院创立的一种观察理解人们生存状态的方式,通过人的态度、需求、欲望、信仰和人口统计学特征来观察并综合描述人们。这套1978年创立的系统现在被广泛认同和引用。一位名为阿诺德·米歇尔(Arndd Mithchell)的研究者,根据20世纪80年代对大约1600户美国家庭进行的冗长的全面询问,开始设计出一个把消费者放于九个生活方式群体的的系统,也称为VALS类型。需求驱使类(Need-Driven),总人口11%国民收入$ =7.5%。扩展资料:应用VALS系统已被200多家公司和广告代理商运用于行销实践中,现在该系统经过更新成为VALS2。起初VALS综合于两个视角来建立生活方式群体。一是基于马斯洛需求等级。二是基于美国社会学家戴维·瑞斯曼(David Reisman)提出的内在驱动者。即那引些受从个性表达和个人品味上来判断价值的人,和外在驱动者,却那些受他人行为和反应和影响而动摇决策的人之间的区别。VALS类型学把人们归集到成就者、社会自觉者和归属者这三类这主要依据人们在马斯洛等级中的位置。以及他们达到目标的动力是内在还是外在的。例如成就者和社会自觉者都是富足的,但外在驱动型的成就者会倾向于获得权力象征,而一个内在驱动型的“社会自觉者”更可能买一间具备有效动力装置的房子。参考资料来源:百度百科-VALS系统





c#中 foreach(int val in vals)这句什么意思啊









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“所有的节日 ” 翻译: all festivals 还是all the festivals? 要不要加the?

所有的节日All festivals

求The Celebration of Western Festivals英语作文

参考答案: 逢山开路,遇水搭桥。

our favourite Festivals 我们最喜欢的节日 英语作文

一、Our Favourite Festival (这篇可以参考,长短适合:)~~ China have a lot of festivals.My favourite festival is the spring festival.Because the spring festival is the beginning of a year.And the new year"s Eve we can do our best to play.Do you like play? I think everybody likes play.We can give happy from the games.In the Eve,we can eat a reunion rice.Next day is the spring festival,we will don"t eat meat and have a good day. Because a good beginning is the most important for a year.In this day,my family is very happy. So I like the spring festival.二、 .My favourite holiday is Spring Festival.It always takes place in January or February.The date is not fixed,because it is based on the lunar calendar .During the festival ,all the members of family will get together to celebrate it.People will dress up and decorate their house.Children will play and enjoy themselves.Children can also get some "Lucky Money"as their Spring Festival"s present.After the clock beats twelve times ,the dinner will begin.Pepople will eat dumplings as the main cours. 三、My favourite festival is the Spring Festival.It"s in February. Though it"s always very cold outside,our house is never cold.All the family members get back home,and we have a big meal together.It is fun! I can play with my sisters and brothers. Sometimes it will snow ,so we can fight with snow balls and build a snowman.How interesting! 四、My favourite festival is Midle autume day(中秋节).On that day,we can eat mooncakes.They are delicious.We also can see the moon in the sky.It"s really circinal.(圆的)So,I really like Midle autume day.It"s my favourite festival.望采纳(≧▽≦)/

all festivals是什么意思

all festivals所有的节日例句:1.All festivals will host a food drive to benefit Food Bank of the Rockies.


节日的,喜庆的,快乐的意思 festivals是复数


festivals读音是["festu0259vu0259l]。一、基本释义:1、形容词:节日的,喜庆的,快乐的。2、名词:节日,庆祝及祭祀,欢宴。3、Festivals是复数。二、双语例句:1、 Manchester United have been disqualified.曼彻斯特联队已被禁赛。2、Wednesday"s go-slow protests in London and Manchester were halted.周三在伦敦和曼彻斯特举行的怠工抗议被中止了。3、 He follows Manchester United.他支持曼彻斯特联队。4、 Manchester United"s new kit is launched today.今天曼彻斯特联队发布了新款全套球队运动装备。5、The programme was produced in Manchester.该节目在曼彻斯特播放。

what festivals什么意思

what festivals什么意思意思是:什么节日重点词汇释义festivals节日( festival的名词复数 ); 节期;


这个the festivals指代所有的节日 所以要加S并不是你所想的指代春节意思是 每个人过节时候都会回家。


My favorite festival Festivals and celebrations make our lives colorful. So I like festivals very much ,especially mid-autumn festival. On mid-autumn festival, families always get together. Everyone is willing to see each other on that special day. People enjoy the delicious moon cake and admire the beauty of the moon. The most important part is that people can have fun chatting staying with their families. This is my favorite festival. It sounds great,doesn"t it ?啊我自己写的啊。很辛苦啊


Festivals There are many many festivals around a year in China,such as Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Day, Drgaon-boat Feitival and so on. Among so many festivals,my favourite is the Spring Festival--which is a traditional and also the most important one in China,because it means family"s reunion. Usually it falls on the end of January and the beginning of Febrary.Before its coming,we will do a lot of preparations for it.First,we will clean our house completely which means “ringing out of the Old Year and ring in the New Year".Then we will prepare various kinds of food,including chicken, fish, meat,fruit and so on.Regarding food, different areas have different choices. But I can make sure that no matter what food we prepare,they must be delicious.Besides,most peole especially the children will put on their new clothes. And our parents will give us or other kids lucky money in red bad, which means good luck to us.During the festival, many people will go out to pay a visit to their firneds and relatives.Meanwhile,there is another feitival called Christmas Day popular in China.On the Christmas Eve,many people usually young people will go to the pub or take part in parties to celebrate it.So there is a inreasing concern about that people will froget our traditional festivals but just focus on western festivals.It"s not good for our traditional culture.As far as I am concerned, there is no need to worry about that.Becuse through foreign festivals, we can learn different cultures and customs about foreign countries. It"s a good way for us to increse our knowledge.And this is also an interactional combination for different cultures.I think it"s great.匆忙写的,希望那个可以帮到你!

Festivals是什么意思 探究Festivals的含义和起源?


fda original approvals or tentative approvals 什么意思

fda original approvals or tentative approvalsFDA原批准或初步批准fda original approvals or tentative approvalsFDA原批准或初步批准

valse de la lune 歌词

歌曲名:valse de la lune歌手:Ilaria Graziano专辑:YOKO KANNO produce Cyber Bicci「valse de la lune」作词∶Ilaria Graziano作曲∶菅野よう子歌∶Ilaria GrazianoBlanc ou noir comme toi je parts au loin,avec l"espoir de changer le destin.Bien que dans le corps l"ame embrase,dans l"obscurite la distance devient infinie.Avec des jeunes vetus en peau de bete,on danse ensamble au milieu des tempetes.Un autre horizon se dissoutdans la lumiere des yeux qui veulent se reveiller.Et, j"attend la,ou rien bouge maintenant.Meme si je ne te vois pasJe peux retrouver ce que l"on cherche dans la nuit,Meme si c"est tres difficileje danserai mon chemin avec les loups.Je sentirai la lumiere sur ma peau,sin avoir peur de tes mauvaises cotes.C"est la lune qui conduit la dansequand le soleil sera couche dans ton ame froide.Je t"attend la,ou rien bouge maintenant.Ou l"ombre deploit tous ses voilesJe peux retrouver ce que l"on cherche dans la nuit.Meme si c"est tres difficileje danserai mon chemin avec les loups.【 おわり 】

seasonal festivals是什么意思

seasonal festivals季节性节日festivalsn.节日( festival的名词复数 ); 节期; (音乐、戏剧、电影等的)会演; 双语例句1There"s festivals and, you know, the fall.有节日呀,那是欧洲的秋天.

domestic arrivals exit arrivals 是名词这里? 为啥不在后面的exit加复数 而在前面的加呢

楼主好,我认为arrivals 在这里指来访者,有很多所以加s。而出口只有一个,所以是单数。如果满意望采纳~你的采纳是我回答的动力:)


festival ["festu0259vu0259l] a.节日的,喜庆的,快乐的 n.节日,庆祝及祭祀,欢宴 Festivals是复数,["festu0259vu0259ls]

极品飞车18提示“need for speed rivals已停止工作”怎么办


求助啊,need for speed rivals无法启动游戏

提示缺少“MSVCP110.dll”的玩家请安装“X(你的游戏安装目录):NeedforSpeed(TM)Rivals\__Installervcvc2012Update1 edist”目录下的“vcredist_x64.exe”与“vcredist_x86.exe”再运行相应的启动程序开始游戏。或者用360系统修复--查看全部--搜索“缺少“MSVCP110.dll”字符,找到相应情况(就是第一条),选立即修复。或者上百度搜索MSVCP110.dll,下载来放在游戏文件里或者把文件夹改成英文字符,就是路径名不要包含中文字符

but now sky lanterns 什么celebrating the festivals

No, the westen festivals can never take the place of traditional chinese festivals, because our Chinese festivals has long traditions and our Chinese people are used to them. They will never be replaced but will be filled with more content.

谁能用“ Talk about your favourite festivals.”写篇作文,几句就行!

Talk about your favourite festivals 是不是标题?如果是的话,那你可以这样写,只是一个例子,我给的例子是春节的。 My favourite festival is Chinese New Year. Chinese New year is our traditional festival, every time before the Chinese New Year come, I will be helping my parents to clean the house as house cleaning is part of the customs. It symbolizes getting rid of all the bad luck in the previous year and hope everything in the coming year will goes well. During Chinese New Year, we also have a chance to play with the firecrackers and enjoy the fireworks displays. 不知这样,你满不满意

翻译一段中文,关于chinese holidays and festivals

China has very many holidays, for example: Spring Festival, New Year"s Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Midautumn Festival and so on Each holiday all has the special significance, among, I most like a holiday is Midautumn Festival, because of in this day, the moon circle shines, moreover also can eat the moon cake, is extremely interesting, therefore I like Chinese very much the holiday!

traditional chinese festivals怎么读


chinese traditional festivals是什么意思


Chinese Holidays and Festivals

Chinese Holidays and Festivals We have many traditional festivals and national holidays in China, such as the Spring Festivals, the Dragon Boat Festivals, the Mid-autumn Festivals, etc. Our national holidays are the New Year, May Day, and our National Day, which falls on October 1st. On holidays, we used to pay for visits to our relatives(亲戚) and friends, exchanging gifts(交换礼物) and having dinner together. Now we have more ways of celebration(庆祝). People choose to send the messages to greet(祝福) each other. People take coaches(长途车), drive cars, or go by air to remote(遥远的) places for sightseeing. Students would e to our bookstore to find their favorite books.

can you teii me about chinese festivals


以chinese festivals为题的英语作文

There are many Chinese festivals in China. I like Moon cake Festival best. I can eat many delicious moon cakes and look at the bright moon. I can relax myself. Now is January, and I hope that September will come faster.I like Dragon Boat Festival, too. We can eat rice dumplings and watch the dragon boat match. It is a very lively match.I love Chinese festivals!


There are many festivals in China. i like Spring Festival best. It"s in winter.At Spring Festival, we can get lucky money, eat a big dinner, wear new clothes and visit my family and friends. i"m very happy during the festival.Some festivals are now popular in China,such as Christmas Day, Father"s Day.Here is a survey of foreign festivals. Christmas Day 68.5 pen cent, Valentine"s Day 61.8 per cent, Mother"s Day 59.4 per cent, and Father"s Day 52.7 per cent. some foreign festivals are good for us. Such as Father and Mother"s Day. we can express our love to our parents.

Festivals的英语作文 80词左右 与Festivals有关的,内容最好丰富一些...

Traditional Chinese festivals As we all know,it is the Spring Festivals now.People from all over the world are celebrating,as the news reported. The Spring Festival may be the most popular Chinese festival in the world,known as Chinese New Year.The Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the New Year in lunar calendar and ends on the full moon 15days later.New Year钬檚 Eve and New Year钬檚 Day are celebrated as family affair,a time of reunion and thanksgiving.In the past,all the family members will get together at the New Year钬檚 Eve.They have a big dinner.In the north people must eat dumplings,and in the south people usually eat rice cake.The genearchs will sum up the whole year and bless the New Year.In the midnight they will play firecracker and worship the ancestor.On the next days,people pay New Year钬檚 Calls.They visit relations and bless each other. The 15th day of the New Year is called the Lantern Festival,which is the first night to see a full moon.The day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China because the first lunar month is called 钬渊uan钬 month and ancient people called night 钬淴iao钬?People celebrate the festival with their families at night,eating rice glue ball (Yuan Xiao).Children will carry lanterns in a parade with beautiful lantern and firework displaying.There may be riddles written on lanterns.People will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and enjoy the nice time. Mid-Autumn Festival is also on the day when there is a full moon.It is the 15th day of the 8th lunar month,so many people simply call the day 钬淔ifteenth of the Eighth Moon钬?As this is a season when crops and fruits are all ripe and the weather is pleasant,the festival is also considered as a harvest festival.People must eat moon cakes in the festival.Moon-cakes are made with nuts,Chinese date or sweetened bean paste.Moon-cake is the symbol of reunion since it is often discal.People also tell story about Chang E and Wu Gang to the kids when eating moon-cakes and appreciating the beautiful moon. Chinese people think a lot of reunion.In many of the Chinese festivals families must get together to celebrate.The Spring Festival,Lantern Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are the most important festivals for reunion.Chinese people think a lot of ancestors,too.Actually,ancestor worship is an important affair during the Spring Festivals.Some Chinese festivals are special for worship and sacrifice. Qingming Festival is the most important day of sacrifice.It is one of the 24 seasonal division points in China.It is the time for people to sacrifice to their ancestors and sweep the tombs.The Hanshi (Cold Food) Festival was usually one day before the Qingming Festival,but now they were combined.People will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.This custom is to commemorate Jie Zitui,who is a personage during the Warring States Period.On each Qingming Festival,all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices.Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness.Besides sacrifice,the Qingming Festival is also a time for spring outings because it is a time when the sun shines brightly and nature is lively. Another important festival is the Dragon Boat Festival,also called the Duanwu Festival.It is celebrated on fifth day of the fifth month according to the lunar calendar.The festival is best known for dragon-boat races,especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.This commemorates the death of Qu Yuan,who is also an honest minister living during the Warring States Period.The festival has been marked by eating Zong Zi,which also commemorates the death of Qu Yuan.But now,Duanwu Festival is a little entertaining.It is not as serious as Qingming Festival.Some of the Chinese people do not think deeply of the festival,but North Korea has declared the Duanwu Festival of Non-material Heritage of the World.This is embarrassing. Chong Yang Festival is also a day of honor.It is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.In traditional Chinese world view,the number nine is regarded as yung,representing life and brightness or masculine or positive.钬淐hong钬 means double.Chinese ancestors considered Double Ninth Festival an auspicious day worth celebration.On this day,people usually climb mountains,appreciate chrysanthemum flowers and drink chrysanthemum wine.The festival is also a time for family get-togethers.It is an occasion to remember one钬檚 ancestors.The festival is a special day to respect the older.Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.So the Double Ninth Festival is also the 钬渌ld Men Festival钬? Opposite to the 钬测ang钬 festival,there is a 钬测in钬 festival.Much like Halloween,China celebrates a Fall Festival:ZhongYuan Festival,or Ghost Festival.The festival takes place during the 7th lunar month.Unlike other celebrations of the dead in Eastern cultures that seek to honor dead ancestors,the Ghost Festival seek to pacify the hungry ghosts who have been forced to dwell in hell without food.ZhongYuan Festival used to be a very important festival in the past,but it is nearly forgotten now. Not all the Chinese festivals are seriously.Qi Xi Festival,or known as Chinese Valentine钬檚 Day,is full of happiness.Behind the festival,here is a story about a Weaving Girl called Zhinu fell in love with a young farmer called Niulang In the night of the festival,kids appreciate the star and listen to their grandmother telling stories.The festival is also for girls and young lady to supplicate for ingenious. As China is more international,the Western festivals are more and more popular.But some of the traditional Chinese festivals have changed a lot,or even nearly been forgotten.I think more people should concern with tradition Chinese festivals,because it carries a lot of cultural connotations.

Chinese tranditional festivals花式字体怎么写


急需:英语作文my view on chinese traditional festivals

不知道是否要写地好一点的,还是初中水平的。Traditional Chinese festivalsAs we all know, it is the Spring Festivals now. People from all over the world are celebrating, as the news reported.The Spring Festival may be the most popular Chinese festival in the world, known as Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the New Year in lunar calendar and ends on the full moon 15days later. New Year"s Eve and New Year"s Day are celebrated as family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. In the past, all the family members will get together at the New Year"s Eve. They have a big dinner. In the north people must eat dumplings, and in the south people usually eat rice cake. The genearchs will sum up the whole year and bless the New Year. In the midnight they will play firecracker and worship the ancestor. On the next days, people pay New Year"s Calls. They visit relations and bless each other.The 15th day of the New Year is called the Lantern Festival, which is the first night to see a full moon. The day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China because the first lunar month is called “Yuan” month and ancient people called night “Xiao”. People celebrate the festival with their families at night, eating rice glue ball (Yuan Xiao). Children will carry lanterns in a parade with beautiful lantern and firework displaying. There may be riddles written on lanterns. People will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and enjoy the nice time.Mid-Autumn Festival is also on the day when there is a full moon. It is the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, so many people simply call the day “Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon”. As this is a season when crops and fruits are all ripe and the weather is pleasant, the festival is also considered as a harvest festival. People must eat moon cakes in the festival. Moon-cakes are made with nuts, Chinese date or sweetened bean paste. Moon-cake is the symbol of reunion since it is often discal. People also tell story about Chang E and Wu Gang to the kids when eating moon-cakes and appreciating the beautiful moon.Chinese people think a lot of reunion. In many of the Chinese festivals families must get together to celebrate. The Spring Festival, Lantern Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are the most important festivals for reunion. Chinese people think a lot of ancestors, too. Actually, ancestor worship is an important affair during the Spring Festivals. Some Chinese festivals are special for worship and sacrifice.Qingming Festival is the most important day of sacrifice. It is one of the 24 seasonal division points in China. It is the time for people to sacrifice to their ancestors and sweep the tombs. The Hanshi (Cold Food) Festival was usually one day before the Qingming Festival, but now they were combined. People will not cook on this day and only cold food is served. This custom is to commemorate Jie Zitui, who is a personage during the Warring States Period. On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness. Besides sacrifice, the Qingming Festival is also a time for spring outings because it is a time when the sun shines brightly and nature is lively.Another important festival is the Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival. It is celebrated on fifth day of the fifth month according to the lunar calendar. The festival is best known for dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. This commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, who is also an honest minister living during the Warring States Period. The festival has been marked by eating Zong Zi, which also commemorates the death of Qu Yuan. But now, Duanwu Festival is a little entertaining. It is not as serious as Qingming Festival. Some of the Chinese people do not think deeply of the festival, but North Korea has declared the Duanwu Festival of Non-material Heritage of the World. This is embarrassing.Chong Yang Festival is also a day of honor. It is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. In traditional Chinese world view, the number nine is regarded as yung, representing life and brightness or masculine or positive. “Chong” means double. Chinese ancestors considered Double Ninth Festival an auspicious day worth celebration. On this day, people usually climb mountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers and drink chrysanthemum wine. The festival is also a time for family get-togethers. It is an occasion to remember one"s ancestors. The festival is a special day to respect the older. Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival. So the Double Ninth Festival is also the “Old Men Festival”.Opposite to the “yang” festival, there is a “yin” festival. Much like Halloween, China celebrates a Fall Festival: ZhongYuan Festival, or Ghost Festival. The festival takes place during the 7th lunar month. Unlike other celebrations of the dead in Eastern cultures that seek to honor dead ancestors, the Ghost Festival seek to pacify the hungry ghosts who have been forced to dwell in hell without food. ZhongYuan Festival used to be a very important festival in the past, but it is nearly forgotten now.Not all the Chinese festivals are seriously. Qi Xi Festival, or known as Chinese Valentine"s Day, is full of happiness. Behind the festival, here is a story about a Weaving Girl called Zhinu fell in love with a young farmer called Niulang In the night of the festival, kids appreciate the star and listen to their grandmother telling stories. The festival is also for girls and young lady to supplicate for ingenious.As China is more international, the Western festivals are more and more popular. But some of the traditional Chinese festivals have changed a lot, or even nearly been forgotten. I think more people should concern with tradition Chinese festivals, because it carries a lot of cultural connotations.

英语课文chinese festivals翻译


chinese festivals什么意思

chinese festivals中国的节日例句:1.Today chinatown is a lively cultural centre frequented by the vancouver chinesecommunity and tourists alike during weekends and chinese festivals. 今天,唐人街已是一个充满活力的文化中心,温哥华华人团体和旅行者在周末和中国节日常到的地方。

这个句子中为何在greatest前不加the? Christmas Day is greastest of the Christian festivals.



ROMAJIato dorekurai kono mamade ii?kidzukanai furi o shitaitsuka kowarete shimau mono narasore mo hitotsu no kekka toboku wa boku no mama irareru darou kakimi dake ga inai sekai deima kara uso wo tsuku yotatta ichido no kimi e no uso「matte inakute ii yo」kokoro ni mo nai yasashiku mo naiwakatteru nonikono kanashimi to mukiau koto wadare no tameni mo naranaiisso nikunde shimaeta no narasukuwareteita no kanashinjitsumi no nai uta ga mune o uchinamida nagashiteiru dakeima kara kako ni suru yokimi ga negatta sono toori ni 「matte inakute ii yo」mou modoranai dokoni mo inaiwakatteru karajibun nante inakunattemodaijoubu darou ttekuchiguse no youni itte itakedomarude nanimo nakatta youniegao kuzusanakerebamanzoku shite kureru?nanika o kakusu younikabai tsudzukete ikiru koto demamotte ita shoutai mo minukenakattafureru koto mo kanawanaisaisho de saigo no seiippai no kimi e no uso「boku wa hitorikiri demo daijōbu dayo」kokoro ni mo nai wakare no kotoba

there are dragon dances and carnivals.为什么dance要加s

dragon dances 是指舞龙这种活动,因此要加s.there are dragon dances and carnivals. 这儿有舞龙和嘉年华的活动.

肖邦的圆舞曲Gread valse brillante 怎么翻译?(可能是法语)

是 Grande valse brillante 吧。。。辉煌大圆舞曲。

the winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour much faster than any of its rivals

第一,这里不是winner,你看清楚。这里是动词,并且用的动名词修饰名词的结构。所以,必须加。第二,any of its rivals 意思是 “其他任何对手”相当于 any other rivals. 这里使用any of 是为了强调the winning car的厉害程度,比“其他任何对手”都要快。并且有了any of 表达的意思更准确。没有,则没有这样的效果和准确度。

有没有人知道valses nobles是什么意思是?


sigmaplot没法修改坐标间距 tick intervals 那个项目是灰色的,没法使用

答:按照下面的步骤修改:1.在坐标轴上双击,可以看到属性框2.点击属性框左侧的ticks3.在最下面的tick intervals中选择manual,在右边的every框填5就可以了如果要把数字去掉,只要选中了删除就可以了!

软件中minor intervals选项是什么意思

minor interval【声学】小(调)音程

定语从句先行词为为intervals, when

intervals 如果指空间距离,关系词要用 where;如果指“间隔时间”,关系词就得用 when。例如:He always visits me at intervals when there is free time. (他总是在有空的间隔时间拜访我一次)











fixed intervals中文翻译

We replace the continuous signal with a series of values at fixed intervals . 我们用一系列固定间隔处的值代替连续信号。 The signal goes on sounding at fixed intervals 讯号在固定的间隔时间内鸣响。 Describes how to run procedures on separate threads at fixed intervals 说明如何以固定的间隔在单独的线程上运行过程。 Fixed interval system 定期订货方式 Users must be able to autosave documents on fixed intervals that are specified by the user 用户必须能够在其指定的固定时间间隔自动保存文档。 Article 17 the fixed interval referred to in paragraph 2 , article 62 of the act is 6 months 第17条(期限(二) )本法第六十二条第二项所定定期为六个月。 Interval system is one land of uncertain systems whose partial or whole parameters vary within fixed intervals . uncertainties will affect systems " stabipty and other performances directly 区间系统是一大类不确定性系统,其不确定性表现为系统模型的部分或者全部参数在各自固定的区间内波动。 To prevent this , database mirroring implements its own time - out mechani *** , based on each server instance in a mirroring session sending out a ping on each open connection at a fixed interval 为了防止发生这种情况,数据库镜像使用超时机制,此机制基于镜像会话中的每个服务器实例会在每个开放连接上按固定间隔发送ping 。 By *** yzing the metabop *** of alcohol , we estabpsh corresponding mathematical models in quickly - drinking , slowly - drinking and fixed interval - drinking case , and give the estimate method of each parameter 摘要通过对酒精进入人体后的生理代谢过程进行分析,对快速饮酒、慢速饮酒及固定间隔时间饮酒三种情形,分别建立了相应数学模型,并对参数给出估计方法。 3 based on the filtering and *** oothing algorithm , the optimal fixed interval deconvolution estimation algorithm is developed . 4 the algorithms are not only deduced theoretically but also tested through simulation . satisfactory simulation results are obtained , which vapdate the algorithms 第四,除了理论上对所给出的最优算法的推证之外,本文还进行了大量的仿真实验,仿真结果验证了各算法的有效性。 We introduce adaptive - grid method to settle this problem . we divide each dimension into a fix interval and join the dense interval to dense part . at the boundary of the each dense part , boundary is adjusted by dividing a *** aller interval 针对上述问题论文引入了自适应的网格划分方法,通过在一维的情况下预先分割区间,然后找出密集分割区间并对分界进行调整来得到密集区间,最后把这些密集区间作为划分网格的依据。 2 based on the optimal filtering algorithm , the indirect algorithm of the optimal fixed interval *** oothing is deduced with the correlation of system and observation noise at the same time . the operation quantity is reduced through the recursive expression of the indirect variable , so the algorithm is more practical 第二,利用滤波算法的结果,推导出了这种系统在加性噪声同时刻相关时状态最优固定域平滑估计的间接算法,通过引入中间变量的递推表达,减少了运算量,使算法更实用。


P是0.7764. 那个warning意思是说有四分之一(25%)的格子理论数小于5.这是做一般卡方检验和Fisher"s Exact Test的检验条件,不满足就要用Fisher"s Exact Test。Two-sided是双侧P值,一般都是这个。除非你的专业要求不同,会使用单侧概率

At intervals 和 at the interval。。。。。。

At intervals 不时(时时,处处)没有后者的短语

confidence intervals是什么意思

1. 信赖区间2. 置信区间例句:1.The six sigma black belt should be able to compute confidenceintervals for various statistics. 六西格玛黑带应该能够计算出各种统计量的置信区间。2.The confidence intervals of the ratios are computed to evaluatethe performance of this automatic approach with respect toexpert inspection for clinical images. 这些比例的信赖区间是用来评估有关临床影像自动化检查方法的表现成效

置信区间(confidence intervals)


SDL_AddTimer(INTERVALS,displayTime,NULL) 括号里面这三个具体什么意思,怎么用啊。。。求高人教教啊。

INTERVALS是间隔,单位是毫秒。displayTime是回调函数,每隔INTERVALS毫秒调用一次displayTimeNULL是调用displayTime的参数,调用时,执行displayTime(INTERVALS, NULL);displayTime返回值是Uint32类型,返回下一次调用displayTime的间隔。如果displayTime返回0, timer停止,

At intervals 和 at the interval。。。。。。


in the interval和in the intervals 有什么区别么

in the interval是在这一期间 in the intervals是不一会儿



Aqualung的《Arrivals》 歌词

歌曲名:Arrivals歌手:Aqualung专辑:Word And MusicAqualung - ArrivalsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmIt has startedCan"t be stopped called the fairy mantleSend me send me over the ocean ill find younot the radio not today there is nothing leftyou can say just get me get me over the oceani"ll find youclose your eyes baby close your eyessunshine one more sunrise then im on im onfeel the rumbling through the chairfeel the future in in the endfly me fly me over the ocean ill see youand we"re hurrying and we wait now we"re tumblinto the gate send me over the ocean to find youclose your eyes mmmmmmmmmclose your eyes baby close your eyessunshine just this one last sunrise and im homeim home


歌曲:《Rivals》歌词歌手:Future&UsherShe got me throwin" Spades Ace with that mouth 是她让我口若悬河妙语连珠 I guess only time could tell 我想唯有时间能证明一切 You gotta give me dirty love 你得给我你的爱 I guess I"m 我想我已沦陷 When I keep on a lie 即便是说谎 也不知该说什么 Look up and see the stars in a perfect line 仰望天际看星星连成一线 The feeling of love is a global thing 这份爱让我感觉是那么完满 So tell me how you feel (how you feel) 就告诉我你的感受 Knowin" I see the world when I look in your eyes 当我看着你的眼眸 我看到了整个世界 Your kisses are Duracell, they keep me energized 你的热吻像是金霸王电池 让我充满能量 Tired of goin" back and forth, baby I"m hypnotized 厌倦了犹豫不决 我像是被你催眠 You gotta a nigga in love on the low though 你让我陷入爱的深渊 I"m lookin" at you and I swear it"s been a long road 我看着你 我发誓这是条漫长的旅途 A great ass, a better mind, what a combo 丰满的翘臀 善良的心 多完美的组合啊 You know you pretty and you winnin" with the combo 你知道你很美 对话间你就赢得所有 She kinda tipsy, we been drinkin", she"s a light weight 她有点醉意 我们不停喝着 她有些轻飘飘 She love the way I"m puttin" panties in the right way 她就爱我脱下她内裤的举动 But anyway let"s get back to how I"ve been feelin" 不管怎样就让我们沉浸爱的感觉吧 I just love the times when I"m beside ya 我就爱在你身边的感觉 Holdin" me down cause you"re my rider 将我压在你身下 因为你想驾驭我 I look in your eyes and I get higher 我凝视你的眼眸 我像是飘向高空 There"s nothin" in this world I hold tighter 这世界没有什么能让我紧拥了 Without you I feel uneven 没有你的我是那么的不安 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Baby girl you know you"re my rider 亲爱的 你知道你是我的主宰 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 Call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 因为我不想要更多的竞争对手 You gotta give me that 你得给我你的爱 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 You gotta give me that girl 你得给我你的爱 You"re the only thing that I want 你是我渴望的唯一 Give me that feelin" 让我感觉 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Dirty lover you are my rider 性感爱人 你就是我的驾驭者 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 I call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 因为我不想要更多的竞争对手 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 I"ma love ya till my time"s gone 我会爱你直到生命的最后一刻 You gotta give me dirty love 你得给我你的爱 I"ve been here trust me, I"ve seen it all before though 我一直都会在你身旁 相信我 我早就明白所有 I told my ex for me relationships a no-no 我早就跟我的前任说过我跟她已经一刀两断 And here I am thinkin" we perfect like a photo 此刻我在想我们像是照片里的人一样完美 You lookin" at me like right now you need some mo"-mo" 此刻你看着我 你渴望更多 I know you ready and you willin" but that ain"t my place 我知道你已准备就绪 而这并不是我的地盘 Sign all, settle down, on your face 我知道你想稳定下来 一切都写在你的脸上 Feelin" startin" to get too familiar 渐渐感觉你是那么的熟悉亲切 So cover up this broken love treason 抚慰我曾经因爱的背叛而受伤的心 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Baby girl you know you"re my rider 性感爱人 你就是我的驾驭者 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 Call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 因为我不想要更多的竞争对手 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 You"re the only thing that I want 你是我渴望的唯一 Give me that feelin" 让我感觉 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Dirty lover you are my rider 性感爱人 你就是我的驾驭者 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 I call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 因为我不想要更多的竞争对手 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 I"ma love ya till my time"s gone 我会爱你直到生命的最后一刻 I see ya side by side 你说我看见你与我并肩同行 Like a visionary I can"t see me fallin" nothin" strange 就像个空想家 看不见自己的沦陷一切没什么改变 Like a dictionary I can"t read through all these 像是部字典 我无法看清所有 (Eyes wide open) 睁大双眼 I still fall blind I don"t know how this will end 眼前依然是一片黑暗 我不知何时才是尽头 Let"s go back to the beginnin" 就让我们回到最初 Let"s cover up this broken love treason 抚慰我们曾经因爱的背叛而受伤的心 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Baby girl you know you"re my rider 性感爱人 你就是我的驾驭者 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 Call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 我不想要更多的竞争对手 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 You"re the only thing that I want 你是我渴望的唯一 Give me that feelin" 给我感觉 Ay, ay, ay Ay, ay, ay Yes you are 是啊 你就是 I love you baby 我爱你 宝贝 I wanna baby 我想要亲爱 I don"t wanna be enemies baby 我不想成为你的敌人 宝贝 I want you to be friends with me babe 我只想让你成为我的朋友 (Uhhh...) (Uhhh...)

rivals中文歌词 谁能翻译一下

歌曲:《Rivals》歌手:Future&UsherShe got me throwin" Spades Ace with that mouth 是她让我口若悬河妙语连珠 I guess only time could tell 我想唯有时间能证明一切 You gotta give me dirty love 你得给我你的爱 I guess I"m 我想我已沦陷 When I keep on a lie 即便是说谎 也不知该说什么 Look up and see the stars in a perfect line 仰望天际看星星连成一线 The feeling of love is a global thing 这份爱让我感觉是那么完满 So tell me how you feel (how you feel) 就告诉我你的感受 Knowin" I see the world when I look in your eyes 当我看着你的眼眸 我看到了整个世界 Your kisses are Duracell, they keep me energized 你的热吻像是金霸王电池 让我充满能量 Tired of goin" back and forth, baby I"m hypnotized 厌倦了犹豫不决 我像是被你催眠 You gotta a nigga in love on the low though 你让我陷入爱的深渊 I"m lookin" at you and I swear it"s been a long road 我看着你 我发誓这是条漫长的旅途 A great ass, a better mind, what a combo 丰满的翘臀 善良的心 多完美的组合啊 You know you pretty and you winnin" with the combo 你知道你很美 对话间你就赢得所有 She kinda tipsy, we been drinkin", she"s a light weight 她有点醉意 我们不停喝着 她有些轻飘飘 She love the way I"m puttin" panties in the right way 她就爱我脱下她内裤的举动 But anyway let"s get back to how I"ve been feelin" 不管怎样就让我们沉浸爱的感觉吧 I just love the times when I"m beside ya 我就爱在你身边的感觉 Holdin" me down cause you"re my rider 将我压在你身下 因为你想驾驭我 I look in your eyes and I get higher 我凝视你的眼眸 我像是飘向高空 There"s nothin" in this world I hold tighter 这世界没有什么能让我紧拥了 Without you I feel uneven 没有你的我是那么的不安 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Baby girl you know you"re my rider 亲爱的 你知道你是我的主宰 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 Call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 因为我不想要更多的竞争对手 You gotta give me that 你得给我你的爱 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 You gotta give me that girl 你得给我你的爱 You"re the only thing that I want 你是我渴望的唯一 Give me that feelin" 让我感觉 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Dirty lover you are my rider 性感爱人 你就是我的驾驭者 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 I call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 因为我不想要更多的竞争对手 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 I"ma love ya till my time"s gone 我会爱你直到生命的最后一刻 You gotta give me dirty love 你得给我你的爱 I"ve been here trust me, I"ve seen it all before though 我一直都会在你身旁 相信我 我早就明白所有 I told my ex for me relationships a no-no 我早就跟我的前任说过我跟她已经一刀两断 And here I am thinkin" we perfect like a photo 此刻我在想我们像是照片里的人一样完美 You lookin" at me like right now you need some mo"-mo" 此刻你看着我 你渴望更多 I know you ready and you willin" but that ain"t my place 我知道你已准备就绪 而这并不是我的地盘 Sign all, settle down, on your face 我知道你想稳定下来 一切都写在你的脸上 Feelin" startin" to get too familiar 渐渐感觉你是那么的熟悉亲切 So cover up this broken love treason 抚慰我曾经因爱的背叛而受伤的心 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Baby girl you know you"re my rider 性感爱人 你就是我的驾驭者 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 Call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 因为我不想要更多的竞争对手 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 You"re the only thing that I want 你是我渴望的唯一 Give me that feelin" 让我感觉 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Dirty lover you are my rider 性感爱人 你就是我的驾驭者 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 I call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 因为我不想要更多的竞争对手 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 I"ma love ya till my time"s gone 我会爱你直到生命的最后一刻 I see ya side by side 你说我看见你与我并肩同行 Like a visionary I can"t see me fallin" nothin" strange 就像个空想家 看不见自己的沦陷一切没什么改变 Like a dictionary I can"t read through all these 像是部字典 我无法看清所有 (Eyes wide open) 睁大双眼 I still fall blind I don"t know how this will end 眼前依然是一片黑暗 我不知何时才是尽头 Let"s go back to the beginnin" 就让我们回到最初 Let"s cover up this broken love treason 抚慰我们曾经因爱的背叛而受伤的心 Make everyday a love season 让每一天成为我们爱的季节 Baby girl you know you"re my rider 性感爱人 你就是我的驾驭者 That should be enough reason 这个理由够充分吧 Call you baby that"s only your title 称呼你我的宝贝 这是你唯一的头衔 Cause I don"t need no more rivals 我不想要更多的竞争对手 I put that on the Bible 我将手放在圣经上 虔诚许诺 You"re the only thing that I want 你是我渴望的唯一 Give me that feelin" 给我感觉 Ay, ay, ay Ay, ay, ay Yes you are 是啊 你就是 I love you baby 我爱你 宝贝 I wanna baby 我想要亲爱 I don"t wanna be enemies baby 我不想成为你的敌人 宝贝 I want you to be friends with me babe 我只想让你成为我的朋友 (Uhhh...) (Uhhh...)

Festivals around the world原文

Women dressed in costumes participate in a fashion carnival in Jember, East Java on Sunday. Around 450 participants from Indonesia took part in the carnival, wearing costumes they designed. Taiwanese do a traditional lion-dance to mark the Chinese "Ghost Festival" on Monday. The festival is traditionally marked on the 15th day of the seventh month of the Chinese Lunar calendar. The festival is meant to appease the spirits of fishermen who have perished at sea over the centuries.A man helps an actor wear a mask at the beginning of a "Noh" performance, a classical Japanese musical drama, during the Nohgaku Konparu Festival in Ginza district, Tokyo, on Monday.Young people fly kites during a festival for young people from Chinese mainland and Taiwan opened in Xiamen, southeast China"s Fujian Province, on Sunday. Thousands of young people across the Straits took part in the activities, such as China Culture Forum and basketball match.A Nicaraguan man takes part in a bullfight at the festival of Santo Domingo, Patron Saint of Managua, in Managua, Nicaragua on Sunday. Visitors dressed up as Vikings sail on a Viking boat during the annual Viking festival of Catoira in north-western Spain on Sunday. The festival re-enacts Viking raids in this area in the past and is celebrated annually every first Sunday of August. Two visitors enjoy the sand sculptures during the Sand Sculptures Festival in Blankenberge, northern Belgium, on Monday. A team of over forty sand sculptors from around the world spent five weeks building a giant sculpture representing the world of Sheherazade and the giant book of Thousand and One Nights which attracted lots of visitors.


领导认 Get approval from the leadership注:approval 英 [??pru:vl] 美 [??pruv?l] n. 批准; 同意; 赞; [例句]The chairman has also given his approval for an investigation into the case.主席已同意案进行调查[其] 复数:approvals


approvalsn.赞许( approval的名词复数 ); 批准; 赞成; [复数][商业]包退换商品; 例句:1.He asked rhetorically, "how can it be that you get approvals... 他带着讽刺的口吻问道:“已经得到批准的……2.( Approvals are needed in 41 countries, wren says.) (沃伦说,需要在41个国家拿到批准。)
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