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2023-08-10 08:36:18

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese and it"s my favorite festival, too. Like Christmas in the West, all people living away from home go back about half a month before the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.

The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month. On Spring Eve, my family watch the Spring Gala together and on the midnight, we set off firecrackers to ring out the old year and ring in the new one. My grandmother told me that Year is a monster so that people play firecrackers to drive it away. I also pay a new year visit to my grandparents and parents and they always give me some gift money. As a result, I like Spring Festival very much.

Nowadays, more and more people in Chian begin to celebrate foreign festivals. But I think we shouldn"t forget our traditional festivals. They are the culture and customs of China. To be a Chinese, we should know them well and pass them on to the next generations in future!



There are many many festivals around a year in China,such as Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Day, Drgaon-boat Feitival and so on.

Among so many festivals,my favourite is the Spring Festival--which is a traditional and also the most important one in China,because it means family"s reunion.

Usually it falls on the end of January and the beginning of Febrary.

Before its coming,we will do a lot of preparations for it.First,we will clean our house completely which means “ringing out of the Old Year and ring in the New Year".Then we will prepare various kinds of food,including chicken, fish, meat,fruit and so on.Regarding food, different areas have different choices. But I can make sure that no matter what food we prepare,they must be delicious.

Besides,most peole especially the children will put on their new clothes. And our parents will give us or other kids lucky money in red bad, which means good luck to us.During the festival, many people will go out to pay a visit to their firneds and relatives.

Meanwhile,there is another feitival called Christmas Day popular in China.On the Christmas Eve,many people usually young people will go to the pub or take part in parties to celebrate it.

So there is a inreasing concern about that people will froget our traditional festivals but just focus on western festivals.It"s not good for our traditional culture.

As far as I am concerned, there is no need to worry about that.Becuse through foreign festivals, we can learn different cultures and customs about foreign countries. It"s a good way for us to increse our knowledge.And this is also an interactional combination for different cultures.

I think it"s great.




festival名词,意为(音乐、戏剧、电影等)会演,节;节日;节期;喜庆日。一,详细释义festival英[u02c8festu026avl]美[u02c8festu026avl]n.(音乐、戏剧、电影等的)会演,节;节日;节期;喜庆日复数:festivals。记忆技巧:fest节日+ival→节日二,同义词辨析1,festival.n.节日指一年中庆祝某一特殊事件的某一天或一段时期,常指宗教节日。The whole family will get together at Spring Festival.春节期间全家人都会聚在一起。2,celebration.n.庆祝会,庆典指为庆祝某一特殊事件而举行的活动。His birthday celebrations drew many movie stars.他的生日庆贺活动吸引了很多电影明星前来参加。3,feast.n.节日;宴会指宗教节日,也指为庆祝而设的盛宴。Is Christmas the most important feast for Christians?圣诞节是基督徒最重要的节日吗?三,双语例句1,Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance.很多翁布里亚小镇举办自己的夏季音乐、戏剧和舞蹈节。2,The Spring Festival is drawing near.春节快到了。3,The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of Hindu culture and traditions.该节庆日的目的在于增强人们对印度文化和传统的认识。
2023-08-07 06:08:431

Festivals是什么意思 探究Festivals的含义和起源?

2023-08-07 06:09:273


  节日,是世界人民为适应生产和生活的需要而共同创造的一种民俗文化,是世界民俗文化的重要组成部分。节日是生活中值得纪念的重要日子。各民族和地区都有自己的节日。一些节日源于传统习俗,如中国的春节、中秋节、清明节、重阳节等。那么你知道节日用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    节日英语说法1:   festival    节日英语说法2:   holiday    节日英语说法3:   feast    节日的相关短语:   传统节日 Traditional festival ; Festivals ; Holiday ; traditional holidays   节日起源 Origin of Singles Day   西方节日 Lesson Two Western Festivals ; WESTERN FESTIVALS ; Western holidays ; Festival   大节日 Festival ; Grand Feast   其他节日 Lesson Three Other Holiday   节日名 Greeting season ; festival name   大众节日 Popular Holidays   节日研究 FestivaI Studies   谈节日 Talking about Festivals    节日的英语例句:   1. The factory was due to shut for the festive period.   节日期间工厂将关门。   2. The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures.   节日里将有烟花表演、现场音乐会和雕塑展。   3. The government"s armed forces have halved their strength for the festive break.   由于节日休假,政府武装部队人数减半。   4. It is regrettable that strike leaders seem intent on spoiling holidays.   遗憾的是罢工领导人似乎决意要破坏节日的气氛。   5. They tried to make a calendar of Spain"s festivals.   他们打算做个西班牙节日活动一览表。   6. The meal gave the occasion an almost festive air.   这一餐使整个场合有了近乎节日般的喜庆氛围。   7. Banners were paraded from church to church on feast days.   宗教节日期间,人们打着横幅在教堂间游行。   8. Rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society.   仪式与节日构成了任何人类社会不可缺少的一部分。   9. They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer"s festivals.   他们准备播放今年夏天节日庆典的独家镜头。   10. At the festival, candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water.   在节日里,要对蜡烛祝圣,并洒以圣水。   11. The festival has lodged itself in the public mind.   这个节日已经深入人心。   12. The festival commemorates the slaying of the demon buffalo.   那个节日是为了纪念杀死魔牛。   13. What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event.   原先的地方节日已经发展成为一项国际性活动。   14. The town has a festive holiday atmosphere.   镇子上充盈着一种节日的喜庆气氛。   15. Little girls dress up as angels for fiestas.   小女孩们在节日里扮成天使的样子。
2023-08-07 06:09:501


过节的英文怎么说? We should celebrate the Spring Festival 陪某人过节 英语怎么说 【spend/enjoy】 the【 vacation/festival】 with someone 和某人一起【度过/享受】 这个【假日/节日】 acpany 是陪同的意思 比较正式 如果是领导陪同就这个 假如某人是指朋友恋人,不合适“节日”的英文怎么翻译啊? Festival 节日的,喜庆的,快乐的 节日,庆祝及祭祀,欢宴 比如: 1. Christmas is a festival of the Chistian Church. 圣诞节是基督教的节日。 2. This city has a music festival every summer. 本市每年举行一次夏季音乐节。 3. Christmas and Easter are Christian festivals. 圣诞节和复活节是基督教的节日. 4. Color flags added to the gaiety of the festival. 彩旗增加了节日的欢乐。 5. Ancestor"s festival is an important Chinese holiday. 鬼节是中国一个重要的节日。 6. The whole city was immersed in a festival atmosphere. 全城沉浸在节日的气氛中。 7. She directed the planning of the festival. 她统管节日活动的筹划。 8. We all immersed in the gaiety of the Spring Festival. 我们都沉浸在春节的欢乐之中。 过节日用英语怎么说? how did you spend your Father"s Day? 在春节用英语怎么说 In Spring Festival. In Chinese Lunar New Year.
2023-08-07 06:10:231


My favorite festival Festivals and celebrations make our lives colorful. So I like festivals very much ,especially mid-autumn festival. On mid-autumn festival, families always get together. Everyone is willing to see each other on that special day. People enjoy the delicious moon cake and admire the beauty of the moon. The most important part is that people can have fun chatting staying with their families. This is my favorite festival. It sounds great,doesn"t it ?啊我自己写的啊。很辛苦啊
2023-08-07 06:10:331


2023-08-07 06:10:453


这个the festivals指代所有的节日 所以要加S并不是你所想的指代春节意思是 每个人过节时候都会回家。
2023-08-07 06:11:065

英语作文:festivals in China 急急急!

what festivals do you like﹖I like the spring Festival.......................................................................................................................................................................d
2023-08-07 06:11:244

what festivals什么意思

what festivals什么意思意思是:什么节日重点词汇释义festivals节日( festival的名词复数 ); 节期;
2023-08-07 06:11:391


festivals读音是["festu0259vu0259l]。一、基本释义:1、形容词:节日的,喜庆的,快乐的。2、名词:节日,庆祝及祭祀,欢宴。3、Festivals是复数。二、双语例句:1、 Manchester United have been disqualified.曼彻斯特联队已被禁赛。2、Wednesday"s go-slow protests in London and Manchester were halted.周三在伦敦和曼彻斯特举行的怠工抗议被中止了。3、 He follows Manchester United.他支持曼彻斯特联队。4、 Manchester United"s new kit is launched today.今天曼彻斯特联队发布了新款全套球队运动装备。5、The programme was produced in Manchester.该节目在曼彻斯特播放。
2023-08-07 06:12:001


节日的,喜庆的,快乐的意思 festivals是复数
2023-08-07 06:12:152


所有节日的英语:All festivals; festivals n. 节日(festival的复数形式);节庆 例句: There are fasts as well as festivals. 除了有节日还有一些斋戒日。 Should we celebrate foreign festivals? 我们应该庆祝外国的节日吗? 扩展资料   There are twelve festivals around the year.   一年有十二个节日。   The dragon plays an important part in Chinese festivals.   龙在中国的节日中扮演着重要的`角色。   Ethnic festivals in Guizhou are concentrated in April and May.   贵州的民族节日主要集中在4月和5月。
2023-08-07 06:13:011


具体如下:First of all, we should call on government and enterprises to provide sufficient time for legal holiday activities, carry out more lectures, strengthen publicity, let the people get rid of the idea that the festival is shopping and eating and drinking, further cultivate our traditional culture, deeply excavate and explain the connotation of traditional culture, and really let the people understand and love traditional festivals.Secondly, elders should let children understand the significance of traditional festivals, let children have more contact with traditional culture, pay attention to the education of children"s spiritual level, shape children"s soul with cultural connotation, and let children feel the strong cultural atmosphere reflected by Chinese traditional festivals since childhood.Finally, for the introduction of "foreign festivals", we should focus on the inheritance of traditional festivals, supplemented by "foreign festivals", absorb the advantages of foreign festivals, fill them into traditional festivals, and make traditional festivals have the factors of a new era.Call on each of us to be keen on foreign festivals and not ignore our national traditional festivals!翻译:首先,要呼吁政府企业提供节日法定假日活动的充足时间,多开展一些讲座,加强宣传,让群众摆脱过节就是购物、吃喝的思想进一步培育我们的传统文化深入挖掘和阐释传统文化的内涵,真正让群众领会并喜爱传统节日。其次,长辈要让孩子理解传统节日的重要意义,让孩子多接触传统文化,注重对孩子精神层面的教育,用文化内涵塑造孩子的心灵,让孩子从小就感受到中华民族传统节日所折射出的浓郁文化气息。最后,对于“洋节日”的传入,要以传统节日传承为主,“洋节日”为辅,汲取洋节日的优点,充进传统节日中,让传统节日具有新时代的因素。呼吁我们每一个人热衷洋节日的同时不要忽视了我们民族的传统节日!
2023-08-07 06:13:311


festival[英][u02c8festu026avl][美][ u02c8fu025bstu0259vu0259l]n.节日; 节期; 贺宴,会演; adj.节日的,喜庆的; 复数:festivals易混淆单词:Festival例句:1.This kind of music festival atmosphere was a new hong kong experience. 这种音乐节的气氛在香港是一种全新的体验。
2023-08-07 06:13:411


First of all, we should call on government and enterprises to provide sufficient time for legal holiday activities, carry out more lectures, strengthen publicity, let the people get rid of the idea that the festival is shopping and eating and drinking, further cultivate our traditional culture, deeply excavate and explain the connotation of traditional culture, and really let the people understand and love traditional festivals.Secondly, elders should let children understand the significance of traditional festivals, let children have more contact with traditional culture, pay attention to the education of children"s spiritual level, shape children"s soul with cultural connotation, and let children feel the strong cultural atmosphere reflected by Chinese traditional festivals since childhood.Finally, for the introduction of "foreign festivals", we should focus on the inheritance of traditional festivals, supplemented by "foreign festivals", absorb the advantages of foreign festivals, fill them into traditional festivals, and make traditional festivals have the factors of a new era.Call on each of us to be keen on foreign festivals and not ignore our national traditional festivals!翻译:首先,要呼吁政府企业提供节日法定假日活动的充足时间,多开展一些讲座,加强宣传,让群众摆脱过节就是购物、吃喝的思想进一步培育我们的传统文化深入挖掘和阐释传统文化的内涵,真正让群众领会并喜爱传统节日。其次,长辈要让孩子理解传统节日的重要意义,让孩子多接触传统文化,注重对孩子精神层面的教育,用文化内涵塑造孩子的心灵,让孩子从小就感受到中华民族传统节日所折射出的浓郁文化气息。最后,对于“洋节日”的传入,要以传统节日传承为主,“洋节日”为辅,汲取洋节日的优点,充进传统节日中,让传统节日具有新时代的因素。呼吁我们每一个人热衷洋节日的同时不要忽视了我们民族的传统节日!
2023-08-07 06:13:491


一、节日的英文单词是festival,音标英 [u02c8festu026avl]、美 [ u02c8fu025bstu0259vu0259l]。二、释义:1、n.节日;节期;贺宴,会演At the festival, candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water在节日里,要对蜡烛祝圣,并洒以圣水。2、adj.节日的,喜庆的With red flags fluttering everywhere in celebrationof the festival, the square looked trulymagnificent.节日的广场到处红旗飘扬,显得格外壮观。
2023-08-07 06:14:111

all festivals是什么意思

all festivals所有的节日例句:1.All festivals will host a food drive to benefit Food Bank of the Rockies.
2023-08-07 06:15:362

our favourite Festivals 我们最喜欢的节日 英语作文

一、Our Favourite Festival (这篇可以参考,长短适合:)~~ China have a lot of festivals.My favourite festival is the spring festival.Because the spring festival is the beginning of a year.And the new year"s Eve we can do our best to play.Do you like play? I think everybody likes play.We can give happy from the games.In the Eve,we can eat a reunion rice.Next day is the spring festival,we will don"t eat meat and have a good day. Because a good beginning is the most important for a year.In this day,my family is very happy. So I like the spring festival.二、 .My favourite holiday is Spring Festival.It always takes place in January or February.The date is not fixed,because it is based on the lunar calendar .During the festival ,all the members of family will get together to celebrate it.People will dress up and decorate their house.Children will play and enjoy themselves.Children can also get some "Lucky Money"as their Spring Festival"s present.After the clock beats twelve times ,the dinner will begin.Pepople will eat dumplings as the main cours. 三、My favourite festival is the Spring Festival.It"s in February. Though it"s always very cold outside,our house is never cold.All the family members get back home,and we have a big meal together.It is fun! I can play with my sisters and brothers. Sometimes it will snow ,so we can fight with snow balls and build a snowman.How interesting! 四、My favourite festival is Midle autume day(中秋节).On that day,we can eat mooncakes.They are delicious.We also can see the moon in the sky.It"s really circinal.(圆的)So,I really like Midle autume day.It"s my favourite festival.望采纳(≧▽≦)/
2023-08-07 06:15:481


①圣诞节 12月25日西方国家最重大的节日,相当于我国的春节起源:纪念耶稣基督的诞生习俗:圣诞老人、圣诞树、圣诞晚会②新年 1月1日一年之始,地位无可替代习俗:除夕之夜晚会③情人节 2月14日年轻人的节日,也愈来愈大众化习俗:互赠礼物④复活节 春分月圆之后第一个星期日西方的传统节日,信基督的国家都过这个节日来源:纪念耶稣复活习俗:节日彩蛋⑤万圣节 11月1日也称南瓜节,10月31日其实是万圣夜习俗:南瓜灯、化妆舞会⑥感恩节 11月的第四个星期四感恩上帝赐予的大丰收,是西方国家的重要节日,非常热闹习俗:吃火鸡、购物
2023-08-07 06:15:573


  西方节日指西方国家一年中的节日。包括圣诞节、万圣节等。不少西方节日都深受现在青少年的喜爱,那么你知道吗? 下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   西方节日的英语说法1:   western festivals   西方节日的英语说法2:   Western holidays   西方节日相关英语表达:   有名的西方节日 a famous Western festival   庆祝西方节日 The celebration of Westen Festivals   西方节日的流行 The Prevalence of Western Holidays   一个重要的西方节日 an important Western festival   西方节日的英语例句:   1. Why the western festivals more and more popular among chinese?   为什么西方节日越来越受到中国人特别是青少年的欢迎?   2. Young people are in favor of western holidays.   年轻人喜欢过西方节日.   3. Young people are in favor of western holidays. They think western festivals are fashionable and romantic.   现在,越来越多的中国年轻人开始忽视中国的传统节日而更注重西方节日.   4. Overwhelmed by such a trend, Chinese unconsciously get involved in western holidays and culture.   被这一趋势 、 中国unconsiciously卷入西方节日和文化.   5. Some shops celebrate western festivals because of financial drive to grab mercial profits.   由于受到财政方面的驱使.一些商店庆祝西方节日来获取商业利润.   6. Ann : That"s true. Christmas is the most important festival in western countries.   那倒是, 圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日.   7. There are two important festivals in west countries, Easter and Christmas.   在西方国家有两个重要的节日:复活节和圣诞节.   8. Step II. Tell the students how St Valentine"s Day came into being.   学生对西方情人节非常熟悉,但是对节日的由来并不清楚.   9. It is more like an international festival than a western traditional one.   它越来越不像是一个西方传统节日,而是一个国际性节日.   10. Do you know any western holidays?   你了解西方的节日 吗 ?   11. April Fool"s Day is a western festival.   愚人节是西方的一个节日.   12. In western countries, the biggest holiday is Christmas.   西方国家最大的节日是圣诞节.   13. Chinese young people celebrating this Western festival; some even went to the church on christmas eve.   年轻人也过起了西方的节日, 还有一些人在教堂聚会联欢.   14. Some major western holidays, as Christmas and Valentine"s Day, have bee popular in Wenzhou.   现在,一些西方著名的节日民俗也在温州流行起来, 如圣诞节、情人节等.   15. Spring Festival is a family reunion holiday, and this is very similar the Western Christmas.   春节是个亲人团聚的节日, 这一点和西方的圣诞节很相似.
2023-08-07 06:16:181


estival 英["festu026avl] 美[ u02c8fu025bstu0259vu0259l] n. 节日;节期;贺宴,会演 adj. 节日的,喜庆的 名词复数:festivals [例句]1The 2009 sundance film festival was utterly gloomy.2009年圣丹斯电影节一片黯淡景象。2The festival itself lasts only three days. 这个节日本身只持续3天。3.So the festival starts with fidelio, the prisoner"s opera. 于是,音乐节将以《菲德里奥》开场,这位囚徒的歌剧。4.Is water shrinking festival official? 泼水节是法定节日吗?5.The festival lasts for a week. 这一节日持续一周。
2023-08-07 06:16:311

festivals and vacations前用什么介词

2023-08-07 06:16:503

求The Celebration of Western Festivals英语作文

参考答案: 逢山开路,遇水搭桥。
2023-08-07 06:17:003

“所有的节日 ” 翻译: all festivals 还是all the festivals? 要不要加the?

所有的节日All festivals
2023-08-07 06:17:081

西方节日利弊 求翻译 不要是有道什么的机器翻译的

I think western festival is worth affirmation. First, in modern society, the holiday is no longer pure celebrations, festivals is the view through the media, under the guidance of a wide variety of consumer show. Christmas, Valentine"s day and other western festivals has certainly made up for consumption, media and the capital of the three elements. Compared with the present Chinese traditional festival, western festivals can stimulate consumption, bring business opportunities. If we advocate of western holidays, so traditional festivals will go from here? Some people even think to enter the western festivals has led to the traditional Chinese festivals No. I think this, advocate western festival does not mean that the western culture invasion, instead can stimulate the development of traditional festivals. The advantages of traditional festivals can absorb western festivals, to make it more attractive, again was the favorite people. While those of western festivals in China should be integrated into the local characteristics, to make it more in line with China"s national spirit. Advocate of western holidays, can stimulate consumption, increase people"s life of entertainment, to speed up the East West cultural exchanges and to stimulate the development and promote the development of China"s traditional festivals, to promote China"s economic and cultural development, for the purpose of social change has positive significance. Therefore, I illustrate our point of view again: "we should advocate of Western holidays".
2023-08-07 06:17:161


我觉得简单点的就是Sth is to be improved.Sth还有待提高。。。
2023-08-07 06:10:162


2023-08-07 06:10:181

这件手套多少元用英语怎么说复数的 much is a packet of tea/cigarett? 2. How much is this pair of gloves/socks? 3. How much are these two pairs of socks/golves in total? 4. These two pairs of socks/gloves are $20 in total.
2023-08-07 06:10:201


二极管的工作原理 晶体二极管为一个由p型半导体和n型半导体形成的p-n结,在其界面处两侧形成空间电荷层,并建有自建电场。当不存在外加电压时,由于p-n 结两边载流子浓度差引起的扩散电流和自建电场引起的漂移电流相等而处于电平衡状态。当外界有正向电压偏置时,外界电场和自建电场的互相抑消作用使载流子的扩散电流增加引起了正向电流。当外界有反向电压偏置时,外界电场和自建电场进一步加强,形成在一定反向电压范围内与反向偏置电压值无关的反向饱和电流I0。当外加的反向电压高到一定程度时,p-n结空间电荷层中的电场强度达到临界值产生载流子的倍增过程,产生大量电子空穴对,产生了数值很大的反向击穿电流,称为二极管的击穿现象。
2023-08-07 06:10:243


2023-08-07 06:10:261


How much is the food
2023-08-07 06:10:271


2023-08-07 06:10:281


bjd的身高是以"分"来算的,以180cm除以X分(X为2、3、4、6、8、12) 得出的数即为该尺寸孩纸的大概身高叔尺寸:身高在70cm以上,有的可以到80cm甚至90cm,被称为80叔和二分叔1/3娃娃(3分):身高在60cm左右,一般男娃比女娃高一点,且各个公司之间的娃娃身高是有一定差异。1/4娃娃(4分):身高在42cm~45cm之间。这也是存在差别的,主要是各个公司之间的差别,有的时候男娃和女娃之间也有一点身高差别。1/6娃娃(6分):身高在30cm左右:30cm(Lati Green),26cm左右(V YOSD,大多BB娃)1/8娃娃(8分):身高在22cm左右1/12娃娃(12分):身高在15cm左右来自百科
2023-08-07 06:10:342


2023-08-07 06:10:342


improve relationship(s) with sb。英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼人民之一,后来移居到大不列颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛的安格利亚(Anglia)。英语与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语最相关,但其词汇已受到其他日耳曼语语言(尤其是北挪威语(北挪威语))以及拉丁语和法语的很大影响。
2023-08-07 06:10:341


2023-08-07 06:10:361


2023-08-07 06:10:391


改善图书馆服务的建议英文是Suggestions on improving library services。改善图书馆服务有下面几方面:1、图书馆书籍摆放不整齐随着同学们精神文化需求的日益丰富,以及对于课堂知识进一步学习的需求越来越高,很多同学来到大学后希望可以利用大学的丰富的课余时光来充实自己,于是他们步入图书馆希望可以找到自己一直没有时间去品味的小说或名著来好好的品读一番。但是根据电子检索系统到达自己要找的书的地方的时候,却费尽功夫也找不到自己想要的书,往往这些书会出现在其他的地方,比如书桌或者错误的书架里,本来想利用课余时间看会课外书,却把大半的时间浪费在了找书上。2、图书的更新速度较慢图书馆部分藏书过于老旧,许多参考书年代久远,不适合现在的使用。图书馆副本数量不足,师生往往很难在短时间内借阅,很多需要用的专业书找不到,图示更新不及时,同学找一些老版书找不到,新版书也找不到,藏书资源少。3、对于图书的保护力度不足比较实用的书籍往往是封面及纸张破损最严重的,习题册内涂画严重,这就说明同学们爱护书籍的意识不足,同时也暴露了图书馆对于书籍保护的监管无奈和无力,个人借阅书籍时对于毁坏书籍的情况监管力度不足。4、书籍整理人员工作噪音过大,影响正常自习吃过晚饭时光正好,很多同学希望可以在图书馆来复习一天的学习任务,特别是考研的同学更是希望能在图书馆安安静静的学习,但是当大家正沉浸在知识的海洋中,学习状态正好的时候,总会有图书管理员推着小推车走来走去整理书籍的声音,打乱了同学们的思绪。与图书馆的安静氛围格格不入。这不仅影响了本校同学的学习效率,如果其他学校的同学来我校参观,听到这种声音也会影响到我们学校的整体形象
2023-08-07 06:10:411


二极管又称晶体二极管,简称二极管(diode),另外,还有早期的真空电子二极管;它是一种具有单向传导电流的电子器件。在半导体二极管内部有一个PN结两个引线端子,这种电子器件按照外加电压的方向,具备单向电流的转导性。一般来讲,晶体二极管是一个由p型半导体和n型半导体烧结形成的p-n结界面。在其界面的两侧形成空间电荷层,构成自建电场。当外加电压等于零时,由于p-n 结两边载流子的浓度差引起扩散电流和由自建电场引起的漂移电流相等而处于电平衡状态,这也是常态下的二极管特性。外加正向电压时,在正向特性的起始部分,正向电压很小,不足以克服PN结内电场的阻挡作用,正向电流几乎为零,这一段称为死区。这个不能使二极管导通的正向电压称为死区电压。当正向电压大于死区电压以后,PN结内电场被克服,二极管导通,电流随电压增大而迅速上升。在正常使用的电流范围内,导通时二极管的端电压几乎维持不变,这个电压称为二极管的正向电压。反向性,外加反向电压不超过一定范围时,通过二极管的电流是少数载流子漂移运动所形成反向电流,由于反向电流很小,二极管处于截止状态。这个反向电流又称为反向饱和电流或漏电流,二极管的反向饱和电流受温度影响很大。击穿,外加反向电压超过某一数值时,反向电流会突然增大,这种现象称为电击穿。引起电击穿的临界电压称为二极管反向击穿电压。电击穿时二极管失去单向导电性。如果二极管没有因电击穿而引起过热,则单向导电性不一定会被永久破坏,在撤除外加电压后,其性能仍可恢复,否则二极管就损坏了。因而使用时应避免二极管外加的反向电压过高。二极管的管压降:硅二极管(不发光类型)正向管压降0.7V,锗管正向管压降为0.3V,发光二极管正向管压降会随不同发光颜色而不同。主要有三种颜色,具体压降参考值如下:红色发光二极管的压降为2.0--2.2V,黄色发光二极管的压降为1.8—2.0V,绿色发光二极管的压降为3.0—3.2V,正常发光时的额定电流约为20mA。二极管的电压与电流不是线性关系,所以在将不同的二极管并联的时候要接相适应的电阻。在二极管加有正向电压,当电压值较小时,电流极小;当电压超过0.6V时,电流开始按指数规律增大,通常称此为二极管的开启电压;当电压达到约0.7V时,二极管处于完全导通状态,通常称此电压为二极管的导通电压,用符号UD表示。对于锗二极管,开启电压为0.2V,导通电压UD约为0.3V。----重庆达标电子为您解答
2023-08-07 06:10:131

2023-08-07 06:10:1113


2023-08-07 06:10:104

某物比某物贵多少钱用英语怎么说? 谢谢

This watch is ¥50 more expensive than that watch.
2023-08-07 06:10:103


We have asked the factory for testing of the actual quantity of QC75 and QC77 that meets the standards of accurate grinding.However, this may take some time around 2~3 days. We"ll try our best to send you the detailed information in 2 days. 希望能够帮助到你
2023-08-07 06:10:051


运费需要多少钱用英语怎么说How much is the freight?How do you charge frieight?运费: freight
2023-08-07 06:10:001


2023-08-07 06:09:5614


1.How much is this card?这些卡片多少钱2.How much does this card cost?这些卡片卖多少钱,3.What is the price of this card?这些卡片的价格试多少。 其实都是差不多的 多用几个单词去表达这些意思。一般口语英语是第一个
2023-08-07 06:09:511


2023-08-07 06:09:494


Would you like to have some more rice? 多少钱?用这俩个都可以 是How much? 还是How much is it?
2023-08-07 06:09:441


2023-08-07 06:09:372


How much for one jin?How much is it for one jin?How much does it cost for one jin?
2023-08-07 06:09:372