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serum starvation是什么意思



activating serum 活化精华素activating 活化serum 血清(在化妆品界一般表示精华素)

serum starvation是什么意思

serum starvation血清饥饿 这是一种使细胞同步化分裂的方法.通过降低培养液中的血清浓度,使培养细胞因缺乏血清生长因子而不能分裂,一定时间后再加入血清,细胞就开始同步生长分裂了.中文名:血清饥饿英文名:Serum Starvation应 用:克隆羊多莉的培养实 质:方法作 用:使细胞同步化分裂通过降低培养液中的血清浓度,使培养细胞因缺乏血清生长因子而不能分裂,一定时间后再加入血清,细胞就开始同步生长分裂了。

water conservation 跟water conservancy区别是什么啊

conservation 名词,(对自然资源的)保护,避免资源 conservancy保存保护管理满意请采纳

翻译:energy conservation 是翻译成“节约能源”还是“能源储备”?2002年考研阅读阅读文章里的。


200字左右英语作文water conservation

One day, I told my brother to play, he saw an uncle was holding a large brush, effortless in the pool also wrote a "Please conserve water," five characters, then who will be the tap open to the uncle began to wash the largest pen. Washing with washing with water on the flooded pond, like hair, like flood, to flow in all directions to go, uncle, or turn a blind eye, still go its own way. He splashed the water in order to keep themselves, stay away.Water in the "brawl" in flowing, as if in sad to say: "Oh, some people really do not know a thing about the village that we do not know how much our contribution, if the plants without water, they will thirst death, to know our country"s fresh water resources become increasingly strained. "Well," I hear a sigh, thinking: his uncle, who wrote a number of characters, "Please save water," but he himself was a waste of water resources, he said and do not at all inconsistent with ah! So I walked over, courtesy of his uncle, said: "Uncle, water is the source of life, you do not save water until the water dried up the day of regret too late, plant will all thirst, humanity would cease to exist, the water is too precious to mankind ah! "Uncle listened to me, first froze a moment, surprised to see me, and blushed to the ears and roots, said: "Great, you"re my "teacher"." Then he hastened to shut the tap.I experienced such a thing, decided to start from their own and cherish water resources:1, can be washed dishes of water used to water the flowers, pouring dish.2, and into the shut off is not a good taps.3, around the house in toilet transfer a small amount of water.4. Water is fully taken up anyway, but we have a treasure Oh!If everyone can save a little water, the earth mother would smile more brilliant, everything will be more vibrant.

1970 was the World Conservation(保护)Year

1970年是世界保护年 未来会发生什么?或许更重要的是问我们现在必须做什么?将要住在世界的明天的人是现在的年轻人。他们中的很多人知道这个套乱是需要的。许多人正在拯救者我们的家园。他们种树,保护野生动物,还有许多。。。在美洲的一个小镇里,有一个大的有女孩组成的队伍清理了11千里长的河岸。年轻的人或许听到过一个保护呼吁是从过录制歌曲,叫做“没有人真正改变我们的世界”。它是被Scatles,Cliff Richard 和其他歌手制作的。从中赚取的钱将会去保护野生动物。

conservation of momentum什么意思

conservation of momentum [英]u02ccku0254nsu0259u02c8veiu0283u0259n u0254v mu0259uu02c8mentu0259m [美]u02cckɑnsu025au02c8veu0283u0259n u028cv mou02c8mu025bntu0259m 动量守恒 [例句]Law of conservation of momentum ; law of conservation of mechanical energy.动量守恒定律;机械能守恒定律。

conservation biology是什么学科?


power conservation是什么意思





conservationist英 [u02ccku0254nsu025c:u02c8veu026au0283u0259nu026ast] 美 [u02cckɑnsu0259:u02c8veu0283u0259nu026ast]n.自然资源保护者,生态环境保护者[例句]Celebrates the life of the late conservationist and inspirational writer Roger Deakin.庆祝生命的末期保育和带有灵感的作家.




My home in Shiquan, where a beautiful rich, these are my hometown return with sweat. Indicated above are pictures that show trees play a vital role in water and soil conservation. In the left hand picture, people are fleeing from voracious sand dunes because they cut down all the trees. The caption reads, "As the sand advances, we retreat." In the right hand picture, the people have returned carrying tools, water and samplings for the reforestation of the land. We are informed that, "As we advances, the sand retreats."It seems that the cartoonist is sending a message about the significance of trees in water and soil conservation and the need for everyone to fight against the danger of the desertification. In fact, what he is saying is if we do not fight against the sand, it will drive us away from the land. If we let this situation go as it is, our environment will suffer a great destruction. 改一下即可


The difference between preservation and conservation is that the former provides absolutely no opportunities for any human activities in the wilderness areas whereas the latter one allows development in a sustainable manner.


preservation n 保存;保管 The old building is in good preservation. 这栋旧建筑保存得很好. 保持;维持 the preservation of world peace 维持世界和平 conservation n. The act or process of conserving. 保护的行为或过程 Preservation from loss,damage,or neglect: 保存保存以避免丢失、损坏或疏忽: Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation. 在图书保存计划的实施中,许多珍贵的手稿从破坏中被抢救出来 The controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources,such as forests,soil,and water systems. 保护自然资源对森林、土壤及水利系统等自然资源的有节制的使用及系统的保护 The maintenance of a physical quantity,such as energy or mass,during a physical or chemical change. 守恒在物理或化学变化过程中能量或质量等物理数量的维持原状 其实这两个词意思及其相近 互换几乎没什么问题 上面的例子可以帮助你了解其中细微差异


preservation n 保存;保管 The old building is in good preservation. 这栋旧建筑保存得很好. 保持;维持 the preservation of world peace 维持世界和平 conservation n. The act or process of conserving. 保护的行为或过程 Preservation from loss,damage,or neglect: 保存保存以避免丢失、损坏或疏忽: Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation. 在图书保存计划的实施中,许多珍贵的手稿从破坏中被抢救出来 The controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources,such as forests,soil,and water systems. 保护自然资源对森林、土壤及水利系统等自然资源的有节制的使用及系统的保护 The maintenance of a physical quantity,such as energy or mass,during a physical or chemical change. 守恒在物理或化学变化过程中能量或质量等物理数量的维持原状 其实这两个词意思及其相近 互换几乎没什么问题 上面的例子可以帮助你了解其中细微差异


preservationn保存;保管The old building is in good preservation. 这栋旧建筑保存得很好。保持;维持the preservation of world peace 维持世界和平conservationn.The act or process of conserving.保护的行为或过程Preservation from loss, damage, or neglect:保存保存以避免丢失、损坏或疏忽:Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation.在图书保存计划的实施中,许多珍贵的手稿从破坏中被抢救出来The controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources, such as forests, soil, and water systems.保护自然资源对森林、土壤及水利系统等自然资源的有节制的使用及系统的保护The maintenance of a physical quantity, such as energy or mass, during a physical or chemical change.守恒在物理或化学变化过程中能量或质量等物理数量的维持原状其实这两个词意思及其相近 互换几乎没什么问题 上面的例子可以帮助你了解其中细微差异


conservation [英][u02ccku0252nsu0259u02c8veu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:nsu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n] n.保存; 保护; 避免浪费; 对自然环境的保护; preservation [英][u02ccprezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n][美][u02c8pru025bzu025a"veu0283u0259n] n.保存,保留; 保护; 防腐; 维护,保持; 复数:preservations,1,conservation和preservation作为“保护”意思的区别 RT 我自己的理解是conservation偏重于保护这个概念,比如大熊猫的保护,这样 以及“保护区”的意思 然后preservation偏重于保留,留下,比如什么东西的保留. 但是我看柯林斯例句里这一句“The entire city is under a preservation order.” 意思是:整个城市都包含在保护令的保护范围中. 别复制啥有道爱词霸,我都看过了不需要.


conservation保护双语对照词典结果:conservation[英][u02ccku0252nsu0259u02c8veu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:nsu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]n.保存; 保护; 避免浪费; 对自然环境的保护; 复数:conservations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Resource conservation and recycling measures must also be encouraged. 此外应鼓励资源保护和循环利用措施。

energy conservation是什么意思

energy conservation能量守恒energy conservation[英][u02c8enu0259du0292i u02ccku0254nsu0259u02c8veiu0283u0259n][美][u02c8u025bnu0259du0292i u02cckɑnsu025au02c8veu0283u0259n]能源节约,能量守恒[不灭]; 节能; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.They discussed closer u. s.-china cooperation on energy conservation and anupcoming round of bilateral trade and economic talks. 他们讨论的议题包括美中两国在能源节约方面加强合作以及下一轮有关贸易和经济问题的双边对话。

biodiversity conservation是什么意思?

biodiversity conservation [释义] 生物多样性保护; conservation 英[ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn] 美[ˌkɑ:nsərˈveɪʃn] n. 保护; 保存; 避免浪费; 对自然环境的保护;

water conservation是什么意思

水利the conservation of water resources水资源保护

water conservation是什么意思

water conservation词典结果water conservation节约用水

conservation plot,conservation score如何翻译?

先说conservation吧。一些对于生命活动很重要的基因,在不同物种中都能发现,并且序列相差很小。这种现象称为“保守性”,翻译成英文就是conservation。我的理解是,conservation plot就是对于一段给定的序列,在不同物种之间比对,然后用某种算法给你画的一张图或者一个表,来表示这段序列的“保守性”如何。根据算法精确程度,可能精确到每个碱基,也可能再长些,这个没有具体说明我就不知道了。而conservation score就是用某种算法给这段序列打一个分,同样来表示这段序列的“保守性”如何。比如,100分为满分,分数越高则保守性越好。我检测10个物种中的同一个基因序列,有9个都一样,那么分数就是90,8个一样就是80,等等。我只是举个例子,真正算法比这个要复杂的多,都是软件去算的...



conservancy 和 conservation 有何不同



conservation和preservation的区别如下:preservationn保存;保管The old building is in good preservation.这栋旧建筑保存得很好.保持;维持the preservation of world peace维持世界和平conservationn.The act or process of conserving.保护的行为或过程。Preservation from loss,damage,or neglect:保存保存以避免丢失、损坏或疏忽。Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation.在图书保存计划的实施中,许多珍贵的手稿从破坏中被抢救出来。The controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources,such as forests,soil,and water systems.保护自然资源对森林、土壤及水利系统等自然资源的有节制的使用及系统的保护。The maintenance of a physical quantity,such as energy or mass,during a physical or chemical change.守恒在物理或化学变化过程中能量或质量等物理数量的维持原状。其实这两个词意思及其相近 互换几乎没什么问题 上面的例子可以帮助你了解其中细微差异

reserve 与conservation作保护区意思的区别

reserve vt. keep back 贮藏,储备;预订,预约preservation 保存(持) preserve 保存、维护 conservation 保持


Conservation of natural resources is critical for the sustainability of our planet.保护自然资源对我们星球的可持续发展至关重要。The national park has strict conservation policies to protect its unique ecosystem.国家公园有严格的保护政策来保护其独特的生态系统。The conservation of water is becoming increasingly important in areas experiencing severe drought.在严重干旱地区,保护水资源变得越来越重要。"Conservation"的意思是保护、保存、保育。它通常用于描述野生动物、自然环境和文化遗产等宝贵资源的保护和管理。在环境保护领域,保护自然资源和减少对环境的破坏是重要的保育工作。在文化保护领域,保护历史遗迹、文物和文化传承也是保育的重要方面。在生物多样性保护方面,保护濒危物种、保护野生动植物栖息地等措施也属于保育的范畴。




一、定义不一样: 1、preservation指为防止损害、变质等而保存。 2、conservation指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。 二、用法不一样 1、preservation意为“保护,维护”,是较正式的用语,强调使用某种特殊方法将一珍贵事物妥善保存使其不受丝毫损伤,甚至完整如初。 2、conservation意为“保存,保藏”,指对所拥有的某种珍贵物品、某种资源或有实用价值的东西合理而科学的使用,不浪费,并暗示一旦用完,将难以找到别的东西来代替它。 三、侧重点不一样:1、preservation侧重于事物的完整性。 2、conservation侧重于不被随意浪费与销毁。 扩展资料 例句:Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation. 在图书保存计划的实施中,许多珍贵的手稿从破坏中被抢救出来 the preservation of world peace 维持世界和平 The controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources, such as forests, soil, and water systems. 保护自然资源对森林、土壤及水利系统等自然资源的`有节制的使用及系统的保护


【conservation】[k?ns?"vei??n] ■ 基本翻译: n. 保存,保持;保护 ■ 网络释义: 1. conservation :清洁|保护|保存|守恒 2. environmental conservation :环境保护|环境保育|环保性|环境保育 3. conservation law :守恒定律|资源保护法|守恒率|生物保护法 4. heat conservation :热量守恒|蓄热|蓄热, 热贮存|热量保存 5. Conservation Scientist :环保科学家|环保 6. conservation standards :保护标准 7. conservation field :守恒场 8. germplasm conservation :种质贮存 9. nature conservation :自然保护 自然保护|自然保育|护协会|通过大自然保护协会 10. Conservation Board :资源保护局 ■ 例句与用法: 1. What are High Conservation Value Forests? 什么是高保护价值森林? 2. One important form of soil conservation is the use of windbreaks. 保护土壤的一个重要的做法就是使用防护林。 3. We use palm wood material and metal recyclables as base materials. Part of profits are for nature conservation. 我们使用棕榈油木材材料和金属回收为基础材料。部分利润用于自然保护。

conservation is still associated with self-denial中associated with 做什么成分,

be associated with可以看作是一个比较固定的词组,实际上是associate A with B,把A和B联系在一起,所以可以变成A be associated with B,就是变成被动啦,在第一句可以看成是被动,也可以是把associated 看成是形容词当表语(很多动词在变成现在分词和过去分词后都可以当形容词用)。至于第二句,我觉得也是associated而不是associate,you的宾语补足语,和you是被动关系(就像第一句一样),所以用过去分词形式。当然这只是我个人意见,如果你查了相关书籍发现第二句那里还是associate的话。。。那应该就是书错了。。。

在某方面的创新,用innovation in 还是用innovation on

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 要求准确,最好有例句。 解析: innovation for The mass movement for technical innovation is vigorously fing ahead in the factory. 群众性的技术革新运动正在该厂蓬勃开展。

新托福 当 innovation 和 reformation 的意思都是革新的时候 其二者之间的区别在



在英文中,创新“InnovAtion”起源于拉丁语,有三层含义()。 A.更新B.创造新的东西C.改变D.制作正确答案:ABC

有创新的能力,用到innovation这个词,the ability of还是on,求助。

用of可以,不过也可以直接翻译为:innovation capacity




2014GSL冠军 wcs16强 GSL(WCS KOREA) 2012年第五赛季8强 2013年第一赛季4强 2013年第二赛季 亚军OSL(wcs korea) 2013年 WCS S2 4强WCS 世界总决赛 S1 冠军 SPL12-13赛季多胜榜 亚军常规赛获得史无前例的S级 IEM 上海站16强 WCG2013韩国区季军 INnoVation的个人 性格比较腼腆,在采访中比较谦虚。(甚至带点谦虚过分了) (详见采访)对年长的人非常尊敬,对自己的能力很自信。 比赛中风格非常霸气,大赛上面对一些选手偶尔骄傲大意。(SPL比赛经常因为过分优势心理导致输掉比赛,详见INnoVation vs Shine,在挡下6D后被一波毒爆全包)对粉丝非常有礼貌,经常对自己的表现不佳表达歉意。 在战队中比较亲和,对教练很尊重。

renovation 和 innovation 区别





韩文名:uc774uc2e0ud615 (Lee Sin Hyung) ID:INnoVation出生日期:1993/07/25Bogus(星际1时期曾用)中文译:李信衡(李新恒)英文名:Lee Sin Hyung身高:179cm体重:60KG外号:卫星 卫星锅现效力星际2职业战队:SK Telecom T1




用作名词 (n.)动词+~ introduce an innovation 采用一项革新make innovations 进行种种革新oppose innovation 反对创新形容词+~ conservative innovation 保守的改革recent innovation 新近的发明welcome innovation 可喜的革新important innovation 重要的革新radical innovations 彻底的改革technical innovations 技术革新~+介词 innovation in… 方面的革新


va - tion...应该是这样



Sava的《Innovation》 歌词

歌曲名:Innovation歌手:Sava专辑:Mood Collective 2どうか仆らを信じていいで欲しいんだ本当の爱を胜ち取るから乌见たいな梦は何时か终るんだ満たされた时代にきっと缝い返るInnovationグローランサーV オープニングテーマ作词 芦沢和则 作曲 芦沢和则ある构う空に暮らされたいないバーチャルな平和が避け始めるずっと感じてた 生きると死さの意味今时あが去れたどうか仆らを信じていいで欲しいんだ本当の爱を胜ち取るから抱けに行く日も再びまだ登るんだ歌がやいだ大地にきっと降り早々るエンリシェの海に着き立てた去るバーシャルの调和は重いらないずっと 千夜してた 自由运の冗想う今上げ花 谁だどうか仆らを见守ってで欲しいんだ本当の爱が目覚めるまで见せだけ抱けも心は见様もでいたんだ新した偶縁はきっと访れる拾わせた晴天は 风に待って消えてちたどうか仆らを信じていいで欲しいんだ本当の爱を胜ち取るから乌见たいな梦は何时か终るんだ満たされた时代にきっと缝い返る

innovation和creativity 有什么区别

innovation革新,改革,创新The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller.本世纪空中旅行的革新使世界似乎变小了creativity创造力Creativity is a unique human capacity.创造力是人类所特有的能力一个是创造,一个是创新。


innovate是动词,innovation是它同一词根下的名词. innovate vi.改革,创新 vt.引入(新事物、思想或 innovation n.改革,创新;新观念;新发明;新设施


innovation造句如下:1、His path was unique,butinnovation experts say the pattern of exploration is not unusual.(他成功的途径是独一无二的,但创新专家表示,这种探索模式并不罕见。)2、It also has a specialinnovation facility for its employees.(公司还为员工提供了专门的创新设施。)3、Anyway,l don"t need to tell you what l think about Plato"s ideas aboutinnovation,do l?(无论如何,我不需要告诉你们我对柏拉图的创新思想的看法,对吧?)4、 To go in for technicalinnovation,one must have the fearless spirit of a pathbreaker.(搞技术革新就要有一股不怕困难的闯劲。)5、lt has made great achievements ininnovation. They are true pictures of national strength.(中国在创新方面取得了巨大成就,这是国力的真实写照。)6、In his eyes,however,that doesn"t necessarily mean thatinnovation has stopped.(然而,在他看来,这并不意味着已经停止创新了。)7、Mike,you manage theinnovation project at Cucin Tech.(迈克,你来负责CucinTech的创新项目。)8、We must promote originality,inspire creativity and encourageinnovation.(我们必须提倡独创性,激发创造力,鼓励创新。)9、Capitalism stressesinnovation,competition and individualism.(资本主义强调的是创新、竞争和个人至上。)10、To grow the business,he needs to develop management expertise andinnovation across his team.(为了拓展业务,他需要提高其团队的专业管理技能和创新能力。)11、Managinginnovation is a delicate art.(管理创新是—门微妙的艺术。)12、They supply creativity andinnovation not easily accomplished by committees.(它们提供了委员会难以达成的创造力和创新性。)13、We will foster a culture ofinnovation and create an enabling environment forinnovation.(我们将培育创新文化,创造一个有利的创新环境。)14、His greatestinnovation was the use of interchangeable parts.(他最伟大的创新是使用了可互换部件。)15、The risk is of course thatinnovation may frequently lead to imitation.(风险当然是创新可能经常导致模仿。)


用作名词 (n.)There is no end to practice or innovation.实践永无止境,创新永无止境。In the age of global competition, design innovation is vital.在全球激烈竞争的时代,设计创新至关重要。It was a period of innovation.这是革新时期。A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon.技术改进的浪潮即将出现。After being led by him, one innovation after another are showing.从他领导后,一个又一个革新项目出现了。


innovation意思为:n.(新事物、思想或方法的)创造;创新;改革;新思想;新方法详细解释:1.新事物;新方法An innovation is a new thing or a new method of doing something.例句The vegetarian burger was an innovation which was rapidly exported to Britain.素食汉堡是一种迅速传到了英国的新开发食品。2.革新;创新;改革Innovation is the introduction of new ideas, methods, or things.例句We must promote originality and encourage innovation.我们必须提倡创意,鼓励革新。


innovation翻译成中文innovation 创新,改革,创造,新思想,,革新,创新能力,技术创新英英释义n. 1.a new idea, method, piece of equipment, etc.2.the invention or use of new ideas, methods, equipment, etc英[u02ccu026anu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccu026anu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]1. [u]~ (in sth)(新事物、思想或方法的)创造;创新;改革the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing sth2. [c]~ (in sth)新思想;新方法a new idea, way of doing sth, etc. that has been introduced or discovered搭配v.+n.make innovation,innovation develop,introduce innovation,adopt innovation,innovation designadj.+n.recent innovation,successful innovation,useful innovation同义词n.novelty,invention,revolution,modernization,origination反义词n.stagnation


innovation [u02ccu026anu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] n. 创新,革新;新方法innovativeness n. 创新性,创新精神


innovation英 [u02ccu026anu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccu026anu0259u02c8veu0283u0259n] n.改革,创新; 新观念; 新发明; 新设施网络新息; 方法创新; 创新产品


Making innovations becomes very important for life and the develepment in a contury.


creation创造未有的事物 innovation改革已有的事物

为什么要把innovation 叫做卫星哥呢? 这外号怎么来的!

innovation 在英文中是创新,革新,新生的一切事物,至于卫星哥的说法可能是音译或是一种激情翻译的结果。


innovation 英[u02ccu026anu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美[u02ccu026anu0259u02c8veu0283u0259n] n. 改革,创新;新观念;新发明;新设施 名词复数:innovations [例句]Eliminating complexity would stifle innovation.消除复杂性会扼杀创新。


escalator是自动扶梯 lift,elevator是电梯(升降的) lift 是英式的 elevator 是美式的elevator提升(举)与lift或raise同义,但较不常用,当用于指位置或高度,此词语气很正式.The clerk was elevated to a managerial position.这个职员被提升到了经理的职位The balloon had been elevated 800 feet.人们使气球升高了800尺He elevated his voice slightly.他微微提高了自己的嗓音lift提升(举),抬高.就一般的字面意义而言,此词指使用一定的体力将某物提举到一个较高的位置The box is too heavy for me to lift.这箱子太重,我提不起来The crane lifts the bales and puts them down into the hold.起重机提举起大包并把它们放到货舱中to lift a pail of water from the ground.把一桶水从地面提举起来He lifted his cup and emptied it at one gulp.他举起酒杯,一饮而尽(有时用于引申,指不大费力地提举,或用于喻意)(fig.喻)Richard"s success lifts him in our eyes.理查德的成功抬高了他在我们心目中的地位参考资料:汉英双解英语同义词词典


Salvation歌手:Michael Learns To RockShould I close my eyes so I don"t see your smileWould it be a clever thing to doAnd should I stay away from you for a little whileShould I leave it all behindWhen you are giving me salvation just like someone heaven sentThis wasn"t meant to be baby can"t you seeThis is an open invitation for the beginning of the endThough I"m flying now, I"m gonna be crying over youShould I stop dancing on the edge of a knifeWould it be a clever thing to doShould I lock my door should I stop kissing lifeShould I get rid of youWhen you are giving me salvation just like someone heaven sentThis wasn"t meant to be baby can"t you seeThis is an open invitation for the beginning of the endThough I"m flying now, I"m gonna be crying over youThis love is forbidden fruit (baby just stop looking at me)I should have cut you off by the root (this love just wasn"t meant to be)When you are giving me salvation just like someone heaven sentThis is an open invitation for the beginning of the endThough I"m flying now, I"m gonna be crying over you



Bus facilities have been continuously renovated

因为bus speed是属于三单形式,所以用has。

demi lovato的这个头发叫什么颜色


let it go的中英歌词,歌手是Demi Lovato 跪求!!!


在美国人眼里Selena Gomez特别漂亮是吗?那跟Demi Lovato和Miley Cyrus比较起来呢?

其实吧 Selena Gomez还是靠小贾红的 在美国人心里 小贾是什么地位 他的女朋友当然地位不会低 让我来说说吧 S说她唱功好 Demi笑了 S说她有才 霉霉笑了 S说她成熟性感 麦子笑了 S说她男人最有名 大家都沉默了哈哈 纯属娱乐 个人观点 切勿吐槽!!!其实你可以去搜搜她们的图 谁好看你自己知道

demi lovato的give your heart a break歌词

The day I first met youYou told me you never fall in loveBut now that I get youI know fear is what it really wasNow here we are, so closeYet so far, haven"t I passed the testWhen will you realizeBaby, I"m not like the restDon"t wanna break your heartI wanna give your heart a breakI know you"re scared it"s wrongLike you might make a mistakeThere"s just one life to liveAnd there"s no time to waste, to wasteSo let me give your heart a breakGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakGive your heart a breakOh, yeah yeahA Sunday, you went home aloneThere were tears in your eyesI called your cell phone, my loveBut you did not replyThe world is ours, if you want itWe can take it, if you just take my handThere"s no turning back nowBaby, try to understandDon"t wanna break your heartI wanna give your heart a breakI know you"re scared it"s wrongLike you might make a mistakeThere"s just one life to liveAnd there"s no time to waste, to wasteSo let me give your heart a breakGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakYour heart a breakThere"s just so much you can takeGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakYour heart a breakOh, yeah yeahWhen your lips are on my lipsAnd our hearts beat as oneBut you slip right out of my fingertipsEvery time you runDon"t wanna break your heartI wanna give your heart a breakI know you"re scared it"s wrongLike you might make a mistakeThere"s just one life to liveAnd there"s no time to wait, to waitSo let me give your heart a breakCuz you"ve been hurt beforeI can see it in your eyesYou try to smile it awaySome things you can"t disguiseI don"t wanna break your heartBaby, I can ease the ache, the acheSo, let me give your heart a breakGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakYour heart a breakThere"s just so much you can takeGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakYour heart a breakThe day I first met youYou told me you never fall in love

求Demi Lovato的Gift of a friend歌词翻译

Sometimes You think You"ll Be Find by YourselfCause a Dream is a Wish You Make all alone有时觉得自己可以办得到因为梦想只需一个人定下就好Its Easy to Feel Like You Dont Need HelpBut Its Harder To Walk On Your Own说起来容易,你不需要别人的祈祷,但自己一个人的路上有太多的困扰You"ll Change InsideWhen You Realize当你意识到,改变就成了自身的需要The World Comes To Lifeand Everything"s right世界复苏了生机,每件事恢复了秩序From Beginning To EndWhen You Have a Friend从开始到故事的尽头,终有一个朋友在你的心头By Your Side为你无保留That Helps You To FindThe Beauty Of All他帮你看到了美,看到了美得自然When You"ll Open Your Heart and Believe inThe Gift of a FriendThe Gift of a Friend当你敞开你的心扉,让信任抹去伤悲,朋友是上天的祝福,朋友将拭干眼泪Someone Who knows When Your Lost and Your Scared你的迷茫,你的恐惧他都看得到There through The Highs and The Lows无处无地不为你祈祷Someone You Can Count On, Someone Who CaresBesides You Where Ever You Go为你而担心,是你的依赖,在你的身旁,陪伴着你的未来You"ll Change InsideWhen You Realize当你意识到,改变就成了自身的需要The World Comes To Lifeand Everything"s right世界复苏了生机,每件事终于有了秩序From Beginning To EndWhen You Have a Friend从开始到故事的尽头,终有一个朋友在你的心头By Your Side为你无保留That Helps You To FindThe Beauty Of All他帮你看到了美,看到了美得自然When You"ll Open Your Heart and Believe inThe Gift of a Friend当你敞开你的心扉,让信任抹去伤悲,朋友是上天的祝福,朋友将拭干眼泪And When your Hope Crashes DownShattering To The Ground当你的希望坠毁着下降,当你的希望摔坏在地上You"ll, You"ll Feel All AloneWhen You Dont Know Which Way To Go你将,你将为之独自迷茫,迷失了前进的方向And There"s No signs Leading You homeYou"re Not Alone没有引导你回家的记号,但有人陪在你的身旁The World Comes To Lifeand Everything"s right世界复苏了生机,每件事恢复了秩序From Beginning To EndWhen You Have a Friend从开始到故事的尽头,终有一个朋友在你的心头By Your Side为你毫无保留That Helps You To FindThe Beauty Of All帮你看到真善美When You"ll Open Your Heart and Believe InWhen You Believe InYou Can Believe InThe Gift of a Friend

Demi Lovato - Catch Me 中英文对照歌词

Before I fall too fast以前我坠落地太快了 Kiss me quick, but make it last 快吻我,但让它持续 So I can see how badly this will hurt me 这样我就可以看见这伤害我有多么严重 When you say goodbye当你说再见时 Keep it sweet, keep it slow 保持它甜蜜,让它缓慢 Let the future pass, and don"t let go 让未来过去,别松手 But tonight I could fall too soon 但是今晚我可能坠落太快 To this beautiful moonlight 这个漂亮的月光 But you"re so hypnotizing但是你如此让人陶醉 You"ve got me laughing while I sing 你使我笑着唱歌 You"ve got me smiling in my sleep 你使我微笑着入眠 And I can see this unraveling 我能看见这个破裂 And your love is where I"m falling 你的爱让我坠落 But please don"t catch me 但请不要抓住我 See this heart won"t settle down 看到这颗心平静不下来 Like a child running scared from a clown 像一个孩子害怕一个小丑 I"m terrified of what you"ll do 我害怕你将要做什么 My stomach screams just when I look at you 我的胃大叫只是当我看着你 Run far away so I can breathe 我只有跑得远远的才能呼吸 Even though you"re far from suffocating me 即使你远离了窒息了的我 But I can"t set my hopes to high 但我不能抱有希望 Cuz every hello ends with a goodbye 因为每个“你好”结束在“再见” But you"re so hypnotizing 但是你如此让人陶醉 You"ve got me laughing while I sing 你使我笑着唱歌 You"ve got me smiling in my sleep你使我微笑着我入眠 And I can see this unraveling 我能看见这个破裂 Your love is where I"m falling 你的爱让我坠落 But please don"t catch me 但请不要抓我 So now you see why I"m scared 所以现在你知道为什么我觉得很害怕 I can"t open up my heart without a care 没有你的关心我无法敞开心扉 So here I go, it"s what I feel 因此在这里,我走了,这是我的感觉 And for the first time in my life I know it"s real 在我的生命中,我第一次知道那是真实的 But you"re so hypnotizing 但是你如此让人陶醉You"ve got me laughing while I sing 你使我笑着唱歌 You"ve got me smiling in my sleep你使我微笑着我入眠 And I can see this unraveling 我能看见这个破裂 Your love is where I"m falling 你的爱让我坠落 But please don"t catch me 但请不要抓我 If this is love please don"t break me 如果这就是爱,请别打断我 I"m giving up so just catch me 我要放弃了这样才能抓住我

this is me -Demi Lovato歌词以及中文

i always been the kind of girl that hid my face 我一直是那种把脸藏起来的女孩 so afraid to tell the world what i"ve got to say 很害怕告诉世界我要说什么 but i have this dream, right inside of me, its time to let you know, 但是我有这个梦,就在我体内,是让你知道的时间了 to let you know, 是让你知道的时间了 this is real this is me 这是真的 这是我 im exactly where i suppose to be now, 我现在准确的在我应该在的地方, gonna let the light shine on me. 将要让灯光在我身上闪耀。 now i found who i am, there"s no way to hold it in, 现在我发现了我是谁,没有任何方法去约束它, no more hinding who i want to be, 不再隐藏我想变成谁 this is me. 这是我 now you know what its like to feel so in the dark 现在你知道在黑暗里是怎样的感受 and to dream about a life where you"re the shining star 并且做一场你是生命闪烁的明星的梦 even though it seems like its too far away 即使它看起来太遥远了 i have to believe in myself its the only way 唯一的方法是相信自己 this is real this me 这是真的 这是我 im exactly where i suppose to be now, 我现在准确的在我应该在的地方, gonna let the light shine on me. 将要让灯光在我身上闪耀。 now i found who i am, there"s no way to hold it in, 现在我发现了我是谁,没有任何方法去约束它, no more hinding who i want to be, 不再隐藏我想变成谁 this is me. 这是我

Demi Lovato - The Gift of a Friend的中文歌词

sometimes you think you"ll be find by yourself有时你觉得你只会被自己找到cause a dream is a wish you make all alone因为希望让自己单独面对一切its easy to feel like you dont need help这很容易让你觉得你不需要帮助but its harder to walk on your own但往往独自一人走会困难许多you"ll change insidewhen you realize你将会从心底里改变当你意识到:the world comes to life这个世界来自于生活and everything"s right一切都是那么的美好from beginning to end从一开始到结束when you have a friendby your side当你有一个朋友陪伴在你身边that helps you to findthe beauty of all她会帮你去寻找这个世界所有的美丽when you"ll open your heart and believe in当你敞开心扉去相信the gift of a friendthe gift of a friend一个朋友是上天赐给你的礼物someone who knows when your lost and your scared当你失落、害怕时她知道there through the highs and the lows陪你一起经历人生的高潮和低谷someone you can count on, someone who cares你信任她,她关心你besides you where ever you go不管你走到哪里她都陪伴在你身旁you"ll change insidewhen you realize你将会从心底里改变当你意识到:the world comes to life这个世界来自于生活and everything"s right一切都是那么的美好from beginning to end从一开始到结束when you have a friendby your side当你有一个朋友陪伴在你身边that helps you to findthe beauty of all她会帮你去寻找这个世界所有的美丽when you"ll open your heart and believe in当你敞开心扉去相信the gift of a friend一个朋友是上天赐给你的礼物and when your hope crashes down当你的希望破灭shattering to the ground粉碎在地上you"ll, you"ll feel all alone你会觉得非常孤独when you dont know which way to go当你不知道该往哪走and there"s no signs leading you home看不清指引你回家的路you"re not alone你并不是孤单一人 (楼下的有抄袭我的嫌疑哦。我知道我翻译得其实不是很好,很多句子不通顺又没有文采,但每一句都是我自己翻译而且仔细斟酌过的,我没有用翻译器也没有去网上抄哦!)

demi lovato - here we go again 歌词翻译

我来所有的东西离开 然后,我清楚你的我的头 余撕裂你的我的心 而忽略您的所有讯息 我告诉大家,我们正在通过 原因我好多没有你 但它只是另一个漂亮谎言 因为我打破 每次您来解决 噢哦噢因此,你是怎么来到这里 根据我的皮肤? 发誓说我永远不会让你回去 应该知道更好 在试图让你去 原因在此,我们再次去加油 硬盘作为我尝试,我知道我不能离开 谈谈你 如此上瘾 我们正在一起下降 你认为现在我知道 原因在此,我们再次去加油 你永远不知道你想要的 和你永远都不会说,你需要 但是,我开始去疯狂 每次,你看我 你只能听到一半,我说 和你总是出现太晚 我知道,我应该说再见 但它是没有用的 不能有或没有你 噢哦噢哦 因此,你是怎么来到这里 根据我的皮肤? 发誓说我永远不会让你回 应该知道更好 在试图让你去 事业在这里,我们再次去加油 硬盘作为我尝试,我知道我不能离开 谈谈你 如此上瘾 我们正在一起下降 你认为现在我知道 原因在此,我们再次去加油 Ohhh 并再次(再次) 并再次(再次) 和再一次俺把所有的东西离开 你和我清除了我的头 我撕了你我的心 噢哦 噢哦 因此,你是怎么来到这里 根据我的皮肤? 发誓说我永远不会让你回 应该知道更好 在试图让你去 原因在此,我们再次去加油 硬盘作为我尝试,我知道我不能离开 谈谈你 如此上瘾 我们正在一起下降 你认为现在我知道 原因在此,我们再次去加油 应该知道更好 在试图让你去 原因在此,我们再次去加油 又来了 又来了 再次再次再次和一次又一次地 并再次和一次又一次地

dami lovato"in case "中英歌词

In CasePictures in my pocket我口袋里的照片Are faded from the washer在洗衣机里褪色I can barely just make out your face我仅能认出你的脸Food you saved for later你为了以后储存的食物In my refrigerator都塞在我的冰箱It"s been too long since later never came你说的"以后"从来没有到I know我知道One day eventually总有一天终究会如此Yeah, I know耶 我知道One day I"ll have to let it all go总有一天我必须对这一切放手But I keep it just in case但我留住一切 只为了"万一"Yeah, I keep it just in case耶 我留住一切 只为了"万一"In case万一You don"t find what you"re looking for你找不到你在寻找的In case万一You"re missing what you had before你想念你曾拥有过的In case万一You change your mind, I"ll be waiting here你改变心意 我会在这等你In case万一You just want to come home你只是想要回家Strong enough to leave you我够强壮才能离开你But weak enough to need you但却也够软弱让我需要你Cared enough to let you walk away我够关心才能让你就这样离开I took that dirty jacket我拿着那件肮脏的夹克From the trash right where you left it那件从你留下的垃圾里找到的夹克"Cause I couldn"t stand to see it go to waste因为我不能支撑住自己看着一切被浪费I know我知道One day eventually总有一天终究会如此Yeah, I know耶 我知道One day I"ll have to let it all go总有一天我必须对一切放手But I keep it just in case但我留住这一切 只为了"万一"Yeah, I keep it just in case耶 我留住这一切 只为了"万一"In case万一You don"t find what you"re looking for你找不到你在寻找的In case万一You"re missing what you had before你想念你曾拥有过的In case万一You change your mind, I"ll be waiting here你改变心意 我会在这等你In case万一You just want to come home你只是想要回家In case万一You"re looking in that mirror one day总有一天你会看着镜子And miss my arms想念我的双臂How they wrapped around your waist它们如何搂着你的腰I say that you can love me again我说"你能再爱上我"Even if it isn"t the case就算这一切根本没有"万一"Ohhh喔~You don"t find what you"re looking for你找不到你在寻找的Ohhh喔~You"re missing my love你想念我的爱You don"t find what you"re looking for你找不到你在寻找的In case万一You"re missing what you had before你想念你曾拥有过的In case万一You change your mind, I"ll be waiting here你改变心意 我会在这等你In case万一You just want to come home你只是想要回家In cass万一Yeah, ooooo耶~ 呜~

demi lovato的【together】的歌词~要有中文翻译啊

Ohh-oh, ohh yeahRemember love, remember you and meRemember everything we sharedOn this planet when we caredRemember us, remember unityRemember loving neighbours without expecting favoursWhy be afraid to make an honest mistakeIf you acknowledge the painAnd you wanna change, you can get through anythingDo you remember at allPeople walking hand-in-handCan we feel that love againCan you imagine it allIf we all could get alongThen we all could sing this songTogetherOh-oh-oh-oh-ohOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohSinging, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohLook at me and look at youNow look at me againSee, weu2019re not so differentLook around, what do you seeWhen no one thinks outside our windowWe donu2019t care to keep it cleanI had a dream that we were solely standingAnd if we all just believeLove is all we need; nothing else can set you free, yeahDo you remember at allPeople walking hand-in-hand, hand-in-handCan we feel that love again, can we feel love againCan you imagine it all, imagine it allIf we all could get alongThen we all could sing this songTogetherOh-oh-oh-oh-oh, ohh-oh yeahOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, ayeSinging, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohOh-oh, oh-whoa-ohOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohOh yeahIf we could through away the hateAnd make it last another dayDonu2019t give up just for todayLife would be so simpleAnd then theyu2019d talk about usBut they will never stop usWeu2019ll keep singingOh-oh-oh-oh-oh, wooOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, come on, weu2019ll keep singingSinging, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-yeah, whoa yeahOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohOhh-ohhDo you remember at allPeople walking hand-in-hand, walking hand-in-handCan we feel that love againCan you imagine it all, imagine, yeahIf we all could get alongThen we all could sing this songTogetherOohhCome on, come on, come onCome on, come on, come on, come on, yeahHold your hand with your neighboursTogether, togetherNoo, da, da-da-daOhh-yeahOhhCome and sing it withLooking at you, babyOhhOohh-ohh

demi lovato 的 u got nothin’ on me 歌词翻译

对我你什么都不是夏天到来带给我们惊喜加州的阳光十分耀眼我们疯狂的开着车,沿途不停的歌唱着我们最爱的歌,没有什么不开心和不安在月光的凝视下我们大笑着你亲吻我,并且这件事总是这么美好,不会让人感觉短暂很难想象什么事情会把我们分开但之后的你仍旧深深的伤害了我现在我知道了真实的你对我来说你根本什么都不是我明白了原本从最开始我就该了解这个道理对我来说你根本什么都不是不要说谎,甚至在做什么努力因为现在就是我们分手的时候再见当我路过的时候我用我的余光发现了你你正对着一个女孩微笑如果你仍认为你把我愚弄了那你就大错特错了我知道我在做什么你的行为不会让我痛苦万分的体会言外之意并不难挂在你车上的项链不是我的我不会给你任何东西,更不会做或者说任何事情我一直按自己的方式生活着即使是到现在,也不会太迟现在我知道了真实的你对我来说你根本什么都不是我明白了原本从最开始我就该了解这个道理对我来说你根本什么都不是不要说谎,甚至在做什么努力因为现在就是我们分手的时候对于破碎的誓言这次我觉得你也尝到了它的滋味休想让我心怀歉意或者跪倒在你面前对我来说你根本什么都不是(X3)我知道了真实的你现在我明白了原本从最开始我就该了解这个道理你不能再说谎了,甚至在做什么努力因为现在就是我们分手的时候现在我知道了真实的你对我来说你根本什么都不是我明白了原本从最开始我就该了解这个道理对我来说你根本什么都不是不要说谎,甚至在做什么努力因为现在就是我们分手的时候我自己译的,水平 有限,嘻嘻。没什么大用,凑活看吧

this is me -Demi Lovato歌词以及中文

i always been the kind of girl that hid my face 我一直是那种把脸藏起来的女孩 so afraid to tell the world what i"ve got to say 很害怕告诉世界我要说什么 but i have this dream, right inside of me, its time to let you know, 但是我有这个梦,就在我体内,是让你知道的时间了 to let you know, 是让你知道的时间了 this is real this is me 这是真的 这是我 im exactly where i suppose to be now, 我现在准确的在我应该在的地方, gonna let the light shine on me. 将要让灯光在我身上闪耀。 now i found who i am, there"s no way to hold it in, 现在我发现了我是谁,没有任何方法去约束它, no more hinding who i want to be, 不再隐藏我想变成谁 this is me. 这是我 now you know what its like to feel so in the dark 现在你知道在黑暗里是怎样的感受 and to dream about a life where you"re the shining star 并且做一场你是生命闪烁的明星的梦 even though it seems like its too far away 即使它看起来太遥远了 i have to believe in myself its the only way 唯一的方法是相信自己 this is real this me 这是真的 这是我 im exactly where i suppose to be now, 我现在准确的在我应该在的地方, gonna let the light shine on me. 将要让灯光在我身上闪耀。 now i found who i am, there"s no way to hold it in, 现在我发现了我是谁,没有任何方法去约束它, no more hinding who i want to be, 不再隐藏我想变成谁 this is me. 这是我

Demi lovato的Fix a heart歌词

It"s probably what"s best for you也许这样对你是最好的I only want the best for you我只想把最好的给你And if I"m not the best, then you"re stuck是不是我不是最好的,你就不知所措了I try to sever ties and I,我试着切断我们之间的联系ended up with wounds to bind试着藏起所有的伤口结束这一切Like you"re pouring salt in my cuts就好像你在我的伤口上撒了盐And I just ran out of band-aids我已用完了所有的创可贴I don"t even know where to start我甚至不知道该从哪重新开始‘Cause you can"t bandage the damage,因为你不能替我包扎所有的伤口You never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心Even though I know what"s wrong,即使我知道哪里不对How can I be so sure我如何能如此肯定你是我的If you never say what you feel, feel即使你从来没说过你的感受I must have held your hand so tight,我也一定要抓紧你的手you didn"t have the will to fight你没有甩开我的手I guess you needed more time to heal我想你只是需要更多的时间淡忘过去Baby ,I just ran out of band-aids我已用完了所有的创可贴I don"t even know where to start我甚至不知道该从哪重新开始‘Cause you can"t bandage the damage,因为你不能替我包扎所有的伤口You never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心You must be a miracle-walker你一定是个消灭奇迹的人Swearing up and down说的信誓旦旦You can fix what"s been broken, yeah你却不能愈合我破碎的心Please don"t get my hopes up不要再给我希望了No, no, baby, tell me how could you be so cruel不要,宝贝,告诉我你怎么能如此残忍!It"s like you"re pouring salt on my cuts这就像你在我的伤口上撒了盐...Baby ,I just ran out of band-aids我已用完了所有的创可贴I don"t even know where to start我甚至不知道该从哪重新开始‘Cause you can"t bandage the damage,因为你不能替我包扎所有的伤口You never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心Baby ,I just ran out of band-aids我已用完了所有的创可贴I don"t even know where to start我甚至不知道该从哪重新开始‘Cause you can"t bandage the damage,因为你不能替我包扎所有的伤口You never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心Oh no no no noYou never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心Oh no no no noOh 不能不能 不能不能...You never really can fix heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心You never really can fix my heart你从来都不能真正治愈我的心* 特别喜欢这首歌~就尝试着自己翻译了一下,可能有不对的地方,希望不要介意~

Demi Lovato的《Catch Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Catch Me歌手:Demi Lovato专辑:Here We Go AgainDemi Lovato - Catch MeBefore I fall too fastKiss me quick, but make it lastSo I can see how badly this will hurt meWhen you say goodbyeKeep it sweet, keep it slowLet the future pass, and don"t let goBut tonight I could fall too soonTo this beautiful moonlightBut you"re so hypnotizingYou"ve got me laughing while I singYou"ve got me smiling in my sleepAnd I can see this unravelingAnd your love is where I"m fallingBut please don"t catch meSee this heart won"t settle downLike a child running scared from a clownI"m terrified of what you"ll doMy stomach screams just when I look at youRun far away so I can breatheEven though you"re far from suffocating meBut I can"t set my hopes to highCuz every hello ends with a goodbyeBut you"re so hypnotizingYou"ve got me laughing while I singYou"ve got me smiling in my sleepAnd I can see this unravelingYour love is where I"m fallingBut please don"t catch meSo now you see why I"m scaredI can"t open up my heart without a careSo here I go, it"s what I feelAnd for the first time in my life I know it"s realBut you"re so hypnotizingYou"ve got me laughing while I singYou"ve get me smiling in my sleepAnd I can see this unravelingYour love is where I"m fallingSo please don"t catch meIf this is love please don"t break meI"m giving up so just catch me

Demi Lovato的《Party》 歌词

歌曲名:Party歌手:Demi Lovato专辑:Don"T ForgetDemi Lovato - PartySaw you lookin at meNow i think youMoving this wayYour pushingThrough the crowdLike you gotSomething to sayBut youCould"t get to meCuz the music"sTaking over your feetI can tell by your toesThat you"re rockingTo this beatYou gotta dance and swayTil you drop and breakFree your soulLet me see you shakeOne by oneWe"re stealing the stageHere we come so getOut of our wayIt won"t be longTill the summers goneGet your party onNow were singinHold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onAnd were screamingOut loudNow it"s going straitTo your headHanging in red, yeaBut your learnHow to moveTo the groveAgain and againRaise your handsIn the areI"m a championWere all dolled upWith no where to goYou want to get outAnd lose up the showRock and rollIs staying homeAs long as you catchYour readly to goIt won"t be longTill the summers goneGet you party onAnd were screamingHold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onDon"t waitDon"t you be lateGet your party onNow were singinHold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onAnd were screamingOut loudYou can learn it tooDon"t follow the rulesI"ve seen those movesThere in the wayYou make me moveIt won"t be longTill the summers goneGet you party onAnd were screamingHold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onDon"t waitDon"t you be lateGet your party onNow were singin"Hold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onAnd were screamingOut loud
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