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很多人都会问,究竟哪个版本的vegas是最稳定的版本?这个问题,其实有两面性。第一,vegas版本里,比较不容易出错的是有的,我个人认为是版本10E。 但是随着高清摄像机的兴起,很多视频素材都慢慢变成了超高清格式,这对于10E版本来说是很吃力的一件事情。我现在使用的是12版本在处理这些高清片子。12版本还可以,目前为止没有出现过太大的问题。第二,也是我需要着重说的一点。 俗话说,再好的剪辑软件也经不起“特效大神”的折腾。哈哈,这说的特效大神并不是什么真正的做特效的高手,说的是喜欢在剪辑软件里做花哨的特效的朋友。什么人做什么事情,软件也要做自己的事情。 之所以软件分为剪辑,特效,包装,音频处理,图像处理等等,就是这个意思。要保证vegas稳定,除了选择一个好的版本之外,最重要的是要有一个良好的操作习惯:第一:不要再剪辑软件里搞很多花哨的特效。比如3D效果,特效转场,抠像,叠了好几层的画面处理等。第二:不要在同一个剪辑软件里放入太多不用格式的视频素材。那么问题来了,如果是必须要放入很多素材怎么办?凉拌。呵呵,开玩笑,转码就可以。用转换软件把原始拍摄素材进行转码,码率设置要高。第三:尽量不要使用中文文件名保存文件,尽量把文件保存在根目录文件夹下,不要嵌套太多的文件夹(你藏那么深好找么?是为了掩饰啥呢,哈哈)。第四:养成至少每天保存一个工程文件的习惯。我现在剪辑东西,每天要保存十几个,全部按照日期排列,永远是最新的日期那个是最后一稿。比如:xiangmu20160812-001。001是当天保存的次数。 这样做的好处是,即使软件崩溃了,我至少丢的工作量不会太多。最后,要说的一点是,天下没有绝对安全绝对稳定绝对不出错的软件。养成一个良好的习惯才是一个最长期的有效办法。本文完。 -----------------------------




house vegas拉斯维加斯We sold our house back in Vegas& made quite a nice half-mil profit on it.我们卖掉了拉斯维加斯的房子,大大地赚了50万。


vegas是拉斯维加斯,美国著名的赌城,全称是Las vegas,但美国人喜欢简称为vegas,拉斯维加斯是美国内华达州最大的城市,克拉克县的县治,也是座享有极高国际声誉的城市。拉斯维加斯位居世界四大赌城之一,是一座以赌博业为中心的旅游、购物、度假的世界知名度假城市,拥有“世界娱乐之都”和“结婚之都”的美称。特点每年来拉斯维加斯旅游的3890万旅客中,来购物和享受美食的占了大多数,专程来赌博的只占少数,成为一座巨大的国际城市,拉斯维加斯只用了十年。拉斯维加斯地处内华达州被荒凉的石漠和戈壁地带包围的山谷地区,雨量很少,夏季炎热,冬季寒冷多风沙,偶然的暴雨会导致洪水,昼夜温差大。


vegas是拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州的最大城市。以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之一。拉斯维加斯“Las Vegas”源自西班牙语,意思为“肥沃的青草地”,名字来自很多年前的西部开拓者,人们将这片荒凉干旱的不毛之地命名为“牧草地”,来祈祷一片肥沃的草原,好放牧牛羊。地理位置拉斯维加斯地处内华达州被荒凉的石漠和戈壁地带包围的山谷地区,雨量很少,夏季炎热,冬季寒冷多风沙,偶然的暴雨会导致洪水,昼夜温差大。市内有高架铁路。总面积293.6Km ,平均人口密度为1630人,其中白人占70%左右,有23%是拉美裔白人,黑人占10%,亚裔占5%,除了在唐人街经商的黄种人外,在赌场中的发牌员有很多亚裔人。自然环境拉斯维加斯地处美国内华达沙漠边陲,周围环绕着1000-3000米的高山。拉斯维加斯的气候四季分明。夏季是典型的沙漠性气候,正午的温度常常高达38℃左右,最高可达45℃以上。晚间的温度相对凉爽。常常会有雷阵雨天气,温度要超出平均水准。冬季整体上是气候温和适宜,白天的平均温度在15℃左右。尽管偶尔会出现非常高温天气,但是春季和夏季仍然是最宜人的季节。拉斯维加斯很少受到恶劣气候的袭击,并且是全国所有的大城市中相对湿度最低的区域之一。 周围都是沙漠,和死亡谷一样干燥。


分类: 商业/理财 解析: Vega是MultiGen-Paradigm公司最主要的工业软件环境,用于实时视觉模拟、虚拟现实和普通视觉应用。Vega将先进的模拟功能和易用工具相结合,对于复杂的应用,能够提供便捷的创建、编辑和驱动工具。Vega能显著地提高工作效率,同时大幅度减少源代码开发时间。 Paradigm还提供和Vega紧密结合的特殊应用模块,这些模块使Vega很容易满足特殊模拟要求,例如航海、红外线、雷达、高级照明系统、动画人物、大面积地形数据库管理、CAD数据输入和DIS分布应用等等。 Vega对于程序员和非程序员都是称心如意的。LynX,一种基于X/Motif技术的点击式图形环境,使用LynX可以快速、容易、显著地改变应用性能、视频通道、多CPU分配、视点、观察者、特殊效果、一天中不同的时间、系统配置、模型、数据库及其它,而不用编写源代码。 LynX可以扩展成包括新的、用户定义的面板和功能,快速地满足用户的特殊要求。事实上,LynX是强有力的和通用的,能在极短时间内开发出完整的实时应用。用LynX的动态预览功能,您可以立刻看到操作的变化结果。LynX的界面包括您应用开发所需的全部功能。Vega还包括完整的C语言应用程序接口,为软件开发人员提供最大限度的软件控制和灵活性。 实时应用软件开发人员更喜欢Vega,因为Vega提供了稳定、兼容、易用的界面,使他们的开发、支持和维护工作更快和高效。Vega可以使您集中精力解决特殊领域的问题,而减少在图形编程上花费的时间。 系统集成者更喜欢Vega,因为Vega帮他们处理紧要的开发规划,在预算内完成预定的功能效果;因为Vega的应用是内部清楚、紧密、高效的,所以维护和支持将会更好。LynX界面使用户能对交付的系统重新配置,它的实时交互性能为开发系统提供更经济的解决方案。 Vega支持多种数据调入,允许多种不同数据格式综合显示, Vega还提供高效的CAD数据转换。现在开发人员、工程师、设计师和规划者可以用最新的实时模拟技术将他们的设计综合起来。 Vega开发产品有两种主要的配置:VEGA-MP(Multi-Process)为多处理器硬件配置提供重要的开发和实时环境。通过有效地利用多处理器环境,Vega-MP在多个处理器上逻辑地分配视觉系统作业,以达到最佳性能。Vega也允许用户将图像和处理作业指定到工作站的特定处理器上,定制系统配制来达到全部需要的性能指标。VEGA-SP(Single-Process)是Paradigm特别推出的高性能价格比的产品,用于单处理器计算机,具备所有Vega的功能,而且和所有的Paradigm附加模块相兼容。 Vega及其相关模块支持UNIX和Windows NT/2000平台。用Vega写的应用可以99%的兼容跨平台使用,支持 Open Flight、3D Studio和 VRML 2.0等数据库格式。Vega目前有以下附加模块: AudioWork2 音响环境生成 Special Effects 特殊效果 LADBM 大地景数据库管理 Marine 海洋仿真 DIS/HLA 分布交互仿真 DI-Guy 人体运动仿真 Symbology 仪表和控制面板仿真 Navigation and Signal Lighting 导航及信号灯模块 Light Lobes 移动光源照明 Non-Linear Distortion Correction 非线性失真校正 CloudScape VR 云彩、尘土仿真 SimSmith Vehicle Objects 车辆物体仿真 SimSmith Vehicle Controls 车辆物体控制 Immersive 增加沉浸感 SensorVision 传感器图象仿真 SensorWorks 增加对实际传感器效果的模拟 RadarWorks 基于物理机制的雷达图象仿真 TMM (Texture Material Mapper) 纹理材料图生成器 MAT (MOSART Atmospheric Tool) 大气工具 VCR 实时场景记录和播放

Mr. Vegas的《Damn Right》 歌词

歌曲名:Damn Right歌手:Mr. Vegas专辑:Double JeopardyJames Otto - Damn RightYou can always find me hereRaisin" hell and drinkin" beerWith all my good-time buddiesCuttin" up and havin" funYeah the jokes can be on meAnd I don"t mind usuallyI"m an easy-goin", back-slappin" son of a gunBut she just left meAnd that"s just left me undoneSo you don"t want to push your luck boys, not tonightJust don"t bring up her name one more timeIf you think I"m in the mood to pick a fightYou"re damn rightShe"s gone and I admit I was wrongBut I can"t quitThinkin" about how good our love used to beAnd the whiskey numbs the painBut in the morning when I wakeI"ll be hungover hangin" on to a memoryAnd I"ll order one more roundLose the Coke and keep the CrownAnd just drown my miseryAnd I"ll blind myself with liquor and neon lightsAlone and stoned out of my mindIf you think I"m flyin" high as a kiteYou"re damn rightNow I"m just tryin" to make it throughBut gettin" over you is a long, long roadAnd I"m a strong man, but it"s killin" meLettin" goAnd I"d love to say it ain"t, but I can"t lieYeah pretend that I got somethin" in my eyesIf you think I"m gonna break down and cryYou"re damn rightYou"re damn rightLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!



德国VEGA, E+ H液位计 哪个好?用于野外水库水位测量选择哪个型号?



软件介绍ony vegas pro 是一款影像编辑软件,由索尼公司开发,可以帮助用户随心所欲地对视频素材进行各类编辑与修改操作。软件拥有强大的后期处理功能,可帮助用户地对视频素材进行剪辑合成、添加特效、调整颜色、编辑字幕等操作,并具备强大的音频处理工具,可允许用户为视频素材添加音效、录制声音、处理噪声,以及生成杜比5.1环绕立体声。点击下载:ony vegas pro10破解版sony vegas pro 10.0 64位破解安装教程:1、软件下载解压完成后,点击SonyVegasPro100e打开软件安装包,点击next开始安装Sony vegas pro10。2、勾选“I Have Read the End User.......”同意协议来进行下一步软件安装。3、选择软件安装目录。4、sony vegas pro 10.0 64位安装完成。5、软件安装完成后,开始对sony vegas pro 10.0进行汉化操作,点击SonyVegasPro10.0e汉化安装包 1.0开始安装汉化包,点击下一步开始汉化软件。6、点击我同意同意相关协议。7、输入Vegas Pro 10.0的用户信息,可随意输入或直接默认,并输入序列号,完成点击下一步。8、选择软件安装路径,这里的路径一定要与Vegas Pro 10.0的安装路径一致,默认路径为C:Program Files (x86)SonyVegas Pro 10.0,一般情况下系统都会帮助用户自动选择,用户只需默认即可。9、sony vegas pro 10.0汉化完成。10、汉化完成后,我们开始破解软件,点击打开软件,点击下一步。破解的过程中最好断网,否则可能会破解失败。11、打开软件包中的sonyvegas10-keygen注册机,点击选等待9秒,点击“Continue”。12、弹出窗口在Product name位置处下拉选择sony vegas pro10.0(32and 64bit)series。13、选择完成后,先点击Generate,然后点击Patch按键。14、弹出文件夹选择窗口,这里首先进入Vegas Pro 10.0的安装路径,默认路径为C:Program Files (x86)SonyVegas Pro 10.0,完成点击“确定”。15、点击确定之后,再次弹出文件夹选择窗口,这时进入再次进入Vegas Pro 10.0的安装路径,默认路径为C:Program Files (x86)SonyShared Plug-Ins,再次点击确定。16、完成之后,将注册机中Serial Number栏中的注册机复制到刚才系统弹出的注册窗口的空白栏中,这时候注册机不要关闭暂时放置一边。17、勾选“从其他计算机注册”,并点击下一步。18、填写相应的用户信息,完成填写点击下一步,这里一定要手动勾选“通过提供这样注册信息。19、这时候弹出文件保存窗口,建议将其保存在桌面上,之后桌面上就会出现一个“注册Vegas Pro.htm”文件。20、弹出认证码信息窗口,这时候回到刚才放置一边的注册机,复制Actiavtion/... code下面的序列号(这里千万不要去点击“Generate”),并回到信息窗口将其复制到界面的空白处,点击完成即可破解软件。

Mr Vegas的《Territory》 歌词

歌曲名:Territory歌手:Mr Vegas专辑:Famine「Territory」作词:水川月依作曲:琉姫アルナ歌:美里「FOLLOW」より空が消える何も见えない叹きの声が闇に消えてゆくこの暗闇の向こうへ流れてゆく旋律(メロディー)の欠片涂りつぶされてく偶像(フェイタ)の白も朱く示し黒くくすんで永久に染まらない自分(リアル)の影は淡く示し朱が渗んだそして小さな灰に消えてゆくTerritorySilence and Sadness and Madness so...sad 侵されてく 私の全てをmad 犯されてく 光をnight 空がかげる 闇の微睡みがright 月が欠ける 気づいて ねえ梦なら醒めてと偶像(フェイタ)全て无に返して何も残らず永远の彼方自分(リアル)の影が时を刻みアイを叫んだそして纲のナイフで居场所(テリトリー)を全て切り刻んで小さな灰へと消して终わり

joey moe las vegas 歌词


amd radeon rx vega m是什么显卡

AMD Radeon RX Vega M GH是速度最快的Intel Kaby-Lake-G SoC中集成的GPU。它在单个封装中集成了Kaby-Lake处理器,Vega图形卡和4 GB HBM2内存。该显卡提供24个CU(1536个流处理器),频率为1063 – 1190 MHz。根据英特尔的基准测试,Vega M GH的性能应该比笔记本电脑的专用Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060略慢。因此,它应该非常适合1080p和高分辨率游戏。功耗应该与独立的Vega 移动GPU非常相似,但由于外形小巧,可以使用Kaby-Lake-G SoC构建更小的笔记本电脑。整个封装的TDP指定为65瓦,包括GPU,CPU和HBM2存储器。图形处理器(英语:graphics processing unit,缩写:GPU),又称显示核心、视觉处理器、显示芯片,是一种专门在个人电脑、工作站、游戏机和一些移动设备(如平板电脑、智能手机等)上做图像和图形相关运算工作的微处理器。GPU使显卡减少了对CPU的依赖,并进行部分原本CPU的工作,尤其是在3D图形处理时GPU所采用的核心技术有硬件T&L(几何转换和光照处理)、立方环境材质贴图和顶点混合、纹理压缩和凹凸映射贴图、双重纹理四像素256位渲染引擎等,而硬件T&L技术可以说是GPU的标志。GPU的生产商主要有NVIDIA和ATI。

Radeon RX Vega 10 Graphics显卡怎么样

VIPs。happy birthdayto you are。就显示他就是这样子的。

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony的《Vegas》 歌词

歌曲名:Vegas歌手:Bone Thugs-N-Harmony专辑:uni-5: the world"s enemyBone Thugs-N-Harmony - VegasMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Layzie Bone)We"re streamin live online for the world to seeIt ain"t me young G, your girl all on meShe chose me when she seen your boy buy out the barTold her, "Drink "til you drop lil" superstar"Better chill, be cool homie grab a drinkCause you don"t wanna play big bank take little bankWe at The Palms where it ain"t no dramaHugh Hef" thugged out wearin Layzie pajamasHouse coat, pure silk, party hard for daysPretty girls up in here wearin Lay-gerieIt"s my brand new line, hot damn you finePicture perfect from behind sippin a glass of wine(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Flesh-N-Bone)I"m in the limosine bus, black tint windowsSmashin on the diesel, head-rush from the indoVegas - they say what goes on there staysIf you really tryin to gamble shake "em up and roll my wayNobody rock the way a Bone Thug showWe get it in overtime but they already knowBreak out the money then we headed for the exit (exit)Ain"t no tellin what we "bout to get next in (next in)I"m on my tip-toes, steady I be floatinCoastin holdin somethin that I"m sippin on slow (slow)I ain"t tryin to pass out overdosedand fuck around wake up in the mornin naked on the flo"(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Krayzie Bone)I"m finna hit it like Kray Jackson tonight (Kray Jackson tonight)I"m finna get it hype, Lay let me get a lightBartender, let me get a shot of Henny, make it doubleMix a lil" Gin with it, gon" get me on the levelI see you girl, lookin at me, lookin at youFeelin your drink, and feelin me tooIt"s the physical attraction baby, what can we do?She want a little thug passion, roughness, harassmentDrink a little mo", while I drink a little Mo"Let"s get tipsy and forget where these feelings is finna goTo the room - that"s where I"m tryin to guide "em toAnd yo I roll with them, but I can ride with you (with you, with you, with you)(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Wish Bone)Gucci bag full of cash, black card and allHood star, never gonna hate they love us, Bone"s stackedTable full of drinks from the bar, come closerMake our way through, top shelf and we"re blowinDon"t worry "bout your business gettin out there girlCome here, grown man, put some thug in yo" earYou"re drop-dead gorgeous, sip "til we nauseousAnd then we"re gonna bounce, bounce, shake "emRoom with a pool just one rule, get nakedYeah you got a girl, your deadline"s extendedOne more drink to the face let"s playWe can reminisce it over pancakes - ha ha ha!(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)(Bizzy Bone)Women in the club, they focusin on the gentleman(We in Vegas, we "bout to kick it nigga)We hit the dance floor, dance floor, dance floorTake it to the medic, pack liquor to where we headedYou could read it right before that they set it to end the rhetoricThe veteran, the gentleman, the warrior, the better manAnd Bizzy"s just a thug gettin fucked up, get it?Safe sex, never ever with the same sex (eww)Yeah we at Vegas (hey) spend it like wild RouletteFree drinks, hundred thousand dollar chipsLeanin back in the whip in the night-life strip(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)YeahhhhMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source



Immortality [Live - Las Vegas 1997] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Immortality [Live - Las Vegas 1997] (Album Version)歌手:Bee Gees - Featuring Celine Dion专辑:One Night OnlyThe Rasmus - ImmortalStrange signs, crooked signalsStrike down the last aerialsHeaven"s bendingBelow the world beginsto breakLife"s endingThe time has come to escapeDown to the chambersDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondWe chose the silenceHatred, cruel violenceWe should be ashamedWe had a chance thatwe ignoredAnd now it"s too lateThe end is knocking onthe doorReady to claim usDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondSurrender to my loveSacrifice your soulYour picture in the frameIs fading like a ghostNever say goodbyeNever be aloneNever say good nightNever say dieDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondImmortal loveis breakingThe one last bond

Leaving Las Vegas 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving Las Vegas歌手:Sheryl Crow专辑:Sheryl Crow - Hits And RaritiesLife springs eternalOn a gaudy neon streetNot that I care at allI spent the best part of my losing streakIn an army jeepFor what I cant recallOh Im banging on my TV setAnd I check the oddsAnd I place my betI pour a drinkAnd I pull the blindAnd I wonder what Ill findI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasLeaving for good, for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodUsed to be I could drive up toBarstow for the nightFind some crossroad truckerTo demonstrate his mightBut these days it seemsNowhere is far enough awaySo I"m leaving Las Vegas todayLeaving Las VegasLights so brightblackjack on a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodfor goodI"m standing in the middle of the desertWaiting for my ship to come inBut now no joker, no jack, no kingCan take this loser handAnd make it winI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving Las Vegasfor goodfor goodI quit my job as a dancerAt the lido des girlsDealing blackjack until one or twoSuch a muddly line betweenThe things you wantAnd the things you have to doI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodleaving for goodLeaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasAnd I won"t be backNo I won"t be backNot this time

Leaving Las Vegas 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving Las Vegas歌手:Various专辑:2012 Original Motion Picture SoundtrackLife springs eternalOn a gaudy neon streetNot that I care at allI spent the best part of my losing streakIn an army jeepFor what I cant recallOh Im banging on my TV setAnd I check the oddsAnd I place my betI pour a drinkAnd I pull the blindAnd I wonder what Ill findI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasLeaving for good, for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodUsed to be I could drive up toBarstow for the nightFind some crossroad truckerTo demonstrate his mightBut these days it seemsNowhere is far enough awaySo I"m leaving Las Vegas todayLeaving Las VegasLights so brightblackjack on a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodfor goodI"m standing in the middle of the desertWaiting for my ship to come inBut now no joker, no jack, no kingCan take this loser handAnd make it winI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving Las Vegasfor goodfor goodI quit my job as a dancerAt the lido des girlsDealing blackjack until one or twoSuch a muddly line betweenThe things you wantAnd the things you have to doI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodleaving for goodLeaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasAnd I won"t be backNo I won"t be backNot this time

Antonio Vega的《Horizons》 歌词

歌曲名:Horizons歌手:Antonio Vega专辑:De Un Lugar PerdidoArtist: 38th ParallelChanson: HorizonBy hjkAnother day burns away into darknessAnother blink of the eye of timeI am straining through the blacknessEver searching for a signThe days grow long and the days grow darkAnd the days grow ever colderThe trust that I started with fades as I get olderThough the road is hardIt seems to me there is no way around thisFrom all you"ve done for meI know you"ll never break your promise(Chorus)So here at the end of this dayWhere the world is shaded in grayI will look to the blue horizons and watch for you to comeWhen my hope is tattered and tornWhen my faith is weathered and wornI"ll look to the blue horizonsI am still walking, evading the shadowsI am still running that narrow lineI"ll go wherever you would have me goEver searching for a signThe days grow long and the days grow darkAnd the days grow ever colderThe trust that I started with fades as I get olderThough the road is hardIt seems to me there is no way around thisFrom all you"ve done for meI know you"ll never break your promise(Chorus)So here at the end of this dayWhere the world is shaded in grayI will look to the blue horizons and watch for you to comeWhen my hope is tattered and tornWhen my faith is weathered and wornI"ll look to the blue horizonsThe days grow long and the days grow darkAnd the days grow ever colderThe trust that I started with fades as I get olderThough the road is hardIt seems to me there is no way around thisFrom all you"ve done for meI know you"ll never break your promise(Chorus)So here at the end of this dayWhere the world is shaded in grayI will look to the blue horizons and watch for you to comeWhen my hope is tattered and tornWhen my faith is weathered and wornI"ll look to the blue horizons-END-

Mr. Vegas的《Uh Huh》 歌词

歌曲名:Uh Huh歌手:Mr. Vegas专辑:MasterpieceMunchausen By Proxy f/ Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva - Uh-HuhI should have been the one to break up with youYou said, Who are you? Who are you?I wanna snap your neck and spit on you.You said, Who are you? Who are you?If I got a call and said you were deadYou said, Who are you? Who are you?I"d shrug my shoulders and I say what-evYou said, Who are you? Who are you?Hey have we met before? Oh yeah I think we haveBecause we only dated for four and a half yearsNo big deal, I"ve only witnessed you sitting on the couchWatching Next in your undies,But its cool that you act like you have no idea who I am.I saw you a my records last nightYou said, Who are you? Who are you?You straighten your hair and had a henna tattoYou said, Who are you? Who are you?I wanna shove your face just shove it.You said, Who are you? Who are you?My mother thinks youre in the closetYou said, Who are you? Who are you?Its so weird because when we used to go out you never even liked the TJ wantonsAnd now we have to drive all the way to marvista or some stupid place and eatSome stupid butter-nut squash raviolli or something becuase you took the last bag like someimmature little clown.I saw you thursday at the arclectYou said, Who are you? Who are you?I was on a date you ruined my nightYou said, Who are you? Who are you?I saw you shopping at the trader justYou said, Who are you? Who are you?I see you everywhere it really blows.You said, Who are you? Who are you?Hey, did you ever meet my friend Ian?He"s a coumputer hacker.He helped me erase your Myspace page,And your band"s Myspace page,And your Facebook page.Happy networking asshole.So rememebr all the stuff you forgotYou said, Who are you? Who are you?After you just bought.You said, Who are you? Who are you?I"d like to see the look on your greasy face.You said, Who are you? Who are you?And so for sixteen hundy on audi base?He said, I know you. I know you.Uh-huh.

Lovegame (Dave Aude Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Lovegame (Dave Aude Radio Edit)歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:LovegameLady GaGa - LoveGame / 嘎嘎小姐 - 爱情游戏翻译:Spike Dai @ LK 歌词组 MV分队校对:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队Let"s have some fun, this beat is sick / 来尽情作乐,这节奏太过舒畅I wanna take a ride on your disco stick / 我想要骑上你的迪斯科魔杖Let"s have some fun, this beat is sick / 来尽情作乐,这节奏太过舒畅I wanna take a ride on your disco stick / 我想要骑上你的迪斯科魔杖Huh, Huh / 哈,哈I wanna kiss you / 我想要吻你But if I do then I might miss you, babe / 可又怕吻了你后我就会想你,宝贝It"s complicated and stupid / 这既复杂又愚蠢Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid / 性感的丘比特贴住了我的双臀Guess he wants to play / 看来他想要玩一场Wants to play /想要玩一场A LoveGame / 爱情游戏Hold me and love me / 抱我,爱我Just wanna touch you for a minute / 只想和你再多呆一分钟Maybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it / 也许再过三秒我的心就会对你厌倦Don"t think too much, just bust that kick / 别想太多,我们要彻夜放荡I wanna take a ride on your disco stick / 我想要骑上你的迪斯科魔杖Let"s play a LoveGame, play a LoveGame / 让我们来玩爱情游戏,来玩爱情游戏Do you want love, or you want fame / 你想要爱,还是要名Are you in the game? / 想不想玩把游戏Dans, the LoveGame / 玩一把爱情游戏I"m on a mission / 我在执行任务And it involves some heavy touching, yeah / 其中包含很多激情场面,耶You"ve indicated your interest / 你表明了自己的兴趣I"m educated in sex, yes / 没错,我也接受过性教育And now I want it bad / 现在我如此迫切Want it bad / 如此迫切I can see you staring there from across the block / 我看到你在街角对面注视着我With a smile on your mouth and your hand on your, Huh! / 你嘴角挂着微笑,还把手放在你的... "哈"The story of us, it always starts the same / 我们俩的故事,开头总是一样With a boy and a girl and a huh! and a game / 一个男孩 一个女孩 一个..."哈" 一场游戏And a game / 一场游戏

vegas eminem中英文歌词

Bad Meets Evil - VegasVerse 1: EminemGot a shitty grin, bitch show me them itty-bitty titties againWe"re in Sin City, since when did we begin to get addicted to dopeDiggity bitch you need to go run and go get your friggidy-friendsI"m looking at your bum-stickdy-bum hunThe migidy mac"s, bigidy backDon"t act wigidy-wack, you can get the fididy-finger, the middleYou little busy bitch, stick-stickity inGot a 6 o" clock craving, stop get CirocIt"s about to be an unbelievable nightI call it surreal, Sir Mix a Lot tape inHit the spot, spot my next victimI"m picky like I missed a spot shavingCame to sip vodka, shit yeah, that little chick is hot but if she got rabiesSo I wouldn"t give the bitch a shot, I poke her in the rearBut I bet if I lick her, she"ll try to chase me (Haha)What are you pit, rott, mixed or you just got fixed well shit then let"s lip-lockIf not then trick piss off you snobby little pig snot noseYou think you"re hot shit cause you"re in heat, Well, bitch, if you"re solarThen I"m your polar opposite dogcause I"m colder than popsicle sticks, poppin" shit, talkin" it, walkin" it, spit rocksThen my sick thoughts are about to lick shotsLike this shit"s hopping, and drip-dropping in chocolate-ly whip-toppingSo whether you"re Hip Hop, Slipknot, Big, PacKid Rock, Kris Kross, Rick Ross, you"ll dig this if not then kick rocks in flip flopsAnd I produced the track So you don"t have to ask who it is when this shit knocks (TURN UP!)So bring clairvoyance to this bangin and I"mma keep on sayingAll the shit I should be hung for, and probably killed for sayingAnd I probably will, but not until the day I pop a pill againLike chopping "til I"m dropping, still if that don"t do the job of killing Shady,then the karma will, insane him I"m as brainy Mohammad until the Parkinson"s done eat away my brainAnd made me Robin Williams crazy or I end up with dementia, but you rocking with a sadistHate to say this, but if the thought is entertainingI ain"t stopping till be sprayed it, oh my god, for real man, not again I"m shakingBut before I tie a rope around this nob, if they don"t like it, got a knob they can slob on until -Wait I just forgot what I was thinking...What"s it called again? I"m blankingSomething about the balls between my legs and I think I can feel it dangling, it"s throbbing and it"s veinyWait I think I got it, okay bitch I got you, Robin Williams hangingGo hang in the lobbyunless you came to slob meCome on kemosabeIt"s past time, like your favorite hobbyCause if the way that I spit shit remains on my dick then she grab me by the nuts and tried to take my sausage as a hostageAin"t it obvious? Pretty much a no brainer, or should I say Cobainer?That she"s plain addicted to my dick like Lorena BobbitGot a wean her off it,weiner off it like she took my fucking penis, chopped it, and stuck it up between her armpitsAnd she begun to swing a crumpet knife and paint the carpet, at least that"s what her train of thought isCause I came, saw, conquered, hit it, quit it, and made up a plane of bonkersAnd I always end up giving these bitches some complexAnd I don"t mean apartmentSo spread your feet apartAnd let me see you do some yoga stretches, splitsNow grab this CuisinartAnd make me breakfast, bitch, that"s a prerequisiteAnd that"s just to get in this bedroom, bitchWalked up to that Ke$ha chick (what up?)Said my name is Booger, wanna catch a flick?I"ll even let you pick, make her fetch a stickBet you if you get this old dog these new tricksTo get familiar with I"ll learn extra quickKick a pregnant bitch, oops, I guess the shitTook an unexpected twist like the neck of the freaking exorcistBitch, I said that this mask ain"t for hockeyHate Versace, Versace, I got Münchhausen by proxyI"m making you sick, don"t pretend you can"t hear meYou deaf, girl, I said you was foxyI"ll tell a bitch like BizarreBitch, shut the fuck up and get in my carAnd suck my fucking dick while I take a shitAnd I think with my dick so come blow my mindAnd it tastes like humble pieSo swallow my pride, you"re lucky just to follow my rideIf I let you run alongside the HumveeUnless you"re Nicki, grab you by the wrist, let"s skiSo what"s it gon" be? Put that shit away IggyYou gon" blow that rape whistle on me(Squee!) I love it"Fore I get lost with the gettin" offLike this is our exit, now lets hit the highway and try not to get lost"Till we get to Las VegasBridge: Eminem(Party, do it "till tomorrow)Vegas"Till we get to Las Vegas(Party, do it "till tomorrow)Vegas"Till we get to Las Vegas(Party, do it "till tomorrow)Vegas"Till we get to Las Vegas(Party, do it "till tomorrow)VegasChorus: EminemWhatever happens here, stays hereSo let"s go all the way dearTil we get to Las VegasVerse 2: Royce da 5"9Whatever happens in my room, it stays in my room like movie night like cableTreat every women in my stable like flavorsLooking like she kryptonite and I get weak after like 7 daysIn 7 nights in the days and it"s our VegasWe rolling circles and packs, we the lifesaversShe got a boyfriend, I got a toy thenI"ll bring her with me when I show up to her crib wavingAnd I ain"t tryna be the nice neighborI"m so Jay Electronic, I"m cut like I"m all out of razorsAnd all I got is a gun left with a bayonet on itNext ho froze and it look like I walked in to a jewelry storeWith a about a million dollars with your mamaAnd sat down did an ALS challenge, haaaanI stole that adlib from French,Bad and Evil back at it againAbout to get my back tatted againAbout to get a pic of a backstabber with an axe in his handSitting on a bike in the sandIf you ain"t been through nothingThen that shouldn"t mean nothingto you like likes on the GramIf she current I keep her pussy purringlike the pipes on a lampWeed got her so chinky eyedLook like she beengetting high on a flight to JapanI keep my jewelry on while I"m fuckingSound like I"m shaking up dice in a canListen, though this ain"t Christmas I make you my ex miss if this is my passionI learn to give those who don"t appreciate my presence the gift of my absenceI don"t know who you been listening toGot me fucked up like Pookie in the chicken coopBitch, I don"t give a two shitsBitch, get the fuck out of my faceTo make a long story short, I don"t really gotta stand thereAnd listen to you while you throw a silly tantrumEven though I have an affinity for witty banterStarting to feel like foulplay like Billy LaimbeerHold up, she misunderstood meI said saint, por favorThought I said to wait, had four doorsI knock a nigga face offGive him the bottom of the nine like a baseball scoreboard (whatever)I leave the club with my tab still openWon"t even get a cab for you and your friendThe only fear I have is of loathingAnd I won"t even kick in "till we get to Las Vegas是这个吗? 求采纳

sony vegas、edius和premiere三者相比有什么异同和优缺点啊?



EDIUS和VEGAS你该如何选择呢?1、ED比VV稳定,兼容性好,支持的格式要比VV多,一款软件稳定性还是非常重要的;除此之外EDIUS做纯剪不错,界面人性化,操作简单易上手。外挂字幕软件也比较容易,对机器配置要求较低。2、Vegas介于EDIUS和Premier二者之间,对于音频方面的处理比上面两款软件比上面两款软件要强,可以做做简单的混音,说白了就是杂而不精,vegas只对索尼摄像机兼容最好,因为大部分视频都是索尼摄像机拍的。EDIUS为什么受到电视台的钟爱?1、Vegas放弃了传统的硬件实时输出方式,而使用软件通过降低解析度来实时播放时间线上的工程文件,这样基本可以让剪辑人员实时观看各种效果,但无法实时回录给外部设备,要回录就要等渲染完以后,而这个时间会由于多轨道和众多特效变的很漫长的,所以对于象电视台那样赶时间的公司是无法忍受的。2、使用Edius,需要购买“非编卡”,它适合标准尺寸的电视制作,时间不长的视频,集数较少的电视剧,如广告片,专题片,小型电视剧等。“非编卡”不仅具有普通采集卡的采集功能,最重要的是还能实时播放软件时间线上的工程文件,包括多轨道编辑和特效都可以实时的输出到外部设备上,这样不用渲染成文件就可以边播放边回录到外部设备,大大提高了工作效率,对于常常要赶时间的编辑工作如电视台,这是必须的,你不可能花几小时的时间去渲染再回录文件。EDIUS对于婚庆行业也是很受欢迎的一款软件如果是做婚庆 广宣片的话用EDIUS来剪长篇的高清拍摄素材,可以选择软件中的一些特效,输出和渲染的速度也挺快的。EDIUS Pro 8:点击获取下载地址总结一下,EDIUS在现在的一些行业运用挺广泛的,建议初学还是直接用EDIUS好些,准专业的软件,操作直观方便,上手速度也快!

显卡是AMD Radeon(TM)Vega 8 Graphis可以安装Octane渲染器吗?

AMD Vega8核显不支持使用OC渲染器。OC渲染器目前不能支持AMD显卡来运行,其次即使是NVIDIA显卡基本也得GTX1060 6G及以上性能的显卡,AMD Vega 8毕竟只是处理器内的核显,跑这类应用是不合适的,NVIDIA的低端入门级显卡也不行。




警察日版叫vega 美版叫m.bison爪子美版叫vega 日版叫barlog拳王日版叫m.bison 美版叫barlog只有sagat是对的 好像以前美版涉及到版权问题 就用了不同的名字


director不知道。。。 Premiere是电视台常用的视频编辑软件 vegas也不少影视公司要求会,vv比pr上手容易些,适合业余爱好者 authorware不清楚,我记得以前看同学拿那个做物理相关的流程图的啊…… combustion和avid。。不知道 电视台广告公司主要就是PR,Adobe Effects,maya,3dmax,Illusion ,还有photoshop吧……
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