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convention 英[ku0259nu02c8venu0283n]美[ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259n]n. 会议; 全体与会者; 国际公约; 惯例,习俗,规矩;[例句]It"s just a social convention that men don"t wear skirts男人不穿裙子只是一种社会习俗。[其他] 复数:conventions






convention公约双语对照词典结果:convention[英][ku0259nu02c8venu0283n][美][ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259n]n.会议; 全体与会者; 国际公约; 惯例,习俗,规矩; 复数:conventions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A tattoo convention in china in august 2010. 2010年8月在中国举行的一场纹身大会。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


convention[英][ku0259nu02c8venu0283n][美][ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259n]n.会议; 全体与会者; 国际公约; 惯例,习俗,规矩; 双语例句 1He was an improbable Las Vegas headliner, taking the stage before a packed convention hall of 2,500 fraud examiners.他似乎不应该成为拉斯维加斯的焦点人物,在2,500名诈骗审计师济济一堂的会议厅里登台发言。

请详细介绍一下次女中音芭托莉唱的《Agitata da due venti》


post convention tour是什么意思


kuala lumpur convention centre中文叫什么 在吉隆坡的什么位置


The 20th century is remarkable for its inventions.求翻译这句话

The 20th century is remarkable for its inventions.20世纪是了不起的发明。

星巴克的这些词分别代表什么意思?Grande venti tall

星巴克咖啡最新容量及名称:Short - 8 oz.(少有人问津)Tall - 12 oz.Grande - 16 oz.Venti - 20 oz.Trenta - 31 oz.

grande venti怎么读

Grande/u02c8ɡrandi/venti/u02c8vu025bnti/星巴克冷饮容量Grande、大(16 fl. oz./ 473 ml) Venti、特大(20 fl. oz./ 591ml)

星巴克的杯型为什么叫成 Short, Tall, Grande, Venti, Trenta?

既然回答了相关的问题,就顺便把答案搬过来一下给大家参考一下。 为啥星巴克的杯型是中杯大杯超大杯而不是小杯中杯大杯?星巴克并非只是售卖中杯、大杯、超大杯的。 在国内的门店,也是有提供小杯(Short、8oz)、中杯(Tall、12oz)、大杯(Grande、16oz)、以及超大杯(Venti、20oz)的。前两年美国也开始提供部分冰饮更大的杯型(Trenta) 只不过小杯只是作为隐藏项目,并没有公开展示与菜单中,并且只有热饮提供小杯分量。 “为啥星巴克的杯型是中杯大杯超大杯而不是小杯中杯大杯?”容许我稍微问非所答一下,回答“为啥星巴克杯型命名是这样的?为啥不展示所以杯型?”吧:1、如前所述,在美国本土的杯型命名本身并非按照翻译成中文后的大中小逻辑的。 2、星巴克最初只提供两个杯型:8oz和12oz,因此相对地命名为Short和Tall。 3、最初的星巴克是一家咖啡豆及设备提供商,今日的连锁餐饮经营方式是星巴克CEO Howard Schultz(严格来说不算是创始人,但绝对是打造今天我们认识的星巴克的最重要人物)在游历意大利考察期间受意大利咖啡馆文化的启发而改造成今日的提供饮品为主的经验模式。这在当时的美国也是相当崭新的经营模式。当中还有段小插曲就是Howard在掌舵星巴克前曾开过几家叫“天天(意大利语Giorno-Giorno)”的连锁咖啡厅,后与星巴克兼容合一。可见今日的星巴克是Howard将意大利咖啡馆文化带入美国的实验,当中竭力保留了很多的意大利元素,杯型命名是其中一个代表(这是为什么用意大利文的原因,背后有他的故事)。 5、根据美国市场的需求,早前推出Trenta(意大利语,意:“三十”,该杯型容量近一升,比胃容量大)。由此可见,大容量的杯型在美国是具有相当市场的,在意大利,甚至现在国内同样是连锁咖啡品牌的LAVAZZA ESPRESSION也只是提供8和12oz饮品。星巴克杯型越来越大也是意大利咖啡文化在美国市场落地发展的表现。 6、从成本的角度,Short杯的杯、杯托(已慢慢消失于市场)和杯盖都度身定做。利润显然不及更大的杯型。 7、从市场的角度,Short的分量也让美国消费者觉得不足够。 8、从饮品的角度, 一杯美式咖啡中除了水就是浓缩咖啡,小、中、大、超大四个杯型的浓缩咖啡(Shot)分量分别为:1、2、3、4.。然而即便是只需要一个shot的饮品,制作中也会制作出2个shot,多的另外一个shot通常会被弃掉。 而含有牛奶的饮品浓缩咖啡饮品(如拿铁、卡布)中,Short和Tall的Shot分量同样是1,分别就是多一点奶可以多卖3块钱。 显然,对于星巴克,Short杯赚得不太合理。 9、从消费者的角度,在3个选择中选择比在4个选择中选择来的舒服,3选1更容易做决定。 说到翻译成中文:1、中文的领域对分量的形容词“大中小”最能为所有人接受。 2、从翻译的角度,必然在语意上需要有参照,因此具有语义“大”:Grande当然应该对于大杯,否则若果Grande翻译中杯会产生更多的问题。 3、而且小杯只是没有公开展示,并非不存在,因此小杯也确实存在。 4、把Venti翻译为超大杯也很合理能让人接受还让消费者觉得实惠,但把Short翻译成超小就不妥了。 5、当然从营销和经营的角度来说,当然也希望你选择更大的杯型。 6、在要面子的中国,请人时选择超大杯或者说最大的,在很多情况下也让某些消费者觉得有面子了、体面了、实惠了。对于某些消费者和某些场合,“小”这种选择是不体面的,所以选择Tall也避免了叫“小”的状况。换句话讲,能适应国情,起码不至反感。

星巴克的tall grande venti怎么念?


TPO3 Architecture 第12题 正确选项B invention of the arch allowed new architectural forms


晶格常数是原胞(Primitive Cell)边长还是单胞(Convention Unit Cell)边长?

(a)conventional cell是搞晶体材料的经常用的,其特点是所选的cell在视觉上有非常好的对称性,但里面会存在重复的原子。也就是说,它不是晶体最小的重复单元。(b)primitive cell是晶体最小的重复单元。(c)晶格常数是最小晶体中最小重复单元的参数(d)所以晶格常数是primitive cell的数值具体有什么不明白的可是上‘小木虫"问

____ mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander

d吧感觉这题是靠句意去选答案的d读起来比较通:尽管他主要因为发明了电话而被人们记住,Alexander Graham Bell 投入了他的一生去帮助聋哑人。

direct path load和conventional path load的区别

direct path load和conventional path load的区别还是比较大的比如如果数据库上有插入触发器,那么传统路径插入,会触发触发器,而direct path load就不会触发对于constraint来说,传统路径插入会满足所有的constraint,而direct path load不是满足所有的constraint,只满足primary key、unique、not null传统路径插入可以插入到cluster table,而direct path load不能插入cluster table对于传统路径插入,在插入时,别的用户可以操作该表,对于direct path load,在插入时,别的用户不能操作该表

Conventional de Merchandises Par Routes


请教:conventional invoice verification 和logistics in

个人观点:conventional invoice verification :常规的发票校验,一般都是在财务那边做金额校验即可。logistics invoice verification:后勤发票校验,一般是需要对发票上的物料,数量,单价,金额做后勤常规校验。

conventional cell和primitive cell两个名词的区别

(a)conventional cell是搞晶体材料的经常用的,其特点是所选的cell在视觉上有非常好的对称性,但里面会存在重复的原子.也就是说,它不是晶体最小的重复单元.(b)primitive cell是晶体最小的重复单元.(c)晶格常数是最小晶体中最小重复单元的参数(d)所以晶格常数是primitive cell的数值

do not use in conventional or convection ovens

不能用于传统的烤箱 不能用于有褐色材料的情况下 现在一些新型的微波炉带有一些像烤箱下面的材料(browning element),你买的保鲜盒也不能用在这种新型的微波炉里

conventional oven是什么意思


polyol conventional是什么意思

请看例句The applications of low-monol polyether polyol in low modulus PU-RIM was researched,and compared with conventional polyether polyol system on technology and performance.对低单官能度聚醚多元醇在低模量PU RIM中的应用进行了研究 ,与普通聚醚多元醇体系在加工工艺和制品性能上进行了比较。conventional polyether polyol system 普通聚醚多元醇体系============polyol conventional普通多元醇

conventional or convection

1微波炉用餐具不可在传统烤箱或对流式烤箱内使用. 2Browning Element是指电热丝或石英加热管,为烤焦食物表面用.这句话是说微波炉用餐具不能在这样的加热器下面使用.

conventional energy是什么意思




traditional medicine和conventional medicine有什么区别啊?

这个要看你的理解了,中医叫traditional Chinese medicine,而“传统医学”(traditional medicine)在许多发达国家却表示常规医学(conventional medicine)或对抗医学(allopathic medicine),即中国所谓之西医学.

custom,convention,institution ,tradition的区别是什么

1) A convention is a way of behaving that isconsidered to be correct or polite by most people in a society. 社会惯例,重点在被大多数人所认同,约定俗成的东西,包括当下的社会共识;不表达传统、历史延续的意思。简单说来:convention 是惯例、常规,而tradition是传统。比如,Lady first是现代社会的惯例,却不是中国的传统。考虑到convention 也指“公约”,所以它的意思就很明显了:大家达成的一致。这个“一致”可以是非书面的,如社会共识,即惯例,也可以是“国际公约”这类的书面共识。所以,如果表达“打破惯例”这类意思,就应该用convention.a social conventionHe sets at naught every convention ofsociety.By convention, ...This is a common convention.另:A convention is a large meeting of anorganization. convention centerA convention is an official agreementbetween countries or groups of people. International Convention;Paris Convention;Geneva convention --->conventional (adj),conventionalize(v)2) A tradition is a custom or belief that hasexisted for a long time. 存在很长时间的习俗、信仰,Tradition包括custom(仅仅指风俗活动、仪式、行为等) 和文化、精神、原则等。tradition 可以被看做是很长时间的convention,或者说过去的convention。打破传统,反对因循守旧就应该用tradition。 cultural traditiondo sth by traditionoral traditionthe vampire tradition3) A custom is an activity, a way of behaving,or an event, which is usual or traditional in a particular society.风俗活动,比tradition更具象,一定是指某种传统的活动、仪式、行为方式等。不包括传统思想、传统信仰这些精神层面的意义。另:"personal custom to do something" means personalcircumstances.


第一个 正统的 第二个 传统的 第三个 约定俗成的 用处不一样






三音节,con/ken/ ,ven/ven/,tion/{en/ ,nal/nl/发弱音 ,不算一个音节。


楼主您好conventional英 [ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美 [ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l] adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的normal英 [u02c8nu0254:ml] 美 [u02c8nu0254:rml] adj.正常的; 正规的,标准的; [数学]正交的; 精神健全的n.标准; 正常,常态; [数学]法线最大的区别是:传统的与正常的还是比较好区分的


convention指的是是习俗,习惯。 behaviour and attitudes that most people in a society considerto be normal and right。也有会议条约的意思。比treaty专门,但是不如treaty正式。conventionality是传统性的意思比较多,conventional adj.传统的

请问conventional wisdom是什么意思?



区别比较明显orthodox 正统的(思想或做法)traditional 传统的(历史悠久,流传下来的一种习惯或习俗,有时候也表示"一般的,常规的"这层意思)conventional 表示传统的(含"守旧的"这意思,表示不愿意革新的)光从词语的情感色彩上就不难把它们区分了.

conventional implicature是什么意思

conventional implicature传统的会话含义implicature[英][u02c8u026amplu026aku0259tu0283u0259(r)]n.会话含义; 词典结果:conventional[英][ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl][美][ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l]adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的; 易混淆单词:Conventional例句:1.This gives renewable electricity priority over conventional power. 这使得可再生能源发电比传统能源更有优势。2.China also has large conventional gas resources. 中国还拥有大量常规天然气资源

conventiional 与traditional 的区别

conventional ,常规的,约定的,习惯的,常用的; conventional method 常规方法;习用方法 conventional type 常规型式 conventional industries 传统产业 conventional weapon [军]常规武器 conventional forces 常规部队 traditonal传统的;惯例的; traditional chinese 繁体中文 traditional culture 传统文化 traditional medicine 传统医学;传统医药 traditional method 传统方法;传统法 traditional chinese painting 国画;中国画 从词面上分析,traditional与conventional在表现传统方面上,词义相近,但是conventional的词义要比traditional丰富,traditional词义贴近从文化上来论述,conventional则是此种从习俗上,在交叉的领域二者意思可以互换!

conventiional 与traditional 的区别



traditional更古老的,像春节类的。conventional是指一般的传统,被大众认可的,像恋人间的牵手是很传统。最好看英文解释:Traditional customs, beliefs, or methods are ones that have existed for a long time without changing. 传统的Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal. (行为观念等) 传统的


是traditional和conventional的区别吧。 Traditional 是“传统的"表示有一定的历史渊源,如传统文化: traditional culture;Conventional 是”常规的“,”惯例的“意思,也有,”传统的“意思,表示符合一致意见、用法或惯常做法的,其表示的历史背景含义没有Traditional 深刻,如conventional industries 传统产业。




conventional,中文意思是传统的convenient反义词是:inconvenient,在convenient前面加上否定前缀-一“in”,即为该词反义词 inconvenient。翻译为不便、不方便的,打扰人的,麻烦的。convenient 的用法1、convenient有两个意思:一是“时间适合某人”,二是“附近的”。作“适合 某人”解时,其主语是事或物而非人,表示主语具有“适合某人”的特征。作“附 近的”解时,常修饰distance等名词。2、beconvenient的意思是“是合适的”“是方便的”,在以表示事或物的名词 作主语时,其后常接介词for 或to引起的短语。在动词不定式或that从句作主 语时常采用形式主语结构,动词不定式的逻辑主体可由介词for引出。3、convenient作“附近的”解时,如用作表语,其后常接介词for;如用作定语修 饰distance, 须用介词from短语,表示“离一近”。4、convenient在句中除用作定语、表语外,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。convenient 的用法例句1.There wasn"t even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes.在课间,学生们连一个方便凑在一起的地方都没有。2."What time were you planning lunch?"-"Half past twelve, if that"s convenient."“你打算什么时候吃午饭?”“如果方便的话,12点半。”3.We cannot make this minority a convenient excuse to turn our backs. 我们不能拿少数这几个人作为一种方便的借口而对此置之不理。4.Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place. 马丁一直往前开,直到找到了一个方便的停车场。5.Filtered water is always on tap, making it very convenient to use. 随时打开龙头都有过滤水,用起来很方便。


Conventional的东西有可能也是traditional,traditional的东西却不一定是conventional的。 convention是“社会上大部分人都认为正确的或恰当的行为”,但不一定有很长的历史背景。所以“条约、协定”就是convention。而tradition则是“长期存在的风俗或习惯”。 因此,它们的形容词虽然都可以翻译成“传统的、惯例的”,但是由于conventional的意思比traditional广,有些句子上两个词是不可以混同的。 例如:Conventional weapons是常规武器 却没有traditional weapons


traditional 传统的,习俗的conventional 约定俗成的,惯例的


Adjective:1.following accepted customs and proprieties; "conventional wisdom"2.conforming with accepted standards; "a conventional view of the world"3.(weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy; "conventional weapons"




你好!conventional 英[ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美[ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l] adj. 传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的; [例句]That"s a big plus over conventional remote controls that use infrared, a technology that doesn"t work through walls.这一点大大优于传统的红外遥控,这种技术隔着墙就不能用了。


conventional[英][ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl][美][ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l]adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的; 易混淆单词:Conventional例句:1.But less conventional businesses weren"t so cautious. 但不那么传统的公司就没这么谨慎了。


Conventional的释义:adj.符合习俗的;传统的;守旧的;常用的;公认的;普通的;(武器、战争)非核的,常规的;Conventional有以下几个常见搭配:(1)Conventional depth常规深度;(2)conventional sign惯循享甩用符号;图例;沿用图例;习用符号;(3)conventional mortgage传统按揭办法;普通按揭;传统抵押贷款;按揭贷款。Conventional例句(1)In the latter, the primipara were cared in conventional nursing.对照组按产科护理常规护理。(2)The house does not have a conventional cooling system.这房子没有一个传统的冷却系统。(3)The effect of PDC bit upon conventional geologging and its dealing method.PDC钻头对常规地质录井影响及应对方法。(4)Conventional wisdom says you have to choose between being a grind and a slacker. And that"s that.传统的思维观念告诉你你只能在刻苦族和懒人族之间任选其一,然后你就选了,那么你就变成那两种了。(5)Sonnet:A 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes.十四行诗体,一种由十四行组成的诗歌形式,通常有一种传统的押韵形式,莎士比亚用过此诗体。(6)Most of the cost saving comes at the launch stage.Unlike conventional satellites, they don"t.大部分的成本是在发射阶段省下来的。(7)Used in classical pastoral poetry as a conventional name for a shepherdess.阿玛瑞丽丝古典田园诗里被用作牧羊女的传统名字。(8)There are those pet-lovers for whom a cat is too conventional and a mutt simply too mundane.对于那些标新立异的宠物爱好者来说,养猫养狗可能已经过于平淡无奇,早过时了。(9)Emphasis is laid on presenting a conventional sneak analysis system(CSAS).重点介绍一种我国自行开发的通用潜在分析系统(CSAS)。(10)In comparison with conventional vergence methods,matrix method is much simple and accurate.与传统的聚散度计算方法相比,矩阵方法显得简便、准确。


conventional 英[ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美[ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l] adj. 1.依照惯例的,约定俗成的,依照传统的,遵循习俗的,墨守成规的,普通平凡的 2.尤指武器常规的,非核的 3.传统的;习惯的 4.普通的;常见的;常用的;常规的 5.(艺术等)因袭的,陈旧的 6.【法律】基于双方协议的,约定的,合同的 7.大会的,会议的 形容词 adj. 1.依照惯例的,约定俗成的,依照传统的,遵循习俗的,墨守成规的,普通平凡的 2.尤指武器常规的,非核的 3.传统的;习惯的 4.普通的;常见的;常用的;常规的 5.(艺术等)因袭的,陈旧的 6.【法律】基于双方协议的,约定的,合同的 7.大会的,会议的


1 ADJ-GRADED (行为、观念等)传统的,符合习俗的 Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal. ...a respectable married woman with conventional opinions.一位观念传统、受人尊敬的已婚女性conventionallyPeople still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.人们还留着短发、穿着传统服饰。2 ADJ (方法或产品)通常的,传统的 A conventional method or product is one that is usually used or that has been in use for a long time. 语法信息It is simpler and quicker to use than conventional methods.这比通常的做法更简单、更快捷。These discs hold more than 400 times as much information as a conventional computer floppy disk.这些光盘能容纳的信息量是普通计算机软盘的400多倍。 【搭配模式】 : usu ADJ nconventionallyOrganically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.有机农产品在外观上和以传统方法种植的作物没有很大的区别。3 ADJ (武器、战争等)常规的,非核的 Conventional weapons and wars do not involve nuclear explosives. 语法信息We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms.我们必须通过控制核武器、化学武器和常规武器的数量来减少战争的危险。 【搭配模式】 : usu ADJ n4 conventional wisdom →see: wisdom


conventional英 [ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美 [ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l]adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的派生词:conventionalism conventionalist conventionality conventionalize conventionally双语例句1. He hates the wheeling and dealing associated with conventional political life. 他对传统政治生活中的权术钻营深恶痛绝。2. I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior. 我要再次重申,我们的常规武器是一流的。3. Alternative treatments can provide a useful back-up to conventional treatment. 替代疗法能为传统的治疗提供有效的辅助。4. He abhors the wheeling-and-dealing associated with conventional political life. 他憎恨传统政治生活中的尔虞我诈。5. This remarkable technology provides far greater clarity than conventional x-rays. 这项卓越技术的清晰度比常规的X光高得多。

convention center是什么意思,会展中心翻译

convention center 会展中心英文: 53 It is to be held in the national convention center. 中文: 会议将在国际会议中心召开. ...英文: Also a variety of facilities is established in Longmen Hot Spring – Convention Center, Physical Therapy Center, Shops for shopping, Singing and Dancing Hall , KTV Compartments, Badminton Court, Basketball Course, Tennis Court, Beach Soccer Course, Table T 中文: 龙门温泉还设有会议中心、理疗中心、购物商场、歌舞厅、KTV包房、羽毛球场、篮球场、网球场、沙滩足球场、乒乓球场、排球场、烧烤场等项目。 英文: As increasing numbers of broadband users gather in crowded spaces such as airports, hotels,convention centers and workplaces, the most critical parameter of a wireless system will be its spatial capacity, a capability in which UWB technology excels. 中文: 随著愈来愈多的宽频用户聚集在拥挤空间,像是机场、饭店、会议中心与办公室,无线系统最关键的一项参数将是空间容量,而超宽频技术在这项能力上的表现独占鳌头。 英文: English: Grand Hyatt Taipei (left), Taipei World Trade Center International Trade Building (right), Taipei World Trade Center (left-back), and Taipei International Convention Center is a four-in-one complex. 中文: 中文(台湾)?:台北君悦大饭店(左)、台北国际贸易大楼(右)、台北世界贸易中心(左后)、台北国际会议中心,是台北信义计画区当中,重要的四合一建筑,曾被媒体称之「现代四合院」,也叫做「台北世贸四合一建筑」。 更详细...英文: Experience the energy of thousands of fellow Rotarians from around the world at daily plenary sessions at the Salt Palace Convention Center. 中文: 请体验一下来自全世界上千位的扶轮夥伴们于盐湖宫年会中心每日全会所展现的活力。 请采纳~

convention center是什么意思,会展中心翻译

convention center意思就是:会议中心;会展中心

conventions and conferences 有什么不同

conventions大会,规模大conferences小会议 ,公司会议

求一篇《My new invention》的英语作文,80字以上.

My new invention:the near future,I will have a new invention!Recently,I saw frequently mother boils water,on that pot always has the residual,I use teacher protestantism,expand with heat and contract with cold"s principle,burns very much the first pot hotly,then pours into the cold water again,only listens,sound of something being struck or falling to the ground!,In pot"s residual,has not had,this is my innovation!

discovery 与 discover的区别 invention与invent的区别




conservative和 conventional有什么相似和区别

conservative是保守的 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 conservative /ku0259nu02c8su025cu02d0vu0259tu026av/ CET4 TEM4 ( conservatives )1. ADJ Someone who is conservative has views that are toward the political right. In the U.S. the Republicans are more conservative than the Democrats, who are more liberal. 持政治右倾观点的例:...counties whose citizens invariably support the most conservative candidate in any election.…公民们在任何选举中都千篇一律地支持最保守的候选人的县。2. N-COUNT Conservative is also a noun. 右倾人士例:The new judge is 50-year-old David Suitor who"s regarded as a conservative.这名新法官是50岁的、被视为右倾人士的戴维·休特。3. ADJ Someone who is conservative or has conservative ideas is unwilling to accept changes and new ideas. (观点) 保守的例:People tend to be more liberal when they"re young and more conservative as they get older.人们在年轻时常常更开放,年纪越大就越保守。4. ADJ If someone dresses in a conservative way, their clothes are conventional in style. (衣着) 守旧的例:The girl was well dressed, as usual, though in a more conservative style.这个女孩像平常一样穿着得体,但式样则更守旧。conventional传统的conventional英 [ku0259n"venu0283(u0259)n(u0259)l] 美 [ku0259n"vu025bnu0283u0259nl] adj. 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的网络释义专业释义英英释义 常规如某家听牌时打出了8条,按组牌成顺子的常规(Conventional)推理,他拆的是搭,即6、8嵌搭或8、9边搭,7、8两面(Both sides)搭子的可能性极小,所以这家极可能(May)是吊6条或9条的将牌。基于604个网页-相关网页 传统的 惯例的 俗套短语conventional weapon 常规武器 ; 常规兵器conventional lending 传统放款 ; 常规放款 ; 传统放款;常规放款conventional tariff 协定关税 ; 协定税则 ; 协定税率 ; 约定税率 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 conventional /ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l/ CET4 TEM41. ADJ Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal. (行为观念等) 传统的例:...a respectable married woman with conventional opinions.…一个可敬的观念传统的已婚妇女。2. conventionally ADV 传统地例:Men still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.男人还是留着短发,着装传统。3. ADJ A conventional method or product is one that is usually used or that has been in use for a long time. 传统的 (方法或产品等)例:...the risks and drawbacks of conventional family planning methods.…传统计划生育方法的风险和缺陷。

分析it is about as revolutionary as the invention of printing

它具有划时代的革命性,几乎可以跟印刷术的发明媲美。about的意思是大约,这里我翻成几乎,表达的是尽管未超越,但可以相提并论(要知道印刷术的发明的意义是多么深远)as...as是指:跟....一样 revolutionary的意思是革命性的,变革的,但在中文里,很少用“...跟...一样革命性的,所以这里我翻成“具有划时代革命性”,更符合中文的表达方式。

does motivation contradict the theory of arbitrariness and conventionality?



发明专利(Invention Patent) 发明专利是指前所未有、独创、新颖和实用的专利技术或方法; 它在实用新型专利、 发明专利及外观专利三种专利类型中的技术含量及价值是最高的, 因此发明专利的保护期是最长的(保20年)。 发明专利包括产品专利和方法专利两大类。 1、产品发明产品发明, 是指用发明人所提供的解决特定问题的技术方案直接生产的产品, 如电灯、电话、机器、设备、仪器仪表、新的合金物质等发明。 没有经过人力的加工、属于自然状态的物质不是产品发明, 如天然宝石、矿物质等。产品发明取得专利权后,称为产品专利, 产品专利只保护产品本身,不保护该产品的制造方法。

本人急需一篇英文演讲稿The greatest invention in my eyes请好心人帮忙

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. As a freshman, I am honored to be here, but I hope that my performance today will not be so “ fresh”! What is the greatest invention in my eyes? First of all, would you please watch your wrist? (pause),,,,,,, Did you see anything around your wrist? Yes, maybe someone of you have got my answer. It is the watch, or clock. Why clock is so important? Just imagine, if all the clocks (including the things which have a “clock” function such as mobile phones) in your life are taken away pletely, what will happen? At first, you might feel fine and live your life fortably and normally without any disorder. But I can assure you, several days later; you will be in a panic and feel lost. The reason is that Clock, the essential reminder of our life, tells us when to arise and sleep, when to play and when to work. With clock, man is able to arrange everything in an apple-pie order. He even knows how long to keep that pie in the oven. Without clock, I cannot even stand on this stage at this time tonight, and either, you would not sit there. Furthermore, clock represents more than its face value. To me, clock, is Time. Through clocks, we learn that the art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. Thus, set a clock accurately and efficiently in your life. Or else your life would turn to be aimless. Through clocks, we are warned that life is never just being. It changes every second. So, value every bit of your time or your life will be wasted. Therefore, I say clock is the greatest invention in my eyes. Now, listen to your clock.. Clock is ticking, time is ticking and your life is ticking too. So, watch your watch, and value your time. Oh, I am afraid through my watch says my time is up, so I have to stop here. Thank you.

corrective and preventive action是什么意思

corrective and preventive action 纠正和预防措施;矫正与预防措施;矫正及预防措施例句筛选1.e. Manage all customer complain and investigate root cause. Reply customer on finding and implement corrective and preventive action.处理客户投诉并追根溯源。及时与客户沟通并实施预防及纠正措施。2.Involve in the corrective and preventive action参与预防及整改措施

preventive healthcare汉语是什么意思


preventive care是什么意思

preventive care预防措施,预防保健

preventive care是什么意思


preventive 和precautionary都是“预防的”意思,那么它俩有什么区别吗?



公开信息 ,公开发明(专利)



funny invention急需作文

a multi-function alarm clockI have an interesting invention is a multi-function alarm clock, it can listen to music, watch the calendar and read e-books, as well as a notepad to help you remember the day of his program. Its shape is a tree, there are one or two small drawers above. Treetop has a bear in the singing, the whole point every time when the Cubs have been reported. Very interesting, right?译文:我有趣的发明是一个多功能闹钟,它可以听音乐,看日历和看电子书,还有一个记事本帮助你记住一日的行程。它的造型是一棵树,上面还有一两个小抽屉。树顶有一只小熊在唱歌,每到整点小熊便报一次时。很有趣吧?

初中英语作文 《My Favourite invention》不用太长 8-9行左右

My favourite invention Among all the modern inventions,laptop is my favorite one.I think it is the most amazing invention in the 21st century.Laptops are light and *** all.They are easy to carry.With a laptop,we can work,study and entertain everywhere.A laptop can get to the Internet outside,which enables us to get the latest information whenever we want.Using a laptop,I can keep in touch with my friends and family through e-mails and QQ at any time and in any place.I think in the future,everybody will have his or her own laptop.

求一篇《My new invention》的英语作文,80字以上. 不可以复制,有急用!

My new invention   Among all the modern inventions,laptop is my recently one.I think it is the most amazinginvention in the 21 st century.Laptops are light and small.They are easy to carry.With alaptop,we can work,study and entertain everywhere.A laptop can get to the Internetoutside,which enables us to get the latest information whenever we want.Using a laptop,ICan keep in touch with my friends and family through e-mails and QQ at any time and in anyplace.I think in the future,everybody will have his or her own laptop.


例句: The camera was one of the greatest inventions (发明)in the 19th century. 相机是第十九世纪最伟大的发明之一. one of the greatest+可数名词复数,所以这里应用名词invention发明的复数形式inventions,意为"最伟大的发明之一"The television is one of the greatestinventions in our daily life. 电视是我们日常生活中最伟大的发明. inventions 从句中的one of the 意为…之一,后面要用复数形式的,直接加s,故答案是inventions.例:Computer is one of the greatest inventions(发明).I can"t imagine life without it. 电脑是最伟大的发明之一,我不能想象没有它的生活.修饰词"the greatest",这里考查名词invention的用法.又由"one of…+名词复数"…之一;可知,这里应该用复数形式,故答案为inventions


《An invention》 I will invent a time machine in the as it "s been my dream in my life.Time machine allows people to travel back in time to prevent disaster to happen.It also allows people to tavel into dinstant future to find out solution for Incurable illness including cancer and aids.However,this machine may be abused by people to create chaos in our world or even completely change our history.Therfore,security features are essential for my invention.The future invention of time machine will definately bring more advantages for human being.

英语 以my invention 为题写一篇英语小短文60 70词 急 快点吧 亲人们 初中水平

here are many inventions in the world, but my favorite invention is the computer. As a student the computer helps me a lot. With the computer, I can find lots of information I need .I can read books, know the latest news and watch movies. I can play games or listen to music when I am tired. It is easy to communicate with my friends.

英语作文My favorite invention怎么写?


为什么不用create 或者不用Creation,而是用inventions?


英语作文 我的发明 An invention

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