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中文翻译也给你,呵呵迈克尔.杰克逊<<WHO IS IT>>歌词Who is it? I Gave Her Money 我给予她钱 I Gave Her Time 我给予她时间 I Gave Her Everything我给予她一切 Inside One Heart Could Find 只来自一颗心 I Gave Her Passion 我给予她激情 My Very Soul我真正的心灵 I Gave Her Promises我给予她承诺 And Secrets So Untold还有未曾说出的秘密 And She Promised Me Forever她也给予我永远的承诺 And A Day We"d Live As One 而且有一天我们会合而为一 We Made Our Vows我们许下誓言 We"d Live A Life Anew我们会重新开始新生活 And She Promised Me In Secret她偷偷地答应我 That She"d Love Me For All Time她会每时每刻爱我 It"s A Promise So Untrue这是一个不真实的承诺 Tell Me What Will I Do?告诉我将怎么做 And It Doesn"t Seem To Matter这看起来不算什么 And It Doesn"t Seem Right这看起来不太对头 "Cause The Will Has Brought因为期望不会给你运气 No Fortune Still I Cry Alone At Night我仍然在夜晚独自哭泣 Don"t You Judge Of My Composure 别认定我泰然自若 "Cause I"m Lying To Myself那是我在对自己撒谎 And The Reason Why She Left Me她离开我的原因 Did She Find In Someone Else?是她已经有了他人? (Who Is It?)他是谁? It Is A Friend Of Mine是我的朋友 (Who Is It?)他是谁 Is It My Brother!是我兄弟 (Who Is It?)他是谁 Somebody Hurt My Soul, Now有人伤了我的心 现在 (Who Is It?)他是谁 I Can"t Take This Stuff No More我不能再忍受这一切 I Am The Damned我遭透了 I Am The Dead我麻木了 I Am The Agony Inside我内心及其痛苦 The Dying Head那个即将死去的我 This Is Injustice这不公平 Woe Unto Thee使你悲哀 I Pray This Punishment我祈祷这惩罚 Would Have Mercy On Me将会可怜于我


如It"s me.


1.如果在一张有许多人的照片里问哪个是你,一般说Which one is you?不大会 说Who is you?;   2.y如果大写,那么You是个人名,是在问“You是谁?”;   3.这个"你"指的是谁?比如有一个人老是在说you怎样you怎样,听的人又不止一个。 扩展资料   拓展who is this:   who is this的回答应该是This is ……还是It is ……,为什么呢   具体问题是这样的 Who is this?——__________ my uncle.A.She"s B His C It"s   回答:This is...   理由:你见过用It(它)来指代成年人类的么.   如果只有这3个选项,那只有It"s了,那估计是在看照片神马的.

whois you

这两句话表示的意思如果是“你是谁”,那是一样的.但是Who is you?在书面语中是不能用的.而且很可能出现于黑人俚语中,还有How is you? 原住民不会这么用的. Who are you?标准用法.


正确的应该是: Who are you? 意思为: 你是谁?可是,英国本土人口语中经常说 "who"s you?", 虽然语法错的一塌糊涂,可是,口语是通用的。


是Who are you?还是Who is you ?


翻译: 谁是泰迪熊?回答: Jim is. 吉姆是。

whois singing next door什么意思

no ,it (can"t)be her.she is still at school at this time 填can"t ,不可能,表示推测,否定用can"t


who is she?


Who is the boy sitting next to you这个句子中为什么用sitting的原因为:因为这个句子中有谓语动词is了,所以sitting就看做非谓语,又因为这个男孩是主动坐,所以sitting就用ing形式


  谁在和汤姆交谈?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

查询域名whois出现Not Available是什么意思?


whois tom the boy is blue




whois girl in green

3. the

whois the young man



Who are these young men?


whoise没用过whois在UnixLinuxFreeBSD里usage: whois [-aAbdgiIklmQrR6] [-c country-code | -h hostname] [-p port] name ...xiaomu@ftp$ man whoisWHOIS(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual WHOIS(1)NAME whois -- Internet domain name and network number directory serviceSYNOPSIS whois [-aAbdgiIklmQrR6] [-c country-code | -h host] [-p port] name ...DESCRIPTION The whois utility looks up records in the databases maintained by several Network Information Centers (NICs). The options are as follows: -a Use the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) database. It contains network numbers used in those parts of the world cov- ered neither by APNIC nor by RIPE. (Hint: All point of contact handles in the ARIN whois database end with "-ARIN".) -A Use the Asia/Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) database. It contains network numbers used in East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific islands. -b Use the Network Abuse Clearinghouse database. It contains addresses to which network abuse should be reported, indexed by domain name. -c country-code This is the equivalent of using the -h option with an argument of "country-code.whois-servers.net". -d Use the US Department of Defense database. It contains points of contact for subdomains of .MIL. -g Use the US non-military federal government database, which con- tains points of contact for subdomains of .GOV. -h host Use the specified host instead of the default variant. Either a host name or an IP address may be specified. By default whois constructs the name of a whois server to use from the top-level domain (TLD) of the supplied (single) argu- ment, and appending ".whois-servers.net". This effectively allows a suitable whois server to be selected automatically for a large number of TLDs. In the event that an IP address is specified, the whois server will default to the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN). If a query to ARIN references APNIC, LACNIC, or RIPE, that server will be queried also, provided that the -Q option is not specified. If the query is not a domain name or IP address, whois will fall back to whois.crsnic.net. -i Use the Network Solutions Registry for Internet Numbers (whois.networksolutions.com) database. It contains network num- bers and domain contact information for most of .COM, .NET, .ORG and .EDU domains. NOTE! The registration of these domains is now done by a number of independent and competing registrars and this database holds no information on the domains registered by organizations other than Network Solutions, Inc. Also, note that the InterNIC data- base (whois.internic.net) is no longer handled by Network Solu- tions, Inc. For details, see http://www.internic.net/. (Hint: Contact information, identified by the term handle, can be looked up by prefixing "handle " to the NIC handle in the query.) -I Use the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) database. It contains network information for top-level domains. -k Use the National Internet Development Agency of Korea"s (KRNIC) database. It contains network numbers and domain contact infor- mation for Korea. -l Use the Latin American and Caribbean IP address Regional Registry (LACNIC) database. It contains network numbers used in much of Latin America and the Caribbean. -m Use the Route Arbiter Database (RADB) database. It contains route policy specifications for a large number of operators" net- works. -p port Connect to the whois server on port. If this option is not spec- ified, whois defaults to port 43. -Q Do a quick lookup. This means that whois will not attempt to lookup the name in the authoritative whois server (if one is listed). This option has no effect when combined with any other options. -r Use the R"eseaux IP Europ"eens (RIPE) database. It contains net- work numbers and domain contact information for Europe. -R Use the Russia Network Information Center (RIPN) database. It contains network numbers and domain contact information for sub- domains of .RU. This option is deprecated; use the -c option with an argument of "RU" instead. -6 Use the IPv6 Resource Center (6bone) database. It contains net- work names and addresses for the IPv6 network. The operands specified to whois are treated independently and may be used as queries on different whois servers.EXAMPLES Most types of data, such as domain names and IP addresses, can be used as arguments to whois without any options, and whois will choose the correct whois server to query. Some exceptions, where whois will not be able to handle data correctly, are detailed below. To obtain contact information about an administrator located in the Rus- sian TLD domain "RU", use the -c option as shown in the following exam- ple, where CONTACT-ID is substituted with the actual contact identifier. whois -c RU CONTACT-ID (Note: This example is specific to the TLD "RU", but other TLDs can be queried by using a similar syntax.) The following example demonstrates how to obtain information about an IPv6 address or hostname using the -6 option, which directs the query to 6bone. whois -6 IPv6-IP-Address The following example demonstrates how to query a whois server using a non-standard port, where ``query-data"" is the query to be sent to ``whois.example.com"" on port ``rwhois"" (written numerically as 4321). whois -h whois.example.com -p rwhois query-dataSEE ALSO Ken Harrenstien and Vic White, NICNAME/WHOIS, 1 March 1982, RFC 812.HISTORY The whois command appeared in 4.3BSD.FreeBSD 6.0 December 11, 2004 FreeBSD 6.0这是在FreeBSD里给出的使用说明。。。
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