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【 #英语资源# 导语】由观而引出感,这开头部分就好比一条醒目的标语或引子一样,先交待清楚看了什么影片,有什么感想。一般来说,观后感要求简明扼要、开门见山,千万不要绕圈子、卖关子、遮遮掩掩,而是要用肯定的语气概括地说出感受。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.电影《我和我的父辈》英语作文观后感   On October 1, 2021, my mother"s 72nd birthday, went to see me and my parents. I was deeply touched. Wu Lei and Wu Jing played a father and son. For the safety of the people"s lives, my father chose to send a help signal, saved the safety of the escorted people by luring the tiger away from the mountain, and successfully led away the search and suppression of the enemy. The enemy quickly located his son"s place according to the telegram message. What they didn"t know was that the distress signal was the node that meant they were going to sacrifice. As a father, he knew what it meant, but he also knew it was helpless. Even so, I chose to do it.   poem. Zhang Ziyi plays a mother and one of the main staff of the aerospace industry. The couple went to the base to do research every day for the success of the rocket launch, but in a failure, the husband sacrificed. In order to hide the departure of the child"s father, they had to cheat the child. The father was working overtime. Every day I came back with a poem I wrote to my children. It was the poem the child"s father agreed to give to his children. Finally, the children saw through the lie. They know that their father has died and their father will never come back. She told the children that if you put a candle in the Kongming lamp, it will slowly fly into the sky because of gas. Your father is doing this big thing, but it"s a big cause bigger than Kongming lamp and can fly to the moon. Later, the children finally understood what adults did and became an astronaut. Even though love was pure at that time, it was beautiful.   Duck prophet. Children always think that their father is a great man and can use all kinds of strange skills. It was not until he was publicly exposed by his neighbors in class that he began to find that his father didn"t seem to be great. When he became the chief of the sales section, he arrogantly told the leaders that he could sell a lot of wine, so he produced a lot of wine. His home was very small because all the unsalable goods were piled up in his home. Because of these, the mother scolded the child"s father every day. The father went to the bus with him and pretended that strangers were selling products. It was useless until he met people from the advertising company and finally came up with a way to shoot advertisements.   Juvenile behavior. This is a story about future robot research and development. Robot Xing Yihao came back from 2050. Today in 2021, children"s love for science and technology has successfully created a lot of science and technology in their home. Xing Yihao played his father, accompanied him to the school parent-child activities, and successfully deceived the school that he had no father"s mouth. Finally, when he was ready to start the helicopter, the fuselage caught fire and failed to fly successfully. Because the robot father only talked to his mother the night before and didn"t notice that the plane had already flown, the children began to laugh at him and deceive everyone. He rushed out of the crowd angrily. After being scolded for having no feelings, the robot chose to go upstream in order to save the children who sank into the sea. Finally, it returned to 2050 and completed the success of the robot test.   A movie, four stories.   Each story has its own story.   From sorrow to joy, from crying to laughing.   From the Anti Japanese War to 2021, from backwardness to prosperity and strength in all fields.   From once impossible to now possible and certain.   China is a different China. We have been witnessing that our country is becoming stronger and stronger step by step. No one will easily bully us or occupy our sacred territory. I love you my country. 2.电影《我和我的父辈》英语作文观后感   This year"s National Day holiday, "me and my parents" has gradually attracted more and more audiences with its strong reputation.   I and my parents cut in from the perspective of small characters, reflecting the changes of the times and the inheritance and continuation of the national spirit. "Riding the wind" depicts the heroic spirit of a pair of heroes in Jizhong cavalry regiment during the Anti Japanese war; With the dream of space flight, the poem shows the difficulties and hardships of China"s first generation of astronauts; "Duck prophet" tells about the pioneering spirit of ordinary people in the early stage of reform and opening up; "Juvenile travel" tells the story of a robot who unexpectedly came to 2021 from the future and met a teenager who loved science. They encouraged each other to pursue their dreams bravely. Each chapter seems independent, but it is closely connected. Connecting these stories is the "family and country feelings" of ordinary people.   Fathers of every era have their choices. In the era of gunsmoke and war, the profound intention of "family and country choice" was "don"t die in front of me", but finally sacrificed his beloved son to protect the people; In the period of building new China, "family and country feelings" is that astronauts are willing to find out the problem with their own eyes instead of cameras when the engine explodes; At the beginning of reform and opening up, the "feelings of family and country" was a generation who dared to test the water. They seized the opportunity of the times and gave a new look to China"s society and economy; In the new era, "feelings of family and country" is a generation of hard-working people, turning the once "impossible" into "possible", and moving towards the future in continuous exploration.   From the smoke filled and arduous revolutionary war years to the years of poverty and construction; From the magnificent and surging reform era to the vigorous and energetic new era... "Save the country generation", "build the country generation" and "enrich the country generation", the "family and country feelings" and "national character" are integrated into the blood, linking up the glorious history of the Republic and illuminating the bright prospects of the new era.   Focusing on the people around us, we can also see the efforts of our parents. They are heroes in the war years, models for building new China, pioneers of reform and opening up, and pioneers in the new era... How many of them have entered colleges and universities from the fields and become pioneers of advanced scientific research projects; How many people have gone abroad from the border villages and become the link and bridge to restart the exchanges between China and the West. Even the parents of our ordinary young people, their struggle stories are equally moving. Hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty, spaceships have been launched into the sky and aircraft carriers have been launched, and cultural self-confidence has been rebuilt. They have supported their own glory and dreams.   After experiencing this scene, everything in the world is difficult. Today, we have surmounted the danger of "expulsion from the world" and marched closer to the center of the world stage. The relay Long March, with the passion of generations, has brought us closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than ever before. The responsibility of family and country, once carried on the shoulders of our parents, is now in the palm of our generation. We are stepping out of the "comfort zone" step by step, daring to break into the "no man"s land", enhancing the courage of "daring to be the first in the world", the wisdom of "planning before moving", and the courage of "the more difficult and dangerous, the more forward", working hard like our parents and striving to create new miracles. 3.电影《我和我的父辈》英语作文观后感   Just finished reading "me and my parents", today I will write the first article "riding the wind".   The four stories, the feelings of the parents" family and country, start from the era of the war of resistance against Japan.   Wu Jing -- carrying the banner of patriotism, always excited and blood boiling. This time, with the depth of father"s love, the characters are more plump.   The story line of Chengfeng is very simple:   In 1942, during the Anti Japanese war in Jizhong area, the commander of the cavalry of the Eighth Route Army sacrificed his son in order to protect the people. When the Japanese Army thought the victory was in hand, the cavalry became a "strange soldier", rushed into the Japanese camp with the ancient cavalry tactics and won the final victory.   This is a war movie. If it lasts up to the length of a complete movie, it won"t appear so hasty. If there are more bedding and sensational parts, there will be no suspicion of strong sensationalism. Although it was a little strong, it was still fanned. Wu Jing gave an order: fire the signal gun! Another scream of despair: fire the signal gun! My eyes are full of tears.   Wu Jing used his delicate performance to make me believe his love for his son in a short time. Kicking his son, he raised his foot for the first time but didn"t kick it down. He kicked it for the second time, but stretched out his hand to pull it. Care about the wound on his son"s neck, but scold first. These are very much like ordinary fathers who always hate iron and steel in reality. Father"s love is deep, but after the two father and son have a dialogue, once they reconcile and follow the usual routine, one of the father and son will have to sacrifice. This time it"s the son. White haired people send black haired people more sad. After the war horse came back, my father took a slap on the most cherished war horse. He hid in no one"s place and cried bitterly. He can"t tell people when he is sad.   After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, there was a celebration play. On the stage, Luo Tong was sung. Luo Tong has excellent martial arts. He was a first soldier. He led his subordinates to defeat the attack of warra and saved Juyong Pass. And his father Luo Cheng is a young hero. Unfortunately, he was killed and lost in the mud river. The inverted father son relationship in the film hides the father"s guilt and remorse behind it.   Here is a magnificent cavalry battle. Cavalry rarely showed this ancient means of war in the past modern war films. It is said that this section is very difficult to shoot, and many actors were injured. The play should be a big scene in the whole film. The audience felt the explosion of male hormones and the history of war intertwined with blood and tears. The feelings of family and country, the rush to kill at any cost, and the beliefs and beliefs of the parents are moving.   This side died in the wind, and there "Chengfeng" was born. Chengfeng here sacrificed his life to save Chengfeng there.   The inheritance of life has a high price, but it never stops!   The Japanese flag falls here and our flag flies high over there.   Victory also has a high price, but the spirit of struggle continues!