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sense of wonder的中文歌词 最好还有平假名歌词

雨上「あめあ」がりで风「かぜ」の强「つよ」い午前九时「ごぜんくじ」 雨后刮着大风的上午九点 Ame a ga ri de kaze no tsuyoi gozen kuji モノクロのコートと伞「かさ」はもういらない! 黑白色的外套和雨伞都已经不需要了! Monokuro no kooto to kasa wa mo iranai 见上「みあ」げれば太阳「たいよう」キラリ アイデアくれる 抬头看见了闪耀的太阳 突然有了灵感 Mi age re ba taiyou kirai aidea ku re ru 「笑「わら」って、笑「わら」って、宙「ちゅう」を舞「まい」って。新「あたら」しい光「ひかり」の、君「きみ」は代弁者「だいべんしゃ」さ。」 “笑一笑 笑一笑 在空中飞舞吧 你就是新的光芒的代言者” Waratte waratte chuu wo mai tte Atara shii hikari no kimiwa daiben shasa 触「ふ」れたい 真実「しんじつ」の色「いろ」 想要去触碰 真实的色彩 Furetayi shinjitsu no yiro ほら、境界线「きょうかいせん」渡「わた」って虹「にじ」描「えが」くよ 形「かたち」を舍「す」て去「さ」ってまわる 你看 度过边境线描绘出的彩虹 展现出了不一样的弧度 Hora kyoukaisen watatte niji egaku yo katachi wo sute satte mawaru きっとsense of wonder 咲「さ」く あの场所「ばしょ」には Sense of wonder一定就在那个地方绽放着 Kitto sense of wonder saku ano bashoni wa 见「み」たこともないような君「きみ」へと変「か」わっていこう 一定会让从未见过的你发生改变吧 Mi ta ko to mo nai you na kimi heto kawatte ikou ほこりかぷった宝物「たからもの」を抱「かか」えて 抱住引以为豪的宝物 Honirika putta takaramono o kakaete 必要「ひつよう」なものだけ选「えら」びリサイクルスタート 选择只是必要的东西开始再利用 Hitauyou na mono dake erabi risaikuru sutaato 泣「な」き虫「むし」な仆「ぼく」らの暗「くら」い感情「かんじょう」は 爱哭鬼的我们心中负面的情感 Nakimushi na bokurano kurai kanjou wa 洗「あら」って、洗「あら」って、“0”「ぜろ」になって 楽谱「がくふ」がないなら自分でつくりゃいい! 想要把它洗去 洗去 洗到0为止 如果没有乐谱的话 自己创造一个就好 Aratte aratte zero ni natte gakufu ganai nara jibun detsukuria ii  奏「かな」でたい オリジナルノート 想要演奏 自己原创的曲子 Kana detai orijinaru nooto また、环状线「かんじょうせん」走「はし」って君「きみ」と出会「であ」う 答「こた」えはいつだってまわる 又一次在环形线上奔跑的时候遇到了你 答案却一直摇摆不定 Mata kanjousen hashitte kimi to dea u kotae wa yitsu datte mawaru  もっと成长细胞「せいちょうさいぼう」メイク その时「とき」には  再成长一番 在那个时候 Motto seichou saibou meiku sono tokini wa   五线「ごせん」ベクトルから空「そら」へと放「はな」って 呗「うた」って 朝着天空的方向放出五线谱 歌唱吧 Gosen bekutoru kara sora eto hanatte utatte いま、深「ふか」く呼吸「こきゅう」して「大丈夫「だいじょうぶ」」と口「くち」にして 现在 深呼吸 并对自己说“没问题” Ima fukaku kokyuu shite "daijoubu" to kuchi ni shi te 君「きみ」の花「はな」が咲「さ」く 目「め」を覚「さ」ます 你所绽放出的花已经觉醒了 Kimi no hana ga saku me o samasu せーの、感情线「かんじょうせん」なぞって“1「いち」”を掴「つか」む 世界「せかい」はどこだって个々「ここ」に 预备 在感情线上描绘出“1” 并紧紧抓住 不管在世界的哪里都有所不同 Seeno kanjousen na otte "ichi" o tsukamu sekai wa do ko da tte koko ni テイクオフ!8「はし」フィート上空「じょうくう」 どんなハードルも 飞翔吧!8英尺的空中的任何障碍 Teiku ofu hachi fuii to joukuu donna haadoru mo 向「む」かい风「かぜ」さえも そう、突「つ」き抜「ぬ」け 即使是逆向的风 别怕 也要穿过 Mukai kaze sa emo sou tsuki nuke ほら、境界线「きょうかいせん」渡「わた」って虹「にじ」描「えが」くよ 形「かたち」を舍「す」て去「さ」ってまわる 你看 度过边境线描绘出的彩虹 展现出了不一样的弧度 Hora kyoukaisen watatte niji egaku yo katachi wo sute satte mawaru きっとsense of wonder 咲「さ」く あの场所「ばしょう」には Sense of wonder一定就在那个地方绽放着 Kitto sense of wonder saku ano bashoni wa 五线「ごせん」ベクトルから空「そら」へと 五线谱延向着天空 Gosen bekutoru kara sora eto 见「み」たこともないような君「きみ」へと変「か」わっていこう 一定会让从未见过的你发生改变吧 Mi ta ko to mo nai you na kimi heto kawatte ikou平假名是我自己标的,其余出处http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1789019228


提起求婚配乐wonderfulu,大家都知道,有人问悲伤,好听的英文歌,另外,还有人想问求一些适合婚礼上播放的歌曲。英文中文不限。另求u2026,你知道这是怎么回事?其实求AGA的woderfulU的伴奏,下面就一起来看看悲伤,好听的英文歌,希望能够帮助到大家! 求婚配乐wonderfulu 1、求婚配乐wonderfulu:悲伤,好听的英文歌 哈,我也是喜欢听伤感的英文歌~ 希望我手机里面的歌你喜欢~ 1.almosthereu2013brianmcfaddenVSdeltagoodrem(一开头空灵的鼓声你一听了就喜欢,喜欢这对情侣合唱的歌~) 2.areyoutheoneu2013timotolkki(女主唱的忧伤加上荡气回肠的吉他演奏,经典哦) 3.becauseofyouu2013kellyclarkson(这首歌大概都熟悉) 4.believemeu2013dimabilan(我的QQ空间首就是这首歌,很震撼而伤感) 5.burningu2013mariaarredondo(唱出一种绝望的感觉,也可以说我次接触英文歌就是因这首歌而起的吧!) 6.callingu2013gerihalliwell(听这首歌感觉有种乖乖的感觉,这种感觉从哪儿来,我不知道~) 7.mywayu2013chara(可爱的日本歌手CHARA唱的英文歌,唱出的尽是隐约的伤感) 8.lovehurtsu2013chuckieakenz(男女说唱,平静的一首说唱歌曲,两人独特的声音,单调的乐器。却让人沉思~) 9comingoutstrongu2013anajohnsson(一开头就震撼的前奏,一首典型的伤感类摇滚) 10.concertopourdeuxvoixu2013clemence&jean(虽然这首歌没有人唱的歌词,但是却有着绝望的女音,加上乐器的伴奏,常常会想起一个人在雨中奔跑的情景!) 11.deargodu2013timotolkki(节奏很慢的歌,伤感) 求AGA的woderfulU的伴奏 12.findawayu2013jfive(丰富的说唱,建议看看这首歌的歌词) 13.foreveratyourfeet(这首歌适合在夜晚听,歌曲从开头到结尾一直携带着雨声,歌手弱弱的声线,却让人想了很多很多,以前、现在、以及将来。) 14.hurtu2013christinaaguilera(这首歌不用作介绍,反正除了伤感还是伤感) 15.iwillbeu2013leonalewis 16.ifiwereyouu2013tamia(水一般的声音,娇俏而忧伤,如果我是你。。。) 17.itu2019snotgoodbyeu2013laurapausini(这首歌也是我次接触英文歌所听的) 18.justonelastdanceu2013sarahconnor(同上) 19.littlestthingsu2013lilyallen(有点休闲的感觉,但是听着更多是孤单) everletyougou2013dimabilan(这首歌也是作为我的空间背景音乐) 21.nightprayeru2013iridio(这首歌也适合在晚上听,跟前面那首foreveratyourfeet的风格差不多) 22.someoneswatchingovermeu2013dilaryff(这首歌总是没有原因的喜欢) 23.sorryu2013sibel(这首歌的由来是在一次我喝咖啡的时候,老板放了这首歌,于是得知它叫sorry.) 24.soulmateu2013natashabedingfeild(同上) 25.tellmeu2013sandy(意大利歌手sandy唱的,是我珍的一首歌) 26..thetoweru2013viennateng(听了前奏就应该会爱上这首歌) 27.timelessu2013kellyclarksonVSjustingurini(这首歌也不用说了,听了自然就知道) 28.trippinu2019u2013tonibraxton(有点不甘放弃的感觉) 29.unbreakmyheartu2013tonibraxton(同上) 30.vivaforeveru2013spicegirls(空洞般演奏般的一首曲子,这首歌也是放在我的手机里一年多了~) 好了,就到此为止,希望可以细心聆听哦,这都是我私人珍的,没有复制的成分,为了这个我还花了不少时间去写介绍呢~哈哈。。。还是那句希望你喜欢~~~ 以上就是与悲伤,好听的英文歌相关内容,是关于悲伤,好听的英文歌的分享。看完求婚配乐wonderfulu后,希望这对大家有所帮助!

wonderful tonight的中文歌词

it"s late in the evening(夜色渐浓)   she"s wondering what clothes to wear(她还在为如何装扮犹豫不决)   she puts on her make up(选好衣服穿上,薄施粉黛)   and brushes her long blond hair(并盘好了那一头漂亮的金发)   and then she ask me:"do i look allright?"(然后她问我,"这样打扮得合适吗?")   and i say:"yes, you look wonderful tonight"(我答到:"是的,你今晚看起来很迷人")   we go to a party(我们去参加一个晚会)   and everyone turns to see(惹得众人频频侧目)   this beautiful lady(这位美丽的淑女)   is walking around with me(与我结伴款款而行)   and then she ask me:"do you feel allright?"(这时她问我:"你感觉还好吧?")   and i say:"yes, i feel wonderful tonight"(我回答:"是的,我今晚感觉很不错")   i feel wonderful because i see the love(我感觉不错是因为我看到)   lighting in your eyes(在你眼中燃烧着的爱意)   and the wonder of it all(而且我还在想)   is that you just don"t realize(你可能并不知道)   how much i love you....(我到底有多爱你)   it"s time to go home now(该回家的时候)   and i"ve got aching head我觉到有点头痛)   so i give her the car keys(因此我给她车钥匙)   and she helps me to bed(她送我回家并扶我上床)   and than i tell her(我告诉她)   as i turn off the light(当我把灯关掉的时候)   i said:"my darling, you are wonderful tonight"(我说:"亲爱的,你今晚很迷人)   "oh my darling, you are wonderful tonight"(哦,我亲爱的,你今晚真的很迷人)

方大同《wonderful tonight》歌词

方大同-wonderful tonight. It"s late in the evening she"s wondering what clothes to wear She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair And then she asks me Do I look all right And I say Yes you look wonderful tonight We go to a party and everyone turns to see This beautiful lady that"s walking around with me And then she asks me Do you feel all right And I say Yes I feel wonderful tonight I feel wonderful because I see The love light in your eyes And the wonder of it all Is that you just don"t realize how much I love you It"s time to go home now and I"ve got an aching head So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed And then I tell her as I turn out the light I say My darling you were wonderful tonight Oh my darling you were wonderful tonight support Khalil all the time.PS:这首歌其实不是他的原唱,原唱是babyface

wonder girls 成员 资料 图片


1.no hurry no ues no wonder no way的意思


求Dan Black 的Wonder 歌词 中英对照+50分 希望有高质量回答

WonderConfidence is a mustHappiness is a plusEdginess is a rushEdges (I like "em rough)A man with a Midas touchIntoxicate on the rushStop you"re making me blushPeople are looking at usI don"t think you know (know)I"m checking it so hot (so hot)I Wonder if he knows he"s on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)And if I notice you I know it"s you. Choose you don"t wanna lose you"re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)When you walk (when you walk) when you talk (when you talk)I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that"s what I want (that"s what I want)And listen baby don"t try to debate it.. try to make you understand you"re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)On my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADARInteresting sense of styleTen million dollar smileThink I cant handle thatAnimal in the sackHis eyes see right to my soulI surrender self-controlCatch me looking againFalling right into my bed..I don"t think you know (know)I"m checking it so hot (so hot)Wonder if he knows he"s on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)And if I notice you I know it"s youChoose you don"t wanna lose you"re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk)I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that"s what I want (that"s what I want)And listen baby don"t debate it.. try to make you understand you"re on my radar (on my radar)on my radar (on my radar)on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADARon my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADARI got my eye on you... and I cant let you get away...Hey baby whether it"s now or later (I"ve got you)you cant shake me (no)cuz I got you on my radarWhether you like it or not, it ain"t gonna stopcuz I got you on my radar (I"ve got you)cuz I got you on my radarI"m checking it so hot (so hot)Wonder if he knows he"s on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)And if I notice you I know it"s you. Choose you don"t wanna lose you"re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk)I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that"s what I want (that"s what I want)And listen baby don"t debate it... try to make you understand you"re on my radar (on my radar)on my radar (on my radar)on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADARon my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADARDa-da-da-da-da-da-dadadadadadada... da da da.Da-da-da-da-da-da-dadadadadadada... da da da da da da da中文:雷电般的信任, 雷电般的幸福, 雷电般的悲伤, 都是必不可少的! 就像在站在边缘上一样 那可是暴雨交加得不得了 一个痞子和一个超级大富婆 有着暧昧的关系 盘旋得让我无法自拔 停止这愚蠢游戏! 别再让我红着脸 人们都看着我们的一举一动呢! 我并不那么认为,你最好别知道较好!我真是欲火焚身 我很纳闷为什么 如果你知道你就我的爱情雷达 爱情雷达 电击一般刺激 如果我得提醒你 那么你就完全服从了 选择吧! 你并不想失去你是爱情雷达的资格在你跟我散步,跟我聊着 我全身震颤,我想跟你合二为一,这就是我想要的! 听着吧!北鼻!别试图跟我争辩! 设法使你明白你就是个爱情雷达! 爱情雷达,电一般刺激! 可笑的感官意识 千万钞票的恩惠 我没发控制这些 畜牲般的他 在他眼里的只有威权 与我的整个灵魂 我自己说服自己赶快投降 追得上我那就再说吧! 如果坠入深渊就到我的床里来吧! 我真是欲火焚身 我很纳闷为什么 如果你知道你就我的爱情雷达 爱情雷达 电击一般刺激 如果我得提醒你 那么你就完全服从了 选择吧! 你并不想失去你是爱情雷达的资格我的眼里全是你的身体,我不会让你再次摆脱 嘿,北鼻!不管是现在还以后,我都会得你! 不论你喜欢与否,再任何地方我都不会放弃! 就因为你是我的爱情雷达 我真是欲火焚身 我很纳闷为什么 如果你知道你就我的爱情雷达 爱情雷达 电击一般刺激 如果我得提醒你 那么你就完全服从了 选择吧! 你并不想失去你是爱情雷达的资格 在你跟我散步,跟我聊着 我全身震颤,我想跟你合二为一,这就是我想要的! 听着吧!北鼻!别试图跟我争辩! 设法使你明白你就是个爱情雷达! 爱情雷达,电一般刺激!

Poema的《Wonder》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonder歌手:Poema专辑:Remembering You「wonder」作词.ボーカル:riya作曲.编曲:菊地创歌:eufonius点灭(てんめつ)しているみたいに次々(つぎつぎ)に広(ひろ)がってるのはツギハギだらけの梦(ゆめ)捕(つか)まえてもまだ内绪(ないしょ)いつも大事(だいじ)に右(みぎ)のポッケにしまっている思(おも)い出(で)达(たち)は小(ちい)さな星(ほし)になってざわめきにも话(はな)しかけるti-dwo-wel fi-tu-wel tedie falliaつぶやきが弾(はじ)けたらti-dwo-wel fi-tu-wel fiss wellia见(み)えてくる光(ひかり) ほらwisty dis tu eaulli fe diea窓(まど)を开(あ)けて飞(と)び出(だ)せば いつかwisty dis tu fowlli ti dieaこの空(そら)も歌(うた)いだす さあwisty dis tu eaulli fe diea不思议(ふしぎ)だらけの毎日(まいにち)だからwisty dis tu fowlli ti diea笑(わら)って追(お)いかけようmei-jues-pal-fie魔法(まほう)の言叶(ことば)をつないできらめく未来(みらい)を拾(ひろ)ったなら左(ひだり)のポッケにしまおうti-dwo-wel fi-tu-wel tedie fallia见(み)たことのないセカイti-dwo-wel fi-tu-wel fiss wellia踊(おど)りだす光(ひかり) ほらwisty dis tu eaulli fe diea想像(そうぞう)して 云(くも)の先(さき) いつもwisty dis tu fowlli ti dieaカラフルなステップで さあwisty dis tu eaulli fe dieaどこにだって踏(ふ)み出(だ)せる だからwisty dis tu fowlli ti diea爪先(つまさき)で合図(あいず)してmei-jues-pal-fie风(かぜ)の声(こえ)よりも确(たし)かにti-dwo-wel fi-tu-wel tedie fallia目(め)を闭(と)じた横颜(よこがお)にti-dwo-wel fi-tu-wel fiss wellia触(ふ)れてくる光(ひかり) ほらwisty dis tu eaulli fe diea忘(わす)れていた虹色(にじいろ)も いつかwisty dis tu fowlli ti diea思(おも)いきり歌(うた)いだす さあwisty dis tu eaulli fe diea不思议(ふしぎ)だらけの毎日(まいにち)だからwisty dis tu fowlli ti diea笑(わら)って追(お)いかけようmei-jues-pal-fie魔法(まほう)の言叶(ことば)をつないで 一绪(いっしょ)に终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23146878

The world is full of wonders, ________ (if only/only if) we open our eyes to see them.

if only

《wonder woman》、《page one》 tara中文音译歌词,是中文的哦,是音译的哦,不要罗马音,不要翻译~~~亲~

世界另一个你,在Kigali,她醒过来,她做了一个选择,在Hanoi,Natal ,Ramallah,在Tangier她呼吸振臂高呼在Lahore,Lapaz,Kampala虽然她在地球的另一边她想倾述心声我们是同一个人你哭泣我听到你我们是同一个人你受伤了我也感到伤害我们是同一个人,我们怀着同样的希望,我们会发光在juarez,她讲述真实,她伸出手臂,然后教会其他人如何像她一样在Jaipur讲出自己的名字,她坦荡地活着在manila,salta,embu,虽然我们如此不同,我们依然相连,我们是同一个人你的勇气鼓舞我坚强,我们是同一个人,你唱歌,我来和我们是同一个人你的梦想我也拥有我们将会发光我们将会发光同一个人,他听到她的声音同一个人,他为她的斗争而战一天一天,他让旧习变成过去,同一个人同一个时刻虽然她远在世界的另一边,她想倾吐心声我们是一个人,你的成功鼓舞着我。我们是同一个人你站起来我也站的高我们是同一个人,你的世界也是我的,我们将发光,发光,发光,发光我们将发光,发光,发光,发光 我们将发光,发光,发光,发光

kanye west I wonder是引用的哪首名曲?

kanye这歌的sample是labi siffre的my song这首歌,出自labi的remember my song专辑。采样很不错

wonder of the natural world


languages are remarkably complex and wonderfully


wondergirl《so hot》罗马音歌词


wonder girls歌曲中有一首歌,中间出现几次“every body 呀”…是什么歌!挺欢快得节奏。

SO HOT “every body..”那一段是小U(金瑜斌)唱的RAP

wondergirls so hot 歌词什么意思

원더걸스 - So Hot (고릴라) JYP And WonderGirls..... we"re back Oh oh~ Oh oh~ Hot Hot (선미) 왜 자꾸 쳐다보니 왜- 에 에 내가 그렇게 예쁘니- 이 이 아무리 그렇다고 그렇게 쳐다 보면 내가 좀 쑥쓰럽잖니- 이 이 (선예) 내가 지나갈 때 마다- 아 아 고갤 돌리는 남자들- 을 을 뒤에서 느껴지는 뜨거운 시선들 어떻게 하면 좋을지- 이 이 ** i"m so hot (선미) 난 너무 예뻐요 i"m so fine (소희) 난 너무 매력있어 i"m so cool (선예) 난 너무 멋져 i"m so so so- hot hot (소희) 언제나 나를 향한 눈길들-이 이 항상 따라오는 이 남자들-이 이 익숙해 질 때도 된 것 같은데 왜 아직 부담스러운지- 이 (예은) 조용히 살고 싶은데- 에 에 다른 여자애들 처럼- 엄 엄 엄마는 왜 날 이렇게 낳았어 내 삶을 피곤하게 하는지 ** i"m so hot 난 너무 예뻐요 i"m so fine 난 너무 매력있어 i"m so cool 난 너무 멋져 i"m so so so- hot hot ( x2) (유빈) everybodys watching me cuase i"m hot hot everybodys wanting me cause i"m hot hot 언제나 어디서나 날 따라다니는 이 스포트 라이트 어딜가나 쫓아오지 식당 길거리 까페 나이트 도대체 얼마나 나이 들어야 이놈의 인기는 식으러 들지 원 섹시한 내 눈을 고소영 아름다운 내 다린 좀 하지원 어쩌면 좋아, 모두 나를 좋아하는 것같애 oh no please leave me alone all the boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop cause they know i"m so hot hot ** i"m so hot 난 너무 예뻐요 i"m so fine 난 너무 매력있어 i"m so cool 난 너무 멋져 i"m so so so- hot hot [출처] 뮤비] 원더걸스 - So Hot (쏘핫) 罗马音的:Sun Mi: wae jakku cheodabonee wae eh eh naega geureokeh yehpeunnee ee ee ahmuree geureodago geureokeh cheodabomyeon naegah jom sukseurobjannee ee ee Sun Ye: naega jeenagal ddae mada ah ah gogael dolleeneun namjadeul eul eul dweeyeseo neukkyeojeeneun ddeugoun shiseondeul oteohkeh hamyeon joheuljee ee ee I"m so hot Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot So Hee: eonjehna nareul hyanghan nungildeulee ee hangsang ddaraoneun ee namjadeulee ee eeksokhae jeel ddaedo dweonkeotkateundeh wae ajik bodamseureounji ee Ye Eun: joyonghee salgo shipeundeh eh eh dareun yehjaaedeul cheoreom eom eom eommaneun wae nal eereohkeh nahahsseo nae salmeul pigonhageh haneunji I"m so hot Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot I"m so hot Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot Everybody is watching me cause I`m HOT everybody is wanting me cause I`m HOT Yoo Bin: eonjehna eodiseona nal ddaradanineun ee seupoteuraeeteu eodil gana jjeuchaoji shikdang gilgori kkapeheui laeeteu dodicheh eolmana nal deuleoya eenomeui eengineun sugeureodeulji, won shekshihan nae nuneun Go So Young ahreumdaeun nae daraneun jom Ha Ji Won eojjeomyeon joha modu nareul johahaneun geot katah Oh, no~ please leave me alone~ other boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop Cuz they know, i`m so HOT I"m so hot Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot WG吧里有的~~~~

Wonder girls的 so hot中文和韩文歌词

  中文;  为什么一直盯着我  我有那么漂亮吗  不管怎么样 你那样盯着我  我有点不好意思  我每回经过的时候  回头看我的男人们  能感觉到后面灼热的视线  我怎么办好  I am so hot 我很漂亮  I am so fine 我充满魅力  I am so cool 我真的很酷  I am so so so hot hot  总是有人看着我  那些男生总是跟着我  我也应该要习惯了  但为什么我还是那样紧张  我想平凡的过生活  就像其她女生一样  妈妈为什么把我生成这样  我的人生真是辛苦  I am so hot 我很漂亮  I am so fine 我充满魅力  I am so cool 我真的很酷  I am so so so hot hot  I am so hot 我很漂亮  I am so fine 我充满魅力  I am so cool 我真的很酷  I am so so so hot hot  Everbody "s watching me"  cause I"m hot hot ,  Everbody"s wanting me"  cause I"m hot hot ,  无论何时何地都跟着我的spotlight ,  我去哪里都要跟着我 ,饭店 街上 咖啡厅 夜总会 ,  我还要老多少岁  为何这受欢迎的热潮停不下来 ,  性感的眼神像高素英 ,修长的美腿就像河智苑,  我无能为力了 ,我相信所有人都已经爱上我  ,oh no please leave me alone ,all the boys be loving me ,girls be hating me,  they will never stop,  cuase they know i"m so hot hot  I am so hot 我很漂亮  I am so fine 我充满魅力  I am so cool 我真的很酷  I am so so so hot hot  韩文  uc65c uc790uafb8 uccd0ub2e4ubcf4ub2c8 uc65c  ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub807uac8c uc608uc058ub2c8  uc544ubb34ub9ac uadf8ub807ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub807uac8c uccd0ub2e4ubcf4uba74  ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc465uc2a4ub7fduc796ub2c8  ub0b4uac00 uc9c0ub098uac08 ub54c ub9c8ub2e4  uace0uac24 ub3ccub9acub294 ub0a8uc790ub4e4  ub4a4uc5d0uc11c ub290uaef4uc9c0ub294 ub728uac70uc6b4 uc2dcuc120ub4e4  uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ud558uba74 uc88buc744uc9c0  I`m so hot  ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694  I`m so fine  ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4  I`m so cool  ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838  I`m so so so hot hot  uc5b8uc81cub098 ub098ub97c ud5a5ud55c ub208uae38ub4e4uc774  ud56duc0c1 ub530ub77cuc624ub294 uc774 ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc774  uc775uc219ud574 uc9c8 ub54cub3c4 ub41c uac83 uac19uc740ub370  uc65c uc544uc9c1 ubd80ub2f4 uc2a4ub7ecuc6b4uc9c0  uc870uc6a9ud788 uc0b4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370  ub2e4ub978 uc5ecuc790uc560ub4e4ucc98ub7fc  uc5c4ub9c8ub294 uc65c ub0a0 uc774ub807uac8c ub0b3uc544ub194uc11c  ub0b4 uc0b6uc744 ud53cuace4ud558uac8c ud558ub294uc9c0  I`m so hot  ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694  I`m so fine  ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4  I`m so cool  ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838  I`m so so so hot hot  I`m so hot  ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694  I`m so fine  ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4  I`m so cool  ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838  I`m so so so hot hot  Everybody Watching me  Cause I`m hot hot  Everybody Wanting me  Cause I`m hot hot  uc5b8uc81cub098 uc5b4ub514uc11cub098  ub0a0 ub530ub77c ub2e4ub2c8ub294 uc774 uc2a4ud3ecud2b8 ub77cuc774ud2b8  uc5b4ub51cuac00ub098 ucad3uc544uc624uc9c0  uc2ddub2f9 uae38uac70ub9ac uce74ud398 ub098uc774ud2b8  ub3c4ub300uccb4 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub098uc77c ub4e4uc5b4uc57c  uc774 ub188uc758 uc778uae30ub294 uc0acuadf8ub7ecub4e4uc9c0 uc6d0  uc139uc2dcud55c ub0b4ub208uc740 uace0uc18cuc601  uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ub0b4 ub2e4ub9b0 uc880 ud558uc9c0uc6d0  uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ubaa8ub450  ub098ub97c uc88buc544 ud558ub294 uac83 uac19uc560 oh no  please leave me alone all the boys  be loving me  girls be hating me  they will never stop  Cause I know I`m so hot hot  I`m so hot  ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694  I`m so fine  ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4  I`m so cool  ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838  I`m so so so hot hot  音译  wae jakku cheodabonee wae eh eh  naega geureokeh yehpeunnee ee ee  ahmuree geureodago geureokeh cheodabomyeon  naegah jom sukseurobjannee ee ee  naega jeenagal ddae mada ah ah  gogael dolleeneun namjadeul eul eul  dweeyeseo neukkyeojeeneun ddeugoun shiseondeul  oteohkeh hamyeon joheuljee ee ee  I"m so hot  na neomu yepeoyo  I"m so fine  na neomu maeryeokeesseo  I"m so cool  na neomu motjyeo  I"m so so so hot hot  eonjehna nareul hyanghan nungildeulee ee  hangsang ddaraoneun ee namjadeulee ee  eeksokhae jeel ddaedo dweonkeotkateundeh  wae ajik bodamseureounji ee  joyonghee salgo shipeundeh eh eh  dareun yehjaaedeul cheoreom eom eom  eommaneun wae nal eereohkeh nahahsseo  nae salmeul pigonhageh haneunji  I"m so hot  na neomu yepeoyo  I"m so fine  na neomu maeryeokeesseo  I"m so cool  na neomu motjyeo  I"m so so so hot hot  I"m so hot  na neomu yepeoyo  I"m so fine  na neomu maeryeokeesseo  I"m so cool  na neomu motjyeo  I"m so so so hot hot  Everybody is watching me  cause I`m HOT  everybody is wanting me  cause I`m HOT  eonjehna eodiseona nal ddaradanineun ee seupoteuraeeteu  eodil gana jjeuchaoji shikdang gilgori kkapeheui laeeteu  dodicheh eolmana nal deuleoya eenomeui eengineun sugeureodeulji, won  shekshihan nae nuneun Go So Young  ahreumdaeun nae daraneun jom Ha Ji Won  eojjeomyeon joha  modu nareul johahaneun geot katah  Oh, no~ please leave me alone~  other boys be loving me  girls be hating me  they will never stop  Cuz they know, i`m so HOT  I"m so hot  na neomu yepeoyo  I"m so fine  na neomu maeryeokeesseo  I"m so cool  Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo  I"m so so so hot hot

wonder girls《SO HOT》音译歌词、、、

中文; 为什么一直盯着我 我有那么漂亮吗 不管怎么样 你那样盯着我 我有点不好意思 我每回经过的时候 回头看我的男人们 能感觉到后面灼热的视线 我怎么办好 I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot 总是有人看着我 那些男生总是跟着我 我也应该要习惯了 但为什么我还是那样紧张 我想平凡的过生活 就像其她女生一样 妈妈为什么把我生成这样 我的人生真是辛苦 I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot Everbody "s watching me" cause I"m hot hot , Everbody"s wanting me" cause I"m hot hot , 无论何时何地都跟着我的spotlight , 我去哪里都要跟着我 ,饭店 街上 咖啡厅 夜总会 , 我还要老多少岁 为何这受欢迎的热潮停不下来 , 性感的眼神像高素英 ,修长的美腿就像河智苑, 我无能为力了 ,我相信所有人都已经爱上我 ,oh no please leave me alone ,all the boys be loving me ,girls be hating me, they will never stop, cuase they know i"m so hot hot I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot 韩文 uc65c uc790uafb8 uccd0ub2e4ubcf4ub2c8 uc65c ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub807uac8c uc608uc058ub2c8 uc544ubb34ub9ac uadf8ub807ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub807uac8c uccd0ub2e4ubcf4uba74 ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc465uc2a4ub7fduc796ub2c8 ub0b4uac00 uc9c0ub098uac08 ub54c ub9c8ub2e4 uace0uac24 ub3ccub9acub294 ub0a8uc790ub4e4 ub4a4uc5d0uc11c ub290uaef4uc9c0ub294 ub728uac70uc6b4 uc2dcuc120ub4e4 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ud558uba74 uc88buc744uc9c0 I`m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 I`m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 I`m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 I`m so so so hot hot uc5b8uc81cub098 ub098ub97c ud5a5ud55c ub208uae38ub4e4uc774 ud56duc0c1 ub530ub77cuc624ub294 uc774 ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc774 uc775uc219ud574 uc9c8 ub54cub3c4 ub41c uac83 uac19uc740ub370 uc65c uc544uc9c1 ubd80ub2f4 uc2a4ub7ecuc6b4uc9c0 uc870uc6a9ud788 uc0b4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370 ub2e4ub978 uc5ecuc790uc560ub4e4ucc98ub7fc uc5c4ub9c8ub294 uc65c ub0a0 uc774ub807uac8c ub0b3uc544ub194uc11c ub0b4 uc0b6uc744 ud53cuace4ud558uac8c ud558ub294uc9c0 I`m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 I`m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 I`m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 I`m so so so hot hot I`m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 I`m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 I`m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 I`m so so so hot hot Everybody Watching me Cause I`m hot hot Everybody Wanting me Cause I`m hot hot uc5b8uc81cub098 uc5b4ub514uc11cub098 ub0a0 ub530ub77c ub2e4ub2c8ub294 uc774 uc2a4ud3ecud2b8 ub77cuc774ud2b8 uc5b4ub51cuac00ub098 ucad3uc544uc624uc9c0 uc2ddub2f9 uae38uac70ub9ac uce74ud398 ub098uc774ud2b8 ub3c4ub300uccb4 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub098uc77c ub4e4uc5b4uc57c uc774 ub188uc758 uc778uae30ub294 uc0acuadf8ub7ecub4e4uc9c0 uc6d0 uc139uc2dcud55c ub0b4ub208uc740 uace0uc18cuc601 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ub0b4 ub2e4ub9b0 uc880 ud558uc9c0uc6d0 uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ubaa8ub450 ub098ub97c uc88buc544 ud558ub294 uac83 uac19uc560 oh no please leave me alone all the boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop Cause I know I`m so hot hot I`m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 I`m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 I`m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 I`m so so so hot hot 音译 wae jakku cheodabonee wae eh eh naega geureokeh yehpeunnee ee ee ahmuree geureodago geureokeh cheodabomyeon naegah jom sukseurobjannee ee ee naega jeenagal ddae mada ah ah gogael dolleeneun namjadeul eul eul dweeyeseo neukkyeojeeneun ddeugoun shiseondeul oteohkeh hamyeon joheuljee ee ee I"m so hot na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot eonjehna nareul hyanghan nungildeulee ee hangsang ddaraoneun ee namjadeulee ee eeksokhae jeel ddaedo dweonkeotkateundeh wae ajik bodamseureounji ee joyonghee salgo shipeundeh eh eh dareun yehjaaedeul cheoreom eom eom eommaneun wae nal eereohkeh nahahsseo nae salmeul pigonhageh haneunji I"m so hot na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot I"m so hot na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot Everybody is watching me cause I`m HOT everybody is wanting me cause I`m HOT eonjehna eodiseona nal ddaradanineun ee seupoteuraeeteu eodil gana jjeuchaoji shikdang gilgori kkapeheui laeeteu dodicheh eolmana nal deuleoya eenomeui eengineun sugeureodeulji, won shekshihan nae nuneun Go So Young ahreumdaeun nae daraneun jom Ha Ji Won eojjeomyeon joha modu nareul johahaneun geot katah Oh, no~ please leave me alone~ other boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop Cuz they know, i`m so HOT I"m so hot na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot

wonder girls 歌词谁有拼音的啊???

  第一种:  Sun Mi:  wae jakku cheodabonee wae eh eh  naega geureokeh yehpeunnee ee ee  ahmuree geureodago geureokeh cheodabomyeon  naegah jom sukseurobjannee ee ee  Sun Ye:  naega jeenagal ddae mada ah ah  gogael dolleeneun namjadeul eul eul  dweeyeseo neukkyeojeeneun ddeugoun shiseondeul  oteohkeh hamyeon joheuljee ee ee  I"m so hot  Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo  I"m so fine  So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo  I"m so cool  Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo  I"m so so so hot hot  So Hee:  eonjehna nareul hyanghan nungildeulee ee  hangsang ddaraoneun ee namjadeulee ee  eeksokhae jeel ddaedo dweonkeotkateundeh  wae ajik bodamseureounji ee  Ye Eun:  joyonghee salgo shipeundeh eh eh  dareun yehjaaedeul cheoreom eom eom  eommaneun wae nal eereohkeh nahahsseo  nae salmeul pigonhageh haneunji  I"m so hot  Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo  I"m so fine  So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo  I"m so cool  Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo  I"m so so so hot hot  I"m so hot  Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo  I"m so fine  So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo  I"m so cool  Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo  I"m so so so hot hot  Everybody is watching me  cause I`m HOT  everybody is wanting me  cause I`m HOT  Yoo Bin:  eonjehna eodiseona nal ddaradanineun ee seupoteuraeeteu  eodil gana jjeuchaoji shikdang gilgori kkapeheui laeeteu  dodicheh eolmana nal deuleoya eenomeui eengineun sugeureodeulji, won  shekshihan nae nuneun Go So Young  ahreumdaeun nae daraneun jom Ha Ji Won  eojjeomyeon joha  modu nareul johahaneun geot katah  Oh, no~ please leave me alone~  other boys be loving me  girls be hating me  they will never stop  Cuz they know, i`m so HOT  I"m so hot  Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo  I"m so fine  So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo  I"m so cool  Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo  I"m so so so hot hot  第二种:  Sun Mi:  wei qio ke qia da bo ni wei eh eh  ne ga der lo ke ye pun ni ee ee  a mun lir ge lur da go  ge unr o ki qia da bo mon  na ga jio su sur lo ju ni ee ee  Sun Ye:  na ga jin nai gal dai ma da ah ah  go ger gen li lun nam jia di eul eul  di yi sen ni kio ji nen  de go un shi sen der  o te ke ya nen jio wun ji ee ee  I"m so hot  Sun Mi: na no mu ye peo yo  I"m so fine  So Hee: na no mu mie ga gei so  I"m so cool  Sun Ye: na no mu mo qio  I"m so so so hot hot  So Hee:  on zei nan nar lir yang han nun gi nu li ee  hang sang dar la o ne ni nam jia du li ee  e so ke ji dei don ten ka ten dei  wei a ji ku dam si lou wun ji ee  Ye Eun:  so yong hun sei go shi pun de eh eh  da lun de qia ae deng qio longm eom eom  om ma nen wae nal e lou ke na yi so  ne sa men pi lo ha gei han nen ji  I"m so hot  Sun Mi: na no mu ye peo yo  I"m so fine  So Hee: na no mu mie ga gei so  I"m so cool  Sun Ye: na no mu mo qio  I"m so so so hot hot  I"m so hot  Sun Mi: na no mu ye peo yo  I"m so fine  So Hee: na no mu mie ga gei so  I"m so cool  Sun Ye: na no mu mo qio  I"m so so so hot hot  Everybody is watching me  cause I`m HOT  everybody is wanting me  cause I`m HOT  Yoo Bin:  on jehna eodiseona nal ddaradanineun ee seupoteuraeeteu  eodil gana jjeuchaoji shikdang gilgori kkapeheui laeeteu dodicheh eolmana nal deuleoya eenomeui eengineun sugeureodeulji,won  shekshihan nae nuneun Go So Young  ahreumdaeun nae daraneun jom Ha Ji Won  eojjeomyeon joha  modu nareul johahaneun geot katah  Oh, no~ please leave me alone~  other boys be loving me  girls be hating me  they will never stop  Cuz they know, i`m so HOT  I"m so hot  Sun Mi: na no mu ye peo yo  I"m so fine  So Hee: na no mu mie ga gei so  I"m so cool  Sun Ye: na no mu mo qio  I"m so so so hot hot

求wonder girls 的SO HOT音译歌词文字版的能加上歌手么?谁唱那部分,分好 谢谢


求wonder girls的《so hot》的罗马音和歌词

中文;为什么一直盯着我我有那么漂亮吗不管怎么样 你那样盯着我我有点不好意思我每回经过的时候回头看我的男人们能感觉到后面灼热的视线我怎么办好I am so hot 我很漂亮I am so fine 我充满魅力I am so cool 我真的很酷I am so so so hot hot总是有人看着我那些男生总是跟着我我也应该要习惯了但为什么我还是那样紧张我想平凡的过生活就像其她女生一样妈妈为什么把我生成这样我的人生真是辛苦I am so hot 我很漂亮I am so fine 我充满魅力I am so cool 我真的很酷I am so so so hot hotI am so hot 我很漂亮I am so fine 我充满魅力I am so cool 我真的很酷I am so so so hot hotEverbody "s watching me"cause I"m hot hot ,Everbody"s wanting me"cause I"m hot hot ,无论何时何地都跟着我的spotlight ,我去哪里都要跟着我 ,饭店 街上 咖啡厅 夜总会 ,我还要老多少岁为何这受欢迎的热潮停不下来 ,性感的眼神像高素英 ,修长的美腿就像河智苑,我无能为力了 ,我相信所有人都已经爱上我,oh no please leave me alone ,all the boys be loving me ,girls be hating me,they will never stop,cuase they know i"m so hot hotI am so hot 我很漂亮I am so fine 我充满魅力I am so cool 我真的很酷I am so so so hot hot韩文uc65c uc790uafb8 uccd0ub2e4ubcf4ub2c8 uc65cub0b4uac00 uadf8ub807uac8c uc608uc058ub2c8uc544ubb34ub9ac uadf8ub807ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub807uac8c uccd0ub2e4ubcf4uba74ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc465uc2a4ub7fduc796ub2c8ub0b4uac00 uc9c0ub098uac08 ub54c ub9c8ub2e4uace0uac24 ub3ccub9acub294 ub0a8uc790ub4e4ub4a4uc5d0uc11c ub290uaef4uc9c0ub294 ub728uac70uc6b4 uc2dcuc120ub4e4uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ud558uba74 uc88buc744uc9c0I`m so hotub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694I`m so fineub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4I`m so coolub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838I`m so so so hot hotuc5b8uc81cub098 ub098ub97c ud5a5ud55c ub208uae38ub4e4uc774ud56duc0c1 ub530ub77cuc624ub294 uc774 ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc774uc775uc219ud574 uc9c8 ub54cub3c4 ub41c uac83 uac19uc740ub370uc65c uc544uc9c1 ubd80ub2f4 uc2a4ub7ecuc6b4uc9c0uc870uc6a9ud788 uc0b4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370ub2e4ub978 uc5ecuc790uc560ub4e4ucc98ub7fcuc5c4ub9c8ub294 uc65c ub0a0 uc774ub807uac8c ub0b3uc544ub194uc11cub0b4 uc0b6uc744 ud53cuace4ud558uac8c ud558ub294uc9c0I`m so hotub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694I`m so fineub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4I`m so coolub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838I`m so so so hot hotI`m so hotub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694I`m so fineub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4I`m so coolub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838I`m so so so hot hotEverybody Watching meCause I`m hot hotEverybody Wanting meCause I`m hot hotuc5b8uc81cub098 uc5b4ub514uc11cub098ub0a0 ub530ub77c ub2e4ub2c8ub294 uc774 uc2a4ud3ecud2b8 ub77cuc774ud2b8uc5b4ub51cuac00ub098 ucad3uc544uc624uc9c0uc2ddub2f9 uae38uac70ub9ac uce74ud398 ub098uc774ud2b8ub3c4ub300uccb4 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub098uc77c ub4e4uc5b4uc57cuc774 ub188uc758 uc778uae30ub294 uc0acuadf8ub7ecub4e4uc9c0 uc6d0uc139uc2dcud55c ub0b4ub208uc740 uace0uc18cuc601uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ub0b4 ub2e4ub9b0 uc880 ud558uc9c0uc6d0uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ubaa8ub450ub098ub97c uc88buc544 ud558ub294 uac83 uac19uc560 oh noplease leave me alone all the boysbe loving megirls be hating methey will never stopCause I know I`m so hot hotI`m so hotub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694I`m so fineub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4I`m so coolub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838I`m so so so hot hot音译wae jakku cheodabonee wae eh ehnaega geureokeh yehpeunnee ee eeahmuree geureodago geureokeh cheodabomyeonnaegah jom sukseurobjannee ee eenaega jeenagal ddae mada ah ahgogael dolleeneun namjadeul eul euldweeyeseo neukkyeojeeneun ddeugoun shiseondeuloteohkeh hamyeon joheuljee ee eeI"m so hotna neomu yepeoyoI"m so finena neomu maeryeokeesseoI"m so coolna neomu motjyeoI"m so so so hot hoteonjehna nareul hyanghan nungildeulee eehangsang ddaraoneun ee namjadeulee eeeeksokhae jeel ddaedo dweonkeotkateundehwae ajik bodamseureounji eejoyonghee salgo shipeundeh eh ehdareun yehjaaedeul cheoreom eom eomeommaneun wae nal eereohkeh nahahsseonae salmeul pigonhageh haneunjiI"m so hotna neomu yepeoyoI"m so finena neomu maeryeokeesseoI"m so coolna neomu motjyeoI"m so so so hot hotI"m so hotna neomu yepeoyoI"m so finena neomu maeryeokeesseoI"m so coolna neomu motjyeoI"m so so so hot hotEverybody is watching mecause I`m HOTeverybody is wanting mecause I`m HOTeonjehna eodiseona nal ddaradanineun ee seupoteuraeeteueodil gana jjeuchaoji shikdang gilgori kkapeheui laeeteudodicheh eolmana nal deuleoya eenomeui eengineun sugeureodeulji, wonshekshihan nae nuneun Go So Youngahreumdaeun nae daraneun jom Ha Ji Woneojjeomyeon johamodu nareul johahaneun geot katahOh, no~ please leave me alone~other boys be loving megirls be hating methey will never stopCuz they know, i`m so HOTI"m so hotna neomu yepeoyoI"m so finena neomu maeryeokeesseoI"m so coolSun Ye: na neomu motjyeoI"m so so so hot hot

搜寻wonder girl《so hot》歌词

中文; 为什么一直盯着我 我有那么漂亮吗 不管怎么样 你那样盯着我 我有点不好意思 我每回经过的时候 回头看我的男人们 能感觉到后面灼热的视线 我怎么办好 I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot 总是有人看着我 那些男生总是跟着我 我也应该要习惯了 但为什么我还是那样紧张 我想平凡的过生活 就像其她女生一样 妈妈为什么把我生成这样 我的人生真是辛苦 I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot Everbody "s watching me" cause I"m hot hot , Everbody"s wanting me" cause I"m hot hot , 无论何时何地都跟着我的spotlight , 我去哪里都要跟着我 ,饭店 街上 咖啡厅 夜总会 , 我还要老多少岁 为何这受欢迎的热潮停不下来 , 性感的眼神像高素英 ,修长的美腿就像河智苑, 我无能为力了 ,我相信所有人都已经爱上我 ,oh no please leave me alone ,all the boys be loving me ,girls be hating me, they will never stop, cuase they know i"m so hot hot I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot 韩文 uc65c uc790uafb8 uccd0ub2e4ubcf4ub2c8 uc65c ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub807uac8c uc608uc058ub2c8 uc544ubb34ub9ac uadf8ub807ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub807uac8c uccd0ub2e4ubcf4uba74 ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc465uc2a4ub7fduc796ub2c8 ub0b4uac00 uc9c0ub098uac08 ub54c ub9c8ub2e4 uace0uac24 ub3ccub9acub294 ub0a8uc790ub4e4 ub4a4uc5d0uc11c ub290uaef4uc9c0ub294 ub728uac70uc6b4 uc2dcuc120ub4e4 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ud558uba74 uc88buc744uc9c0 I`m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 I`m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 I`m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 I`m so so so hot hot uc5b8uc81cub098 ub098ub97c ud5a5ud55c ub208uae38ub4e4uc774 ud56duc0c1 ub530ub77cuc624ub294 uc774 ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc774 uc775uc219ud574 uc9c8 ub54cub3c4 ub41c uac83 uac19uc740ub370 uc65c uc544uc9c1 ubd80ub2f4 uc2a4ub7ecuc6b4uc9c0 uc870uc6a9ud788 uc0b4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370 ub2e4ub978 uc5ecuc790uc560ub4e4ucc98ub7fc uc5c4ub9c8ub294 uc65c ub0a0 uc774ub807uac8c ub0b3uc544ub194uc11c ub0b4 uc0b6uc744 ud53cuace4ud558uac8c ud558ub294uc9c0 I`m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 I`m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 I`m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 I`m so so so hot hot I`m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 I`m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 I`m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 I`m so so so hot hot Everybody Watching me Cause I`m hot hot Everybody Wanting me Cause I`m hot hot uc5b8uc81cub098 uc5b4ub514uc11cub098 ub0a0 ub530ub77c ub2e4ub2c8ub294 uc774 uc2a4ud3ecud2b8 ub77cuc774ud2b8 uc5b4ub51cuac00ub098 ucad3uc544uc624uc9c0 uc2ddub2f9 uae38uac70ub9ac uce74ud398 ub098uc774ud2b8 ub3c4ub300uccb4 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub098uc77c ub4e4uc5b4uc57c uc774 ub188uc758 uc778uae30ub294 uc0acuadf8ub7ecub4e4uc9c0 uc6d0 uc139uc2dcud55c ub0b4ub208uc740 uace0uc18cuc601 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ub0b4 ub2e4ub9b0 uc880 ud558uc9c0uc6d0 uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ubaa8ub450 ub098ub97c uc88buc544 ud558ub294 uac83 uac19uc560 oh no please leave me alone all the boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop Cause I know I`m so hot hot I`m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 I`m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 I`m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 I`m so so so hot hot 音译 wae jakku cheodabonee wae eh eh naega geureokeh yehpeunnee ee ee ahmuree geureodago geureokeh cheodabomyeon naegah jom sukseurobjannee ee ee naega jeenagal ddae mada ah ah gogael dolleeneun namjadeul eul eul dweeyeseo neukkyeojeeneun ddeugoun shiseondeul oteohkeh hamyeon joheuljee ee ee I"m so hot na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot eonjehna nareul hyanghan nungildeulee ee hangsang ddaraoneun ee namjadeulee ee eeksokhae jeel ddaedo dweonkeotkateundeh wae ajik bodamseureounji ee joyonghee salgo shipeundeh eh eh dareun yehjaaedeul cheoreom eom eom eommaneun wae nal eereohkeh nahahsseo nae salmeul pigonhageh haneunji I"m so hot na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot I"m so hot na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot Everybody is watching me cause I`m HOT everybody is wanting me cause I`m HOT eonjehna eodiseona nal ddaradanineun ee seupoteuraeeteu eodil gana jjeuchaoji shikdang gilgori kkapeheui laeeteu dodicheh eolmana nal deuleoya eenomeui eengineun sugeureodeulji, won shekshihan nae nuneun Go So Young ahreumdaeun nae daraneun jom Ha Ji Won eojjeomyeon joha modu nareul johahaneun geot katah Oh, no~ please leave me alone~ other boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop Cuz they know, i`m so HOT I"m so hot na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot

wonder girls的歌

最红的几首歌,so hot,nobody,tell me

wonder girls so hot的歌词 中文音译

Sun Mi: wei qio ke qia da bo ni wei eh eh ne ga der lo ke ye pun ni ee ee a mun lir ge lur da go ge unr o ki qia da bo mon na ga jio su sur lo ju ni ee ee Sun Ye: na ga jin nai gal dai ma da ah ah go ger gen li lun nam jia di eul euldi yi sen ni kio ji nen de go un shi sen der o te ke ya nen jio wun ji ee ee Iu2019m so hot Sun Mi: na no mu ye peo yo Iu2019m so fine So Hee: na no mu mie ga gei so Iu2019m so cool Sun Ye: na no mu mo qio Iu2019m so so so hot hot So Hee: on zei nan nar lir yang han nun gi nu li ee hang sang dar la o ne ni nam jia du li ee e so ke ji dei don ten ka ten dei wei a ji ku dam si lou wun ji ee Ye Eun: so yong hun sei go shi pun de eh eh da lun de qia ae deng qio longm eom eom om ma nen wae nal e lou ke na yi so ne sa men pi lo ha gei han nen ji Iu2019m so hot Sun Mi: na no mu ye peo yo Iu2019m so fine So Hee: na no mu mie ga gei so Iu2019m so cool Sun Ye: na no mu mo qio Iu2019m so so so hot hot Iu2019m so hot Sun Mi: na no mu ye peo yo Iu2019m so fine So Hee: na no mu mie ga gei so Iu2019m so cool Sun Ye: na no mu mo qio Iu2019m so so so hot hot Everybody is watching me cause I`m HOT everybody is wanting me cause I`m HOT Yoo Bin: on jehna eodiseona nal ddaradanineun ee seupoteuraeeteu eodil gana jjeuchaoji shikdang gilgori kkapeheui laeeteu dodicheh eolmana nal deuleoya eenomeui eengineun sugeureodeulji,won shekshihan nae nuneun Go So Young ahreumdaeun nae daraneun jom Ha Ji Won eojjeomyeon joha modu nareul johahaneun geot katah Oh, no~ please leave me alone~ other boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop Cuz they know, i`m so HOT Iu2019m so hot Sun Mi: na no mu ye peo yo Iu2019m so fine So Hee: na no mu mie ga gei so Iu2019m so cool Sun Ye: na no mu mo qio Iu2019m so so so hot hot

wonder girl 的有名的歌曲和配应的歌词

so hot歌词: (uace0ub9b4ub77c) JYP And WonderGirls..... we"re back Oh oh~ Oh oh~ Hot Hot (uc120ubbf8) uc65c uc790uafb8 uccd0ub2e4ubcf4ub2c8 uc65c- uc5d0 uc5d0 ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub807uac8c uc608uc058ub2c8- uc774 uc774 uc544ubb34ub9ac uadf8ub807ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub807uac8c uccd0ub2e4 ubcf4uba74 ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc465uc4f0ub7fduc796ub2c8- uc774 uc774YU BIN (uc120uc608) ub0b4uac00 uc9c0ub098uac08 ub54c ub9c8ub2e4- uc544 uc544 uace0uac24 ub3ccub9acub294 ub0a8uc790ub4e4- uc744 uc744 ub4a4uc5d0uc11c ub290uaef4uc9c0ub294 ub728uac70uc6b4 uc2dcuc120ub4e4 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ud558uba74 uc88buc744uc9c0- uc774 uc774 ** i"m so hot (uc120ubbf8) ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 i"m so fine (uc18cud76c) ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 i"m so cool (uc120uc608) ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 i"m so so so- hot hot (uc18cud76c) uc5b8uc81cub098 ub098ub97c ud5a5ud55c ub208uae38ub4e4-uc774 uc774 ud56duc0c1 ub530ub77cuc624ub294 uc774 ub0a8uc790ub4e4-uc774 uc774 uc775uc219ud574 uc9c8 ub54cub3c4 ub41c uac83 uac19uc740ub370 uc65c uc544uc9c1 ubd80ub2f4uc2a4ub7ecuc6b4uc9c0- uc774 (uc608uc740) uc870uc6a9ud788 uc0b4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370- uc5d0 uc5d0 ub2e4ub978 uc5ecuc790uc560ub4e4 ucc98ub7fc- uc5c4 uc5c4 uc5c4ub9c8ub294 uc65c ub0a0 uc774ub807uac8c ub0b3uc558uc5b4 ub0b4 uc0b6uc744 ud53cuace4ud558uac8c ud558ub294uc9c0 ** i"m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 i"m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 i"m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 i"m so so so- hot hotSUN YE ( x2) (uc720ube48) everybodys watching me cuase i"m hot hot everybodys wanting me cause i"m hot hot uc5b8uc81cub098 uc5b4ub514uc11cub098 ub0a0 ub530ub77cub2e4ub2c8ub294 uc774 uc2a4ud3ecud2b8 ub77cuc774ud2b8 uc5b4ub51cuac00ub098 ucad3uc544uc624uc9c0 uc2ddub2f9 uae38uac70ub9ac uae4cud398 ub098uc774ud2b8 ub3c4ub300uccb4 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub098uc774 ub4e4uc5b4uc57c uc774ub188uc758 uc778uae30ub294 uc2dduc73cub7ec ub4e4uc9c0 uc6d0 uc139uc2dcud55c ub0b4 ub208uc744 uace0uc18cuc601 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ub0b4 ub2e4ub9b0 uc880 ud558uc9c0uc6d0 uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544, ubaa8ub450 ub098ub97c uc88buc544ud558ub294 uac83uac19uc560 oh no please leave me alone all the boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop cause they know i"m so hot hot ** i"m so hot ub09c ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uc694 i"m so fine ub09c ub108ubb34 ub9e4ub825uc788uc5b4 i"m so cool ub09c ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 i"m so so so- hot hot YE EUN [ucd9cucc98] ubba4ube44] uc6d0ub354uac78uc2a4 - So Hot (uc3d8ud56b) 罗马音的: Sun Mi: wae jakku cheodabonee wae eh eh naega geureokeh yehpeunnee ee ee ahmuree geureodago geureokeh cheodabomyeon naegah jom sukseurobjannee ee ee Sun Ye: naega jeenagal ddae mada ah ah gogael dolleeneun namjadeul eul eul dweeyeseo neukkyeojeeneun ddeugoun shiseondeul oteohkeh hamyeon joheuljee ee ee I"m so hot Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot So Hee: eonjehna nareul hyanghan nungildeulee ee hangsang ddaraoneun ee namjadeulee ee eeksokhae jeel ddaedo dweonkeotkateundeh wae ajik bodamseureounji ee SUN MI Ye Eun: joyonghee salgo shipeundeh eh eh dareun yehjaaedeul cheoreom eom eom eommaneun wae nal eereohkeh nahahsseo nae salmeul pigonhageh haneunji I"m so hot Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot I"m so hot Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot Everybody is watching me cause I`m HOT everybody is wanting me cause I`m HOT Yoo Bin: eonjehna eodiseona nal ddaradanineun ee seupoteuraeeteu eodil gana jjeuchaoji shikdang gilgori kkapeheui laeeteu dodicheh eolmana nal deuleoya eenomeui eengineun sugeureodeulji, won shekshihan nae nuneun Go So Young ahreumdaeun nae daraneun jom Ha Ji Won eojjeomyeon joha modu nareul johahaneun geot katahSO HEE Oh, no~ please leave me alone~ other boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop Cuz they know, i`m so HOT I"m so hot Sun Mi: na neomu yepeoyo I"m so fine So Hee: na neomu maeryeokeesseo I"m so cool Sun Ye: na neomu motjyeo I"m so so so hot hot 中文的歌词 Wonder girls《So Hot》 你为什么总是看着我 我是不是真的那样漂亮 就算我真的那样漂亮 你一直那样看着我 真的有点儿不好意思 我一走过来 那些男生就向我这边望来 我能感觉到火热的眼神 我该怎么办呢 I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot 总是有人看着我 那些男生总是跟着我 我也应该要习惯了 但为什么我还是那样紧张 我想平凡的过生活 就像其她女生一样 妈妈为什么,把我生得这么漂亮 我的人生真是辛苦 I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot Everbody "s watching me" cause I"m hot hot ,Everbody"s wanting me" cause I"m hot hot , 无论何时何地都跟着我的spotlight , 我去哪里都要跟着我 ,饭店 街上 咖啡厅 夜总会 , 我还要老多少岁 ,为何这受欢迎的热潮停不下来 ,性感的眼神像高淑英 ,修长的美腿就像河智苑 我无能为力了 我相信所有人都已经爱上我oh no please leave me alone all the boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop cuase they know i"m so hot hot I am so hot 我很漂亮 I am so fine 我充满魅力 I am so cool 我真的很酷 I am so so so hot hot 《SO HOT》台湾版中文歌词 是什麼 吸引你注意 e e 让眼神无法再转移 e e 难道我这样美丽 才让你如此着迷 心底里羞红了脸皮 e e 慢慢的我向你靠近e e 在这个火辣的夜里e e 我的美不可思议 吸引无数好奇 要怎样抵挡这热力e e I"m so hot 我是那麼的美丽 I"m so fine 有说不出的魅力 I"m so cool 你无法逃避 I"m so so so hot hot 天生的 可爱俏皮 无可挑剔e 吸引来 男生赞美 女生妒忌e 早应该 习惯了爱情的讯息 为何我还会心动不已e 只想做 平凡的自己e e 和别人一样的轨迹 却因为拥有 太迷人的魅力 增加了许多甜蜜 的压力 I"m so hot 我是那麼的美丽 I"m so fine 有说不出的魅力 I"m so cool 你无法逃避 I"m so so so hot hot I"m so hot 我是那麼的美丽 I"m so fine 有说不出的魅力 I"m so cool 你无法逃避 I"m so so so hot hot Everbody "s watching me cause I"m hot hot Everbody"s wanting me cause I"m hot hot Anyting anywhere I go I can never run away from the white spotlight They"ll never leave me alone no matter what time it is day or night How old do I gotta be till they don"t want me no more Drew Berrymore tell me Try to run but I just can"t hide Started in Asia now worldwide Everyone loves me try to get to know me What can I do oh no please leave me alone all the boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop cuase they know i"m so hot hot I"m so hot 我是那麼的美丽 I"m so fine 有说不出的魅力 I"m so cool 你无法逃避 I"m so so so hot hot

wonder girls 《so hot》rap歌词

Yoo Bin: eon jeh na eo dis eo na nal dda ra da ni neun ee seu po teu raee teu eo dil ga na jjeu chao ji shik dang gil go ri kka pe heui laee teu do di cheh eol ma na nal deul eo ya ee no meui eengi neun su geu reo deul ji, won shek shi han nae nu neun Go So Young ah reum daeun nae da ran eun jom Ha Ji Won eo jjeo myeon jo ha mo du na reul jo ha ha neun geot ka tah Oh, no~ please leave me alone~ other boys be loving me girls be hating me they will never stop Cuz they know, i`m so HOT 我把小U的每个字都断开打的。这样方便学。我就是这样学会的。哈哈~^^

歌词里有so wonderful女声英文歌,节奏感很强

James brown - I feel goodWo! I feel goodI knew that I wouldn"t ofI feel goodI knew that I wouldn"t ofSo goodSo goodI got youWo! I feel nicelike sugar and spiceI feel nicelike sugar and spiceSo niceSo niceI got youWhen I hold you in my armsI know that I can do no wrongand when I hold you in my armsMy love won"t do you no harmand I feel nicelike sugar and spiceI feel nicelike sugar and spiceSo niceso niceI got youWhen I hold you in my armsI know that I can"t do no wrongand when I hold you in my armsMy love can"t do me no harmand I feel nicelike sugar and spiceI feel nicelike sugar and spiceSo niceso nicewell I got youWo! I feel goodI knew that I wouldn"t ofI feel goodI knew that I wouldSo good , so good, "cause I got youSo good , so good, "cause I got youSo good , so good, "cause I got youHey! Oh yeah-a...

求wonder girls (tell me) 中文谐音歌词 不要罗马的哦~

Tell Me Goodbye[GD]Letting you go...(here"s somebody...)Letting you go...(here"s somebody...)Yo I got this, yeahstill thinking about this thing alotyou got me shaken up(Please tell me there"s a way)And it got my head just spinnin" round round round round(Please tell me there"s a way)Don"t wanna take a fallIt"s best to break it upIt"s gonna be better for you, move on(Please tell me there"s a way)Uh huh we break it break itOr thought we make it make itAnd now we cover it up[太阳]Girl I swear KI米诺扩头oh一起BIO de摸 卡那西妈se那一呀库索oh 马模路他咩你哇摸 哦把来西嘎 e啦不米起哇哪一卡拉ha[大成]Baby爱惜太本大KE KI 组粗可特西马武and I"ve got nothing, nothing to say[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]大KI西没他忒哦[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]哈那搜oh uh wo ooh 波KO无哇苏嘞路扩头你急有你那路那啦baby[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]Girl you know KI米噶唉噶 啊酷西忒酷后度 波酷挖机扑无摸SE咩路哟 内个所被路扩托把摸嘿卡里撒E摸 那你摩卡抹蜜无锡那屋[太阳]Baby 扩诺哭泣比路嘎哈那嘞他新咖你 I"ll never find better, better than you[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]大KI西咩他忒哦[ALL]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye[大成]哈那所oh uh wo ooh 唢呐你一路扩头大开噶呀仨啥加纳一头 baby[ALL] oh,Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[TOP]Yo and it"s so, soSad it just ain"t happeningWish it could be betterSorry to scrappingBut I just can"t let yaShouldn"t be less than happyI said look at meI couldn"t live with myself seeing you lackingThe things you deserveBaby you was a part?Must believe that it hurtsthat lead this worldI feel the aching through my bodyit just takes a bigger part of meto be let you goI wish that one soul[大成]KI米诺扩诶SE粗那酷away...away- eh-eh-eh[胜利]卡在你卡KI开仨嘞忒有酷stay...stay- eh-eh-eh[太阳]扩嘞一就哇I can"t take it ,所诺纳米大don"t cry for me[大成]KI米诺他没 never look back again eh eh eh eh oh….[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]大KI西没他忒o[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]哈那所oh uh wo ooh,唢呐你一扩头大开噶呀仨啥家那一头baby[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]Tell me goodbye

Boogie Wonderland 歌词

歌曲名:Boogie Wonderland歌手:Earth. Wind & Fire&The Emotions专辑:The Essential Earth, Wind & FireBoogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandMidnight creeps so slowly into hearts,Of men who need more than they getDaylight deals a bad hand,To a woman that has laid to many betsThe mirror stares you in the face and says"baby, uh uh it don"t work"You say your prayers through you don"t careYou dance and shake the hurtDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandSound fly through the nightI chase my vinyl drams to boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandAll the love in the world can"t be goneAll the need to be loved can"t be wrongAll the records are playingAnd my heart keeps saying"boogie wonderland, wonderland"Dance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandAll the love in the world can"t be goneAll the need to be loved can"t be wrongAll the records are playingAnd my heart keeps saying"boogie wonderland, wonderland"Dance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7506309


你的选择易欣词/曲:海盗船长 李祖林编辑————看着你慢慢离开我的视线,才明白原来这份爱情已走远,而我还相信有永恒的诺言。既然爱已到了痛的边缘,就算为我们留住时间,也换不回相爱的那一天。沧海桑田,谁为谁而改变,心甘情愿,却不见我们的永远,爱与被爱同样是受伤害,谁先不爱谁先离开,留下的人,满身伤痕。你的选择,没有错,我欠你的太多,受伤的心,找不到解药,怎么愈合。你的选择,躲不过,泪水的折磨,宁愿解脱,一个人,独自漂泊词/曲:海盗船长 歪歪鱼编辑看着你慢慢离开我的视线,才明白原来这份爱情已走远,而我还相信有永恒的诺言。既然爱已到了痛的边缘,就算为我们留住时间,也换不回相爱的那一天。沧海桑田,谁为谁而改变,心甘情愿,却不见我们的永远,爱与被爱同样是受伤害,谁先不爱谁先离开,留下的人,满身伤痕。你的选择,没有错,我欠你的太多,受伤的心,找不到解药,怎么愈合。你的选择,躲不过,泪水的折磨,宁愿解脱,一个人,独自漂泊你的选择,没有错,我欠你的太多,受伤的心,找不到解药,怎么愈合。你的选择,躲不过,泪水的折磨,宁愿解脱,一个人,独自漂泊

WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト 歌词

歌曲名:WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト歌手:AZU专辑:YOU & I feat. LOVE LOVE LOVE「WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト」作词∶AZU, ライムライト作曲∶AZU, ライムライト歌∶AZUWow Lookin", Hearin", Smellin" babyBaby, with you  WONDERLAND It"s very special summer day.手を繋ぐのも踌躇 What do you think of me?気がかりは二人のDistance手がかりを探すよWONDERLANDOh このまま君を连れさって Oh just now, You hold my hands My baby... 触れたい  Your heartyo 君の忘れかけた恋のドア仆の持つカギでそっと开けば二人の居た世界は... Wonder...魔法のよう もうずっとこうしてたいよ...Don"t stop 胸の高鸣るまま重ねていたい It"s only, baby your love几つになっても君と歩きたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 青い空が2人照らし出す様に辉きはじめるDestiny夏の日差し浴びて太阳の下でTrue love story WONDERLAND Oh baby 梦の様な时を过ごしていたい君といつまででもこのままで Merry-go-round ずっと回して...いっそAll night二人乗せて 刻むよ时计はそう 止まらずに Hoo...Dreaming with you...この场所で始まる 君とのLove story生まれる恋はSlowly Your special day大人になっても君とはしゃぎたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 魔法かけて胸がトキメクほどの光溢れる Fantasy.连れて行って虹が架かる楽园へTrue love story. WONDERLAND 迷わないで见つめ続けていたい君をいつまででも YEAH夏の阳射しよりShineそう君のSmileがSunshinePlease...OK Yeah仆に委ねて Don"t worry手を広げてPlease...OK Please...OK my baby几つになっても君と歩きたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 青い空が2人照らし出す様に辉きはじめるDestiny.大人になっても君とはしゃぎたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 魔法かけて胸がトキメクほどの光溢れる Fantasy.连れて行って虹が架かる楽园へTrue love story. WONDERLAND 迷わないで见つめ続けていたい君をいつまででも【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/19261516


WonderlandHey(嘿) Come on in(进来吧)Don"t be late for the show now(别迟到了)We"re(我们)Outta Space(从空间)We"re gonna go with the flow now(我们要随波逐流,现在)Yeah(是啊)向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背后漫游我要知 你对我有意思快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Hey Boo You"re so fine (嘿宝贝你那么好)Enticing me I"m a make you mine(诱惑我我让你成为我的)Like a diamond in the rough,you shine(像钻石,你的光芒)You define what"s ill,leave the rest behind(你的定义是什么病了,剩下的背后)I"ma make you, my lady and maybe(我会让你,我的夫人,也许)We can make some babies(我们可以做一些婴儿)My Bonnie, partners in crime(我的邦妮,狼狈为奸)We"ll be together for the whole nine(我们会在一起整整九)come on come on...来吧来吧…)Ooow It"s so realOoow是如此的真实)All the people getting" ready(所有人准备就绪)Yeah(是啊)I can"t wait(我等不及了)I can fell it getting closer(我能感觉到它越来越近)你故意接近我的脚步香槟开得正好我献上更自信的态度这个我为午夜以后制造Oh yeahMy spirit"s high in the Milky WayTimeless mind going through stargatesThe beat carry me into another worldVenus DeMilo now is my special girl Porcelain setSo flush, she"s so wet Showered in MoetAnd her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forgetShe like “Rap me a song I like street poets”Light the beat, just keep on stompingEvery night we keep on rockingThrough the mind we"re para gildingJust one life, just keep on flyingDay and night, my minds restoringAll the time, its freedom callingSimple mind, life needs installingHigher self, my minds recalling你我继续继续跳舞眼里闪光将我升高我报以甜笑来控诉不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造)你我继续继续跳舞气派触感竟这么好纵有美貌更是懊恼怎么 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)见到你一刻感觉就快休克本来追女仔都有啲心得而家彷佛唔知讲乜手心又湿个心又急你跳舞跳到身湿男仕们为你争执继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡你配合我 我配合你既舞步一阵间去边度饮多两杯就知道时间仲早醉咗仲好最好你投入我怀抱气氛已经热到爆灯完全感受到你体温尽情开心 烟花插住香槟燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真She like my vibe, yeh I like her vibe tooI like her vibe, yeh And she like my vibe tooShe gonna ride, cause she like to ride tooWe have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roof你我继续继续跳舞两个身躯感应得到你看我而我亦有数开心 应该趁早 (共你堕进夜与雾)welcome


Janice : Hey Come on in 嗨,进来吧 Don"t be late for the show now 别赶不上现在这场秀 We"re Outta Space 我们位置不够用 We"re gonna go with the flow now (Yeah) 我们现在将要紧随潮流Sir JBS:Hey Boo You"re so fine 你这么美好 Enticing me I"m a make you mine 诱惑着我,想把你变成我所有 Like a diamond in the rough, 像颗未经雕琢的钻石 you shine 你很闪耀 You define what"s ill, 你定义什么是邪恶 leave the rest behind 并超越其他人 I"ma make you, my lady and maybe 我要把你变成我的女人 We can make some babies 也许我们还会生几个小孩 My Bonnie, partners in crime 我的姑娘,我的共犯 We"ll be together for the whole nite 我们会整晚都在一起Janice: Ooow It"s so real 这多么真实 All the people getting" ready Yeah 所有人都准备好了 I can"t wait 我不能再等 I can feel it getting closer 我能感觉它就要来了Ghost Style:Oh yeah My spirit"s high in the Milky Way 我的情绪高涨到银河 Timeless mind going through 永恒的思想 stargates 穿越星星之门 The beat carry me into another world 这节奏将我带到另一个世界 Venus DeMilo now is my special girl 维纳斯德米罗 现在是我的特别女孩she"s standing on a sea shell Porcelain set 她站在一套海边贝壳样子的瓷器上 So flush, she"s so wet 带着红晕,她全身湿透 Showered in Moet 在酩悦香槟里洗澡 And her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forget 她的香气没有离开,我不能忘记 She like "Rap me a song I like street poets" 她说”给我rap一首吧,我喜欢街头诗人“Drunk: Light the beat, just keep on stomping 点亮节奏,就继续踏着舞步 Every night we keep on rocking 每晚我们都继续摇滚 Through the mind we"re paragilding 我们用想象在空中滑翔 Just one life, just keep on flying 生命只有一次,只要不断飞翔 Day and night, my minds restoring 日与夜,我的思绪在复原 All the time, its freedom calling 一直以来,它的自由在召唤 Simple mind, life needs installing 简单的想法,生命需要安置 Higher self, my minds recalling 更自恋,我的思绪在回忆Ghost Style:She like my vibe, yeh 她喜欢我的感觉 I like her vibe too 我也喜欢她的感觉 I like her vibe, yeh 我喜欢她的感觉 And she like my vibe too 她也喜欢我的感觉 She gonna ride, cause she like to ride too 她将要骑着,因为她喜欢驾驭 We have tonight, yeh, 我们拥有今晚 Let"s party through the roof 让我们开派对响彻屋顶

Alice in Wonderland是什么意思?

Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children"s literature by the English mathematician and author,the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,written under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy realm populated by grotesque figures like talking playing cards and anthropomorphic creatures. The tale is fraught with satirical allusions to Dodgson"s friends (and enemies),and to the lessons that British schoolchildren were expected to memorize.The Wonderland described in the tale plays with logic in ways that have made the story of lasting popularity with adults as well as children.It is considered to be one of the most characteristic examples of the genre of literary nonsense. The book is often referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland.This alternate title was popularized by the numerous film and television adaptations of the story produced over the years.Some printings of this title contain both Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass,and What Alice Found There. 百度里还有一些,但大同小异

Alice in Wonderland是一个怎样的故事?

Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children"s literature by the English mathematician and author,the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,written under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy realm populated by grotesque figures like talking playing cards and anthropomorphic creatures. The tale is fraught with satirical allusions to Dodgson"s friends (and enemies),and to the lessons that British schoolchildren were expected to memorize.The Wonderland described in the tale plays with logic in ways that have made the story of lasting popularity with adults as well as children.It is considered to be one of the most characteristic examples of the genre of literary nonsense. The book is often referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland.This alternate title was popularized by the numerous film and television adaptations of the story produced over the years.Some printings of this title contain both Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass,and What Alice Found There. 百度里还有一些,但大同小异






2014年10月23日,Taylor Swift在曝光第五张录音室专辑《1989》完整曲目。《Wonderland》是开头是描写一个《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的唯美画面,表达了泰勒·斯威夫特对美好爱情的向往与追求。




新世纪乐团“班得瑞”的首张专辑强调一种轻柔的绝对性绝佳的音响性定位出深远的音场效果空灵飘邈的音乐世界 聆听一尘不染的瑞士音符美国音乐杂志专栏作家“约翰·琼斯”在94年终音乐评论中写道:「New Age为现代人创造了一片美丽新世界,引领人们找回生命最原始的感动..」。继之而来「水瓶座时代」已然展开,对于浩瀚太虚的神秘能量,人类不再只是赞叹或被动地当那是遥不可及的奢侈,反而积极企图与之连结,更追本溯源地求能合而为一;而音乐自然是和大地深处甚至数亿光年外的未知能量产生共鸣的捷径,于是「新世纪音乐」彷佛一扇眺望宇宙尽头的窗,进而探索心灵,开发潜能意识,成了世代交替下的新趋势。出自新世纪音乐大师“杰瑞·金史密斯(Jerry Goldsmith)”之手,由来自瑞士的抒情演奏乐团「班得瑞」担纲演奏的14首新世纪音乐创作,收录在「仙境」这张经典专辑里;全片从头到尾听来觉得十分舒适,强调一种轻柔的绝对性,没有艰涩难懂的曲风,也没有生硬的个人风格,不落俗套的编曲、精简的配乐,呈现出清新的自然气息,完整忠实呈现美轮美奂的仙境风光。专辑绝佳的音响性,以及分轨处理的高解析度,定位出深远的音场效果,予人身处仙境的感觉,是台湾难得一见的新世纪音乐珍藏品,全球10万口碑保证,千万不可错过!

wonderland 卫兰24味 的中文歌词是什么?

Janice:HeyCome on inDon"t be late for the show nowWe"reOutta SpaceWe"re gonna go with the flow nowYeahPhat:向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背后漫游OOMG U SO SEXY快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Sir JBS:Hey B



求gugudan wonderland音译歌词



喜爱夜蒲》主题曲是《WONDERLAND》,《WONDERLAND》歌词全文如下:HeyCome on inDont be late for the show nowWereOutta SpaceWere gonna go with the flow nowYeah向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有点挑逗 脚步开始好像有点飘浮我大胆要求 你对纤纤玉手尽量喺我背后漫游O O M G U SO SEXY快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子O O O M G U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Hey Boo Youre so fineEnticing me Im a make you mineLike a diamond in the roughYou shineYou define whats illLeave the rest behindIma make you my lady and maybeWe can make some babiesMy Bonnie partners in crimeWell be together for the whole nineOoowIts so realAll the people getting readyYeahI cant waitI can fell it getting closer你故意接近我的脚步香槟开得正好我献上更自信的态度这个我为午夜以后制造Oh yeahMy spirit is high in the Milky WayTimeless mind going throughStargatesThe beat carry me into another worldVenus DeMilo now is my special girlShes standing on a seat share


[ti:Wonderland][ar:二十四味、卫兰][al:][00:01.94]Wonderland[00:05.40]Hey[00:06.45]Come on in[00:08.22]Don"t be late for the show now[00:12.16]We"re[00:14.26]Outta Space[00:16.49]We"re gonna go with the flow now[00:19.62]Yeah[00:20.68]向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏[00:24.23]无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后[00:26.10]如果觉得热即管解开钮扣[00:28.08]动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮[00:32.03]我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手[00:34.02]尽量喺我背后漫游[00:36.25]我要知 你对我有意思[00:39.92]快啲话我知[00:41.33]你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子[00:43.88]OOOMG U SO PRETTY[00:47.92]有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知[00:51.87]Hey Boo You"re so fine[00:54.02]Enticing me I"m a make you mine[00:55.91]Like a diamond in the rough,you shine[00:57.44]You define what"s ill,leave the rest behind[00:59.75]I"ma make you, my lady and maybe[01:02.63]We can make some babies[01:04.18]My Bonnie, partners in crime[01:05.96]We"ll be together for the whole nine[01:07.50]come on come on...[01:10.57]Ooow It"s so real[01:14.24]All the people getting" ready[01:18.06]Yeah[01:19.99]I can"t wait[01:21.87]I can fell it getting closer[01:26.68]你故意接近我的脚步[01:30.11]香槟开得正好[01:33.41]我献上更自信的态度[01:38.10]这个我为午夜以后制造[01:42.47]Oh yeah[01:43.99]My spirit"s high in the Milky Way[01:45.69]Timeless mind going through stargates[01:49.58]The beat carry me into another world[01:53.42]Venus DeMilo now is my special girl Porcelain set[01:57.88]So flush, she"s so wet Showered in Moet[02:01.53]And her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forget[02:08.82]She like “Rap me a song I like street poets”[02:12.94]Light the beat, just keep on stomping[02:18.03]Every night we keep on rocking[02:19.65]Through the mind we"re para gilding[02:21.55]Just one life, just keep on flying[02:23.53]Day and night, my minds restoring[02:25.51]All the time, its freedom calling[02:27.46]Simple mind, life needs installing[02:29.39]Higher self, my minds recalling[02:31.52]你我继续继续跳舞[02:34.83]眼里闪光将我升高[02:38.82]我报以甜笑来控诉[02:42.80]不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造)[02:46.98]你我继续继续跳舞[02:50.62]气派触感竟这么好[02:54.68]纵有美貌更是懊恼[02:58.68]怎么 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)[03:02.98]见到你一刻感觉就快休克[03:04.60]本来追女仔都有啲心得[03:06.57]而家彷佛唔知讲乜[03:08.67]手心又湿个心又急[03:10.37]你跳舞跳到身湿[03:12.56]男仕们为你争执[03:14.25]继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡[03:16.56]你配合我 我配合你既舞步[03:18.55]一阵间去边度[03:20.25]饮多两杯就知道[03:22.18]时间仲早醉咗仲好[03:24.25]最好你投入我怀抱[03:26.07]气氛已经热到爆灯[03:28.02]完全感受到你体温[03:30.00]尽情开心 烟花插住香槟[03:32.10]燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真[03:34.77]She like my vibe, yeh I like her vibe too[03:38.13]I like her vibe, yeh And she like my vibe too[03:42.07]She gonna ride, cause she like to ride too[03:45.69]We have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roof[03:49.47]你我继续继续跳舞[03:53.09]两个身躯感应得到[03:57.15]你看我而我亦有数[04:01.10]开心 应该趁早 (共你堕进夜与雾)[04:06.71]welcome

林俊杰while i can 和wonderland是不是同一首歌?

是,又不是。属于扩写。林俊杰说过while i can是wonderland的一部分,但 后来改动了点。是同一系列不同的歌曲。把wonderland换成擅长的英文 老林自己写词后效果太惊艳了


卫兰wonderland 。 英文歌词的意思 有英文歌词,有中文歌词,创造介绍 No good boys ever go to heaven But it"s loving wonderland Open mouth


Wonderland 主唱:卫兰.廿四味24Herbs歌词Janice:Hey Come on inDon"t be late for the show nowWe"re Outta SpaceWe"re gonna go with the flow nowYeahPhat:向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背后漫游OOMG U SO SEXY快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Sir JBS:Hey Boo You"re so fineEnticing me I"m a make you mineLike a diamond in the rough,you shineYou define what"s ill,leave the rest behindI"ma make you, my lady and maybeWe can make some babiesMy Bonnie, partners in crimeWe"ll be together for the whole nineJanice:OoowIt"s so realAll the people getting" readyYeahI can"t waitI can fell it getting closer你故意接近我的脚步香槟开得正好我献上更自信的态度这个我为午夜以后制造Ghost Style:Oh yeahMy spirit"s high in the Milky WayTimeless mind going throughstargatesThe beat carry me into another worldVenus DeMilo now is my special girlPorcelain setSo flush, she"s so wetShowered in MoetAnd her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forgetShe like “Rap me a song I like street poets”Drunk:Light the beat, just keep on stompingEvery night we keep on rockingThrough the mind we"re para gildingJust one life, just keep on flyingDay and night, my minds restoringAll the time, its freedom callingSimple mind, life needs installingHigher self, my minds recallingJanice:你我继续继续跳舞眼里闪光将我升高我报以甜笑来控诉不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造)你我继续继续跳舞气派触感竟这么好纵有美貌更是懊恼怎么 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)Kit:见到你一刻感觉就快休克本来追女仔都有啲心得而家彷佛唔知讲乜手心又湿个心又急你跳舞跳到身湿男仕们为你争执继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡你配合我 我配合你既舞步一阵间去边度饮多两杯就知道时间仲早醉咗仲好最好你投入我怀抱气氛已经热到爆灯完全感受到你体温尽情开心 烟花插住香槟燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真Ghost Style:She like my vibe, yehI like her vibe tooI like her vibe, yehAnd she like my vibe tooShe gonna ride, cause she like to ride tooWe have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roofJanice:你我继续继续跳舞两个身躯感应得到你看我而我亦有数开心 应该趁早  (共你堕进夜与雾)

日本歌手michi 的wonderland歌词中文翻译

「WoNDeRLaND?」Hello, Bonjour, アンニョンハセヨ你好(英语,法语,韩语)世界中のPeople世界中的人们ここがMeeting Place到这里相会渋谷Drinking Coffee在涉谷喝着咖啡见下ろしたスクランブルCrossing在地下穿行People running round to get somewhere人们从四周相聚到某处At first I felt so lost起初我觉得如此失落人工のParadise人工的天堂眩しいFlashing Lights炫目的闪光灯着饰るYoung GirL打扮过的年轻女孩Oh this city shouts style这个城市呼唤着时尚溢れるInspiration alright充满灵感 很好Everybody say YEAH!!每个人都说YEAH!!この町では どうでもいいRight or Wrong只要在这个城市随便怎样都好 无论对错As we all cry, 居场所がないって探し続けてる即便我们所哭喊着,无容身之处,还要继续找寻止まらないJourney everyday"s a surprise停不下来,每天的旅程都是惊喜缲り返すHello & Good bye反反复复的说着你好和再见人ごみの中Shining wonderland queen人潮中闪亮的仙境女王一人じゃない…It"s gonna be alright不是一个人。。。一切都会好起来的A tall, スレンダー, Cheerful SJF高挑削瘦,兴高采烈的SJF(不知何意)ノンスモーカーSeeking a single kind Caucasian guy不吸烟者 寻找一位单身和蔼的白人男子For友情 or maybe more也许为了友情,也许想要更多If you wanna have fun如果你想取乐気楽にSend an EメールPlease请愉快的发送一封EMAIL即可(感觉有点像是在描述GAY。。。汗)谁もがWaiting,还在等待着谁Yes we"re all searching to find是的 我们都在寻找等待From this city that shines在这个闪耀的城市中见まわすこのStreet每天都见的这条街Oh It"s like trick or treat哦 它像是万圣节不给糖吃就捣蛋的恶作剧いつのまにかI feel so alive一直都很相似 我感到活力充沛每个人都说YEAH!!(后面都和前面重复了 就不一句句对照了)停不下来,每天的旅程都是惊喜反反复复的说着你好和再见人潮中闪亮的仙境女王不是一个人。。。一切都会好起来的在这个城市随便怎样都好 无论对错即便我们所哭喊着,无容身之处,还要继续找寻停不下来,每天的旅程都是惊喜反反复复的说着你好和再见人潮中闪亮的仙境女王不是一个人。。。一切都会好起来的每个人都说YEAH!!在这个城市随便怎样都好 无论对错即便我们所哭喊着,无容身之处,还要继续找寻停不下来,每天的旅程都是惊喜反反复复的说着你好和再见人潮中闪亮的仙境女王不是一个人。。。一切都会好起来的每个人都说YEAH!!翻了好长时间 希望能有分加 呵呵~~


歌名:Starlight专辑名:《Wonderland》语言:英文歌手:Wonderland歌词:Starlight you are brightI"m alone tonightAnd you"re shining down upon meLike you know.Do you see me standing hereWith a heart full of fearWill you let me drown my sorrows in your glow?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?My Starlight..(woah)When there"s no one aroundThere"s a friend to be foundAnd the one I speak ofNever let"s me down..(woah)On the roof of my houseIntroduced yourselfAnd you helped me as the tears came tumbling out.I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?My Starlight..Woah oh oh..Starlight.. light..Woah oh oh..I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightLight revived at nightI wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?I wanna dance underneath your lightUnderneath your light"Cause you pull me inLike you"re on my sideWhen I die in the dayI"m revived at nightCan I call you mine?



求艾怡良 wonderland 歌词

《wonderland》 艾怡良A long long long long time ago在好久好久以前Somebody saying that there,s wonderland有人说有个地方叫做wonderlandPeople drinking night and day人们整日整夜的喝酒Sunshine glitter in the air空气中闪耀着阳光I met a boy once in wonderland我曾遇见一个男孩He calmed my hands shaking in my pocket他安抚了我在口袋里颤抖的手The secrets in his big brown eyes在他深褐色双眼中的秘密Shining like a little star像星星般扑溯迷离Now now one two three现在 现在 123Step step step踏步 踏步 踏步We dance along the shore我们沿着海岸线跳舞And now now one two three现在 现在 123 Step step step 踏步 踏步 踏步 We gonna make the love groove我们要让爱肆意律动Oh round and round and round we step in wondrland转着圈我们一脚踏进wonderlandAnd once again he turned my world up side down down down down他一次又一次的让我的世界天摇地动Oh round and round and round we step in wonderland转着圈我们一脚踏进wonderlandAnd once again the world cheats on girls再一次的 世界一如以往背叛了女孩As young lovers keep dancing当年轻的恋人们跳着舞Young lovers keep dancing年轻的爱人们依旧跳着舞Time goes like she hasn,t heard of me时光飞逝像是光阴从来没惦记过我She frowns and she cries while those people were drinking它在大家忘情舞动时皱着眉头 轻轻哭泣They laughed at time,s existence而人们总是嘲笑时间根本不存在No tears ever dropped out clearly从来没有眼泪直接了当的落下Cause nobody cares因为没人在意They,ve gone all the way他们早就远走高飞No sorrow got chainedin the land在这奇幻之地 没有忧伤会被久留Oh round and round and round we step in wonderland转着圈我们一脚踏进wonderlandAnd once again the world cheats on girls再一次的 世界一如以往背叛了女孩He says he,s leaving他说他离开了


作曲 : Eddie (a.k.a DorYuk)填词 : Phat / Ghost Style / Kit /Drunk / 游思行编曲 : Eddie (a.k.a DorYuk)监制 : Eddie (a.k.a DorYuk) / Janice 监制 : Mark LuiJanice : Hey Come on in Don"t be late for the show now We"re Outta Space We"re gonna go with the flow now YeahPhat:向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏 无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后 如果觉得热即管解开钮扣 动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮 我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手 尽量喺我背后漫游 OOMG U SO SEXY 快啲话我知 你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子 OOOMG U SO PRETTY 有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Sir JBS:Hey Boo You"re so fine Enticing me I"m a make you mine Like a diamond in the rough, you shine You define what"s ill, leave the rest behind I"ma make you, my lady and maybe We can make some babies My Bonnie, partners in crime We"ll be together for the whole nineJanice:Ooow It"s so real All the people getting" ready Yeah I can"t wait I can feel it getting closer 你故意接近我的脚步 香槟开得正好 我献上更自信的态度 这个我为午夜以后制造Ghost Style:Oh yeah My spirit"s high in the Milky Way Timeless mind going through stargates The beat carry me into another world Venus DeMilo now is my special girl Porcelain set So flush, she"s so wet Showered in Moet And her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forget She like "Rap me a song I like street poets"Drunk: Light the beat, just keep on stomping Every night we keep on rocking Through the mind we"re para gilding Just one life, just keep on flying Day and night, my minds restoring All the time, its freedom calling Simple mind, life needs installing Higher self, my minds recallingJanice:你我继续继续跳舞 眼里闪光将我升高 我报以甜笑来控诉 不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造) 你我继续继续跳舞 气派触感竟这麼好 纵有美貌更是懊恼 怎麼 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)Kit:见到你一刻感觉就快休克 本来追女仔都有啲心得 而家彷佛唔知讲乜 手心又湿个心又急 你跳舞跳到身湿 男仕们为你争执 继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡 你配合我 我配合你既舞步 一阵间去边度 饮多两杯就知道 时间仲早醉咗仲好 最好你投入我怀抱 气氛已经热到爆灯 完全感受到你体温 尽情开心 烟花插住香槟 燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真Ghost Style:She like my vibe, yeh I like her vibe too I like her vibe, yeh And she like my vibe too She gonna ride, cause she like to ride too We have tonight, yeh, Let"s party through the roofJanice:你我继续继续跳舞 两个身躯感应得到 你看我而我亦有数 开心 应该趁早 (共你堕进夜与雾)

Susan Barth - Wonderland歌词

Every morning I get upI"m making my bedShould be making my headI go to work and now I"m feelingHalf past deadOr so I"ve said…and I"ll just go along thinkingeverything is gonna be just finebut sometimes i"m afraidso tell me one more time i"ll be fineif i give it timeMasquerading as someoneI"d like to beBut it just isn"t mePainting pictures, Reading smart magazinesHey I"m turning green so I"ll just go along thinkingeverything is gonna be just finebut sometimes i"m afraidso tell me one more time i"ll be fineif i give it timeand walking through wonderlandain"t all it"s supposed to be bio"s and 8 X 10"s are all it"ll ever beand everybody just hangs onto the same old dreamand in the afternoonwell, i may contemplateeven though i am latei guess it"s time for meto just communicatebut it"s what i hateso I"ll just go along thinkingeverything is gonna be just finebut sometimes i"m afraidso tell me one more time i"ll be fineif i give it timeand walking through wonderlandain"t all it"s supposed to be shadows and picturesof those people on the silver screenand everybody still hangs onto the same old dreamcome sit beside me now"cause i"ve been thinking a lotit"s all that i"ve gotyou see yesterday,wellreally wasn"t that hotbut sometimes it"s notand I"ll just go along thinkingeverything is gonna be just finebut sometimes i"m afraidso tell me one more time i"ll be fineif i give it timeif i give it time---time

卫兰wonderland 翻译



No good boys ever go to heavenBut it"s loving wonderlandOpen mouth kiss and we danceI can"t believe c-c-c-can"t believe that I met youPink champagneMerry round spinning round againIn this wonderland, where I met youSo dj playLet the record spin againIn this wonderland, where I met you1234567Hold your breath, count to 11Bodies moving wonderlandOpen mouth kiss and we danceI can"t believe c-c-c-can"t believe how I met youPink champagneMerry round spinning round againIn this wonderland, where I met youSo DJ playLet the record spin againIn this wonderland, where I met youTalk to me baby x3Talk to me babyTake my handTalk to me babyI got plans1234567No good boys ever go to heavenNo good boys ever go to heavenBut it"s loving wonderlandOpen mouth kiss and we danceI can"t believe c-c-c-can"t believe that I met youPink champagneMerry round spinning round again

Kimberley的《Wonderland》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderland歌手:Kimberley专辑:KimberleywonderlandVocal: リズナ原曲: 东方花映冢 / 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path梦の中 いつまでも居たいわ どうせ毎日起きて寝るだけだもの梦の中ではお金持ち これがちょっとだけでも现実ならね…赛銭箱はいつもからっぽなの いつものことよ、なんて言い闻かせてても全然変化はないの、当たり前よ どうせ変わらないの…だからのんびり行こー、毎日だらだらと 起きて扫除したらお茶でも饮むかなあれれ…いつの间にか今日も 梦想の国へご招待ねいつかきっと ワンダーランドで 梦の中 ワンダーランドでいつかきっと ワンダーランドで 梦の中 ワンダーランドで梦の中 いつまでも居たいわ どうせ毎日起きて寝るだけだものなのにこんな幸せから うるさく连れ戻すあいつが来たわ赛銭箱はいつもからっぽなの いつものことよ、なんて言い闻かせるから全然文句はないの、当たり前よ どうせ変わらないの… だけどいつかきっと ワンダーランドで 梦の中 ワンダーランドでいつかきっと ワンダーランドで 梦の中 ワンダーランドでhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19071065




WonderlandHey(嘿) Come on in(进来吧)Don"t be late for the show now(别迟到了)We"re(我们)Outta Space(从空间)We"re gonna go with the flow now(我们要随波逐流,现在)Yeah(是啊)向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背后漫游我要知 你对我有意思快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Hey Boo You"re so fine (嘿宝贝你那么好)Enticing me I"m a make you mine(诱惑我我让你成为我的)Like a diamond in the rough,you shine(像钻石,你的光芒)You define what"s ill,leave the rest behind(你的定义是什么病了,剩下的背后)I"ma make you, my lady and maybe(我会让你,我的夫人,也许)We can make some babies(我们可以做一些婴儿)My Bonnie, partners in crime(我的邦妮,狼狈为奸)We"ll be together for the whole nine(我们会在一起整整九)come on come on...来吧来吧…)Ooow It"s so realOoow是如此的真实)All the people getting" ready(所有人准备就绪)Yeah(是啊)I can"t wait(我等不及了)I can fell it getting closer(我能感觉到它越来越近)你故意接近我的脚步香槟开得正好我献上更自信的态度这个我为午夜以后制造Oh yeahMy spirit"s high in the Milky WayTimeless mind going through stargatesThe beat carry me into another worldVenus DeMilo now is my special girl Porcelain setSo flush, she"s so wet Showered in MoetAnd her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forgetShe like “Rap me a song I like street poets”Light the beat, just keep on stompingEvery night we keep on rockingThrough the mind we"re para gildingJust one life, just keep on flyingDay and night, my minds restoringAll the time, its freedom callingSimple mind, life needs installingHigher self, my minds recalling你我继续继续跳舞眼里闪光将我升高我报以甜笑来控诉不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造)你我继续继续跳舞气派触感竟这么好纵有美貌更是懊恼怎么 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)见到你一刻感觉就快休克本来追女仔都有啲心得而家彷佛唔知讲乜手心又湿个心又急你跳舞跳到身湿男仕们为你争执继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡你配合我 我配合你既舞步一阵间去边度饮多两杯就知道时间仲早醉咗仲好最好你投入我怀抱气氛已经热到爆灯完全感受到你体温尽情开心 烟花插住香槟燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真She like my vibe, yeh I like her vibe tooI like her vibe, yeh And she like my vibe tooShe gonna ride, cause she like to ride tooWe have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roof你我继续继续跳舞两个身躯感应得到你看我而我亦有数开心 应该趁早 (共你堕进夜与雾)welcome

Paul Hardcastle的《Wonderland》 歌词

I"m in wonderland with you and it feels so nice和你在仙境之中游走感觉如此的奇妙You made all my dreams come true, feels like paradise你让我的美梦成真,婉如在天堂I"m in wonderland置身在仙境中I"m in wonderland with you and it feels so nice和你在仙境之中游走感觉如此的奇妙You made all my dreams come true, feels like paradise你让我的美梦成真,婉如在天堂I"m in wonderland置身在仙境中I"m in wonderland置身在仙境中I"m in wonderland with you and it feels so nice和你在仙境之中游走感觉如此的奇妙You made all my dreams come true, feels like paradise你让我的美梦成真,婉如在天堂I"m in wonderland置身在仙境中I"m in wonderland with you and it feels so nice和你在仙境之中游走感觉如此的奇妙You made all my dreams come true你让我的美梦成真





May的《Wonderland》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderland歌手:May专辑:A Little Happiness「Wonderland」作词∶Maynard/Blaise作曲∶Maynard/Blaise歌∶MONKEY MAJIKTell me you love me babyI"ve got this world to show youYou can leave everything you got behindWe don"t need a plane to get there"Cause I got this glow inside meBut its only shining when you"re aroundAll that you want is waitingI know which path to get thereFollow white rabbit and unlock the doorYou won"t be without me baby"Cause I"ve got this flow about meBut I"m only gliding when you"re around"Cause we"ve got flowers everywhereCaterpillars over thereAll you need Just make a wishNow just close your eyesYou"re living now in WonderlandYou"re living now in WonderlandWhen we collided babyI knew a star was shiningWe didn"t even leave a single piece behindWe don"t need to take a picture"Cause I"ve got this brush inside meI could paint a rose any style ya likeTell me you love me baby"Cause this is my world to show youWe can have a Tea time anytime you likeAll you need is love to be hereRoyal Heart"s will kneel before youFairytales are made so that YOU come to life"Cause we"ve got mountains high up thereMiles of oceans over thereAll you need, just make a wishnow just close your eyesYou"re living now in wonderlandI Can forget Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/701231

卫兰&24味的《Wonderland》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderland歌手:卫兰&24味专辑:WonderlandWonderlandHeyCome on inDon"t be late for the show nowWe"reOutta SpaceWe"re gonna go with the flow nowYeah向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背后漫游我要知 你对我有意思快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Hey Boo You"re so fineEnticing me I"m a make you mineLike a diamond in the rough,you shineYou define what"s ill,leave the rest behindI"ma make you, my lady and maybeWe can make some babiesMy Bonnie, partners in crimeWe"ll be together for the whole ninecome on come on...Ooow It"s so realAll the people getting" readyYeahI can"t waitI can fell it getting closer你故意接近我的脚步香槟开得正好我献上更自信的态度这个我为午夜以后制造Oh yeahMy spirit"s high in the Milky WayTimeless mind going through stargatesThe beat carry me into another worldVenus DeMilo now is my special girl Porcelain setSo flush, she"s so wet Showered in MoetAnd her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forgetShe like “Rap me a song I like street poets”Light the beat, just keep on stompingEvery night we keep on rockingThrough the mind we"re para gildingJust one life, just keep on flyingDay and night, my minds restoringAll the time, its freedom callingSimple mind, life needs installingHigher self, my minds recalling你我继续继续跳舞眼里闪光将我升高我报以甜笑来控诉不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造)你我继续继续跳舞气派触感竟这么好纵有美貌更是懊恼怎么 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)见到你一刻感觉就快休克本来追女仔都有啲心得而家彷佛唔知讲乜手心又湿个心又急你跳舞跳到身湿男仕们为你争执继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡你配合我 我配合你既舞步一阵间去边度饮多两杯就知道时间仲早醉咗仲好最好你投入我怀抱气氛已经热到爆灯完全感受到你体温尽情开心 烟花插住香槟燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真She like my vibe, yeh I like her vibe tooI like her vibe, yeh And she like my vibe tooShe gonna ride, cause she like to ride tooWe have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roof你我继续继续跳舞两个身躯感应得到你看我而我亦有数开心 应该趁早 (共你堕进夜与雾)welcomehttp://music.baidu.com/song/23679283



求Wonderland 郑秀妍英文歌词 ,谢谢

歌曲:Wonderland歌手:郑秀妍所属专辑:1989Flashing lights and we耀眼的光芒闪入Took a wrong turn and we我们转错了弯Fell down a rabbit hole.而后陷入了一个兔子洞You held on tight to me你紧紧依偎著我"Cause nothing"s as it seems因为一切都不像其表面所示I"m spinning out of control.我正极速失控中Didn"t they tell us don"t rush into things?他们没告诉我们别匆匆闯入吗Didn"t you flash your green eyes at me?你没用你绿色的眼眸看著我吗Haven"t you heard what becomes of curious minds?你没听说过有些东西原来只是好奇心理吗?Ooooo呜呜Didn"t it all seem new and exciting?噢~,这一切不是都全新且让人兴奋吗?I felt your arms twisting "round me我感觉到你的臂膀绕在我身上I should have slept with one eye open at night.我本来应该一只眼睛睁著睡觉的We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And we pretended it could last forever而我们自欺这一切能持续永久aye诶We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And life was never worse but never better这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好aye aye诶Aye诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶In wonderland在仙境之中So we went on our way因此我们踏上征途To and left a thing straight把所有事抛之脑后All alone or so it seemed.我俩看似孤身二人But there were strangers watching但有陌生人在注视著我们And whispers turned to talking他们由窃窃私语变成正常讲话And talking turned to screams.由正常讲话变得尖叫起来Oooooh呜呜Didn"t they tell us don"t rush into things?他们没告诉我们别匆匆闯入吗Didn"t you flash your green eyes at me?你没用你绿色的眼眸看著我吗Didn"t you calm my fears with the Cheshire cat smile?你没有用咧嘴的笑颜安抚我的恐惧吗?Ooooo呜呜Didn"t it all seem new and exciting?这一切不是都全新且让人激动吗?I felt your arms twisting "round me我感觉到你的臂膀绕在我身上It"s all fun and games "til somebody loses their mind.直到有人丢失心智之前这还是尽情的欢乐和游戏But darling, we found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And we pretended it could last forever而我们自欺这一切能持续永久aye诶We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And life was never worse but never better这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好Aye Aye诶诶Aye诶诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶诶In wonderland在仙境之中I reached for you but you were gone我来寻你,但你消失不见I knew I had to go back home我知道我必须回到家中You search the world for something else to make you feel like what we had你寻遍世界,只为寻得一物能让你再次感受当日所闻And in the end in wonderland we both went mad.最后在仙境中我俩双双变得疯狂Oooooh哦哦We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And we pretended it could last forever (last forever)我俩自欺这能持续永远aye aye诶诶We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it (got lost in it)我俩迷路其中And life was never worse but never better (never better)这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好aye aye诶诶We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it (wonderland)我俩迷路其中And we pretended it could last forever (in wonderland)而我俩自欺这能持续永远We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it (wonderland)我俩迷路其中And life was never worse but never better这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好In wonderland在仙境之中

稻叶浩志的《Wonderland》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderland歌手:稻叶浩志专辑:Peace Of MindwonderlandVocal: リズナ原曲: 东方花映冢 / 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path梦の中 いつまでも居たいわ どうせ毎日起きて寝るだけだもの梦の中ではお金持ち これがちょっとだけでも现実ならね…赛銭箱はいつもからっぽなの いつものことよ、なんて言い闻かせてても全然変化はないの、当たり前よ どうせ変わらないの…だからのんびり行こー、毎日だらだらと 起きて扫除したらお茶でも饮むかなあれれ…いつの间にか今日も 梦想の国へご招待ねいつかきっと ワンダーランドで 梦の中 ワンダーランドでいつかきっと ワンダーランドで 梦の中 ワンダーランドで梦の中 いつまでも居たいわ どうせ毎日起きて寝るだけだものなのにこんな幸せから うるさく连れ戻すあいつが来たわ赛銭箱はいつもからっぽなの いつものことよ、なんて言い闻かせるから全然文句はないの、当たり前よ どうせ変わらないの… だけどいつかきっと ワンダーランドで 梦の中 ワンダーランドでいつかきっと ワンダーランドで 梦の中 ワンダーランドでhttp://music.baidu.com/song/725276


wonderland是仙境的意思,例如 爱丽丝漫游奇境记(Alice in Wonderland)


你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:wonderlandn. 奇境,仙境;非常奇妙的地方望采纳谢谢


马克西姆的wonderland 是 班得瑞 乐团写的乐团介绍 1990年发迹瑞士的班得瑞,来自一群爱好生命的年轻作曲家、演奏家及音源采样工程师等等青年才俊。团长奥利弗史 瓦兹是一位多才多艺的音乐人,不但专长多种乐器,更熟稳先进的录音工程。他的特别率先采用先进的数字采样技术,将自然界的声响,运用后期母带24bit数字录制,钜细糜遗地记录下来清晰无比音质。奥利弗史瓦兹更曾与为莎拉布莱曼制作“Time to Say Good-bye”的天王制作人亚历士克里斯坦森合作,但挚爱新世纪音乐的他,最终选择将一身才华奉献给整个瑞士山林! 被称为“世界花园”的瑞士,宛如是造物者从地球彼端分离出来,用以向世人揭示仙境的风光。那几乎像是童话中的一草一木,一景一物,围篱着人间难得纯粹的圣地。 A New World 玩家新世界 New World Concerto 新世界钢琴协奏曲 Nostradamus 诺斯特达拉姆 Dido"s Lament 黛朵的悲歌 Tosca 托斯卡 Desert Skies 荒漠天际 Intermezzo 间奏曲 Somewhere in Time/The Old Woman 似曾相识 Ride of the Valkyries 女武神的骑行 Still Waters 澄镜之水 Blue Balloon 蓝色气球 Mojito 古巴鸡尾酒 Flower Duet 花之二重唱 Deborah"s Theme 黛博拉之歌 Kolibre 蜂鸟(钢琴练习伴奏曲) Claudine 克劳汀幻想曲(钢琴练习伴奏曲) Nostradamus 诺斯特达拉姆(钢琴伴奏练习曲) The Piano Player 钢琴手马克西姆 Flight of the Bumble-Bee 野蜂飞舞 Grieg"s Piano Concerto in A minor 葛利格钢琴变奏曲 Exodus 出埃及记 Claudine 克劳汀幻想曲 Wonderland 新乐园 Handel"s Sarabande 韩德尔 萨拉邦德 变奏曲 Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini 帕格尼尼主题狂想曲 Hana"s Eyes 汉娜的眼睛 Chopin"s "Revolutionary" Etude in C minor 萧邦 革命练习曲 Cubana 古巴 Croatian Rhapsody 克罗地亚狂想曲 Dance of the Baroness 巴隆尼斯之舞 Cubana Cubana 古巴!古巴!



bump.y的《Wonderland》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderland歌手:bump.y专辑:ガラゲッチャ~GOTTA GETCHA~Wonderlandbump.y作词:MEG.ME作曲:Takafumi FujinoAll right, ready go!Let"s use our imaginationTake a trip to wonderlandAmazing!Yes! Try and try3,2,1, say, here we go!Oh oh oh oh oh oh, la la la la laOh oh oh oh oh oh, la la la la la镜合わせの世界の裏に迷い込んだ パラレルホントの私 见つけたいなら境界线越えなきゃKnock! Knock! Knock!...Knock!未来のドアFind out秘密のキーで 扉を开けて宇宙(そら)を駈けるDreamer Dreamer探しに行こうワンダーランド时空(とき)を渡るDreamer Dreamer目指す场所はワンダーランド梦を乗せてDreamer Dreamerきっとそこがワンダーランド繋いでいく世界を 明日へと変えて行くOh oh oh oh oh oh, la la la la la无限に続く幻想ループ何処かにある 真実リアルな今を 生きてたいから迷宫から抜け出そうKnock! Knock! Knock!...Knock!心のドア Breake it胸の奥の 想いを放て宇宙(そら)を駈けるDreamer Dreamer探しに行こうワンダーランド时空(とき)を渡るDreamer Dreamer目指す场所はワンダーランド梦を乗せてDreamer Dreamer辿り着いたワンダーランド繋いでいく世界を 现実に変えて行くWow wow wohKnock! Knock! Knock!...Knock!宇宙(そら)を駈けるDreamer Dreamer探しに行こうワンダーランド时空(とき)を渡るDreamer Dreamer目指す场所はワンダーランド梦を乗せてDreamer Dreamerきっとそこがワンダーランド繋いでいく世界を 明日へと変えて行くOh oh oh oh oh oh, la la la la lahttp://music.baidu.com/song/19054498

急急急急急求一首歌!!!wake you wake you wonderland

好早的问题,我刚好也听到了这首歌,不知道你找到了么,是不是叫wicked wonderland


Wonderland作词:仓木麻衣 专辑:one life Hey! ミスター Loser でも构わずに受け入れてくれた君と今ここにいる奇迹が続くと神に感谢してたけど合わないことばかりで...急がずに 焦らずにHey! Mr. 即使是Loser也无所谓与全然接受我的你现在在此持续的奇迹虽然曾感谢神的安排但两人不和的状况蛮多的…不急 不徐だから Wonderland 见つけたい君のために 今からでも こうして远回りな road 辉く二人の未来にいつかは 分かり合えた日が 懐かしくて...笑颜に包まれた君とずっといれるのかな所以 我想寻找 Wonderland为了你 即使从现在开始 如此的迂回的road 对於光辉灿烂的俩人未来总有一天 互相理解体谅的日子将令人怀念…不知是否能与 被微笑包围的你 永远长厢厮守呢言叶よりも态度で示して会えない日が続くときは“忙しい”って言う言叶 返ってくるのは 寂しいけどいつまでも君と二人で何処までも 何処までも不善言语总以态度表示在持续无法见面的日子虽然对於你一直不断重复著 “我很忙”的这句话 感到有点落寞希望永远与你俩人长厢厮守 如影随形ねぇ そう Wonderland 目指す今は切なすぎる程 会いたいだから 远回りなroad 一绪に歩きたい喂 是的 朝向Wonderland的目标 现在心情好苦闷 好想见你所以 迂回的road 想与你同行过ぎゆく季节角度を変えてポーズを决める映しだす情热ぎゅっと繋ぐ君の手を 握りかえす光包む 街がそう君と痛み 许し合いながら真実と勇気をくれるよ Ohyeah You know I miss youmissing you babygonna be with you babyanywhere anyway Ohいつかは 分かり合えた日が 懐かしくて...笑颜に包まれた君とずっといれるのかな逝去的季节改变个角度决定个姿势所照映出的热情回握著 紧紧牵著的你的手拢照在光的城市一边原谅著如此的你与痛处给予了我真实与勇气啊 ohYeah You know I miss youmissing you babygonna be with you babyanywhere anyway Oh总有一天 互相理解体谅的日子将令人怀念…不知是否能与 被微笑包围的你 永远长厢厮守呢


孔刘将在金泰勇导演新作《wonderland》中和汤唯扮演一对夫妻。目前正在协调细节,孔刘的戏份占比不大,但出于对金泰勇导演、剧本以及制片人的信任而出演。 电影《wonderland》什么时候上映? 预计2021年上映 电影《wonderland》剧情简介: 该片是金泰勇继《晚秋》之后时隔9年推出的电影,讲述在重现无法看到的思念之人的虚拟世界wonderland中,恋人成为植物人的20多岁女性委托人,和妻子离开人世的40多岁男性委托人展开的故事。裴秀智、朴宝剑扮演20多岁的情侣,郑有美、崔宇植扮演wonderland的调解人,孔刘和汤唯扮演40多岁的夫妻。

Sunrise Avenue的《wonderland》 歌词

歌曲名:wonderland歌手:Sunrise Avenue专辑:on the way to wonderlandDream on you boysI know it feels cold around nowBut we will raise our voices somedayLeave the past behindAnd smile for what is here nowWe will be as one all the wayOn the way to wonderlandOn the way to wonderlandWe don"t know wonderlandWe don"t know how to get thereWe will keep on searching for the wayWe dream all the wayOf the moments we "ll have thereWe can see them all clear todayOn the way to wonderland, on the waySometimes the night is coldThere are times we hurt insideSometimes the goal seems too far awayWe don"t know wonderlandWe "ve heard about the ones who"ve been thereIt "s a place made for us they sayOn the way to wonderlandWe see the sun we "re gonna runTowards the wonderlandThe only place where we belongThe search will never endWe push against the wind and rainBeating tears and painTogether we can findTogether we can findWe see the sun we "re gonna runTowards the wonderlandThe only place where we belongThe search will never endWe push against the wind and rainBeating tears and painTogether we can findTogether we can findTogether we can findhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14543773

求泰勒新歌wonderland 歌词+翻译

Taylor Swift - WonderlandFlashing lights and we, took a wrong turn and weFell down the rabbit holeYou held on tight to meCause nothing*s as it seemsSpinning out of controlDidn*t they tell us don*t rush into thingsDidn*t you flash your green eyes on meHaven*t you heard what becomes of curious mindsDidn*t it all seem new and excitingI felt your arms twisting around meI should*ve slept with one eye opened at nightWe found wonderlandYou and I got lost in itAnd we pretended it could last foreverWe found wonderlandYou and I got lost in itAnd life was never worse but never betterIn wonderlandIn wonderlandIn wonderlandIn wonderlandSo we went on our wayToo in love to think straightAll alone or so it seemedBut there were strangers watchingAnd whispers turned to talkingAnd talking turned to screamsDidn*t they tell us don*t rush into thingsDidn*t you flash your green eyes on meDidn*t you call my fears with the treacherous cat*s smileDidn*t it all seem new and excitingI felt your arms twisting around meSo fun a game, still somebody loses his mindWe found wonderlandYou and I got lost in itAnd we pretended it could last foreverWe found wonderlandYou and I got lost in itAnd life was never worse but never betterIn wonderlandIn wonderlandIn wonderlandIn wonderlandI reach for youBut you were goneI knew I had to go back homeYou searched the world for something else to make you feel like what we hadAnd in the end in the wonderland we both went madWe found wonderlandYou and I got lost in itAnd we pretended it could last foreverWe found wonderlandYou and I got lost in itAnd life was never worse but never betterWe found wonderlandYou and I got lost in itAnd we pretended it could last foreverWe found wonderlandYou and I got lost in itAnd life was never worse but never betterIn wonderland



《wonderland 》lady gaga~!!中英文歌词

lady gaga - wonderland 仙境no good boys ever go to heaven 没有一个好男孩会去天堂的but it"s loving wonderland 但这是爱的仙境open mouth kiss and we dance 张嘴亲吻并且与我共舞i can"t believe c-c-c-can"t believe that i met you 我不能,不能相信我遇见了你pink champagne 粉色的香槟merry round spinning round again 微醺地一次次旋转in this wonderland, where i met you 在这仙境,我遇见了你so dj play 那么dj,放音乐吧let the record spin again 让唱片再次旋转吧in this wonderland, where i met you 在这仙境,我遇见了你1234567hold your breath, count to 11 屏住呼吸,数到11bodies moving wonderland 身体舞动的仙境open mouth kiss and we dance 张嘴亲吻并且与我共舞i can"t believe c-c-c-can"t believe how i met you我不能,不能相信我遇见了你pink champagne 粉色的香槟merry round spinning round again 微醺地一次次旋转in this wonderland, where i met you 在这仙境,我遇见了你so dj play 那么dj,放音乐吧let the record spin again 让唱片再次旋转吧in this wonderland, where i met you 在这仙境,我遇见了你talk to me baby x3 和我谈谈吧,宝贝talk to me baby 和我谈谈吧take my hand 拉住我的手talk to me baby 和我谈谈吧i got plans 我有计划了 如既往的电子舞曲风格,此曲充满神秘刺激感


蜡烛吹熄以後  有多少没实现的心愿被忘记  成长的足迹里  遗失了多少曾经心爱的玩具  看世界的眼睛(很久以前)  曾像天使纯净  oh wonder wonder land  永远都在我心里  my wonder wonder land  谁在等着我回去  木马旋转的天际  纯真仍在乐园里 没忘记  在每张照片里  听见你练习跳舞弹琴的声音  小时候的回忆  我收在放满心得笔记的抽屉  不够高的身影(勇敢前进)  有天使的羽翼  请你等着我回去  世界会让人伤心  心情却在乐园里放了晴  路很远 找地方休息  我遇见 好多风景  梦想实现在 不说的心愿里(我回到 乐园里)  纯真仍在乐园里
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