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Why did USA enter the first world war?

Why the United States Entered World War I The US entered the war for a variety of reasons. Here are some summaries of explanations given by WikiAnswers Contributors. Submarine Warfare and the Lusitania There were unauthorized German submarines along the US East coast. Germany"s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in the spring of 1917 provided the final straw for US politicians, and America declared war. The first and foremost answer would be the sinking of the Lusitania, an British cruise/transport ship, bound for Britain from New York. The German U-boat ring sought to sink all supply ships headed for Britain in order to starve the island. It sank the Lusitania as part of its efforts. 1195 people died, including 128 Americans. The Lusitania"s sinking was the biggest influence on the American decision to enter the war. German submarine warfare (the Lusitania is included in this) sunk many ships over several years. Had it not been for the Lusitania, the US would have stayed out of the War. Economics Some say the "bankers" were involved. The U.S. had huge economic investments with the British and French. If they were to lose, then they would not be able to pay the U.S. debt back (amounting to about two billion dollars while Germany only borrowed a mere 27 million). If Allies could not pay back all the loans made to them by the American bankers, the US"s economy could collapse. France and England were financing their war with US loans. In addition, they were buying massive amounts of arms from the US on credit. The US wanted to make sure that it got paid back. Germany also purchased arms, but in a much more limited fashion. Politics Propaganda from both sides influenced the American decision. Woodrow Wilson did not want to go to war but when Teddy Roosevelt decided to run for another term, Wilson felt threatened and announced that there would be a preparedness program and possibly that the country would go to war. By entering the war, the US got to flex its muscles on the world stage and establish itself as a world power. After both sides of the Mexican civil war demanded that our troops leave and public opinion badly swayed against US intervention in Mexico, Wilson had no choice but to withdraw. By having the threat of Germany helping Mexico fight back against him, Wilson knew he had to take action. He couldn"t go back into Mexico because the American people would not allow it. He really had no beef with Germany, he just wanted to save face before Mexico could fight back. Ideology President Wilson wanted to make the world safe for democracy ("Wilson"s War Address to Congress"). It was partly for idealistic reasons (propaganda was not seen as an evil until after the Great War). The occupation of Belgium and the sinking of the Lusitania changed a lot people"s minds in the US about Germany. There was more to it than just the submarine warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania although those were the formal and legalistic reasons for declaring war. I think that over time a moral sense had developed that Britain and France were fighting the good fight for freedom against a genuine evil. If that sense had not existed I think the US would have let the Lusitania pass. As it was, it was nearly two years after she was sunk that we finally did declare war. Zimmerman Telegram Other points influenced entrance to the war, but the Zimmerman Telegram (sometimes called the "Zimmerman note" or "Zimmerman telegraph") finally pushed the US to war. The Zimmerman Telegram was sent from the German foreign secretary to the German Ambassador to Mexico. It stated the following: On the first of February, 1917, submarine warfare will be reinstated unrestrictively. The US has to stay neutral. Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico on the following basis: If the US goes to war, Mexico must fight on the home front in an financially supported alliance with Germany; If Mexico agrees to fight, they will reconquer New Mexico, Texas and Arizona. The telegraph was intercepted by British Intelligence and transmitted to the American government by the Brits. This infuriated Americans. It was the same sort of alliance that plunged Europe into war. Other WikiAnswers Contributors agree: The clincher was "discovery" of the Zimmerman Telegram (it was de-coded by the British and forwarded to US diplomats; with obvious self-interest on the part of the Brits). Answer Entry of the United States President Wilson before Congress, announcing the break in official relations with Germany on February 3, 1917. America"s policy of insisting on neutral rights while also trying to broker a peace resulted in tensions with both Berlin and London. US president Woodrow Wilson repeatedly warned that he would not tolerate unrestricted submarine warfare, and the Germans repeatedly promised to stop. In January 1917 the German military decided that unrestricted submarine warfare was the best gamble to choke British supplies before the American troops could arrive in large numbers. A proposal to Mexico to join the war was exposed in February, bringing war closer. (See Zimmerman telegram). After further U-boat attacks on American merchant ships, Wilson requested that Congress declare war on Germany, which it did on April 6, 1917 (see: Woodrow Wilson declares war on Germany on Wikisource). The House approved the war resolution 373-50, the Senate 82-6, with opposition coming mostly from German American districts. Wilson hoped war could be avoided with Austria-Hungary; however, when it kept its loyalty to Germany, the US declared war on Austria-Hungary in December 1917. Although the American contribution to the war was important, particularly in terms of the threat posed by an increasing US infantry presence in Europe, the United States was never formally a member of the Allies, but an "Associated Power." Significant numbers of fresh American troops only arrived in Europe in the summer of 1918, when they started arriving at 10,000 a day. Germany miscalculated that it would be many more months before large numbers of American troops could be sent to Europe, and that, in any event, the U-boat offensive would prevent their arrival. The United States Navy sent a battleship group to Scapa Flow to join with the British Grand Fleet, a number of destroyers to Queenstown, Ireland and several submarines to the Azores and to Bantry Bay, Ireland to help guard convoys. Several regiments of U.S. Marines were also dispatched to France. However, it would be some time before the United States would be able to contribute significant manpower to the Western and Italian fronts. The British and French wanted the United States to send its infantry to reinforce their troops already on the battlelines, and not use scarce shipping to bring over supplies. Thus the Americans primarily used British and French artillery, airplanes and tanks. However, General John J. Pershing, American Expeditionary Force (AEF) commander, refused to break up American units to be used as reinforcements for British Empire and French units (though he did allow African American combat units to be used by the French). Pershing ordered the use of frontal assaults, which had been discarded by that time by British Empire and French commanders as too costly in lives of their troops. To the astonishment of the Allies, the dispirited Germans broke and ran when the Americans came running, and the AEF suffered the lowest casualty rate of any army on the Western Front. (Most of its deaths were due to disease.) The U.S. had a large economic interest vested in certain countries that were in the war. The U.S had loaned millions and millions of dollars to Britain as well as billions to another country, thus it was in their interest to assure that the Allies won - even if that meant entering the war themselves. Answer VI. EXPLAINING US ENTRY--CONTENDING THEORIES: A. Three economic explanations: 1. Neutral rights, commerce protection--"we must protect our 2-way trade with Britain, to capture the efficiencies of the international division of labor." What kind of U.S. war does this explanation predict? A limited U.S. war to protect U.S. commerce with Britain, with no land war on the continent against Germany? 2. Neutral rights, business cycle variant (export protection)--"we must protect our 1-way exports to Britain, to ease US unemployment." What kind of U.S. war does this explanation predict? A limited U.S. war at sea to protect U.S. commerce with Britain? A strategy of prolonged stalemate rather than a push for decisive victory? 3. "Merchants of Death"--protection of munitions makers--"we must protect/expand our munitions exports to Britain, to keep US munitions makers and workers prosperous." Again, does this explanation predict a U.S. strategy of prolonged stalemate? B. National security/balance-of-power: the US fought to contain German military power. What does this explanation predict we should find in the U.S. archives? In U.S. public rhetoric justifying the war? C. US mobilization strategy ---> US was unable to prevent the war, tempted Germany to cut US trade with Britain before the US could mobilize. What does this explanation predict we should find Germans saying about the U.S. in the German archives? D. US misperceptions: Wilson didn"t foresee a long war, the German sub campaign, or the growth of US dependence on exports to allies. E. Common US/allied democratic culture. F. British propaganda, manipulation of US opinion.

World of Stone 歌词

歌曲名:World of Stone歌手:Ritchie Blackmore专辑:The Village LanterneBlackmore"s Night - World Of StoneBring to me all of my arrowsBring to me my crossbow tooI fear we might need them bothBefore the night is throughOnce a world of glittering hopeThis world is not the world we knewThe only light left to shineIs between me and you*On our ownIn a World of StoneWe are not aloneI had once believed in angelsThey were everywhere I lookedA gentle hand guiding meTo give more than I tookBut I have died a thousand timesWatching all these angels fallTheir lonely eyes haunt me stillWe will avenge them all*On our ownIn a World of StoneWe are not alone*Bring me mead and bring me aleTo help us face this fight againGood fortune will shine down on usTogether we will winAnd they will never break our spiritWe will never turn and runAnd we will rise stronger stillWhen we stand as one!*On our ownIn a World of StoneWe are not alone*On our ownIn a World of StoneWe are not alone

一个英语小故事搞定220个高频词 The Best Thing in the World

英语高频词Sight Words,也称常见词、视觉词,由美国学者道奇 (E.W. Dolch) 列出,指在英语初级阅读中出现频率最高的220个单词。这些词在儿童读物中的出现频率高达75%。 说到高频词,就不得不说自然拼读。自然拼读是小学英语学习的重要抓手,能帮助孩子将单词拼读出来,并且是记忆英语单词的一大法宝。 高频词包含许多“不符合拼读规则”的单词,需通过视觉认识和记忆才能掌握,因此也被称为“视觉词”。 熟练掌握220个Sight Words是小学阶段的基础要求。有位外国老师把所有Sight Words组合成了一个英语故事 The Best Thing In The World。如果孩子能熟练朗读这个小故事,说明已经掌握高频词啦。 下面是文字版和参考译文,视频版见关注成长馆,见馆长分享的视频哦。 The Best Thing in the World Once upon a time, there were four brothers who lived in a far away land.Their father was an old king. One day he said, "I will not live long now. Today you must start out into the world. In a year, bring back the best thing you have found. The one who can pick the best thing shall be the new king." The first brother said, "I will look in every city or town. I will buy the best thing I can for my father."The next two brothers said, "We will both go on fast ships over the sea. We will find something better." The last brother said, "I am going to ask the people here in our own land to tell me the best thing."The other three brothers began to laugh. "Then you will never be king!" They said. The last brother started off. When he had gone about six miles, he met a man. "What do you carry in those big bags?" he asked. "The best thing in the world," said the man. "These are full of the good nuts which fall from my five nut trees." "I don"t think that would work," said the brother to himself, "I must try again." The brother went on another seven miles. He found a small brown bird. It had been hurt, so he put it in his coat where it could keep warm. As he went on, he saw a little girl crying. He ran to meet her. "Why are you crying?" he asked. "I want to get some water from the well," she said. "We use so much. We drink cold water. We wash the clothes clean with hot water. But I do not know how to pull it up. Please show me." The brother said, "Hold this bird and I will help you. It does not fly around any more because it got its wing cut." "Thank you. What a pretty bird!" she said. "I wish you would give it to me. If you will let me keep it, I will always be very kind to it. I will take care of it myself. I will make it grow well again." "Yes, you may have it," said the brother. So he gave her the bird and went on. At night, he went to sleep under a round yellow haystack. When it was light again he walked on. Every day he would walk eight or ten miles. He asked the people about the best thing in the world. Some said it was best to sing. Some said it was best to run and jump and play. Some said the green grass was best. Some liked the red and blue and white flowers best. One man said the best thing was to ride a black horse. He always stopped to help people who needed it. Soon he made many friends. All the people began to like him. They would say, "See there goes the king"s son. He would be just the right kind of king for us." Every door was open to him. The people would call to him to stop. They would ask him to come and eat with them. After he ate, he would sit down and read to the children. After he read, he showed them how to draw and write. Months went by. He still had no beautiful thing to take to his father. Just before the year was done, he went home again. The time came when the king called his sons together. "What did you bring?" He asked them all. The other brothers had many beautiful things. "And what did you bring?" said the king to the last brother. "This is too funny!" said the other brothers. "He has nothing!" But the king was kind to the last brother. "What did you bring me?" the king asked again. "I bring only the friendship of your people," said the last brother. "That is the best thing!" cried his father. "You shall be the new king." 参考译文: 世界上最好的东西 从前,有四个兄弟住在一个遥远的地方。他们的父亲是一个老国王。一天老国王说,“我现在活不了多久了。今天你们必须到外面的世界去,一年内,把你们发现的最好的东西带回来。谁能把最好的东西带回来,谁将是新国王。” 第一个兄弟说,“我会巡遍每一个城市乡镇。我会把最好的东西买回来献给我的父亲。” 接下来的两个兄弟说,“我们俩会登上快速的船只过海去,我们会找到更好的东西。” 最后那个兄弟说,“我要询问我们国家的子民,告诉我什么是最好的东西。” 其他三个兄弟笑了起来。“那么,你将永远不会成为国王!”他们说。 小王子出发了。当他走了大约六英里,他遇到了一个男人。“你扛着的那些大袋子里装着什么?”他问道。“这是世界上最好的东西,”那人说道。“这些都是我的五棵坚果树上掉下来的好坚果。”“我不这么认为。” 他自言自语道,“我必须再试一次。” 小王子又走了七英里。他发现了一只棕色的小鸟。它已经受伤了,于是他把鸟儿放在他的外套里,那儿可以给它取暖。 他继续走着,看到了一个小女孩在哭泣。 他跑到她面前,“你为什么哭啊?”他问道。 “我想从井里打水,”她说。“我们用了太多水。我们喝冷水,用热水把衣服洗干净。但我不知道怎样把水提上来,请告诉我。” 小王子说:“我可以帮你,你帮我拿一下这只小鸟。它不会飞来飞去,因为它的翅膀受伤了。” “谢谢你,多么漂亮的小鸟!”她说。 “我希望你可以把小鸟给我,如果你让我保留它,我会一直对它很好,我会亲自照顾它,我会让它再次成长得很好。” “好的,你可以拥有它,”小王子说。于是他把小鸟给了小姑娘,继续上路。 到了晚上,他就睡在圆形的黄色草堆里。天亮了,他继续前行。 他每天走八到十英里。他问人们什么是世界上最好的东西。 有人说最好的东西是唱歌。 有人说最美好的事物就是能跑、能跳、能玩耍。 有人说绿草地是最美好的事物。 有人觉得红色、蓝色、白色的花是最好的。 一个男子说最好的东西是骑一匹黑马。 他总是停下来帮助需要帮助的人。不久之后他结识了很多朋友。所有的人都开始喜欢他。 他们会说:“看,走过去的是国王的儿子。他正是那种适合我们的国王。”每扇门都向他打开。人们会叫他停下来。他们会邀请他过来坐坐,一起吃点东西。 吃完东西,他会坐下来为孩子们读书。读完书,他还会教孩子们画画和写字。 几个月过去了,他还是没能找到精致的东西带给他的父亲。就在这一年结束之前,他回家了。 国王召集他儿子们的时间到了。“你们都带了什么东西?”他问所有的儿子。其他兄弟都拿出来很多精美的物品。 “那你带了什么东西?”国王问小王子。 “这太可笑了”其他兄弟说。“他什么都没带!” 但是国王对小王子很慈祥。 “你给我带了什么?”国王又问了一遍。 “我带来的只是你的子民的友谊。”小儿子说。 “这是最好的东西!”他的父亲喜极而泣。“你将成为新国王。”

eminem新歌drop the world歌词超赞阿姆。


有一首歌的歌词是 we run up the world 这是什么歌?

run the world

Run The World Girls 歌词

歌曲名:Run The World Girls歌手:Beyoncé专辑:2011年震撼现场精选合辑(上)Girls, we run this motha (yeah!)Girls, we run this motha (yeah!)Girls, we run this motha (yeah!)Girls, we run this motha, GIRLS!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Some of them men thinkThey freak this like we do, but no they don"tMake your cheques come at they neckDisrespect us no they won"tBoy don"t even try to take usBoy this beat is crazyThis is how they made meUsed to take this babyThis goes out to all my girlsThat"s in the club rocking the latestWho will buy it for themselves and get more money laterI think I need a barberNone of these hoes can fade meIm so good with this I remind you I"m so hood with thisBoy I"m just playing, come here babyHope you still like me, If you hate meMy persuasion can build a nationIn this our, our love we can devourYou"ll do anything for meWho run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!It"s hot up in hereDJ don"t be scared to run this, run this backI"m repping for the girls who taking over the worldHave me raise a glass for the college gradsAnyone rolling I"ll let you know what time it isYou can"t hold meI broke my 9 to 5 and copped my chequeThis goes out to all the women getting it inGet on your grindTo the other men that respect what I doPlease accept my shineBoy you know you love itHow we"re smart enough to make these millionsStrong enough to bare the childrenThen get back to businessSee, you better not play meDon"t come here babyHope you still like meIf you hate me!My persuasion can build a nationIn this hourOur love we can devourYou"ll do anything for meWho run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who are we?What we run?The world(Who run this motha? Girls!)Who are we?What we run?The world(Who run this motha? Girls!)Who are we?What do we run?We run the world(Who run this motha? Girls!)Who are we?What we run?We run the worldWho run the world? Girls!

Run The World(Girls) 歌词

歌曲名:Run The World(Girls)歌手:Beyoncé专辑:Run the World (Girls)Girls, we run this motha (yeah!)Girls, we run this motha (yeah!)Girls, we run this motha (yeah!)Girls, we run this motha, GIRLS!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Some of them men thinkThey freak this like we do, but no they don"tMake your cheques come at they neckDisrespect us no they won"tBoy don"t even try to take usBoy this beat is crazyThis is how they made meUsed to take this babyThis goes out to all my girlsThat"s in the club rocking the latestWho will buy it for themselves and get more money laterI think I need a barberNone of these hoes can fade meIm so good with this I remind you I"m so hood with thisBoy I"m just playing, come here babyHope you still like me, If you hate meMy persuasion can build a nationIn this our, our love we can devourYou"ll do anything for meWho run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!It"s hot up in hereDJ don"t be scared to run this, run this backI"m repping for the girls who taking over the worldHave me raise a glass for the college gradsAnyone rolling I"ll let you know what time it isYou can"t hold meI broke my 9 to 5 and copped my chequeThis goes out to all the women getting it inGet on your grindTo the other men that respect what I doPlease accept my shineBoy you know you love itHow we"re smart enough to make these millionsStrong enough to bare the childrenThen get back to businessSee, you better not play meDon"t come here babyHope you still like meIf you hate me!My persuasion can build a nationIn this hourOur love we can devourYou"ll do anything for meWho run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who are we?What we run?The world(Who run this motha? Girls!)Who are we?What we run?The world(Who run this motha? Girls!)Who are we?What do we run?We run the world(Who run this motha? Girls!)Who are we?What we run?We run the worldWho run the world? Girls!

drop the world中英歌词

(Lil Wayne) I got ice in my veins, blood in my eyesHate in my heart, love in my mindI seen nights full of pain, days of the sameYou keep the sunshine, save me the rainI search but never find, hurt but never cryI work and forever try, but I"m cursed, so never mindAnd it"s worse, but better times seem further and beyondThe top gets higher the more that I climbThe spot gets smaller, and I get biggerTryna get into where I fit in, no room for a n*ggaBut soon for a n*gga it be on, mu"f*cka‘Cause all the bullshit, it made me strong, mu"f*ckaSo I pick the world up and I"ma drop it on your f*ckin" headBitch, I"ma pick the world up and I"ma drop it on your f*ckin" headAnd I could die now, Rebirth motherf*ckerHop up in my spaceship and leave Earth, motherf*ckerI"m goneMotherf*cker, I"m goneI know what they don"t wanna tell youJust hope you"re heaven-sent, and you"re hell-proofI-I walk up in the world and cut the lights offAnd confidence is the stain they can"t wipe offHuh, my word is my prideBut wisdom is bleak, and that"s a word from the wiseServed to survive, murdered and bribedAnd when it got too heavy I put my burdens asideSo I could pick the world up and I"ma drop it on your f*ckin" headBitch, I"ma pick the world up and I"ma drop it on your f*ckin" headAnd I could die now, Rebirth motherf*ckerHop up in my spaceship and leave Earth, motherf*ckerI"m goneMotherf*cker, I"m gone (I"m gone)(Eminem) It hurts, but I never show this pain you"ll never knowIf only you could see just how lonely and how coldAnd frostbit I"ve become, my back"s against the wallLil Wayne Drop The WorldWhen push come to shove, I just stand up and scream “F*ck ‘em all”Man, it feels like these walls are closing inThis roof is caving in, up its time to razor-thinYour days are numbered like pagers andMy book of rhymes, got ‘em cookin", boyThis crooked mind of mine got ‘em allShook and scared to look in my eyesI stole that f*ckin" clockI took the time and ICame up from behindAnd pretty much snuck upAnd butt-f*cked this game upBetter be careful when you bring my name upF*ck this fame, that ain"t whatI came to claim but the gameAin"t gonna be the same on the day that I leave itBut I swear one way or another I"ma make these f*ckin" haters believe thatI swear to God, won"t spare the rodI"m a man of my word, so your f*ckin" heads better nodOr I"ma f*ck around in this bitch and roast everybodySleep on me, that pillow is where your head"ll liePermanently, bitch, it"s beddy-byeThis world is my Easter egg, yeah, prepare to dieMy head is swole, my confidence is upThis stage is my pedestalI"m unstoppable, incredibleHope you"re trapped in my medicine ballI could run circles around you so fast your f*ckin" head"ll spin, dogI split your cabbage and your lettuce and olivesI"ll f*ckin"Pick the world up and I"ma drop it on your f*ckin" headBitch, I"ma pick the world up and I"ma drop it on your f*ckin" headAnd I could die now, Rebirth motherf*ckerHop up in my spaceship and leave Earth, motherf*ckerI"m goneMotherf*cker, I"m gone (I"m gone) 血液冻结,双目充血恨在心里,爱在脑中白天黑夜,我看见的只是痛苦你给自己留下阳光,给我留下的却是雨我一直搜寻,却从未有获,受伤,但不掉眼泪我一直努力并尝试,不过我是被诅咒的,故从不在意这很糟,转运似乎是那么的遥不可及爬的越高,山顶变得越遥远空间变小了,不过我变强大了试着找一个属于自己的地方,却没有留给黑人的位置不过不久就会有了,王八蛋因为这些胡说八道使我变得强壮,混蛋Chorus所以我要举起这个世界砸到你该死的头上贱丨人,我要举起这个世界砸到你该死的头上我现在就要死,要重生,混蛋跳进我的宇宙飞船离开地球,混蛋我离开了,混蛋,永远的离开了Lil Wayne我知道他们不想告诉你的东西他们只是希望你是及时雨,能抵御灾难我走进这个世界,关掉灯自信是我永远不能被他们抹去的“污点”嗯,我的词句就是我的骄傲虽然没有很多智慧可言,但这是能者之语为了生存,谋杀和贿赂当这些变得过于沉重,我把自己肩上的担子先放到一边ChorusEminem这很受伤,但我永远不会表现出来,所以你永远不会知道就算你能发现我很孤独,看到我变得非常冷漠我背靠着墙当逼迫变成强迫,我只是挺起身大吼“TMD全给我滚蛋”伙计,感觉像是墙快倒了,屋顶快塌了,时间紧迫你剩下的日子可以像纸一样被数清我的韵律和节奏,让他们都滚回家做饭去了我的这个疯狂想法,使他们全都呆若木鸡不敢直视我的眼睛我偷来了那个该死的钟我花了很多时间从幕后走到台前几乎是悄无声息的可是搞砸了“游戏”提到我名字的时候最好小心一点去TMD出名,这不是我来这里想要的不过当我离开的时候,这个“游戏”将不再是当初那个“游戏”了我发誓无论如何我都能让恨我的人明白这一点我向上帝发誓,我不会吝惜“拳脚”我是个守信的人,所以你最好给我TMD点头不然我OOXX死这贱丨人,烤烂每个床伴,这个枕头将是你的头颅永远躺着的地方贱丨人,该说再见了这个世界就是我的复活节彩蛋,是啊,准备走向尽头我雄心勃勃,信心爆棚这个舞台是我的基石我不可阻挡,震惊世界希望你被我的medicine ball捕获我能绕着你兜圈跑,快到让你该死的脑袋晕到爆,dog我劈烂你的包心菜、莴苣和橄榄我TMD要举起这个世界砸到你该死的头上贱丨人,我要举起这个世界砸到你该死的头上我现在就要死,要重生,混蛋跳进我的宇宙飞船离开地球,混蛋我离开了,混蛋,永远的离开了

求曼森running to the end of the world中文歌词

记得当我把你直至山顶?我们制定了我们的刀。他们被锋利因为我们相爱。如果上帝越过我们我们会带他的所有药品,烧他的钱和他的房子,并等待火势蔓延。但有时仇恨是不够的把所有这一切都化为灰烬。合力,对所有其他人打破所有的翅膀确保崩溃我们正在运行到世界的边缘运行,离家出走我们正在运行到世界的边缘我不知道,如果世界今天将结束我别无选择,i消除了我们的家庭债务,让您说再见像炸药的嘴唇。大家把他们的背因为他们知道,当我们举行紧彼此,我们在当时是致命的,这落入坏人之手这我随便拿个软件翻译的、 有点死、 没改、 反正大概就这意思~~ 结合音乐自己再好好想一下哈···

求《We are the world》歌曲的资料?

20年前----1985年1月28日,45位当红歌星云集洛杉矶的录音室,灌录了《We are the world》这首义卖单曲----所以今天特发此贴以志纪念,并向当年演唱、策划、制作这首歌的歌星和制作人表示敬意! 在1985“国际和平年”,为了救济救济埃塞俄比亚及非洲其他地区的饥民,由Michael Jackson与Quincy Jones召集了四十五位乡村、蓝调、民谣和摇滚等不同风格的重要歌手,由Quincy Jones担任制作人,合力创作了这张《We Are The World》单曲专辑,并成立专门的机构处理捐款和使用的事宜。

Beyonce的新歌Run the world是什么意思?是不是掌管世界的意思??



Today it can be said that wheels run the world.当今的世界,可以说是车轮上的世界。

Run The World (Girls)的歌曲歌词

Girls" we run this motha (yeah!)Girls" we run this motha (yeah!)Girls" we run this motha (yeah!)Girls" we run this motha" GIRLS!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Some of them men think they freak this like we dobut no they don"tMake yo check come at they neck,disrespect us no they won"tBoy don"t even try to touch thisboy this beat is crazyThis is how they made me, Houston Texas babyThis goes out to all my girls up in the club rockin" the latestWho will buy it for themselves and get more money laterI think I need a barber, none of these can fade meI"m so good with this,I remind you I"m so hood with thisBoy, I"m just playin"Come here babyHope you still like meF U pay meMy persuasion can build a nationEndless power with our love we can devourYou"ll do anything for meWho run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run this motha? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!Who run the world? Girls!It"s hot up in here DJ don"t be scared to run thisrun this backI"m reppin" for the girls who takin" over the worldHelp me raise a glass for the college grads41 rollin" to let you know what time it is, checkYou can"t hold me I work my 9 to 5 betta cut my checkThis goes out to all the women gettin" it in you on yo grindTo all the men that respect what I do please accept my shineBoy you know you love it how we smart enough to make these millionsStrong enough to bare the children,then get back to businessSee, you better not play meOh come here babyHope you still like meF U pay me!My persuasion can build a nationEndless power with our love we can devourYou"ll do anything for meWho run the world GirlsWho run the world GirlsWho run the world GirlsWho run the world GirlsWho run the world GirlsWho run this motha GirlsWho run this motha GirlsWho run this motha GirlsWho run this motha GirlsWho run the world GirlsWho run the world GirlsWho run the world GirlsWho run the world GirlsWho are weWhat we runThe world(Who run this motha GirlsWho are weWhat we runThe world(Who run this motha GirlsWho are weWhat do we runWe run the world(Who run this motha GirlsWho are weWhat we runWe run the worldWho run the world Girls 姑娘们,我们领跑整个世界!  姑娘们,我们领跑整个世界!  姑娘们,我们领跑整个世界!  姑娘们,我们领跑整个世界!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  那些臭男人以为  他们可以和我们一样落雁沉鱼,但并没有  钞票多的让男人们自愧不如  看他们还敢不敢再无礼  男人们别想轻易带走我的姑娘们  这节奏或许很疯狂  但是对于我来说早已习惯  曾经也被这感觉迷倒过  现在我要和姐妹们昏天黑地  这也是我刚刚在放的故事  吸取我的经验你就能够成为情场高手  我得好好打扮打扮自己  人性的缺点挡不住我的魅力  我现在感觉自己棒极了,这也是我希望你们记住的  亲爱的我只是玩玩,过来吧  即使你讨厌我,我还是希望你能崇拜我  我的信念可以高筑城墙  是我们姑娘的,我们就得好好享受  男人们会自动为奴  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  这里真的太热了  打碟的别害怕,再来一遍从头开始  我正在为全世界的姐妹们伸张正义  大家都为我的壮举举杯喝彩  所有想造反的,姐的名字足以让你闻风丧胆  你们阻止不了我的  打破自己的生物钟抓紧时间挣票子  为了姐妹们的快乐打拼  男人们都为我们做苦力  那些崇拜姐的男人们  姐会给你们阳光照耀的  深知每个个男人都抗拒不了我们  我们是如此有商业头脑  晒亲子自拍是应得的幸福时光  幸福之后依然不忘努力工作  所以你最好别跟我玩小儿科  没本事的最好别过来  依然希望你崇拜我  即使你讨厌我  我的信念可以高筑城墙  在这个国度  姐妹们沐浴圣水穿金戴银  男人们就做身下奴  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  我们是谁?  我们掌握着什么?  是整个世界!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  我们是谁?  我们掌握着什么?  是整个世界!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  我们是谁?  我们掌握着什么?  是整个世界!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!  我们是谁?  我们掌握着什么?  是整个世界!  谁运转整个世界?是姑娘们!

run the worldj 是什么意思


Run The World (Girls)的创作背景

《Run The World(Girls)》由Switch、Shea Taylor和Terius Nash创作,其中碧昂斯也有参与该曲的制作。该歌曲选录了说唱歌手梅杰 拉扎尔(Major Lazer)的单曲《Pon de Floor》的内容 在创作过程中,碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯特意添加了一些非洲元素,同时还有一些电子元素。这让她想到了自己的爱,她在其中加入了不同地区的文化。虽然碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯认为这样的的风格通常是无法融合的,但是她努力去创造出《Run The World(Girls)》。

run the world 中文歌词

run 在这是掌控掌握的意思

Run The World (Girls)的歌曲鉴赏

《Run The World(Girls)》是一首宣传女权主义的俱乐部舞曲,从单曲的歌词就可见一斑。 剪辑强烈节奏蓝调以及非洲打击乐器的巧妙编排,结合顶尖团队携手监制,细腻雕刻出无国界的音乐图像,在美英两国榜单上打出好成绩。 这首反复强调“女性崛起”的单曲用耳朵听的话,会觉得编曲上的跨界很有意思,R&B、Funky、Synth-Pop以及非洲打击乐器的巧妙编排让人听了印象深刻。虽然十分惊艳,但传唱度不高。 选录了说唱歌手梅杰 拉扎尔的单曲《Pon de Floor》的内容,使歌曲听起来节奏感更加强劲狂野,非洲敲击乐的加入使得MV别具风情,实属为舞池打造的又一佳作。

hold the world 和run the world的区别


求run the world 歌词中文意思


Run The World 歌词

歌曲名:Run The World歌手:Jennifer Lopez专辑:LOVE?Jennifer Lopez - Run The World(Feat. The-Dream & Rick Ross)Uh, we got it locked and they know,Uh, whenever we around it goes down like Draino,Uh, And it"s nothing to spend these pesos,and you will never see us what it wasUh, Keep call on low low.We"re on the road twenty thousand in the townWe are ain"t nothing greaterHangin out the window straight bustin at u love hatersBonny Clyde,No other girl will ever ride like I rideThat"s why you need me on your passenger side,Let me help you get that paper.Hanging out the window busting at them love haters.Me and you,I"m the closest you"ll ever be to truth.There"s never a question of what I"ll doUh huh for you.With me you"ll never loose, soCall on your girl that can hold you rightI"ll be your protectorI"ll never forget you.You need somebody that can hold you tight.I"ll be in your arm loveKeep you out of harm boy.I"ll be your anything, everythingRockin roll with you.If things get to hot out in the cold with you.Froze Froze with you.Me and you togetherOur love could run the world (uh,oh) (uh,oh)Run the world (Uh,oh) (Uh,Oh)Our love could run the world (uh,oh) (uh,oh)Run the world (uh,oh) (uh,oh)Our loved could run the world.I"ll be your anything everythingRockin roll with youIf things get to hot I"m in the cold with you,Froze, Froze with youMe and you togetherOur love could run the world.(Rose! Yeah)The range rover sitting lower than the moreLet me know who make it rain moreMe or the lord.I gotta schedule like I"m unemployedShaking dice at the table baby go ahead and blow it.You can"t ignore it your whole body getting explored.Top to bottom I"m reproducing your deepest thoughts.Lay off the leash the second week I lease the PorscheLet down the top and hit the beach a future divorce.Hit me on my cell better be talking them dollarsThe boss ball park resemble the dodgers,I never dodge a thing except for the Chargers.Embarrassed by the rubber bandsMy ex would of charged it.Got it popping so everybody be watching them.Exotic watches you know my lady be popping themRose! Time to lock her down

Run the World 歌词

歌曲名:Run the World歌手:Jennifer Lopez专辑:loveJennifer Lopez - Run The World(Feat. The-Dream & Rick Ross)Uh, we got it locked and they know,Uh, whenever we around it goes down like Draino,Uh, And it"s nothing to spend these pesos,and you will never see us what it wasUh, Keep call on low low.We"re on the road twenty thousand in the townWe are ain"t nothing greaterHangin out the window straight bustin at u love hatersBonny Clyde,No other girl will ever ride like I rideThat"s why you need me on your passenger side,Let me help you get that paper.Hanging out the window busting at them love haters.Me and you,I"m the closest you"ll ever be to truth.There"s never a question of what I"ll doUh huh for you.With me you"ll never loose, soCall on your girl that can hold you rightI"ll be your protectorI"ll never forget you.You need somebody that can hold you tight.I"ll be in your arm loveKeep you out of harm boy.I"ll be your anything, everythingRockin roll with you.If things get to hot out in the cold with you.Froze Froze with you.Me and you togetherOur love could run the world (uh,oh) (uh,oh)Run the world (Uh,oh) (Uh,Oh)Our love could run the world (uh,oh) (uh,oh)Run the world (uh,oh) (uh,oh)Our loved could run the world.I"ll be your anything everythingRockin roll with youIf things get to hot I"m in the cold with you,Froze, Froze with youMe and you togetherOur love could run the world.(Rose! Yeah)The range rover sitting lower than the moreLet me know who make it rain moreMe or the lord.I gotta schedule like I"m unemployedShaking dice at the table baby go ahead and blow it.You can"t ignore it your whole body getting explored.Top to bottom I"m reproducing your deepest thoughts.Lay off the leash the second week I lease the PorscheLet down the top and hit the beach a future divorce.Hit me on my cell better be talking them dollarsThe boss ball park resemble the dodgers,I never dodge a thing except for the Chargers.Embarrassed by the rubber bandsMy ex would of charged it.Got it popping so everybody be watching them.Exotic watches you know my lady be popping themRose! Time to lock her down


RUN THE WORLD的中文名为狂途障碍跑,slogan为“狂乐肆途”。是全国唯一赛道标准化城市障碍赛,全球首站将于2017年在广州举办,预计将有近万人参加,也是中国目前最大型的障碍跑运动。狂途障碍跑的障碍物涵括:巨型长滑梯、巨型迷宫、攀爬墙、独木桥等设置。参赛者需用到爬、钻、跳、滑等肢体动作的变化与协调,来穿越通过赛道中的11件巨型障碍物设置。对参赛者的体能、勇气、反应力、团队协作力等都有着一定的考验。RUN THE WORLD特点:(与其他跑步运动的区别)穿越障碍跑步运动刺激、疯狂、有趣挑战体能、耐力、技巧与勇气除跑步外,还需用到爬、钻、跳、滑等动作适合所有有挑战精神的人群

we are the world 中文歌词


wonder of the natural world


求《chinese around the world》 文章

sorry ,i cant find~!

we are the kings of the world,king用不用加s

是指人类么? 总体的话应该是不要加s的

You Rock My World 歌词

歌曲名:You Rock My World歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Michael Jackson: The Ultimate CollectionYou Rock My WorldMichael JacksonMy life will never be the same"Cause girl you came and changedThe way I walkThe way I talkI cannot explainThese things I feel for youBut girl, you know it"s trueStay with meFulfill my dreamsAnd I"ll be all you needFeels so rightI"ve searched for the perfect love all my lifeFeels like IHave finally found a perfect love this timeCome on, girlYou rocked my worldAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call minein time I knew that love would bringSuch happiness to meI tried to keep my sanityI"ve waited patientlyGirl, you know it seemsMy life is so completeA love that"s true because of youKeep doing what you doThink that IFinally found the perfect love I"ve searched for all my life(Searched for all my life)Think I"v findSuch a perfect love that"s awesomely so rightGirlYou rocked my worldYou know you didEverything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineAnd girl, I know that this is loveI felt the magic"s all in the airAnd girl, I"ll never get enoughThat"s why I"ll always have to have you hereYou rocked my worldYou know you didEverything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineYou rock my worldThe way you talk to meThe way you"ve loving meThe way you give it to meYou rock my worldYou rock my worldYou rock my worldCome on, girlCome on, girl,Baby, baby, babyThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love who"d think I"v findSomeone like you to call mine

You rock my world ---Aaron 歌词!!

Girl I see ya,You"re on top of the world, yeah.Baby you"re the true meaning of a fantasy girl, yeah.Bright lights and the fancy cars,Baby I"m sure that you got it all.Front cover of the magazines,Girl you"re living the dream.But I"m only human.What am I supposed to do,When I"m only human?And I can"t take my eyes of you.Miss celebrity girl,You rock my world,How do I get you?Miss celebrity girl,You rock my world,Can I get with you?Miss celebrity girl.Maybach goes in front of the place,You step out on that red carpet.You got these papparazzi cameras flashing all in your face.Ain"t nothing left to lose,I gotta get to you,To tell you what"s on my mind.Cause it"s still possible.I"m moving through the crowd,I"mma gonna have to scream out.See, I"m only human.What am I supposed to do,When I"m only human?And I can"t take my eyes of you.Miss celebrity girl,You rock my world,How do I get you?Miss celebrity girl,You rock my world,Can I get with you?Miss celebrity girl,You rock my world,How do I get you?Miss celebrity girl,You rock my world,Can I get with you?Miss celebrity girl.Hit you on the web girl,Did you get that fanmail?Miss celebrity girl.I"m tryin" as hard as I can, girl,I"m your biggest fan, girl.And there"s gotta be a reason,You can be my baby,Even when they say that we"re different.Baby I love you,I can"t get you out of my head.Miss celebrity girl,You rock my world,How do I get you?Miss celebrity girl,Can I get with you?You rock my world,Miss celebrity girl,You rock my world,How do I get you?Miss celebrity girl,You rock my world,Can I get with ya?Miss celebrity girl.Miss celebrity girl.How do I get you..Celebrity girl..

You Rock My World (Instrumental) 歌词

歌曲名:You Rock My World (Instrumental)歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:You Rock My World(Intro dialogue by Michael Jackson and Chris Tucker)Chris Tucker: Oh man! Look at that girl, right there! Goodnessgracious! That girl fine, man! Look at it, she just too fine! She know shefine too!Michael Jackson: She is banging!CT: Shes off the hook!MJ: She looks good, youe right.CT: Hey, I bet you, cant nobody get that girl.MJ: Chris, I can get her.CT: You cant get that girl, Mike. I guarantee you cant get thatgirl!MJ: Watch me get that girl.CT: I bet you never-Neverland, you cant.MJ: I can get her.CT: All right! Shomon, then. Shomon!MJ: Watch.MJJ Productions Inc.Darkchild I like thatMy life will never be the sameCause girl you came and changedThe way I walkThe way I talkI cannot explainThese things I feel for youBut girl, you know its trueStay with meFulfill my dreamsAnd Ill be all you needFeels so right(Girl)Ive searched for the perfect love all my life(All my life)Feels like I(Like I)Have finally found a perfect love this time(And I finally found)Come on, girlYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love whod think Iv findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I giveThe rarest love whod think Iv findSomeone like you to call mineIn timeI knew that love would bringSuch happiness to meI tried to keep my sanityIve waited patientlyGirl, you know it seemsMy life is so completeA love thats true because of youKeep doing what you doThink that IFinally found the perfect love Ive searched for all my life(Searched for all my life)Think Iv findSuch a perfect love thats awesomely so rightGirlYou rocked my worldYou know you did(Come on, come on, come on)Everything I own I give(You rock my world)The rarest love whod think Iv find(Girl)Someone like you to call mineYou rocked my world(You rock my world)You know you did(You rock my world)And everything I own I give(Girl)The rarest love whod think Iv find(Girl, girl)Someone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I give(You rock my world)The rarest love whod think Iv findSomeone like you to call mineYou rocked my worldYou know you didAnd everything I own I give(You rock my world)The rarest love whod think Iv findSomeone like you to call mineAnd girl, I know that this is loveI felt the magics all in the airAnd girl, Ill never get enoughThats why Ill always have to have you hereYou rocked my world(You rock my world)You know you didEverything I own I give(Look what you did to me, baby)The rarest love whod think Iv findSomeone like you to call mine(You, you, you, you)(You rock my world)You rocked my worldYou know you did(I cannot explain)And everything I own I give(Cause you rock my world)The rarest love whod think I findSomeone like you to call mine(You rock my world)You rocked my world

跪求迈克尔杰克逊you rock my world歌词!


迈克尔杰克逊You Rock My World中文歌词


有关You Rock My World歌词的问题,高手进,高分奖励!

这是英文:chris tucker: oh man! look at that girl, right there! goodnessgracious! that girl fine, man! look at it, she just too fine! she know shefine too!michael jackson: she is banging!ct: she"s off the hook!mj: she looks good, you抮e right.ct: hey, i bet you, can"t nobody get that girl.mj: chris, i can get her.ct: you can"t get that girl, mike. i guarantee you can"t get thatgirl!mj: watch me get that girl.ct: i bet you never-neverland, you can"t.mj: i can get her.ct: all right! shomon, then. shomon!mj: watch.mjj productions inc.darkchild i like thatmy life will never be the same"cause girl you came and changedthe way i walkthe way i talki cannot explainthese things i feel for youbut girl, you know it"s truestay with mefulfill my dreamsand i"ll be all you needfeels so right(girl)i"ve searched for the perfect love all my life(all my life)feels like i(like i)have finally found a perfect love this time(and i finally found)come on, girlyou rocked my worldyou know you didand everything i own i givethe rarest love who"d think i"v findsomeone like you to call mineyou rocked my worldyou know you didand everything i own i givethe rarest love who"d think i"v findsomeone like you to call minein timei knew that love would bringsuch happiness to mei tried to keep my sanityi"ve waited patientlygirl, you know it seemsmy life is so completea love that"s true because of youkeep doing what you dothink that ifinally found the perfect love i"ve searched for all my life(searched for all my life)think i"v findsuch a perfect love that"s awesomely so rightgirlyou rocked my worldyou know you did(come on, come on, come on)everything i own i give(you rock my world)the rarest love who"d think i"v find(girl)someone like you to call mineyou rocked my world(you rock my world)you know you did(you rock my world)and everything i own i give(girl)the rarest love who"d think i"v find(girl, girl)someone like you to call mineyou rocked my worldyou know you didand everything i own i give(you rock my world)the rarest love who"d think i"v findsomeone like you to call mineyou rocked my worldyou know you didand everything i own i give(you rock my world)the rarest love who"d think i"v findsomeone like you to call mineand girl, i know that this is lovei felt the magic"s all in the airand girl, i"ll never get enoughthat"s why i"ll always have to have you hereyou rocked my world(you rock my world)you know you dideverything i own i give(look what you did to me, baby)the rarest love who"d think i"v findsomeone like you to call mine(you, you, you, you)< 这是译文:克里斯塔克:天哪!你看那个女孩,就在那儿!善良 天哪!那个女孩好,伙计!看看吧,她只是太细!她知道她 也没关系! 迈克尔杰克逊:她在做爱! 克拉:她摆脱困境! 马:她看起来不错,你抮e的权利。 克拉:嘿,我敢打赌你,没有人能得到那个女孩。 马:克里斯,我能得到她。 克拉:你不能让那个女孩,迈克。我保证你不能把 女孩! 马:看我得到那个女孩。 克拉:我敢打赌,你永不梦幻岛,你不能。 MJ:我能得到她。 克拉:好吧! shomon,然后。 shomon! 马:手表。 mjj制作公司。 darkchild我喜欢 我的生活将不会同过去一样 因为女孩你闯进了我 我走的路 我说话的方式 我无法解释 这些事情我为你感到 但是女孩,你知道这是真的 留在我身边 实现自己的梦想 我将是你最需要 感觉不错 (女孩) 我的完美爱情搜索我所有的生活 (所有我的生活) 我感觉 (就像我) 终于找到了一个完美的爱这一次 (终于找到我) 来吧,女孩 你我的世界天旋地转 你知道你们的所做所为 我自己的一切给我 最珍稀的爱谁以为我心中已经找到 像你这样的人打电话给我 你我的世界天旋地转 你知道你们的所做所为 我自己的一切给我 最珍稀的爱谁以为我心中已经找到 像你这样的人打电话给我 及时 我知道爱情将带给 这样我快乐 我试图让自己保持清醒 我耐心地等待着 女孩,你知道这似乎 我的生活是如此完整 爱那是因为你的真实 继续做你做了什么 我认为, 终于找到了完美的爱,我已经搜查了我所有的生命 (搜查我所有的生活) 觉得我心中已经找到 如此完美的爱情的赫然如此正确 女孩 你我的世界天旋地转 你知道你们的所做所为 (来吧,来吧,来吧) 我给我自己的一切 (你摇滚我的世界) 最珍稀的爱谁以为我心中已经找到 (女孩) 像你这样的人打电话给我 你我的世界天旋地转 (你摇滚我的世界) 你知道你们的所做所为 (你摇滚我的世界) 我自己的一切给我 (女孩) 最珍稀的爱谁以为我心中已经找到 (女孩,女孩) 像你这样的人打电话给我 你我的世界天旋地转 你知道你们的所做所为 我自己的一切给我 (你摇滚我的世界) 最珍稀的爱谁以为我心中已经找到 像你这样的人打电话给我 你我的世界天旋地转 你知道你们的所做所为 我自己的一切给我 (你摇滚我的世界) 最珍稀的爱谁以为我心中已经找到 像你这样的人打电话给我 和女孩,我知道这是爱 我感到神奇的空气中的所有 和女孩,我永远不会得到足够的 这就是为什么我会永远有你在这里有 你我的世界天旋地转 (你摇滚我的世界) 你知道你们的所做所为 我给我自己的一切 (看看你对我做的,婴儿) 最珍稀的爱谁以为我心中已经找到 像你这样的人打电话给我 (你,你,你,你)<



To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.中文意思


3. Some people say we are living in a world of prejudices. Do you agree?


The Most Beautiful Girl (In The World) 歌词

歌曲名:The Most Beautiful Girl (In The World)歌手:Slim Whitman专辑:Happy Anniversary / 25Th Anniversary ConcertNu Flavor - The Most Beautiful GirlOoo girl I"d walk a hundred milesTo see your pretty face each time you smileThere is no distance for me, long as I can believeI"ll see you tonightSimply no distance for me, girl you gotta believeI need you tonightI"ll never forget, the first time I setMy eyes on you I thought I would dieYou were my lovely day, took my breath awayNow I"m walking with my head to the skyYou are the most beautiful girl, I"ve ever seen in this worldYou came in my life just in timeYou are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the worldShe"s all mineI just can"t find the words to sayThis kind of feeling don"t come every dayIt feels like heaven to me, love has given me wingsGirl you light up my lifeYou feel like heaven to me, every day"s like a dreamHaving you by my sideI"ll never forget, the first time I setMy eyes on you I thought I would cryIt was my lucky day, when you came my way"N I"m still walking with my head to the SkyYou are the most beautiful girl, I"ve ever seen in this worldYou came in my life just in timeYou are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the worldShe"s all mineOh girlThe sun and the moon, the starrs in the skiesThey don"t shine as bright as the light in your eyesAnd it brightens my day, when I realizeIn just a few hours I"ll be holding you tightYou are the most beautiful girl, I"ve ever seen in this worldYou came in my life just in timeYou are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the worldShe"s all mine……

We are in a world full of competition.任务型阅读

76.Yes,we are77.Don"t give up in the face of competition. Don"t look at things from a single point of view.Try to discover your own advantages,and believe that you can do better than others in those ways. Don"t be afraid of competition78.why can"t we do better than others?79.记住自信是迈向成功的第一步80. Success is based on confidence in the world full of competition.

we are living in an amazing world.


求w-inds.的一首歌,其中有一句歌词是“在一成不变的生活里改变的只有心情”,应该是ANOTHER WORLD里的歌

「Cos Of You」作词∶Kiyohito Komatsu作曲∶Darren Martyn见え透いた嘘 骗されたふり时计を気にしてる Deep midnight张りつめた空気ごまかすように黒髪指で梳(と)かす仕草なぜこんなに すれ违ってもお互いを慰めて想いはもうずっと 远くにあるのに离れられないCos of you ただそれだけの Reason whyCos of you 刻まれた本能みたいにCos of you 理屈じゃない感情はいつだって逆らえない oh...君の嘘も言い訳も全部カタチを失くした饰りみたいにCos of you 君を満たすために必要な Piecesすべては Cos of youda...dada oh da...dada oh...babyふたりの生活(くらし)が辉いてたあの思い出はもう Deep inside君はいつも窓辺に置いた名もない花にさえ爱を そっと 与え 続けていただけど今はもう片隅で水を求め渇いてしまったまま过ぎゆくCos of you それがありのままでもCos of you 枯れて土に还(かえ)るとしてもCos of you 瞬(まばた)きほどの时でも确かに爱し合っていたんだ何も変わらぬ生活(くらし)の中で気持ちだけが迁(うつ)ろうことにCos of you 切なさに暮れる咲かない花はそれでも Cos of you知らぬ间に眠りについた君はどんな梦を见るの?その心にまだ仆は影を落としているの?Cos of you ただそれだけの Reason whyCos of you 刻まれた本能みたいにCos of you 理屈じゃない感情はいつだって逆らえない oh...君の嘘も言い訳も全部カタチを失くした饰りみたいにCos of you 君を満たすために必要な PiecesすべてはCos of you それがありのままでもCos of you 枯れて土に还(かえ)るとしてもCos of you 瞬(まばた)きほどの时でも确かに爱し合っていたんだ何も変わらぬ生活(くらし)の中で気持ちだけが迁(うつ)ろうことにCos of you 切なさに暮れる咲かない花はそれでも Cos of you-----------------------------------看穿的谎言 被骗的模样注意下时间 Deep midnight 如同欺骗这紧张的气氛的手指梳理黑发的动作为何如此 即便错过也互相安慰思恋明明已经远去却无法分析cos of you唯有这些Reason whycos of you如同深刻的本能般cos of you不可理喻的感情无论何时都无法抗拒你的谎言和接口也全部如同没有形状的装饰品cos of you为了满足你而必要的Pieces全部都cos of youda……dada oh da……dadaoh……baby两人的生活熠熠生辉那份回忆已经 deep indide连你一直放在窗边的无名的花也……静静的 将爱不断给予但是现在在角落渴望着水干枯着被置之不理Cos of you即便这是事实Cos of you即便干枯回归尘土Cos of you即便一瞬间也好,确实相爱过在一成不变的生活中只有心情渐渐改变Cos of you沉浸于悲伤不会绽放的花即便如此Cos of you不知不觉入睡的你,做了怎样的梦呢?在你心里,还会投下我的身影吗?cos of you唯有这些Reason whycos of you如同深刻的本能般cos of you不可理喻的感情无论何时都无法抗拒你的谎言和借口也全部如同没有形状的装饰品cos of you为了满足你而必要的Pieces全部都cos of youCos of you即便这是事实Cos of you即便干枯回归尘土Cos of you即便一瞬间也好,确实相爱过在一成不变的生活中只有心情渐渐改变Cos of you沉浸于悲伤不会绽放的花即便如此Cos of you

roof the world 这句话如何翻译成汉语?11

犬夜叉主题曲Change the world罗马发音和歌词

Change the world [犬夜叉 OP1] 歌: V6 作词:松本理惠 作曲:渡边未来 编词:上野圭市 日文原文: I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD 风を駈け抜けて 何も恐れずに いま勇気と 笑颜のカケラ抱いて CHANGE MY MIND 情热绝やさずに 高鸣る未来へ 手を伸ばせば 辉けるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND 灰色の空の彼方 何か置いてきた 君は迷いながら捜しつづける 君の心震えてた 明日の见えない夜 何も信じられず 耳を塞ぐ 君に出逢えたとき 本当の居场所见つけた 何気ない优しさがここにあって 仆ら目覚める I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD 二度と迷わない 君といる未来 形どれば どこまでも飞べるさ CHANGE MY MIND 情热绝やさずに 知らない明日へ 翼ひろげ 羽ばたけるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND 仆らは同じ世界を 泳げ続けてる お互いの愿いへ届く日まで みんな同じ不安抱えて 支えあえるよ 立ち止る瞬间に 见つめてる この场所にいる I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD この手离さずに 见守る瞳を 受け止めたら 何だって出来るはず CHANGE MY MIND 一人にさせない みんなここにいる どんな事も 突き抜けていこう IT"S WONDERLAND I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLE 风を駈け抜けて 何も恐れずに いま勇気と 笑颜のカケラ抱いて CHANGE MY MIND 情热绝やさずに 高鸣る未来へ 手を伸ばせば 辉けるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND 罗马注音: I want to change the world Kaze o Kakenukete Nani mo Osorezu ni, Ima Yuuki to Egao no Kakera Daite Change my mind Jounetsu Tayasazuni Takanaru Nirai e te o Nobaseba Kagayakeru hazusa It"s wonderland Hai Iro no sora no Kanata Nani ka Oitekita Kimi wa Mayoi nagara Sagashitsuzukeru Kimi no Kokoro Furueteta Asu no Mienai yo Nani mo Shinjirarezu Mimi o Fusagu Kimi ni Deatatoki Hountou no Ibasho Mitsuketa Nanigenai Yasashisa ga koko ni Atte boku ra Mezameru I want to change the world Nidoto Mayowanai Kimi to iru Mirai Katachi Doreba dokomademo Toberu sa Change my mind Jounetsu Tayasazuni Shiranai Ashita e Tsubasa Hiroge Habatakeru hazusa It"s wonderland Bokura wa Onaji Sekai o Oyogi Tsuzuketeru Tagai no Negai e Todoku Hima de Minna Onaji Fuan Kakaete Sasae Aeru yo Tachi Domaru Shunkan ni Mitsumeteru kono Basho ni iru I want to change the world kono Te Hanasazu ni Mimamoru Hitomi o Uketometara Nan Datte dekiru hazu Change my mind Hitori ni Sasenai Minna koko ni iru donna koto mo Tsukinukete Ikou It"s wonderland I want to change the world Kaze o Kakenukete Nani mo Osorezu ni, Ima Yuuki to Egao no Kakera Daite Change my mind Jounetsu Tayasazuni Takanaru Mirai e Te o Nobaseba Kagayakeru hazu sa It"s wonderland 中文翻译: I want to Change the world 摆脱飓风 不要害怕 此刻拥抱勇气和笑容的碎片 change My Mind 热情不会停止 向着令人激动的未来 伸出双手 一定会闪耀光辉 It"s wonderland 灰色天空的彼岸 那里有什么 让你如此迷茫的不停搜索 你的心在颤抖 看不到明天的夜晚 什么都不相信 塞上双耳 和你相遇的时候 找到了我真正的归宿 这里有无意的温柔 让我们觉醒 I want to Change the world 不要再次迷惑 想象着有你的未来 飞遍天涯海角 change My Mind 热情不会停止 向着未知的明天 展开翅膀翱翔 It"s wonderland 我们在相同的世界里游动 直到互相传递到愿望的那天为止 大家都抱着相同的不安 互相支持 在停止的瞬间 发现就在这里 I want to Change the world 这双手不会放开 停止了守护的眼眸 什么都会发生 change My Mind 不会让你一个人 大家都在这里 不会有事穿透 change My Mind I want to Change the world 摆脱飓风 不要害怕 此刻拥抱勇气和笑容的碎片 change My Mind 热情不会停止 向着令人激动的未来 伸出双手 一定会闪耀光辉 It"s wonderland

change the world犬夜叉罗马音

Change the world [犬夜叉 OP1] 歌: V6 作词:松本理惠 作曲:渡边未来 编词:上野圭市 日文原文: I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD 风を駈け抜けて 何も恐れずに いま勇気と 笑颜のカケラ抱いて CHANGE MY MIND 情热绝やさずに 高鸣る未来へ 手を伸ばせば 辉けるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND 灰色の空の彼方 何か置いてきた 君は迷いながら捜しつづける 君の心震えてた 明日の见えない夜 何も信じられず 耳を塞ぐ 君に出逢えたとき 本当の居场所见つけた 何気ない优しさがここにあって 仆ら目覚める I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD 二度と迷わない 君といる未来 形どれば どこまでも飞べるさ CHANGE MY MIND 情热绝やさずに 知らない明日へ 翼ひろげ 羽ばたけるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND 仆らは同じ世界を 泳げ続けてる お互いの愿いへ届く日まで みんな同じ不安抱えて 支えあえるよ 立ち止る瞬间に 见つめてる この场所にいる I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD この手离さずに 见守る瞳を 受け止めたら 何だって出来るはず CHANGE MY MIND 一人にさせない みんなここにいる どんな事も 突き抜けていこう IT"S WONDERLAND I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLE 风を駈け抜けて 何も恐れずに いま勇気と 笑颜のカケラ抱いて CHANGE MY MIND 情热绝やさずに 高鸣る未来へ 手を伸ばせば 辉けるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND 罗马注音: I want to change the world Kaze o Kakenukete Nani mo Osorezu ni, Ima Yuuki to Egao no Kakera Daite Change my mind Jounetsu Tayasazuni Takanaru Nirai e te o Nobaseba Kagayakeru hazusa It"s wonderland Hai Iro no sora no Kanata Nani ka Oitekita Kimi wa Mayoi nagara Sagashitsuzukeru Kimi no Kokoro Furueteta Asu no Mienai yo Nani mo Shinjirarezu Mimi o Fusagu Kimi ni Deatatoki Hountou no Ibasho Mitsuketa Nanigenai Yasashisa ga koko ni Atte boku ra Mezameru I want to change the world Nidoto Mayowanai Kimi to iru Mirai Katachi Doreba dokomademo Toberu sa Change my mind Jounetsu Tayasazuni Shiranai Ashita e Tsubasa Hiroge Habatakeru hazusa It"s wonderland Bokura wa Onaji Sekai o Oyogi Tsuzuketeru Tagai no Negai e Todoku Hima de Minna Onaji Fuan Kakaete Sasae Aeru yo Tachi Domaru Shunkan ni Mitsumeteru kono Basho ni iru I want to change the world kono Te Hanasazu ni Mimamoru Hitomi o Uketometara Nan Datte dekiru hazu Change my mind Hitori ni Sasenai Minna koko ni iru donna koto mo Tsukinukete Ikou It"s wonderland I want to change the world Kaze o Kakenukete Nani mo Osorezu ni, Ima Yuuki to Egao no Kakera Daite Change my mind Jounetsu Tayasazuni Takanaru Mirai e Te o Nobaseba Kagayakeru hazu sa It"s wonderland 中文翻译: I want to Change the world 摆脱飓风 不要害怕 此刻拥抱勇气和笑容的碎片 change My Mind 热情不会停止 向着令人激动的未来 伸出双手 一定会闪耀光辉 It"s wonderland 灰色天空的彼岸 那里有什么 让你如此迷茫的不停搜索 你的心在颤抖 看不到明天的夜晚 什么都不相信 塞上双耳 和你相遇的时候 找到了我真正的归宿 这里有无意的温柔 让我们觉醒 I want to Change the world 不要再次迷惑 想象着有你的未来 飞遍天涯海角 change My Mind 热情不会停止 向着未知的明天 展开翅膀翱翔 It"s wonderland 我们在相同的世界里游动 直到互相传递到愿望的那天为止 大家都抱着相同的不安 互相支持 在停止的瞬间 发现就在这里 I want to Change the world 这双手不会放开 停止了守护的眼眸 什么都会发生 change My Mind 不会让你一个人 大家都在这里 不会有事穿透 change My Mind I want to Change the world 摆脱飓风 不要害怕 此刻拥抱勇气和笑容的碎片 change My Mind 热情不会停止 向着令人激动的未来 伸出双手 一定会闪耀光辉 It"s wonderland

求犬夜叉《CHANGE THE WORLD》的罗马音译歌词

是犬夜叉里的那首?? JAPANESE ROMANJ(日语罗马发音) I want to change the world Kaze o kakenukete Nani mo osorezu ni Ima yuuki to egao no kakera daite Change my mind Jounetsu tayasazuni Takanaru nirai e te o nobaseba Kagayakeru hazusa It"s Wonderland. Hai iro no sora no kanata Nani ka oitekita Kimi wa mayoi nagara sagashi tsuzukeru Kimi no kokoro furueteta asu no mienai yo Nani mo shinjirarezu mimi o fusagu Kimi ni deatatoki hountou no ibasho mitsuketa Nanigenai yasashisa ga koko ni atte bokura mezameru I want to change the world Nido to mayowanai Kimi to iru mirai katachi doreba dokomademo toberu sa Change my mind Jounetsu tayasazuni Shiranai ashita e tsubasa hiroge Habatakeru hazusa It"s Wonderland. Bokura wa onaji sekai o oyogi tsuzuketeru Tagai no negai e todoku hima de Minna onaji fuan kakaete sasae aeru yo Tachi domaru shunkan ni Mitsumeteru kono basho ni iru I want to change the world Kono te hanasazu ni Mimamoru hitomi o uketometara Nan datte dekiru hazu Change my mind Hitori ni sasenai minna koko ni iru Donna koto mo tsukinukete ikou It"s Wonderland. I want to change the world Kaze o kakenukete Nani mo osorezu ni Ima yuuki to egao no kakera daite Change my mind Jounetsu tayasazuni Takanaru nirai e te o nobaseba Kagayakeru hazusa It"s Wonderland. 犬夜叉Change the world中文发音的歌词卡贼喔卡kei奴kei忒 那你毛哦搜雷兹尼 一马由ki头ei嘎哦no卡kei拉达一忒 CHANGE MY MIND 交内次踏压萨兹尼 他卡纳露米拉一ei 忒喔no巴sei巴 卡嘎亚kei露哈兹萨 ITS WONDERLAND 哈一一咯no搜拉no卡纳达 那你卡哦一忒ki他 ki米瓦马哟一纳嘎拉撒嘎西次兹kei露 ki米no口口咯副露ei忒他 阿斯no米ei那一哟 那你毛新机拉雷兹 米米喔副萨古 ki米尼得(读dei)阿ei他头ki 红头no一巴小米次kei他 那你给那一压萨希萨嘎口口尼阿忒 bo(这个实在没办法,只好用罗马音,大概是bou的读法)库拉美杂美露 I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD 你兜头马哟瓦那一 ki米头一露米拉一 卡拉达兜雷巴 兜口马得(读dei)毛头被露萨 CHANGE MY MIND 交内次踏压萨兹尼 西拉那一阿西他ei 次巴萨hi咯给 哈巴达kei露哈兹萨 IT"S WONDERLAND bo(依旧是bou的读法)拉瓦哦那机sei卡以喔 哦哟给次兹kei忒露 他嘎一no内嘎一ei头兜库hi马得(读dei) 民那哦那机副安卡卡ei忒 萨萨ei阿ei露哟 他其兜露秀恩看尼 米次美忒露 口no巴小尼一露 I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD 口no忒哈那萨兹尼 米妈毛露hi头米喔 五kei头美塔拉 那你达忒得(读dei)ki露哈兹 CHANGE MY MIND hi头里你萨sei那一 民那口口尼一露 兜恩那口头毛 次ki奴kei忒一口 IT"S WONDERLAND (注释:1.有些音真的没有对应的中文发音,kei,ki,ei,hi,sei,你就用拼音拼着读好了 2.no就读成英语的no好了 3.“秀恩”,“兜恩”也是没有办法的,你要把两个字连起来读,恩其实就发个鼻音就可以了 4.“忒”都读成tei,“得”都读成dei 5.翻完之后自己一看很郁闷,跟念经似的,忍不住满头黑线。。。。)

谁有犬夜叉的那首CHANGE THE WORLD日语原文和注音在一起的歌词

I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD 风を駈け抜けて 何も恐れずに いま勇気と 笑颜のカケラ抱いて CHANGE MY MIND 情热绝やさずに 高鸣る未来へ 手を伸ばせば 辉けるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND 灰色の空の彼方 何か置いてきた 君は迷いながら捜しつづける 君の心震えてた 明日の见えない夜 何も信じられず 耳を塞ぐ 君に出逢えたとき 本当の居场所见つけた 何気ない优しさがここにあって 仆ら目覚める I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD 二度と迷わない 君といる未来 形どれば どこまでも飞べるさ CHANGE MY MIND 情热绝やさずに 知らない明日へ 翼ひろげ 羽ばたけるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND 仆らは同じ世界を 泳げ続けてる お互いの愿いへ届く日まで みんな同じ不安抱えて 支えあえるよ 立ち止る瞬间に 见つめてる この场所にいる I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD この手离さずに 见守る瞳を 受け止めたら 何だって出来るはず CHANGE MY MIND 一人にさせない みんなここにいる どんな事も 突き抜けていこう IT"S WONDERLAND I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLE 风を駈け抜けて 何も恐れずに いま勇気と 笑颜のカケラ抱いて CHANGE MY MIND 情热绝やさずに 高鸣る未来へ 手を伸ばせば 辉けるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND 罗马注音: I want to change the world Kaze o Kakenukete Nani mo Osorezu ni, Ima Yuuki to Egao no Kakera Daite Change my mind Jounetsu Tayasazuni Takanaru Nirai e te o Nobaseba Kagayakeru hazusa It"s wonderland Hai Iro no sora no Kanata Nani ka Oitekita Kimi wa Mayoi nagara Sagashitsuzukeru Kimi no Kokoro Furueteta Asu no Mienai yo Nani mo Shinjirarezu Mimi o Fusagu Kimi ni Deatatoki Hountou no Ibasho Mitsuketa Nanigenai Yasashisa ga koko ni Atte boku ra Mezameru I want to change the world Nidoto Mayowanai Kimi to iru Mirai Katachi Doreba dokomademo Toberu sa Change my mind Jounetsu Tayasazuni Shiranai Ashita e Tsubasa Hiroge Habatakeru hazusa It"s wonderland Bokura wa Onaji Sekai o Oyogi Tsuzuketeru Tagai no Negai e Todoku Hima de Minna Onaji Fuan Kakaete Sasae Aeru yo Tachi Domaru Shunkan ni Mitsumeteru kono Basho ni iru I want to change the world kono Te Hanasazu ni Mimamoru Hitomi o Uketometara Nan Datte dekiru hazu Change my mind Hitori ni Sasenai Minna koko ni iru donna koto mo Tsukinukete Ikou It"s wonderland I want to change the world Kaze o Kakenukete Nani mo Osorezu ni, Ima Yuuki to Egao no Kakera Daite Change my mind Jounetsu Tayasazuni Takanaru Mirai e Te o Nobaseba Kagayakeru hazu sa It"s wonderland

【UVERworld】【Roots】 歌词中文

Roots所属专辑:PROGLUTION编曲:UVERworld/平出 悟作词:TAKUYA∞いつだって || 无论何时yi tsu da tte爱で救われた事実を || 曾被爱救赎的事实a yi de su ku wa re ta ji ji tsu wo人は忘れられないんだ || 人们都不会忘记hi to wa wa su re ra re na yi nn daSpiral galaxyよ 応答せよ || Spiral galaxy 给我回应Spiral galaxy yo o u to u se yo人は过去を生きるものでは无く || 人类不是活在过去中的东西hi to wa ka ko wo yi ki ru mo no de wa na ku过ごす时间が短くとも || 度过的时间即使很短su go su ji ka nn ga mi ji ka ku to mo凝缩の时の中 || 在凝缩的时间中gyo u syu ku no to ki no na ka学ぶべきこともあろう || 也有应该学习的事情吧ma na bu be ki ko to mo a ro uピース&LOVE || PEACE & LOVEpi-su & LOVEきっとneed || 绝对需要ki tto need消える志 光夺う || 消失了的志向 夺走了光芒ki e ru ko ko ro za si hi ka ri u ba utwilight断ち切れぬ绊 || 无法切断的关系ta chi ki re nu ki zu na俺は强く || 我要变强o re wa tsu yo kuまた强く || 变得更强ma ta tsu yo ku奋いたたし限界へ || 一直奋斗到极限fu ru i ta ta si ge nn ka yi eWO仆に残された数十年 || 在我馀下的数十年bo ku ni no ko sa re ta su u jyu u ne nnもがいて泣いて生きたくらいで || 只在焦虑和泪水中活下去mo ga yi te na yi te yi ki ta ku ra yi de変わりはしないだろう || 根本没可能改变吧ka wa ri wa si na yi da ro uWO it"s too late侵食された大都会で || 在受侵蚀的大都市中si nn syo ku sa re ta da yi to ka yi de沈没なんて当たりまえで || 会被淹没是理所当然的chi nn bo tsu na nn te a ta ri ma e deそれでも || 尽管如此so re de mo仆はずっと爱を歌うんだ || 我还是会继续唱著爱的歌bo ku wa zu tto a yi wo u ta u nn da绝望の时代で || 这是绝望的时代ze tsu bo u no ji da yi de分かってるんだよ || 我早已知道wa ka tte ru nn da yo爱だけじゃ世界は救えないことも || 只有爱救不了世界的事情也知道a yi da ke jya se ka yi wa su ku e na yi ko to moそう でも || 没错 但是so u de mo爱で救われた事実を || 曾被爱救赎的事实a yi de su ku wa re ta ji ji tsu wo人は忘れられないんだ || 人们都不会忘记hi to wa wa re ra re na yi nn da愤りの意志 || 愤慨的意志yi ki do o ri no yi si干ばつした眼球が || 乾涸了眼球ka nn ba tsu si ta ga nn kyu u ga抱え込んだ景色は || 拥入怀里的景色ka ka e ko nn da ke si ki waモノクロで 不完全な || 无色彩也不完整mo no ku ro de fu ka nn ze nn na孤独が体温を夺った || 孤独夺走了体温ko do ku ga ta yi o nn wo u ba tta仆は耳を塞ぎ || 我捂住耳朵bo ku wa mi mi wo fu sa giありもしない || 多此一举a ri mo si na yi希望のメロディー探す || 找寻著希望的旋律ki bo u no me ro de yi- sa ga suいつだって || 无论何时yi tsu da tte绝望の时代で || 这是绝望的时代ze tsu bo u no ji da yi de分かってるんだよ || 我早已知道wa ka tte ru nn da yo歌じゃ世界は救えないことも || 歌唱救不了世界的事情也知道u ta jya se ka yi wa su ku e na yi ko to moそう でも || 没错 但是so u de mo変わってく愿いを歌うよ || 我会唱著祈求改变的歌ka wa tte ku ne ga i wo u ta u yo仆だけでも目は伏せない || 只剩我一人也不会死心bo ku da ke de mo me wa su se na yijusticeclap your hands everybody生きるreason || 找寻生存的 reasonyi ki ru reason探し求めるバイブス || 渴求著共鸣sa ga si mo to me ru ba yi bu suyo close my eyesブレて回路パンクする || 刺破反应回路bu re te ka yi ro pa nn ku su ruvent blastbang! bang! bang! bang!Just keep the light light生きる light || 生存的 lightyi ki ru lightheavenly push push pushかざせfxxk || 举起 fxxkka za se fxxk愿う truth truth truth || 祈愿 truth truth truthne ga u truth truth truthall men are created equalねえ? || 不是吗?ne e不透明ばかり || 尽是不透明的话fu to u me yi ba ka ri分からないんだよ || 不可能明白wa ka ra na yi nn da yo何が人の爱の形なの? || 怎样才是人们爱的形态?na ni ga hi to no a yi no ka ta chi na noふさぐ仆たちがいるよ || 产生隔膜的我们fu sa gu bo ku ta chi ga yi ru yo交わることの无い心 || 造成了错开的心ma ji wa ru ko to no na yi ko ko roありったけの声を込めるよ || 我还会倾尽所有的声音a ri tta ke no ko e wo ko me ru yoもう一切の欠落の || 一切也已经凋零mo u yi ssa yi no ke tsu ra ku no太阳をなくした明日さえ || 连太阳也失去的明日里ta yi yo u wo na ku si ta a si ta sa e爱の形に気づけなくても || 就算无法令人了解爱的形态a yi no ka ta chi ni ki zu ke na ku te mo繋げ合わせてく心 || 也能造就紧紧相连的心tsu na ge a wa se te ku ko ko ro

急!有没有大神有 The Times Atlas of World History 最新英文版的PDF格式的电子书?

同问 同求 谢谢啦



because the world is wrong ,it turns me on 的正解是什么

turn me on 让我兴奋。 经常用与调情用语

Paris is a______(famous) city in the world

Paris is a famous city in the world. Paris is the most famous city in the world.Paris is a celebrated city in the world. Paris is a great city in the world. Paris is a noted city in the world. Paris is a renowned city in the world. Paris is a well known city in the world. Paris is a noted city in the world. Paris is a famed city in the world.

look up the world

那得看上下文里面it是指代的什么东西了, 不过就你上面look up the world和look up the word更像后面一个, world是世界的意思,word是单词的意思, look up the word就是查单词的意思, look up the world有点说不通.

求英语作文《the world in my eyes> 主要写我眼中的世界的,字数在60词以上

The World in My EyesThe world is a big place, and it"s constantly changing. In my eyes, the world is filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. It"s a place where anything is possible, and where you can achieve your dreams with hard work and dedication.The world is also a beautiful place, filled with different cultures and beautiful landscapes. There are so many amazing places to see and things to do, and I can"t wait to explore and experience as much of it as I can.Although the world can be a challenging place, I believe that with positivity and a positive mindset, we can overcome any obstacle and make a difference. The world is filled with kind and wonderful people, and it"s those people who make the world a better place.In conclusion, the world is a big, beautiful place full of endless possibilities. No matter what challenges we face, we can overcome them with positivity and a positive mindset. Let"s make the world a better place together!

all around the world 和all over the world有什么区别


all around the world 和all over the world的用法和区别


all over the world和all around the world的区别 RT

这两个短语经常可以互换,要说区别,要从around和over谈起.around是表示周围的意思,over表示遍及的意思. all around the world 倾向于表示以某一点为中心的四周,也就是全世界.如: It attracts people all around the world. 它吸引着世界各地的人们. Tributes to the dead leader have been received from all around the world. 世界各地的人们向已故领袖表示哀悼. all over the world遍及全世界,没有什么中心而言.如: This toy robot is the latest craze all over the world. 这种玩具机器人最近风靡全世界.In recent times,pollution has gone from bad to worse all over the world. 近来污染在全世界日益严重. 不过这是一个倾向,其实在使用的过程中不是那么严格的.

all around the world 和all over the world的用法和区别


all the world ,all of the world,all over the world的区别


这是world girl...kiss一个女生唱的 请问这个歌叫什么?

曲名:Kiss A Girl歌手:Skye Sweetnam 专辑:Sound SoliderI talk, you say I"m talking backIt escalades to full attackI"m going, you"re comingYour brain"s on pauseBut your mouth keeps runningDon"t know what planet you are fromWhat macho ego trip you onI"m giving, you"re takingYou think I"m there,but I"m really just fakingOh, you"re so the same clicheAnd it makes me wanna run the other wayMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlMaybe I should change my <STRONG class=tx_hit>worldYou already know you make me sickAnd this could be the cure<STRONG class=tx_hit>Girls know how to make it funAnd you know how to mess it upMaybe you should learn to watch your tongue"Cause boy I"ve had enoughMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlI"m trading your old dirty shirtFor high heels and a mini skirtYou"re over, I"m underI"ll spell it out it"s making me wonderWhy am I still with youWhen I know that it"ll never workWhy don"t I just hit youWhen you act like just some stupid jerkYou know that I love youBut you get on my last every nerveOh man I guess you"ll never understandOh, you"re so the same clicheAnd it makes me wanna run the other wayMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlMaybe I should change my <STRONG class=tx_hit>worldYou already know you make me sickAnd this could be the cure<STRONG class=tx_hit>Girls know how to make it funAnd you know how to mess it upMaybe you should learn to watch your tongue"Cause boy I"ve had enoughMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlI tried to tune you in and not to turn you onIf you don"t try to make a change,I"ll be good as gone(Maybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girl, whoah, whoah)Maybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlMaybe I should change my <STRONG class=tx_hit>worldYou already know you make me sickAnd this could be the cure<STRONG class=tx_hit>Girls know how to make it funAnd you know how to mess it upMaybe you should learn to watch your tongue"Cause boy I"ve had enoughMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girl本站歌词来自互联网

求 目黑将司 Shadow World中文歌词

《Shadow World》歌词:uff62Shadow World」歌 :平田志穂子作词 :Benjamin Franklin作u30fb编曲:目黒将司TruthIs elusive, it"s nowhere to be foundYea the truth can never be written downIt"s not in any magazineYou can"t see it on your TV screenTruthIs evasive though you might have the factsGot it straight,you think but then it all cracksWide open,you can search the world far and wideThe only truth that you can ever findIsIn anotherA soul that"s got the same burning needTo find out what"sNeath the cover-upThe one can"t be without the true otherSo let"s get torether,see what we can uncoverOneThat defines your worldGives you truth and lifeOneThat excessSpecial enough to guide your way throughThis shadow worldu301cゲームopはここまでu301c(I"ve)tiredTo imagine what it"d be like withoutKnowing you are always right by my sideNo doubt ICan"t imagine not knowing trust likeI know with youLiesCome in many formsand some look like truthBut we won"t let that confuse me &you we found a wayto see what"s right for ourselvesWe found our truth inSomeone else, we gotFaithIn each otherOur souls have got the same burning needTo find out what"sNeath the cover-upThe one can"t be without the true otherSo let"s get torether,see what we can uncoverOneThat defines your worldGives you truth and lifeOneThat excessSpecial enough to guide your way throughThis shadow worldLet there be someone else that shares truth and love Who will we kiss and knows we can only share our truth through One that defines your world Gives you truth in lifeOne that excels Special enough to guide your way through This Shadow world

我想问犬夜叉中主题曲 CHANGE THE WORLD的歌词 不是日文的。是一句中文一句拼音谐音的

歌曲:changetheworld歌手:v6 专辑:犬夜叉音乐全集 [by:欢歌词][00:-0.60]v6- change the world[00:-0.50]犬夜叉tv op1[00:-0.40]作词:松本里惠[00:-0.30]作曲:渡边未来[00:-0.10]i want to change the worldka ze o ka ke nu ke tena ni mo o so re zu ni,i ma yu u ki to e ga o no ka ke ra dai techange my mindjou ne tsu ta ya sa zu nita ka na ru ni rai ete o no ba se baka ga ya ke ru ha zu sait"s my wonderlandhai i ro no so ra no ka na tana ni ka o i te ki taki mi wa ma yo i na ga rasa ga shi su zu ke ruki mi no ko ko ro fu ru e te taa su no mi e nai yona ni mo shi n ji ra re zu mi mi o fu sa guki mi ni de a ta to ki hou n tou noi ba sho mi tsu ke tana ni ge nai ya sa shi sa ga ko ko ni a ttebo ku ra me za me rui want to change the worldni do to ma yo wa na iki mi to i ru mi ra ika tachi do re ba do ko ma de mo to be ru sachange my mindjou ne tsu ta ya sa zu nishi ra na i a shi ta re tu ba sa hi ro geha ba ta ke ru ha zu sait"s my wonderlandbo ku ra wa on na ji se ka i woo yo gi tsu zu ke te ruta ga i no ne ga i e to do ku ki ma demi n na o na ji fu a n ka ka e te sa sa e a e ru yota chi do ma ru shu n ka n nimi tsu me te ru ko no ba sho ni i rui want to change the worldko no te ha na sa zu nimi ma mo ru hi to mi ou ke to me ta ra na n de tte de ki ru ha zuchange my mindhi to ri ni sa se na i mi n na ko ko ni i rudo n na ko to motsu ki nu ke te i do woit"s my wonderlandi want to change the worldka ze o ka ke nu ke tena ni mo o so re zu ni,i ma yu u ki to e ga o no ka ke ra dai techange my mindjou ne tsu ta ya sa zu nita ka na ru mi ra i ete o no ba se baka ga ya ke ru ha zu sait"s my wonderlandi want to change the world穿越烈风毫不畏惧现在抱着勇气和笑容的碎片change my mind热情不会熄灭向令人激动的未来伸出双手定会闪耀光芒 it"s wonderland在灰色天空的那方好象有着什么你迷茫地不断找寻你的心在颤抖在看不到明天的夜晚塞上耳朵什么也不相信在和你相遇的时候找到了我的归宿无意的温柔就在这里让我们觉醒i want to change the world不会再次迷惑想象和你在一起的未来中我们能走便天涯海角change my mind热情不会熄灭向往着未知的明天展翅飞翔 it"s wonderland我们在相同的世界里不停游动直到相互的愿望实现大家都抱着相同的不安相互支持在停下来的瞬间发现就在这里i want to change the world这双手不会离开停止了守望的双眼什么都可能发生change my mind不让你孤独大家都在这里没有什么事情让我们停止脚步 it"s wonderlandi want to change the world穿越烈风毫不畏惧现在抱着勇气和笑容的碎片change my mind热情不会熄灭向令人激动的未来伸出双手定会闪耀光芒 it"s wonderland

People from all around the world(急,下周要,考虑追加悬赏)

you can use the Web :

Top Of The World 女声部分

  她是Dev.  经常和The cataracs乐队合作。    原名Devin Star Tailes,89年出生,来自加州,墨西哥和葡萄牙后裔。原本是个游泳选手?她08年把自己的歌传到Myspace后被The Cataracs发掘。2010年签约了环球。  个人作品  booty bounce   fireball   top of the world   monsta   just another day   When Strangers Fall In Love   bass down low (dev ft the cataracs)   sunrise   like a G6   bass down low (the cataracs ft dev)   2nite   dance floor   Mobbin"   a1(ft. Bobby Brackins)   in the dark    热门作品   《like a g6》是2010年由Far East Movement、The Cataracs和Dev共同演绎的单曲。本曲由The Cataracs和Far East Movement负责编写,The Cataracs制作。本曲的和声是取样自Dev的单曲《Booty Bounce》。 至于歌曲名中的G6就是小型商务客机Gulfstream 650的缩写,也就是MV最后那台飞机。   而mv中穿红色衣服的女主角名字叫Erica Ocampo,是法国和菲律宾的混血儿。她的职业是一位模特儿。  GossipGirl第四季第5集夜店插曲   最新歌曲排名:The Cataracs Feat. Dev - Top Of The World   7月最新单曲:In The Dark

When the world in the dark 是什么歌?


Joy To The World 歌词

歌曲名:Joy To The World歌手:Mandisa专辑:Shades Of Christmas: Jazz & BluesJoy To The World(a christmas prayer)Nicholas JonasNicholas JonasJOY TO THE WORLD ( A CHRISTMAS PRAYER )singer:NICHOLAS JONASAlbum: NICHOLAS JONAS(未发行)Every year at ChristmasAll I can seeAre pictures of the things I wantAround the treeBut this year"s a little differentI"m not thinking of myselfSo my prayer for this ChristmasIs for somebody elseSo I pray…Joy To the WorldPeace for every boy and girlHope when life is hardLight when everything seems darkGod I know you"re listeningAnd you can hearThe need of every broken heartAnd all their tearsI don"t have a lot to offerJust this one simple prayerThat this Christmas everyone would knowSomebody cares…So I pray…Joy To the WorldPeace for every boy and girlHope when life is hardLight when everything seems darkI pray that every hungry soulWill be filled and will be warmThat not a single, solitary childWould suffer harmAnd Lord we find their endingAs we take another viewMy hope is that this Christmas prayerWould somehow come trueI pray…Humanity would riseAnd join with meAnd together we"ll singJoy To the World (To all the world)Peace (Peace) for every boy and girl (for every boy and girl)(Talking bout hope) Hope when life is hard (when life is hard)Light when everything seems darkI pray that (I pray) every hungry soulWill be filled and will be warm(Not a single child) That not a single, solitary childWould suffer harmAnd Lord we find their endingAs we take another viewMy hope is that this Christmas prayerWould somehow come true…Joy To the WorldPeace for every boy and girl

out- of -this -world scenes的含义

out- of -this -world scenes走出这个世界的场景1、out of 释义:失业,没有工作例句:I was out of work at the time 翻译:那时我失业了。2、out of 释义:用完,消耗完。例句:They ran out of fuel. 翻译:他们的燃料用完了。3、out of 释义:从.....地方离开。例句:She let him out of the house. 翻译:她让他出了屋子。out of的基本用法:scene [si:n]英汉解释n. 场面;情景;景象;事件同义词

英语作文 以"Love makes the world go alound."为中心内容,写400字作文

There"s an old saying “love makes the world go round”? Many found it to be true, but how would you believe that love also makes a person more beautiful? People often says how a person feels deep down inside will be showed on the outside. A person who feels loved and in love will have different feels and aura. They say this as a “gleam in one"s eye or a glow in one"s cheeks”, and it is something that can improves a person‘s appearance. The love that we are talking here is not necessary the “man and woman” type of love to be beautiful: it can be filial love or love for anything. What is important is that you have a powerful feeling that would transforms heaven and earth and a person"s sense of well-being. Imagine how you would look if you feel that no one cares for you or loves you: this depressed feeling will make you feel low and down and would lead to looking depressed and/or angry. On the contrary, a person who feels that he is loved by his family, his friends or by a special someone, will have a face that speaks of serenity, peace and happiness. The glow of love does not only create a glow in one"s heart but it also creates a glow in one"s face and reflects how a person views the world around him. A lighter feeling inside can result in a lighter, calmer face and a happy disposition that will improve one"s appearance and emotion. We all noticed how almost all women look their prettiest on their wedding day. Despite the pressure, stress and the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations, a woman will still look beautiful and lovely on her wedding day. They call it the glow of love. These beautiful feelings inside are automatically transformed on the outside, making the bride looks at her most radiant and beauty. It may be the rush of adrenalin that gives people who are in love a special glow that makes their eyes sparkle, or their smiles brighter. It is often referred to as an inner beauty that is reflected in one"s appearance. A person who feels loved or who is in love will have more self esteem than an ordinary person. This self esteem can give a person a beautiful glow that exudes more confident when facing others and in doing his daily tasks. A person who exerts a great deal of effort to do the most mundane tasks will probably become happier doing those tasks when he is in love. Therefore, work is completed more successfully Although is is definitely true that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, true beauty is indeed in the eyes of a person in love. Therefore, be in love and be beautiful!

world gone mad 歌词

歌曲名:world gone mad歌手:rhino bucket专辑:painBusiness man with love in his eyesHe"s got to get awayMade his move like a suicideThere"s not a better wayCome here, show me your eyesYou"re not a winner in loveRhino Bucketback off, you ran outta timeAnd now you"ll come undoneInstigator, masturbatorManipulation of liesNow you"re mine, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahWave goodbye to a world gone madWave goodbye to a world gone madPreacher man with a gun in his handWalked a mile in no-man"s landHis time in mass is throughKneel down, open your mouthIn the name of the sonKneel down, close your eyesAnd bite down on your gunInstigator, masturbatorManipulation of liesNow you"re mine, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahWave goodbye to a world gone madWave goodbye to a world gone mad

英文歌曲mad world翻译成中文发音

周围都是相似的面容 破旧的地方 疲惫的脸孔 天亮 早起 又是一天的你争我夺 无处可去 无处可去 他们的眼镜盈满了泪水 面无表情 面无表情 把头深埋 我想要沉溺悲伤 没有未来 没有未来 我感到有些荒诞 我感到有些悲伤 那些让我濒死的梦境 却是我拥有的最好的回忆 我觉得这很难告诉你 因为这很难理解 当人们的日子就这样循环往复 这真是一个非常非常 疯狂的世界 孩子们期待着美好的那天 生日快乐 生日快乐 让人觉得每个孩子应该 坐下听听,坐下听听 去上学弄得我很紧张 无人识我 无人懂我 老师你好,告诉我要学什么 (她对我)视而不见 视而不见 望采纳


《死亡幻觉》 原声带收录的音乐如下:1. Carpathian Ridge 2. The Tangent Universe 3. The Artifact & Living 4. Middlesex Times 5. Manipulated Living 6. Philosophy of Time Travel 7. Liquid Spear Waltz 8. Gretchen Ross 9. Burn it to the Ground 10. Slipping Away 11. Rosie Darko 12. Cellar Door 13. Ensurance Trap 14. Waltz in the 4th Dimension 15. Time Travel 16. Did you Know Him? 17. Mad World 18. Mad World (remix version)

Mad World这首歌来自哪部电影?

是电影《死亡幻觉》(Donnie Darko)的末尾插曲

Mad world歌词

All around me are familiar faces 周围都是一成不变的面孔  Worn out places worn out faces 破旧的地方 疲惫的脸孔  Bright and early for their daily races 早早起来开始日常的竞争  Going nowhere going nowhere 无处可去 无处可逃  Their tears are filling up their glasses 他们的泪水盈满了眼镜  No expression no expression 面无表情 面无表情  Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow 把头深埋 想把我的忧愁忘却  No tomorrow no tomorrow 没有未来 没有未来  And I find it kind of funny 感到有些可笑  I find it kind of sad 感到有些悲伤  The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我曾沉醉于其中的梦  Are the best I"ve ever had 是我有过的最妙的  I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你说明  ("cause) I find it hard to take 因为这很难接受  When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复  It"s a very very 这真是一个非常非常  Mad World 疯狂的世界  Mad World 疯狂的世界  Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期待着美好的那天  Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 快乐的生日 快乐的生日  And i feel the way that every child should 孩子被教导的循规蹈矩  Sit and listen sit and listen 坐下听讲,坐下听讲  Went to school and I was very nervous 去上学弄得我很紧张  No one knew me no one knew me 无人识我 无人懂我  Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 老师你好,告诉我我要学什么  Look right through me look right through me 视而不见 她对我视而不见  And I find it kind of funny 感到有些可笑  I find it kind of sad 感到有些悲伤  The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我在其中濒死的梦  Are the best I"ve ever had 是我有过的最妙的  I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你说明  ("cause) I find it hard to take 因为这很难接受  When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复  It"s a very very 这真是一个非常非常  Mad World 疯狂的世界  Mad World 疯狂的世界  Enlarging your world 扩展你的世界  Mad World 疯狂的世界

求Adam lambert的Mad world的中文歌词


Mad World - Alex Parks的MP3链接地址!如题 谢谢了

你好 这是链接 亲测,欢迎交流 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~求采纳

类似Mad World这样的歌曲


求一首英文歌,歌词everybody got something love to do and what makes the world go around for you

Everybody(Ingrid Michaelson)we are falling down again tonight今晚我们再次陷入困境in this world it"s hard to get it right在这个世界上,有些事情真的难以让人理解trying to make your heart feel like to be loved尽力的使你的心灵感到爱的滋润吧what it needs is love love love我们所需要的就是爱,爱,爱Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人也想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦happy is the heart that still feels pain心灵快乐,然而却依然感到伤痛darkness strains and light will come again黑暗消逝,光明就将再次来临so open up your chest and let it in所以敞开你的心扉接受它吧just let love love love begain就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦oh everybody knows the love, everybody holds the love哦,每个人都明白爱,每个人都拥有爱everybody folds for love每个人都为爱屈服everybody feels with love, everybody steals ith love每个人都感受爱,每个人都偷偷爱everybody heals with love每个人都因为爱而治愈oh oh oh oh,just let the love love love begin哦,哦,哦,哦,让我们能开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, just let the love love love beagin哦,哦,哦,就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, just let the love love love beagin哦,哦,哦就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love (everybody knows the love)每个人,每个人都想爱(每个人都明白爱)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (everybody holds the love)每个人,每个人都想被爱(每个人都拥有爱)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (everybody folds for love)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦(每个人都为爱屈服)Everybody, everybody wants to love (everybody feels with love)每个人,每个人都想爱(每个人都感受爱)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (everybody steals with love)每个人,每个人都想被爱(每个人都偷偷爱)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (everybody heals with love)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦(每个人都为爱而治愈)Everybody, everybody wants to love (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想爱(哦,每个人)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想被爱(哦,每个人)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (oh everybody)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦(哦 每个人)Everybody, everybody wants to love (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想爱(哦 每个人)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想被爱(哦,每个人)Everybody(后街男孩)Everybody.每一个人啊Rock your body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock your body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Alright!Oh my god we"re back again.哇!我们终于回来了 !Brothers,sisters,everybody sing.大家快跟我们一起唱 .We"re gonna bring the flavor show U how.我们会教你们如何去唱 .I"ve gotta question for U.不过得你们得先回答一些问题 :You"d better answer now.最好就现在 .Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I the only one?我们是不是你们的唯一 ?Yeah...当然Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I everything youneed我们是不是你最期待的团体You"d better rock your body now.你最好现在开始摇摆你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Alright!Now throw Ur hands up in the air.把你的手向上举 .And wave"em around like U just don"t care.不要在乎其他人只要自在地摆动 .If you wanna party let me hear U yell.把梦尽情玩乐就让我听到你们吆喝 ."Cause we"ve got it goin" on again.因为我们又要再次造成震撼 .Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I the only one?我们是不是你们的唯一 ?Yeah...当然Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I everything U need?我们是不是你们最期待的团体You‘d better rock U body now.你们最好跟着摆动你们的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Alright!So everybody,everywhere.就是现在,每一个人,无论你在哪一个方位Don"t be afraid,don"t have no fear.不要害怕,无须恐惧Gonna tell the world, make it understand.大声告诉全世界,让全世界知道As long as there"ll be music we"ll be coming back again.有音乐的地方,后街男孩又回来了Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!自己听听,二选一吧

求mad world弹唱吉他谱。。


谁能介绍点像 mad world 一样的歌曲

听了很多次里面的英文~在google里面找了很久,还是给你找到了~ 是DJ Shah的who will find me 下面是下载的地址~ 歌词: DJ Shah - In a world of desire, oh who would come and catch you when you fall in the wind and the fire? oh who would come to save you? High above any danger Locked inside the tower of your mind, dreams are veiled; passion blinded. Safe from fear and fire. Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Fly far beyond these silver winter skies. I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away. Do you see the horizon? Walk upon the water, you will find all is still and yet alive in the morning light. Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Fly far beyond these silver winter skies. I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away. Dance dance in the morning light. Open your darkened eyes. Hey, hey, it"s a beautiful day. It"ll be ok. It"ll be ok. Take a look, spin around, this is where I find you where the roses bloom. Leave your cares, leave your fears, leave them all behind you yeayah. It"s a beautiful day in the city of shining light. It"s a beautiful day. This is where I find you??? yeah yeah Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Come and get away.

求你给个Adam Lambert的mad world的歌曲链接


谁告诉我Mad World / Gary Jules中文歌词表达的什么感情

GJ,是我比较喜欢的一位选手,我最近也在学这首歌,这首歌给我的第一感觉是一种 近乎窒息的绝望。这首歌的走向偏冷色调系,歌词的绝望再加上偏阴暗的曲风,给人一种不快乐的感觉。

谁能给我中国好声音里崔天琪唱的mad world那一段的歌词,谢谢。

All around me are familiar faces 周围都是一成不变的面孔Worn out places worn out faces 破旧的地方疲惫的脸孔Bright and early for their daily races 早早起来开始日常的竞争Going nowhere going nowhere 无处可去无处可逃And their tears are filling up their glasses他们的泪水盈满了眼睛No expression no expression 面无表情面无表情Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow把头深埋想把我的忧愁忘却No tomorrow no tomorrow 没有未来没有未来And I find it kind of funny 感到有些可笑I find it kind of sad 感到有些悲伤The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我曾沉醉于其中的梦Are the best I"ve ever had 是我有过的最妙的I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你说明I find it hard to take 因为这很难接受When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复It"s a very very 这真是一个非常非常Mad World 疯狂的世界Mad World 疯狂的世界Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期待着美好的那天Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 快乐的生日快乐的生日And i feel the way that every child should 孩子被教导的循规蹈矩Sit and listen sit and listen 坐下听讲,坐下听讲Went to school and I was very nervous 去上学弄得我很紧张No one knew me no one knew me 无人识我无人懂我Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 老师你好,告诉我我要学什么Look right through me look right through me 视而不见她对我视而不见And I find it kind of funny 感到有些可笑I find it kind of sad 感到有些悲伤The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我在其中濒死的梦Are the best I"ve ever had 是我有过的最妙的I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你说明I find it hard to take 因为这很难接受When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复It"s a very very 这真是一个非常非常Mad World 疯狂的世界Mad World 疯狂的世界Mad world 扩展你的世界Mad World 疯狂的世界

Mad world 歌词的中文翻译哪有

All around me and familiar faces 我周围都是熟悉的脸孔Worn out places,worn out faces 破败的地方,破败的脸孔 Bright and early for their daily races 为他们每天的比赛一大早起来Going no where,going no where 往哪里去,没地方去And their tears are filling up their glasses 他们的眼里充满泪水,隐藏在镜片后面No expression,no expression 没有表情,没有表情Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow 低下头我想淹没我的悲伤no tomorrow,no tomorrow 没有明天,没有明天And I find it kind of funny 我发现这很滑稽I find it kind of sad 我发现这很悲伤The dreams in which I"m dying 在梦里我正在死去Are the best I"ve ever had 这是我曾经做过的最好的梦I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难告诉你 Cause I find it hard to take 因为我发现很难理解When people run in circles 当人们忙忙碌碌而无所获it"s a very very mad world,mad world 这是一个非常非常疯狂的世界,疯狂的世界Children waiting for the day they feel good孩子们等待着让他们感到美妙的日子Happy birthday 生日快乐Happy birthday 生日快乐Made to feel the way that every child should 每个孩子都应该通过这种方式感知Sit and listen 坐下听Sit and listen 坐下听Went to school and I was very nervous 去学校我非常紧张No one knew me 没人知道我No one know me 没人知道我Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 嗨,老师告诉我我的功课 Look right through me 老师不看我 Look right through me 老师不看我
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