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这是office系列办公软件中的其中两款软件,word主要用于文字处理,用的比较多;excel主要用途是设计表格,以及数据处理,有统计、计算的功能,有部分数据库的功能。 通俗的讲就是,用word制作一般的文件,用excel做数据统计。


世界; 地球; 领域; 尘世;

Hello World!是什么意思





world是名词词性。例句:1、He opened his mind to the ways of the rest of the world.他开放思想接受世界其他地方习俗。2、They need to beat Poland to ensure qualification for the World Cup finals.他们需要击败波兰队来确保世界杯决赛资格。3、Apprehension over mounting debt has created a collective neurosis in the business world.对债务攀升的忧虑在商界造成了集体性的恐惧症。4、Her grave has become a shrine for fans from all over the world.她的墓地成了全世界崇拜者瞻仰的圣地。5、This home cooking is on a par with the best in the world.这种自家的烹调和世界上最好的一样。





world 世界

world 什么意思



worldwide英 [ˌwɜːldˈwaɪd]  美 [ˌwɜːrldˈwaɪd] adj. 世界范围的,全世界的adv. 在全世界,在世界各地短语Hilton Worldwide 希尔顿酒店集团 ; 希尔顿全球 ; 希尔顿 ; 希尔顿国际酒店Radio Netherlands Worldwide 荷兰国际广播电台BBC Worldwide 英国广播公司商业分支 ; 英国广播公司 ; 环球服务中心 ; 分支有限公司Worldwide Universities Network 世界大学网络MasterCard Worldwide 万事达卡国际组织 ; 万事达卡 ; 国际组织 ; 万事达国际apco worldwide 安可顾问 ; 安可顾问有限公司 ; 安可顾问公司 ; 安可国际WorldWide Telescope 全球望远镜 ; 世界望远镜 ; 万维天文望远镜 ; 微软太空望远镜Blackwater Worldwide 黑水国际 ; 黑水公司 ; 黑水国际公司Worldwide Developers Conference 开发者大会 ; 全球开发者大会 ; 全球开发商大会 ; 全球开发者年


world 的发音: 英音是wɜ:ld,美音是wɜrld。world做可数名词的意思:1、世界,地球,天下。2、世界(指地球上的一个区域)。3、世界,界,领域。4、世界(指历史上的一个时期)。5.、人,世人,众人。6、人世,今世;来世。7、 尘世,世俗;世事,世情。8、宇宙,万物。9、有生物存在的天体,星球。10、生活经历,阅历;生活圈子。11、社会生活,社会交往。12、大量,无数。world做形容词的意思:1、全世界的,世界范围的,世界性的。2、世界著名的。






意思是:同一个世界同一个人。重点词汇:world英[wɜ:ld]释义:n.地球,天下(the world);(尤指可能或确有生命存在的)星球,天体。adj.(人物)举足轻重的,世界闻名的;所有国家的,世界(性)的;环球的。短语:World Bank世界银行;天下银行;天下银止。词语使用变化:worldn.(名词)1、world的基本意思是“世界,天下”,常与介词in连用,其前面可加不定冠词a。world也可指“天体,星球”,尤指可能有生物的星球,作这两种意思解时,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。2、world可表示“范围,…界”;也可表示“全世界的人,人类,公众,群众”,这时其前须加定冠词the;还可表示“人世生活,世面,眼界,世俗”。


world美 [wɜrld] 英 [wɜː(r)ld];天下;地球;社会 世界音乐;国际;世间复数:worlds例句筛选1.How much do you know about table manners around the world?关于世界各地餐桌礼仪你了解多少?2.I feel bad making you run all over the world trying to find him.我很抱歉让你们为了抓他满世界的跑。


the world意思是:人间;人世;明;人寰world英 [wɜ:ld] 美 [wɜrld] n. 世界; 地球; 领域; 尘世复数: worlds


world [wə:ld]基本翻译n. 世界;全人类;世俗;领域;宇宙;物质生活网络释义world:世界|世界音乐| 世界World Cup:世界杯|世界杯|世界杯足球赛world news:国际新闻|全球新闻|世界新闻


world[英][wɜ:ld][美][wɜ:rld]; 地球; 领域; 尘世; 复数:worlds例句:1.He has a book about world records. 他有一本关于世界记录的书。


world[英][wɜ:ld][美][wɜ:rld]; 地球; 领域; 尘世; 复数:worlds以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The world cannot afford a trade war with chinese characteristics. 世界承受不起一场中国特色的贸易战争。

hello world什么意思






heal the world 翻译成中文是什么意思

heal是愈合的意思翻译一下 可能是拯救世界的意思?


世界; 地球; 领域; 尘世;

hello world什么意思?

你好世界读法 英 [wɜːld]  美 [wɜːrld] n. 世界;领域;世俗;全人类;物质生活词汇搭配:World Bank 世界银行 ; 天下银行 ; 天下银止New World 新大陆 ; 新世界连锁酒店 ; 新的世界World Trade Center [贸易] 世界贸易中心 ; 世贸中心 ; 纽约世界贸易中心 ; 世贸大厦词语用法:world的基本意思是“世界,天下”,常与介词in连用,其前面可加不定冠词a。world也可指“天体,星球”,尤指可能有生物的星球,作这两种意思解时,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。world可表示“范围,…界”;也可表示“全世界的人,人类,公众,群众”,这时其前须加定冠词the;还可表示“人世生活,世面,眼界,世俗”。作以上解时,常用作单数形式。world还可作“大量,无数”解。in the world作强势语时用于以下结构中:①最高级结构;②有only修饰的句子;③用来修饰nothing。world还可用于其他名词前作定语。




world的意思是世界;人类;社会;领域。读音:英 [wɜːld],美 [wɜːrld]    释义:n. 世界;地球;世人;世间;领域adj. 世界的例句:He is the richest man in the world.他是世界上最富有的人。短语:thinking world 思想界vegetable world 植物世界world situation 世界形势world war 世界大战around〔round〕 the world 环球world的近义词universe读音:英 ["juːnɪvɜːs],美 ["juːnɪvɜːrs]    释义:n. 宇宙;万物;世界例句:The depth of the universe is immeasurable.宇宙无限深广。短语:make the universe 创造世界reach a new universe 抵达新的星系vast universe 广阔无际的宇宙

给女朋友的备注hello world是什么意思?

你好,我的整个世界world 读法 英 [wɜːld]  美 [wɜːrld] n. 世界;领域;世俗;全人类;物质生活词汇搭配:World Bank 世界银行 ; 天下银行 ; 天下银止New World 新大陆 ; 新世界连锁酒店 ; 新的世界World Trade Center [贸易] 世界贸易中心 ; 世贸中心 ; 纽约世界贸易中心 ; 世贸大厦词语用法:world的基本意思是“世界,天下”,常与介词in连用,其前面可加不定冠词a。world也可指“天体,星球”,尤指可能有生物的星球,作这两种意思解时,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。world可表示“范围,…界”;也可表示“全世界的人,人类,公众,群众”,这时其前须加定冠词the;还可表示“人世生活,世面,眼界,世俗”。作以上解时,常用作单数形式。world还可作“大量,无数”解。in the world作强势语时用于以下结构中:①最高级结构;②有only修饰的句子;③用来修饰nothing。world还可用于其他名词前作定语。


worldn. 世界;领域;世俗;全人类;物质生活


world 英[wɜ:ld] 美[wɜ:rld] n. 世界; 地球; 领域; 尘世; [网络] 世人; 加速世界; 国际; [例句]Horoscopes are merely harmless escapism from an ever-bleaker world.占星术只不过是让人逃避越发令人沮丧的世界的无害消遣罢了。[其他] 复数:worlds


world的意思是世界。读音:英[wɜːld],美[wɜːrld]。;地球;天下;界;领域;国家;地区;人生;人世。复数:worlds.网络释义:世界;界;世界音乐;世人;世间;天下;世上。用法:1、world可表示“范围,……界”; 也可表示“全世界的人,人类,公众,群众”,这时其前须加定冠词 the。2、world还可表示“人世生活,世面,眼界,世俗”。表示该义项时,常用作单数形式。短语搭配:1、all over the world.全世界。2、around the world.世界各地,;全世界。3、travel around the world.环游世界。4、in the world.竟然;到底;究竟;在世界上。5、across the world.世界各地;全世界。双语例句:1、He opened his mind to the ways of the rest of the world.他开放思想接受世界其他地方习俗。2、They need to beat Poland to ensure qualification for the World Cup finals.他们需要击败波兰队来确保世界杯决赛资格。3、Apprehension over mounting debt has created a collective neurosis in the business world.对债务攀升的忧虑在商界造成了集体性的恐惧症。4、Her grave has become a shrine for fans from all over the world.她的墓地成了全世界崇拜者瞻仰的圣地。5、This home cooking is on a par with the best in the world.这种自家的烹调和世界上最好的一样。


world意思是世界。释义;领域;世俗;全人类;物质生活变形:复数worlds短语搭配:in the world 在世界上;到底around the world 世界各地;全世界;环游世界(可与around the globe替换)all over the world 全世界World Cup 世界杯双语例句This couple is going to travel around the world after retirement.这对夫妇打算退休后周游世界。The world was shocked by this scientific discovery.这一科学发现震惊了全世界。Without you, my world is meaningless.没有你,我的世界毫无意义。


world 英 [wɜːld]  美 [wɜːrld]n. 世界;地球;世人;世间;领域adj. 世界的词源解说:直接源自古英语的woruld,意为世界。双语例句:Much of the world is covered by sea.地球的很大一部分都被大海覆盖着。扩展资料:近义词1、area 英 ["eəriə]  美 ["eriə]n. 面积;地区,地段;区域;领域The farm has an area of 100 square kilometers.这个农场占地100平方公里。2、field 英 [fiːld]   美 [fiːld]n. 田地;领域;运动场;场地;田野;JAVA中的范畴vt. 接球;派……上场;顺利处理vi. 担任外场员adj. 田间的;野外的He has become famous in his own field.他在自己的领域里已经出名了。


world /wɜːld/ CET4 TEM41.N-SING The world is the planet that we live on. 地球例:The satellite enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.这颗卫星使得我们可以计算他们在地球上的任何准确位置。2.N-SING Theworld refers to all the people who live on this planet, and our societies, institutions, and ways of life. 世人例:The world was, and remains, shocked.世人震惊了,并且仍然震惊。He wants to show the world that anyone can learn to be an ambassador.他想向世人展示,任何人都能够学做一名大使。3.ADJ You can use world to describe someone or something that is one of the most important or significant of its kind on earth. 世界性的例:China has once again emerged as a world power.中国再次成为一个世界性的强国。4.N-SING You can use world in expressions such as the Arab world, the Western world, and the ancient world to refer to a particular group of countries or a particular period in history. 世界 (指某些国家或时期)例:Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.雅典与阿拉伯世界有着紧密的联系。5.N-COUNT Someone"s world is the life they lead, the people they have contact with, and the things they experience. 生活世界; 生活圈子例:His world seemed so different from mine.他的生活圈子与我的似乎是那么的不同。6.N-SING You can use world to refer to a particular field of activity, and the people involved in it. 界例:The publishing world had certainly never seen an event quite like this.出版界当然从未见过类似这样的事情。7.N-SING You can use world to refer to a particular group of living things, for example, the animal world, the plant world, and the insect world. (某生物) 界例:When it comes to dodging disaster, the champions of the insect world have to be cockroaches.谈到躲避灾难,昆虫界的冠军非蟑螂莫属。8.→see also real world , Third World9.PHRASE If you say that someone has the best of both worlds, you mean that they have only the benefits of two things and none of the disadvantages. 两全其美例:Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.她的起居室两全其美,一端是个办公室,另一端有舒服的沙发。10.PHRASE If you say that something has done someone a world of good, you mean that it has made them feel better or improved their life. 对…大有好处例:Just sit for a while and relax. It will do you a world of good.就坐一会儿,放松放松。这将对你大有好处。11.PHRASE You can use in the world in expressions such as what in the worldand who in the world to emphasize a question, especially when expressing surprise or anger. 到底 (表示强调)强调例:What in the world is he doing?他到底在干什么呢?12.PHRASE You can use in an ideal world or in a perfect world when you are talking about things that you would like to happen, although you realize that they are not likely to happen. 在理想状态下例:In an ideal world Karen Stevens says she would love to stay at home with her two-and-half-year-old son.卡林·斯蒂芬斯说,她愿意和两岁半的儿子待在家里,但那只是理想状态。13.PHRASE You can use the outside world to refer to all the people who do not live in a particular place or who are not involved in a particular situation. 外界例:For many, the post office is the only link with the outside world.对许多人来说,邮局是与外界联系的惟一纽带。14.not be the end of the world →see end15.the world is your oyster →see oyster16.on top of the world →see top词组短语 同近义词 同根词in the world在世界上;到底around the world世界各地;全世界;环游世界all over the worldadv. 全世界








世界,地球,天下(指地球以及地球上的国家、民族和自然要素);世界,界,领域。n.(一般作the world)the earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features世界,地球,天下(指地球以及地球上的国家、民族和自然要素)he was doing his bit to save the world.他正尽他的一份微薄之力拯救世界。(the world)all of the people, societies, and institutions on the earth世界,天下(指地球上的人民、社会和机构)。[as modifier] world affairs. 世界事务。[as modifier]denoting one of the most important or influential people or things of its class世界(表示同类中最重要或最有影响力的人、物)they had been brought up to regard Britain as a world power.他们在被灌输英国是世界强国的信念中长大。another planet like the earth像地球的星球,似地球的天体the possibility of life on other worlds.其他星球上有生命的可能性。a part or aspect of human life or of the natural features of the earth, in particular世界,界,领域a region or group of countries地区,国家the English-speaking world.说英语的地区。a period of history历史时期the ancient world.古代。a group of living things生物界,万物the animal world.动物世界。the people, places, and activities to do with a particular thing界,领域they were a legend in the world of British theatre.他们在英国戏剧界是个传奇。human and social interaction社会生活,社会交往he has almost completely withdrawn from the world他几乎完全与世隔绝了how inexperienced she is in the ways of the world.在人情世故上,她是多么生嫩啊。(one"s world)a person"s life and activities人生,一世he felt his whole world had collapsed.他感到他的整个世界都倾塌了。[in sing.]a stage of human life, either mortal or after death人世;今生;来世in this world and the next.今生与来世。secular interests and affairs尘世,世俗;世事,世情parents are not viewed as the primary educators of their own children, either in the world or in the Church(无论在世事还是宗教信仰上,父母并不被视为孩子的启蒙老师)。

What in the world是什么意思

What in the world的中文翻译What in the world 世界上有什么;干什么双语例句1What in the world is he doing? 他究竟在干什么?2What in the world did you do that for? 你那样干到底是为什么?3What in the world are you? 你到底是什么东西?

"Hello World"是什么意思




horse or world的or分别发什么音

or. зr






【音标】英 [wɜːld]  美 [wɜːrld] 【释义】n. (名词),天下2.地球3.天体4.宇宙,万物5.人类6.世人,众人7.世间,人世生活8.领域9.物质生活10.大量,无数11.世情,世故,世事【例句】用作名词 (n.)1.He is the richest man in the world.他是世界上最富有的人。2.There is a map of the world on the wall.墙上有张世界地图。3.Long ago, people believed that the world was flat.很久以前人们相信地球是平的。用作形容词 (adj.)1.I suppose all the compositions are world famous pieces.我想所有的曲子都是世界名曲吧。2.World energy demand is increasing at a rate of about 3% per year.世界能源的需求量正以每年百分之三的速度递增。【用法】1.world的基本意思是“世界,天下”,常与介词in连用,其前面可加不定冠词a。world也可指“天体,星球”,尤指可能有生物的星球,作这两种意思解时,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。2.world可表示“范围,…界”; 也可表示“全世界的人,人类,公众,群众”,这时其前须加定冠词the; 还可表示“人世生活,世面,眼界,世俗”。作以上解时,常用作单数形式。world还可作“大量,无数”解。 the world作强势语时用于以下结构中:①最高级结构; ②有only修饰的句子; ③用来修饰nothing。4.world还可用于其他名词前作定语。


world 英 [wɜːld] 美 [wɝld] n. 世界;领域;宇宙;世俗;全人类;物质生活词组短语:in the world在世界上;到底around the world世界各地;全世界;环游世界all over the worldadv. 全世界英语解释及例句:1.N-SING The world is the planet that we live on. 地球例:The satellite enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.这颗卫星使得我们可以计算他们在地球上的任何准确位置。2.N-SING Theworld refers to all the people who live on this planet, and our societies, institutions, and ways of life. 世人例:The world was, and remains, shocked.世人震惊了,并且仍然震惊。He wants to show the world that anyone can learn to be an ambassador.他想向世人展示,任何人都能够学做一名大使。3.ADJ You can use world to describe someone or something that is one of the most important or significant of its kind on earth. 世界性的例:China has once again emerged as a world power.中国再次成为一个世界性的强国。4.N-SING You can use world in expressions such as the Arab world, the Western world, and the ancient world to refer to a particular group of countries or a particular period in history. 世界 (指某些国家或时期)例:Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.雅典与阿拉伯世界有着紧密的联系。5.N-COUNT Someone"s world is the life they lead, the people they have contact with, and the things they experience. 生活世界; 生活圈子例:His world seemed so different from mine.他的生活圈子与我的似乎是那么的不同。6.N-SING You can use world to refer to a particular field of activity, and the people involved in it. 界例:The publishing world had certainly never seen an event quite like this.出版界当然从未见过类似这样的事情。7.N-SING You can use world to refer to a particular group of living things, for example, the animal world, the plant world, and the insect world. (某生物) 界例:When it comes to dodging disaster, the champions of the insect world have to be cockroaches.谈到躲避灾难,昆虫界的冠军非蟑螂莫属。8.→see also real world , Third World9.PHRASE If you say that someone has the best of both worlds, you mean that they have only the benefits of two things and none of the disadvantages. 两全其美例:Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.她的起居室两全其美,一端是个办公室,另一端有舒服的沙发。10.PHRASE If you say that something has done someone a world of good, you mean that it has made them feel better or improved their life. 对…大有好处例:Just sit for a while and relax. It will do you a world of good.就坐一会儿,放松放松。这将对你大有好处。11.PHRASE You can use in the world in expressions such as what in the world and who in the world to emphasize a question, especially when expressing surprise or anger. 到底 (表示强调)强调例:What in the world is he doing?他到底在干什么呢?12.PHRASE You can use in an ideal world or in a perfect world when you are talking about things that you would like to happen, although you realize that they are not likely to happen. 在理想状态下例:In an ideal world Karen Stevens says she would love to stay at home with her two-and-half-year-old son.卡林·斯蒂芬斯说,她愿意和两岁半的儿子待在家里,但那只是理想状态。13.PHRASE You can use the outside world to refer to all the people who do not live in a particular place or who are not involved in a particular situation. 外界例:For many, the post office is the only link with the outside world.对许多人来说,邮局是与外界联系的惟一纽带。

world 是什么意思?



world [wə:ld]基本翻译n. 世界;全人类;世俗;领域;宇宙;物质生活网络释义world:世界|世界音乐| 世界World Cup:世界杯|世界杯|世界杯足球赛world news:国际新闻|全球新闻|世界新闻


world:世界。例句:1、People came from all over the world to view her work. 人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。2、People came from all over the world to view her work. 观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。第二、合并法合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂句,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如最后会翻译成定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等等。

world的意思;天下;地球;社会网络世界音乐;国际;世间变形复数:worlds;Although the Senate did not follow theco - authorwith the boxoffice hit what World War II, "Li meters, " but quietly in the fire, Xinhua.虽然没跟着与参合着打什么票房大战,可“李米”却静悄悄地在电里火了。The girl is so interested in the physical world that she will no doubt be a great scientist.那个女孩对物理世界非常感兴趣,毋庸置疑她将成为一个伟大的科学家。I"d laugh, but it"s kind of sad that this is where the world is heading. And i thought stupid law suits were an American phenomenon.这很好笑。但也有些让人难过,世界竟然变成这样。以前我一直以为这种愚蠢的法律诉讼只是在美国才会发生。


world:英 [wɜːld]   美 [wɜːrld],天下;地球;<喻> 世界,界,领域;世界(指历史上的一个时期);人类,世人,众人;人世,今世;宇宙,万物;生活经历,阅历;社会生活,社会交往;某地域(或民族、历史时期等)的人类社会;(像地球的)星球,天体;按性质(或职业等)划分的类别;某领域的一切事物;生活环境;社会;尘世;人世adj.世界的,世界范围的;世界著名的复数: worlds例句:1.People came from all over the world to view her work. 观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。2.People came from all over the world to view her work. 人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。3.What in the world did they think they were doing? 他们到底认为自己在做什么?4.A change of job would do you the world of good. 换一下工作会对你大有好处。5.Is this your plan for making your way in the world? 这就是你要出人头地的计划吗?6.Parents are the most important people in a child"s world. 父母在儿童的天地里是最重要的人。7.It"s the best job in the whole wide world. 这是整个大千世界中最好的工作。8.Many changes took place between the two world wars. 两次世界大战之间发生了很多变化。                                                                       


world的意思指的是地球,世界,甚至能够泛指整个宇宙。一般在平时的使用中,world都是用来代指整个地球,用它来代指整个宇宙,一般会出现在那些科幻电影之中,并且这种类型的电影,一般欧美地区比较多。 world一般在发音上,有两种区别,一种是美式发音,清晰明亮,还有一种是英式发音,则听起来没有那些清晰。不过这两者所代表的含义都是一样的,都是代指地球。当然,在广义上来说,world还能用来代指某地域的人类社会,只不过这层意思在平常的时候,不常见。


词性:名词:世界;领域;世俗;全人类;物质生活。固定词组:world war世界大战 ; 第一次世界大战 ; 僵尸世界大战。My World 我的小小世界 ; 我的世界 ; 自一方 ; 自己的世界。Another World 另一个世界 ; 柏原崇 ; 异世界 ; 另一世界。例句:The world was, and remains, shocked.世人震惊了,并且仍然震惊。扩展资料:world的近义词是universe。词性:名词:宇宙;世界;领域。固定词组:Stargate Universe 星际之门宇宙 ; 星际之门 ; 星际之门·宇宙 ; 星际之门太空。observable universe 可观测宇宙 ; 可观察宇宙 ; 可宇宙。fictional universe 架空世界 ; 蜀山。例句:Good writers suck in what they see of the world, re-creating their own universe on the page.好的作家吸收他们所看到的世界,在书里重新创造自己的世界。


world:n.  世界; 地球; 领域; 尘世。变形 复数: worlds。双语例句:1. The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places.  生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方会变得更坚强。2. A changing world has put pressures on the company.  日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。3. "Take That" are the best group in the whole world. So there.  “接招”乐队是世界上最好的组合,就是这样的。4. Many of the clothes come from the world"s top fashion houses.  这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。5. There were television crews and pressmen from all around the world.  来自世界各地的电视工作者和新闻记者齐聚一堂。6. Online gaming allows players from around the world to challenge each other.  网络游戏使得全球的玩家可以相互较量。


world是一个英语单词,名词,意为世界;地球;天下;某地域(或民族、历史时期等)的人类社会;(像地球的)星球,天体。 英语是国际通用的官方语言,也是我们现在义务教育需要学习的一门主要学科,所以说不管从什么方面考虑学好英语都是很有必要的。下面咱们来说说world是什么意思。 详细内容 01 world 英 [wɜːld] 美 [wɜːrld] n. 世界;地球;天下;某地域(或民族、历史时期等)的人类社会;(像地球的)星球,天体 复数: worlds 02 同义词辨析 earth n. 地球,世界 指人类居住的星球。 71% of the earth"s surface is sea. 地球表面71%的面积是海洋。 He must be the happiest person on earth! 他准是世界上最幸福的人! globe n. 地球,世界 通常与定冠词 the 连用,指我们生活的世界,尤用于强调范围之大。 Their goods are exported all over the globe. 他们的商品出口到世界各地。 His travels have taken him to every corner of the globe. 他游遍了世界各地。 world n. 世界 通常与定冠词 the 连用,多指地球上的世界,包含其中的国家、社会和人。 The Second World War broke out in 1939. 1939年爆发了第二次世界大战。 This toy robot is the latest craze all over the world. 这种玩具机器人最近风靡全世界。 03 双语例句 It"s a beautiful part of the world 这是世界上很美的一个地区。 The world was, and remains, shocked 世人当时感到震惊,现在仍然如此。 Abroad, Mr Bush was seen as a world statesman 在国外,布什先生被看作一位国际上举足轻重的政治家。 Athens had strong ties to the Arab world. 雅典与阿拉伯世界关系密切。 His world seemed so different from mine 他的生活圈子和我的似乎有天壤之别。 The publishing world had certainly never seen an event quite like this. 出版界以前确实没有遇见过类似这样的事。 The patient must re-enter a world full of problems and stresses. 患者必须再次进入充满问题和压力的世界。 Good fortune will follow you, both in this world and the next. 无论今世还是来生,好运都会伴随你。 He looked like something from another world 他看上去像是从另一个星球来的。 Intellectually, this man and I are worlds apart 在智力上,我和这个男子有天壤之别。


world的意思是:名词:世界,天下;地球;世界,界,领域;世界;人类,世人,众人;人世,今世;宇宙,万物;生活经历,阅历;社会生活,社会交往;某地域的人类社会;星球,天体;按性质划分的类别;某领域的一切事物;生活环境;社会;尘世;人世,形容词:世界的,世界范围的;世界著名的。world的例句有:1、People came from all over the world to view her work.观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。2、People came from all over the world to view her work.人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。3、A change of job would do you the world of good.换一下工作会对你大有好处。4、Parents are the most important people in a child"s world.父母在儿童的天地里是最重要的人。5、It"s the best job in the whole wide world.这是整个大千世界中最好的工作。6、Your education is bound to shape your world view.一个人接受的教育必定会决定其世界观的形成。

ol-cesiumworldwind 和cesium的区别

ol-cesium是基于OpenLayers(3以上版本)和Cesium(Web 3D GIS框架)的框架,可以快速实现二三维联动(如现有ol的地图对象可以直接转换到三维上显示,栅格图层和矢量图层数据同时会显示到三维球上)。worldwind历史比较久的GIS三维球框架,以前的worldwind是C#版,现已不维护了,目前worldwind提供JAVA和JavaScript版本,JavaScript版本发展比JAVA较慢,还不太成熟,JavaScript版本没有Cesium那么受欢迎,个人感觉代码结构比较乱。cesium是全新基于HTML5的WebGL发展起来的GIS三维球框架,纯JavaScript框架,目前在开源 3D GIS的Web框架中处于领先地位,发展比较快,开发团队实力雄厚。

请写出下列歌曲的歌词: (1)《Go West》; (2)《Top of the world》。

Go West-Pet Shop Boys(Together) We will go our way我们将一起走我们的路(Together) We will leave someday某天我们将一起离开(Together) Your hand in my hands我们一起手牵手(Together) We will make our plans我们将一起实现自己的蓝图(Together) We will fly so high我们将一起高飞(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye一起向朋友们告别(Together) We will start life new我们将一起开始新的生活(Together) This is what we"ll do这是我们将一起做的(Go West) Life is peaceful there到西方去 那里生活和平(Go West) In the open air到西方去 露天呼吸(Go West) Where the skies are blue到西方去 那里天空蔚蓝(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do到西方去 这是我们要做的(Together) We will love the beach我们将一起爱上海滩(Together) We will learn and teach我们将一起学习与教育(Together) Change our pace of life一起改变我们生活的步骤(Together) We will work and strive我们将一起工作与奋斗(I love you) I know you love me我爱你 我知道你爱我(I want you) How could I disagree?我需要你 我怎能不同意(So that"s why) I make no protest这就是我没有反对的原因(When you say) You will do the rest当你说你会完成其余的事情

there is too much damn happiness in the world today. go west,please!什么意思


worldwide partner是什么意思?


worldwide partner是什么意思?

worldwide[5w:ldwaId,-5waId]adj.全世界的partner[5pB:tnE]n.合伙人,股东,舞伴,伴侣vt.与...合伙,组成一对vi.做伙伴,当助手PARTNER=Proof of Analogue ResultsthroughNumericalE-quivalent Routine 用数字等效程序...

The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and th

小题1:A小题1:A小题1:C小题1:D 小题1:根据The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor (皇帝) Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal,可知泰姬陵主要莫卧儿皇帝沙贾汗为了纪念他的最爱的妃子Mumtaz Mahal 修建的。故选A。小题1:根据But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.描述,可知选A。小题1:这篇短文主要讲述了泰姬陵的一些历史知识,故选C,告诉我们一些有关泰姬陵的信息。小题1:根据The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). 描述,可知这个地方现在成为了一处名胜古迹,故选D。

His ambition, conquering the whole world, was never fulfill.

给你分拆: his ambition was never fulfilled.什么ambition呢?就是 conquering the whole world整句话这样改就好理解了;His ambition, which is conquering the whole world, was never fulfilled.通常 which is 被省略了

We can"t change the world ,but we can change ours

我们自己是说自己 单数

翻译It is becoming more and more convenient to all over world .大神们帮帮忙

convenient:方便的意思 它对全世界来说变得越来越方便了。 more and more :“越来越”的意思,后面接形容词 all over world :全世界

Festivals celebrate all over the world中的celebrated为什么加d

因为句子表达的是过去式,所以celebrated要加d,表示celebrate的过去式和过去分词。重点词汇:celebrated英['selɪbreɪtɪd]释义:adj.著名的,驰名的。v.庆祝,庆贺;赞扬,赞美;主持(宗教仪式)(celebrate的过去式和过去分词)。短语:On Meeting the Celebrated论见名人;论价名人;论见名人推。词语使用变化:v.(动词)。1、celebrate的基本意思是指由于宗教、政治或其他有意义的原因而举行的“庆祝”或“纪念”(唱歌、跳舞、设宴或发表讲话等),着重外在的或行动上的欢乐和喜庆,可引申作“颂扬,赞美”解。2、celebrate多用作及物动词,跟节日、胜利、成功或类似性质的词作宾语,不可以接人,也不可接that从句。3、celebrate也可用作不及物动词,作“庆祝”或“热闹一番”解。作“欢乐”解,是口语用法。

根据句意及首字母补全单词:He has the a___of a steady job.2.God c____ the world.


Travel and see the world;afterwards, you will be


英语look over the rim of world怎么翻译?

中文是: 看看世界的边缘。rim名词,边缘

《after all》《little girl in the world》 歌词翻译

little girl in the world 小女孩,在世界上I"m a little girl in love with the sunflower who shined in love 我是一个小女孩爱上了向日葵谁照在爱I though it was a dream but now it sharing every moment in my place 我虽然这是一个梦想,但现在它分享每一刻,在我活的地方with me 我Could you tell me was lost then fine in my life 你能告诉我迷失然后好了我的生活I feel like i"m know completed but I know every little love from girl 我觉得我知道完成但我知道每一个小的爱的女孩could you tell me was lost then find in my lif 你能告诉我迷失再找我的生活After all 毕竟After all those spring showers 毕竟那些春天的骤雨After all those winter chills 毕竟那些冬天发冷After all those autumn leaves 毕竟那些秋叶之静美The sky is still blue 天空仍蓝色的After all those said hello 毕竟那些打招呼的After all those said loved me 毕竟那些说爱我After all those said goodbye 毕竟那些说再见My heart is still blue 我的心脏仍然蓝色的After all 毕竟Have I learnt 我学How much love could take me home 有多少爱可以带我回家吗After all 毕竟Do u know 你知道How much love could save u 可以拯救了多少爱你

海明威 A Man of The World 一条好汉 讲的是什么?请问Blindy把Sawyer怎么样了?

  参考大学英语第四册里面的原文,很隐晦,I told him on a cold night like this he"d ought to bundle up so the whole inside of his face wouldn"t catch cold.  之前Blindy说真想亲眼看看Sawyer怎么样。  加上Sawyer载了Blindy,说明BLINDY把他鼻子割了。因为BLINDY很大气味。  具体前后逻辑也不太明白,那句话就说Sawyer脸上有洞,但是洞到底是眼睛还是鼻子?  会不会是眼睛呢?也可能。就是BLINDY在车上行凶了,然后Sawyer失明无法继续开车。  会不会是鼻子呢?答案是鼻子,原因是他闻不到气味,而且可能Sawyer还能继续开车。  书上的答案是,鼻子被BLINDY割了。  就是个有仇必报的短篇故事。很重口血腥。还给你点玩味。  原文以及翻译:  A Man of the World  Ernest Hemingway  1 The blind man knew the sounds of all the different machines in the Saloon. I don"t know how long it took him to learn the sounds of the machines but it must have taken him quite a time because he only worked one saloon at a time. He worked two towns though and he would start out of The Flats along after it was good and dark on his way up to Jessup. He"d stop by the side of the road when he heard a car coming and their lights would pick him up and either they would stop and give him a ride or they wouldn"t and would go on by on the icy road. (1) It would depend on how they were loaded and whether there were women in the car because the blind man smelled plenty strong and especially in winter. But someone would always stop for him because he was a blind man.  一条好汉  欧内斯特·海明威  那个盲人对酒馆里不同机器发出的声响了如指掌。我不知道他用了多久才把各种机器的声音一一辨清,但这事儿准花了他不少时间,因为他一次只在一家酒馆做。不过他在两个镇上都有活,他会在弗拉特先做,一直到天全黑了,再前往杰塞普。听见有车开过来他就会在路旁停下来,车灯照见他,有时他们会停下车来带他一程,有时则不,径直在冰冻的路面从他身旁开过。带不带他要看车上有没有坐满,有没有女士,因为瞎子身上气味很重,尤其在冬天。但总会有人停车让他上去,因为他是个盲人。  2 Everybody knew him and they called him Blindy, which is a good name for a blind man in that part of the country, and the name of the saloon that he threw his trade to was The Pilot. Right next to it was another saloon, also with gambling and a dining room, that was called The Index. Both of these were the names of mountains and they were both good saloons with old-days bars and the gambling was about the same in one as in the other except you ate better in The Pilot probably. Blindy probably preferred The Pilot because the machines were right along the left-hand wall as you came in and faced the bar. This gave him better control over them than he would have had at The Index where they were scattered on account it was a bigger place with more room. On this night it was really cold outside and he came in with icicles on his mustache and he didn"t look really very good. (2) Even his smell was froze but that wasn"t for very long and he started to put out almost as soon as the door was shut. It was always hard for me to look at him but I was looking at him carefully because I knew he always rode and I didn"t see how he would be frozen up so bad. Finally I asked him.  人人都认识他,叫他盲汉,在那一带,这是对盲人表示尊重的称呼,他干活的那家酒馆叫派勒特。就在隔壁又是一家酒吧,也有赌博机和餐厅,店名叫做印岱克斯。这两家店名原来都是山名,两家酒馆都不错,都有那种旧式的吧台,赌博机也都没什么两样,只不过派勒特的菜肴可能略好一些。盲汉可能喜欢派勒特,因为进门就是吧台,赌博机都沿左墙一溜儿摆放。赌博机集中摆放,他就容易控制,不像在印岱克斯,因为地方大,空间多,机器四处摆放着。这天晚上,外面冷得够呛,他进来时胡茬上还挂着冰柱,那样子看上去不太对劲。连他的臭味也冻住了,但冻住的时间不长,门一关上,他身上又发出气味了。过去我总是不忍心看他,不过那晚我却仔细打量了他,因为我知道他总能搭上便车,我纳闷,他怎么会冻成这样。我终于问他了。  3 "Where you walk from, Blindy?"  4 "Willie Sawyer put me out of his car down below the railway bridge. There weren"t no more cars come and I walked in."  5 "What did he put you afoot for?" somebody asked.  6 "Said I smelled too bad."  “你从哪儿走过来的,盲汉?”  “威利·索亚在铁路桥下面把俺撵下车。一直没别的车开过来,俺就一路走来了。”  “他干嘛要让你下去走?”有人问。  “说俺身上气味重。”  7 Somebody hit on a machine but it wasn"t any heavy hit. Blindy moved on it just the same. It was a quarter machine and the young fellow who was playing it gave him a quarter sort of reluctantly. Blindy felt it before he put it in his pocket.  有人玩吃角子机赢了,可没有赢多少。盲汉还是走了过去。那是台25分币的吃角子机,在玩的那小伙子不很情愿地给了他一个2角5分的硬币。盲汉摸了摸硬币,然后放进衣袋。  8 "Thank you," he said. "You"ll never miss it."  9 The young fellow said, "Nice to know that," and put a quarter back in the machine and pulled down again.  10 He hit again but this time pretty good and he scooped in the quarters and gave a quarter to Blindy.  11 "Thanks," Blindy said, "You"re doing fine."  12 "Tonight"s my night," the young fellow who was playing said. “多谢了,”他说。“你准会赢的。”  年轻人说:“那敢情好,”说罢又投了个2角5分的硬币进去,再往下拉了一下。  他又赢了,可这次赢了不少。他捞起大把大把2角5分的硬币,给了盲汉一个。  “多谢,”盲汉说,“打得不错。”  “今晚咱运气好,”正在玩的年轻人说。  13 (3) "Your night is my night," Blindy said and the young fellow went on playing but he wasn"t doing any good any more and Blindy was so strong standing by him and he looked so awful and finally the fellow quit playing and came over to the bar.  “你走运,俺沾光,”盲汉说。年轻人继续在玩,可不再像刚才那样赢钱;站在他旁边的瞎子气味实在难闻,样子又那么惹人厌烦,年轻人终于歇手不玩了,向酒吧间走去。  14 "What will yours be, Tom?" Frank the bartender asked me. "This is on the house."  15 "I was figuring on shoving."  16 "Have one first then."  17 Frank asked the young fellow what he would drink and the young fellow took the same. The whisky was Old Forester.  “你想喝什么,汤姆?”名叫弗兰克的酒吧间侍者问我。“酒店请客。”  “我想回去了。”  “那就先喝上一杯吧。”  弗兰克问年轻人要喝什么,年轻人要了同样的酒。是老林务员威士忌。  18 I nodded to him and raised my drink and we both sipped at the drinks. Blindy was down at the far end of the machines. I think he figured maybe no one would come in if they saw him at the door. Not that he was self-conscious.  我朝他点点头,举起酒杯,两人都呷了一口。盲汉站在那排赌博机的最尽头。我想,他这是估摸着要是见他在门口,没人会进来。这倒不是他怕难为情。  19 "How did that man lose his sight?" the young fellow asked me.  20 "In a fight," Frank told him.  21 "I wouldn"t know," I told him.  22 "Him fight?" the stranger said. He shook his head.  23 "Yeah," Frank said. "He got that high voice out of the same fight. Tell him, Tom."  24 "I never heard of it."  “那个人是怎么失明的?”那年轻人问我。  “打架闹的,”弗兰克告诉他。  “我不清楚,”我对他说。  “他打架?”陌生人说。他摇摇头。  “是啊,”弗兰克说。“他那尖嗓子也是那一架给打出来的。跟他说说,汤姆。”  “我从来没听说过。”  25 "No. You wouldn"t of," Frank said. "Of course not. You wasn"t here, I suppose. Mister, it was a night about as cold as tonight. Maybe colder. It was a quick fight too. I didn"t see the start of it. Then they came fighting out of the door of The Index. Blackie, him that"s Blindy now, and this other boy Willie Sawyer, and they were slugging and kneeing and gouging and biting and I see one of Blackie"s eyes hanging down on his cheek. They were fighting on the ice of the road with the snow all banked up and the light from this door and The Index door, and Hollis Sands was right behind Willie Sawyer who was gouging for the eye and Hollis kept hollering, "Bite it off! Bite it off just like it was a grape!" Blackie was biting onto Willie Sawyer"s face and he had a good pull and it gave away with a jerk and then he had another good pull and they were down on the ice now and Willie Sawyer was gouging him to make him let go and then Blackie gave a yell like you"ve never heard. Worse than when they cut a boar."  “对了。你是不会知道的,”弗兰克说。“当然不知道。我想那时你还没来这儿。先生,那天晚上差不多就跟今晚一样冷。可能更冷些。那一架打得快。我没见到是怎么打起来的。只看到他们从印岱克斯的门里扭打出来。布兰奇,如今叫盲汉了,还有那个叫威利·索亚的家伙,两人又打又踢,又抓又咬,我看到布兰奇的一个眼珠掉了出来挂在脸上。两人在冰冻的路面上打,路旁都堆着雪,这扇门里,还有印岱克斯店门里透出灯光,霍利斯·桑兹就站在威利·索亚的身后,威利·索亚正要挖那个眼珠,霍利斯不停地嚷嚷着:‘咬下来!咬下来,就当是个葡萄!"布兰奇咬进威利·索亚的脸,他狠狠一咬,猛地咬下一块,接着又大咬一口,两人都倒在冰上,威利·索亚掐他的眼睛,逼他松手,就在这时,布兰奇惨叫一声,没听见过叫得那么怕人的。比杀猪叫还吓人。”  26 Blindy had come up opposite us and we smelled him and turned around.  27 " "Bite it off just like it was a grape,"" he said in his high-pitched voice and looked at us, moving his head up and down. "That was the left eye. He got the other one without no advice. Then he stomped me when I couldn"t see. That was the bad part." He patted himself.  这时盲汉已经走到我们对面,我们闻到他身上的气味,便转过身去。  “‘咬下来,就当是个葡萄,"”他尖声说,一边看着我们,一边摇头晃脑。“那是左眼珠。他连声警告也没有就把另一只也咬下了。俺什么也看不见了,他却狠命踩俺。那才叫惨哪。”他拍了拍自己。  28 "I could fight good then," he said. "But he got the eye before I knew even what was happening. He got it with a lucky gouge. Well," Blindy said without any ill feeling, "that put a stop to my fighting days."  “那时俺可真能打架,”他说。“可俺还没明白过来是怎么回事他就咬着我的眼珠了。他下手下得巧。唉,”布兰奇说着,不带一点敌意。“这下俺打架的日子也就到头了。”  29 "Give Blackie a drink," I said to Frank.  30 "Blindy"s the name, Tom. I earned that name. You seen me earn it. That"s the same fellow who put me adrift down the road tonight. Fellow bit the eye. We ain"t never made friends."  “给布兰奇来杯酒,”我吩咐弗兰克。  “叫俺盲汉,汤姆。这个名字是俺打架打出来的。你都亲眼见到的。就是今晚把俺扔在路上的那个小子。咬眼珠的那个小子。俺两个一直就没和好。”  31 "What did you do to him?" the stranger asked.  32 "Oh, you"ll see him around," Blindy said. "You"ll recognize him any time you see him. I"ll let it come as a surprise."  33 "You don"t want to see him," I told the stranger.  34 "You know that"s one of the reasons I"d like to see sometimes," Blindy said. "I"d like to just have one good look at him."  35 "You know what he looks like," Frank told him. "You went up and put your hands on his face once."  “你拿他怎么了?”陌生人问。  “啊,你会在附近见到他的,”盲汉说。“你一见到他就会认出他。俺要让你见了觉得出乎意料。”  “你见了他会害怕的,”我跟陌生人说。  “要知道,就为了这,有时俺也希望有双眼睛能亲眼瞧瞧。”盲汉说。“俺只想好好瞧他一眼。”  “你知道他现在的模样,”弗兰克对他说。“有次你走上去摸过他的脸。”  36 "Did it again tonight too," Blindy said happily. "That"s why he put me out of the car. He ain"t got no sense of humor at all. (4) I told him on a cold night like this he"d ought to bundle up so the whole inside of his face wouldn"t catch cold. He didn"t even think that was funny. You know that Willie Sawyer he"ll never be a man of the world."  “今晚俺又摸了一次,”盲汉得意地说。“就为这他把俺给撵下了车。他一点玩笑都开不起。俺对他说,今晚这么冷,他应当穿得暖暖的,这样他脸庞里边就不会着凉感冒了。他压根儿没觉得这话挺逗。你知道威利·索亚,成不了汉子。”  37 "Blackie, you have one on the house," Frank said. "I can"t drive you home because I only live just down the road. But you can sleep in the back of the place."  “布兰奇,喝一杯,不收钱,”弗兰克说。“我不能开车送你回家,因为我就住在路的那头。不过你可以在屋子后边睡。”  38 "That"s mighty good of you, Frank. Only just don"t call me Blackie. I"m not Blackie any more. Blindy"s my name."  39 "Have a drink, Blindy."  40 "Yes, sir," Blindy said. His hand reached out and found the glass and he raised it accurately to the three of us.  41 "That Willis Sawyer," he said. "Probably alone home by himself. That Willie Sawyer he don"t know how to have any fun at all."  “你真好,弗兰克。可别叫俺布兰奇。俺不再是什么布兰奇。俺叫盲汉。”  “喝,盲汉。”  “喝,老兄,”盲汉说。他伸出手来摸到了杯子,很准地对着我们三人举杯。  “威利·索亚那小子,”他说。“没准一个人呆在家里呢。威利·索亚那小子一点儿不会取乐。”

because kindness keeps the world afloat什么意思?lifev


because kindness keeps the world afloat什么意思

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