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东京爱情故事,很经典的日剧演员Actor  织田裕二YujiOda.....永尾完治Kanji"Kanchi"Nagao  铃木保奈美HonamiSuzuki.....赤名莉香RikaAkana  江口洋介YosukeEguchi.....三上健一  有森也美NarimiArimori.....关口里美SatomiSekiguchi  千堂あきほSenndouAkiho.....长崎尚子NgasakiNaoko



个人推荐唯美伤感风格的。1:Save Yourself — Nasri2:Riverside — Agnes Obel3:Song from a Secret Garden —Alexander Rybak4:Girl In The Mirror — Britney Spears以上都是个人推荐、LZ可以去听听、有没有合适的。


re·sourceu2002 u2002[ree-sawrs, -sohrs, -zawrs, -zohrs, ri-sawrs, -sohrs, -zawrs, -zohrs] Show IPA–noun1.a source of supply, support, or aid, esp. one that can be readily drawn upon when needed.2.resources, the collective wealth of a country or its means of producing wealth.3.Usually, resources. money, or any property that can be converted into money; assets.4.Often, resources. an available means afforded by the mind or one"s personal capabilities: to have resource against loneliness.5.an action or measure to which one may have recourse in an emergency; expedient.6.capability in dealing with a situation or in meeting difficulties: a woman of resource.Use resources in a SentenceSearch resources on the WebOrigin: 1640–50; < F ressource, OF ressourse, n. deriv. of resourdre to rise up < L resurgere, equiv. to re- re- + surgere to rise up, lift; see resurge, source—Related formsre·source·less, adjectivere·source·less·ness, noun—Synonyms 1, 5. resort. 5. means, contrivance, shift. 6. inventiveness, adapability, ingenuity, cleverness.


使用心得最速断肢技巧:360Y,前XYY,奔跑YY(配合风路X+A 使用更佳)1. 360Y适合群战人多狭小空间时,敌人断肢后若被震远用前XY直接OT收拾2. 前XYY:第1下为断头,第2下开始为断手及OT技,主力断肢手段,对Boss前XY可用B取消接360Y前X及前XY都可以中途用B取消3. 奔跑YY:使用方式跟前XYY的第二个Y一样但更为霸道更有效率01. 忍者系a. 一般低等级弓忍及枪忍:b. XYYY一次一只c. 爆忍,魔化忍,法师:d. 风路后YY接飞燕一次一只e. 360Y断肢后加前XY(OT)f. XXY断肢后OTg. XYXXX(停顿1秒)Y(飞燕)一次一只,狭小房间可飞燕两次h. 风路后前XYY(OT)或奔跑YY(OT)一次一只,效率最高i. 一群敌人包围时可以前YYY或360Y护体j. 一群敌人在前面时可预先空挥XX完再前XXXX,功效类似爪子的狮子王咆啸k. 远距离时飞燕过去可以造成敌人踉跄状态,这边有几个进攻选择1. 马上360Y造成多体敌人断肢2. 前Y最速挑空,浮空后XXX.YB落地吸魂UT或是直接饭纲落或XXX.YBYY3. 前XY(Y)对最近的敌人进行断肢OT4. 前YYY护身02. 罗刹:a. 闪过攻击或投技后前YYY,XXX前X,360Y,XXXXY都很不错b. 防反X完马上360Y,如没后退逃走继续追加360Yc. 远距离放风刃或吼叫回血时飞燕BYY很安全d. 中距离闪过攻击或投技后前XYB追加360Y03. 忍犬:a. 前YYY护体兼大批击退,对上落单的就YY前YYYb. 靠近墙壁吸引大批时360Y护体兼击退c. 远距离时飞燕会造成短暂浮空,追加前YXXX.YBYYc. 出魂后UT清速度会更快d. 单挑或群战时XXXXX很好用有击退效果,若击退后追加飞燕+前YXXX.YBYY04. 邪忍王幻心(四阶段均同打法):a. 不知道各位朋友是否还记得我以前发过的幻心招式全拆解录像http:// bbs.a9vg.com/viewthread.php?tid=996942&fpage=4怎么防反他的招式还记得吗?这次防反完请加上YYYY就可以了,威力巨大无比打幻心最有效率的招就是闪完出招后360Y或YYYY若配合防反的话,打幻心更加有效率跟得心应手以上打法四阶段的幻心都适用,11跟14章需要防反两次的第二次防反请特别注意时机,因为只要一失手就是中冥府落直接被秒杀b. 闪过攻击后XXX前X,XX前XY,前XXX,XY(重压),前YY攻击力都不错c. 出完攻击后加上个360Y护身,如果他没逃走就可以追加05. 阿紫,阿黄,狼人:a. 风路YY或是风驱360Y断肢后前XY(OT)b. 被包围时前YYY或360Y护体c. 出魂后UT清会看到尸横遍野06. 无眼巨人:靠近脚挡完攻击360Y或前YYY或YYYY07. 雷神:a. 远距离或放飞行道具或空中冲刺投技时用飞燕,有机会及晕让他气绝b. 气绝后YY前YYYc. 闪过地面投技或是4连Combo含投技后此时他硬值很大,用YYYY给予重创d. 前里风闪过龙卷风后快速接近他用YYYY给予重创08. 蝎子:a. 打法同05.,但可以用XY或前Y接饭纲落或飞燕秒杀了09. 骷髅怪:a. 近距离靠近脚边闪过攻击后前YYY,没几次就可以让它跪下b. 跪下后YYYY或是YY前YYY重创10. 风神(第十二章均同打法):a. 闪过攻击后360Y震退再风驱360Y有机率可以让它气绝b. 镰刀转圈可以先防反Y后接YYYY,前YYY,360Y或是里风继续闪过第2下搥地360Y后追加飞燕B落地360Yc. 另一种镰刀转圈起始的乱舞技第1下先防反Y,然后可以里风移动接360Y两次,等最后1下收招后360Y,前YYY或YYYYd. 闪过攻击或投技后XY(重压),XXX,前XY,XX前Y均可以追加360Y+飞燕B落地360Ye. XXX前X,XXXY,XX前XY,360Y,前XXX,前XYY,前YYY,YYYY均可以击退追加风驱落地360Y或飞燕B落地360Yf. 闪过跳压攻击后飞燕有机会可以使之气绝,之后接前YXXX.YB落地360Y11. 三足机器人及高达用UT打是最有效率的方法12. 火神(第12章均同打法):a. 火神出招全拆解请参考这帖:http://bbs.a9vg.com/viewthread.php?tid=1010710&fpage=2b. 防反Y后YYYY追加360Yc. 飞燕可阻止它地面招唤蝎子,飞燕空中被挡时YY或B落地360Yd. 闪过投技后可以用前XXX,XXX前X,前XYY都可追加前YYYe. 闪过投技后XYYY,前YYY,XXXY具有闪投技的功能,若它又继续出投技的话可以连续出上列招f. 闪过投技后YY前YYY,很下血13. 沼泽虫:a. 前YYY三次解决1只b. XXX前X四次解决1只,可以屈死(XXX前X+360Y两次解决1只,这招推荐:很帅)c. XX前XY四次解决1只,可以屈死d. 360Y五次解决1只,可以屈死e. YYYY三次解决1只14. 疆尸:360Y造成断肢后前XY(OT)或前XYY(OT)或奔跑YY(OT)15. 红龙:a. XX前XXXX三次收拾1头b. XXX前X,XXYY,XXXXY击退后可追加飞燕或ET/UTc. 前YYY,风路YY,YYYY,360Y会造成后仰d. XX前XY可以屈死,4次收拾1头e. 可以利用360Y的无敌时间闪过吐火并攻击,风路也可以阻止它吐火f. 2次UT收拾1头16. 机器娃娃:a. 近身XXY可以最速让她零件后OT解决(同锁镰可以近身欺负她到死)b. 其它招像是前XYY,YYYY,XXX前X,XXXXY,360Y让她零件后OT也不错c. ET或风路YY会跌倒,可以追加前XYY让她零件后OT解决17. 半人马:a. 闪过冲撞后XYYY,前YYY或360Y不错,出两魂后用UT可加速解决b. 尽量追在它的屁股后打,不要正面冲突,因为这代的半人马破绽跟黑之章一样只能往前攻击而已,它回头还得转一大圈呢18. 达拉.戴(章鱼老头)a. 等他落地高举剑放电时前YXXX wait YBYY落地取消放忍法b. 地面漂浮时飞燕19.邪神完全体(最终Boss)a. 连续四次里风闪过右手搥地四连击后一~两次360Yb. 看到激光时先360Y打1次,然后飞燕闪过激光到另一方,落地后XYXXX.YBYYc. 里风闪过左手投技后XYXXX.YBYYd. 平台散步时前YXXX.YBYY.转自A9VG boa0710


someone like you-Adele 行吗

现代大学英语精读2中say yes的主题是什么?急用,希望快点得到答案,谢谢

Theme of the Textuff1a The idea of racism is a theme in the story, for the implication of the husbandu2019s racism is what causes the couple to quarrel

rihanna - only girl - in the world 歌词语法分析 谢谢了

like英音:[laik]美音:[laɪk] like1及物动词 vt. [W]1.喜欢[+v-ing][+to-v]She likes playing the piano. 她喜欢弹钢琴。 He doesn"t like tomatoes. 他不喜欢吃番茄。 2.(用于否定句中)愿意[+v-ing][+to-v]I don"t like deceiving him. 我不愿意欺骗他。 3.(与should,would连用)希望,想,想要[+to-v][O2][O7][O8]He would like you to make that trip. 他希望你走一趟。 4.适合于I like pepper but it doesn"t like me. 我喜欢吃胡椒,但胡椒不适合我的肠胃。 不及物动词 vi. [W]1.喜欢;愿意;希望You can do exactly as you like. 你爱怎么做就怎么做。 名词 n. 1.爱好[P1]The two sisters share the same likes and dislikes. 这两姐妹有相同的好恶爱憎。 like2介词 prep. 1.像,如They are like brothers and sisters. 他们就像兄弟姐妹一样。 2.(作法、程度等)和...一样Dick acts like a gentleman. 迪克的举止如同绅士。 He was like a son to me. 他就像我的儿子一样。 3.与相称的It"s not like her to be so careless. 她通常是不会这么粗心的。 4.(与look,sound等连用)像要;好像是It looks like rain. 好像要下雨了。 5.(与feel连用)想要I don"t feel like dancing now. 我现在不想跳舞。 6.诸如He does well in subjects like history and philosophy. 他在历史和哲学这类课程上成绩不错。 名词 n. 1.同样(或同类)的人(或事物)[the S][(+of)]Have you even heard the like of it? 你听见过这样的事情吗? 形容词 a. 1.相像的[F]The brothers are very like. 这几个兄弟很相像。 2.有相同性质的;类似的[B]His uncle promised him $100 if he could earn a like sum. 他的伯伯答应给他一百美元,如果他能自己挣到同样数目的钱的话。 3.【旧】【方】可能[F][+to-v]连接词 conj. 1.【口】如同,好像It was just like you said. 情况正如你所说的那样。 副词 ad. 1.(常用于插入语中)可能,多半2.【旧】一样地-like后缀 suf. 1.(接在名词之后,形成形容词)表示"像...的"(如:manlike, doglike, bull-like)2.(接在形容词之后,形成副词)表示"像...那样地"以下结果来自互联网网络释义like1.喜欢;喜爱;希望likev.喜欢;喜爱;希望2.象……的-like 象……的3.像,如;像要2007年6月全国大学英语四级考试大纲-4...like prep4.爱好心理学专业英语词汇(L2)like 爱好.5.相似心理学专业词汇英语-汉语对照(L)like 相似6.有…性质的,像…的.?like 有…性质的,像…的 Like1.二人要击数相同..Like 二人要击数相同 2.喜好60. 喜好 Like3.喜欢喜欢(Like).【LRC】La la la la啦 啦 啦 啦La la la la啦 啦 啦 啦La la la la啦 啦 啦 啦La la la la啦 啦 啦 啦I want you to love me like I"m a hot pie我要你爱我 就像爱我的热辣Be thinkin" of me doin" what you like不管你做什么 都会不停地想着我So boy forget about the world "cuz it"s gone be me and you tonight所以 亲爱的 忘了所有一切 因为今晚只属于你和我I wanna make your bed for ya then Imma make you swallow your pride我要你醒来第一眼就看到我 我要你放弃尊严臣服于我Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world我要你知道 我是这世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love就像我是你从未如此爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that"s in command就像我是你唯一拥有过的女孩"Cuz I"m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man因为我懂得如何让你成为一个男人Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world我要你知道 我是这世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love就像我是你从未如此爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only one唯一的一个女孩Want you to take me like a thief in the night我要你像夜晚的小偷一样把我偷走Hold me like a pillow make me feel right把我像枕头般紧紧抱住 让我感到满足Baby I"ll tell you all my secrets that I"m keepin" you can come inside宝贝 我要向你敞开心扉 让你走入我的世界And when you enter you ain"t leavin" be my prisoner for the night一旦你走进 就不能轻易离开 今晚你将会是我的俘虏Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world我要你知道 我是这世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love就像我是你从未如此爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that"s in command就像我是你唯一拥有过的女孩"Cuz I"m the only one who understands因为只有我了解你Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only one唯一的一个女孩Take me for a ride ride带我踏入旅程 旅程Oh baby take me high high哦 亲爱的 让我更快乐 快乐Let me make you first first我要让你主宰一切 一切Oh make it last all night night哦 就这样持续一整夜吧Take me for a ride ride带我踏入旅程 旅程Oh baby take me high high哦 亲爱的 让我更快乐 快乐Let me make you first first我要让你主宰一切 一切Make it last all night就这样持续一整夜Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world我要你知道 我是这世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love就像我是你从未如此爱过的女孩Like I"m the only one who knows your heart就像我是唯一能了解你的人Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Like I"m the only one that"s in command就像我是你唯一拥有过的女孩"Cuz I"m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man因为我懂得如何让你成为一个男人Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Only girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩Girl in the world世界上唯一的女孩

她的个性签名:only one 是什么意思? 是不是她自己??还是有别人了??谢谢大家。



这个怎么说呢,一般说来开头十来秒就是发生化学反应的时间,你会不会接着听下去即在此,所以我把我认为还可以的歌曲发给你听听1、 Clean Bandit《Rather Be》2、Donna De Lory《My Destiny》3、seven lions 《days to come》 feat. fiora4、Jibbs《chain hang low》超有趣的调子5、Conquest ofparadise经典震撼6、Bertie Higgins – Casablanca7、Emeli Sandé《read all about it》8、dido-thank you9、Babyface《Every Time I Close My Eyes》10、 OneRepublic《counting Star》11、 David Guetta,Usher <rest of my life >12、 The Unforgiving《Shot In The Dark》13、 Gareth Gates - Unchained Melody14、 The Band Perry《If I Die Young》15、 《Naked》-dev16、 LeAnn Womack《Some Say Love》17、 Tonight Alive-The Edge18、 The Wanted - Glow In The Dark19、 Brooke Fraser -Something In TheWater20、 Hailey Rowe <MyBoyfriend Is Gay>21、 Alexander Rybak < OAH>22、 < like a star like a hero >23、 Jason Walker《Echo》1、Nickelback <Gotta BeSomebody><far away><If Everyone Cared> <Someday><Burnit To the Ground>;成熟大气的声音;2、Maria Arredondo 《Mercy》3、Santana《She"s Not There》4、Green Day 《Wake Me Up When September Ends》<Amy><American Idiot>< Nuclear Family>;5、Alison Krauss《Dreaming My Dreams With You》沉醉6、Sibel<sorry I"msorry><AllI Need Is One><How I Tried To Let You Go><Make Believe>7、Idina Menzel <let itgo>看《冰雪奇缘更有感觉》;8、We Shot The Moon 《 Please Shine》;9、Ania - <Sound OfSilence>;10、 sandy-<Tell me>;11、 Befour《ComsicRide 》;12、 Blaxy<If you feel my love>;13、 Akon<Trouble Maker>;14、 The Cranberries < Never GrowOld>《carry on》《Dying In The Sun》《Dreaming My Dreams》<when you"re gone>等。很有感觉的曲风;15、 Meiko 《StuckOn You》;16、 Kelly Clarkson《stronger》《because of you》<breakaway><timeless><neveragain>《Since U Been Gone》也是power型的。17、 Flo Rida < Whistle>;18、 One Direction《What Makes You Beautiful》<Live While We‘re Young><Gotta Be You><kiss you>;19、 A Great Big World (feat. ChristinaAguilera)< Say Something>朋友推荐的,静静聆听,引人入胜;








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Baby, what are we becoming?It feels just like we"re always runningRolling through the motions every dayI could lean in to hold youOr act like I don"t even know youSeems like you could care less either wayWhat happened to that girl I used to know?I just want us back to the way we were beforeDo I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby?Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy?Do I have your love? Am I"m still enough?Tell me, don"t I? Or tell me, do I, babyGive you everything that that you ever wanted?Would you rather just turn away and leave me lonely?Do I just need to give up and get on with my life?Baby, do I?Remember when we didn"t have nothingBut a perfect simple kind of loving?Baby, those sure were the daysThere was a time our love ran wild and freeBut now I"m second guessing everything I see!Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby?Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy?Do I have your love? Am I"m still enough?Tell me, don"t I? Or tell me, do I, babyGive you everything that that you ever wanted?Would you rather just turn away and leave me lonely?Do I just need to give up and get on with my life?Baby, do I still give you what you need?Still take your breath away?Light up the spark way down deep?Baby, do I?!Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby?Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy?Do I have your love? Am I"m still enough?Tell me, don"t I? Or tell me, do I, babyGive you everything that that you ever wanted?Would you rather just turn away and leave me lonely?Do I just need to give up and get on with my life?Tell me baby, do I get one more try? Do I?Baby, do I?拼音……真要命,不懂的消息我~Beibi, wo a wi bikamingi fios jia lai wi a raoweizi ranningroling siru le mouxuan eivri deiai ku lining tu hou jiuao eike lai kai dun iven nou youxim lai kyou ku kaier lisi aile weiwo heiben tu lei geou ai youzi tu nou?ai jiasi wan desi bei tu le wei wi wuer bifaoerdu ai ten you aon eilaoer wein ai kisi you beibi?dasi le sai aofu mi wanting you ziraiwu you kuruizei?du ai heifu you lafu? eim amu sidiou inafu?tiaomi doum ai? ao tiaomi du ai beibigifu you aiversing lei lei you eiwer wanti?wu jiu rualer jua tenewei en lifu mi loumli?du ai jua ni tu gifua en gei daon wisi mai laifu?beibi, du ai?rimianber wein wi diden heifu nasingba de pefeike ximper kaidao lafing?beibi, rousi xuer wuer le deizileier wezer taim aower lafu rein waiodein fuliba nao aimu seiken geising eivrising ai siiii


Dear Lily, Since you have told me you wanted to learn letter writing last time,I"d like to introduce you an English book which is about letter writing . This book is not so expensive and very practical,and its name is "Letters Written for You". It is written by Mr.Chen who is a professor from Fudan University.The book contains varities of froms of letters.For instance,apologizing letteruff0cthanks letter and so on. It may be a useful book for you to learn writing.I hope my suggestions will be valuable for you. Faithfully yours, Li Ming






"Rich coal, lack of fat, less gas" energy structure determines the demand and supply of coal in the foundation position in China"s energy for a long time are hard to change. At present, in China coal energy production and consumption once were in a percentage of more than 70%. China"s coal production mainly comes from underground mining, because coal resources special production environment, the underground work risk factors is higher, often happen gas explosion accidents, floods, make the country suffered great economic losses in the underground staff at the same time life security threats. In the production process to realize intelligent monitoring and management, can effectively improve the production safety accidents occurred in underground can timely and accurate acknowledge underground work personnel"s location information is the important guarantee of successful rescue.This topic is the purpose of presenting the design of a mine safety monitoring system, realize the environmental monitoring and personnel downhole positioning function. Based on the comprehensive monitoring system at home and abroad, mine coal mine first discusses the current situation of the development of the safety monitoring system, comparison of the remote monitoring and control system used for communications technology, this system design choice a more superior communication mode, then briefly introduces ZigBee wireless sensor technology, analyzes the comprehensive monitoring system for coal mine, this paper puts forward a kind of ZigBee technology based on the comprehensive monitoring system solutions mine, the paper describes the overall structure of the system and the system structure, the design of based on ZigBee wireless network nodes and AD7705 chips based on the data acquisition system.绝对不是机器,


界: 动物界 Animalia门: 脊索动物门 Chordata纲: 爬行纲 Sauropsida目: 鳄目 Crocodilia科: 长吻鳄科 Gavialidae属: 恒河鳄属 Gavialis种: 恒河鳄 G. gangeticus短吻鳄科) Alligatoridae短吻鳄亚科 Alligatorinae 短吻鳄属Alligator美国短吻鳄Alligator mississippiensis扬子鳄(中国短吻鳄) Alligator sinensis凯门鳄亚科 Caimaninae 凯门鳄属Caiman眼镜凯门鳄Caiman crocodilus巴拉圭凯门鳄Caiman yacare宽吻凯门鳄Caiman latirostros古鳄属Paleosuchus钝吻古鳄Paleosuchus palpebrosus锥吻古鳄Paleosuchus trigonuatus黑鳄属Melanosuchus黑凯门鳄Melanosuchus niger鳄科 Crocodylidae鳄亚科 Crocodylinae 鳄属Crocodylus美洲鳄Crocodylus acutus非洲狭吻鳄Crocodylus cataphractus奥利诺科鳄Crocodylus intermedius澳洲淡水鳄Crocodylus johnstoni菲律宾鳄Crocodylus mindorensis危地马拉鳄(莫瑞雷鳄) Crocodylus moreletii尼罗鳄Crocodylus niloticus新几内亚鳄Crocodylus novaeguineae沼泽鳄Crocodylus palustris湾鳄(河口鳄) Crocodylus porosus古巴鳄Crocodylus rhombifer暹罗鳄Crocodylus siamensis侏鳄属Osteolaemus侏鳄Osteolaemus tetraspis长吻鳄科 Gavialidae切喙鳄属Tomistoma马来鳄Tomistoma schlegelii长吻鳄属Gavialis恒河鳄(食鱼鳄、长吻鳄) Gavialis gangeticus





一首英文歌 叫"ONLY YOU' 是女生,挺动感的,知道的告诉下是谁唱的谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

only you 演唱者: 不可以买到一颗星星呢 那我就可以和你远走高飞了 看吧 暖光照耀在你的心上 像梦一样治愈你的心灵 我的心在朝著你动 我好象爱上了你 我可以陪你走遍天涯海角 Oh baby 能回到我的身边吗 可以相伴我一生的人 那就是你 那就是你 (Only You) 不要向我叹息 我的眼裏只有你一个 我的耳边只有你的声音 我什麼都干不了了 我的心在跳 我深爱著你 我可以陪你走遍天涯海角 Oh baby 能回到我的身边吗 可以相伴我一生的人 那就是你 只要有你 我可以放弃一切 可以相伴到永远的你 抱著我 告诉我 你爱著我 永远在我的身边 我唯一的爱 我深深得爱著你 我可以陪你走遍天涯海角 能回到我的身边吗 可以相伴我一生的人 那就是你 那就是你 韩文歌词 - Only you (SBS OST) Oh baby Oh baby Oh baby




《野花香》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-fUD80rZaHPfgnh70__STw?pwd=oui7 提取码:oui7简介:窗外有一排银杏树,透过那些树梢儿,银色的阳光宛如瀑布倾泻下来。片云皆无的天空,清澈得让人发寒。片片银杏树叶,不知什么时候染上了灿的金黄色。通过咖啡屋窗户吹进来的习习秋风,使人觉得倍加爽快。随风飘进了一片欢呼声,那是在学校举行联欢的呼喊。新宇的目光离开窗口的时候,刚好看到允基推门而入的身影。

SHINee picasso的中文歌词,谢谢各位SHINee world了

Picasso青涩的时代青い时代淡淡的Contrast淡いContrast冷漠深沉又太过寂静的Sadness冷たく深く静かすぎるSadnessDon"t cry tonight(Blue Blue Period)用力紧紧抱著你キツク抱きしめてBaby 因为在身边Baby そばにいるから别再哭泣もう 泣かないで找不到出口出口は探さずに就想像吧 飞到下一个时代想像すればいい 次の时代へFlyOpen your heartBaby, Ah(是你)Baby, Ah(キミハ)Maybe, Ah(是我)Maybe, Ah(ボクハ)Baby, Ah 到原色的迷宫去Baby, Ah 原色の迷宫へ劈开世界的Blue世を切り裂け BlueMore Beautiful鲜豔的画出Picasso鲜やかに描けよPicasso无论在何处どこまでもポジティブな我要成为积极的PicassoPicasso ボクになれEveryone"s Picasso Picasso PicassoYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah立体派、格尔尼卡、非洲キュビズム、ゲルニカ、アフリカ超现实、玫瑰色、塞尚シュル、ローズカラー、セザンヌ经典クラシカル看啊,在每次的改变中更新ほら、変わるたびに新しい喜欢的颜色也会改变好きな色だって変わるのさEverything you can imagine is real不对称的自画像アシンメトリー自画像不是让人可以看见而是凭感受见えるようにじゃない 感じるままに在那激烈又辉煌的世界その激しさで 煌めく世界好像觉醒般的奇迹开始舞动目の覚めるような 奇迹が踊りだす连闪耀光芒的节奏 在梦中也会光るプリズム 梦の中でさえ耀眼无比呀 in my heart辉くよin my heartBaby, Ah(是你)Baby, Ah(キミハ)Maybe, Ah(是我)Maybe, Ah(ボクハ)Baby, Ah 相信明天Baby, Ah 明日を信じて刺穿世界True世を突き刺せTrueMore Clear鲜豔的画出Picasso鲜やかに描けよPicasso无论在何处どこまでもポジティブな你要成为积极的PicassoPicasso キミになれOh BabyEveryone"s PicassoEverything and morePicassoYou"re my hope(比昨天更美丽)(昨日よりMore Beautiful)Yeah Baby Yeah劈开世界的Blue世を切り裂け BlueMore Beautiful鲜豔的画出Picasso鲜やかに描けよPicasso(Baby, Oh)无论在何处都积极的どこまでもポジティブなEverything and moreEveryone"s Picasso Picasso PicassoEveryone"s Picasso Picasso PicassoEverything and more中译歌词:环球音乐

谁知道westlife的《beautiful world》这首歌的中英对照歌词,以及这首歌的相关背景,谢谢了!

Here we go, life"s little lessons 在行走的路上我从生活上汲取经验Sometimes I mess up my intentions 有时我也会迷失方向I get lost; the cost was losing everything I"ve known 迷路的代价就是从此一无所有Laying here, staring at the ceiling 躺在那里,望着天花板Sometimes still dealing with the feelings 整理我凌乱的思绪Of where I"ve been, what I"ve done, I"m so far out there on my own 我在哪里,我做了些什么,为何我对自己如此陌生So quick to point the finger, to find the one to blame 迅速的反思自我,找到让我迷惘的罪魁祸首So hard to realize I kept getting in my own way 然后,我艰难的意识到我必须坚持自己的路I never thought that I was so strong 我从未想过有朝一日我竟如此勇敢To carry on, carry on tonight ,拥抱,拥抱今夜Forgiveness in your eyes with nothing to hide 你眼中的宽容如此诚挚All I know is you"ve shown me it"s a beautiful world 我深知你给予我多么广阔的天空Oh, it"s a beautiful world, oh 哦,这是一个美丽的世界。No more fearing my reflection 从今以后我不再畏惧Here I am with these imperfections 纵然我有很多缺陷You know my faults but you don"t care, you take them all 然而你并不畏惧,坦诚的接受了它。Until now I was barely breathing 我喜极而泣But you gave me something to believe in 你给了我信仰We"re writing history, life"s made up of small victories 我们重改历史,生活处处掌声与荣耀We could go round in circles and never get to here 我们可以彷徨但不能停滞不前So good to realize that we have nothing left to fear 我开心的发现我已不再畏惧I never thought that I was so strong 我从未想过我会如此强壮To carry on, carry on tonight 拥抱,拥抱今夜Forgiveness in your eyes with nothing to hide 你眼中的宽容如此诚挚All I know is you"ve shown me it"s a beautiful world 我深知你给予我多么美妙的天地Oh, it"s a beautiful world, oh 哦,这是一个美丽的世界

请朋友们帮我解释一下remaining与 rest的区别, 谢谢!

remaining是放在句末的~rest是代词~ remaining是修饰前面的名词的~~




Quality 品质

此句请帮忙找出主谓宾结构。是什么类型的句子? 谢谢!

主语: Mercator谓语:were宾语:it suggested to him that his scheme would one day be used to plot landscapes so far from terrestrial in aspect as to reflect back,in their magnificent alienness,the very idea of an old and exhausted earth


sorry. Didn"t see it yet.


1. landscape 可以指风景画, glow 这里是比喻用法,指的是美丽的画熠熠生辉,很有光彩 in reality 在现实中 decay 腐朽衰败这句话是说留在画上的风景很美丽,但是在现实中这些人文风景可能已经衰败了2. 这是个省略句,完整的是:our relationship is one relationship between equals. equal 可以作为形容词使用,表示同等的人或事物我们的关系是平等的关系。

mysql 中 order by 和 group by 的详细区别 是详细区别 举例说明 谢谢





1, Typhoon is produced in tropical ocean of a strong tropical cyclone 2, the typhoon formation conditions: First, higher ocean temperature; Second, abundant water vapor 3, only in tropical oceans, is the formation of a typhoon. There is very high sea temperatures, water vapor is the most abundant on Earth where water vapor is the Typhoon provided the main impetus to the formation and development. Secondly, there is a certain distance from the equator is conducive to the development of Typhoon cyclonic circulation and flow convergence strengthened. Third, the tropical sea surface in latitude than the simple 4, the advantages and disadvantages of Typhoon: a suitable climate; bring precipitation; strong winds, heavy rain

point on point at point to 什么区别 能举例吗 谢谢

Point at/to :指向;面向,对准。①I could see him pointing at me and telling the other guests what I had said.我看见他一边指着我,一边告诉其他客人我说过的话。He pointed to a gate at the bottom of the field. 他指向田地尽头的一个大门。②There were TV cameras pointing at us.有电视摄像机对着我们。The hands of the clock pointed to a quarter past one.钟表的指针指向一点一刻。Point sth at:用某物对准。 I wish you"d stop pointing that gun at men. 我希望你别再用那支枪对着人。Point sb to:为某人指路。 He pointed her to a armchair. 他指引她坐那把扶手椅。Point to:(因认为重要而)提到(某事物);表明,大有可能。①Many politicians have pointed to the need of a written constitution.很多政客都提出需要一部成文宪法。②All the evidence pointed to Black as the murderer.所有证据都表明布莱克很可能是凶手。Point with sth:用什么东西指。 The driver pointed with his whip. 马车夫用他的鞭子指着。

求翻译成英文,谢谢谢谢 使用目的说明书 我此次出国的目的,是在芬兰xx公司工作,从xx年xx

The use of objective descriptionI this the purpose of going abroad, working in the XX company in Finland, from XX years XX months -xx years XX months XX years, will apply for work residence permit, highest education certificate, driving license, marriage certificate, birth that have been notarized, more convenient for work, we apply to the highest degree, marriage certificate, birth certificate, driver"s license Chinese foreign ministry authentication and Finland embassy certification.Thank you




谓语是后面的have strengthened

请翻译下列数学词汇(法翻中) 谢绝机译!谢谢

generalite sur les fonctions :函数概述(一般特性)courbe representative :图像(解析几何里面)parite,imparite :偶性,奇性(数论里面,讨论奇偶性)periodicite 周期性sens de variation :(一般是求函数的)变化趋势(递增,递减)(或者写出函数递增区间或递减区间)minorant( 最小值),majorant(最大值)extrema d"une fonction(函数的极值)operations sur les fonctions 函数的运算规则composition de fonctions 复合函数



other than短语的用法?谢谢



有区别。Four Star GeneralOnly officers who show great leadership and loyalty become four-star generals. Three Star GeneralAn officer in the Army, Air Force, or Marines who is above the rank of Major is a Three Star General. Major GeneralCommands a division which is 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers. Brigadier GeneralCommands a brigade within a division. ColonelUsually commands a regiment within a division. Lieutenant ColonelUsually commands a battalion made up of 300 to 1,000 soldiers. A battalion is within a regiment. Major Serves as a staff officer to a regiment or division commander. CaptainA captain usually commands a company with a battalion. First LieutenantMay command platoons or companies. Second LieutenantLowest ranking commissioned officer. Sergeant Major of the ArmyHighest rank for a soldier.Command SergeantCarries out standards, performances, training, and conduct to soldiers. Sergeant MajorThe key enlisted member of a battalion. Master SergeantThe lead non-commissioned officer at the battalion and sometimes higher levels. Sergeant First ClassMost candidates have at least 15 years experience. Referred to as Senior NCO"s or Non-Commissioned Officers. Staff SergeantHas more time and experience in the Army than the Sergeant. SergeantNon Commissioned Officer above a Corporal. CorporalLowest non-commissioned officer, often commands a squad. Private First ClassGrade above private. Privatelowest rank of enlisted men.

谁能翻译一下The Warrior Song这首歌的中文歌词?谢谢

我是武装到牙齿的杀人机器  I"ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin" machine,  绿光闪烁之间让你血流如溅  with a need to bleed you when the light goes green,  不要怀疑,这是我的地盘  best blieve, I"m in a zone to be,  我的阴阳两界,我的长江流域  from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze.  当你奔袭而来我得意地微笑  Put a grin on my chin when you come to me,  因为胜利是属于我的,我是一流的杀手,带给你的将是死亡  "cuz i"ll win, I"m a one-of-a-kind and I"ll bring death  大地在我脚下  to the place you"re about to be:  你将成为另一条在我脚下流淌的血河  another river of blood runnin" under my feet.  历练之火早已燃起  Forged in a fire lit long ago,  与我比肩,你将永不孤独  stand next to me, you"ll never stand alone.  第一个冲锋,最后一个离去  I"m last to leave, but the first to go,  上帝啊,请在老去之前赐我以死亡  Lord, make me dead before you make me old.  吞噬着恐惧,当敌人以魔鬼的面孔进入视线  I feed on the fear of the devil inside of theenemy faces in my sights:  用手瞄准,用意志扣动扳机,用冷酷的心杀戮  aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart link arctic ice  我是一个战士,战士在前进  I am a soldier and I"m marching on,  我是勇士,这是勇士之歌  I am a warrior and this is my song.  乐战好斗,令敌国焦土一片  I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore,  跋涉血海,誓要斩尽杀绝  wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I"ll kill some more.  子弹飞啸,电光石火  Bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown to gasoline,  假如死亡不能带给你恐惧  if death don"t bring you fear,  我发誓,定要让你敬畏我的铁足  I swear, you"ll fear these marchin" feet.  走近噩梦,走近我,掉入魔鬼所在地黑暗  Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark where the devil de,  咽喉横亘,利刀如鲨  in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth,  地狱火起,天使哭泣  where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps.  我的影子将是你的死神,当你被我遇到,呼唤所有的神明吧  Call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag;  希望瞬间寂灭,我的身影就是你死亡的影子  hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one i cast.  我是一个战士,战士在前进  I am a soldier and I"m marching on,  我是勇士,这是勇士之歌  I am a warrior and this is my song.  目光似铁,视野无限  My eyes are steel and my gaze is long,  我是勇士,这是勇士之歌  I am a warrior and this is my song.  (巴顿将军:我们不仅仅要射杀那些杂种)  (General Patton: We"re not just going to shoot the bastards)  (我们还要掏出他们的五脏六腑)  (We"re going to cut out their living guts)  (掏出五脏六腑来润滑我们的坦克履带)  (and use them to grease the treads of our tanks)  (我们还要大把大把地干掉这些该死的杂种)  (We"re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel)  我身轻体健,誓要让你承受悲伤  Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief,  而且让你无力还手  and the least of me"s still out of your reach.  杀人机器启动,一路勇猛冲锋  The killing machine"s gonna do the deed,  直到河流枯竭,直到生命的最后  until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves.  昂首迎风  Chin in the air with a head held high,  直面敌人  I"ll stand in the path of the enemy line.  没有恐惧,只有自豪  Feet no fear, know my pride:  为了上帝,为了祖国,我将结束你的生命  for God and Country I"ll end your life.  我是一个战士,战士在前进  I am a soldier and I"m marching on,  我是一个勇士,这是勇士之歌  I am a warrior and this is my song.  目光似铁,视野无限  My eyes are steel and my gaze is long,  我是勇士,这就是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song.


试试这些~Vanessa Carlton《Ordinary day》,《A thousand mile》,《Pretty baby》,《Rinse》,《Paint it black》,《Twilight》...The Cardigans《Rise & shine》,《Sick & tired》,《After all...》,《Carnival》,《Lovefool》,《Loser》,《My favourite game》,《Higher》,《For what is worth》,《Communication》,《Godspell》,《Burning down the house》,《After all》,《Emmerdale》(纯音乐),《Carnival (Puck version)》,《Blah blah blah》,《Hold me》,《If there is a chance》,《For the boys》,《(If you were)Less like me》,《Slowdown town》,《Give me your eyes》,《Slow》...反正基本上是比较轻快的,压不押韵......自己听吧~~~

How does our earth turn better 为题的作文,初三水平,今天要的,谢谢

The earth is our home. We should be kind to it. How does our earth turn better? Here are some tips. Firstly, we should enhance our awareness of the importance of environmental protection. Secondly, as a student, we shouldn"t litter paper and empty bottles everywhere. We should keep our environment clean and tidy. Thirdly, we can plant more kinds of trees in our spare time, they can make fresh air. In a world, protecting the environment is very urgent. It is everyone"s responsibility. We should try our best to make our earth better and better.望采纳,祝开心!


HIGH VOLTAGEYou ask me "bout the clothes I wearAnd you ask me why I grow my hairAnd you ask me why I"m in a bandI dig doin" one night standsYou wanna see me do my thingAll you gotta do is plug me into highI said highHigh voltage rock "n" rollYou ask me why I like to danceAnd you ask me why I like to singAnd you ask me why I like to playI got to get my kicks some wayYou ask me what I"m all aboutCome and let me hear you shout highI said highHigh voltage rock "n" roll

需要MALYLIN MANSON的的歌词~全的!谢谢!

Everything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongEverything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why, you don"t careNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why, you don"t careNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why, you don"t careNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why, you don"t careBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itLet usWe"re entertaining youLet usWe"re entertaining you


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101忠狗 2


tell me who you are不知道是不是,还有中文版的,我没找到


,你好我美丽的姐姐告诉你,我感到非常难过,因为你不写我,没有你,我要你给我写了很多,我每天花一天在我的电子邮件,看看你和我没有什么可怕恒生天我忘记了我爱我的美美姐姐你这么像我的姐姐都和我没有得到你的ocupastes,在我的心脏位置,所以我不想忘记我的美丽你是我的真实hermenita我度过一天寻找我的邮件,看看我yega你的电子邮件,但你不写我,我感到非常非常难过,我怕我忘记我永远不会忘记我爱你我爱你越来越多多少我迫不及待地来对于美国,我们可以再见面,步行,你必须喝,一切LOL帮助我,美美nesesites algier找出如果你去中国开会,送你一些好东西不知道有多少多少mandartelos写我,不要忘记你姐姐谁爱你,爱你十分muua2 muchissimo一吻,请查看FacebookHi妹我的照片,我的Facebook资料,我可以发表我的图片,视频和活动式集,我要添加为好友,以便您看到它。首先,你需要加入Facebook!一旦你加入,你也可以创建自己的profile.Thanks,卡门有不会的可以再问我~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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PS软件有免费中文版的吗?给个下载地址? 还有photoshop的教程学习地址,谢谢!


翻译成英文 谢谢

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Halou – HoneythiefSometimes I doubt the path I choseSometimes my dreams feel all on holdThere"s no doubt that this will make me strongBecause it"s the hardest thing I"ve ever doneDespite this cruel worldAnd all my best effortsYou surprise me with just how perfect you areEven with all my flawsAnd my bad examplesYou surprise me withJust how perfect you areAnd when I"m lostYou search for meAnd when I doubtYou"re my beliefI"m suppose to beThe stronger oneYou always seemTo prove that theory wrongStill, I hold my breath eachtime you goOut in the world that"s beyond my controlIf you are dreamingI never want to wake you up When I"m all in a spinFull of cynicismYou remind me of just how perfect you areWhen I"m at my wit"s endAnd I"m losing my headYou remind me of just how lucky I am偶尔我会怀疑自己选择的道路偶尔我觉得所有梦想无法达成毫无疑问的这会让我变强毕竟这是我所做过最艰难的事尽管这是个残酷的世界我亦尽了最好的努力你令我惊讶,你是如此完美甚至以我所有的瑕疵和我恶劣的范例你令我惊讶你是如此完美当我迷失时你前来寻找我当我怀疑时你是我的信仰我认为自己是较强的那方你看来总是在证明那理论的错误我仍会屏住呼吸,在你每次离开的时候去往在我掌控之外的世界如果你在做梦我永不愿将你唤醒当我晕头转向满怀恼世嫉俗你提醒了我,你是如此完美当我毫无主意当我失去理智你提醒了我,我是如此幸运


1.Mouse Trouble 老鼠麻烦 0:11 2.Jerry and the Lion 杰瑞和狮子 7:35 3.Mouse in Manhattan 曼哈顿的老鼠 14:39 4.The milky waif 喝牛奶的流浪儿 22:51 5.Cat napping 午睡纠纷 29:36 6.Saturday evening puss 周末夜之猫 36:37 7.Hic-cup pup 打嗝的小狗 43:07 8.The invisible mouse 隐形墨水 49:26 9.Million Dollar Cat 百万富翁 56:45 10.The Night Before Christmas 圣诞夜 1:04:08 11.Polka-Dot Puss 斑点猫 1:12:34 12.Two Little Indians 两个小印第安 1:20:16 13.Trap Happy 捕鼠陷阱 1:27:01 14.The Hollywood Bowl 好来坞音乐厅 1:34:11 15.Cue Ball Cat 打台球的猫 1:41:32 16.Little Runaway 小海豹失踪记 1:48:34 CD4 1.Traidy Cat 幽灵又出现 [0:21] 2.Body Butch 婴孩欺骗 [8:24] 3.Johann mouse 约翰老鼠 [15:41] 4.Pet peeve 宠物之争 [23:17] 5.The mouse from Hunger 饥饿的老鼠 [29:54/31:38] 6.The dog house 狗屋 [36:29] 7.Body puss 小猫咪 [42:28] 8.The zoot cat 阻特猫 [50:25] 9.Puss gets the boot 甜蜜的家 [57:41] 10.The midnight snack 午夜小点心 [1:06:43] 11.Dog Trouble 狗惹麻烦 [1:15:49] 12.Puss N" Toots 猫儿心上人 [1:23:37] 13.The bowling alley-cat 保龄球馆里的猫 [1:31:03] 14.Is there a doctor in the mouse 老鼠里有医生吗 [1:39:16] 15.Yankee doodle mouse 疯狂的美国老鼠 [1:46:14] CD5 1.Fine feathered friend 漂亮羽毛的朋友 [0:11] 2.Sufferin" Cats 受罪猫 [8:00] 3.Snowbody loves me 雪人喜欢我 [/16:12] 4.The lonesone mouse 寂寞的老鼠 [23:45] 5.The unshrinkable Jerry mouse 不收缩的老鼠杰瑞 [32:00] 6.Puttin" on the dog 狗面具 [38:39] 7.Mouse comes to dinner 鼠来晚餐 [45:40] 8.Tee for Two 双人高尔夫 [53:01] 9.Springtime for Thomas 托马斯的爱 [1:00:04] 10.Ah,Sweet Mouse-Story Of Life 甜美的确老鼠生活 [1:07:58] 11.Solid Serenade 浪漫小夜曲 [1:13:34] 12.tom-ic energy 汤姆的能量 [1:21:14] 13.Cat Fishin" 猫钓鱼 [1:27:33] 14.Quiet Please 请保持安静 [1:35:15] CD6 1.Part time pal 兼职朋友 [0:11] 2.Salt water tabby 海水玩具鸭 [8:05] 3.Bad day at cat rock 倒霉的一天 [15:33/16:09] 4.A mouse in the house 房子里的老鼠 [21:25] 5.The brothers Carry-Mouse-Off 捕鼠兄弟 [29:24] 6.Old rockin" chair Tom 老摇椅上的汤姆 [35:52] 7.The truce hurts 休战伤害 [43:25] 8.Professor Tom 博士教学班 [51:20] 9.Mouse cleaning 老鼠打扫记 [58:52] 10.I"m just wild about Jerry 我为杰瑞而疯狂 [1:06:06] 11.Hatch up your troubles 啄木鸟 [1:12:21] 12.Of feline bondage 猫的奴隶 [1:20:10] 13.Love that pup 爱我的小狗 [1:26:20] 14.Heavenly puss 猫儿上天堂 [1:33:54]



有什么学习PS的网站.?拜托了各位 谢谢

学PS的视频网站,适合初学者 http://www.51zxw.net/list.aspx?cid=19

No pain no gain ...pain和gain后面需要加s吗? 希望可以得到准确答案.谢谢

要加,因为句子的意思是:一份耕耘,一份收获。而我们知道pain 是痛苦的意思,而后面加了s就是努力的意思了,这个你可以查词典,pains 是努力的意思。对应的,gain 也应加s,是收获的意思。

英语谚语(常用的)我需要,越多越好!谢谢! 例 no pain no gain 一份耕耘一份收

love me,love my dog。 爱屋及乌

谁知道梦幻西游元宵节活动怎么做?具体的拜托了各位 谢谢

您好!很高兴能为您回答问题! 梦幻西游在元宵节时会出现4位"灯谜老人"会每隔10分钟出现在长安城,傲来国,长寿村,朱紫国场景中,并停留10分钟。玩家可以根据系统提示信息找到 “灯谜老人”,并向他请求猜灯谜,每答一道题,需要消耗10点体力,答对者可以获得1点灯谜积分。灯谜积分换取元宵玩家可以找长安“卖元宵的小兔子”(290,190),用赢来的灯谜积分选购节日里的特色美食——元宵。 元宵食用效果 元宵有着提高召唤兽资质的神奇作用,在玩家购买时,各种元宵的价格会根据购买行情而变动。不同种类的元宵,可以提高召唤兽不同的资质效果: 芝麻沁香元宵 提高攻击资质 桂花酒酿元宵 提高防御资质 细磨豆沙元宵 提高速度资质 蜜糖腰果元宵 提高躲避资质 山楂拔丝元宵 提高体力资质 滑玉莲蓉元宵 提高法力资质 说明: 1.元宵兑换截止时间为2008年2月26日8:00,元宵没有使用期限。 2.每只召唤兽每年最多只能食用10颗元宵。(按照自然年为限进行计算,即2008年1月1日-2008年12月31日期间,每只召唤兽最多只可使用10颗元宵。依此类推。) 3.当召唤兽食用某种元宵时,相应的资质越低,提高资质的效果也越明显,当召唤兽某项资质已经足够高时,将无法再食用提高这项资质的元宵。 我们向您推荐一款梦幻西游中元宵节最实用灯谜答题器 免费与您分享. 【52online倾情奉献梦幻西游最实用答题器】 ★梦幻西游≮元宵.战神.迷宫答题器≯★ 免费与亲们共享! 52online_梦幻西游答题器_帮派迷宫_科举_元宵答题 帮派迷宫 题库收录 565 90% 更多题库收录中…… 科举 题库收录 305 100% 元宵答题 题库收录 572 100% 下载地址: http://www.52o.cn/dtq.rar 努力把梦幻西游答题器做成您最贴心工具. 希望亲们请多多支持,欢迎提出宝贵意见. 另外还有两个新活动在元宵节推出分别为:堆雪人猜灯谜和开百宝箱识好朋友.详情您可以登陆 http://xyq.163.com/2008/yunxiao/ 进行查阅. 活动时间:2008年2月21日12:00~2008年2月24日12:00 我们需要您的支持,祝您游戏愉快!



Support apple.com/iphone/restore苹果出现这个 怎么解决呀!谢谢

仅显示support.apple.com/iphone/restore呢?如果是的话,请您参考以下操作步骤:强制重启iPhoneiPhone 7 或 iPhone 7 Plus:同时按住睡眠/唤醒按钮和调低音量按钮至少十秒钟,直到您看到 Apple 标志。iPhone 6s 及更早机型、iPad 或 iPod touch:同时按住睡眠/唤醒按钮和主屏幕按钮至少十秒钟,直到您看到 Apple 标志。恢复模式1.将iPhone连接至电脑,然后打开 iTunes。2.在连接iPhone的情况下,强制重新启动iPhone。3.在看到 Apple 标志时,不要松开按钮。一直按住这两个按钮,直到您看到恢复模式屏幕,显示为iTunes图标以及Lightning线缆。4.当看到“恢复”或“更新”选项时,请选取“更新”。iTunes 将尝试重新安装 iOS,但不会抹掉您的数据。*请注意,iTunes 将下载适用于您设备的软件。如果下载时间超过 15 分钟,设备将退出恢复模式,您需要重复执行第 2 步和第 3 步。如果您尝试连接 iTunes “更新”您的 iPhone 以后依然不能正常使用,请您将 iPhone 上的数据备份后,重复以上步骤,但在 iTunes 中选择“恢复”,而非“更新”。这将抹掉您 iPhone 上的所有媒体和数据。

谁知道古代恐龙有几种拜托了各位 谢谢

恐龙是由古代爬行类动物为了适应环境变化而进化而来的. 二叠纪晚期,生物的演化出现了两个不同的趋势,而两个趋势都对地球的历史有深远的影响。其中一种趋势叫做恐龙,另一种趋势叫做哺乳类动物。 在恐龙出现以前,地球上已经出现蜥蜴类型的物种,它们的体型虽然及不上恐龙,不过相比当时的其他动物,它们占有一定的优势。古生物学家相信它们就是后来出现的恐龙的雏型。蜥蜴在三叠纪之前的几个地质时代——石炭纪(3.63亿至2.9亿年前)已经出现。在那时代出现了相信是世界最早的爬行动物: 西洛锡安蜥。到了恐龙出现之前的一个地质时代——二叠纪时,爬行动物的种类渐趋多样化,而且形状也开始接近最早的恐龙。二叠纪是一个比较干旱的时代,沙漠十分常见。在同一个时代,像基龙和异齿帆背龙一类群体生活的蜥蜴活跃在沙漠的绿洲。在二叠纪晚期,生物的演化出现了两个不同的趋势,而两个趋势都对地球的历史有深远的影响。其中一种趋势叫做恐龙,另一种趋势叫做哺乳类动物。 恐龙灭绝之谜 在两亿多年前的中生代,大量的爬行动物在陆地上生活,因此中生代又被称为“爬行动物时代”,大地第一次被脊椎动物广泛占据。那时的地球气候温暖,遍地都是茂密的森林,爬行动物有足够的食物,逐渐繁盛起来,种类越来越多。它们不断的分化成各种不同种类的爬行动物,有的变成了今天的龟类,有的变成了今天的鳄类,有的变成了今天的蛇类和蜥蜴类,其中还有一类演变成今天遍及世界的哺乳动物。 恐龙是所有爬行动物中体格最大的一类,很适宜生活在沼泽地带和浅水湖里,那时的空气温暖而潮湿,食物也很容易找到。所以恐龙在地球上统治了几千万年的时间,但不知什么原因,它们在6500万年前很短的一段时间内突然灭绝了,今天人们看到的只是那时留下的大批恐龙化石。 关于恐龙灭绝的原因,人们仍在不断地研究之中。长期以来,最权威的观点认为,恐龙的灭绝和6500万年前的一颗大陨星有关。据研究,当时曾有一颗直径7-10公里的小行星坠落在地球表面,引起一场大爆炸,把大量的尘埃抛如大气层,形成遮天蔽日的尘雾,导致植物的光合作用暂时停止,恐龙因此而灭绝了。 小行星撞击理论,很快获得了许多科学家的支持。1991年,在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛发现一个发生在久远年代的陨星撞击坑,这个事实进一步证实了这种观点。今天,这种观点似乎已成定论了。 但也有许多人对这种小行星撞击论持怀疑态度,因为事实是:蛙类、鳄鱼以及其他许多对气温很敏感的动物都顶住了白垩纪而生存下来了。这种理论无法解释为什么只有恐龙死光了。迄今为止,科学家们提出的对于恐龙灭绝原因的假想已不下十几种,比较富于刺激性和戏剧性的“陨星碰撞说”不过是其中之一而已。 除了“陨星碰撞说”以外,关于恐龙灭绝的主要观点还有以下几种: 一、气候变迁说。6500万年前,地球气候陡然变化,气温大幅下降,造成大气含氧量下降,令恐龙无法生存。也有人认为,恐龙是冷血动物,身上没有毛或保暖器官,无法适应地球气温的下降,都被冻死了。 二、物种斗争说。恐龙年代末期,最初的小型哺乳类动物出现了,这些动物属啮齿类食肉动物,可能以恐龙蛋为食。由于这种小型动物缺乏天敌,越来越多,最终吃光了恐龙蛋。 三、大陆漂移说。地质学研究证明,在恐龙生存的年代地球的大陆只有唯一一块,即“泛古陆”。由于地壳变化,这块大陆在侏罗纪发生的较大的分裂和漂移现象,最终导致环境和气候的变化,恐龙因此而灭绝。 四、地磁变化说。现代生物学证明,某些生物的死亡与磁场有关。对磁场比较敏感的生物,在地球磁场发生变化的时候,都可能导致灭绝。由此推论,恐龙的灭绝可能与地球磁场的变化有关。 五、被子植物中毒说。恐龙年代末期,地球上的裸子植物逐渐消亡,取而代之的是大量的被子植物,这些植物中含有裸子植物中所没有的毒素,形体巨大的恐龙食量奇大,大量摄入被子植物导致体内毒素积累过多,终于被毒死了。 六、酸雨说。白垩纪末期可能下过强烈的酸雨,使土壤中包括锶在内的微量元素被溶解,恐龙通过饮水和食物直接或间接地摄入锶,出现急性或慢性中毒,最后一批批死掉了。 关于恐龙灭绝原因的假说,远不止上述这几种。但是上述这几种假说,在科学界都有较多的支持者。当然,上面的每一种说法都存在不完善的地方。例如,“气候变迁说”并未阐明气候变化的原因。经考察,恐龙中某些小型的虚骨龙,足以同早期的小型哺乳动物相抗衡,因此“物种斗争说”也存在漏洞。而在现代地质学中,“大陆漂移学说”本身仍然是一个假说。“被子植物中毒说”和“酸雨说”同样缺乏足够的证据。因此,恐龙灭绝的真正原因,还有待于人们的进一步探究




P是因私护照. 就是普通公民持有的护照

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《I miss you》的歌词谁有,帮下忙,谢谢

歌手:blink 182 专辑:blink 182 • 搜索"i miss you"LRC歌词• 搜索"i miss you"mp3 [ti:i miss you][ar:blink 182][al:blink 182]blink 182- i miss youhello there, the angel from my nightmarethe shadow in the background of the morguethe unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valleywe can live like jack and sally if we wantwhere you can always find mewe"ll have halloween on christmasand in the night we"ll wish this never endswe"ll wish this never ends(i miss you i miss you)(i miss you i miss you)where are you and i"m so sorryi cannot sleep i cannot dream tonighti need somebody and alwaysthis sick strange darknesscomes creeping on so haunting every timeand as i stared i countedwebs from all the spiderscatching things and eating their insideslike indecision to call youand hear your voice of treasonwill you come home and stop this pain tonightstop this pain tonightdon"t waste your time on me you"re alreadythe voice inside my head (miss you miss you)don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadythe voice inside my head (miss you miss you)don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadythe voice inside my head (i miss you miss you)don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadythe voice inside my head (i miss you miss you)don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadythe voice inside my head (i miss you miss you)don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadythe voice inside my head (i miss you miss you)

光盘CD和CD R和 CD RW和 CD ROM有什么不同啊,CD就是CD ROM吗,详细点谢谢


谁能提供come clean的歌词 先谢谢了

come clean歌词 Let"s go back Back to the beginning Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned Cause perfect didn"t feel so perfect Tryin" to fit a square into a circle Was no life I defy Chorus: Let the rain fall down And wake my dreams Let it wash away my sanity Cause I wanna feel the thunder I wanna scream let the rain fall down I"m coming clean,I"m coming clean, oh I"m shedding, shedding every color tryin to find a pigment of truth beneath my skin Ohhhhhhhhhhh Cause different doesn"t feel so different And going out is better than always stayin" in Feel the wind Chorus I"m coming clean I"m coming clean Ohhhhhhhh I"m coming clean Let the rain fall Let the rain fall I"m coming clean Chorus Let"s go back Back to the beginning

put sth in 和put sth into的区别 求高手解释下,谢谢

1. 如果两个后面都接宾语, into 动作意味强些2. put sth in 中的in 可作副词, 即后面不接名词,代词, 而介词into 后面必须有宾语【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】



急求: hairy duff的歌词◎谢谢◎

Let"s go back 让我们回去Back to the beginning 回到开始Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned回到当地球,太阳,和星辰联成一线时"Cause perfect didn"t feel so perfect因为完美并不完美Trying to fit a square into a circle was no life无聊到试着把正方型放进圆型里I defy我不服[Chorus:]Let the rain fall down让雨下吧And wake my dreams把我的梦叫醒Let it wash away让它带走My sanity我的理智"Cause I wanna feel the thunder因为我想感觉雷I wanna scream我想尖叫Let the rain fall down让雨下吧..I"m coming clean, I"m coming cleanI"m sheddingShedding every colorTrying to find a pigment of truthBeneath my skin"Cause differentDoesn"t feel so differentAnd going out is betterThen always staying inFeel the wind[Chorus]I"m coming cleanLet the rain fallLet the rain fallI"m coming...[Chorus x2]Let"s go backBack to the beginning


休闲会所,是可以翻译为:Leisure ClubLeisure就是休闲的意思,而club有俱乐部,会所的含义。
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