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钻石配置略微高一点点,外形没有p4550个性!而且性价比还比较低,所以强烈向你推荐多普达的机皇凯撒大帝p4550!智能机的硬件和性能决定一切,我使用的就是p4550,400hz的cpu,256的内存,300万摄像头,内置导航模块,侧面全键盘,3g、蓝牙,屏幕可45度上扬(其他智能机所不具备的,感觉就像一台笔记本电脑),整体感觉很好,速度超快!它在智能机中配置很高,被誉为一代机皇!3g、导航、wifi等功能一应俱全!玩家的首选! 多普达专业论坛:和口袋数码论坛上的凯撒帖子更新很快,资源非常丰富! 对于凯撒的特点我想说几点: 1、我使用的凯撒上的触摸屏从来没有漂移过,且十分精确,这源自于htc作为微软智能操作系统手机最大合作商的过硬的质量保证.htc占据WINDOWS MOBILE操作体统手机80%的市场. 2、凯撒使用的是侧面全键盘,玩游戏太过瘾了,支持自定义键位设置,可以把前后左右设置成wsas,和电脑键盘一样。 3、排线很好,用很久从来没出现过问题! 4、现在是智能机的时代了,建议玩ppc机,功能强大,凯撒几乎支持所有的wm软件和游戏,可以到和口袋数码论坛中找,软件和游戏比s60操作系统的要多,而且从来没有SB操作系统的软件证书过期等问题。 5、凯撒推出键盘自然变成横屏,和软件完全兼容。 6、玩模拟器游戏小菜一碟,我经常用它玩三国志、名将、恐龙世纪等游戏,非常流畅,这源自于它的高频cpu。 现在入手是最佳时期,一般手机上市产品一年后购买是最佳时期,性价比最高,但这款手机没有在大陆上市,只能买水货,为了识别真伪我特地在多普达最专业的论坛研究了一个月,如果想入手请参考这个帖子 我想补充的是: 1、p4550拆开后盖后在摄像头的右边有一螺丝,孔很深,螺丝上贴着黑底白字的“void”(这是防拆机签,p4550只有这一个标签,其他螺丝上没有)!如没有void表示机子被拆过,是翻新机!一个字,换! 2、看机器串码,在机器的内侧有imei:355751290232322出厂编号,这个编号要和进入手机后所调出的编号以及包装盒上的编号一致,一定要保证三码合一!如若不是,一个字,换! 3、看它的s/n,比如说s/n:HT830GB05379中的第一个数字8表示2008年出厂,后面紧跟的30表示2008年的第30周生产的!以此推算这部手机是2008年7月中旬生产的,这点很重要,不要买07年的机子,挑选标示距现在比较相近生产日期的凯撒。 以上3点是我个人在研究、购机、使用中总结出的经验,希望对朋友你有用!最后我想说的是凯撒很重,很有分量,很男人!选它绝对没错的!如果朋友还有不懂的可以随时问我!祝你天天好心情!

请帮我翻译这首歌词好吗,谢谢!kiss的《without you 》。

没人翻译2句:As I sit here and think, 我坐在这里About all that I"m missin (all that I"m missin)想着我人生错过的情感

麻烦翻成汉语!!谢谢高手们了 请人工翻译一下

Glassware. Glassware is typically lime,or plain glass,and lead,or crystal glass.In selecting glassware such things should be considered:design and color.Design encompasses such things as heavy or light,simple or ornate,stemmed or unstemmed.玻璃杯。一般是石灰玻璃,普通透明玻璃以及含铅或富铅玻璃。选择玻璃杯时应当注意设计和颜色。设计包括轻巧或厚重,简约或华丽,高脚或无脚等方面。

求日文翻唱版 2pm的 without u,歌词 谢谢。



第四节的总。配电sum1 12.2 MV & LV布线110千伏3 cx300mm2 AL / PVC m350 210千伏3 cx240mm2 AL / PVC m4,000 310千伏3 cx150mm2 AL / PVC m950 410千伏3 cx95mm2 AL / PVC m3,250 50.6/1 kv AL /聚乙烯/ PVC 240 mm2/4c m900 60.6/1 kv AL /聚乙烯/ PVC 120 mm2/4c m7,776 70.6/1 kv AL /聚乙烯/ PVC 50 mm2/4c m8,177 80.6/1 kv AL /聚乙烯/ PVC 35 mm2/4c m3,298 90.6/1 kv AL /聚乙烯/ PVC 6 mm2/4c m2,308 1010千伏电缆头300号mm2/3c 1110千伏电缆头240 mm2/3c NO16 1210千伏电缆头150 mm2/3c硝态氮1310千伏电缆头95 mm2/3c硝态氮1410千伏终止工具包,直240 mm2/3c NO15 1510千伏终止装备,直150号1610千伏mm2/3c终止装备,直95 mm2/3c六号17 120平方毫米的电缆终端NO96 18平方毫米的电缆终端50 NO176 35平方毫米的电缆终端NO416 19 20平方毫米的电缆终端6 NO480 21照明电缆,点(3 cx6mm2)m14,850 22电缆导管W:200 xh:100,2.0太瓦/所有Accessoriesm200 23电缆导管W:300 xh:100,2.0太瓦/所有Accessoriesm350 24管ELP(100)在地下m1,000 25管ELP(150)在地下m6,722 26埋单m27,343 27保护瓷砖ea85,500 28砂回填M31,500 29配件ls1共有的佳绩。MV & LV布线sum1 12.3金属卤化物灯具1周长250 w * 2 w / Legea100 2栅栏MHL 250 ww / supportea200 3起重机金属卤化物70 ww / supportea20 4配件ls1共有12。照明灯具sum1希望你能采纳,我已经很尽力了


Without U - 2PMJ-Y-PI"m gonna get stronger是啊 分手反而更好 反正总有一天好像会跟你发生这样的事情 你好像一定会这么做即然这样 还不如就趁现在 能在感情更深之前知道 我觉得很庆幸所以 I"m ok我将自己的一切毫不保留的都给了你 因为相信你所以付出了一切你却抛弃了那些 I gave you my everything 所以 现在I"m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok) I"ll be ok (Gonna be ok)baby without you(Without U) baby without you(Without U)没有你我会潇洒的 更潇洒的站起来 (Without U) 生活下去 (Without U)Listen everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason,说这是唯一一次去见了别的男人 说出这么不像话的话 不用看都能看出马脚 无话可说 就那样转身 我太痛苦 不想再见你每天都在欺骗我 甚至不知道我是什么样的人现在明白了 你不懂得爱 所以 现在I"m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok) I"ll be ok (Gonna be ok)baby without you(Without U) baby without you(Without U)没有你我会潇洒的 更潇洒的站起来 (Without U) 生活下去 (Without U)为什么要这样对我 why究竟为什么要这样对我 make me cry不惜将我们曾经拥有的一切都抛弃 真的是那么有价值的事吗 我们一起度过的曾经 还有我们能够在一起的岁月 就不觉都可惜吗 你毫不在意吗 现在你Are you ok without me?I"m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok) I"ll be ok (Gonna be ok)baby without you(Without U) baby without you(Without U)没有你我会潇洒的 更潇洒的站起来 (Without U) 生活下去 (Without U)

请问谁能翻译 Without U 歌曲的谐音?谢谢高人l




请问一下sergio的without u歌词中文大意是什么?谢谢!

My life don"t make sense without you如果没有你 我的生活一团糟So please baby live for me请为我活着吧 宝贝Be strong love and stay alive勇敢点 勇敢去爱 勇敢活着Girl I love you so much宝贝,我如此爱你I will be there baby where you are无论你在哪 我都会在你身边Even you don"t want this girl即使你不希望But to live a life without you但如果没有你的人生Means to be lonely意味着孤独Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha never thought you"d be out of these arms从未想过你若不躺在我的臂弯里Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Never thought you"d be out of these arms从未想过你若不躺在我的怀抱里I gotta find another now我得去寻觅另外一个了But you I will not forget但我无法忘怀你Our love gonna stay alive我们的爱还在Girl I love you so much宝贝 我爱你I will try to be myself我会尽力做我自己Even at this moment I can"t即使这一刻我无法控制自己"Cause to live a life without you因为没有你的人生Means to be lonely意味着孤独Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha never thought you"d be out of these arms从未想过你不在我的臂弯里Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha never thought you"d be out of these arms从未想过你不在我的臂弯里Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha never thought you"d be out of these arms从未想过你不在我的怀抱内Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha神啊神啊 救救我Xhane xhane tu raxha never thought you"d be out of these arms从未想过你会离开我Out of these arms你离开我了

麻烦介绍下美国黑人灵魂乐的历史发展过程 谢谢

可以去参考下《爵士宝典》中关于soul那段的介绍!很清楚的=) 如果没记错的话是奴隶农作之余的产物





帮忙写一份英文简历,有中文原稿,翻译成英文,谢谢了。 100分!急急急!

Resume Job intention: CAD draftsmen, mechanical technology operator, computer hardware assembly and maintenance workers, sales staff. The hope of finding a suitable, for their own development challenging work! Personal Profile: Name: Gender: Male Date of birth: 1987.11.13 Name Family: Han Graduate institutions: Professional: Mechanical design and manufacture / computer Education: College health status: good E-mail: Contact Phone: Educational Background: From September 2006 to July 2010 Suzhou Vocational University, mechanical design and manufacturing / computer science Majors: Machinery categories: mechanical drawing with AutoCAD, mechanical manufacturing base, engineering mechanics, mechanical design, mechanical manufacturing technology, machine tool electrical control and PLC, mold design and manufacturing. Computer Class: Computer application base, Computer Organization and Assembly, database technology, computer language C, SCM theory and applications, data structures, multimedia production, CAD / CAM, The operating system. Computer level: OFFICE better able to use office software, skilled use of AutoCAD, UG and other mapping software, access to a computer, Jiangsu Province, AutoCAD Intermediate, Pro / E certificate. English level: well-known English vocabulary, but there is still a lack of oral communication ability. National English 4. Course Practices: Mechanical Drawing mapping, metalworking, mechanical design course design, database and application-based curriculum design, curriculum design, principle and application of microcontroller, multimedia software, curriculum design, machine control and PLC curriculum design, electrical, mechanical manufacturing technology curriculum design, mold design and manufacturing curriculum Design, CNC lathe practice. Extra-curricular practice: Summer of 2007, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province Awea Machinery Factory installation work done mechanical parts. In 2007 the school metalworking month internship, worked reasonably well. In the summer of 2008 has done business security duties during the holidays. 2008 and 2009 successfully obtain a driver"s license during the holidays, and did not participate in practice! In addition the school has done during the sale flyers, and product promoters. Personality: Character a little bit introverted, usually not much communication does not affect my ability to ingratiate themselves with a lot of friends, and students living together harmoniously, solidarity and affection. In learning and work are highly motivated and responsibility, do something cautious dependable, hardworking, non-ambitious, we must never care what their complete disposal to others. Aware of their shortcomings, lack of social experience and social occasions is not very understanding, but were honest and trustworthy, sincere towards everyone. (The opportunity to leave only those who are prepared! Hope that your company gave me a chance, I can bring a different harvest)


比尔努恩不是小号手,是1900的黑人父亲. 小号手是:Pruitt Taylor Vince Actor: * In Production * 2000s * 1990s * 1980s 1. Glass Houses (2009) (pre-production) .... Raymond Angelus 2. Don McKay (2009) (post-production) .... Mel 3. In NorthWood (2009) (completed) .... Ben 4. In the Electric Mist (2009) .... Lou Girard 5. Manure (2009) .... Cleveland Clod 6. The Echo (2008) .... Joseph 7. "Canterbury"s Law" .... Louis Minot (1 episode, 2008) - Baggage (2008) TV episode .... Louis Minot 8. Captivity (2007) .... Ben Dexter 9. When a Man Falls in the Forest (2007) .... Travis Gilmore ... aka When a Man Falls (USA: new title) 10. "House M.D." .... George (1 episode, 2006) ... aka House (South Africa: English title) (USA: short title) - Que Será Será (2006) TV episode .... George 11. "Deadwood" .... Mose Manuel (10 episodes, 2005-2006) - Amateur Night (2006) TV episode .... Mose Manuel - Leviathan Smiles (2006) TV episode .... Mose Manuel - Full Faith and Credit (2006) TV episode .... Mose Manuel - I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For (2006) TV episode .... Mose Manuel - Tell Your God to Ready for Blood (2006) TV episode .... Mose Manuel (5 more) 12. Drop Dead Sexy (2005) .... Spider 13. Constantine (2005) .... Father Hennessy ... aka Constantine (Germany) 14. "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" .... Marty Gleason (1 episode, 2004) ... aka CSI: Las Vegas (South Africa: English title: informal alternative title) (USA: syndication title) ... aka C.S.I. (USA: short title) ... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title) ... aka Experts, Les (Canada: French title) - Swap Meet (2004) TV episode .... Marty Gleason 15. "To


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Please send both your Chinese & English resume to me as soon as possible.

大四在校生 英文简历该怎么说,谢谢

senior english resume




1. his college is in london2 we dont have tea in the morning



有没有人知道 英文名 Massie 是什么意思? 适合女生用吗? 是从哪里翻译来的? 怎么读? 谢谢各位啦~


宝儿 - 罗曼史(Romance)的中文谐音歌词~不要中文歌词和罗马音~~要中文谐音哦~~~谢谢^^

BoA - RomanceIf I fall, when I fall in love, ttatteu tage nal gamssa juneun gongiSarangi chaja olgeo man gateun ibam, I wanna love you just the way you areDeullyeoyo nuneul gameumyeon jeonwagi soge bulleo judeon noraeGwigaye haru onjongil maemdon geudae, I"m gonna love you now with all my heartNeul nae meori mate chingu cheoreom oraen shigan geureoke hamkke haeteon wero umGeudae ttatteutan pume noga naeryeo oneun geol geudaenEojjeo myeon naye neukkimeun geudae saengak gwa dareun jido mollaHajiman alsu ineun geotan hananeun, this is my romance, and you"re here with meNeul nae meori mate chingu cheoreom oraen shigan geureoke hamkke haeteon wero umGeudae ttatteutan nunsok modu gamssa anajwo nareul tonightHaessari jamdeun geudaeye eolgureul jina naye jameul kkaegoGaman hi naneun soksagyeo gido haeyo meomulleo jwoyo naye ibsul, geudae ima wiye, in love, this is my romance





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What would you do 请讲解一下为什么这里的would不用will谢谢



全称popping 缩写poppin 不过pete博客是popin pete 也有人说是pop in 我就不清楚了

翻译一段话 谢谢!

exatel视觉系统的领先供应商的DVR为基础的监视系统,要测试,不仅坚固耐用的EE25系列驱动器,但也指出, exatel的VA部pro2000紧凑型DVR的。野生共度通过崎岖的巴哈似乎是完美的方式推动这些产品到了极限。 exatel问希捷工程师迈克斯塔亚诺,一一体化和资格的专家,为帮助在准备为巴哈演示测试exatel产品的系统和硬盘驱动器的安装设计。 “沙丘手推车真的飞越这些山在种族,因此, DVR的处理已不仅是干热的沙漠,但影响的跳跃,说: ”斯塔亚诺。 “我们的测试,我们运行的音频和视频虽然我们远离banged在DVR的振动对表” 。 为近10年来, exatel已主要集中于安全,情报和军事市场,但现在扩大其商用移动安全业务,包括巴士及的士公司在美国和欧洲。 exatel官员揣摩,如果相机可以处理被退回左右在一个沙丘的小车在巴哈种族,它可以处理众所周知,粗糙游戏机的任何城市环境-坑洞和所有。 在除了坚固耐用,驱动器,还需要足够的能力来处理周期较长的录音,以容纳的车辆可以下载视频内容,只有一次或两次周。 “我们不得不制定一个录音系统,可以承受所有的苛刻条件的道路,但仍提供高的能力,说: ”汤姆curran , exatel首席执行官。与80 GB的存储容量从5400转EE25系列驱动器, curran说,希捷公司是“显而易见的选择”为他们的新的DVR 。

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谁能帮忙翻译这段英语,要全的 谢谢




求wonder girls 的SO HOT音译歌词文字版的能加上歌手么?谁唱那部分,分好 谢谢


人工翻译 谢谢!

1.他评论说演员们表演的很好 He commented that the actors put on a great show.2.显然他们迷路了。(obviously) They are (obviously) lost.3.你能分辨出韩国人和日本人吗?(tell) Can you (tell) the difference between a Korean and Japanese?4.坐在火车上的时候,我们瞥见了那座山。(glimpse) We had a (glimpse) of that mountain when we were sitting in the train.5.他病了,可是他仍然继续工作。(continue) Although he is sick, he (continues) working.6.他一看见我们,就飞快的跑过来。(as soon as) He ran to us (as soon as) he saw us.=========================================================1.黑龙江位于中国的东北部。(lie) Helongjiang (lies) in the northeast of China.2.她似乎很喜欢这份新工作。(seem) She (seems) enjoying this new job very much.3.大厅里有许多人。(a great many) The hall is full of (a great many) people.4.他晚了三分钟没赶上那班公共汽车。(by) He couldn"t catch the bus because he was late (by) three minutes. (用for更为合适) 5.他不能参加这次会议(be able to) He (is unable to) attend this meeting.6.他冒着生命危险去救那个孩子(take the risk) He saved that kid by (taking the risk) of his own life.7.她跑得太快了,我根本就追不上她。(catth up with) She ran so fast that I couldn"t (catch up with) her at all.8.翻看报纸的时候,我看见一幅非常有趣的图片。(go through) I found an interesting picture when I was (going through) the paper.9.到达山顶时,我已经上气不接下气了。(out of breath) I was (out of breath) when we reached the top of the mountain.10.在森林的边缘有一栋房子。(at the adge of) The house is (at the edge of) the forest.


如果他们 (一个 SOE 供应者) 决定首先做另外的一个工作,他们意志仅仅下降你的产品和你可能脸好几个星期的延迟。 …他们是非常慢的回应你和他们做被不放的客户第一或接受:他放应该被黏附在的下来特定的需求。 同样地指出上方,那缺乏有效外国的-拥有供应者时常是报告当做收养的理由华人-拥有供应者。我们无法,然而,归于那通常的使用地方华人-拥有供应者独自地到缺乏外国的 -拥有供应者有效。这是因为批评的一些公司连同提供一价格利益,小的个人计算机提供机会比会感到可能建立较靠近的关系一大的跨国公司供应者公司。那大小次序他们放置可能是考虑过的小被那跨国公司,但是大的被那小的华人公司 (哪里,当做一位经理说,他们可能是 " 一大的鱼在一个小的池塘中 ") 提供机会建立一深的和比较回答的关系。这以 " 合伙来源语言 " 普遍共呜二手的被多数公司我们有计划的,而且通常更常可能反映长期的野心因为华人棒的多数公司的生产在我们的样品。这些主题是在来自资深的经理的下列的意见反映 : JVs 和 WOFEs 能提供高质量,但是他们的产品是贵的和那服务也许不所有的棒…大部份的二等兵华人公司需要到和你做生意。 从中国的我们的经验,我能发言权个人计算机时常是比较好的在人管理而且也很非常快速在出现的任何的问题产生反应方面。 我们确实有一些非常结束和华人的$$1关系供应者, 也制造一运气牺牲为我们的公司…除了它是全部对属国 ??落!这些供应者做不有任何其他的客户,他们仰赖我们,如此有没有选择除了到焦点在这一个客户身上。 购买经理的供应者表现知觉购买经理被要求估定供应者表现在一四之上-项目构造源自从早的工作由 Heide 和残株 (1995),和提供关于百分比的资讯迟的递送和那比例成份拒绝。答复是呈现在桌子Ⅱ。 给表现的估计构造公平地高度建议应答者通常对他们的供应者感到满意的和这对那感到一致焦点那面谈在现在的之上补给可能是的关系预期的是相对地成功的。结果然而做加亮区不佳的表现因此。他们有最低的得分在两者的之上那构造和它的每一个成份和有重要地低的得分为规格和递送.(p<0.05) 这式样是确认被那估计价值为迟的递送和拒绝率。

19 years old 请问这是指什么,它是什么意思,谢谢


so hot的歌词 韩文和中文版的 韩文加谐音 谢谢


谁能给我neighbors know my name 的吉他谱,谢谢了

E6 e ---|---|---|---|---| B ---|---|---|---|---| G ---|---|---|---|---| D ---|---|---|---|---| A ---|---|---|-x-|---| E ---|---|---|---|---| G#m4 fr. e -x-|---|---|---|---| B -x-|---|---|---|---| G -x-|---|---|---|---| D ---|---|-x-|---|---| A ---|---|-x-|---|---| E -x-|---|---|---|---| Gm e ---|---|-x-|---|---| B ---|---|-x-|---|---| G ---|---|-x-|---|---| D ---|---|---|---|-x-| A ---|---|---|---|-x-| E ---|---|-x-|---|---| F#m e ---|-x-|---|---|---| B ---|-x-|---|---|---| G ---|-x-|---|---|---| D ---|---|---|-x-|---| A ---|---|---|-x-|---| E ---|-x-|---|---|---| E6 e ---|---|---|---|---| B ---|---|---|---|---| G ---|---|---|---|---| D ---|---|---|---|---| A ---|---|---|-x-|---| E ---|---|---|---|---| E6 G#m Soon as we get started making love goin" hard I hear a (four thumps) knock knock knocking on the wall E6 G#m and as soon as i go deep gettin" it in then again there"s a (four thumps) knock knock knocking on the wall E6 G#m Girl your legs keep shakin" and I swear we breakin" Gm F#m our new headboard..... head board.... E6 G#m and the love we make it feels so good girl you know I"m proud F#m lookin" at ya lovely face scream my name you do it so loud E6 I bet the neighbors know my name G#m when you screamin", scrathcin", yellin" F#m Bet the neighbors know my name they be stressin" while we sexin" E6 I bet the neighbors know my name G#m G#m Gm F#m my name my name.... neighbors know my name my my my name E6 G#m G#m Gm F#m Take this pillow right here (grab this) and I know you so excited if you bite it they won"t hear E6 G#m G#m Gm F#m and you know whoa whoa whoa Just what we capable of when we makin" love E6 so the music gon" be loud G#m you gon" scream and shout F#m girl your bodies a problem they call me the problem solver E6 let the phone sit on the charger G#m it can ring all night F#m they can call they can knock and be upset but I bet E6 I bet the neighbors know my name G#m when you screamin", scrathcin", yellin" F#m Bet the neighbors know my name they be stressin" while we sexin" E6 I bet the neighbors know my name G#m G#m Gm F#m my name my name.... neighbors know my name my my my name ..... E6 G#m G#m Gm F#m The way you scream my name E6 Girl the love we make (girl the love we make) G#m F#m Gon" keep them bangin" on the wall but nothin"s gonna change E6 i bet the neighbors know my name

2ne1hate you音译歌词,比较准确的,谢谢

【CL】囊强麦切素我不扫 囊慢乃一U我不扫( 你真是无药可救 我们没必要继续下去 )闹噶疼囊恰一sei桑唉噶掉扫( 你这种男人遍地都是 )切切切切素我不扫 唐将么sei素我不扫 ( 无 无 无 无可救药 浑身上下无一是处 )强额妙萨浪哈该西跟你呢木啊噶我( 对你百般忍耐的爱 根本是浪费时间 )Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without youI hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you【MINZY】耨哇一gi要个ki打林你要怕唉我不扫( 关于你的回忆 除了等待还是等待 )那啊 强共强共强吗豆共强奥不扫扫( 我忍了又忍 永无止境 )萨萨萨浪啊能带哈马地噶进古西普扫( 只为了听你说声爱我 你这份无心的爱情 )那啊 木心门闹也萨浪唉南起桥不扫( 我早已疲倦 心情糟糕 )【BOM】ki波文 套料我 恰军心打包林高叫能嘚( 我抛下自尊全为了你 真是可笑 )强扫老我 内卡唉刚怕唉昂嘚囊( 难道我只有这点出息 简直担忧 )土料我 萨浪一昂土个强噶一将那( 爱情这两个字 如今已令我害怕 )南木扫我内噶强无素我( 我真的很可笑 )【CL】强麦切素我不扫 囊慢乃一U我不扫( 你真是无药可救 我们没必要继续下去 )闹噶疼囊恰一sei桑唉噶掉扫( 你这种男人遍地都是 )切切切切素我不扫 唐将么sei素我不扫( 无 无 无 无可救药 浑身上下无一是处 )强额妙萨浪哈该西跟你呢木啊噶我( 对你百般忍耐的爱 根本是浪费时间 )Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without youI hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you【MINZY】内一唉扫那哦能麦嗯扣进麦一盘(从你口中说出的那些话 多半是假话 )搜够搜够搜噶豆个进奥不扫扫( 骗了又骗 无止尽的欺骗)ong进噶闹土闹噶疼要恰慢那kei对考呀( 什么时候遇到像你这样的女人 )啊怕怕呀科嘚能内忙唉高呀( 被伤过之后 你才能体会我的心痛)【BOM】ki波文 套料我 很ki呀地也句为空应浪高( 心情很糟糕 像 happy ending 的主人公这样的人 )奥不扫扫 内噶怕bou桥龙素几龙那( 从来不会有 只是我那时太傻太天真 )头恰儿带扫 起跟一唉豆耨来哈素一东( 现在好了 我已经彻底看清你 )乃该扫穷麦切素我不扫( 我要走了 你这个晦气的东西 )【CL】囊强麦切素我不扫 囊慢乃一U我不扫( 你真是无药可救 我们没必要继续下去 )闹噶疼囊恰一sei桑唉噶掉扫( 你这种男人遍地都是 )切切切切素我不扫 唐将么sei素我不搜( 无 无 无 无可救药 浑身上下无一是处 )强额妙萨浪哈该西跟你呢木啊噶我( 对你百般忍耐的爱 根本是浪费时间 )Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without youI hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you【DARA】吗米西文来桥gi呼料海( 心里痛快了 真是快活 ) 呀搜gi本耨噶几内gi要起我内( 连在骨头深处的 记忆 也要删除 )耨莫西文海桥gi呼料海( 实在是太痛快 爽翻了 ) 呀搜gi本耨噶几内gi要起我内( 连在骨头深处的记忆也要删除 )【CL】囊强麦切素我不扫 囊慢乃一U我不扫(你真是无药可救 我们没必要继续下去 )闹噶疼囊恰一sei桑唉噶掉扫(你这种男人遍地都是 )切切切切素我不扫 唐将么sei素我不扫(无 无 无 无可救药 浑身上下无一是处 )强额妙萨浪哈该西跟你呢木啊噶我(对你百般忍耐的爱 根本是浪费时间 )Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without youI hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you

求2NE1《Hate You》的歌词啊!!如题 谢谢了

你真是无药可救 我们没必要继续下去 你这种男人遍地都是 无无无 无可救药 浑身上下无一是处 对你百般忍耐的爱 根本是浪费时间 Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you I Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you 关于你的回忆 除了等待还是等待 我忍了又忍 永无止境 只为了听你说声爱我 你这份无心的爱情 我早已疲倦 心情糟糕 我抛下自尊全为了你 真是寂寥 难道我只有这点出息 简直担忧 爱情这两个字 如今已令我害怕 你真让人笑掉大牙 你真是无药可救 我们没必要继续下去 你这种男人遍地都是 无无无 无可救药 浑身上下无一是处 对你百般忍耐的爱 根本是浪费时间 Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you I Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you 从你口中说出的那些话 半真半假 被你一骗再骗 却从来都学不乖 总有一天你也会 遇到你这样的女人 只有被人伤害过 才能明白我的话 心情糟糕 从没有什么幸福结局的主人公 是我像傻瓜般太过纯真 幸好现在看清你也不晚 我要离开你 你真是无药可救 你真是无药可救 我们没必要继续下去 你这种男人遍地都是 无无无 无可救药 浑身上下无一是处 对你百般忍耐的爱 根本是浪费时间 Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you I Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you 心里痛快了 真是快活 连骨头最深处 关于你的记忆也要擦去 实在太痛快 简直快活 连骨头最深处 关于你的记忆也要擦去 你真是无药可救 我们没必要继续下去 你这种男人遍地都是 无无无 无可救药 浑身上下无一是处 对你百般忍耐的爱 根本是浪费时间 Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you I Hate you eheheheheh I"m fine living without you


1.Is it neccesary to open it for you to check up?2.Well, if you find the dishes are wrong,please dial this number.We will solve your problem as soon as we can.3.Good luck next time!4.Don"t you scrathch this invoice now?5.Here is your invoice,you can blow it now.If it award-winning, I can redeem for you right now.6.Good luck!7.an apple,可以用one apple,8.Thanks for ordering .9.How beautiful your home is! What a beautiful home!10.What do you do for living? What is your job?11.What a fine day it is!12.The weather is quite good today.-----------------------------------------------------------1楼2楼都是机翻- -


age和...years old都可用于准确的年龄,其句型为: A: one"s age(s)+be+数字 如:1.My age is nine. 我的年龄是9岁。 2.Their ages are 8,7,and 6. 他们的年龄是8岁,7岁和6岁。 B:人+be+数字+(years old) 如:1.My brother is ten (years old).我弟弟10岁了。 2.I am thirteen (years old). 我13岁了。 另外,表示年龄大约多少岁时,可用下列介词短语(以50岁为例): 1.above (或over) fifty 50多岁 2.below (或under) fifty不到50岁 3.nearly fifty将近50岁 4.in one"s fifties 50多岁(50~59岁) 5.about fifty 50岁左右

谢谢thank you 怎么读? 是但Q还是三Q?按美式发音

3Q 记得念3的时候 要咬舌

跪求东方神起《loving you》谐音歌词,如被采纳给50分哦。拜托了各位 谢谢

花:哈no外ki你 子一大呢拉ki瓦 某我喔苦no开路九加那苦那路 四口西 又无故里也路一带 ki米瓦够头吧萨嘎西带路 秀:萨一够马带 一瓦那苦带某一有 搜no卡哦米来吧瓦卡路开拉 一此某 吗起呀瓦萨西带他 卡一萨子大起卡子口有 豆:My everyday头苦no头马里带瓦嘎啊带他 米:Feel far away某你都头no一no ki米你啊也那一内 花:Lovin"you萨浪一带他ki米no太嘎 Lovin"you哈浪类带有苦 Lovin"you波苦no开我古口某里我(他苦恼开我ki米嘎开我) Lovin"you头波外带来妙你 秀:吗某来路头 乃嘎他ki米起瓦 啊一我否西子开他大开卡那 ki米no 口口楼嘎头几带苦 搜类萨艾某ki子卡子你 豆:Oh hard to say那路有一也吧有卡啊大他路我 米:So far away某一几够为嘎哦no ki米你西带一no你 花:Lovin"you他次吗带某次子一带路 Lovin"you Q米我一带大 Lovin"you都无某一某卡我拉子你 Lovin"you卡嘎要也太都要 饼:啊起大吗大 啊也路你大有你 一次某no有我你乎里目一带无西 豆:ki米都ki大 搜no四带带 无某一带你那路吗一你 (重复所有Lovin"you句)Lovin"you有没无米带大记得采纳啊



holy holiday的歌词,中文日文还有罗马拼音都要,谢谢

歌名:Holy Holiday!歌手:田中真弓所属专辑:One Piece Music & Best Song Collection作词者:藤林圣子作曲者:贵三优大中日文歌词:Luffy:空は快晴!风はラブリー!? (晴朗的天空!喜欢风!) Holy Holiday! Holy Holiday! Zoro:谁が言ったんだよ!(到底是谁说的!) Luffy:今、オレが决めたんだ(现在,我来决定了) サンジのコールで朝ゴハン (用SANJI的借款吃了早饭) ナミのニュースをナナメ闻き (歪着脑袋听NAMI的新闻) ウソップのタマゴ横取りしたら ( 横抢了USOPPU的鸡蛋后) アレ?ゾロ?テーブルで寝てる哎、那个?ZORO?正在大桌子上睡觉呢 Zoro:邪魔すんな!(别烦我!!) Luffy: 船首(メリー)に座って海を见る (坐在船头看大海) カモメ谁かのまゆ毛みてぇだ?? (海鸥 看着谁的眉毛了呀) カレンダーなんて関系ないのさ? (日历 根本就不在乎) 自分、次第。気分次第!??????? ( 心情最重要!!) スゲーでっかい海はどっからでも (哇? 超大的大海不管从什么地方? ) グランドラインに繋がってんだ?? (都延伸到海岸线) 空は快晴!お前最高!?(晴朗的天空! 你是最棒的!) Holy Holiday! Holy Holiday! ムダに元気なヤツ(无缘无故 心情特别好的家伙) そうだ!今日はの日!△? (对了!今天是鲁菲的日子!) サンジのおやつはサカナプリン (SANJI那家伙在钓鱼) ナミは海図を研究中 )???????? (NAMI正在研究海图) ウソップは爆弾踏んづけて自爆? (USOPPU踩了炸弹在自爆)? アレ?ゾロ?どうしても寝てる (哎 、那个?Zoro?不管发生什么事情都在睡) Zoro:邪魔すんな!(别烦 我!) Luffy:船首(メリー)に座って海を见る?? (坐在船头看大海) 岛か?クジラの背中みてぇだ????(岛啊?真像鲸鱼的背啊 ) 目覚ましなんて用がないのさ??? (睁开眼睛也没什么事情) 仲间、次第。気分次第!? (伙伴最重要? 心情最重要!) スゲーでっかい梦はどっからでもかかって来いって意味だってんだ!

“一个人表演的时间” 用英语怎么说拜托了各位 谢谢

one"s show time 回答完毕 希望楼主采纳 谢谢



Showtime ShowTime showtime SHOWTIME,哪个写法是正确的?请详细点,谢谢。

Showtime 这个语法是对的。OVER!




V字形排列,左侧从前到后是1,2,3,右侧从前到后是4,5,6。点火顺序只要是直列六缸的都是1,5,3,6,2,4 。发动机右侧<右前轮处>为气缸列1发动机左侧<左前轮处>为气缸列2从车头至车尾数:气缸列1分别为1、2、3缸。气缸列2分别为4、5、6缸。点火顺序依然1、5、3、6、2、4。

Taylor Swift的《White horse》中英文歌词。谢谢,

《White Horse》:Taylor Swift Say you"re sorry 你说你很抱歉 That face of an angel comes out just when you need it to. 有必要的时候你就显露出那天使般的面孔 As I paced back and forth all this time 我一直以来都在来回徘徊着 "cause I honestly believed in you. 因为我深信着你 Holding on, 始终坚持着就这么一直忍受着 the days drag on. 时间还长着呢 Stupid girl 傻女孩啊 I should"ve known, I should"ve known. 我早该知道的 我早该知道的 That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale. 我不是公主 这也不是童话故事 I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet, 我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下的人 lead her up the stairwell. 也不是那个你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩 This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town. 这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. 在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人 Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around. 现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了 Maybe I was naive, 也许我很天真幼稚 got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance. 沉迷在你温柔的眼神中 根本没有机会 I had so many dreams about you and me: 我有很多关于你我的美好梦想 happy endings. 幸福美满的结局 Now I know 现在我知道了 That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale. 我不是一个公主 这也不是童话故事 I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet, 我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下 lead her up the stairwell. 你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩 This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town. 这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. 在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人 Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around. 现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了 And there you are on your knees 现在你双膝跪着 begging for forgiveness, begging for me 乞求我的原谅 不停地乞求我 just like I always wanted, but I"m so sorry. 就像我常想的那样 但是我很抱歉 "Cause I"m not your princess; this ain"t a fairytale. 因为我不是你的公主 这也不是一个童话故事 I"m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well. 有一天我会找一个真正对我好的人 This is a big world; that was a small town, 这是诺大的一个世界 那只不过是一个小城镇 there in my rearview mirror disappearing now. 此刻就在我的后视镜里逐渐消失了 And it"s too late for you and your white horse 你和你的白马都已太迟了 now it"s too late for you and your white horse to catch me now. 现在你想要骑着你的白马追上我已经太迟了 Oh whoa whoa whoa try and catch me now. 现在就试着追上我吧 Ooh it"s too late to catch me now. 可是现在想要赶上我已太迟了



朋友,你有张国荣 唱的千千阙歌的谱子么?有的话 发给我一份,谢谢!e12345woseyouxiang@163.com


求 倾尽缠绵 完结 linanyouxiang2009@163.com 先谢谢了!

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V字形排列,左侧从前到后是1,2,3,右侧从前到后是4,5,6。点火顺序只要是直列六缸的都是1,5,3,6,2,4 。发动机右侧<右前轮处>为气缸列1发动机左侧<左前轮处>为气缸列2从车头至车尾数:气缸列1分别为1、2、3缸。气缸列2分别为4、5、6缸。点火顺序依然1、5、3、6、2、4。

跪求 3d 蛇姬(汉库克)动漫种子 拜托 谢谢 mimiyouxiang2@163.com

P2pSearcher这个软件搜得到 不用安装无毒 楼主要不要?

be/get used to doing sth和be used to do sth分别是什么意思?用法区别~~详细~~谢谢了~~

be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事be used to do sth 过去常常做某事~~~~希望对你有所帮助

一首女声英文歌 开头是Y O U 当啷 英文不好表介意如果有知道的给我歌名吧 谢谢

Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake&Jay-ZI be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit, tie身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Can I show you a few things?可以向你展示吗?A few things, a few things, little baby, cause这种独具一格的风格,宝贝I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧You ready, JT?准备好了吗?贾老板I can"t wait til I get you on the floor, good-looking我期待着征服你的美貌Going out so hot, just like an oven如此惹火,如若蒸笼And I"ll burn myself but just had to touch it即使我被蒸发,也无法拒绝触及你的美It"s so fly and it"s all mine快感齐天,充斥灵魂Hey baby, we don"t mind all the watching我们不在乎万众瞩目,宝贝Cause if they study close, real close they might learn something因为我们是他们爱的导师She ain"t nothing but a little doozy when she does it她就是一个如此艳丽的艺术品She"s so fly, tonight今夜,她如此性感And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切Stop, let me get a good look at it停,让我好好欣赏So thick now I know why they call it a fatty爱是如此的浓烈Shit so sick gotta hit and picked up a habit虽然爱的有些腻味That"s all right, cause you"re all mine但只要你是我的,一切都无所谓Go on and show "em who you call daddy继续展示给那些大叔们I guess they"re just mad cause girl, they wish they had it他们都为你而疯狂,但只有我拥有你My killer, my filler, yeah you"re a classic你偷走了我的心,你这美艳的艺术品You"re all mine, tonight.今夜,我将把你占有And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切All black at the white shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场White shoes at the black shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场Green card for the Cuban links通往古巴的绿卡Ya"ll sit back and enjoy the light show 大家都坐在后排欣赏着光影盛宴nothing exceeds like succes没什么style got from having the best of the best比制服诱惑更迷人is this what it all about?不是吗?I met the rest, .. the rant我遇见餐厅里Disturbing the guests那些乏味的顾客Years of distress, tears on the dress常年的压抑Try to hide her face with some makeup sex, ugh试图隐藏,在艳妆下寻求精神释放This is trouble season, time for tuxedos for no reason这多事之秋,燕尾服就得选“汤姆·福特”All saints for my angel, Alexander Wang too就连Alexander Wang也这么认为Ass-tight denim and some Dunks紧身的衣物和扣篮服是当下流行I"ll show you how to do this young让哥来教教你No papers, catch favors不用看报纸,即可获得支持Get high out Vegas在赌城外依然玩的highWho says these devils ain"t looking for trouble谁说这些恶棍不会来找麻烦You just got good genes so a nigga tryna cuff you别以为你出身好咱就不会揍你Tell your mother that I love her cause I love you回去告诉你妈妈我爱你所以也爱上她Tell your father we go farther as a couple告诉你爹我们比情侣会走得更远Didn"t lose a daughter, got a son他们没失去女儿,而是多了个女婿I"ll show you how to do this, hun!让哥来教你,哈And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love love love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切




Volterra-Lotka模型是种间竞争模型,本例两个物种是兔子和狐狸。该模型的数学表达式为常微分方程组,可以用matlab的ode函数来求解。求解方法:1、建立自定义该模型的数学函数,其内容function dy=ode_fun(t,x)a=1;b=0.1;c=0.5;d=0.02;dy=[a*x(1)-b*x(1)*x(2);-c*x(2)+d*x(1)*x(2)];end2、利用ode45函数求解,得到t、x、y的数值解[t,x]=ode45(@ode_fun,tspan,x0)3、用plot函数绘制兔子、狐狸变化随时间变化的曲线,即t—x(t)曲线图,t—y(t)曲线图4、用plot函数绘制狐狸数量随兔子数量变化的相轨线,即x(t)—y(t)曲线图5、按上述思路编程后,运行可以如下图形。

get的全部用法~ 谢谢

getvt.1. 获得;得到;赢得He gets first prize in the listening contest.他得到听力比赛第一名。2. 挣到;买到I got a new coat in that store last week.上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。3. 捉住,捕获The police got the thief.警察捉住了贼。4. (不用被动式)收到,接到I didn"t get any answer from him.我没有收到他的回信。5. 使得到;为...弄到;为...买[O1]I"ll get you something to eat.我将给你弄点吃的。6. 使成为或处于(某种状态)[O8][O7][O]The climb got all of us tired.爬山使我们都累了。7. 使运行,使工作[O4]Can you get the machine running?你能把这机器发动起来吗?8. 为...接通...[O1]Could you get me Hong Kong, please.请给我接通香港。9. 收听到;收看到We can get 18 channels on TV.我们可以收看到十八个频道的电视节目。10. 理解;听清楚;记住;学会Don"t get me wrong.不要误会我的意思。11. 把...难倒Your attitude gets me.你的态度令我莫名其妙。12. 说服;使得[O2]I got him to stay for the night.我说服他留下过夜。13. 取出;带走;移开[O]We must get the rock out of the path.我们必须把石头从路上搬走。14. 计算出;得出He finally got the answer to the algebra problem.他终于算出了这道代数题的答案。15. 赶上;乘到(车等)We must get the ten o"clock plane.我们一定要赶上十点的飞机。16. (不用被动式)感染上;患Everyone in our room got the flu.我们房间里的所有人都患了流感。17. 击中;打死Where did the bullet get him?子弹击中他什么部位?vi.1. 到达[Q]When do you get to Hong Kong?你什么时候到香港?2. 变成;成为[L]It"s getting cold.天气变冷。3. 有可能,有机会[+to-v]He never gets to go to school.他从来没有机会上学。4. 开始[+v-ing]We"d better get going.我们最好现在就走。5. 被...[+v-ed]He"ll get punished if he goes on like this.他再这样下去,一定会受到惩罚的。










DEMOCRAT Nancy Pelosi is about to become the first female speaker of the House — two heartbeats from U.S. presidency. She will officially take it from Republican Rep. Dennis Hastert of Illinois in January. That would put her in the constitutional line of presidential succession behind Vice President Cheney and make Pelosi, 66, the highest-ranking woman in U.S. history.Born on March 26, 1940, Pelosi is the daughter of an old-fashioned Baltimore politician. Seemingly, Pelosi was a Democrat from birth — as a young girl, she was offered a toy elephant by a Republican poll worker but recoiled, refusing the toy.Although active in politics her whole life — including stints as a leading Democratic fundraiser and chairwoman of the party in California — Pelosi didn"t run for office until she was 47.She is called a “latte Democrat” for her politically progressive views on the environment, women"s reproductive rights, labor unions and other issues.Pelosi has been a formidable force within the Democrats, raising more money than any other congressional Democrat — around US$100 million since taking the reins of party leadership. And she has managed to keep the House Dems toeing the party line: According to Congressional Quarterly, House Democrats voted with the majority of their party 88 percent of the time in 2005, the highest total since CQ started keeping track in 1956.(SD-Agencies)可以去英文 wiki 查 比较全面以下是 google 的WIKI快照



a little love,a little kiss,a little hug,little gift,all of little someting歌名叫什么啊,谢谢

冯曦妤的A Little Love,不会错的啦我Q音乐盒里还有呢。~再不信就给你看歌词吧,不过你有的错了嘿:make me smile make me feel the love is ture you always stand by my side i don"t want to say goodbye you make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of lover kissing you thank you for all the love you always gave to me oh i love you greatest as you smallest as me you show me what is deep as sea a little love a little kiss a little heart a little give all of little something these are memories you make me cry make me smile make me feel the love is ture you always stand by my side i don"t want to say goodbye you make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of lover kissing you thank you for all the love you always gave to me oh i love you yes i do how you always do make me cry make me smile make me feel the love is ture you always stand by my side i don"t want to say goodbye you make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of lover kissing you thank you for all the love you always gave to me oh i love you to be with you oh i love you
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