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course和curriculum都有课程的意思,但它们的范围是不一样的。course的范围较小,curriculum则相反。举个例子来说,教育学和教育心理学都同属于一组主题相关的课程(curriculum),但它们各自又分别是独立的一门课程(course),由各种不同类型的教学内容组成(如视频,文档,展示等)。总而言之,a curriculum是由各种courses组成的。希望你能满意,谢谢!


如果是表格打印,可以把数据输出到excel,让用户通过excel打印;如果是自己控制打印机,参考下面的打印代码:With Printer For iC = 1 To Val(txtCopies) "对份数循环 For iNowPage = 1 To iPages "对页范围循环 "4-1 打印表头 " 不能用Set Printer.Font = gaUserfont(0),打印机字体可能被某些隐含过程改变,从而影响到userfont With .Font .name = gaUserfont(0).name .Size = gaUserfont(0).Size .Bold = gaUserfont(0).Bold .Italic = gaUserfont(0).Italic .Underline = gaUserfont(0).Underline .Strikethrough = False End With sTmp = txtTitle & "(" & Trim(mOform.Tag) & ")" .CurrentX = sngLMargin + (sngTblWid - Printer.TextWidth(sTmp)) / 2 .CurrentY = sngMargin(0) - sngFontSize * 2 Printer.Print sTmp "4-2 在表格的右上部打印"打印日期" With .Font .name = gaUserfont(1).name .Size = gaUserfont(1).Size .Bold = gaUserfont(1).Bold .Italic = gaUserfont(1).Italic .Underline = gaUserfont(1).Underline .Strikethrough = False End With sStr = "打印时间: " & Now() .CurrentX = sngLMargin + sngTblWid - Printer.TextWidth(sStr) - 200 .CurrentY = sngTblM - sngFontSize * 1.5 Printer.Print sStr "在页底边中间打印页码 .Font.Size = 10.5 .CurrentX = .ScaleWidth / 2 .CurrentY = .ScaleHeight - sngMargin(1) Printer.Print "第" & CStr(iNowPage) & "页" "4-3 打印列标题 .DrawWidth = 1 "4-3-1划上边线 .CurrentX = sngLMargin .CurrentY = sngTblM - sngFontSize / 4 Printer.Line -Step(sngTblWid, 0) "划上边线 "4-3-2划左边线 .CurrentX = sngLMargin .CurrentY = sngTblM - sngFontSize / 4 Printer.Line -Step(0, 1.5 * sngFontSize) "划左边线 tmpX = sngLMargin tmpY = sngTblM .CurrentY = tmpY With .Font .name = gaUserfont(1).name .Size = gaUserfont(1).Size .Bold = gaUserfont(1).Bold .Italic = gaUserfont(1).Italic .Underline = gaUserfont(1).Underline .Strikethrough = False End With For iA = 0 To miCols - 1 .CurrentY = tmpY" If miAlignment(iA) = flexAlignLeftCenter Then" .CurrentX = tmpX + sngFontSize / 4" Else" "Exit Sub" .CurrentX = tmpX + sngColWid(iA) * miMergeTimes(iA) - Printer.TextWidth(lstChosenFlds.List(iA)) - sngFontSize / 4" If .CurrentX < tmpX Then .CurrentX = tmpX + sngFontSize / 4" End If "输出数据 sStr = Trim(lstChosenFlds.List(iA)) "截取尾部的数字 If IsNumeric(Right(sStr, 1)) Then sStr = Left(sStr, Len(sStr) - 1) If IsNumeric(Right(sStr, 1)) Then sStr = Left(sStr, Len(sStr) - 1) "将标题聚中 .CurrentX = tmpX + (sngColWid(iA) * miMergeTimes(iA) - Printer.TextWidth(sStr)) / 2 - sngFontSize / 4 If .CurrentX < tmpX Then .CurrentX = tmpX Printer.Print sStr "确定位置 .CurrentX = tmpX .CurrentY = tmpY + sngFontSize * 1.25 "划下边线 Printer.Line -Step(sngColWid(iA) * miMergeTimes(iA), 0) tmpX = tmpX + sngColWid(iA) * miMergeTimes(iA) .CurrentX = tmpX .CurrentY = tmpY - sngFontSize / 4 "划右边线 Printer.Line -Step(0, sngFontSize * 1.5) Next "4-4打印数据 tmpY = tmpY + sngFontSize * 1.25 tmpX = sngLMargin .CurrentX = tmpX .CurrentY = tmpY iFRow = (iNowPage - 1) * iMaxRecsPerPage + 1 "第一行的行数 iLRow = iNowPage * iMaxRecsPerPage "最后一行的行数 "如果最后行数大于最大行取最大行为最后行 iLRow = IIf(iLRow > iRows, iRows, iLRow) For iNowRow = iFRow To iLRow tmpX = sngLMargin .CurrentX = tmpX .CurrentY = tmpY For iCycle = 0 To miCols - 1 iNowcol = miColIndex(iCycle) .CurrentX = tmpX .CurrentY = tmpY For iMerge = 1 To miMergeTimes(iCycle) "划左边线 .CurrentX = tmpX .CurrentY = tmpY Printer.Line -Step(0, 1.5 * sngFontSize) "打印数据 If flg.ColAlignment(iNowcol) = flexAlignRightCenter Then .CurrentX = tmpX + sngColWid(iCycle) * iMerge - .TextWidth(flg.TextMatrix(iNowRow, iNowcol)) If .CurrentX < tmpX Then .CurrentX = tmpX Else .CurrentX = tmpX + sngFontSize / 4 End If .CurrentY = tmpY + sngFontSize * 0.25 sStr = flg.TextMatrix(iNowRow, iNowcol) If IsNumeric(sStr) Then If Left(sStr, 1) = "." Then sStr = "0" & sStr If iNowRow < 4 Then If IsNumeric(sStr) Then Printer.Print sStr Else If sStr <> sTmp Then Printer.Print sStr End If Else Printer.Print sStr End If sTmp = sStr "划下边线 .CurrentY = tmpY + sngFontSize * 1.5 .CurrentX = tmpX Printer.Line -Step(sngColWid(iCycle), 0) "划右边线 tmpX = tmpX + sngColWid(iCycle) .CurrentX = tmpX .CurrentY = tmpY "划右边线 Printer.Line -Step(0, sngFontSize * 1.5) iNowcol = iNowcol + 1 Next Next tmpY = tmpY + sngFontSize * 1.5 .CurrentY = tmpY Next .NewPage Next Next .EndDoc End With



请把《Hotaru Koi》的罗马音翻译成日语拜托了各位 谢谢

ほ ほ ほたるこい あっちのみずはにがいぞ こっちのみずはあまいぞ ほ ほ ほたるこい ほ ほ やまみちこい ほたるのおとさんかねもちだ どうりでおしりがぴかぴかだ ほ ほ ほたるこい やまみちだ ひるまはくさばのつゆのかげ よるはぽんぽんたかじょうちん 天じくあがりしたれば つんばくろにさらわれべ ほ ほ ほたるこい あっちのみずはにがいぞ ほ ほ ほたるこい こっちのみずはあまいぞ ほ ほ ほたるこい やまみちだ あんどのひかりるぞ ちょとみてこい ほ ほ ほたるこい ほ ほ やまみちこい ほ ほ ほ ほ ほ ほ ほ


southkorea不用说了吧 changwon-si (si是市) masanwhoiwon-gu(gu是 区) yangduck-dong(dong是 洞) metrocity apt 114-2801这是公寓 好像没有邮编

south Korea 和Korea有区别吗?谢谢

当然了,Korea分North Korea和South Korea。

求coverage error的意思,并举例~谢谢


请问proficient 和 competent有区别吗? 区别是什么啊?最好带例句,谢谢!

proficient 英 [prə"fɪʃnt]     美 [prə"fɪʃnt]    副词: proficientlyadj.熟练的;精通的用作形容词 (adj.)After reading this book, you will be proficient in writing.读完这本书,你会精于写作。My friend is proficient in three languages.我的朋友精通三种语言。She was very proficient in music.她非常精通音乐。用作名词 (n.)He doesn"t look like a proficient in golf.他看起来不像是个打高尔夫球的专家。If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.如果我有机会学的话,我应该已经是个专家了。competent 英 ["kɒmpɪtənt]     美 ["kɑːmpɪtənt]    副词: competentlyadj.有能力的;足够的;胜任的用作形容词 (adj.)Her drawing is competent, but her composition is poor.她的画有功力,但布局欠佳。She was declared mentally competent to stand trial.她被宣告有接受审判的精神能力。



标致3072013款1.6L 自动CROSS型号挂D挡不走,一档升二档有顿挫感,询问如何解决,谢谢


score与point同为 得分 之意时,有什么区别?谢谢!




有没有好听的欧美歌曲拜托了各位 谢谢

最 新 更 新为 了方便楼主查 找歌 曲名后面是对应的下载地 址好听 英文 非主流《burning》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030962507457.mp3 《cry on my shoulder》-DSDS http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030963095661.mp3 《timeless》有中英韩三个版本的,这是英文版的 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030962428897.wma 《Creepin`up On You》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030961586725.mp3 《Brown Eyes》S H E http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030961738973.mp3 《loving you》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030964157441.mp3 《My Love Will Get You Home 》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030963002381.mp3 《Angel》 Sarah McLachlan 英 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030971047905.mp3 《I Remember》郭采洁 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030964693709.wma 《Because You Live》 Jesse McCartney http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030971400457.mp3 《previewe》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030972054097.mp3 《Show me love》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030972423249.mp3 伤感 未知语言《Wo bist du》未知 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030974203065.mp3 《Perome Acuerdode Ti Christina Aguilera》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030976689457.mp3 《Un Ange Frappe AMaPorte》未知 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030976959857.Wma 《Unemergenza Damore》 Laura Pausini未知 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030977105361.wma 《Tommai mai rub sak tee》 未知 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030973076801.mp3 《Bressanone》未知 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030976032625.mp3 《Craigie Hill》 Cara Dillon未知 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030971735393.mp3 好听《Grace》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030962654113.mp3 《草编的戒指》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030963398441.mp3 《相见恨晚》 http://free.sxia.com.cn/syttry/2009030963712553.mp3 (复制地址 即可下载)听听自己喜欢哪一首如果你喜欢听舞曲。DJ的话 http://www.ucomo.com/space/MusicAlbumDetail.aspx?PlayListID=3477&DOMAIN=SXREN1 如果你喜欢轻音乐 http://www.ucomo.com/space/MusicAlbumDetail.aspx?PlayListID=3483&DOMAIN=SXREN1

谢谢大家 c# winfrom treeview 的所有节点都左对齐(跟节点,子节点)


6月出生双子座适合什么英文名, 要不常见的,谢谢


急需一首英文歌的歌词,歌名是《you were my everything》谢谢了,粘贴到你的回答上


(*^__^*) 英语语法问题 高手指点 谢谢


谁帮我把这首英文歌歌词「when you told me you loved me」翻译成中文?谢谢~

当你说你爱我的时候 歌手:杰卡西 辛普申一次对我来说并不意味着全部来吧告诉我完美的意义我们的爱情哪里出了问题我们如此的深爱我如何继续当你说你爱我的时候你想到了这句话会占据我的余生么?使我从梦想破碎的感觉中恢复过来当你告诉我没有我在你身边的时候你过的并不完美我怎曾想到你竟然会走你竟然会离我而去!!亲爱的,我原以为你是我的唯一为什么我不能彻底忘记我只觉得激情似火,照的我无法看清真相接着,你在我睡梦中说的话让我更加脆弱亲爱的,我陷入的太深,你知道我是很用情当你说你爱我的时候你想到了这句话会占据我的余生么?使我从梦想破碎的感觉中恢复过来当你告诉我没有我在你身边的时候你过的并不完美我怎曾想到你竟然会走你竟然会离我而去!!亲爱的,我原以为你是我的唯一你的唇,你的脸还有那些时光不能摸去的记忆使我的心完全破碎当你说你爱我的时候你想到了这句话会占据我的余生么?使我从梦想破碎的感觉中恢复过来当你告诉我没有我在你身边的时候你过的并不完美我怎曾想到你竟然会走你竟然会离我而去!!亲爱的,我原以为你是我的唯一

用in demand ,on demand 各造一句句子,谢谢

in demand:非常需要的;受欢迎的. 例:You seem to be in great demand today.解释:你如今似乎很受欢迎.on demand:一经要求, 例:The workers"demand for a 10% pay rise machines which dispense cash on demand.解释:工人要求提高工资10%可立即提款的机器.

帮忙写篇英语作文,题目是:The one i love most 急,谢谢啦

The one I love mostMy father is the one I love most,which is a definite answer for me.I have thought he is the best man in the world since I was a little girl.I am proud of him.He loves me all the tim...


One more trespass I must make on your patience. I shall trespass on your hospitality. 还有一件事要叨扰。我要来叨扰你了

哪位大神 知道这男的名字?谢谢




crash 和smash有什么明显的区别吗?谢谢!


one the others... 和 another 哪个表示两者中的另一个?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等。它们的用法现归纳如下; 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里。 2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如: He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。 the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如: On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。 Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。 He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。 3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如: Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。 Give me some others, please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了。 4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。如: Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。 the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍。 5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如: I don"t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。 I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿。一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人。

E-MARK认证中 Reg. ECE 10 所要求的测试,测试哪些内容,请高手帮忙指导一下。谢谢呵!



MJ的<your are not alone>


laura story -grace

谁可以推荐几首超好听的英文歌啊 谢谢啊 要感情比较平缓的

<<as long as you love me>>


on the other hand 后面可以再写一句话来描写这个人

跪求 最美丽的谎言钢琴谱!!!!下一站幸福。最好有网站的。急需!谢谢!


英语,,,快点 谢谢

1 Have , arrived , yet2 How often does3 prefer to4 as , as


在网上找一个转换器,将度分秒格式转换成小数点,百度搜索地球在线,在右下角 输入经度78.??,纬度38.000,点确定就出来了。



音乐达人帮忙找一首歌!歌词中只记得有SET ME FREE,欧美女声,节奏感较强,也是舞曲。找到追加50分,谢谢

you keep me hanging on


中国农业大学《农药学学报》其实我觉得多看相关学校的学报就可以。如果你是本科的话。。。 还有《农药》这本杂志


5万盾的纸币上人物是:I Gusti Ngurah Rai相关介绍:Brigjen TNI Anumerta I Gusti Ngurah Rai (lahir di Desa Carangsari, Petang, Kabupaten Badung, Bali, Hindia Belanda, 30 Januari 1917 – meninggal di Marga, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia, 20 November 1946 pada umur 29 tahun) adalah seorang pahlawan Indonesia dari Kabupaten Badung, Bali.Ngurah Rai memiliki pasukan yang bernama "Ciung Wenara" melakukan pertempuran terakhir yang dikenal dengan nama Puputan Margarana. (Puputan, dalam bahasa bali, berarti "habis-habisan", sedangkan Margarana berarti "Pertempuran di Marga"; Marga adalah sebuah desa ibukota kecamatan di pelosok Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali)Bersama 1.372 anggotanya pejuang MBO (Markas Besar Oemoem) Dewan Perjoeangan Republik Indonesia Sunda Kecil (DPRI SK) dibuatkan nisan di Kompleks Monumen de Kleine Sunda Eilanden, Candi Marga, Tabanan. Detil perjuangan I Gusti Ngurah Rai dan resimen CW dapat disimak dari beberapa buku, seperti "Bergerilya Bersama Ngurah Rai" (Denpasar: BP, 1994) kesaksian salah seorang staf MBO DPRI SK, I Gusti Bagus Meraku Tirtayasa peraih "Anugrah Jurnalistik Harkitnas 1993", buku "Orang-orang di Sekitar Pak Rai: Cerita Para Sahabat Pahlawan Nasional Brigjen TNI (anumerta) I Gusti Ngurah Rai" (Denpasar: Upada Sastra, 1995), atau buku "Puputan Margarana Tanggal 20 November 1946" yang disusun oleh Wayan Djegug A Giri (Denpasar: YKP, 1990).Pemerintah Indonesia menganugerahkan Bintang Mahaputra dan kenaikan pangkat menjadi Brigjen TNI (anumerta). Namanya kemudian diabadikan dalam nama bandar udara di Bali, Bandara Ngurah Rai.1917年1月30日-1946年11月20日,巴厘岛的印尼民族英雄。剩下的懒得翻译了。其他纸币:Rp 1.000 Kapten Pattimura Rp 2.000 Pangeran Antasari Rp 5.000 Tuanku Imam Bonjol Rp 10.000 Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Rp 20.000 1Otto Iskandardinata Rp 50.000 I Gusti Ngurah Rai Rp 100.000 Sukarno dan Mohammad Hatta




常见的玻璃通常加入其他成分会影响折射率。 例如:曜眼的水晶玻璃(铅玻璃)是在玻璃内加入铅,令玻璃的折射系数增加,产生眩目的折射;派热克斯玻璃(Pyrex),则是加入了硼,以改变玻璃的热及电性质;制造光学镜头的玻璃则是加入钍的氧化物来大幅增加折射指数。加入钡亦可;倘若要玻璃吸收红外线则可以加入铁,放映机内便有这种隔热的玻璃;玻璃加入铈则会吸收紫外线。



sun和the sun都是指太阳,语句中都是直接用sun,可是单词中都是the sun,应该怎么运用呢?谢谢!

the 是特指,太阳只有一个,所以 在句子中 通常 说 the sun. 另外,月亮,也在句子中 说 the moon.


高硼硅(酸盐)玻璃一般称为 Pyrex glass。PYREX 已成为高硼硅玻璃的发明者——康宁(Corning)公司的注册商标。

美网用球 wilson US Open 分了1号 2号 3号 4号 等等几种,有什么区别呢?谢谢


in time , on time , by the time 的区别,谢谢

on time in time 及时准时by the time 是顺便的意思哈 第三个 前面两个回答都是错的哈

我家是ATI Radeon X1200 SERies 应当安装什么显卡驱动? 谢谢了


请问inventive creative在用法上的区别?谢谢

inventive 是invent的形容词形式,表示有发明创造精神的,善于发明的,偏向发明的意思。creative则偏向有想象力的,有启发性思维的,偏向创造的意思。其他也没有 区别了,区别不是很大!

脚本语言(script)一共有多少种?如题 谢谢了

脚本语言应该是比较危险的,一般我都是禁止javascript,这样恶意代码中的一部分就失去作用啦,但是还有其它的存在哦,所以不放心。 查看原帖>>


恩~ 仓木麻衣和孙燕姿的tonight, i feel close to you大意是朋友之间的友情吧。。我懒得翻译

5点10分英语怎么说 五点十分和五点40用英语怎么说,谢谢了

5:10 five ten; ten past five.5:40 five forty;twenty to six.

苍木麻衣的Tonight I feel close to you(今晚你离我很近)的中文歌词,请帮忙翻译下!谢谢!

Tonight,I feel close to you (今晚我离你很近 歌词)Close my eyes and feel your mind 轻轻地闭上双眼感受你的心境Time has passed 时光逝去I walk like a shadow 我宛如幽魂般地游走Never knew What I am going through 从未知觉自己穿越过的事物You touch my heart and take my breath away 你触动我的心弦 教我屏息Whisper on the wind so softly 风儿捎来的耳语 如此地轻柔Let the bright stars fill out dreams with love 让耀眼星辰将爱注满我们的梦想吧Reach for your hand(you\"re holding my key)and you show me the way 伸向你的手 (你正握著我的钥匙) 你引导我方向Tonight,I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend,you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开I wish we could stay forever as one 我多么希望我两能永远在一起 永不分离All the tears that haunt my past 那些泪水纠结著我的过往You promised 你曾约定过的It"ll be better tomorrow 明天将会更好的Play that song 播放那手You and I listened to 我俩曾聆听过的歌吧!And let it gently ease our pain 让它轻柔地舒缓我们的伤痛Tender rain drops from the blue sky 晴空飘下温柔的雨滴Flowers blooming,life is so divine like sunlight on a stream(you\"re holding my key) 丛花绽开 生命是如此的神奇 彷佛溪水上闪烁耀眼的阳光般 (你正握著我的钥匙)You show the world to me 你引导我看全世界Tonight,I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend,you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay forever as one 我多么希望我俩能永远在一起 永不分离So much love in this beautiful world 在这美丽的世界上 处处充满著爱Search for the brightest star in the sky 找寻那夜空中最明亮的星辰You will find the meaning of love 你将会发现真爱的意义Don"t be afraid(Don"t be afraid),just be yourself(Just be yourself) 别害怕 (别害怕)We need this love...I"ve never knew 我们需要这份爱…这份我从未知道的爱Tonight,I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend,you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开Tonight,I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend,you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开I wish we could stay forever as one 我多么希望我俩能永远在一起 永不分离

谁有布兰妮的Touch Of My Hand歌词和其翻译 ??准确些,谢谢

i"m not ashamed of the things that i dreami found myself flirting with the verge of obsceneinto the unknown, i will be boldi;m going to places i can be out of controland i don"t want to explain tonightall the things i"ve tried to hidei shut myself out from the world so ican draw the blinds and i"ll teach myself to flyi love myself, it"s not a sini can"t control what"s happenin""cause i just discoveredimaginations taking overanother day without a loverthe more i come to understandthe touch of my handfrom the small of my back and the arch of my feetlately i"ve been noticin" the beautiful mei"m all in my skin and i"m not gonna waiti"m into myself, i"m almost rusispeand i don"t want to explain tonightall the things i"ve tried to hidei shut myself out from the world so ican draw the blinds and i"ll teach myself to flythere"s a rythm divineand my body is minei won"t be left behindi"m already here我不为我所想到的事情感到羞愧 我游走在一种奇妙感觉的边缘 这种感觉将带我去未知的领域 我在里面 游刃有余 肆无忌惮今晚 我不想解释什么 我想要隐藏一切 封闭自己享受一个人的世界 我将窗帘拉上 慢慢让自己进入直冲云霄的感觉我爱我自己 这并不是罪过 这是我不能克制的 我刚刚发觉 已受情绪主宰 又一天没有情人 我越来越懂得 爱抚我自己从我的小蛮腰直到脚裸 近来我注意到自己美极了 全身的肌肤,我迫不及待 要肉体与灵魂水乳交融 我早已无法自拔今晚 我不想解释什么 我想要隐藏一切 封闭自己享受一个人的世界 我将窗帘拉上 慢慢让自己进入直冲云霄的感觉

求孙燕姿的《tonight, i feel close to you》歌词带翻译,谢谢


谁可以告诉我,tonight i feel close to you 的歌词,要知道哪句是谁唱的!谢谢!!

参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/9968197.html 回答者: asskisser - 举人 四级 11-5 10:09



大家能告诉我这个吉他谱这双横线上的音是倚音吗?具体怎么弹奏呀?具体点 谢谢了


跪下求关诗敏《晴天》吉他谱 谢谢啦!



表示雪的或者是日语的Y带头的名字,比如:YUKI 就有雪的意思 谢谢哈

百合子 ゆりこ YURIKO

晴天 吉他谱 的扫弦是扫6根还是3根 怎么扫说具体一点 谢谢


帮忙看一个句子的语法,谢谢!一个英语句子是 All he needs to do is shell out 30 yua

一个英语句子是 All he needs to do is shell out 30 yuan for a testing kit,这里的shell为什么不用shelling? 答:qq965467723 说的对.语言以简洁为美.这句中的shell out前省略了to 因为前面有了动词do, 记作:有do 无to 为什么前面了个do,表语中的不定式就可可以省略这个符号to呢?因为不会起误会,不产生歧义. 主语是:他需要做的就是.后面肯定是一动词,表示要做的事.如没有这个do,则要表示是一个动作,而非一名词,则应有这个不定式符号to,否则可能会引起误会. 如: work一词既可以作名词,表示“活儿”,也可以作动词,表示“工作”,“干活儿”. 如他想要的是“活儿”,不是“乐子”,则说:What he wants is work, not entertainment. 如他想要的是“干活儿”,不是“看电视”,则说:What he wants is to work, not to watch TV. 从上面的例子可以看出,在前面没有do动词时,work前有没有to ,意思是不一样的.所以第二句中的不定式符号就不宜省略.因为省略了,会产生歧义(如1句). 而如果想表达的是:他想要做的事情就是干活儿.则说:What he wants to do is (to) work. 这个to就完全可以省略.(不省略也是正确的). 动名词尽管也可以作表语,但它表示一般的情况,这里是指未来的事,用不定式较好.所以不改为shelling 译:她只需要掏个30元就可以买一套试验工具了.






了解SCSI接口 SCSI概述 SCSI(Small Computer System Interface)单纯的从英文直译过来叫做小型电脑系统接口,这是一种专门为小型计算机系统设计的存储单元接口模式,它是在1979年由美国的施加特(Shugart)公司(希捷的前身)研发并制订,并于1986年获得ANSI(美国标准协会)承认。SCSI从发明到现在已经有了十几年的历史,它的强大性能表现使得许多对性能要求非常严格的计算机系统采用。SCSI是一种特殊的总线结构,可以对计算机中的多个设备进行动态分工操作,对于系统同时要求的多个任务可以灵活机动的适当分配,动态完成。这个功能是IDE设备所望尘莫及的。也正是由于SCSI拥有这些出众的优点,使得SCSI能够在专业应用中占据绝对的主导地位。在这么多年中,SCSI并没有停足不前,面对IDE设备的强大挑战,SCSI也在不停的向前发展。 SCSI的发展 在20世纪90年代初,SCSI接口发展为SCSI-2,也就是我们常说的Fast SCSI,Fast SCSI是通过提高同步传输时的频率使数据传输速率从原有的5MB/s提高为10MB/s,在Fast SCSI之后又出现了可以支持16位并行数据传输的Wide SCSI(原来的SCSI和Fast SCSI标准均为8位并行数据传输),将数据传输率再提高为20MB/s。也正是因为这个原因,原有的只支持8位并行数据传输的SCSI被称为Narrow SCSI。 到了1995年,硬盘技术的发展到了一个新的高度,面对日益强大的IDE设备,更为高速的SCSI接口SCSI-3诞生了。SCSI-3俗称Ultra SCSI(数据传输率20MB/s),当使用16位传输的Wide模式时,数据传输率更高达40MB/s。也就是这个时期,“高端、高速、高性能惟有SCSI”成为了人们的一种思维定式,大家渐渐的清楚认识到了SCSI的威力所在。 时间转到了1997年,为了对抗IDE设备的强大新生力量Ultra ATA标准,不甘示弱的SCSI阵营也于1997年中推出了新的Ultra2 SCSI规格(Fast-40),目前已有多种SCSI硬盘支持Ultra 2 SCSI。不过,采用LVD(Low Voltage Differential,低压差动)传输的Ultra2 SCSI难以与原有的低速设备兼容,因此现阶段个人用户主要接触到的还是Ultra(Wide)SCSI接口的设备。另外,在1998年9月,数据传输率高达160MB/s的Ultra160 SCSI(Wide模式下的Fast-80)规格已正式公布。可是最近,更为高速的Ultra320 SCSI(Wide模式下的Fast-160)出现了,新一代SCSI硬盘将对应这一最新的硬盘接口。 SCSI的接口类型 第一代叫作“SCSI-1”是最早的标准规格,市场上已经看不到这类产品了,他的数据传输频率只有5Mhz,数据带宽8位,最大能连接7个设备。数据实际传输的方式有异步(Asynchronous)与同步(Synchronous)之分,所谓异步就是在传送之前先要发送确认信号然后开始传送,而同步则可先直接传送数据,省去等待确认的过程,直接进行传输所以速度会比较快。 异步传输,则仅有1.8MB/sec, 同步方式传送可达5MB/sec。 第二代叫作“SCSI-2”它使用同步传输方式,SCSI-2将传输频率提高到10MHz,可以在相同的数据宽度(8bits)下能产生10MB/sec的高传输率,它最大支持7个设备目前一般称为的Fast SCSI的接口卡就是指这种SCSI-2卡它还有一个名字叫做"Narrow SCSI"。 是第二代SCSI中还有一种叫做Wide SCSI接口卡它最大支持15个设备,采用16bits的数据宽度,同样是10MHZ的传输频率,但传输速度达到20MB/sec。 第三代叫作“SCSI-3”目前还没有统一规格,但是已经有4种SCSI属于第三代SCSI,Ultra SCSI(又叫作Fast-20 SCSI):他的数据传输频率有20Mhz,数据带宽8位,最大能连接7个设备传送可达20MB/sec。 Ultra Wide SCSI:他的数据传输频率有20Mhz,数据带宽16位,最大能连接15个设备传送可达40MB/sec。 Ultra2 SCSI(又叫作Fast-40 SCSI)他的数据传输频率有40Mhz,数据带宽8位,最大能连接7个设备传送可达40MB/sec。 Ultra2 Wide SCSI他的数据传输频率有40Mhz,数据带宽16位,最大能连接15个设备传送可达80MB/sec。 正在发展中的还有Ultra-160m(可达160MB/sec),未来可改用光纤以获得更佳的传输率;还有更方便的安装步骤、在线插拔(Hot Swap)等功能都是未来SCSI努力的目标。 对于这些不同的SCSI设备它的接口也不同。 DB-50: 连线上使用50针公接头,人们通常称作"大50接头" "(Centronics 50-pin)。DB-50的使用率较高,许多大型的外接设备都采用此种接头。它的体型庞大,不适合应用在接口卡上。它的传输率不高,应用在SCSI-1、Fast SCSI等级的设备上。 HD-50: 连线上使用50针公接头HD-50(High Density 50-pin),人们通常称作"小50接头"还有Micro DB-50、Mini DB-50等名称,除了可接Fast SCSI等级设备之外,还用于连接Ultra SCSI(Fast-20)等级的高速设备。由于接头体型小,同样也是50针高密接头(比较容易转接)它几乎成为了SCSI卡的标准外接接头。HD-50的传输率比DB-50快。 HD-68: 连线上使用68针公接头HD-68(High Density 68-pin)和hd-50同属于高密接头但针脚比hd-50多;适用于Wide、Ultra2 SCSI等级的高速设备。使用较少。

SCSI接口的主要特点是什么啊 谢谢谢谢!!

SCSI接口优点: 1.适应面广,在一块SCSI控制卡上就可以同时挂接15个设备 2.高性能(具有很多任务、宽带宽及少CPU占用率等特点)详细说明: http://baike.baidu.com/view/26111.htm


打开网页 在地址栏输入192.1681.1 一般帐号密码都是admin 少数不是的路由器后面有说明 点设置向导 一步一步的按照提示输入 然后在设置里面点开机访问 确定以后在最下面点重启路由器 等一分钟左右就能上网了

谁能给我《小林家的龙女仆》 ED : イシュカンu30fbコミュニケーション的歌词,要有罗马音,谢谢了

歌曲: イシュカン?コミュニケーション作词:松井洋平作曲:佐藤纯一编曲:rionos歌:Chorogons(索尔、神奈、艾尔玛、露科亚)劣等种だっていいんです!诚心诚意尽くしますいつだって一绪にいて仲良くなって游びたい甘くて満たされていく、なんという幸福…おかわりだ!寄り添ってもいいんだよ、こっちへおいで触れあおうよなんでルールはきゅうくつ?胸が缔まっちゃうね下等で愚かな価値観駄目って决定する伦理なんていりませんよ…あ?歼灭したい!Let"s イシュカン?コミュニケーション!强い気持ちは世界も超えるこんな一周间なんてどうでしょう?永远なんかより尊い时间过去も未来もどうだっていいここにいるコトが!ここにいるヒトが!大好き!!パラパ パパラパ パラパッパラパパラパ イシュカン?コミュニケーションパラパ パパラパ パラパッパラパパラパ マジチョロ?イマジネーションジョーシキを灭しちゃえばパラダイス!パラダイス!优しくしてくれる だからもっと好きになる真面目に一生悬命 役に立とう任せておけ!従属だって楽しいね 欲しいモノ言ってごらんあなたが望むなら 终焉をもたらしましょう!とってもかわいいね尊敬に価するこれって兴味とは违う信じていいんだって感情が知ってましたどうしてなのかなLet"s イシュカン?コミュニケーション!言叶一つで世界を変える嬉しい瞬间、大切でしょう永远なんかより欲しかった时间意味も理由もなくたっていいここにいたいから!ココロからそうおもう!ずっとずっと続いてほしいパ?パ?パ パラッパラ パ?パ?パ パラッパラ壊れてほしくない场所パ?パ?パ パラッパラ パ?パ?パ パラッパラパ?パ?パ パラッパラ パ?パ?パ パラッパラet"sイシュカン?コミュニケーション!强い気持ちは世界も超えるこんな一周间なんてどうでしょう?永远なんかより尊い时间过去も未来もどうだっていいここにある日々が!ここにいるヒトが!大好き!!ヒトとドラゴン暮したら?始まるイシュカン?コミュニケーションどんな幸せ思い描く?意外とマジチョロ?イマジネーションリンリカン消し飞ばそう タイクツも尘芥(ちりあくた)ジョーシキを灭しちゃえばパラダイス!パラダイス!罗马音:parapa paparapa parapapparapaparapa ishukan komyunikeeshonparapa paparapa parapapparapaparapa majichoro imajineeshonrettoushu datte iindesu! seishin seii tsukushimasuitsudatte issho ni ite nakayokunatte asobitaiamakute mitasarete iku, nan to iu koufuku... okawari da!yorisottemo iinda yo, kocchi e oide fureaou yonande ruuru ha kyuukutsu?mune ga shimacchau nekatou de oroka na kachikandame tte kettei sururinri nante irimasen yo... a~senmetsu shitai!Let"s ishukan komyunikēshon!tsuyoi kimochi wa sekai mo koerukonna isshuukan nante dou deshou?eien nanka yori toutoi jikankako mo mirai mo doudatte iikoko ni iru koto ga! koko ni iru hito ga!daisuki!!parapa paparapa parapapparapaparapa ishukan komyunikeeshonparapa paparapa parapapparapaparapa majichoro imajineeshonjooshiki o messhichaebaparadaisu! paradaisu!yasashiku shitekureru dakara motto suki ni narumajime ni isshoukenmei yaku ni tatou makaseteoke!juuzoku datte tanoshii ne hoshii mono ittegorananata ga nozomu nara shuuen o motarashimashou!tottemo kawaii nesonkei ni atai surukore tte kyoumi to wa chigaushinjite iindattekanjou ga shittemashitadoushite na no ka naLet"s ishukan komyunikeeshon!kotoba hitotsu de sekai o kaeruureshii shunkan, taisetsu deshoueien nanka yori hoshikatta jikanimi mo riyuu mo nakutatte iikoko ni itai kara! kokoro kara sou omou!zutto zutto tsudzuitehoshiipa pa pa parappara pa pa pa parapparakowaretehoshikunai bashopa pa pa parappara pa pa pa parapparapa pa pa parappara pa pa pa parapparaLet"s ishukan komyunikeeshon!tsuyoi kimochi wa sekai mo koerukonna isshuukan nante dou deshou?eien nanka yori toutoi jikankako mo mirai mo doudatte iikoko ni aru hibi ga! koko ni iru hito ga!daisuki!!hito to doragon kurashitara?hajimaru ishukan komyunikeeshondonna shiawase omoiegaku?igai to majichoro imajineeshonrinrikan keshitobasou taikutsu mo chiriakutajooshiki o messhichaebaparadaisu! paradaisu!




................ 你也是应该做MF 或者OF的吧。。。。对了 最好谁知道 各个FB的英文名称 或者简写。。。。 不要汉语拼音的。。。。 比如 哀号 不是AH而是 WC ,。。。 懂的帮帮忙撒




Biography and history, certain writing close relations between ages ago biography is often people think when historical data. General described by others, also have the readme life, saying "autobiography". The species is divided into general biography of biographical and autobiography, foundations, character biographies, character features, memos, description, novels of biographies, etc. This paper biographical access to research refers to various depending on personnel written and oral memories, investigation and related materials for similar study.



IP:连接打印机)和IP:192.1681.15 ;后面的一个要想共享前面的打印机需要怎么设置 谢谢


谁能帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文 谢谢

The oasis fruit limited company of Xinjiang is a foundation in original tower city plant oil factory top,Change the system something to establish in 1999 December.The company covers the area 16500 square meter, total Produce more than 1500 ten thousand dollarses, current the employee"s 49 people.The company descends to establish administration a department,Produce department, place on sale a department waits five sections.Main product contain flower oil,Red flower oil, vegetables oil, the year can process the raw material 20000 ton. 2003 With 2004 years, the company was taught by the tower city region quantity technical director bureauTo" the quantity calculates to can believe the unit";2003 Year drive tower city region consumer associationGive to the " trustworthiness unit";From the 2003 beginning, the company was been certain for agriculture by the tower cityThe industry industry turns the group leader business enterprise.The company is since establish, valuing highly the norm turn the management works, establishing the comparison the management system of the norm. In 2003, the company obtained respectively the industry product produces the permitWith export the food produce business enterprise hygiene register certificate;2004 February of year,The company passed the ISO9001:2000 Quantity management system attestation.

请问hibernate Criteria 如何进行子对象关联查询,谢谢

第一个:Criteria criteria = hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Dept.class);criteria.add(Restrictions.like("name", "%aa%"));第二个:Criteria criteria = hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Dept.class);Criteria senduser = criteria.createCriteria("a");//这个小a是Dept中关联A.class的属性名criteria.add(Restrictions.like("name", "%AA%"));最后返回return criteria.list();


针对目前现有的常规游梁式抽油机由于自身的结构限制,存在装机功率大,大马拉小车的现象,电动机效率低。 In view of the current existing conventional the beam pumping unit because of their limited structure, there are installed power is great, the phenomena of Malawi, motor efficiency is low. 其主要原因是常规游梁式抽油机为曲柄平衡,启动功率大。 The main cause is the conventional the beam pumping unit for crank balanced, start big power. 为了解决这一问题,设计了一种新型的无级变速抽油机,以达到节能降耗,降低运行成本的目的。 In order to solve this problem, design a kind of new stepless speed of the pumping unit, in order to achieve saving energy consumption, and reduce the operating cost purposes. 该新型抽油机的设计特点是:将常规游梁式抽油机的减速箱变为无级变速装置,曲柄平衡变为游梁平衡,可以进行软启动,降低装机功率,提高电动机的运行效率和功率的利用率。 The new design characteristics of the pumping unit is: will the beam pumping unit of conventional reducer become stepless speed device, crank balanced to swim LiangPingHeng, soft start, reduce the installed power, enhancing the efficiency of motor and power utilization. 实现驴头上下往复摆动的方式很多,其中四连杆机构是最优选的结构。 Realize the donkey head down the way many swung repeatedly, including four bar linkage is the optimal structure. 其结构简单,可靠性高。 Its simple structure, high reliability. 驴头摆动换向平稳(换向时速度等于零),所以新型无级变速抽油机仍然采用四连杆机构。 The donkey head swinging the reversing stable (the speed is equal to zero), so new CVT pumping unit still using four bar linkage. 对新型无级变速抽油机驴头悬点运动规律进行精确分析,通过悬点冲程长度,估算四连杆尺寸,并着重对无级变速箱曲柄轴扭矩进行计算,编写了相应的计算程序,对不同数据下所得到了扭矩曲线进行比较,选择扭矩曲线比较平稳,峰值小且无负扭矩的一组作为设计参数,对主要零部件进行结构设计、力学分析及强度校核。 For new CVT pumping the donkey head hanging point movement rule of accurate analysis, through the horsehead stroke length, estimate the four connecting rod size, and focuses on the crank shaft torque transmission stepless calculated, write the corresponding computational procedure for different data of income compared to torque curve, choose torque curve smoothly, peak and no small bear of a group of torque as design parameters, the main parts structure design, mechanics analysis and strength check. 通过计算得出这种新型无级变速抽油机的优点在于: The calculations this new type of stepless speed of the unit advantage is that: 1.无级变速箱扭矩的输出值比常规抽油机低32.9%; 1. Stepless transmission torque output value of the pumping unit is 32.9% lower than normal; 2.无负扭矩、均方根扭矩要比常规型抽油机小30%; 2. No negative torque, root mean square torque than conventional pumping unit type small 30%; 3.电动机的平均启动功率比常规抽油机的启动功率低50.9%; 3. The average start motor power than conventional pumping unit start-up power low 50.9%; 4.电动机实耗功率比常规型抽油机降低11.4%。 4. Motor power consumption than conventional type of pumping unit is reduced by 11.4%.

如何输入EXCEL表格的公式COUNTIF(Sheet1!$E$3:$E$202,A3) range和criteria分别填入什么?谢谢?

range就是Sheet1!$E$3:$E$202,是需要计算符合条件的非空单元格的区域criteria就是A3 ,是指定的条件


封装 规范

business letter 开头的对方的地址怎么写(美式),请例举,谢谢!

Brief Introduction to Business LettersWords and expressions:Letterhead ReferenceSalutationComplimentaryAttention lineSubject lineEnclosureCarbon copyFull block style(齐头式)Indented style Section A Parts of Business LettersMost business letters have seven standard parts.They are letterhead, reference and date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and signature.When appropriate, any of the following optional items can be included.Attention line, subject line, file or account number, enclosures, carbon copy notation, mailing notation and postscript.Letterhead Letterhead designs vary with business organizations and occupy the top of the first page.They may be positioned at the center or at the left margin the top of the page.A business letterhead, usually printed, contains all or some of the following elements:The company"s name , address, postcode, telephone number, telex number, fax number, the name of the officer or the director and even some picture or slogan for a symbol of the company.Reference and DateA typewritten date is necessarily included in the heading.The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at left margin for full block style or ending with the right margin for indented style.It is usual to show the date in the order day/month/year ( English Practice) or month /day /year (American practice).Avoid giving a date in figures and abbreviations.Inside AddressThe inside address is typed directly below the date line at the left hand margin.The inside address of a letter to an individual consists of the person"s courtesy title, name, business or executive title ( it should be used immediately after the name) and address.When the letter is to a group, the inside address includes the full group name and the address.Care should be taken to address the recipient exactly as on the envelope.Salutation Salutation is placed at the left margin two lines below the inside address and two lines above the body of the letter.Considered a polite greeting with which a friendly business letter begins, the personal salutation must be appropriate for the first line of the inside address.If the letter is addressed to an individual, It is usual to use:Dear Mr. Smith,Dear Ms. John,Dear Prof. Hobart,Dear Dr. Walter,The trend is towards Ms. As the courtesy title for all women regardless of their marital status.When addressing a letter to a firm, Dear Sirs, Ladies and gentlemen or Gentlemen (American English ) would be used.Attention LineAn attention line is considered a part of the inside address and it leads the letter to a particular person or department when the letter is addressed to a company.It is usually between the inside address and the salutation or above the inside address ,as shown in examples:Attention: Import Dept.For the attention of Mr. Donnan, Sales managerAttention of Mr. Standard, General Manager.Subject lineThe subject heading is regarded as a part of the body of a business letter.Usually it is in the upper case or initial capitals/underline and placed between the salutation and the body of a letter to call attention to what content the letter is about. For example:Dear Ms. Smith,Our Catalogue No.2,Opening SentenceThe first paragraph of the body is introductory.It will always begin with reference to the previous letter received and provide an introduction to what will be discussed.Here are examples as follows:(1),Your letter of 9"" September to our Beijing (2),We refer to quotations of 8""october and our mail offer of 1"" December regarding the supply of Speedo swimming caps.(3)We acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of your binding application form for the 76"" international Exhibition in March, 1998.(4),We are pleased to inform you that the arrangements have now been made to ship the cotton underwear under your Order no.456.(5), We regret up to the time of writing we have not heard anything from you about the shipment under the captioned contract.Complimentary closeThe complimentary close is simply a polite way to end a letter.The expression for the complimentary close should match the salutation.It appears in the middle of the page and two lines below the closing sentence for indented layout.While it starts at the left-hand margin for fully blocked letters.Only the initial letter in the first word of any complimentary close is capitalized.PostscriptThe signature mainly consists of the addresser"s signature, he typed name of his and his business title.Name of the company if it is previously printed on the letterhead.The addresser should sign the letter by hand and in ink above the typed name which the typed post follows immediately.Signing on behalf of somebody else ,it is usual to write for pp or per pro before he letter.Enclosure Enc. Or Encs. Is typed two lines spaces after the signature of the address when something is sent along with the letter.An enclosure can be anything in the envelope in addition to the message itself.Examples are as follows: Enc.: 1 Price ListIf the enclosed are more than on, the number should be marked.PostscriptWhen you find something forgotten to be included in the letter body before the envelope is to be sealed up.You may state it after the signature in a postscript with a simple signature again.The adding of a P.S. should, however, be avoided as far as possible.For examples: PS: the catalogue was sent to you on July 7th.Section B Format of a Business letterFull block form and modified block form with indented paragraphs are the two main patterns of layout in current use.The former is now the most popular practice of displaying business letters.Its remarkable feature is that all typing lines, including those for the date,Inside name and address, salutation, subject heading, each message paragraph and complimentary close, begin at the left-hand margin.Business letters with the full block form, along with open punctuation or mixed punctuations, re paragraphed by equal line spaces.For this letter-style the open punctuation pattern is used, the end of the date line, the inside address lines, the salutation, the complimentary close and the signature block lines are unpunctuated, but a comma is necessary between the day and year in the date line and the full stop is retained after the abbreviation such as company, Inc. and Ltd.While the mixed punctuation pattern, the most welcomed style today, requires an absence of punctuation marks from the date line, the inside address lines and the signature block lines except a colon or comma after the salutation and the complimentary close.Modified block form with indented paragraphs indented style is the traditional British practice with the heading usually in the middle and the date on the right-hand side.The complimentary close may be in the center or commence at the center point. The mixed punctuation is often used.CHINA NATIONAL IMP. & EXP> CORP>Add: 6, JIANGGUAODAJIE, BEIJING , CHINATel: (86-10) 67483650Fax: (86-10) 674836514 February 1998Resunic Trade LinksRegd Office Thriuvamkulam Cochin 678201Kerata India Dear sirs EXORTING/IMPORTING ITEMSOF OUR CORPWe now have pleasure in receiving your letter dated 23th May 1997Yours sincerelyJ. K. DRAWProject ManagerEncl. As statedSection C Writing Rules for Business LettersBusiness correspondence is still a basic activity involved in trade, and remain a very important form of communication even nowadays.They deliver their companies" images to the public.Business letters are often an arrangement or regarded as evidence of a contract.They are written for information exchange and bridge over the desires between buyers and sellers.The most effective letter should be easy to read and easy to understand. They must be friendly and courteous.We should bear in mind the point that business letters play an important role in the development of goodwill and friendly trade relationships.Generally speaking: consideration, completeness, correctness, concreteness, conciseness, clarity and courtesy.Consideration Try to put yourself in his or her place to give consideration to his or her wishes , demands, interests and difficulties.Find the best way to express your better understanding and present the message.That enables a request to be refused without killing all hope of business or allows a refusal to do favor to be made without harming friendship.CorrectnessCorrectness means not only proper expressions with correct grammar , punctuation and spelling, but also appropriate tone which is a help to achieve the purpose.It is likely to convey the real message in a way that will not cause offence even if it is a complaint or an answer to such a letter.Business letters must be factual information accurate figures and exact terms in particular, for they involve the right, the duties and the interest of both sides often as the base of all kinds of documents.Therefore we should not understate nor overstate as understatement might lead to less confidence and hold up the trade development. While overstatement throws you into an awkward position.CompletenessAs you work hard for completeness, keep the following guidelines in mind:Why do you write the letter, what are the facts supporting the reasons, whether you have answered all the questions asked or not and what the reader is expected to do.ConcretenessWhat the letter comes to should be specific, definite rather than vague, abstract and general.Take, for example, some qualities or characters of goods that should be shown with exact figures and avoid words like short, long or good.Give specific time (with date ,month, year and even offer hour, minute if necessary).But avoid expressions such as yesterday, next month , immediately and etc.ConcisenessConciseness means complete message but briefest expression with no sacrificing clarity or courtesy.A good business letter should be precise and to the point.Single words are more efficient than phrases.Wordy languages and redundancy require more time and money to type and to read.They are not what modern business people want.ClarityKeep constantly in mind what you want to say in your letter.It is welcomed if you express yourself clearly and directly in the simplest language.Plain, simple words are more easily understood.A properly paragraphed message is required for the purpose of clarity.For instance ,we use semimonthly instead of bimonthly for two times a moth., because bimonthly may mean both two times a month and once every two month.CourtesyCourtesy means to show tactfully in your letters the honest friendship, thoughtful appreciation, sincere politeness, considerate understanding and heartfelt respect.Answer letters in good time and write to explain why if you fail to do it promptly.Even if you don"t think the recipient is right, you should still respond tactfully and politely. Sometimes it is a help to use you-attitude instead of I-attitude.see?

请帮忙分析下英语句式 详细一点谢谢

第一个句子,主句是we are lucky.in that 有因为 由于 既然 的意思.在从句中,which引导的是非限定性定语从句修饰lower fields.后面的but和and是并列连词,连接两个并列关系的句子,即only the lower fields和other farms are以及flooding can ...是三个并列关系的句子。第二个句子,we realized是主句,后面接的是一个宾语从句。在宾语从句中,they must have become un...是主句。for引导一个表示原因的句子,其中的which had sound...是一个非限定性定语从句,修饰their house,even if引导一个表示让步的状语从句。


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